Упражнения на времена найти ошибки


1. Найдите и исправьте ошибки в видо-временной форме глаголов.

  1. My wife and I are happy together: we are married since 1985.
  2. We usually have had our lunch before 2 p.m.
  3. I never do eat Japanese food.
  4. Sam often going to the movies.
  5. She is the laziest person I ever meet.
  6. They will go to the zoo last weekend.
  7. You are knitting this sweater for a month already!
  8. Did she brought the money yesterday?
  9. Nick studied at the library next Friday.
  10. Does Jane has a car?
  11. Ricky didn’t cooked anything for you.
  12. Mary is wearing jeans every day.
  13. I had eaten roast turkey many times.
  14. The boy broke the window before we came here.
  15. Your dog barked the whole evening yesterday.
  16. She was talking on the phone while I ate sushi.
  17. Fred has many jobs during his life.
  18. She will watch her favourite soap-opera at 10 o’clock tonight.
  19. Our plane leave in 2 hours.
  20. He don’t read the instructions yet.
  21. The situation will change by Thursday.
  22. How long are you learning to rollerblade?
  23. I have planted twenty rose bushes last Sunday.
  24. When we woke up in the morning the rain has already stopped.
  25. Renata is wearing contact lenses for about 10 years already.

2. Найдите в тексте ошибки в форме глаголов и поставьте правильную.

I am afraid my daughter became a chocoholic. There was a time when she eat just a bar of chocolate a day. But now she is wanting only chocolate. Chocolate sweets, chocolate ice-cream or milk, chocolate muffins: these is her favourite foods. She constantly eat sweets. I already notice some changes in her figure.

When I came home last night she is eating chocolate doughnuts. In fact she ate five of them before I came. And that was the first time she ate so much. For that reason I decided to phone my friend Henry. He works as a doctor for 10 years and I often asking him to give a good advice. I am thinking he is the best doctor I ever met.  So Henry asked us to came to his office. So at this time tomorrow we’ll visit him and discuss this problem.

I’m sure that by next spring my daughter will give up her bad habit, and in a couple of months’ time she will eat healthy food only. But, please, not tell it to anyone. You are the only person who is knowing it.

3. Поставьте глагол to study в необходимую форму для каждого случая, не переводя всего предложения.

to study

  1. Он изучает древнюю историю в колледже.
  2. Он изучает историю России в данный момент.
  3. Он учил историю вчера.
  4. Вчера с 6 до 9 вечера он учил историю.
  5. Он изучает историю уже два года.
  6. Он только что выучил тему по истории.
  7. Завтра он выучит пять тем.
  8. Когда я позвонила ему, он уже выучил две темы.
  9. Когда я позвонила ему, он учил историю уже полтора часа.
  10. Завтра к 6 часам я выучу все темы.
  11. Завтра в 6 часов он будет учить историю Греции.
  12. К тому времени, как придет отец, я уже несколько часов буду учить историю.



  1. My wife and I are happy together: we have been married since 1985.
  2. We usually have our lunch before 2 p.m.
  3. I never eat Japanese food.
  4. Sam often goes to the movies.
  5. She is the laziest person I have ever met.
  6. They went to the zoo last weekend.
  7. You have been knitting this sweater for a month already!
  8. Did she bring the money yesterday?
  9. Nick will study at the library next Friday.
  10. Does Jane have a car?
  11. Ricky didn’t cook anything for you.
  12. Mary wears jeans every day.
  13. I have eaten roast turkey many times.
  14. The boy had broken the window before we came here.
  15. Your dog was barking the whole evening yesterday.
  16. She was talking on the phone while I was eating sushi.
  17. Fred has had many jobs during his life.
  18. She will be watching her favourite soap-opera at 10 o’clock tonight.
  19. Our plane is leaving in 2 hours.
  20. He hasn’t read the instructions yet.
  21. The situation will have changed by Thursday.
  22. How long have you been learning to rollerblade?
  23. I planted twenty rose bushes last Sunday.
  24. When we woke up in the morning the rain had already stopped.
  25. Renata has been wearing contact lenses for about 10 years already.


I am afraid my daughter has become a chocoholic. There was a time when she ate just a bar of chocolate a day. But now she wants only chocolate. Chocolate sweets, chocolate ice-cream or milk, chocolate muffins: these are her favourite foods. She is constantly eating sweets. I have already noticed some changes in her figure. (Боюсь, что моя дочь стала шоколадоголиком. Было время, когда она съедала лишь плитку шоколада в день. Но сейчас ей нужен только шоколад. Шоколадные конфеты, шоколадное мороженое или молоко, шоколадные маффины: это ее любимая еда. Она постоянно ест конфеты. Я уже заметила изменения в ее фигуре.)

When I came home last night she was eating chocolate doughnuts. In fact she had eaten five of them before I came. And that was the first time she had eaten so much. For that reason I decided to phone my friend Henry. He has worked as a doctor for 10 years and I often ask him to give a good advice. I think he is the best doctor I have ever met.  So Henry asked us to come to his office. And at this time tomorrow we’ll be visiting him and discussing this problem. (Когда я пришла домой вчера вечером, она ела шоколадные пончики. Фактически она съела пять штук до моего прихода. И это было впервые, когда она съела так много. По этой причине я решала позвонить моему другу Генри. Он работает врачом 10 лет, и я часто обращаюсь к нему за хорошим советом. Думаю, он лучший врач, которого я встречала когда-либо. Так, Генри попросил нас прийти в его офис. И в это время завтра мы будем у  него на приеме обсуждать эту проблему.)

I’m sure that by next spring my daughter will have given up her bad habit, and in a couple of months’ time she will be eating healthy food only. But, please, do not tell it to anyone. You are the only person who knows it. (Уверена, что к следующей весне моя дочь бросит свою плохую привычку, а через пару месяцев она будет есть лишь здоровую еду. Но, пожалуйста, не говори об этом никому. Ты – единственный человек, который знает об этом.)


  1. studies
  2. is studying
  3. studied
  4. was studying
  5. has been studying
  6. has studied
  7. will study
  8. had studied
  9. had been studying
  10. will have studied
  11. will be studying
  12. will have been studying

Употребление времен (с ответами)4.9 out of
based on
34 votes



  • 1 Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
  • 2 Exercise 2. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях.
  • 3 Exercise 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык и поставьте их в отрицательную (положительную) и вопросительную формы. Ответьте утвердительно и отрицательно на вопросы.
  • 4 Exercise 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Exercise 1. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. He usually wakes/wake up at 7 oclock.
  2. I am/are busy now.
  3. Don’t/doesn’t be late!
  4. She promise/promised to help me.
  5. We aren’t/don’t friends anymore.
  6. The baby is/am sleeping now.
  7. I have/has never been to England.
  8. They can’t/don’t do this work.
  9. I will leave/am leaving tomorrow.
  10. Where were/was you yesterday?

Answers: 1. wakes 2. am 3. don’t 4. promised 5. aren’t 6. is 7. have 8. can’t 9. am leaving 10. were.

Exercise 2. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях.

  1. What is you doing now?
  2. I has never met a famous person before.
  3. They don’t students.
  4. I doesn’t like horror films.
  5. They buyed a car yesterday.
  6. We will flying to Madrid tomorrow.
  7. Where are my money?
  8. They didn’t invited him to the party.
  9. This man aren’t my father.
  10. We wasn’t at home last evening.

Answers: 1. What are you doing now? 2. I have never met a famous person before. 3. They aren’t students. 4.I don’t like horror films. 5. They bought a car yesterday. 6. We are flying to Madrid tomorrow. 7. Where is my money? 8. They didn’t invite him to the party. 9.This man isn’t my father. 10. We weren’t at home last evening.

Exercise 3. Переведите предложения на английский язык и поставьте их в отрицательную (положительную) и вопросительную формы. Ответьте утвердительно и отрицательно на вопросы.


Мне нравятся собаки.

+ I like dogs.

— I don’t like dogs.

? Do I/you like dogs? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

  1. Эта комната очень маленькая.
  2. Она очень добрая.
  3. Ему не нравятся коты.
  4. Я уже прочитала эту книгу.
  5. Тише! Ребенок спит.
  6.  Ты сдашь экзамены.
  7. Я пригласил ее на вечеринку.
  8. Я помогу тебе.

Answers: 1. This room is very small. This room isn’t very small. Is this room very small? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.

2. She is a very kind (person). She a isn’t very kind (person). Is she a very kind (person)? Yes, she is./No, she isn’t.

3. He doesn’t like cats. He likes cats. Does he like cats? Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.

4. I have already read this book. I haven’t read this book yet. Have I/you read this book yet? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.

5. Be quite! The baby is sleeping. The baby isn’t sleeping. Is the baby sleeping? Yes, it is, No, it isn’t.

6. You will pass your exams. You won’t (will not) pass your exams. Will you pass your exams? Yes, I will. /No, I won’t.

7. I invited her to the party. I didn’t invite her to the party. Did I/you invite her to the party. Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

8. I will help you/ I won’t help you. Will I/you help me? Yes, I will./No, I won’t.

Exercise 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Я опаздываю.
  2. Когда я проснулся, она уже ушла.
  3. Где ты живешь?
  4. Я купил машину своей мечты.
  5.  Не уходи, пожалуйста.
  6. Ты поможешь мне?
  7. Я ему не доверяю.
  8. Он закончит статью к двум часам.
  9. Он работал в этой компании 10 лет.
  10. Он работает в этой компании 10 лет.
  11. Алекс ничего мне не сказал.
  12. Дождь шел вчера до пяти.
  13. Мэри всегда придумывает истории!
  14. Посмотри в окно! Будет дождь.
  15. Что я могу для вас сделать?
  16. Я уверена, что он придет.
  17. Какая твоя любимая еда?
  18. Когда я шел домой, я встретил одноклассника.
  19. Не может быть, чтобы это было его письмо.
  20. Она могла говорить по-английски, когда ей было 5.

Answers: 1. I am late. 2. When I woke up she had already left/gone. 3. Where do you live? 4. I bought a car of my dream/my dream car. 5. Please, don’t go. 6. Can you help me, please? 7. I don’t trust him. 8. He will have finished the article by 2 o’clock. 9. He had been working for this company  for ten years. 10. He has been working for this company  for ten years. 11. Alex didn’t tell me anything./Alex told me nothing. 12. It had been raining till five o’clock. 13. Mary is always making up stories! 14. Look out the window! It’s going to rain. 15. What can I do for you? 16. I’m sure he’ll come/he will come. 17. What is your favourite food? 18.  When I was going home I met my classmate. 19. It can’t be his letter. 20. She could speak English when she was five/at the age of five.



Упражнения на времена в английском языке

Времена в английском языке — важная часть грамматики и камень преткновения начинающих. Чтобы не путаться во временах, просто изучить теорию не достаточно, нужно закрепить знания с помощью упражнений. Эти упражнения на времена в английском языке помогут вам лучше разобраться в одной из главных тем английской грамматики.

Если вы хотите освежить в памяти тему времен в английском языке, прежде чем проходить упражнения, посмотрите это видео, где я разбираю времена в активном залоге.

Упражнение 1. Глагол в Present Simple

В этом упражнении вам нужно поставить глагол в одну из форм Present Simple. Напомню, таких форм всего две: глагол в начальной форме и глагол с окончанием -s.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. He has some sugar. — У него есть немного сахара.
  2. Jacob and Tina have a lot in common. — У Джейкоба и Тины много общего.
  3. I do not keep expired pills. — Я не храню просроченные таблетки.
  4. He runs the company with his brother. — Он управляет компанией со своим братом.
  5. She does not like my job. — Ей не нравится моя работа.
  6. Do you know how it works? — Вы знаете, как это работает?
  7. Cats never miss a chance to sleep. — Кошки никогда не упускают возможности поспать.

Кстати, у меня есть бесплатный справочник-шпаргалка «Все времена в английском языке в таблицах» — обязательно скачайте его, если еще не скачали. Это совершенно бесплатно.

Времена глагола в таблицах

Этот справочник включает таблицы глагола to be, общие таблицы времен, таблицы по каждому времени в отдельности, включая пассивный залог, а также подборку неправильных глаголов

Упражнение 2. Неправильные глаголы

Неправильные глаголы отличаются тем, что образуют 2-ую и 3-ю формы нестандартным способом. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол во 2-ую или 3-ю форму. Какая именно форма нужна в каком предложении — понятно из контекста. Обращайте внимание на подсказки в виде глагола to have. Напомню: третья форма глагола используется (в том числе) в Present Perfect, например: «have seen», «has not forgiven» и т. д.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. John opened his eyes and breathed deeply. — Джон открыл глаза и глубоко вдохнул.
  2. I have never seen an elephant. — Я никогда не видел слона.
  3. She brought me some milk. — Она принесла мне молока.
  4. The Kingdom has fallen. — Королевство пало.
  5. We understood him but have not forgiven. — Мы поняли его, но не простили.
  6. Who dug the hole here? — Кто здесь копал яму?
  7. There is a broken chair here. Who broke it? — Здесь сломанный стул. Кто его сломал?

Упражнение 3. Времена Continuous

В этом задании вам нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глаголы в нужную видовременую форму: Present Continuous, Past Continuous или Future Continuous. Обращайте внимание на перевод, чтобы понять, какое выбрать время.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. The mouse is sneaking. — Мышь крадется.
  2. I am waiting patiently. — Я терпеливо жду.
  3. Lucy is playing guitar with Jake. — Люси играет на гитаре с Джейком.
  4. We were waiting for Sandy but she was not coming. — Мы ждали Сэнди, но она не шла.
  5. What were you trying to do? — Что ты пытался сделать?
  6. I will be working after lunch, let’s meet after work. — Я буду работать после обеда, давайте встретимся после работы.
  7. You are not going anywhere! — Ты никуда не идешь!

Упражнение 4. Present Simple или Present Continuous?

В английском языке существуют отдельные формы для неопределенного (простого) времени и длительного. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужную форму — Present Simple или Present Continuous.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. My uncle walks two miles every day and feels very well. — Мой дядя ходит пешком по две мили в день и чувствует себя очень хорошо.
  2. We really need another vacation. — Нам действительно нужен еще один отпуск.
  3. Sorry, I can’t talk now, I am running to see the doctor at the moment. — Извини, я не могу говорить сейчас, я прямо сейчас бегу на прием к врачу.
  4. My dad always says that I should find another job. — Мой папа всегда говорит, что мне лучше найти другую работу.
  5. Take an umbrella, it is going to rain. — Возьми зонт, скоро будет дождь.
  6. I added some pepper to the soup, now it smells better. — Я добавил немного перца в суп, теперь он пахнет лучше.

Упражнение 5. Времена Simple или Continuous?

Это упражнение на все времена Simple и Continous. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в одну из форм:

  1. Present Simple,
  2. Past Simple,
  3. Future Simple,
  4. Present Continuous,
  5. Past Continuous,
  6. Future Continuous.

Показать ответы с переводом

1. You will be safe now. — Теперь вы будете в безопасности.

2. Yesterday I found a coin in the garden. It looked very old. — Вчера я нашел монету в саду. Она выглядела очень старой.

3. Jake was watching TV when someone knocked on the door. — Джейк смотрел телевизор, когда кто-то постучал в дверь.

4. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. — Жизнь — как коробка шоколадных конфет. Никогда не знаешь, что получишь.

5. We were just talking about you! — Мы только что о тебе говорили!

6. I can’t pick you up from the school today, because I will be working in the evening. Mom will pick you up. — Я не могу заехать за тобой в школу сегодня, потому что вечером буду на работе. Мама за тобой заедет.

Упражнение 6. Past Simple или Present Perfect?

Present Pefrect и Past Simple часто вызывают затруднения, поскольку во многих случаях переводятся на русский язык одинаково. Проверьте, знаете ли вы, в каких случаях используется Past Simple, а в каких Present Perfect.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

Упражнение 7. Времена Past Perfect и Future Perfect

Past Perfect чаще встречается в художественной литературе, чем в разговорной речи. Future Perfect используется редко и в устной речи, и в письменной. Знаете ли вы, в каких случаях используются эти времена?

Выберите правильный вариант перевода.

Упражнение 8. Времена в английском языке

В этом задании вам нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глагол в видовременную форму, подходящую по смыслу. Обращайте внимание на перевод, чтобы понять, какое время глагола лучше подходит.

Показать ответы с переводом

  1. Jane loves cakes and hates broccoli. — Джейн любит торты и ненавидит брокколи.
  2. I was listening to the lecturer carefully but understood nothing. — Я внимательно слушал лектора, но ничего не понял.
  3. Oh, I’m glad to see you! I have been waiting for you all day! — О, я рад тебя видеть! Я ждал тебя весь день.
  4. When the rescue team found the lost tourists, they had been living with no food for two days. — Когда спасатели нашли пропавших туристов, те уже два дня жили без еды.
  5. I had warned you many times but you didn’t listen. — Я предупреждал тебя много раз, но ты не слушал.
  6. By the end of the next year, we will have produced two million tons of soap. — К концу следующего года мы произведем два миллиона тонн мыла.
  7. I have seen a lot in my life but this… this is unbelievable. — Я повидал многое в жизни, но это… это невероятно.
  8. No, tomorrow morning I will be (am) busy. I will be playing (am playing) football with my kids. — Нет, завтра утром я буду занят. Я буду играть в футбол с детьми.


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

Подпишитесь на мой Телеграм-канал, чтобы узнавать о новых видео, материалах по английскому языку.

У меня также есть канал на YouTube, где я регулярно публикую свои видео.

Упражнения на времена для 6 класса.

Упражнение 1. Выберите правильный
вариант ответа.

  1. Can I talk to Molly, please? — She
    _________ (is/are) busy now.
  2. What ______ (am/is/are) you painting?
    — I_________ (am/is/are) not painting now.
  3. My friends______ (am/are) working
  4. Where __________ (am/is/are) uncle
    Patrick on a holiday? — In Kenya.
  5. Why___________ (am/is/are) Nickolas
    crying? —He’s lost the

Упражнение 2. Определите предложения, в
которых глаголы употреблены Present Continuous.

  1. Frank gets up at 6 o’clock.
  2. What is auntie Pam doing now?
  3. At 4 o’clock Molly is doing her
  4. My friend often goes hiking.
  5. Sandy’s going to eat less fatty food.

Упражнение 3. Употребите 
Present Perfect
или Past Simple.

  1. Meredith _________ (live) in Кenya last
  2. The rain_________ (stop) two hours
  3. Masha_________ (buy) a new hat.
  4. The wind _________ (to blow) off the
    old man’s hat, and he cannot catch it.
  5. We just_________ (to meet) our math
  6. Sergio _________ (to go) home.
  7. He _______ (to leave) the room a
    moment ago.
  8. Fred_________ (to change) so much.
  9. Anything ______ (to happen)?

Упражнение 4. Определите  предложения, в которых глаголы
употреблены в Present Perfect

  1. My name is Lisa.
  2. Sally has a lot of questions to ask.
  3. Molly has never been to Tanzania.
  4. I had a good holiday last year.
  5. Have Sally and Molly ever been to
    North Africa?

 Упражнение 5. Переведите
предложения на английский язык.

  1. Ты купил подарок бабушке?
  2. Мередит еще не видела этот
  3. Я только что разбил вазу.
  4. Вероника только что вернулась
    из Парижа.
  5. Петр уже сделал домашнее

Упражнение 6. Задайте вопросы к предложениям.

  1. I’ve been to Mir. — When
  2. I’ve read this book. — When
  3. I’ve just come from village. — How
  4. I’ve broken a vase. — What
  5. I’ve met Kate. — Where

Упражнение 7. Underline Past Continuous forms.

  1. When I saw Nick, he was writing a
  2. At 2 o’clock my mother Fiona was
    cooking soup.
  3. The father was not sleeping when
    little Freddie opened the door.
  4. At 10 o’clock, Samantha was doing
  5. When the old teacher came in, the
    children were talking.

Упражнение 8.  Complete the sentences using
Past Continuous.

  1. When my mother came home, I
  2. On Saturday at 9 o’clock my brother
  3. When the telephone suddenly rang, we
  4. When I met my friend yesterday, he
  5. From 2 till 5 o’clock yesterday I

Упражнение 9. Выберите корректный вариант.

  1. Не_________
    (is/are) going to be a teacher.
    He likes children.
  2. We’ll go on a bicycle__________
    (last/next) Sunday.
  3. What_______ (am/are) you going to do
    after school?
  4. I think I (wan’t/won’t) go to the
    village next summer.
  5. I_________ (am/is) going to go to the

Упражнение 10. Найдите в тексте 5 ошибок.

Summer is my favourite time of the year because it are vacation
time. Last summer I go to my granny in Russia. We also go to Moscow. I loved
staying in hotels. There is swimming pools there and I is very happy.

Упражнение 11. Вставьте last night, ever, just, yet, always в
нужном месте

  1. My uncle went to Bosnia.
  2. Have you been to Yemen?
  3. You haven’t visited your granny.

Упражнение 12. Подчеркните правильную опцию.

  1. Why (do, have) you bought so much
  2. What foreign language (have / do) you
  3. Where (do, have) you celebrate New
  4. Why (do, have) you broken this toy?
  5. What (do, have) you do every day?

Упражнение 13. Choose the correct word for each

  1. (Would/Do) you like a cup of tea?
    Yes, please. I’m very thirsty.
  2. (Would/do) you like steak? No, I
    don’t eat meat.
  3. Tom (would like/likes) something to
    bring mineral water.
  4. What is your favorite meat?  I
    (would like/like) chicken.
  5. Can I help you?  Yes? I (would
    like/like) an ice-cream.

Упражнение 15.  Put the words in the correct
order to make the questions.

  1. Did, happen, when, the accident
  2. Do, the boys, do, what, housework
  3. Machines, what, you, can, use
  4. Does, Molly, what, do, her, room, in
  5. You, do, like, film, this

Упражнение 16. 
Complete the questions with the words how much, how many.

  1. _________ milk would you like?
  2. _________ sweets have you
  3. ________cabbage do you want to buy?
  4. _________ biscuits have you
  5. _________ eggs have you added?

Упражнение 17. Complete the tail

  1. The book is very interesting,_______?
  2. You haven’t seen The Lost World:
    Jurassic Park yet,________?
  3. You can go to granny tomorrow,
  4. My brother thinks adventure stories
    are exciting, ________?
  5. Kate really likes eating ice-cream,

Упражнение 18. Ask questions.

  1. Greg finished repairing his bicycle
    yesterday. — When __________?
  2. Yesterday Nelly was working at her
    English from 5 till 7. — How long ?
  3. My sister is in the kitchen. — Where
  4. Little Millie is brushing her teeth
    at the moment. — What ?
  5. Aunt Pam got a postcard from her
    cousin two days ago. — When ?

Упражнение 19. Fill in have to/has to,
don’t / doesn’t have to, etc.

  1. Sandy________ buy any milk. Her
    sister melody has already bought it.
  2. I don’t have a pencil. I________ ask
    somebody for a pencil.
  3. Nick is studying literature. He______
    read a lot of books.
  4. ______ you______learn the poem by
    I know it.
  5. I_________ clean the blackboard. Tim
    has already cleaned it.

Упражнение 20. Соотнесите слова и их









за границей









a) крест

b) удобный

c) столица

d) гимн

e) население

Упражнение 21. Fill
in when or while.

  1. Fred was watching TV, ________ Pit
    was reading.
  2. _________ mother came into the room,
    Anthony was sleeping.
  3. Melody was crying ______ Derek first
    saw her.
  4. Gill was cooking _______ the phone
  5. _________ Steven was thinking, the
    train left.

Упражнение 22. 
Match these verbs with the words.






the plants

your homework

the bed

the dishes

e) the house

Упражнение 23. Put
these words into the most suitable column.

Steak, cucumber, onion, ham, potatoes, apple, lemon, carrot,
bacon, grapes




Упражнение 24. Put
the words into the correct order to make sentences.

  1. has to, stay, Ann, at school,
    lessons, after
  2. get, early, up, tomorrow, don’t, have
    to, I
  3. the dates, have to, they, learn, by
  4. have to, the, blackboard, clean, I
  5. don’t, eat, have to, you, the soup

Упражнение 25. Use
the words to complete the sentences.

 exciting, boring, amusing,
touching, horror

  1. The “Titanic” is a very _________
  2. The film was very_________- , so I
    fell asleep.
  3. “Car” is an__________cartoon for the
    whole family.
  4. The “Star wars” is a very__________
    film, so I couldn’t stop watching it.
  5. The “Dracula” was a __________ film,
    so I was not asl


Exercise 1.  1 is, 2 are / am, 3 are, 4 is, 5 is

Exercise 2.  2 /3 /5

Exercise 3.

1 lived, 2 stopped, 3 has bought, 4 has blown, 5 have just met, 6
has gone,  7 left, 8 has changed, 9 has … happened  

Exercise 4.  3 /5

Exercise 5.

Have you bought a present for your Granny?

Meredith hasn’t seen this film, yet.

I’ve just broken the vase.

Veronica has just come from Paris.

Petr has already done his homework.

Exercise 6.

When were you in Mir?

When did you read it?

How long have you been in the village?

What have you done? or What have you broken?

Where have you met Kate?

Exercise 7. Was writing, was cooking, was not sleeping, was doing,
were talking

Exercise 8. Your own answers.

Exercise 9. 1 is, 2 next, 3 are, 4 won’t, 5 am

Exercise 10. it are vacation -> it is vacation, I go ->I
went, also go -> also went, There is swimming -> there were swimming, I
is very -> I was very

Exercise 11.

My uncle went to Bosnia last night.

Scot has just come back from America.

Have you ever been to Yemen?

You haven’t visited your granny, yet.

always clean
my teeth two times a day.

Exercise 12. 1 have, 2 do, 3 do, 4 have, 5 do

Exercise 13. 1 would, 2 do, 3 would like, 4 like, 5 would like

Exercise 14. Wolves, bison, sheep, teeth, glasses, oxen.

Exercise 15. 1 Shorter than – the shortest, 2 worse than – the
worst, 3 more boring – the most boring, farther / further than – the farthest/

Exercise 16.

When did the accident happen?

What housework do the boys do?

What machines can you use?

What does Molly do in her room?

Do you like this film?

Exercise 17.







Exercise 18.

1 isn’t it?

2 have you?

3 can’t you?

4 doesn’t he?

5 doesn’t she?

Exercise 19.

When did Greg finish repairing his bicycle?

How long was Nelly working at her English yesterday?

Where is your sister?

What is little Millie doing? Or What is little Millie brushing?

When did aunt Pam get a postcard from her cousin?

Exercise 20. 1 doesn’t have to, 2 have to, 3 has to, 4 do … have
to, 5 don’t have to

Exercise 21.

A: Abroad – c,  dangerous – a, plant – b, wild – e, danger –

B: comfortable – b, population – e,  cross – a, capital –
c,  anthem– d.

Exercise 22. 1 while, 2 when, 3 when, 4 when, 5 while

Exercise 23. 1 – b, 2 – c, 3 –e, 4- d, 5-a

Exercise 24.

Vegetable:  cucumber, onion, potatoes, carrot.

Fruit: apple, lemon, grapes

Meat: steak, ham, bacon, grapes

Exercise 26.  1 touching, 2 boring, 3 amusing, 4 exciting, 5


Упр. 1

  1. Sarah and I am sisters.

  2. Ben and Tim is at school.

  3. Horses and cows is animals.

  4. England are a country.

  5. Tim are from America.

  6. Jane is an painter

  7. I have got an uniform.

  8. Helen is not at the home.

  9. The pyramids are in the Egypt.

  10. It is a hourglass.

  11. The Mark is a student.

  12. I have got a milk.

  13. It is an house.

  14. An earth is an planet.

  15. They have got a old car.

Упр. 2

  1. Mine room is big.

  2. The tail of the dog is long.

  3. The womens’ dresses are red.

  4. Are those pencils your?

  5. That is Mike’s and Helen’s house.

  6. Whose are these rackets? They’re their.

  7. This is hers book.

  8. Those are Rita and Jim’s bicycle.

  9. Is that Kates’ hat?

  10. The house’s windows are green.

  11. There is a elephant in the garden.

  12. That’s Bill’s car. It’s him.

  13. There are wolfs in the forest.

  14. There is a bread on the table.

  15. There is a money in my pocket.


  1. They go to the school every day.

  2. My bicycle has got two wheel.

  3. She’s got an book.

  4. We looking for a new flat.

  5. I am play tennis now.

  6. George and Mary is watching a film.

  7. What are you do?

  8. You isn’t listening to the teacher.

  9. He reading a magazine.

  10. Tim and Ann are my cousins. Them live in Germany.

  11. This is my jacket. Give it to I.

  12. Pass me the photos. I want to look at it.

  13. It’s Mike phoning. Him wants to talk to you.

  14. Are you going to the park? – Yes, come with I.

  15. Don’t opens the window.


  1. Have you got some sugar?

  2. There is any bread.

  3. There are some pie.

  4. Is there somebody in the room?

  5. We haven’t got some ham.

  6. There isn’t nobody in the garden.

  7. There isn’t no bacon.

  8. Have you got nothing in your bag?

  9. He don’t speak English.

  10. He is swimming every morning.

  11. Does you work in a bank?

  12. I have dinner now.

  13. Mark walk to school every day.

  14. Kate is liking pizza.

  15. The sun is rising in the east.

Упр 5.

  1. Susan and Joe lives in New York.

  2. We are needing some sugar.

  3. There is very few soup in the bowl.

  4. How much carrots are there in the fridge?

  5. Rita has got much money.

  6. There are a little people in the shop.

  7. Mike hasn’t got much friends.

  8. There is a few snow in the mountains.

  9. How much deer can you see in the picture?

  10. I have got little CDs but a lot of cassettes.

  11. There are much animals in the zoo.

  12. How many sugar is there in the bowl?

  13. I need to buy any things in the shop.

  14. Little people swim in the sea in winter.

  15. I haven’t got no time.

Упр 6.

  1. I want nothing nice to eat.

  2. I’m going swimming every week.

  3. The bus stops anywhere near the park.

  4. Let’s to go shopping.

  5. How much oranges are there in the bowl?

  6. He washes the dog at the moment.

  7. He’s got very few bread.

  8. Can I have a little strawberries?

  9. They are very clevers girls.

  10. We has got a new car.

  11. There are a few lion in the zoo.

  12. Peter always do his homework.

  13. Go you to bed now.

  14. There isn’t some sugar in my coffee.

  15. I lives with my parents and two little sisters.

Упр 7.

  1. Did Jim had a bath yesterday?

  2. There was a telephone call for me.

  3. Was your parents on holiday in June?

  4. Mary had not a party yesterday.

  5. There weren’t not any biscuits left in the tin.

  6. I have broke a vase yesterday.

  7. Were you be in Paris last year?

  8. Tom has ever eaten all the fruit.

  9. There were not no people at the bus stop.

  10. Alex already cut his finger yesterday.

  11. John hasn’t never phoned me yet.

  12. I have lived here since ten years.

  13. There isn’t somebody in the garden.

  14. We are going the party tonight?

  15. I do always my homework in the evenings.

Упр 8.

  1. We bought some new furnitures yesterday.

  2. Simon has already go to work.

  3. You will to pass your exams.

  4. Philip hasn’t got many free time today.

  5. I just have finished my breakfast.

  6. We have eaten chicken last evening.

  7. Tom usually is late for work.

  8. There aren’t much people in this office.

  9. Dad didn’t went to work yesterday.

  10. Philip didn’t wake up yet.

  11. I did saw your brother last week.

  12. Peter and Jenny go to the south next week.

  13. Did you laughed at the play?

  14. Sam hasn’t feed the cat yet.

  15. Pavel didn’t visit his granny yet.

Упр 9.

  1. Chris is more cleverer than Scott.

  2. Jill is prettier from Silvia.

  3. Chocolate ice-cream is more delicious of all.

  4. She is a very taller woman.

  5. The bus is longest than my car.

  6. A Fiat isn’t as more expensive as a Porsche.

  7. We have never read such a more interesting book.

  8. The film is better of all.

  9. Stella has never met such a friendlier teacher.

  10. Sweden is coldest country in Europe.

  11. Germany is biger than Great Britain.

  12. The dog runs fastier than the elephant.

  13. He is taller man in the world.

  14. I’m the youngest than my sister.

  15. The picture is good of all.

Упр 10.

  1. He has never travelled abroad, hasn’t she?

  2. Who did told you about Susan’s wedding?

  3. What car is yours: Opel or Fiat?

  4. How many money did you pay?

  5. He has lunch at home every day, hasn’t he?

  6. Don’t be late tonight, won’t you?

  7. What time you are flying tomorrow?

  8. I must having a bath.

  9. You can’t to go out tonight.

  10. Shall you water the flowers this afternoon?

  11. He must studies hard for his exams.

  12. She must helping her mother today.

  13. They needn’t to stay here any more.

  14. I can’t do puzzles when I was four years old.

  15. You may not go there. It’s forbidden.

Упр 11

  1. I would like going to America next year.

  2. He enjoys to dance.

  3. Why did you go to the library? – Borrowing a book.

  4. I must to wash my hair tonight.

  5. Do you know how skiing?

  6. She goes to run every Thursday evening.

  7. Have you got too time to come shopping with me?

  8. I’m too tall to reach the top cupboard.

  9. You are short enough to touch the ceiling.

  10. He will leaving school when he’s eighteen.

  11. I have got lots of friends. Neither of them has got blond hair.

  12. Steven has got two cars. All of them are red.

  13. My sister and I are short. Both of us is tall.

  14. There are seven people here. Both of them are women.

  15. Lucy has got two cars. All of them is black.

Упр 12.

  1. You must to try to be more patient.

  2. She is very old enough to travel alone.

  3. Susan hasn’t ever been to Turkey before.

  4. They enjoy playing the basketball.

  5. Irene is more friendlier then Kate.

  6. Helen often come to work late.

  7. I can’t find something I like.

  8. This is Alison jumper.

  9. You don’t like football, you do?

  10. They live in Moscow for ten years.

  11. Tom hasn’t enjoyed the party last night.

  12. He has a meeting now.

  13. Don’t play music – you wake up the baby.

  14. We go on holiday to Italy last year.

  15. I stay with my friends at the moment.

Список использованной литературы:

  1. J. Dooley, V. Evans. Grammarway 1.

  2. V. Evans. Roung Up 3.

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