I am attempting to connect to a Netgear R9000 with OpenVPN. I followed the instructions published by the Netgear R9000 user’s manual, using the configuration files downloaded from the Netgear admin site.
When I attempt to connect with the OpenVPN Client, I get the following error: write UDP: Unknown error (code=10051)
I would appreciate any pointers in debugging this problem.
Here’s the content of my client.log file:
Code: Select all
2021-02-24 19:12:43 WARNING: Compression for receiving enabled. Compression has been used in the past to break encryption. Sent packets are not compressed unless "allow-compression yes" is also set.
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=294576 Current Parameter Settings:
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 config = 'client.ovpn'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 mode = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 show_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 show_digests = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 show_engines = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 genkey = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 genkey_filename = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 key_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 connect_retry_max = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 Connection profiles [0]:
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 proto = udp
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote = '12974'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_port = '1194'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_float = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 bind_local = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 connect_timeout = 120
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tun_mtu = 1500
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 link_mtu = 1500
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 fragment = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mssfix = 1450
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_auth_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 key_direction = not set
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 Connection profiles END
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_random = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ipchange = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 dev = 'tap'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 dev_type = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 dev_node = 'NETGEAR-VPN'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 lladdr = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 topology = 1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_remote_netmask = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_nowarn = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_ipv6_local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_ipv6_netbits = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_ipv6_remote = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 shaper = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mtu_test = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mlock = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 keepalive_ping = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 keepalive_timeout = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 inactivity_timeout = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ping_send_timeout = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ping_rec_timeout = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ping_rec_timeout_action = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ping_timer_remote = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remap_sigusr1 = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 persist_tun = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 persist_local_ip = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 persist_remote_ip = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 persist_key = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 passtos = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 resolve_retry_seconds = 1000000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 resolve_in_advance = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 username = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 groupname = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 chroot_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cd_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 writepid = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 up_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 down_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 down_pre = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 up_restart = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 up_delay = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 daemon = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 inetd = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 log = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 suppress_timestamps = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 machine_readable_output = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 nice = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 verbosity = 5
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mute = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 gremlin = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 status_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 status_file_version = 1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 status_file_update_freq = 60
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 occ = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 rcvbuf = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 sndbuf = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 sockflags = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 fast_io = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 comp.alg = 2
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 comp.flags = 1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_default_gateway = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_default_metric = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_noexec = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_delay = 5
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_delay_window = 30
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_delay_defined = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_nopull = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_gateway_via_dhcp = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 allow_pull_fqdn = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 Pull filters:
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ignore "route-method"
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_addr = ''
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_port = '25340'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_user_pass = 'stdin'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_log_history_cache = 250
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_echo_buffer_size = 100
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_write_peer_info_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_client_user = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_client_group = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_flags = 6
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 shared_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 key_direction = not set
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ciphername = 'AES-128-CBC'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ncp_enabled = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ncp_ciphers = 'AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 authname = 'SHA1'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 prng_hash = 'SHA1'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 prng_nonce_secret_len = 16
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 keysize = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 engine = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 replay = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mute_replay_warnings = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 replay_window = 64
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 replay_time = 15
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 packet_id_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 test_crypto = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_server = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_client = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ca_file = 'ca.crt'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ca_path = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 dh_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cert_file = 'client.crt'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 extra_certs_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 priv_key_file = 'client.key'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs12_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cryptoapi_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cipher_list = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cipher_list_tls13 = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_cert_profile = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_verify = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_export_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 verify_x509_type = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 verify_x509_name = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 crl_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ns_cert_type = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_eku = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ssl_flags = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_timeout = 2
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 renegotiate_bytes = -1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 renegotiate_packets = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 renegotiate_seconds = 3600
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 handshake_window = 60
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 transition_window = 3600
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 single_session = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 push_peer_info = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_exit = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_crypt_v2_metadata = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_pin_cache_period = -1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_id = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_id_management = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_network =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_netmask =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_network_ipv6 = ::
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_netbits_ipv6 = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_bridge_ip =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_bridge_netmask =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_bridge_pool_start =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_bridge_pool_end =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_start =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_end =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_netmask =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_persist_filename = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq = 600
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base = ::
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 n_bcast_buf = 256
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 tcp_queue_limit = 64
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 real_hash_size = 256
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 virtual_hash_size = 256
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 client_connect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 learn_address_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 client_disconnect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 client_config_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ccd_exclusive = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 tmp_dir = 'C:UserstomblAppDataLocalTemp'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_local =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_remote_netmask =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_ipv6_local = ::/0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote = ::
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 enable_c2c = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 duplicate_cn = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 cf_max = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 cf_per = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 max_clients = 1024
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 max_routes_per_client = 256
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_user_pass_verify_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_token_generate = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_token_lifetime = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_token_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 vlan_tagging = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 vlan_accept = all
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 vlan_pvid = 1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 client = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pull = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_user_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 show_net_up = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 route_method = 3
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 block_outside_dns = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ip_win32_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ip_win32_type = 3
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_masq_offset = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_lease_time = 31536000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 tap_sleep = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_options = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_renew = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_pre_release = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 domain = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 netbios_scope = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 netbios_node_type = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 disable_nbt = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 OpenVPN 2.5.1 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Feb 24 2021
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 Windows version 10.0 (Windows 10 or greater) 64bit
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1j 16 Feb 2021, LZO 2.10
Enter Management Password:
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 Need hold release from management interface, waiting...
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=459174 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=567895 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=568919 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'log all on'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=737952 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'echo all on'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=738950 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'bytecount 5'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=740944 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold off'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=741942 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=741942 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm for more info.
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 LZO compression initializing
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1654 D:1212 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:3 ]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1654 D:1450 EF:122 EB:411 ET:32 EL:3 ]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Local Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tap,link-mtu 1590,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,auth SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-client'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Expected Remote Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tap,link-mtu 1590,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,auth SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-server'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 UDP link local: (not bound)
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1614215563,WAIT,,,,,,
2021-02-24 19:12:46 us=201944 write UDP: Unknown error (code=10051)
2021-02-24 19:12:48 us=491465 TCP/UDP: Closing socket
2021-02-24 19:12:48 us=491465 SIGTERM[hard,] received, process exiting
2021-02-24 19:12:48 us=491465 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1614215568,EXITING,SIGTERM,,,,,
Last edited by Pippin on Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Formatting
I am attempting to connect to a Netgear R9000 with OpenVPN. I followed the instructions published by the Netgear R9000 user’s manual, using the configuration files downloaded from the Netgear admin site.
When I attempt to connect with the OpenVPN Client, I get the following error: write UDP: Unknown error (code=10051)
I would appreciate any pointers in debugging this problem.
Here’s the content of my client.log file:
Code: Select all
2021-02-24 19:12:43 WARNING: Compression for receiving enabled. Compression has been used in the past to break encryption. Sent packets are not compressed unless "allow-compression yes" is also set.
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=294576 Current Parameter Settings:
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 config = 'client.ovpn'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 mode = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 show_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 show_digests = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 show_engines = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 genkey = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 genkey_filename = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=295614 key_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 show_tls_ciphers = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 connect_retry_max = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 Connection profiles [0]:
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 proto = udp
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 local_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote = '12974'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_port = '1194'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_float = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 bind_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 bind_local = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 bind_ipv6_only = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 connect_retry_seconds = 5
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 connect_timeout = 120
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 socks_proxy_server = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 socks_proxy_port = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tun_mtu = 1500
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tun_mtu_defined = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 link_mtu = 1500
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 link_mtu_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tun_mtu_extra = 32
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tun_mtu_extra_defined = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mtu_discover_type = -1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 fragment = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mssfix = 1450
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 explicit_exit_notification = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_auth_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 key_direction = not set
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_crypt_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_crypt_v2_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 Connection profiles END
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_random = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ipchange = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 dev = 'tap'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 dev_type = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 dev_node = 'NETGEAR-VPN'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 lladdr = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 topology = 1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_remote_netmask = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_noexec = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_nowarn = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_ipv6_local = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_ipv6_netbits = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ifconfig_ipv6_remote = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 shaper = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mtu_test = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mlock = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 keepalive_ping = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 keepalive_timeout = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 inactivity_timeout = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ping_send_timeout = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ping_rec_timeout = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ping_rec_timeout_action = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ping_timer_remote = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remap_sigusr1 = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 persist_tun = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 persist_local_ip = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 persist_remote_ip = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 persist_key = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 passtos = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 resolve_retry_seconds = 1000000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 resolve_in_advance = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 username = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 groupname = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 chroot_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cd_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 writepid = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 up_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 down_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 down_pre = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 up_restart = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 up_delay = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 daemon = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 inetd = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 log = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 suppress_timestamps = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 machine_readable_output = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 nice = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 verbosity = 5
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mute = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 gremlin = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 status_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 status_file_version = 1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 status_file_update_freq = 60
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 occ = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 rcvbuf = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 sndbuf = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 sockflags = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 fast_io = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 comp.alg = 2
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 comp.flags = 1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_default_gateway = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_default_metric = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_noexec = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_delay = 5
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_delay_window = 30
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_delay_defined = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_nopull = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 route_gateway_via_dhcp = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 allow_pull_fqdn = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 Pull filters:
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ignore "route-method"
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_addr = ''
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_port = '25340'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_user_pass = 'stdin'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_log_history_cache = 250
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_echo_buffer_size = 100
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_write_peer_info_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_client_user = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_client_group = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 management_flags = 6
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 shared_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 key_direction = not set
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ciphername = 'AES-128-CBC'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ncp_enabled = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ncp_ciphers = 'AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 authname = 'SHA1'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 prng_hash = 'SHA1'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 prng_nonce_secret_len = 16
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 keysize = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 engine = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 replay = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 mute_replay_warnings = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 replay_window = 64
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 replay_time = 15
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 packet_id_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 test_crypto = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_server = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_client = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ca_file = 'ca.crt'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ca_path = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 dh_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cert_file = 'client.crt'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 extra_certs_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 priv_key_file = 'client.key'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs12_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cryptoapi_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cipher_list = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 cipher_list_tls13 = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_cert_profile = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_verify = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_export_cert = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 verify_x509_type = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 verify_x509_name = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 crl_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ns_cert_type = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_ku[i] = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 remote_cert_eku = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 ssl_flags = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_timeout = 2
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 renegotiate_bytes = -1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 renegotiate_packets = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 renegotiate_seconds = 3600
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 handshake_window = 60
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 transition_window = 3600
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 single_session = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 push_peer_info = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_exit = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 tls_crypt_v2_metadata = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_protected_authentication = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_private_mode = 00000000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=297307 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_cert_private = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_pin_cache_period = -1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_id = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pkcs11_id_management = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_network =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_netmask =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_network_ipv6 = ::
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_netbits_ipv6 = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_bridge_ip =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_bridge_netmask =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_bridge_pool_start =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 server_bridge_pool_end =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_start =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_end =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_netmask =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_persist_filename = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_pool_persist_refresh_freq = 600
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_ipv6_pool_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_ipv6_pool_base = ::
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ifconfig_ipv6_pool_netbits = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 n_bcast_buf = 256
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 tcp_queue_limit = 64
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 real_hash_size = 256
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 virtual_hash_size = 256
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 client_connect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 learn_address_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 client_disconnect_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 client_config_dir = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ccd_exclusive = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 tmp_dir = 'C:UserstomblAppDataLocalTemp'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_local =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_remote_netmask =
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_ipv6_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_ipv6_local = ::/0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 push_ifconfig_ipv6_remote = ::
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 enable_c2c = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 duplicate_cn = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 cf_max = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 cf_per = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 max_clients = 1024
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 max_routes_per_client = 256
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_user_pass_verify_script = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_token_generate = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_token_lifetime = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_token_secret_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 vlan_tagging = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 vlan_accept = all
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 vlan_pvid = 1
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 client = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 pull = ENABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 auth_user_pass_file = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 show_net_up = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 route_method = 3
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 block_outside_dns = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ip_win32_defined = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 ip_win32_type = 3
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_masq_offset = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_lease_time = 31536000
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 tap_sleep = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_options = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_renew = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 dhcp_pre_release = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 domain = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 netbios_scope = '[UNDEF]'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 netbios_node_type = 0
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 disable_nbt = DISABLED
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 OpenVPN 2.5.1 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Feb 24 2021
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 Windows version 10.0 (Windows 10 or greater) 64bit
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.1j 16 Feb 2021, LZO 2.10
Enter Management Password:
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=298347 Need hold release from management interface, waiting...
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=459174 MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=567895 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'state on'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=568919 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'log all on'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=737952 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'echo all on'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=738950 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'bytecount 5'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=740944 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold off'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=741942 MANAGEMENT: CMD 'hold release'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=741942 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm for more info.
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 LZO compression initializing
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Control Channel MTU parms [ L:1654 D:1212 EF:38 EB:0 ET:0 EL:3 ]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Data Channel MTU parms [ L:1654 D:1450 EF:122 EB:411 ET:32 EL:3 ]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Local Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tap,link-mtu 1590,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,auth SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-client'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Expected Remote Options String (VER=V4): 'V4,dev-type tap,link-mtu 1590,tun-mtu 1532,proto UDPv4,comp-lzo,auth SHA1,keysize 128,key-method 2,tls-server'
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 UDP link local: (not bound)
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 UDP link remote: [AF_INET]
2021-02-24 19:12:43 us=743936 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1614215563,WAIT,,,,,,
2021-02-24 19:12:46 us=201944 write UDP: Unknown error (code=10051)
2021-02-24 19:12:48 us=491465 TCP/UDP: Closing socket
2021-02-24 19:12:48 us=491465 SIGTERM[hard,] received, process exiting
2021-02-24 19:12:48 us=491465 MANAGEMENT: >STATE:1614215568,EXITING,SIGTERM,,,,,
Last edited by Pippin on Thu Feb 25, 2021 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Formatting
Eddie System/Environment Report — 30/10/2019 20:51 UTC
Eddie version: 2.16.3
Eddie OS build: windows_x64
Eddie architecture: x64
OS type: Windows
OS name: Windows 10 Home
OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0
OS architecture: x64
Mono /.Net Framework: v4.0.30319
OpenVPN driver: TAP-Windows Adapter V9, version 9.21.2
OpenVPN: 2.4.6 — OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNopenvpn.exe)
SSH: plink 0.67 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNplink.exe)
SSL: stunnel 5.40 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNstunnel.exe)
curl: 7.54.1 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNcurl.exe)
Profile path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNdefault.xml
Data path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPN
Application path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPN
Executable path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNEddie-UI.exe
Command line arguments: (0 args)
Network Lock Active: Yes, Windows Filtering Platform
Connected to VPN: No
Detected DNS:
Test DNS IPv4: Ok
Test DNS IPv6: Failed
Test Ping IPv4: 29 ms
Test Ping IPv6: -1 ms
Test HTTP IPv4: Ok
Test HTTP IPv6: Error:curl: (6) Could not resolve host: ipv6.eddie.website
Test HTTPS: Ok
Important options not at defaults:
login: (omissis)
password: (omissis)
remember: True
connect: True
netlock: True
network.entry.iplayer: ipv6-ipv4
gui.tray_minimized: False
gui.notifications: False
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Eddie version: 2.16.3 / windows_x64, System: Windows, Name: Windows 10 Home, Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0, Mono/.Net: v4.0.30319
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Reading options from C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNdefault.xml
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Command line arguments (0):
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Profile path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNdefault.xml
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — OpenVPN Driver — TAP-Windows Adapter V9, version 9.21.2
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — OpenVPN — Version: 2.4.6 — OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNopenvpn.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — SSH — Version: plink 0.67 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNplink.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — SSL — Version: stunnel 5.40 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNstunnel.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — curl — Version: 7.54.1 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNcurl.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — Certification Authorities: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNrescacert.pem
W 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Recovery. Unexpected crash?
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Above log line repeated 1 times more
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
! 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Activation of Network Lock — Windows Filtering Platform
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Updating systems & servers data …
I 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Session starting.
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Systems & servers data update completed
I 2019.10.30 21:51:18 — Checking authorization …
! 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — Connecting to Muscida (Netherlands, Alblasserdam)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.4.6 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Apr 27 2018
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Windows version 6.2 (Windows 8 or greater) 64bit
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — Connection to OpenVPN Management Interface
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Cipher ‘AES-256-CTR’ initialized with 256 bit key
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash ‘SHA256’ for HMAC authentication
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Cipher ‘AES-256-CTR’ initialized with 256 bit key
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash ‘SHA256’ for HMAC authentication
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET6]2a00:1678:2470:5:c3f2:a35b:10ce:5e53:443
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[65536->262144] S=[65536->262144]
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > UDPv6 link local: (not bound)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > UDPv6 link remote: [AF_INET6]2a00:1678:2470:5:c3f2:a35b:10ce:5e53:443
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
. 2019.10.30 21:51:22 — OpenVPN > write UDPv6: Unknown error (code=10051)
Network Interfaces and Routes:
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«routes»: [
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «»,
«metric»: «35»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «::1»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «fe80::/64»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «fe80::4c1d:2994:be6d:7bea»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «ff00::/8»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «ff00::/8»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «2a0d:5600:24:55:fd29:bb91:4da5:f922»,
«gateway»: «fde6:7a:7d20:d18::1»,
«metric»: «4294967295»
«address»: «2a00:1678:2470:6:6f0d:8828:9fc4:bbdd»,
«gateway»: «fde6:7a:7d20:1b10::1»,
«metric»: «4294967295»
«interfaces»: [
«friendly»: «Ethernet»,
«id»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«name»: «Ethernet»,
«description»: «Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller»,
«type»: «Ethernet»,
«status»: «Up»,
«bytes_received»: «1837409527»,
«bytes_sent»: «37887796»,
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«ips»: [
«gateways»: [
«bind»: true,
«dns4»: «»,
«dns6»: null
«friendly»: «Ethernet 2»,
«id»: «{7FDBDECB-98DE-4964-A9DD-C70E616AA3E3}»,
«name»: «Ethernet 2»,
«description»: «TAP-Windows Adapter V9»,
«type»: «Ethernet»,
«status»: «Down»,
«bytes_received»: «0»,
«bytes_sent»: «0»,
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«ips»: [
«gateways»: [],
«bind»: true,
«dns4»: «»,
«dns6»: null
«friendly»: «Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1»,
«id»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«name»: «Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1»,
«description»: «Software Loopback Interface 1»,
«type»: «Loopback»,
«status»: «Up»,
«bytes_received»: «0»,
«bytes_sent»: «0»,
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«ips»: [
«gateways»: [],
«bind»: true,
«dns4»: «»,
«dns6»: null
«ipv4-default-gateway»: «»,
«ipv4-default-interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»
ipconfig /all:
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : DESKTOP-RQM0GS7
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : fritz.box
Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : fritz.box
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 30-9C-23-24-9E-F4
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::4c1d:2994:be6d:7bea%15(Preferred)
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, 30 October 2019 21:15:12
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Saturday, 9 November 2019 21:15:13
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 103848995
DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-22-C5-86-B1-30-9C-23-24-9E-F4
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : TAP-Windows Adapter V9
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-FF-7F-DB-DE-CB
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:43 am
why i cant connect using vpngate’s openvpn config
im using openvpn app on desktop
both protonvpn (with login interface too) and random freevpn works
but for some reason only vpngate’s openvpn configs doesnt, it always in reconnecting part..
and there’s like 2 warnings too (only on vpngate’s config)
[ DEPRECATED OPTION: —cipher set to ‘AES-128-CBC’ but missing in —data-ciphers (AES-256-GCM:AES-128-GCM). Future OpenVPN version will ignore —cipher for cipher negotiations. Add ‘AES-128-CBC’ to —data-ciphers or change —cipher ‘AES-128-CBC’ to —data-ciphers-fallback ‘AES-128-CBC’ to silence this warning. ]
[ WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. See http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm for more info. ]
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2021 1:09 pm
The same is true for me, the connection failed!
by bjlchf » Tue Apr 06, 2021 2:00 pm
I am using Windows 10/64, and I downloaded Openvpn for windows here and successfully installed it. I also downloaded’vpngate_public-vpn-119.opengw.net_udp_1195.ovpn’ here, but my connection was not successful, and the status display repeated multiple lines of red error:
1 WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled.
2 write UDP: Unknown error (code=10051)
3 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
4 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
Excuse me, who knows the reason for this? How to solve?
By the way, I use ovpn files from other websites, which can be successfully connected.
- Сообщения: 7
- Зарегистрирован: 12 дек 2018, 13:27
Доброго времени суток всем!
Есть MikroTik ether1 — ip белый, ether2 — мост (dhcp, ether3 — мост (dhcp Настроен сервер OpenVPN на Ubuntu 18.04 (ip Когда подключаешься к впн из локальной сети, подключение происходит нормально. Когда подключаешься из инета, идет ошибка: read UDP: Unknown error (code=10054).
Конфигурация OpenVPN сервера
Код: Выделить всё
port 1194
proto udp
dev tun
ca ca.crt
cert srvvpn.crt
key srvvpn.key
dh dh2048.pem
tls-auth ta.key 0
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA256
keepalive 10 120
client-config-dir ccd
status srvvpn.log
log /var/log/srvvpn.log
verb 3
sndbuf 0
rcvbuf 0
push "redirect-gateway def1"
push "dhcp-options DNS"
Конфигурация клиента
Код: Выделить всё
dev tun
proto udp
remote xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 1194
resolv-retry infinite
ca ca.crt
cert adm.crt
key adm.key
tls-auth ta.key 1
cipher AES-256-CBC
auth SHA256
ns-cert-type server
log adm.log
verb 5
sndbuf 0
rcvbuf 0
на Ubuntu
Код: Выделить всё
iptables -L -t nat
target prot opt source destination
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
target prot opt source destination
MASQUERADE all -- anywhere
на MikroTik
Код: Выделить всё
/ip firewall filter print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
я не силен пока в таких вопросах, помогите, чем сможете
- Сообщения: 3631
- Зарегистрирован: 29 фев 2016, 15:26
- Откуда: Минск
- Контактная информация:
Re: OpenVPN(Ubuntu)+MikroTik
Chupaka » 12 дек 2018, 16:23
Что значит «мост»? Это два разных моста?
Как клиенты подключаются из Интернета? У сервера есть ещё и внешний адрес?
Ошибка эта на клиенте или на сервере?
- Сообщения: 7
- Зарегистрирован: 12 дек 2018, 13:27
Re: OpenVPN(Ubuntu)+MikroTik
LLleux » 12 дек 2018, 16:25
Chupaka писал(а): ↑12 дек 2018, 16:23
Доброго.Что значит «мост»? Это два разных моста?
на каждый порт свой мост.
Chupaka писал(а): ↑12 дек 2018, 16:23
Как клиенты подключаются из Интернета? У сервера есть ещё и внешний адрес?
да, из интернета. сервер находится за микротиком на втором мосту.
Chupaka писал(а): ↑12 дек 2018, 16:23
Ошибка эта на клиенте или на сервере?
на клиенте.
- Сообщения: 3631
- Зарегистрирован: 29 фев 2016, 15:26
- Откуда: Минск
- Контактная информация:
Re: OpenVPN(Ubuntu)+MikroTik
Chupaka » 12 дек 2018, 16:42
LLleux писал(а): ↑12 дек 2018, 16:25
Chupaka писал(а): ↑12 дек 2018, 16:23
Как клиенты подключаются из Интернета? У сервера есть ещё и внешний адрес?да, из интернета. сервер находится за микротиком на втором мосту.
Там запятой нет. Вопрос — именно «Как клиенты подключаются из Интернета?», а не «Как клиенты подключаются, из Интернета?».
Правил NAT никаких вы не приводили — они есть? Проброс этого порта с внешнего адреса роутера на сервер OVPN, например…
- Сообщения: 7
- Зарегистрирован: 12 дек 2018, 13:27
Re: OpenVPN(Ubuntu)+MikroTik
LLleux » 12 дек 2018, 16:52
Chupaka писал(а): ↑12 дек 2018, 16:42
Там запятой нет. Вопрос — именно «Как клиенты подключаются из Интернета?», а не «Как клиенты подключаются, из Интернета?».
прошу прощения за недопонимание.
клиент подключается при помощи OpenVPNGUI (Win7 x64).
Chupaka писал(а): ↑12 дек 2018, 16:42
Правил NAT никаких вы не приводили — они есть? Проброс этого порта с внешнего адреса роутера на сервер OVPN, например…
нет, вот тут я и застрял. все, что находил по описания по пробросу порта и написанию правил NAT, не помогает.
- Сообщения: 3631
- Зарегистрирован: 29 фев 2016, 15:26
- Откуда: Минск
- Контактная информация:
Re: OpenVPN(Ubuntu)+MikroTik
Chupaka » 12 дек 2018, 17:05
Я не могу обсуждать всё, что вы находили. Вы пишите конкретно, как у вас сделано — и я попробую сказать, почему не работает и как исправить.
З.Ы. Под «как» имелось в виду, как их пакеты из Интернета попадают к серверу, если у сервера есть только внутренний адрес 192.168.x.y
- Сообщения: 7
- Зарегистрирован: 12 дек 2018, 13:27
Re: OpenVPN(Ubuntu)+MikroTik
LLleux » 12 дек 2018, 17:10
на микротике
nat правила
chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=ether1 log=no log-prefix=»»
1 openvpn
chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses= to-ports=1194 protocol=udp in-interface=ether1 src-port=1194 log=no log-prefix=»»
- Сообщения: 7
- Зарегистрирован: 12 дек 2018, 13:27
Re: OpenVPN(Ubuntu)+MikroTik
LLleux » 12 дек 2018, 17:25
Chupaka писал(а): ↑12 дек 2018, 17:18
src-port=1194 попробовать убрать из правила, на всякий случай, и добавить dst-port=1194
не помогло.
когда убирается из правил src-port=1194 и dst-port=1194, то пакеты входящие есть (смотрю по статистике микротика), не зависимо от того, подключаешься или нет. как только добавляешь dst-port=1194, пакеты не идут, так же и при подключении. такое впечатление, что порт вообще закрыт.
- Сообщения: 3631
- Зарегистрирован: 29 фев 2016, 15:26
- Откуда: Минск
- Контактная информация:
Re: OpenVPN(Ubuntu)+MikroTik
Chupaka » 12 дек 2018, 17:40
Вы поставьте галку Log в Action — увидите, что там совершенно левый трафик летит, когда всё убирается. А если с dst-port=1194 пакеты не идут — значит, их там и нет. Провайдер не фильтрует? Адрес, к которому пытается подключаться клиент, в IP -> Addresses есть?
- Сообщения: 7
- Зарегистрирован: 12 дек 2018, 13:27
Re: OpenVPN(Ubuntu)+MikroTik
LLleux » 12 дек 2018, 17:48
Chupaka писал(а): ↑12 дек 2018, 17:40
Вы поставьте галку Log в Action — увидите, что там совершенно левый трафик летит, когда всё убирается. А если с dst-port=1194 пакеты не идут — значит, их там и нет. Провайдер не фильтрует? Адрес, к которому пытается подключаться клиент, в IP -> Addresses есть?
провайдер не блокирует (сегодня узнавал у тех. поддержки). в IP -> Addresses ether1 получает белый ip от провайдера по dhcp-client (вроде бы все нормально).
Eddie System/Environment Report — 30/10/2019 20:51 UTC
Eddie version: 2.16.3
Eddie OS build: windows_x64
Eddie architecture: x64
OS type: Windows
OS name: Windows 10 Home
OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0
OS architecture: x64
Mono /.Net Framework: v4.0.30319
OpenVPN driver: TAP-Windows Adapter V9, version 9.21.2
OpenVPN: 2.4.6 — OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNopenvpn.exe)
SSH: plink 0.67 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNplink.exe)
SSL: stunnel 5.40 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNstunnel.exe)
curl: 7.54.1 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNcurl.exe)
Profile path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNdefault.xml
Data path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPN
Application path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPN
Executable path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNEddie-UI.exe
Command line arguments: (0 args)
Network Lock Active: Yes, Windows Filtering Platform
Connected to VPN: No
Detected DNS:
Test DNS IPv4: Ok
Test DNS IPv6: Failed
Test Ping IPv4: 29 ms
Test Ping IPv6: -1 ms
Test HTTP IPv4: Ok
Test HTTP IPv6: Error:curl: (6) Could not resolve host: ipv6.eddie.website
Test HTTPS: Ok
Important options not at defaults:
login: (omissis)
password: (omissis)
remember: True
connect: True
netlock: True
network.entry.iplayer: ipv6-ipv4
gui.tray_minimized: False
gui.notifications: False
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Eddie version: 2.16.3 / windows_x64, System: Windows, Name: Windows 10 Home, Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0, Mono/.Net: v4.0.30319
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Reading options from C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNdefault.xml
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Command line arguments (0):
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Profile path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNdefault.xml
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — OpenVPN Driver — TAP-Windows Adapter V9, version 9.21.2
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — OpenVPN — Version: 2.4.6 — OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNopenvpn.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — SSH — Version: plink 0.67 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNplink.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — SSL — Version: stunnel 5.40 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNstunnel.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — curl — Version: 7.54.1 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNcurl.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — Certification Authorities: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNrescacert.pem
W 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Recovery. Unexpected crash?
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Above log line repeated 1 times more
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
! 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Activation of Network Lock — Windows Filtering Platform
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Updating systems & servers data …
I 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Session starting.
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Systems & servers data update completed
I 2019.10.30 21:51:18 — Checking authorization …
! 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — Connecting to Muscida (Netherlands, Alblasserdam)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.4.6 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Apr 27 2018
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Windows version 6.2 (Windows 8 or greater) 64bit
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — Connection to OpenVPN Management Interface
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Cipher ‘AES-256-CTR’ initialized with 256 bit key
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash ‘SHA256’ for HMAC authentication
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Cipher ‘AES-256-CTR’ initialized with 256 bit key
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash ‘SHA256’ for HMAC authentication
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET6]2a00:1678:2470:5:c3f2:a35b:10ce:5e53:443
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[65536->262144] S=[65536->262144]
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > UDPv6 link local: (not bound)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > UDPv6 link remote: [AF_INET6]2a00:1678:2470:5:c3f2:a35b:10ce:5e53:443
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
. 2019.10.30 21:51:22 — OpenVPN > write UDPv6: Unknown error (code=10051)
Network Interfaces and Routes:
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«routes»: [
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «»,
«metric»: «35»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «::1»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «fe80::/64»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «fe80::4c1d:2994:be6d:7bea»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «ff00::/8»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «ff00::/8»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «2a0d:5600:24:55:fd29:bb91:4da5:f922»,
«gateway»: «fde6:7a:7d20:d18::1»,
«metric»: «4294967295»
«address»: «2a00:1678:2470:6:6f0d:8828:9fc4:bbdd»,
«gateway»: «fde6:7a:7d20:1b10::1»,
«metric»: «4294967295»
«interfaces»: [
«friendly»: «Ethernet»,
«id»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«name»: «Ethernet»,
«description»: «Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller»,
«type»: «Ethernet»,
«status»: «Up»,
«bytes_received»: «1837409527»,
«bytes_sent»: «37887796»,
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«ips»: [
«gateways»: [
«bind»: true,
«dns4»: «»,
«dns6»: null
«friendly»: «Ethernet 2»,
«id»: «{7FDBDECB-98DE-4964-A9DD-C70E616AA3E3}»,
«name»: «Ethernet 2»,
«description»: «TAP-Windows Adapter V9»,
«type»: «Ethernet»,
«status»: «Down»,
«bytes_received»: «0»,
«bytes_sent»: «0»,
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«ips»: [
«gateways»: [],
«bind»: true,
«dns4»: «»,
«dns6»: null
«friendly»: «Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1»,
«id»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«name»: «Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1»,
«description»: «Software Loopback Interface 1»,
«type»: «Loopback»,
«status»: «Up»,
«bytes_received»: «0»,
«bytes_sent»: «0»,
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«ips»: [
«gateways»: [],
«bind»: true,
«dns4»: «»,
«dns6»: null
«ipv4-default-gateway»: «»,
«ipv4-default-interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»
ipconfig /all:
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : DESKTOP-RQM0GS7
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : fritz.box
Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : fritz.box
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 30-9C-23-24-9E-F4
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::4c1d:2994:be6d:7bea%15(Preferred)
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, 30 October 2019 21:15:12
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Saturday, 9 November 2019 21:15:13
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 103848995
DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-22-C5-86-B1-30-9C-23-24-9E-F4
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : TAP-Windows Adapter V9
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-FF-7F-DB-DE-CB
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Ошибка подключения OpenVPN к VPS серверу.
Всем привет. Столкнулся со следующей проблемой, а именно не могу подружить openvpn с VPS.
Tue May 01 19:59:10 2018 Windows version 6.2 (Windows 8 or greater) 64bit Tue May 01 19:59:10 2018 library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.0f 25 May 2017, LZO 2.10 Tue May 01 19:59:10 2018 WARNING: Your certificate is not yet valid! Tue May 01 19:59:10 2018 Outgoing Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash ‘SHA512’ for HMAC authentication Tue May 01 19:59:10 2018 Incoming Control Channel Authentication: Using 512 bit message hash ‘SHA512’ for HMAC authentication Tue May 01 19:59:10 2018 TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET] Tue May 01 19:59:10 2018 Socket Buffers: R=[65536->65536] S=[65536->65536] Tue May 01 19:59:10 2018 UDP link local: (not bound) Tue May 01 19:59:10 2018 UDP link remote: [AF_INET] Tue May 01 20:00:10 2018 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity) Tue May 01 20:00:10 2018 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed Tue May 01 20:00:10 2018 SIGUSR1[soft,tls-error] received, process restarting
Options error: Bad protocol: ’11’. Allowed protocols with —proto option: [proto-uninitialized] [udp] [tcp-server] [tcp-client] [tcp] [udp4] [tcp4-server] [tcp4-client] [tcp4] [udp6] [tcp6-server] [tcp6-client] [tcp6] Use —help for more information.
Следовал инструкции github.com/Angristan/OpenVPN-install.
client dev tun proto udp sndbuf 0 rcvbuf 0 remote 1194 resolv-retry infinite nobind persist-key persist-tun remote-cert-tls server auth SHA512 cipher AES-256-CBC comp-lzo setenv opt block-outside-dns key-direction 1 verb 3
Доброго времени суток.
Есть сервер выполняющий функцию интернет-раздачи. На этом сервере 2 сетевых интерфейса:
— eth0 — смотрит в локальную сеть. — адрес в локальной сети.
— eth1 — смотрит в интернет с «белым» ip адресом провайдера. $ — ip адрес провайдера.
Подняли сервер в локальной сети с OpenVPN. — адрес в локальной сети. Из локальной сети подключение к OpenVPN (в качестве теста) успешно устанавливается.
Цель: Подключение к серверу с OpenVPN из сети интернет.
На сервере интернет-раздачи составлены правила переадресации порта на сервер с OpenVPN:
Но к сожалению подключиться с интернет к OpenVPN не получается. Подскажите в чем ошибка.
Заранее спасибо всем откликнувшимся.
А коннект снаружи на 1194 udp разрешить не забыл? Обычно делают политику DROP.
Не уверен, но второе правило по идее не нужно, потому что обычно добавляют правило для всей подсети на замену адреса на при обращении к WAN из LAN.
(время редактирования закончилось)
А есть файрвол на впн сервере?
подключиться с интернет к OpenVPN не получается.
На сервере в лог ничего не попадает, так как туда запрос не попал. А на клиенте в логах интересная фигня:
Клиент на Win10x64. Весь лог на клиенте:
Вам в самом первом посте ответили. Вангую что это именно оно.
Лог при успешном подключении с клиента из локальной сети. Клиент на Win10x64.
В конфиге на сервере интернет-раздачи присутствует (и присутствовало) правило:
Приведу все правила iptables, что бы было понятно:
Еще раз. Возможно я где то допустил ошибку, поэтому прошу помощи.
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d -p udp —dport 1194 -j SNAT —to-source
Если с локалки на внешний адрес соединяться не нужно, то это правило не нужно.
iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p udp —dport 1194 -j ACCEPT
Не нужно
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -d $ -j DNAT —to-destination -p udp —dport 1194
Не нужно.
iptables -A FORWARD -s -i eth0 -p udp —sport 1194 -j ACCEPT
Непонятно зачем, но пусть будет.
В остальном все верно.
А теперь самое главное. Это же не все ваши правила? Дропать может правило выше.
ЗЫ Ну и не часто встречающийся случай, дропает пров, что бы исключить этот вариант запустите tcpdump на роутере и посмотрите долетают ли пакеты.
Ни одного правила DROP нет. Все убрал. И соединение не идет. Что то еще должно быть, как мне кажется. tcpdump сейчас попробую.
Тупой вопрос, но всё же — а коннект снаружи с другого инета делается? Или через тот же маршрутизатор?
OpenVPN Support Forum
Community Support Forum
TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed — read UDP: Unknown error (code=10054)
TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed — read UDP: Unknown error (code=10054)
Post by net.admin » Wed Oct 04, 2017 12:17 pm
This is my first non point to point openvpn and it’s doing my head in.
I’m using Win7 as the server, and Win10 as a client. This is a proof of concept test environment. N0 router or firewall (software or hardware) is in use. The client lives on the same subnet as the server and can ping it. The server address of is the actual Win7 server address. Client machine is currently on 192.11.5.x.
In the below log I see two errors, the «unknown 10054» and the tls. I’m presuming one is causing the other, but that’s somewhat a guess also.
If someone could kindly take a look I’d appreciate a nudge in the right direction. I’m guessing I’ve missed something but I’m damned if I can see what.
dev tun
proto udp
remote 1194
resolv-retry infinite
ca «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfigca.crt»
cert «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfigmarkg.crt»
key «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfigmarkg.key»
tls-auth «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfigta.key» 1
# Sample OpenVPN 2.0 config file for #
# multi-client server. #
# #
# This file is for the server side #
# of a many-clients one-server #
# OpenVPN configuration. #
# #
# OpenVPN also supports #
# single-machine single-machine #
# configurations (See the Examples page #
# on the web site for more info). #
# #
# This config should work on Windows #
# or Linux/BSD systems. Remember on #
# Windows to quote pathnames and use #
# double backslashes, e.g.: #
# «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfigfoo.key» #
# #
# Comments are preceded with ‘#’ or ‘;’ #
# Which local IP address should OpenVPN
# listen on? (optional)
;local a.b.c.d
# Which TCP/UDP port should OpenVPN listen on?
# If you want to run multiple OpenVPN instances
# on the same machine, use a different port
# number for each one. You will need to
# open up this port on your firewall.
port 1194
# TCP or UDP server?
;proto tcp
proto udp
# «dev tun» will create a routed IP tunnel,
# «dev tap» will create an ethernet tunnel.
# Use «dev tap0» if you are ethernet bridging
# and have precreated a tap0 virtual interface
# and bridged it with your ethernet interface.
# If you want to control access policies
# over the VPN, you must create firewall
# rules for the the TUN/TAP interface.
# On non-Windows systems, you can give
# an explicit unit number, such as tun0.
# On Windows, use «dev-node» for this.
# On most systems, the VPN will not function
# unless you partially or fully disable
# the firewall for the TUN/TAP interface.
;dev tap
dev tun
# Windows needs the TAP-Win32 adapter name
# from the Network Connections panel if you
# have more than one. On XP SP2 or higher,
# you may need to selectively disable the
# Windows firewall for the TAP adapter.
# Non-Windows systems usually don’t need this.
;dev-node MyTap
# SSL/TLS root certificate (ca), certificate
# (cert), and private key (key). Each client
# and the server must have their own cert and
# key file. The server and all clients will
# use the same ca file.
# See the «easy-rsa» directory for a series
# of scripts for generating RSA certificates
# and private keys. Remember to use
# a unique Common Name for the server
# and each of the client certificates.
# Any X509 key management system can be used.
# OpenVPN can also use a PKCS #12 formatted key file
# (see «pkcs12» directive in man page).
ca «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfigca.crt»
cert «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfigserver.crt»
key «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfigserver.key»
# This file should be kept secret
# Diffie hellman parameters.
# Generate your own with:
# openssl dhparam -out dh2048.pem 2048
dh «C:Program FilesOpenVPNconfigdh4096.pem»
# Network topology
# Should be subnet (addressing via IP)
# unless Windows clients v2.0.9 and lower have to
# be supported (then net30, i.e. a /30 per client)
# Defaults to net30 (not recommended)
;topology subnet
# Configure server mode and supply a VPN subnet
# for OpenVPN to draw client addresses from.
# The server will take for itself,
# the rest will be made available to clients.
# Each client will be able to reach the server
# on Comment this line out if you are
# ethernet bridging. See the man page for more info.
# Maintain a record of client virtual IP address
# associations in this file. If OpenVPN goes down or
# is restarted, reconnecting clients can be assigned
# the same virtual IP address from the pool that was
# previously assigned.
ifconfig-pool-persist ipp.txt
# Configure server mode for ethernet bridging.
# You must first use your OS’s bridging capability
# to bridge the TAP interface with the ethernet
# NIC interface. Then you must manually set the
# IP/netmask on the bridge interface, here we
# assume Finally we
# must set aside an IP range in this subnet
# (start= end= to allocate
# to connecting clients. Leave this line commented
# out unless you are ethernet bridging.
# Configure server mode for ethernet bridging
# using a DHCP-proxy, where clients talk
# to the OpenVPN server-side DHCP server
# to receive their IP address allocation
# and DNS server addresses. You must first use
# your OS’s bridging capability to bridge the TAP
# interface with the ethernet NIC interface.
# Note: this mode only works on clients (such as
# Windows), where the client-side TAP adapter is
# bound to a DHCP client.
# Push routes to the client to allow it
# to reach other private subnets behind
# the server. Remember that these
# private subnets will also need
# to know to route the OpenVPN client
# address pool (
# back to the OpenVPN server.
;push «route»
;push «route»
# To assign specific IP addresses to specific
# clients or if a connecting client has a private
# subnet behind it that should also have VPN access,
# use the subdirectory «ccd» for client-specific
# configuration files (see man page for more info).
# EXAMPLE: Suppose the client
# having the certificate common name «Thelonious»
# also has a small subnet behind his connecting
# machine, such as
# First, uncomment out these lines:
;client-config-dir ccd
# Then create a file ccd/Thelonious with this line:
# iroute
# This will allow Thelonious’ private subnet to
# access the VPN. This example will only work
# if you are routing, not bridging, i.e. you are
# using «dev tun» and «server» directives.
# EXAMPLE: Suppose you want to give
# Thelonious a fixed VPN IP address of
# First uncomment out these lines:
;client-config-dir ccd
# Then add this line to ccd/Thelonious:
# ifconfig-push
# Suppose that you want to enable different
# firewall access policies for different groups
# of clients. There are two methods:
# (1) Run multiple OpenVPN daemons, one for each
# group, and firewall the TUN/TAP interface
# for each group/daemon appropriately.
# (2) (Advanced) Create a script to dynamically
# modify the firewall in response to access
# from different clients. See man
# page for more info on learn-address script.
;learn-address ./script
# If enabled, this directive will configure
# all clients to redirect their default
# network gateway through the VPN, causing
# all IP traffic such as web browsing and
# and DNS lookups to go through the VPN
# (The OpenVPN server machine may need to NAT
# or bridge the TUN/TAP interface to the internet
# in order for this to work properly).
;push «redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp»
# Certain Windows-specific network settings
# can be pushed to clients, such as DNS
# or WINS server addresses. CAVEAT:
# http://openvpn.net/faq.html#dhcpcaveats
# The addresses below refer to the public
# DNS servers provided by opendns.com.
;push «dhcp-option DNS»
;push «dhcp-option DNS»
# Uncomment this directive to allow different
# clients to be able to «see» each other.
# By default, clients will only see the server.
# To force clients to only see the server, you
# will also need to appropriately firewall the
# server’s TUN/TAP interface.
# Uncomment this directive if multiple clients
# might connect with the same certificate/key
# files or common names. This is recommended
# only for testing purposes. For production use,
# each client should have its own certificate/key
# pair.
# The keepalive directive causes ping-like
# messages to be sent back and forth over
# the link so that each side knows when
# the other side has gone down.
# Ping every 10 seconds, assume that remote
# peer is down if no ping received during
# a 120 second time period.
keepalive 10 120
# For extra security beyond that provided
# by SSL/TLS, create an «HMAC firewall»
# to help block DoS attacks and UDP port flooding.
# Generate with:
# openvpn —genkey —secret ta.key
# The server and each client must have
# a copy of this key.
# The second parameter should be ‘0’
# on the server and ‘1’ on the clients.
tls-auth «C:Program FilesOpenVPNta.key» 0
# This file is secret
# Select a cryptographic cipher.
# This config item must be copied to
# the client config file as well.
# Note that v2.4 client/server will automatically
# negotiate AES-256-GCM in TLS mode.
# See also the ncp-cipher option in the manpage
cipher AES-256-CBC
# Enable compression on the VPN link and push the
# option to the client (v2.4+ only, for earlier
# versions see below)
;compress lz4-v2
;push «compress lz4-v2»
# For compression compatible with older clients use comp-lzo
# If you enable it here, you must also
# enable it in the client config file.
# The maximum number of concurrently connected
# clients we want to allow.
;max-clients 100
# It’s a good idea to reduce the OpenVPN
# daemon’s privileges after initialization.
# You can uncomment this out on
# non-Windows systems.
;user nobody
;group nobody
# The persist options will try to avoid
# accessing certain resources on restart
# that may no longer be accessible because
# of the privilege downgrade.
# Output a short status file showing
# current connections, truncated
# and rewritten every minute.
status openvpn-status.log
# By default, log messages will go to the syslog (or
# on Windows, if running as a service, they will go to
# the «Program FilesOpenVPNlog» directory).
# Use log or log-append to override this default.
# «log» will truncate the log file on OpenVPN startup,
# while «log-append» will append to it. Use one
# or the other (but not both).
;log openvpn.log
;log-append openvpn.log
# Set the appropriate level of log
# file verbosity.
# 0 is silent, except for fatal errors
# 4 is reasonable for general usage
# 5 and 6 can help to debug connection problems
# 9 is extremely verbose
verb 6
# Silence repeating messages. At most 20
# sequential messages of the same message
# category will be output to the log.
;mute 20
# Notify the client that when the server restarts so it
# can automatically reconnect.
explicit-exit-notify 1
Eddie System/Environment Report — 30/10/2019 20:51 UTC
Eddie version: 2.16.3
Eddie OS build: windows_x64
Eddie architecture: x64
OS type: Windows
OS name: Windows 10 Home
OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0
OS architecture: x64
Mono /.Net Framework: v4.0.30319
OpenVPN driver: TAP-Windows Adapter V9, version 9.21.2
OpenVPN: 2.4.6 — OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNopenvpn.exe)
SSH: plink 0.67 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNplink.exe)
SSL: stunnel 5.40 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNstunnel.exe)
curl: 7.54.1 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNcurl.exe)
Profile path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNdefault.xml
Data path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPN
Application path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPN
Executable path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNEddie-UI.exe
Command line arguments: (0 args)
Network Lock Active: Yes, Windows Filtering Platform
Connected to VPN: No
Detected DNS:
Test DNS IPv4: Ok
Test DNS IPv6: Failed
Test Ping IPv4: 29 ms
Test Ping IPv6: -1 ms
Test HTTP IPv4: Ok
Test HTTP IPv6: Error:curl: (6) Could not resolve host: ipv6.eddie.website
Test HTTPS: Ok
Important options not at defaults:
login: (omissis)
password: (omissis)
remember: True
connect: True
netlock: True
network.entry.iplayer: ipv6-ipv4
gui.tray_minimized: False
gui.notifications: False
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Eddie version: 2.16.3 / windows_x64, System: Windows, Name: Windows 10 Home, Version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0, Mono/.Net: v4.0.30319
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Reading options from C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNdefault.xml
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Command line arguments (0):
. 2019.10.30 21:51:08 — Profile path: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNdefault.xml
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — OpenVPN Driver — TAP-Windows Adapter V9, version 9.21.2
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — OpenVPN — Version: 2.4.6 — OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNopenvpn.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — SSH — Version: plink 0.67 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNplink.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — SSL — Version: stunnel 5.40 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNstunnel.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — curl — Version: 7.54.1 (C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNcurl.exe)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:09 — Certification Authorities: C:NICHT WINDOWSzzzProgrammeAirVPNrescacert.pem
W 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Recovery. Unexpected crash?
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Above log line repeated 1 times more
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:10 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Routes, remove for gateway failed: The route deletion failed: Element not found
! 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Activation of Network Lock — Windows Filtering Platform
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Updating systems & servers data …
I 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Session starting.
. 2019.10.30 21:51:11 — Systems & servers data update completed
I 2019.10.30 21:51:18 — Checking authorization …
! 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — Connecting to Muscida (Netherlands, Alblasserdam)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > OpenVPN 2.4.6 x86_64-w64-mingw32 [SSL (OpenSSL)] [LZO] [LZ4] [PKCS11] [AEAD] built on Apr 27 2018
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Windows version 6.2 (Windows 8 or greater) 64bit
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > library versions: OpenSSL 1.1.0h 27 Mar 2018, LZO 2.10
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — Connection to OpenVPN Management Interface
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: TCP Socket listening on [AF_INET]
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Cipher ‘AES-256-CTR’ initialized with 256 bit key
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Outgoing Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash ‘SHA256’ for HMAC authentication
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Cipher ‘AES-256-CTR’ initialized with 256 bit key
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Incoming Control Channel Encryption: Using 256 bit message hash ‘SHA256’ for HMAC authentication
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > TCP/UDP: Preserving recently used remote address: [AF_INET6]2a00:1678:2470:5:c3f2:a35b:10ce:5e53:443
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > Socket Buffers: R=[65536->262144] S=[65536->262144]
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > UDPv6 link local: (not bound)
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > UDPv6 link remote: [AF_INET6]2a00:1678:2470:5:c3f2:a35b:10ce:5e53:443
. 2019.10.30 21:51:19 — OpenVPN > MANAGEMENT: Client connected from [AF_INET]
. 2019.10.30 21:51:22 — OpenVPN > write UDPv6: Unknown error (code=10051)
Network Interfaces and Routes:
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«routes»: [
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «»,
«metric»: «35»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «::1»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «fe80::/64»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «fe80::4c1d:2994:be6d:7bea»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «ff00::/8»,
«interface»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «331»
«address»: «ff00::/8»,
«interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«gateway»: «link»,
«metric»: «291»
«address»: «2a0d:5600:24:55:fd29:bb91:4da5:f922»,
«gateway»: «fde6:7a:7d20:d18::1»,
«metric»: «4294967295»
«address»: «2a00:1678:2470:6:6f0d:8828:9fc4:bbdd»,
«gateway»: «fde6:7a:7d20:1b10::1»,
«metric»: «4294967295»
«interfaces»: [
«friendly»: «Ethernet»,
«id»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»,
«name»: «Ethernet»,
«description»: «Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller»,
«type»: «Ethernet»,
«status»: «Up»,
«bytes_received»: «1837409527»,
«bytes_sent»: «37887796»,
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«ips»: [
«gateways»: [
«bind»: true,
«dns4»: «»,
«dns6»: null
«friendly»: «Ethernet 2»,
«id»: «{7FDBDECB-98DE-4964-A9DD-C70E616AA3E3}»,
«name»: «Ethernet 2»,
«description»: «TAP-Windows Adapter V9»,
«type»: «Ethernet»,
«status»: «Down»,
«bytes_received»: «0»,
«bytes_sent»: «0»,
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«ips»: [
«gateways»: [],
«bind»: true,
«dns4»: «»,
«dns6»: null
«friendly»: «Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1»,
«id»: «{BBF65BF5-7A3A-11E8-B28A-806E6F6E6963}»,
«name»: «Loopback Pseudo-Interface 1»,
«description»: «Software Loopback Interface 1»,
«type»: «Loopback»,
«status»: «Up»,
«bytes_received»: «0»,
«bytes_sent»: «0»,
«support_ipv4»: true,
«support_ipv6»: true,
«ips»: [
«gateways»: [],
«bind»: true,
«dns4»: «»,
«dns6»: null
«ipv4-default-gateway»: «»,
«ipv4-default-interface»: «{E59E7DC1-3542-4179-9F54-389D5E35B703}»
ipconfig /all:
Windows IP Configuration
Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : DESKTOP-RQM0GS7
Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . :
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : fritz.box
Ethernet adapter Ethernet:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : fritz.box
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 30-9C-23-24-9E-F4
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
Link-local IPv6 Address . . . . . : fe80::4c1d:2994:be6d:7bea%15(Preferred)
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Lease Obtained. . . . . . . . . . : Wednesday, 30 October 2019 21:15:12
Lease Expires . . . . . . . . . . : Saturday, 9 November 2019 21:15:13
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Server . . . . . . . . . . . :
DHCPv6 IAID . . . . . . . . . . . : 103848995
DHCPv6 Client DUID. . . . . . . . : 00-01-00-01-22-C5-86-B1-30-9C-23-24-9E-F4
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :
NetBIOS over Tcpip. . . . . . . . : Enabled
Ethernet adapter Ethernet 2:
Media State . . . . . . . . . . . : Media disconnected
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : TAP-Windows Adapter V9
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . : 00-FF-7F-DB-DE-CB
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : Yes
Autoconfiguration Enabled . . . . : Yes
When I start OpenVpn and connect to my PiVPN it gives me this error,
Tue Aug 14 13:32:24 2018 write UDP: Unknown error (code=10051)
Tue Aug 14 13:32:53 2018 TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
Tue Aug 14 13:32:53 2018 TLS Error: TLS handshake failed
I have the correct port forwarded, but still get this error. The VPN was working fine before and then it stopped so I reinstalled everything including the os and now I have this issue after forwarding port 1194