Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки i usually come

Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки. 
1. I usually come hom from the school at 5 o clock.
2. There is the puppy in the box.
3. Are you have Mahs on Thursday?
4. Rex is a black.
5. Sam is good pupil.
6.  He doesn,t  never eat ice cream 
7. I can,t see nothing here.
8. She never cooks meat, doesn,t she?
9. You never think about it, don,t  you?
10.they never gave presents to him, didn,t they?

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9. you never think about it, don’t you? 10. they never gave presents to him, didn’t they ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛИИИЗ(

1 ответ:



<span>1. I usually come home from school
at 5 o’clock. </span>
<span /><span>2. 
There is a puppy in the box.   </span><span>  
<span>3. Do you have maths on Thursday?</span><span>    
<span>4. Rex is black.    </span><span> 
<span>5. Sam is a good pupil.      </span><span>      </span>
<span>  6. He doesn’t eat ice cream.     </span><span>       </span>
<span> 7. I can’t see anything here.      </span><span>          </span>
<span>8. She never cooks meat, does she? </span><span> 
<span>9. You never think about it, do you? 
<span>10. They never gave presents to him, did they?</span>

Читайте также


1.cross the road onto the green or at a pedestrian crossing.
<span>1.переходи дорогу на зеленый цвет или по пешеходному переходу.
</span>2.Before you cross the road look left first then right
2.Прежде чем перейти дорогу сначала посмотри на лево потом на право
3.Don’t go on the road, walk on the pavement
3.Не ходи по дороге, ходи по тротуару/
4.Don’t play on the road or close to it
4.Не играй на дороге или близко к ней

(Перевод) 1. Почему тебе нравится этот мультфильм?
2. Кто главный герой?
3. О чем этот мультфильм?
4. Какая часть тебе нравится больше всего и почему?

Лично это моё мнение.Удачи

Таблица спряжения глаголов в Present Simple Tense

в утвердительной форме

Единственное число
Множественное число
3</span><span>I make
You make
<span> He/ She/ It makes</span></span><span>We make
You make
They make</span></span></span>

возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки:                                                                      1. i usually come home from the  school at 5 o’clock.                                                              2.  there is the puppy in the box.                                                                                           3. are you have maths on thursday.                                                                                        4. Rex is a black.                                                                                                                 5. Sam is good pupil.                                                                                                             6. he doesn’t  never eat ice cream.                                                                                          7. i can’t see nothing here.                                                                                                    8. she never cooks meat, doesn’t she?                                                                                   9. you never think about it, don’t you?                                                                                     10. they never gave presents to him, didn’t they  ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛИИИЗ(

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Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки.

1. I usually come hom from the school at 5 o clock.

2. There is the puppy in the box.

3. Are you have Mahs on Thursday?

4. Rex is a black.

5. Sam is good pupil.

6. He doesn,t never eat ice cream

7. I can,t see nothing here.

8. She never cooks meat, doesn,t she?

9. You never think about it, don,t you?

10.they never gave presents to him, didn,t they?


Возьмите красную ручку и исправьте ошибки.

1. I usually come hom from the school at 5 o clock.

2. There is the puppy in the box.

3. Are you have Mahs on Thursday?

4. Rex is a black.

5. Sam is good pupil.

6. He doesn,t never eat ice cream

7. I can,t see nothing here.

8. She never cooks meat, doesn,t she?

9. You never think about it, don,t you?

10.they never gave presents to him, didn,t they?

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