The specified path was not found ошибка

Тема: Ошибка «The specified path was not found» в fiscalmaster  (Прочитано 646 раз)

В Fiscalmaster v при попытке перерегистрации в форме выбора версии ФФД при нажатии на Далее происходит ошибка «The specified path was not found».
Версия ПО С.3
Сборка ПО 55942
Дата ПО  15.06.2022


Вопрос решен, был удален каталог с шаблонами ОФД


Программа пытается открыть папку %AppData%RoamingSHTRIH-MFiscalMasterTemplates
В ней находится папка с шаблонами, которая обычно должна быть доступна
Но в данной Windows установлено очень много ограничений, поэтому она не открывается
Либо игнорируйте ошибку и вводите данные ОФД вручную, либо запустите Тест Драйвера от имени администратора


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это-то  понятно, но только разве нельзя отделять чтение данных из аппарата и чтение шаблонов и тогда не надо ни чего ручками вводить, а если еще сделать обработку ошибки при попытке получения вообще будет замечательно. ;)
и еще пожелание, иногда возникают проблемы с кириллическими наименованиями файлов, зачем название шаблона брать из имени файла, его же тоже можно оформить в виде xml тега, а файлы тогда можно называть как угодно, ну по крайней мере транскрипцией в латинице.

« Последнее редактирование: 26 Августа 2022, 13:04:11 от 5783 »


I have just installed Android studio on a win 7 and wanted to compile the first sample code but the compiling fails

Executing tasks: [:app:assembleDebug]

Configuration on demand is an incubating feature.

:app:compileDebugNdk UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportAppcompatV72102Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV42102Library UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileDebugAidl UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileDebugRenderscript UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugBuildConfig UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
:app:mergeDebugAssets UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugResValues UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:mergeDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:processDebugManifest UP-TO-DATE
:app:processDebugResources UP-TO-DATE
:app:generateDebugSources UP-TO-DATE
:app:compileDebugJava UP-TO-DATE

Den angivne sti blev ikke fundet. (The specified path was not found.)


Den angivne sti blev ikke fundet. (The specified path was not found.)

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

Execution failed for task ':app:preDexDebug'.

> Failed to run command:
C:UsersSigmacAppDataLocalAndroidsdkbuild-tools21.1.1dx.bat --dex --output 
classes-b6f615fe9376219a5b11445078329964f51dafd9.jar C:UsersSigmac

Error Code:

Den angivne sti blev ikke fundet. (The specified path was not found.)

* Try:

Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option 
to get more log output.


Total time: 30.911 secs

Den angivne sti blev ikke fundet. (The specified path was not found.)

I have tested that this eksist:

This folder eksist but is emty

and this eksist

I have google and search this site but cant finde a solution to this

—stacktrace, —info or —debug don’t change the result

I have tryed directly from cmd whit same result
and I have tryed «» the path

Can any point me to a solution?


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Games store their installation path in the Windows registry.

The Fatal: Could not open registry key message means that the path information is missing from the Windows registry.

The Fatal: Error loading plugin list: <EDirectoryNotFoundException: The specified path was not found [C:PathToOldGameData]> message means the Windows Registry information is out of date.

Starting the game launcher once will create the path information in the Windows registry. The game launcher can be started directly from a file manager like Windows Explorer without Steam to avoid game updates. Exit the launcher instead of starting the game, obviously.

In case there is a still a game installed at the old path, use RegEdit.exe to delete the registry entry first.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeBethesda Softworks[Skyrim|Skyrim Special Edition|Skyrim VR]


If the shown game mode is wrong, start the tools in the desired game mode.

In case a game version is used that does not seems to create or update the registry key, or if there are multiple active installations of the same game mode in different paths and constantly updating the Windows Registry is not an option, set the path to the data folder of the game with the -d:»c:pathtogamedata» command line argument.

There are different ways to exchange files between the two systems. One of the most convenient options is a file sharing between more than two systems connected to the same network. This process of sharing data and resources can be very useful. However, some users reported that windows cannot access the specified path or the Network Path Was Not Found (Error 0x80070035) when trying to share resources. Sometimes Computer users show the following error when trying to open a network shared drive or shared folder.

windows cannot access

Check the spelling of the name otherwise, there might be a problem with your network. To try to identify and resolve network problems, click diagnose.

When you will click on see details, you will get another massage like.

error code : 0x80070035. The network path was not found.

You can see this message in the above image, there are many reasons causing this error windows cannot access or Network Path Was Not Found but we describe some tips to solve this error code 0x80070035. If your network sharing not working you can use following methods given below.

1. Use the Ping Command to Test Your Network

First of all, we should check our share drive connectivity with the network, sometimes we try to access our system which is not connected to a network, or some other connectivity issue, so we should ping our network drive.

  1. Press Win + R Key at the same time.
  2. Type ping computername -t or ping targeted IP -t in opened Run Box.
  3. Hit OK.

The ping command is used to ping the destination hostname or IP address. The -t option indicates to ping the target until you are forced to stop using Ctrl+C. The result displayed in the Command Prompt window will look something like the below image.

If you receive a ping response from a hostname or IP address. you can reach the network destination. If you get a positive response, you know that all network devices between you and this destination are working, including your computer’s network card, the router, and all network devices between the router and the destination.

You cannot share a single file on Microsoft Windows. you can share a folder or a drive that you want. Sometimes The Network path was not found or windows cannot access error may occur because the network path you are trying to access is not shared. So this step will help you to check the shared folder and it will also help you to how to share a folder in windows.

  • Right-click on the folder or drive which you want to share, and select Properties.
how to share folder in windows
  • Folder or drive properties windows will be open after selecting properties. In this Windows, a Sharing tab will be listed Click the sharing tab. Click the Advanced Sharing button or select the option to share the folder.
windows cannot access share folder
  • In the advanced sharing checked the share this folder after that click on the permissions button another window will appear. On this page give full control of the shared folder then apply all settings. you can follow the above image,
  • If you’re using NTFS, check the permissions on the Security tab to make sure they are set correctly to allow access to the share. Because security settings take precedence over shared permissions, people in the permissions list can be denied access to the share.
security setting for share folder
  • If you want to give access to specific groups or individuals, click Add to add the appropriate groups or usernames. Go to Advanced and click on find Now to add groups or username which you want.

3. Turn off the Windows firewall

Windows Firewall is designed to prevent unauthorized users from accessing files and resources on your computer. However, sometimes Windows Firewall can do more harm than good, In such kind of error, Windows cannot access the specified path or network path not found, especially if you are using a network share. This guide can help you disable Windows Firewall with just a few clicks.

  • Open Control Panel, to do this you can search Control Panel in Windows Menu or you can run the command as control panel.
control panel in search
  • Click Control Panel, and a windows page will open like the below image.
control panel 2
  • On this page you have to select Windows Defender Firewall and open this, an another page will open like the below page.
  • Here you have to click on Turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off.
  • Now, here you can turn off the Windows firewall, and turn off the Windows firewall for both settings which are listed on this page (Private network and Public Network).

4. Uninstall Windows Update that Blocks File Sharing

Windows updates usually address security issues in addition to adding features and functionality. Unfortunately, they can present issues that we as users do not anticipate. In some cases, these issues are unavoidable because updates to Windows 10 devices are more powerful than previous operating systems. Most updates are set to automatic, and you can delay some updates. Due to some security updates, you can face these types of errors like windows cannot access the specified path or error code 0x80070035. You could no longer access files shared from another device that they had been accessing.

  • Open Control Panel and go to Programs and Features.
programs and features
  • Click on View Installed Updates,
uninstall windows update
  • On this page you will see all installed updates, now you have to uninstall the latest security update to fix error code 0x80070035.

You may also watch this video for solutions regarding windows security updates.

5. Enable SMB V1.0 in Windows

SMB means Server Message Block. It is an application layer network protocol commonly used in Microsoft Windows to enable file and printer sharing. SMBv1 is the original protocol that was developed in the 80s and is more than 30 years old. The SMBv1 protocol is not safe to use. By using this old protocol, you lose protections such as pre-authentication integrity, encryption, and disabling insecure guest logins. SMBv1 is not installed by default in Windows 10 version 1709, Windows Server version 1709, and later versions, so you have to enable SMB V1.0 manually to fix errors windows cannot access specified path.

  • Open Control Panel go to Programs and Features and click on Turn Windows features on or off.
Enable SMB V1.0 in Windows
  • Windows features option will be open after clicking on Turn Windows Features on or off.
enable smb 1.0
  • You have to check on SMB 1.0/CIFS File Sharing Support and also checked its branch option (Like, SMB 1.0/CIFS Automatic Removal, SMB 1.0/CIFS Client, SMB 1.0/CIFS Server) and click ok to enable SMB 1.0. after clicking ok the installation page will open like the below image.
install SMB 1.0
  • After installing a massage box appear that shows you “Windows needs to reboot your PC to finish installing the requested changes” then restart your PC.

6. Reinstall Network Adaptor Driver

Outdated drivers are known to cause various problems. If the user has problems such as The Network path not being found in a wired or wireless network. The first step in troubleshooting is to remove and reinstall the network adapter driver. This is also a good step to test if the users are unable to windows cannot access the specified path. This fix resets the network adapter to its default settings and solves problems. If the network adapter does not appear in the list, this may indicate a hardware problem with the adapter.

  • Press Win + R Key at the same time.
  • Type devmgmt.msc in opened Run Box.
  • Hit OK.
command for device manager
  • After hitting the OK button, the Device Manager page will open.
Device manager page
  • On this page, all devices will be listed which are connected to your motherboard, in the list of devices expand Network adapters.
  • Uninstall all Adapters which is listed under the Network adapter.
  • Right-Click and Click on Uninstall the device.
scan for hardware change
  • You can now manually re-download the drivers from the manufacturer’s website or click the icon of the “Scan for hardware changes” option to install these drivers automatically. Which is shown in the above image.
  • Or you can Right Click on Root Device to Scan Hardware changes (the Root Device is Server in the above image).

7. Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP

Many times this solution has worked for us and for many users to fix this error code 0x80070035 or network path was not found. Follow the instructions to enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.

  • Press Win + R Key at the same time.
  • Type ncpa.cpl in opened Run Box.
  • Hit OK.
ncpa command for network
  • Network Properties windows will open when we use this run command. In the Network Properties.
  • Right-Click on the connected network adopter and then select Properties.
enable NetBIOS over tcp ip
  • Double-click on Internet Protocol Version 4 to open the properties.
  • Click on the Advanced.
  • Navigate to the WINS tab.
  • From the NetBIOS setting, you have to select the radio button “Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP.” Then click on OK to save the changes.

8. Restart the TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper Service

Some services should work fine on Windows. One of the most important services, in this case, is the TCP / IP NetBIOS utility. So we recommend restarting it to make sure it works. This service can help to solve error code 0x80070035

  • Press Win + R Key at the same time.
  • Type services.msc in opened Run Box.
  • Hit OK.
  • In the Services window, look for TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper and Right-Click on it.
  • Click on Properties from the context menu

service page

  • In the following image, click on the Stop button.

TCP IP NetBios helper

  • Wait for a few seconds and then click Start.
  • Now, expand the dropdown for Startup type and choose Automatic.

TCP/IP NetBios Services

  • Click on the Start button to start the service.
  • Click Apply > OK to save the changes.

9. Release the IP and Flush the DNS

The “Windows cannot access the specified path” error 0x80070035 may be due to an IP error. To solve this problem, you need to release the IP address and flush the DNS cache. Just run a few commands from the Windows command line (In Command Prompt) and Windows will do the rest.

  • Type cmd in Windows Search.
  • Right-click on Command Prompt > Run as administrator.


  • In the Command Prompt console, type the following commands and press Enter after each one:
netsh winsock reset
netsh int ip reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns

Release the IP

  • Close Command Prompt and reboot your computer to see if the error is still there.

It is possible for computers running Microsoft Windows to connect wirelessly to each other’s computers and access their files and data. The user who initiated the error may, however, see the message Error code: 0x80070035. It failed to locate the network path.

There are some general solutions that will assist you in fixing this error, which could have a number of causes. So please try using the methods listed above to troubleshoot and solve your issue.

Ошибки Path not found и Path does not existПри работе с программами, утилитами и запуске игр пользователи могут столкнуться с появлением ошибок: «Path not found» и «Path does not exist». В этой статье рассмотрим, что это за ошибки и что делать, чтобы их исправить.

Что означают ошибки «Path not found» и «Path does not exist»

Пользователи, владеющие основами английского языка или потрудившиеся воспользоваться переводчиком без проблем поймут суть данных ошибок:

  • Path not found – с английского переводится как: «Путь не найден»;
  • Path does not exist – с английского переводится как: «Путь не существует».

Обе эти ошибки оповещают об одной и той же проблеме, а именно — о невозможности построить путь к указанному файлу. Это может быть, как исполняемый exe файл, так и вспомогательные файлы, требуемые для работы программы или игры.

«Path not found» и «Path does not exist» — что делать, если возникли ошибки

Прежде всего, стоит узнать, что это за путь и к какому файлу он ведет. Если речь идет о ярлыке, то следует зайти в его свойства из контекстного меню, которое вызывается правой кнопкой мыши при клике по ярлыку и посмотреть полный путь. Затем зайти в проводник и проследовать по указанному пути, убедившись, что он существует.

Целостность пути может быть нарушена в результате:

  • Переноса папки, например, в другую папку, на другой диск или съемный носитель;
  • Из-за изменения названия корневой директории или одной из внутренних промежуточных папок;
  • Повреждения файла, к которому происходит непосредственное обращение. Например, в результате ручного вмешательства или вследствие действий вирусных программ.

Если исключить последний пункт, то решений у данной проблемы 2:

  1. Зайти в свойства ярлыка и изменить путь к исполняемому файлу;
  2. Дать корректное соответствующее пути, указанному в свойствах ярлыка, название папок.

Что касается повреждения файла или его отсутствия, то решается данная проблема исключительно переустановкой программы. Некоторые приложения и игры предоставляют функционал для проверки целостности файлов и дают возможность их быстро восстановить без необходимости выполнять полную переустановку.

Если ошибки «Path not found» и «Path does not exist» возникают не во время запуска, а непосредственно во время работы программы, то диагностировать проблемный файл становится на порядок сложнее. Если в тексте ошибки указан путь, то нужно опять-таки по нему проследовать. Если из подсказок есть только конечный файл, к которому происходит обращение, то можно воспользоваться встроенным поиском Windows, чтобы его найти. Но это может стать весьма проблематичным, если файл был удален или переименован.

Ошибки «Path not found» и «Path does not exist» могут возникать и в программировании: при компиляции программ или их запуске. Причина аналогичная – не верное указан путь / url. И решение стандартное – сопоставить указанный путь с иерархией каталогов и сверить соответствие имен папок.

С абсолютным путем (вида: проблемы возникают редко, так как ссылка будет работать корректно при указании на нее из любого файла и из любой директории.

А вот с относительными путями все сложнее (вида: /content/images/index.php), в которых не указаны корневые директории. Каждый начинающий вебмастер и программист сталкивался с подобной ошибкой. Решается элементарно: либо указывается абсолютный путь, либо – относительный, согласно иерархии каталогов.

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