There are some water in the glass исправить ошибки

Correct the errors. Write the correct sentence below each sentence:

1. There isn’t some water in the glass.

2. There are a 3 children talking with the teacher.

3. Are there some cars in the car park?

4. Is there any windows in this classroom?

5. There aren’t some pencils in the pencilcase.

6. There is some people in the backyard.

7. There are any stickers in the album?


1: There isn’t any water in the glass.
2: There are 3 children talking with the teacher.
3: Are there any cars in the car park? 
4: Are there any windows in this classroom?
5: There aren’t any pencils in the pencilcase.
6: There are some people in the backyard.
7: Are there any stickers in the album?
8: Is there any parsley?

Found via: Englishexercises.

Оглавление —> Предложение

Начинать отрабатывать любой раздел грамматики надо с самого простого. В прошлом сообщении я написала упражнение, в котором надо было научиться распознавать оборот в списке предложений.

Упражнение 1. Теперь предстоит сделать самое элементарное — поставить английские предложения в отрицательную (-) и вопросительные(?) формы. Само собой эти предложения надо перевести.

1. There is a cup of tea and some sandwiches on the table.

2. Yesterday there arose a lot of questions on this subject.

3. There are many desks and a blackboard in the classroom.

4. There is some bread in the basket.

5. Yesterday there were a lot of children in the skating–rink.

6. There are two cats in the yard.

7. There was a red rose in her hair.

8. There are a lot of beautiful parks in our town.

9. There are some students in the corridor.

10. There is a picture on the wall.

11. There is little sugar in my coffee.

12. There was something in the bag.

13. There are my parents in the next room.

14. There came a loud sound .

15. There were a lot of mistakes in his dictation.

16. There is an old man on the bench.

17. There are some boats in the river.

18. There is somebody in the room.

19. There is too much salt in the soup.

20. There were four men in the car.

Упражнение 2. Вставьте в пропуски глагол “to be” в нужной форме ( is/are/was/were).

1. There… three windows in the room.

2. There … a big tree near my house last year.

3. There … a text book and two exercise-books on the table.

4. There … some water in the glass.

5. There … a lot of people in the park yesterday.

6. There … much snow outside.

7. There … a lot of trees in the park.

8. There … some visitors this morning.

9. There … an accident outside our house last night.

10. There … four hundred children in the school this year.

11. There … very much fruit on this tree this year.

12. There … an old clock on the wall.

13. There … a thick carpet on the wall.

14. There … a round table in the middle of the room.

15. There … a pen, two pencils and three books on the table.

16. There … an old piano in the corner of the room last year.

17.There … some interesting stories in this book.

18. There … a river not far from the town.

19. There … some milk in the bottle.

20. There … two boys in the yard yesterday.

Вставьте пж

Task 4: Вставьте some/any(только слова)
1. Is there _________water in the glass?
2. There are not________apples in the bowl.
3. There is_____________ sugar in the bowl.
4. Is there _________ jam on the bread?
5. There are ________ potatoes in the bag.
6. There is__________chickenon the plate.
7. Are there ________cherries on the tree?
8. Is there__________ milk in the bottle?
9. There are not_________eggsin my fridge.
10. There is_____________ soup in the pot.



1. Any

2. Any

3. Some

4. Any


6. Any

7. Any




Интересные вопросы

Предмет: Физика,
автор: grablisandrei

1. There is some water in the glass. May I drink it?

2. Have you seen any of these people before?

3. She bought.some (or (no) bread in the shop

4. Has she got any children?

5. There is some coffee in my cup.

6. I looked through every magazines, but couldn’t find this article.

1. Look! Somebody is coming to us

2. What is his name? Does anybody know his name?  

3.Nobody can answer your question.It’s very difficult.

4. It’s late. This is nobody in the office.

5. Listen. Somebody is singing in the next room.

6. I can find somebody to help me.

7. Is there anybody at home?

1. I left my bag somewhere

2. I don’t want to stay at home. Do you want to go anywhere?

3. Did you go anywhere last Saturday?

4. We could not find our dog anywhere.

5. I think this house is somewhere here.

6. He can’t find his book. He put it anywhere yesterday.

7. She will go nowhere tomorrow. She will stay at home.

1. Do you know anything about this country?

2. You may write something you want in this composition.

3. Have you found anything interesting in his story?

4. I see nothing  in this room. It’s too dark.

5. Do you want to buy anything special?

6. I have never seen anything like this.

7. Nobody tells me nothing.​

вроде бы так.

correct the errors and then write the correct sentence!. 1. there isn’t some water in the glass 2. there are a three children talking with the teacher 3. are there some cars in the car park? 4. is there any windows in this classroom? 5. there aren’t some pencils in the pencilcase

1.There is no water in the glass.
2.There are three children talking with the teacher
3.Are there some car in the car park?
4.Is there any window in this classroom?
5.There are no pencil in the pencilcase

Pertanyaan baru di B. inggris

1.Please change the following sentence into present continuous tense. “I read and answer an English test” *A. I’m reading and answering an English tes

t right nowB. I’m reading and answering an English test yesterday C. I’m reading and answer an English test right nowD. I’m read and answering an English test yesterday2.Based on the choices below, which sentence uses present continuous tense correctly? * A. I’m think about the right answer of this questionB. I’m thinkings about the right answer of this question C. I’m thinking about the right answer of this question D. I’m thinked about the right answer of this question 3.I … English last night for today’s test.* A. study B. studies C. studied D. studying ​

tolong buatlah kalimat dari kata berikut ini
1 unlimited
2 deduct
3 disruption
4 electrician
5 enthusiastic
tolong jawab sekarang buat pr!

1. Fine the meaning of the words below!
a. Chef
b. Housewife
c. Teacher
d. nurse
e. dentist
f. Fireman

……..There any tables in room 9 ?A. isB. areC. is noD. are notE. isn’t​

Once upon a time, there were two close friends who were walking through the forest together. They knew that anything dangerous can happen any time in

the forest. So, they promised each other that they would always be together in any case of danger. Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting closer toward them. One of them climbed a nearby tree at once. But unfortunately, the other one did not know how to climb up the tree. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless and pretended to be a dead man. The bear came near the one who was lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place because the bears do not want to touch the dead creatures. After that, the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend that was on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear whisper into your ears?” The other friend replied, “Just now the bear advised me not to believe a false friend.” Which one is true based on the text? A The men killed the bear. B One of the men can’t climb the tree. C One of them went away with the bear. D The two men climbed the tree together. E The bear caught the man who can’t climb the tree.​

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