Ws 116520 5 ошибка ps5

На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 172 Опубликовано 31 декабря, 2022

Как исправить Ошибка PS5 WS-116520-5

WS-116520-5 — одна из многих ошибок, с которыми сталкиваются игроки при загрузке или потоковой передаче любой игры на PS5. Это останавливает игроков от выполнения указанных действий; поэтому, чтобы продолжить, игроки должны знать, как исправить ошибку PS5 WS-116520-5.

Как исправить ошибку PS5 WS-116520-5

WS-116520-5 — это ошибка, связанная с сервером PSN, и, как было сказано ранее, она возникает, когда сервер занят или не работает. Итак, чтобы исправить ошибку WS-116520-5 на вашей PS5, вы должны проверить состояние сетевого сервера PSN. Если он не работает или находится на обслуживании, подождите некоторое время.

Если серверы PSN в порядке и плановое техническое обслуживание не проводится, причиной ошибки PS5 WS-116520-5 являются загруженные серверы или проблемы с перегрузкой. То есть больше игроков пытаются загрузить одну и ту же вещь.nbsp;

В этом случае, чтобы устранить ошибку WS-116520-5 на PS5, используйте приложение PlayStation на мобильном устройстве, чтобы добавить игру, которую вы пытаетесь загрузить в свою библиотеку, а затем инициируйте загрузку.

Или вы можете начать процесс загрузки из мобильного приложения PlayStation, оставив систему включенной и подключенной к активному интернет-соединению.nbsp;

Кроме того, вы также можете открыть PS5, а затем перейдите в меню tonbsp;Настройки> gt; Пользователи и учетные записи gt; Другое гт; Restore Licensesnbsp;, чтобы исправить ошибку PS5 WS-116520-5.nbsp;

Мягкий сброс также поможет вам избавиться от ошибки PS5 WS-116520-5. Вы можете сделать это, выключив PS5, отсоединив вилку на несколько секунд, а затем запустив систему.

И если ни один из этих шагов не работает, попробуйте загрузить игру или транслировать что-нибудь в нерабочее время. и посмотрите, по-прежнему ли вы получаете ту же ошибку. Если да, сообщите об этом в службу поддержки PlayStation.nbsp;

Вот и все. На этом мы завершаем наше гайд по устранению ошибки PS5 WS-116520-5.

Вылетела ошибка WS-116520-5, когда пытался скачать игрушку с PSN. У меня PS5. Пытался перезагружать консоль и даже роутер, но ничего не поменялось.


Ошибка WS-116520-5 возникает на консоли PS5, когда сервера PlayStation Network (PSN) испытывают те или иные трудности в своей работе. Это могут быть как технические работы, так и какие-то поломки.

Зачастую от игрока не требуется ничего другого, кроме как ждать решения проблем с PSN техническими специалистами Sony. Как правило, все решается в течение нескольких часов. Следить за статусом служб PSN можно по следующей ссылке.

Некоторые умельцы в сети утверждают, что ошибку WS-116520-5 при загрузке игр из PSN можно обойти, воспользовавшись мобильным приложением. Переходим в магазин PSN, выбираем нужную нам игру и продолжаем ее загрузку/установку уже на консоли — вот такое решение.

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03 Mar 2023 8:39 AM +00:00 UTC

Here are some proven tips to get rid of PS5 error code WS-116520-5.

PS5 error code WS-116520-5 - How to fix

Are you hit by PS5 error code WS-116520-5 while trying to download games from the store? Worry not, because we’re here to help!

If you’re a PlayStation 5 owner, you know that sometimes things don’t always go as smoothly as we’d like. One of the most frustrating things that can happen is encountering an error code when trying to play or download your favourite games.

There are a variety of error codes that can pop up from time to time. One of the most frustrating error codes on the PS5 is WS-116520-5, but it’s not the only one you might encounter. Other common error codes include CE-112840-6, CE-117773-6 and CE-108255-1.

In this guide, we’ll be focusing on the WS-116520-5 error code. We will discuss what it means and how you can resolve it. So, let’s get started on fixing this pesky error code!

What is PS5 error code WS-116520-5?

PS5 error code WS-116520-5 indicates a PSN server issue. That means the PSN servers are either down or overloaded with users. The error pops up when you try to download or stream a game and it’s accompanied by a message that reads:

Something went wrong. WS-116520-5 / can’t stream or DL on playstation.

At the time of writing on 3 March 2023, some part of the PSN servers appears to be down. So that is the reason why you are getting error code WS-116520-5.

The issue should resolve on its own when the PlayStation servers are back up and running. But if you are too impatient to wait, you can try the solutions listed below.

How to fix PS5 error code WS-116520-5

If you are encountering PS5 error code WS-116520-5, be rest assured that you are not the only one. Many PS5 owners have been experiencing this problem lately and we have seen a lot of players posting their experiences on Reddit.

We’ve done our best to comb through them all to find proven solutions to the problem, so here are some of the best solutions you can try out to fix PS5 error code WS-116520-5:

  • As this Reddit user suggested, open up the PS app on your phone and add games to your library then download them to the console while your console is turned on.
  • Go to Settings > Users and Accounts > Other and select Restore Licenses. This trick worked for some and it will hopefully work for you as well.
  • Try to download during non-peak hours.
  • If you have a PlayStation Plus subscription, try if you can stream games until the download servers are working again.

Hopefully, one of our suggestions will work for you and you will get back to gaming sooner than expected. If not, your only option is to wait until PS5 error code WS-116520-5 is fixed on its own.

For more articles like this, take a look at our



Are you a PS5 user who has been experiencing the WS-116520-5 error? It can be frustrating to encounter an error message when you’re trying to access the PlayStation store or use certain features of your console.

If you’re dealing with this error, you’re not alone. Many other PS5 users have also reported experiencing the WS-116520-5 error and have shared their experiences and potential solutions on forums and online communities like Reddit.

It can be helpful to read through these discussions and see if others have had similar issues and what solutions have worked for them. You never know, you might just find the fix you’ve been looking for.

The good news is that there are a few things you can try to fix this issue.

Solution 1: Check if PlayStation Store/Network is down

One potential cause of the WS-116520-5 error is an issue with the PlayStation store/PSN servers itself. If the store is experiencing high traffic or is down for maintenance, it can cause this error to occur.

If you suspect this might be the case, you can try checking the store’s status to see if it’s currently experiencing any issues. If the store is down, you’ll just have to wait until it’s back up and running.

How do I check my PSN status?

Here’s how you can check PSN status:

  1. Go to the PlayStation Network Service Status page.
  2. Check the service status and if there’s any issue all you have to do is wait.
  3. If the server issue is fixed then do check for system software updates.
  4. And if the site won’t load then surely it’s your internet connection problem.

ps5-psn-status-PS5 Error Code WS-116520-5

But what if the store isn’t down? In that case, there are still a few solutions you can try to fix the WS-116520-5 error on your PS5. These include checking your internet connection, restarting your console, and clearing your console’s cache.

While these solutions may not work for everyone, they may be helpful in fixing the WS-116520-5 error on your PS5. So don’t give up hope! With a little patience and some troubleshooting, you may be able to get your console back up and running smoothly again.

Solution 2: Restore Licenses to Fix WS-116520-5

If the above solution didn’t work for you then this one will surely solve this issue.

How do I restore licenses on PS5?

So let’s Restore licenses PS5 in the coming steps:

  1. Select the Gear icon on the top right of your PS5 home screen.
  2. Then select User and Accounts > Other.
    ps5-restore-licenses PS5 Error Code CE 107857 8
  3. Now choose Restore Licenses.
  4. And select the Restore button.
    how-to-fix-ps5-error-code-CE 107857 8-restore-licenses 3
  5. This process will take a few seconds and your Error Code PS WS-116520-5 will be fixed.

Solution 3: Restart your Router

Restarting your router will allow you to establish a new connection with your ISP without any bugs and help you fix something went wrong ws-116520-5”

Just follow the steps below:

  1. Turn off your router completely by taking out the power cable from the power switch
  2. Now leave it for 2 minutes and then plug it back in
  3. And check for your internet connection.

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PS5 Error Code WS-116520-5

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PS5 Error Code WS-116520-5

After checking the internet connection if you are still facing WS-116449-5 then continue to the next solution.

Also Read: PS5 error code NP-107938-8

Solution 4: Restart Your PS5 to Fix PS5 WS-116520-5

This technique will completely shut down your PS5 making sure all the power is drained.

It will recreate all the configurations before starting up.

Check out the best Tips: PS5 Won’t Turn On?

So, here’s how to power cycle PS5:

  1. Tap and Hold the power button on the console for at least 10 seconds until the blinking LED light turns off.power button ps5 WS-116483-3
  2. Unplug the power plug from the back of the console and after a minute click on the power button of your console which will drain all the power.
  3. Now wait for 20 minutes and plug in everything back and Restart your PS5
  4. And try a wired internet connection after restarting and make sure you reconfigure your settings to check if WS-116483-3 is fixed.

If the above solution didn’t fix PS5 WS-116483-3 then move on to the next solution.

Also Read: PS5 Not Connecting to Controller

Solution 5: Improve Your Wi-Fi Speed

The error occurs when the router is too far from your console. So, try bringing your router close to your system, and will receive strong signals leading to a stable internet connection.

Make sure you use a wireless device that is compatible with the 5GHz band instead of 2.4GHz. And, if you can’t do this then try buying a powerful router that will provide you strong and wide signals around your house.

Or you can establish a wired internet connection too.

And then check for PS5 Error Code WS-116520-5 solved.

After improving the Wifi speed if you still have Error Code WS-116520 then move to the next solution.

Solution 6: Update Your Router’s Firmware

If the above solution didn’t fix your PS5 WS-116520-5 then updating your router software will do the job.

Sometimes outdated router software leads to a drop in internet speed resulting in unable to connect to the internet.

So, it’s best to update your router firmware, and here’s how you can do this:

  1. Go to your router login page.
  2. Sign in and look for the software update option.

Solution 7: Contact PS5 Support

If none of the above solutions didn’t work for you then all you can do is visit the PlayStation Official Website and tell them about the PS5 WS-116520-5 on their support page and they will typically reply to you within 24 hours.

PS5 Error Code WS-116520-5

Make sure you tell all the solutions you have applied to your console. This will help the support agent to identify the main reason for this error.

I hope these solutions helped you overcome PS5 Error Code WS-116520-5.

We’ve provided you with a few potential solutions that have worked for us and the users too, including checking the status of the PlayStation store, verifying your internet connection, restarting your console, and more.

And if you got any questions just let us know in the comment section.

How To Fix PS5 Error Code WS-116520-5

How To Fix PS5 Error Code WS-116520-5. One of the numerous issues that PS5 users run into when downloading or streaming any game is the WS-116520-5. It prevents players from carrying out the aforementioned actions, so in order to proceed, players must understand how to resolve PS5 Error WS-116520-5.

The WS-116520-5 a PSN server error that, as already mentioned. Happens when the service is busy or unavailable. Therefore, you should check the PSN network server status in order to resolve the WS-116520-5 error on your PS5. Wait a while if it’s down or for maintenance.

The cause of PS5 error WS-116520-5 overloaded or busy servers if the PSN servers are working properly and there is no scheduled maintenance. The same product downloaded by more players.

How to Correct Error WS-116520-5 in PS5

How to Correct Error WS-116520-5 in PS5

How to Correct Error WS-116520-5 in PS5

In that instance, add the game you’re trying to download to your library using the PlayStation app on your smartphone before starting the download to fix the WS-116520-5 issue on your PS5.

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How To Fix PS5 Error Code WS-116520-5

Alternatively, you can begin the download process via the PlayStation app on your phone while keeping your computer on and connected to the internet.

Aside from that, you can also go Settings > Users and Accounts > Other > Restore Licenses on your PS5 to resolve the WS-116520-5 problem.

Error Code WS-116520-5

Error Code WS-116520-5

You could potentially eliminate the PS5 issue WS-116520-5 by performing a soft reset. You can do that by shutting off your PS5, unplugging it for a brief period of time, and then turning it back on.

Whether none of these solutions work, try downloading the game or streaming something during off-peak hours to see if the error persists. If so, let PlayStation support know about it.


How can I resolve a PS5 problem code?

Start the PlayStation 5 in Safe Mode, then select “5. Rebuild Database.” Reset your PS5 from Settings > System > System Software > Reset PS5 to try installing the application again if the error recurs.

Start the PlayStation 5 in Safe Mode, then select «5. Rebuild Database.» Reset your PS5 from Settings > System > System Software > Reset PS5 to try installing the application again if the error recurs.


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