Suzuki burgman 400 коды ошибок

Опубликовано: 28.01.2023

Ну если VFR 400 K можно назвать максискутером.

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Абракадабра, пыщь-пыщь! Оживляю мертвую тему.
После года владения (уже продал) могу сказать пару ласковых про Бургман-Скай 400.
Был у меня аппарат 2013 года, с АБС, подогревом рук, бесключевым доступом и со стеклом ГИВИ.
Всё по кайфу, реально по кайфу. Пока не надо ехать быстро и пока не наезжаешь на короткую лежачку, хуже всего самодельную из асфальта. И пробивает, и по организму пинается. Ну а обогнать кого-то на трассе — это печальная история, с моим-то опытом 800-х и 1200-х мотоциклов.
Вторым номером для большого города — кайфово, реально кайфово. На трассе — грустно. На грейдере — страшно
Так что вещь хорошая, дарит весь спектр эмоций

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Дед Ворчун
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На опыте катания на полтиннике (чесотки, надеюсь, это не растеряли):
— во время небольшого дождя — гораздо суше, после дождя в принципе — ноги всегда сухие, даже если с ходу штурмовать лужи 5*5 метров
— унитаз в качестве дополнительного объема под барахло
— езда в режиме «в электричке» (сел, заснул, проснулся когда пора выходить — актуально при езде на работы/с работы — мозг отключается при выезде, включается по прибытии, реально как будто время перемотали)
— не засерает дорожной грязью рабочую одежду (та же тема про работу)

Но для города лучше что-то полегче, чем макси — кубов на 125-150 самое оно.

В любом случае, если б выбор был Голда или макси, я бы выбрал макси. Хотя, аксиому Эскобара никто не отменял )

У меня на купленном скае электронный замок. Работает он так: вместо замка зажигания — ручка, в ключе чип. Когда ты с этим ключом в кармане подходишь к мопеду, на ручку можно нажать, она включится и откроются замки большого бардачка, унитаза и крышки бензобака. Поворачиваешь включенную ручку в положение ON — включается электрика и можно заводить мопед. Если в положение ON ее не переводить и несколько секунд подождать, ручка отключится, замки закроются. Также ее можно отключить, нажав на ключе кнопку.

Теоретически (пока не успел проверить), если от заведенного мопеда достаточно далеко отойти, он должен потерять сигнал ключа заглохнуть.

Пока непонятно, что произойдет, если полностью разрядится аккумулятор — он находится в большом бардачке, который без электричества не открыть.

P.S. Если это на К8 и старше, то понятно, почему у меня на пластике 2008 год изготовления, но непонятно, как может быть 2007 год регистрации.


  • Пол: Мужчина
  • Город: Санкт Петербург

У меня на купленном скае электронный замок. Работает он так: вместо замка зажигания — ручка, в ключе чип. Когда ты с этим ключом в кармане подходишь к мопеду, на ручку можно нажать, она включится и откроются замки большого бардачка, унитаза и крышки бензобака. Поворачиваешь включенную ручку в положение ON — включается электрика и можно заводить мопед. Если в положение ON ее не переводить и несколько секунд подождать, ручка отключится, замки закроются. Также ее можно отключить, нажав на ключе кнопку.

Теоретически (пока не успел проверить), если от заведенного мопеда достаточно далеко отойти, он должен потерять сигнал ключа заглохнуть.

Пока непонятно, что произойдет, если полностью разрядится аккумулятор — он находится в большом бардачке, который без электричества не открыть.

P.S. Если это на К8 и старше, то понятно, почему у меня на пластике 2008 год изготовления, но непонятно, как может быть 2007 год регистрации.

Спасибо за объяснения.
По поводу года- Александр объяснил мне-у япов что то там с новым годом не так- начинается с сентября. ну не помню, врать-не буду. надо спросить у Александра, да он сам увидит тему и пояснит.

. а там вроде есть еще ключик отключения иммобилайзера- вероятно после его применения-система должна выключится. хотя как. если аккум сдох.

Прокатился по холодку и понял, что лопухи это великая вещь, подогрев конечно хорошо, но когда рука изнутри подогревается, а снаружи мерзнет — не комильфо.
Заказал себе лопухи, хотел стоковые найти, но на них ценник уж больно кусается
Взял китайские, вроде должны норм смотрятся.

Брумм Брумм 19000км
Я ездил на автомобиле до того, как это стало mainstream`ом

Не спорьте с 1gog, он всё сотрёт.

Оба подшипника должны были быть установлены в генератор ВАЗа,
так что не думаю, что у них есть вообще какие то отличия.

Зы: на форуме скаеводов пишут, что родные ездят около 10-15 тык, неродные 5-10 тык, так что вообще не критично — просто расходник.

Забыл написать:
Когда выкатывался, прикупил у богомерзкого чехол на скутер, вполне себе приличный, правда без кофра, но его у меня и нет.
Ткань плотная, думаю два три сезона прослужит.

Лопухи тоже вчера поставил, но забыл зафотать, так что немного попозже фотку выложу.

Лопухи (защита рук) на Suzuki SkyWave 400

Лопухи брал на алиекспресе за 850

Пробег 14677
Решил поменять масло в картере, его мало оставалось, да и вообще старое уже, но срок еще позволял.
Купил я масло Mannol 10w40 полусинтетику с молибденом, упаковка красивая, вся хурма!!

Открыл, начал заливать, а оно Черное, ну не такое как отработка слитая, но просто не привычно черное, хз, может от молибдена или присадок, но стремное, я его даже понюхал, мало ли что в банку налили.
Залил в картер, не выкидывать же, а потом начались приятные ништяки, хх пришел в норму — 1.6к на прогретом, на холодном чуть меньше 2-х, но колесо не крутится, и вибрация на старте практически пропала, по крайней мере я перестал ее замечать, а уж раздражать перестала точно.

Зы: почитал отзывы про масло, все пишут что цвет стремный, но само масло вроде хвалят. Будем посмотреть как масло дальше будет ездить.

А еще прикупил в Архангельске пару ламп HS1, там на рынке даже выбор был, не то что в Питере — днем с огнем не найти

Третья единица мототехники в гараже, она же авоська на двух колесах, или приобрести то, не зная что!

Жизнь идет своим чередом, все меняется и хочется совершить очередную ошибку. А может и новое средство передвижения для конкретных задач.

Не поверите, но, не считая 175-кубового мотороллера ЧЕЗЕТ 501 1959 года выпуска, я прокатился за последние 10 лет всего несколько раз на скутерах 50 – 125сс по 100-300 метров. Если спросить про впечатления, то я не смогу ответить на этот вопрос. Надо проверять в реальных условиях. И в городе, и на трассе. А теперь о желании «совершить ошибку».

Иногда приходится на дачу продукты везти, и к брату в МО заехать, и на объект сгонять. Это все с забитым «по самые гланды» кофром, сумкой на бедре, да еще сеткой креплю пакеты с одеждой. Учитывая, что приезд на дачу – это ночевка на свежем воздухе. А погода переменчива. И когда уезжаешь на мотоцикле из Москвы на 2-3-4 дня, то не знаешь, чего ожидать и какие сюрпризы подкинет погода.

Все мы знаем, что надо иметь несколько курток и штанов. Вот только этот гардероб с собой не увезешь. Лично у меня в кофре днюют и ночуют: дождевик раздельный, перчатки кожаные (если тряпочные на мне или наоборот), беговая безрукавка, резервные 125мл моторного масла, запасной подшлемник, тряпка для протирки визора, пачка сигарет, бутылка с водой, зарядные устройства для мобильного и блютуза в шлеме. И если на несколько дней выезжаю, то обязательно беру с собой толстовку и ХБ белье (не люблю термобелье), осенью добавляется на шею защита от ветра. Конечно, когда заскакиваю в гости с ночевкой по пути, то автоматом идут дополнительные носки и труселя с футболкой. А еще надо взять планшет и так далее. Кофр у меня на мопедке Тэндерейс — 32 литра. Все! Ресурс вместимости исчерпан! Фотоаппарат лежит в сумке на ногу, там же телефон с пачкой сигарет и зажигалкой.

Когда все это упаковываю, то постоянно думаю куда положить продукты. А когда с супругой едем на дачу, хоть рюкзак туристический бери. Только не прокатывает – кофр мешает. Хрен с ним, купил сумку на бак небольшую – не спасает. Такие микропутешествия на несколько дней в неизвестном направлении стали изматывать, и причины просты:

Друг просит посетить объект и проверить монтаж — приезжаешь в Х-Кукуево, оставляешь мот за воротами и со всем этим скарбом прешь по объекту. В одной руке шлем, в котором подшлемник-перчатки-видеорегистратор-навигатор. В другой кофр, на ноге сумка, в глазах чувство трактора Т300. Через некоторое время пот так медленно начинает на лысине в капельки собираться, и потом течь. А потом и все, что под экипом, начинает медленно заполняться влагой. Мысли разные появляются про кондиционер и нормальные комфортные кроссовки.

Приезжаю в гости в другой город и начинаю клянчить треники с калошами. Дурдом! Все понимают и предупреждены, что мне понадобится во что-то переодеться.

Приезжаю обратно на дачу — а молока купил? А соль? А хлеб? И снова: ты только о себе думаешь и тд и тп. И, замученный жарой, переодеваюсь, и иду в магазин. В большинстве случаев выгружаю все из кофра и еду в большой магазин. Вот тут и начинается проявление голода! Голодным нельзя ходить в продуктовый магазин – это противопоказано. Снова косячишь и берешь что не нужно. В итоге опять еле запихиваешь все в кофр. Основная проблема – это довезти не только свои яйца, но и куриные до места назначения! А кто нибудь с собой кефир брал в дорогу? Да он через 150-200 км на большой скорости с жесткой подвеской превращается в холодец!
И еще веселье, когда слышу: заезжай за мной на мопедке и катнемся. Вроде бы, что тут такого? А вот такое! Надо с собой взять: шлем, перчатки, наколенники, мотоботы и черепаху! Многие не поймут. Супруга привыкла ездить в полном экипе. Она прекрасно понимает, что бывает при падении и на маленьких скоростях.

Штрафы! Это вообще беспредел. На авто нарушения +20км/ч, а тут и называть-то страшно. Может и надо с количеством гадких и зорких электронных глаз на табурет частично переползать. Ой, как не хочется!

Я не жалуюсь, когда снаряд между ног – это приятно. То дорогу кирпичами выложишь, то слюна сама залетает в организм при разгоне. Один раз конфету типа «Полет» проглотил, не успев рассосать. Потом икал ей часа два в дороге. И останавливался, и воду пил – не помогало. Да, ощущения при разгоне не сравнимы ни с чем! Лежишь пузом на баке и едешь, обгоняешь авто без проблем. Прияяяятно!

В следующем году пойдет шестой десяток. Литр не продам! Но хочется ездить на дачу с большим бардачком. Не смейтесь, но часть знакомых уже купила себе приложение к ЛИТРУ – максискутер! Увидел я «унитаз» под сидением и чуть не утонул в нем. И мне захотелось. Есть куда вещи класть и кирпичи откладывать.

Я понял, что тут надо изучать характеристики самому, ездить по салонам, смотреть и сравнивать технику в реальном времени.

Уточню, что я не сидел ни разу за рулем максискутера! Каждый человек имеет право на ошибку. Что я делаю? Я сам еще не понимаю. Изучил нормально рынок и статьи в инете – сделал вывод, но о нем чуть позже. Сейчас расскажу про свои мысли. Если не прав, то пишите в комментариях или закидайте шапками.

Зачем он мне нужен, или как и для каких целей планирую использовать:
* на дачу по будням привозить продукты
* уменьшить количество и стоимость штрафов…. если получится
* большой унитаз + обязательно кофр. В передних бардачках сигареты, тряпки, фотоаппарат, возможно телефон и разная мелочевка. В унитазе дождевик, разные вещи так, чтобы шлем всегда помещался, и с ним не надо было ходить. В кофре не ценный скарб, снимать его не буду.
* в мелкий дождик требуется больше времени чтобы промокнуть
* сделаю себе держатель бутылки с питьевой водой и буду в модуляре катать, чтобы курить и пить воду, не сползая с сидения. Кайф.
* 400сс экономичны. По рассказам, они съедают около 3-3,5 литра топлива на 100 км пути
* крейсерскую скорость можно держать 110-120км/ч

И напомню еще раз. Представляете хотелки человека, который ни разу не сидел за рулем максискутера!

Выбор, когда он есть, может стать большой проблемой. Были выбраны различные марки, но бюджет ограничен ста тысячами рублей. Желательно брать, когда уже закончен сезон. Если покупать в марте и далее, то цена будет 120-130 тысяч за такой же аппарат с 2001 по 2003 год выпуска. Ямаха дороже на 20% или 20 000 руб. Почему в конце сезона? Всё просто – будет время разобрать, сделать диагностику и устранить косяки, которые обнаружу, катаясь по гаражу.

Kawasaki переваливает за бюджет, выбор ограничивается моделью J300. Марка отвалилась сразу.
HONDA по принципиальным соображениям не рассматривается. Причину не буду рассказывать – долго.
Yamaha ТМАХ – низкая очень, приоритет в выборе пришлось поменять.
Suzuki SkyWave 400 и Yamaha Majesty 400. Модели попали в мой список дальнейшего анализа, основанного на отзывах, статьях, технических характеристиках, обзорах и внутреннем чутье. Плюс общение с незнакомыми случайными людьми. И осмотр попавших под руку скутеров.

* Дизайн по барабану, нужны в продаже расходники и запчасти, чтобы не заказывать.
* Унитазы, практически одинаковые.
* Приборка у Ямахи сильно выигрывает – есть тахометр, и вообще симпатичная.
* У Судзуки ( 鈴木 и スズキ株式会社 ) более мягкие комбинированные тормоза.
* Много Судзуки идет уже с креплением под кофр.
* Ямаха имеет выпирающие элементы пластика в передней части у указателей поворотов, которые отсекают воздушный поток от рук.
* Ямаха пошустрее, помощнее, рулится лучше и комфортнее для пилота. Мотор менее прихотлив.

Yamaha хороша, но даже в не сезон цена на Маджесту возрастом 14-15 лет начинается от 120 000 руб. Это не вписывается в мой бюджет. А выбор падает на нее любимую. Ладно, подождем.

Решение практически принято, и первым табуретом — максискутером будет Скайвей 400сс. Попробую приобрести в нормальном состоянии и познать скутерные дела на практике. Если понравятся «табуретоподобные», то поменяю его на Ямаху в середине сезона и выдам уже заключительную часть по всем параметрам.

Почему я это написал. Думаю, будет интересно почитать, как пройдет аттракцион с покупкой «того не знаю чего». Понравится ли мне вариатор. Как будет вести себя в городе, на трассе и на жестком грунте. Сколько грязи прилетит во время дождя на разных скоростях. Реальное обслуживание по мануалу, даст результаты или нет. Попробую разные типы моторных масел. И хотелось бы добавить немного света для заметности на дороге в ночное время. Что-нибудь придумаю и установлю, было бы время. И оцените решения, которые будут применяться при установке дополнительной светотехники.

Следующая публикация будет посвящена восстановлению и устранению неполадок бэушного аппарата. Все будет сопровождаться фотографиями.

Основной причиной написанного является и то, какими будут ощущения после мотоциклов спортивного типа и легких эндуро. Руление, прохождение разметки и трещин в асфальте. Буду описывать всё, что будет происходить на дороге. Как будет вести себя со вторым номером. Далее смена резины. Надеюсь, что пробег будет за сезон 15 -20 тысяч км, и он даст представление об аппарате. Испытания начнутся весной.

Вы здесь: Home Полезная информация Suzuki Burgman 400/250 Особенности эксплуатации и техническое обслуживание SUZUKI Burgman (Skywave) AN400.

Особенности эксплуатации и техническое обслуживание SUZUKI Burgman (Skywave) AN400.

В данной статье я постараюсь перечислить узлы и состав процедур технического обслуживания (ТО) SUZUKI Burgman (Skywave) AN400, которые требуют к себе внимания в процессе эксплуатации. Основной акцент будет на особенности данной техники. Отдельно приведем регламент ТО из сервис мануала и пройдемся по недокументированным нюансам. Информация будет полезной для тех, кто предпочитает самостоятельно обслуживать свою технику, т.к. есть ряд моментов, которые становятся понятными с опытом и не указаны в сервис мануалах.

Определить какая именно модификация AN400 у вас в руках, легко можно воспользовавшись соответствующей статьей .

В таблицах ниже приведены рекомендуемые производителем действия и нами расходные материалы. Также указаны некоторые комментарии курсивом, не от производителя.

Дальше то, о чем молчат сервисные мануалы:)

в процессе эксплуатации до 2006 г. включительно (кузова СК41, СК 42, СК 43) моторы любили масло. Любовь прямо пропорциональна близости капитального ремонта ДВС. Ресурс данного мотора примерно 50000 и зависит от стиля езды, внимательности владельца и качества используемых ГСМ. Сориентироваться по расходу можно следующим образом (при условии использовании подходящего масла):

  • от 0 до 250 мл. на 1000 км — идеально
  • от 250 до 500 мл. на 1000 км — все еще в норме, но нужно готовиться к капиталке
  • от 500 до 1000 мл. на 1000 км — нужно делать капиталку
  • свыше 1000 мл. на 1000 км — если аппарат еще едет — вы везучий человек.

Правильно проведенный капитальный ремонт ДВС даст мотору еще от 30 до 50 т. км. При условии нормальной обкатки. Ремонтный размер есть сейчас один — 0.5. Потом производится замена цилиндра на новый.

Одним словом за расходом масла необходимо следить. Для предотвращения езды с масляным голоданием можно установить датчик давления масла в магистраль высокого давления ДВС и вывести оповещение на приборную панель.

По кузову CK44, CK45, такой статистики пока нет. ДВС был переработан и вероятно это дало свои плоды — случаи чрезмерного расхода масла не фиксируются. Однако после модификации ДВС был укомплектован слабой цепью ГРМ (12760-19F00), которая со временем вытягивается. Это было замечено и цепь позднее заменили на более прочную (12760-19F01). Аппараты в кузове CK44 выпуска 2007 года как правило нуждаются в замене цепи на новую. Симптомы — ухудшившаяся динамика из-за смещения фаз газораспределения в следствии растянувшейся цепи ГРМ.

Слабым местом кузовов CK41 и CK42 является шлицы на заднем колесном диске. Со временем и при некачественной затяжке гайки заднего колеса шлицы истончаются и потом полностью исчезают, вал начинает проворачиваться. Колесный диск при этом требует замены. На CK43 кузове применена ступица (64110-14G00), что искоренило проблему, но уже через 3 года в кузовах CK44 и CK45 шлицы вернулись на диск (нахожу это решение странным).

Датчик скорости на CK41, CK42 и CK43 расположен на переднем колесе и имеет вращающуюся втулку (34983-14G01), которая с периодичностью 10-20 т.к. требует замены. В CK44 и CK45 перенесли на заднее колесо, ресурс значительно увеличен.

Фильтр вариатора на всех моделях требует периодической очистки в зависимости от запыленности среды эксплуатации аппарата, чистка раз в 1000-3000 км. Эту процедуру проводить нужно для предотвращения перегрева колокола сцепления. Если фильтр будет забит пылью перегрев и деформация колокола не заставят себя долго ждать.

Задний моно-амортизатор CK41, CK42 и CK43 (62100-14FE0) имеет гидравлический регулятор жесткости пружины. Со временем жидкость из регулятора уходит через уплотнители, т.к. система всегда находится под давлением. При этом пружина перестает сжиматься под действием регулятора и находится в полностью открытом состоянии. Проявляется это в максимальной мягкости подвески и, как следствие задевании лежачих полицейских. Раз в 2-3 года регулятор необходимо проверять и до заправлять жидкостью. С кузова CK44 регулятор заменили на механический (62100-05H10), такой же, который ранее устанавливался на более дешевые AN250 и внимания он требовать перестал (правда и регулировка его стала неудобной, из под днища с применением специального ключа (09822-00005) из штатного набора инструментов).

На CK41 кузове, есть необходимость подстройки стояночного тормоза (если вы хотите, чтобы он работал), когда ручка начинает упираться в нижний край механизма включения стояночного тормоза, из-за износа тормозных колодок, необходимо компенсировать износ специальным винтом на суппорте, ослабив контргайку. Есть еще одна причина по которой желательно не лениться и подстройку все-таки делать — со временем регулировочный винт приржавеет к втулке на столько, что при попытке его выкрутить (при установке новых тормозных колодок, к примеру, он просто отломится и для установки колодок нужно будет демонтировать втулку с рычагом стояночного тормоза совсем и думать что с этим дальше делать. С CK42 кузова применили автоматическую систему подстройки, ничего руками подстраивать не нужно.

При замене тормозных колодок на всех всех суппортах с направляющими (CK41,CK42,CK43 задние, CK44,CK45 задние и передние) необходимо проверять плавность движения суппорта по направляющим. Если движение затруднено или его нет, нужно чистить и смазывать направляющие. В противном случае суппорт будет подклинивать и затем перекашивать, что в свою очередь, кроме снижения эффективности торможения, приведет к неравномерному износу отверстий под направляющие в суппорте и необходимости замены тормозного суппорта. Наличие выработки отверстий под направляющие будет хорошо видно по диагональному износу тормозных колодок.

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Manuals and User Guides for SUZUKI Burgman AN400. We have 3 SUZUKI Burgman AN400 manuals available for free PDF download: Service Manual, Supplementary Service Manual

Suzuki Burgman AN400 Service Manual

Suzuki Burgman AN400 Service Manual (475 pages)

Brand: Suzuki
Category: Scooter
Size: 37.56 MB

Table of Contents
  • Section 1 Engine


    • General Information


    • Maintenance and Lubrication


    • Scheduled Maintenance


    • Lubrication Points


    • Brake Hose Replacement


    • Table of Contents


    • Engine General Information and Diagnosis


      • Injection Timing Description


      • Self-Diagnosis Function


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • FI System Wiring Diagram


      • Terminal Alignment of ECM Coupler (Harness Side)


    • Component Location


      • FI System Parts Location


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Engine Symptom Diagnosis


      • DTC Table


      • Fail-Safe Function Table


      • FI System Troubleshooting


      • Self-Diagnostic Procedures


      • Self-Diagnosis Reset Procedures


      • Use of SDS Diagnostic Procedures


      • Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures


      • Show Data When Trouble (Displaying Data at the Time of DTC)


        • Malfunction


        • DTC «C13» (P0105-H/L): IAP Sensor Circuit Malfunction


        • DTC «C14» (P0120/H/L): TP Sensor Circuit Malfunction


        • DTC «C15» (P0115-H/L): ECT Sensor Circuit Malfunction


        • DTC «C16» (P0500): Speed Sensor


        • DTC «C21» (P0110-H/L): IAT Sensor Circuit Malfunction


        • DTC «C23» (P1651-H/L): to Sensor Circuit Malfunction


        • DTC «C24» (P0351): Ignition System Malfunction


        • DTC «C28» (P1655): Secondary Throttle Valve Actuator (STVA) Malfunction


        • DTC «C29» (P1654-H/L): Secondary Throttle Position Sensor (STPS)


        • DTC «C32» (P0201): Fuel Injector Circuit Malfunction


        • DTC «C40» (P0505, P0506 or P0507): ISC Valve Circuit Malfunction


        • DTC «C41» (P0230-H/L): FP Relay Circuit Malfunction


        • DTC «42» (P1650): IG Switch Circuit Malfunction


        • DTC «C44» (P0130, P0135): HO2 Sensor (HO2S) Circuit Malfunction


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Special Tool


    • Emission Control Devices


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Emission Control Devices


    • General Description


      • Fuel Injection System Description


      • Crankcase Emission Control System Description


      • Exhaust Emission Control System Description


      • Noise Emission Control System Description


    • Repair Instructions


      • Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Removal and Installation


      • Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Inspection


      • PCV Hose Inspection


      • PCV Hose Removal and Installation


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


      • ECM Removal and Installation


      • CKP Sensor Inspection


      • CKP Sensor Removal and Installation


      • IAP Sensor Inspection


      • IAP Sensor Removal and Installation


      • TP Sensor Inspection


      • TP Sensor Adjustment


      • TP Sensor Removal and Installation


      • ECT Sensor Inspection


      • ECT Sensor Removal and Installation


      • Speed Sensor Inspection


      • Speed Sensor Removal and Installation


      • IAT Sensor Inspection


      • IAT Sensor Removal and Installation


      • TO Sensor Inspection


      • TO Sensor Removal and Installation


      • STP Sensor Inspection


      • STP Sensor Adjustment


      • STP Sensor Removal and Installation


      • ISC Valve Inspection


      • ISC Valve Removal and Installation


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Special Tool


    • 1C-7 Engine Electrical Devices


      • HO2 Sensor Inspection


      • HO2 Sensor Removal and Installation


    • Engine Mechanical


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Engine Mechanical


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Camshaft and Sprocket Assembly Diagram


      • Throttle Cable Routing Diagram


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Compression Pressure Check


    • Repair Instructions


      • Engine Components Removable with the Engine in Place


      • Engine Assembly Removal and Installation


      • Crankcase Bracket Removal and Installation


      • Crankcase Bracket Inspection


      • Air Cleaner Box Removal and Installation


      • Air Cleaner Element Inspection


      • Air Cleaner Drain Plug Inspection


      • Throttle Cable Removal and Installation


      • Throttle Cable Adjustment


      • Throttle Body Components


      • Throttle Body Construction


      • Throttle Body Removal and Installation


      • Throttle Body Disassembly and Assembly


      • Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning


      • Engine Top Side Disassembly


      • Engine Top Side Assembly


      • Camshaft Inspection


      • Cam Chain Tension Adjuster Inspection


      • Cam Chain Guide Inspection


      • Cylinder Head Disassembly and Reassembly


      • Cylinder Head Related Parts Inspection


      • Valve Guide Replacement


      • Valve Seat Repair


      • Cylinder Disassembly and Assembly


      • Cylinder Inspection


      • Piston Ring Removal and Installation


      • Piston and Related Parts Inspection


      • Engine Bottom Side Disassembly


      • Engine Bottom Side Assembly


      • Cam Chain Tensioner Inspection


      • Conrod and Crankshaft Inspection


      • Width between Crankshaft Webs


      • Bearing Inspection


      • Bearing Removal and Installation


      • Rear Suspension Mounting Bushing Removal and Installation


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


    • Engine Lubrication System


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Engine Oil


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Engine Lubrication System Chart Diagram


      • Engine Lubrication Circuit Diagram


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Engine Lubrication Symptom Diagnosis


      • Oil Pressure Check


    • Repair Instructions


      • Engine Oil and Filter Replacement


      • Oil Sump Filter Removal and Installation


      • Oil Sump Filter Cleaning


      • Oil Pump Removal and Installation


      • Oil Pump Inspection


      • Piston Cooling Nozzle Removal and Installation


      • Piston Cooling Nozzle Inspection


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Special Tool


    • Engine Cooling System


    • Precautions


      • Engine Cooling System Warning


    • General Description


      • Cooling System Description


      • Engine Coolant Description


      • Cooling Fan Thermo-Switch Description


      • Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Description


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Cooling Circuit Diagram


      • Radiator Hose Routing Diagram


    • Component Location


      • Engine Cooling System Components Location


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Engine Cooling Symptom Diagnosis


    • Repair Instructions


      • Cooling Circuit Inspection


      • Radiator Cap Inspection


      • Radiator Removal and Installation


      • Radiator Cleaning


      • Radiator Hose Inspection


      • Radiator Hose Removal and Installation


      • Radiator Reservoir Tank Removal and Installation


      • Cooling Fan Inspection


      • Cooling Fan Removal and Installation


      • Cooling Fan Thermo-Switch Removal and Installation


      • Cooling Fan Thermo-Switch Inspection


      • ECT Sensor Removal and Installation


      • ECT Sensor Inspection


      • Thermostat Removal and Installation


      • Thermostat Inspection


      • Water Pump Components


      • Water Pump Construction


      • Water Pump Removal and Installation


      • Water Pump Disassembly and Assembly


      • Water Pump Related Parts Inspection


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


    • Fuel System


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Fuel System


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Fuel Tank Hose Construction


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Fuel System Diagnosis


    • Repair Instructions


      • Fuel System Components


      • Fuel Tank Heat Shield Construction


      • Fuel Cut Valve Removal and Installation


      • Fuel Tank Removal and Installation


      • Fuel Pump Assembly Removal and Installation


      • Fuel Drain Tray and FTPC Valve Removal and Installation


      • Fuel Cut Valve Inspection


      • FTPC Valve Inspection


      • Fuel Pump Disassembly and Assembly


      • Fuel Pressure Inspection


      • Fuel Pump Relay Inspection


      • Fuel Mesh Filter Inspection


      • Fuel Level Gauge Inspection


      • Fuel Pump Inspection


      • Fuel Injector Inspection


      • Fuel Injector Removal and Installation


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Special Tool


    • Ignition System


    • General Description


      • Immobilizer Description (for


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Ignition System Diagram


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Ignition System Symptom Diagnosis


      • No Spark or Poor Spark


    • Repair Instructions


      • Spark Plug Removal and Installation


      • Spark Plug Inspection and Cleaning


      • Ignition Coil Inspection


      • Ignition Coil Assembly Removal and Installation


      • Spark Plug Removal and Installation


      • Spark Plug Inspection


      • CKP Sensor Inspection


      • CKP Sensor Removal and Installation


      • Engine Stop Switch Inspection


      • Ignition Switch Inspection


      • Ignition Switch Removal and Installation


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Special Tool


    • Starting System


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Starting System Diagram


    • Component Location


      • Starting System Components Location


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Starter Motor will Not Run


    • Repair Instructions


      • Starter Motor Components


      • Starter Motor Removal and Installation


      • Starter Motor Disassembly and Assembly


      • Starter Motor Inspection


      • Starter Relay Removal and Installation


      • Starter Relay Inspection


      • Turn Signal / Side-Stand Relay Removal and Installation


      • Side-Stand / Ignition Interlock System Parts Inspection


      • Starter Clutch Component


      • Starter Clutch Removal and Installation


      • Starter Clutch Inspection


      • Starter Clutch Disassembly and Assembly


      • Starter Button Inspection


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


    • Charging System


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Charging System Diagram


    • Component Location


      • Charging System Components Location


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Charging System Symptom Diagnosis


      • Battery Runs down Quickly


    • Repair Instructions


      • Battery Current Leakage Inspection


      • Regulated Voltage Inspection


      • Generator Coil Resistance Inspection


      • Generator No-Load Performance Inspection


      • Regulator/Rectifier Inspection


      • Generator Removal and Installation


      • Battery Components


      • Battery Initial Charging


      • Battery Visual Inspection


      • Battery Recharging


      • Battery Removal and Installation


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Special Tool


    • Exhaust System


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Exhaust System


    • Repair Instructions


      • Exhaust System Components


      • Exhaust Pipe / Muffler Removal and Installation


      • Exhaust System Inspection


      • HO2 Sensor Inspection


    • Specifications


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


  • Section 2 Suspension


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Suspension


    • Suspension General Diagnosis


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Suspension and Wheel Symptom Diagnosis


    • Repair Instructions


      • Front Fork Components


      • Front Fork Removal and Installation


      • Front Fork Disassembly and Assembly


      • Front Fork Inspection


      • Front Fork Parts Inspection


    • Front Suspension


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


    • Rear Suspension


    • Repair Instructions


      • Rear Suspension Components


      • Rear Suspension Assembly Construction


      • Rear Swingarm Components


      • Rear Shock Absorber and Rear Shock Absorber Assembly Removal and Installation


      • Rear Suspension Inspection


      • Rear Shock Absorber Inspection


      • Rear Shock Absorber Gas Pressure Release


      • Rear Suspension Adjustment


      • Rear Swingarm Removal and Installation


      • Rear Swingarm Related Parts Inspection


      • Rear Swingarm Dust Seal / Bearing Removal and Installation


      • Cushion Lever and Cushion Rod Inspection


      • Cushion Lever Bearing Removal and Installation


      • Crankcase Bracket Construction


      • Crankcase Bracket Removal and Installation


      • Crankcase Bracket Related Parts Inspection


      • Crankcase Bracket Bearing Removal and Installation


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Wheel and Tire


    • Wheels and Tires


    • Repair Instructions


      • Front Wheel Components


      • Front Wheel Assembly Construction


      • Front Wheel Assembly Removal and Installation


      • Front Wheel Related Parts Inspection


      • Front Wheel Dust Seal / Bearing Removal and Installation


      • Rear Wheel Components


      • Rear Wheel Assembly Removal and Installation


      • Rear Wheel Related Parts Inspection


      • Tire Removal and Installation


      • Wheel/Tire/Air Valve Inspection and Cleaning


      • Air Valve Removal and Installation


      • Wheel Balance Check and Adjustment


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


  • Section 3 Driveline / Axle


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Driveline/Axle


    • Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Drive Chain and Sprocket Symptom Diagnosis


    • Repair Instructions


      • Final Gear Components


      • Final Gear Assembly Removal and Installation


      • Final Gear Disassembly and Assembly


      • Final Drive Gear Bearing Inspection


    • Specifications


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


  • Section 4 Brake


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Brake System


      • Brake Fluid Information


    • Brake Control System and Diagnosis


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Front Brake Hose Routing Diagram


      • Rear Brake Hose Routing Diagram


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Brake Symptom Diagnosis


    • Repair Instructions


      • Brake Light Switch Inspection


      • Brake Fluid Level Check


      • Brake Hose Inspection


      • Air Bleeding from Brake Fluid Circuit


      • Brake Fluid Replacement


      • Front Brake Hose Removal and Installation


      • Rear Brake Hose Removal and Installation


      • Front Brake Master Cylinder Components


      • Front Brake Master Cylinder Assembly Removal and Installation


      • Front Master Cylinder / Brake Lever Disassembly and Assembly


      • Front Master Cylinder Parts Inspection


      • Rear Brake Master Cylinder Components


      • Rear Brake Master Cylinder Assembly Removal and Installation


      • Rear Master Cylinder / Brake Lever Disassembly and Assembly


      • Rear Master Cylinder Parts Inspection


      • Service Data


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


    • Front Brakes


    • Repair Instructions


      • Front Brake Components


      • Front Brake Pad Inspection


      • Front Brake Pad Replacement


      • Front Brake Caliper Removal and Installation


      • Front Brake Caliper Disassembly and Assembly


      • Front Brake Caliper Parts Inspection


      • Front Brake Disc Removal and Installation


      • Front Brake Disc Inspection


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


    • Repair Instructions


      • Rear Brake Components


      • Rear Brake Pad Inspection


      • Rear Brake Pad Replacement


      • Rear Brake Caliper Removal and Installation


      • Rear Brake Caliper Disassembly and Assembly


      • Brake Caliper Piston Disassembly and Assembly


      • Rear Brake Caliper Parts Inspection


      • Rear Brake Disc Removal and Installation


      • Rear Brake Disc Inspection


    • Rear Brakes


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


    • Specifications


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Parking Brake


    • General Description


      • Parking Brake System (Brake-Lock System) Description


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Parking Brake Cable (Brake-Lock Cable) Routing Diagram


    • Repair Instructions


      • Parking Brake System (Brake-Lock System) Inspection


      • Parking Brake System (Brake-Lock System) Removal and Installation


  • Section 5 Tranmission / Transaxle


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Transmission/Transaxle


    • Automatic Transmission


    • Schematic and Routing Diagram


      • Drive Train System


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Automatic Transmission Symptom Diagnosis


    • Repair Instructions


      • Outer Clutch Cover Cushion Construction


      • Clutch in / Stall Speed Inspection


      • V-Belt Type Continuously Variable Automatic Transmission Removal and Installation


      • Drive V-Belt Inspection


      • Cooling Fan Filter Inspection


      • Inner Clutch Cover Bearing Inspection


      • Inner Clutch Cover Bering Removal and Installation


      • Movable Drive Face Component


      • Movable Drive Face Disassembly and Assembly


      • Movable Drive Face Parts Inspection


      • Oil Seal Removal and Installation


      • Clutch Shoe / Movable Driven Face Components


      • Clutch Shoe / Movable Driven Face Disassembly and Assembly


      • Clutch Shoe and Movable Driven Face Parts Inspection


    • Specifications


      • Service Data


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool


  • Section 6 Steering


    • Precautions


      • Precautions for Steering


    • Steering General Diagnosis


    • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


      • Steering Symptom Diagnosis


    • Steering / Handlebar


    • Repair Instructions


      • Handlebars Components


      • Handlebars Removal and Installation


      • Handlebars Inspection


      • Steering Components


      • Steering Removal and Installation


      • Steering Related Parts Inspection


      • Steering System Inspection


      • Steering Stem Bearing Removal and Installation


      • Steering Tension Adjustment


    • Specifications


      • Tightening Torque Specifications


    • Special Tools and Equipment


      • Recommended Service Material


      • Special Tool



Suzuki Burgman AN400 Service Manual

Suzuki Burgman AN400 Service Manual (384 pages)

Brand: Suzuki
Category: Scooter
Size: 31.38 MB

Table of Contents
  • General Information 1


    • General Information


    • Servicing Information


      • Table of Contents


    • Periodic Maintenance


    • Electrical System


    • Warning/Caution/Note


    • General Precautions


    • Suzuki An400 ( 03-Model)


    • Serial Number Location


    • Fuel, Oil and Engine Coolant Recommendation


      • Fuel (for Usa and Canada)


      • Fuel (for Other Countries)


      • Engine Oil and Transmission Oil (for Usa)


      • Engine Oil and Transmission Oil (for Other Countries)


      • Final Gear Oil


      • Brake Fluid


      • Front Fork Oil


      • Engine Coolant


      • Water for Mixing


      • Anti-Freeze/Engine Coolant


      • Liquid Amount of Water/Engine Coolant


    • Break-In Procedures


    • Information Labels


    • Specifications


      • Dimensions and Dry Mass


      • Engine


      • Drive Train


      • Chassis


  • Electrical


    • Capacities


    • Country and Area Codes


      • Periodic Maintenance Schedule


        • Periodic Maintenance Chart


        • Lubrication Points


      • Maintenance and Tune-Up Procedures


        • Air Cleaner


        • Exhaust Pipe Bolt and Muffler Bolt


        • Valve Clearance


        • Spark Plug


        • Fuel Line


        • Engine Oil and Oil Filter


        • Final Gear Oil


        • Idle Speed


        • Throttle Cable Play


        • Cooling Fan Filter


        • Cooling System


        • Drive V-Belt Inspection


        • Pair(Air Supply)System


        • Brake System


        • Steering


        • Front Fork


        • Rear Suspension


        • Tire


        • Tire Tread Depth


        • Chassis Bolt and Nut


      • Compression Pressure Check


        • Compression Test Procedure


      • Oil Pressure Check


        • Oil Pressure Test Procedure


      • Automatic Clutch Inspection


        • Initial Engagement Inspection


        • Clutch «Lock-Up» Inspection


      • Brake-Lock


        • Inspection


        • Adjustment


  • Engine


    • Engine Components Removable with the Engine in Place


    • Engine Removal and Remounting


      • Engine Removal


      • Engine Remounting


    • Engine Disassembly


    • Engine Component Inspection and Service


      • Cylinder Head Cover


      • Camshaft Housing


      • Cylinder Head


      • Cylinder Head Distortion


      • Camshaft


      • Cam Chain Tension Adjuster


      • Cylinder


      • Piston


      • Conrod and Crankshaft


      • Movable Drive Face Assembly


      • Clutch Shoe/Movable Driven Face


      • Transmission Cover


      • Idle Gear


      • Final Driven Gear


      • Scissors Gear


      • Clutch Inner Cover


      • Starter Clutch


      • Generator


      • Oil Sump Filter


      • Oil Pump


      • Crankcase


    • Engine Reassembly


      • Crankshaft


      • Balancer Shaft


      • Crankcase


      • Balancer Gear


      • Starter Idle Gear


      • Cam Chain


      • Oil Pump


      • Starter Driven Gear


      • Generator Rotor


      • Oil Sump Filter


      • Idle Shaft


      • Rear Axle Shaft


      • Transmission/Transmission Cover


      • Clutch Shoe/Movable Driven Face Assembly


      • Movable Drive Face Assembly


      • Clutch Inner Cover


      • Generator Cover


      • Water Pump


      • Oil Filter


      • Piston Ring


      • Piston


      • Cylinder


      • Cam Chain Guide


      • Cylinder Head


      • Camshaft


      • Cam Chain Tension Adjuster


      • Cylinder Head Cover


      • Starter Motor


  • Fi System


    • Precautions in Servicing


      • Eletrical Parts


      • Fuse


      • Ecm/Various Sensors


      • Electrical Circuit Inspection Procedure


      • Using Testers


    • Fi System Technical Features


      • Injection Time (Injection Volume)


      • Compensation of Injection Time (Volume)


      • Injection Stop Control


      • Fi System Parts Location


      • Fi System Wiring Diagram


    • Self-Diagnosis Function


      • User Mode


      • Dealer Mode


      • Tps Adjustment


    • Fail-Safe Function


    • Fi System Troubleshooting


      • Customer Complaint Analysis


      • Self-Diagnostic Procedures


      • Self-Diagnosis Reset Procedure


      • Malfunction Code and Defective Condition


      • C12″ Ckp Sensor Circuit Malfunction


      • C13″ Iap Sensor Circuit Malfunction


      • C14″ Tp Sensor Circuit Malfunction


      • C15″ Ect Sensor Circuit Malfunction


      • C21″ Iat Sensor Circuit Malfunction


      • C23″ to Sensor Circuit Malfunction


      • C24″ Igintion System Malfunction


      • C32″ Fuel Injector Circuit Malfunction


      • C40″ Iac Valve Circuit Malfunction


      • C41″ Fp Relay Circuit Malfunction


      • C42″ Ig Switch Circuit Malfunction


      • C44″ Ho2 Sensor (Ho2S) Circuit Malfunction (E-02, 19, 54)


      • Sensors


  • Fuel System and Throttle Body


    • Fuel System


      • Removal and Disassembly


      • Inspection


      • Reassembly and Installation


      • Fuel Pressure Inspection


      • Fuel Pump Inspection


      • Fuel Pump Relay Inspection


      • Fuel Pump and Fuel Level Gauge Disassembly


      • Fuel Mesh Filter Inspection and Cleaning


      • Fuel Level Gauge Inspection


      • Fuel Pump and Fuel Level Gauge Reassembly


    • Throttle Body


      • Removal


      • Disassembly


      • Cleaning and Inspection


      • Reassembly


      • Installation


      • Throttle Cable Adjustment


      • Tp Sensor Adjustment


      • Fuel Injector Removal


      • Fuel Injector Inspection


      • Fuel Injector Installation


  • Cooling and Lubrication System


    • Cooling System


      • Description


      • Cooling Circuit


    • Engine Coolant


      • Draining Engine Coolant


    • Removal and Disassembly


      • Radiator


    • Inspection


      • Radiator


      • Water Hose


      • Cooling Fan


    • Reassembly and Remounting


    • Cooling Fan Thermo-Switch


      • Removal


      • Inspection


      • Inistallation


    • Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor


      • Removal


      • Inspection


      • Installation


    • Thermostat


      • Removal


      • Inspection


      • Installtation


    • Water Pump


      • Removal and Disassembly


      • Inspection


      • Reassembly and Remounting


    • Lubrication System


      • Oil Pressure


      • Oil Filter


      • Oil Sump Filter


      • Oil Pump


      • Engine Lubrication System Chart


      • Engine Lubrication System


  • Chassis


    • Exterior Parts


      • Construction


      • Removal


      • Fastener Removal and Reinstallation


      • Installation


    • Front Wheel


      • Removal and Disassembly


      • Inspection


      • Reassembly and Remounting


    • Front Brake


      • Caliper Removal and Disassembly


      • Caliper Inspection


      • Caliper Reassembly and Remounting


      • Brake Disc Inspection


      • Master Cylinder Removal and Disassembly


      • Master Cylinder Inspection


      • Master Cylinder Reassembly and Remounting


    • Handlebars


      • Removal


      • Reassembly


    • Front Fork


      • Removal and Disassembly


      • Front Fork Spring Inspection


      • Inner Tube and Outer Tube Inspection


      • Cylinder Inspection


      • Reassembly and Remounting


    • Steering


      • Removal and Disassembly


      • Inspection


      • Reassembly and Remounting


    • Rear Wheel


      • Removal


      • Inspection


      • Remounting


    • Rear Brake


      • Brake Pad Replacement


      • Caliper Removal and Disassembly


      • Caliper Inspection


      • Caliper Reassembly and Remounting


      • Brake Disc Removal


      • Brake Disc Inspection


      • Brake Disc Reassembly


      • Master Cylinder Removal and Disassembly


      • Master Cylinder Inspection


      • Master Cylinder Reassembly and Remounting


      • Delay Valve Removal


      • Delay Valve Remounting


      • Brake-Lock Cable Replacement


      • Brake System


    • Rear Suspension


      • Removal and Disassembly


      • Inspection


      • Rear Shock Absorber Disposal


      • Reassembly and Remounting


    • Crankcase Bracket


      • Removal and Disassembly


      • Inspection


      • Bearing Replacement


      • Reassembly and Remounting


    • Tire and Wheel


      • Tire Removal


      • Inspection


      • Valve Inspection


      • Tire Installation


      • Balancer Weight Installation


  • Electrical System


    • Cautions in Servicing


      • Connectors


      • Couplers


      • Clamps


      • Fuse


      • Semi-Conductor Equipped Parts


      • Battery


      • Connecting the Battery


      • Wiring Procedure


      • Using the Multi Circuit Tester


    • Location of Electrical Components


    • Battery


    • Charging System


      • Trouble Shooting


      • Charging System Inspection


    • Generator


    • Main Fuse


    • Starter System


      • Trouble Shooting


      • Starter Motor Removal and Disassembly


      • Starter Motor Inspection


      • Starter Motor Reassembly and Installation


      • Starter Relay Inspection


      • Side-Stand/Ignition Interlock System Parts Inspection


    • Ignition System


      • Troubleshooting


      • Ignition System Inspection


    • Combination Meter


      • Removal and Disassembly


      • Inspection


      • Fuel Level Meter Inspection


    • Headlight


    • Lamp


      • Front Turn Signal Light


    • Brake Light/Taillight


      • Rear Turn Signal Light/Brake Light/Taillight/License Light


    • Switches


      • Ignition Switch Removal and Remounting


      • Inspection


    • Battery


      • Specifications


      • Initial Charging


      • Servicing


      • Recharging Operation


      • Battery Removal


Suzuki Burgman AN400 Supplementary Service Manual

Suzuki Burgman AN400 Supplementary Service Manual (143 pages)

Brand: Suzuki
Category: Scooter
Size: 6.64 MB

Table of Contents
  • General Information


  • Service Data


  • Fuel System


  • Rear Suspension


  • Wheels and Tires


  • Table of Contents


  • Repair Instructions


  • Specifications


    • Tightening Torque Specifications


  • Abs


  • Precautions


    • Precautions for ABS (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • ABS Information (AN400A/ZAK9)


  • General Description


    • Wheel Speed Sensor Description (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • ABS Control Unit Description (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Hydraulic Unit (HU) Description (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Self-Diagnosis Function and ABS Indicator Light Description (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Fail-Safe Function Description (AN400A/ZAK9)


  • Schematic and Routing Diagram


    • ABS Wiring Diagram (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • ABS Unit Diagram (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Front Wheel Speed Sensor Routing Diagram (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Routing Diagram (AN400A/ZAK9)


  • Component Location


    • ABS Components Location (AN400A/ZAK9)


  • Diagnostic Information and Procedures


    • ABS Troubleshooting (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Pre-Diagnosis Inspection (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • ABS Indicator Light Inspection (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) Output


    • (An400A/Zak9)


    • DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) Deleting (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • SDS Check (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Active Control Inspection (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • DTC Table (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «13» (C1613): Wheel Speed Sensor Rotor Malfunction (F) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «14» (C1614): Wheel Speed Sensor Rotor Malfunction (R) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «22» (C1622): ABS Actuator Circuit Malfunction (F) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «23» (C1623): ABS Actuator Circuit Malfunction (R) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «25» (C1625): Wheel Speed Sensor Related Malfunction (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «35» (C1635): ABS Motor Malfunction (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «41» (C1641): Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Malfunction (F) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «42» (C1642): Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Open (F) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «43» (C1643): Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Short (F) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «44» (C1644): Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Malfunction (R) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «45» (C1645): Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Open (R) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «46» (C1646): Wheel Speed Sensor Circuit Short (R) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «47» (C1647): Supply Voltage (Increased) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «48» (C1648): Supply Voltage (Decreased) (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «55» (C1655): ABS Control Unit Malfunction (AN400A/ZAK9)


      • DTC «61» (C1661): ABS Solenoid Malfunction (AN400A/ZAK9)


  • Repair Instructions


    • ABS Control Unit Coupler Disconnect and Connect (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Front Wheel Speed Sensor Removal and Installation (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Removal and Installation (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Front Wheel Speed Sensor Rotor Removal and Installation (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Rear Wheel Speed Sensor Rotor Removal and Installation (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • Wheel Speed Sensor and Sensor Rotor Inspection (AN400A/ZAK9)


    • ABS Control Unit/Hu Removal and Installation (AN400A/ZAK9)




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More SUZUKI Manuals

15.04.2010, 22:49




Аватар для Mod


Mod вне форума

Регистрация: 24.03.2010

Адрес: Темиртау

Сообщений: 12

По умолчанию
Диагностика ошибки FI

Если на приборной панели горит красная лампочка и FI, то электронные «мозги» обнаружили неисправность какого-то датчика или механизма. Чтобы прочитать код ошибки, нужно перевести приборку в диагностический режим. Руководство по ремонту и сервисному обслуживанию утверждает, что нужно вставить в диагностический разъем под пассажирским седлом специальную приблуду и будет счастье. Однако счастье возможно и без этого — достаточно закоротить электрическим проводом два контакта в этом разъеме. Найти диагностический разъем просто — это белый кусок пластмассы с шестью контактами, закрытый куском резины.

Кроме индикации кода ошибки, в диагностическом режиме приборная панель показывает и состояние датчика TPS (Throttle Position Sensor). Этот датчик сообщает «мозгам» положение ручки газа, а вернее воздушных заслонок, поэтому для достижения отпимальной мощности важно, чтобы он показывал правильные значения.
Калибровка достаточно простая — поднимаем бензобак и с правой стороны около воздушных заслонок крутим датчик до тех пор, пока знак «-» перед кодом ошибки (C00 — нет ошибки) не будет посередине. «_» и «¯» — некорректные значения.
Ну и немного подробнее, как включить диагностический режим. Для этого нужно выключить зажигание, найти в диагностическом разъеме два крайних контакта (черный провод с белой полосой и белый провод с красной полосой), от которых отходят провода (на противоположном крае одного провода не хватает) и закоротить их электропроводом. После чего включаем зажигание и смотрим диагностическую информацию.
Код ошибки можно расшифровать с помощью сервисного мануала. Актуально для всех инжекторных джиксеров



Пластмасовый призрак


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16.04.2010, 09:31




Аватар для Sheriff


Sheriff вне форума

Регистрация: 06.12.2009

Адрес: Almaty

Сообщений: 241

По умолчанию
Re: Диагностика ошибки FI

На какую модель расчитана данная процедура?

Безлошадный пока …


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16.04.2010, 10:36




Аватар для Mod


Mod вне форума

Регистрация: 24.03.2010

Адрес: Темиртау

Сообщений: 12

По умолчанию
Re: Диагностика ошибки FI

Актуально для всех инжекторных джиксеров. То есть модели GSX-R, 600/750/1000/1300 начиная с 2001 года.

Пластмасовый призрак


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04.06.2010, 15:16




_JD_ вне форума

Регистрация: 04.06.2010

Сообщений: 3

По умолчанию
Re: Диагностика ошибки FI

полезная штукенция эта самодиагностика


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20.06.2010, 23:59




Аватар для Partizan


Partizan вне форума

Регистрация: 05.05.2010

Сообщений: 13

По умолчанию
Re: Диагностика ошибки FI

Сообщение от _JD_
Посмотреть сообщение

полезная штукенция эта самодиагностика

что значит»самодиагностика»???



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26.06.2010, 23:30




Аватар для Mod


Mod вне форума

Регистрация: 24.03.2010

Адрес: Темиртау

Сообщений: 12

По умолчанию
Re: Диагностика ошибки FI

на приборке будет код ошибки.

Пластмасовый призрак


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06.11.2014, 01:43




aimper вне форума

Регистрация: 06.11.2014

Сообщений: 5

По умолчанию
Re: Диагностика ошибки FI

Макс здаровчик! принимайте следующего с джиксерклаба)

Suzuki gsf600 bandit 1998, gsx600f katana 1993, gsxr 250rr 1993, baleno 1.6 1995, gsf600s bandit 2003.
GSXRCLUB.RU ||| exec


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06.11.2014, 23:13




Аватар для jafar miasnik


jafar miasnik вне форума

Регистрация: 07.04.2011

Адрес: Усть-Каменогорск

Сообщений: 589

По умолчанию
Re: Диагностика ошибки FI

Приветствую! Тут про мотоциклы, мне кажется уж года три никто ничего не пишет! Но все равно приятно бандитовода видеть здесь!

SGV 1998 г.в. G16B, МКП, переходка 3дв
Suzuki Bandit GSF-250 — для души!


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11.11.2014, 03:53




aimper вне форума

Регистрация: 06.11.2014

Сообщений: 5

По умолчанию
Re: Диагностика ошибки FI


Suzuki gsf600 bandit 1998, gsx600f katana 1993, gsxr 250rr 1993, baleno 1.6 1995, gsf600s bandit 2003.
GSXRCLUB.RU ||| exec


Ответить с цитированием

23.07.2016, 14:33




ritapk60 вне форума

Регистрация: 23.07.2016

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Recent install

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Опубликовано: 08.06.2023

Ну если VFR 400 K можно назвать максискутером.

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Абракадабра, пыщь-пыщь! Оживляю мертвую тему.
После года владения (уже продал) могу сказать пару ласковых про Бургман-Скай 400.
Был у меня аппарат 2013 года, с АБС, подогревом рук, бесключевым доступом и со стеклом ГИВИ.
Всё по кайфу, реально по кайфу. Пока не надо ехать быстро и пока не наезжаешь на короткую лежачку, хуже всего самодельную из асфальта. И пробивает, и по организму пинается. Ну а обогнать кого-то на трассе — это печальная история, с моим-то опытом 800-х и 1200-х мотоциклов.
Вторым номером для большого города — кайфово, реально кайфово. На трассе — грустно. На грейдере — страшно
Так что вещь хорошая, дарит весь спектр эмоций

Андрей_ ДВ
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Amur (читать шрифтом Monotype Corsiva)
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Дед Ворчун
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Найти ещё сообщения от Дед Ворчун

На опыте катания на полтиннике (чесотки, надеюсь, это не растеряли):
— во время небольшого дождя — гораздо суше, после дождя в принципе — ноги всегда сухие, даже если с ходу штурмовать лужи 5*5 метров
— унитаз в качестве дополнительного объема под барахло
— езда в режиме «в электричке» (сел, заснул, проснулся когда пора выходить — актуально при езде на работы/с работы — мозг отключается при выезде, включается по прибытии, реально как будто время перемотали)
— не засерает дорожной грязью рабочую одежду (та же тема про работу)

Но для города лучше что-то полегче, чем макси — кубов на 125-150 самое оно.

В любом случае, если б выбор был Голда или макси, я бы выбрал макси. Хотя, аксиому Эскобара никто не отменял )

У меня на купленном скае электронный замок. Работает он так: вместо замка зажигания — ручка, в ключе чип. Когда ты с этим ключом в кармане подходишь к мопеду, на ручку можно нажать, она включится и откроются замки большого бардачка, унитаза и крышки бензобака. Поворачиваешь включенную ручку в положение ON — включается электрика и можно заводить мопед. Если в положение ON ее не переводить и несколько секунд подождать, ручка отключится, замки закроются. Также ее можно отключить, нажав на ключе кнопку.

Теоретически (пока не успел проверить), если от заведенного мопеда достаточно далеко отойти, он должен потерять сигнал ключа заглохнуть.

Пока непонятно, что произойдет, если полностью разрядится аккумулятор — он находится в большом бардачке, который без электричества не открыть.

P.S. Если это на К8 и старше, то понятно, почему у меня на пластике 2008 год изготовления, но непонятно, как может быть 2007 год регистрации.


  • Пол: Мужчина
  • Город: Санкт Петербург

У меня на купленном скае электронный замок. Работает он так: вместо замка зажигания — ручка, в ключе чип. Когда ты с этим ключом в кармане подходишь к мопеду, на ручку можно нажать, она включится и откроются замки большого бардачка, унитаза и крышки бензобака. Поворачиваешь включенную ручку в положение ON — включается электрика и можно заводить мопед. Если в положение ON ее не переводить и несколько секунд подождать, ручка отключится, замки закроются. Также ее можно отключить, нажав на ключе кнопку.

Теоретически (пока не успел проверить), если от заведенного мопеда достаточно далеко отойти, он должен потерять сигнал ключа заглохнуть.

Пока непонятно, что произойдет, если полностью разрядится аккумулятор — он находится в большом бардачке, который без электричества не открыть.

P.S. Если это на К8 и старше, то понятно, почему у меня на пластике 2008 год изготовления, но непонятно, как может быть 2007 год регистрации.

Спасибо за объяснения.
По поводу года- Александр объяснил мне-у япов что то там с новым годом не так- начинается с сентября. ну не помню, врать-не буду. надо спросить у Александра, да он сам увидит тему и пояснит.

. а там вроде есть еще ключик отключения иммобилайзера- вероятно после его применения-система должна выключится. хотя как. если аккум сдох.

Прокатился по холодку и понял, что лопухи это великая вещь, подогрев конечно хорошо, но когда рука изнутри подогревается, а снаружи мерзнет — не комильфо.
Заказал себе лопухи, хотел стоковые найти, но на них ценник уж больно кусается
Взял китайские, вроде должны норм смотрятся.

Брумм Брумм 19000км
Я ездил на автомобиле до того, как это стало mainstream`ом

Не спорьте с 1gog, он всё сотрёт.

Оба подшипника должны были быть установлены в генератор ВАЗа,
так что не думаю, что у них есть вообще какие то отличия.

Зы: на форуме скаеводов пишут, что родные ездят около 10-15 тык, неродные 5-10 тык, так что вообще не критично — просто расходник.

Забыл написать:
Когда выкатывался, прикупил у богомерзкого чехол на скутер, вполне себе приличный, правда без кофра, но его у меня и нет.
Ткань плотная, думаю два три сезона прослужит.

Лопухи тоже вчера поставил, но забыл зафотать, так что немного попозже фотку выложу.

Лопухи (защита рук) на Suzuki SkyWave 400

Лопухи брал на алиекспресе за 850

Пробег 14677
Решил поменять масло в картере, его мало оставалось, да и вообще старое уже, но срок еще позволял.
Купил я масло Mannol 10w40 полусинтетику с молибденом, упаковка красивая, вся хурма!!

Открыл, начал заливать, а оно Черное, ну не такое как отработка слитая, но просто не привычно черное, хз, может от молибдена или присадок, но стремное, я его даже понюхал, мало ли что в банку налили.
Залил в картер, не выкидывать же, а потом начались приятные ништяки, хх пришел в норму — 1.6к на прогретом, на холодном чуть меньше 2-х, но колесо не крутится, и вибрация на старте практически пропала, по крайней мере я перестал ее замечать, а уж раздражать перестала точно.

Зы: почитал отзывы про масло, все пишут что цвет стремный, но само масло вроде хвалят. Будем посмотреть как масло дальше будет ездить.

А еще прикупил в Архангельске пару ламп HS1, там на рынке даже выбор был, не то что в Питере — днем с огнем не найти

Третья единица мототехники в гараже, она же авоська на двух колесах, или приобрести то, не зная что!

Жизнь идет своим чередом, все меняется и хочется совершить очередную ошибку. А может и новое средство передвижения для конкретных задач.

Не поверите, но, не считая 175-кубового мотороллера ЧЕЗЕТ 501 1959 года выпуска, я прокатился за последние 10 лет всего несколько раз на скутерах 50 – 125сс по 100-300 метров. Если спросить про впечатления, то я не смогу ответить на этот вопрос. Надо проверять в реальных условиях. И в городе, и на трассе. А теперь о желании «совершить ошибку».

Иногда приходится на дачу продукты везти, и к брату в МО заехать, и на объект сгонять. Это все с забитым «по самые гланды» кофром, сумкой на бедре, да еще сеткой креплю пакеты с одеждой. Учитывая, что приезд на дачу – это ночевка на свежем воздухе. А погода переменчива. И когда уезжаешь на мотоцикле из Москвы на 2-3-4 дня, то не знаешь, чего ожидать и какие сюрпризы подкинет погода.

Все мы знаем, что надо иметь несколько курток и штанов. Вот только этот гардероб с собой не увезешь. Лично у меня в кофре днюют и ночуют: дождевик раздельный, перчатки кожаные (если тряпочные на мне или наоборот), беговая безрукавка, резервные 125мл моторного масла, запасной подшлемник, тряпка для протирки визора, пачка сигарет, бутылка с водой, зарядные устройства для мобильного и блютуза в шлеме. И если на несколько дней выезжаю, то обязательно беру с собой толстовку и ХБ белье (не люблю термобелье), осенью добавляется на шею защита от ветра. Конечно, когда заскакиваю в гости с ночевкой по пути, то автоматом идут дополнительные носки и труселя с футболкой. А еще надо взять планшет и так далее. Кофр у меня на мопедке Тэндерейс — 32 литра. Все! Ресурс вместимости исчерпан! Фотоаппарат лежит в сумке на ногу, там же телефон с пачкой сигарет и зажигалкой.

Когда все это упаковываю, то постоянно думаю куда положить продукты. А когда с супругой едем на дачу, хоть рюкзак туристический бери. Только не прокатывает – кофр мешает. Хрен с ним, купил сумку на бак небольшую – не спасает. Такие микропутешествия на несколько дней в неизвестном направлении стали изматывать, и причины просты:

Друг просит посетить объект и проверить монтаж — приезжаешь в Х-Кукуево, оставляешь мот за воротами и со всем этим скарбом прешь по объекту. В одной руке шлем, в котором подшлемник-перчатки-видеорегистратор-навигатор. В другой кофр, на ноге сумка, в глазах чувство трактора Т300. Через некоторое время пот так медленно начинает на лысине в капельки собираться, и потом течь. А потом и все, что под экипом, начинает медленно заполняться влагой. Мысли разные появляются про кондиционер и нормальные комфортные кроссовки.

Приезжаю в гости в другой город и начинаю клянчить треники с калошами. Дурдом! Все понимают и предупреждены, что мне понадобится во что-то переодеться.

Приезжаю обратно на дачу — а молока купил? А соль? А хлеб? И снова: ты только о себе думаешь и тд и тп. И, замученный жарой, переодеваюсь, и иду в магазин. В большинстве случаев выгружаю все из кофра и еду в большой магазин. Вот тут и начинается проявление голода! Голодным нельзя ходить в продуктовый магазин – это противопоказано. Снова косячишь и берешь что не нужно. В итоге опять еле запихиваешь все в кофр. Основная проблема – это довезти не только свои яйца, но и куриные до места назначения! А кто нибудь с собой кефир брал в дорогу? Да он через 150-200 км на большой скорости с жесткой подвеской превращается в холодец!
И еще веселье, когда слышу: заезжай за мной на мопедке и катнемся. Вроде бы, что тут такого? А вот такое! Надо с собой взять: шлем, перчатки, наколенники, мотоботы и черепаху! Многие не поймут. Супруга привыкла ездить в полном экипе. Она прекрасно понимает, что бывает при падении и на маленьких скоростях.

Штрафы! Это вообще беспредел. На авто нарушения +20км/ч, а тут и называть-то страшно. Может и надо с количеством гадких и зорких электронных глаз на табурет частично переползать. Ой, как не хочется!

Я не жалуюсь, когда снаряд между ног – это приятно. То дорогу кирпичами выложишь, то слюна сама залетает в организм при разгоне. Один раз конфету типа «Полет» проглотил, не успев рассосать. Потом икал ей часа два в дороге. И останавливался, и воду пил – не помогало. Да, ощущения при разгоне не сравнимы ни с чем! Лежишь пузом на баке и едешь, обгоняешь авто без проблем. Прияяяятно!

В следующем году пойдет шестой десяток. Литр не продам! Но хочется ездить на дачу с большим бардачком. Не смейтесь, но часть знакомых уже купила себе приложение к ЛИТРУ – максискутер! Увидел я «унитаз» под сидением и чуть не утонул в нем. И мне захотелось. Есть куда вещи класть и кирпичи откладывать.

Я понял, что тут надо изучать характеристики самому, ездить по салонам, смотреть и сравнивать технику в реальном времени.

Уточню, что я не сидел ни разу за рулем максискутера! Каждый человек имеет право на ошибку. Что я делаю? Я сам еще не понимаю. Изучил нормально рынок и статьи в инете – сделал вывод, но о нем чуть позже. Сейчас расскажу про свои мысли. Если не прав, то пишите в комментариях или закидайте шапками.

Зачем он мне нужен, или как и для каких целей планирую использовать:
* на дачу по будням привозить продукты
* уменьшить количество и стоимость штрафов…. если получится
* большой унитаз + обязательно кофр. В передних бардачках сигареты, тряпки, фотоаппарат, возможно телефон и разная мелочевка. В унитазе дождевик, разные вещи так, чтобы шлем всегда помещался, и с ним не надо было ходить. В кофре не ценный скарб, снимать его не буду.
* в мелкий дождик требуется больше времени чтобы промокнуть
* сделаю себе держатель бутылки с питьевой водой и буду в модуляре катать, чтобы курить и пить воду, не сползая с сидения. Кайф.
* 400сс экономичны. По рассказам, они съедают около 3-3,5 литра топлива на 100 км пути
* крейсерскую скорость можно держать 110-120км/ч

И напомню еще раз. Представляете хотелки человека, который ни разу не сидел за рулем максискутера!

Выбор, когда он есть, может стать большой проблемой. Были выбраны различные марки, но бюджет ограничен ста тысячами рублей. Желательно брать, когда уже закончен сезон. Если покупать в марте и далее, то цена будет 120-130 тысяч за такой же аппарат с 2001 по 2003 год выпуска. Ямаха дороже на 20% или 20 000 руб. Почему в конце сезона? Всё просто – будет время разобрать, сделать диагностику и устранить косяки, которые обнаружу, катаясь по гаражу.

Kawasaki переваливает за бюджет, выбор ограничивается моделью J300. Марка отвалилась сразу.
HONDA по принципиальным соображениям не рассматривается. Причину не буду рассказывать – долго.
Yamaha ТМАХ – низкая очень, приоритет в выборе пришлось поменять.
Suzuki SkyWave 400 и Yamaha Majesty 400. Модели попали в мой список дальнейшего анализа, основанного на отзывах, статьях, технических характеристиках, обзорах и внутреннем чутье. Плюс общение с незнакомыми случайными людьми. И осмотр попавших под руку скутеров.

* Дизайн по барабану, нужны в продаже расходники и запчасти, чтобы не заказывать.
* Унитазы, практически одинаковые.
* Приборка у Ямахи сильно выигрывает – есть тахометр, и вообще симпатичная.
* У Судзуки ( 鈴木 и スズキ株式会社 ) более мягкие комбинированные тормоза.
* Много Судзуки идет уже с креплением под кофр.
* Ямаха имеет выпирающие элементы пластика в передней части у указателей поворотов, которые отсекают воздушный поток от рук.
* Ямаха пошустрее, помощнее, рулится лучше и комфортнее для пилота. Мотор менее прихотлив.

Yamaha хороша, но даже в не сезон цена на Маджесту возрастом 14-15 лет начинается от 120 000 руб. Это не вписывается в мой бюджет. А выбор падает на нее любимую. Ладно, подождем.

Решение практически принято, и первым табуретом — максискутером будет Скайвей 400сс. Попробую приобрести в нормальном состоянии и познать скутерные дела на практике. Если понравятся «табуретоподобные», то поменяю его на Ямаху в середине сезона и выдам уже заключительную часть по всем параметрам.

Почему я это написал. Думаю, будет интересно почитать, как пройдет аттракцион с покупкой «того не знаю чего». Понравится ли мне вариатор. Как будет вести себя в городе, на трассе и на жестком грунте. Сколько грязи прилетит во время дождя на разных скоростях. Реальное обслуживание по мануалу, даст результаты или нет. Попробую разные типы моторных масел. И хотелось бы добавить немного света для заметности на дороге в ночное время. Что-нибудь придумаю и установлю, было бы время. И оцените решения, которые будут применяться при установке дополнительной светотехники.

Следующая публикация будет посвящена восстановлению и устранению неполадок бэушного аппарата. Все будет сопровождаться фотографиями.

Основной причиной написанного является и то, какими будут ощущения после мотоциклов спортивного типа и легких эндуро. Руление, прохождение разметки и трещин в асфальте. Буду описывать всё, что будет происходить на дороге. Как будет вести себя со вторым номером. Далее смена резины. Надеюсь, что пробег будет за сезон 15 -20 тысяч км, и он даст представление об аппарате. Испытания начнутся весной.

Вы здесь: Home Полезная информация Suzuki Burgman 400/250 Особенности эксплуатации и техническое обслуживание SUZUKI Burgman (Skywave) AN400.

Особенности эксплуатации и техническое обслуживание SUZUKI Burgman (Skywave) AN400.

В данной статье я постараюсь перечислить узлы и состав процедур технического обслуживания (ТО) SUZUKI Burgman (Skywave) AN400, которые требуют к себе внимания в процессе эксплуатации. Основной акцент будет на особенности данной техники. Отдельно приведем регламент ТО из сервис мануала и пройдемся по недокументированным нюансам. Информация будет полезной для тех, кто предпочитает самостоятельно обслуживать свою технику, т.к. есть ряд моментов, которые становятся понятными с опытом и не указаны в сервис мануалах.

Определить какая именно модификация AN400 у вас в руках, легко можно воспользовавшись соответствующей статьей .

В таблицах ниже приведены рекомендуемые производителем действия и нами расходные материалы. Также указаны некоторые комментарии курсивом, не от производителя.

Дальше то, о чем молчат сервисные мануалы:)

в процессе эксплуатации до 2006 г. включительно (кузова СК41, СК 42, СК 43) моторы любили масло. Любовь прямо пропорциональна близости капитального ремонта ДВС. Ресурс данного мотора примерно 50000 и зависит от стиля езды, внимательности владельца и качества используемых ГСМ. Сориентироваться по расходу можно следующим образом (при условии использовании подходящего масла):

  • от 0 до 250 мл. на 1000 км — идеально
  • от 250 до 500 мл. на 1000 км — все еще в норме, но нужно готовиться к капиталке
  • от 500 до 1000 мл. на 1000 км — нужно делать капиталку
  • свыше 1000 мл. на 1000 км — если аппарат еще едет — вы везучий человек.

Правильно проведенный капитальный ремонт ДВС даст мотору еще от 30 до 50 т. км. При условии нормальной обкатки. Ремонтный размер есть сейчас один — 0.5. Потом производится замена цилиндра на новый.

Одним словом за расходом масла необходимо следить. Для предотвращения езды с масляным голоданием можно установить датчик давления масла в магистраль высокого давления ДВС и вывести оповещение на приборную панель.

По кузову CK44, CK45, такой статистики пока нет. ДВС был переработан и вероятно это дало свои плоды — случаи чрезмерного расхода масла не фиксируются. Однако после модификации ДВС был укомплектован слабой цепью ГРМ (12760-19F00), которая со временем вытягивается. Это было замечено и цепь позднее заменили на более прочную (12760-19F01). Аппараты в кузове CK44 выпуска 2007 года как правило нуждаются в замене цепи на новую. Симптомы — ухудшившаяся динамика из-за смещения фаз газораспределения в следствии растянувшейся цепи ГРМ.

Слабым местом кузовов CK41 и CK42 является шлицы на заднем колесном диске. Со временем и при некачественной затяжке гайки заднего колеса шлицы истончаются и потом полностью исчезают, вал начинает проворачиваться. Колесный диск при этом требует замены. На CK43 кузове применена ступица (64110-14G00), что искоренило проблему, но уже через 3 года в кузовах CK44 и CK45 шлицы вернулись на диск (нахожу это решение странным).

Датчик скорости на CK41, CK42 и CK43 расположен на переднем колесе и имеет вращающуюся втулку (34983-14G01), которая с периодичностью 10-20 т.к. требует замены. В CK44 и CK45 перенесли на заднее колесо, ресурс значительно увеличен.

Фильтр вариатора на всех моделях требует периодической очистки в зависимости от запыленности среды эксплуатации аппарата, чистка раз в 1000-3000 км. Эту процедуру проводить нужно для предотвращения перегрева колокола сцепления. Если фильтр будет забит пылью перегрев и деформация колокола не заставят себя долго ждать.

Задний моно-амортизатор CK41, CK42 и CK43 (62100-14FE0) имеет гидравлический регулятор жесткости пружины. Со временем жидкость из регулятора уходит через уплотнители, т.к. система всегда находится под давлением. При этом пружина перестает сжиматься под действием регулятора и находится в полностью открытом состоянии. Проявляется это в максимальной мягкости подвески и, как следствие задевании лежачих полицейских. Раз в 2-3 года регулятор необходимо проверять и до заправлять жидкостью. С кузова CK44 регулятор заменили на механический (62100-05H10), такой же, который ранее устанавливался на более дешевые AN250 и внимания он требовать перестал (правда и регулировка его стала неудобной, из под днища с применением специального ключа (09822-00005) из штатного набора инструментов).

На CK41 кузове, есть необходимость подстройки стояночного тормоза (если вы хотите, чтобы он работал), когда ручка начинает упираться в нижний край механизма включения стояночного тормоза, из-за износа тормозных колодок, необходимо компенсировать износ специальным винтом на суппорте, ослабив контргайку. Есть еще одна причина по которой желательно не лениться и подстройку все-таки делать — со временем регулировочный винт приржавеет к втулке на столько, что при попытке его выкрутить (при установке новых тормозных колодок, к примеру, он просто отломится и для установки колодок нужно будет демонтировать втулку с рычагом стояночного тормоза совсем и думать что с этим дальше делать. С CK42 кузова применили автоматическую систему подстройки, ничего руками подстраивать не нужно.

При замене тормозных колодок на всех всех суппортах с направляющими (CK41,CK42,CK43 задние, CK44,CK45 задние и передние) необходимо проверять плавность движения суппорта по направляющим. Если движение затруднено или его нет, нужно чистить и смазывать направляющие. В противном случае суппорт будет подклинивать и затем перекашивать, что в свою очередь, кроме снижения эффективности торможения, приведет к неравномерному износу отверстий под направляющие в суппорте и необходимости замены тормозного суппорта. Наличие выработки отверстий под направляющие будет хорошо видно по диагональному износу тормозных колодок.

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Suzuki AN400 Service Manual

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  3. Suzuki Manuals
  4. Scooter
  5. Burgman AN400
  6. Service manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

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Related Manuals for Suzuki AN400

Summary of Contents for Suzuki AN400

  • Page 1
    AN400 9 9 5 0 0 — 3 4 1 0 0 — 0 1 E…
  • Page 2
    FOREWORD This manual contains an introductory description on the SUZUKI AN400 and procedures for its inspection/service and overhaul of its main components. Other information considered as generally known is not included. Read the GENERAL INFORMATION section to familiarize yourself with the motorcycle and its maintenance. Use this section as well as other sections to use as a guide for proper inspection and service.
  • Page 3
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Precautions…………… 00-i Precautions …………00-1 General Information ……….. 0-i General Information ……….0A-1 Maintenance and Lubrication ……… 0B-1 Service Data…………0C-1 Engine …………….. 1-i Precautions ………….. 1-1 Engine General Information and Diagnosis … 1A-1 Emission Control Devices ……..1B-1 Engine Electrical Devices……..1C-1 Engine Mechanical……….1D-1 Engine Lubrication System ……..
  • Page 5
    Table of Contents 00- i Section 00 Precautions CONTENTS Precautions ……….00-1 General Precautions ……….. 00-1 Precautions for Electrical Circuit Service …. 00-2 Precautions…………00-1 Warning / Caution / Note……..00-1…
  • Page 6
    00-1 Precautions: Precautions Precautions Warning / Caution / Note General Precautions B705H10000001 B705H10000002 Please read this manual and follow its instructions WARNING carefully. To emphasize special information, the symbol and the words WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE have • Proper service and repair procedures are special meanings.
  • Page 7
    • To protect Earth’s natural resources, CAUTION properly dispose of used motorcycle and • If parts replacement is necessary, replace parts. the parts with Suzuki Genuine Parts or their equivalent. Precautions for Electrical Circuit Service • When removing parts that are to be reused, B705H10000003…
  • Page 8
    00-3 Precautions: Fuse • Inspect each lead wire circuit for poor connection by shaking it by hand lightly. If any abnormal condition is • When a fuse blows, always investigate the cause to found, repair or replace. correct it and then replace the fuse. •…
  • Page 9
    Precautions: 00-4 • When disconnecting and connecting the ECM • Before measuring voltage at each terminal, check to couplers, make sure to turn OFF the ignition switch make sure that battery voltage is 11 V or higher. (1), or electronic parts may get damaged. Terminal voltage check with a low battery voltage will lead to erroneous diagnosis.
  • Page 10
    00-5 Precautions: When checking system circuits including an electronic 4) Using continuity inspect or voltage check procedures control unit such as ECM, etc., it is important to perform as described below, inspect the wire harness careful check, starting with items which are easier to terminals for open circuit and poor connection.
  • Page 11
    Precautions: 00-6 Voltage check Short circuit check (Wire harness to ground) If voltage is supplied to the circuit being checked, voltage 1) Disconnect the (–) cable from the battery. check can be used as circuit check. 2) Disconnect the connectors/couplers at both ends of 1) With all connectors/couplers connected and voltage the circuit to be checked.
  • Page 12
    : 09900–25008 (Multi-circuit tester set) I705H1000009-02 “D”: To other parts Using the Multi-Circuit Tester • Use the Suzuki multi-circuit tester set. • Use well-charged batteries in the tester. • Be sure to set the tester to the correct testing range. Special tool (A): 09900–25008 (Multi-circuit tester set)
  • Page 13: General Information

    Table of Contents 0- i Section 0 General Information CONTENTS General Information …….. 0A-1 Final Reduction Gear Oil Replacement…..0B-10 Cooling Fan Filter Removal and Installation ..0B-10 General Description ……….0A-1 Cooling Fan Filter Inspection and Cleaning ..0B-10 Symbols ………….. 0A-1 Drive V-belt Removal and Installation ….0B-11 Abbreviations …………

  • Page 14
    Apply oil. Use engine oil unless otherwise specified. Apply molybdenum oil solution (Mixture of engine oil and SUZUKl MOLY PASTE in a ratio of 1:1). Apply SUZUKI SUPER GREASE “A” or equivalent. 99000-25010 Apply SUZUKI MOLY PASTE or equivalent. 99000-25140 Apply SUZUKI SILICONE GREASE or equivalent.
  • Page 15
    General Information: 0A-2 Abbreviations B705H10101002 GEN: Generator GND: Ground ABDC: After Bottom Dead Center GP Switch: Gear Position Switch AC: Alternating Current ACL: Air Cleaner, Air Cleaner Box HC: Hydrocarbons API: American Petroleum Institute HO2S: Heated Oxygen Sensor ATDC: After Top Dead Center ATM Pressure: Atmospheric Pressure IAP Sensor: Intake Air Pressure Sensor (IAPS) A/F: Air Fuel Mixture…
  • Page 16
    0A-3 General Information: Vehicle Side View Vehicle Identification Number B705H10101003 B705H10101004 NOTE The frame serial number or V.I.N. (Vehicle Identification Number) (1) is stamped on the right side of the frame Difference between photographs and actual tube. The engine serial number (2) is located on the left motorcycles depends on the markets.
  • Page 17
    Use distilled water only. Water other than distilled water JASO. can corrode and clog the aluminum radiator. Suzuki recommends the use of SAE 10W-40 engine oil. If SAE 10W-40 engine oil is not available, select an Anti-freeze/Engine coolant alternative according to the chart.
  • Page 18
    0A-5 General Information: Country and Area Codes B705H10101009 The following codes stand for the applicable country(-ies) and area(-s). Code Country or Area Effective Frame No. AN400K7 U.K. JS1CG111200100001 – (E-02) AN400K7 U.S.A. except for California JS1CK44A 72100001 – (E-03) AN400K7 E.U.
  • Page 19
    0A-6 Warning, Caution and Information Labels Location B705H10101011 12, 13 2, 18 1, 17 I705H1010008-02 AN400 1. Noise label For E-03, 24, 33 2. Information label For E-03, 28, 33 3. Vacuum hose routing label For E-33 4. Engine starting label For E-02, 03, 19, 24, 28, 33, 54 5.
  • Page 20
    0A-7 General Information: Component Location Electrical Components Location B705H10103001 I705H1010005-04 1. Fuel injector 6. STVA 11. Ambient air temperature sensor 16. Generator 2. IAP sensor 7. Front brake switch 12. Brake-lock relay 17. HO2 sensor 3. ISC valve 8. Right handlebar switch 13.
  • Page 21
    General Information: 0A-8 I705H1010007-04 20. TO sensor 24. Left handlebar switch 28. Side-stand switch 32. Regulator/rectifier 21. Fuse box 25. Rear brake switch 29. Cooing fan thermo-switch 22. Turn signal/Side-stand relay 26. Ignition coil 30. Cooing fan 23. ECM 27. Speed sensor 31.
  • Page 22
    0A-9 General Information: Specifications Specifications B705H10107001 NOTE These specifications are subject to change without notice. Dimensions and Dry Mass Item Specification Remark Overall length 2 270 mm (89.4 in) Overall width 760 mm (29.9 in) Overall height 1 385 mm (54.5 in) Wheelbase 1 585 mm (62.4 in) Ground clearance…
  • Page 23
    General Information: 0A-10 Electrical Item Specification Remark lgnition type Electronic ignition (Transistorized) lgnition timing 7° B. T. D. C at 1 450 r/min Spark plug NGK: CR7E or DENSO: U22ESR-N Battery 12 V 32.4 kC (9 Ah)/10 HR Generator Three-phase A.C. generator Main fuse 30 A Fuse…
  • Page 24
    0A-11 General Information: Special Tools and Equipment Special Tool B705H10108001 TT09900-18710-01 TT09900-20101-00 TT09900-20102-01 TT09900-06108-02 09900-06108 09900-18710 09900-20101 09900-20102 Snap ring pliers Hexagon socket (12 mm) Vernier calipers (1/15 mm, Vernier calipers (1/20 mm, 150 mm) 200 mm) TT09900-20205-01 TT09900-20202-01 TT09900-20203-02 TT09900-20508-01 09900-20202 09900-20203…
  • Page 25
    General Information: 0A-12 TT09900-26006-00 TT09910-32812-01 TT09900-28630-00 TT09904-41010-00 09900-26006 09900-28630 09904-41010 09910-32812 Engine tachometer (solar TPS test wire harness SDS set Crankshaft installer cell type) TT09913-50121-01 TT09910-60611-01 TT09910-32870-00 TT09913-10750-00 09910-32870 09910-60611 09913-10750 09913-50121 Crankshaft installer Universal clamp wrench Compression gauge Oil seal remover attachment adapter TT09913-70210-01…
  • Page 26
    0A-13 General Information: TT09916-34542-01 TT09916-34561-01 TT09916-53330-01 TT09916-43210-01 09916-34542 09916-34561 09916-43210 09916-53330 Reamer handle Valve guide reamer (11.3 Valve guide remover/ Attachment installer TT09917-47011-00 TT09920-13120-02 TT09919-28610-00 TT09916-84511-01 09916-84511 09917-47011 09919-28610 09920-13120 Tweezers Vacuum pump gauge Sleeve protector Crankcase separating tool TT09920-31020-01 TT09920-53740-02 TT09921-20240-01 TT09922-21410-00…
  • Page 27
    General Information: 0A-14 TT09940-14911-01 TT09940-34520-00 TT09940-30230-01 TT09940-34531-00 09940-14911 09940-30230 09940-34520 09940-34531 Steering stem nut wrench Socket hexagon (17 mm) T handle Attachment A TT09940-40211-01 TT09940-92720-01 TT09940-52861-01 TT09940-40230-00 09940-40211 09940-40230 09940-52861 09940-92720 Fuel pressure gauge Fuel pressure gauge hose Front fork oil seal installer Spring scale adapter attachment…
  • Page 28: Maintenance And Lubrication

    0B-1 Maintenance and Lubrication: Maintenance and Lubrication Precautions Precautions for Maintenance B705H10200001 The “Periodic Maintenance Schedule Chart” lists the recommended intervals for all the required periodic service work necessary to keep the motorcycle operating at peak performance and economy. Maintenance intervals are expressed in terms of kilometers, miles and months for your convenience.

  • Page 29: Lubrication Points

    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-2 Lubrication Points B705H10205002 Proper lubrication is important for smooth operation and long life of each working part of the motorcycle. Major lubrication points are indicated below. NOTE • Before lubricating each part, clean off any rusty spots and wipe off any grease, oil, dirt or grime. •…

  • Page 30
    0B-3 Maintenance and Lubrication: Air Cleaner Element Inspection 2) Disconnect the plug cap (1). B705H10206002 Inspect air cleaner element Every 6 000 km (4 000 miles, 12 months) Replace air cleaner element Every 18 000 km (11 000 miles, 36 months) Remove the air duct (1) and inspect air cleaner element (2) for clogging.
  • Page 31
    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-4 Spark Plug Inspection and Cleaning Valve Clearance Inspection and Adjustment B705H10206004 B705H10206005 Inspect spark plug Inspect valve clearance Every 6 000 km (4 000 miles, 12 months) Every 24 000 km (14 500 miles, 48 months) Replace spark plug Inspection Every 12 000 km (7 500 miles, 24 months)
  • Page 32
    0B-5 Maintenance and Lubrication: NOTE Adjustment The clearance is adjusted by replacing the existing • The clearance specification is for COLD tappet shim by a thicker or thinner one. state. 1) Remove the intake or exhaust camshaft. Refer to • To turn the crankshaft for clearance “Engine Top Side Disassembly in Section 1D checking, be sure to use a wrench, and (Page1D-16)”.
  • Page 33
    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-6 (INTAKE SIDE) I310G1020024-02…
  • Page 34
    0B-7 Maintenance and Lubrication: (EXHAUST SIDE) I310G1020025-02…
  • Page 35
    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-8 Fuel Line Inspection NOTE B705H10206006 • Be sure to apply engine oil to tappet shim Inspect fuel line top and bottom faces. Every 6 000 km (4 000 miles, 12 months) • When seating the tappet shim, be sure the Inspect the fuel line in the following procedures: figure printed surface faces the tappet.
  • Page 36
    0B-9 Maintenance and Lubrication: Engine Oil and Filter Change 6) Turn off the engine and wait about three minutes, B705H10206007 then check the oil level through the inspection window. If the level is below mark “L”, add oil to “F” Replace engine oil level.
  • Page 37
    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-10 6) Install a new oil filter. 5) Tighten the drain plug to the specified torque. 7) Install the oil filter cap. Tightening torque 8) Pour fresh engine oil and check the oil level in the Final reduction gear drain plug: 12 N·m (1.2 kgf- same manner of engine oil replacement procedures.
  • Page 38
    0B-11 Maintenance and Lubrication: Drive V-belt Removal and Installation 1) Loosen the lock-nut (1) of the throttle pulling cable B705H10206029 (2). Inspect drive V-belt 2) Turn the adjuster (3) in or out until the throttle cable Every 12 000 km (7 500 miles, 24 months) play “a”…
  • Page 39
    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-12 Engine Coolant Change Air Bleeding From the Cooling Circuit B705H10206032 1) Remove the front panel. Refer to “Front Panel Bleed air from the cooling circuit in the following Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D- procedures: 14)”.
  • Page 40
    0B-13 Maintenance and Lubrication: 11) Close the air bleeding bolt securely. WARNING 12) Close the radiator cap securely. • The brake system of this motorcycle is 13) After warming up and cooling down the engine filled with a glycol-based brake fluid. Do several times, add the engine coolant up to the full not use or mix different types of fluid such level of the reservoir.
  • Page 41: Brake Hose Replacement

    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-14 Brake Pad Check Front Brake Hose Inspection The extent of brake pad wear can be checked by Inspect the front brake hoses and hose joints for crack, observing the grooved limit line “A” on the pad. When the damage or fluid leakage.

  • Page 42
    0B-15 Maintenance and Lubrication: Tire Inspection CAUTION B705H10206017 The standard tire fitted on this motorcycle is Inspect tire 120/80 14M/C 58S for front and 150/70 13M/C Every 6 000 km (4 000 miles, 6 months) for rear. The use of tires other than those Tire Tread Condition specified may cause instability.
  • Page 43
    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-16 Front Fork Inspection Exhaust Pipe and Muffler Mounting Inspection B705H10206019 B705H10206021 Inspect front forks Tighten exhaust pipe bolts and muffler bolts Every 12 000 km (7 500 miles, 24 months) Initially at 1 000 km (600 miles, 2 month) and every 12 000 km (7 500 miles, 24 months) thereafter Inspect the front forks for oil leakage, scoring or scratches on the outer surface of the inner tubes.
  • Page 44
    0B-17 Maintenance and Lubrication: Chassis Bolt and Nut Inspection B705H10206022 Tighten chassis bolt and nut Initially at 1 000 km (600 miles, 2 month) and every 6 000 km (4 000 miles, 12 months) thereafter Check that all chassis bolts and nuts are tightened to their specified torque.
  • Page 45
    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-18 I705H1020063-03 I705H1020066-04 12. Brake hose union bolt (Front & Rear) 17. Engine mounting nut : 93 N⋅m (9.3 kgf-m, 67.0 lb-ft) : 23 N⋅m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lb-ft) 18. Crankcase bracket nut : 85 N⋅m (8.5 kgf-m, 61.5 lb-ft) 19.
  • Page 46
    0B-19 Maintenance and Lubrication: 3) Connect the tachometer to the high-tension cord (1). I705H1020069-01 I705H1020055-01 11. Brake caliper air bleeder : 6 N⋅m (6.0 kgf-m, 4.5 lb-ft) valve (Front & Rear) 4) Seated on the motorcycle with the motorcycle on 23.
  • Page 47
    Maintenance and Lubrication: 0B-20 Parking Brake (Brake-lock) Adjustment 4) Briefly open the throttle fully and note the maximum engine RPMs sustained during the test cycle. B705H10206041 Adjust the brake-lock in the following procedures: CAUTION 1) Pull the brake-lock lever by one step (1 notch). Do not apply full power for more than 3 NOTE seconds or damage to the clutch or engine…
  • Page 48
    For the tightening torque of fastener not specified in this section, refer to “Tightening Torque Specifications in Section 0C (Page0C-7)”. Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H10208001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Engine Oil SAE 10W-40, API SF/SG or SH/SJ — (Page0B-10) /…
  • Page 49
    Service Data: 0C-1 Service Data Specifications Service Data B705H10307001 Valve + Valve Guide Unit: mm (in) Item Standard Limit 31.0 (1.22) — Valve diam. 27.0 (1.06) — 0.10 – 0.20 (0.003 – 0.008) — Tappet clearance (when cold) 0.20 – 0.30 (0.008 – 0.009) —…
  • Page 50
    0C-2 Service Data: Cylinder + Piston + Piston Ring Unit: mm (in) Item Standard Limit E-02, 19, 1 060 – 1 140 kPa 660 kPa Compression pressure 24, 54 (10.6 – 11.4 kgf/cm , 151 – 162 psi) (6.0 kgf/cm , 94 psi) (Automatic de-comp.
  • Page 51
    Service Data: 0C-3 Transmission Unit: mm (in) Except ratio Item Specification Note Primary reduction ratio 1.000 — Reduction ratio 2.200 – 0.839 Secondary reduction ratio 2.214 — Final reduction ratio 2.666 — Drive V-belt width 25.1 (0.99) 24.1 (0.95) Movable driven face spring free 150.0 (5.90) 142.5 (5.61) length…
  • Page 52
    0C-4 Service Data: Throttle Body Specification Item E-02, 03, 19, 24, 28, 54 E-33 ID No. 05H0 05H1 ← Bore size 38 mm (1.5 in) ← Fast idle r/min 1 500 – 2 000 r/min 1 450 ± 100 r/min ←…
  • Page 53
    Service Data: 0C-5 Wattage Unit: W Standard / Specification Item E-02, 19, 24, 54 E-03, 28, 33 ← 60/55 Headlight ← ← Parking/position light 5 x 2 ← Brake light/Taillight 21/5 x 2 Turn signal light 21 x 2 (Front), 21 x 2 (Rear) 27/8 x 2 (Front), 21 x 2 (Rear) ←…
  • Page 54
    0C-6 Service Data: Tire Item Standard Limit Front 175 kPa (1.75 kgf/cm , 25 psi) — Solo riding Cold inflation tire Rear 200 kPa (2.00 kgf/cm , 29 psi) — pressure Front 175 kPa (1.75 kgf/cm , 25 psi) — Dual riding Rear 250 kPa (2.50 kgf/cm…
  • Page 55
    Service Data: 0C-7 Tightening Torque Specifications B705H10307002 Engine Item N⋅m kgf-m lb-ft Cam chain tensioner bolt 16.5 Cam chain guide No.1 bolt 16.5 Camshaft journal holder bolt Engine oil drain plug 16.5 Final gear oil drain plug Final gear oil level bolt 11.5 Final gear oil filler bolt 16.5…
  • Page 56
    0C-8 Service Data: FI System and Intake Air System Item N⋅m kgf-m lb-ft Fuel cut valve bolt 0.35 Fuel pump mounting bolt 0.45 Fuel tank mounting bolt Fuel hose bolt IAT sensor mounting screw 0.35 Speed sensor bolt Chassis Item N⋅m kgf-m lb-ft…
  • Page 57
    Service Data: 0C-9 Tightening Torque Chart For other bolts and nuts not listed in the preceding page, refer to this chart: Bolt Diameter Conventional or “4” marked bolt “7” marked bolt “a” (mm) N⋅m kgf-m lb-ft N⋅m kgf-m lb-ft 0.15 0.23 0.55 16.5…
  • Page 58
    0C-10 Service Data:…
  • Page 59: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents 1- i Section 1 Engine CONTENTS Precautions ……….1-1 DTC “C28” (P1655): Secondary Throttle Valve Actuator (STVA) Malfunction….1A-45 Precautions…………. 1-1 DTC “C29” (P1654-H/L): Secondary Throttle Precautions for Engine………. 1-1 Position Sensor (STPS) ……..1A-49 Engine General Information and DTC “C32” (P0201): Fuel Injector Circuit Malfunction…………1A-52 Diagnosis ……….

  • Page 60
    1-ii Table of Contents Repair Instructions ……….1C-1 Cylinder Head Disassembly and Reassembly ..1D-25 ECM Removal and Installation……1C-1 Cylinder Head Related Parts Inspection …1D-29 CKP Sensor Inspection ……..1C-1 Valve Guide Replacement ……..1D-32 CKP Sensor Removal and Installation ….1C-1 Valve Seat Repair ……….1D-33 IAP Sensor Inspection………1C-2 Cylinder Disassembly and Assembly ….1D-33 IAP Sensor Removal and Installation….1C-2…
  • Page 61
    Table of Contents 1-iii Radiator Hose Routing Diagram ……1F-5 Fuel Pump Inspection ……..1G-14 Fuel Injector Inspection ……..1G-14 Component Location ……….. 1F-5 Fuel Injector Removal and Installation ….. 1G-14 Engine Cooling System Components Location …………1F-5 Specifications ………… 1G-15 Service Data………….
  • Page 62
    1-iv Table of Contents Specifications…………1I-11 Battery Visual Inspection……..1J-9 Service Data…………1I-11 Battery Recharging ……….. 1J-10 Tightening Torque Specifications……. 1I-11 Battery Removal and Installation …… 1J-10 Special Tools and Equipment ……1I-12 Specifications …………. 1J-11 Recommended Service Material ……1I-12 Service Data…………
  • Page 63
    Precautions: Precautions Precautions Precautions for Engine B705H11000001 Refer to “General Precautions in Section 00 (Page00-1)” and “Precautions for Electrical Circuit Service in Section 00 (Page00-2)”.
  • Page 64: Engine General Information And Diagnosis

    1A-1 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Engine General Information and Diagnosis General Description Injection Timing Description B705H11101001 Injection Time (Injection Volume) The factors to determine the injection time include the basic fuel injection time which is calculated on the basis of the intake air pressure, engine speed and throttle opening angle, and various compensations.

  • Page 65: Self-Diagnosis Function

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-2 Compensation of Injection Time (Volume) The following different signals are output from the respective sensors for compensation of the fuel injection time (volume). Signal Descriptions ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENSOR When engine coolant temperature is low, injection time (volume) SIGNAL is increased.

  • Page 66
    1A-3 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: The possible cause of this indication is as follows: Engine stop switch is in OFF position. Side-Stand/ignition inter-lock system is not working. Ignition fuse is burnt. Dealer Mode CAUTION Before checking the malfunction code, do not disconnect the ECM coupler. If the coupler from the ECM is disconnected, the malfunction code memory is erased and the malfunction code can not be checked.
  • Page 67: Schematic And Routing Diagram

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-4 Schematic and Routing Diagram FI System Wiring Diagram B705H11102001 I705H1110032-05 “A”: Crankshaft position sensor (CKPS) “J”: Fuel pump (FP) “S”: Starter button “B”: Throttle position sensor (TPS) “K”: Fuel pump relay (FP relay) “T”: Brake light switch “C”: Intake air pressure sensor (IAPS) “L”: Ignition coil “U”: Brake relay…

  • Page 68: Terminal Alignment Of Ecm Coupler (Harness Side)

    1A-5 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Terminal Alignment of ECM Coupler (Harness Side) B705H11102002 I705H1110115-01 TERMINAL NO. CIRCUIT TERMINAL NO. CIRCUIT Power source (23) Power source for back-up TO sensor signal (TOS) (24) ECT sensor signal (ECT) CKP sensor signal (CKP+) (25) IAT sensor signal (IAT) Sensor ground (E2)

  • Page 69: Component Location

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-6 Component Location FI System Parts Location B705H11103001 “A” “B” “C” “K” “F” “D” “H” “E” “G” “I” “J” I705H1110131-01 “A”: ECM “G”: Intake air temperature (IATS) “B”: Fuel injector (FI) “H”: Fuel pump (FP) “C”: Idle speed control valve (ISC valve) “I”: Crankshaft position sensor (CKPS) “D”: Throttle position sensor (TPS)

  • Page 70: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    1A-7 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: “L” “A” “M” “N” “Q” “O” “P” I705H1110132-01 “L”: Speedometer “O”: Ignition coil (IG Coil) “M”: Tip-over sensor (TOS) “P”: Speed sensor “N”: Intake air pressure sensor (IAPS) “Q”: Engine coolant temperature sensor (ECTS) Diagnostic Information and Procedures Engine Symptom Diagnosis B705H11104001…

  • Page 71
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-8 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Engine will not start or is Clogged fuel filter or fuel hose. Clean or replace. hard to start (No fuel Defective fuel pump. Replace. reaching the intake Defective fuel pressure regulator.
  • Page 72
    1A-9 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Engine noisy (Noise Worn down piston or cylinder. Replace. seems to come from Combustion chambers fouled with Clean. piston) carbon. Worn piston pin or piston pin bore. Replace.
  • Page 73
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-10 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Engine lacks power Loss of valve clearance. Adjust. (Defective engine internal/ Weakened valve springs. Replace. electrical parts) Valve timing out of adjustment. Adjust. Worn piston rings or cylinder. Replace.
  • Page 74: Dtc Table

    1A-11 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: DTC Table B705H11104009 Code Malfunction Part Remarks None No defective part Crankshaft position sensor (CKPS) Pick-up coil signal, signal generator Intake air pressure sensor (IAPS) Throttle position sensor (TPS) Engine coolant temperature. sensor (ECTS) Speed sensor Speed sensor signal for FI system Intake air temperature sensor (IATS)

  • Page 75: Fi System Troubleshooting

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-12 FI System Troubleshooting B705H11104011 Customer Complaint Analysis Record details of the problem (failure, complaint) and how it occurred as described by the customer. For this purpose, use of such an inspection form will facilitate collecting information to the point required for proper analysis and diagnosis.

  • Page 76: Self-Diagnostic Procedures

    1A-13 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Visual Inspection Prior to diagnosis using the mode select switch or SDS, perform the following visual inspections. The reason for visual inspection is that mechanical failures (such as oil leakage) cannot be displayed on the screen with the use of mode select switch or SDS.

  • Page 77: Self-Diagnosis Reset Procedures

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-14 Self-Diagnosis Reset Procedures 1) Remove the upper meter panel. Refer to “Upper B705H11104013 Meter Panel Removal and Installation in Section 9D 1) After repairing the trouble, turn OFF the ignition (Page9D-13)”. switch and turn ON again. If DTC is indicated (C00), 2) Set up the SDS tools.

  • Page 78: Use Of Sds Diagnosis Reset Procedures

    1A-15 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures 6) Click “Clear” (2) to delete history code (Past DTC). B705H11104031 Clear the Past DTC using SDS in the following procedures: 1) Set up the SDS tools. 2) After repairing the trouble, turn OFF the ignition switch and turn ON again.

  • Page 79: Show Data When Trouble (Displaying Data At The Time Of Dtc)

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-16 Show Data When Trouble (Displaying Data at the Time of DTC) B705H11104032 ECM stores the engine and driving conditions (in the form of data as shown in the figure) at the moment of the detection of a malfunction in its memory.

  • Page 80
    1A-17 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: SDS Check B705H11104036 Using SDS, take the sample of data from the new motorcycle and at the time of periodic maintenance at your dealership. Save the data in the computer or by printing and filing the hard copies. The saved of filed data are useful for troubleshooting as they can be compared periodically with changes over time or failure conditions of the motorcycle.
  • Page 81
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-18 Data at 3 000 r/min under no load 3 000 r/min Check the manifold absolute pressure. XX kPa I705H1110127-02 Data at the time of racing Throttle: Quick wide open Throttle: Slowly open Secondary throttle valve opens closes in according with the engine r/min I705H1110128-04…
  • Page 82
    1A-19 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Data of intake negative pressure during idling (100 °C) Check the manifold absolute pressure. Approx. XX kPa I705H1110129-03 Data of secondary throttle valve operation at the time of starting Closes fully in approx. XX sec. I705H1110130-02…
  • Page 83: Malfunction

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-20 Malfunction Code and Defective Condition Table B705H11104014 Malfunction Detected Item Detected Failure Condition Check For Code NO FAULT — — CKP sensor wiring and Althaugh the intake pressure is fluctuated, the mechanical parts CKP sensor P0335 signal does not reach ECM for 3 sec.

  • Page 84
    1A-21 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Malfunction Detected Item Detected Failure Condition Check For Code When no actuator control signal is supplied from the ECM, communication signal does not Secondary throttle STVA motor, STVA lead wire/ reach ECM or operation voltage does not P1655 valve actuator coupler…
  • Page 85
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-22 DTC “C12” (P0335): CKP Sensor Circuit Malfunction B705H11104016 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause Although the intake pressure is fluctuated, the signal • Metal particles or foreign material being attached on the does not reach for 3 sec.
  • Page 86
    1A-23 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Troubleshooting NOTE After repairing the trouble, clear the DTC using SDS tool. Refer to “Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures (Page1A-15)”. Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF. Go to Step 2. Replace the CKP sensor with a new one.
  • Page 87
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-24 Step Action 1) Crank the engine a few seconds with the starter motor, • G/W or Bl wire open • Inspect that metal and measure the CKP sensor peak voltage at the or shorted to ground. particles or foreign coupler.
  • Page 88: Dtc «C13» (P0105-H/L): Iap Sensor Circuit Malfunction

    1A-25 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: DTC “C13” (P0105-H/L): IAP Sensor Circuit Malfunction B705H11104017 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause IAP sensor voltage is not within the following range. • Clogged vacuum passage between throttle body and 0.24 V ≤…

  • Page 89
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-26 Troubleshooting CAUTION When using the multi-circuit tester, do not strongly touch the terminal of the ECM coupler with a needle pointed tester probe to prevent the terminal damage or terminal bend. NOTE After repairing the trouble, clear the DTC using SDS tool. Refer to “Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures (Page1A-15)”.
  • Page 90
    1A-27 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 6) Measure the voltage at the R wire and ground. Go to Step 2. • Loose or poor If OK, then measure the voltage at the R wire and B/Br contacts on the ECM wire.
  • Page 91
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-28 Step Action 1) Connect the IAP sensor coupler. Go to Step 3. • Open or short circuit in the G/B wire. 2) Insert the needle pointed probes to the lead wire coupler. • If the wire is OK, 3) Start the engine at idle speed.
  • Page 92
    1A-29 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 1) Remove the IAP sensor. • R, G/B or B/Br wire If check result is not open or shorted to satisfactory, replace IAP 2) Connect the vacuum pump gauge to the vacuum port “A” ground, or poor (4), sensor with a new one.
  • Page 93: Dtc «C14» (P0120/H/L): Tp Sensor Circuit Malfunction

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-30 DTC “C14” (P0120/H/L): TP Sensor Circuit Malfunction B705H11104018 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause Output voltage is not within the following range. • TP sensor maladjusted Difference between actual throttle opening and opening •…

  • Page 94
    1A-31 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF. Go to Step 2. • Loose or poor contacts on the ECM 2) Remove the helmet box front cover. (Refer to “Helmet coupler (terminal (14) Box Front Cover Removal and Installation in Section 9D and (4)).
  • Page 95
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-32 Step Action 1) Connect the TP sensor coupler. • R or B/Br wire open If check result is not or shorted to ground, satisfactory, replace TP 2) Insert the needle pointed probes to the coupler. or poor (4), (5) or (14) sensor with a new one.
  • Page 96: Dtc «C15» (P0115-H/L): Ect Sensor Circuit Malfunction

    1A-33 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: DTC “C15” (P0115-H/L): ECT Sensor Circuit Malfunction B705H11104019 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause Output voltage is not with in the following range. • ECT sensor circuit open or short 0.2 V ≤ Sensor voltage < 4.9 V •…

  • Page 97
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-34 Troubleshooting CAUTION When using the multi-circuit tester, do not strongly touch the terminal of the ECM coupler with a needle pointed tester probe to prevent the terminal damage or terminal bend. NOTE • After repairing the trouble, clear the DTC using SDS tool. Refer to “Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures (Page1A-15)”.
  • Page 98
    1A-35 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 7) If OK, then measure the voltage between Dg wire Go to Step 2. • Loose or poor terminal and B/Bl wire terminal. contacts on the ECM coupler (terminal (24) ECT sensor voltage or (4)).
  • Page 99: Dtc «C16» (P0500): Speed Sensor

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-36 DTC “C16” (P0500): Speed Sensor B705H11104020 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause The speed sensor signal is not input to ECM for more • Speed sensor circuit open or short. than 3 sec. during the engine is running at 5 000 r/min •…

  • Page 100
    1A-37 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF. • Remove the speed • Loose or poor sensor and Clean contacts on the 2) Remove the left foot board and clutch outer cover. (Refer away metal particles speedometer to “V-belt Type Continuously Variable Automatic or foreign material.
  • Page 101
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-38 Step Action 1) Insert the needle pointed probes to the lead wire coupler. • Recheck ECM • Short circuit in the (between positive terminal: P and negative terminal: B/ coupler for loose or lead wire. poor contacts.
  • Page 102: Dtc «C21» (P0110-H/L): Iat Sensor Circuit Malfunction

    1A-39 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: DTC “C21” (P0110-H/L): IAT Sensor Circuit Malfunction B705H11104021 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause Output voltage is not with in the following range. • AT sensor circuit open or short 0.2 V ≤ Sensor voltage < 4.9 V •…

  • Page 103
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-40 Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF. Go to Step 2. • Loose or poor contacts on the ECM 2) Remove the front frame cover. (Refer to “Front Frame coupler (terminal (25) Cover Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D- and (4)).
  • Page 104
    1A-41 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF. • B/Bl or B/Br wire Replace the IAT sensor open or shorted to with a new one. 2) Measure the IAT sensor resistance. ground, or poor (25) IAT sensor resistance or (4) connection.
  • Page 105: Dtc «C23» (P1651-H/L): To Sensor Circuit Malfunction

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-42 DTC “C23” (P1651-H/L): TO Sensor Circuit Malfunction B705H11104023 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause The sensor voltage should be the following for 2 sec. and • TO sensor circuit open or short more, after ignition switch is turned ON.

  • Page 106
    1A-43 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Troubleshooting CAUTION When using the multi-circuit tester, do not strongly touch the terminal of the ECM coupler with a needle pointed tester probe to prevent the terminal damage or terminal bend. NOTE After repairing the trouble, clear the DTC using SDS tool. Refer to “Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures (Page1A-15)”.
  • Page 107
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-44 Step Action 1) Connect the TO sensor coupler. • R, Br/W or B/Br wire • Loose or poor open or shorted to contacts on the ECM 2) Remove the TO sensor horizontally ground, or poor (28) coupler.
  • Page 108: Dtc «C24» (P0351): Ignition System Malfunction

    1A-45 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: DTC “C24” (P0351): Ignition System Malfunction B705H11104024 Refer to “No Spark or Poor Spark in Section 1H (Page1H-4)” for details. DTC “C28” (P1655): Secondary Throttle Valve Actuator (STVA) Malfunction B705H11104034 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause The operation voltage does not reach the STVA.ECM…

  • Page 109
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-46 Troubleshooting CAUTION When using the multi-circuit tester, do not strongly touch the terminal of the ECM coupler with a needle pointed tester probe to prevent the terminal damage or terminal bend. NOTE After repairing the trouble, clear the DTC using SDS tool. Refer to “Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures (Page1A-15)”.
  • Page 110
    1A-47 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF. • B/O, P/B, G/R or W/G • Loose or poor wire open or shorted contacts on the ECM 2) Disconnect the STVA lead wire coupler. to ground, or poor coupler.
  • Page 111
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-48 Active Control Inspection 1) Set up the SDS tool. (Refer to the SDS operation manual for further details.) 2) Turn the ignition switch ON. 3) Click “Secondary throttle operating control”. I705H1110064-02 4) Click each button (1). At this time, if an operation sound is heard from the STVA, the function is normal.
  • Page 112: Dtc «C29» (P1654-H/L): Secondary Throttle Position Sensor (Stps)

    1A-49 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: DTC “C29” (P1654-H/L): Secondary Throttle Position Sensor (STPS) B705H11104035 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause Signal voltage is not within the following range. • STP sensor maladjusted Difference between actual throttle opening and opening •…

  • Page 113
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-50 Troubleshooting CAUTION When using the multi-circuit tester, do not strongly touch the terminal of the ECM coupler with a needle pointed tester probe to prevent the terminal damage or terminal bend. NOTE After repairing the trouble, clear the DTC using SDS tool. Refer to “Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures (Page1A-15)”.
  • Page 114
    1A-51 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch to OFF. • R, Y/G or B/Br wire If check result is not open or shorted to satisfactory, replace 2) Disconnect the STVA lead wire coupler. ground, or poor (14), STP sensor with a new 3) Connect the STP sensor coupler to the test harness.
  • Page 115: Dtc «C32» (P0201): Fuel Injector Circuit Malfunction

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-52 DTC “C32” (P0201): Fuel Injector Circuit Malfunction B705H11104025 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause No injector signal is detected for 0.8 sec. • Injector circuit open or short. • Injector malfunction. NOTE •…

  • Page 116
    1A-53 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Troubleshooting CAUTION When using the multi-circuit tester, do not strongly touch the terminal of the ECM coupler with a needle pointed tester probe to prevent the terminal damage or terminal bend. NOTE • After repairing the trouble, clear the DTC using SDS tool. Refer to “Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures (Page1A-15)”.
  • Page 117
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-54 Step Action 5) If OK, then check the continuity between each terminal Go to Step 2. Replace the injector and ground. with a new one. (Refer to “Throttle Body Injector continuity Disassembly and ∞ Ω (Infinity) Assembly in Section 1D Special tool (Page1D-13)”.)
  • Page 118: Dtc «C40» (P0505, P0506 Or P0507): Isc Valve Circuit Malfunction

    1A-55 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: DTC “C40” (P0505, P0506 or P0507): ISC Valve Circuit Malfunction B705H11104026 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause ISC valve motor current is higher than the specified • ISC valve circuit open or shorted to ground value.

  • Page 119
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-56 Troubleshooting CAUTION • Be careful not to disconnect the ISC valve coupler at least 3 seconds after ignition switch is turned to OFF. If the ECM coupler is disconnected within 3 seconds after ignition switch is turned to OFF, there is a possibility of an usual valve being written in ECM and causing an error of ISC valve operation.
  • Page 120
    1A-57 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 6) Check the continuity between terminals G and (34), Go to Step 2. G, W/B, P/W or B/Lg terminals W/B and (36), terminals P/W and (15), wire open. terminals B/Lg and (35). ISC valve wire continuity Continuity ( Special tool…
  • Page 121
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-58 Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF. If wire is OK, Replace the ISC valve intermittent trouble or with a new one. 2) Measure the resistance (between terminal B/Lg and faulty ECM. terminal G) and (between terminal P/W and terminal W/ ISC valve resistance Approx.
  • Page 122
    1A-59 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 5) Check that the “Spec” (1) is idle speed 1 450 ± 100 rpm. 6) Check that the “Desired idle speed” (2) is within the specified idle rpm. I705H1110092-03 I705H1110093-04 Check 2 1) Click the button (3) and decrease the “Spec” (1) to 1 200 rpm slowly. 2) Check that the “Desired idle speed”…
  • Page 123
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-60 Check 3 1) Click the button (5) and increase the “Spec” (1) to 1 600 rpm slowly. 2) Check that the “Desired idle speed” (2) is nearly equal to the “Spec” (1). Also, check that the number of steps (4) in the ISC valve position increases.
  • Page 124: Dtc «C41» (P0230-H/L): Fp Relay Circuit Malfunction

    1A-61 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: DTC “C41” (P0230-H/L): FP Relay Circuit Malfunction B705H11104027 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause No voltage is applied to fuel pump although fuel pump • Fuel pump relay circuit open or short relay is turned ON, or voltage is applied to fuel pump, •…

  • Page 125
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-62 Troubleshooting CAUTION When using the multi-circuit tester, do not strongly touch the terminal of the ECM coupler with a needle pointed tester probe to prevent the terminal damage or terminal bend. NOTE After repairing the trouble, clear the DTC using SDS tool. Refer to “Use of SDS Diagnosis Reset Procedures (Page1A-15)”.
  • Page 126: Dtc «42» (P1650): Ig Switch Circuit Malfunction

    1A-63 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: DTC “42” (P1650): IG Switch Circuit Malfunction B705H11104028 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause Ignition switch signal is not input in the ECM. • Ignition system circuit open or short. • ECM malfunction. NOTE If SDS is used, P1650 is indicated.

  • Page 127: Dtc «C44» (P0130, P0135): Ho2 Sensor (Ho2S) Circuit Malfunction

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-64 DTC “C44” (P0130, P0135): HO2 Sensor (HO2S) Circuit Malfunction B705H11104029 Detected Condition and Possible Cause Detected Condition Possible Cause HO2 sensor output voltage is not input to ECM during • HO2 sensor circuit open or shorted to ground. engine operation and running condition.

  • Page 128
    1A-65 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF. Go to Step 2. Replace the HO2 sensor with a new one. 2) Check the HO2 sensor coupler (1) for loose or poor contacts. If OK, then measure the HO2 sensor output voltage. I705H1110104-04 3) Insert the needle pointed probe to the HO2 sensor lead wire coupler.
  • Page 129
    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-66 Step Action 1) Turn the ignition switch OFF. Go to step 3. Replace the HO2 sensor with a new one. 2) Insert the needle pointed to the HO2 sensor coupler. 3) Turn the ignition switch ON and measure the heater voltage between O/W wire (ECM side) and ground.
  • Page 130: Specifications

    1A-67 Engine General Information and Diagnosis: Specifications Service Data B705H11107001 Injector Item Specification Note Approx. 10.3 Ω at 20 °C (68 F°) Injector resistance — FI Sensors Item Specification Note 190 – 290 Ω CKP sensor resistance (+) probe: G/W, CKP sensor peak voltage 4.5 V and more (When cranking) (–) probe: Bl…

  • Page 131: Special Tools And Equipment

    Engine General Information and Diagnosis: 1A-68 Special Tools and Equipment Special Tool B705H11108001 09900–25008 09900–25009 Multi-circuit tester set Needle pointed probe set (Page1A-23) / (Page1A- (Page1A-28) / (Page1A- 23) / (Page1A-24) / 37) / (Page1A-38) / (Page1A-27) / (Page1A- (Page1A-57) / (Page1A- 28) / (Page1A-29) /…

  • Page 132: Emission Control Devices

    Fuel Injection System Description B705H11201005 AN400 motorcycles are equipped with a fuel injection system for emission level control. This fuel injection system is precision designed, manufactured and adjusted to comply with the applicable emission limits. With a view to reducing CO, NOx and HC, all of the fuel injection volumes are stringently controlled with the programmed injection maps in the ECM by varying engine conditions.

  • Page 133: Crankcase Emission Control System Description

    Emission Control Devices: 1B-2 Crankcase Emission Control System Description B705H11201006 The engine is equipped with a PCV system. Blow-by gas in the engine is constantly drawn into the crankcase, which is returned to the combustion chamber through the PCV (breather) hose, air cleaner and throttle body. “A”…

  • Page 134: Exhaust Emission Control System Description

    1B-3 Emission Control Devices: Exhaust Emission Control System Description B705H11201007 The exhaust emission control system is composed of the three-way catalyst system. “A” “B” “C” I705H1120006-02 1. Fuel injector 3. Three-way catalyst “B”: Fuel/Air mixture 2. HO2 sensor “A”: Fresh air “C”: Exhaust gas Noise Emission Control System Description B705H11201001…

  • Page 135: Repair Instructions

    Emission Control Devices: 1B-4 Repair Instructions Heated Oxygen Sensor (HO2S) Removal and Installation Installation CAUTION B705H11206004 Removal Do not apply oil or other materials to the sensor air holes. WARNING Do not remove the HO2 sensor while it is hot. Install the HO2 sensor in the reverse order of removal.

  • Page 136: Pcv Hose Inspection

    1B-5 Emission Control Devices: PCV Hose Inspection 3) Check the resistance between the terminals (W – W) of the HO2 sensor. If the resistance is not within the B705H11206003 Inspect the PCV hose (1) for wear and damage. standard range, replace the HO2 sensor with a new If it is worn or damaged, replace the PCV hose with a one.

  • Page 137: Specifications

    Emission Control Devices: 1B-6 Specifications Service Data B705H11207002 FI Sensors Item Specification Note 11.5 – 14.5 Ω at 23 °C (73.4 °F) HO2 sensor resistance Idle speed 0.3 V and less HO2 sensor output voltage 3 000 r/min 0.7 V and more Electrical Unit: mm (in) Item…

  • Page 138: Ecm Removal And Installation

    1C-1 Engine Electrical Devices: Engine Electrical Devices Precautions Precautions for Engine Electrical Device B705H11300001 Refer to “General Precautions in Section 00 (Page00-1)” and “Precautions for Electrical Circuit Service in Section 00 (Page00-2)”. Repair Instructions ECM Removal and Installation 3) Disconnect the CKP sensor coupler (1). B705H11306023 Removal 1) Remove the battery (–) lead wire.

  • Page 139: Iap Sensor Inspection

    Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-2 Installation 3) Remove the upper meter panel. Refer to “Upper Install the CKP sensor in the reverse order of removal. Meter Panel Removal and Installation in Section 9D Pay attention to the following points: (Page9D-13)”. • Install the CKP sensor to the generator cover. Refer to 4) Connect the special tool to the dealer mode coupler.

  • Page 140: Tp Sensor Removal And Installation

    1C-3 Engine Electrical Devices: TP Sensor Removal and Installation Temperature sensor specification B705H11306009 Temperature Standard resistance Removal 20 °C (68 °F) Approx. 2.58 kΩ 1) Remove the helmet box front cover. Refer to “Helmet 50 °C (122 °F) Approx. 0.77 kΩ Box Front Cover Removal and Installation in Section 80 °C (176 °F) Approx.

  • Page 141: Speed Sensor Removal And Installation

    Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-4 Speed Sensor Removal and Installation IAT Sensor Removal and Installation B705H11306013 B705H11306015 Removal Removal 1) Remove the outer clutch cover. Refer to “V-belt Type 1) Remove the air cleaner box. Refer to “Air Cleaner Continuously Variable Automatic Transmission Box Removal and Installation in Section 1D Removal and Installation in Section 5A (Page5A-3)”.

  • Page 142: To Sensor Removal And Installation

    1C-5 Engine Electrical Devices: TO Sensor Removal and Installation STP Sensor Adjustment B705H11306019 B705H11306025 Removal Adjust the STP sensor in the following procedures: 1) Remove the meter panel. Refer to “Meter Panel 1) Remove the helmet box front cover. Refer to “Helmet Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D- Box Front Cover Removal and Installation in Section 14)”.

  • Page 143: Stp Sensor Removal And Installation

    Engine Electrical Devices: 1C-6 ISC Valve Inspection 6) Close the STV by finger, and measure the STP sensor output voltage. If the output voltage is out of B705H11306027 Inspect the ISC valve. Refer to “DTC “C40” (P0505, the value, loosen the STP sensor mounting screw. P0506 or P0507): ISC Valve Circuit Malfunction in Section 1A (Page1A-55)”.

  • Page 144: Special Tools And Equipment

    1C-7 Engine Electrical Devices: HO2 Sensor Inspection 8) Install the upper meter panel. Refer to “Upper Meter Panel Removal and Installation in Section 9D B705H11306020 Inspect the HO2 sensor. Refer to “DTC “C44” (P0130, (Page9D-13)”. P0135): HO2 Sensor (HO2S) Circuit Malfunction in Section 1A (Page1A-64)”.

  • Page 145: Engine Mechanical

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-1 Engine Mechanical Precautions Precautions for Engine Mechanical B705H11400001 Refer to “General Precautions in Section 00 (Page00-1)”. Schematic and Routing Diagram Camshaft and Sprocket Assembly Diagram B705H11402001 I705H1140174-02 : 23 N⋅m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lb-ft) : 10 N⋅m (1.0 kgf-m, 7.0 lb-ft)

  • Page 146: Throttle Cable Routing Diagram

    1D-2 Engine Mechanical: Throttle Cable Routing Diagram B705H11402003 “D” “C” “ A” “B” “ E ” I705H1140175-02 1. Clamp “B”: Pass the throttle cables through under and inside of the frame. Bind the brake-lock cable, starter motor lead wire and seat-lock cable together. 2.

  • Page 147: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-3 Diagnostic Information and Procedures Compression Pressure Check 4) Keep the throttle grip in the fully-opened position. B705H11404002 The compression pressure reading of the cylinder is a good indicator of its internal condition. The decision to overhaul the cylinder is often based on the results of a compression test.

  • Page 148: Repair Instructions

    1D-4 Engine Mechanical: Repair Instructions Engine Components Removable with the Engine in Place B705H11406001 Engine components which can be removed while the engine is installed on the frame are as follows. For the installing and removing procedures, refer to respective paragraphs describing each component. Center of Engine Item Removal…

  • Page 149
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-5 Item Removal Inspection Installation Refer to “V-belt Type Refer to “Movable Drive Refer to “V-belt Type Continuously Variable Face Parts Inspection in Continuously Variable Clutch housing Automatic Transmission Section 5A (Page5A-9)”. Automatic Transmission Removal and Installation in Removal and Installation in Section 5A (Page5A-3)”.
  • Page 150: Engine Assembly Removal And Installation

    1D-6 Engine Mechanical: Engine Assembly Removal and Installation 9) Disconnect the ignition coil lead wires (3). B705H11406002 10) Disconnect the ECT sensor coupler (4) and remove Removal the wire harness (5) (for the ignition coil, ECT sensor Remove the engine from the frame in the following and IAT sensor).

  • Page 151
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-7 14) Loosen the muffler connecting bolt (12) and remove 20) Remove the collar (17) and rear wheel. the exhaust pipe bolts (13). I705H1140188-02 21) Support the engine using an engine jack. I705H1140184-01 15) Remove the exhaust pipe/muffler by removing the muffler mounting bolts.
  • Page 152
    1D-8 Engine Mechanical: Installation Install the engine in the reverse order of removal. Pay attention to the following points: I705H1140191-05 1. Crankcase 3. Engine mounting bolt : 93 N⋅m (9.3 kgf-m, 67.0 lb-ft) 2. Collar 4. Engine mounting nut : Apply grease. •…
  • Page 153: Crankcase Bracket Removal And Installation

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-9 Crankcase bracket Removal and Installation B705H11406064 Refer to “Crankcase Bracket Removal and Installation in Section 2C (Page2C-12)”. Crankcase bracket Inspection B705H11406065 Refer to “Crankcase Bracket Related Parts Inspection in Section 2C (Page2C-12)”. Air Cleaner Box Removal and Installation B705H11406066 Removal I705H1140197-02…

  • Page 154: Air Cleaner Element Inspection

    1D-10 Engine Mechanical: 9) Remove the air cleaner box. 4) Visually inspect the drain plugs (1) and (2). I705H1140201-01 I705H1140238-01 5) Drain water if necessary by removing the plug. 6) Install the removed parts. Throttle Cable Removal and Installation “A” B705H11406069 Removal 1) Remove the handlebar covers.

  • Page 155: Throttle Body Components

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-11 Throttle Body Components B705H11406072 I705H1140207-05 1. Throttle body 4. STP sensor 7. Insulator 2. TP sensor 5. ISC valve 8. Fuel injector 3. O-ring 6. IAP sensor 9. Cushion seal…

  • Page 156: Throttle Body Construction

    1D-12 Engine Mechanical: Throttle Body Construction B705H11406074 UPSIDE UPSIDE “A” “C” “B” I705H1140237-03 1. ECT sensor 8. IAT sensor 2. IAP sensor “A”: Triangle mark must point downward. 3. ISC valve “B”: Tighten the bracket with the cylinder head bolt (L130). 4.

  • Page 157: Throttle Body Removal And Installation

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-13 Throttle Body Removal and Installation Throttle Body Disassembly and Assembly B705H11406070 B705H11406073 Removal Disassembly 1) Remove the air cleaner box. Refer to “Air Cleaner 1) Remove the throttle body. Refer to “Throttle Body Box Removal and Installation (Page1D-9)”. Removal and Installation (Page1D-13)”.

  • Page 158
    “A” • Align the secondary throttle shaft end “A” with the groove “B” of STP sensor. • Apply grease to the secondary throttle shaft end “A”. : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) “A” NOTE I705H1140212-02 Make sure the STP valve open or close CAUTION smoothly.
  • Page 159: Throttle Body Inspection And Cleaning

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-15 NOTE Throttle Body Inspection and Cleaning B705H11406075 Make sure the TP valve open or close Refer to “Throttle Body Disassembly and Assembly smoothly. If the TP sensor adjustment is (Page1D-13)”. necessary, refer to “TP Sensor Adjustment in Section 1C (Page1C-2)”.

  • Page 160: Engine Top Side Disassembly

    1D-16 Engine Mechanical: Engine Top Side Disassembly 3) Remove the generator cover plug (3) and bring the B705H11406004 piston to TDC on the compression stroke by turning It is unnecessary to remove the engine assembly from the crankshaft until the line “A” on the generator rotor the frame when servicing the engine top side.

  • Page 161
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-17 6) Remove the intake camshaft (8) and exhaust 3) Remove the cylinder head (3). camshaft (9). NOTE 7) Remove the dowel pins. Be sure to loosen the cylinder head bolts evenly and in a crisscross pattern. I705H1140008-01 Cylinder Head and Cylinder I705H1140011-02 1) Remove the water bypass hose (1).
  • Page 162: Engine Top Side Assembly

    1D-18 Engine Mechanical: Piston Cylinder 1) Place a clean rag over the cylinder base so as not to • Install the dowel pins (1) and a new gasket (2) to the drop the piston pin circlip into the crankcase. crankcase. 2) Remove the piston pin circlip (1).

  • Page 163
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-19 Cylinder Head 3) Additionally tighten the bolts “A” to the specified torque. • Place the dowel pins and a new gasket (1) on the cylinder. Tightening torque Cylinder head bolt (L190) (Final) (a): 42 N·m (4.2 CAUTION kgf-m, 30.5 lb-ft) Replace the gasket with a new one.
  • Page 164
    1D-20 Engine Mechanical: Camshaft • The exhaust camshaft sprocket has an arrow marked “1”. Turn the exhaust camshaft so that the arrow is • Turn the crankshaft to bring the piston to the TDC. aligned with the gasket surface of the cylinder head. (Refer to “Valve Clearance Inspection and Adjustment in Section 0B (Page0B-4)”.) •…
  • Page 165
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-21 • Install the camshaft journal holder (1) and cam chain • Fit a new gasket (2) on the cylinder head. guide No. 2 (2). • Tighten the camshaft journal holder bolts in the ascending order of numbers to the specified torque. Tightening torque Camshaft journal holder bolt: 10 N·m (1.0 kgf-m, 0.7 lb-ft)
  • Page 166: Camshaft Inspection

    CAUTION Replace the gaskets with the new ones. • Apply bond to the cam end cap. I705H1140037-01 : Sealant 99000–31140 (SUZUKI Bond Cam Wear 1207B or equivalent) Check the camshaft for wear or damage. Measure the cam height “a” with a micrometer.

  • Page 167
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-23 Camshaft Runout 3) Install the camshaft journal holder. Refer to “Engine Measure the runout using the dial gauge. Replace the Top Side Assembly (Page1D-18)”. camshaft if the runout exceeds the limit. NOTE Special tool Do not rotate the camshafts with the (A): 09900–20606 (Dial gauge (1/100 mm)) plastigauge in place.
  • Page 168: Cam Chain Tension Adjuster Inspection

    1D-24 Engine Mechanical: 5) If the camshaft journal oil clearance exceeds the Automatic Decomp. limit, measure the inside diameter of the camshaft Check that automatic decomp. cam (1) moves smoothly journal holder and the outside diameter of the and pin (2) rotates together. If any abnormal condition camshaft journal.

  • Page 169: Cam Chain Guide Inspection

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-25 Cam Chain Guide Inspection 2) Install the protector (3) between the valve spring and B705H11406049 cylinder head. Inspect the cam chain guide in the following procedures: 3) Using the special tools, compress the valve spring 1) Remove the cam chain guides. Refer to “Engine Top and remove the two cotter halves from the valve Side Assembly (Page1D-18)”.

  • Page 170
    1D-26 Engine Mechanical: 6) Remove the oil seal (7) and spring seat (8). 10) Remove the intake pipe (11). 11) Remove the ECT sensor (12). 12) Remove the oil jet (for cam chain tension adjuster) (13). I705H1140050-02 CAUTION Do not reuse the removed oil seal. I705H1140054-01 13) Remove the oil gallery plug (cylinder head) (14).
  • Page 171
    Do not reuse the removed oil seal. • Apply grease to O-ring and thread lock to the intake pipe bolts. : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) : Thread lock cement 99000–32050 (THREAD LOCK CEMENT 1342 or equivalent) •…
  • Page 172
    1D-28 Engine Mechanical: • Install the valve spring with the small-pitch portion “B” • Install the other valves and springs in the same facing cylinder head. manner as described previously. CAUTION “E” • Be sure to restore each spring and valve to “D”…
  • Page 173: Cylinder Head Related Parts Inspection

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-29 Cylinder Head and Related Parts Inspection Valve Head Radial Runout B705H11406014 Place the dial gauge at a right angle to the valve head face and measure the valve head radial runout. If it Cylinder Head Distortion measures more than the service limit, replace the valve. 1) Decarbonize the combustion chambers.

  • Page 174
    1D-30 Engine Mechanical: Valve Stem Deflection Valve Springs Lift the valve about 10 mm (0.39 in) “a” from the valve The force of the coil spring keeps the valve seat tight. seat. Measure the valve stem deflection in two Weak-ened spring result in reduced engine power directions, “X”…
  • Page 175
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-31 Valve Seat Width Valve Seat Sealing Condition 1) Visually check for valve seat width on each valve 1) Clean and assemble the cylinder head and valve face. If the valve face has worn abnormally, replace components. the valve. 2) Fill the intake and exhaust port with gasoline to 2) Coat the valve seat with a red lead (Prussian Blue) check for leaks.
  • Page 176: Valve Guide Replacement

    1D-32 Engine Mechanical: Valve Guide Replacement 5) Cool down the new valve guides in a freezer for B705H11406051 about one hour and heat the cylinder head to 100 – 1) Remove the cylinder head. Refer to “Engine Top 150 °C (212 – 302 °F) with a hot plate. Side Disassembly (Page1D-16)”.

  • Page 177: Valve Seat Repair

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-33 NOTE NOTE After servicing the valve seats, be sure to • Be sure to cool down the cylinder head to check the valve clearance after the cylinder ambient air temperature. head has been reinstalled. Refer to “Valve •…

  • Page 178: Cylinder Inspection

    1D-34 Engine Mechanical: Cylinder Inspection Piston-to-cylinder Clearance B705H11406053 Refer to “Piston and Related Parts Inspection (Page1D- Refer to “Engine Top Side Disassembly (Page1D-16)”. 35)”. Refer to “Engine Top Side Assembly (Page1D-18)”. Piston Ring Removal and Installation Cylinder Distortion B705H11406055 Check the gasket surface of the cylinder for distortion. Removal Use a straightedge and thickness gauge.

  • Page 179: Piston And Related Parts Inspection

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-35 2) Position the gaps of the three rings and side rails as CAUTION shown. Before inserting piston into the cylinder, When installing the spacer, be careful so that check that the gaps are so located. the both edges are not overlapped. “B”…

  • Page 180
    1D-36 Engine Mechanical: Piston-to-Cylinder Clearance Piston Ring Free End Gap and Piston Ring End Gap Subtract the piston diameter from the cylinder bore Measure the piston ring free end gap using vernier diameter. If the piston-to-cylinder clearance exceeds the calipers. Next, fit the piston ring squarely into the service limit, replace both the cylinder and the piston.
  • Page 181: Engine Bottom Side Disassembly

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-37 Engine Bottom Side Disassembly Piston Pin and Pin Bore Measure the piston pin bore inside diameter using the B705H11406057 CAUTION small bore gauge. If either is out of specification or the difference between these measurement is more than the Identify the position of each removed part.

  • Page 182
    1D-38 Engine Mechanical: Outer Clutch Cover Ignition Coil Remove the ignition coil (1). Remove the outer clutch cover (1). I705H1140069-01 I705H1140072-01 Oil Filter Water Pump Remove the water pump assembly (1). 1) Remove the oil filter cap (1). I705H1140073-03 I705H1140074-01 2) Remove the oil filter (2) and O-ring (3).
  • Page 183
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-39 5) With the clutch housing held immovable using the Speed Sensor Remove the speed sensor (1). special tool, remove the clutch housing nut and concaved washer. 6) Remove the clutch housing (3). Special tool (A): 09930–40113 (Rotor holder) I705H1140077-01 Drivetrain 1) Remove the inner clutch cover (1).
  • Page 184
    1D-40 Engine Mechanical: Generator Rotor Cam Chain and Starter Idle Gear 1) With the generator rotor held immovable, loosen the 1) Remove the cam chain (1), starter idle gear shaft (2), generator rotor nut. spacer (3) and starter idle gear (4). I705H1140087-01 I705H1140090-02 2) Remove the generator rotor (1) using the special…
  • Page 185
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-41 Balancer Driven Gear Oil Pump Drive Gear 1) Insert a proper steel rod “A” into the crankcase hole 1) Remove the oil pump drive gear cover (1). “B” and pass it through the crankshaft web holes in order to prevent the crankshaft from turning.
  • Page 186
    1D-42 Engine Mechanical: Crankcase 1) Remove the balancer drive gear nut. Special tool (A): 09922–21410 (Long socket (46 mm)) I705H1140102-01 6) Separate the crankcase using the special tool. Special tool (B): 09920–13120 (Crankcase separating tool) I705H1140099-01 2) Remove the steel rod. NOTE 3) Remove the washer (1) and balancer drive gear (2).
  • Page 187
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-43 Balancer Shaft 2) Remove the oil pump assembly (2). Remove the balancer shaft (1). I705H1140108-01 3) Remove the oil pump drive shaft (3) and chain (4). I705H1140105-01 Oil Sump Filter 1) Remove the oil sump filter cover (1). 2) Remove the oil sump filter (2).
  • Page 188: Engine Bottom Side Assembly

    1D-44 Engine Mechanical: Engine Bottom Side Assembly Oil Pump B705H11406058 • Install the oil pump drive shaft (1) and oil pump drive Assemble the engine bottom side in the reverse of chain (2) to the bearing. disassembly. Pay attention to the following points: Crankshaft •…

  • Page 189
    Refer to “Oil Sump Filter Removal and Installation in (both surfaces) with a cleaning solvent. Section 1E (Page1E-4)”. • Apply bond to the right crankcase. : Sealant 99000–31140 (SUZUKI BOND Balancer Shaft No.1207B or equivalent) • Install the balancer shaft (1).
  • Page 190
    1D-46 Engine Mechanical: • Tighten the crankcase bolts to the specified torque. Tightening torque Crankcase bolt (M6): 11 N·m (1.1 kgf-m, 8.0 lb-ft) Crankcase bolt (M8): 22 N·m (2.2 kgf-m, 16.0 lb-ft) CAUTION Tighten the larger diameter crankcase bolts first and then smaller ones diagonally and evenly.
  • Page 191
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-47 Oil Pump Drive Gear Balancer Driven Gear • Install the spacer (1) and pin (2). • Install the key (1). I705H1140125-02 I705H1140122-01 • Install the oil pump drive gear (3). • When installing the balancer driven gear No. 2 (8), align the punch mark “C”…
  • Page 192
    1D-48 Engine Mechanical: Generator Rotor Cam Chain Tensioner • Install the cam chain tensioner (1) and tighten the cam • Degrease the tapered portion “A” of generator rotor chain tensioner bolt (2) to the specified torque. and also the crankshaft “B”. Use nonflammable cleaning solvent to wipe off oily or greasy matter and Tightening torque make these surfaces completely off oily or greasy…
  • Page 193
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-49 Generator Cover Water Pump Refer to “Water Pump Removal and Installation in • Install the dowel pins (1) and gasket (2). Section 1F (Page1F-14)”. CAUTION Speed Sensor Replace the gasket with a new one. • Install the speed sensor (1). Tightening torque Speed Sensor: 10 N·m (1.0 kgf-m, 7.0 lb-ft) I705H1140230-01…
  • Page 194
    • Install the spring (4). • Apply grease to the O-ring (1). • Tighten the oil filter cap bolts to the specified torque. : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER CAUTION GREASE A or equivalent) Replace the O-ring with a new one.
  • Page 195: Cam Chain Tensioner Inspection

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-51 Cam Chain Tensioner Inspection Conrod Big End Side Clearance B705H11406060 Inspect the conrod side clearance using the thickness Inspect the cam chain tensioner in the following gauge. procedures: If the clearance exceeds the limit, inspect the conrod big 1) Remove the cam chain tensioner.

  • Page 196: Width Between Crankshaft Webs

    1D-52 Engine Mechanical: Bearing Inspection Crankshaft Runout B705H11406061 • With the right and left crank journals supported with V- Inspect the bearing in the following procedures: block, turn the crankshaft slowly. At this time, measure 1) Separate the crankcase. Refer to “Engine Bottom the crankshaft end runout using a dial gauge.

  • Page 197
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-53 • Remove the oil seal using the special tool. • Remove the bearing (6) using the special tool. Special tool Special tool (A): 09913–50121 (Oil seal remover) (D): 09921–20240 (Bearing remover set) I705H1140152-01 I705H1140155-02 • Remove the bearing (4) using the special tool. Installation Special tool •…
  • Page 198: Rear Suspension Mounting Bushing Removal And Installation

    1D-54 Engine Mechanical: • Install the oil seal using the special tool. Installation 1) Using an appropriate side steel tube and vise, press Special tool in the busing into the crankcase (LH and RH). (E): 09913–70210 (Bearing installer set) CAUTION Replace the removed oil seal with a new one.

  • Page 199: Specifications

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-55 Specifications Service Data B705H11407002 Valve + Valve Guide Unit: mm (in) Item Standard Limit 31.0 (1.22) — Valve diam. 27.0 (1.06) — 0.10 – 0.20 (0.003 – 0.008) — Tappet clearance (when cold) 0.20 – 0.30 (0.008 – 0.009) —…

  • Page 200
    1D-56 Engine Mechanical: Cylinder + Piston + Piston Ring Unit: mm (in) Item Standard Limit E-02, 19, 1 060 – 1 140 kPa 660 kPa Compression pressure 24, 54 (10.6 – 11.4 kgf/cm , 151 – 162 psi) (6.0 kgf/cm , 94 psi) (Automatic de-comp.
  • Page 201: Tightening Torque Specifications

    Engine Mechanical: 1D-57 Tightening Torque Specifications B705H11407003 Tightening torque Fastening part Note N⋅m kgf-m lb-ft Engine mounting nut 67.0 (Page1D-8) Cushion rod nut 61.5 (Page1D-8) Rear axle nut 12.0 87.0 (Page1D-8) Cylinder head bolt (L190) (Initial) 18.0 (Page1D-19) Cylinder head bolt (L130) 18.0 (Page1D-19) Cylinder head bolt (L190) (Final)

  • Page 202: Special Tools And Equipment

    1D-58 Engine Mechanical: Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H11408001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or P/No.: 99000–25010 (Page1D-14) / (Page1D- equivalent 14) / (Page1D-27) / (Page1D-50) Molybdenum oil Molybdenum oil solution —…

  • Page 203
    Engine Mechanical: 1D-59 09900–20803 09900–21303 Thickness gauge V-block (75 mm) (Page1D-29) / (Page1D- (Page1D-23) 34) / (Page1D-36) / (Page1D-36) / (Page1D- 09900–21304 09900–22301 V-block (100 mm) Plastigauge (0.025 – 0.076 (Page1D-29) / (Page1D- (Page1D-23) 29) / (Page1D-51) / (Page1D-52) 09900–22403 09910–32812 Small bore gauge (18 –…
  • Page 204
    1D-60 Engine Mechanical: 09916–34561 09916–43210 Valve guide reamer (11.3 Valve guide remover/ installer (Page1D-32) (Page1D-32) / (Page1D- 09916–53330 09916–84511 Attachment Tweezers (Page1D-32) (Page1D-25) / (Page1D- 09919–28610 09920–13120 Sleeve protector Crankcase separating tool (Page1D-25) / (Page1D- (Page1D-42) / (Page1D- 09921–20240 09922–21410 Bearing remover set Long socket (46 mm) (Page1D-53) /…
  • Page 205: Engine Lubrication System

    Engine Lubrication System: 1E-1 Engine Lubrication System Precautions Precautions for Engine Oil B705H11500001 Refer to “Fuel / Oil / Engine Coolant Recommendation in Section 0A (Page0A-3)”. Schematic and Routing Diagram Engine Lubrication System Chart Diagram B705H11502001 CAMCHAIN TENSION ADJUSTER CAM FACES & TAPPETS CAM FACES &…

  • Page 206: Engine Lubrication Circuit Diagram

    1E-2 Engine Lubrication System: Engine Lubrication Circuit Diagram B705H11502002 “A” “B” I705H1150012-01 1. Oil sump filter 3. Oil filter “B”: Returned oil 2. Oil pump “A”: Lubrication oil…

  • Page 207: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    Engine Lubrication System: 1E-3 Diagnostic Information and Procedures Engine Lubrication Symptom Diagnosis B705H11504001 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Engine overheats. Not enough oil in the engine. Add oil. (Defective engine internal Defective oil pump or clogged oil circuit. Replace or clean. parts) Use of incorrect engine oil.

  • Page 208: Repair Instructions

    1E-4 Engine Lubrication System: 6) Reinstall the main oil gallery plug and tighten it to the High oil pressure Low oil pressure specified torque. • Engine oil viscosity is too • Clogged oil filter high • Oil leakage from the oil CAUTION •…

  • Page 209: Oil Pump Removal And Installation

    Engine Lubrication System: 1E-5 Oil Pump Removal and Installation Oil Pump Inspection B705H11506015 B705H11506016 Removal Inspect the oil pump in the following procedures: 1) Dismount the engine. Refer to “Engine Assembly 1) Remove the oil pump. Refer to “Oil Pump Removal Removal and Installation in Section 1D (Page1D-6)”.

  • Page 210: Piston Cooling Nozzle Inspection

    1E-6 Engine Lubrication System: Piston Cooling Nozzle Inspection Installation Install the piston cooling nozzle in the reverse order of B705H11506021 Inspect the piston cooling nozzle in the following removal. Pay attention to the following point: procedures: NOTE 1) Remove the piston cooling nozzle. Refer to “Piston Cooling Nozzle Removal and Installation (Page1E- Before installing, replace the O-ring (1) with a 5)”.

  • Page 211: Special Tools And Equipment

    Engine Lubrication System: 1E-7 Special Tools and Equipment Special Tool B705H11508001 09915–74521 09915–74570 Oil pressure gauge hose Oil pressure gauge attachment (Page1E-3) (Page1E-3) 09915–77331 Meter (for high pressure) (Page1E-3)

  • Page 212: Engine Cooling System

    1F-1 Engine Cooling System: Engine Cooling System Precautions Engine Cooling System Warning B705H11600001 WARNING • You can be injured by scalding fluid or steam if you open the radiator cap when the engine is hot. After the engine cools, wrap a thick cloth around cap and carefully remove the cap by turning it a quarter turn to allow pressure to escape and then turn the cap all the way off.

  • Page 213: Cooling Fan Thermo-Switch Description

    Engine Cooling System: 1F-2 Fig. 1: Engine coolant density-freezing point curve Fig. 2: Engine coolant density-boiling point curve I310G1160002-01 I310G1160001-01 Cooling Fan Thermo-Switch Description B705H11601003 The cooling fan is secured behind the radiator by three bolts and is automatically controlled by the thermo-switch. The thermo-switch remains open when the temperature of the engine coolant is low, but closes when the temperature reaches approximately 98 °C (208 °F) setting the cooling fan in motion.

  • Page 214: Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Description

    1F-3 Engine Cooling System: Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Description B705H11601004 The following circuit diagram shows the electrical wiring for the thermometer. The major components are ECT sensor in contact with coolant, and engine coolant temperature meter. Speedometer Ignition B/Br B/G switch Fuse Main fuse…

  • Page 215: Schematic And Routing Diagram

    Engine Cooling System: 1F-4 Schematic and Routing Diagram Cooling Circuit Diagram B705H11602001 RESERVOIR TANK BY-PASS THERMOSTAT RADIATOR COOLING FAN ECT SENSOR THERMO-SWITCH CYLINDER CRANKCASE CYLINDER HEAD OIL COOLER WATER PUMP I705H1160059-04 Oil cooler (1) is located inside the crankcase. The engine oil is cooled by engine coolant, which is circulated through inside core of oil cooler. I705H1160002-03…

  • Page 216: Radiator Hose Routing Diagram

    1F-5 Engine Cooling System: Radiator Hose Routing Diagram B705H11602002 “F” “B” “C” “D” “B” “G” “A” “E” I705H1160056-02 1. Reservoir tank inlet hose 9. Cooling fan thermo-switch 2. Conduction hose “A”: Yellow making 3. Reservoir tank overflow hose “B”: White marking 4.

  • Page 217: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    Engine Cooling System: 1F-6 Diagnostic Information and Procedures Engine Cooling Symptom Diagnosis B705H11604001 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Engine overheats Not enough engine coolant. Add engine coolant. Radiator core clogged with dirt or scale. Clean. Faulty cooling fan. Repair or replace.

  • Page 218: Radiator Cap Inspection

    1F-7 Engine Cooling System: Radiator Cap Inspection 5) Disconnect the cooling fan motor coupler (2) and B705H11606002 radiator heat shields (3). Inspect the radiator cap in the following procedures: 1) Remove the radiator cap. Refer to “Cooling Circuit Inspection (Page1F-6)”. 2) Attach the radiator cap (1) to the radiator tester (2) as shown.

  • Page 219: Radiator Cleaning

    Engine Cooling System: 1F-8 Radiator Cleaning 4) Inspect the radiator hoses for crack or flat and B705H11606028 leakage of hose connection. Clean the radiator in the following procedures: If any radiator hose found in a cranked condition or 1) Remove the radiator. Refer to “Radiator Removal flattened must be replaced.

  • Page 220: Radiator Hose Removal And Installation

    1F-9 Engine Cooling System: Radiator Hose Removal and Installation Installation B705H11606030 Install radiator reservoir tank in the reverse order of Removal removal. Pay attention to the following point: 1) Drain engine coolant. Refer to “Cooling System • Fill the reservoir tank to the upper level. Inspection in Section 0B (Page0B-11)”.

  • Page 221: Cooling Fan Removal And Installation

    Engine Cooling System: 1F-10 NOTE 3) Drain engine coolant. Refer to “Cooling System Inspection in Section 0B (Page0B-11)”. The voltmeter is for making sure that the 4) Disconnect the cooling fan thermo-switch lead wire battery applies 12 V to the motor. With the coupler (1).

  • Page 222: Cooling Fan Thermo-Switch Inspection

    1F-11 Engine Cooling System: Cooling Fan Thermo-Switch Inspection ECT Sensor Removal and Installation B705H11606012 B705H11606014 Inspect the cooling fan thermo-switch in the following Refer to “ECT Sensor Removal and Installation in procedures: Section 1C (Page1C-3)”. CAUTION ECT Sensor Inspection B705H11606015 •…

  • Page 223: Thermostat Inspection

    Engine Cooling System: 1F-12 Installation 4) Immerse the thermostat (1) in the water contained in Install the thermostat in the reverse order of removal. a beaker and note that the immersed thermostat is in Pay attention to the following points: suspension.

  • Page 224: Water Pump Components

    1F-13 Engine Cooling System: Water Pump Components B705H11606020 I705H1160057-02 1. Water pump cover 4. Mechanical seal : Apply grease. 2. O-ring 5. Oil seal : Apply engine coolant. 3. Impeller 6. Mechanical seal ring : Do not reuse.

  • Page 225: Water Pump Construction

    Water Pump Removal and Installation • Apply grease to the O-ring (1). B705H11606021 Removal : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) 1) Remove the under cover. Refer to “Under Cover Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D- • Apply engine coolant to the O-rings (2).

  • Page 226: Water Pump Disassembly And Assembly

    1F-15 Engine Cooling System: • Tighten the water pump mounting bolts to the 3) Remove the impeller (3) together with the water specified torque. pump shaft. Tightening torque Water pump mounting bolt: 10 N·m (1.0 kgf-m, 7.0 lb-ft) I705H1160038-03 4) Remove the mechanical seal ring (4) and the rubber seal (5) from the impeller.

  • Page 227
    6) Remove the oil seal using a suitable bar. • Apply a small quantity of the super grease to the oil seal lip. CAUTION : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER The removed oil seal must be replaced with a GREASE A or equivalent) new one.
  • Page 228: Water Pump Related Parts Inspection

    Replace the oil seal that shows indications of leakage. NOTE Apply engine coolant to the O-ring (2) and (3). : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) I705H1160049-04 Impeller Shaft Journal Visually inspect the journal for damage or scratch.

  • Page 229: Specifications

    Engine Cooling System: 1F-18 Impeller Visually inspect the impeller and its shaft for damage. Replace the impeller if necessary. I705H1160051-02 Specifications Service Data B705H11607002 Thermostat + Radiator + Fan + Coolant Item Standard / Specification Limit Thermostat valve opening Approx. 82 °C (180 °F) —…

  • Page 230: Special Tools And Equipment

    1F-19 Engine Cooling System: Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H11608001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or P/No.: 99000–25010 (Page1F-14) / (Page1F- equivalent 16) / (Page1F-17) Special Tool B705H11608002 09900–25008 09913–70210 Multi-circuit tester set…

  • Page 231: Fuel System

    Fuel System: 1G-1 Fuel System Precautions Precautions for Fuel System B705H11700001 WARNING • Keep away from fire or spark. • During disassembling, use care to minimize spillage of gasoline. • Spilled gasoline should be wiped off immediately. • Work in a well-ventilated area. CAUTION •…

  • Page 232: Schematic And Routing Diagram

    1G-2 Fuel System: Schematic and Routing Diagram Fuel Tank Hose Construction B705H11702001 “A” “B” “C” I705H1170039-02 1. Clamp 7. Cushion “A”: To fuel tank 2. Water drain hose 8. Clamp “B”: Black 3. Breather hose 9. Breather hose “C”: Orange : Pass the breather hose through into the ring part of the tray.

  • Page 233: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    Fuel System: 1G-3 Diagnostic Information and Procedures Fuel System Diagnosis B705H11704001 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Engine will not start or Clogging, bending or improper routing of Clean, replace or adjust. hard to start (Gasoline fuel filter or fuel hose. does not reach the intake Fuel pump failure.

  • Page 234
    1G-4 Fuel System: Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Insufficient engine power Fuel pressure too low. Repair or replace. (Control circuit or sensor Throttle position failure. Replace. failure) ECM failure. Replace. Throttle position sensor synchronization Adjust. failure. Engine overheats (Fuel Fuel injector failure.
  • Page 235: Repair Instructions

    Fuel System: 1G-5 Repair Instructions Fuel System Components B705H11706001 “ a” I705H1170040-01 1. Brake-lock cable 3. Check valve “a”: 5 mm (0.2 in) 2. Water drain hose 4. Breather hose…

  • Page 236: Fuel Tank Heat Shield Construction

    1G-6 Fuel System: Fuel Tank Heat Shield Construction B705H11706026 “A” “B” I705H1170041-01 1. Fuel tank “A”: Match the upper end of the fuel tank heat shield with the flange base. 2. Fuel tank heat shield “B”: Match the fuel tank heat shield with the R-edge. Fuel Cut Valve Removal and Installation Installation B705H11706002…

  • Page 237: Fuel Tank Removal And Installation

    Fuel System: 1G-7 • Install the fuel cut valve with its hose attaching section 5) Disconnect the fuel pump coupler. “C” facing the vehicle body right side. • Tighten the fuel cut valve bolt to the specified torque. Tightening torque Fuel cut valve bolt (a): 3.5 N·m (0.35 kgf-m, 2.5 lb- “C”…

  • Page 238: Fuel Pump Assembly Removal And Installation

    1G-8 Fuel System: Installation 4) Remove the fuel pump assembly (2). Install the fuel tank in the reverse order of removal. Pay CAUTION attention the following points: When removing the fuel pump assembly, take • Tighten the fuel tank bolts. care not to cause damage to it.

  • Page 239: Fuel Drain Tray And Ftpc Valve Removal And Installation

    Fuel System: 1G-9 • When installing the fuel pump assembly, first tighten 3) Disconnect the hose (3) from the fuel cut valve. all the fuel pump mounting bolts lightly and then to the specified torque, in the ascending order of numbers. Tightening torque Fuel pump mounting bolt: 10 N·m (1.0 kgf-m, 7.0 lb-ft)

  • Page 240: Fuel Cut Valve Inspection

    1G-10 Fuel System: Fuel Cut Valve Inspection FTPC Valve Inspection B705H11706004 B705H11706023 Inspect the fuel cut valve in the following procedures: Inspect the FTPC valve in the following procedures: 1) Remove the fuel cut valve. Refer to “Fuel Drain Tray 1) Remove the FTPC valve.

  • Page 241
    Fuel System: 1G-11 Assembly 2) After removing the clamp screw (1), ground wire (2) and lead wire (Bl) (3), remove the fuel pump Refer to “Fuel Mesh Filter Inspection (Page1G-13)”. assembly (4). Assemble the fuel pump assembly in the reverse order of the disassembly.
  • Page 242: Fuel Pressure Inspection

    1G-12 Fuel System: Fuel Pressure Inspection 4) Turn the ignition ON and check for fuel pressure. B705H11706005 Fuel pressure Inspect the fuel pressure in the following procedures: Approx. 300 kPa (3.0 kgf/cm , 43.5 psi) 1) Remove the fuel tank bolt and move the fuel tank for vehicle backward.

  • Page 243: Fuel Pump Relay Inspection

    Fuel System: 1G-13 Fuel Pump Relay Inspection NOTE B705H11706006 When the fuel mesh filter is dirtied Refer to “Electrical Components Location in Section 0A excessively, replace the fuel filter cartridge (Page0A-7)”. with a new one. Inspect the fuel pump relay in the following procedures: 1) Remove the front leg shield.

  • Page 244: Fuel Pump Inspection

    1G-14 Fuel System: 3) Inspect the fuel meter. Refer to “Fuel Level Meter 5) Disconnect the ECM lead wire coupler. Inspection in Section 9C (Page9C-2)”. Fuel Pump Inspection B705H11706022 Turn the ignition switch ON and check for operation of the fuel pump for a few seconds. If the fuel pump is not operating properly, replace the fuel pump or check the fuel pump relay and fuel cut sensor.

  • Page 245: Specifications

    Fuel System: 1G-15 Specifications Service Data B705H11707002 Injector + Fuel Pump + Fuel Pressure Regulator Item Specification Note Approx. 10.3 Ω at 20 °C (68 F°) Injector resistance — 35 ml and more Fuel pump discharge amount — For 10 sec., at 300 kPa (3.0 kgf/cm , 43 psi) Fuel pressure regulator operating Approx.

  • Page 246: Special Tools And Equipment

    1G-16 Fuel System: Special Tools and Equipment Special Tool B705H11708001 09900–25008 09915–74521 Multi-circuit tester set Oil pressure gauge hose (Page1G-13) (Page1G-12) 09915–77331 09917–47011 Meter (for high pressure) Vacuum pump gauge (Page1G-12) (Page1G-10) 09940–40211 09940–40230 Fuel pressure gauge Fuel pressure gauge hose adapter attachment (Page1G-12)

  • Page 247: Ignition System

    Ignition System: 1H-1 Ignition System General Description Immobilizer Description (For E-02, 19, 24, 54) Operation B705H11801001 When the ignition switch is turned ON with the engine The immobilizer, an anti-theft system, is installed as a stop switch in ON, the immobi-antenna and ECM are standard equipment.

  • Page 248: Schematic And Routing Diagram

    1H-2 Ignition System: NOTE If the indicator light flashes fast, turn the ignition switch OFF then ON to make judgment again as there is possible misjudgment due to environmental radio interference. CAUTION When the battery performance is lowered in winter (low temperature), the system may at times makes a re-judgment at the time of I705H1180007-01 beginning the starter motor operation.

  • Page 249: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    Ignition System: 1H-3 Diagnostic Information and Procedures Ignition System Symptom Diagnosis B705H11804005 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Spark plug not sparking Damaged spark plug. Replace. Damaged spark plug cap. Replace. Fouled spark plug. Clean or replace. Wet spark plug. Clean and dry or replace.

  • Page 250: No Spark Or Poor Spark

    1H-4 Ignition System: No Spark or Poor Spark B705H11804001 Troubleshooting NOTE Make sure the engine stop switch is in the “RUN” position and side-stand is in up-right position. Grasp the front or rear brake lever. Make sue the fuse is not blown and the battery is fully-charged before diagnosing.

  • Page 251: Repair Instructions

    Ignition System: 1H-5 Repair Instructions Spark Plug Removal and Installation 4) Connect the multi-circuit tester with the peak voltage B705H11806007 adaptor as follows. Refer to “Spark Plug Removal and Installation in Section 0B (Page0B-3)”. WARNING Do not touch the tester probes and spark Spark Plug Inspection and Cleaning plug to prevent an electric shock while B705H11806008…

  • Page 252: Ignition Coil Assembly Removal And Installation

    1H-6 Ignition System: Ignition Coil Assembly Removal and Installation 6) Repeat above procedures a few times and measure the highest ignition coil primary peak voltage. B705H11806010 Refer to “Electrical Components Location in Section 0A If the voltages are lower than standard values, (Page0A-7)”.

  • Page 253
    Ignition System: 1H-7 2) Disconnect the ECM coupler (1). 6) If the peak voltage measured on the ECM coupler is lower than the standard value, measure the peak NOTE voltage on the CKP sensor coupler as follows. Make sure that all of the couplers are a) Disconnect the CKP sensor coupler (2).
  • Page 254: Ckp Sensor Removal And Installation

    1H-8 Ignition System: CKP Sensor Removal and Installation c) Measure the CKP sensor peak voltage in the same manner as on the ECM coupler. B705H11806014 Refer to “CKP Sensor Removal and Installation in If the peak voltage on the CKP sensor lead wire Section 1C (Page1C-1)”.

  • Page 255: Specifications

    Ignition System: 1H-9 7) Disconnect the seat-lock cable (3). Installation Installation is in the reverse order of removal. I705H1180028-01 Specifications Service Data B705H11807001 Electrical Unit: mm (in) Item Standard / Specification Note Spark performance Over 8.0 (0.3) at 1 atm. 190 –…

  • Page 256: Starting System

    1I-1 Starting System: Starting System Schematic and Routing Diagram Starting System Diagram B705H11902001 Starter button Front brake switch Signal fuse Starter relay Safety lgnition switch relay Rear brake switch Main fuse Engine stop To ignition coil Starter switch motor Turn signal/ side-stand relay Battery lgnition fuse…

  • Page 257: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    Starting System: 1I-2 Diagnostic Information and Procedures Starter Motor will not Run B705H11904001 NOTE Make sure the fuses are not blown and the battery is fully-charged before diagnosing. Troubleshooting Step Action 1) Grasp the front or rear brake lever, turn on the ignition Go to step 2.

  • Page 258: Repair Instructions

    1I-3 Starting System: Repair Instructions Starter Motor Components B705H11906002 I705H1190016-02 1. Housing end (Outside) 8. Washer : 7 N⋅m (0.7 kgf-m, 5.0 lb-ft) 2. O-ring 9. Shim : Apply grease to sliding surface. 3. Starter motor case 10. Starter motor housing bolt : Apply moly paste to sliding surface.

  • Page 259: Starter Motor Disassembly And Assembly

    Starter motor lead wire bolt (b): 3 N·m (0.3 kgf-m, 2.0 lb-ft) I705H1190020-01 • Apply a small quantity of moly paste to the armature shaft. : Moly paste 99000–25140 (SUZUKI Moly paste or equivalent) I705H1190025-01 Starter Motor Disassembly and Assembly B705H11906013 Refer to “Starter Motor Removal and Installation…

  • Page 260: Starter Motor Inspection

    1I-5 Starting System: • Align the match mark on the starter motor case with Commutator the match mark on the housing end. Inspect the commutator for discoloration, abnormal wear or undercut “A”. • Apply a small quantity of thread lock to the starter If the commutator is abnormally worn, replace the motor housing bolts and tighten them to the specified armature.

  • Page 261: Starter Relay Removal And Installation

    Starting System: 1I-6 Installation Oil Seal Check the seal lip for damage. Install the starter relay in the reverse order of removal. If any damage is found, replace the housing end (Inside). Starter Relay Inspection B705H11906005 Inspect the starter relay in the following procedures: 1) Remove the starter relay.

  • Page 262: Turn Signal / Side-Stand Relay Removal And Installation

    1I-7 Starting System: Side-stand / Ignition Interlock System Parts 3) Measure the relay coil resistance between the terminals using the multi-circuit tester. If the Inspection resistance is not within the specified value, replace B705H11906007 Refer to “Electrical Components Location in Section 0A the starter relay with a new one.

  • Page 263
    Starting System: 1I-8 4) Connect the side-stand switch coupler. 4) Install the turn signal/side-stand relay. Refer to “Turn Signal / Side-stand Relay Removal and Installation 5) Install the left footboard. Refer to “Footboard (Page1I-7)”. Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D- 21)”.
  • Page 264: Starter Clutch Component

    1I-9 Starting System: Starter Clutch Component B705H11906008 I705H1190017-01 1. One-way clutch 3. Starter idle gear : 26 N⋅m (2.6 kgf-m, 19.0 lb-ft) 2. Starter driven gear : Apply thread lock to thread part. Starter Clutch Removal and Installation 4) Remove the generator rotor and starter driven gear. B705H11906009 Refer to “Engine Bottom Side Disassembly in Removal…

  • Page 265: Starter Clutch Inspection

    Starting System: 1I-10 Starter Clutch Inspection Starter Clutch Disassembly and Assembly B705H11906010 B705H11906011 Inspect the starter clutch in the following procedures. Disassembly 1) Install the starter driven gear onto the starter clutch 1) With the rotor held with a wrench, loosen the starter and turn the starter driven gear by hand to inspect clutch bolts.

  • Page 266: Starter Button Inspection

    1I-11 Starting System: • Apply thread lock on the starter clutch bolts and tighten them to the specified torque. Tightening torque Starter clutch bolt: 26 N·m (2.6 kgf-m, 19.0 lb-ft) : Thread lock cement 99000–32050 (THREAD LOCK CEMENT 1342 or equivalent) CAUTION After installing the starter driven gear, check that the clutch functions properly.

  • Page 267: Special Tools And Equipment

    Starting System: 1I-12 Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H11908001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or P/No.: 99000–25010 (Page1I-4) / (Page1I-4) equivalent Moly paste SUZUKI Moly paste or equivalent P/No.: 99000–25140 (Page1I-4)

  • Page 268: Charging System

    1J-1 Charging System: Charging System Schematic and Routing Diagram Charging System Diagram B705H11A02001 lgnition switch Main fuse Battery Generator Regulator/Rectifier I705H11A0001-02 Component Location Charging System Components Location B705H11A03001 Refer to “Electrical Components Location in Section 0A (Page0A-7)”.

  • Page 269: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    Charging System: 1J-2 Diagnostic Information and Procedures Charging System Symptom Diagnosis B705H11A04009 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Generator does not Open- or short-circuited lead wires, or Repair or replace or retighten. charge loose lead connections. Short-circuited, grounded or open Replace.

  • Page 270: Battery Runs Down Quickly

    1J-3 Charging System: Battery Runs Down Quickly B705H11A04001 Troubleshooting Step Action 1) Check accessories which use excessive amounts of Remove accessories. Go to step 2. electricity. Are accessories being installed? 1) Check the battery for current leaks. (Refer to “Battery Go to step 3.

  • Page 271: Repair Instructions

    Charging System: 1J-4 Repair Instructions Battery Current Leakage Inspection Regulated Voltage Inspection B705H11A06001 B705H11A06002 Inspect the battery current leakage in the following Inspect the regulated voltage in the following procedures: procedures: 1) Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position. 1) Remove the battery cover (1).

  • Page 272: Generator Coil Resistance Inspection

    1J-5 Charging System: Generator Coil Resistance Inspection Generator No-load Performance Inspection B705H11A06004 B705H11A06005 Inspect the generator coil resistance in the following Inspect the generator no-load performance in the procedures: following procedures: 1) Disconnect the generator coupler (1). 1) Disconnect the generator coupler (1). I705H11A0006-02 I705H11A0006-02 2) Measure the resistance between the three lead…

  • Page 273: Generator Removal And Installation

    Charging System: 1J-6 3) Measure the voltage between the terminals using the 4) Remove the generator stator (1), CKP sensor (2) multi circuit tester as indicated in the following table. and lead wire guide (3). If the voltage is not within the specified value, replace the regulator/rectifier with a new one.

  • Page 274
    1J-7 Charging System: Installation • Install the snap ring. Install the generator in the reverse order of removal. Pay • Install the generator stator into the generator cover. attention to the following points: CAUTION • Install the oil seal (1) using the special tool. Engage the convex part “A”…
  • Page 275: Battery Components

    Charging System: 1J-8 Battery Components 3) Insert the nozzles of the electrolyte container (5) into B705H11A06011 the electrolyte filler holes of the battery. 4) Hold the electrolyte container firmly so that it does not fall. 5) Do not allow any of the electrolyte to spill. I705H11A0020-01 1.

  • Page 276: Battery Visual Inspection

    1J-9 Charging System: 7) After the electrolyte container is completely empty, Initial Changing remove it from the battery and wait about 20 1) Measure the battery voltage using multi circuit tester. minutes. 2) The tester should indicate more than 12.5 – 12.6 V 8) Insert the caps (3) firmly into the filler holes, so that (DC) as shown in the figure.

  • Page 277: Battery Recharging

    Charging System: 1J-10 Battery Recharging B705H11A06009 CAUTION When recharging the battery, remove the battery from the motorcycle. NOTE While recharging, do not remove the caps on the top of the battery. 1) Measure the battery voltage using the multi circuit tester.

  • Page 278: Specifications

    1J-11 Charging System: Specifications Service Data B705H11A07003 Electrical Unit: mm (in) Item Standard / Specification Note 0.1 – 1.0 Ω Generator coil resistance Charging Y – Y Generator no-load voltage (When 55 V and more at 5 000 r/min engine is cold) Generator Max.

  • Page 279: Exhaust System

    Exhaust System: 1K-1 Exhaust System Precautions Precautions for Exhaust System B705H11B00001 WARNING • To avoid the danger of being burned, do not touch the exhaust system when the system is hot. Any service on the exhaust system should be performed when the system is cool. •…

  • Page 280: Exhaust Pipe / Muffler Removal And Installation

    1K-2 Exhaust System: Exhaust Pipe / Muffler Removal and Installation 4) Remove the HO2 sensor (5). B705H11B06002 Removal 1) Remove the HO2 sensor lead wire coupler (1). I705H11B0004-01 5) Remove the exhaust pipe (6). I705H11B0001-01 2) Loosen the exhaust pipe connecting bolt (2). I705H11B0005-01 6) Remove the exhaust pipe gasket (7).

  • Page 281
    Exhaust System: 1K-3 Installation • Tighten the HO2 sensor (4) to the specified torque. Install the exhaust pipe/muffler in the reverse order of Tightening torque removal. Pay attention to the following points: HO2 sensor (b): 48 N·m (4.8 kgf-m, 34.5 lb-ft) CAUTION CAUTION Replace the exhaust pipe gasket (1) and…
  • Page 282: Exhaust System Inspection

    1K-4 Exhaust System: Exhaust System Inspection HO2 Sensor Inspection B705H11B06005 B705H11B06006 Inspect the exhaust pipe connection and muffler Refer to “HO2 Sensor Inspection in Section 1C connection for exhaust gas leakage and mounting (Page1C-6)”. condition. If any defect is found, replace the exhaust pipe or muffler with a new one.

  • Page 283: Specifications

    For the tightening torque of fastener not specified in this section, refer to “Tightening Torque Specifications in Section 0C (Page0C-7)”. Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H11B08001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Thread lock cement THREAD LOCK CEMENT 1342 or P/No.: 99000–32050 (Page1K-3)

  • Page 284
    1K-6 Exhaust System:…
  • Page 285
    Table of Contents 2- i Section 2 Suspension CONTENTS Precautions ……….2-1 Cushion Lever Bearing Removal and Installation …………2C-10 Precautions…………. 2-1 Crankcase Bracket Construction…….2C-11 Precautions for Suspension ……..2-1 Crankcase Bracket Removal and Installation …2C-12 Suspension General Diagnosis….2A-1 Crankcase Bracket Related Parts Inspection..2C-12 Crankcase Bracket Bearing Removal and Diagnostic Information and Procedures….2A-1 Installation …………2C-13…
  • Page 286: Precautions

    2-1 Precautions: Precautions Precautions Precautions for Suspension B705H12000001 Refer to “General Precautions in Section 00 (Page00-1)”. WARNING All suspensions, bolts and nuts are an important part in that it could affect the performance of vital parts. They must be tightened to the specified torque periodically and if the suspension effect is lost, replace it with a new one.

  • Page 287: Suspension General Diagnosis

    Suspension General Diagnosis: 2A-1 Suspension General Diagnosis Diagnostic Information and Procedures Suspension and Wheel Symptom Diagnosis B705H12104001 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Wobbly front wheel Distorted wheel rim. Replace. Worn front wheel bearings. Replace. Defective or incorrect tire. Replace.

  • Page 288: Front Suspension

    2B-1 Front Suspension: Front Suspension Repair Instructions Front Fork Components B705H12206001 I705H1220035-06 1. Front fork top cap 7. Rebound spring 13. Oil seal retainer 19. Front axle pinch bolt 2. O-ring 8. Inner tube 14. Guide metal : 45 N⋅m (4.5 kgf-m, 32.5 lb-ft) 3.

  • Page 289: Front Fork Removal And Installation

    Front Suspension: 2B-2 Front Fork Removal and Installation 7) Loose the front fork clamp bolts (5) and remove the B705H12206007 front fork (6). Removal NOTE 1) Remove the front leg shield. Refer to “Front Leg Shield Removal and Installation in Section 9D Hold the front fork by the hand to prevent (Page9D-14)”.

  • Page 290: Front Fork Disassembly And Assembly

    2B-3 Front Suspension: 3) Install the washer and temporarily tighten the front 8) Install the front wheel assembly. Refer to “Front fork cap bolt and tighten the front fork clamp bolts (1) Wheel Assembly Removal and Installation in Section to the specified torque. 2D (Page2D-4)”.

  • Page 291
    Front Suspension: 2B-4 2) Invert the fork and stroke it several times to drain out 6) Remove the dust seal (6) and oil seal stopper ring fork oil. (7). 3) Hold the fork inverted for a few minutes to drain oil. I705H1220011-02 7) Pull the outer tube out of the inner tube.
  • Page 292
    2B-5 Front Suspension: 9) Remove the spring (13) from the oil lock piece (14). Inner tube • Apply fork oil to the guide metal and oil seal lip. : Fork Oil 99000–99044–10G (FORK OIL or equivalent) • Install the following parts onto the inner tube. –…
  • Page 293
    Front Suspension: 2B-6 • Install the oil lock piece into the inner tube. I705H1220034-02 I705H1220036-01 – Dust seal (5) • Install the inner tube into the outer tube with care not – Oil seal stopper ring (4) to drop the oil lock piece out. –…
  • Page 294
    2B-7 Front Suspension: • Apply thread lock to the cylinder bolt and tighten it to Front fork oil the specified torque using the special tools. • Place the front fork vertically without spring. • Compress the front fork fully. CAUTION •…
  • Page 295: Front Fork Inspection

    Front Suspension: 2B-8 • Hold the front fork vertically and adjust the fork oil Inner / Outer Tubes level using the special tool. Inspect the inner tube sliding surface and outer tube sliding surface for scuffing. If any defects are found, NOTE replace them with the new ones.

  • Page 296: Specifications

    2B-9 Front Suspension: Specifications Service Data B705H12207002 Suspension Unit: mm (in) Item Standard Item Front fork stroke 110 (4.33) — Front fork spring free length 347.6 (13.69) Front fork oil type G-10 — Front fork oil capacity (each leg) 301 ml (10.17/10.60 US/lmp oz) —…

  • Page 297: Special Tools And Equipment

    Front Suspension: 2B-10 Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H12208001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Fork Oil FORK OIL or equivalent P/No.: 99000–99044– (Page2B-2) / (Page2B- 5) / (Page2B-5) / (Page2B-7) Thread lock cement Thread Lock Cement 1342 or P/No.: 99000–32050…

  • Page 298: Rear Suspension

    2C-1 Rear Suspension: Rear Suspension Repair Instructions Rear Suspension Components B705H12306012 I705H1230034-01 1. Rear shock absorber bolt 8. Cushion lever : 50 N⋅m (5.0 kgf-m, 36.0 lb-ft) 2. Rear shock absorber 9. Cushion lever nut : 50 N⋅m (5.0 kgf-m, 36.0 lb-ft) 3.

  • Page 299: Rear Suspension Assembly Construction

    Rear Suspension: 2C-2 Rear Suspension Assembly Construction B705H12306013 “ a ” “a” “ a ” “a” “ a ” “ a ” “A” I705H1230041-04 1. Rear shock absorber mounting bolt 5. Cushion rod mounting nut : 80 N⋅m (8.0 kgf-m, 58.0 lb-ft) 2.

  • Page 300: Rear Swingarm Components

    2C-3 Rear Suspension: Rear Swingarm Components B705H12306027 I705H1230035-01 1. Rear swingarm 3. Dust seal 5. Dust seal : Do not reuse. 2. Rear swingarm mounting bolt 4. Bearing : 50 N⋅m (5.0 kgf-m, 36.0 lb-ft)

  • Page 301: Rear Shock Absorber And Rear Shock Absorber Assembly Removal And Installation

    Rear Suspension: 2C-4 Rear Shock Absorber and Rear Shock Absorber Installation Install the rear shock absorber assembly in the reverse Assembly Removal and Installation order of removal. Pay attention to the following points: B705H12306014 • Tighten the cushion lever nuts (1) and cushion rod nut Removal (2) to the specified torque.

  • Page 302: Rear Suspension Inspection

    2C-5 Rear Suspension: Rear Suspension Inspection Rear Shock Absorber Gas Pressure Release B705H12306015 B705H12306017 Refer to “Rear Suspension Inspection in Section 0B Refer to “Rear Shock Absorber and Rear Shock (Page0B-16)”. Absorber Assembly Removal and Installation (Page2C- 4)”. Rear Shock Absorber Inspection WARNING B705H12306016 Inspect the rear shock absorber in the following…

  • Page 303: Rear Suspension Adjustment

    Rear Suspension: 2C-6 Rear Swingarm Removal and Installation WARNING B705H12306024 Removal • Be sure to wear protective glasses since 1) Raise the rear wheel resting center-stand and using drilling chips and oil may fly off with jack. blowing gas when the drill bit has penetrated through the body.

  • Page 304: Rear Swingarm Related Parts Inspection

    2C-7 Rear Suspension: Installation • Tighten the exhaust pipe joint bolt and muffler Install the rear swingarm in the reverse order of removal. mounting bolt. to the specified torque. Pay attention to the following points: CAUTION • Install the collar to swingarm. Replace the exhaust pipe connector with a CAUTION new one.

  • Page 305: Rear Swingarm Dust Seal / Bearing Removal And Installation

    Rear Suspension: 2C-8 Bearing Rear Swingarm Dust Seal / Bearing Removal Inspect the play of the bearings by finger while they are and Installation in the rear swingarm. Rotate the inner race by finger to B705H12306026 Refer to “Rear Suspension Assembly Construction inspect for abnormal noise and smooth rotation.

  • Page 306: Cushion Lever And Cushion Rod Inspection

    : 09913–70210 (Bearing installer set) CAUTION • Apply grease to the oil seal lip. The removed dust seal and bearings must be : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER replaced with the new ones. GREASE A or equivalent) • Apply grease to the bearing.

  • Page 307: Cushion Lever Bearing Removal And Installation

    Rear Suspension: 2C-10 Spacer Cushion Rod Inspect the cushion rod for damage and bend. If any 1) Remove the spacers from the cushion lever. defects are found, replace the cushion rod with a new 2) Inspect the spacers for any flaws or other damage. If one.

  • Page 308: Crankcase Bracket Construction

    2C-11 Rear Suspension: Installation • Apply grease to the bearings. Install the cushion lever bearing in the reverse order of : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER removal. Pay attention to the following points: GREASE A or equivalent) CAUTION The removed bearings must be replaced with the new ones.

  • Page 309: Crankcase Bracket Removal And Installation

    Rear Suspension: 2C-12 Crankcase Bracket Removal and Installation 5) Remove the rubber damper bolts (2) (L & R) after B705H12306021 tightening the crankcase bracket nut (1). 6) Install the rubber dampers (3) (L & R) and tighten the Removal rubber damper bolts (2) (L & R) to the specified 1) Remove the engine.

  • Page 310: Crankcase Bracket Bearing Removal And Installation

    2C-13 Rear Suspension: Bearing 2) Remove the bearing (1) using the special tools. 1) Insert the spacers into the bearings. Special tool 2) Check the play by moving the spacers up and down. (A): 09923–74511 (Bearing puller) If excessive play is noted, replace the bearing with a (B): 09930–30104 (Sliding shaft) new one.

  • Page 311: Specifications

    Rear Suspension: 2C-14 Specifications Service Data B705H12307002 Suspension Unit: mm (in) Item Standard Item Rear wheel travel 100 (3.94) — Rear shock absorber spring adjuster 3rd position — Tightening Torque Specifications B705H12307003 Tightening torque Fastening part Note N⋅m kgf-m lb-ft Cushion lever nut 36.0 (Page2C-4)

  • Page 312: Special Tools And Equipment

    2C-15 Rear Suspension: Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H12308001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or P/No.: 99000–25010 (Page2C-9) / (Page2C- equivalent 9) / (Page2C-11) NOTE Required service material is also described in the following.

  • Page 313: Wheels And Tires

    Wheels and Tires: 2D-1 Wheels and Tires Precautions Precautions for Wheel and Tire B705H12400001 WARNING • Proper tire pressure and proper tire loading are important factors. Over loading tire can lead to tire failure and loss of motorcycle control. • Under-inflated tires make smooth cornering difficult, and can result in rapid tire wear. •…

  • Page 314: Repair Instructions

    2D-2 Wheels and Tires: Repair Instructions Front Wheel Components B705H12406003 I705H1240028-05 1. Front wheel 7. Brake disc : 23 N⋅m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lb-ft) 2. Spacer 8. Brake disc bolt : Apply grease. 3. Bearing 9. Tire : Apply thread lock to thread part. 4.

  • Page 315: Front Wheel Assembly Construction

    Wheels and Tires: 2D-3 Front Wheel Assembly Construction B705H12406019 Left Right “a” I705H1240030-02 1. Front axle “a”: Clearance : 23 N⋅m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lb-ft) 2. Front brake caliper mounting bolt : 65 N⋅m (6.5 kgf-m, 47.0 lb-ft) : Apply grease. 3.

  • Page 316: Front Wheel Assembly Removal And Installation

    2D-4 Wheels and Tires: Front Wheel Assembly Removal and Installation 6) Draw out the front axle and remove the front wheel. B705H12406020 NOTE Removal After removing the front wheel, install the 1) Support the motorcycle with a jack or a wooden calipers temporarily to the original positions.

  • Page 317: Front Wheel Related Parts Inspection

    Wheels and Tires: 2D-5 6) Tighten the axle pinch bolt (4) on the right front fork 3) Tighten the front axle (2) to the specified torque using the special tool. leg to the specified torque. Special tool Tightening torque (A): 09900–18710 (Hexagon socket (12 Front axle pinch bolt (c): 23 N·m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 mm)) lb-ft)

  • Page 318: Front Wheel Dust Seal / Bearing Removal And Installation

    2D-6 Wheels and Tires: Axle Shaft Wheel Bearing Using a dial gauge, check the axle shaft for runout. If the Inspect the play of the wheel bearings by finger while runout exceeds the limit, replace the axle shaft. they are in the wheel. Rotate the inner race by finger to inspect for abnormal noise and smooth rotation.

  • Page 319
    Installation CAUTION The removed dust seals and bearings must be replaced with the new ones. Left Right 1) Apply grease to the wheel bearings. : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) “a” I705H1240031-01 1. Spacer “a”: Clearance I649G1240019-01…
  • Page 320: Rear Wheel Components

    2D-8 Wheels and Tires: 3) Install the dust seals using the special tool. 4) Apply grease to the lip of dust seals. Special tool : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER (B): 09913–70210 (Bearing installer set) GREASE A or equivalent) I705H1240012-01 I705H1240013-01 5) Install the front wheel assembly.

  • Page 321: Rear Wheel Assembly Removal And Installation

    Wheels and Tires: 2D-9 Rear Wheel Assembly Removal and Installation 5) Remove the rear brake hose clamps (4) and rear B705H12406025 brake caliper (5). Refer to “Exhaust Pipe / Muffler Removal and Installation in Section 1K (Page1K-2)”. Refer to “Rear Brake Caliper Removal and Installation in Section 4C (Page4C-3)”.

  • Page 322
    2D-10 Wheels and Tires: Installation CAUTION Refer to “Rear Wheel Related Parts Inspection Replace the exhaust pipe connector (4) with a (Page2D-11)” and “Wheel/Tire/Air Valve Inspection and new one. Cleaning (Page2D-13)” Install the rear wheel in the reverse order of removal. Pay attention to the following points: •…
  • Page 323: Rear Wheel Related Parts Inspection

    Wheels and Tires: 2D-11 Rear Wheel Related Parts Inspection Wheel B705H12406026 Make sure that the wheel runout checked as shown Refer to “Rear Wheel Assembly Removal and does not exceed the service limit. An excessive runout is Installation (Page2D-9)”. usually due to worn or loosened wheel bearings and can Refer to “Rear Wheel Components (Page2D-8)”.

  • Page 324
    2D-12 Wheels and Tires: NOTE 2) Install the tire onto the wheel. When removing the tire in case of repair or CAUTION inspection, mark the tire with a chalk to For installation procedures of tire onto the indicate the tire position relative to the valve wheel, follow the instructions given by the position.
  • Page 325: Wheel/Tire/Air Valve Inspection And Cleaning

    Wheels and Tires: 2D-13 7) When the bead has been fitted properly, adjust the Tire pressure to specification. Tire must be checked for the following points: 8) As necessary, adjust the tire balance. Refer to • Nick and rupture on side wall “Wheel Balance Check and Adjustment (Page2D- •…

  • Page 326: Air Valve Removal And Installation

    2D-14 Wheels and Tires: NOTE Inspect the valve core seal (1) for wear and damage. If any defect is found, replace the valve core with a new To properly install the valve into the valve one. Refer to “Air Valve Removal and Installation hole, apply a special tire lubricant or neutral (Page2D-14)”.

  • Page 327: Specifications

    Wheels and Tires: 2D-15 Specifications Service Data B705H12407002 Wheel Unit: mm (in) Item Standard Limit Axial — 2.0 (0.08) Wheel rim runout Radial — 2.0 (0.08) Front — 0.25 (0.01) Wheel axle runout Rear — 0.25 (0.01) Front 14 M/C x MT3.00 —…

  • Page 328: Special Tools And Equipment

    2D-16 Wheels and Tires: Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H12408001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or P/No.: 99000–25010 (Page2D-7) / (Page2D- equivalent NOTE Required service material is also described in the following.

  • Page 329
    Table of Contents 3- i Section 3 Driveline / Axle CONTENTS Precautions ……….3-1 Final Gear Assembly Removal and Installation …………3A-3 Precautions…………. 3-1 Final Gear Disassembly and Assembly ….3A-4 Precautions for Driveline/Axle ……. 3-1 Final Drive Gear Bearing Inspection ….3A-8 Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft… 3A-1 Specifications …………3A-9 Tightening Torque Specifications……3A-9 Diagnostic Information and Procedures….3A-1…
  • Page 330: Precautions

    3-1 Precautions: Precautions Precautions Precautions for Driveline/Axle B705H13000001 Refer to “General Precautions in Section 00 (Page00-1)”.

  • Page 331: Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft

    Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft: 3A-1 Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft Diagnostic Information and Procedures Drive Chain and Sprocket Symptom Diagnosis B705H13104001 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Noisy drive chain (Noise Worn or rubbing gears. Replace.

  • Page 332: Repair Instructions

    3A-2 Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft: Repair Instructions Final Gear Components B705H13106001 I705H1310001-05 1. Bearing retainer 11. Bearing 21. Oil drain bolt. 2. Bearing 12. Drive shaft : 23 N⋅m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lb-ft) 3. Oil seal 13.

  • Page 333: Final Gear Assembly Removal And Installation

    Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft: 3A-3 Final Gear Assembly Removal and Installation 9) Remove the idle shaft (9). B705H13106002 Removal 1) Remove the drive V-belt. Refer to “Drive V-belt Removal and Installation in Section 0B (Page0B- 11)”. 2) Remove the oil level bolt (1).

  • Page 334: Final Gear Disassembly And Assembly

    3A-4 Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft: Final Gear Disassembly and Assembly • Tighten the final gear cover bolt (1) to the specified torque. B705H13106003 Refer to “Final Gear Assembly Removal and Installation (Page3A-3)”. CAUTION Tighten the final gear cover bolts diagonally Disassembly and evenly.

  • Page 335
    Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft: 3A-5 4) Remove the bearing (7) using the special tool. 2) Remove the snap ring (4) and idle shaft (5). Special tool (C): 09913–70210 (Bearing installer set) I705H1310019-02 Final driven gear / Rear axle shaft I705H1310014-05 1) Remove the snap ring (1) and final driven gear (2).
  • Page 336
    3A-6 Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft: Final gear case 4) Remove the bearings (4) and (5) using the special tool. 1) Remove the bearing retainer (1). Special tool : 09921–20240 (Bearing remover set) I705H1310035-02 2) Remove the bearing (2) using the special tool. I705H1310022-01 Special tool (A): 09913–75830 (Bearing installer)
  • Page 337
    Special tool (A): 09913–70210 (Bearing installer set) (A): 09913–70210 (Bearing installer set) • Apply the grease to the oil seal lip. : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) I705H1310027-01 • Install the oil seal (4) using the special tool.
  • Page 338: Final Drive Gear Bearing Inspection

    3A-8 Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft: • Tighten the oil level bolt (5), oil filler bolt (6) and final Final gear case side gear cover bolts (7) to the specified torque. Inspect the play of the bearings by hand while they are in the case.

  • Page 339: Specifications

    For the tightening torque of fastener not specified in this section, refer to “Tightening Torque Specifications in Section 0C (Page0C-7)”. Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H13108001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or P/No.: 99000–25010 (Page3A-7) /…

  • Page 340
    3A-10 Drive Chain / Drive Train / Drive Shaft:…
  • Page 341
    Table of Contents 4- i Section 4 Brake CONTENTS Precautions ……….4-1 Front Brake Caliper Disassembly and Assembly…………4B-4 Precautions…………. 4-1 Front Brake Caliper Parts Inspection ….4B-5 Precautions for Brake System ……4-1 Front Brake Disc Removal and Installation ..4B-6 Brake Fluid Information ……… 4-1 Front Brake Disc Inspection ……..4B-6 Brake Control System and Diagnosis …
  • Page 342
    4-ii Table of Contents Parking Brake System (Brake-lock System) Specifications …………4D-8 Disassembly and Assembly ……4D-7 Tightening Torque Specifications……4D-8 Parking Brake Cable (Brake-lock Cable) Removal and Installation……..4D-7…
  • Page 343: Precautions

    Precautions: Precautions Precautions Precautions for Brake System B705H14000001 Refer to “General Precautions in Section 00 (Page00-1)”. Brake Fluid Information B705H14000002 WARNING • This brake system is filled with an ethylene glycol-based DOT 4 brake fluid. Do not use or mix different types of fluid, such as silicone-based or petroleum-based.

  • Page 344: Brake Control System And Diagnosis

    4A-1 Brake Control System and Diagnosis: Brake Control System and Diagnosis Schematic and Routing Diagram Front Brake Hose Routing Diagram B705H14102003 “A” “A” “C” “B” “E” “B” “B” “D” “ a ” “a” “ b ” I705H1410028-02 1. Rear brake hose “B”: After touching the clamp to the stopper, tighten the clamp bolt.

  • Page 345: Rear Brake Hose Routing Diagram

    Brake Control System and Diagnosis: 4A-2 Rear Brake Hose Routing Diagram B705H14102004 “A” “A” “ a” “B” “ b ” “B” “D” “C” I705H1410029-03 1. Rear brake pipe “B”: After positioning the clamp with the stopper on the swingarm, tighten the clamp bolt. 2.

  • Page 346: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    4A-3 Brake Control System and Diagnosis: Diagnostic Information and Procedures Brake Symptom Diagnosis B705H14104001 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Insufficient brake power Leakage of brake fluid from hydraulic Repair or replace. system. Worn pads. Replace. Oil adhesion on friction surface of pads. Clean disc and pads. Worn disc.

  • Page 347: Brake Fluid Level Check

    Brake Control System and Diagnosis: 4A-4 Rear Brake Light Switch Front Brake Inspect the rear brake light switch in the same manner 1) Fill the master cylinder reservoir to the top of the as the front brake light switch. Refer to “Brake Light inspection window.

  • Page 348: Brake Fluid Replacement

    4A-5 Brake Control System and Diagnosis: Brake Fluid Replacement 7) Close the air bleeder valve and disconnect the hose. B705H14106020 8) Fill the reservoir with brake fluid to the top of the CAUTION inspection window. Handle brake fluid with care: the fluid reacts Tightening torque chemically with paint, plastic, rubber Air bleeder valve (Front brake): 6.0 N·m (0.6 kgf-…

  • Page 349: Front Brake Hose Removal And Installation

    Brake Control System and Diagnosis: 4A-6 Front Brake Hose Removal and Installation 7) Close the air bleeder valve (1) and disconnect the clear hose. B705H14106021 Removal Tightening torque 1) Remove the front leg shield. Refer to “Front Leg Air bleeder valve (Front brake) (a): 6.0 N·m (0.6 Shield Removal and Installation in Section 9D kgf-m, 4.5 lb-ft) (Page9D-14)”.

  • Page 350: Front Brake Master Cylinder Components

    4A-7 Brake Control System and Diagnosis: Front Brake Master Cylinder Components B705H14106023 I705H1410026-06 1. Reservoir cap 4. Master cylinder : 10 N⋅m (1.0 kgf-m, 7.0 lb-ft) : Do not reuse. 2. Plate 5. Piston/Cup set : 23 N⋅m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lb-ft) 3.

  • Page 351: Front Brake Master Cylinder Assembly Removal And Installation

    Brake Control System and Diagnosis: 4A-8 Front Brake Master Cylinder Assembly Removal Installation Install the front brake master cylinder in the reverse and Installation order of removal. Pay attention to the following points: B705H14106002 Removal • When installing the master cylinder (1) onto the 1) Remove the handlebar cover.

  • Page 352: Front Master Cylinder / Brake Lever Disassembly And Assembly

    4A-9 Brake Control System and Diagnosis: • After setting the brake hose union to the stopper, 2) Remove the reservoir cap (4), plate (5) and tighten the union bolt to the specified torque. diaphragm (6). CAUTION The seal washers should be replaced with the new ones to prevent fluid leakage.

  • Page 353: Front Master Cylinder Parts Inspection

    • Apply grease to the contact point between piston and Assemble the master cylinder in the reverse order of brake lever. disassembly. Pay attention to the following points: : Grease 99000–25100 (SUZUKI Silicone Grease or equivalent) CAUTION • Wash the master cylinder components with new brake fluid before reassembly.

  • Page 354: Rear Brake Master Cylinder Components

    4A-11 Brake Control System and Diagnosis: Rear Brake Master Cylinder Components B705H14106026 I705H1410027-04 1. Reservoir cap 4. Master cylinder : 10 N⋅m (1.0 kgf-m, 7.0 lb-ft) : Do not reuse. 2. Plate 5. Piston/Cup set : 23 N⋅m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lb-ft) 3.

  • Page 355: Rear Brake Master Cylinder Assembly Removal And Installation

    Brake Control System and Diagnosis: 4A-12 Rear Brake Master Cylinder Assembly Removal • After setting the brake hose union to the stopper, tighten the union bolt to the specified torque. and Installation B705H14106027 Refer to “Front Brake Master Cylinder Assembly CAUTION Removal and Installation (Page4A-8)”.

  • Page 356: Service Data

    4A-13 Brake Control System and Diagnosis: Specifications Service Data B705H14107002 Brake + Wheel Unit: mm (in) Item Standard Limit Front & Master cylinder bore 12.700 – 12.743 (0.500 – 0.502) — Rear Front & Master cylinder piston diameter 12.657 – 12.684 (0.498 – 0.499) —…

  • Page 357: Special Tools And Equipment

    Brake Control System and Diagnosis: 4A-14 Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H14108001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Brake fluid DOT 4 — (Page4A-5) / (Page4A- Grease SUZUKI Silicone Grease or P/No.: 99000–25100 (Page4A-10) equivalent NOTE Required service material is also described in the following.

  • Page 358: Front Brakes

    4B-1 Front Brakes: Front Brakes Repair Instructions Front Brake Components B705H14206011 I705H1420026-02 1. Air bleeder valve 8. Pin bolt : 18 N⋅m (1.8 kgf-m, 13.0 lb-ft) 2. Pad mounting pin 9. Washer : 35 N⋅m (3.5 kgf-m, 25.5 lb-ft) 3. Brake pad spring 10.

  • Page 359: Front Brake Pad Inspection

    Front Brakes: 4B-2 Front Brake Pad Inspection 4) Remove the front brake pad mounting pins. B705H14206004 5) Remove the front brake pads. The extent of brake pad wear can be checked by observing the grooved limit line “A” on the pad. When the wear exceeds the grooved limit line, replace the pads with the new ones.

  • Page 360: Front Brake Caliper Removal And Installation

    4B-3 Front Brakes: 9) Install the front brake pads. 3) Remove the brake caliper by removing the caliper mounting bolts (3). 10) Install the front brake pad mounting pins temporarily. 11) Install the front brake caliper. 12) Tighten the front brake caliper mounting bolts (1) to the specified torque.

  • Page 361: Front Brake Caliper Disassembly And Assembly

    Front Brakes: 4B-4 • After setting the brake hose union to the stopper, 3) Place a rag over the pistons to prevent it from tighten the union bolt to the specified torque. popping out and then force out the pistons using compressed air.

  • Page 362: Front Brake Caliper Parts Inspection

    4B-5 Front Brakes: 6) Remove the pin bolt from the front brake caliper • Apply the brake fluid to piston seals (1) and dust seals bracket. (2). CAUTION Replace the piston seals (1) and dust seals (2) with the new ones. BF: Brake fluid (DOT 4) •…

  • Page 363: Front Brake Disc Removal And Installation

    Front Brakes: 4B-6 Brake Caliper Piston • Apply thread lock to the brake disc bolts and tighten Inspect the brake caliper piston surface for any them to the specified torque. scratches or other damage. If any damage is found, : Thread lock cement 99000–32130 (Thread replace the piston with a new one.

  • Page 364: Specifications

    4B-7 Front Brakes: Brake Disc Runout Brake disc runout Service limit: 0.30 mm (0.012 in) 1) Remove the front brake caliper. Refer to “Front Brake Caliper Removal and Installation (Page4B-3)”. 2) Measure the runout using the dial gauge. Replace the disc if the runout exceeds the service limit.

  • Page 365: Special Tools And Equipment

    Front Brakes: 4B-8 Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H14208001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Brake fluid DOT 4 — (Page4B-5) / (Page4B- Thread lock cement Thread Lock Cement Super 1360 or P/No.: 99000–32130 (Page4B-6) equivalent NOTE Required service material is also described in the following.

  • Page 366: Rear Brakes

    4C-1 Rear Brakes: Rear Brakes Repair Instructions Rear Brake Components B705H14306011 I705H1430001-02 1. Lock-nut 12. Bracket 23. Brake pad 2. Arm 13. Pad mounting pin : 22 N⋅m (2.2 kgf-m, 16.0 lb-ft) 3. Adjuster 14. Piston (Upper side) : 23 N⋅m (2.3 kgf-m, 16.5 lb-ft) 4.

  • Page 367: Rear Brake Pad Inspection

    Rear Brakes: 4C-2 7. Brake-lock housing 18. Piston set : Apply thread lock to thread part. 8. Gasket 19. Dust seal : Apply brake fluid. 9. Pad spring 20. Piston seal : Do not reuse. 10. Air bleeder valve 21. Back plate 11.

  • Page 368: Rear Brake Caliper Removal And Installation

    4C-3 Rear Brakes: 8) Tighten the caliper mounting bolts (8) to the specified 5) Assemble the new pads (4), shims (5) and back plates (6). torque. Tightening torque CAUTION Caliper mounting bolt (b): 23 N·m (2.3 kgf-m, Replace the brake pad as a set, otherwise 16.5 lb-ft) braking performance will be adversely affected.

  • Page 369: Rear Brake Caliper Disassembly And Assembly

    Rear Brakes: 4C-4 Installation Rear Brake Caliper Disassembly and Assembly Install the brake caliper in the reverse order of removal. B705H14306007 Refer to “Rear Brake Caliper Removal and Installation Pay attention to the following points: (Page4C-3)”. CAUTION 1) Remove the caliper bracket (1) and pad spring (2). The seal washers should be replaced with the new ones to prevent fluid leakage.

  • Page 370
    4C-5 Rear Brakes: 3) Remove the piston (back side) with turning 6) Remove the lock-nut (6), adjuster (7), arm (8) and counterclockwise. brake-lock shaft (9). I705H1430011-01 I705H1430014-01 4) Remove the dust seals (3) and piston seals (4) from Assembly the cylinder. Assemble the caliper in the reverse order of CAUTION disassembly.
  • Page 371
    • Apply silicone grease to the brake-lock shaft (3) and • Apply silicone grease to the tip and thread of brake- O-ring (4). lock adjuster, assemble the lock-nut and spring temporarily. : Grease 99000–25100 (SUZUKI Silicone Grease or equivalent) : Grease 99000–25100 (SUZUKI Silicone Grease or equivalent) CAUTION Replace the O-ring with a new one.
  • Page 372: Brake Caliper Piston Disassembly And Assembly

    • Set back the rear caliper piston (8) (back side) into the caliper with turning clockwise. I705H1430024-01 I705H1430022-01 • Apply silicone grease to inside of the boot and caliper bracket pins and install them. I705H1430025-02 : Grease 99000–25100 (SUZUKI Silicone Grease or equivalent) I705H1430023-01…

  • Page 373: Rear Brake Caliper Parts Inspection

    Rear Brakes: 4C-8 Assembly Brake Caliper Piston Assemble the brake caliper piston (bottom side) in the Inspect the brake caliper piston sliding face for any reverse order of disassembly. Pay attention to the scratches or other damage. If any damage is found, following point: replace the piston with a new one.

  • Page 374: Rear Brake Disc Removal And Installation

    4C-9 Rear Brakes: Rear Brake Disc Removal and Installation Rear Brake Disc Inspection B705H14306001 B705H14306002 Removal Brake Disc Thickness Check the brake disc for damage or cracks and measure 1) Remove the rear wheel. Refer to “Rear Wheel the thickness using the micrometer. Assembly Removal and Installation in Section 2D Replace the brake disc if the thickness is less than the (Page2D-9)”.

  • Page 375: Specifications

    For the tightening torque of fastener not specified in this section, refer to “Tightening Torque Specifications in Section 0C (Page0C-7)”. Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H14308001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Brake fluid DOT 4 — (Page4C-6) /…

  • Page 376: Parking Brake

    4D-1 Parking Brake: Parking Brake General Description Parking Brake System (Brake-lock System) Description B705H14401001 Parking Brake (Brake-lock) Operation The brake-lock arm turns through the brake-lock cable as soon as pulling the brake-lock lever. The turning movement is converted to axial movement by the brake-lock adjuster connected to the body with the thread “A”. The axial movement transmits automatically from sleeve piston to adjust-bolt.

  • Page 377
    Parking Brake: 4D-2 “A” “B” I705H1440011-04 4. Brake pad 9. Sleeve piston 5. Caliper piston 10. Brake-lock adjuster 6. Adjust nut 11. Brake-lock arm 7. Adjust bolt “A”: Thread 8. Adjust bolt spring “B”: The adjust bolt presses the adjust nut.
  • Page 378
    4D-3 Parking Brake: Automatic Parking Brake Adjuster System (Automatic Brake-lock Adjuster System) The automatic brake-lock adjuster system is equipped on the brake-lock. If the brake pad worn, the adjust-bolt/nut adjust the position of caliper piston so as to keep the certain clearance between brake pad and brake disk. Operation (Normal Condition →…
  • Page 379
    Parking Brake: 4D-4 Operation (Brake Pads are Worn → Braking → Automatic Adjuster Operate) If braking when the brake pad being worn, the caliper piston/adjust nut move “A” until the clearance depended on abrasion is done away. The axial movement “B” is converted to rotary movement and acts on the adjust bolt and adjust-nut. Only the adjust- bolt turns “C”…
  • Page 380
    4D-5 Parking Brake: Over-adjust Prevention Mechanism When rapid braking “A”, the automatic brake-lock adjuster operation works too fast “B”. The caliper piston/adjust nut is forced to stop “C” as soon as the brake pad contacts with brake disk, but the adjust bolt turns by inertia force “D”…
  • Page 381: Schematic And Routing Diagram

    Parking Brake: 4D-6 The spring is equipped between the caliper piston and the adjust-nut for preventing the over-adjust, serves damper in term of rapid caliper piston movement. The spring compress “A” as soon as the caliper piston moves exponentially “B”, the adjust-nut moves “C”, “D” behind time.

  • Page 382: Repair Instructions

    4D-7 Parking Brake: Repair Instructions Parking Brake System (Brake-lock System) 4) Remove the lock-nut (3) and remove the brake-lock arm (4). Inspection B705H14406001 Refer to “Parking Brake (Brake-lock) Inspection in Section 0B (Page0B-20)”. Parking Brake System (Brake-lock System) Removal and Installation B705H14406002 Refer to “Rear Brake Caliper Removal and Installation in Section 4C (Page4C-3)”.

  • Page 383
    Parking Brake: 4D-8 6) Install the brake hose clamp. 3) Pull the brake-lock lever (4) one notch. 4) Tighten the brake-lock cable adjust bolt (5) by hand until it contacts the holder (6). 5) Tighten the brake-lock cable lock-nut (7) to the specified torque.
  • Page 384
    4D-9 Parking Brake:…
  • Page 385
    Table of Contents 5- i Section 5 Tranmission / Transaxle CONTENTS Precautions ……….5-1 Movable Drive Face Component……5A-8 Movable Drive Face Disassembly and Precautions…………. 5-1 Assembly…………5A-8 Precautions for Transmission/Transaxle….5-1 Movable Drive Face Parts Inspection ….5A-9 Automatic Transmission……5A-1 Oil Seal Removal and Installation …..5A-10 Clutch Shoe / Movable Driven Face Schematic and Routing Diagram……5A-1 Components…………5A-11…
  • Page 386: Precautions

    5-1 Precautions: Precautions Precautions Precautions for Transmission/Transaxle B705H15000001 Refer to “General Precautions in Section 00 (Page00-1)”.

  • Page 387: Automatic Transmission

    Automatic Transmission: 5A-1 Automatic Transmission Schematic and Routing Diagram Drive Train System B705H15102001 “A” I705H1510001-07 1. Crankshaft 6. Fixed driven face 11. Final gear 2. Movable drive face 7. Driveshaft 12. Rear axle shaft 3. Fixed drive face 8. Clutch shoe “A”: Drive Train route 4.

  • Page 388: Diagnostic Information And Procedures

    5A-2 Automatic Transmission: Diagnostic Information and Procedures Automatic Transmission Symptom Diagnosis B705H15104001 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Excessive engine noise Gear worn or abnormal contact. Replace. Spline worn. Replace. Bearing worn or burned. Replace. V-belt slipping V-belt slipping. Replace.

  • Page 389: Clutch In / Stall Speed Inspection

    Automatic Transmission: 5A-3 Clutch In / Stall Speed Inspection Movable drive face B705H15106001 1) Hold the fixed drive face using the special tools and Refer to “Automatic Clutch Inspection in Section 0B remove the fixed drive face nut and washer. (Page0B-19)”.

  • Page 390
    5A-4 Automatic Transmission: Clutch and movable driven face Installation Refer to “Drive V-belt Inspection (Page5A-6)”. 1) Hold the clutch housing using the special tool and Install the V-belt type continuously variable automatic remove the clutch housing nut (1) and remove the transmission in the reverse order of the removal.
  • Page 391
    Automatic Transmission: 5A-5 3) Apply grease to the O-ring. CAUTION : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER • Check for dirt or grease on the fixed drive GREASE A or equivalent) face and if any, clean and degrees thoroughly. Also check that the parts are 4) Hold the clutch housing using the special tool and properly fitted with the spline.
  • Page 392: Drive V-Belt Inspection

    5A-6 Automatic Transmission: Cooling Fan Filter Inspection 5) Continue to turn the fixed drive face until it moves simultaneously with the movable driven face in order B705H15106004 Perform the inspection in the following procedures: to have the V-belt broken in. 1) Remove the cooling fan duct (1).

  • Page 393: Inner Clutch Cover Bearing Inspection

    Clutch Cover Bering Removal and Installation (Page5A- 7)”. • Apply grease to the bearing and inner clutch cover side. : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) I649G1240015-01 Inner Clutch Cover Bering Removal and Installation B705H15106014 Removal 1) Remove the inner clutch cover.

  • Page 394: Movable Drive Face Component

    5A-8 Automatic Transmission: Movable Drive Face Component 2) Remove the movable drive face cover (2). B705H15106005 I705H1510018-04 3) Remove the movable drive plate (3) and dampers (4). I705H1510016-03 1. Oil seal 6. Damper 2. Movable drive face 7. Movable drive face cover 3.

  • Page 395: Movable Drive Face Parts Inspection

    7) Assemble the spacer (6). I705H1510021-06 3) Fill the grease into the sliding face of movable drive face. 4) Apply the grease lightly on the oil seal lip. : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER I705H1510024-01 GREASE A or equivalent) Movable Drive Face Parts Inspection CAUTION B705H15106007 Refer to “Movable Drive Face Disassembly and…

  • Page 396: Oil Seal Removal And Installation

    2) Apply the grease lightly on the oil seal lip. I705H1510031-02 : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) Oil Seal Removal and Installation B705H15106008 CAUTION Refer to “V-belt Type Continuously Variable Automatic…

  • Page 397: Clutch Shoe / Movable Driven Face Components

    Automatic Transmission: 5A-11 Clutch Shoe / Movable Driven Face Components B705H15106011 I705H1510063-05 1. Needle bearing 8. Movable driven face 15. Clutch housing 2. Snap ring 9. Oil seal 16. Clutch housing nut 3. Bearing 10. O-ring 17. Inner clutch cover bearing 4.

  • Page 398: Clutch Shoe / Movable Driven Face Disassembly And Assembly

    5A-12 Automatic Transmission: Clutch Shoe / Movable Driven Face 4) Remove the movable driven face seat (4) using a sharp point such as flat screwdriver. Disassembly and Assembly B705H15106009 Refer to “V-belt Type Continuously Variable Automatic Transmission Removal and Installation (Page5A-3)” and “Movable Drive Face Component (Page5A-8)”.

  • Page 399
    Automatic Transmission: 5A-13 8) Remove the O-ring (8) and oil seal (9). 12) Remove the bearing using the special tool. Special tool (D): 09913–70210 (Bearing installer set) I705H1510041-01 9) Remove the oil seal (10). I705H1510064-02 Assembly Refer to “Clutch Shoe and Movable Driven Face Parts Inspection (Page5A-16)”.
  • Page 400
    6) Apply the grease both to the lip of oil seal and O- • The stamp mark on the needle bearing ring. should face outside when installed. : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) I705H1510047-01 4) Apply the grease both to the bearing and needle bearing.
  • Page 401
    “D” on the end of movable driven face with the same shaped hole “E” on the : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER clutch shoe plate. GREASE A or equivalent) 10) Check that the movable driven face can move smoothly.
  • Page 402: Clutch Shoe And Movable Driven Face Parts Inspection

    5A-16 Automatic Transmission: Clutch Shoe and Movable Driven Face Parts • Measure the thickness of clutch shoe center area by using vernier calipers. Inspection B705H15106010 Special tool Refer to “Clutch Shoe / Movable Driven Face : 09900–20101 (Vernier calipers (1/15 mm, Disassembly and Assembly (Page5A-12)”.

  • Page 403: Specifications

    Automatic Transmission: 5A-17 Driven Face Inspection Movable Driven Pin Inspection Inspect the driven face surface for stepped wear. If any Inspect the movable driven pin for abnormal wear or defects are found, replace if with a new one. damage. If any defects are noted, replace the pin with a new one.

  • Page 404: Special Tools And Equipment

    5A-18 Automatic Transmission: Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H15108001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or P/No.: 99000–25010 (Page5A-5) / (Page5A- equivalent 7) / (Page5A-9) / (Page5A-10) / (Page5A- 14) / (Page5A-14) /…

  • Page 405
    Table of Contents 6- i Section 6 Steering CONTENTS Precautions ……….6-1 Steering Components ………6B-5 Steering Removal and Installation ……6B-6 Precautions…………. 6-1 Steering Related Parts Inspection…….6B-9 Precautions for Steering ……..6-1 Steering System Inspection ……..6B-9 Steering General Diagnosis….6A-1 Steering Stem Bearing Removal and Installation …………6B-9 Diagnostic Information and Procedures….6A-1 Steering Tension Adjustment ……6B-10…
  • Page 406: Precautions

    6-1 Precautions: Precautions Precautions Precautions for Steering B705H16000001 Refer to “General Precautions in Section 00 (Page00-1)”.

  • Page 407: Steering General Diagnosis

    Steering General Diagnosis: 6A-1 Steering General Diagnosis Diagnostic Information and Procedures Steering Symptom Diagnosis B705H16104001 Condition Possible cause Correction / Reference Item Heavy Steering Over tightened steering stem nut. Adjust. Broken bearing in steering stem. Replace. Distorted steering stem. Replace. Not enough pressure in tires.

  • Page 408: Steering / Handlebar

    6B-1 Steering / Handlebar: Steering / Handlebar Repair Instructions Handlebars Components B705H16206008 “A” I705H1620033-05 1. Throttle grip 6. Handle cover “A”: Apply handle grip bond. 2. Rubber grip 7. Handlebar holder : Apply thread lock to thread part. 3. Handlebar switch box (RH) 8.

  • Page 409: Handlebars Removal And Installation

    Steering / Handlebar: 6B-2 Handlebars Removal and Installation 4) Remove the right handlebar switch box (4). B705H16206016 5) Remove the handlebar balancer (5). Removal 6) Remove the throttle grip (6). Remove the handlebar cover. Refer to “Handlebar Cover Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D-13)”. Left side 1) Remove the rear view mirror (1).

  • Page 410
    6B-3 Steering / Handlebar: Installation Right side Install the handlebars in the reverse order of removal. • Install the right handlebar switch box (1) to the Pay attention to the following points: handlebars by engaging the stopper “A” with the hole •…
  • Page 411: Handlebars Inspection

    Steering / Handlebar: 6B-4 Left side • Connect the rear brake light switch lead wire couplers. • Install the left handlebar switch box (1) to the • Apply a handle grip bond “D” onto the left handlebar handlebars by engaging the stopper “A” with the hole before installing the handlebar grip.

  • Page 412: Steering Components

    6B-5 Steering / Handlebar: Steering Components B705H16206010 I705H1620035-06 1. Handlebar holder 7. Upper bearing : 55 N⋅m (5.5 kgf-m, 40.0 lb-ft) 2. Handlebar holder set bolt 8. Lower bearing : 30 N⋅m (3.0 kgf-m, 21.5 lb-ft) 3. Handlebar holder clamp bolt 9.

  • Page 413: Steering Removal And Installation

    Steering / Handlebar: 6B-6 Steering Removal and Installation 6) Remove the front brake hose clamp (4) from the B705H16206011 steering stem. Removal CAUTION 1) Support the motorcycle with a jack or wooden block. 2) Remove the front box. Refer to “Front Box Removal •…

  • Page 414
    (B): 09940–11420 (Steering stem nut socket) • Apply grease to the bearings, races and dust seals before remounting the steering stem. : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) I705H1620016-01 11) Remove the steering stem nut (10) using the special tools and remove the steering stem.
  • Page 415
    Steering / Handlebar: 6B-8 NOTE Handlebar holder • Install the handlebar holder with the handlebars and This adjustment will vary from motorcycle to tighten the handlebar holder set bolt (1) to the motorcycle. specified torque. CAUTION This operation must be performed without causing undue stress to the brake hoses, lead wires and throttle cables.
  • Page 416: Steering Related Parts Inspection

    6B-9 Steering / Handlebar: Steering System Inspection • Install the front brake hose clamp (4). B705H16206013 Refer to “Steering System Inspection in Section 0B (Page0B-15)”. Steering Stem Bearing Removal and Installation B705H16206014 Refer to “Steering Components (Page6B-5)”. Removal 1) Remove the steering stem. Refer to “Steering Removal and Installation (Page6B-6)”.

  • Page 417: Steering Tension Adjustment

    • Apply grease to the bearings, races and dust seals removal. Pay attention to the following points: before remounting the steering stem. CAUTION : Grease 99000–25010 (SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or equivalent) The removed bearings and races should be replaced with the new ones.

  • Page 418: Specifications

    6B-11 Steering / Handlebar: NOTE 4) Do the same on the other grip end. 5) If the initial force read on the scale when the Hold the front fork legs, move them back and handlebar starts turning is either to heavy or too forth and make sure that the steering is not light, adjust it till it satisfies the specification.

  • Page 419: Special Tools And Equipment

    Steering / Handlebar: 6B-12 Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H16208001 Material SUZUKI recommended product or Specification Note Grease SUZUKI SUPER GREASE A or P/No.: 99000–25010 (Page6B-7) / (Page6B- equivalent Handle grip bond Handle grip bond (commercial — (Page6B-4)

  • Page 420
    6B-13 Steering / Handlebar:…
  • Page 421
    Table of Contents 9- i Section 9 Body and Accessories CONTENTS Precautions ……….9-1 Specifications ………….9B-12 Service Data…………9B-12 Precautions…………. 9-1 Special Tools and Equipment ……9B-12 Precautions for Electrical System ……9-1 Special Tool …………9B-12 Component Location ……….9-1 Electrical Components Location ……9-1 Combination Meter / Fuel Meter / Horn..
  • Page 422
    9-ii Table of Contents Helmet Box Front Cover Removal and Body Structure……… 9E-1 Installation …………9D-16 Repair Instructions ……….9E-1 Front Frame Cover Removal and Installation …9D-17 Body Frame Construction ……..9E-1 Seat Removal and Installation ……9D-17 Engine Mounting Bracket Bushing Center Leg Cover Removal and Installation ..9D-17 Replacement ………….9E-2 Front Box Removal and Installation ….9D-18 Engine Mounting Bushing Replacement …..9E-2…
  • Page 423: Precautions

    Precautions: Precautions Precautions Precautions for Electrical System B705H19000001 Refer to “General Precautions in Section 00 (Page00-1)” and “Precautions for Electrical Circuit Service in Section 00 (Page00-2)”. Component Location Electrical Components Location B705H19003001 Refer to “Electrical Components Location in Section 0A (Page0A-7)”.

  • Page 424: Wiring Systems

    9A-1 Wiring Systems: Wiring Systems Schematic and Routing Diagram Wiring Diagram B705H19102002 Refer to “Wire Color Symbols in Section 0A (Page0A-5)”.

  • Page 425
    Wiring Systems: 9A-2 E-02, 19, 24, 54 I705H1910902-07…
  • Page 426
    9A-3 Wiring Systems: E-03, 28, 33 I705H1910903-05…
  • Page 427: Wiring Harness Routing Diagram

    Wiring Systems: 9A-4 Wiring Harness Routing Diagram B705H19102001 “D” “E” “C” “B” “A” I705H1910905-04 1. Clamp 12. Clamp 23. Clamp : Clamp the handlebar switch lead : Clamp the regulator/rectifier lead wire, : Clamp the wiring harness, battery (–) lead wire wires (LH and RH), Brake hoses (Front battery (+) and (–) lead wires.

  • Page 428
    9A-5 Wiring Systems: “A” “a ” “B” “C” “D” I705H1910906-06 1. Wiring harness 5. High tension code “B”: To IAT sensor 2. Clamp 6. Ignition coil “C”: To main harness : Clamp the starter motor lead wire and wiring harness. 3.
  • Page 429
    Wiring Systems: 9A-6 I705H1910901-04 1. CKP sensor 5. Outer clutch cover : 11 N⋅m (1.1 kgf-m, 8.0 lb-ft) 2. Generator cover 6. Speed sensor : 160 N⋅m (16.0 kgf-m, 111.5 lb-ft) 3. Battery (–) lead wire : Tighten the rear side bolt first. : 3 N⋅m (0.3 kgf-m, 2.0 lb-ft) 4.
  • Page 430
    9A-7 Wiring Systems: I705H1910904-01 1. Ambient air temperature sensor 3. Coupler : Do not attempt to disconnect the coupler from the sensor. 2. Clamp…
  • Page 431: Specifications

    Wiring Systems: 9A-8 Specifications Service Data B705H19107002 Electrical Unit: mm (in) Item Standard / Specification Note 10 A Headlight 10 A Meter 15 A Fuse size Ignition 10 A Signal 15 A Fan motor 10 A Main 30 A Tightening Torque Specifications B705H19107003 NOTE The specified tightening torque is also described in the following.

  • Page 432: Lighting Systems

    9B-1 Lighting Systems: Lighting Systems Repair Instructions Front Combination Light Components B705H19206001 I705H1920011-03 1. Front combination light (RH) 5. Headlight high beam bulb 9. Socket 2. Front combination light (LH) 6. Position light bulb 10. Cover 3. Headlight low beam bulb 7.

  • Page 433: Front Combination Light Removal And Installation

    Lighting Systems: 9B-2 Front Combination Light Removal and Headlight Bulb / Turn Signal Light Bulb / Installation Position Light Bulb Replacement B705H19206014 B705H19206015 Removal Refer to “Front Combination Light Components (Page9B-1)”. 1) Remove the front leg shield. Refer to “Front Leg Shield Removal and Installation in Section 9D CAUTION (Page9D-14)”.

  • Page 434
    9B-3 Lighting Systems: 3) Replace the front turn signal light bulb (2). 4) Remove the left headlight bulb from the socket. I705H1920003-02 I705H1920015-01 5) Install the new left headlight bulb paying attention to 4) After finishing the front turn signal light bulb replacement, reinstall the removed parts.
  • Page 435: Headlight Beam Adjustment

    Lighting Systems: 9B-4 Headlight Beam Adjustment B705H19206034 Adjust the head light beam. CAUTION Do not bend the brake hose to frame head pipe side. NOTE • Use a (+) screw driver for adjuster (1) and (2). • To adjust the headlight beam, adjust the I705H1920043-01 beam horizontally first, then adjust 1.

  • Page 436: Rear Reflector / Rear Combination Light / License Light Removal And Installation

    9B-5 Lighting Systems: Rear Reflector / Rear Combination Light / License Light License Light Removal and Installation Removal B705H19206017 Rear Reflector 1) Remove the lower frame cover. Refer to “Lower Frame Cover Removal and Installation in Section 9D Removal (Page9D-19)”. 1) Remove the mat of the helmet box.

  • Page 437: Rear Combination Light Bulb / License Light Bulb Replacement

    Lighting Systems: 9B-6 Rear Combination Light Bulb / License Light Rear Turn Signal Light Bulb Replace the rear turn signal light bulb in the following Bulb Replacement procedures: B705H19206018 Refer to “Rear Reflector / Rear Combination Light / 1) Remove the center frame cover. Refer to “Center License Light Components (Page9B-4)”.

  • Page 438: Turn Signal / Side-Stand Relay Inspection

    9B-7 Lighting Systems: Turn Signal / Side-stand Relay Removal and License Light Bulb Replace the license light bulb in the following Installation procedures: B705H19206020 Removal 1) Remove the lens by turning it counter clockwise. 1) Remove the meter panel. Refer to “Meter Panel Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D- 14)”.

  • Page 439: Turn Signal Switch Inspection

    Lighting Systems: 9B-8 Passing Light Switch Inspection 3) Inspect the dimmer switch for continuity with the tester. If any abnormality is found, replace the left B705H19206024 Inspect the passing light switch in the following handlebar switch assembly with a new one. Refer to procedures: “Handlebars Removal and Installation in Section 6B 1) Remove the meter panel.

  • Page 440: Horn Button Inspection

    9B-9 Lighting Systems: Horn Button Inspection Front Brake Light Switch Inspection B705H19206028 B705H19206029 Inspect the horn button switch in the following Refer to “Brake Light Switch Inspection in Section 4A procedures: (Page4A-3)”. 1) Remove the meter panel. Refer to “Meter Panel Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D- Color B/Bl…

  • Page 441: Engine Stop Switch Inspection

    Lighting Systems: 9B-10 Engine Stop Switch Inspection Starter Button Inspection B705H19206025 B705H19206026 Inspect the engine stop switch in the following Inspect the starter button in the following procedures: procedures: 1) Remove the meter panel. Refer to “Meter Panel 1) Remove the meter panel. Refer to “Meter Panel Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D- Removal and Installation in Section 9D (Page9D- 14)”.

  • Page 442: Ignition Switch Inspection

    9B-11 Lighting Systems: Ignition Switch Inspection 3) Inspect the brake-lock switch for continuity with the B705H19206033 tester. If any abnormality is found, replace the brake- Inspect the ignition switch in the following procedures: lock switch assembly with a new one. 1) Remove the front leg shield.

  • Page 443: Specifications

    Lighting Systems: 9B-12 Specifications Service Data B705H19207001 Wattage Unit: W Standard / Specification Item E-02, 19, 24, 54 E-03, 28, 33 ← 60/55 Headlight ← ← Parking/position light 5 x 2 ← Brake light/Taillight 21/5 x 2 Turn signal light 21 x 2 (Front), 21 x 2 (Rear) 27/8 x 2 (Front), 21 x 2 (Rear) ←…

  • Page 444: Combination Meter / Fuel Meter / Horn

    9C-1 Combination Meter / Fuel Meter / Horn: Combination Meter / Fuel Meter / Horn Repair Instructions Combination Meter Components B705H19306001 I705H1930009-01 1. Lower case 2. Combination meter 3. Wind plate 4. Upper case Combination Meter Removal and Installation Combination Meter Disassembly and Assembly B705H19306014 B705H19306002 Removal…

  • Page 445: Combination Meter Inspection

    Combination Meter / Fuel Meter / Horn: 9C-2 Combination Meter Inspection 2) Check that the fuel level meter operates properly B705H19306015 when a resistor is connected between the terminals Check that the illumination LED on the meter panel lights of fuel pump wiring coupler (Y/B and B/W) on the up and the indicating needle each on fuel meter, wiring harness side.

  • Page 446: Fuel Level Gauge Inspection

    9C-3 Combination Meter / Fuel Meter / Horn: Fuel Level Gauge Inspection Horn Inspection B705H19306017 Inspect the horn in the following procedures: Refer to “Fuel Level Gauge Inspection in Section 1G 1) Remove the horn mounting bolt (1) and disconnect (Page1G-13)”.

  • Page 447: Specifications

    Combination Meter / Fuel Meter / Horn: 9C-4 Specifications Service Data B705H19307001 Wattage Unit: W Standard / Specification Item E-02, 19, 24, 54 E-03, 28, 33 ← Speedometer/tachometer light ← Engine coolant temp. gauge light ← Fuel level gauge light ←…

  • Page 448: Exterior Parts

    9D-1 Exterior Parts: Exterior Parts Schematic and Routing Diagram Seat Lock Cable Routing Diagram B705H19402001 “E” UPPER INNER “F” “B” “A” “C” “D” I705H1940050-04 1. Seat lock cable No. 1 “A”: Pass the seat lock cable No. 2 through front of the seat lock cable No. 1. 2.

  • Page 449: Component Location

    Exterior Parts: 9D-2 Component Location Exterior Components Location B705H19403001 I705H1940051-02 1. Wind screen 7. Helmet box front cover 13. Center frame cover 19. Rear handlebar cover 2. Front leg shield cover 8. Front frame cover 14. Lower frame cover 20. Front panel 3.

  • Page 450: Removal Procedures Flow Chart

    9D-3 Exterior Parts: Removal Procedures Flow Chart B705H19403002 I705H1940049-05…

  • Page 451: Repair Instructions

    Exterior Parts: 9D-4 Repair Instructions Exterior Parts Components B705H19406002 I705H1940053-02 1. Wind screen 3. Meter panel assembly 5. Front leg shield cover 7. Front box assembly 2. Upper meter panel 4. Front panel 6. Front leg shield 8. Lower leg shield…

  • Page 452
    9D-5 Exterior Parts: I705H1940052-01 1. Frame cover (RH) 4. Side leg shield (RH) 7. Frame cover (LH) 10. Footboard (LH) 2. Footboard (RH) 5. Center frame cover 8. Lower frame cover 11. Side leg shield (LH) 3. Center leg cover (RH) 6.
  • Page 453
    Exterior Parts: 9D-6 “B” “A” “C” I705H1940054-02 1. Front reflex reflector (For E-03, 28, 33) “B”: Set the reflector to the edge of front leg shield. “A”: Adhere the front reflex reflector on to the front leg shield. “C”: Align the projection of reflector with the joint part of meter panel and front box.
  • Page 454
    9D-7 Exterior Parts: “a” “c ” “ b ” I705H1940055-04 1. Fuel lid 6. Cushion “a”: 0 mm 2. Front box inner cover (LH) 7. Fuel lid “b”: 0 – 3 mm (0 – 0.12 in) 3. Battery cover 8. Inner cushion “c”: 4 mm (0.16 in) 4.
  • Page 455
    Exterior Parts: 9D-8 “A” “ a ” I705H1940060-01 1. Front panel box lid “a”: 2 mm (0.08 in) 2. Cushion “A”: Do not exchange the right one and left one. 3. Front panel box : Apply silicone grease.
  • Page 456
    9D-9 Exterior Parts: “A” I705H1940056-03 1. Pillion rider handle 2. Pillion rider handle cover “A”: To frame…
  • Page 457
    Exterior Parts: 9D-10 “ a ” “A” “A” I705H1940061-02 1. Seat molding 6. Mat 11. Lower helmet box 2. Helmet box front cover 7. Frame 12. License plate light cover 3. Helmet box lid (LH) 8. Seat “a”: 0 – 1 mm (0 – 0.04 in) 4.
  • Page 458
    9D-11 Exterior Parts: “A” “B” “C” I705H1940063-02 1. Fuel tray mudguard sheet “B”: Face the clamp locking part inside and clamp end backward. 2. Frame “C”: Clamp the seat with the wiring harness. “A”: The seat must be assembled behind the horn.
  • Page 459: Inner Cover Construction

    Exterior Parts: 9D-12 Inner Cover Construction B705H19406025 I705H1940062-01 1. Inner cover 2. Clamp : Clamp ends should face inside. The clamps are not fastened too much.

  • Page 460: Seat Lock Cable Removal And Installation

    9D-13 Exterior Parts: Seat Lock Cable Removal and Installation Installation B705H19406001 Push in the upper meter panel (1). Refer to “Seat Lock Cable Routing Diagram (Page9D- 1)”. Handlebar Cover Removal and Installation B705H19406003 Removal 1) Remove the rear handlebar cover (1). “A”…

  • Page 461: Wind Screen Removal And Installation

    Exterior Parts: 9D-14 Wind Screen Removal and Installation Meter Panel Removal and Installation B705H19406006 B705H19406008 Removal Removal 1) Remove the wind screen. Refer to “Wind Screen 1) Remove the front leg shield cover. Refer to “Front Leg Shield Cover Removal and Installation Removal and Installation (Page9D-14)”.

  • Page 462: Side Leg Shield Removal And Installation

    9D-15 Exterior Parts: Side Leg Shield Removal and Installation 3) Remove the screws and fasteners. B705H19406010 Removal 1) Remove the left and right rear floor mats (1), fasteners and screws. I705H1940014-01 I705H1940017-01 I705H1940015-01 4) Remove the front leg shield (3) by disconnecting the turn signal light coupler (4), position light couplers (5) and headlight couplers (6).

  • Page 463: Under Cover Removal And Installation

    Exterior Parts: 9D-16 Under Cover Removal and Installation Lower Leg Shield Removal and Installation B705H19406011 B705H19406012 Removal Removal 1) Remove the side leg shields. Refer to “Side Leg 1) Remove the front leg shield. Refer to “Front Leg Shield Removal and Installation (Page9D-15)”. Shield Removal and Installation (Page9D-14)”.

  • Page 464: Front Frame Cover Removal And Installation

    9D-17 Exterior Parts: Front Frame Cover Removal and Installation 4) Remove the seat by removing the nuts (3). B705H19406014 Removal 1) Remove the helmet box front cover. Refer to “Helmet Box Front Cover Removal and Installation (Page9D- 16)”. 2) Remove the front frame cover (1). I705H1940029-02 Installation Install the seat in the reverse order of removal.

  • Page 465: Front Box Removal And Installation

    Exterior Parts: 9D-18 Front Box Removal and Installation 4) Remove the front box inner cover (3) and disconnect B705H19406017 the power terminal coupler (4). Removal 1) Remove the lower leg shield and front frame cover. Refer to “Lower Leg Shield Removal and Installation (Page9D-16)”…

  • Page 466: Pillion Rider Handle Cover Removal And Installation

    9D-19 Exterior Parts: Pillion Rider Handle Cover Removal and Center Frame Cover Removal and Installation B705H19406020 Installation Removal B705H19406018 Pull out the center frame cover (1). Removal Open the seat and remove the pillion rider handle cover (1). “A” “A” “A”…

  • Page 467: Frame Cover Removal And Installation

    Exterior Parts: 9D-20 Frame Cover Removal and Installation 3) Disconnect the rear combination light coupler (2). B705H19406022 Removal 1) Remove the front frame cover, center leg covers, pillion rider handle, center frame cover and lower frame cover. Refer to “Front Frame Cover Removal and Installation (Page9D-17)”, “Center Leg Cover Removal and Installation (Page9D-17)”, “Pillion Rider Handle Removal and Installation (Page9D-…

  • Page 468: Helmet Box Removal And Installation

    9D-21 Exterior Parts: Helmet Box Removal and Installation Footboard Removal and Installation B705H19406023 B705H19406024 Removal Removal 1) Remove the frame covers. Refer to “Frame Cover 1) Remove the side leg shields, front box and frame Removal and Installation (Page9D-20)” covers. Refer to “Side Leg Shield Removal and Installation (Page9D-15)”, “Front Box Removal and 2) Remove the mat (1).

  • Page 469: Special Tools And Equipment

    Exterior Parts: 9D-22 Special Tools and Equipment Recommended Service Material B705H19408001 NOTE Required service material is also described in the following. “Exterior Parts Components (Page9D-4)”…

  • Page 470: Body Structure

    9E-1 Body Structure: Body Structure Repair Instructions Body Frame Construction B705H19506010 I705H1950003-02 1. Frame 6. Collar 11. Bearing 2. Crankcase bracket bolt 7. Crankcase bracket 12. Collar 3. Bushing 8. Crankcase bracket nut : 102 N⋅m (10.2 kgf-m, 73.5 lb-ft) 4.

  • Page 471: Engine Mounting Bracket Bushing Replacement

    Body Structure: 9E-2 Engine Mounting Bracket Bushing Replacement B705H19506011 Replace the engine mounting bracket bushing if necessary. Refer to “Body Frame Construction (Page9E-1)”. Engine Mounting Bushing Replacement B705H19506012 Replace the engine mounting bushing if necessary. Refer to “Body Frame Construction (Page9E-1)”. Side-stand Construction B705H19506015 I705H1950001-03…

  • Page 472: Side-Stand Removal And Installation

    9E-3 Body Structure: Side-stand Removal and Installation B705H19506016 Removal 1) Support the motorcycle with the center stand. 2) Remove the side-stand. Refer to “Side-stand Construction (Page9E-2)”. Installation Install the side-stand. Refer to “Side-stand Construction (Page9E-2)”. Center Stand Construction B705H19506017 “ c ” “a”…

  • Page 473: Center Stand Removal And Installation

    Body Structure: 9E-4 Center Stand Removal and Installation B705H19506018 Removal 1) Support the motorcycle using a jack. CAUTION Make sure that the motorcycle is supported securely. 2) Remove the center stand. Refer to “Center Stand Construction (Page9E-3)”. Installation Install the center stand. Refer to “Center Stand Construction (Page9E-3)”. Specifications Tightening Torque Specifications B705H19507001…

  • Page 474
    Prepared by April, 2006 Part No. 99500-34100-01E Printed in Japan…
  • Page 475
    Printed in Japan…

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