Установка приложения с ошибкой 0x87d00324 2016410844


Сообщения: 25
Зарегистрирован: 20 сен 2013 04:07
Откуда: Смоленск
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Проблема при установке ПО через Application Catalog

Есть проблема с установкой любого ПО через Application Catalog.
После запуска на установку вроде бы как все проходит нормально и программы устанавливаются, но выдается ошибка установки (код ошибки 0x87d00324 2016410844).
Правила проверки настраиваю по пути до запускаемого файла. При повторном запуске уже говорит что программа установлена, ну это и логично.
Все разворачивается для категории Все пользователи, режим установки — для системы.
Но если приложение удалить, то потом оно становится хорошо
Буду пробовать назначить на устройство, хотя не уверен что это что-то изменит


Виталий Якоб

Администратор сайта
Сообщения: 36
Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013 09:52

Re: Проблема при установке ПО через Application Catalog


Виталий Якоб » 07 окт 2013 17:03

mitushinem писал(а):
Правила проверки настраиваю по пути до запускаемого файла. При повторном запуске уже говорит что программа установлена, ну это и логично.

Не очень удачный выбор метода обнаружения. Кто-то может установить ПО в какой-то другой каталог, с точки зрения системы ПО будет установлено, с CM — нет. Выйдет подобная коллизия и если мне не изменяет память, CM будет пробовать развернуть задачу 1004 раза.
В данном случае, установка производится с MSI пакета, поэтому лучший метод обнаружения будет «Установщик Windows» с кодом продукта.
Такая ошибка сто процентов возникает у Вас и при обязательном развёртывании, либо на x86 либо на x64 системах.

Виталий Якоб

Администратор сайта
Сообщения: 36
Зарегистрирован: 19 сен 2013 09:52

Re: Проблема при установке ПО через Application Catalog


Виталий Якоб » 16 окт 2013 10:36

Обнаружение программ установленных через различные инсталляторы завёрнутые в EXE мы делаем через реестр:

Обнаружение настраивается на существование ключа реестра. Необходимо настраивать обнаружение для двух типов систем, x64 и x86.

Пример для обнаружения Mozilla FireFox 15

Код: Выделить всё

HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallMozilla Firefox 15.0.1 (x86 ru)


Код: Выделить всё

HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallMozilla Firefox 15.0.1 (x86 ru)


Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 08 мар 2017 07:25

Re: Проблема при установке ПО через Application Catalog


alyam » 04 май 2018 09:50

а как быть, если устанавливаешь приложение — сценарий BAT (распаковка архива в папку %userprofile%ПАПКА111)
я указываю в методе обнаружения папку. путь %userprofile%. имя папки ПАПКА111
сценарий отрабатывает, приложение развертывается, но выдается ошибка проверки установки

In this post, I will show you how to fix SCCM application install error 0x87D00324(-2016410844). The software change returned error code 0x87D00324 (-2016410844).

When you deploy applications or packages using SCCM, sometimes the applications may fail to install it on client computers. Sometimes they install correctly but show an error code like 0x87D00324 which is a common issue.

When you see an application fails to install with error, the software center shows the error code that is important for troubleshooting the application installation issues. In addition to that, do not forget to review the ConfigMgr log files as well.

In this blog, I have covered numerous posts on creating and deploying applications using Configuration Manager. This includes creation of both .exe and .msi applications.

Every application has a different detection method, install commands, uninstall commands and the overall way you deploy it.

In most cases, when the application installation fails, it fails with an error code that is seen in the software center. More details about the error code and installation failures should also be logged in AppEnforce.log file located on the client computer.

One such example is the error code 0x87D00324 (-2016410844) that appears in the software center when you install the SCCM application. Let’s see why you encounter the error code 0x87D00324 and how to fix this error permanently.

First let’s understand why you get the SCCM application install error 0x87D00324(-2016410844). The error code 0x87D00324 means the application installed successfully, but there was wrong detection method used.

Fix SCCM Software Center Error 0x87D00324

Fix SCCM Application Install Error 0x87D00324(-2016410844)

If you are seeing the software change returned error code 0x87D00324 (-2016410844) in SCCM software center, the issue is surely with the detection method that you have used. Correcting the detection method under application properties resolves this issue.

I have seen many people reporting the application deployment error 0X87D00324(-2016410844) in forums. If you have not joined the forums yet, feel free to be a part of the community.

The simple solution to this issue is to have a check on the application detection method which is usually specified incorrectly. For example, you may specify a wrong version number for an application or an incorrect registry path.

Why you don’t encounter error code 0x87D00324 with MSI Applications

When you use an .MSI based installer, the SCCM can read the .msi file and populates the install and uninstall commands. A valid detection method is also populated which is another advantage of using msi applications.

With MSI applications, the chances of the application install failing with error code 0x87D00324 is too minimal. However not all applications are available in .msi format.

While packaging the executable applications (.exe) in SCCM, you have to manually specify the install program, uninstall program and detection method.

The silent install and uninstall commands are usually available online however the detection method should be specified correctly.

Ok, now that you know why you get the application install error 0x87D00324, let me quickly show you how to correct the detection method for an SCCM application.

Whenever you want to modify the detection method of an application in SCCM, it has to be done under the application properties.

I am just picking up one application to show you how can you correct or modify the detection method. In the ConfigMgr console, go to the Software LibraryOverviewApplication ManagementApplications.

Select the application and click Deployment Properties. Right-click the application and select Properties. Click the Detection Method tab, select the detection method that you have specified and click Edit Clause. On the Detection Rule window, you can correct the detection method.

Fix SCCM Software Center Error 0x87D00324

Fix SCCM Application Install Error 0x87D00324(-2016410844)

Important – After you make changes to the application detection method, you must update the application content. To accomplish that, select the application first and then select the deployment types tab. Right-click the application and select Update Content.

After you correct the detection method, update the content, go back to the client computer. Now you shouldn’t see The software change returned error 0x87D00324(-2016410844). This is how you fix SCCM application install error 0x87D00324(-2016410844).

Photo of Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a Microsoft MVP in Enterprise Mobility. He writes articles on SCCM, Intune, Windows 365, Azure, Windows Server, Windows 11, WordPress and other topics, with the goal of providing people with useful information.

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • устанавливаю приложение — сценарий BAT (распаковка архива в папку %userprofile%ПАПКА111)
    я указываю в методе обнаружения папку. путь %userprofile%. имя папки ПАПКА111
    сценарий отрабатывает, приложение развертывается, но выдается ошибка проверки установки

    если я разверну как пакет, то ошибка не появляется. но мне интересно развернуть как приложение


  • я развертываю на группу пользователей.

    как быть тогда? сделать папку в корне c: ?

    режим установки на пользователя. только после входа пользователя

    В этом случае вам надо использовать скрипт в detection method, например PS:

    Test-Path (Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE 'ПАПКА111')

    Подробнее можно почитать например здесь: SCCM; Applications; Detection Method; User Environment variables;

    Грамотная постановка вопроса — уже 50% решения.
    SCCM User Group Russia на FaceBook и
    в Telegram

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      4 мая 2018 г. 11:43

  • я прописал по вашему совету, но почему-то сейчас установка не производится, а в мониторинге пишется, что развертывание успешно. нужной директории в профиле пользователя нет.

    Да, мой косяк…

    Поменяйте на:

    if (Test-Path (Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE 'ПАПКА111')) {$true}

    Грамотная постановка вопроса — уже 50% решения.
    SCCM User Group Russia на FaceBook и
    в Telegram

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      4 мая 2018 г. 20:15

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Deployment to the client is successful but the error reported within Clients «SCCM Software Center»  

    The software change returned error code 0x87D00324(-2016410844).

    Also States on «Status» Past Due — Will be Retired»

    Can’t figure this one out and I did some googling with no success in finding a solution?

    I am running an Adobe Flash install (.EXE)

    Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated



  • How did you set up the detection method (details)? An application installation will only be successful if the software to be installed will be detected successfully.

    Torsten Meringer | http://www.mssccmfaq.de

    • Proposed as answer by

      Tuesday, September 11, 2012 12:39 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Robert Marshall — MVPMVP
      Wednesday, November 7, 2012 11:00 PM

In this post, I will show you how to fix SCCM application install error 0x87D00324(-2016410844). The software change returned error code 0x87D00324 (-2016410844).

When you deploy applications or packages using SCCM, sometimes the applications may fail to install it on client computers. Sometimes they install correctly but show an error code like 0x87D00324 which is a common issue.

When you see an application fails to install with error, the software center shows the error code that is important for troubleshooting the application installation issues. In addition to that, do not forget to review the ConfigMgr log files as well.

PatchMyPC HorizontalAD

Prajwal Desai is a Microsoft MVP in Enterprise Mobility. He writes articles on SCCM, Intune, Windows 365, Azure, Windows Server, Windows 11, WordPress and other topics, with the goal of providing people with useful information.

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • устанавливаю приложение — сценарий BAT (распаковка архива в папку %userprofile%ПАПКА111)
    я указываю в методе обнаружения папку. путь %userprofile%. имя папки ПАПКА111
    сценарий отрабатывает, приложение развертывается, но выдается ошибка проверки установки

    если я разверну как пакет, то ошибка не появляется. но мне интересно развернуть как приложение


  • я развертываю на группу пользователей.

    как быть тогда? сделать папку в корне c: ?

    режим установки на пользователя. только после входа пользователя

    В этом случае вам надо использовать скрипт в detection method, например PS:

    Test-Path (Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE 'ПАПКА111')

    Подробнее можно почитать например здесь: SCCM; Applications; Detection Method; User Environment variables;

    Грамотная постановка вопроса — уже 50% решения.
    SCCM User Group Russia на FaceBook и
    в Telegram

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      4 мая 2018 г. 11:43

  • я прописал по вашему совету, но почему-то сейчас установка не производится, а в мониторинге пишется, что развертывание успешно. нужной директории в профиле пользователя нет.

    Да, мой косяк…

    Поменяйте на:

    if (Test-Path (Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE 'ПАПКА111')) {$true}

    Грамотная постановка вопроса — уже 50% решения.
    SCCM User Group Russia на FaceBook и
    в Telegram

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      4 мая 2018 г. 20:15

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Deployment to the client is successful but the error reported within Clients «SCCM Software Center»  

    The software change returned error code 0x87D00324(-2016410844).

    Also States on «Status» Past Due — Will be Retired»

    Can’t figure this one out and I did some googling with no success in finding a solution?

    I am running an Adobe Flash install (.EXE)

    Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated



  • How did you set up the detection method (details)? An application installation will only be successful if the software to be installed will be detected successfully.

    Torsten Meringer | http://www.mssccmfaq.de

    • Proposed as answer by

      Tuesday, September 11, 2012 12:39 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Robert Marshall — MVPMVP
      Wednesday, November 7, 2012 11:00 PM

In this post, I will show you how to fix SCCM application install error 0x87D00324(-2016410844). The software change returned error code 0x87D00324 (-2016410844).

When you deploy applications or packages using SCCM, sometimes the applications may fail to install it on client computers. Sometimes they install correctly but show an error code like 0x87D00324 which is a common issue.

When you see an application fails to install with error, the software center shows the error code that is important for troubleshooting the application installation issues. In addition to that, do not forget to review the ConfigMgr log files as well.

Patch My PC Sponsored AD

In this blog, I have covered numerous posts on creating and deploying applications using Configuration Manager. This includes creation of both .exe and .msi applications.

Every application has a different detection method, install commands, uninstall commands and the overall way you deploy it.

In most cases, when the application installation fails, it fails with an error code that is seen in the software center. More details about the error code and installation failures should also be logged in AppEnforce.log file located on the client computer.

One such example is the error code 0x87D00324 (-2016410844) that appears in the software center when you install the SCCM application. Let’s see why you encounter the error code 0x87D00324 and how to fix this error permanently.

First let’s understand why you get the SCCM application install error 0x87D00324(-2016410844). The error code 0x87D00324 means the application installed successfully, but there was wrong detection method used.

Fix SCCM Software Center Error 0x87D00324

Fix SCCM Application Install Error 0x87D00324(-2016410844)

If you are seeing the software change returned error code 0x87D00324 (-2016410844) in SCCM software center, the issue is surely with the detection method that you have used. Correcting the detection method under application properties resolves this issue.

I have seen many people reporting the application deployment error 0X87D00324(-2016410844) in forums. If you have not joined the forums yet, feel free to be a part of the community.

The simple solution to this issue is to have a check on the application detection method which is usually specified incorrectly. For example, you may specify a wrong version number for an application or an incorrect registry path.

Why you don’t encounter error code 0x87D00324 with MSI Applications

When you use an .MSI based installer, the SCCM can read the .msi file and populates the install and uninstall commands. A valid detection method is also populated which is another advantage of using msi applications.

With MSI applications, the chances of the application install failing with error code 0x87D00324 is too minimal. However not all applications are available in .msi format.

While packaging the executable applications (.exe) in SCCM, you have to manually specify the install program, uninstall program and detection method.

The silent install and uninstall commands are usually available online however the detection method should be specified correctly.

Ok, now that you know why you get the application install error 0x87D00324, let me quickly show you how to correct the detection method for an SCCM application.

Whenever you want to modify the detection method of an application in SCCM, it has to be done under the application properties.

I am just picking up one application to show you how can you correct or modify the detection method. In the ConfigMgr console, go to the Software LibraryOverviewApplication ManagementApplications.

Select the application and click Deployment Properties. Right-click the application and select Properties. Click the Detection Method tab, select the detection method that you have specified and click Edit Clause. On the Detection Rule window, you can correct the detection method.

Fix SCCM Software Center Error 0x87D00324

Fix SCCM Application Install Error 0x87D00324(-2016410844)

Important – After you make changes to the application detection method, you must update the application content. To accomplish that, select the application first and then select the deployment types tab. Right-click the application and select Update Content.

After you correct the detection method, update the content, go back to the client computer. Now you shouldn’t see The software change returned error 0x87D00324(-2016410844). This is how you fix SCCM application install error 0x87D00324(-2016410844).

Avatar photo

Prajwal Desai is a Microsoft MVP in Enterprise Mobility. He writes articles on SCCM, Intune, Configuration Manager, Microsoft Intune, Azure, Windows Server, Windows 11, WordPress and other topics, with the goal of providing people with useful information.

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