Table name is invalid ошибка

group_name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,
date_joined DATE NOT NULL,
refersTo VARCHAR2(40),
CONSTRAINT g_group_name_pk PRIMARY KEY(group_name),
CONSTRAINT g_refersTo_fk FOREIGN KEY(refersTo) REFERENCES Artist(artistic_name));

This gives «ERROR at line 1: ORA-00903: invalid table name»:


a_horse_with_no_name's user avatar

asked Nov 10, 2014 at 21:43

user3834262's user avatar


Since Group is a reserved word you have to escape it with ". Give the following a try or rename your table to something else:

group_name VARCHAR2(50) NOT NULL,
date_joined DATE NOT NULL,
refersTo VARCHAR2(40),
CONSTRAINT g_group_name_pk PRIMARY KEY(group_name),
CONSTRAINT g_refersTo_fk FOREIGN KEY(refersTo) REFERENCES Artist(artistic_name));

answered Nov 10, 2014 at 21:52

Chief Wiggum's user avatar

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In this post, I will introduce 3 main error patterns about ORA-00903, they are:

  1. Create Table
  2. Select Table
  3. Insert, Update and Delete Table
  4. Alter Table

Create Table

Without complying with database object naming rules, we can’t create a table with unusual strings in normal way. Let’s see some cases that throw ORA-00903.

First of all, we logon as a normal user who has no powerful system privileges.

SQL> conn sh/sh

Using a Reserved Keyword

We would like to create a table named from, but it failed with ORA-00903.

SQL> create table from (c1 int);
create table from (c1 int)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name

This is because reserved keywords cannot be the object identifier.

Starting with a Number

It sounds normal, but actually, table name starting with a number is not allowed.

SQL> create table 123t (c1 int);
create table 123t (c1 int)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name

Starting with a Special Character

Only few special characters are allowed to use to create a database object identifier.

SQL> create table !@#$ (c1 int);
create table !@#$ (c1 int)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name


To avoid ORA-00903, you should fully comply with the database object naming rules provided by Oracle documentation.

If you insist to use such unusual name to create your table, you can quote the identifier, which is to use the exact form to force the database to accept those special cases.

SQL> create table "from" (c1 int);

Table created.

SQL> create table "123t" (c1 int);

Table created.

SQL> create table "!@#$" (c1 int);

Table created.

Select Table

Sometimes, you may wonder why the database kept throwing errors but table exists in the database. In fact, the table does exist, but you use it in the wrong way. Let’s see some examples.

Suppose that you have created such weird tables in the above, then you should use quotations whenever you query them. Let’s see the symptom.

SQL> select * from from;
select * from from
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name
SQL> select * from 123t;
select * from 123t
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name
SQL> select * from !@#$;
select * from !@#$
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name

All queries threw ORA-00903. That is, no one can be used by the normal way to query tables. Please try the solutions below.


You have to use exact form, the same identifier as we provided in table definition to indicate SQL parser to treat the table name as a special case.

Here we use double quotation marks to wrap the table name.

SQL> select * from "from";

no rows selected

The above statement is really weird. All I can say is that don’t ever use a reserved word to create a table except that you have a very good reason to do it.

SQL> select * from "123t";

no rows selected

SQL> select * from "!@#$";

no rows selected

Insert, Update and Delete Table

SQL parser always looks for table identifier where it should be. If the syntax of the statement is wrong, it may mistake one name for another.

INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE are all data manipulation language on tables. Let’s see an example of INSERT which has wrong syntax.

SQL> insert into table orders (c1) values (123);
insert into table orders (c1) values (123)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name

Seems no problem? Actually, you don’t have to add table in the third word position in INSERT statement. It made SQL parser take table as the identifier and complained about that you were using a reserved word.

Same error pattern may also occur when UPDATE or DELETE.

SQL> update table orders set c1=null;
update table orders set c1=null
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name

SQL> delete from table orders;
delete from table orders
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name

So the solution is simple, just remove the reserved keyword «table» from the statement, which is unnecessary for DML.

Such error pattern does not result in a syntax alert, instead, it complained invalid usages of table identifiers.

Alter Table

The syntax of adding a reference key may be a little complex for developers to compose. For an example below:

SQL> alter table orders add foreign key (c1) references (hr.employees.employee_id);
alter table orders add foreign key (c1) references (hr.employees.employee_id)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00903: invalid table name

Seems reasonable? Actually, you can’t put the table name inside the last parenthesis, you should move it outside.

SQL> alter table orders add foreign key (c1) references hr.employees (employee_id);

Table altered.

Please note that, before referencing to a table that belongs to other user, you have to be granted with REFERENCES privilege on the table first.

I wrote a script that, ideally, loads raw .las (LiDAR data) files into a geodatabase, then creates a terrain from the multipoint files that are created. When I run the script though I get:

ExecuteError: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output C:UserspeterDesktoptest.gdbbare_earth1las
The table name is invalid.
Failed to execute (LASToMultipoint)

So far the only thing I can figure out is that Windows 7 keeps changing my folder permissions to read-only, but I can still manually create, edit, and delete in the directories.

import os
import arcpy, math, glob
from arcpy import env

arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
#make workspace in memory
arcpy.env.workspace = "in_memory"

#define parameters using GetParameter in ArcMap
geodatabase = arcpy.GetParameter(0)         #0)input Geodatabase
outfeaturedataset = arcpy.GetParameter(1)   #1)Desired Name for the feature class
projection = arcpy.GetParameter(2)          #2)coordinate system
terrain_name = arcpy.GetParameter(3)        #3)Name of the Terrain
class_code = arcpy.GetParameter(4)          #4) the return class code to use
lasdirectory = arcpy.GetParameter(5)        #5) directory to get las data in

#designate directory where .las files are located
os.chdir (lasdirectory)

created_FC_tool = arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(geodatabase, outfeaturedataset, projection)
created_FC = created_FC_tool.getOutput(0)
#Create a Terrain

arcpy.CreateTerrain_3d (created_FC, terrain_name, 1.24605815948, 50000, '', 'WINDOWSIZE', 'ZMIN', 'NONE', 1)

output_terrain = os.path.join (created_FC, terrain_name)
arcpy.AddTerrainPyramidLevel_3d (output_terrain, 'WINDOWSIZE', '2.5 1000; 5 2000; 10 4000; 20 8000; 40 16000')
#process the .las file and add to the feature dataset and terrain

for LASfiles in glob.glob("*.las"):
    print LASfiles
    pointinfo = "point_file_information"
    #Get Pointfile information
    arcpy.PointFileInformation_3d(LASfiles, pointinfo, "LAS", "", projection)

    #get average point spacing variable
    pointspacing = arcpy.SearchCursor (pointinfo)
    field = "Pt_Spacing"
    for row in pointspacing:
        avg_space = (row.getValue(field))
    print avg_space

    #convert las  to multipoint

    #create lable for multipoint file
    listlable = list(LASfiles)
    del listlable[-4]
    multipointlable = ''.join(listlable)
    print multipointlable

    print created_FC
    outputPlable = os.path.join (created_FC, multipointlable)
    arcpy.LASToMultipoint_3d(LASfiles, outputPlable, 1.5, class_code, "", "INTENSITY", projection, "las", 1)

    print outputPlable

    outputPlable_parameters = outputPlable + ' Shape masspoints 1 0 40 true false R06305328las_embed <None> false'
    print outputPlable_parameters
    arcpy.AddFeatureClassToTerrain_3d (output_terrain, outputPlable_parameters)

#Build the terrain
arcpy.BuildTerrain_3d (output_terrain)

If it is a Windows 7 problem I don’t know what I’m going to do as my work computer is locked down by our help desk.

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    You may encounter an error code indicating an Oracle error: ora-00903 invalid table name. There are several ways to solve this problem, and we will return to this shortly. Cause: The table or collection name is invalid or definitely does not exist. This message is actually issued when an ALTER CLUSTER or DROP CLUSTER statement encounters an invalid cluster alias or no cluster name.

    An invalid identifier will in any case cause the entered column name to be missing or invalid, this is one of the most common causes of this key fact error, but not the only one. Sometimes incorrect names are used as reserved words in an Oracle index. Cause: An invalid column name is missing or invalid.

    How do you rename a table in Oracle?

    Right-click the desired object and select Refactor > Rename from the context menu.In the SQL editor window, enter a new name for your object.Press F2 to open some preliminary changes – rename the dialog boxes and look at the code changes.Click Apply to accept the changes. uses a security service to protect against online attacks. This process is actually automatic. You will be redirected after verification is complete.


    Reference IP address Date and time
    e3f27ac42bbad9c043a28e324ea07861 02/07/2022 06:19 UTC

    By mistake I changed the default program from other files and now all those files and programs seem to have been previously changed to Word documents and won’t open. You see, I can’t even open the Internet to find a solution.

    I’ve tried opening files in many ways, but for some reason I feel like I need to download postman. When I click Open the web page opens and then closes before loading.

    How to restore the original temperature? Yes And maybe I want to get as many details as possible.

    How do you rename a table in Oracle?

    Right-click the object you want and choose Refactor> Rename from the context menu.Enter a custom name for your object in the SQL Editor window.Press F2 to open the Preview Changes – Rename dialog box and preview your code changes.Click “Apply” to apply the changes.

    Whenever you try to make sure you open a file in Windows, the program checks the file type by reading its extension (called “file name extension”) and then launches the appropriate program associated with that file type to select it . open/view file. If Windows does not recognize the file extension, the customer will be prompted to open an “Open With” dialog asking “How would you like to re-open this file?”

    Often we want to modify an already bundled program as well as an application for files of a particular type. That’s why I’m writing this tutorial, consisting of step-by-step instructions on how to find a different program or application for a specific file type on any Windows 10, Windows 8 and 8.1, and Windows 7 operating system.

    How To Change Default Programs And Files To Shortcuts In Windows 10, 9 And 7.

    Method 1: Select the default program selected for the station(s).
    Method 2: Link a specific add-on to open the default program.
    AdditionalInteresting: how to restore “Open with default” chat for unknown extensions.
    Method 1. Select a default program for certain file types (extensions).

    How to fix ORA-00903 invalid table name?

    When a specific ORA-00903 error occurs The naming service must follow Oracle naming conventions and be included in the appropriate place in the SQL query. If you use the correct workstation name in the correct place during the SQL statement, error ORA-00903: Invalid table name will be corrected.

    You can select a default program for a particular file type via Default Settings > Programs in Control Panel. For this:

    oracle error ora-00903 invalid table name

    In practice, Windows 7: Click the Start menu and select Control Panel. Set Show all in small to Icons, then select Default Programs.

    In Windows 10 and 8 Windows.1: Right-click the Start menu and select Control Panel. Customize the view for small icons, then select Default Programs.

    In the left pane, select the desired implementation, then click:

    Which is an invalid table name?

    What does the message “ORA-00903: invalid table name” mean? We see that this happens if the bed * exists *. Solution: This message means Oracle was looking for this table in a specific local library and could not find it.

    one. Set this program as default to use your chosen default app frequently so you can open all file types the site supports, or

    b. Select the default settings to allow the school to select certain file types that the particular selectedThe app can open by default. *

    How to fix ORA-00903 invalid table name?

    When a specific error occursORA-00903 The table name must follow the Oracle naming conventions and must be included in the appropriate place in the main SQL query. Using the most efficient table name in the correct position in the SQL statement will fix the error ORA-00903: Invalid table name.

    * b1. If you select the Cannot be selected option for this program, a new window frame will open with a list of all extensions (file types) that the selected program can handle (open). Browse through the list of extension types and select the second extension types (files that you want to try to open with the selected program. After making changes, click Save.

    Method 2: Associate any file type with a specific type (extension) to open any file type with the default program.

    The second way is to select a standard program by extension.

    1. Select Manage > Default Programs, and select Associate a file type or project with a program.

    2. In the list of file extensions, select the extension you want to change the default open program to, then click Change Program.

    3. Finally, select Other selected applications from the suggested programs to find additional help on your computer for opening files with the selected file extension.yla. How

    Optional: Fix the default “Open With” dialog box (“How would you like to open this file”) when working with an unknown file type (extension).

    oracle error ora-00903 invalid table name

    If Windows tries to associate a program with an actual file type, it will prompt your current user to select a program to run the unknown file. This question often requires the user to specify a program to save that type of file, and if desired, the person can select the “Always use which program” option to always open the same variant of the file(s) with the same application template to the future.

    If the user, after selecting the “Always use this program” option, decides to switch to the associated schema for the same file type, they can right-click on the unknown file and select “Select Open With” under Dominance from the context menu to link another program. If

    But each of our users change their minds and don’t want to associate any program with this selected file type File (by extension). There is really no way to use the Windows GUI to restore the program’s association and restore any default “open with” prompt with this type of key (extension).

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    To restore the default Open With dialog for a (previously unknown) directory type (extension), you must use the Windows Registry Editor. For this:

    1. Press the Windows + R keys at the same time to open the Run command window.

    3. IMPORTANT: Please register first before proceeding. For this:

    1. Go to “File” from the main menu and select “Export”.

    2. Specify a vacation location (for example, desktop), specify a file name for the exported shared registry file (for example, “registryuntouched”) for the export range: all, and click Save.

    4. After backing up the registry locally, delete the corresponding extension key (for example, “.admx”) associated with the extension you want to disable (unlink) in the following registry tree (3):

    Improve the speed of your computer today by downloading this software — it will fix your PC problems.

    How do you delete a column from a table in Oracle?

    To physically remove a huge column, you can use one of the syntaxes below, depending on whether you want to remove a single tip or multiple tips. edit table table column name delete column name; edit table delete table name (column name1, column name2);

    Verschillende Manieren Om Oracle-fout Ora-00903 Ongeldige Tabelnaam Op Te Lossen
    Различные идеи по исправлению ошибки Oracle Ora-00903 недопустимое имя списка
    Diverses Façons De Corriger L’erreur Oracle Ora-00903 Nom De Table Invalide
    Várias Rotas Para Corrigir O Erro Oracle Ora-00903 Nome Inválido Do Banco
    Verschiedene Möglichkeiten Zur Behebung Des Oracle-Fehlers Ora-00903 Ungültiger Tabellenname
    Varias Formas De Preparar El Error De Oracle Ora-00903 Nombre De Tabla No Válido
    Różne Aspekty Naprawy Błędu Oracle Lub Nieprawidłowa Nazwa Stołu Jadalnego 00903
    Vari Modi Per Correggere L’errore Oracle Ora-00903 Nome Tabella Non Valido
    오라클 오류 Ora-00903 잘못된 테이블 이름을 수정하는 다양한 방법
    Olika Sätt Att Fixa Oracle-felet Ora-00903 Ogiltigt Tabellnamn

    Home > SQL Server Error Messages > Msg 4512 — Cannot schema bind view ‘<View Name>’ because name ‘<Table Name>’ is invalid for schema binding. Names must be in two-part format and an object cannot reference itself.

    SQL Server Error Messages — Msg 4512 — Cannot schema bind view ‘<View Name>’ because name ‘<Table Name>’ is invalid for schema binding. Names must be in two-part format and an object cannot reference itself.

    SQL Server Error Messages — Msg 4512

    Error Message

    Server: Msg 4512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure <View
    Name>, Line 1
    Cannot schema bind view '<View Name>' because name
    '<Table Name>' is invalid for schema binding.
    Names must be in two-part format and an object cannot
    reference itself.


    A view is a virtual table whose contents are defined by a query. Like a real table, a view consists of a set of named columns and rows of data. However, a view does not exist as a stored set of data values in a database. The rows and columns of data come from one or more tables referenced in the query defining the view and are produced dynamically when the view is referenced.

    Views are created using the CREATE VIEW statement. The basic syntax of the CREATE VIEW is as follows:

    CREATE VIEW [ <schema_name>. ] <view_name> [ ( column [, …n ] ) ]
    AS <select_statement>

    The SCHEMABINDING option binds the view to the schema of the underlying table or tables. When SCHEMABINDING is specified, the base table or tables cannot be modified in a way that would affect the view definition. Also, the must include the two-part names (schema.object) of tables, views, or user-defined functions that are referenced. All referenced objects must be in the same database. If the two-part names of tables, views, or user-defined functions are not used, then this error message will be raised.

    To illustrate, here’s a script that will show how this error message can be encountered:

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Manager] (
        [ManagerID]       INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY,
        [FirstName]       VARCHAR(50),
        [LastName]        VARCHAR(50)
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee] ( 
        [EmployeeID]      INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY,
        [FirstName]       VARCHAR(50),
        [LastName]        VARCHAR(50),
        [ManagerID]       INT NOT NULL REFERENCES [dbo].[Manager] ( [ManagerID] )
    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[EmployeeManager]
    SELECT [Emp].[EmployeeID], [Emp].[FirstName], [Emp].[LastName],
           [Mgr].[ManagerID], [Mgr].[FirstName] AS [ManagerFirstName],
           [Mgr].[LastName] AS [ManagerLastName]
    FROM [Employee] [Emp] INNER JOIN [Manager] [Mgr]
      ON [Emp].[ManagerID] = [Mgr].[ManagerID]

    As can be seen from the CREATE VIEW statement, the SCHEMABINDING option is included in the view creation but the tables referenced by the view is only using the object name (or table name). Since this is the case, the following error message is raised:

    Msg 4512, Level 16, State 3, Procedure EmployeeManager, Line 5
    Cannot schema bind view 'dbo.EmployeeManager' because name 'Employee' is invalid for schema binding.
    Names must be in two-part format and an object cannot reference itself.

    Solution / Work Around:

    This error can easily be avoided by making sure that when using the SCHEMABINDING option in a CREATE VIEW statement, all referenced tables, views and user-defined functions must use the two-part name (schema.object). Here’s an updated version of the CREATE VIEW statement earlier with the tables referenced using their two-part names:

    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[EmployeeManager]
    SELECT [Emp].[EmployeeID], [Emp].[FirstName], [Emp].[LastName],
           [Mgr].[ManagerID], [Mgr].[FirstName] AS [ManagerFirstName],
           [Mgr].[LastName] AS [ManagerLastName]
    FROM [dbo].[Employee] [Emp] INNER JOIN [dbo].[Manager] [Mgr]
      ON [Emp].[ManagerID] = [Mgr].[ManagerID]
    Related Articles :
    • Frequently Asked Questions — SQL Server Error Messages
    • Tips & Tricks — SQL Server Error Messages 1 to 500
    • SQL Server 2012 — New Logical Functions

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    Can someone shed some light on why I would get the «Failed to create the specified relationship class. The table name is invalid.» message? I’ve renamed the table and even create a different table to see if that would work. Still same message.

    The purpose for the relationship is to prepare an Air Release Valve inspection layer for our field crews to use in the Collector app to inspect the arv’s. The plan is to establish a relationship between the ARV feature class and the Inspection report’s table. I am using ArcCatalog to create the relationship class. I will then create an ARV Map with both FC and table added and publish map to AGOL. 

    Appreciate any insight on the issue.relationship-class

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