The wolf among us ошибка

The Wolf Among Us
After the great success of The Walking Dead, Telltale is continuing the action-adventure touch with “The Wolf Among Us.”

The episodic series just got released on PC, and fans are already going crazy about it. Although, the game is a well-polished product but there are some minor issues/bugs being reported by users.

Some of these issues can be resolved by using simple workarounds and fixes so if you are looking for a solution to a problem related to the game, you can browse through the following troubleshooting guide.

#1 The Wolf Among Us – Cloud Support Not Working
Telltale’s games don’t really get along with Steam’s cloud support. This time, the options hasn’t been made available. So if the cloud service isn’t saving your game, that’s normal and you will have to stay contented with the save files withing your PC.

#2 The Wolf Among Us – The Game not being Saved at All
Some users are reporting that their game is not being saved at all or it keeps on crashing. One reason can be due to the presence of non English characters in your game’s folder.

If your native language is something other than English, I will recommend that you change the titles of all the folders in English language. This should fix the problem for you.

#3 The Wolf Among Us – Black Screen Fix
If you are hearing the sounds in the background but it’s only a black screen you can see, I will recommend that your screen’s resolution and refresh rates should be matched.

In other words, try lowering down the resolution and refresh rate until the black screen goes away.

If that doesn’t work for you, try launching the game in Windows Vista compatibility mode. Run the game as admin and it may well fix the issue for you. It goes without saying that your drivers should be up to date.

#4 The Wolf Among Us – The Game Crashes to Desktop
First, I will recommend that you try out the fix mentioned in #3. If that doesn’t help, you should try unplugging your controller. Also make sure that you are not running any third party application in the background that could interfere with the game’s normal working.

#5 The Wold Among Us – “.DLL” Crash Fix
You will be getting the crash related to DINPUT8.DLL file. If that’s the case, you should try re-installing the latest version of directx. You can also choose to directly download the files from the web but that is not a safe method so be cautious about that.

#6 The Wolf Among Us – Controls Switch Fix
If your game keeps on switching between your controller and mouse/keyboard then you should first quit the game. Before you re-launch it, unplug the controller and plug it in a different port.

#7 The Wolf Among Us – Windows 8 Crash Fix
If you can’t wait long for the developers to come up with an official fix related to controller, you can try out this fix that also worked with The Walking Dead.

#8 The Wolf Among Us – Fraps Crash fix
There are chances that you may experience crashes while recording the footage with Fraps. In that case, you should start recording after clicking Episode 1 in the game. If you want the start menu to be recorded, you can record it first and then pause it till you start the episode.

If you come across any other issue, comment and we will try to help you out!

The Wolf Among Us: Season 2 не запускается, вылетает, ошибка, краш, чёрный, белый экран, бесконечная загрузка, не заходит, не работает, нет звука, не сохраняется, не устанавливается

Вторая по счету статья об этой великолепной игре и мы с вами снова обсуждаем технические процессы и их прилегающие. В прошлом гайде я рассказывал о том что стоит делать для стремительного поднятия ФПС в игре а сейчас мы будем обсуждать вылеты и краши ведь если их не устранить то не получится самого главного — зайти в игру.
Начинаем разбор решений.

Вылетает на рабочий стол, краш, крашится, или выдает ошибку, программа не работает, прекращена работа программы? Error — перейдите по данной ссылке и пришлите нашему боту текст или код ошибки которая вылетает при запуске, если он сможет её распознать то вы получите в ответ рекомендации по решению.
Добавляю от себя следующее, скачиваем с официального сайта бесплатно следующие программы — Microsoft Visual C++, Microsoft Visual Redistributable, Microsoft .Net Framework, VCRedist, DirectX и переустанавливаем их, именно такой подход в отличии от обновления устранит все системные краши.
Вылетает черный экран, белый экран, игра висит в процессах, при запуске ничего не происходит?
Переключитесь на самый конец данной статьи и опробуйте способ Совместимости который указан там, есть шанс что при его использовании беда будет решена.
Теперь вам нужно зайти в Мой компьютер > Свойства системы > Диспетчер устройств и найти там Видеоадаптер (видео драйвер) и кликнуть на него ПКМ, запустите Обновление в автоматическом режиме поиска новой версии драйвера в сети.
Не работает звук, нет звука, нет музыки, не слышно реплик?
Пользователи консолей могут лишь использовать настройки звука, попробуйте подобрать оптимальную комбинацию и возможно звук вернётся в игру.
Те кто запускает через ПК должны обновить звуковой драйвер (звуковое оборудование) и как это делается я описал в пункте выше, проследуйте моим инструкциям там.
Не сохраняется игра, не работают сохранения, проблемы с игровыми данными и достижениями, компанией?
В этом случае мы следуем стандартной инструкции как и обычно, значит для выполнения находим папку где лежат сохранения (находятся сейвы) The Wolf Among Us: Season 2 и кликаем на каталог ПКМ, вам нужно зайти в Свойства и найти там настройку «Только для чтения» — снимите галочку рядом с этим пунктом и данная проблема будет окончательно решена.
The Wolf Among Us: Season 2 как установить, изменить настройки совместимости.
Большинство из пользователей нового поколения так сказать наверное даже и не слышали про этот способ, по этому сейчас я вам про него и расскажу. Значит для выполнения заходим в папку с игрой и находим там приложение для запуска, вам нужно нажать на него ПКМ и зайти в Свойства откуда переключить вкладку на Совместимость, там ставьте следующие параметры:

Windows XP или Vista — для запуска можно использовать одну из данных операционных систем, по моему опыту этот вариант самый оптимальный.
Используйте разрешение экрана 640х480 а так же Оконный режим если при запуске вы не можете попасть даже в главное меню.

Я считаю что статья получилась достаточно полноценной и даже больше так как некоторые способы описанные здесь я ещё не упоминал ранее по этому многие из вас получат новую более ценную информацию. Перед тем как закончить я бы хотел вас попросить внимательно присматриваться к моим рекомендациям и обязательно рассказывать мне если что-либо было написано или упомянуто не так.
Желаю удачи, не забудьте добавить наш сайт в закладки чтобы не потерять на него ссылку! Если что-то будет не понятно, пишите прямо тут!

1845 просмотров

больше 4 лет назад

The Wolf Among Us: Season 2

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Если игра крэшится на старте, то кидайте эту библиотеку в папку с игрой Только для Windows 8.

Пора бы уже понять, что некоторые файлы анитивиры воспринимают как вирусняки. У меня стоит касперский и он ни на что не ругается — файл чист.

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Кстати, этот фикс также подойдёт и к Walking daed(к обоим сезонам), проверено лично

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Зато для Win7 нет решения… =( А у меня лицуха из Стима. Чёрный экран и баста

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Спасибо все заработало

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I’ve been wanted to play this game all day, but when I try to start the game all I get is a black screen with a mouse cursor for a few seconds and then crash to desktop. There is no error message when it happens and I have already tried it without my controller plugged in, I am at a lost on how to proceed.



  • MattPMattP

    ModeratorFormer Telltale Staff

    Please ensure your system meets the required specifications for the game. Also, if you have an integrated graphics card, this might be the reason for the crash.

  • My game won’t start either, I get the cannot connect with telltale servers message and it freezes right there. Can only assume it is a fun game since I am unable to play. Unless hitting Control Alt Delete is the game??

  • My system exceeds all the «recommended» settings for Wolf Among Us, specs: i7 920 — GTX — 285 — 6GB RAM — Windows 7, it’s also not this «cannot connect with telltale servers» I keep hearing about, there is no error message. Just black screen with cursor and crash to desktop.

    Please ensure your system meets the required specifications for the game. Also, if you have an integrated graphics card, this might be the reason for the crash.

  • Managed to fix it myself, noticed that the game was supposed to be 2gb when installed but when I checked in control panel it was listed as 1gb. So I uninstalled and redownloaded from telltale, reinstalled and the game loads properly. I did have the «cannot connect with telltale servers» problem after I did get it to boot however. What ended up working for me was to use my telltale user name instead of my account email. Hope this can help others who are having difficulties.

  • After initial problems I was able to start game but now it crashes in the same way as you described.
    Am trying to re download it though Telltales download servers seems to be killed (100mb downloaded in an hour)?

    Any other ideas/tips?

    For what it’s worth Walking Dead never gave me any trouble.

  • If it still crashes I can take a look.
    Please follow the instructions to run the TWAU Support Tool and post the download link to the resulting «» to your next reply in this thread.

    After initial problems I was able to start game but now it crashes in the same way as you described.
    Am trying to re download it though Tellt… more

  • The same thing was happening to me, but I fixed it (sort of). I read on a forum that non-alphanumeric characters in Windows account names could cause the problem, and mine has an ! in it. I created a new user with only letters, and the game works. Still won’t work under my regular account, though. Silly bug.

  • Thanks!

    In the meantime I’ve found that I can play if I unplug my wireless 360 controller. I used the controller for playing walking dead without any trouble.
    To iterate Wolf among us works if my wireless controller is not plugged in.

    Link for my TWAU report:

    If it still crashes I can take a look.
    Please follow the instructions to run the TWAU Support Tool and post the download link to the resulting «» to your next reply in this thread.

  • The problem is caused by a bug that’s fixed in Windows 8.1, coming out soon.
    Meanwhile you can try an unofficial workaround. In short, by downloading and extracting this zip file, and copying the dinput8.dll next to the TheWolfAmongUs.exe (or «The Wolf Among Us.exe»), you should be able to use the controller normally.


    In the meantime I’ve found that I can play if I unplug my wireless 360 controller. I used the controller for playing walking dead w… more

  • Hey, so I just downloaded and installed the game. I’m still getting the «Cannot connect to server» message. Tried re-installing it. Turned off firewalls, etc. to see if that had anything to do with it. Plus, my windows account only contains letters. Any ideas?

  • Please follow the instructions in the support FAQ under «PC: TTG Download — I can’t log into the game».

    Hey, so I just downloaded and installed the game. I’m still getting the «Cannot connect to server» message. Tried re-installing it. Turned off… more

  • I pluged out my Xbox wireless controller AND my logitech Joystick and it started.

  • Yeah, none of that is working. I don’t even get a login option. Sent an email to support. Thanks.

    Please follow the instructions in the support FAQ under «PC: TTG Download — I can’t log into the game».

  • Thanks a bunch for a precise answer and solution. :thumbs up:

    The problem is caused by a bug that’s fixed in Windows 8.1, coming out soon.
    Meanwhile you can try an unofficial workaround. In short, by dow… more

  • I have the same problem — just bought the game on Steam and it crashed upon startup.
    I have Win7, no Xbox controller and my laptop definitely meets the required specifications for the game.

    Such a shame, I have seen some gameplay, I love The Walking Dead and I really hoped to play TWAU today.

  • I have the same problem — just bought the game on Steam and it crashed upon startup.
    I have Win7, no Xbox controller and my laptop definitely… more

  • Thank you for quick response:)

    Should I move «TWAU_create_support_data.bat» file to some exact folder, where game is installed?
    Because when I run this file in random folder it shows that it is impossible to find game installation folder.

    I can take a look.

    Please follow the instructions to run the TWAU Support Tool and post the download link to the resulting «» to your next reply in this thread.

  • Ok, so I moved whole unzipped «TWAU_PC_Support_Tool» to folder where (in Steam) TWAU is installed and the message says that it still can’t locate files of the game.

    I can take a look.

    Please follow the instructions to run the TWAU Support Tool and post the download link to the resulting «» to your next reply in this thread.

  • You can run it in an arbitrary location. Don’t worry about the error messages. As long as it creates the .zip file in the end everything is okay.

    Ok, so I moved whole unzipped «TWAU_PC_Support_Tool» to folder where (in Steam) TWAU is installed and the message says that it still can’t locate files of the game.

  • You can run it in an arbitrary location. Don’t worry about the error messages. As long as it creates the .zip file in the end everything is okay.

  • C:!MProgramySTEAMsteamappscommonThe Wolf Among Us

    The game currently crashes because of the ! in the path to your steam library.
    The easiest way to work around this is to uninstall the game by selecting «delete game content» in steam. Then click «install» for the game, but this time choose a different install location without any special characters in the path.

    If downloading the game again takes a long time for you, you can alternatively use the «copy» solution i described here.

    As soon as the game works you can delete the file of course.

    Thank you so much for helping

    Here is the link to

    Please let me know when I can delete it:)

  • Thank you, I will try:)
    I hope it will be ok.

    C:!MProgramySTEAMsteamappscommonThe Wolf Among Us

    The game currently crashes because of the ! in the path to your steam library.
    … more

  • I followed the advice from other users and signed out and logged back on under my username and … it worked!

  • I’m also having the «can’t login to the telltale server» problem.
    I’ve allowed the exe in the windows firewall, and I only have normal letters in my username. I’ve also tried logging in with my email adress.

    here’s my link to the report file:

    EDIT: SOLVED — tried again for the tenth time, and now it just worked. Maybe the servers were overburdened?

    I followed the advice from other users and signed out and logged back on under my username and … it worked!

  • Are there plans to fix this bug? It’s kind of annoying, and didn’t affect previous Telltale titles.

    C:!MProgramySTEAMsteamappscommonThe Wolf Among Us

    The game currently crashes because of the ! in the path to your steam library.
    … more

  • I have reported it in detail and they are looking into it.

    Are there plans to fix this bug? It’s kind of annoying, and didn’t affect previous Telltale titles.

  • Ok, I’ve been trying for way too long to get this to work. Everything seems to match up, I followed all the directions. I still don’t get a login option and it won’t connect to telltale server. I really don’t know what else to do. :/

  • Also crash on start up — I have tried all the re install / install to different drive etc none work — steam version
    here is my file from your support tool: Support file

  • Please try unplugging any non essential USB devices, especially gamepads or joysticks. If the game runs, the problem is caused by a bug that’s fixed in Windows 8.1, coming out tomorrow.
    Meanwhile you can try an unofficial workaround. In short, by downloading and extracting this zip file, and copying the dinput8.dll next to the TheWolfAmongUs.exe (or «The Wolf Among Us.exe»), you should be able to use the controller normally.

    Also crash on start up — I have tried all the re install / install to different drive etc none work — steam version
    here is my file from your support tool: Support file

  • Great the file workaround worked for me thanks.

    Please try unplugging any non essential USB devices, especially gamepads or joysticks. If the game runs, the problem is caused by a bug that’s… more

  • whats your password?

    I followed the advice from other users and signed out and logged back on under my username and … it worked!

  • Advice: Never tell anyone your password.

    whats your password?



    So I downloaded this game a few days ago and the first time I played I got to the point where I figure out the girls name and it would crash whenever I asked the mirror to see the king. It would let me see the other two choices, but not the king. Then I uninstalled and reinstalled and now I can’t get past the first screen telling about Bigby and fabletown. I’m really upset because I want to play this game desperately!!

    Any help would be greatly aprpeciated! Thanks.

    If this is a duplicate (i tried to post a comment before but i guess it got eaten up!) please ignore!

  • Problem signature:
    P1: TheWolfAmongUs.exe
    P4: igdumd32.dll

    Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family

    Your crashes are caused by your integrated graphics chip, which doesn’t meet the minimum requirements.
    Intel graphics chips are not recommended and they don’t work well with TTG’s games.


    So I downloaded this game a few days ago and the first time I played I got to the point wher… more

  • Install location (Steam): C:Program FilesSOFT!!!SteamsteamappscommonThe Wolf Among Us

    That’s a known bug. The game crashes because of the exclamation marks (!) in the path to your steam library. Here’s how you can work around it until it’s fixed.

    game crashes on startup, unpluging the controller didnt help, Win7 here’s the link from my TWAU support tool
    Can anyone help?

  • Cheers! It works now, thanks alot.

    Install location (Steam): C:Program FilesSOFT!!!SteamsteamappscommonThe Wolf Among Us

    That’s a known bug. The game crashes beca… more

  • Problem signature:
    P1: TheWolfAmongUs.exe
    P2: 2013.11.14.26331
    P3: 52856dfc
    P4: DINPUT8.dll
    P5: 6.2.9200.16384
    P6: 5010a805
    P7: c0000005
    P8: 0000ff0e

    On Windows 8 the game crashes if joysticks/gamepads are connected. That bug is fixed in Windows 8.1, available for free in the Windows 8 Store.
    If you don’t want to upgrade yet, you can try an unofficial workaround. In short, by downloading and extracting this zip file, and copying the dinput8.dll next to the games .exe, you should be able to use the controller normally. Make sure you delete that dinput8.dll after updating to Windows 8.1, to avoid possible problems in the future.

    Hi can you help me? thanks!

  • same here

    Ok, I’ve been trying for way too long to get this to work. Everything seems to match up, I followed all the directions. I still don’t get a login option and it won’t connect to telltale server. I really don’t know what else to do.

This discussion has been closed.


При запуске игры чёрный экран, а затем вылет


“Windows 10” и “The Wolf Among Us” не очень приспособлены друг к дугу.
А “Windows 7” хорошо работает с “The Wolf Among Us”
По этому как не странно, нужно выставить совместимость с Windows 7

Как это сделать?

Сначала делаем вот так:

Затем нажимаем правой кнопкой мыши на The Wolf Among Us.exe,потом выбираем свойства.

Теперь нажимаем на совместимость, и выбираем Windows 7

Вот и всё

Надеюсь тебе это помогло <3

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