Test delegations del ошибка сервер dns broken delegated domain

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  •  Есть 4 контроллера домена на Windows Server 2003. Хотим мигрировать на Windows Server 2008 R2.

    Перед миграцией,
    согласно рекомендаций, запустил тест dcdiag /test:dns

    Тест показал результат:

    C:>dcdiag /test:dns
    Domain Controller Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
       Done gathering initial info.
    Doing initial required tests
       Testing server: Arterium-KMPUAKIESDC01
          Starting test: Connectivity
             ......................... UAKIESDC01 passed test Connectivity
    Doing primary tests
       Testing server: Arterium-KMPUAKIESDC01
    DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...
       Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
       Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
       Running partition tests on : Schema
       Running partition tests on : Configuration
       Running partition tests on : arterium
       Running enterprise tests on : arterium.ua
          Starting test: DNS
             Test results for domain controllers:
                DC: uakiesdc01.arterium.ua
                Domain: arterium.ua
                   TEST: Forwarders/Root hints (Forw)
                      Error: Forwarders list has invalid forwarder: (<name u
                      Error: Root hints list has invalid root hint server: a.root-se
    rvers.net. (
                      Error: Root hints list has invalid root hint server: b.root-se
    rvers.net. (
                      Error: Root hints list has invalid root hint server: c.root-se
    rvers.net. (
                      Error: Root hints list has invalid root hint server: d.root-se
    rvers.net. (
                      Error: Root hints list has invalid root hint server: e.root-se
    rvers.net. (
                      Error: Root hints list has invalid root hint server: f.root-se
    rvers.net. (
                      Error: Root hints list has invalid root hint server: h.root-se
    rvers.net. (
                      Error: Root hints list has invalid root hint server: i.root-se
    rvers.net. (
                   TEST: Delegations (Del)
                      Error: DNS server: uakiesdc01.arterium.ua. IP: [B
    roken delegated domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua.]
                      Error: DNS server: uakiesdc02.arterium.ua. IP: [B
    roken delegated domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua.]
                      Error: DNS server: uakiesdc03.arterium.ua. IP: [B
    roken delegated domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua.]
                      Error: DNS server: ualvisdc01.arterium.ua. IP: [B
    roken delegated domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua.]
                   TEST: Dynamic update (Dyn)
                      Warning: Dynamic update is enabled on the zone but not secure
             Summary of test results for DNS servers used by the above domain contro
                DNS server: (h.root-servers.net.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   This is not a valid DNS server. PTR record query for the
    7.in-addr.arpa. failed on the DNS server
                DNS server: (d.root-servers.net.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   This is not a valid DNS server. PTR record query for the
    7.in-addr.arpa. failed on the DNS server
                DNS server: (ualvisdc01.arterium.ua.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   Delegation is broken for the domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua. on t
    he DNS server
                DNS server: (uakiesdc03.arterium.ua.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   Delegation is broken for the domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua. on t
    he DNS server
                DNS server: (uakiesdc02.arterium.ua.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   Delegation is broken for the domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua. on t
    he DNS server
                DNS server: (uakiesdc01.arterium.ua.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   Delegation is broken for the domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua. on t
    he DNS server
                DNS server: (e.root-servers.net.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   This is not a valid DNS server. PTR record query for the
    7.in-addr.arpa. failed on the DNS server
                DNS server: (b.root-servers.net.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   This is not a valid DNS server. PTR record query for the
    7.in-addr.arpa. failed on the DNS server
                DNS server: (c.root-servers.net.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   This is not a valid DNS server. PTR record query for the
    7.in-addr.arpa. failed on the DNS server
                DNS server: (i.root-servers.net.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   This is not a valid DNS server. PTR record query for the
    7.in-addr.arpa. failed on the DNS server
                DNS server: (f.root-servers.net.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   This is not a valid DNS server. PTR record query for the
    7.in-addr.arpa. failed on the DNS server
                DNS server: (a.root-servers.net.)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   This is not a valid DNS server. PTR record query for the
    7.in-addr.arpa. failed on the DNS server
                DNS server: (<name unavailable>)
                   1 test failure on this DNS server
                   This is not a valid DNS server. PTR record query for the
    7.in-addr.arpa. failed on the DNS server
             Summary of DNS test results:
                                                Auth Basc Forw Del  Dyn  RReg Ext
                Domain: arterium.ua
                   uakiesdc01                   PASS PASS FAIL FAIL WARN PASS n/a
             ......................... arterium.ua failed test DNS

    Больше всего смущает тест Delegations:

                   TEST: Delegations (Del)
    Error: DNS server: uakiesdc01.arterium.ua. IP: [Broken delegated domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua.]
    Error: DNS server: uakiesdc02.arterium.ua. IP: [Broken delegated domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua.]
    Error: DNS server: uakiesdc03.arterium.ua. IP: [Broken delegated domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua.]
    Error: DNS server: ualvisdc01.arterium.ua. IP: [Broken delegated domain arterium.ua.arterium.ua.]

    Почему домен задвоенный и на сколько это критично?


  • Никаких других IP не прописано. Вопрос был не с форвардом на, а с задвоенным доменом.

    Проблему не решил, принял риски и выполнил миграцию. Все ок, проблем не заметил.

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      20 ноября 2012 г. 10:28

I have a DNS issue on my hands that I’ve never encountered before, and have been thus far unable to resolve.

Server A is the primary domain controller

Server B is a secondary domain controller

Server B cannot connect to the DNS server, active directory, or GPO on Server A. However, on server A’s DNS manager, it can connect to and browse the DNS server on Server B.

The dcdiag /test:dns results of server B:


Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
   Trying to find home server...
   Home Server = server-b
   * Identified AD Forest.
   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: mysiteserver-b
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... server-b passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: mysiteserver-b

      Starting test: DNS

         DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...
         ......................... server-b passed test DNS

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : Schema

   Running partition tests on : Configuration

   Running partition tests on : mydomain

   Running enterprise tests on : mydomain.local
      Starting test: DNS
         Test results for domain controllers:

            DC: server-b.mydomain.local
            Domain: mydomain.local

               TEST: Basic (Basc)
                  Warning: adapter
                  [00000007] Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Controller has
                  invalid DNS server: (server-a.mydomain.local.)

               TEST: Delegations (Del)
                  Error: DNS server: server-a.mydomain.local. IP:
                  [Broken delegated domain _msdcs.mydomain.local.]

         Summary of test results for DNS servers used by the above domain

            DNS server: (server-a.mydomain.local.)
               2 test failure on this DNS server
               PTR record query for the failed on the DNS server
               Name resolution is not functional. _ldap._tcp.mydomain.local. failed on the DNS server
         Summary of DNS test results:

                                            Auth Basc Forw Del  Dyn  RReg Ext
            Domain: mydomain.local
               server-b                    PASS WARN PASS FAIL PASS PASS n/a

         ......................... mydomain.local failed test DNS

The dcdiag /test:dns on server-a:


Directory Server Diagnosis

Performing initial setup:
   Trying to find home server...
   Home Server = server-a
   * Identified AD Forest.
   Done gathering initial info.

Doing initial required tests

   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Nameserver-a
      Starting test: Connectivity
         ......................... server-a passed test Connectivity

Doing primary tests

   Testing server: Default-First-Site-Nameserver-a

      Starting test: DNS

         DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...
         ......................... server-a passed test DNS

   Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

   Running partition tests on : Schema

   Running partition tests on : Configuration

   Running partition tests on : mydomain

   Running enterprise tests on : mydomain.local
      Starting test: DNS
         ......................... mydomain.local passed test DNS

Any ideas? Thanks :)

Best Answer

  • Author Force Flow

    After quite a lot of troubleshooting, it seems I found the cause of the issue.

    The firmware on the firewall was updated a few weeks back, however, some of the rules weren’t being applied as expected after the update. I added new source/destination rules, and all traffic was able to flow from server B to server A again.

    This was a bizzare situation. The packet capture diagnostic tool in the firewall usually notes when packets are blocked, but there were simply no records of these packets. I only figured it out because of seeing nslookup DNS requests leaving server B’s firewall, and never arriving at server A’s firewall.

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    Please help resolve errors od dcdiag /test:dns


    Directory Server Diagnosis

    Performing initial setup:

       Trying to find home server…

       Home Server = dc39-01

       * Identified AD Forest.
       Done gathering initial info.

    Doing initial required tests

       Testing server: CentralSiteDC39-01

          Starting test: Connectivity

             ……………………. DC39-01 passed test Connectivity

    Doing primary tests

       Testing server: CentralSiteDC39-VIP01

          Starting test: DNS

             DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes…

             ……………………. DC39-01 passed test DNS

       Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones

       Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones

       Running partition tests on : domainname

       Running partition tests on : Schema

       Running partition tests on : Configuration

       Running enterprise tests on :company.ru

          Starting test: DNS

             Test results for domain controllers:

                DC: dc39-01.domainname.company.ru

                Domain: domainname.company.ru

                   TEST: Delegations (Del)

                      [Broken delegated domain domainname.company.ru.domainname.company.ru.]

                      Error: DNS server: cb2.company.ru IP:xx.xx.xx.xx

                      [Broken delegated domain domainname.company.ru.domainname.company.ru.]

                      Error: DNS server: dc01-m02.domainname.company.ru IP:xx.xx.xx.xx

                      [Broken delegated domain domainname.company.ru.domainname.company.ru.]

                      Error: DNS server: dc01-m04.domainname.company.ru. IP:xx.xx.xx.xx

                      [Broken delegated domain domainname.company.ru.domainname.company.ru.]



                   TEST: Dynamic update (Dyn)
                      Warning: Failed to delete the test record dcdiag-test-record in zone domainname.ru

             Summary of test results for DNS servers used by the above domain


                DNS server: 10.xx.xx.xx (cb2.company.ru.)

                   1 test failure on this DNS server

                  DNS server: 10.xx.xx.xx (dc01-m02.domainname.company.ru)

                   1 test failure on this DNS server

                DNS server: 10.xx.xx.xx (dc01-m04.domainname.company.ru)

                   1 test failure on this DNS server

                   PTR record query for the failed on the DNS server xx.xx.xx.xx              

             Summary of DNS test results:

    Auth Basc Forw Del  Dyn  RReg Ext
                Domain: domainname.company.ru

                   dc39-01                   PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN PASS n/a 


    Thank you for any help!

    I have a DNS issue on my hands that I’ve never encountered before, and have been thus far unable to resolve.

    Server A is the primary domain controller

    Server B is a secondary domain controller

    Server B cannot connect to the DNS server, active directory, or GPO on Server A. However, on server A’s DNS manager, it can connect to and browse the DNS server on Server B.

    The dcdiag /test:dns results of server B:


    Directory Server Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
       Trying to find home server...
       Home Server = server-b
       * Identified AD Forest.
       Done gathering initial info.
    Doing initial required tests
       Testing server: mysiteserver-b
          Starting test: Connectivity
             ......................... server-b passed test Connectivity
    Doing primary tests
       Testing server: mysiteserver-b
          Starting test: DNS
             DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...
             ......................... server-b passed test DNS
       Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
       Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
       Running partition tests on : Schema
       Running partition tests on : Configuration
       Running partition tests on : mydomain
       Running enterprise tests on : mydomain.local
          Starting test: DNS
             Test results for domain controllers:
                DC: server-b.mydomain.local
                Domain: mydomain.local
                   TEST: Basic (Basc)
                      Warning: adapter
                      [00000007] Broadcom NetXtreme 57xx Gigabit Controller has
                      invalid DNS server: (server-a.mydomain.local.)
                   TEST: Delegations (Del)
                      Error: DNS server: server-a.mydomain.local. IP:
                      [Broken delegated domain _msdcs.mydomain.local.]
             Summary of test results for DNS servers used by the above domain
                DNS server: (server-a.mydomain.local.)
                   2 test failure on this DNS server
                   PTR record query for the failed on the DNS server
                   Name resolution is not functional. _ldap._tcp.mydomain.local. failed on the DNS server
             Summary of DNS test results:
                                                Auth Basc Forw Del  Dyn  RReg Ext
                Domain: mydomain.local
                   server-b                    PASS WARN PASS FAIL PASS PASS n/a
             ......................... mydomain.local failed test DNS

    The dcdiag /test:dns on server-a:


    Directory Server Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
       Trying to find home server...
       Home Server = server-a
       * Identified AD Forest.
       Done gathering initial info.
    Doing initial required tests
       Testing server: Default-First-Site-Nameserver-a
          Starting test: Connectivity
             ......................... server-a passed test Connectivity
    Doing primary tests
       Testing server: Default-First-Site-Nameserver-a
          Starting test: DNS
             DNS Tests are running and not hung. Please wait a few minutes...
             ......................... server-a passed test DNS
       Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
       Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
       Running partition tests on : Schema
       Running partition tests on : Configuration
       Running partition tests on : mydomain
       Running enterprise tests on : mydomain.local
          Starting test: DNS
             ......................... mydomain.local passed test DNS

    Any ideas? Thanks :)

    Best Answer

  • Author Force Flow

    After quite a lot of troubleshooting, it seems I found the cause of the issue.

    The firmware on the firewall was updated a few weeks back, however, some of the rules weren’t being applied as expected after the update. I added new source/destination rules, and all traffic was able to flow from server B to server A again.

    This was a bizzare situation. The packet capture diagnostic tool in the firewall usually notes when packets are blocked, but there were simply no records of these packets. I only figured it out because of seeing nslookup DNS requests leaving server B’s firewall, and never arriving at server A’s firewall.

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    Hi all,

    I have a parent domain (company.local) and a child domain (europe.company.local)

    In the company.local domain there are two servers acting as DNS servers:
    svr3.company.local (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard)
    svr9.company.local (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard)

    In the europe.company.local domain there are also two servers acting as DNS servers:
    svr1.europe.company.local (Windows Server 2008 SP2 Standard)
    svr6.europe.company.local (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard)

    When I run «DCDIAG /test:DNS» on either of the DNS servers in the company.local domain, I get some errors:

                   TEST: Delegations (Del)
                      Error: DNS server: svr1.europe.company.local. IP:
                      [Broken delegated domain europe.company.local.]
                      Error: DNS server: svr6.europe.company.local. IP:
                      [Broken delegated domain europe.company.local.]

                   TEST: Dynamic update (Dyn)
                      Warning: Failed to delete the test record dcdiag-test-record in zone company.local

    Should I be worried about these errors? (Nothing seems to be malfunctioning)

    What can I do to fix these errors?


    Здравствуйте товарищи,пришёл в компанию набраться опыта и застрял сразу же на проблеме DNS сервером и контроллером домена. У меня 3 физические машины на них крутятся 4 виртуалки на Hyper-V. На первой физ машине крутиться на виртуалки SRV1 у него подняты роли AD, DCHP, DNS. Контроллер домена не запускается. Новые компьютеры не могу зависти в домен выдает ошибку Произошла ошибка: «DNS-имя не существует.»(код ошибки: 0x0000232B RCODE_NAME_ERROR). Кто может проконсультировать как я могу победить это проблемы без опыта. Подскажите какие тесты лучше использовать и что вообщем делать с этим можно. Скажу большое спасибо и отблагодарю за помощь!

    Добавлено через 1 час 45 минут
    Выполнение проверок предприятия на: LUKBELOIL.COM
    Запуск проверки: DNS
    Результаты проверки контроллеров домена:

    Контроллер домена: SRV1.LUKBELOIL.COM

    TEST: Basic (Basc)
    Внимание! У адаптера
    [00000011] Сетевой адаптер Hyper-V (Майкрософт) неверный
    DNS-сервер: (srv1.lukbeloil.com.)
    Внимание! У адаптера
    [00000011] Сетевой адаптер Hyper-V (Майкрософт) неверный
    DNS-сервер: (srv1.lukbeloil.com.)
    Ошибка: все DNS-серверы недействительны

    TEST: Delegations (Del)
    Ошибка: DNS-сервер: srv1.lukbeloil.com. IP-адрес:
    [Broken delegated domain _msdcs.LUKBELOIL.COM.]

    TEST: Dynamic update (Dyn)
    Warning: Failed to add the test record dcdiag-test-record in z

    TEST: Records registration (RReg)
    Ошибка. Не удается найти регистрации записей для всех сетевых

    Отчет о результатах проверки DNS-серверов, используемых приведенными
    выше контроллерами домена:

    DNS-сервер: (srv1.lukbeloil.com.)
    3 — проверка на данном DNS-сервере не пройдена
    PTR record query for the failed on the DN
    S server Name resolution is not functional. _ldap._tcp
    .LUKBELOIL.COM. failed on the DNS server

    Отчет по результатам проверки DNS:

    Auth Basc Forw Del Dyn RReg Ext
    __________________________________________________ _______________

    ……………………. LUKBELOIL.COM — не пройдена проверка DNS

    Добавлено через 3 минуты
    Выполнение проверок предприятия на: LUKBELOIL.COM
    Запуск проверки: DNS
    Результаты проверки контроллеров домена:

    Контроллер домена: SRV1.LUKBELOIL.COM

    TEST: Authentication (Auth)
    Тест проверки подлинности: завершен успешно

    TEST: Basic (Basc)
    Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Service Pack level:
    NETLOGON служба запущена.
    kdc служба запущена.
    DNSCACHE служба запущена.
    DNS служба запущена.
    DC является DNS-сервером
    Сведения о сетевых адаптерах:
    Адаптер [00000011] Сетевой адаптер Hyper-V (Майкрософт):
    MAC address is 00:15:5D:01:66:05
    IP-адрес является статическим
    IP address:
    Внимание! (srv1.lukbeloil.com.) [Invalid (unreachable)]
    Внимание! У адаптера
    [00000011] Сетевой адаптер Hyper-V (Майкрософт)
    неверный DNS-сервер: (srv1.lukbeloil.com.)
    Внимание! (srv1.lukbeloil.com.) [Invalid (unreachable)
    Внимание! У адаптера
    [00000011] Сетевой адаптер Hyper-V (Майкрософт)
    неверный DNS-сервер: (srv1.lukbeloil.com.)
    Ошибка: все DNS-серверы недействительны
    The A host record(s) for this DC was found
    The SOA record for the Active Directory zone was found
    The Active Directory zone on this DC/DNS server was found prim
    Root zone on this DC/DNS server was not found

    TEST: Forwarders/Root hints (Forw)
    Recursion is enabled
    Forwarders Information: (<name unavailable>) [Valid]

    TEST: Delegations (Del)
    Delegation information for the zone: LUKBELOIL.COM.
    Delegated domain name: _msdcs.LUKBELOIL.COM.
    Warning: Delegation of DNS server srv1.lukbeloil.com. is
    broken on IP:
    Ошибка: DNS-сервер: srv1.lukbeloil.com.
    IP-адрес: [Broken delegation]

    TEST: Dynamic update (Dyn)
    Warning: Failed to add the test record dcdiag-test-record in z
    [Error details: 1460 (Type: Win32 — Description: Возврат из оп
    ерации произошел из-за превышения времени ожидания.)]
    Test record dcdiag-test-record deleted successfully in zone LU

    TEST: Records registration (RReg)
    Ошибка. Не удается найти регистрации записей для всех сетевых

    Отчет о результатах проверки DNS-серверов, используемых приведенными
    выше контроллерами домена:

    DNS-сервер: (srv1.lukbeloil.com.)
    3 — проверка на данном DNS-сервере не пройдена
    PTR record query for the failed on the DN
    S server [Error details: 1460 (Type: Win32 — Descripti
    on: Возврат из операции произошел из-за превышения времени ожидания.)]
    Name resolution is not functional. _ldap._tcp.LUKBELOIL.COM. fail
    ed on the DNS server
    [Error details: 1460 (Type: Win32 — Description: Возврат из опера
    ции произошел из-за превышения времени ожидания.)]
    DNS delegation for the domain _msdcs.LUKBELOIL.COM. is broken on

    [Error details: 1460 (Type: Win32 — Description: Возврат из опера
    ции произошел из-за превышения времени ожидания.)]

    DNS-сервер: (<name unavailable>)
    Все проверки для данного DNS-сервера пройдены

    Отчет по результатам проверки DNS:

    Auth Basc Forw Del Dyn RReg Ext
    __________________________________________________ _______________

    ……………………. LUKBELOIL.COM — не пройдена проверка DNS
    Проверка пропущена по запросу пользователя: LocatorCheck
    Проверка пропущена по запросу пользователя: Intersite

    Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь

    • #1

    Привет. Помогите, Понизил последний 2003 контроллер домена в лесу (msk-dc1.mydomain.local),
    после этого перестала проходить проверка днс на основном контроллере домена 2008r2 (PDC.mydomain.local). Политики работают, сетевые диски подключаются, т.е. с виду как бы все работает….
    Вот вывод dcdiag /test:dns


    Диагностика сервера каталогов
    Выполнение начальной настройки:
       Выполняется попытка поиска основного сервера...
       Основной сервер = PDC
       * Идентифицирован лес AD.
       Сбор начальных данных завершен.
    Выполнение обязательных начальных проверок
      Сервер проверки: SitePDC
          Запуск проверки: Connectivity
             ......................... PDC - пройдена проверка Connectivity
    Выполнение основных проверок
       Сервер проверки: SitePDC
          Запуск проверки: DNS
            Проверки DNS выполняются без зависания. Подождите несколько минут...
             ......................... PDC - пройдена проверка DNS
       Выполнение проверок разделов на: ForestDnsZones
       Выполнение проверок разделов на: DomainDnsZones
      Выполнение проверок разделов на: Schema
      Выполнение проверок разделов на: Configuration
      Выполнение проверок разделов на: MyDomain
       Выполнение проверок предприятия на: MyDomain.Local
          Запуск проверки: DNS
             Результаты проверки контроллеров домена:
                Контроллер домена: PDC.MyDomain.Local
                Домен: MyDomain.Local
                  TEST: Delegations (Del)
                      Ошибка: Сервер DNS: msk-dc1.MyDomain.local. IP-адрес:
                      [Broken delegated domain _msdcs.MyDomain.Local.]
                  TEST: Dynamic update (Dyn)
                      Warning: Failed to delete the test record dcdiag-test-record in zone Mydomain.Local
            Отчет о результатах проверки DNS-серверов, используемых приведенными
             выше контроллерами домена:
               DNS-сервер: (msk-dc1.MyDomain.local.)
                   1 - проверка на данном DNS-сервере не пройдена
            Отчет по результатам проверки DNS:
                                               Auth Basc Forw Del  Dyn  RReg Ext
                Домен: MyDomain.Local
                   PDC                          PASS PASS PASS FAIL WARN PASS n/a
             ......................... MyDomain.Local - не пройдена проверка DNS

    PS. Роль днс сервера я убрал с msk-dc1.

    — -Подумал и добавил — —

    Разобрался сам. Вот решение в самом конце https://community.spiceworks.com/to…l-shows-as-delegated-server-how-do-i-fix-that
    Так же необходимо было почистить метаданные по статье http://support.microsoft.com/kb/216498

    Hi all,

    I have a parent domain (company.local) and a child domain (europe.company.local)

    In the company.local domain there are two servers acting as DNS servers:
    svr3.company.local (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard)
    svr9.company.local (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard)

    In the europe.company.local domain there are also two servers acting as DNS servers:
    svr1.europe.company.local (Windows Server 2008 SP2 Standard)
    svr6.europe.company.local (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard)

    When I run «DCDIAG /test:DNS» on either of the DNS servers in the company.local domain, I get some errors:

                   TEST: Delegations (Del)
                      Error: DNS server: svr1.europe.company.local. IP:
                      [Broken delegated domain europe.company.local.]
                      Error: DNS server: svr6.europe.company.local. IP:
                      [Broken delegated domain europe.company.local.]

                   TEST: Dynamic update (Dyn)
                      Warning: Failed to delete the test record dcdiag-test-record in zone company.local

    Should I be worried about these errors? (Nothing seems to be malfunctioning)

    What can I do to fix these errors?


    Sys-Admin Forum


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