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For notes on setting or repairing the individual systems plea-se see the repair manuals or the relevant Service Informati-on sheets. After completing repairs delete the fault memory. The last page folds out; on the inside you will find the FMI code and its meaning. The SPN for the door module – driver’s and co-driver’s side – can be read out only with MAN-cats II; the SPN is not shown in the display. If one SPN refers to the same fault/component in several control units/systems, only the generic term of the system is given. Example: «03512 EBS OBD, request, red warning lamp for diagnosis»: this SPN applies to all EBS variants although they are not all expressly named (EBS2, EBS5 etc.) Ifo ne SPN refers to different fauls/components in several control units/systems each relevant variant is named. Example: 03099 EDC (Common Rail) fuel pressure sensor – rail pressure 03099 EDC (no Common Rail) fuel pressure sensor
This SD supersedes SD 812-08.2001
© 2007 MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft VAST, mr 05.2007
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Main instrument Message in display Message via check lamp panels
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
ABS in trailer yel-low yes
Line to trailer ABS to earth, fault in trailer ABS or trailer ABS speed sen-
sor test
ABS in trailer, failure yel-low yes Power supply to trailer ABS is not
between 100mA and 2A
ABS in tractor, failure yel-low yes ABS function is restricted
CAN network failure yel-low yes Reaction stored in instrument
ASR failure yel-low yes Connection to engine control unit
EBS failure red yes EBS not on CAN
Reservoir pressure too low red yes Pressure is below warning pressure ECAM substitute function in ZBR
Reservoir pressure K1 red yes
Reservoir pressure K2 red yes
Reservoir pressure K3 red yes
Reservoir pressure K4 red yes
Reservoir pressure implausible, shown only with ECAM
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
Reservoir pressure K1 too low red yes
Reservoir pressure K2 too low red yes
Reservoir pressure K3 too low red yes
Reservoir pressure K4 too low red yes
Pressure below warning pressure or ECAM substitute function in ZBR or
short-circuit/interruption in sen-sor/sensor cable or pressure
constantly below reservoir pressure
ECAM failure red yes ECAM not on CAN
Fault in trailer brake red yes CAN brake, tractor to trailer
CAN network failure red yes Reaction saved in instruments
Brake pads/linings warn red yes
INFO Not driving level yel-low yes No valid ride level set
ECAS failure red yes ECAS not on CAN
Lock cab! red yes At least one of switching contacts for cab lock is open
Tipper operation
red yes
Cable from tipper switch contact to earth
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
Lock liftgate red yes Cable from liftgate switch to High Potential
Gas filter contaminated red yes
Comfort Shift defective red yes Comfort Shift cannot be used
Reservoir pressure – do not shift red yes No reservoir pressure on gearbox
Gearbox temp. too high red yes Gearbox temp. much too high
Change air filter yel-low yes Partial vacuum has exceeded limit
Oil pressure too low red yes Oil pressure too high red yes
Coolant level too low red yes
Cooling system red yes Gradient for coolant > 102° C too high
Cooling system – switch off engi-ne red yes To EDC anti-boiling feature
Coolant temp. too high red yes
Engine speed too high red yes EDC speed monitoring
Engine brake failure red yes EGR valve above/below position
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
Engine oil temp. too high red yes
ESP failure
yel-low yes ESP no onCAN or CAN message
with ESP contents is missing
ESP failure
yel-low yes FDR function is restricted or not pre-
— No text yel-low no ABS switch-off or
— No text yel-low yes Reaction in instrument saved on
CAN in event of failure
— No text yel-low yes Reaction in instrument saved on
CAN in event of failure
— No text
yel-low no No ABS on trailer
— No text
red no Comes on when ignition is switched on, remains on after bulb test ,
— No text
red no Cable for belt check is on earth
— No text yel-low no ASR intervention (LED comes on) or
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
— No text grün no Flasher check for trailer
— No text
yel-low no ESP (FDR) interventions
— No text blau no High beam function check — No text red no Parking brake function check
— No text yel-low no Flame start function check
— No text
yel-low no
Overload on rear axle or overload on front axle — — yes
Level not reached — — yes Ride level implausible or cannot be set by ECAS
TCO failure — — yes EU tachograph not on CAN
Check TCO — — yes EU tachograph not in order.
Brake lights without function — — yes Brake light signal failure on CAN
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
Tractor brake lights failure — — yes Lamp defective short-circuit, cable
Trailer brake lights failure — — yes Lamp defective short-circuit, cable
Trailer flashers rh failure or Trailer flashers lh failure — — yes Failure of flasher lamp, or lamp load
out of tolerance
Tractor flashers rh failure or Tractor flashers lh failure — — yes
Clear lighting monitoring — — no
Block lighting monitoring — — no
Flasher test — — no
Light test — — no
Light test aborted — — no
Light test again — — no
End of light test — — no
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
New trailer, learn light test — — no
High beam rh failure or high beam lh failure — — yes
Add. headlight failure — — yes Relay for add. high beam (roof)
Add. headlight lh failure or Add. headlight rh failure — — yes
Foglamp lh failure or Foglamp rh failure — — yes
Rear foglamp failure on tractor rear foglamp failure on trailer — — yes
Fault in lh side marker lights or fault in rh side marker lights — — yes Failure of at least one side marker
light on tractor
Parking lights failure — — yes Relay for parking lights (ZBR output)
Trailer parking lights lh failure or trailer parking lights rh failure — — yes
Tractor parking lights lh failure or tractor parking lights rh failure — — yes
Winter service lighting failure — — yes Relay for winter service cannot be
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
Switch defective — foglamps — — yes
Switch defective – low beam — — yes
Switch defective – high beam — — yes
Switch defective – headlight flash — — yes
Switch defective – parking lights — — yes
Brake pad/lining wear — yel-low yes Limit of wear reached in at least one
brake lining/pad
Parking brake display defective — — yes Parking brake display not possible, as CAN signal not available
Apply parking brake — — yes
Pre-glow — — yes Refers to pre-glow period
Pre-glow again — — yes Shows that readiness for starting has expired, pre-glow must be re-
Start engine — — yes Refers to readiness for starting
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
Flammstart Ausfall — — yes
Danger black ice — — yes Refers to black ice
Clutch lining worn — — yes Limit of wear for clutch lining
Clutch overloaded – shift down — — yes Load too high during moving off
Actuate clutch — — yes Clutch did not open during shifting
Clutch oil level too low — — yes Clutch fluid level too low
Alternator display defective — — yes When ignition is on cable from ter-minal L is not on earth
Alternator failure — — yes Terminal L is on earth and engine running
Charge voltage too low — — yes Charge voltage constantly too low
Tension V-belts — — yes
Charge voltage too high — — yes At rated speed (engine) charge voltage is too high
Battery undervoltage — — yes Battery undervoltage after standing too long
Switch defective – warning flashers — — yes
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
Service due — — yes
TBM failure — — yes TBM not on CAN
Apply parking brake — — yes Tells you to apply parking brake
Engage neutral — — yes Tells you to shift gearbox to neutral
SET xxkm/h — — no
MEMO xxkm/h — — no
LIMIT — — no
Info ! Fault or grease fault in central lube — — yes
EDC failure — — yes EDC not on CAN
Boost pressure sensor defective — — yes Boost pressure cannot be measured correctly
No text — — no Engine brake (in vehicles without re-
tarder) FFR failure — — yes FFR not on CAN
LGS failure — — yes LGS not on CAN
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
KSM failure — — yes KSM not on CAN
No text — — no Engine brake (in vehicles with retar-der)
RET P failure — — yes Primary retarder (water pump) not on CAN
RET S failure — — yes Secondary retarder not on CAN
Retarder temp. too high — — yes Oil temperature at retarder outlet too high (advance warning)
Retarder temp. too high — — yes Retarder temp. much too high
No text — — no
CAN Verbund Ausfall — — yes T-CAN BusOff, Reaction saved in instruments
Low beam lh failure or low beam rh failure — — yes Low beam lh on tractor
Headlight height lh failure autom. — — yes Automatic beam regulator implausible on lh side
Headlight height rh failure autom. — — yes Automatic beam regulator implausible on rh side
Steering oil level fault — — yes Oil level too low
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
Steering oil pressure too low — — yes Switch for flow meter in emerg. steering pump is closed
TCU failure — — yes Automatic gearbox not on CAN
Comfort Shift defective — — yes Comfort Shift button is not being evaluated
Engage higher gear — — yes Speed difference between engine and gearbox too high
No idle gas — — yes Tells you to take foot off accelerator
Gearbox temp. too high — — yes Temperature in gearbox oil sump (advance warning)
Fill tank — — yes Tank on reserve
Tank pickup failure — — yes Monitoring of tank pickup 1 in ZBR
Tank pickup 2 failure — — yes Monitoring of tank pickup 2 in ZBR
Coolant level too low — — yes Coolant level below min.
No text — — no
No text — — no Function feedback from rear foglamp
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Display Text in display Check lamp panel LED Buz-
zer- Remarks
No text — — no
No text — — no
No text — — no
Display message for moving-off aid ECAS Nordland or
ECAS EFR Nordland
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Abbreviations Adaptive Cruise Control ………………………………………………………….. ACC Exhaust-gas recirculation ……………………………………………………….. EGR Arithmetic Logic Unit ………………………………………………………………..ALU AS-Tronic ……………………………………………………………………………….AST Service brake valve …………………………………………………………………BBV Belt tensioner …………………………………………………………………………… BT Control unit network……………………………………………………………….. CAN Cruise Control Vehicle Speed ………………………………………………..CCVS Continuously Regenerating Trap (catalytic converter)…………………..CRT Comfort Shift …………………………………………………………………………….CS Butterfly valve stipulation (adjustment angle) ………………………………DKV Diagnostic message ……………………………………………………………….. DM Drive Neutral Reverse (selector lever/switches for autom. gearbox) DNR Pressure before radiator ………………………………………………………….. DvK Speed pickup ………………………………………………………………………… DZG Electronic Brake System…………………………………………………………..EBS Electronically Controlled Air Management………………………………..ECAM Electronically Controlled Air Suspension (applies to trucks and afterbody of articulated buses) ……………….. ECAS Electronically Controlled Air Suspension (applies to forebody of articulated buses)………………………………. ECAS2 Eelctronic control unit …………………………………………………………….. ECU Electronic Diesel Control ………………………………………………………… EDC Final speed control ………………………………………………………………… EDR Electronic Engine Controller ……………………………………………………..EEC Electrically programmable non-volatile read-only memory ……. EEPROM Exhaust gas recirculation………………………………………………………… EGR Electrohydraulic steering system ……………………………………………..EHLA AS-Tronic lite ……………………………………………………………………… EMOS End of Line programming …………………………………………………………EOL Electronic Transmission Control ………………………………………………..ETC Exhaust Valve Brake ……………………………………………………………….EVB Ride dynamics control ……………………………………………………………..FDR Vehicle management computer ………………………………………………… FFR Road speed limiter …………………………………………………………………..FGB Road speed control………………………………………………………………… FGR
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Failure mode identification (fault type)…………………………………………FMI Closed-loop diesel catalyst ……………………………………………………… GDK Behr air-conditioner control……………………………………………………… GKR Urea metering system…………………………………………………………….. HDS Hydraulic front axle drive (HydroDrive)……………………………………….HVA Auxiliary speed pickup ……………………………………………………………. HZG Integrated circuit ……………………………………………………………………….. IC CAN-connection between the two processors in main instrument …………………………………………………………………….ICOM Identification……………………………………………………………………………… ID Instrument ……………………………………………………………………………..INST Intarder…………………………………………………………………………………… INT Customer-specific module ………………………………………………………. KSM Message from customer-specific module …………………………………KSMA Temperature sensor ………………………………………………………………..KTY Data transfer protocol MAN-cats II …………………………………….KWP2000 Lane Guard System…………………………………………………………………LGS Local Identifier ………………………………………………………………………… LID Idling speed …………………………………………………………………………… LLR Microprocessor ………………………………………………………………………… µC Delivery control rack ………………………………………………………………. MES Modular door control ………………………………………………………………. MTS On-board diagnostic unit………………………………………………………..OBDU Parameter group number………………………………………………………… PGN Pulse width modulation………………………………………………………….. PWM Rear Axle Steering…………………………………………………………………..RAS Central tyre inflation system …………………………………………………..RDRA Secondary retarder ………………………………………………………………..Ret-S Primary retarder …………………………………………………………………….Ret-P Ship vehicle management computer ………………………………………..SFFR Side marker light …………………………………………………………………….SML Suspect Parameter Number ……………………………………………………..SPN Headlight cleaning system……………………………………………………….SWR Telematic Board Module…………………………………………………………. TBM EU tachograph………………………………………………………………………. TCO Gearbox control unit ………………………………………………………………..TCU Torque speed control (brake torque) ………………………………………….TSC Central on-board computer……………………………………………………….ZBR Intermediate speed control ……………………………………………………….ZDR
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FMI Definition — No fault — Fault saved — Intermittent fault — Fault is present and saved 0 Fault not specified 1 Too high 2 Too low 3 Implausible 4 No signal present 5 Short-circuit to earth 6 Short-circuit to UBatt. 7 Short-circuit 8 Fault signal 9 Fault in component
10 Interruption 11 Not defined 12 Not defined 13 Not defined 14 Not defined 15 Not defined
SPN Control unit/System Fault message00000 MTS Base module00001 AB Date, time, mileage in km00001 ACC Date, time, mileage in km00001 AST Date, time, mileage in km00001 ASTMID Date, time, mileage in km00001 BHTC Date, time, mileage in km00001 CNG_ME7 Date, time, mileage in km00001 CRT Date, time, mileage in km00001 DIW5 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EBS Date, time, mileage in km00001 EBS_5 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EBS_K1 Date, time, mileage in km00001 ECAM Date, time, mileage in km00001 ECAS_4X2 Date, time, mileage in km00001 ECAS2_GBV Date, time, mileage in km00001 ECAS2_GBW Date, time, mileage in km00001 ECO2 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC_7 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC_7_M Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC_7_MASTER Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC_7_S Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC_7_SLAVE Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC6 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC64 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7_6 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7C32 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7C32_6 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7C32_M Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7C32_S Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7C32M_10 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7C32M_12 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7C32S_10 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7C32S_12 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7M_10 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7M_12 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7S_10 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EDC7S_12 Date, time, mileage in km00001 EHLA Date, time, mileage in km00001 EMOS Date, time, mileage in km00001 FFR Date, time, mileage in km00001 GKR Date, time, mileage in km00001 HDS Date, time, mileage in km00001 HEITZ Date, time, mileage in km00001 HVA Date, time, mileage in km00001 HYD Date, time, mileage in km00001 INST Date, time, mileage in km00001 INT Date, time, mileage in km00001 KR49X Date, time, mileage in km00001 KSM Date, time, mileage in km00001 LGS Date, time, mileage in km00001 MTS Expansion module door 200001 OBDU Date, time, mileage in km00001 OUZBRO Road speed00001 OUZBRO_R Date, time, mileage in km00001 PTM Date, time, mileage in km00001 RAS Date, time, mileage in km00001 RET Date, time, mileage in km00001 SFFR Date, time, mileage in km
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00001 SKG Date, time, mileage in km00001 STON Date, time, mileage in km00001 T509C Date, time, mileage in km00001 TBM Date, time, mileage in km00001 Test1Module Date, time, mileage in km00001 Test2Module Date, time, mileage in km00001 TPM Date, time, mileage in km00001 TRON Date, time, mileage in km00001 TRW Date, time, mileage in km00001 TUER_DR Date, time, mileage in km00001 TUER_PA Date, time, mileage in km00001 UHV Date, time, mileage in km00001 VRET Date, time, mileage in km00001 VSM Date, time, mileage in km00001 WSK Date, time, mileage in km00001 ZBR2 Date, time, mileage in km00001 ZBRO Date, time, mileage in km00001 ZBRO_R Date, time, mileage in km00001 ZFR Date, time, mileage in km00001 ZH_AT3500_1580 Date, time, mileage in km00001 ZH_AT3500_ST Date, time, mileage in km00001 ZH_D5W_SC Date, time, mileage in km00001 ZHZG_9a Date, time, mileage in km00001 ZHZG_9c Date, time, mileage in km00002 MTS Expansion module door 300002 OUZBRO Engine revs00003 MTS Expansion module door 400003 OUZBRO Oil pressure00004 MTS Expansion module door 500004 OUZBRO Reservoir pressure brake circuit 100005 MTS Motor/door valve door 1 (front)00005 OUZBRO Reservoir pressure brake circuit 200006 MTS Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)00006 OUZBRO Brake pressure brake circuit 100007 MTS Motor/door valve door 2 (front)00007 OUZBRO Brake pressure brake circuit 200008 MTS Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)00008 OUZBRO Accelerator pedal position00009 MTS Motor/door valve door 3 (front)00009 OUZBRO Preselected gear00010 MTS Motor/door valve door 3 (rear)00010 OUZBRO Engaged gear00011 MTS Motor/door valve door 4 (front)00011 OUZBRO Cooling water temperature00012 MTS Motor/door valve door 4 (rear)00012 OUZBRO Tank fill level00013 MTS Motor/door valve door 5 (front)00013 OUZBRO Reservoir pressure brake circuit 100014 MTS Motor/door valve door 5 (rear)00014 OUZBRO Reservoir pressure brake circuit 200015 MTS Entry lighting door 100015 OUZBRO On-board voltage00016 MTS Entry lighting door 200017 MTS Entry lighting door 300018 MTS Entry lighting door 400019 MTS Entry lighting door 500020 MTS Door closing warning device door 100021 MTS Door closing warning device door 200022 MTS Door closing warning device door 300023 MTS Door closing warning device door 4
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 21 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message00024 MTS Door closing warning device door 500025 MTS Ramp activation door 100026 MTS Ramp activation door 200027 MTS Ramp activation door 300028 MTS Ramp activation door 400029 MTS Ramp activation door 500030 MTS Stop request display door 100031 MTS Stop request display door 200032 AB Split position00032 ACC Split position00032 AST Split position00032 ASTMID Split position00032 BHTC Split position00032 CNG_ME7 Split position00032 CRT Split position00032 DIW5 Split position00032 EBS Split position00032 EBS_5 Split position00032 EBS_K1 Split position00032 ECAM Split position00032 ECAS_4X2 Split position00032 ECAS2_GBV Split position00032 ECAS2_GBW Split position00032 ECO2 Split position00032 EDC Split position00032 EDC_7 Split position00032 EDC_7_M Split position00032 EDC_7_MASTER Split position00032 EDC_7_S Split position00032 EDC_7_SLAVE Split position00032 EDC6 Split position00032 EDC64 Split position00032 EDC7 Split position00032 EDC7_6 Split position00032 EDC7C32 Split position00032 EDC7C32_6 Split position00032 EDC7C32_M Split position00032 EDC7C32_S Split position00032 EDC7C32M_10 Split position00032 EDC7C32M_12 Split position00032 EDC7C32S_10 Split position00032 EDC7C32S_12 Split position00032 EDC7M_10 Split position00032 EDC7M_12 Split position00032 EDC7S_10 Split position00032 EDC7S_12 Split position00032 EHLA Split position00032 EMOS Split position00032 FFR Split position00032 GKR Split position00032 HDS Split position00032 HEITZ Split position00032 HVA Split position00032 HYD Split position00032 INST Split position00032 INT Split position00032 KR49X Split position00032 KSM Split position00032 LGS Split position00032 MTS Stop request display door 3
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00032 OBDU Split position00032 OUZBRO Split position00032 OUZBRO_R Split position00032 PTM Split position00032 RAS Split position00032 RET Split position00032 SFFR Split position00032 SKG Split position00032 STON Split position00032 T509C Split position00032 TBM Split position00032 Test1Module Split position00032 Test2Module Split position00032 TPM Split position00032 TRON Split position00032 TRW Split position00032 TUER_DR Split position00032 TUER_PA Split position00032 UHV Split position00032 VRET Split position00032 VSM Split position00032 WSK Split position00032 ZBR2 Split position00032 ZBRO Split position00032 ZBRO_R Split position00032 ZFR Split position00032 ZH_AT3500_1580 Split position00032 ZH_AT3500_ST Split position00032 ZH_D5W_SC Split position00032 ZHZG_9a Split position00032 ZHZG_9c Split position00033 AB Clutch travel sensor00033 ACC Clutch travel sensor00033 AST Clutch travel sensor00033 ASTMID Clutch travel sensor00033 BHTC Clutch travel sensor00033 CNG_ME7 Clutch travel sensor00033 CRT Clutch travel sensor00033 DIW5 Clutch travel sensor00033 EBS Clutch travel sensor00033 EBS_5 Clutch travel sensor00033 EBS_K1 Clutch travel sensor00033 ECAM Clutch travel sensor00033 ECAS_4X2 Clutch travel sensor00033 ECAS2_GBV Clutch travel sensor00033 ECAS2_GBW Clutch travel sensor00033 ECO2 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC_7 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC_7_M Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC_7_MASTER Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC_7_S Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC_7_SLAVE Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC6 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC64 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7_6 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7C32 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7C32_6 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7C32_M Clutch travel sensor
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00033 EDC7C32_S Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7C32M_10 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7C32M_12 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7C32S_10 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7C32S_12 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7M_10 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7M_12 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7S_10 Clutch travel sensor00033 EDC7S_12 Clutch travel sensor00033 EHLA Clutch travel sensor00033 EMOS Clutch travel sensor00033 FFR Clutch travel sensor00033 GKR Clutch travel sensor00033 HDS Clutch travel sensor00033 HEITZ Clutch travel sensor00033 HVA Clutch travel sensor00033 HYD Clutch travel sensor00033 INST Clutch travel sensor00033 INT Clutch travel sensor00033 KR49X Clutch travel sensor00033 KSM Clutch travel sensor00033 LGS Clutch travel sensor00033 MTS Stop request display door 400033 OBDU Clutch travel sensor00033 OUZBRO Clutch travel sensor00033 OUZBRO_R Clutch travel sensor00033 PTM Clutch travel sensor00033 RAS Clutch travel sensor00033 RET Clutch travel sensor00033 SFFR Clutch travel sensor00033 SKG Clutch travel sensor00033 STON Clutch travel sensor00033 T509C Clutch travel sensor00033 TBM Clutch travel sensor00033 Test1Module Clutch travel sensor00033 Test2Module Clutch travel sensor00033 TPM Clutch travel sensor00033 TRON Clutch travel sensor00033 TRW Clutch travel sensor00033 TUER_DR Clutch travel sensor00033 TUER_PA Clutch travel sensor00033 UHV Clutch travel sensor00033 VRET Clutch travel sensor00033 VSM Clutch travel sensor00033 WSK Clutch travel sensor00033 ZBR2 Clutch travel sensor00033 ZBRO Clutch travel sensor00033 ZBRO_R Clutch travel sensor00033 ZFR Clutch travel sensor00033 ZH_AT3500_1580 Clutch travel sensor00033 ZH_AT3500_ST Clutch travel sensor00033 ZH_D5W_SC Clutch travel sensor00033 ZHZG_9a Clutch travel sensor00033 ZHZG_9c Clutch travel sensor00034 MTS Stop request display door 500035 MTS Door enable display door 100036 MTS Door enable display door 200037 MTS Door enable display door 300038 AB Fuel fill level 200038 ACC Fuel fill level 2
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 24 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message00038 AST Fuel fill level 200038 ASTMID Fuel fill level 200038 BHTC Fuel fill level 200038 CNG_ME7 Fuel fill level 200038 CRT Fuel fill level 200038 DIW5 Fuel fill level 200038 EBS Fuel fill level 200038 EBS_5 Fuel fill level 200038 EBS_K1 Fuel fill level 200038 ECAM Fuel fill level 200038 ECAS_4X2 Fuel fill level 200038 ECAS2_GBV Fuel fill level 200038 ECAS2_GBW Fuel fill level 200038 ECO2 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC Fuel fill level 200038 EDC_7 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC_7_M Fuel fill level 200038 EDC_7_MASTER Fuel fill level 200038 EDC_7_S Fuel fill level 200038 EDC_7_SLAVE Fuel fill level 200038 EDC6 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC64 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7_6 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7C32 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7C32_6 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7C32_M Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7C32_S Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7C32M_10 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7C32M_12 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7C32S_10 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7C32S_12 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7M_10 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7M_12 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7S_10 Fuel fill level 200038 EDC7S_12 Fuel fill level 200038 EHLA Fuel fill level 200038 EMOS Fuel fill level 200038 FFR Fuel fill level 200038 GKR Fuel fill level 200038 HDS Fuel fill level 200038 HEITZ Fuel fill level 200038 HVA Fuel fill level 200038 HYD Fuel fill level 200038 INST Fuel fill level 200038 INT Fuel fill level 200038 KR49X Fuel fill level 200038 KSM Fuel fill level 200038 LGS Fuel fill level 200038 MTS Door enable display door 400038 OBDU Fuel fill level 200038 OUZBRO Fuel fill level 200038 OUZBRO_R Fuel fill level 200038 PTM Fuel fill level 200038 RAS Fuel fill level 200038 RET Fuel fill level 200038 SFFR Fuel fill level 200038 SKG Fuel fill level 200038 STON Fuel fill level 200038 T509C Fuel fill level 2
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00038 TBM Fuel fill level 200038 Test1Module Fuel fill level 200038 Test2Module Fuel fill level 200038 TPM Fuel fill level 200038 TRON Fuel fill level 200038 TRW Fuel fill level 200038 TUER_DR Fuel fill level 200038 TUER_PA Fuel fill level 200038 UHV Fuel fill level 200038 VRET Fuel fill level 200038 VSM Fuel fill level 200038 WSK Fuel fill level 200038 ZBR2 Second Fuel Level (Right Side)00038 ZBRO Fuel fill level 200038 ZBRO_R Fuel fill level 200038 ZFR Fuel fill level 200038 ZH_AT3500_1580 Fuel fill level 200038 ZH_AT3500_ST Fuel fill level 200038 ZH_D5W_SC Fuel fill level 200038 ZHZG_9a Fuel fill level 200038 ZHZG_9c Fuel fill level 200039 MTS Door enable display door 500040 MTS Workshop switch door 100041 MTS Workshop switch door 200042 MTS Workshop switch door 300043 MTS Workshop switch door 400044 MTS Workshop switch door 500045 MTS Pressure shaft door 100046 EMOS Cruise control nominal speed00046 MTS Pressure shaft door 200047 MTS Pressure shaft door 300048 MTS Pressure shaft door 400049 MTS Pressure shaft door 500050 MTS Stop request button door 100051 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly00051 MTS Stop request button door 200052 MTS Stop request button door 300053 MTS Stop request button door 400054 MTS Stop request button door 500055 MTS Baby carriage button door 100056 MTS Baby carriage button door 200057 MTS Baby carriage button door 300058 MTS Baby carriage button door 400059 MTS Baby carriage button door 500060 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (front)00061 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (rear)00062 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (front)00063 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (rear)00064 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (front)00065 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (rear)00066 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (front)00067 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (rear)00068 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (front)00069 MTS Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (rear)00070 MTS Pressure monitoring door 100070 OBDU Parking brake applied00070 ZBR2 No ‘parking brake’ signal00071 MTS Pressure monitoring door 200072 MTS Pressure monitoring door 300073 MTS Pressure monitoring door 4
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00074 AB Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ACC Lamp, road speed limiting00074 AST Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ASTMID Lamp, road speed limiting00074 BHTC Lamp, road speed limiting00074 CNG_ME7 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 CRT Lamp, road speed limiting00074 DIW5 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EBS Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EBS_5 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EBS_K1 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ECAM Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ECAS_4X2 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ECAS2_GBV Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ECAS2_GBW Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ECO2 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC_7 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC_7_M Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC_7_MASTER Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC_7_S Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC_7_SLAVE Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC6 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC64 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7_6 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7C32 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7C32_6 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7C32_M Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7C32_S Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7C32M_10 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7C32M_12 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7C32S_10 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7C32S_12 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7M_10 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7M_12 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7S_10 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EDC7S_12 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EHLA Lamp, road speed limiting00074 EMOS Lamp, road speed limiting00074 FFR Lamp, road speed limiting00074 GKR Lamp, road speed limiting00074 HDS Lamp, road speed limiting00074 HEITZ Lamp, road speed limiting00074 HVA Lamp, road speed limiting00074 HYD Lamp, road speed limiting00074 INST Lamp, road speed limiting00074 INT Lamp, road speed limiting00074 KR49X Lamp, road speed limiting00074 KSM Lamp, road speed limiting00074 LGS Lamp, road speed limiting00074 MTS Pressure monitoring door 500074 OBDU Lamp, road speed limiting00074 OUZBRO Lamp, road speed limiting00074 OUZBRO_R Lamp, road speed limiting00074 PTM Lamp, road speed limiting00074 RAS Lamp, road speed limiting00074 RET Lamp, road speed limiting00074 SFFR Lamp, road speed limiting00074 SKG Lamp, road speed limiting
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00074 STON Lamp, road speed limiting00074 T509C Lamp, road speed limiting00074 TBM Lamp, road speed limiting00074 Test1Module Lamp, road speed limiting00074 Test2Module Lamp, road speed limiting00074 TPM Lamp, road speed limiting00074 TRON Lamp, road speed limiting00074 TRW Lamp, road speed limiting00074 TUER_DR Lamp, road speed limiting00074 TUER_PA Lamp, road speed limiting00074 UHV Lamp, road speed limiting00074 VRET Lamp, road speed limiting00074 VSM Lamp, road speed limiting00074 WSK Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ZBR2 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ZBRO Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ZBRO_R Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ZFR Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ZH_AT3500_1580 Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ZH_AT3500_ST Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ZH_D5W_SC Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ZHZG_9a Lamp, road speed limiting00074 ZHZG_9c Lamp, road speed limiting00075 AB Steering axle temperature00075 ACC Steering axle temperature00075 AST Steering axle temperature00075 ASTMID Steering axle temperature00075 BHTC Steering axle temperature00075 CNG_ME7 Steering axle temperature00075 CRT Steering axle temperature00075 DIW5 Steering axle temperature00075 EBS Steering axle temperature00075 EBS_5 Steering axle temperature00075 EBS_K1 Steering axle temperature00075 ECAM Steering axle temperature00075 ECAS_4X2 Steering axle temperature00075 ECAS2_GBV Steering axle temperature00075 ECAS2_GBW Steering axle temperature00075 ECO2 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC Steering axle temperature00075 EDC_7 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC_7_M Steering axle temperature00075 EDC_7_MASTER Steering axle temperature00075 EDC_7_S Steering axle temperature00075 EDC_7_SLAVE Steering axle temperature00075 EDC6 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC64 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7_6 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7C32 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7C32_6 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7C32_M Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7C32_S Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7C32M_10 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7C32M_12 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7C32S_10 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7C32S_12 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7M_10 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7M_12 Steering axle temperature00075 EDC7S_10 Steering axle temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00075 EDC7S_12 Steering axle temperature00075 EHLA Steering axle temperature00075 EMOS Steering axle temperature00075 FFR Steering axle temperature00075 GKR Steering axle temperature00075 HDS Steering axle temperature00075 HEITZ Steering axle temperature00075 HVA Steering axle temperature00075 HYD Steering axle temperature00075 INST Steering axle temperature00075 INT Steering axle temperature00075 KR49X Steering axle temperature00075 KSM Steering axle temperature00075 LGS Steering axle temperature00075 MTS Reference voltage door sensors door 100075 OBDU Steering axle temperature00075 OUZBRO Steering axle temperature00075 OUZBRO_R Steering axle temperature00075 PTM Steering axle temperature00075 RAS Steering axle temperature00075 RET Steering axle temperature00075 SFFR Steering axle temperature00075 SKG Steering axle temperature00075 STON Steering axle temperature00075 T509C Steering axle temperature00075 TBM Steering axle temperature00075 Test1Module Steering axle temperature00075 Test2Module Steering axle temperature00075 TPM Steering axle temperature00075 TRON Steering axle temperature00075 TRW Steering axle temperature00075 TUER_DR Steering axle temperature00075 TUER_PA Steering axle temperature00075 UHV Steering axle temperature00075 VRET Steering axle temperature00075 VSM Steering axle temperature00075 WSK Steering axle temperature00075 ZBR2 Steering axle temperature00075 ZBRO Steering axle temperature00075 ZBRO_R Steering axle temperature00075 ZFR Steering axle temperature00075 ZH_AT3500_1580 Steering axle temperature00075 ZH_AT3500_ST Steering axle temperature00075 ZH_D5W_SC Steering axle temperature00075 ZHZG_9a Steering axle temperature00075 ZHZG_9c Steering axle temperature00076 MTS Reference voltage door sensors door 200077 MTS Reference voltage door sensors door 300078 MTS Reference voltage door sensors door 400079 MTS Reference voltage door sensors door 500080 MTS Door sensor door 1 front00081 EDC7 Exhaust gas differential or exhaust gas relative pressure00081 MTS Door sensor door 1 rear00082 MTS Door sensor door 2 front00083 MTS Door sensor door 2 rear00084 AB wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ACC wheel-based vehicle speed00084 AST wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ASTMID wheel-based vehicle speed00084 BHTC wheel-based vehicle speed
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00084 CNG_ME7 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 CRT wheel-based vehicle speed00084 DIW5 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EBS wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EBS_5 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EBS_K1 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ECAM wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ECAS_4X2 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ECAS2_GBV wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ECAS2_GBW wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ECO2 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC_7 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC_7_M wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC_7_MASTER wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC_7_S wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC_7_SLAVE wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC6 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC64 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7_6 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7C32 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7C32_6 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7C32_M wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7C32_S wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7C32M_10 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7C32M_12 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7C32S_10 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7C32S_12 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7M_10 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7M_12 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7S_10 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EDC7S_12 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EHLA wheel-based vehicle speed00084 EMOS wheel-based vehicle speed00084 FFR wheel-based vehicle speed00084 GKR wheel-based vehicle speed00084 HDS wheel-based vehicle speed00084 HEITZ wheel-based vehicle speed00084 HVA wheel-based vehicle speed00084 HYD wheel-based vehicle speed00084 INST wheel-based vehicle speed00084 INT wheel-based vehicle speed00084 KR49X wheel-based vehicle speed00084 KSM wheel-based vehicle speed00084 LGS wheel-based vehicle speed00084 MTS Door sensor door 3 front00084 OBDU wheel-based vehicle speed00084 OUZBRO wheel-based vehicle speed00084 OUZBRO_R wheel-based vehicle speed00084 PTM wheel-based vehicle speed00084 RAS Rear axle speed sensor00084 RET wheel-based vehicle speed00084 SFFR wheel-based vehicle speed00084 SKG wheel-based vehicle speed00084 STON wheel-based vehicle speed00084 T509C wheel-based vehicle speed00084 TBM wheel-based vehicle speed00084 Test1Module wheel-based vehicle speed00084 Test2Module wheel-based vehicle speed
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00084 TPM wheel-based vehicle speed00084 TRON wheel-based vehicle speed00084 TRW wheel-based vehicle speed00084 TUER_DR wheel-based vehicle speed00084 TUER_PA wheel-based vehicle speed00084 UHV wheel-based vehicle speed00084 VRET wheel-based vehicle speed00084 VSM wheel-based vehicle speed00084 WSK wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ZBR2 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ZBRO wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ZBRO_R wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ZFR wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ZH_AT3500_1580 wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ZH_AT3500_ST wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ZH_D5W_SC wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ZHZG_9a wheel-based vehicle speed00084 ZHZG_9c wheel-based vehicle speed00085 MTS Door sensor door 3 rear00086 AB Road speed, cruise control00086 ACC Road speed, cruise control00086 AST Road speed, cruise control00086 ASTMID Road speed, cruise control00086 BHTC Road speed, cruise control00086 CNG_ME7 Road speed, cruise control00086 CRT Road speed, cruise control00086 DIW5 Road speed, cruise control00086 EBS Road speed, cruise control00086 EBS_5 Road speed, cruise control00086 EBS_K1 Road speed, cruise control00086 ECAM Road speed, cruise control00086 ECAS_4X2 Road speed, cruise control00086 ECAS2_GBV Road speed, cruise control00086 ECAS2_GBW Road speed, cruise control00086 ECO2 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC_7 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC_7_M Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC_7_MASTER Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC_7_S Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC_7_SLAVE Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC6 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC64 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7_6 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7C32 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7C32_6 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7C32_M Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7C32_S Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7C32M_10 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7C32M_12 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7C32S_10 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7C32S_12 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7M_10 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7M_12 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7S_10 Road speed, cruise control00086 EDC7S_12 Road speed, cruise control00086 EHLA Road speed, cruise control00086 EMOS Road speed, cruise control00086 FFR Road speed, cruise control
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00086 GKR Road speed, cruise control00086 HDS Road speed, cruise control00086 HEITZ Road speed, cruise control00086 HVA Road speed, cruise control00086 HYD Road speed, cruise control00086 INST Road speed, cruise control00086 INT Road speed, cruise control00086 KR49X Road speed, cruise control00086 KSM Road speed, cruise control00086 LGS Road speed, cruise control00086 MTS Door sensor door 4 front00086 OBDU Road speed, cruise control00086 OUZBRO Road speed, cruise control00086 OUZBRO_R Road speed, cruise control00086 PTM Road speed, cruise control00086 RAS Road speed, cruise control00086 RET Road speed, cruise control00086 SFFR Road speed, cruise control00086 SKG Road speed, cruise control00086 STON Road speed, cruise control00086 T509C Road speed, cruise control00086 TBM Road speed, cruise control00086 Test1Module Road speed, cruise control00086 Test2Module Road speed, cruise control00086 TPM Road speed, cruise control00086 TRON Road speed, cruise control00086 TRW Road speed, cruise control00086 TUER_DR Road speed, cruise control00086 TUER_PA Road speed, cruise control00086 UHV Road speed, cruise control00086 VRET Road speed, cruise control00086 VSM Road speed, cruise control00086 WSK Road speed, cruise control00086 ZBR2 Road speed, cruise control00086 ZBRO Road speed, cruise control00086 ZBRO_R Road speed, cruise control00086 ZFR Road speed, cruise control00086 ZH_AT3500_1580 Road speed, cruise control00086 ZH_AT3500_ST Road speed, cruise control00086 ZH_D5W_SC Road speed, cruise control00086 ZHZG_9a Road speed, cruise control00086 ZHZG_9c Road speed, cruise control00087 MTS Door sensor door 4 rear00088 MTS Door sensor door 5 front00089 MTS Door sensor door 5 rear00090 MTS C3 signal00091 AB Accelerator pedal position00091 ACC Accelerator pedal position00091 AST Accelerator pedal position00091 ASTMID Accelerator pedal position00091 BHTC Accelerator pedal position00091 CNG_ME7 Accelerator pedal position00091 CRT Accelerator pedal position00091 DIW5 Accelerator pedal position00091 EBS Accelerator pedal position00091 EBS_5 Accelerator pedal position00091 EBS_K1 Accelerator pedal position00091 ECAM Accelerator pedal position00091 ECAS_4X2 Accelerator pedal position00091 ECAS2_GBV Accelerator pedal position
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00091 ECAS2_GBW Accelerator pedal position00091 ECO2 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC_7 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC_7_M Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC_7_MASTER Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC_7_S Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC_7_SLAVE Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC6 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC64 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7_6 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7C32 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7C32_6 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7C32_M Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7C32_S Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7C32M_10 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7C32M_12 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7C32S_10 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7C32S_12 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7M_10 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7M_12 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7S_10 Accelerator pedal position00091 EDC7S_12 Accelerator pedal position00091 EHLA Accelerator pedal position00091 EMOS Accelerator pedal angle signal00091 FFR Accelerator pedal position00091 GKR Accelerator pedal position00091 HDS Accelerator pedal position00091 HEITZ Accelerator pedal position00091 HVA Accelerator pedal position00091 HYD Accelerator pedal position00091 INST Accelerator pedal position00091 INT Accelerator pedal position00091 KR49X Accelerator pedal position00091 KSM Accelerator pedal position00091 LGS Accelerator pedal position00091 MTS Checklamp driver’s workplace00091 OBDU Accelerator pedal position00091 OUZBRO Accelerator pedal position00091 OUZBRO_R Accelerator pedal position00091 PTM Accelerator pedal position00091 RAS Accelerator pedal position00091 RET Accelerator pedal position00091 SFFR Accelerator pedal position00091 SKG Accelerator pedal position00091 STON Accelerator pedal position00091 T509C Accelerator pedal position00091 TBM Accelerator pedal position00091 Test1Module Accelerator pedal position00091 Test2Module Accelerator pedal position00091 TPM Accelerator pedal position00091 TRON Accelerator pedal position00091 TRW Accelerator pedal position00091 TUER_DR Accelerator pedal position00091 TUER_PA Accelerator pedal position00091 UHV Accelerator pedal position00091 VRET Accelerator pedal position00091 VSM Accelerator pedal position00091 WSK Accelerator pedal position
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00091 ZBR2 Accelerator pedal position00091 ZBRO Accelerator pedal position00091 ZBRO_R Accelerator pedal position00091 ZFR Accelerator pedal position00091 ZH_AT3500_1580 Accelerator pedal position00091 ZH_AT3500_ST Accelerator pedal position00091 ZH_D5W_SC Accelerator pedal position00091 ZHZG_9a Accelerator pedal position00091 ZHZG_9c Accelerator pedal position00092 AB Current torque to maximum torque00092 ACC Current torque to maximum torque00092 AST Current torque to maximum torque00092 ASTMID Current torque to maximum torque00092 BHTC Current torque to maximum torque00092 CNG_ME7 Current torque to maximum torque00092 CRT Current torque to maximum torque00092 DIW5 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EBS Current torque to maximum torque00092 EBS_5 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EBS_K1 Current torque to maximum torque00092 ECAM Current torque to maximum torque00092 ECAS_4X2 Current torque to maximum torque00092 ECAS2_GBV Current torque to maximum torque00092 ECAS2_GBW Current torque to maximum torque00092 ECO2 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC_7 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC_7_M Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC_7_MASTER Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC_7_S Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC_7_SLAVE Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC6 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC64 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7_6 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7C32 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7C32_6 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7C32_M Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7C32_S Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7C32M_10 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7C32M_12 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7C32S_10 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7C32S_12 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7M_10 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7M_12 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7S_10 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EDC7S_12 Current torque to maximum torque00092 EHLA Current torque to maximum torque
00092 EMOSRelative engine torque signal, in relation to the current max.
available engine torque00092 FFR Current torque to maximum torque00092 GKR Current torque to maximum torque00092 HDS Current torque to maximum torque00092 HEITZ Current torque to maximum torque00092 HVA Current torque to maximum torque00092 HYD Current torque to maximum torque00092 INST Current torque to maximum torque00092 INT Current torque to maximum torque00092 KR49X Current torque to maximum torque00092 KSM Current torque to maximum torque
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00092 LGS Current torque to maximum torque00092 MTS Pneumatic seal00092 OBDU Current torque to maximum torque00092 OUZBRO Current torque to maximum torque00092 OUZBRO_R Current torque to maximum torque00092 PTM Current torque to maximum torque00092 RAS Current torque to maximum torque00092 RET Current torque to maximum torque00092 SFFR Current torque to maximum torque00092 SKG Current torque to maximum torque00092 STON Current torque to maximum torque00092 T509C Current torque to maximum torque00092 TBM Current torque to maximum torque00092 Test1Module Current torque to maximum torque00092 Test2Module Current torque to maximum torque00092 TPM Current torque to maximum torque00092 TRON Current torque to maximum torque00092 TRW Current torque to maximum torque00092 TUER_DR Current torque to maximum torque00092 TUER_PA Current torque to maximum torque00092 UHV Current torque to maximum torque00092 VRET Current torque to maximum torque00092 VSM Current torque to maximum torque00092 WSK Current torque to maximum torque00092 ZBR2 Current torque to maximum torque00092 ZBRO Current torque to maximum torque00092 ZBRO_R Current torque to maximum torque00092 ZFR Current torque to maximum torque00092 ZH_AT3500_1580 Current torque to maximum torque00092 ZH_AT3500_ST Current torque to maximum torque00092 ZH_D5W_SC Current torque to maximum torque00092 ZHZG_9a Current torque to maximum torque00092 ZHZG_9c Current torque to maximum torque00094 EDC7 Fuel supply pressure00094 MTS Red/green display00095 MTS Depressurised buzzer00096 AB Fuel fill level 100096 ACC Fuel fill level 100096 AST Fuel fill level 100096 ASTMID Fuel fill level 100096 BHTC Fuel fill level 100096 CNG_ME7 Fuel fill level 100096 CRT Fuel fill level 100096 DIW5 Fuel fill level 100096 EBS Fuel fill level 100096 EBS_5 Fuel fill level 100096 EBS_K1 Fuel fill level 100096 ECAM Fuel fill level 100096 ECAS_4X2 Fuel fill level 100096 ECAS2_GBV Fuel fill level 100096 ECAS2_GBW Fuel fill level 100096 ECO2 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC Fuel fill level 100096 EDC_7 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC_7_M Fuel fill level 100096 EDC_7_MASTER Fuel fill level 100096 EDC_7_S Fuel fill level 100096 EDC_7_SLAVE Fuel fill level 100096 EDC6 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC64 Fuel fill level 1
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00096 EDC7 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7_6 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7C32 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7C32_6 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7C32_M Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7C32_S Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7C32M_10 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7C32M_12 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7C32S_10 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7C32S_12 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7M_10 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7M_12 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7S_10 Fuel fill level 100096 EDC7S_12 Fuel fill level 100096 EHLA Fuel fill level 100096 EMOS Fuel fill level 100096 FFR Fuel fill level 100096 GKR Fuel fill level 100096 HDS Fuel fill level 100096 HEITZ Fuel fill level 100096 HVA Fuel fill level 100096 HYD Fuel fill level 100096 INST Fuel fill level 100096 INT Fuel fill level 100096 KR49X Fuel fill level 100096 KSM Fuel fill level 100096 LGS Fuel fill level 100096 MTS Bus-stop brake00096 OBDU Fuel Level00096 OUZBRO Fuel fill level 100096 OUZBRO_R Fuel fill level 100096 PTM Fuel fill level 100096 RAS Fuel fill level 100096 RET Fuel fill level 100096 SFFR Fuel fill level 100096 SKG Fuel fill level 100096 STON Fuel fill level 100096 T509C Fuel fill level 100096 TBM Fuel fill level 100096 Test1Module Fuel fill level 100096 Test2Module Fuel fill level 100096 TPM Fuel fill level 100096 TRON Fuel fill level 100096 TRW Fuel fill level 100096 TUER_DR Fuel fill level 100096 TUER_PA Fuel fill level 100096 UHV Fuel fill level 100096 VRET Fuel fill level 100096 VSM Fuel fill level 100096 WSK Fuel fill level 100096 ZBR2 Fuel Level00096 ZBRO Fuel fill level 100096 ZBRO_R Fuel fill level 100096 ZFR Fuel fill level 100096 ZH_AT3500_1580 Fuel fill level 100096 ZH_AT3500_ST Fuel fill level 100096 ZH_D5W_SC Fuel fill level 100096 ZHZG_9a Fuel fill level 100096 ZHZG_9c Fuel fill level 100097 MTS Stop request display driver
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00098 AB Engine oil level00098 ACC Engine oil level00098 AST Engine oil level00098 ASTMID Engine oil level00098 BHTC Engine oil level00098 CNG_ME7 Engine oil level00098 CRT Engine oil level00098 DIW5 Engine oil level00098 EBS Engine oil level00098 EBS_5 Engine oil level00098 EBS_K1 Engine oil level00098 ECAM Engine oil level00098 ECAS_4X2 Engine oil level00098 ECAS2_GBV Engine oil level00098 ECAS2_GBW Engine oil level00098 ECO2 Engine oil level00098 EDC Engine oil level00098 EDC_7 Engine oil level00098 EDC_7_M Engine oil level00098 EDC_7_MASTER Engine oil level00098 EDC_7_S Engine oil level00098 EDC_7_SLAVE Engine oil level00098 EDC6 Engine oil level00098 EDC64 Engine oil level00098 EDC7 Engine oil level00098 EDC7_6 Engine oil level00098 EDC7C32 Engine oil level00098 EDC7C32_6 Engine oil level00098 EDC7C32_M Engine oil level00098 EDC7C32_S Engine oil level00098 EDC7C32M_10 Engine oil level00098 EDC7C32M_12 Engine oil level00098 EDC7C32S_10 Engine oil level00098 EDC7C32S_12 Engine oil level00098 EDC7M_10 Engine oil level00098 EDC7M_12 Engine oil level00098 EDC7S_10 Engine oil level00098 EDC7S_12 Engine oil level00098 EHLA Engine oil level00098 EMOS Engine oil level00098 FFR Engine oil level00098 GKR Engine oil level00098 HDS Engine oil level00098 HEITZ Engine oil level00098 HVA Engine oil level00098 HYD Engine oil level00098 INST Engine oil level00098 INT Engine oil level00098 KR49X Engine oil level00098 KSM Engine oil level00098 LGS Engine oil level00098 MTS Baby carriage display driver00098 OBDU Oil level00098 OUZBRO Engine oil level00098 OUZBRO_R Engine oil level00098 PTM Engine oil level00098 RAS Engine oil level00098 RET Engine oil level00098 SFFR Engine oil level00098 SKG Engine oil level
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00098 STON Engine oil level00098 T509C Engine oil level00098 TBM Engine oil level00098 Test1Module Engine oil level00098 Test2Module Engine oil level00098 TPM Engine oil level00098 TRON Engine oil level00098 TRW Engine oil level00098 TUER_DR Engine oil level00098 TUER_PA Engine oil level00098 UHV Engine oil level00098 VRET Engine oil level00098 VSM Engine oil level00098 WSK Engine oil level00098 ZBR2 Engine oil level00098 ZBRO Engine oil level00098 ZBRO_R Engine oil level00098 ZFR Engine oil level00098 ZH_AT3500_1580 Engine oil level00098 ZH_AT3500_ST Engine oil level00098 ZH_D5W_SC Engine oil level00098 ZHZG_9a Engine oil level00098 ZHZG_9c Engine oil level00100 AB Oil pressure00100 ACC Oil pressure00100 AST Oil pressure00100 ASTMID Oil pressure00100 BHTC Oil pressure00100 CNG_ME7 Oil pressure00100 CRT Oil pressure00100 DIW5 Oil pressure00100 EBS Oil pressure00100 EBS_5 Oil pressure00100 EBS_K1 Oil pressure00100 ECAM Oil pressure00100 ECAS_4X2 Oil pressure00100 ECAS2_GBV Oil pressure00100 ECAS2_GBW Oil pressure00100 ECO2 Oil pressure00100 EDC Oil pressure00100 EDC_7 Oil pressure00100 EDC_7_M Oil pressure00100 EDC_7_MASTER Oil pressure00100 EDC_7_S Oil pressure00100 EDC_7_SLAVE Oil pressure00100 EDC6 Oil pressure00100 EDC64 Oil pressure00100 EDC7 Oil pressure00100 EDC7_6 Oil pressure00100 EDC7C32 Oil pressure00100 EDC7C32_6 Oil pressure00100 EDC7C32_M Oil pressure00100 EDC7C32_S Oil pressure00100 EDC7C32M_10 Oil pressure00100 EDC7C32M_12 Oil pressure00100 EDC7C32S_10 Oil pressure00100 EDC7C32S_12 Oil pressure00100 EDC7M_10 Oil pressure00100 EDC7M_12 Oil pressure00100 EDC7S_10 Oil pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00100 EDC7S_12 Oil pressure00100 EHLA Oil pressure00100 EMOS Oil pressure00100 FFR Oil pressure00100 GKR Oil pressure00100 HDS Oil pressure00100 HEITZ Oil pressure00100 HVA Oil pressure00100 HYD Oil pressure00100 INST Oil pressure00100 INT Oil pressure00100 KR49X Oil pressure00100 KSM Oil pressure00100 LGS Oil pressure00100 MTS Oil pressure00100 OBDU Oil pressure00100 OUZBRO Oil pressure00100 OUZBRO_R Oil pressure00100 PTM Oil pressure00100 RAS Oil pressure00100 RET Oil pressure00100 SFFR Oil pressure00100 SKG Oil pressure00100 STON Oil pressure00100 T509C Oil pressure00100 TBM Oil pressure00100 Test1Module Oil pressure00100 Test2Module Oil pressure00100 TPM Oil pressure00100 TRON Oil pressure00100 TRW Oil pressure00100 TUER_DR Oil pressure00100 TUER_PA Oil pressure00100 UHV Oil pressure00100 VRET Oil pressure00100 VSM Oil pressure00100 WSK Oil pressure00100 ZBR2 Engine Oil Pressure00100 ZBRO Oil pressure00100 ZBRO_R Oil pressure00100 ZFR Oil pressure00100 ZH_AT3500_1580 Oil pressure00100 ZH_AT3500_ST Oil pressure00100 ZH_D5W_SC Oil pressure00100 ZHZG_9a Oil pressure00100 ZHZG_9c Oil pressure00102 AB Boost pressure00102 ACC Boost pressure00102 AST Boost pressure00102 ASTMID Boost pressure00102 BHTC Boost pressure00102 CNG_ME7 Boost pressure00102 CRT Boost pressure00102 DIW5 Boost pressure00102 EBS Boost pressure00102 EBS_5 Boost pressure00102 EBS_K1 Boost pressure00102 ECAM Boost pressure00102 ECAS_4X2 Boost pressure00102 ECAS2_GBV Boost pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00102 ECAS2_GBW Boost pressure00102 ECO2 Boost pressure00102 EDC Boost pressure00102 EDC_7 Boost pressure00102 EDC_7_M Boost pressure00102 EDC_7_MASTER Boost pressure00102 EDC_7_S Boost pressure00102 EDC_7_SLAVE Boost pressure00102 EDC6 Boost Pressure00102 EDC64 Boost pressure00102 EDC7 Boost Pressure00102 EDC7_6 Boost pressure00102 EDC7C32 Boost pressure00102 EDC7C32_6 Boost pressure00102 EDC7C32_M Boost pressure00102 EDC7C32_S Boost pressure00102 EDC7C32M_10 Boost pressure00102 EDC7C32M_12 Boost pressure00102 EDC7C32S_10 Boost pressure00102 EDC7C32S_12 Boost pressure00102 EDC7M_10 Boost pressure00102 EDC7M_12 Boost pressure00102 EDC7S_10 Boost pressure00102 EDC7S_12 Boost pressure00102 EHLA Boost pressure00102 EMOS Boost pressure00102 FFR Boost pressure00102 GKR Boost pressure00102 HDS Boost pressure00102 HEITZ Boost pressure00102 HVA Boost pressure00102 HYD Boost pressure00102 INST Boost pressure00102 INT Boost pressure00102 KR49X Boost pressure00102 KSM Boost pressure00102 LGS Boost pressure00102 MTS Boost pressure00102 OBDU Charge air pressure00102 OUZBRO Boost pressure00102 OUZBRO_R Boost pressure00102 PTM Boost pressure00102 RAS Boost pressure00102 RET Boost pressure00102 SFFR Boost pressure00102 SKG Boost pressure00102 STON Boost pressure00102 T509C Boost pressure00102 TBM Boost pressure00102 Test1Module Boost pressure00102 Test2Module Boost pressure00102 TPM Boost pressure00102 TRON Boost pressure00102 TRW Boost pressure00102 TUER_DR Boost pressure00102 TUER_PA Boost pressure00102 UHV Boost pressure00102 VRET Boost pressure00102 VSM Boost pressure00102 WSK Boost pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00102 ZBR2 Boost pressure00102 ZBRO Boost pressure00102 ZBRO_R Boost pressure00102 ZFR Boost pressure00102 ZH_AT3500_1580 Boost pressure00102 ZH_AT3500_ST Boost pressure00102 ZH_D5W_SC Boost pressure00102 ZHZG_9a Boost pressure00102 ZHZG_9c Boost pressure00105 AB Charge air temperature00105 ACC Charge air temperature00105 AST Charge air temperature00105 ASTMID Charge air temperature00105 BHTC Charge air temperature00105 CNG_ME7 Charge air temperature00105 CRT Charge air temperature00105 DIW5 Charge air temperature00105 EBS Charge air temperature00105 EBS_5 Charge air temperature00105 EBS_K1 Charge air temperature00105 ECAM Charge air temperature00105 ECAS_4X2 Charge air temperature00105 ECAS2_GBV Charge air temperature00105 ECAS2_GBW Charge air temperature00105 ECO2 Charge air temperature00105 EDC Charge air temperature00105 EDC_7 Charge air temperature00105 EDC_7_M Charge air temperature00105 EDC_7_MASTER Charge air temperature00105 EDC_7_S Charge air temperature00105 EDC_7_SLAVE Charge air temperature00105 EDC6 Boost air temperature sensor upstream of cylinder inlet00105 EDC64 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7 Boost air temperature sensor upstream of cylinder inlet00105 EDC7_6 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7C32 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7C32_6 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7C32_M Charge air temperature00105 EDC7C32_S Charge air temperature00105 EDC7C32M_10 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7C32M_12 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7C32S_10 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7C32S_12 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7M_10 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7M_12 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7S_10 Charge air temperature00105 EDC7S_12 Charge air temperature00105 EHLA Charge air temperature00105 EMOS Charge air temperature00105 FFR Charge air temperature00105 GKR Charge air temperature00105 HDS Charge air temperature00105 HEITZ Charge air temperature00105 HVA Charge air temperature00105 HYD Charge air temperature00105 INST Charge air temperature00105 INT Charge air temperature00105 KR49X Charge air temperature00105 KSM Charge air temperature00105 LGS Charge air temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00105 MTS Charge air temperature00105 OBDU Charge air temperature00105 OUZBRO Charge air temperature00105 OUZBRO_R Charge air temperature00105 PTM Charge air temperature00105 RAS Charge air temperature00105 RET Charge air temperature00105 SFFR Charge air temperature00105 SKG Charge air temperature00105 STON Charge air temperature00105 T509C Charge air temperature00105 TBM Charge air temperature00105 Test1Module Charge air temperature00105 Test2Module Charge air temperature00105 TPM Charge air temperature00105 TRON Charge air temperature00105 TRW Charge air temperature00105 TUER_DR Charge air temperature00105 TUER_PA Charge air temperature00105 UHV Charge air temperature00105 VRET Charge air temperature00105 VSM Charge air temperature00105 WSK Charge air temperature00105 ZBR2 Charge air temperature00105 ZBRO Charge air temperature00105 ZBRO_R Charge air temperature00105 ZFR Charge air temperature00105 ZH_AT3500_1580 Charge air temperature00105 ZH_AT3500_ST Charge air temperature00105 ZH_D5W_SC Charge air temperature00105 ZHZG_9a Charge air temperature00105 ZHZG_9c Charge air temperature00107 AB Air filter pressure00107 ACC Air filter pressure00107 AST Air filter pressure00107 ASTMID Air filter pressure00107 BHTC Air filter pressure00107 CNG_ME7 Air filter pressure00107 CRT Air filter pressure00107 DIW5 Air filter pressure00107 EBS Air filter pressure00107 EBS_5 Air filter pressure00107 EBS_K1 Air filter pressure00107 ECAM Air filter pressure00107 ECAS_4X2 Air filter pressure00107 ECAS2_GBV Air filter pressure00107 ECAS2_GBW Air filter pressure00107 ECO2 Air filter pressure00107 EDC Air filter pressure00107 EDC_7 Air filter pressure00107 EDC_7_M Air filter pressure00107 EDC_7_MASTER Air filter pressure00107 EDC_7_S Air filter pressure00107 EDC_7_SLAVE Air filter pressure00107 EDC6 Charge air low pressure00107 EDC64 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7_6 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7C32 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7C32_6 Air filter pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00107 EDC7C32_M Air filter pressure00107 EDC7C32_S Air filter pressure00107 EDC7C32M_10 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7C32M_12 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7C32S_10 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7C32S_12 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7M_10 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7M_12 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7S_10 Air filter pressure00107 EDC7S_12 Air filter pressure00107 EHLA Air filter pressure00107 EMOS Air filter pressure00107 FFR Air filter pressure00107 GKR Air filter pressure00107 HDS Air filter pressure00107 HEITZ Air filter pressure00107 HVA Air filter pressure00107 HYD Air filter pressure00107 INST Air filter pressure00107 INT Air filter pressure00107 KR49X Air filter pressure00107 KSM Air filter pressure00107 LGS Air filter pressure00107 MTS Air filter pressure00107 OBDU Air filter pressure00107 OUZBRO Air filter pressure00107 OUZBRO_R Air filter pressure00107 PTM Air filter pressure00107 RAS Air filter pressure00107 RET Air filter pressure00107 SFFR Air filter pressure00107 SKG Air filter pressure00107 STON Air filter pressure00107 T509C Air filter pressure00107 TBM Air filter pressure00107 Test1Module Air filter pressure00107 Test2Module Air filter pressure00107 TPM Air filter pressure00107 TRON Air filter pressure00107 TRW Air filter pressure00107 TUER_DR Air filter pressure00107 TUER_PA Air filter pressure00107 UHV Air filter pressure00107 VRET Air filter pressure00107 VSM Air filter pressure00107 WSK Air filter pressure00107 ZBR2 Air filter pressure00107 ZBRO Air filter pressure00107 ZBRO_R Air filter pressure00107 ZFR Air filter pressure00107 ZH_AT3500_1580 Air filter pressure00107 ZH_AT3500_ST Air filter pressure00107 ZH_D5W_SC Air filter pressure00107 ZHZG_9a Air filter pressure00107 ZHZG_9c Air filter pressure00108 AB Barometric Pressure00108 ACC Barometric Pressure00108 AST Barometric Pressure00108 ASTMID Barometric Pressure00108 BHTC Barometric Pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00108 CNG_ME7 Barometric Pressure00108 CRT Barometric Pressure00108 DIW5 Barometric Pressure00108 EBS Barometric Pressure00108 EBS_5 Barometric Pressure00108 EBS_K1 Barometric Pressure00108 ECAM Barometric Pressure00108 ECAS_4X2 Barometric Pressure00108 ECAS2_GBV Barometric Pressure00108 ECAS2_GBW Barometric Pressure00108 ECO2 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC Barometric Pressure00108 EDC_7 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC_7_M Barometric Pressure00108 EDC_7_MASTER Barometric Pressure00108 EDC_7_S Barometric Pressure00108 EDC_7_SLAVE Barometric Pressure00108 EDC6 Atmospheric pressure00108 EDC64 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7 Atmospheric pressure00108 EDC7_6 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7C32 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7C32_6 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7C32_M Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7C32_S Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7C32M_10 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7C32M_12 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7C32S_10 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7C32S_12 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7M_10 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7M_12 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7S_10 Barometric Pressure00108 EDC7S_12 Barometric Pressure00108 EHLA Barometric Pressure00108 EMOS Barometric Pressure00108 FFR Barometric Pressure00108 GKR Barometric Pressure00108 HDS Barometric Pressure00108 HEITZ Barometric Pressure00108 HVA Barometric Pressure00108 HYD Barometric Pressure00108 INST Barometric Pressure00108 INT Barometric Pressure00108 KR49X Barometric Pressure00108 KSM Barometric Pressure00108 LGS Barometric Pressure00108 MTS Barometric Pressure00108 OBDU Barometric Pressure00108 OUZBRO Barometric Pressure00108 OUZBRO_R Barometric Pressure00108 PTM Barometric Pressure00108 RAS Barometric Pressure00108 RET Barometric Pressure00108 SFFR Barometric Pressure00108 SKG Barometric Pressure00108 STON Barometric Pressure00108 T509C Barometric Pressure00108 TBM Barometric Pressure00108 Test1Module Barometric Pressure00108 Test2Module Barometric Pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00108 TPM Barometric Pressure00108 TRON Barometric Pressure00108 TRW Barometric Pressure00108 TUER_DR Barometric Pressure00108 TUER_PA Barometric Pressure00108 UHV Barometric Pressure00108 VRET Barometric Pressure00108 VSM Barometric Pressure00108 WSK Barometric Pressure00108 ZBR2 Barometric Pressure00108 ZBRO Barometric Pressure00108 ZBRO_R Barometric Pressure00108 ZFR Barometric Pressure00108 ZH_AT3500_1580 Barometric Pressure00108 ZH_AT3500_ST Barometric Pressure00108 ZH_D5W_SC Barometric Pressure00108 ZHZG_9a Barometric Pressure00108 ZHZG_9c Barometric Pressure00109 AB Cooling water pressure00109 ACC Cooling water pressure00109 AST Cooling water pressure00109 ASTMID Cooling water pressure00109 BHTC Cooling water pressure00109 CNG_ME7 Cooling water pressure00109 CRT Cooling water pressure00109 DIW5 Cooling water pressure00109 EBS Cooling water pressure00109 EBS_5 Cooling water pressure00109 EBS_K1 Cooling water pressure00109 ECAM Cooling water pressure00109 ECAS_4X2 Cooling water pressure00109 ECAS2_GBV Cooling water pressure00109 ECAS2_GBW Cooling water pressure00109 ECO2 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC Cooling water pressure00109 EDC_7 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC_7_M Cooling water pressure00109 EDC_7_MASTER Cooling water pressure00109 EDC_7_S Cooling water pressure00109 EDC_7_SLAVE Cooling water pressure00109 EDC6 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC64 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7_6 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7C32 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7C32_6 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7C32_M Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7C32_S Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7C32M_10 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7C32M_12 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7C32S_10 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7C32S_12 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7M_10 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7M_12 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7S_10 Cooling water pressure00109 EDC7S_12 Cooling water pressure00109 EHLA Cooling water pressure00109 EMOS Cooling water pressure00109 FFR Cooling water pressure00109 GKR Cooling water pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00109 HDS Cooling water pressure00109 HEITZ Cooling water pressure00109 HVA Cooling water pressure00109 HYD Cooling water pressure00109 INST Cooling water pressure00109 INT Cooling water pressure00109 KR49X Cooling water pressure00109 KSM Cooling water pressure00109 LGS Cooling water pressure00109 MTS Cooling water pressure00109 OBDU Cooling water pressure00109 OUZBRO Cooling water pressure00109 OUZBRO_R Cooling water pressure00109 PTM Cooling water pressure00109 RAS Cooling water pressure00109 RET Cooling water pressure00109 SFFR Cooling water pressure00109 SKG Cooling water pressure00109 STON Cooling water pressure00109 T509C Cooling water pressure00109 TBM Cooling water pressure00109 Test1Module Cooling water pressure00109 Test2Module Cooling water pressure00109 TPM Cooling water pressure00109 TRON Cooling water pressure00109 TRW Cooling water pressure00109 TUER_DR Cooling water pressure00109 TUER_PA Cooling water pressure00109 UHV Cooling water pressure00109 VRET Cooling water pressure00109 VSM Cooling water pressure00109 WSK Cooling water pressure00109 ZBR2 Cooling water pressure00109 ZBRO Cooling water pressure00109 ZBRO_R Cooling water pressure00109 ZFR Cooling water pressure00109 ZH_AT3500_1580 Cooling water pressure00109 ZH_AT3500_ST Cooling water pressure00109 ZH_D5W_SC Cooling water pressure00109 ZHZG_9a Cooling water pressure00109 ZHZG_9c Cooling water pressure00110 AB Coolant temperature00110 ACC Coolant temperature00110 AST Coolant temperature00110 ASTMID Coolant temperature00110 BHTC Coolant temperature00110 CNG_ME7 Cooling water temperature00110 CRT Cooling water temperature00110 DIW5 Coolant temperature00110 EBS Coolant temperature00110 EBS_5 Coolant temperature00110 EBS_K1 Coolant temperature00110 ECAM Coolant temperature00110 ECAS_4X2 Coolant temperature00110 ECAS2_GBV Coolant temperature00110 ECAS2_GBW Coolant temperature00110 ECO2 Coolant temperature00110 EDC Coolant temperature00110 EDC_7 Coolant temperature00110 EDC_7_M Coolant temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00110 EDC_7_MASTER Coolant temperature00110 EDC_7_S Coolant temperature00110 EDC_7_SLAVE Coolant temperature00110 EDC6 Cooling water temperature00110 EDC64 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7 Cooling water temperature00110 EDC7_6 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7C32 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7C32_6 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7C32_M Coolant temperature00110 EDC7C32_S Coolant temperature00110 EDC7C32M_10 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7C32M_12 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7C32S_10 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7C32S_12 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7M_10 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7M_12 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7S_10 Coolant temperature00110 EDC7S_12 Coolant temperature00110 EHLA Coolant temperature00110 EMOS Coolant temperature00110 FFR Cooling water temperature00110 GKR Coolant temperature00110 HDS Coolant temperature00110 HEITZ Coolant temperature00110 HVA Coolant temperature00110 HYD Coolant temperature00110 INST Coolant temperature00110 INT Coolant temperature00110 KR49X Coolant temperature00110 KSM Coolant temperature00110 LGS Coolant temperature00110 MTS Coolant temperature00110 OBDU Coolant temperature00110 OUZBRO Coolant temperature00110 OUZBRO_R Coolant temperature00110 PTM Coolant temperature00110 RAS Coolant temperature00110 RET Coolant temperature00110 SFFR Coolant temperature00110 SKG Coolant temperature00110 STON Coolant temperature00110 T509C Coolant temperature00110 TBM Coolant temperature00110 Test1Module Coolant temperature00110 Test2Module Coolant temperature00110 TPM Coolant temperature00110 TRON Coolant temperature00110 TRW Coolant temperature00110 TUER_DR Coolant temperature00110 TUER_PA Coolant temperature00110 UHV Coolant temperature00110 VRET Coolant temperature00110 VSM Coolant temperature00110 WSK Coolant temperature00110 ZBR2 Engine Coolant Temperature00110 ZBRO Coolant temperature00110 ZBRO_R Coolant temperature00110 ZFR Coolant temperature00110 ZH_AT3500_1580 Coolant temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00110 ZH_AT3500_ST Coolant temperature00110 ZH_D5W_SC Coolant temperature00110 ZHZG_9a Coolant temperature00110 ZHZG_9c Coolant temperature00111 AB Coolant Level00111 ACC Coolant Level00111 AST Coolant Level00111 ASTMID Coolant Level00111 BHTC Coolant Level00111 CNG_ME7 Coolant Level00111 CRT Coolant Level00111 DIW5 Coolant Level00111 EBS Coolant Level00111 EBS_5 Coolant Level00111 EBS_K1 Coolant Level00111 ECAM Coolant Level00111 ECAS_4X2 Coolant Level00111 ECAS2_GBV Coolant Level00111 ECAS2_GBW Coolant Level00111 ECO2 Coolant Level00111 EDC Coolant Level00111 EDC_7 Coolant Level00111 EDC_7_M Coolant Level00111 EDC_7_MASTER Coolant Level00111 EDC_7_S Coolant Level00111 EDC_7_SLAVE Coolant Level00111 EDC6 Coolant Level00111 EDC64 Coolant Level00111 EDC7 Coolant Level00111 EDC7_6 Coolant Level00111 EDC7C32 Coolant Level00111 EDC7C32_6 Coolant Level00111 EDC7C32_M Coolant Level00111 EDC7C32_S Coolant Level00111 EDC7C32M_10 Coolant Level00111 EDC7C32M_12 Coolant Level00111 EDC7C32S_10 Coolant Level00111 EDC7C32S_12 Coolant Level00111 EDC7M_10 Coolant Level00111 EDC7M_12 Coolant Level00111 EDC7S_10 Coolant Level00111 EDC7S_12 Coolant Level00111 EHLA Coolant Level00111 EMOS Coolant Level00111 FFR Coolant Level00111 GKR Coolant Level00111 HDS Coolant Level00111 HEITZ Coolant Level00111 HVA Coolant Level00111 HYD Coolant Level00111 INST Coolant Level00111 INT Coolant Level00111 KR49X Coolant Level00111 KSM Coolant Level00111 LGS Coolant Level00111 MTS Coolant Level00111 OBDU Coolant Level00111 OUZBRO Coolant Level00111 OUZBRO_R Coolant Level00111 PTM Coolant Level
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00111 RAS Coolant Level00111 RET Coolant Level00111 SFFR Coolant Level00111 SKG Coolant Level00111 STON Coolant Level00111 T509C Coolant Level00111 TBM Coolant Level00111 Test1Module Coolant Level00111 Test2Module Coolant Level00111 TPM Coolant Level00111 TRON Coolant Level00111 TRW Coolant Level00111 TUER_DR Coolant Level00111 TUER_PA Coolant Level00111 UHV Coolant Level00111 VRET Coolant Level00111 VSM Coolant Level00111 WSK Coolant Level00111 ZBR2 Coolant Level00111 ZBRO Coolant Level00111 ZBRO_R Coolant Level00111 ZFR Coolant Level00111 ZH_AT3500_1580 Coolant Level00111 ZH_AT3500_ST Coolant Level00111 ZH_D5W_SC Coolant Level00111 ZHZG_9a Coolant Level00111 ZHZG_9c Coolant Level00119 RET Housing pressure00120 DIW5 Temperature acquisition retarder oil00132 CNG_ME7 Air mass00157 EDC6 Fuel pressure00157 EDC7 Fuel pressure in rail00158 AB Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ACC Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 AST Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ASTMID Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 BHTC Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 CNG_ME7 Terminal 15 electrical power supply00158 CRT Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 DIW5 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EBS Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EBS_5 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EBS_K1 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ECAM Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ECAS_4X2 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ECAS2_GBV Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ECAS2_GBW Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ECO2 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC_7 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC_7_M Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC_7_MASTER Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC_7_S Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC_7_SLAVE Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC6 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC64 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7_6 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7C32 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7C32_6 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00158 EDC7C32_M Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7C32_S Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7C32M_10 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7C32M_12 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7C32S_10 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7C32S_12 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7M_10 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7M_12 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7S_10 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EDC7S_12 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EHLA Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 EMOS Supply voltage outside value range00158 FFR Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 GKR Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 HDS Ignition off00158 HEITZ Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 HVA Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 HYD Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 INST Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 INT Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 KR49X Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 KSM Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 LGS Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 MTS Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 OBDU Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 OUZBRO Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 OUZBRO_R Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 PTM Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 RAS Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 RET Voltage terminal 1500158 SFFR Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 SKG Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 STON Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 T509C Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 TBM Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 Test1Module Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 Test2Module Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 TPM Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 TRON Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 TRW Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 TUER_DR Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 TUER_PA Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 UHV Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 VRET Voltage terminal 1500158 VSM Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 WSK Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ZBR2 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ZBRO Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ZBRO_R Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ZFR Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ZH_AT3500_1580 Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ZH_AT3500_ST Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ZH_D5W_SC Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ZHZG_9a Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00158 ZHZG_9c Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched00159 AB Gas Supply Pressure00159 ACC Gas Supply Pressure00159 AST Gas Supply Pressure00159 ASTMID Gas Supply Pressure00159 BHTC Gas Supply Pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00159 CNG_ME7 Gas Supply Pressure00159 CRT Gas Supply Pressure00159 DIW5 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EBS Gas Supply Pressure00159 EBS_5 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EBS_K1 Gas Supply Pressure00159 ECAM Gas Supply Pressure00159 ECAS_4X2 Gas Supply Pressure00159 ECAS2_GBV Gas Supply Pressure00159 ECAS2_GBW Gas Supply Pressure00159 ECO2 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC_7 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC_7_M Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC_7_MASTER Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC_7_S Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC_7_SLAVE Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC6 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC64 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7_6 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7C32 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7C32_6 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7C32_M Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7C32_S Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7C32M_10 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7C32M_12 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7C32S_10 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7C32S_12 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7M_10 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7M_12 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7S_10 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EDC7S_12 Gas Supply Pressure00159 EHLA Gas Supply Pressure00159 EMOS Gas Supply Pressure00159 FFR Gas Supply Pressure00159 GKR Gas Supply Pressure00159 HDS Gas Supply Pressure00159 HEITZ Gas Supply Pressure00159 HVA Gas Supply Pressure00159 HYD Gas Supply Pressure00159 INST Gas Supply Pressure00159 INT Gas Supply Pressure00159 KR49X Gas Supply Pressure00159 KSM Gas Supply Pressure00159 LGS Gas Supply Pressure00159 MTS Gas Supply Pressure00159 OBDU Gas Supply Pressure00159 OUZBRO Gas Supply Pressure00159 OUZBRO_R Gas Supply Pressure00159 PTM Gas Supply Pressure00159 RAS Gas Supply Pressure00159 RET Gas Supply Pressure00159 SFFR Gas Supply Pressure00159 SKG Gas Supply Pressure00159 STON Gas Supply Pressure00159 T509C Gas Supply Pressure00159 TBM Gas Supply Pressure00159 Test1Module Gas Supply Pressure00159 Test2Module Gas Supply Pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00159 TPM Gas Supply Pressure00159 TRON Gas Supply Pressure00159 TRW Gas Supply Pressure00159 TUER_DR Gas Supply Pressure00159 TUER_PA Gas Supply Pressure00159 UHV Gas Supply Pressure00159 VRET Gas Supply Pressure00159 VSM Gas Supply Pressure00159 WSK Gas Supply Pressure00159 ZBR2 Gas Supply Pressure00159 ZBRO Gas Supply Pressure00159 ZBRO_R Gas Supply Pressure00159 ZFR Gas Supply Pressure00159 ZH_AT3500_1580 Gas Supply Pressure00159 ZH_AT3500_ST Gas Supply Pressure00159 ZH_D5W_SC Gas Supply Pressure00159 ZHZG_9a Gas Supply Pressure00159 ZHZG_9c Gas Supply Pressure00161 AB Gearbox input speed00161 ACC Gearbox input speed00161 AST Gearbox input speed00161 ASTMID Gearbox input speed00161 BHTC Gearbox input speed00161 CNG_ME7 Gearbox input speed00161 CRT Gearbox input speed00161 DIW5 Gearbox input speed00161 EBS Gearbox input speed00161 EBS_5 Gearbox input speed00161 EBS_K1 Gearbox input speed00161 ECAM Gearbox input speed00161 ECAS_4X2 Gearbox input speed00161 ECAS2_GBV Gearbox input speed00161 ECAS2_GBW Gearbox input speed00161 ECO2 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC Gearbox input speed00161 EDC_7 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC_7_M Gearbox input speed00161 EDC_7_MASTER Gearbox input speed00161 EDC_7_S Gearbox input speed00161 EDC_7_SLAVE Gearbox input speed00161 EDC6 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC64 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7_6 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7C32 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7C32_6 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7C32_M Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7C32_S Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7C32M_10 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7C32M_12 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7C32S_10 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7C32S_12 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7M_10 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7M_12 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7S_10 Gearbox input speed00161 EDC7S_12 Gearbox input speed00161 EHLA Gearbox input speed00161 EMOS Gearbox input speed00161 FFR Gearbox input speed00161 GKR Gearbox input speed
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00161 HDS Gearbox input speed00161 HEITZ Gearbox input speed00161 HVA Gearbox input speed00161 HYD Gearbox input speed00161 INST Gearbox input speed00161 INT Gearbox input speed00161 KR49X Gearbox input speed00161 KSM Gearbox input speed00161 LGS Gearbox input speed00161 MTS Gearbox input speed00161 OBDU Gearbox input speed00161 OUZBRO Gearbox input speed00161 OUZBRO_R Gearbox input speed00161 PTM Gearbox input speed00161 RAS Gearbox input speed00161 RET Gearbox input speed00161 SFFR Gearbox input speed00161 SKG Gearbox input speed00161 STON Gearbox input speed00161 T509C Gearbox input speed00161 TBM Gearbox input speed00161 Test1Module Gearbox input speed00161 Test2Module Gearbox input speed00161 TPM Gearbox input speed00161 TRON Gearbox input speed00161 TRW Gearbox input speed00161 TUER_DR Gearbox input speed00161 TUER_PA Gearbox input speed00161 UHV Gearbox input speed00161 VRET Gearbox input speed00161 VSM Gearbox input speed00161 WSK Gearbox input speed00161 ZBR2 Gearbox input speed00161 ZBRO Gearbox input speed00161 ZBRO_R Gearbox input speed00161 ZFR Gearbox input speed00161 ZH_AT3500_1580 Gearbox input speed00161 ZH_AT3500_ST Gearbox input speed00161 ZH_D5W_SC Gearbox input speed00161 ZHZG_9a Gearbox input speed00161 ZHZG_9c Gearbox input speed00168 AB Battery voltage00168 ACC Battery voltage00168 AST Battery voltage00168 ASTMID Battery voltage00168 BHTC Battery voltage00168 CNG_ME7 Battery voltage acquisition00168 CRT Battery voltage00168 DIW5 Battery voltage00168 EBS Battery voltage00168 EBS_5 Battery voltage00168 EBS_K1 Battery voltage00168 ECAM Battery voltage00168 ECAS_4X2 Battery voltage00168 ECAS2_GBV Battery voltage00168 ECAS2_GBW Battery voltage00168 ECO2 Battery voltage00168 EDC Battery voltage00168 EDC_7 Battery voltage00168 EDC_7_M Battery voltage
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00168 EDC_7_MASTER Battery voltage00168 EDC_7_S Battery voltage00168 EDC_7_SLAVE Battery voltage00168 EDC6 Electricla Potential (Voltage)00168 EDC64 Battery voltage acquisition00168 EDC7 Electricla Potential (Voltage)00168 EDC7_6 Battery voltage00168 EDC7C32 Battery voltage00168 EDC7C32_6 Battery voltage00168 EDC7C32_M Battery voltage00168 EDC7C32_S Battery voltage00168 EDC7C32M_10 Battery voltage00168 EDC7C32M_12 Battery voltage00168 EDC7C32S_10 Battery voltage00168 EDC7C32S_12 Battery voltage00168 EDC7M_10 Battery voltage00168 EDC7M_12 Battery voltage00168 EDC7S_10 Battery voltage00168 EDC7S_12 Battery voltage00168 EHLA Battery voltage00168 EMOS Battery voltage00168 FFR Electricla Potential (Voltage)00168 GKR Battery voltage00168 HDS Battery voltage00168 HEITZ Battery voltage00168 HVA Battery voltage00168 HYD Battery voltage00168 INST Battery voltage00168 INT Battery voltage00168 KR49X Battery voltage00168 KSM Battery voltage00168 LGS Battery voltage00168 MTS Battery voltage00168 OBDU Battery voltage00168 OUZBRO Battery voltage00168 OUZBRO_R Battery voltage00168 PTM Battery voltage00168 RAS Battery voltage00168 RET Voltage terminal 3000168 SFFR Battery voltage00168 SKG Battery voltage
00168 STONUndervoltage in on-board voltage (TL. 30) see MAN standard
M3332/start voltage drop00168 T509C Battery voltage00168 TBM Battery voltage00168 Test1Module Battery voltage00168 Test2Module Battery voltage00168 TPM Battery voltage00168 TRON Battery voltage00168 TRW Battery voltage00168 TUER_DR Electricla Potential (Voltage)00168 TUER_PA Battery voltage00168 UHV Battery voltage00168 VRET Battery voltage00168 VSM Battery voltage00168 WSK Battery voltage00168 ZBR2 Tl. 30-0 not connected00168 ZBRO Battery voltage00168 ZBRO_R Battery voltage00168 ZFR Battery voltage
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00168 ZH_AT3500_1580 Battery voltage00168 ZH_AT3500_ST Battery voltage00168 ZH_D5W_SC Battery voltage00168 ZHZG_9a Battery voltage00168 ZHZG_9c Battery voltage00171 AB Outside temperature00171 ACC Outside temperature00171 AST Outside temperature00171 ASTMID Outside temperature00171 BHTC Outside temperature00171 CNG_ME7 Outside temperature00171 CRT Outside temperature00171 DIW5 Outside temperature00171 EBS Outside temperature00171 EBS_5 Outside temperature00171 EBS_K1 Outside temperature00171 ECAM Outside temperature00171 ECAS_4X2 Outside temperature00171 ECAS2_GBV Outside temperature00171 ECAS2_GBW Outside temperature00171 ECO2 Outside temperature00171 EDC Outside temperature00171 EDC_7 Outside temperature00171 EDC_7_M Outside temperature00171 EDC_7_MASTER Outside temperature00171 EDC_7_S Outside temperature00171 EDC_7_SLAVE Outside temperature00171 EDC6 Outside temperature00171 EDC64 Outside temperature00171 EDC7 Outside temperature00171 EDC7_6 Outside temperature00171 EDC7C32 Outside temperature00171 EDC7C32_6 Outside temperature00171 EDC7C32_M Outside temperature00171 EDC7C32_S Outside temperature00171 EDC7C32M_10 Outside temperature00171 EDC7C32M_12 Outside temperature00171 EDC7C32S_10 Outside temperature00171 EDC7C32S_12 Outside temperature00171 EDC7M_10 Outside temperature00171 EDC7M_12 Outside temperature00171 EDC7S_10 Outside temperature00171 EDC7S_12 Outside temperature00171 EHLA Outside temperature00171 EMOS Outside temperature00171 FFR Outside temperature00171 GKR Outside temperature00171 HDS Outside temperature00171 HEITZ Outside temperature00171 HVA Outside temperature00171 HYD Outside temperature00171 INST Outside temperature00171 INT Outside temperature00171 KR49X Outside temperature00171 KSM Outside temperature00171 LGS Outside temperature00171 MTS Outside temperature00171 OBDU Outside temperature00171 OUZBRO Outside temperature00171 OUZBRO_R Outside temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00171 PTM Outside temperature00171 RAS Outside temperature00171 RET Outside temperature00171 SFFR Outside temperature00171 SKG Outside temperature00171 STON Outside temperature00171 T509C Outside temperature00171 TBM Outside temperature00171 Test1Module Outside temperature00171 Test2Module Outside temperature00171 TPM Outside temperature00171 TRON Outside temperature00171 TRW Outside temperature00171 TUER_DR Outside temperature00171 TUER_PA Outside temperature00171 UHV Outside temperature00171 VRET Outside temperature00171 VSM Outside temperature00171 WSK Outside temperature00171 ZBR2 Outside temperature00171 ZBRO Outside temperature00171 ZBRO_R Outside temperature00171 ZFR Outside temperature00171 ZH_AT3500_1580 Outside temperature00171 ZH_AT3500_ST Outside temperature00171 ZH_D5W_SC Outside temperature00171 ZHZG_9a Outside temperature00171 ZHZG_9c Outside temperature00173 CNG_ME7 Exhaust temperature sensor00173 EDC7 Exhaust temperature before exhaust post-treatment00174 AB Fuel temperature00174 ACC Fuel temperature00174 AST Fuel temperature00174 ASTMID Fuel temperature00174 BHTC Fuel temperature00174 CNG_ME7 Gas temperature00174 CRT Fuel temperature00174 DIW5 Fuel temperature00174 EBS Fuel temperature00174 EBS_5 Fuel temperature00174 EBS_K1 Fuel temperature00174 ECAM Fuel temperature00174 ECAS_4X2 Fuel temperature00174 ECAS2_GBV Fuel temperature00174 ECAS2_GBW Fuel temperature00174 ECO2 Fuel temperature00174 EDC Fuel temperature00174 EDC_7 Fuel temperature00174 EDC_7_M Fuel temperature00174 EDC_7_MASTER Fuel temperature00174 EDC_7_S Fuel temperature00174 EDC_7_SLAVE Fuel temperature00174 EDC6 Fuel temperature00174 EDC64 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7_6 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7C32 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7C32_6 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7C32_M Fuel temperature00174 EDC7C32_S Fuel temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00174 EDC7C32M_10 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7C32M_12 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7C32S_10 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7C32S_12 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7M_10 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7M_12 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7S_10 Fuel temperature00174 EDC7S_12 Fuel temperature00174 EHLA Fuel temperature00174 EMOS Fuel temperature00174 FFR Fuel temperature00174 GKR Fuel temperature00174 HDS Fuel temperature00174 HEITZ Fuel temperature00174 HVA Fuel temperature00174 HYD Fuel temperature00174 INST Fuel temperature00174 INT Fuel temperature00174 KR49X Fuel temperature00174 KSM Fuel temperature00174 LGS Fuel temperature00174 MTS Fuel temperature00174 OBDU Fuel temperature00174 OUZBRO Fuel temperature00174 OUZBRO_R Fuel temperature00174 PTM Fuel temperature00174 RAS Fuel temperature00174 RET Fuel temperature00174 SFFR Fuel temperature00174 SKG Fuel temperature00174 STON Fuel temperature00174 T509C Fuel temperature00174 TBM Fuel temperature00174 Test1Module Fuel temperature00174 Test2Module Fuel temperature00174 TPM Fuel temperature00174 TRON Fuel temperature00174 TRW Fuel temperature00174 TUER_DR Fuel temperature00174 TUER_PA Fuel temperature00174 UHV Fuel temperature00174 VRET Fuel temperature00174 VSM Fuel temperature00174 WSK Fuel temperature00174 ZBR2 Fuel temperature00174 ZBRO Fuel temperature00174 ZBRO_R Fuel temperature00174 ZFR Fuel temperature00174 ZH_AT3500_1580 Fuel temperature00174 ZH_AT3500_ST Fuel temperature00174 ZH_D5W_SC Fuel temperature00174 ZHZG_9a Fuel temperature00174 ZHZG_9c Fuel temperature00175 AB Engine oil temperature00175 ACC Engine oil temperature00175 AST Engine oil temperature00175 ASTMID Engine oil temperature00175 BHTC Engine oil temperature00175 CNG_ME7 Engine oil temperature00175 CRT Engine oil temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00175 DIW5 Engine oil temperature00175 EBS Engine oil temperature00175 EBS_5 Engine oil temperature00175 EBS_K1 Engine oil temperature00175 ECAM Engine oil temperature00175 ECAS_4X2 Engine oil temperature00175 ECAS2_GBV Engine oil temperature00175 ECAS2_GBW Engine oil temperature00175 ECO2 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC Engine oil temperature00175 EDC_7 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC_7_M Engine oil temperature00175 EDC_7_MASTER Engine oil temperature00175 EDC_7_S Engine oil temperature00175 EDC_7_SLAVE Engine oil temperature00175 EDC6 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC64 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7_6 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7C32 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7C32_6 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7C32_M Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7C32_S Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7C32M_10 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7C32M_12 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7C32S_10 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7C32S_12 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7M_10 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7M_12 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7S_10 Engine oil temperature00175 EDC7S_12 Engine oil temperature00175 EHLA Engine oil temperature00175 EMOS Engine cooling water temperature signal00175 FFR Engine oil temperature00175 GKR Engine oil temperature00175 HDS Engine oil temperature00175 HEITZ Engine oil temperature00175 HVA Engine oil temperature00175 HYD Engine oil temperature00175 INST Engine oil temperature00175 INT Engine oil temperature00175 KR49X Engine oil temperature00175 KSM Engine oil temperature00175 LGS Engine oil temperature00175 MTS Engine oil temperature00175 OBDU Oil temperature00175 OUZBRO Engine oil temperature00175 OUZBRO_R Engine oil temperature00175 PTM Engine oil temperature00175 RAS Engine oil temperature00175 RET Engine oil temperature00175 SFFR Engine oil temperature00175 SKG Engine oil temperature00175 STON Engine oil temperature00175 T509C Engine oil temperature00175 TBM Engine oil temperature00175 Test1Module Engine oil temperature00175 Test2Module Engine oil temperature00175 TPM Engine oil temperature00175 TRON Engine oil temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00175 TRW Engine oil temperature00175 TUER_DR Engine oil temperature00175 TUER_PA Engine oil temperature00175 UHV Engine oil temperature00175 VRET Engine oil temperature00175 VSM Engine oil temperature00175 WSK Engine oil temperature00175 ZBR2 Engine oil temperature00175 ZBRO Engine oil temperature00175 ZBRO_R Engine oil temperature00175 ZFR Engine oil temperature00175 ZH_AT3500_1580 Engine oil temperature00175 ZH_AT3500_ST Engine oil temperature00175 ZH_D5W_SC Engine oil temperature00175 ZHZG_9a Engine oil temperature00175 ZHZG_9c Engine oil temperature00177 AB Transmission fluid temperature00177 ACC Transmission fluid temperature00177 AST Transmission fluid temperature00177 ASTMID Transmission fluid temperature00177 BHTC Transmission fluid temperature00177 CNG_ME7 Transmission fluid temperature00177 CRT Transmission fluid temperature00177 DIW5 Gear oil temperature00177 EBS Transmission fluid temperature00177 EBS_5 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EBS_K1 Transmission fluid temperature00177 ECAM Transmission fluid temperature00177 ECAS_4X2 Transmission fluid temperature00177 ECAS2_GBV Transmission fluid temperature00177 ECAS2_GBW Transmission fluid temperature00177 ECO2 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC_7 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC_7_M Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC_7_MASTER Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC_7_S Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC_7_SLAVE Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC6 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC64 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7_6 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7C32 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7C32_6 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7C32_M Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7C32_S Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7C32M_10 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7C32M_12 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7C32S_10 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7C32S_12 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7M_10 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7M_12 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7S_10 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EDC7S_12 Transmission fluid temperature00177 EHLA Transmission fluid temperature00177 EMOS Transmission fluid temperature00177 FFR Transmission fluid temperature00177 GKR Transmission fluid temperature00177 HDS Transmission fluid temperature00177 HEITZ Transmission fluid temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00177 HVA Transmission fluid temperature00177 HYD Transmission fluid temperature00177 INST Transmission fluid temperature00177 INT Transmission fluid temperature00177 KR49X Transmission fluid temperature00177 KSM Transmission fluid temperature00177 LGS Transmission fluid temperature00177 MTS Transmission fluid temperature00177 OBDU Transmission fluid temperature00177 OUZBRO Transmission fluid temperature00177 OUZBRO_R Transmission fluid temperature00177 PTM Transmission fluid temperature00177 RAS Transmission fluid temperature00177 RET Transmission fluid temperature00177 SFFR Transmission fluid temperature00177 SKG Transmission fluid temperature00177 STON Transmission fluid temperature00177 T509C Transmission fluid temperature00177 TBM Transmission fluid temperature00177 Test1Module Transmission fluid temperature00177 Test2Module Transmission fluid temperature00177 TPM Transmission fluid temperature00177 TRON Transmission fluid temperature00177 TRW Transmission fluid temperature00177 TUER_DR Transmission fluid temperature00177 TUER_PA Transmission fluid temperature00177 UHV Transmission fluid temperature00177 VRET Transmission fluid temperature00177 VSM Transmission fluid temperature00177 WSK Transmission fluid temperature00177 ZBR2 Transmission fluid temperature00177 ZBRO Transmission fluid temperature00177 ZBRO_R Transmission fluid temperature00177 ZFR Transmission fluid temperature00177 ZH_AT3500_1580 Transmission fluid temperature00177 ZH_AT3500_ST Transmission fluid temperature00177 ZH_D5W_SC Transmission fluid temperature00177 ZHZG_9a Transmission fluid temperature00177 ZHZG_9c Transmission fluid temperature00190 AB Engine speed00190 ACC Engine speed00190 AST Engine speed00190 ASTMID Engine speed00190 BHTC Engine speed00190 CNG_ME7 Engine speed00190 CRT Engine speed00190 DIW5 Engine speed acquisition00190 EBS Engine speed00190 EBS_5 Engine speed00190 EBS_K1 Engine speed00190 ECAM Engine speed00190 ECAS_4X2 Engine speed00190 ECAS2_GBV Engine speed00190 ECAS2_GBW Engine speed00190 ECO2 Engine speed00190 EDC Engine speed00190 EDC_7 Engine speed00190 EDC_7_M Engine speed00190 EDC_7_MASTER Engine speed00190 EDC_7_S Engine speed
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00190 EDC_7_SLAVE Engine speed00190 EDC6 Engine speed00190 EDC64 Engine speed00190 EDC7 Engine speed00190 EDC7_6 Engine speed00190 EDC7C32 Engine speed00190 EDC7C32_6 Engine speed00190 EDC7C32_M Engine speed00190 EDC7C32_S Engine speed00190 EDC7C32M_10 Engine speed00190 EDC7C32M_12 Engine speed00190 EDC7C32S_10 Engine speed00190 EDC7C32S_12 Engine speed00190 EDC7M_10 Engine speed00190 EDC7M_12 Engine speed00190 EDC7S_10 Engine speed00190 EDC7S_12 Engine speed00190 EHLA Engine speed00190 EMOS Engine speed signal00190 FFR Engine speed00190 GKR Engine speed00190 HDS Engine speed00190 HEITZ Engine speed00190 HVA Engine speed00190 HYD Engine speed00190 INST Engine speed00190 INT Engine speed00190 KR49X Engine speed00190 KSM Engine speed00190 LGS Engine speed00190 MTS Engine speed00190 OBDU Engine speed00190 OUZBRO Engine speed00190 OUZBRO_R Engine speed00190 PTM Engine speed00190 RAS Engine speed00190 RET Engine speed00190 SFFR Engine speed00190 SKG Engine speed00190 STON Engine speed00190 T509C Engine speed00190 TBM Engine speed00190 Test1Module Engine speed00190 Test2Module Engine speed00190 TPM Engine speed00190 TRON Engine speed00190 TRW Engine speed00190 TUER_DR Engine speed00190 TUER_PA Engine speed00190 UHV Engine speed00190 VRET Engine speed00190 VSM Engine speed00190 WSK Engine speed00190 ZBR2 Engine speed00190 ZBRO Engine speed00190 ZBRO_R Engine speed00190 ZFR Engine speed00190 ZH_AT3500_1580 Engine speed00190 ZH_AT3500_ST Engine speed00190 ZH_D5W_SC Engine speed
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00190 ZHZG_9a Engine speed00190 ZHZG_9c Engine speed00191 AB Gearbox output speed00191 ACC Gearbox output speed00191 AST Gearbox output speed00191 ASTMID Gearbox output speed00191 BHTC Gearbox output speed00191 CNG_ME7 Gearbox output speed00191 CRT Gearbox output speed00191 DIW5 Gearbox output speed acquisition00191 EBS Gearbox output speed00191 EBS_5 Gearbox output speed00191 EBS_K1 Gearbox output speed00191 ECAM Gearbox output speed00191 ECAS_4X2 Gearbox output speed00191 ECAS2_GBV Gearbox output speed00191 ECAS2_GBW Gearbox output speed00191 ECO2 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC Gearbox output speed00191 EDC_7 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC_7_M Gearbox output speed00191 EDC_7_MASTER Gearbox output speed00191 EDC_7_S Gearbox output speed00191 EDC_7_SLAVE Gearbox output speed00191 EDC6 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC64 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7_6 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7C32 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7C32_6 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7C32_M Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7C32_S Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7C32M_10 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7C32M_12 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7C32S_10 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7C32S_12 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7M_10 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7M_12 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7S_10 Gearbox output speed00191 EDC7S_12 Gearbox output speed00191 EHLA Gearbox output speed00191 EMOS Gearbox output speed00191 FFR Gearbox output speed00191 GKR Gearbox output speed00191 HDS Gearbox output speed00191 HEITZ Gearbox output speed00191 HVA Gearbox output speed00191 HYD Gearbox output speed00191 INST Gearbox output speed00191 INT Gearbox output speed00191 KR49X Gearbox output speed00191 KSM Gearbox output speed00191 LGS Gearbox output speed00191 MTS Gearbox output speed00191 OBDU Gearbox output speed00191 OUZBRO Gearbox output speed00191 OUZBRO_R Gearbox output speed00191 PTM Gearbox output speed00191 RAS Gearbox output speed00191 RET Gearbox output speed
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00191 SFFR Gearbox output speed00191 SKG Gearbox output speed00191 STON Gearbox output speed00191 T509C Gearbox output speed00191 TBM Gearbox output speed00191 Test1Module Gearbox output speed00191 Test2Module Gearbox output speed00191 TPM Gearbox output speed00191 TRON Gearbox output speed00191 TRW Gearbox output speed00191 TUER_DR Gearbox output speed00191 TUER_PA Gearbox output speed00191 UHV Gearbox output speed00191 VRET Gearbox output speed00191 VSM Gearbox output speed00191 WSK Gearbox output speed00191 ZBR2 Gearbox output speed00191 ZBRO Gearbox output speed00191 ZBRO_R Gearbox output speed00191 ZFR Gearbox output speed00191 ZH_AT3500_1580 Gearbox output speed00191 ZH_AT3500_ST Gearbox output speed00191 ZH_D5W_SC Gearbox output speed00191 ZHZG_9a Gearbox output speed00191 ZHZG_9c Gearbox output speed00228 RAS Speed speedometer and sensor00245 AB Vehicle mileage00245 ACC Vehicle mileage00245 AST Vehicle mileage00245 ASTMID Vehicle mileage00245 BHTC Vehicle mileage00245 CNG_ME7 Vehicle mileage00245 CRT Vehicle mileage00245 DIW5 Vehicle mileage00245 EBS Vehicle mileage00245 EBS_5 Vehicle mileage00245 EBS_K1 Vehicle mileage00245 ECAM Vehicle mileage00245 ECAS_4X2 Vehicle mileage00245 ECAS2_GBV Vehicle mileage00245 ECAS2_GBW Vehicle mileage00245 ECO2 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC Vehicle mileage00245 EDC_7 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC_7_M Vehicle mileage00245 EDC_7_MASTER Vehicle mileage00245 EDC_7_S Vehicle mileage00245 EDC_7_SLAVE Vehicle mileage00245 EDC6 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC64 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7_6 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7C32 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7C32_6 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7C32_M Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7C32_S Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7C32M_10 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7C32M_12 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7C32S_10 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7C32S_12 Vehicle mileage
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00245 EDC7M_10 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7M_12 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7S_10 Vehicle mileage00245 EDC7S_12 Vehicle mileage00245 EHLA Vehicle mileage00245 EMOS Vehicle mileage00245 FFR Vehicle mileage00245 GKR Vehicle mileage00245 HDS Vehicle mileage00245 HEITZ Vehicle mileage00245 HVA Vehicle mileage00245 HYD Vehicle mileage00245 INST Vehicle mileage00245 INT Vehicle mileage00245 KR49X Vehicle mileage00245 KSM Vehicle mileage00245 LGS Vehicle mileage00245 MTS Vehicle mileage00245 OBDU Vehicle mileage00245 OUZBRO Vehicle mileage00245 OUZBRO_R Vehicle mileage00245 PTM Vehicle mileage00245 RAS Vehicle mileage00245 RET Vehicle mileage00245 SFFR Vehicle mileage00245 SKG Vehicle mileage00245 STON Vehicle mileage00245 T509C Vehicle mileage00245 TBM Vehicle mileage00245 Test1Module Vehicle mileage00245 Test2Module Vehicle mileage00245 TPM Vehicle mileage00245 TRON Vehicle mileage00245 TRW Vehicle mileage00245 TUER_DR Vehicle mileage00245 TUER_PA Vehicle mileage00245 UHV Vehicle mileage00245 VRET Vehicle mileage00245 VSM Vehicle mileage00245 WSK Vehicle mileage00245 ZBR2 Vehicle mileage00245 ZBRO Vehicle mileage00245 ZBRO_R Vehicle mileage00245 ZFR Vehicle mileage00245 ZH_AT3500_1580 Vehicle mileage00245 ZH_AT3500_ST Vehicle mileage00245 ZH_D5W_SC Vehicle mileage00245 ZHZG_9a Vehicle mileage00245 ZHZG_9c Vehicle mileage00359 AB Kickdown switch signal00359 ACC Kickdown switch signal00359 AST Kickdown switch signal00359 ASTMID Kickdown switch signal00359 BHTC Kickdown switch signal00359 CNG_ME7 Kickdown switch signal00359 CRT Kickdown switch signal00359 DIW5 Kickdown switch signal00359 EBS Kickdown switch signal00359 EBS_5 Kickdown switch signal00359 EBS_K1 Kickdown switch signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00359 ECAM Kickdown switch signal00359 ECAS_4X2 Kickdown switch signal00359 ECAS2_GBV Kickdown switch signal00359 ECAS2_GBW Kickdown switch signal00359 ECO2 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC_7 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC_7_M Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC_7_MASTER Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC_7_S Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC_7_SLAVE Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC6 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC64 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7_6 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7C32 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7C32_6 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7C32_M Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7C32_S Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7C32M_10 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7C32M_12 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7C32S_10 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7C32S_12 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7M_10 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7M_12 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7S_10 Kickdown switch signal00359 EDC7S_12 Kickdown switch signal00359 EHLA Kickdown switch signal00359 EMOS Kickdown switch signal00359 FFR Kickdown switch signal00359 GKR Kickdown switch signal00359 HDS Kickdown switch signal00359 HEITZ Kickdown switch signal00359 HVA Kickdown switch signal00359 HYD Kickdown switch signal00359 INST Kickdown switch signal00359 INT Kickdown switch signal00359 KR49X Kickdown switch signal00359 KSM Kickdown switch signal00359 LGS Kickdown switch signal00359 MTS Kickdown switch signal00359 OBDU Kickdown switch signal00359 OUZBRO Kickdown switch signal00359 OUZBRO_R Kickdown switch signal00359 PTM Kickdown switch signal00359 RAS Kickdown switch signal00359 RET Kickdown switch signal00359 SFFR Kickdown switch signal00359 SKG Kickdown switch signal00359 STON Kickdown switch signal00359 T509C Kickdown switch signal00359 TBM Kickdown switch signal00359 Test1Module Kickdown switch signal00359 Test2Module Kickdown switch signal00359 TPM Kickdown switch signal00359 TRON Kickdown switch signal00359 TRW Kickdown switch signal00359 TUER_DR Kickdown switch signal00359 TUER_PA Kickdown switch signal00359 UHV Kickdown switch signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00359 VRET Kickdown switch signal00359 VSM Kickdown switch signal00359 WSK Kickdown switch signal00359 ZBR2 Kickdown switch signal00359 ZBRO Kickdown switch signal00359 ZBRO_R Kickdown switch signal00359 ZFR Kickdown switch signal00359 ZH_AT3500_1580 Kickdown switch signal00359 ZH_AT3500_ST Kickdown switch signal00359 ZH_D5W_SC Kickdown switch signal00359 ZHZG_9a Kickdown switch signal00359 ZHZG_9c Kickdown switch signal00512 EMOS Driver request torque00513 AB Engine torque00513 ACC Engine torque00513 AST Engine torque00513 ASTMID Engine torque00513 BHTC Engine torque00513 CNG_ME7 Engine torque00513 CRT Engine torque00513 DIW5 Engine torque00513 EBS Engine torque00513 EBS_5 Engine torque00513 EBS_K1 Engine torque00513 ECAM Engine torque00513 ECAS_4X2 Engine torque00513 ECAS2_GBV Engine torque00513 ECAS2_GBW Engine torque00513 ECO2 Engine torque00513 EDC Engine torque00513 EDC_7 Engine torque00513 EDC_7_M Engine torque00513 EDC_7_MASTER Engine torque00513 EDC_7_S Engine torque00513 EDC_7_SLAVE Engine torque00513 EDC6 Engine torque00513 EDC64 Engine torque00513 EDC7 Engine torque00513 EDC7_6 Engine torque00513 EDC7C32 Engine torque00513 EDC7C32_6 Engine torque00513 EDC7C32_M Engine torque00513 EDC7C32_S Engine torque00513 EDC7C32M_10 Engine torque00513 EDC7C32M_12 Engine torque00513 EDC7C32S_10 Engine torque00513 EDC7C32S_12 Engine torque00513 EDC7M_10 Engine torque00513 EDC7M_12 Engine torque00513 EDC7S_10 Engine torque00513 EDC7S_12 Engine torque00513 EHLA Engine torque00513 EMOS Engine torque signal00513 FFR Engine torque00513 GKR Engine torque00513 HDS Engine torque00513 HEITZ Engine torque00513 HVA Engine torque00513 HYD Engine torque00513 INST Engine torque
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00513 INT Engine torque00513 KR49X Engine torque00513 KSM Engine torque00513 LGS Engine torque00513 MTS Engine torque00513 OBDU Engine torque00513 OUZBRO Engine torque00513 OUZBRO_R Engine torque00513 PTM Engine torque00513 RAS Engine torque00513 RET Engine torque00513 SFFR Engine torque00513 SKG Engine torque00513 STON Engine torque00513 T509C Engine torque00513 TBM Engine torque00513 Test1Module Engine torque00513 Test2Module Engine torque00513 TPM Engine torque00513 TRON Engine torque00513 TRW Engine torque00513 TUER_DR Engine torque00513 TUER_PA Engine torque00513 UHV Engine torque00513 VRET Engine torque00513 VSM Engine torque00513 WSK Engine torque00513 ZBR2 Engine torque00513 ZBRO Engine torque00513 ZBRO_R Engine torque00513 ZFR Engine torque00513 ZH_AT3500_1580 Engine torque00513 ZH_AT3500_ST Engine torque00513 ZH_D5W_SC Engine torque00513 ZHZG_9a Engine torque00513 ZHZG_9c Engine torque00514 CRT Friction torque00514 EMOS ‘Engine friction loss moment’ signal00518 AB Requested Torque00518 ACC Requested Torque00518 AST Requested Torque00518 ASTMID Requested Torque00518 BHTC Requested Torque00518 CNG_ME7 Torque limiting rated torque00518 CRT Requested Torque00518 DIW5 Requested Torque00518 EBS Requested Torque00518 EBS_5 Requested Torque00518 EBS_K1 Requested Torque00518 ECAM Requested Torque00518 ECAS_4X2 Requested Torque00518 ECAS2_GBV Requested Torque00518 ECAS2_GBW Requested Torque00518 ECO2 Requested Torque00518 EDC Requested Torque00518 EDC_7 Requested Torque00518 EDC_7_M Requested Torque00518 EDC_7_MASTER Requested Torque00518 EDC_7_S Requested Torque00518 EDC_7_SLAVE Requested Torque
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00518 EDC6 FFR2: Bit error, torque limitation00518 EDC64 Requested Torque00518 EDC7 Requested Torque00518 EDC7_6 Requested Torque00518 EDC7C32 Requested Torque00518 EDC7C32_6 Requested Torque00518 EDC7C32_M Requested Torque00518 EDC7C32_S Requested Torque00518 EDC7C32M_10 Requested Torque00518 EDC7C32M_12 Requested Torque00518 EDC7C32S_10 Requested Torque00518 EDC7C32S_12 Requested Torque00518 EDC7M_10 Requested Torque00518 EDC7M_12 Requested Torque00518 EDC7S_10 Requested Torque00518 EDC7S_12 Requested Torque00518 EHLA Requested Torque00518 EMOS Requested Torque00518 FFR Requested Torque00518 GKR Requested Torque00518 HDS Requested Torque00518 HEITZ Requested Torque00518 HVA Requested Torque00518 HYD Requested Torque00518 INST Requested Torque00518 INT Requested Torque00518 KR49X Requested Torque00518 KSM Requested Torque00518 LGS Requested Torque00518 MTS Requested Torque00518 OBDU Requested Torque00518 OUZBRO Requested Torque00518 OUZBRO_R Requested Torque00518 PTM Requested Torque00518 RAS Requested Torque00518 RET Requested Torque00518 SFFR Requested Torque00518 SKG Requested Torque00518 STON Requested Torque00518 T509C Requested Torque00518 TBM Requested Torque00518 Test1Module Requested Torque00518 Test2Module Requested Torque00518 TPM Requested Torque00518 TRON Requested Torque00518 TRW Requested Torque00518 TUER_DR Requested Torque00518 TUER_PA Requested Torque00518 UHV Requested Torque00518 VRET Requested Torque00518 VSM Requested Torque00518 WSK Requested Torque00518 ZBR2 Requested Torque00518 ZBRO Requested Torque00518 ZBRO_R Requested Torque00518 ZFR Requested Torque00518 ZH_AT3500_1580 Requested Torque00518 ZH_AT3500_ST Requested Torque00518 ZH_D5W_SC Requested Torque00518 ZHZG_9a Requested Torque
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00518 ZHZG_9c Requested Torque00520 AB Current retarder torque00520 ACC Current retarder torque00520 AST Current retarder torque00520 ASTMID Current retarder torque00520 BHTC Current retarder torque00520 CNG_ME7 Current retarder torque00520 CRT Current retarder torque00520 DIW5 Current retarder torque00520 EBS Current retarder torque00520 EBS_5 Current retarder torque00520 EBS_K1 Current retarder torque00520 ECAM Current retarder torque00520 ECAS_4X2 Current retarder torque00520 ECAS2_GBV Current retarder torque00520 ECAS2_GBW Current retarder torque00520 ECO2 Current retarder torque00520 EDC Current retarder torque00520 EDC_7 Current retarder torque00520 EDC_7_M Current retarder torque00520 EDC_7_MASTER Current retarder torque00520 EDC_7_S Current retarder torque00520 EDC_7_SLAVE Current retarder torque00520 EDC6 Current retarder torque00520 EDC64 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7_6 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7C32 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7C32_6 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7C32_M Current retarder torque00520 EDC7C32_S Current retarder torque00520 EDC7C32M_10 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7C32M_12 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7C32S_10 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7C32S_12 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7M_10 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7M_12 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7S_10 Current retarder torque00520 EDC7S_12 Current retarder torque00520 EHLA Current retarder torque00520 EMOS Engine brake torque signal00520 FFR Current retarder torque00520 GKR Current retarder torque00520 HDS Current retarder torque00520 HEITZ Current retarder torque00520 HVA Current retarder torque00520 HYD Current retarder torque00520 INST Current retarder torque00520 INT Current retarder torque00520 KR49X Current retarder torque00520 KSM Current retarder torque00520 LGS Current retarder torque00520 MTS Current retarder torque00520 OBDU Current retarder torque00520 OUZBRO Current retarder torque00520 OUZBRO_R Current retarder torque00520 PTM Current retarder torque00520 RAS Current retarder torque00520 RET Current retarder torque00520 SFFR Current retarder torque
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00520 SKG Current retarder torque00520 STON Current retarder torque00520 T509C Current retarder torque00520 TBM Current retarder torque00520 Test1Module Current retarder torque00520 Test2Module Current retarder torque00520 TPM Current retarder torque00520 TRON Current retarder torque00520 TRW Current retarder torque00520 TUER_DR Current retarder torque00520 TUER_PA Current retarder torque00520 UHV Current retarder torque00520 VRET Current retarder torque00520 VSM Current retarder torque00520 WSK Current retarder torque00520 ZBR2 Actual Retarder — Percent Torque00520 ZBRO Current retarder torque00520 ZBRO_R Current retarder torque00520 ZFR Current retarder torque00520 ZH_AT3500_1580 Current retarder torque00520 ZH_AT3500_ST Current retarder torque00520 ZH_D5W_SC Current retarder torque00520 ZHZG_9a Current retarder torque00520 ZHZG_9c Current retarder torque00521 AB Brake pedal setting00521 ACC Brake pedal setting00521 AST Brake pedal setting00521 ASTMID Brake pedal setting00521 BHTC Brake pedal setting00521 CNG_ME7 Brake pedal setting00521 CRT Brake pedal setting00521 DIW5 Brake pedal setting00521 EBS Brake pedal setting00521 EBS_5 Brake pedal setting00521 EBS_K1 Brake pedal setting00521 ECAM Brake pedal setting00521 ECAS_4X2 Brake pedal setting00521 ECAS2_GBV Brake pedal setting00521 ECAS2_GBW Brake pedal setting00521 ECO2 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC Brake pedal setting00521 EDC_7 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC_7_M Brake pedal setting00521 EDC_7_MASTER Brake pedal setting00521 EDC_7_S Brake pedal setting00521 EDC_7_SLAVE Brake pedal setting00521 EDC6 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC64 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7_6 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7C32 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7C32_6 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7C32_M Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7C32_S Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7C32M_10 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7C32M_12 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7C32S_10 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7C32S_12 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7M_10 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7M_12 Brake pedal setting
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00521 EDC7S_10 Brake pedal setting00521 EDC7S_12 Brake pedal setting00521 EHLA Brake pedal setting00521 EMOS Brake pedal setting00521 FFR Brake pedal setting00521 GKR Brake pedal setting00521 HDS Brake pedal setting00521 HEITZ Brake pedal setting00521 HVA Brake pedal setting00521 HYD Brake pedal setting00521 INST Brake pedal setting00521 INT Brake pedal setting00521 KR49X Brake pedal setting00521 KSM Brake pedal setting00521 LGS Brake pedal setting00521 MTS Brake pedal setting00521 OBDU Brake pedal setting00521 OUZBRO Brake pedal setting00521 OUZBRO_R Brake pedal setting00521 PTM Brake pedal setting00521 RAS Brake pedal setting00521 RET Brake pedal setting00521 SFFR Brake pedal setting00521 SKG Brake pedal setting00521 STON Brake pedal setting00521 T509C Brake pedal setting00521 TBM Brake pedal setting00521 Test1Module Brake pedal setting00521 Test2Module Brake pedal setting00521 TPM Brake pedal setting00521 TRON Brake pedal setting00521 TRW Brake pedal setting00521 TUER_DR Brake pedal setting00521 TUER_PA Brake pedal setting00521 UHV Brake pedal setting00521 VRET Brake pedal setting00521 VSM Brake pedal setting00521 WSK Brake pedal setting00521 ZBR2 Brake pedal setting00521 ZBRO Brake pedal setting00521 ZBRO_R Brake pedal setting00521 ZFR Brake pedal setting00521 ZH_AT3500_1580 Brake pedal setting00521 ZH_AT3500_ST Brake pedal setting00521 ZH_D5W_SC Brake pedal setting00521 ZHZG_9a Brake pedal setting00521 ZHZG_9c Brake pedal setting00523 AB Current gear00523 ACC Current gear00523 AST Current gear00523 ASTMID Current gear00523 BHTC Current gear00523 CNG_ME7 Current gear00523 CRT Current gear00523 DIW5 Current gear00523 EBS Current gear00523 EBS_5 Current gear00523 EBS_K1 Current gear00523 ECAM Current gear00523 ECAS_4X2 Current gear
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00523 ECAS2_GBV Current gear00523 ECAS2_GBW Current gear00523 ECO2 Current gear00523 EDC Current gear00523 EDC_7 Current gear00523 EDC_7_M Current gear00523 EDC_7_MASTER Current gear00523 EDC_7_S Current gear00523 EDC_7_SLAVE Current gear00523 EDC6 Current gear00523 EDC64 Current gear00523 EDC7 Current gear00523 EDC7_6 Current gear00523 EDC7C32 Current gear00523 EDC7C32_6 Current gear00523 EDC7C32_M Current gear00523 EDC7C32_S Current gear00523 EDC7C32M_10 Current gear00523 EDC7C32M_12 Current gear00523 EDC7C32S_10 Current gear00523 EDC7C32S_12 Current gear00523 EDC7M_10 Current gear00523 EDC7M_12 Current gear00523 EDC7S_10 Current gear00523 EDC7S_12 Current gear00523 EHLA Current gear00523 EMOS Current gear00523 FFR Current gear00523 GKR Current gear00523 HDS Current gear00523 HEITZ Current gear00523 HVA Current gear00523 HYD Current gear00523 INST Current gear00523 INT Current gear00523 KR49X Current gear00523 KSM Current gear00523 LGS Current gear00523 MTS Current gear00523 OBDU Current gear00523 OUZBRO Current gear00523 OUZBRO_R Current gear00523 PTM Current gear00523 RAS Current gear00523 RET Current gear00523 SFFR Current gear00523 SKG Current gear00523 STON Current gear00523 T509C Current gear00523 TBM Current gear00523 Test1Module Current gear00523 Test2Module Current gear00523 TPM Current gear00523 TRON Current gear00523 TRW Current gear00523 TUER_DR Current gear00523 TUER_PA Current gear00523 UHV Current gear00523 VRET Current gear00523 VSM Current gear
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00523 WSK Current gear00523 ZBR2 Current gear00523 ZBRO Current gear00523 ZBRO_R Current gear00523 ZFR Current gear00523 ZH_AT3500_1580 Current gear00523 ZH_AT3500_ST Current gear00523 ZH_D5W_SC Current gear00523 ZHZG_9a Current gear00523 ZHZG_9c Current gear00525 EMOS Nominal gear signal00544 CRT Faulty engine speed signal00556 AB Reference torque of the retarder00556 ACC Reference torque of the retarder00556 AST Reference torque of the retarder00556 ASTMID Reference torque of the retarder00556 BHTC Reference torque of the retarder00556 CNG_ME7 Reference torque of the retarder00556 CRT Reference torque of the retarder00556 DIW5 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EBS Reference torque of the retarder00556 EBS_5 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EBS_K1 Reference torque of the retarder00556 ECAM Reference torque of the retarder00556 ECAS_4X2 Reference torque of the retarder00556 ECAS2_GBV Reference torque of the retarder00556 ECAS2_GBW Reference torque of the retarder00556 ECO2 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC_7 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC_7_M Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC_7_MASTER Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC_7_S Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC_7_SLAVE Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC6 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC64 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7_6 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7C32 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7C32_6 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7C32_M Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7C32_S Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7C32M_10 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7C32M_12 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7C32S_10 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7C32S_12 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7M_10 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7M_12 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7S_10 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EDC7S_12 Reference torque of the retarder00556 EHLA Reference torque of the retarder00556 EMOS Reference torque of the retarder00556 FFR Reference torque of the retarder00556 GKR Reference torque of the retarder00556 HDS Reference torque of the retarder00556 HEITZ Reference torque of the retarder00556 HVA Reference torque of the retarder00556 HYD Reference torque of the retarder00556 INST Reference torque of the retarder00556 INT Reference torque of the retarder
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00556 KR49X Reference torque of the retarder00556 KSM Reference torque of the retarder00556 LGS Reference torque of the retarder00556 MTS Reference torque of the retarder00556 OBDU Reference torque of the retarder00556 OUZBRO Reference torque of the retarder00556 OUZBRO_R Reference torque of the retarder00556 PTM Reference torque of the retarder00556 RAS Reference torque of the retarder00556 RET Reference torque of the retarder00556 SFFR Reference torque of the retarder00556 SKG Reference torque of the retarder00556 STON Reference torque of the retarder00556 T509C Reference torque of the retarder00556 TBM Reference torque of the retarder00556 Test1Module Reference torque of the retarder00556 Test2Module Reference torque of the retarder00556 TPM Reference torque of the retarder00556 TRON Reference torque of the retarder00556 TRW Reference torque of the retarder00556 TUER_DR Reference torque of the retarder00556 TUER_PA Reference torque of the retarder00556 UHV Reference torque of the retarder00556 VRET Reference torque of the retarder00556 VSM Reference torque of the retarder00556 WSK Reference torque of the retarder00556 ZBR2 Reference torque of the retarder00556 ZBRO Reference torque of the retarder00556 ZBRO_R Reference torque of the retarder00556 ZFR Reference torque of the retarder00556 ZH_AT3500_1580 Reference torque of the retarder00556 ZH_AT3500_ST Reference torque of the retarder00556 ZH_D5W_SC Reference torque of the retarder00556 ZHZG_9a Reference torque of the retarder00556 ZHZG_9c Reference torque of the retarder00558 AB Unladen driving switch signal00558 ACC Unladen driving switch signal00558 AST Unladen driving switch signal00558 ASTMID Unladen driving switch signal00558 BHTC Unladen driving switch signal00558 CNG_ME7 Unladen driving switch signal00558 CRT Unladen driving switch signal00558 DIW5 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EBS Unladen driving switch signal00558 EBS_5 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EBS_K1 Unladen driving switch signal00558 ECAM Unladen driving switch signal00558 ECAS_4X2 Unladen driving switch signal00558 ECAS2_GBV Unladen driving switch signal00558 ECAS2_GBW Unladen driving switch signal00558 ECO2 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC_7 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC_7_M Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC_7_MASTER Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC_7_S Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC_7_SLAVE Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC6 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC64 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7 Unladen driving switch signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00558 EDC7_6 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7C32 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7C32_6 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7C32_M Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7C32_S Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7C32M_10 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7C32M_12 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7C32S_10 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7C32S_12 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7M_10 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7M_12 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7S_10 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EDC7S_12 Unladen driving switch signal00558 EHLA Unladen driving switch signal00558 EMOS Unladen driving switch signal00558 FFR Unladen driving switch signal00558 GKR Unladen driving switch signal00558 HDS Unladen driving switch signal00558 HEITZ Unladen driving switch signal00558 HVA Unladen driving switch signal00558 HYD Unladen driving switch signal00558 INST Unladen driving switch signal00558 INT Unladen driving switch signal00558 KR49X Unladen driving switch signal00558 KSM Unladen driving switch signal00558 LGS Unladen driving switch signal00558 MTS Unladen driving switch signal00558 OBDU Unladen driving switch signal00558 OUZBRO Unladen driving switch signal00558 OUZBRO_R Unladen driving switch signal00558 PTM Unladen driving switch signal00558 RAS Unladen driving switch signal00558 RET Unladen driving switch signal00558 SFFR Unladen driving switch signal00558 SKG Unladen driving switch signal00558 STON Unladen driving switch signal00558 T509C Unladen driving switch signal00558 TBM Unladen driving switch signal00558 Test1Module Unladen driving switch signal00558 Test2Module Unladen driving switch signal00558 TPM Unladen driving switch signal00558 TRON Unladen driving switch signal00558 TRW Unladen driving switch signal00558 TUER_DR Unladen driving switch signal00558 TUER_PA Unladen driving switch signal00558 UHV Unladen driving switch signal00558 VRET Unladen driving switch signal00558 VSM Unladen driving switch signal00558 WSK Unladen driving switch signal00558 ZBR2 Unladen driving switch signal00558 ZBRO Unladen driving switch signal00558 ZBRO_R Unladen driving switch signal00558 ZFR Unladen driving switch signal00558 ZH_AT3500_1580 Unladen driving switch signal00558 ZH_AT3500_ST Unladen driving switch signal00558 ZH_D5W_SC Unladen driving switch signal00558 ZHZG_9a Unladen driving switch signal00558 ZHZG_9c Unladen driving switch signal00559 EMOS Kickdown signal active00560 CRT CAN message ETC 1
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00560 VSM ETC1 message, ‘Driveline closed’ signal00561 AB ASR engine check switch00561 ACC ASR engine check switch00561 AST ASR engine check switch00561 ASTMID ASR engine check switch00561 BHTC ASR engine check switch00561 CNG_ME7 ASR engine check switch00561 CRT ASR engine check switch00561 DIW5 ASR engine check switch00561 EBS ASR engine check switch00561 EBS_5 ASR engine check switch00561 EBS_K1 ASR engine check switch00561 ECAM ASR engine check switch00561 ECAS_4X2 ASR engine check switch00561 ECAS2_GBV ASR engine check switch00561 ECAS2_GBW ASR engine check switch00561 ECO2 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC ASR engine check switch00561 EDC_7 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC_7_M ASR engine check switch00561 EDC_7_MASTER ASR engine check switch00561 EDC_7_S ASR engine check switch00561 EDC_7_SLAVE ASR engine check switch00561 EDC6 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC64 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7_6 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7C32 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7C32_6 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7C32_M ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7C32_S ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7C32M_10 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7C32M_12 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7C32S_10 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7C32S_12 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7M_10 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7M_12 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7S_10 ASR engine check switch00561 EDC7S_12 ASR engine check switch00561 EHLA ASR engine check switch00561 EMOS Signal for engine intervention by ASR00561 FFR ASR engine check switch00561 GKR ASR engine check switch00561 HDS ASR engine check switch00561 HEITZ ASR engine check switch00561 HVA ASR engine check switch00561 HYD ASR engine check switch00561 INST ASR engine check switch00561 INT ASR engine check switch00561 KR49X ASR engine check switch00561 KSM ASR engine check switch00561 LGS ASR engine check switch00561 MTS ASR engine check switch00561 OBDU ASR engine check switch00561 OUZBRO ASR engine check switch00561 OUZBRO_R ASR engine check switch00561 PTM ASR engine check switch00561 RAS ASR engine check switch00561 RET ASR engine check switch00561 SFFR ASR engine check switch
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00561 SKG ASR engine check switch00561 STON ASR engine check switch00561 T509C ASR engine check switch00561 TBM ASR engine check switch00561 Test1Module ASR engine check switch00561 Test2Module ASR engine check switch00561 TPM ASR engine check switch00561 TRON ASR engine check switch00561 TRW ASR engine check switch00561 TUER_DR ASR engine check switch00561 TUER_PA ASR engine check switch00561 UHV ASR engine check switch00561 VRET ASR engine check switch00561 VSM ASR engine check switch00561 WSK ASR engine check switch00561 ZBR2 ASR engine check switch00561 ZBRO ASR engine check switch00561 ZBRO_R ASR engine check switch00561 ZFR ASR engine check switch00561 ZH_AT3500_1580 ASR engine check switch00561 ZH_AT3500_ST ASR engine check switch00561 ZH_D5W_SC ASR engine check switch00561 ZHZG_9a ASR engine check switch00561 ZHZG_9c ASR engine check switch00562 AB ASR brake check switch00562 ACC ASR brake check switch00562 AST ASR brake check switch00562 ASTMID ASR brake check switch00562 BHTC ASR brake check switch00562 CNG_ME7 ASR brake check switch00562 CRT ASR brake check switch00562 DIW5 ASR brake check switch00562 EBS ASR brake check switch00562 EBS_5 ASR brake check switch00562 EBS_K1 ASR brake check switch00562 ECAM ASR brake check switch00562 ECAS_4X2 ASR brake check switch00562 ECAS2_GBV ASR brake check switch00562 ECAS2_GBW ASR brake check switch00562 ECO2 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC ASR brake check switch00562 EDC_7 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC_7_M ASR brake check switch00562 EDC_7_MASTER ASR brake check switch00562 EDC_7_S ASR brake check switch00562 EDC_7_SLAVE ASR brake check switch00562 EDC6 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC64 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7_6 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7C32 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7C32_6 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7C32_M ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7C32_S ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7C32M_10 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7C32M_12 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7C32S_10 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7C32S_12 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7M_10 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7M_12 ASR brake check switch
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00562 EDC7S_10 ASR brake check switch00562 EDC7S_12 ASR brake check switch00562 EHLA ASR brake check switch00562 EMOS Signal for brake intervention by ASR00562 FFR ASR brake check switch00562 GKR ASR brake check switch00562 HDS ASR brake check switch00562 HEITZ ASR brake check switch00562 HVA ASR brake check switch00562 HYD ASR brake check switch00562 INST ASR brake check switch00562 INT ASR brake check switch00562 KR49X ASR brake check switch00562 KSM ASR brake check switch00562 LGS ASR brake check switch00562 MTS ASR brake check switch00562 OBDU ASR brake check switch00562 OUZBRO ASR brake check switch00562 OUZBRO_R ASR brake check switch00562 PTM ASR brake check switch00562 RAS ASR brake check switch00562 RET ASR brake check switch00562 SFFR ASR brake check switch00562 SKG ASR brake check switch00562 STON ASR brake check switch00562 T509C ASR brake check switch00562 TBM ASR brake check switch00562 Test1Module ASR brake check switch00562 Test2Module ASR brake check switch00562 TPM ASR brake check switch00562 TRON ASR brake check switch00562 TRW ASR brake check switch00562 TUER_DR ASR brake check switch00562 TUER_PA ASR brake check switch00562 UHV ASR brake check switch00562 VRET ASR brake check switch00562 VSM ASR brake check switch00562 WSK ASR brake check switch00562 ZBR2 ASR brake check switch00562 ZBRO ASR brake check switch00562 ZBRO_R ASR brake check switch00562 ZFR ASR brake check switch00562 ZH_AT3500_1580 ASR brake check switch00562 ZH_AT3500_ST ASR brake check switch00562 ZH_D5W_SC ASR brake check switch00562 ZHZG_9a ASR brake check switch00562 ZHZG_9c ASR brake check switch00563 AB ABS active signal00563 ACC ABS active signal00563 AST ABS active signal00563 ASTMID ABS active signal00563 BHTC ABS active signal00563 CNG_ME7 ABS active signal00563 CRT ABS active signal00563 DIW5 ABS active signal00563 EBS ABS active signal00563 EBS_5 ABS active signal00563 EBS_K1 ABS active signal00563 ECAM ABS active signal00563 ECAS_4X2 ABS active signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00563 ECAS2_GBV ABS active signal00563 ECAS2_GBW ABS active signal00563 ECO2 ABS active signal00563 EDC ABS active signal00563 EDC_7 ABS active signal00563 EDC_7_M ABS active signal00563 EDC_7_MASTER ABS active signal00563 EDC_7_S ABS active signal00563 EDC_7_SLAVE ABS active signal00563 EDC6 ABS active signal00563 EDC64 ABS active signal00563 EDC7 ABS active signal00563 EDC7_6 ABS active signal00563 EDC7C32 ABS active signal00563 EDC7C32_6 ABS active signal00563 EDC7C32_M ABS active signal00563 EDC7C32_S ABS active signal00563 EDC7C32M_10 ABS active signal00563 EDC7C32M_12 ABS active signal00563 EDC7C32S_10 ABS active signal00563 EDC7C32S_12 ABS active signal00563 EDC7M_10 ABS active signal00563 EDC7M_12 ABS active signal00563 EDC7S_10 ABS active signal00563 EDC7S_12 ABS active signal00563 EHLA ABS active signal00563 EMOS ABS signal00563 FFR ABS active signal00563 GKR ABS active signal00563 HDS ABS active signal00563 HEITZ ABS active signal00563 HVA ABS active signal00563 HYD ABS active signal00563 INST ABS active signal00563 INT ABS active signal00563 KR49X ABS active signal00563 KSM ABS active signal00563 LGS ABS active signal00563 MTS ABS active signal00563 OBDU ABS active signal00563 OUZBRO ABS active signal00563 OUZBRO_R ABS active signal00563 PTM ABS active signal00563 RAS ABS active signal00563 RET ABS active signal00563 SFFR ABS active signal00563 SKG ABS active signal00563 STON ABS active signal00563 T509C ABS active signal00563 TBM ABS active signal00563 Test1Module ABS active signal00563 Test2Module ABS active signal00563 TPM ABS active signal00563 TRON ABS active signal00563 TRW ABS active signal00563 TUER_DR ABS active signal00563 TUER_PA ABS active signal00563 UHV ABS active signal00563 VRET ABS active signal00563 VSM ABS active signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00563 WSK ABS active signal00563 ZBR2 ABS active signal00563 ZBRO ABS active signal00563 ZBRO_R ABS active signal00563 ZFR ABS active signal00563 ZH_AT3500_1580 ABS active signal00563 ZH_AT3500_ST ABS active signal00563 ZH_D5W_SC ABS active signal00563 ZHZG_9a ABS active signal00563 ZHZG_9c ABS active signal00572 AB Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ACC Retarder switch shift assistant00572 AST Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ASTMID Retarder switch shift assistant00572 BHTC Retarder switch shift assistant00572 CNG_ME7 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 CRT Retarder switch shift assistant00572 DIW5 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EBS Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EBS_5 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EBS_K1 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ECAM Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ECAS_4X2 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ECAS2_GBV Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ECAS2_GBW Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ECO2 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC_7 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC_7_M Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC_7_MASTER Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC_7_S Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC_7_SLAVE Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC6 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC64 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7_6 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7C32 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7C32_6 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7C32_M Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7C32_S Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7C32M_10 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7C32M_12 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7C32S_10 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7C32S_12 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7M_10 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7M_12 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7S_10 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EDC7S_12 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EHLA Retarder switch shift assistant00572 EMOS Retarder switch shift assistant00572 FFR Retarder switch shift assistant00572 GKR Retarder switch shift assistant00572 HDS Retarder switch shift assistant00572 HEITZ Retarder switch shift assistant00572 HVA Retarder switch shift assistant00572 HYD Retarder switch shift assistant00572 INST Retarder switch shift assistant00572 INT Retarder switch shift assistant00572 KR49X Retarder switch shift assistant00572 KSM Retarder switch shift assistant
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00572 LGS Retarder switch shift assistant00572 MTS Retarder switch shift assistant00572 OBDU Retarder switch shift assistant00572 OUZBRO Retarder switch shift assistant00572 OUZBRO_R Retarder switch shift assistant00572 PTM Retarder switch shift assistant00572 RAS Retarder switch shift assistant00572 RET Retarder switch shift assistant00572 SFFR Retarder switch shift assistant00572 SKG Retarder switch shift assistant00572 STON Retarder switch shift assistant00572 T509C Retarder switch shift assistant00572 TBM Retarder switch shift assistant00572 Test1Module Retarder switch shift assistant00572 Test2Module Retarder switch shift assistant00572 TPM Retarder switch shift assistant00572 TRON Retarder switch shift assistant00572 TRW Retarder switch shift assistant00572 TUER_DR Retarder switch shift assistant00572 TUER_PA Retarder switch shift assistant00572 UHV Retarder switch shift assistant00572 VRET Retarder switch shift assistant00572 VSM Retarder switch shift assistant00572 WSK Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ZBR2 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ZBRO Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ZBRO_R Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ZFR Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ZH_AT3500_1580 Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ZH_AT3500_ST Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ZH_D5W_SC Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ZHZG_9a Retarder switch shift assistant00572 ZHZG_9c Retarder switch shift assistant00578 AB Rear axle temperature00578 ACC Rear axle temperature00578 AST Rear axle temperature00578 ASTMID Rear axle temperature00578 BHTC Rear axle temperature00578 CNG_ME7 Rear axle temperature00578 CRT Rear axle temperature00578 DIW5 Rear axle temperature00578 EBS Rear axle temperature00578 EBS_5 Rear axle temperature00578 EBS_K1 Rear axle temperature00578 ECAM Rear axle temperature00578 ECAS_4X2 Rear axle temperature00578 ECAS2_GBV Rear axle temperature00578 ECAS2_GBW Rear axle temperature00578 ECO2 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC Rear axle temperature00578 EDC_7 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC_7_M Rear axle temperature00578 EDC_7_MASTER Rear axle temperature00578 EDC_7_S Rear axle temperature00578 EDC_7_SLAVE Rear axle temperature00578 EDC6 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC64 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7_6 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7C32 Rear axle temperature
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00578 EDC7C32_6 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7C32_M Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7C32_S Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7C32M_10 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7C32M_12 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7C32S_10 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7C32S_12 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7M_10 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7M_12 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7S_10 Rear axle temperature00578 EDC7S_12 Rear axle temperature00578 EHLA Rear axle temperature00578 EMOS Rear axle temperature00578 FFR Rear axle temperature00578 GKR Rear axle temperature00578 HDS Rear axle temperature00578 HEITZ Rear axle temperature00578 HVA Rear axle temperature00578 HYD Rear axle temperature00578 INST Rear axle temperature00578 INT Rear axle temperature00578 KR49X Rear axle temperature00578 KSM Rear axle temperature00578 LGS Rear axle temperature00578 MTS Rear axle temperature00578 OBDU Rear axle temperature00578 OUZBRO Rear axle temperature00578 OUZBRO_R Rear axle temperature00578 PTM Rear axle temperature00578 RAS Rear axle temperature00578 RET Rear axle temperature00578 SFFR Rear axle temperature00578 SKG Rear axle temperature00578 STON Rear axle temperature00578 T509C Rear axle temperature00578 TBM Rear axle temperature00578 Test1Module Rear axle temperature00578 Test2Module Rear axle temperature00578 TPM Rear axle temperature00578 TRON Rear axle temperature00578 TRW Rear axle temperature00578 TUER_DR Rear axle temperature00578 TUER_PA Rear axle temperature00578 UHV Rear axle temperature00578 VRET Rear axle temperature00578 VSM Rear axle temperature00578 WSK Rear axle temperature00578 ZBR2 Rear axle temperature00578 ZBRO Rear axle temperature00578 ZBRO_R Rear axle temperature00578 ZFR Rear axle temperature00578 ZH_AT3500_1580 Rear axle temperature00578 ZH_AT3500_ST Rear axle temperature00578 ZH_D5W_SC Rear axle temperature00578 ZHZG_9a Rear axle temperature00578 ZHZG_9c Rear axle temperature00582 AB Axle load00582 ACC Axle load00582 AST Axle load00582 ASTMID Axle load
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00582 BHTC Axle load00582 CNG_ME7 Axle load00582 CRT Axle load00582 DIW5 Axle load00582 EBS Axle load00582 EBS_5 Axle load00582 EBS_K1 Axle load00582 ECAM Axle load00582 ECAS_4X2 Axle load00582 ECAS2_GBV Axle load00582 ECAS2_GBW Axle load00582 ECO2 Axle load00582 EDC Axle load00582 EDC_7 Axle load00582 EDC_7_M Axle load00582 EDC_7_MASTER Axle load00582 EDC_7_S Axle load00582 EDC_7_SLAVE Axle load00582 EDC6 Axle load00582 EDC64 Axle load00582 EDC7 Axle load00582 EDC7_6 Axle load00582 EDC7C32 Axle load00582 EDC7C32_6 Axle load00582 EDC7C32_M Axle load00582 EDC7C32_S Axle load00582 EDC7C32M_10 Axle load00582 EDC7C32M_12 Axle load00582 EDC7C32S_10 Axle load00582 EDC7C32S_12 Axle load00582 EDC7M_10 Axle load00582 EDC7M_12 Axle load00582 EDC7S_10 Axle load00582 EDC7S_12 Axle load00582 EHLA Axle load00582 EMOS Axle load00582 FFR Axle load00582 GKR Axle load00582 HDS Axle load00582 HEITZ Axle load00582 HVA Axle load00582 HYD Axle load00582 INST Axle load00582 INT Axle load00582 KR49X Axle load00582 KSM Axle load00582 LGS Axle load00582 MTS Axle load00582 OBDU Axle load00582 OUZBRO Axle load00582 OUZBRO_R Axle load00582 PTM Axle load00582 RAS Axle load00582 RET Axle load00582 SFFR Axle load00582 SKG Axle load00582 STON Axle load00582 T509C Axle load00582 TBM Axle load00582 Test1Module Axle load
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00582 Test2Module Axle load00582 TPM Axle load00582 TRON Axle load00582 TRW Axle load00582 TUER_DR Axle load00582 TUER_PA Axle load00582 UHV Axle load00582 VRET Axle load00582 VSM Axle load00582 WSK Axle load00582 ZBR2 Axle load00582 ZBRO Axle load00582 ZBRO_R Axle load00582 ZFR Axle load00582 ZH_AT3500_1580 Axle load00582 ZH_AT3500_ST Axle load00582 ZH_D5W_SC Axle load00582 ZHZG_9a Axle load00582 ZHZG_9c Axle load00595 AB Cruise control active signal00595 ACC Cruise control active signal00595 AST Cruise control active signal00595 ASTMID Cruise control active signal00595 BHTC Cruise control active signal00595 CNG_ME7 Cruise control active signal00595 CRT Cruise control active signal00595 DIW5 Cruise control active signal00595 EBS Cruise control active signal00595 EBS_5 Cruise control active signal00595 EBS_K1 Cruise control active signal00595 ECAM Cruise control active signal00595 ECAS_4X2 Cruise control active signal00595 ECAS2_GBV Cruise control active signal00595 ECAS2_GBW Cruise control active signal00595 ECO2 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC Cruise control active signal00595 EDC_7 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC_7_M Cruise control active signal00595 EDC_7_MASTER Cruise control active signal00595 EDC_7_S Cruise control active signal00595 EDC_7_SLAVE Cruise control active signal00595 EDC6 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC64 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7_6 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7C32 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7C32_6 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7C32_M Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7C32_S Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7C32M_10 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7C32M_12 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7C32S_10 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7C32S_12 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7M_10 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7M_12 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7S_10 Cruise control active signal00595 EDC7S_12 Cruise control active signal00595 EHLA Cruise control active signal00595 EMOS Cruise control active signal00595 FFR Cruise control active signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00595 GKR Cruise control active signal00595 HDS Cruise control active signal00595 HEITZ Cruise control active signal00595 HVA Cruise control active signal00595 HYD Cruise control active signal00595 INST Cruise control active signal00595 INT Cruise control active signal00595 KR49X Cruise control active signal00595 KSM Cruise control active signal00595 LGS Cruise control active signal00595 MTS Cruise control active signal00595 OBDU Cruise control active signal00595 OUZBRO Cruise control active signal00595 OUZBRO_R Cruise control active signal00595 PTM Cruise control active signal00595 RAS Cruise control active signal00595 RET Cruise control active signal00595 SFFR Cruise control active signal00595 SKG Cruise control active signal00595 STON Cruise control active signal00595 T509C Cruise control active signal00595 TBM Cruise control active signal00595 Test1Module Cruise control active signal00595 Test2Module Cruise control active signal00595 TPM Cruise control active signal00595 TRON Cruise control active signal00595 TRW Cruise control active signal00595 TUER_DR Cruise control active signal00595 TUER_PA Cruise control active signal00595 UHV Cruise control active signal00595 VRET Cruise control active signal00595 VSM Cruise control active signal00595 WSK Cruise control active signal00595 ZBR2 Cruise control active signal00595 ZBRO Cruise control active signal00595 ZBRO_R Cruise control active signal00595 ZFR Cruise control active signal00595 ZH_AT3500_1580 Cruise control active signal00595 ZH_AT3500_ST Cruise control active signal00595 ZH_D5W_SC Cruise control active signal00595 ZHZG_9a Cruise control active signal00595 ZHZG_9c Cruise control active signal00597 AB Brake switch signal00597 ACC Brake switch signal00597 AST Brake switch signal00597 ASTMID Brake switch signal00597 BHTC Brake switch signal00597 CNG_ME7 Brake switch signal00597 CRT Brake switch signal00597 DIW5 Brake switch signal00597 EBS Brake switch signal00597 EBS_5 Pedal brake module switch 100597 EBS_K1 Brake switch signal00597 ECAM Brake switch signal00597 ECAS_4X2 Brake switch signal00597 ECAS2_GBV Brake switch signal00597 ECAS2_GBW Brake switch signal00597 ECO2 Brake switch signal00597 EDC Brake switch signal00597 EDC_7 Brake switch signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00597 EDC_7_M Brake switch signal00597 EDC_7_MASTER Brake switch signal00597 EDC_7_S Brake switch signal00597 EDC_7_SLAVE Brake switch signal00597 EDC6 Brake switch signal00597 EDC64 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7_6 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7C32 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7C32_6 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7C32_M Brake switch signal00597 EDC7C32_S Brake switch signal00597 EDC7C32M_10 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7C32M_12 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7C32S_10 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7C32S_12 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7M_10 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7M_12 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7S_10 Brake switch signal00597 EDC7S_12 Brake switch signal00597 EHLA Brake switch signal00597 EMOS Brake switch signal00597 FFR Brake switch signal00597 GKR Brake switch signal00597 HDS Brake switch signal00597 HEITZ Brake switch signal00597 HVA Brake switch signal00597 HYD Brake switch signal00597 INST Brake switch signal00597 INT Brake switch signal00597 KR49X Brake switch signal00597 KSM Brake switch signal00597 LGS Brake switch signal00597 MTS Brake switch signal00597 OBDU No00597 OUZBRO Brake switch signal00597 OUZBRO_R Brake switch signal00597 PTM Brake switch signal00597 RAS Brake switch signal00597 RET Brake switch signal00597 SFFR Brake switch signal00597 SKG Brake switch signal00597 STON Brake switch signal00597 T509C Brake switch signal00597 TBM Brake switch signal00597 Test1Module Brake switch signal00597 Test2Module Brake switch signal00597 TPM Brake switch signal00597 TRON Brake switch signal00597 TRW Brake switch signal00597 TUER_DR Brake switch signal00597 TUER_PA Brake switch signal00597 UHV Brake switch signal00597 VRET Brake switch signal00597 VSM Brake switch signal00597 WSK Brake switch signal00597 ZBR2 No00597 ZBRO Brake switch signal00597 ZBRO_R Brake switch signal00597 ZFR Brake switch signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00597 ZH_AT3500_1580 Brake switch signal00597 ZH_AT3500_ST Brake switch signal00597 ZH_D5W_SC Brake switch signal00597 ZHZG_9a Brake switch signal00597 ZHZG_9c Brake switch signal00598 KSM Clutch switch signal00601 AB Road speed governor resume switch00601 ACC Road speed governor resume switch00601 AST Road speed governor resume switch00601 ASTMID Road speed governor resume switch00601 BHTC Road speed governor resume switch00601 CNG_ME7 Road speed governor resume switch00601 CRT Road speed governor resume switch00601 DIW5 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EBS Road speed governor resume switch00601 EBS_5 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EBS_K1 Road speed governor resume switch00601 ECAM Road speed governor resume switch00601 ECAS_4X2 Road speed governor resume switch00601 ECAS2_GBV Road speed governor resume switch00601 ECAS2_GBW Road speed governor resume switch00601 ECO2 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC_7 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC_7_M Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC_7_MASTER Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC_7_S Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC_7_SLAVE Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC6 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC64 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7_6 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7C32 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7C32_6 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7C32_M Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7C32_S Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7C32M_10 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7C32M_12 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7C32S_10 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7C32S_12 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7M_10 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7M_12 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7S_10 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EDC7S_12 Road speed governor resume switch00601 EHLA Road speed governor resume switch00601 EMOS Road speed governor resume switch00601 FFR Road speed governor resume switch00601 GKR Road speed governor resume switch00601 HDS Road speed governor resume switch00601 HEITZ Road speed governor resume switch00601 HVA Road speed governor resume switch00601 HYD Road speed governor resume switch00601 INST Road speed governor resume switch00601 INT Road speed governor resume switch00601 KR49X Road speed governor resume switch00601 KSM Road speed governor resume switch00601 LGS Road speed governor resume switch00601 MTS Road speed governor resume switch00601 OBDU Road speed governor resume switch00601 OUZBRO Road speed governor resume switch
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00601 OUZBRO_R Road speed governor resume switch00601 PTM Road speed governor resume switch00601 RAS Road speed governor resume switch00601 RET Road speed governor resume switch00601 SFFR Road speed governor resume switch00601 SKG Road speed governor resume switch00601 STON Road speed governor resume switch00601 T509C Road speed governor resume switch00601 TBM Road speed governor resume switch00601 Test1Module Road speed governor resume switch00601 Test2Module Road speed governor resume switch00601 TPM Road speed governor resume switch00601 TRON Road speed governor resume switch00601 TRW Road speed governor resume switch00601 TUER_DR Road speed governor resume switch00601 TUER_PA Road speed governor resume switch00601 UHV Road speed governor resume switch00601 VRET Road speed governor resume switch00601 VSM Road speed governor resume switch00601 WSK Road speed governor resume switch00601 ZBR2 Road speed governor resume switch00601 ZBRO Road speed governor resume switch00601 ZBRO_R Road speed governor resume switch00601 ZFR Road speed governor resume switch00601 ZH_AT3500_1580 Road speed governor resume switch00601 ZH_AT3500_ST Road speed governor resume switch00601 ZH_D5W_SC Road speed governor resume switch00601 ZHZG_9a Road speed governor resume switch00601 ZHZG_9c Road speed governor resume switch00603 EBS_5 Pedal brake module switch 200609 EBS_5 Central control unit — B-controller00609 EDC6 Engine CAN00609 EDC7 Engine CAN00617 AB Parking brake output00617 ACC Parking brake output00617 AST Parking brake output00617 ASTMID Parking brake output00617 BHTC Parking brake output00617 CNG_ME7 Parking brake output00617 CRT Parking brake output00617 DIW5 Parking brake output00617 EBS Parking brake output00617 EBS_5 Parking brake output00617 EBS_K1 Parking brake output00617 ECAM Parking brake output00617 ECAS_4X2 Parking brake output00617 ECAS2_GBV Parking brake output00617 ECAS2_GBW Parking brake output00617 ECO2 Parking brake output00617 EDC Parking brake output00617 EDC_7 Parking brake output00617 EDC_7_M Parking brake output00617 EDC_7_MASTER Parking brake output00617 EDC_7_S Parking brake output00617 EDC_7_SLAVE Parking brake output00617 EDC6 Parking brake output00617 EDC64 Parking brake output00617 EDC7 Parking brake output00617 EDC7_6 Parking brake output00617 EDC7C32 Parking brake output
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00617 EDC7C32_6 Parking brake output00617 EDC7C32_M Parking brake output00617 EDC7C32_S Parking brake output00617 EDC7C32M_10 Parking brake output00617 EDC7C32M_12 Parking brake output00617 EDC7C32S_10 Parking brake output00617 EDC7C32S_12 Parking brake output00617 EDC7M_10 Parking brake output00617 EDC7M_12 Parking brake output00617 EDC7S_10 Parking brake output00617 EDC7S_12 Parking brake output00617 EHLA Parking brake output00617 EMOS Parking brake output00617 FFR Parking brake output00617 GKR Parking brake output00617 HDS Parking brake output00617 HEITZ Parking brake output00617 HVA Parking brake output00617 HYD Parking brake output00617 INST Parking brake output00617 INT Parking brake output00617 KR49X Parking brake output00617 KSM Parking brake output00617 LGS Parking brake output00617 MTS Parking brake output00617 OBDU Parking brake output00617 OUZBRO Parking brake output00617 OUZBRO_R Parking brake output00617 PTM Parking brake output00617 RAS Parking brake output00617 RET Parking brake output00617 SFFR Parking brake output00617 SKG Parking brake output00617 STON Parking brake output00617 T509C Parking brake output00617 TBM Parking brake output00617 Test1Module Parking brake output00617 Test2Module Parking brake output00617 TPM Parking brake output00617 TRON Parking brake output00617 TRW Parking brake output00617 TUER_DR Parking brake output00617 TUER_PA Parking brake output00617 UHV Parking brake output00617 VRET Parking brake output00617 VSM Parking brake output00617 WSK Parking brake output00617 ZBR2 Parking brake output00617 ZBRO Parking brake output00617 ZBRO_R Parking brake output00617 ZFR Parking brake output00617 ZH_AT3500_1580 Parking brake output00617 ZH_AT3500_ST Parking brake output00617 ZH_D5W_SC Parking brake output00617 ZHZG_9a Parking brake output00617 ZHZG_9c Parking brake output00620 RAS Electrical power supply to steering angle sensors00627 EBS_5 Monitoring of voltage supply on PIN X1/16 — X1/1700627 RAS Voltage supply terminal 3000629 AB Control unit
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00629 EBS_5 Central control unit — A-controller00637 AB Timing Sensor00637 ACC Timing Sensor00637 AST Timing Sensor00637 ASTMID Timing Sensor00637 BHTC Timing Sensor00637 CNG_ME7 Timing Sensor00637 CRT Timing Sensor00637 DIW5 Timing Sensor00637 EBS Timing Sensor00637 EBS_5 Timing Sensor00637 EBS_K1 Timing Sensor00637 ECAM Timing Sensor00637 ECAS_4X2 Timing Sensor00637 ECAS2_GBV Timing Sensor00637 ECAS2_GBW Timing Sensor00637 ECO2 Timing Sensor00637 EDC Timing Sensor00637 EDC_7 Timing Sensor00637 EDC_7_M Timing Sensor00637 EDC_7_MASTER Timing Sensor00637 EDC_7_S Timing Sensor00637 EDC_7_SLAVE Timing Sensor00637 EDC6 Timing Sensor00637 EDC64 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7_6 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7C32 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7C32_6 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7C32_M Timing Sensor00637 EDC7C32_S Timing Sensor00637 EDC7C32M_10 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7C32M_12 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7C32S_10 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7C32S_12 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7M_10 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7M_12 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7S_10 Timing Sensor00637 EDC7S_12 Timing Sensor00637 EHLA Timing Sensor00637 EMOS Timing Sensor00637 FFR Timing Sensor00637 GKR Timing Sensor00637 HDS Timing Sensor00637 HEITZ Timing Sensor00637 HVA Timing Sensor00637 HYD Timing Sensor00637 INST Timing Sensor00637 INT Timing Sensor00637 KR49X Timing Sensor00637 KSM Timing Sensor00637 LGS Timing Sensor00637 MTS Timing Sensor00637 OBDU Timing Sensor00637 OUZBRO Timing Sensor00637 OUZBRO_R Timing Sensor00637 PTM Timing Sensor00637 RAS Timing Sensor00637 RET Timing Sensor00637 SFFR Timing Sensor
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00637 SKG Timing Sensor00637 STON Timing Sensor00637 T509C Timing Sensor00637 TBM Timing Sensor00637 Test1Module Timing Sensor00637 Test2Module Timing Sensor00637 TPM Timing Sensor00637 TRON Timing Sensor00637 TRW Timing Sensor00637 TUER_DR Timing Sensor00637 TUER_PA Timing Sensor00637 UHV Timing Sensor00637 VRET Timing Sensor00637 VSM Timing Sensor00637 WSK Timing Sensor00637 ZBR2 Timing Sensor00637 ZBRO Timing Sensor00637 ZBRO_R Timing Sensor00637 ZFR Timing Sensor00637 ZH_AT3500_1580 Timing Sensor00637 ZH_AT3500_ST Timing Sensor00637 ZH_D5W_SC Timing Sensor00637 ZHZG_9a Timing Sensor00637 ZHZG_9c Timing Sensor00638 AB Rack Actuator00638 ACC Rack Actuator00638 AST Rack Actuator00638 ASTMID Rack Actuator00638 BHTC Rack Actuator00638 CNG_ME7 Rack Actuator00638 CRT Rack Actuator00638 DIW5 Rack Actuator00638 EBS Rack Actuator00638 EBS_5 Rack Actuator00638 EBS_K1 Rack Actuator00638 ECAM Rack Actuator00638 ECAS_4X2 Rack Actuator00638 ECAS2_GBV Rack Actuator00638 ECAS2_GBW Rack Actuator00638 ECO2 Rack Actuator00638 EDC Rack Actuator00638 EDC_7 Rack Actuator00638 EDC_7_M Rack Actuator00638 EDC_7_MASTER Rack Actuator00638 EDC_7_S Rack Actuator00638 EDC_7_SLAVE Rack Actuator00638 EDC6 Rack Actuator00638 EDC64 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7_6 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7C32 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7C32_6 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7C32_M Rack Actuator00638 EDC7C32_S Rack Actuator00638 EDC7C32M_10 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7C32M_12 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7C32S_10 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7C32S_12 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7M_10 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7M_12 Rack Actuator
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00638 EDC7S_10 Rack Actuator00638 EDC7S_12 Rack Actuator00638 EHLA Rack Actuator00638 EMOS Rack Actuator00638 FFR Rack Actuator00638 GKR Rack Actuator00638 HDS Rack Actuator00638 HEITZ Rack Actuator00638 HVA Rack Actuator00638 HYD Rack Actuator00638 INST Rack Actuator00638 INT Rack Actuator00638 KR49X Rack Actuator00638 KSM Rack Actuator00638 LGS Rack Actuator00638 MTS Rack Actuator00638 OBDU Rack Actuator00638 OUZBRO Rack Actuator00638 OUZBRO_R Rack Actuator00638 PTM Rack Actuator00638 RAS Rack Actuator00638 RET Rack Actuator00638 SFFR Rack Actuator00638 SKG Rack Actuator00638 STON Rack Actuator00638 T509C Rack Actuator00638 TBM Rack Actuator00638 Test1Module Rack Actuator00638 Test2Module Rack Actuator00638 TPM Rack Actuator00638 TRON Rack Actuator00638 TRW Rack Actuator00638 TUER_DR Rack Actuator00638 TUER_PA Rack Actuator00638 UHV Rack Actuator00638 VRET Rack Actuator00638 VSM Rack Actuator00638 WSK Rack Actuator00638 ZBR2 Rack Actuator00638 ZBRO Rack Actuator00638 ZBRO_R Rack Actuator00638 ZFR Rack Actuator00638 ZH_AT3500_1580 Rack Actuator00638 ZH_AT3500_ST Rack Actuator00638 ZH_D5W_SC Rack Actuator00638 ZHZG_9a Rack Actuator00638 ZHZG_9c Rack Actuator00639 AB Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ACC Sae J1939 Data Link00639 AST Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ASTMID Sae J1939 Data Link00639 BHTC Sae J1939 Data Link00639 CNG_ME7 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 CRT Sae J1939 Data Link00639 DIW5 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EBS Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EBS_5 J1939 (driveline CAN)00639 EBS_K1 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ECAM Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ECAS_4X2 CAN bus off
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00639 ECAS2_GBV Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ECAS2_GBW Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ECO2 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC_7 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC_7_M Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC_7_MASTER Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC_7_S Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC_7_SLAVE Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC6 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC64 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7_6 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7C32 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7C32_6 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7C32_M Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7C32_S Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7C32M_10 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7C32M_12 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7C32S_10 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7C32S_12 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7M_10 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7M_12 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7S_10 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EDC7S_12 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EHLA Sae J1939 Data Link00639 EMOS Sae J1939 Data Link00639 FFR Sae J1939 Data Link00639 GKR Sae J1939 Data Link00639 HDS Sae J1939 Data Link00639 HEITZ Sae J1939 Data Link00639 HVA Driveline CAN short circuit00639 HYD Sae J1939 Data Link00639 INST Sae J1939 Data Link00639 INT Sae J1939 Data Link00639 KR49X Sae J1939 Data Link00639 KSM T-CAN busoff00639 LGS Sae J1939 Data Link00639 MTS Sae J1939 Data Link00639 OBDU Sae J1939 Data Link00639 OUZBRO Sae J1939 Data Link00639 OUZBRO_R Sae J1939 Data Link00639 PTM Sae J1939 Data Link00639 RAS Sae J1939 Data Link00639 RET CAN bus malfunction00639 SFFR Sae J1939 Data Link00639 SKG Sae J1939 Data Link00639 STON Sae J1939 Data Link00639 T509C Sae J1939 Data Link00639 TBM Sae J1939 Data Link00639 Test1Module Sae J1939 Data Link00639 Test2Module Sae J1939 Data Link00639 TPM Sae J1939 Data Link00639 TRON Sae J1939 Data Link00639 TRW Sae J1939 Data Link00639 TUER_DR CAN error00639 TUER_PA Sae J1939 Data Link00639 UHV Sae J1939 Data Link00639 VRET CAN bus malfunction00639 VSM Sae J1939 Data Link
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00639 WSK Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ZBR2 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ZBRO Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ZBRO_R Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ZFR Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ZH_AT3500_1580 Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ZH_AT3500_ST Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ZH_D5W_SC Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ZHZG_9a Sae J1939 Data Link00639 ZHZG_9c Sae J1939 Data Link
00645 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with tachograph on CAN (SA=0xEE)00645 RAS Speedometer signal00647 AB Fan clutch00647 ACC Fan clutch00647 AST Fan clutch00647 ASTMID Fan clutch00647 BHTC Fan clutch00647 CNG_ME7 Fan clutch00647 CRT Fan clutch00647 DIW5 Fan clutch00647 EBS Fan clutch00647 EBS_5 Fan clutch00647 EBS_K1 Fan clutch00647 ECAM Fan clutch00647 ECAS_4X2 Fan clutch00647 ECAS2_GBV Fan clutch00647 ECAS2_GBW Fan clutch00647 ECO2 Fan clutch00647 EDC Fan clutch00647 EDC_7 Fan clutch00647 EDC_7_M Fan clutch00647 EDC_7_MASTER Fan clutch00647 EDC_7_S Fan clutch00647 EDC_7_SLAVE Fan clutch00647 EDC6 Fan clutch00647 EDC64 Fan clutch00647 EDC7 Fan clutch00647 EDC7_6 Fan clutch00647 EDC7C32 Fan clutch00647 EDC7C32_6 Fan clutch00647 EDC7C32_M Fan clutch00647 EDC7C32_S Fan clutch00647 EDC7C32M_10 Fan clutch00647 EDC7C32M_12 Fan clutch00647 EDC7C32S_10 Fan clutch00647 EDC7C32S_12 Fan clutch00647 EDC7M_10 Fan clutch00647 EDC7M_12 Fan clutch00647 EDC7S_10 Fan clutch00647 EDC7S_12 Fan clutch00647 EHLA Fan clutch00647 EMOS Fan clutch00647 FFR Fan clutch00647 GKR Fan clutch00647 HDS Fan clutch00647 HEITZ Fan clutch00647 HVA Fan clutch00647 HYD Fan clutch00647 INST Fan clutch
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00647 INT Fan clutch00647 KR49X Fan clutch00647 KSM Fan clutch00647 LGS Fan clutch00647 MTS Fan clutch00647 OBDU Fan clutch00647 OUZBRO Fan clutch00647 OUZBRO_R Fan clutch00647 PTM Fan clutch00647 RAS Fan clutch00647 RET Fan clutch00647 SFFR Fan clutch00647 SKG Fan clutch00647 STON Fan clutch00647 T509C Fan clutch00647 TBM Fan clutch00647 Test1Module Fan clutch00647 Test2Module Fan clutch00647 TPM Fan clutch00647 TRON Fan clutch00647 TRW Fan clutch00647 TUER_DR Fan clutch00647 TUER_PA Fan clutch00647 UHV Fan clutch00647 VRET Fan clutch00647 VSM Fan clutch00647 WSK Fan clutch00647 ZBR2 Fan clutch00647 ZBRO Fan clutch00647 ZBRO_R Fan clutch00647 ZFR Fan clutch00647 ZH_AT3500_1580 Fan clutch00647 ZH_AT3500_ST Fan clutch00647 ZH_D5W_SC Fan clutch00647 ZHZG_9a Fan clutch00647 ZHZG_9c Fan clutch00648 FFR Fan speed sensor00651 CNG_ME7 Injection valve of cylinder 1
00651 EDC7
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1; 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1; 8-cylinderengine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5; 10-cylinder engine: Master
cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl.12
00652 CNG_ME7 Injection valve of cylinder 2
00652 EDC7
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3; 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5; 8-cylinderengine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7; 10-cylinder engine: Master
cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl.8
00653 CNG_ME7 Injection valve of cylinder 3
00653 EDC7
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4; 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3; 8-cylinderengine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6; 10-cylinder engine: Master
cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl.10
00654 CNG_ME7 Injection valve of cylinder 4
00654 EDC7
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2; 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6; 8-cylinderengine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8; 10-cylinder engine: Master
cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 6, slave cyl. 700655 CNG_ME7 Injection valve of cylinder 5
00655 EDC76-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave
cyl. 9; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 95 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message00656 CNG_ME7 Injection valve of cylinder 6
00656 EDC76-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave
cyl. 900697 AB Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ACC Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 AST Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ASTMID Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 BHTC Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 CNG_ME7 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 CRT Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 DIW5 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EBS Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EBS_5 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EBS_K1 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ECAM Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ECAS_4X2 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ECAS2_GBV Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ECAS2_GBW Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ECO2 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC_7 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC_7_M Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC_7_MASTER Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC_7_S Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC_7_SLAVE Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC6 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC64 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7_6 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7C32 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7C32_6 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7C32_M Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7C32_S Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7C32M_10 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7C32M_12 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7C32S_10 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7C32S_12 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7M_10 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7M_12 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7S_10 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EDC7S_12 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EHLA Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 EMOS Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 FFR Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 GKR Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 HDS Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 HEITZ Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 HVA Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 HYD Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 INST Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 INT Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 KR49X Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 KSM Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 LGS Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 MTS Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 OBDU Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 OUZBRO Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 OUZBRO_R Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 PTM Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 RAS Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00697 RET Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 SFFR Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 SKG Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 STON Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 T509C Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 TBM Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 Test1Module Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 Test2Module Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 TPM Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 TRON Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 TRW Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 TUER_DR Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 TUER_PA Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 UHV Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 VRET Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 VSM Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 WSK Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ZBR2 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ZBRO Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ZBRO_R Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ZFR Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ZH_AT3500_1580 Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ZH_AT3500_ST Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ZH_D5W_SC Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ZHZG_9a Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00697 ZHZG_9c Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal00698 AB Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ACC Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 AST Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ASTMID Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 BHTC Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 CNG_ME7 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 CRT Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 DIW5 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EBS Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EBS_5 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EBS_K1 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ECAM Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ECAS_4X2 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ECAS2_GBV Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ECAS2_GBW Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ECO2 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC_7 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC_7_M Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC_7_MASTER Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC_7_S Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC_7_SLAVE Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC6 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC64 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7_6 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7C32 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7C32_6 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7C32_M Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7C32_S Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7C32M_10 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7C32M_12 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7C32S_10 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7C32S_12 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00698 EDC7M_10 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7M_12 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7S_10 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EDC7S_12 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EHLA Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 EMOS Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 FFR Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 GKR Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 HDS Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 HEITZ Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 HVA Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 HYD Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 INST Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 INT Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 KR49X Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 KSM Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 LGS Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 MTS Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 OBDU Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 OUZBRO Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 OUZBRO_R Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 PTM Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 RAS Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 RET Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 SFFR Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 SKG Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 STON Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 T509C Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 TBM Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 Test1Module Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 Test2Module Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 TPM Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 TRON Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 TRW Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 TUER_DR Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 TUER_PA Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 UHV Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 VRET Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 VSM Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 WSK Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ZBR2 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ZBRO Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ZBRO_R Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ZFR Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ZH_AT3500_1580 Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ZH_AT3500_ST Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ZH_D5W_SC Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ZHZG_9a Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00698 ZHZG_9c Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal00699 AB Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ACC Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 AST Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ASTMID Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 BHTC Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 CNG_ME7 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 CRT Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 DIW5 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EBS Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EBS_5 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EBS_K1 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00699 ECAM Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ECAS_4X2 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ECAS2_GBV Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ECAS2_GBW Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ECO2 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC_7 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC_7_M Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC_7_MASTER Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC_7_S Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC_7_SLAVE Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC6 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC64 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7_6 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7C32 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7C32_6 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7C32_M Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7C32_S Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7C32M_10 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7C32M_12 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7C32S_10 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7C32S_12 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7M_10 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7M_12 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7S_10 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EDC7S_12 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EHLA Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 EMOS Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 FFR Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 GKR Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 HDS Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 HEITZ Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 HVA Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 HYD Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 INST Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 INT Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 KR49X Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 KSM Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 LGS Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 MTS Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 OBDU Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 OUZBRO Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 OUZBRO_R Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 PTM Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 RAS Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 RET Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 SFFR Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 SKG Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 STON Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 T509C Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 TBM Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 Test1Module Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 Test2Module Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 TPM Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 TRON Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 TRW Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 TUER_DR Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 TUER_PA Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 UHV Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00699 VRET Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 VSM Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 WSK Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ZBR2 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ZBRO Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ZBRO_R Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ZFR Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ZH_AT3500_1580 Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ZH_AT3500_ST Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ZH_D5W_SC Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ZHZG_9a Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal00699 ZHZG_9c Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal
00701 VSMOutput stage ‘Request for drive programme 2 of Ecomat control
unit’00702 KSM Earth switch output, adjustable parameters00702 VSM Output stage ‘Request for off-road range in the transfer case’00703 KSM Switch terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00703 VSM Output stage ‘Request for neutral position in the transfer case’00704 KSM Switch 2 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters00704 VSM Output stage ‘Request for on-road range in the transfer case’00705 KSM Switch 3 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters00705 VSM Output stage ‘Request for rear axle transverse lock’00706 KSM Switch 4 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters00706 VSM Output stage ‘Request for front axle transverse lock’00707 KSM Switch 5 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters00707 VSM Output stage ‘Request for transfer case interaxle lock’00708 KSM Earth switch 2 output, adjustable parameters00708 VSM Output stage ‘Request for rear axle interaxle lock’00709 KSM Earth switch 3 output, adjustable parameters00711 EDC6 Duration of main injection00711 EDC7 Duration of main injection00723 AB Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ACC Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 AST Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ASTMID Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 BHTC Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 CNG_ME7 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 CRT Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 DIW5 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EBS Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EBS_5 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EBS_K1 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ECAM Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ECAS_4X2 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ECAS2_GBV Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ECAS2_GBW Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ECO2 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC_7 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC_7_M Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC_7_MASTER Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC_7_S Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC_7_SLAVE Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC6 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC64 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7_6 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7C32 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7C32_6 Auxiliary engine speed sensor
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00723 EDC7C32_M Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7C32_S Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7C32M_10 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7C32M_12 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7C32S_10 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7C32S_12 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7M_10 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7M_12 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7S_10 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EDC7S_12 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EHLA Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 EMOS Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 FFR Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 GKR Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 HDS Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 HEITZ Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 HVA Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 HYD Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 INST Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 INT Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 KR49X Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 KSM Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 LGS Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 MTS Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 OBDU Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 OUZBRO Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 OUZBRO_R Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 PTM Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 RAS Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 RET Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 SFFR Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 SKG Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 STON Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 T509C Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 TBM Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 Test1Module Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 Test2Module Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 TPM Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 TRON Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 TRW Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 TUER_DR Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 TUER_PA Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 UHV Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 VRET Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 VSM Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 WSK Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ZBR2 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ZBRO Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ZBRO_R Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ZFR Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ZH_AT3500_1580 Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ZH_AT3500_ST Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ZH_D5W_SC Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ZHZG_9a Auxiliary engine speed sensor00723 ZHZG_9c Auxiliary engine speed sensor00731 CNG_ME7 Knock sensor 100734 AB Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ACC Solenoid valve circuit 100734 AST Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ASTMID Solenoid valve circuit 1
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00734 BHTC Solenoid valve circuit 100734 CNG_ME7 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 CRT Solenoid valve circuit 100734 DIW5 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EBS Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EBS_5 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EBS_K1 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ECAM Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ECAS2_GBW Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ECO2 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC_7 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC_7_M Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC_7_MASTER Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC_7_S Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC_7_SLAVE Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC6 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC64 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7_6 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7C32 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7C32_6 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7C32_M Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7C32_S Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7C32M_10 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7C32M_12 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7C32S_10 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7C32S_12 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7M_10 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7M_12 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7S_10 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EDC7S_12 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EHLA Solenoid valve circuit 100734 EMOS Solenoid valve circuit 100734 FFR Solenoid valve circuit 100734 GKR Solenoid valve circuit 100734 HDS Solenoid valve circuit 100734 HEITZ Solenoid valve circuit 100734 HVA Solenoid valve circuit 100734 HYD Solenoid valve circuit 100734 INST Solenoid valve circuit 100734 INT Solenoid valve circuit 100734 KR49X Solenoid valve circuit 100734 KSM Solenoid valve circuit 100734 LGS Solenoid valve circuit 100734 MTS Solenoid valve circuit 100734 OBDU Solenoid valve circuit 100734 OUZBRO Solenoid valve circuit 100734 OUZBRO_R Solenoid valve circuit 100734 PTM Solenoid valve circuit 100734 RAS Solenoid valve circuit 100734 RET Solenoid valve circuit 100734 SFFR Solenoid valve circuit 100734 SKG Solenoid valve circuit 100734 STON Solenoid valve circuit 100734 T509C Solenoid valve circuit 100734 TBM Solenoid valve circuit 100734 Test1Module Solenoid valve circuit 1
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00734 Test2Module Solenoid valve circuit 100734 TPM Solenoid valve circuit 100734 TRON Solenoid valve circuit 100734 TRW Solenoid valve circuit 100734 TUER_DR Solenoid valve circuit 100734 TUER_PA Solenoid valve circuit 100734 UHV Solenoid valve circuit 100734 VRET Solenoid valve circuit 100734 VSM Solenoid valve circuit 100734 WSK Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ZBR2 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ZBRO Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ZBRO_R Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ZFR Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ZH_AT3500_1580 Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ZH_AT3500_ST Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ZH_D5W_SC Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ZHZG_9a Solenoid valve circuit 100734 ZHZG_9c Solenoid valve circuit 100735 AB Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ACC Solenoid valve circuit 200735 AST Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ASTMID Solenoid valve circuit 200735 BHTC Solenoid valve circuit 200735 CNG_ME7 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 CRT Solenoid valve circuit 200735 DIW5 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EBS Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EBS_5 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EBS_K1 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ECAM Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ECAS2_GBW Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ECO2 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC_7 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC_7_M Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC_7_MASTER Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC_7_S Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC_7_SLAVE Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC6 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC64 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7_6 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7C32 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7C32_6 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7C32_M Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7C32_S Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7C32M_10 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7C32M_12 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7C32S_10 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7C32S_12 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7M_10 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7M_12 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7S_10 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EDC7S_12 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EHLA Solenoid valve circuit 200735 EMOS Solenoid valve circuit 200735 FFR Solenoid valve circuit 2
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00735 GKR Solenoid valve circuit 200735 HDS Solenoid valve circuit 200735 HEITZ Solenoid valve circuit 200735 HVA Solenoid valve circuit 200735 HYD Solenoid valve circuit 200735 INST Solenoid valve circuit 200735 INT Solenoid valve circuit 200735 KR49X Solenoid valve circuit 200735 KSM Solenoid valve circuit 200735 LGS Solenoid valve circuit 200735 MTS Solenoid valve circuit 200735 OBDU Solenoid valve circuit 200735 OUZBRO Solenoid valve circuit 200735 OUZBRO_R Solenoid valve circuit 200735 PTM Solenoid valve circuit 200735 RAS Solenoid valve circuit 200735 RET Solenoid valve circuit 200735 SFFR Solenoid valve circuit 200735 SKG Solenoid valve circuit 200735 STON Solenoid valve circuit 200735 T509C Solenoid valve circuit 200735 TBM Solenoid valve circuit 200735 Test1Module Solenoid valve circuit 200735 Test2Module Solenoid valve circuit 200735 TPM Solenoid valve circuit 200735 TRON Solenoid valve circuit 200735 TRW Solenoid valve circuit 200735 TUER_DR Solenoid valve circuit 200735 TUER_PA Solenoid valve circuit 200735 UHV Solenoid valve circuit 200735 VRET Solenoid valve circuit 200735 VSM Solenoid valve circuit 200735 WSK Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ZBR2 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ZBRO Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ZBRO_R Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ZFR Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ZH_AT3500_1580 Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ZH_AT3500_ST Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ZH_D5W_SC Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ZHZG_9a Solenoid valve circuit 200735 ZHZG_9c Solenoid valve circuit 200736 AB Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ACC Solenoid valve circuit 300736 AST Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ASTMID Solenoid valve circuit 300736 BHTC Solenoid valve circuit 300736 CNG_ME7 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 CRT Solenoid valve circuit 300736 DIW5 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EBS Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EBS_5 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EBS_K1 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ECAM Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ECAS2_GBW Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ECO2 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC_7 Solenoid valve circuit 3
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00736 EDC_7_M Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC_7_MASTER Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC_7_S Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC_7_SLAVE Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC6 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC64 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7_6 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7C32 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7C32_6 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7C32_M Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7C32_S Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7C32M_10 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7C32M_12 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7C32S_10 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7C32S_12 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7M_10 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7M_12 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7S_10 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EDC7S_12 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EHLA Solenoid valve circuit 300736 EMOS Solenoid valve circuit 300736 FFR Solenoid valve circuit 300736 GKR Solenoid valve circuit 300736 HDS Solenoid valve circuit 300736 HEITZ Solenoid valve circuit 300736 HVA Solenoid valve circuit 300736 HYD Solenoid valve circuit 300736 INST Solenoid valve circuit 300736 INT Solenoid valve circuit 300736 KR49X Solenoid valve circuit 300736 KSM Solenoid valve circuit 300736 LGS Solenoid valve circuit 300736 MTS Solenoid valve circuit 300736 OBDU Solenoid valve circuit 300736 OUZBRO Solenoid valve circuit 300736 OUZBRO_R Solenoid valve circuit 300736 PTM Solenoid valve circuit 300736 RAS Solenoid valve circuit 300736 RET Solenoid valve circuit 300736 SFFR Solenoid valve circuit 300736 SKG Solenoid valve circuit 300736 STON Solenoid valve circuit 300736 T509C Solenoid valve circuit 300736 TBM Solenoid valve circuit 300736 Test1Module Solenoid valve circuit 300736 Test2Module Solenoid valve circuit 300736 TPM Solenoid valve circuit 300736 TRON Solenoid valve circuit 300736 TRW Solenoid valve circuit 300736 TUER_DR Solenoid valve circuit 300736 TUER_PA Solenoid valve circuit 300736 UHV Solenoid valve circuit 300736 VRET Solenoid valve circuit 300736 VSM Solenoid valve circuit 300736 WSK Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ZBR2 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ZBRO Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ZBRO_R Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ZFR Solenoid valve circuit 3
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00736 ZH_AT3500_1580 Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ZH_AT3500_ST Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ZH_D5W_SC Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ZHZG_9a Solenoid valve circuit 300736 ZHZG_9c Solenoid valve circuit 300737 AB Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ACC Solenoid valve circuit 400737 AST Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ASTMID Solenoid valve circuit 400737 BHTC Solenoid valve circuit 400737 CNG_ME7 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 CRT Solenoid valve circuit 400737 DIW5 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EBS Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EBS_5 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EBS_K1 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ECAM Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ECAS2_GBW Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ECO2 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC_7 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC_7_M Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC_7_MASTER Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC_7_S Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC_7_SLAVE Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC6 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC64 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7_6 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7C32 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7C32_6 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7C32_M Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7C32_S Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7C32M_10 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7C32M_12 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7C32S_10 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7C32S_12 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7M_10 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7M_12 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7S_10 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EDC7S_12 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EHLA Solenoid valve circuit 400737 EMOS Solenoid valve circuit 400737 FFR Solenoid valve circuit 400737 GKR Solenoid valve circuit 400737 HDS Solenoid valve circuit 400737 HEITZ Solenoid valve circuit 400737 HVA Solenoid valve circuit 400737 HYD Solenoid valve circuit 400737 INST Solenoid valve circuit 400737 INT Solenoid valve circuit 400737 KR49X Solenoid valve circuit 400737 KSM Solenoid valve circuit 400737 LGS Solenoid valve circuit 400737 MTS Solenoid valve circuit 400737 OBDU Solenoid valve circuit 400737 OUZBRO Solenoid valve circuit 400737 OUZBRO_R Solenoid valve circuit 4
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00737 PTM Solenoid valve circuit 400737 RAS Solenoid valve circuit 400737 RET Solenoid valve circuit 400737 SFFR Solenoid valve circuit 400737 SKG Solenoid valve circuit 400737 STON Solenoid valve circuit 400737 T509C Solenoid valve circuit 400737 TBM Solenoid valve circuit 400737 Test1Module Solenoid valve circuit 400737 Test2Module Solenoid valve circuit 400737 TPM Solenoid valve circuit 400737 TRON Solenoid valve circuit 400737 TRW Solenoid valve circuit 400737 TUER_DR Solenoid valve circuit 400737 TUER_PA Solenoid valve circuit 400737 UHV Solenoid valve circuit 400737 VRET Solenoid valve circuit 400737 VSM Solenoid valve circuit 400737 WSK Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ZBR2 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ZBRO Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ZBRO_R Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ZFR Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ZH_AT3500_1580 Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ZH_AT3500_ST Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ZH_D5W_SC Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ZHZG_9a Solenoid valve circuit 400737 ZHZG_9c Solenoid valve circuit 400738 AB Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ACC Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 AST Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ASTMID Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 BHTC Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 CNG_ME7 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 CRT Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 DIW5 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EBS Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EBS_5 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EBS_K1 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ECAM Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ECAS2_GBW Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ECO2 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC_7 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC_7_M Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC_7_MASTER Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC_7_S Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC_7_SLAVE Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC6 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC64 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7_6 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7C32 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7C32_6 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7C32_M Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7C32_S Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7C32M_10 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7C32M_12 Solenoid valve pressure regulator
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00738 EDC7C32S_10 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7C32S_12 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7M_10 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7M_12 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7S_10 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EDC7S_12 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EHLA Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 EMOS Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 FFR Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 GKR Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 HDS Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 HEITZ Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 HVA Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 HYD Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 INST Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 INT Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 KR49X Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 KSM Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 LGS Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 MTS Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 OBDU Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 OUZBRO Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 OUZBRO_R Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 PTM Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 RAS Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 RET Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 SFFR Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 SKG Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 STON Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 T509C Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 TBM Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 Test1Module Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 Test2Module Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 TPM Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 TRON Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 TRW Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 TUER_DR Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 TUER_PA Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 UHV Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 VRET Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 VSM Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 WSK Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ZBR2 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ZBRO Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ZBRO_R Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ZFR Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ZH_AT3500_1580 Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ZH_AT3500_ST Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ZH_D5W_SC Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ZHZG_9a Solenoid valve pressure regulator00738 ZHZG_9c Solenoid valve pressure regulator00739 AB Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ACC Solenoid valve regeneration00739 AST Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ASTMID Solenoid valve regeneration00739 BHTC Solenoid valve regeneration00739 CNG_ME7 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 CRT Solenoid valve regeneration00739 DIW5 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EBS Solenoid valve regeneration
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00739 EBS_5 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EBS_K1 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ECAM Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ECAS2_GBW Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ECO2 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC_7 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC_7_M Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC_7_MASTER Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC_7_S Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC_7_SLAVE Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC6 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC64 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7_6 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7C32 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7C32_6 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7C32_M Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7C32_S Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7C32M_10 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7C32M_12 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7C32S_10 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7C32S_12 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7M_10 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7M_12 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7S_10 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EDC7S_12 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EHLA Solenoid valve regeneration00739 EMOS Solenoid valve regeneration00739 FFR Solenoid valve regeneration00739 GKR Solenoid valve regeneration00739 HDS Solenoid valve regeneration00739 HEITZ Solenoid valve regeneration00739 HVA Solenoid valve regeneration00739 HYD Solenoid valve regeneration00739 INST Solenoid valve regeneration00739 INT Solenoid valve regeneration00739 KR49X Solenoid valve regeneration00739 KSM Solenoid valve regeneration00739 LGS Solenoid valve regeneration00739 MTS Solenoid valve regeneration00739 OBDU Solenoid valve regeneration00739 OUZBRO Solenoid valve regeneration00739 OUZBRO_R Solenoid valve regeneration00739 PTM Solenoid valve regeneration00739 RAS Solenoid valve regeneration00739 RET Solenoid valve regeneration00739 SFFR Solenoid valve regeneration00739 SKG Solenoid valve regeneration00739 STON Solenoid valve regeneration00739 T509C Solenoid valve regeneration00739 TBM Solenoid valve regeneration00739 Test1Module Solenoid valve regeneration00739 Test2Module Solenoid valve regeneration00739 TPM Solenoid valve regeneration00739 TRON Solenoid valve regeneration00739 TRW Solenoid valve regeneration00739 TUER_DR Solenoid valve regeneration
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00739 TUER_PA Solenoid valve regeneration00739 UHV Solenoid valve regeneration00739 VRET Solenoid valve regeneration00739 VSM Solenoid valve regeneration00739 WSK Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ZBR2 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ZBRO Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ZBRO_R Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ZFR Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ZH_AT3500_1580 Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ZH_AT3500_ST Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ZH_D5W_SC Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ZHZG_9a Solenoid valve regeneration00739 ZHZG_9c Solenoid valve regeneration00743 RET On/off valve00743 VRET On/off valve00744 RET Proportional valve00744 VRET Proportional valve00746 EBS_5 Differential lock valve (differential lock switch)00748 AB Retarder actuated00748 ACC Retarder actuated00748 AST Retarder actuated00748 ASTMID Retarder actuated00748 BHTC Retarder actuated00748 CNG_ME7 Retarder actuated00748 CRT Retarder actuated00748 DIW5 Retarder actuated00748 EBS Retarder actuated00748 EBS_5 Retarder actuated00748 EBS_K1 Retarder actuated00748 ECAM Retarder actuated00748 ECAS_4X2 Retarder actuated00748 ECAS2_GBV Retarder actuated00748 ECAS2_GBW Retarder actuated00748 ECO2 Retarder actuated00748 EDC Retarder actuated00748 EDC_7 Retarder actuated00748 EDC_7_M Retarder actuated00748 EDC_7_MASTER Retarder actuated00748 EDC_7_S Retarder actuated00748 EDC_7_SLAVE Retarder actuated00748 EDC6 Retarder actuated00748 EDC64 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7_6 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7C32 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7C32_6 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7C32_M Retarder actuated00748 EDC7C32_S Retarder actuated00748 EDC7C32M_10 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7C32M_12 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7C32S_10 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7C32S_12 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7M_10 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7M_12 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7S_10 Retarder actuated00748 EDC7S_12 Retarder actuated00748 EHLA Retarder actuated00748 EMOS Retarder actuated00748 FFR Retarder actuated
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00748 GKR Retarder actuated00748 HDS Retarder actuated00748 HEITZ Retarder actuated00748 HVA Retarder actuated00748 HYD Retarder actuated00748 INST Retarder actuated00748 INT Retarder actuated00748 KR49X Retarder actuated00748 KSM Retarder actuated00748 LGS Retarder actuated00748 MTS Retarder actuated00748 OBDU Retarder actuated00748 OUZBRO Retarder actuated00748 OUZBRO_R Retarder actuated00748 PTM Retarder actuated00748 RAS Retarder actuated00748 RET Retarder actuated00748 SFFR Retarder actuated00748 SKG Retarder actuated00748 STON Retarder actuated00748 T509C Retarder actuated00748 TBM Retarder actuated00748 Test1Module Retarder actuated00748 Test2Module Retarder actuated00748 TPM Retarder actuated00748 TRON Retarder actuated00748 TRW Retarder actuated00748 TUER_DR Retarder actuated00748 TUER_PA Retarder actuated00748 UHV Retarder actuated00748 VRET Retarder actuated00748 VSM Retarder actuated00748 WSK Retarder actuated00748 ZBR2 Retarder actuated00748 ZBRO Retarder actuated00748 ZBRO_R Retarder actuated00748 ZFR Retarder actuated00748 ZH_AT3500_1580 Retarder actuated00748 ZH_AT3500_ST Retarder actuated00748 ZH_D5W_SC Retarder actuated00748 ZHZG_9a Retarder actuated00748 ZHZG_9c Retarder actuated00764 RET Pressure sensor housing pressure00767 AB Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ACC Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 AST Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ASTMID Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 BHTC Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 CNG_ME7 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 CRT Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 DIW5 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EBS Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EBS_5 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EBS_K1 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ECAM Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ECAS_4X2 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ECAS2_GBV Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ECAS2_GBW Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ECO2 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC Transmission Reverse Direction Switch
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00767 EDC_7 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC_7_M Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC_7_MASTER Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC_7_S Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC_7_SLAVE Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC6 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC64 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7_6 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7C32 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7C32_6 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7C32_M Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7C32_S Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7C32M_10 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7C32M_12 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7C32S_10 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7C32S_12 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7M_10 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7M_12 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7S_10 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EDC7S_12 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EHLA Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 EMOS Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 FFR Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 GKR Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 HDS Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 HEITZ Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 HVA Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 HYD Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 INST Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 INT Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 KR49X Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 KSM Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 LGS Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 MTS Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 OBDU Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 OUZBRO Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 OUZBRO_R Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 PTM Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 RAS Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 RET Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 SFFR Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 SKG Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 STON Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 T509C Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 TBM Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 Test1Module Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 Test2Module Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 TPM Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 TRON Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 TRW Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 TUER_DR Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 TUER_PA Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 UHV Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 VRET Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 VSM Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 WSK Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ZBR2 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ZBRO Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ZBRO_R Transmission Reverse Direction Switch
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00767 ZFR Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ZH_AT3500_1580 Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ZH_AT3500_ST Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ZH_D5W_SC Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ZHZG_9a Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00767 ZHZG_9c Transmission Reverse Direction Switch00770 AB Split H00770 ACC Split H00770 AST Split H00770 ASTMID Split H00770 BHTC Split H00770 CNG_ME7 Split H00770 CRT Split H00770 DIW5 Split H00770 EBS Split H00770 EBS_5 Split H00770 EBS_K1 Split H00770 ECAM Split H00770 ECAS_4X2 Split H00770 ECAS2_GBV Split H00770 ECAS2_GBW Split H00770 ECO2 Split H00770 EDC Split H00770 EDC_7 Split H00770 EDC_7_M Split H00770 EDC_7_MASTER Split H00770 EDC_7_S Split H00770 EDC_7_SLAVE Split H00770 EDC6 Split H00770 EDC64 Split H00770 EDC7 Split H00770 EDC7_6 Split H00770 EDC7C32 Split H00770 EDC7C32_6 Split H00770 EDC7C32_M Split H00770 EDC7C32_S Split H00770 EDC7C32M_10 Split H00770 EDC7C32M_12 Split H00770 EDC7C32S_10 Split H00770 EDC7C32S_12 Split H00770 EDC7M_10 Split H00770 EDC7M_12 Split H00770 EDC7S_10 Split H00770 EDC7S_12 Split H00770 EHLA Split H00770 EMOS Split H00770 FFR Split H00770 GKR Split H00770 HDS Split H00770 HEITZ Split H00770 HVA Split H00770 HYD Split H00770 INST Split H00770 INT Split H00770 KR49X Split H00770 KSM Split H00770 LGS Split H00770 MTS Split H00770 OBDU Split H00770 OUZBRO Split H
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00770 OUZBRO_R Split H00770 PTM Split H00770 RAS Split H00770 RET Split H00770 SFFR Split H00770 SKG Split H00770 STON Split H00770 T509C Split H00770 TBM Split H00770 Test1Module Split H00770 Test2Module Split H00770 TPM Split H00770 TRON Split H00770 TRW Split H00770 TUER_DR Split H00770 TUER_PA Split H00770 UHV Split H00770 VRET Split H00770 VSM Split H00770 WSK Split H00770 ZBR2 Split H00770 ZBRO Split H00770 ZBRO_R Split H00770 ZFR Split H00770 ZH_AT3500_1580 Split H00770 ZH_AT3500_ST Split H00770 ZH_D5W_SC Split H00770 ZHZG_9a Split H00770 ZHZG_9c Split H00771 AB Split L00771 ACC Split L00771 AST Split L00771 ASTMID Split L00771 BHTC Split L00771 CNG_ME7 Split L00771 CRT Split L00771 DIW5 Split L00771 EBS Split L00771 EBS_5 Split L00771 EBS_K1 Split L00771 ECAM Split L00771 ECAS_4X2 Split L00771 ECAS2_GBV Split L00771 ECAS2_GBW Split L00771 ECO2 Split L00771 EDC Split L00771 EDC_7 Split L00771 EDC_7_M Split L00771 EDC_7_MASTER Split L00771 EDC_7_S Split L00771 EDC_7_SLAVE Split L00771 EDC6 Split L00771 EDC64 Split L00771 EDC7 Split L00771 EDC7_6 Split L00771 EDC7C32 Split L00771 EDC7C32_6 Split L00771 EDC7C32_M Split L00771 EDC7C32_S Split L00771 EDC7C32M_10 Split L
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00771 EDC7C32M_12 Split L00771 EDC7C32S_10 Split L00771 EDC7C32S_12 Split L00771 EDC7M_10 Split L00771 EDC7M_12 Split L00771 EDC7S_10 Split L00771 EDC7S_12 Split L00771 EHLA Split L00771 EMOS Split L00771 FFR Split L00771 GKR Split L00771 HDS Split L00771 HEITZ Split L00771 HVA Split L00771 HYD Split L00771 INST Split L00771 INT Split L00771 KR49X Split L00771 KSM Split L00771 LGS Split L00771 MTS Split L00771 OBDU Split L00771 OUZBRO Split L00771 OUZBRO_R Split L00771 PTM Split L00771 RAS Split L00771 RET Split L00771 SFFR Split L00771 SKG Split L00771 STON Split L00771 T509C Split L00771 TBM Split L00771 Test1Module Split L00771 Test2Module Split L00771 TPM Split L00771 TRON Split L00771 TRW Split L00771 TUER_DR Split L00771 TUER_PA Split L00771 UHV Split L00771 VRET Split L00771 VSM Split L00771 WSK Split L00771 ZBR2 Split L00771 ZBRO Split L00771 ZBRO_R Split L00771 ZFR Split L00771 ZH_AT3500_1580 Split L00771 ZH_AT3500_ST Split L00771 ZH_D5W_SC Split L00771 ZHZG_9a Split L00771 ZHZG_9c Split L00773 AB DNR switch00773 ACC DNR switch00773 AST DNR switch00773 ASTMID DNR switch00773 BHTC DNR switch00773 CNG_ME7 DNR switch00773 CRT DNR switch00773 DIW5 DNR switch
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00773 EBS DNR switch00773 EBS_5 DNR switch00773 EBS_K1 DNR switch00773 ECAM DNR switch00773 ECAS_4X2 DNR switch00773 ECAS2_GBV DNR switch00773 ECAS2_GBW DNR switch00773 ECO2 DNR switch00773 EDC DNR switch00773 EDC_7 DNR switch00773 EDC_7_M DNR switch00773 EDC_7_MASTER DNR switch00773 EDC_7_S DNR switch00773 EDC_7_SLAVE DNR switch00773 EDC6 DNR switch00773 EDC64 DNR switch00773 EDC7 DNR switch00773 EDC7_6 DNR switch00773 EDC7C32 DNR switch00773 EDC7C32_6 DNR switch00773 EDC7C32_M DNR switch00773 EDC7C32_S DNR switch00773 EDC7C32M_10 DNR switch00773 EDC7C32M_12 DNR switch00773 EDC7C32S_10 DNR switch00773 EDC7C32S_12 DNR switch00773 EDC7M_10 DNR switch00773 EDC7M_12 DNR switch00773 EDC7S_10 DNR switch00773 EDC7S_12 DNR switch00773 EHLA DNR switch00773 EMOS DNR switch00773 FFR DNR switch00773 GKR DNR switch00773 HDS DNR switch00773 HEITZ DNR switch00773 HVA DNR switch00773 HYD DNR switch00773 INST DNR switch00773 INT DNR switch00773 KR49X DNR switch00773 KSM DNR switch00773 LGS DNR switch00773 MTS DNR switch00773 OBDU DNR switch00773 OUZBRO DNR switch00773 OUZBRO_R DNR switch00773 PTM DNR switch00773 RAS DNR switch00773 RET DNR switch00773 SFFR DNR switch00773 SKG DNR switch00773 STON DNR switch00773 T509C DNR switch00773 TBM DNR switch00773 Test1Module DNR switch00773 Test2Module DNR switch00773 TPM DNR switch00773 TRON DNR switch00773 TRW DNR switch
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00773 TUER_DR DNR switch00773 TUER_PA DNR switch00773 UHV DNR switch00773 VRET DNR switch00773 VSM DNR switch00773 WSK DNR switch00773 ZBR2 DNR switch00773 ZBRO DNR switch00773 ZBRO_R DNR switch00773 ZFR DNR switch00773 ZH_AT3500_1580 DNR switch00773 ZH_AT3500_ST DNR switch00773 ZH_D5W_SC DNR switch00773 ZHZG_9a DNR switch00773 ZHZG_9c DNR switch00780 AB Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ACC Gearbox neutral indicator00780 AST Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ASTMID Gearbox neutral indicator00780 BHTC Gearbox neutral indicator00780 CNG_ME7 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 CRT Gearbox neutral indicator00780 DIW5 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EBS Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EBS_5 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EBS_K1 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ECAM Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ECAS_4X2 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ECAS2_GBV Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ECAS2_GBW Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ECO2 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC_7 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC_7_M Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC_7_MASTER Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC_7_S Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC_7_SLAVE Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC6 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC64 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7_6 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7C32 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7C32_6 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7C32_M Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7C32_S Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7C32M_10 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7C32M_12 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7C32S_10 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7C32S_12 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7M_10 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7M_12 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7S_10 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EDC7S_12 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EHLA Gearbox neutral indicator00780 EMOS Gearbox neutral indicator00780 FFR Gearbox neutral indicator00780 GKR Gearbox neutral indicator00780 HDS Gearbox neutral indicator00780 HEITZ Gearbox neutral indicator00780 HVA Gearbox neutral indicator
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00780 HYD Gearbox neutral indicator00780 INST Gearbox neutral indicator00780 INT Gearbox neutral indicator00780 KR49X Gearbox neutral indicator00780 KSM Gearbox neutral indicator00780 LGS Gearbox neutral indicator00780 MTS Gearbox neutral indicator00780 OBDU Gearbox neutral indicator00780 OUZBRO Gearbox neutral indicator00780 OUZBRO_R Gearbox neutral indicator00780 PTM Gearbox neutral indicator00780 RAS Gearbox neutral indicator00780 RET Gearbox neutral indicator00780 SFFR Gearbox neutral indicator00780 SKG Gearbox neutral indicator00780 STON Gearbox neutral indicator00780 T509C Gearbox neutral indicator00780 TBM Gearbox neutral indicator00780 Test1Module Gearbox neutral indicator00780 Test2Module Gearbox neutral indicator00780 TPM Gearbox neutral indicator00780 TRON Gearbox neutral indicator00780 TRW Gearbox neutral indicator00780 TUER_DR Gearbox neutral indicator00780 TUER_PA Gearbox neutral indicator00780 UHV Gearbox neutral indicator00780 VRET Gearbox neutral indicator00780 VSM Gearbox neutral indicator00780 WSK Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ZBR2 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ZBRO Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ZBRO_R Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ZFR Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ZH_AT3500_1580 Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ZH_AT3500_ST Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ZH_D5W_SC Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ZHZG_9a Gearbox neutral indicator00780 ZHZG_9c Gearbox neutral indicator00789 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 100790 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 200791 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 300792 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 400793 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 500794 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 600833 AB Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ACC Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 AST Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ASTMID Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 BHTC Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 CNG_ME7 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 CRT Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 DIW5 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EBS Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EBS_5 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EBS_K1 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ECAM Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ECAS_4X2 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ECAS2_GBV Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ECAS2_GBW Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ECO2 Fuel Rack Position Sensor
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00833 EDC Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC_7 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC_7_M Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC_7_MASTER Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC_7_S Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC_7_SLAVE Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC6 Control path00833 EDC64 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7_6 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7C32 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7C32_6 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7C32_M Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7C32_S Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7C32M_10 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7C32M_12 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7C32S_10 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7C32S_12 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7M_10 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7M_12 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7S_10 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EDC7S_12 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EHLA Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 EMOS Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 FFR Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 GKR Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 HDS Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 HEITZ Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 HVA Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 HYD Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 INST Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 INT Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 KR49X Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 KSM Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 LGS Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 MTS Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 OBDU Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 OUZBRO Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 OUZBRO_R Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 PTM Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 RAS Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 RET Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 SFFR Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 SKG Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 STON Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 T509C Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 TBM Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 Test1Module Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 Test2Module Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 TPM Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 TRON Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 TRW Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 TUER_DR Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 TUER_PA Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 UHV Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 VRET Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 VSM Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 WSK Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ZBR2 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ZBRO Fuel Rack Position Sensor
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00833 ZBRO_R Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ZFR Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ZH_AT3500_1580 Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ZH_AT3500_ST Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ZH_D5W_SC Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ZHZG_9a Fuel Rack Position Sensor00833 ZHZG_9c Fuel Rack Position Sensor00835 RAS Oil level signal00876 GKR Compressor coupling00877 GKR Evaporator temperature sensor00898 AB Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ACC Maximum speed limiter switch00898 AST Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ASTMID Maximum speed limiter switch00898 BHTC Maximum speed limiter switch00898 CNG_ME7 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 CRT Maximum speed limiter switch00898 DIW5 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EBS Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EBS_5 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EBS_K1 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ECAM Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ECAS_4X2 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ECAS2_GBV Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ECAS2_GBW Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ECO2 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC_7 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC_7_M Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC_7_MASTER Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC_7_S Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC_7_SLAVE Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC6 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC64 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7_6 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7C32 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7C32_6 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7C32_M Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7C32_S Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7C32M_10 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7C32M_12 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7C32S_10 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7C32S_12 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7M_10 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7M_12 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7S_10 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EDC7S_12 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EHLA Maximum speed limiter switch00898 EMOS Maximum speed limiter switch00898 FFR Maximum speed limiter switch00898 GKR Maximum speed limiter switch00898 HDS Maximum speed limiter switch00898 HEITZ Maximum speed limiter switch00898 HVA Maximum speed limiter switch00898 HYD Maximum speed limiter switch00898 INST Maximum speed limiter switch00898 INT Maximum speed limiter switch00898 KR49X Maximum speed limiter switch00898 KSM Maximum speed limiter switch
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00898 LGS Maximum speed limiter switch00898 MTS Maximum speed limiter switch00898 OBDU Maximum speed limiter switch00898 OUZBRO Maximum speed limiter switch00898 OUZBRO_R Maximum speed limiter switch00898 PTM Maximum speed limiter switch00898 RAS Maximum speed limiter switch00898 RET Maximum speed limiter switch00898 SFFR Maximum speed limiter switch00898 SKG Maximum speed limiter switch00898 STON Maximum speed limiter switch00898 T509C Maximum speed limiter switch00898 TBM Maximum speed limiter switch00898 Test1Module Maximum speed limiter switch00898 Test2Module Maximum speed limiter switch00898 TPM Maximum speed limiter switch00898 TRON Maximum speed limiter switch00898 TRW Maximum speed limiter switch00898 TUER_DR Maximum speed limiter switch00898 TUER_PA Maximum speed limiter switch00898 UHV Maximum speed limiter switch00898 VRET Maximum speed limiter switch00898 VSM Maximum speed limiter switch00898 WSK Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ZBR2 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ZBRO Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ZBRO_R Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ZFR Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ZH_AT3500_1580 Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ZH_AT3500_ST Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ZH_D5W_SC Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ZHZG_9a Maximum speed limiter switch00898 ZHZG_9c Maximum speed limiter switch00904 AB Front axle speed00904 ACC Front axle speed00904 AST Front axle speed00904 ASTMID Front axle speed00904 BHTC Front axle speed00904 CNG_ME7 Front axle speed00904 CRT Front axle speed00904 DIW5 Front axle speed00904 EBS Front axle speed00904 EBS_5 Front axle speed00904 EBS_K1 Front axle speed00904 ECAM Front axle speed00904 ECAS_4X2 Front axle speed00904 ECAS2_GBV Front axle speed00904 ECAS2_GBW Front axle speed00904 ECO2 Front axle speed00904 EDC Front axle speed00904 EDC_7 Front axle speed00904 EDC_7_M Front axle speed00904 EDC_7_MASTER Front axle speed00904 EDC_7_S Front axle speed00904 EDC_7_SLAVE Front axle speed00904 EDC6 Front axle speed00904 EDC64 Front axle speed00904 EDC7 Front axle speed00904 EDC7_6 Front axle speed00904 EDC7C32 Front axle speed
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00904 EDC7C32_6 Front axle speed00904 EDC7C32_M Front axle speed00904 EDC7C32_S Front axle speed00904 EDC7C32M_10 Front axle speed00904 EDC7C32M_12 Front axle speed00904 EDC7C32S_10 Front axle speed00904 EDC7C32S_12 Front axle speed00904 EDC7M_10 Front axle speed00904 EDC7M_12 Front axle speed00904 EDC7S_10 Front axle speed00904 EDC7S_12 Front axle speed00904 EHLA Front axle speed00904 EMOS Front axle speed00904 FFR Front axle speed00904 GKR Front axle speed00904 HDS Front axle speed00904 HEITZ Front axle speed00904 HVA Front axle speed00904 HYD Front axle speed00904 INST Front axle speed00904 INT Front axle speed00904 KR49X Front axle speed00904 KSM Front axle speed00904 LGS Front axle speed00904 MTS Front axle speed00904 OBDU Front axle speed00904 OUZBRO Front axle speed00904 OUZBRO_R Front axle speed00904 PTM Front axle speed00904 RAS Front axle speed00904 RET Front axle speed00904 SFFR Front axle speed00904 SKG Front axle speed00904 STON Front axle speed00904 T509C Front axle speed00904 TBM Front axle speed00904 Test1Module Front axle speed00904 Test2Module Front axle speed00904 TPM Front axle speed00904 TRON Front axle speed00904 TRW Front axle speed00904 TUER_DR Front axle speed00904 TUER_PA Front axle speed00904 UHV Front axle speed00904 VRET Front axle speed00904 VSM Front axle speed00904 WSK Front axle speed00904 ZBR2 Front axle speed00904 ZBRO Front axle speed00904 ZBRO_R Front axle speed00904 ZFR Front axle speed00904 ZH_AT3500_1580 Front axle speed00904 ZH_AT3500_ST Front axle speed00904 ZH_D5W_SC Front axle speed00904 ZHZG_9a Front axle speed00904 ZHZG_9c Front axle speed00905 EMOS Differential speed left front wheel00906 EMOS Differential speed right front wheel00907 EMOS Differential speed left rear wheel00908 EMOS Differential speed right rear wheel
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00929 TPM Tyre data00932 EBS_5 Pressure regulating valve left intake valve00933 EBS_5 Pressure regulating valve right intake valve00938 EBS_5 Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve00939 EBS_5 Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve00944 AB Driver’s airbag (loop 1)00946 AB left BT (loop 2)00948 AB SRS lamp00959 AB Seconds00959 ACC Seconds00959 AST Seconds00959 ASTMID Seconds00959 BHTC Seconds00959 CNG_ME7 Seconds00959 CRT Seconds00959 DIW5 CAN message: Time/date, signal: Seconds00959 EBS Seconds00959 EBS_5 Seconds00959 EBS_K1 Seconds00959 ECAM Seconds00959 ECAS_4X2 Seconds00959 ECAS2_GBV Seconds00959 ECAS2_GBW Seconds00959 ECO2 Seconds00959 EDC Seconds00959 EDC_7 Seconds00959 EDC_7_M Seconds00959 EDC_7_MASTER Seconds00959 EDC_7_S Seconds00959 EDC_7_SLAVE Seconds00959 EDC6 TIME/DATE: Seconds invalid00959 EDC64 Seconds00959 EDC7 Seconds00959 EDC7_6 Seconds00959 EDC7C32 Seconds00959 EDC7C32_6 Seconds00959 EDC7C32_M Seconds00959 EDC7C32_S Seconds00959 EDC7C32M_10 Seconds00959 EDC7C32M_12 Seconds00959 EDC7C32S_10 Seconds00959 EDC7C32S_12 Seconds00959 EDC7M_10 Seconds00959 EDC7M_12 Seconds00959 EDC7S_10 Seconds00959 EDC7S_12 Seconds00959 EHLA Seconds00959 EMOS Seconds00959 FFR Seconds00959 GKR Seconds00959 HDS Seconds00959 HEITZ Seconds00959 HVA Seconds00959 HYD Seconds00959 INST Seconds00959 INT Seconds00959 KR49X Seconds00959 KSM Seconds00959 LGS Seconds00959 MTS Seconds
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00959 OBDU Seconds00959 OUZBRO Seconds00959 OUZBRO_R Seconds00959 PTM Seconds00959 RAS Seconds00959 RET Seconds00959 SFFR Seconds00959 SKG Seconds00959 STON Seconds00959 T509C Seconds00959 TBM Seconds00959 Test1Module Seconds00959 Test2Module Seconds00959 TPM Seconds00959 TRON Seconds00959 TRW Seconds00959 TUER_DR Seconds00959 TUER_PA Seconds00959 UHV Seconds00959 VRET Seconds00959 VSM Seconds00959 WSK Seconds00959 ZBR2 Seconds00959 ZBRO Seconds00959 ZBRO_R Seconds00959 ZFR Seconds00959 ZH_AT3500_1580 Seconds00959 ZH_AT3500_ST Seconds00959 ZH_D5W_SC Seconds00959 ZHZG_9a Seconds00959 ZHZG_9c Seconds00960 AB Minutes00960 ACC Minutes00960 AST Minutes00960 ASTMID Minutes00960 BHTC Minutes00960 CNG_ME7 Minutes00960 CRT Minutes00960 DIW5 CAN message: Time/date, signal: Minutes00960 EBS Minutes00960 EBS_5 Minutes00960 EBS_K1 Minutes00960 ECAM Minutes00960 ECAS_4X2 Minutes00960 ECAS2_GBV Minutes00960 ECAS2_GBW Minutes00960 ECO2 Minutes00960 EDC Minutes00960 EDC_7 Minutes00960 EDC_7_M Minutes00960 EDC_7_MASTER Minutes00960 EDC_7_S Minutes00960 EDC_7_SLAVE Minutes00960 EDC6 TIME/DATE: Minutes invalid00960 EDC64 Minutes00960 EDC7 Minutes00960 EDC7_6 Minutes00960 EDC7C32 Minutes00960 EDC7C32_6 Minutes00960 EDC7C32_M Minutes
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00960 EDC7C32_S Minutes00960 EDC7C32M_10 Minutes00960 EDC7C32M_12 Minutes00960 EDC7C32S_10 Minutes00960 EDC7C32S_12 Minutes00960 EDC7M_10 Minutes00960 EDC7M_12 Minutes00960 EDC7S_10 Minutes00960 EDC7S_12 Minutes00960 EHLA Minutes00960 EMOS Minutes00960 FFR Minutes00960 GKR Minutes00960 HDS Minutes00960 HEITZ Minutes00960 HVA Minutes00960 HYD Minutes00960 INST Minutes00960 INT Minutes00960 KR49X Minutes00960 KSM Minutes00960 LGS Minutes00960 MTS Minutes00960 OBDU Minutes00960 OUZBRO Minutes00960 OUZBRO_R Minutes00960 PTM Minutes00960 RAS Minutes00960 RET Minutes00960 SFFR Minutes00960 SKG Minutes00960 STON Minutes00960 T509C Minutes00960 TBM Minutes00960 Test1Module Minutes00960 Test2Module Minutes00960 TPM Minutes00960 TRON Minutes00960 TRW Minutes00960 TUER_DR Minutes00960 TUER_PA Minutes00960 UHV Minutes00960 VRET Minutes00960 VSM Minutes00960 WSK Minutes00960 ZBR2 Minutes00960 ZBRO Minutes00960 ZBRO_R Minutes00960 ZFR Minutes00960 ZH_AT3500_1580 Minutes00960 ZH_AT3500_ST Minutes00960 ZH_D5W_SC Minutes00960 ZHZG_9a Minutes00960 ZHZG_9c Minutes00961 AB Hours00961 ACC Hours00961 AST Hours00961 ASTMID Hours00961 BHTC Hours00961 CNG_ME7 Hours
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00961 CRT Hours00961 DIW5 CAN message: Time/date, signal: Hours00961 EBS Hours00961 EBS_5 Hours00961 EBS_K1 Hours00961 ECAM Hours00961 ECAS_4X2 Hours00961 ECAS2_GBV Hours00961 ECAS2_GBW Hours00961 ECO2 Hours00961 EDC Hours00961 EDC_7 Hours00961 EDC_7_M Hours00961 EDC_7_MASTER Hours00961 EDC_7_S Hours00961 EDC_7_SLAVE Hours00961 EDC6 TIME/DATE: Hours invalid00961 EDC64 Hours00961 EDC7 Hours00961 EDC7_6 Hours00961 EDC7C32 Hours00961 EDC7C32_6 Hours00961 EDC7C32_M Hours00961 EDC7C32_S Hours00961 EDC7C32M_10 Hours00961 EDC7C32M_12 Hours00961 EDC7C32S_10 Hours00961 EDC7C32S_12 Hours00961 EDC7M_10 Hours00961 EDC7M_12 Hours00961 EDC7S_10 Hours00961 EDC7S_12 Hours00961 EHLA Hours00961 EMOS Hours00961 FFR Hours00961 GKR Hours00961 HDS Hours00961 HEITZ Hours00961 HVA Hours00961 HYD Hours00961 INST Hours00961 INT Hours00961 KR49X Hours00961 KSM Hours00961 LGS Hours00961 MTS Hours00961 OBDU Hours00961 OUZBRO Hours00961 OUZBRO_R Hours00961 PTM Hours00961 RAS Hours00961 RET Hours00961 SFFR Hours00961 SKG Hours00961 STON Hours00961 T509C Hours00961 TBM Hours00961 Test1Module Hours00961 Test2Module Hours00961 TPM Hours
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00961 TRON Hours00961 TRW Hours00961 TUER_DR Hours00961 TUER_PA Hours00961 UHV Hours00961 VRET Hours00961 VSM Hours00961 WSK Hours00961 ZBR2 Hours00961 ZBRO Hours00961 ZBRO_R Hours00961 ZFR Hours00961 ZH_AT3500_1580 Hours00961 ZH_AT3500_ST Hours00961 ZH_D5W_SC Hours00961 ZHZG_9a Hours00961 ZHZG_9c Hours00962 AB Day00962 ACC Day00962 AST Day00962 ASTMID Day00962 BHTC Day00962 CNG_ME7 Day00962 CRT Day00962 DIW5 CAN message: Time/date, signal: Day00962 EBS Day00962 EBS_5 Day00962 EBS_K1 Day00962 ECAM Day00962 ECAS_4X2 Day00962 ECAS2_GBV Day00962 ECAS2_GBW Day00962 ECO2 Day00962 EDC Day00962 EDC_7 Day00962 EDC_7_M Day00962 EDC_7_MASTER Day00962 EDC_7_S Day00962 EDC_7_SLAVE Day00962 EDC6 TIME/DATE: Days invalid00962 EDC64 Day00962 EDC7 Day00962 EDC7_6 Day00962 EDC7C32 Day00962 EDC7C32_6 Day00962 EDC7C32_M Day00962 EDC7C32_S Day00962 EDC7C32M_10 Day00962 EDC7C32M_12 Day00962 EDC7C32S_10 Day00962 EDC7C32S_12 Day00962 EDC7M_10 Day00962 EDC7M_12 Day00962 EDC7S_10 Day00962 EDC7S_12 Day00962 EHLA Day00962 EMOS Day00962 FFR Day00962 GKR Day00962 HDS Day
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00962 HEITZ Day00962 HVA Day00962 HYD Day00962 INST Day00962 INT Day00962 KR49X Day00962 KSM Day00962 LGS Day00962 MTS Day00962 OBDU Day00962 OUZBRO Day00962 OUZBRO_R Day00962 PTM Day00962 RAS Day00962 RET Day00962 SFFR Day00962 SKG Day00962 STON Day00962 T509C Day00962 TBM Day00962 Test1Module Day00962 Test2Module Day00962 TPM Day00962 TRON Day00962 TRW Day00962 TUER_DR Day00962 TUER_PA Day00962 UHV Day00962 VRET Day00962 VSM Day00962 WSK Day00962 ZBR2 Day00962 ZBRO Day00962 ZBRO_R Day00962 ZFR Day00962 ZH_AT3500_1580 Day00962 ZH_AT3500_ST Day00962 ZH_D5W_SC Day00962 ZHZG_9a Day00962 ZHZG_9c Day00963 AB Month00963 ACC Month00963 AST Month00963 ASTMID Month00963 BHTC Month00963 CNG_ME7 Month00963 CRT Month00963 DIW5 CAN message: Time/date, signal: Month00963 EBS Month00963 EBS_5 Month00963 EBS_K1 Month00963 ECAM Month00963 ECAS_4X2 Month00963 ECAS2_GBV Month00963 ECAS2_GBW Month00963 ECO2 Month00963 EDC Month00963 EDC_7 Month00963 EDC_7_M Month00963 EDC_7_MASTER Month
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00963 EDC_7_S Month00963 EDC_7_SLAVE Month00963 EDC6 TIME/DATE: Months invalid00963 EDC64 Month00963 EDC7 Month00963 EDC7_6 Month00963 EDC7C32 Month00963 EDC7C32_6 Month00963 EDC7C32_M Month00963 EDC7C32_S Month00963 EDC7C32M_10 Month00963 EDC7C32M_12 Month00963 EDC7C32S_10 Month00963 EDC7C32S_12 Month00963 EDC7M_10 Month00963 EDC7M_12 Month00963 EDC7S_10 Month00963 EDC7S_12 Month00963 EHLA Month00963 EMOS Month00963 FFR Month00963 GKR Month00963 HDS Month00963 HEITZ Month00963 HVA Month00963 HYD Month00963 INST Month00963 INT Month00963 KR49X Month00963 KSM Month00963 LGS Month00963 MTS Month00963 OBDU Month00963 OUZBRO Month00963 OUZBRO_R Month00963 PTM Month00963 RAS Month00963 RET Month00963 SFFR Month00963 SKG Month00963 STON Month00963 T509C Month00963 TBM Month00963 Test1Module Month00963 Test2Module Month00963 TPM Month00963 TRON Month00963 TRW Month00963 TUER_DR Month00963 TUER_PA Month00963 UHV Month00963 VRET Month00963 VSM Month00963 WSK Month00963 ZBR2 Month00963 ZBRO Month00963 ZBRO_R Month00963 ZFR Month00963 ZH_AT3500_1580 Month00963 ZH_AT3500_ST Month
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00963 ZH_D5W_SC Month00963 ZHZG_9a Month00963 ZHZG_9c Month00964 AB Year00964 ACC Year00964 AST Year00964 ASTMID Year00964 BHTC Year00964 CNG_ME7 Year00964 CRT Year00964 DIW5 CAN message: Time/date, signal: Year00964 EBS Year00964 EBS_5 Year00964 EBS_K1 Year00964 ECAM Year00964 ECAS_4X2 Year00964 ECAS2_GBV Year00964 ECAS2_GBW Year00964 ECO2 Year00964 EDC Year00964 EDC_7 Year00964 EDC_7_M Year00964 EDC_7_MASTER Year00964 EDC_7_S Year00964 EDC_7_SLAVE Year00964 EDC6 TIME/DATE: Year invalid00964 EDC64 Year00964 EDC7 Year00964 EDC7_6 Year00964 EDC7C32 Year00964 EDC7C32_6 Year00964 EDC7C32_M Year00964 EDC7C32_S Year00964 EDC7C32M_10 Year00964 EDC7C32M_12 Year00964 EDC7C32S_10 Year00964 EDC7C32S_12 Year00964 EDC7M_10 Year00964 EDC7M_12 Year00964 EDC7S_10 Year00964 EDC7S_12 Year00964 EHLA Year00964 EMOS Year00964 FFR Year00964 GKR Year00964 HDS Year00964 HEITZ Year00964 HVA Year00964 HYD Year00964 INST Year00964 INT Year00964 KR49X Year00964 KSM Year00964 LGS Year00964 MTS Year00964 OBDU Year00964 OUZBRO Year00964 OUZBRO_R Year00964 PTM Year00964 RAS Year
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message00964 RET Year00964 SFFR Year00964 SKG Year00964 STON Year00964 T509C Year00964 TBM Year00964 Test1Module Year00964 Test2Module Year00964 TPM Year00964 TRON Year00964 TRW Year00964 TUER_DR Year00964 TUER_PA Year00964 UHV Year00964 VRET Year00964 VSM Year00964 WSK Year00964 ZBR2 Year00964 ZBRO Year00964 ZBRO_R Year00964 ZFR Year00964 ZH_AT3500_1580 Year00964 ZH_AT3500_ST Year00964 ZH_D5W_SC Year00964 ZHZG_9a Year00964 ZHZG_9c Year00974 KSM Pedal value sensor00976 KSM Ready output01007 ZBR2 Trip Drive Fuel Used (Natural Gas)01031 ZBR2 Trip Average Fuel Rate (Natural Gas)01042 EBS_5 ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): Data bus switched off01043 ECAS_4X2 Supply voltage for peripherals
01045 AB Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ACC Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 AST Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ASTMID Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 BHTC Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 CNG_ME7 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 CRT Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 DIW5 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EBS Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EBS_5 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EBS_K1 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ECAM Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ECAS_4X2 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ECAS2_GBV Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 131 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
01045 ECAS2_GBW Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ECO2 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC_7 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC_7_M Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC_7_MASTER Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC_7_S Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC_7_SLAVE Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC6 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC64 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7_6 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7C32 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7C32_6 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7C32_M Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7C32_S Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7C32M_10 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7C32M_12 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7C32S_10 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7C32S_12 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7M_10 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7M_12 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7S_10 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EDC7S_12 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EHLA Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 EMOS Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 FFR Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 GKR Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 HDS Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 HEITZ Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 132 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
01045 HVA Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 HYD Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 INST Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 INT Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 KR49X Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 KSM Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 LGS Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 MTS Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 OBDU Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 OUZBRO Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 OUZBRO_R Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 PTM Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 RAS Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 RET Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 SFFR Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 SKG Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 STON Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 T509C Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 TBM Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 Test1Module Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 Test2Module Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 TPM Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 TRON Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 TRW Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 TUER_DR Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 TUER_PA Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 UHV Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 VRET Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 VSM Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 WSK Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 133 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
01045 ZBR2 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ZBRO Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ZBRO_R Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ZFR Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ZH_AT3500_1580 Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ZH_AT3500_ST Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ZH_D5W_SC Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ZHZG_9a Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01045 ZHZG_9c Gate interlock (auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01056 EBS_5 (!) Trailer control module pressure control, maximum pressure
01057 EBS_5(!) Central control unit — B-controller: Implausible pressure from
trailer control module pressure sensor, when brakes not applied01058 EBS_5 Trailer control module — pressure sensor signal01060 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 101061 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 201062 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 301063 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 401064 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 501065 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 601066 EBS_5 Service brake module01067 EBS_5 Service brake module signal 1 (increasing)01068 EBS_5 Service brake module signal 2 (decreasing)01072 AB Engine brake switch01072 ACC Engine brake switch01072 AST Engine brake switch01072 ASTMID Engine brake switch01072 BHTC Engine brake switch01072 CNG_ME7 Engine brake switch01072 CRT Engine brake switch01072 DIW5 Engine brake switch01072 EBS Engine brake switch01072 EBS_5 Engine brake switch01072 EBS_K1 Engine brake switch01072 ECAM Engine brake switch01072 ECAS_4X2 Engine brake switch01072 ECAS2_GBV Engine brake switch01072 ECAS2_GBW Engine brake switch01072 ECO2 Engine brake switch01072 EDC Engine brake switch01072 EDC_7 Engine brake switch01072 EDC_7_M Engine brake switch01072 EDC_7_MASTER Engine brake switch01072 EDC_7_S Engine brake switch01072 EDC_7_SLAVE Engine brake switch01072 EDC6 Engine brake switch01072 EDC64 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7_6 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7C32 Engine brake switch
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 134 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message01072 EDC7C32_6 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7C32_M Engine brake switch01072 EDC7C32_S Engine brake switch01072 EDC7C32M_10 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7C32M_12 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7C32S_10 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7C32S_12 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7M_10 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7M_12 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7S_10 Engine brake switch01072 EDC7S_12 Engine brake switch01072 EHLA Engine brake switch01072 EMOS Engine brake switch01072 FFR Engine brake switch01072 GKR Engine brake switch01072 HDS Engine brake switch01072 HEITZ Engine brake switch01072 HVA Engine brake switch01072 HYD Engine brake switch01072 INST Engine brake switch01072 INT Engine brake switch01072 KR49X Engine brake switch01072 KSM Engine brake switch01072 LGS Engine brake switch01072 MTS Engine brake switch01072 OBDU Engine brake switch01072 OUZBRO Engine brake switch01072 OUZBRO_R Engine brake switch01072 PTM Engine brake switch01072 RAS Engine brake switch01072 RET Engine brake switch01072 SFFR Engine brake switch01072 SKG Engine brake switch01072 STON Engine brake switch01072 T509C Engine brake switch01072 TBM Engine brake switch01072 Test1Module Engine brake switch01072 Test2Module Engine brake switch01072 TPM Engine brake switch01072 TRON Engine brake switch01072 TRW Engine brake switch01072 TUER_DR Engine brake switch01072 TUER_PA Engine brake switch01072 UHV Engine brake switch01072 VRET Engine brake switch01072 VSM Engine brake switch01072 WSK Engine brake switch01072 ZBR2 Engine brake switch01072 ZBRO Engine brake switch01072 ZBRO_R Engine brake switch01072 ZFR Engine brake switch01072 ZH_AT3500_1580 Engine brake switch01072 ZH_AT3500_ST Engine brake switch01072 ZH_D5W_SC Engine brake switch01072 ZHZG_9a Engine brake switch01072 ZHZG_9c Engine brake switch01079 CNG_ME7 Supply voltage sensors 101079 EDC7 Supply to rail pressure sensor01079 HDS Tank sensor voltage supply01079 RET Supply voltage pressure sensor 5 volts
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 135 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message01079 VRET Sensor voltage 5 volts01080 CNG_ME7 Supply voltage sensors 2
01080 EDC7Supply fuel supply pressure, charge air pressure and oil
pressure sensor01080 HDS Pressure sensor electrical power supply01086 AB Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ACC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 AST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ASTMID Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 BHTC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 CNG_ME7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 CRT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 DIW5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EBS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EBS_5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EBS_K1 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ECAM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ECAS_4X2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ECAS2_GBV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ECAS2_GBW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ECO2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC_7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC_7_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC_7_MASTER Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC_7_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC_7_SLAVE Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC64 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7C32 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7C32_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7C32_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7C32_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7C32M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7C32M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7C32S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7C32S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EDC7S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EHLA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 EMOS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 FFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 GKR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 HDS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 HEITZ Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 HVA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 HYD Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 INST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 INT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 KR49X Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 KSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 LGS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 MTS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 OBDU Reservoir pressure circuit 301086 OUZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 OUZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 3
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 136 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message01086 PTM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 RAS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 RET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 SFFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 SKG Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 STON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 T509C Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 TBM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 Test1Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 Test2Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 TPM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 TRON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 TRW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 TUER_DR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 TUER_PA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 UHV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 VRET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 VSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 WSK Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ZBR2 Reservoir pressure circuit 301086 ZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ZFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ZH_AT3500_1580 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ZH_AT3500_ST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ZH_D5W_SC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ZHZG_9a Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301086 ZHZG_9c Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 301087 AB Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ACC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 AST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ASTMID Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 BHTC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 CNG_ME7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 CRT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 DIW5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EBS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EBS_5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EBS_K1 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ECAM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ECAS_4X2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ECAS2_GBV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ECAS2_GBW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ECO2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC_7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC_7_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC_7_MASTER Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC_7_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC_7_SLAVE Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC64 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7C32 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7C32_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7C32_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7C32_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7C32M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7C32M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 1
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 137 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message01087 EDC7C32S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7C32S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EDC7S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EHLA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 EMOS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 FFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 GKR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 HDS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 HEITZ Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 HVA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 HYD Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 INST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 INT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 KR49X Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 KSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 LGS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 MTS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 OBDU Reservoir pressure circuit 101087 OUZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 OUZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 PTM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 RAS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 RET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 SFFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 SKG Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 STON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 T509C Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 TBM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 Test1Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 Test2Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 TPM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 TRON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 TRW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 TUER_DR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 TUER_PA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 UHV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 VRET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 VSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 WSK Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ZBR2 Reservoir pressure circuit 101087 ZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ZFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ZH_AT3500_1580 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ZH_AT3500_ST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ZH_D5W_SC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ZHZG_9a Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101087 ZHZG_9c Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 101088 AB Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ACC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 AST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ASTMID Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 BHTC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 CNG_ME7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 CRT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 DIW5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EBS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 2
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 138 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message01088 EBS_5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EBS_K1 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ECAM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ECAS_4X2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ECAS2_GBV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ECAS2_GBW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ECO2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC_7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC_7_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC_7_MASTER Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC_7_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC_7_SLAVE Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC64 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7C32 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7C32_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7C32_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7C32_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7C32M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7C32M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7C32S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7C32S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EDC7S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EHLA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 EMOS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 FFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 GKR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 HDS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 HEITZ Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 HVA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 HYD Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 INST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 INT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 KR49X Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 KSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 LGS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 MTS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 OBDU Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 OUZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 OUZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 PTM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 RAS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 RET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 SFFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 SKG Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 STON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 T509C Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 TBM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 Test1Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 Test2Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 TPM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 TRON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 TRW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 TUER_DR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 2
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 139 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message01088 TUER_PA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 UHV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 VRET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 VSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 WSK Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ZBR2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ZFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ZH_AT3500_1580 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ZH_AT3500_ST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ZH_D5W_SC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ZHZG_9a Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201088 ZHZG_9c Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 201089 AB Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ACC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 AST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ASTMID Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 BHTC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 CNG_ME7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 CRT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 DIW5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EBS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EBS_5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EBS_K1 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ECAM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ECAS_4X2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ECAS2_GBV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ECAS2_GBW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ECO2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC_7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC_7_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC_7_MASTER Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC_7_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC_7_SLAVE Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC64 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7C32 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7C32_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7C32_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7C32_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7C32M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7C32M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7C32S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7C32S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EDC7S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EHLA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 EMOS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 FFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 GKR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 HDS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 HEITZ Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 HVA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 HYD Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 4
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 140 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message01089 INST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 INT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 KR49X Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 KSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 LGS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 MTS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 OBDU Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 OUZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 OUZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 PTM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 RAS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 RET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 SFFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 SKG Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 STON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 T509C Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 TBM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 Test1Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 Test2Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 TPM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 TRON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 TRW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 TUER_DR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 TUER_PA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 UHV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 VRET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 VSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 WSK Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ZBR2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ZFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ZH_AT3500_1580 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ZH_AT3500_ST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ZH_D5W_SC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ZHZG_9a Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401089 ZHZG_9c Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 401090 AB Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ACC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 AST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ASTMID Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 BHTC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 CNG_ME7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 CRT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 DIW5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EBS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EBS_5 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EBS_K1 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ECAM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ECAS_4X2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ECAS2_GBV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ECAS2_GBW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ECO2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC_7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC_7_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC_7_MASTER Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC_7_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC_7_SLAVE Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 5
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 141 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message01090 EDC64 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7C32 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7C32_6 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7C32_M Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7C32_S Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7C32M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7C32M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7C32S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7C32S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7M_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7M_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7S_10 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EDC7S_12 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EHLA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 EMOS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 FFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 GKR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 HDS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 HEITZ Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 HVA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 HYD Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 INST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 INT Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 KR49X Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 KSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 LGS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 MTS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 OBDU Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 OUZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 OUZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 PTM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 RAS Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 RET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 SFFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 SKG Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 STON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 T509C Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 TBM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 Test1Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 Test2Module Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 TPM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 TRON Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 TRW Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 TUER_DR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 TUER_PA Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 UHV Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 VRET Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 VSM Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 WSK Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ZBR2 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ZBRO Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ZBRO_R Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ZFR Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ZH_AT3500_1580 Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ZH_AT3500_ST Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ZH_D5W_SC Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ZHZG_9a Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 501090 ZHZG_9c Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 5
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message01121 VSM EBC1 message, ‘Brake switch’ signal01131 EDC7 Charge air temperature ahead of engine01210 EDC6 Rack Position01213 KSM Checklamp output01231 EDC6 Engine CAN01231 EDC7 Engine CAN
01231 FFRThe engine CAN sends the bus-off signal (MESSAGE
TIMEOUT)01235 AB J 1939 Network #301235 ACC J 1939 Network #301235 AST J 1939 Network #301235 ASTMID J 1939 Network #301235 BHTC J 1939 Network #301235 CNG_ME7 J 1939 Network #301235 CRT J 1939 Network #301235 DIW5 J 1939 Network #301235 EBS J 1939 Network #301235 EBS_5 J 1939 Network #301235 EBS_K1 J 1939 Network #301235 ECAM J 1939 Network #301235 ECAS_4X2 J 1939 Network #301235 ECAS2_GBV J 1939 Network #301235 ECAS2_GBW J 1939 Network #301235 ECO2 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC J 1939 Network #301235 EDC_7 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC_7_M J 1939 Network #301235 EDC_7_MASTER J 1939 Network #301235 EDC_7_S J 1939 Network #301235 EDC_7_SLAVE J 1939 Network #301235 EDC6 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC64 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7_6 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7C32 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7C32_6 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7C32_M J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7C32_S J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7C32M_10 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7C32M_12 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7C32S_10 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7C32S_12 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7M_10 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7M_12 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7S_10 J 1939 Network #301235 EDC7S_12 J 1939 Network #301235 EHLA J 1939 Network #301235 EMOS J 1939 Network #301235 FFR J 1939 Network #301235 GKR J 1939 Network #301235 HDS J 1939 Network #301235 HEITZ J 1939 Network #301235 HVA J 1939 Network #301235 HYD J 1939 Network #301235 INST CAN short-circuit (BUSOFF)01235 INT J 1939 Network #301235 KR49X J 1939 Network #301235 KSM J 1939 Network #301235 LGS Instrument CAN01235 MTS J 1939 Network #3
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message01235 OBDU J 1939 Network #301235 OUZBRO J 1939 Network #301235 OUZBRO_R J 1939 Network #301235 PTM J 1939 Network #301235 RAS J 1939 Network #301235 RET J 1939 Network #301235 SFFR J 1939 Network #301235 SKG J 1939 Network #301235 STON CAN SHORT CIRCUIT (BUSOFF) from CAN controller01235 T509C J 1939 Network #301235 TBM J 1939 Network #301235 Test1Module J 1939 Network #301235 Test2Module J 1939 Network #301235 TPM J 1939 Network #301235 TRON J 1939 Network #301235 TRW J 1939 Network #301235 TUER_DR J 1939 Network #301235 TUER_PA J 1939 Network #301235 UHV J 1939 Network #301235 VRET J 1939 Network #301235 VSM J 1939 Network #301235 WSK J 1939 Network #301235 ZBR2 J 1939 Network #301235 ZBRO J 1939 Network #301235 ZBRO_R J 1939 Network #301235 ZFR J 1939 Network #301235 ZH_AT3500_1580 J 1939 Network #301235 ZH_AT3500_ST J 1939 Network #301235 ZH_D5W_SC J 1939 Network #301235 ZHZG_9a J 1939 Network #301235 ZHZG_9c J 1939 Network #301352 CNG_ME7 Knock control cylinder 101353 CNG_ME7 Knock control cylinder 201354 CNG_ME7 Knock control cylinder 301355 CNG_ME7 Knock control cylinder 401356 CNG_ME7 Knock control cylinder 501357 CNG_ME7 Knock control cylinder 601376 AB Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ACC Tl. 30-1 connected01376 AST Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ASTMID Tl. 30-1 connected01376 BHTC Tl. 30-1 connected01376 CNG_ME7 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 CRT Tl. 30-1 connected01376 DIW5 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EBS Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EBS_5 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EBS_K1 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ECAM Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ECAS_4X2 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ECAS2_GBV Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ECAS2_GBW Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ECO2 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC_7 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC_7_M Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC_7_MASTER Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC_7_S Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC_7_SLAVE Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC6 Tl. 30-1 connected
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message01376 EDC64 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7_6 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7C32 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7C32_6 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7C32_M Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7C32_S Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7C32M_10 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7C32M_12 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7C32S_10 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7C32S_12 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7M_10 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7M_12 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7S_10 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EDC7S_12 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EHLA Tl. 30-1 connected01376 EMOS Tl. 30-1 connected01376 FFR Tl. 30-1 connected01376 GKR Tl. 30-1 connected01376 HDS Tl. 30-1 connected01376 HEITZ Tl. 30-1 connected01376 HVA Tl. 30-1 connected01376 HYD Tl. 30-1 connected01376 INST Tl. 30-1 connected01376 INT Tl. 30-1 connected01376 KR49X Tl. 30-1 connected01376 KSM Tl. 30-1 connected01376 LGS Tl. 30-1 connected01376 MTS Tl. 30-1 connected01376 OBDU Tl. 30-1 connected01376 OUZBRO Tl. 30-1 connected01376 OUZBRO_R Tl. 30-1 connected01376 PTM Tl. 30-1 connected01376 RAS Tl. 30-1 connected01376 RET Tl. 30-1 connected01376 SFFR Tl. 30-1 connected01376 SKG Tl. 30-1 connected01376 STON Tl. 30-1 connected01376 T509C Tl. 30-1 connected01376 TBM Tl. 30-1 connected01376 Test1Module Tl. 30-1 connected01376 Test2Module Tl. 30-1 connected01376 TPM Tl. 30-1 connected01376 TRON Tl. 30-1 connected01376 TRW Tl. 30-1 connected01376 TUER_DR Tl. 30-1 connected01376 TUER_PA Tl. 30-1 connected01376 UHV Tl. 30-1 connected01376 VRET Tl. 30-1 connected01376 VSM Tl. 30-1 connected01376 WSK Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ZBR2 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ZBRO Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ZBRO_R Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ZFR Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ZH_AT3500_1580 Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ZH_AT3500_ST Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ZH_D5W_SC Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ZHZG_9a Tl. 30-1 connected01376 ZHZG_9c Tl. 30-1 connected
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message01485 HDS Main relay switched off01542 HDS Electrical power supply metering module01623 EMOS Gearbox output speed01624 AB Road speed01624 ACC Road speed01624 AST Road speed01624 ASTMID Road speed01624 BHTC Road speed01624 CNG_ME7 Road speed01624 CRT Road speed01624 DIW5 Road speed01624 EBS Road speed01624 EBS_5 Road speed01624 EBS_K1 Road speed01624 ECAM Road speed01624 ECAS_4X2 Road speed01624 ECAS2_GBV Road speed01624 ECAS2_GBW Road speed01624 ECO2 Road speed01624 EDC Road speed01624 EDC_7 Road speed01624 EDC_7_M Road speed01624 EDC_7_MASTER Road speed01624 EDC_7_S Road speed01624 EDC_7_SLAVE Road speed01624 EDC6 Road speed01624 EDC64 Road speed01624 EDC7 Road speed01624 EDC7_6 Road speed01624 EDC7C32 Road speed01624 EDC7C32_6 Road speed01624 EDC7C32_M Road speed01624 EDC7C32_S Road speed01624 EDC7C32M_10 Road speed01624 EDC7C32M_12 Road speed01624 EDC7C32S_10 Road speed01624 EDC7C32S_12 Road speed01624 EDC7M_10 Road speed01624 EDC7M_12 Road speed01624 EDC7S_10 Road speed01624 EDC7S_12 Road speed01624 EHLA Road speed01624 EMOS Road speed01624 FFR Road speed01624 GKR Road speed01624 HDS Road speed01624 HEITZ Road speed01624 HVA Road speed01624 HYD Road speed01624 INST Road speed01624 INT Road speed01624 KR49X Road speed01624 KSM Road speed01624 LGS Road speed01624 MTS Road speed01624 OBDU Vehicle speed01624 OUZBRO Road speed01624 OUZBRO_R Road speed01624 PTM Road speed01624 RAS Road speed
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message01624 RET Road speed01624 SFFR Road speed01624 SKG Road speed01624 STON Road speed01624 T509C Road speed01624 TBM Road speed01624 Test1Module Road speed01624 Test2Module Road speed01624 TPM Road speed01624 TRON Road speed01624 TRW Road speed01624 TUER_DR Road speed01624 TUER_PA Road speed01624 UHV Road speed01624 VRET Road speed01624 VSM Road speed01624 WSK Road speed01624 ZBR2 Road speed01624 ZBRO Road speed01624 ZBRO_R Road speed01624 ZFR Road speed01624 ZH_AT3500_1580 Road speed01624 ZH_AT3500_ST Road speed01624 ZH_D5W_SC Road speed01624 ZHZG_9a Road speed01624 ZHZG_9c Road speed01669 KSM A-CAN busoff01673 ZBRO Status body 3 CAN01675 EMOS ‘Engine start’ signal01676 ZBR2 No ‘Break light request’ signal in ERC_RX (timeout)01761 HDS AdBlue tank fill level01981 VSM Time overrun message ERC1_RMC02000 OBDU EDC not on CAN02000 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 002001 OBDU EDC slave not on CAN02001 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 102002 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 202003 OBDU Gearbox not on CAN02003 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 302004 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 402005 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 502006 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 602007 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 702008 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 802009 OBDU MAN Hydro Drive control unit not on CAN02009 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 902010 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1002011 OBDU EBS not on CAN (pneumatic backup operation)02011 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1102012 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1202013 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1302014 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1402015 OBDU Retarder engine not on CAN02015 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1502016 OBDU Driveline retarder not on CAN02016 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1602017 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1702018 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1802019 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 1902020 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message02021 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 2102022 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 2202023 OBDU Instrumentation not on CAN02023 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 2302024 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 2402025 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 2502026 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 2602027 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 2702028 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 2802029 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 2902030 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3002031 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3102032 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3202033 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3302034 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3402035 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3502036 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3602037 OBDU Radio module not on CAN02037 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3702038 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3802039 AB No text! Specific to control unit02039 ACC No text! Specific to control unit02039 AST No text! Specific to control unit02039 ASTMID No text! Specific to control unit02039 BHTC No text! Specific to control unit02039 CNG_ME7 No text! Specific to control unit02039 CRT No text! Specific to control unit02039 DIW5 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EBS No text! Specific to control unit02039 EBS_5 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EBS_K1 No text! Specific to control unit02039 ECAM No text! Specific to control unit02039 ECAS_4X2 No text! Specific to control unit02039 ECAS2_GBV No text! Specific to control unit02039 ECAS2_GBW No text! Specific to control unit02039 ECO2 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC_7 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC_7_M No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC_7_MASTER No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC_7_S No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC_7_SLAVE No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC6 FFR1: Timeout02039 EDC64 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7 FFR1: Timeout02039 EDC7_6 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7C32 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7C32_6 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7C32_M No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7C32_S No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7C32M_10 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7C32M_12 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7C32S_10 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7C32S_12 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7M_10 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7M_12 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7S_10 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EDC7S_12 No text! Specific to control unit02039 EHLA No text! Specific to control unit02039 EMOS No text! Specific to control unit
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message02039 FFR No text! Specific to control unit02039 GKR No text! Specific to control unit02039 HDS No text! Specific to control unit02039 HEITZ No text! Specific to control unit02039 HVA No text! Specific to control unit02039 HYD No text! Specific to control unit02039 INST No text! Specific to control unit02039 INT No text! Specific to control unit02039 KR49X No text! Specific to control unit02039 KSM No text! Specific to control unit02039 LGS No text! Specific to control unit02039 MTS No text! Specific to control unit02039 OBDU FFR not on CAN02039 OUZBRO No text! Specific to control unit02039 OUZBRO_R No text! Specific to control unit02039 PTM No text! Specific to control unit02039 RAS No text! Specific to control unit02039 RET No text! Specific to control unit02039 SFFR No text! Specific to control unit02039 SKG No text! Specific to control unit02039 STON No text! Specific to control unit02039 T509C No text! Specific to control unit02039 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 3902039 Test1Module No text! Specific to control unit02039 Test2Module No text! Specific to control unit02039 TPM No text! Specific to control unit02039 TRON No text! Specific to control unit02039 TRW No text! Specific to control unit02039 TUER_DR No text! Specific to control unit02039 TUER_PA No text! Specific to control unit02039 UHV No text! Specific to control unit02039 VRET No text! Specific to control unit02039 VSM No text! Specific to control unit02039 WSK No text! Specific to control unit02039 ZBR2 No text! Specific to control unit02039 ZBRO No text! Specific to control unit02039 ZBRO_R No text! Specific to control unit02039 ZFR No text! Specific to control unit02039 ZH_AT3500_1580 No text! Specific to control unit02039 ZH_AT3500_ST No text! Specific to control unit02039 ZH_D5W_SC No text! Specific to control unit02039 ZHZG_9a No text! Specific to control unit02039 ZHZG_9c No text! Specific to control unit02040 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4002041 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4102042 OBDU ACC not on CAN02042 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4202043 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4302044 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4402045 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4502046 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4602047 OBDU ECAS not on CAN02047 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4702048 OBDU ECAM not on CAN02048 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4802049 OBDU ZR-MUX not on CAN02049 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 4902050 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 5002051 OBDU Tyre pressure control system (TPM) not on CAN02051 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 51
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message02052 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 5202053 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 5302054 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 5402055 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 5502056 OBDU Control unit of the steering rear axle (RAS) not on CAN02056 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 5602057 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 5702058 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 5802059 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 5902060 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6002061 OBDU Control unit of the exhaust post-treatment not on CAN02061 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6102062 OBDU ESP not on CAN02062 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6202063 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6302064 OBDU ECAS 2 not on CAN02064 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6402065 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6502066 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6602067 OBDU Torque converter and clutch system (WSK) not on CAN02067 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6702068 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6802069 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 6902070 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7002071 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7102072 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7202073 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7302074 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7402075 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7502076 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7602077 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7702078 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7802079 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 7902080 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8002081 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8102082 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8202083 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8302084 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8402085 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8502086 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8602087 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8702088 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8802089 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 8902090 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9002091 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9102092 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9202093 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9302094 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9402095 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9502096 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9602097 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9702098 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9802099 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 9902100 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 10002101 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 10102102 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 10202103 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 10302104 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 10402105 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 10502106 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 106
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message02107 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 10702108 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 10802109 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 10902110 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11002111 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11102112 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11202113 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11302114 OBDU VSM not on CAN02114 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11402115 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11502116 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11602117 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11702118 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11802119 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 11902120 OBDU ZFR not on CAN02120 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12002121 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12102122 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12202123 OBDU CRT not on CAN02123 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12302124 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12402125 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12502126 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12602127 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12702128 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12802129 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 12902130 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13002131 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13102132 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13202133 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13302134 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13402135 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13502136 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13602137 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13702138 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13802139 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 13902140 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14002141 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14102142 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14202143 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14302144 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14402145 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14502146 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14602147 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14702148 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14802149 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 14902150 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15002151 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15102152 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15202153 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15302154 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15402155 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15502156 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15602157 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15702158 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15802159 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 15902160 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 16002161 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 16102162 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 16202163 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 163
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 151 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message02164 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 16402165 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 16502166 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 16602167 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 16702168 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 16802169 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 16902170 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17002171 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17102172 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17202173 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17302174 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17402175 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17502176 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17602177 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17702178 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17802179 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 17902180 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18002181 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18102182 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18202183 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18302184 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18402185 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18502186 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18602187 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18702188 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18802189 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 18902190 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19002191 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19102192 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19202193 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19302194 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19402195 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19502196 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19602197 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19702198 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19802199 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 19902200 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20002201 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20102202 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20202203 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20302204 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20402205 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20502206 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20602207 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20702208 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20802209 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 20902210 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21002211 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21102212 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21202213 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21302214 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21402215 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21502216 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21602217 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21702218 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21802219 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 21902220 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 22002221 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 22102222 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 22202223 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 223
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message02224 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 22402225 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 22502226 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 22602227 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 22702228 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 22802229 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 22902230 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23002231 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23102232 OBDU Lane guard system not on CAN02232 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23202233 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23302234 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23402235 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23502236 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23602237 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23702238 OBDU Tachograph not on CAN02238 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23802239 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 23902240 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24002241 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24102242 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24202243 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24302244 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24402245 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24502246 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24602247 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24702248 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24802249 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 24902250 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 25002251 OBDU Telematic onboard module not on CAN02251 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 25102252 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 25202253 OBDU KSM not on CAN02253 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 25302254 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 25402255 TBM No DM1 message from control unit 255
02987 INSTParameter set in combination gauge or chassis number in
tachograph not adapted to the vehicle
02987 STON Parameter set in instrument cluster or in tachograph not adapted
02987 ZBR2Parameter record in central on-board computer 2 or chassis
number in tachograph not adapted to vehicle02999 DIW5 Retarder function02999 ECO2 Retarder reduction if a temperature threshold is exceeded02999 RET Power limit (temperature adaptation)02999 VRET Power limit (temperature adaptation)03000 BHTC Outside temperature sensor03000 EBS No fault03000 EHLA Electronics error function computer
03000 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving VMC message
ETC1.03000 SKG Temperature at outfeed of evaporator (KTT n. KTBV)03000 TBM An unexpected RESET has occurred03000 TPM Tyre pressure03000 TRW EEPROM checksums are not correct03000 ZBR2 ZBR system03001 ACC Additional information 103001 BHTC Evaporator temperature sensor
03001 EBSControl unit defective; unknown µC interrupt, µC self-test, RAM
or ROM testSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 153 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03001 EBS_K1Control unit defects; unknown µC interrupt, self-test, RAM or
ROM test03001 ECAS_4X2 Control unit (internal fault)03001 ECAS2_GBV Control unit (internal fault)03001 EDC6 Engine speed sensor, reverse polarity03001 EDC7 Engine speed sensor, reverse polarity03001 EHLA Electronic error safety computer03001 FFR Term. 30, continuous positive03001 GKR Interior air temperature sensor03001 KR49X External sensor
03001 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving VMC message
ETC2.03001 RET Temperature sensor before engine (T1)03001 SFFR Driver’s request03001 SKG Temperature at outfeed of ice accumulator (KTT n ESP)03001 TBM Real-time clock TBM03001 TRW RHD/LHD parameter setting is not correct03001 TUER_DR RESET03001 VRET Temperature sensor T1 (water)03001 ZBR2 Wake up, computer03001 ZBRO External wake-up ZR03002 ACC Additional information 203002 AST Y2 valve splitter low03002 BHTC Heat exchanger temperature sensor
03002 EBSControl unit defective, timeout in data exchange µC active – µC
passive03002 EDC6 Segment speed03002 EDC7 Segment speed03002 EHLA Digital output parameters03002 GKR External air temperature sensor03002 KR49X Space sensor
03002 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving VMC message
ETC3.03002 RET Temperature sensor after engine (T2)03002 SFFR Speed request ship vehicle management computer03002 TBM Fault in EEPROM03002 TRW Undervoltage (TL31 < 16V)03002 TUER_DR EE_CHECKSUM_ERROR03002 VRET Temperature sensor T2 (oil)03002 ZBRO External wake-up1 ZR03003 ACC Additional information 303003 AST Y3 valve splitter high03003 BHTC Interior temperature sensor03003 EBS Control unit defective; redundancy fault µc input signal03003 EDC6 Engine speed sensor/auxiliary speed sensor swapped over03003 EDC7 Engine speed sensor/auxiliary speed sensor swapped over03003 GKR Blow-out air temperature sensor03003 KR49X Roof duct sensor
03003 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EBS message
EBC1.03003 RET Fault (watchdog drop-out / internal error in control unit)03003 SFFR Terminal 1503003 SKG Motor / valve B03003 TBM Fault in RAM disk03003 TRW Overvoltage (TL30 > 32V)03003 TUER_DR SIDE_INFORMATION_ERROR03003 VRET Fault (watchdog drop-out / internal error in control unit)03003 ZBRO External wake-up2 ZR03004 ACC Additional information 403004 AST Y4 valve gate position 3 / 4
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 154 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03004 BHTC Contact sensor low-temperature accumulator
03004 EBSControl unit defective, checksum data exchange µC active – µC
passive03004 EDC6 EGR valve position03004 EDC7 AGR residual control deviation03004 GKR Bypass flap motor potentiometer03004 KR49X Convector sensor
03004 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
CcVeh_speed.03004 LGS Control unit03004 RET EEPROM (data record fault)03004 SFFR Voltage selector lever03004 SKG Motor / valve C03004 TBM Operating temperature TBM03004 TUER_DR ILLEGAL_STATE03004 VRET EEPROM (data record fault)03004 ZBRO External wake-up ZR by IKN03005 AST Y5 valve gate position 1 / 203005 EBS Control unit defective; EEPROM fault: Checksum not correct03005 EBS_K1 EEPROM error, parameter setting03005 EDC6 Timeout, message location 1303005 EDC7 Timeout, message location 1303005 EHLA Proportional valve outputs03005 GKR Heating valve03005 KR49X Front box sensor
03005 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
EEC1.03005 RET ROM (checksum incorrect)03005 SFFR Voltage pedal value sensor03005 SKG Main pump03005 TBM Overcurrent at digital power current outputs03005 TRW The co-driver’s door module has not responded to the LIN03005 TUER_DR ILLEGAL_EVENT03005 VRET ROM (checksum incorrect)03005 ZBRO Status ZR fault number03006 AST Y6 valve shift position 1 / R03006 EBS No valid fault definition03006 EDC6 Primary speed03006 EDC7 Primary speed03006 GKR Recirculation ventilation flap motor03006 KR49X Icing sensor
03006 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
EEC2.03006 RET CAN data bus, TSC1 — message03006 SKG Recirculating pump03006 TRW A reset was performed in the door module due to a fault03006 TUER_DR Window lifter motor03006 VRET CAN data bus, TSC1 — message03006 ZBRO K3-CAN activation03007 AST Y3 valve shift position 2 / 303007 EBS No valid fault definition03007 EDC6 DM4 request, invalid PGN03007 EDC7 DM4 request, invalid PGN03007 GKR Bypass flap motor03007 KR49X Water sensor
03007 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
Eng_Temp.03007 RET CAN data bus, EEC1 — message03007 SKG Communication control element – control unit03007 TRW Driver’s door central locking fault (open / close)
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 155 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03007 TUER_DR right/left switch (mirrors)03007 ZBRO T-CAN activation03008 AST Y3 valve range-change group low03008 EBS Control unit defective; test transfer from µc to CAN trailer IC03008 EDC6 FFR3: Retarder oil temperature invalid03008 EDC7 FFR3: Retarder oil temperature invalid03008 EHLA Sensor supply, deviation03008 GKR Blower control voltage03008 KR49X Compressor
03008 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
EngFlui_LevPre.03008 RET CAN data bus, TCO1 — message03008 SKG Filling/bleeding mode not completed correctly03008 TRW Co-driver’s door central locking fault (open / close)03008 TUER_DR Window lifter shut-off03008 VRET CAN data bus, TC01 — message03008 ZBRO Central computer running on03009 AST Y3 valve range-change group high03009 EBS Control unit defective; redundancy fault µc output signal03009 EDC6 Overspeed03009 EDC7 Overspeed03009 EHLA Voltage supply switched on when vehicle moving03009 KR49X Auxiliary heater
03009 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
Amb_Cond.03009 RET CAN data bus, ERC1 — message03009 SKG Controller mode03009 TUER_DR Mirror adjust time exceeded03009 VRET CAN data bus, ERC1 — message03009 ZBRO Multiplex error03010 AST Y10 main valve03010 BHTC Contact sensor evaporator
03010 EBSControl unit defective; wheel diameter compensation value not
correct03010 EBS_K1 (!) Wheel diameter: Compensation value not correct03010 ECAS_4X2 Control unit (checksum ECU-specific data)03010 ECAS2_GBV Control unit (checksum ECU-specific data)03010 EDC6 Control deviation, injection start03010 EDC7 Control deviation, injection start03010 EHLA Signature EOL parameter advance warning03010 FFR Torque and engine speed limiting system03010 KR49X Roof duct valve
03010 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving ECAM message
ECAM1.03010 LGS Turn indicator signal03010 RET CAN data bus, start error monitoring03010 SKG On-board voltage (terminal 30)03010 TBM No GPS signal
03010 TPMSlight leakage: Slight pressure loss at min. one tyre > approx. 20
mbar/h03010 TUER_DR incorrect CAN command, door lock03010 VRET CAN data bus, start error monitoring03011 BHTC Stepper motor side nozzle03011 CNG_ME7 Heating probe before catalytic converter (output stage)
03011 EBS Control unit defective; error in service brake valve characteristic03011 ECAS_4X2 Control unit (checksum parameter)03011 ECAS2_GBV Control unit (checksum parameter)03011 EDC6 Angle of injection start03011 EDC7 Angle of injection start
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 156 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03011 EHLA Signature EOL parameter03011 FFR EVB pressure sensor03011 KR49X Valve driver heating/cooling
03011 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving CBR message
Aux_Stat_Zbr1.03011 LGS Left loudspeaker03011 TBM GPS aerial current03011 TPM Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 103011 TUER_DR Central locking does not lock03012 BHTC Stepper motor recirculated air
03012 EBSControl unit defective; incompatibility in data record version
number03012 EBS_K1 EEPROM parameters03012 ECAS_4X2 Control unit (checksum calibration data travel sensors)03012 ECAS2_GBV Control unit (checksum calibration data travel sensors)03012 EDC6 CAN module03012 EDC7 CAN module03012 EHLA Value range EOL parameter03012 KR49X Valve convector
03012 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving CBR message
Time_Date.03012 LGS Right loudspeaker03012 RET Pressure from cooler valve (brake lamp)03012 TPM Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 103013 BHTC Stepper motor air distribution
03013 EBS Control unit defective; characteristic in EEPROM not plausible03013 ECAS_4X2 Control unit (checksum calibration data pressure sensors)03013 ECAS2_GBV Control unit (checksum calibration data pressure sensors)03013 EDC6 CAN bus off03013 EDC7 CAN bus off03013 EHLA Steering pressure sensor03013 KR49X Central valve
03013 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving CBR message
Veh_Dist.03013 RET Axial thrust (outside tolerance)03013 TPM Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 103013 VRET Axial thrust (outside tolerance)03014 BHTC Stepper motor bypass03014 EBS No valid fault definition03014 EBS_K1 Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30a)03014 EDC6 Main relay blocked03014 EDC7 Main relay blocked03014 EHLA Pressure supply03014 KR49X Valve driver heating03014 KSM CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving C34.03014 LGS Camera module too hot03014 RET Pressure sensor positioning pressure03014 TPM Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 103014 VRET Pressure sensor positioning pressure03015 BHTC Stepper motor valve B03015 EBS No valid fault definition03015 EBS_K1 Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30b)03015 ECAS_4X2 Control unit (checksum permitted axle loads)03015 ECAS2_GBV Control unit (checksum permitted axle loads)03015 EDC6 max. time after TERM. 15 OFF exceeded03015 EDC7 max. time after TERM. 15 OFF exceeded03015 EHLA Pressure supply warning03015 KR49X Front box window flap03015 KSM Control unit (RAM)
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 157 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03015 LGS Output driver’s seat vibration left03015 TBM GSM modem03016 EBS No valid fault definition03016 EBS_K1 Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 15)
03016 ECAS_4X2 Control unit (checksum calibration data acceleration sensors)
03016 ECAS2_GBV Control unit (checksum calibration data acceleration sensors)03016 EDC6 FFR1: Bit error zero quantity due to engine brake03016 EDC7 FFR1: Bit error zero quantity due to engine brake03016 KR49X Front box foot flap03016 KSM Control unit (ROM)03016 LGS Output driver’s seat vibration right03017 AST Y1 clutch brake03017 EBS No valid fault definition03017 EBS_K1 ECU supply (external supply)03017 EDC6 FFR1: Bit error nominal torque03017 EDC7 FFR1: Bit error nominal torque03017 KR49X Fresh air flap left03017 KSM Control unit (watchdog)03018 AST Small valve for opening the clutch03018 EBS No valid fault definition03018 EBS_K1 (!) Braking level selector lever 1 or 203018 EDC6 FFR1: Bit error top-speed governor parameter ID03018 EDC7 FFR1: Bit error top-speed governor parameter ID03018 EHLA Oil level in tank03018 KR49X Fresh air flap right03018 KSM Control unit (EEPROM parameter)03019 AST Small valve for closing the clutch03019 EBS No valid fault definition03019 EBS_K1 (!) Setpoint sensing (accelerator to brake pedal position)03019 EDC6 FFR1: EDR min. nominal value not reached03019 EDC7 FFR1: EDR min. nominal value not reached03019 EHLA Oil filter blocked03019 KR49X Front box blower
03019 KSMControl unit (internal relay voltage supply or short-circuit terminal
30 — terminal 30 switched output03020 AST Large valve for opening the clutch03020 EBS Faulty supply voltage (5 volts) for analog sensors03020 EDC6 FFR1: Bit error, EDR nominal value03020 EDC7 FFR1: Bit error, EDR nominal value03020 FFR Accelerator pedal, PWM1 signal03020 KR49X Evaporator blower left03020 KSM Control unit (EEPROM fault memory)03020 SFFR Supply voltage03020 TBM Breakdown switch
03020 TPMMedium leakage: Pressure loss at min. one tyre approx. 80
mbar/h03021 AST Large valve for closing the clutch03021 EBS Faulty pedal brake module potentiometer signal03021 EBS_K1 Pedal brake module — setpoint signal 1 or 2
03021 EDC6FFR1: Bit error intermediate speed governing system parameter
03021 EDC7FFR1: Bit error intermediate speed governing system parameter
ID03021 EHLA CAN message ‘EEC1’03021 FFR Accelerator pedal, PWM2 signal03021 KR49X Condenser blower left
03021 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving vehicle
management computer message Fuel_Cons.SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 158 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03021 SFFR Pedal value sensor03021 TBM Alarm switch03021 TPM Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 203022 AST Electrical power supply, speed sensor ASTronic output03022 EBS Faulty axle load sensor 103022 EDC6 FFR1: ISG nominal value03022 EDC7 FFR1: ISG nominal value03022 FFR Accelerator pedal, PWM1 and PWM2 signal03022 KR49X Evaporator blower right
03022 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving central on-board
computer message Dash_Disp.03022 SFFR Selector lever03022 TBM Chassis number03022 TPM Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 203023 EBS Faulty axle load sensor 203023 EDC6 FFR1: Bit error request torque overrevving03023 EDC7 FFR1: Bit error request torque overrevving03023 KR49X Condenser blower right
03023 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EBS/ECAS
message Veh_Weight.03023 SFFR Idling speed harmonisation03023 TBM Geographic width03023 TPM Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 203024 AST Current WSK retarder torque in percent03024 EBS Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the axles03024 EBS_K1 Dynamic pad trend fault axles03024 EDC6 FFR1: Bit error, request ramps off/out03024 EDC7 FFR1: Bit error, request ramps off/out03024 EHLA Engine revs03024 KR49X Water station U2
03024 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving vehicle
management computer message Eng_Hour/Rev.03024 SFFR Default driving unit03024 TBM Geographic length03024 TPM Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 2
03025 EBSBrake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the wheels of axle
103025 EBS_K1 Dynamic pad trend fault front axles03025 EDC6 FFR1: reserved Bits & Bytes03025 EDC7 FFR1: reserved Bits & Bytes03025 EHLA Cab position, impermissible change when vehicle moving03025 KR49X CAN node U3
03025 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving tachograph
message Veh_Ident.03025 SFFR Engine CAN03025 TBM GPS position data
03026 ASTCAN data bus engine configuration from the EDC, engine
configuration03026 CNG_ME7 Vehicle management computer message 1
03026 EBSBrake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the wheels of axle
203026 EBS_K1 Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 103026 EDC6 FFR1: Timeout03026 EDC7 FFR1: Timeout03026 EHLA Cab position, vehicle moving when swivelling03026 EMOS Timeout of Engine_Config message03026 KR49X CAN node U4
03026 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving vehicle
management computer message Service.03026 SFFR MMDS CAN
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 159 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03026 TBM CPU TRAP register
03027 ASTCAN data bus engine configuration from the EDC, engine
03027 EBSBrake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the wheels of axle
303027 EBS_K1 Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 203027 EDC6 FFR2: Driveline fault03027 EDC7 FFR2: Driveline fault03027 EHLA Cab position03027 KR49X CAN bus several nodes missing
03027 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving tachograph
message TCO1.
03027 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC1
03028 ASTCAN data bus retarder check from secondary retarder,
ERC1_RD (current retarder torque)
03028 EBSBrake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the wheels of axle
403028 EBS_K1 Dynamic pad trend fault additional axle03028 EDC6 FFR2: Nominal torque value too low03028 EDC7 FFR2: Nominal torque value too low03028 EHLA Cab position, swivelling is taking too long
03028 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving vehicle
management computer message ERC1_RX.
03028 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC2
03029 ASTCAN data bus retarder check from secondary retarder, ERC1
(additional heating of the engine, engine coolant load increase)03029 EBS No valid fault definition03029 EBS_K1 SPN undefined03029 EDC6 FFR2: Bit error, nominal idling value03029 EDC7 FFR2: Bit error, nominal idling value03029 EHLA Emergency steering pump, no oil volume03029 EMOS ‘Request engine speed increase in braking mode’ signal
03029 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving tachograph
message BAM_MTCO_VIN.
03029 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC3
03030 ASTCAN data bus retarder configuration from secondary retarder,
Ret_Conf driveline retarder configuration03030 BHTC Stepper motor valve C
03030 EBSFaulty brake pad wear and retarder relay output stage
checkback03030 EDC6 FFR2: Bit error, idling speed governing parameter ID03030 EDC7 FFR2: Bit error, idling speed governing parameter ID03030 EHLA Emergency steering pump
03030 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving tachograph
message P_MTCO_VIN.
03030 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC4
03030 TPMSevere leakage: Severe pressure loss at min. one tyre approx.
200 mbar/h
03031 AST
CAN data bus retarder check from vehicle management computer engine brake torque ‘ERC1_ REX retarder percent
torque’03031 EBS Faulty retarder relay output stage checkback03031 EDC6 FFR2: nominal idling speed governing value too high03031 EDC7 FFR2: nominal idling speed governing value too high03031 EHLA Pressure build-up in pressure accumulator too short
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 160 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03031 HDS AdBlue tank temperature
03031 KSMAdjustment lever angle reduction input (throttle butterfly
reduction request)
03031 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC503031 TPM Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 3
03032 ASTCAN data bus engine brake configuration, ‘engine retarder
configuration’03032 EBS Faulty brake pad wear output stage checkback03032 EDC6 FFR2: Bit error, stand alone request03032 EDC7 FFR2: Bit error, stand alone request03032 EHLA Centring circuit warning
03032 KSMSignal frequency at adjustment lever angle reduction input
(throttle butterfly reduction request)
03032 SFFREngine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
EngineConfig03032 TPM Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 3
03033 ASTCAN data bus engine brake configuration, ‘engine retarder
configuration’03033 EBS Invalid checkback signal for the yellow warning light03033 EDC6 FFR2: Bit error, start request03033 EDC7 FFR2: Bit error, start request03033 EHLA Centring circuit
03033 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving body CAN
message KSM2_A.
03033 SFFRMMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS message
TSC1-FME.03033 TPM Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 303034 EBS Invalid checkback signal for the red warning light03034 EDC6 FFR2: Bit error, engine stop request03034 EDC7 FFR2: Bit error, engine stop request
03034 EHLA Actuator test of axle behaviour in centring circuit, implausible03034 KSM Power take-off output
03034 SFFRMMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS message
Time/Date03034 TPM Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 303035 EBS No valid fault definition03035 EBS_K1 Electrical power supply axle modulator03035 EDC6 FFR2: reserved Bits & Bytes03035 EDC7 FFR2: reserved Bits & Bytes03035 EHLA Actuator test of pressure behaviour in centring circuit
03035 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving retarder message
03035 SFFRMMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS message
VehDistance03036 CNG_ME7 Vehicle management computer message 203036 EBS Short-circuit on one of the module output stages03036 EDC6 FFR2: Timeout03036 EDC7 FFR2: Timeout
03036 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving retarder message
ERC1_RE.03037 EBS No valid fault definition
03037 EBS_K1Vehicle dynamics control steering angle sensor electrical power
supply03037 EDC6 FFR3: Bit error, pedal value sensor position03037 EDC7 FFR3: Bit error, pedal value sensor position
03037 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving user-definable
message FREI_1.03038 EBS No valid fault definition
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 161 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03038 EBS_K1 Interaxle lock03038 EDC6 FFR3: Bit error, standstill info.03038 EDC7 FFR3: Bit error, standstill info.
03038 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving user-definable
message FREI_2.03039 EBS No valid fault definition03039 EBS_K1 Lock relay, front axle03039 EDC6 FFR3: reserved Bits & Bytes03039 EDC7 FFR3: reserved Bits & Bytes
03039 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving user-definable
message FREI_3.03040 BHTC Blower03040 CNG_ME7 Vehicle management computer message 303040 EBS No valid fault definition03040 EBS_K1 Display bus-stop brake03040 EDC6 FFR3: Timeout03040 EDC7 FFR3: Timeout03040 EHLA Angle encoder configuration
03040 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving user-definable
message FREI_4.03041 BHTC Compressor
03041 EBSEngine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently low, > 400 ms03041 EDC6 DM4 request frequency too high ( docu. page 172 )03041 EDC7 DM4 request frequency too high ( docu. page 172 )03041 EHLA Angle encoder supply03041 TPM Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 4
03042 EBSEngine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently high, > 400 ms03042 EDC6 FFR2: Input shaft speed invalid03042 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 1, differential
03042 KSMCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving FFR (vehicle
management computer) message Fuel_Eco.03042 TPM Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 4
03043 EBSEngine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
frequency > 220 Hz03043 EDC6 Fault memory info., timeout, message location 1003043 EDC7 Fault memory info., timeout, message location 1003043 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 1, total voltage03043 TPM Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 403044 CNG_ME7 Lambda control adaptation additive (bank 1)
03044 EBSEngine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input, mark-to-
space ratio > 95 %03044 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 103044 TPM Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 403045 CNG_ME7 Starter control: Blocked
03045 EBSEngine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input, mark-to-
space ratio < 5 %03045 EDC6 Starter activation defective03045 EDC7 Starter activation defective03045 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 1
03046 EBSEngine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input, mark-to-
space ratio > 95 %03046 EDC6 Atmospheric pressure detection03046 EDC7 Atmospheric pressure detection03046 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 2
03047 EBSEngine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently low or high 80 – 400 ms03047 EDC6 Overrun test gate array monitoring module03047 EDC7 Overrun test gate array monitoring module
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 162 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03047 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 2, differential03048 EBS No valid fault definition03048 EDC6 Overrun test undervoltage monitoring03048 EDC7 Overrun test undervoltage monitoring03048 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 2, total voltage03049 AST Y1 clutch brake03049 EBS CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded03049 EBS_K1 CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded03049 EDC6 Overrun test overvoltage monitoring03049 EDC7 Overrun test overvoltage monitoring03049 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 203050 AST Small valve for opening the clutch03050 BHTC Solenoid valve03050 EBS CAN data bus driveline, bus off03050 EBS_K1 CAN data bus driveline, bus off03050 ECAS_4X2 Control unit, supply voltage03050 ECAS2_GBV Control unit, supply voltage03050 EDC6 After-run test, zero quantity03050 EDC7 After-run test, zero quantity03050 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 103051 AST Small valve for closing the clutch03051 BHTC Terminal 30 voltage
03051 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in EEC1
message from the EDC
03051 EBS_5J1939 driveline CAN: Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with vehicle management computer control unit
03051 EBS_K1CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in message EEC1 from the
EDC03051 ECAS_4X2 Operator unit data03051 ECAS2_GBV Operator unit data03051 EDC6 After-run test, MES1 output03051 EDC7 After-run test, MES1 output03051 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 203051 TPM Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 503052 AST Large valve for opening the clutch03052 EBS No valid fault definition
03052 EBS_K1CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in message EEC2 from the
EDC03052 ECAS_4X2 Operator unit clock03052 ECAS2_GBV Operator unit clock03052 EDC6 Timeout, message location 503052 EDC7 Timeout, message location 503052 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 3, differential03052 TPM Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 503053 AST Large valve for closing the clutch03053 EBS No valid fault definition03053 EBS_K1 CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message CFG_E03053 ECAS_4X2 Operator unit 2 data03053 ECAS2_GBV Operator unit 2 data03053 EDC6 Timeout, message location 603053 EDC7 Timeout, message location 603053 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 3, total voltage03053 TPM Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 503054 EBS No valid fault definition03054 ECAS_4X2 Operator unit 2 clock03054 ECAS2_GBV Operator unit 2 clock03054 EDC6 Timeout, message location 703054 EDC7 Timeout, message location 703054 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 3
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 163 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03054 TPM Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 503055 EBS No valid fault definition03055 EDC6 Timeout, message location 1403055 EDC7 Timeout, message location 1403055 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 1
03056 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ERC1_D
message from retarder03056 EDC6 Checksum HW calibration date in serial EEPROM03056 EDC7 Checksum HW calibration date in serial EEPROM03056 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 2
03057 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ERC1_E
message from retarder03057 EDC6 Ser. EEPROM data not equal to checksum03057 EDC7 Ser. EEPROM data not equal to checksum03057 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 4, differential
03058 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ERC1_EX
message from vehicle management computer03058 EDC6 Ser. EEPROM: Data main relay monitoring checksum03058 EDC7 Ser. EEPROM: Data main relay monitoring checksum03058 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 4, total voltage03059 AST Checkback power take-off 1
03059 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’ message from tachograph
03059 EBS_K1CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message HR-VD from
tachograph03059 EDC6 Ser. EEPROM: Data error memory checksum03059 EDC7 Ser. EEPROM: Data error memory checksum03059 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 403059 EMOS Checkback signal PTO103060 AST Checkback power take-off 2
03060 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ‘Supply
pressure’ message from the ECAM03060 EBS_K1 CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message ECAM (SP)03060 EDC6 Ser. EEPROM: Data operating hours counter checksum03060 EDC7 Ser. EEPROM: Data operating hours counter checksum03060 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 103060 EMOS Checkback signal PTO203060 FFR Engine CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).03061 AST Switch off power take-off 1
03061 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in EEC3
message from the EDC
03061 EBS_K1CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in message EEC3 from the
EDC03061 ECAS_4X2 Interruption in communication03061 ECAS2_GBV Interruption in communication03061 EDC6 Ser. EEPROM: Actuator test checksum03061 EDC7 Ser. EEPROM: Actuator test checksum03061 EHLA Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 203061 EMOS Disengagement fault PTO1
03061 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
engine configuration.03062 AST Switch off power take-off 2
03062 EBS
CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ‘Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed’ message from the EDC via vehicle
management computer
03062 EBS_K1CAN J1939 receive time exceeded message CCVS from the
EDC via vehicle management computer03062 ECAS_4X2 CAN message VSC103062 ECAS2_GBV CAN message VSC103062 EDC6 Ser. EEPROM: Starter monitoring checksum
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 164 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03062 EDC7 Ser. EEPROM: Starter monitoring checksum03062 EHLA Angle encoder, front axle, differential03062 EMOS Disengagement fault PTO2
03062 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
EDC1.03063 AST Switch on power take-off 1
03063 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in vehicle weight
measurement message from the ECAS03063 EBS_K1 CAN data bus driveline, message VW_ECAS03063 ECAS_4X2 CAN message EEC103063 ECAS2_GBV CAN message EEC103063 EDC6 After-run not completed03063 EDC7 After-run not completed03063 EHLA Angle encoder, front axle, total voltage03063 EMOS Engagement fault PTO1
03063 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
EDC2.03064 AST Switch on power take-off 2
03064 EBSCAN data bus driveline, values for vehicle weight in the ‘Vehicle
Weight’ message from the ECAS outside the range03064 ECAS_4X2 CAN message EBC203064 ECAS2_GBV CAN message EBC203064 EDC6 Stand alone mode EDC03064 EDC7 Stand alone mode EDC03064 EHLA Angle encoder, front axle03064 EMOS Engagement fault PTO2
03064 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
03065 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in TSC1_ACC
message from the ACC03065 ECAS_4X2 CAN message FFR_103065 ECAS2_GBV CAN message FFR_103065 EDC6 Triggering time individual operation03065 EDC7 Triggering time individual operation03065 EHLA Angle encoder, front axle, track 1
03065 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
03066 EBSDriveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded for EEC2
message from the EDC03066 ECAS_4X2 CAN message ECAM_103066 ECAS2_GBV CAN message ECAM_103066 EDC6 Time after start03066 EDC7 Time after start03066 EHLA Angle encoder, front axle, track 2
03066 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
03067 EBSCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in TCO1
message from tachograph
03067 EBS_K1CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in message TCO1 from the
tachograph03067 ECAS_4X2 CAN message EBS (axle load, driven axle)03067 ECAS2_GBV CAN message EBS (axle load, driven axle)03067 EDC6 Self-test03067 EDC7 Self-test03067 EHLA Angle encoder, joystick, differential
03068 EBSCAN data bus driveline, values in ‘TCO1 Vehicle Speed’
message from tachograph not plausible03068 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal TCO1 from the tachograph (road speed)03068 ECAS_4X2 CAN message EBC503068 ECAS2_GBV CAN message EBC5
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03068 EDC6 Monitoring module defective03068 EDC7 Monitoring module defective03068 EHLA Angle encoder, joystick, total voltage03069 EBS No valid fault definition03069 EBS_K1 CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message TD03069 ECAS_4X2 CAN message EBC103069 ECAS2_GBV CAN message EBC103069 EDC6 Redundant speed monitoring03069 EDC7 Redundant speed monitoring03069 EHLA Angle encoder, joystick03070 EBS No valid fault definition
03070 EBS_K1CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC1 from the
vehicle management computer03070 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message time and date03070 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message time and date03070 EDC6 Status of plausibility violation03070 EDC7 Status of plausibility violation03070 EHLA Angle encoder, joystick, track 1
03071 EBS
CAN data bus driveline, receive time violation inAUX_STAT_ZBR_TR message from the central on-board
computer (trailer status information from the central on-board computer)
03071 EBS_K1CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC2 from the
vehicle management computer03071 EDC6 Operating noise analysis03071 EDC7 Operating noise analysis03071 EHLA Angle encoder, joystick, track 2
03072 EBSDriveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded for ETC2
message from VMC
03072 EBS_K1CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in message CFG-MC from
the EDC03072 EDC6 Status of defective cylinders03072 EDC7 Status of defective cylinders03072 EHLA Speed signals, differential03073 EBS Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03073 EBS_K1CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in message ERC1-MC from
the EDC03073 EDC6 Amount violation sign03073 EDC7 Amount violation sign03073 EHLA Speed signal parameter03073 ZH_AT3500_1580 Control unit fault / incorrect parameter set03073 ZH_AT3500_ST Control unit defective03073 ZHZG_9a Control unit fault / incorrect parameter set03074 EBS Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded03074 EBS_K1 CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message AS1-ZBR03074 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message display instrument panel03074 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message display instrument panel03074 EDC6 ID number FFR03074 EDC7 ID number FFR03074 EHLA Can message ‘Wheel speed information 2’03074 ZH_AT3500_1580 No heating start / no flame formation03074 ZH_AT3500_ST No heating start03074 ZHZG_9a No heating start / no flame formation03075 EBS Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03075 EBS_K1CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message EBC1_x (bus-stop
brake)03075 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2C)03075 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2C)03075 EDC6 Fuel pressure sensor (phys.)03075 EDC7 Fuel pressure sensor (phys.)
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03075 ZH_AT3500_1580 Flame failure (repeated)03075 ZH_AT3500_ST Flame cut-off03075 ZHZG_9a Flame failure (repeated)
03076 CNG_ME7Immobiliser: No quantity due to incorrect vehicle management
computer ID03076 EBS Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded03076 EBS_K1 CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message ESC1 (NLA)03076 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2A)03076 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2A)
03076 EDC6Immobiliser: No quantity due to incorrect vehicle management
computer ID
03076 EDC7Immobiliser: No quantity due to incorrect vehicle management
computer ID03076 RAS Oil level check03076 ZH_AT3500_1580 Undervoltage03076 ZH_AT3500_ST Voltage03076 ZHZG_9a Undervoltage03076 ZHZG_9c Warning short-circuit output fresh air signal03077 EBS Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded03077 EBS_K1 CAN data bus driveline, message XBR (ACC)03077 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2B)03077 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2B)
03077 EDC6Immobiliser: No quantity due to vehicle management computer
ID being ‘not ready’ for too long
03077 EDC7Immobiliser: No quantity due to vehicle management computer
ID being ‘not ready’ for too long03077 EHLA CAN message ‘Tachograph’03077 RAS Comparison between tachometer / EBC speed signal03077 ZH_AT3500_1580 Overvoltage03077 ZH_AT3500_ST Flame detection before preheating03077 ZHZG_9a Overvoltage03077 ZHZG_9c Warning short-circuit output theft alarm03078 EBS No valid fault definition03078 EBS_K1 CAN data bus driveline, message ETC703078 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6A)03078 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6A)03078 EDC6 Immobiliser: Invalid FR ID after quantity enable03078 RAS CAN signal speed speedometer03078 ZH_AT3500_1580 Premature flame detection03078 ZH_AT3500_ST LP temperature sensor03078 ZHZG_9a Premature flame detection03079 EBS No valid fault definition03079 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6B)03079 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6B)03079 EDC6 Governor linkage position03079 EDC7 Governor linkage position03079 ZH_AT3500_ST Temperature sensor03079 ZHZG_9a Circulating pump interruption03080 EBS No valid fault definition03080 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal CCVS (parking brake)03080 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message door status03080 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message door status03080 EDC6 ID number of EDC03080 EDC7 ID number of EDC03080 EHLA CAN message CCVS03080 FFR Driveline CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).03080 ZH_AT3500_ST Metering pump03080 ZHZG_9a Circulating pump short-circuit03081 EBS No valid fault definition03081 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal CCVS (clutch)
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03081 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message TCO 103081 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message TCO 103081 EDC6 Charge air pressure governor shut-off03081 EDC7 Charge air pressure governor shut-off
03081 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EBS message
EBC1.03081 RAS CAN signal road speed EBC03081 ZH_AT3500_1580 Temperature sensor interruption03081 ZH_AT3500_ST Blower motor03081 ZH_D5W_SC TRS/TMD mode activated03081 ZHZG_9a Temperature sensor interruption03081 ZHZG_9c TRS shut-off03082 CNG_ME7 Oil pressure sensor plausibility03082 EBS No valid fault definition03082 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal EEC1 (rated torque)03082 ECAS_4X2 Incorrect CAN message mileage reading (km)03082 ECAS2_GBV Incorrect CAN message mileage reading (km)03082 EDC6 Oil pressure sensor plausibility03082 EDC7 Oil pressure sensor plausibility
03082 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EBS message
EBC2.03082 HYD Overvoltage shut-off03082 RAS CAN signal engine speed03082 ZH_AT3500_1580 Temperature sensor short-circuit03082 ZH_AT3500_ST Glow plug / flame watchdog03082 ZH_D5W_SC Switch off due to overvoltage03082 ZHZG_9a Temperature sensor short-circuit03082 ZHZG_9c Overvoltage shut-off03083 EBS No valid fault definition03083 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal EEC1 (actual torque)03083 EDC6 Rail pressure sensor plausibility03083 EDC7 Fuel pressure sensor plausibility03083 EHLA Speed signal 1
03083 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving retarder message
EBC3.03083 HYD Undervoltage shut-off03083 RAS CAN signal weight03083 ZH_AT3500_1580 Metering pump interruption03083 ZH_AT3500_ST Overheating03083 ZH_D5W_SC Switch off due to undervoltage03083 ZHZG_9a Metering pump interruption03083 ZHZG_9c Undervoltage shut-off03084 EBS No valid fault definition03084 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal EEC1 (engine revs)03084 EDC6 Stop position test, governor linkage03084 EDC7 Stop position test, governor linkage03084 EHLA Speed signal 2
03084 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EBS message
ERC1_RD.03084 HYD Overheating on overheating sensor03084 RAS CAN signal lifting axle03084 ZH_AT3500_1580 Metering pump short-circuit03084 ZH_AT3500_ST Overheating sensor03084 ZH_D5W_SC Overheating software threshold03084 ZHZG_9a Metering pump short-circuit03084 ZHZG_9c Overheating on overheating sensor03085 EBS No valid fault definition03085 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal EEC2 (idling speed switch)03085 EDC6 FFR3: Vehicle distance invalid03085 EDC7 FFR3: Vehicle distance invalid
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03085 EHLA Speed signal 303085 RAS CAN signal parking brake03085 ZH_AT3500_1580 Blower motor interruption03085 ZH_AT3500_ST Setpoint potentiometer discontinuity03085 ZHZG_9a Blower motor interruption03085 ZHZG_9c Overheating on flame sensor03086 CNG_ME7 Monitoring exhaust gas recirculation throughflow03086 EBS No valid fault definition03086 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal EEC2 (accelerator pedal position)03086 EDC6 Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit03086 EDC7 Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit03086 EHLA Speed signals
03086 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving Astronic message
03086 HYDTemperature difference between temperature governing sensor
and overheating sensor03086 RAS CAN signal bus transmitter/receiver03086 ZH_AT3500_1580 Blower motor short-circuit03086 ZH_AT3500_ST Blower relay short-circuit03086 ZH_D5W_SC Overheating differential evaluation03086 ZHZG_9a Blower motor short-circuit03087 EBS No valid fault definition03087 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal EEC3 (nom. friction torque)03087 EDC6 Oil pressure sensor03087 EDC7 Oil pressure sensor03087 EHLA Speed signals, differential
03087 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving Astronic message
ETC2.03087 HYD Overheated too frequently03087 RAS Parameter value calibration03087 ZH_AT3500_1580 Blower motor EMK fault03087 ZH_AT3500_ST Battery isolator short-circuit03087 ZH_D5W_SC Overheating operation interlock03087 ZHZG_9a Glow plug / flame watchdog interruption03087 ZHZG_9c Overheated too frequently03088 EBS No valid fault definition03088 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. mode)
03088 EDC6Boost pressure sensor after cooler (before exhaust gas
03088 EDC7Boost pressure sensor after cooler (before exhaust gas
03088 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving tachograph
message TCO1.03088 HYD Flame in post-operation too frequently03088 ZH_AT3500_1580 Glow plug / flame watchdog interruption03088 ZH_AT3500_ST Incorrect application / impermissible air blockage03088 ZHZG_9a Glow plug / flame watchdog short-circuit03089 EBS No valid fault definition03089 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. torque)03089 EDC6 Charge air temperature sensor03089 EDC7 Boost air temperature sensor upstream of cylinder inlet
03089 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving central on-board
computer message Veh_Dist.03089 ZH_AT3500_1580 Glow plug / flame watchdog short-circuit03089 ZH_AT3500_ST Incorrect overheating sensor position (OHS degree too low)03089 ZH_D5W_SC Overheating hardware03089 ZHZG_9a Overheating03090 AST ECU (communication controllers 1 + 2)03090 EBS No valid fault definition03090 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal ETC1 (driveline)
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03090 EHLA Axle monitoring parameter
03090 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving central on-board
computer message Time/Date.03090 ZH_AT3500_1580 Overheating on overheating sensor03090 ZH_AT3500_ST Heater interlock03090 ZHZG_9a Redundant temperature sensor has tripped03091 AST CAN data bus EBS1 from EBS, EBC103091 EBS No valid fault definition03091 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal ETC2 (gear information)03091 EDC6 Cooling water temperature sensor03091 EDC7 Cooling water temperature sensor03091 EHLA Inverse movement on steering axle 103091 EMOS Timeout of EBC1 message
03091 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving retarder message
RE_Fluids.03091 ZH_AT3500_1580 Overheating sensor short-circuit03091 ZH_AT3500_ST Heater interlock permanent03091 ZHZG_9a Battery isolator short-circuit03092 EBS No valid fault definition03092 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 1)03092 EDC6 Time/date: Timeout,03092 EDC7 Time/date: Timeout,03092 EHLA System deviation on steering axle 1
03092 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving retarder message
RD_Fluids.03092 HYD Ignition sparker discontinuity03092 ZH_AT3500_1580 Overheating sensor interruption03092 ZH_AT3500_ST Overheating sensor interruption03092 ZH_D5W_SC Interruption glow plug03092 ZHZG_9a Vehicle blower output short-circuit03092 ZHZG_9c Glow plug interruption or short-circuit03093 EBS No valid fault definition03093 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 2)03093 EDC6 TIME/DATE: reserved Bits & Bytes03093 EDC7 TIME/DATE: reserved Bits & Bytes03093 EHLA Large system deviation on steering axle 1
03093 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving Astronic message
TSC1_TE.03093 HYD Ignition sparker short circuit03093 ZH_AT3500_1580 Setpoint sensor interruption03093 ZH_AT3500_ST Setpoint sensor interruption03093 ZH_D5W_SC Overload glow plug output03093 ZHZG_9c Glow plug output overload03094 EBS No valid fault definition03094 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal CFG_MC (ref. ret. torque)03094 EDC6 Timeout message position 803094 EDC7 Timeout message position 803094 EHLA Inverse movement on steering axle 2
03094 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EBS message
TSC1_AE.03094 ZH_AT3500_ST Blower relay short-circuit03095 EBS No valid fault definition03095 EBS_K1 Impermissible signal CFG_E (ref. motor torque)03095 EDC6 Percentage quantity setpoint03095 EDC7 Percentage quantity setpoint03095 EHLA System deviation on steering axle 2
03095 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving EBS message
Veh_weight.03095 ZH_AT3500_ST Battery isolator short-circuit03096 EBS No valid fault definition
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 170 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03096 EBS_K1CAN data bus driveline, ‘Lighting on trailer 1 detected’ in
message AS1_ZBR03096 EDC6 Accelerator pedal03096 EDC7 Accelerator pedal03096 EHLA Large system deviation on steering axle 2
03096 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving central on-board
computer message AUX-STAT-ZBR1.03096 ZH_AT3500_ST Flame failure (no restart)03097 EBS No valid fault definition
03097 EBS_K1CAN data bus driveline, ‘Actual Inner Wheel Steering Angle’ in
message ESC1 (steering angle)03097 EDC6 Fuel temperature sensor03097 EDC7 Fuel temperature sensor03097 EHLA Inverse movement on steering axle 3
03097 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving ECAS message
ECAS1.03097 HYD Diagnostic output short-circuit to +Ub03097 ZH_AT3500_ST Blower motor blockage protection03097 ZHZG_9c Diagnostic output short-circuit to +Ub03098 EBS No valid fault definition
03098 EBS_K1 CAN data bus driveline, ‘Steering axle status’ in message ESC103098 EDC6 Control path: Loose contact03098 EDC7 Control path: Loose contact03098 EHLA System deviation on steering axle 3
03098 FFRCAN databus: Time overrun when receiving message
ERC1_RE.03098 ZH_AT3500_ST Incorrect application / impermissible air blockage03099 AST Output speed 103099 EBS No valid fault definition
03099 EBS_K1CAN data bus driveline, ‘Percentage clutch slip’ in message
ETC103099 EDC6 Fuel pressure sensor03099 EDC7 Fuel pressure sensor (rail pressure)03099 EHLA Large system deviation on steering axle 3
03099 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving ECAM message
ECAM1.03099 ZH_AT3500_ST Incorrect overheating sensor position (OHS degree too low)03100 BHTC Main pump03100 CRT Exhaust differential pressure via the CRT filter03100 EBS Pressure control module, left front axle, no fault03100 EDC6 Fuel supply pressure sensor03100 EDC7 Fuel supply pressure sensor03100 EHLA Inverse movement on steering axle 403100 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 103100 ZH_AT3500_ST Heater interlock03101 AST Output speeds 1+ 203101 CRT Exhaust temperature in front of the CRT filter
03101 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, interruption, short-circuit
wheel sensor A03101 EBS_K1 (!) Wheel sensor left front axle03101 ECAS_4X2 Travel sensor left REAR AXLE03101 ECAS2_GBV Height sensor FRONT AXLE left03101 EHLA System deviation on steering axle 403101 EMOS Gearbox output signal03101 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 203101 ZH_AT3500_ST Heater interlock permanent03102 AST Gearbox input and output speeds03102 CNG_ME7 Exhaust gas recirculation valve output stage03102 CRT Current engine torque
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03102 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, wheel sensor A: Delay
too long03102 ECAS_4X2 Travel sensor right REAR AXLE03102 ECAS2_GBV Height sensor, FRONT AXLE right03102 EDC6 Exhaust gas recirculation system output stage03102 EDC7 Exhaust gas recirculation system output stage03102 EHLA Large system deviation on steering axle 403102 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 303102 ZBR2 ZBR power supply03102 ZH_D5W_SC Burner motor EMK outside permitted range03103 AST CAN data bus vehicle speed from EDC03103 CNG_ME7 Lambda probe before catalytic converter (bank 1)03103 CRT Status of the regeneration logic
03103 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, wheel sensor A: Moving
off fault03103 ECAS_4X2 Travel sensor FRONT AXLE03103 ECAS2_GBV CENTRE AXLE height sensor03103 EHLA Calibration mode when vehicle moving03103 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 4 and 503103 OBDU Tension V-belt03103 ZBR2 Analog ground03103 ZH_D5W_SC Burner motor interruption03104 CNG_ME7 Lambda probe heating before catalytic converter (bank 1)
03104 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, wheel sensor A:
Clearance too great03104 ECAS_4X2 Travel sensor, front axle03104 EHLA Calibration data steering axle 103104 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 6 and 703104 HYD Burner motor stage 1 does not turn (low)03104 ZBR2 Analog ground03104 ZH_D5W_SC Burner motor short circuit03105 CNG_ME7 Lambda control adaptation multi (bank 1)
03105 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, perpetual control wheel
sensor A03105 EHLA Calibration data steering axle 203105 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 803105 HYD Burner motor stage 2 does not turn (high)03105 OBDU Water pump V-belt torn03105 ZHZG_9c Burner motor not turning03106 CNG_ME7 Idling speed control, nominal speed
03106 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, long instability wheel
sensor A03106 EHLA Calibration data steering axle 303106 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 1 and 203106 OBDU Cooling defective: Water temperature gradient too steep03107 AST Voltage (clutch sensor)03107 CNG_ME7 Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
03107 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, pulse ring fault wheel
sensor A03107 EBS_K1 (!) Impulse wheel fault left front axle03107 EHLA Calibration data steering axle 403107 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 3 and 403107 ZBR2 Ignition ON (relay tl. 15)03108 CNG_ME7 Gas system pressure
03108 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, fault on lifting axle wheel
sensor A03108 EHLA Calibration data front axle03108 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 5 and 603108 ZBR2 Electrical battery master switch/parking brake sensor
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03109 EBS Pressure control module, left front axle, no valid fault definition03109 EBS_K1 (!) Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination left front axle03109 EHLA Calibration data joystick03109 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 7 and 803109 HYD Water pump malfunction or fuse blown03109 ZBRO Ignition lock radio position03110 BHTC Recirculating pump03110 CNG_ME7 Engine speed sensor crankshaft toothed disc
03110 EBS Pressure control module, left front axle, no valid fault definition03110 EHLA Number of CAN objects03110 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 1 and 203110 HYD Vehicle blower control discontinuity03110 ZBRO Ignition lock ignition on03110 ZH_D5W_SC Vehicle blower relay interruption
03111 ASTCAN data bus message timeout time/date information from
central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE03111 CNG_ME7 Reference mark sensor
03111 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, interruption, short-circuit
wheel sensor B03111 EHLA CAN bus off03111 EMOS Timeout of Time_Date message03111 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 3 and 403111 HYD Vehicle blower control short circuit03111 TPM Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 103111 ZBR2 Ignition lock starter tl. 5003111 ZH_D5W_SC Vehicle blower relay short-circuit
03112 ASTCAN data bus signal error time/date information from central on-
board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE03112 CNG_ME7 Phase sensor
03112 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, wheel sensor B: Delay
too long03112 EHLA CAN data has been falsified03112 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 503112 TPM Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 103112 ZBRO Ignition lock ignition off
03113 ASTCAN data bus message timeout retarder configuration,
Ret_Conf (driveline retarder configuration)
03113 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, wheel sensor B: Moving
off fault03113 EHLA CAN bus off03113 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 603113 TPM Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 103113 ZBRO Battery undervoltage03113 ZH_D5W_SC Water pump interruption
03114 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, wheel sensor B:
Clearance too great03114 EHLA Steering wheel sensor — not used03114 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 703114 TPM Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 103114 ZBRO Battery master switch03114 ZH_D5W_SC Water pump short-circuit
03115 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, perpetual control wheel
sensor B03115 EHLA Steering wheel sensor — operating03115 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 803115 ZBRO Battery main relay
03116 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, long instability wheel
sensor BSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 173 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03116 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 103116 HYD Water pump relay coil discontinuity03116 ZBRO Ignition on03117 AST Clutch self-adjustment faulty
03117 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, pulse ring fault wheel
sensor B03117 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 203117 HYD Water pump relay coil short circuit03117 ZBRO Ignition on03118 AST Clutch does not open
03118 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, fault on lifting axle wheel
sensor B
03118 EMOSClutch regulator switched on but no clutch opening valve
available for opening clutch03118 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 303118 HYD Solenoid valve discontinuity03118 ZBRO Ignition on check03119 AST Clutch does not close / does not transmit torque03119 CNG_ME7 Altitude sensor
03119 EBS Pressure control module, left front axle, no valid fault definition
03119 EMOSClutch regulator switched on but no clutch closing valve
available for closing clutch03119 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 403119 HYD Solenoid valve short circuit03119 ZBRO Battery master switch 103119 ZH_D5W_SC Metering pump short-circuit03119 ZHZG_9c Metering pump short-circuit or overload03120 AST Mechanical fault (small valve for opening the clutch)03120 BHTC LIN bus
03120 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, electrical power supply
fault, pad wear sensor
03120 EBS_K1Electrical power supply pad wear sensor (front axle left or front
axle)03120 EHLA Joystick03120 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, bytes 5 and 603120 HYD Jet carrier preheater relay coil discontinuity03120 ZBRO Battery master switch 303120 ZH_D5W_SC Metering pump interruption03120 ZHZG_9c Metering pump interruption03121 AST Mechanical fault (small valve for closing the clutch)03121 CNG_ME7 Ignition output stage cylinder 1
03121 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, pad wear sensor A
outside permitted value range03121 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor A (front axle left) outside valid range03121 EHLA Joystick both sides03121 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 703121 HYD Jet carrier preheater relay coil short circuit03121 TPM Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 203121 ZBRO Battery master switch 403122 AST Mechanical fault (large valve for opening the clutch)03122 CNG_ME7 Ignition output stage cylinder 2
03122 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, pad wear sensor B
outside permitted value range03122 EHLA Joystick, sustained operation03122 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 803122 HYD Too many unsuccessful start attempts03122 TPM Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 203122 ZBRO Starting assistance03122 ZH_D5W_SC Operation interlock safety time 1
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 174 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03122 ZHZG_9c Too many unsuccessful start attempts03123 AST Mechanical fault (large valve for closing the clutch)03123 CNG_ME7 Ignition output stage cylinder 3
03123 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, pressure sensor outside
permitted value range
03123 EBS_K1(!) Pressure sensor (left front axle or front axle) outside valid
range03123 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 103123 HYD Flame sensor: ‘Flame before fuel’03123 TPM Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 203123 ZBRO Starting assistance check03123 ZH_D5W_SC Cold blowing time exceeded03123 ZHZG_9c Flame present during switch-on03124 AST Clutch travel fault03124 CNG_ME7 Ignition output stage cylinder 4
03124 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, time for ‘Current
pressure’ inquiry too long03124 EHLA Configuration of axle count03124 EMOS Clutch travel sensor signal03124 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 203124 HYD No start – safety time exceeded03124 TPM Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 203124 ZBRO Ignition on switched off03124 ZH_D5W_SC Safety time exceeded03124 ZHZG_9c No start – safety time exceeded03125 AST Pressure limiting valve fault03125 CNG_ME7 Ignition output stage cylinder 503125 EBS Pressure control module, left front axle, poor ventilation03125 EHLA Locking monitoring steering axle 103125 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, bytes 3 and 403125 ZHZG_9c Flame failure from start power03126 AST Pressure signal faulty03126 CNG_ME7 Ignition output stage cylinder 6
03126 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, excessive pressure
during pulse test03126 EHLA Steering axle 1 has moved out of locking position03126 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 503126 HYD too many flame cut-outs / time03126 ZH_D5W_SC Flame failure from governor stage ‘HIGH’03126 ZHZG_9c Flame failure from high power03127 AST ECU temperature fault
03127 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, residual pressure after
braking03127 EHLA Locking monitoring steering axle 203127 EMOS ‘Temperature sensor next to processor’ signal03127 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, bytes 6 and 703127 ZHZG_9c Flame failure from medium power03128 AST Oil temperature signal fault
03128 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, pressure sensor fault
without braking03128 EHLA Steering axle 2 has moved out of locking position03128 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 803128 ZH_D5W_SC Flame failure from governor stage ‘LOW’03128 ZHZG_9c Flame failure from low power03129 AST No signal from shift transmitter main gearbox
03129 EBS Pressure control module, left front axle, no valid fault definition03129 EHLA Locking monitoring steering axle 3
03129 FFRCAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, bytes 0 and
1SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 175 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03130 BHTC Refrigerant pressure
03130 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, wheel sensor IC
defective03130 EHLA Steering axle 3 has moved out of locking position03130 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, byte 203130 HYD Flame not extinguished in post-operation
03131 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, faulty backup valve
checkback03131 EBS_K1 Backup valve checkback (front axle left or front axle)03131 EHLA Locking monitoring steering axle 4
03131 FFRCAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, bytes 3 and
403131 TPM Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 303132 AST Shift transmitter self-adjustment fault
03132 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, faulty intake valve
checkback03132 EBS_K1 Intake valve checkback (ABS valve front axle left)03132 EHLA Steering axle 4 has moved out of locking position03132 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, byte 503132 HYD Temperature governor sensor discontinuity03132 TPM Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 303132 ZH_D5W_SC Interruption governor sensor03132 ZHZG_9c External temperature governor sensor interruption03133 AST Gate selection transmitter signal
03133 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, faulty intake and backup
valve checkback03133 EHLA Actuator test steering axle 1
03133 FFRCAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, bytes 6 and
703133 HYD Temperature governor sensor short circuit03133 TPM Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 303133 ZH_D5W_SC Short-circuit governor sensor03133 ZHZG_9c External temperature governor sensor short-circuit
03134 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet valve
checkback03134 EBS_K1 Exhaust valve checkback (ABS valve front axle left)03134 EHLA Actuator test steering axle 203134 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, byte 803134 TPM Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 303134 ZHZG_9c Setpoint sensor interruption
03135 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet and backup
valve checkback03135 EHLA Actuator test steering axle 3
03135 FFRCAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, bytes 9 and
1003135 ZHZG_9c Setpoint sensor short-circuit03136 AST Teach-in fault, gate selection transmitter signal
03136 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet and intake
valve checkback
03136 EBS_K1 Exhaust and intake valve checkback (ABS valve front axle left)03136 EHLA Actuator test steering axle 403136 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, byte 1103136 ZH_D5W_SC Interruption flame sensor03136 ZHZG_9c Flame sensor interruption03137 AST Range-change group travel sensor signal
03137 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet and intake
and backup valve checkback03137 EHLA Digital input parameters
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03137 FFRCAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, bytes 12
and 1303137 ZH_D5W_SC Short-circuit flame sensor03137 ZHZG_9c Flame sensor short-circuit
03138 EBS Pressure control module, left front axle, no valid fault definition03138 EBS_K1 Proportional valve (front axle left or front axle)03138 EHLA Digital input parameters03138 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, byte 14
03139 EBS Pressure control module, left front axle, no valid fault definition03139 EBS_K1 ABS valves (front axle)03139 EHLA Analog inputs
03139 FFRCAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, bytes 15
and 1603140 AST Teach-in fault, range-change group travel sensor03140 BHTC Calibration
03140 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, no CAN reception from
03140 FFRCAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, bytes 17
and 1803141 AST No travel sensor signal from splitter
03141 CNG_ME7 Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 1, exhaust-relevant
03141 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, software incompatibility
between control unit and pressure control module03141 EHLA Digital CAN input parameters
03141 FFRCAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, bytes 19
and 2003141 TPM Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
03142 CNG_ME7 Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 2, exhaust-relevant
03142 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, 12/24 volt incompatibility
between control unit and pressure control module
03142 FFRCAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, bytes 21
and 2203142 TPM Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
03143 CNG_ME7 Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 3, exhaust-relevant
03143 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, high cycle protection
intake valve active, pressure < 4 bar03143 EHLA Digital CAN output parameters03143 FFR CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration, byte 2303143 HYD Overheating sensor discontinuity03143 TPM Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 403143 ZH_D5W_SC Interruption overheating sensor03143 ZHZG_9c Overheating sensor interruption03144 AST Self-adjustment fault, travel sensor signal from splitter
03144 CNG_ME7 Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 4, exhaust-relevant
03144 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, arithmetic test not
successful03144 EHLA Prop. valve steering axle 1, incorrect movement direction03144 HYD Overheating sensor short circuit03144 TPM Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 403144 ZH_D5W_SC Short-circuit overheating sensor03144 ZHZG_9c Overheating sensor short-circuit03145 AST Range-change group does not disengage
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03145 CNG_ME7 Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 5, exhaust-relevant
03145 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, wheel compensation
fault wheel sensor A03145 EHLA Prop. valve steering axle 1, deviation03146 AST Changeover fault with range-change group shift
03146 CNG_ME7 Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 6, exhaust-relevant
03146 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, wheel compensation
fault wheel sensor B03146 EHLA Prop. valve steering axle 2, incorrect movement direction03147 AST Range-change group does not engage
03147 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, electrical power supply
fault, axle load sensor03147 EHLA Prop. valve steering axle 2, deviation03148 AST Splitter does not disengage
03148 EBSPressure control module, left front axle, pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, front axle03148 EHLA Prop. valve steering axle 3, incorrect movement direction03149 AST Changeover fault with splitter shift
03149 EBS Pressure control module, left front axle, no valid fault definition03149 EBS_K1 (!) Pneumatic redundant path front axle03149 EHLA Prop. valve steering axle 3, deviation03150 AST Splitter group does not engage03150 BHTC Different variant control unit control element03150 EBS Pressure control module, right front axle, no fault03150 EHLA Prop. valve steering axle 4, incorrect movement direction03150 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 103151 AST Selector cylinder does not open
03151 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, interruption, short-
circuit wheel sensor A03151 EBS_K1 (!) Wheel sensor right front axle03151 ECAS_4X2 Pressure sensor left REAR AXLE03151 ECAS2_GBV Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE left03151 EHLA Prop. valve steering axle 4, deviation03151 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 203151 TPM Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 503152 AST Gate shift fault
03152 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, wheel sensor A: Delay
too long03152 ECAS_4X2 Pressure sensor right REAR AXLE03152 ECAS2_GBV Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE right03152 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 303152 HYD Combustion display discontinuity03152 TPM Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 503153 AST Selector cylinder does not close
03153 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, wheel sensor A:
Moving off fault03153 ECAS_4X2 Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE03153 ECAS2_GBV Pressure sensor CENTRE AXLE03153 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 403153 HYD Combustion display short circuit03153 TPM Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 503154 AST Main gearbox gear does not disengage
03154 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, wheel sensor A:
Clearance too great03154 ECAS_4X2 Pressure sensor front axle03154 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 503154 HYD Malfunction display discontinuity
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03154 TPM Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 503155 AST Main gearbox gear does not engage
03155 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, perpetual control wheel
sensor A03155 ECAS_4X2 Pressure sensor 2nd right REAR AXLE03155 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, bytes 1 and 203155 HYD Malfunction display short circuit03156 AST Wrong gear selected in main gearbox
03156 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, long instability wheel
sensor A03156 ECAS_4X2 Pressure sensor 2nd left REAR AXLE03156 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 3
03157 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, pulse ring fault wheel
sensor A03157 EBS_K1 (!) Impulse wheel fault right front axle03157 ECAS_4X2 Pressure sensor, brake03157 ECAS2_GBV Pressure sensor, brake03157 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 403158 AST Shift sensor signal continuously active
03158 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, fault on lifting axle
wheel sensor A03158 ECAS_4X2 Pressure sensor lifting axle03158 ECAS2_GBV Pressure sensor lifting axle03158 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 503159 AST Range-change group shift sensor signal continuously active
03159 EBS Pressure control module, right front axle, no valid fault definition03159 EBS_K1 (!) Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination right front axle03159 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 603160 AST Splitter shift sensor signal continuously active03160 BHTC Control element tl30 voltage
03160 EBS Pressure control module, right front axle, no valid fault definition03160 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 7
03161 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, interruption, short-
circuit wheel sensor B03161 EHLA Recirculating/centring valve03161 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 8
03162 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, wheel sensor B: Delay
too long03162 EHLA Digital output 203162 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 003163 AST Engine does not react to torque specification
03163 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, wheel sensor B:
Moving off fault03163 EHLA Digital output 303163 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 103163 HYD Control unit reset
03164 AST
CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1 from EDC, EEC1 (accelerator pedal position, drivers demand engine percent
03164 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, wheel sensor B:
Clearance too great03164 EHLA Digital output 403164 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 203164 HYD Control unit failure (ROM fault)03164 ZH_D5W_SC ROM fault03164 ZHZG_9c Control unit failure (ROM fault)
03165 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, perpetual control wheel
sensor BSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 179 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03165 EHLA Digital output 503165 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 303165 HYD Control unit failure (RAM fault)03165 ZH_D5W_SC RAM fault03165 ZHZG_9c Control unit failure (RAM fault)03166 AST Permanent idling speed signal
03166 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, long instability wheel
sensor B03166 EHLA Digital output 603166 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 403166 HYD Control unit failure (EEPROM fault)03166 ZHZG_9c Control unit failure (EEPROM fault)
03167 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, pulse ring fault wheel
sensor A03167 EHLA Digital output 703167 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 5
03168 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, fault on lifting axle
wheel sensor B03168 EHLA Digital output 803168 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 603168 ZHZG_9c Internal temperature governor sensor defective03169 AST Shut-off relay in ECU does not switch off
03169 EBS Pressure control module, right front axle, no valid fault definition03169 EHLA Digital output 903169 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 703169 HYD Control unit: general fault
03170 ASTNo electrical power supply at terminal 30 or shut-off relay in ECU
does not switch on
03170 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, electrical power supply
fault, pad wear sensor03170 ECAS_4X2 Steering angle sensor03170 ECAS2_GBV Steering angle sensor03170 EHLA Digital output 1003170 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 1
03171 ASTCAN data bus electronic engine governor 1 from EDC, EEC1
(engine torque, actual engine percent torque)03171 CNG_ME7 Charge pressure control valve
03171 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, pad wear sensor A
outside permitted value range03171 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor A (front axle right) outside valid range03171 EDC6 Boost pressure switch output stage03171 EDC7 Boost pressure switch output stage03171 EHLA Digital output 1103171 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 203171 ZH_D5W_SC EEPROM checksum error03171 ZHZG_9c GK output stage transistor failed
03172 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, pad wear sensor B
outside permitted value range03172 EHLA Digital output 1203172 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 303172 ZH_D5W_SC EEPROM timeout error
03173 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, pressure sensor
outside permitted value range03173 EHLA Digital output 1303173 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 4
03174 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, time for ‘Current
pressure’ inquiry too long03174 EHLA Digital output 1403174 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 5
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 180 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03175 AST Ignition lock signal fault (terminal 15)03175 EBS Pressure control module, right front axle, poor ventilation03175 EHLA Digital output 1503175 EMOS Drop-out of ignition signal03175 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 6
03176 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, excessive pressure
during pulse test03176 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 703177 AST CAN data bus driveline
03177 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, residual pressure after
braking03177 EMOS BUSOFF vehicle CAN03177 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 803178 AST CAN data bus error warning
03178 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, pressure sensor fault
without braking03178 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, byte 103179 AST CAN data bus input buffer overrun
03179 EBS Pressure control module, right front axle, no valid fault definition03179 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, bytes 2 and 303180 AST CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1 from EDC, EEC1
03180 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, wheel sensor IC
defective03180 EMOS Timeout of EEC1 message03180 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, byte 403181 AST CAN data bus electronic engine governor 2 from EDC, EEC2
03181 CNG_ME7Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 1, damaging to
catalytic converter
03181 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, faulty backup valve
checkback03181 EHLA CAN signal ‘Position Of Doors’03181 EMOS Timeout of EEC2 message03181 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 103182 AST CAN data bus cruise control/speed from EDC, CCVS
03182 CNG_ME7Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 2, damaging to
catalytic converter
03182 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, faulty intake valve
checkback03182 EBS_K1 Intake valve checkback (ABS valve front axle right)03182 EHLA CAN signal ‘Seconds’ in ‘Time/Date’ message03182 EMOS Timeout CcVeh speed message03182 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 2
03183 ASTCAN data bus engine brake from vehicle management
computer, ERC1_REX
03183 CNG_ME7Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 3, damaging to
catalytic converter
03183 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, faulty intake and
backup valve checkback03183 EHLA CAN signal ‘Minutes’ in ‘Time/Date’ message03183 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, bytes 3 and 403184 AST CAN data bus retarder from secondary retarder, ERC1_RD
03184 CNG_ME7Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 4, damaging to
catalytic converter
03184 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, faulty outlet valve
checkback03184 EBS_K1 Exhaust valve checkback (ABS valve front axle right)03184 EHLA CAN signal ‘Hours’ in ‘Time/Date’ message03184 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 503185 AST CAN data bus primary retarder WSK, ERC1_RE
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 181 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03185 CNG_ME7Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 5, damaging to
catalytic converter
03185 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, faulty outlet and
backup valve checkback03185 EHLA CAN signal ‘Day’ in ‘Time/Date’ message03185 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, bytes 6 and 703186 AST CAN data bus primary retarder WSK, ERC1_WSK
03186 CNG_ME7Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 6, damaging to
catalytic converter
03186 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, faulty outlet and intake
valve checkback
03186 EBS_K1 Exhaust and intake valve checkback (ABS valve front axle right)03186 EHLA CAN signal ‘Month’ in ‘Time/Date’ message03186 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 803187 AST CAN data bus primary retarder configuration information
03187 CNG_ME7Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE), total, damaging to catalytic
03187 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, faulty outlet and intake
and backup valve checkback03187 EHLA CAN signal ‘Year’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03187 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, bytes 9 and 1003188 AST Control unit fault, incorrect interrupt03188 CNG_ME7 Input parameters filling acquisition
03188 EBS Pressure control module, right front axle, no valid fault definition03188 EHLA CAN signal ‘Engine Speed’03188 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 1103189 AST Control unit fault, stack watch
03189 EBS Pressure control module, right front axle, no valid fault definition03189 EHLA CAN signal ‘Front Axle Speed’
03189 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, bytes 12 and 1303190 AST EOL EEPROM parameter outside valid range
03190 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, no CAN reception from
module03190 EHLA CAN signal ‘Tachograph Vehicle Speed’03190 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 1403191 AST EOL EEPROM: checksum error
03191 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, software incompatibility
between control unit and pressure control module03191 EHLA CAN signal ‘Wheel_BasedVehicleSpeed’
03191 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, bytes 15 and 1603192 AST Control unit fault – EEPROM access fault
03192 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, 12/24 volt
incompatibility between control unit and pressure control module03192 EHLA CAN signal ‘High Resolution Total Vehicle Distance’
03192 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, bytes 17 and 1803193 AST ECU temperature too high
03193 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, high cycle protection
intake valve active, pressure < 4 bar03193 EHLA CAN signal ‘Transmission Current Gear’03193 EMOS Permitted temperature limit value exceeded03193 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 19
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 182 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03194 AST Failure of both signal sources for front axle speed
03194 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, arithmetic test not
successful03194 EHLA CAN signal ‘ASR Engine Control Active Passive’03194 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 1
03195 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, wheel compensation
fault wheel sensor A03195 EHLA CAN signal ‘ASR Brake Control Active Passive’03195 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 2
03196 ASTCAN data bus vehicle mileage from central on-board computer
ZBR2, Veh_Dist
03196 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, wheel compensation
fault wheel sensor B03196 EHLA CAN signal ‘Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) Active’03196 EMOS Timeout of Veh_Dist message03196 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 3
03197 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, electrical power supply
fault, axle load sensor03197 EHLA CAN signal ‘Reverse engaged’03197 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 1
03198 ASTCAN data bus relative wheel speed from EBS, EBC2 (WSI)
(relative wheel speed)
03198 EBSPressure control module, right front axle, pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, front axle03198 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 2 and 3
03199 AST CAN data bus wheel speed information from EBS, EBC2 (WSI)
03199 EBS Pressure control module, right front axle, no valid fault definition03199 EMOS Timeout of EBC2 message03199 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 403200 EBS Pressure control module, left rear axle, no fault03200 ECAS_4X2 Supply voltage / feedback, solenoid valves03200 ECAS2_GBV Supply voltage / feedback, solenoid valves03200 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 5
03201 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, interruption, short-circuit
wheel sensor A03201 EBS_K1 (!) Wheel sensor left rear axle03201 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 2/2 left REAR AXLE03201 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 2/2 FRONT AXLE left03201 EHLA Valve output 103201 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 6 and 703201 OBDU Charge air pressure03201 ZBR2 Low pressure in air filter
03202 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, wheel sensor A: Delay
too long03202 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 2/2 right REAR AXLE03202 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 2/2 FRONT AXLE right03202 EHLA Valve output 203202 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 8
03203 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, wheel sensor A: Moving
off fault03203 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 2/2 FRONT AXLE03203 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 2/2 CENTRE AXLE03203 EHLA Valve output 303203 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 103203 OBDU Leak in oil pump overflow valve
03204 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, wheel sensor A:
Clearance too great03204 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 3/3 lower/load lifting/trailing axle
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 183 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03204 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 3/3 lower/load lifting/trailing axle03204 EHLA Valve output 403204 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, bytes 2 and 303204 ZBRO EDC is active
03205 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, perpetual control wheel
sensor A03205 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 3/3 lift/unload lifting/trailing axle03205 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 3/3 lift/unload lifting/trailing axle03205 EHLA Valve output 503205 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 403205 ZBRO EDC brake lamp
03206 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, long instability wheel
sensor A03206 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 3/2 reservoir03206 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 3/2 reservoir03206 EHLA Valve output 603206 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 503206 ZBRO EDC overtravel relay
03207 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, pulse ring fault wheel
sensor A03207 EBS_K1 (!) Impulse wheel fault left rear axle03207 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 3/3 lifting bellows03207 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 3/3 lifting bellows03207 EHLA Valve output 703207 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 603207 ZBRO EDC malfunction
03208 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, fault on lifting axle wheel
sensor A03208 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE RIGHT03208 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE RIGHT03208 EHLA Valve output 803208 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 703208 ZBRO EDC malfunction03209 AST Emergency off button pressed or ECU de-energised
03209 EBS Pressure control module, left rear axle, no valid fault definition03209 EBS_K1 (!) Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination left rear axle03209 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE LEFT03209 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE LEFT03209 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 803209 ZBRO EDC ignition on
03210 ASTCAN data bus tachograph from central on-board computer
03210 EBS Pressure control module, left rear axle, no valid fault definition03210 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 2/2 FRONT AXLE03210 EMOS Timeout of TCO1 message
03210 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message TCO1, byte
103210 OBDU Air filter vacuum
03211 ASTCAN data bus gearbox check from vehicle management
computer FFR, TC1_FT03211 CNG_ME7 Knock sensor 2
03211 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, interruption, short-circuit
wheel sensor B03211 EMOS Timeout of TC1_FT message
03211 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message TCO1, byte
203211 KSM Oil pressure.03211 OBDU Engine oil pressure too low
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 184 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03211 TPM Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 103211 ZBRO Engine oil pressure too low
03212 ASTCAN data bus gearbox check from vehicle management
computer FFR, TC1_FT (requested gear)
03212 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, wheel sensor B: Delay
too long03212 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve transverse throttle03212 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve transverse throttle
03212 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message TCO1, byte
303212 OBDU Oil pressure too high03212 TPM Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03213 ASTCAN data bus gearbox check from vehicle management
computer FFR, TC1_FT (requested range)
03213 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, wheel sensor B: Moving
off fault
03213 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message TCO1, byte
403213 TPM Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03214 ASTCAN data bus gearbox check from vehicle management
computer FFR, TC1_FT (PTO request)
03214 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, wheel sensor B:
Clearance too great
03214 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message TCO1,
bytes 5 and 603214 TPM Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 103214 ZBRO FFR malfunction
03215 ASTCAN data bus information from central on-board computer
(aux_stat_zbr#1), timeout
03215 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, perpetual control wheel
sensor B
03215 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message TCO1,
bytes 7 and 803215 ZBRO FFR malfunction
03216 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, long instability wheel
sensor B03216 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 3/3, lift/unload 2nd lifting/trailing axle03216 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 3/3, lift/unload 2nd lifting/trailing axle
03216 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message VEH_DIST,
bytes 1 to 403216 ZBRO Accelerator pedal not pressed (T-CAN)
03217 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, pulse ring fault wheel
sensor B03217 ECAS_4X2 Solenoid valve 3/3, lower/load 2nd lifting/trailing axle03217 ECAS2_GBV Solenoid valve 3/3, lower/load 2nd lifting/trailing axle
03217 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message VEH_DIST,
bytes 5 to 803217 ZBRO Accelerator pedal pressed
03218 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, fault on lifting axle wheel
sensor B
03218 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, byte 103218 ZBRO Accelerator pedal kickdown (T-CAN)
03219 EBS Pressure control module, left rear axle, no valid fault definition
03219 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, byte 203219 ZBRO Accelerator pedal position (0…250)03220 CNG_ME7 Knock control zero test
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03220 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, electrical power supply
fault, pad wear sensor
03220 EBS_K1Electrical power supply pad wear sensor (rear axle left or rear
axle)03220 EHLA CAN message ‘Door_Ctrl’
03220 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, byte 303220 ZBRO Cooling water level too low03221 CNG_ME7 Knock control offset
03221 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, pad wear sensor A
outside permitted value range03221 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor A (rear axle left) outside valid range03221 EHLA CAN message ‘Time_Date’
03221 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, byte 403221 TPM Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 203221 ZBRO Cooling water level probe supply03222 CNG_ME7 Knock control test pulse
03222 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, pad wear sensor B
outside permitted value range03222 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor B (rear axle left) outside valid range03222 EHLA CAN message ‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’
03222 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, byte 603222 TPM Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 203222 ZBRO Cooling water temperature too high
03223 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, pressure sensor outside
permitted value range
03223 EBS_K1(!) Pressure sensor (left rear axle or rear axle) outside valid
range03223 EHLA CAN message ‘ETC2’
03223 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, byte 603223 TPM Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 203223 ZBRO Cooling water temperature
03224 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, time for ‘Current
pressure’ inquiry too long03224 EHLA CAN message ‘EBC1’
03224 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, bytes 7 and 803224 TPM Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 203224 ZBRO Cooling water temperature too high03225 CNG_ME7 Requirement adaptation at stop03225 EBS Pressure control module, left rear axle, poor ventilation03225 EHLA CAN message ‘AUX_STAT_ZBR1’03225 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 203225 ZBRO Motronic (accelerator) malfunction
03226 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, excessive pressure
during pulse test03226 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 203226 ZBRO Motronic (accelerator) malfunction03227 AST Data field for CAN communication
03227 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, residual pressure after
braking03227 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 303227 ZBRO Engine oil pressure too low
03228 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, pressure sensor fault
without braking03228 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 203228 ZBRO Engine oil pressure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03229 EBS Pressure control module, left rear axle, no valid fault definition03229 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 2
03230 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, wheel sensor IC
defective03230 ECAS_4X2 Setpoint level control03230 ECAS2_GBV Setpoint level control03230 EHLA Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) — advance warning03230 FFR CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 303231 CNG_ME7 Charge air pressure governing system
03231 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, faulty backup valve
checkback03231 EBS_K1 Backup valve checkback (rear axle left or rear axle)03231 ECAS_4X2 Leakage03231 ECAS2_GBV Leakage03231 EHLA Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) — error03231 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 103231 TPM Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 303231 ZBRO Oil replenishment float switch
03232 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, faulty intake valve
03232 EHLASignature variable priority lids (LID 0x40-0x47) — advance
warning03232 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, bytes 2 and 303232 TPM Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 303232 ZBRO Oil replenishment valve
03233 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, faulty intake and backup
valve checkback03233 EHLA Signature variable priority lids (LID 0x40-0x47) — error03233 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 403233 TPM Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 303233 ZBRO Engine oil level (T-CAN)
03234 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, faulty outlet valve
checkback03234 FFR CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 503234 TPM Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 303234 ZBRO Economy circ. headl. (oil pressure+v<3)
03235 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, faulty outlet and backup
valve checkback03235 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 103235 ZBRO DeltecCNG malfunction
03236 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, faulty outlet and intake
valve checkback
03236 EBS_K1 Exhaust and intake valve checkback (rear axle left or rear axle)03236 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, bytes 2 and 303236 ZBRO DeltecCNG malfunction
03237 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, faulty outlet and intake
and backup valve checkback03237 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 403237 ZBRO EMS3.3 malfunction
03238 EBS Pressure control module, left rear axle, no valid fault definition03238 EHLA Air pressure switch03238 FFR CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 503238 ZBRO EMS3.3 malfunction
03239 EBS Pressure control module, left rear axle, no valid fault definition03239 EHLA Actuator test when vehicle moving cancelled
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03239 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
AUX_ZBR1, bytes 1 and 203239 ZBRO Fire in engine compartment
03240 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, no CAN reception from
module03240 EHLA Redundant electrical power supply
03240 FFRCAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
AUX_ZBR1, byte 303240 ZBRO Fire in engine compartment
03241 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, software incompatibility
between control unit and pressure control module
03241 EBS_K1Software statuses of control unit and pressure-control module
(rear axle left or rear axle) do not match03241 EHLA Incorrect operation steering program change
03241 FFRCAN databus: Central on-board computer message AUX_ZBR1,
byte 403241 TPM Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 403241 ZBRO Engine control unit activation (T-CAN)
03242 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, 12/24 volt incompatibility
between control unit and pressure control module03242 EHLA CAN bus off03242 FFR CAN data bus: ECAS message ECAS1, bytes 6 to 803242 TPM Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 403242 ZBRO Engine oil pressure (T-CAN)
03243 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, high cycle protection
intake valve active, pressure < 4 bar03243 EHLA First non-volatile memory is inconsistent03243 FFR CAN data bus: Message ERC1_RE, byte 203243 TPM Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 403243 ZBRO Oil replenishment oil level too low
03244 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, arithmetic test not
03244 EBS_K1Pressure-control module (rear axle left or rear axle) defective,
arithmetic test unsuccessful03244 EHLA Lowside switch03244 FFR CAN data bus: ECAM message ECAM1, byte 503244 TPM Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 403244 ZBRO Oil replenishment oil level too low
03245 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, wheel compensation
fault wheel sensor A03245 EHLA Speed limiting system
03245 FFRCAN databus: Time overrun when receiving TRANS_FLUIDS
gearbox message03245 ZBRO ECE36 emergency shut-off
03246 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, wheel compensation
fault wheel sensor B03246 EHLA Incorrect operation
03246 FFRCAN databus: TRANS_FLUIDS gearbox message, bytes 5 and
6 (gear oil temperature)03246 ZBRO Cooling water level probe not connected
03247 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, electrical power supply
fault, axle load sensor03247 EHLA Parameters for controls
03247 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving ESP message
VDC1.03247 ZBRO Engine oil pressure warning contact not conn.
03248 EBSPressure control module, left rear axle, pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, rear axleSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 188 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03248 EHLA Control, sticking03248 ZBRO EDC malfunction (before 1st starting attempt)
03249 EBS Pressure control module, left rear axle, no valid fault definition03249 EBS_K1 (!) Redundant pressure rear axle03249 EHLA Second non-volatile memory, inconsistent03249 ZBRO EDC malfunction (engine running)03250 EBS Pressure control module, right rear axle, no fault03250 EHLA Geometry parameters03250 FFR Comfort Shift inputs (CS1 and CS2)03250 ZBRO EDC malfunction (starting not possible)
03251 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, interruption, short-
circuit wheel sensor A03251 EBS_K1 (!) Wheel sensor right rear axle03251 EHLA Axle movement parameters03251 FFR RSG/RSL switch03251 TPM Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 503251 ZBRO Hydro fan oil level too low
03252 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor A: Delay
too long03252 EHLA Steering reduction parameters03252 FFR Splitter switch03252 TPM Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 503252 ZBRO FFR check
03253 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor A:
Moving off fault03253 EHLA Steering suppression parameters03253 FFR Int. coupling03253 TPM Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 503253 ZBRO FFR warning
03254 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor A:
Clearance too great03254 EHLA Axle configuration parameters03254 FFR Anf_EH03254 TPM Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 503254 ZBRO Cool.w.lev.probe too low or probe n.c.
03255 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, perpetual control wheel
sensor A03255 EHLA Internal monitoring of software runtime03255 FFR Input ZDR103255 ZBRO Back pressure CRT filter too high
03256 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, long instability wheel
sensor A03256 FFR Input ZDR2
03257 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, pulse ring fault wheel
sensor A03257 EBS_K1 (!) Impulse wheel fault right rear axle03257 FFR Input ZDR3
03258 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, fault on lifting axle
wheel sensor A03258 FFR Input request power take-off 1
03259 EBS Pressure control module, right rear axle, no valid fault definition03259 EBS_K1 (!) Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination right rear axle03259 FFR Input request power take-off 2
03260 EBS Pressure control module, right rear axle, no valid fault definition03260 ECAS_4X2 Supply voltage / feedback, damper valve03260 ECAS2_GBV Supply voltage / feedback, damper valve03260 FFR Input ECO / Power
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 189 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03261 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, interruption, short-
circuit wheel sensor B03261 ECAS_4X2 Damper valve, front axle03261 EHLA Function computer, computer unit03261 FFR Input checkback power take-off 1
03262 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor B: Delay
too long03262 ECAS_4X2 Damper valve, 1st rear axle03262 EHLA Function computer, computer unit03262 FFR Input checkback power take-off 2
03263 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor B:
Moving off fault03263 ECAS_4X2 Damper valve, 2nd rear axle03263 EHLA Function computer, computer unit03263 FFR Input gearbox neutral checkback
03264 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor B:
Clearance too great03264 EHLA Function computer, computer unit03264 FFR Input parking brake
03265 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, perpetual control wheel
sensor B03265 EHLA Function computer, parameter area03265 FFR Input checkback single H (does not exist)
03266 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, long instability wheel
sensor B03266 EHLA Function computer, internal program memory03266 FFR Input request engine start / tl. 50
03267 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, pulse ring fault wheel
sensor B03267 EHLA Function computer, time measurement03267 FFR Input request engine stop
03268 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, fault on lifting axle
wheel sensor B03268 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03269 EBS Pressure control module, right rear axle, no valid fault definition03269 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03269 FFR Plausibility message ‘Start engine’ – input request engine start
03270 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, electrical power supply
fault, pad wear sensor03270 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03270 FFR CAN message ‘Start engine’ although engine is running
03271 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, pad wear sensor A
outside permitted value range03271 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor A (rear axle right) outside valid range03271 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03271 FFR CAN message ‘Start engine’ although v > 0
03272 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, pad wear sensor B
outside permitted value range03272 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor B (rear axle right) outside valid range03272 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03272 FFRCAN message ‘Start engine’ although input gearbox neutral
03273 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, pressure sensor
outside permitted value range03273 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03273 FFR CAN message ‘Stop engine’ although still v > 0
03274 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, time for ‘Current
pressure’ inquiry too longSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 190 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03274 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03274 FFRGearbox input speed to gearbox output speed with gearbox in
neutral03275 EBS Pressure control module, right rear axle, poor ventilation03275 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03276 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, excessive pressure
during pulse test03276 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03277 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, residual pressure after
braking03277 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03277 FFR No engine CAN
03278 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, pressure sensor fault
without braking03278 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03278 FFR Input speed
03279 EBS Pressure control module, right rear axle, no valid fault definition03279 EHLA Function computer, safety switch03279 FFR No speed signal (torque and engine speed limiting initiated)
03280 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor IC
defective03280 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03280 FFR Vehicle management computer cannot be switched off
03281 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, faulty backup valve
checkback03281 EHLA Function computer: Digital output 1, switch-on test03281 FFR Input request single H lever (group change switch)
03282 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, faulty intake valve
checkback03282 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, switch-on test
03283 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, faulty intake and
backup valve checkback03283 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, switch-on test03283 FFR Gate switch gearbox
03284 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, faulty outlet valve
checkback03284 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, switch-on test
03284 FFRShifting in split gears not completed (no change or no
powerflow) or clutch slip detected
03285 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, faulty outlet and backup
valve checkback03285 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, switch-on test03285 FFR Check clutch for wear
03286 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, faulty outlet and intake
valve checkback03286 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, switch-on test03286 FFR Brake pedal switch
03287 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, faulty outlet and intake
and backup valve checkback
03287 FFR CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving VSM message TCI
03288 EBS Pressure control module, right rear axle, no valid fault definition
03289 EBS Pressure control module, right rear axle, no valid fault definition
03290 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, no CAN reception from
module03290 FFR Control unit (register test)
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 191 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03291 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, software incompatibility
between control unit and pressure control module03291 FFR Control unit (arithmetic)
03292 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, 12/24 volt
incompatibility between control unit and pressure control module03292 FFR Control unit (RAM)
03293 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, high cycle protection
intake valve active, pressure < 4 bar03293 FFR Control unit (watchdog)
03294 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, arithmetic test not
successful03294 FFR Control unit (watchdog has tripped)
03295 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, wheel compensation
fault wheel sensor A03295 FFR Control unit (RAM page)
03296 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, wheel compensation
fault wheel sensor B03296 FFR Control unit (RAM/ROM segment)
03297 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, electrical power supply
fault, axle load sensor03297 FFR Control unit (page error ROM)
03298 EBSPressure control module, right rear axle, pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, rear axle03298 FFR Control unit (checksum ROM)03299 CNG_ME7 Pressure sensor surroundings
03299 EBS Pressure control module, right rear axle, no valid fault definition03300 EBS Pressure control module E, no fault03300 FFR Control unit or cable line (engine brake output stage)03300 OBDU Alternator speed03300 ZBR2 Alternator / starter03300 ZBRO Engine revs
03301 EBSPressure control module E, interruption, short-circuit wheel
sensor A03301 EBS_K1 (!) Wheel sensor left auxiliary axle03301 FFR Control unit or peripherals (output stage, clutch servo)03301 OBDU Engine oil temperature too high03301 ZBR2 Alternator tl. L03302 EBS Pressure control module E, wheel sensor A: Delay too long03302 FFR Control unit or cable line (power take-off 1 output stage)03302 ZBR2 Alternator B+ sense03303 EBS Pressure control module E, wheel sensor A: Moving off fault03303 FFR Control unit or cable line (power take-off 2 output stage)03303 ZBR2 Engine running (= signal D+)03303 ZBRO Engine running
03304 EBS Pressure control module E, wheel sensor A: Clearance too great03304 FFR Control unit or cable line (thermostat heater output stage)03304 OBDU EDC boiling protection
03305 EBS Pressure control module E, perpetual control wheel sensor A03305 FFR Control unit or cable line (high range output stage)03306 EBS Pressure control module E, long instability wheel sensor A03306 FFR Control unit or cable line (low range output stage)
03306 OBDUThermostat in cooling system defective or too much heat being
taken (heater)03307 EBS Pressure control module E, pulse ring fault wheel sensor A03307 EBS_K1 (!) Impulse wheel fault left additional axle
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 192 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03308 EBS Pressure control module E, fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A03308 FFR Control unit or cable line (earth group output stage)03309 EBS Pressure control module E, no valid fault definition
03309 EBS_K1 (!) Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination left additional axle03309 FFR Control unit or cable line (earth splitter output stage)03310 EBS Pressure control module E, no valid fault definition03310 FFR Ride height
03311 EBSPressure control module E, interruption, short-circuit wheel
sensor B03311 FFR Control unit (EEPROM checksum)03311 KSM Cooling water temperature.03311 OBDU Cooling water temperature too high03311 TPM Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 103312 EBS Pressure control module E, wheel sensor B: Delay too long03312 TPM Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 103313 EBS Pressure control module E, wheel sensor B: Moving off fault03313 TPM Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 103313 ZBRO Econ. circ. heat./airc. (altern. running)
03314 EBS Pressure control module E, wheel sensor B: Clearance too great03314 TPM Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 103314 ZBRO Economy circuit workshop jumper
03315 EBS Pressure control module E, perpetual control wheel sensor B03315 ZBRO Charge check alternator LIMA103316 EBS Pressure control module E, long instability wheel sensor B03316 ZBRO Starter start interlock repeat rel.03317 EBS Pressure control module E, pulse ring fault wheel sensor B03317 ZBRO Roller-type sw. 1 start interr. (open)
03318 EBS Pressure control module E, fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B03318 ZBRO Roller-type sw. 2 start interr. (closed)03319 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly actuator minimum stop03319 EBS Pressure control module E, no valid fault definition03319 ZBRO Alternator LIMA1 not charging
03320 EBSPressure control module E, electrical power supply fault, pad
wear sensor
03320 EBS_K1Electrical power supply pad wear sensor (additional axle left or
additional axle)03320 ZBRO Charge check alternator LIMA2
03321 EBSPressure control module E, pad wear sensor A outside
permitted value range03321 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor A additional axle left outside valid range03321 TPM Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 203321 ZBRO Alternator LIMA2 not charging03322 CNG_ME7 Crankshaft to camshaft signal
03322 EBSPressure control module E, pad wear sensor B outside
permitted value range03322 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor B additional axle left outside valid range03322 TPM Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 203322 ZBRO Engine start in rear
03323 EBSPressure control module E, pressure sensor outside permitted
value range
03323 EBS_K1(!) Pressure sensor (left additional axle or additional axle)
outside valid range03323 TPM Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 203323 ZBRO Engine stop in rear
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 193 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03324 EBSPressure control module E, time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry
too long03324 TPM Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 203324 ZBRO Roller-type sw. start interr. fault03325 CNG_ME7 Crankshaft to camshaft signal (bank 2)03325 EBS Pressure control module E, poor ventilation03325 ZBRO Fuel tank flap (start interlock/eng. stop)
03326 EBS Pressure control module E, excessive pressure during pulse test03326 ZBRO Engine compartment flap open03327 EBS Pressure control module E, residual pressure after braking03327 ZBRO Gearb. n. neutral (starting impossible)
03328 EBSPressure control module E, pressure sensor fault without
braking03328 ZBRO Start interruption via fuel tank flap03329 CNG_ME7 Suction pipe pressure sensor03329 EBS Pressure control module E, no valid fault definition03329 ZBRO Engine start front03330 EBS Pressure control module E, wheel sensor IC defective03330 ZBRO Engine stop front03331 EBS Pressure control module E, faulty backup valve checkback03331 TPM Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 303331 ZBRO Roller-type sw. 3 start interr. (open)03332 EBS Pressure control module E, faulty intake valve checkback03332 TPM Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 303332 ZBRO Roller-type sw. 4 start interr. (closed)
03333 EBSPressure control module E, faulty intake and backup valve
checkback03333 TPM Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 303333 ZBRO Central front flap open03334 EBS Pressure control module E, faulty outlet valve checkback03334 TPM Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 303334 ZBRO Roller-type sw. start interr. fault fr.
03335 EBSPressure control module E, faulty outlet and backup valve
checkback03335 ZBR2 Voltage specification not possible (alternator / starter)
03336 EBSPressure control module E, faulty outlet and intake valve
03336 EBS_K1Exhaust and intake valve checkback (additional axle left or
additional axle)03336 ZBRO Supply compartment open
03337 EBSPressure control module E, faulty outlet and intake and backup
valve checkback03337 ZBRO Roller-type sw. start interr. fault fr.03338 EBS Pressure control module E, no valid fault definition03338 ZBRO Start interrupted03339 EBS Pressure control module E, no valid fault definition03339 ZBRO Flap 1 left open03340 EBS Pressure control module E, no CAN reception from module03340 ZBRO Flap 2 left open
03341 EBSPressure control module E, software incompatibility between
control unit and pressure control module
03341 EBS_K1Software statuses of control unit and pressure-control module
(additional axle left or additional axle) do not match03341 TPM Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 403341 ZBRO Flap 2 right open
03342 EBSPressure control module E, 12/24 volt incompatibility between
control unit and pressure control module03342 TPM Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 403342 ZBRO Flap 3 left open
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 194 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03343 EBSPressure control module E, high cycle protection intake valve
active, pressure < 4 bar03343 TPM Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 403343 ZBRO Flap 4 left open03344 EBS Pressure control module E, arithmetic test not successful
03344 EBS_K1Pressure-control module (additional axle left or additional axle)
defective, arithmetic test unsuccessful03344 TPM Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 403344 ZBRO Battery flap open
03345 EBSPressure control module E, wheel compensation fault wheel
sensor A03345 ZBRO Flap in rear flap open
03346 EBSPressure control module E, wheel compensation fault wheel
sensor B03346 ZBRO Engine stop in rear
03347 EBSPressure control module E, electrical power supply fault, axle
load sensor03347 ZBR2 Terminal L alternator 2
03348 EBSPressure control module E, pressure differential on pressure
control module pair, rear axle03349 EBS Pressure control module E, no valid fault definition03350 EBS Pressure control module F, no fault
03351 EBSPressure control module F, interruption, short-circuit wheel
sensor A03351 EBS_K1 (!) Wheel sensor right additional axle03351 TPM Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 503352 EBS Pressure control module F, wheel sensor A: Delay too long03352 TPM Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 503353 CNG_ME7 Pressure sensor charge air pressure03353 EBS Pressure control module F, wheel sensor A: Moving off fault03353 TPM Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
03354 EBS Pressure control module F, wheel sensor A: Clearance too great03354 TPM Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 503355 EBS Pressure control module F, perpetual control wheel sensor A03355 TPM LID checksum error
03356 CNG_ME7 Lambda control adaptation multiplicative lower range (bank 1)03356 EBS Pressure control module F, long instability wheel sensor A
03357 CNG_ME7 Lambda control adaptation multiplicative upper range (bank 1)03357 EBS Pressure control module F, pulse ring fault wheel sensor A03357 EBS_K1 (!) Impulse wheel fault right additional axle
03358 EBS Pressure control module F, fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A03359 EBS Pressure control module F, no valid fault definition
03359 EBS_K1 (!) Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination right additional axle03360 CNG_ME7 Lambda control adaptation leakage air (bank 1)03360 EBS Pressure control module F, no valid fault definition
03361 EBSPressure control module F, interruption, short-circuit wheel
sensor B03361 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03362 CNG_ME7 Lambda control adaptation fuel (bank 1)03362 EBS Pressure control module F, wheel sensor B: Delay too long03362 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03363 EBS Pressure control module F, wheel sensor B: Moving off fault03363 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03364 EBS Pressure control module F, wheel sensor B: Clearance too greatSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 195 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03364 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03365 EBS Pressure control module F, perpetual control wheel sensor B03365 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03366 EBS Pressure control module F, long instability wheel sensor B03366 EHLA Function computer, overvoltage03367 EBS Pressure control module F, pulse ring fault wheel sensor B03367 EHLA Function computer, undervoltage
03368 EBS Pressure control module F, fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B03368 EHLA Function computer, overtemperature03369 EBS Pressure control module F, no valid fault definition03369 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03370 EBSPressure control module F, electrical power supply fault, pad
wear sensor03370 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03371 EBSPressure control module F, pad wear sensor A outside permitted
value range03371 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor A (additional axle right) outside valid range03371 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03372 EBSPressure control module F, pad wear sensor B outside permitted
value range03372 EBS_K1 Pad wear sensor B (additional axle right) outside valid range03372 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03373 EBSPressure control module F, pressure sensor outside permitted
value range03373 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules
03374 EBSPressure control module F, time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry
too long03374 EHLA Function computer, output voltage ‘5V ref’03375 EBS Pressure control module F, poor ventilation03375 EHLA Function computer, output voltage ‘5V ext’
03376 EBS Pressure control module F, excessive pressure during pulse test03376 EHLA Function computer, monitoring modules03377 EBS Pressure control module F, residual pressure after braking
03378 EBSPressure control module F, pressure sensor fault without
braking03379 EBS Pressure control module F, no valid fault definition03380 EBS Pressure control module F, wheel sensor IC defective03381 EBS Pressure control module F, faulty backup valve checkback03381 EHLA Function computer, digital output 103382 CNG_ME7 Circuit trailing throttle circulating air valve03382 EBS Pressure control module F, faulty intake valve checkback03382 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03383 EBSPressure control module F, faulty intake and backup valve
checkback03383 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation03384 EBS Pressure control module F, faulty outlet valve checkback03384 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03385 EBSPressure control module F, faulty outlet and backup valve
checkback03385 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03386 EBSPressure control module F, faulty outlet and intake valve
checkback03386 EHLA Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03387 EBSPressure control module F, faulty outlet and intake and backup
valve checkback03388 EBS Pressure control module F, no valid fault definition03389 EBS Pressure control module F, no valid fault definition03390 EBS Pressure control module F, no CAN reception from module
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03391 EBSPressure control module F, software incompatibility between
control unit and pressure control module
03392 EBSPressure control module F, 12/24 volt incompatibility between
control unit and pressure control module
03393 EBSPressure control module F, high cycle protection intake valve
active, pressure < 4 bar03394 EBS Pressure control module F, arithmetic test not successful
03395 EBSPressure control module F, wheel compensation fault wheel
sensor A
03396 EBSPressure control module F, wheel compensation fault wheel
sensor B
03397 EBSPressure control module F, electrical power supply fault, axle
load sensor
03398 EBSPressure control module F, pressure differential on pressure
control module pair, rear axle03399 EBS Pressure control module F, no valid fault definition03400 EBS Trailer control module, no fault03400 ZBR2 Flame start solenoid valve
03401 EBSTrailer control module control electronics, unknown µC interrupt,
µC self-test, RAM or ROM test03401 OBDU Engine oil level too high/low (static)03401 ZBR2 Flame start relay03402 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly position deviation03402 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03402 OBDU Engine oil level too high (dynamic)03402 ZBR2 Flame glow plug current03403 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly output stage switched off
03403 EBSTrailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, too many
write accesses03403 OBDU Engine oil level too low (dynamic)03403 ZBR2 Flame glow plug current03404 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly controller in limit
03404 EBSTrailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, checksum
fault or EOL data invalid03404 OBDU Cooling water level too low03405 CNG_ME7 Monitoring computer; ROM
03405 EBSTrailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, too many
data repairs required03406 CNG_ME7 Monitoring computer; RAM
03406 EBSTrailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, monitoring
time exceeded when writing data03407 CNG_ME7 Monitoring computer; reset03407 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03407 OBDU Oil level in power steering 1 too low03408 CNG_ME7 Monitoring function; torque comparison
03408 EBSTrailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, fault in
dynamic parameter setting03408 OBDU Oil level in power steering 2 too low03409 CNG_ME7 Monitoring function; safety fuel shut-off
03409 EBSTrailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, dynamic
parameters outside permitted value range03410 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly error when checking limp-home air position03410 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03410 OBDU Clutch oil level too low03411 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly error in booster balancing03411 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03411 FFR Gearbox output speed out of permitted range03412 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly error in spring check ‘Closing’03412 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03412 FFRRange-change neutral switch indicates ‘Neutral’ — Power take-off
neutral switch indicates ‘Not Neutral’03413 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly learning error when ignition on/off03413 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition
03413 FFRRange-change neutral switch indicates ‘Not Neutral’ — Power
take-off neutral switch indicates ‘Neutral’03414 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03414 FFR Output stage lamp FGB (driving speed limiter)03415 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition
03415 FFRCAN data bus, oil sensor message: Temperature rise not
plausible although engine is warm (> 60 °C)03416 EBS Trailer control module, fault in coupling force control
03416 FFRCAN data bus, oil sensor message: Oil level drop not plausible
although engine is running03417 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition
03417 FFRRange-change neutral switch indicates ‘Not Neutral’ — Power
take-off neutral switch indicates ‘Neutral’03418 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03419 EBS Trailer control module, fault in earth estimation03420 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03421 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03421 EBS_K1 Pressure sensor supply trailer control valve03421 EHLA Function computer, digital input 1
03422 EBSTrailer control module, pressure sensor outside permitted value
03422 EBS_K1(!) Pressure sensor supply trailer control valve outside the
permitted range03422 EHLA Function computer, digital input 2
03423 EBSTrailer control module, implausible pressure sensor value when
braking was not taking place03423 EHLA Function computer, digital input 303424 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03424 EHLA Function computer, digital input 4
03425 EBSTrailer control module, pressure dissipation too slow and fault on
parking brake switch
03426 EBSTrailer control module, residual pressure after pressure
dissipation greater than threshold value on parking brake switch03427 EBS Trailer control module, residual pressure after braking03428 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03429 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03430 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly potentiometer 103430 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03430 EBS_K1 Trailer control valve; solenoid valve03430 FFR CAN databus: Timeout when receiving KSM message KSM103431 CNG_ME7 Throttle butterfly potentiometer 203431 EBS Trailer control module, faulty backup valve checkback03431 FFR CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, bytes 2 and 303432 EBS Trailer control module, faulty intake valve checkback03432 FFR CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 403433 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03433 EBS_K1 Trailer control valve; solenoid valve feed line03433 FFR CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 503434 EBS Trailer control module, faulty outlet valve checkback03434 EBS_K1 Trailer control valve; solenoid valve return line03434 FFR CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 803435 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03435 EBS_K1 Trailer control valve; solenoid valve return line03435 FFR Engine start requested although vehicle speed > 0 km/h
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03436 EBSTrailer control module, fault from outlet and intake valve
03436 FFR Engine start requested although gearbox not in neutral position03437 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03437 FFR Engine start requested although vehicle speed > 0 km/h03438 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03439 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition
03440 EBSTrailer control module, no CAN reception from trailer control
03441 EBSTrailer control module, software incompatibility between control
unit and trailer control module
03442 EBSTrailer control module, 12/24 volt incompatibility between control
unit and trailer control module
03443 EBSTrailer control module, high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar03444 EBS Trailer control module, arithmetic test not successful
03445 EBS Trailer control module, impermissible pressure on coupling head03446 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition03447 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition
03448 EBSTrailer control module, pressure differential between pressure
control modules and trailer control module03449 EBS Trailer control module, no valid fault definition
03449 FFRExhaust backpressure is measured although the exhaust valve
brake control valve is not activated03450 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03450 FFR Exhaust backpressure (plausibility pressure — valve control)03451 EBS ESP, internal control unit error03452 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03453 EBS ESP, checkback, voltage implausible03454 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03455 EBS ESP configuration not valid03456 EBS ESP, EEPROM, checksum invalid03457 EBS ESP, EEPROM, parameter defective
03457 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving ACC message
TSC1-ACC.03457 HDS AdBlue tank fill level (tank empty)03458 EBS ESP, EEPROM, parameter out-of-range03458 FFR CAN data bus: ACC message TSC1-ACC, bytes 1 and 203459 EBS ESP, EEPROM, not programmable03459 FFR CAN data bus: ACC message TSC1-ACC, bytes 4 and 503460 EBS ESP, no valid error definition
03460 FFRCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving ACC message
03461 EBSESP EOL data in the EBS ECU not compatible with ESP
software version03461 EHLA Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation03461 FFR CAN data bus: ACC message ACC1, byte 403462 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03462 EHLA Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation03462 FFR CAN data bus: Time overrun of gearbox message TSC1-TRX03463 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03463 EHLA Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation03463 FFR DNR switch: No neutral position found03464 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03464 EHLA Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation03464 FFR DNR switch: No neutral position found03465 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03465 FFR Time overrun when receiving EBS message TSC1_ARFFR
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03466 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03466 FFR CAN databus: EBS message TSC1_ARFFR, byte 4 (torque)03467 EBS ESP, lateral acceleration sensor out of permitted range03467 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC1-CM57003468 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03468 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC2-CM57003469 EBS ESP, lateral acceleration sensor, long-time alignment03469 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC3-CM57003470 EBS ESP, lateral acceleration sensor, standstill alignment03470 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message ERC1_RE-CM570
03471 EBSESP, lateral acceleration sensor, plausibility monitoring valid for
model03471 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message ENG_TEMP-M570
03472 EBSESP, lateral acceleration sensor, plausibility monitoring not valid
for model03472 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message FUEL_ECO-CM57003473 EBS ESP, steering angle sensor not calibrated03473 EBS_5 ESP, steering angle sensor not calibrated
03473 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message INL_EXH_COND_CM57003474 EBS ESP, steering angle sensor, CAN timeout
03474 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message ENG_FL_LV_PR_CM57003475 EBS ESP, steering angle sensor out of permitted range03475 FFR CAN data bus: Message ECAM1, byte 2
03476 EBS ESP, steering angle sensor, defective CAN message content03476 FFR CAN data bus: Message ECAM1, byte 303477 EBS ESP, steering angle sensor, gradient error03477 FFR CAN data bus: Message ECAM1, byte 403478 EBS ESP, steering angle sensor, long-time alignment03478 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message KSM203479 EBS ESP, steering angle sensor, constant signal03479 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message ASC1_A
03480 EBSESP, steering angle sensor incorrectly mounted, incorrect
steering angle sign03480 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message ASC1_B
03481 EBSESP, steering angle sensor, plausibility monitoring between
steering angle and rotational speed03482 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03483 EBS ESP, rotational speed sensor, CAN timeout03484 EBS ESP, rotational speed sensor signal out of permitted range
03485 EBS ESP, rotational speed sensor, defective CAN message content03486 EBS ESP, rotational speed sensor, static BITE error03487 EBS ESP, rotational speed sensor, dynamic BITE error03488 EBS ESP, steering angle sensor, gradient error03489 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03490 EBS ESP, rotational speed sensor, fast alignment03491 EBS ESP, rotational speed sensor, standstill alignment03492 EBS ESP, rotational speed sensor, normal alignment03493 EBS ESP, rotational speed sensor, sensitivity error
03494 EBSESP, rotational speed sensor, plausibility monitoring valid for
03495 EBSESP, rotational speed sensor, plausibility monitoring not valid for
03496 EBSESP, rotational speed sensor incorrectly mounted, incorrect
steering angle sign
03497 EBSESP, rotational speed sensor, plausibility monitoring between
rotational speed and steering angleSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 200 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03498 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03499 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03500 EBS ESP, no CAN communication with ESP03500 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message RET_CONF_RX_M03500 KSM First faulty EOL LID03500 ZBR2 Brake (ABS/ASR/ EBS)03501 EBS ESP, software incompatible03501 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message ERC1_RX_M03501 OBDU Alternator charge check failure03501 ZBR2 Electrical power supply to trailer ABS03502 EBS ESP, 12/24V incompatible with EBS03502 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message TANK_INFO03502 OBDU Charging voltage too high03502 ZBR2 Brake lamp, tractive unit03502 ZBRO Brake lamp03503 EBS ESP, no valid error definition03503 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message ENG_TEMP_M03503 OBDU Vehicle system voltage often too low03503 ZBR2 Brake lamp in trailer03503 ZBRO Brake lamp trailer03504 EBS ESP, ALU test failed
03504 FFRCAN databus: Time overrun message
ENG_TEMP_M_TIMEOUT_SPN03504 OBDU Battery undervoltage after vehicle parked up03505 EBS ESP, output stage defective03505 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message EFLP_M03505 OBDU Charge voltage too low for long period when engine running03506 EBS ESP, intervention not plausible03506 FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message FUEL_ECO_M
03506 OBDUVehicle system voltage too low for long period when engine
running03506 ZBRO Battery undervoltage03507 EBS OBD, no valid error definition03507 ZBRO Starting interlock active03508 EBS OBD, no valid error definition03508 ZBRO Starting interlock active03509 EBS OBD, no valid error definition03509 ZBRO Starting interlock request03510 EBS OBD, no valid error definition03510 OBDU Retarder actuated03510 ZBRO ASR button/switch03511 EBS OBD, no valid error definition03511 OBDU Engine brake operated03511 ZBRO ASR button/switch03512 EBS OBD, request, red warning lamp for diagnosis03512 EBS_5 Diagnosis: Request red warning lamp03512 EBS_K1 Diagnostic request ‘Red warning’03512 OBDU Brake pedal pressed03512 ZBRO ASR control (INA)03513 EBS OBD, request, yellow warning lamp for diagnosis03513 EBS_5 Diagnosis: Request yellow warning lamp03513 EBS_K1 Diagnostic request ‘Yellow warning’03513 ZBRO ASR check lamp03514 EBS OBD, no valid error definition03514 ZBRO ASR control (brake via T-CAN)03515 EBS OBD, brake wear sensor signal03515 EBS_5 Request warning lamp brake pad wear03515 EBS_K1 Diagnostic request ‘Pad wear warning’; brake pad wear03515 ZBRO ASR control (engine via T-CAN)03516 EBS OBD, trailer EBS has no errors
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03516 EBS_5 Request red warning light, ISO 11992 trailer interface03516 EBS_K1 Request red warning light, ISO 11992 trailer interface03516 ZBRO ASR check not connected03517 EBS OBD, voltage too high or too low03517 ZBRO ASR interface fault03518 EBS OBD, trailer interface in single line mode03518 ZBRO Brake pad wear indicator
03519 EBS OBD, wheel speed sensor, error during the last switch-on cycle03519 EBS_K1 Engine speed sensor fault during most recent ignition on03519 ZBRO Brake pressure brake circuit 103520 EBS OBD, limit gap speed, warning level, repeated every second03520 FFR Steering column switch timeout (LIN)03520 ZBRO Brake pressure brake circuit 203521 EBS OBD, frequent-stop brake active03521 FFR Multifunctional steering wheel timeout (LIN)03521 ZBRO Brake pressure rear axle left03522 EBS OBD, chassis dynamometer mode active03522 EBS_5 Diagnosis: Dynamometer test rig mode active03522 EBS_K1 Diagnostic mode active03522 FFR Instrumentation timeout (LIN)03522 ZBRO Brake pressure rear axle right03523 EBS OBD, no valid error definition03523 FFR Multifunctional steering wheel left button side03523 ZBRO Brake pressure centre axle left03524 EBS OBD, no valid error definition03524 FFR Multifunctional steering wheel right button side03524 ZBRO Brake pressure centre axle right
03525 EBS OBD, external wheel alignment (speedo signal/speed sensor)03525 FFR Multifunctional steering wheel left/right button side03525 ZBRO Brake pressure front axle left03526 EBS OBD, alignment, lateral acceleration sensor not completed03526 EBS_5 Transverse acceleration sensor calibration not completed03526 FFR Steering column stalk03526 ZBRO Brake pressure front axle right03527 EBS OBD, steering angle sensor, fast alignment not completed03527 EBS_5 Steering angle sensor rapid calibration not completed03527 FFR LIN data bus03527 ZBRO Brake light03528 EBS OBD, ESP control unit overvoltage or undervoltage03528 ZBRO Brake lamp centre03529 EBS OBD, ESP is passive
03529 EBS_K1Fault in trailer control valve pressure control during most recent
ignition on cycle03529 ZBRO Brake lamp left03530 EBS_K1 Fault in pressure control during most recent ignition on cycle03530 ZBRO Brake lamp right
03531 EBS_K1 Fault in redundant circuit during most recent ignition on cycle03531 ZBRO Brake lamp trailer left
03532 EBS_K1Incorrect tyre diameter during most recent ignition on cycle,
short-term tyre monitoring03532 ZBRO Brake lamp trailer right03533 ZBRO Brake pedal position (0…250)03534 ZBRO EBS brake pad wear indicator03535 ZBRO EBS brake pad wear indicator03536 ZBRO EBS check yellow03537 ZBRO EBS check yellow03538 ZBRO EBS check yellow not connected
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03539 ZBRO EBS air gap too large03540 ZBRO EBS check red03541 ZBRO EBS check red not connected03542 ZBRO EBS malfunction prio. 103543 ZBRO EBS reservoir pressure too low03544 ZBRO Spring-loaded accumulator reservoir03545 ZBRO Spring-loaded accumulator reservoir03546 ZBRO Parking brake 1 5.8 bar (open)03547 ZBRO Parking brake 2 0.8 bar (close)03548 ZBRO Bus-stop brake03549 ZBRO Bus-stop brake03550 ZBRO Buzzer engage parking brake/door malfunction03551 ZBRO ABS active (via T-CAN)03552 ZBRO Malfunction ABS/ASR03553 ZBRO Check malfunction ABS/ASR03554 ZBRO EBS/ABS activation (T-CAN)03555 ZBRO UDS accident data box brake lamp03556 ZBRO Parking brake fault03557 ZBRO EBS check yellow (via CAN)03558 ZBRO EBS check red (via CAN)03559 ZBRO ABS fully operational03560 ZBRO Brake pad thickness, 1st axle right03561 ZBRO Brake pad thickness, 1st axle left03562 ZBRO Brake pad thickness, 2nd axle right03563 ZBRO Brake pad thickness, 2nd axle left03564 ZBRO Brake pad thickness, 3rd axle right03565 ZBRO Brake pad thickness, 3rd axle left03566 ZBRO Parking brake 1 forebody03567 ZBRO Parking brake 1 for FFR03568 OBDU Retarder actuated03568 ZBR2 Retarder03569 OBDU Engine brake operated03569 ZBR2 Engine brake03570 OBDU Brake pedal pressed03570 ZBR2 Service brake03571 ZBRO Bus stop brake switched off03572 OBDU Charge check 203572 ZBR2 Bus-stop brake03581 CNG_ME7 Diagnosis lambda probe before catalytic converter;03582 CNG_ME7 Heating diagnosis lambda probe before catalytic converter03583 CNG_ME7 Pressure sensor gas03584 CNG_ME7 Coding; quality gas03584 TRON Control unit error03585 CNG_ME7 Temperature gas03585 TRON No ignition – safety time exceeded03586 TRON Flame failure from operation03587 TRON Voltage03588 TRON Flame present during switch-on, cold blowing timeout03589 TRON Flame sensor03590 TRON Actual value temperature control sensor03591 TRON Metering pump03592 TRON Burner motor03593 CNG_ME7 Solenoid stop valve (gas LD) leaking03593 TRON Glow plug03594 CNG_ME7 Supply injection valves bank 1 output stage03594 TRON Overheating03595 CNG_ME7 Supply injection valves bank 2 output stage03596 CNG_ME7 Stop valve gas 1 output stage (low pressure)03596 TRON Setpoint03597 CNG_ME7 Stop valve gas 2 output stage (high pressure)
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03597 TRON Overheating sensor03598 CNG_ME7 Balancing in trailing throttle mode (measuring probe)03598 TRON Warning short-circuit output fresh air signal03599 CNG_ME7 Balancing in trailing throttle mode (diagnostic probe)03599 TRON Warning short-circuit output theft alarm03600 EBS_K1 System bus, general
03600 TRONNo ignition — Too many unsuccessful start attempts (operation
interlock)03600 ZBR2 Fill level, clutch fluid03601 CNG_ME7 Output stage starter control
03601 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator drive axle
messages by central brake unit; CAN brake03601 OBDU Front axle above technically permitted axle load
03601 TRONOverheating — Hardware threshold exceeded in control unit
(operation interlock)
03602 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator additional axle
messages by central brake unit; CAN brake03602 OBDU Rear axle above technically permitted axle load
03602 TRONOverheating — Too many overheatings or hardware threshold
exceeded in control unit (operation interlock)03602 ZBR2 Reversing light relay
03603 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the vehicle dynamics control
messages by central brake unit
03603 TRONOverheating sensor — Permitted difference from flame sensor
exceeded (redundant overheating monitoring)03603 ZBR2 Heating, Kongsberg circuit
03604 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the steering angle sensor messages
by central brake unit03604 ZBRO Clutch brake shut-off03605 ZBRO Clutch brake shut-off03606 ZBRO Clutch brake shut-off03607 ZBRO Clutch brake shut-off check03608 ZBRO Clutch brake direct03609 ZBRO Clutch brake direct stage 1
03610 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the central brake unit messages by
axle modulator drive axle; CAN brake03610 ZBRO Clutch brake direct stage 203611 ZBRO Clutch brake direct stage 3
03612 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator additional axle
messages by axle modulator drive axle03612 ZBRO Gearbox neutral
03613 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the electronic stability program
messages by axle modulator drive axle03613 ZBRO Current gear (T-CAN)03614 ZBRO Gear engaged (T-CAN)03615 ZBRO Selected gear03616 ZBRO Gear oil too hot03617 ZBRO Gear oil too hot03618 ZBRO Reversing light03619 ZBRO Reverse light left
03620 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the central brake unit messages by
axle modulator additional axle03620 ZBRO Reverse light right
03621 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator drive axle
messages by axle modulator additional axle03621 ZBRO Gearbox activation (T-CAN)03622 ZBRO EK shut-off Voith
03623 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the vehicle dynamics control
messages by axle modulator additional axle03623 ZBRO Neutral at standstill ZF
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03624 ZBRO UDS accident data box reversing light03625 ZBR2 Off-road range03626 ZBRO Reversing light buzzer03627 ZBRO Gear enable Voith03628 ZBRO Gearbox oil temperature03629 ZBR2 Transfer case neutral
03630 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the central brake unit messages by
vehicle dynamics control
03631 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator drive axle
messages by vehicle dynamics control
03632 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator additional axle
messages by vehicle dynamics control
03634 EBS_K1System bus, monitoring of the steering angle sensor messages
by electronic stability program03650 EBS_K1 CAN trailer interface03651 EBS_K1 CAN trailer interface, CAN high03652 EBS_K1 CAN trailer interface, CAN low03667 EDC64 Atmospheric pressure pickup03668 EDC64 Charge pressure pickup03671 EDC7 Error when reading in EEPROM03672 EDC7 Error when reading in the fault memory03673 EDC7 CAN block 203674 EDC7 FFR1: Bank shut-off byte8/bit5-803675 EDC7 Faulty redundant shut-off device afterrun drive03676 EDC7 Faulty redundant shut-off device afterrun test03677 EDC6 Charge air low pressure sensor03677 EDC7 Charge air low pressure sensor03678 EDC6 Booster voltage bank 103678 EDC7 Booster voltage bank 103679 EDC6 Booster voltage bank 203679 EDC7 Booster voltage bank 203680 EDC6 Current high pressure pump CP303680 EDC7 Current high pressure pump CP303681 EDC6 Starter output stage03681 EDC7 Starter output stage03682 EDC6 Averaged control rod position03682 EDC7 Averaged control rod position03683 EDC6 Signalling of activation request for output stage03683 EDC7 Signalling of activation request for output stage03684 EDC6 Starter output stage monitoring03684 EDC7 Starter output stage monitoring03685 EDC6 Activation pulse duty ratio for exhaust gas recirculation valve03685 EDC7 Activation pulse duty ratio for exhaust gas recirculation valve03686 EDC6 Activation pulse duty ratio for boost pressure control03686 EDC7 Activation pulse duty ratio for boost pressure control03687 EDC6 Pressure relief valve03687 EDC7 Pressure relief valve does not open03688 EDC6 Pressure controller variable (pulse duty ratio)03688 EDC7 Pressure controller variable (pulse duty ratio)03689 EDC7 Rail pressure control differential03690 EDC7 Synchronisation state03691 EDC6 Current equivalent of the pulse duty ratio03691 EDC7 Current equivalent of the pulse duty ratio03692 EDC6 Recorded internal temperature EDC03692 EDC7 Recorded internal temperature EDC03693 EDC7 Booster voltage03694 EDC7 Timeout message position 403700 ZBRO Retarder active03701 EBS_K1 Vehicle dynamics control module03701 ZBRO Retarder torque gearbox (T-CAN)
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03702 EDC6 CAN A block DPRAM error03702 EDC7 CAN A block DPRAM error03702 ZBRO Retarder torque engine control (T-CAN)03703 EDC6 CAN A block error passive03703 EDC7 CAN A block error passive03703 ZBRO Retarder activation (T-CAN)03704 ZBRO Retarder off (switch)
03705 EBS_K1 Vehicle dynamics control system, EEPROM parameter setting03705 ZBRO Retarder off (button)
03706 EBS_K1 Installation, vehicle dynamics control module, vehicle adaptation03706 ZBRO Retarder off
03707 EBS_K1Ensure the ESP components are installed correctly and calibrate
the steering angle sensor03707 ZBRO Retarder off03708 ZBRO Retarder off check03709 ZBRO Engine brake off (switch)03710 ZBRO Engine brake off (button)03711 EDC6 CAN B block bus off03711 EDC7 CAN B block bus off03711 ZBRO Engine brake off03712 EDC6 CAN B block DPRAM error03712 EDC7 CAN B block DPRAM error03712 ZBRO Engine brake off03713 EDC6 CAN B block error passive03713 EDC7 CAN B block error passive03713 ZBRO Engine brake off check03720 EBS_K1 Vehicle dynamics control module, electrical power supply03720 EDC6 Supply to atmospheric pressure sensor03720 EDC7 Supply to atmospheric pressure sensor03721 EDC6 Supply to fuel pressure sensor03721 EDC7 Supply to fuel pressure sensor03722 EDC6 Supply to charge air low pressure sensor03722 EDC7 Supply to charge air low pressure sensor03723 EDC6 Supply to oil pressure sensor03723 EDC7 Supply to oil pressure sensor03724 EDC6 Supply to charge air pressure sensor03724 EDC7 Supply to charge air pressure sensor03726 EDC6 Supply to fuel low pressure sensor03726 EDC7 Supply to fuel low pressure sensor03730 EBS_K1 Steering angle sensor03730 EDC7 Defective classification for initialisation03731 EBS_K1 (!) Steering angle sensor, voltage transformer signal line03732 EBS_K1 Steering angle sensor, calibration03732 EDC7 Defective classification for initialisation03733 EBS_K1 Steering angle sensor, parameter setting03733 EDC7 High-pressure pump03734 EBS_K1 Steering angle sensor, steering ratio03734 EDC7 Pressure control valve03735 EBS_K1 Steering angle sensor signal03735 EDC7 EDC internal temperature03736 EDC7 Output stage shut-off by EDC03737 EDC7 Initialisation in master/slave mode
03738 EDC7
Quantity correction value too great 4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1; 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1; 8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave
cyl. 5; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6; 12-cylinderengine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 12
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 206 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03739 EDC7
Quantity correction value too great 4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3; 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5; 8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave
cyl. 7; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10; 12-cylinderengine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8
03740 EDC7
Quantity correction value too great 4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4; 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3; 8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave
cyl. 6; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7; 12-cylinderengine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 10
03741 EDC7
Quantity correction value too great 4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2; 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6; 8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave
cyl. 8; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8; 12-cylinderengine: Master cyl. 6, slave cyl. 7
03742 EDC7
Quantity correction value too great 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9; 12-cylinder engine:
Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11
03743 EDC7Quantity correction value too great 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4; 12-
cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 903744 EDC6 Highside output stage electrical charger
03744 EDC7Highside output stage exhaust gas recirculation system throttle
butterfly03745 EDC7 Highside output stage charge air pressure governing system03746 EDC7 Highside output stage exhaust gas recirculation system03747 EDC7 Highside output stage pressure governing valve
03748 EDC7 Highside output stage metering unit high-pressure pump CP303749 EDC7 Highside output stage engine air flow sensor flap03750 EBS_5 ESP sensor gateway, ESP sensor voltage supply fault03750 EDC7 Highside output stage RH 0703751 EDC7 Highside output stage starter relay03752 EDC7 Segment encoder (camshaft)
03753 EBS_5ESP sensor gateway, time overrun in communication with
steering angle sensor03753 EDC7 Incremental encoder (crankshaft)
03754 EBS_5ESP sensor gateway, time overrun in communication with yaw
rate sensor03754 EDC7 Monitoring error when system starts03755 EDC7 Plausibility fuel supply pressure03756 EBS_5 ESP sensor gateway, faulty steering angle sensor signal
03756 EDC7Supply voltage exhaust gas recirculation system checkback,
exhaust differential pressure03757 EBS_5 ESP sensor gateway, faulty yaw rate sensor signal
03758 EBS_5 ESP sensor gateway, faulty lateral acceleration sensor signal03758 EDC7 Send error message slot 2 to partner EDC03759 EBS_5 ESP sensor gateway, steering angle sensor not calibrated03759 EDC7 Send error message slot 3 to partner EDC03760 EDC7 Send error message slot 4 to partner EDC03761 EDC7 Send error message slot 5 to partner EDC03762 EDC7 Timeout of the CAMD_ANA message03763 EDC7 Timeout of the CAMD_CMOL message03764 EDC7 Timeout of the CAMD_CONTROL message03765 EDC7 Timeout of the CAMD_FFR1 message03766 EDC7 Timeout of the CAMD_FFR2 message03767 EDC7 Timeout of the CAMD_FFR3 message03768 EDC7 Fault status of the CAMD_INIT message03769 EDC7 Timeout of the CAMD_Limit message03771 EDC7 Master/slave CAN fault in partner control unit03772 EDC7 Monitoring terminal 15 master/slave03773 EDC7 Operating mode change error master/slave03774 EDC7 Temporary CMOL mode of the partner EDC
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03775 EDC6 Rail pressure monitoring03775 EDC7 Rail pressure monitoring
03776 EDC6Excessive positive control differential (control system cannot
compensate for too low rail pressure)
03776 EDC7Excessive positive control differential (control system cannot
compensate for too low rail pressure)
03777 EDC6Excessive negative control differential (control system cannot
compensate for too high rail pressure)
03777 EDC7Excessive negative control differential (control system cannot
compensate for too high rail pressure)03778 EDC6 Rail pressure: Leakage in overrun conditions03778 EDC7 Rail pressure: Leakage in overrun conditions03779 EDC6 Rail pressure: Leakage due to quantity compensation03779 EDC7 Rail pressure: Leakage due to quantity compensation03780 EDC6 Rail pressure: High controller output when idling03780 EDC7 Rail pressure: High controller output when idling03781 EDC6 Pressure relief valve open (pressure too high)03781 EDC7 Pressure relief valve open (pressure too high)03782 EDC6 Fuel supply pressure dynamic03782 EDC7 Fuel supply pressure dynamic
03783 EDC6FFR (vehicle management computer) 2: Bit error max. permitted
engine acceleration
03783 EDC7FFR (vehicle management computer) 2: Bit error max. permitted
engine acceleration03784 EDC6 Bit error smoke ID03784 EDC7 Bit error smoke ID
03785 EDC6Monitoring particle filter/PM catalytic converter, differential
exhaust pressure too high or too low
03785 EDC7Monitoring particle filter/PM catalytic converter, differential
exhaust pressure too high or too low03786 EDC6 Particulate filter temperature limits03786 EDC7 Particulate filter temperature limits03787 EDC6 No particulate filter regeneration03787 EDC7 No particulate filter regeneration03788 EDC6 Exhaust gas differential or exhaust gas relative pressure03788 EDC7 Exhaust gas differential or exhaust gas relative pressure
03789 EDC6 Exhaust gas differential or exhaust gas relative pressure sensor
03789 EDC7 Exhaust gas differential or exhaust gas relative pressure sensor
03790 EDC6Exhaust gas differential or exhaust gas relative pressure
03790 EDC7Exhaust gas differential or exhaust gas relative pressure
plausibility03791 EDC6 Exhaust temperature before exhaust post-treatment03791 EDC7 Exhaust temperature before exhaust post-treatment03792 EDC6 Exhaust temperature sensor before exhaust post-treatment03792 EDC7 Exhaust temperature sensor before exhaust post-treatment03793 EDC6 Exhaust temperature after exhaust post-treatment03793 EDC7 Exhaust temperature after exhaust post-treatment03794 EDC6 Exhaust temperature sensor after exhaust post-treatment03794 EDC7 Exhaust temperature sensor after exhaust post-treatment03795 EDC6 Exhaust gas recirculation throttle butterfly03795 EDC7 Exhaust gas recirculation throttle butterfly03796 EDC6 Highside output stage exhaust gas recirculation system 203796 EDC7 Highside output stage exhaust gas recirculation system 303797 EDC6 Highside output stage lambda probe03797 EDC7 Highside output stage lambda probe03798 EDC6 Output stage OBD lamp (MIL)03798 EDC7 Output stage OBD lamp (MIL)
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03799 EDC6 Highside output stage reserve 0103799 EDC7 Highside output stage reserve 0103800 EDC6 Highside output stage reserve 0203800 EDC7 Highside output stage reserve 0203800 ZBR2 Air suspension/ECAS03801 EDC6 Highside output stage reserve 0303801 EDC7 Highside output stage reserve 0303801 OBDU No engine start for at least 3 weeks03802 EDC6 Highside output stage stop valve compressed air03802 EDC7 Highside output stage stop valve compressed air03802 OBDU No engine start for at least 10 weeks
03803 EDC6Engine CAN transmit error, no message available in vehicle
management computer
03803 EDC7Engine CAN transmit error, no message available in vehicle
management computer
03804 EDC6Engine CAN receive error, not possible to receive a message
from vehicle management computer
03804 EDC7Engine CAN receive error, not possible to receive a message
from vehicle management computer
03805 EDC6 Master/slave CAN communication disrupted, bus load too high
03805 EDC7 Master/slave CAN communication disrupted, bus load too high03806 EDC6 Master/slave CAN communication disrupted, receive error03806 EDC7 Master/slave CAN communication disrupted, receive error03806 ZBRO Raise bus again
03807 EDC6Vehicle management computer sends invalid value in FFR1
03807 EDC7Vehicle management computer sends invalid value in FFR1
message03807 ZBRO Raise bus again
03808 EDC6Vehicle management computer sends invalid value in FFR2
03808 EDC7Vehicle management computer sends invalid value in FFR2
03809 EDC6Vehicle management computer sends invalid value in FFR3
03809 EDC7Vehicle management computer sends invalid value in FFR3
message03809 ZBRO ECAS malfunction
03810 EDC6Vehicle management computer sends invalid numerical value,
date/time error
03810 EDC7Vehicle management computer sends invalid numerical value,
date/time error03810 ZBRO ECAS warning
03811 EDC7 Exhaust temperature plausibility before exhaust post-treatment03811 ZBRO ECAS governing suppression brake
03812 EDC7 Exhaust temperature plausibility after exhaust post-treatment03812 ZBRO Kneeling lowering03813 EDC7 Starter monitoring03813 ZBRO Kneeling lowering03814 EDC7 Recording of control unit switch-off duration03814 ZBRO Kneeling fully lowered03815 EDC7 Exhaust backpressure03815 ZBRO Kneeling fully lowered03816 EDC7 Exhaust backpressure sensor03816 ZBRO Kneeling raise03817 EDC7 Permanent system deviation exhaust backpressure
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 209 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message03817 ZBRO Kneeling raise03818 EDC7 Exhaust backpressure plausibility03818 ZBRO Kneeling, manual/automatic03819 EDC7 CAN block 303819 ZBRO Kneeling automatic03820 EDC7 Byte monitoring CAN 1 (oil, ambient and air temperature)03820 ZBRO Kneeling automatic check
03821 EDC7Byte monitoring CAN 3 (exhaust temperature, AdBlue fill level,
AdBlue temperature)03821 ZBRO Kneeling raise control unit (16)03822 EDC7 Time overrun CAN 3, exhaust CAN03822 ZBRO Kneeling emergency raise03823 EDC7 Misfiring on several cylinders03823 ZBRO Kneeling emergency raise
03824 EDC7Misfiring status master 8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1; 10-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 1; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 103824 ZBRO Kneeling emergency raise prio. 1
03825 EDC7Misfiring status master 8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2; 10-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 5; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 503825 ZBRO Kneeling key-operated switch
03826 EDC7Misfiring status master 8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 3; 10-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 2; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 303826 ZBRO Kneeling lower control unit (19)
03827 EDC7Misfiring status master 8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4; 10-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 3; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 603827 ZBRO Kneeling door open
03828 EDC7Misfiring status master 10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4; 12-
cylinder engine: Cylinder 203828 ZBRO Air suspension reservoir too low03829 EDC7 Misfiring status master 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 403829 ZBRO Air suspension reservoir too low
03830 EDC7
Misfiring status 4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1; 6-cylinder engine:Cylinder 1; slave 8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 5; 10-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 6; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1203830 ZBRO v <= 3 km/h and no door interlock
03831 EDC7
Misfiring status 4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 3; 6-cylinder engine:Cylinder 5; slave 8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 7; 10-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 10; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 803831 ZBRO v > 3 km/h or door interlock
03832 EDC7
Misfiring status 4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4; 6-cylinder engine:Cylinder 3; slave 8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 6; 10-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 7; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1003832 ZBRO Moving-off aid
03833 EDC7
Misfiring status 4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2; 6-cylinder engine:Cylinder 6; slave 8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 8; 10-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 8; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 703833 ZBRO Moving-off aid
03834 EDC7Misfiring status 6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2; slave 10-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 9; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1103834 ZBRO Moving-off aid check
03835 EDC7Misfiring status 6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4; slave 12-cylinder
engine: Cylinder 903835 ZBRO Moving-off aid switch-off03836 EDC7 Lambda probe sensor acquisition03836 ZBRO Lifting bus above normal level03837 EDC7 Lambda probe acquisition03837 ZBRO Lifting bus above normal level03838 EDC7 Lambda probe internal resistance, physical03838 ZBRO Lowering bus again03839 EDC7 Lambda probe internal resistance
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message03839 ZBRO Lowering bus below ride height03840 EDC7 Oil temperature sensor03840 ZBRO Lowering bus below ride height03841 EDC7 Coolant pressure sensor03841 ZBRO Bus normal level03842 EDC7 Coolant pressure plausibility03842 ZBRO ECAS activation (T-CAN)03843 EDC7 Coolant temperature plausibility03843 ZBRO Kneeling start interlock03844 EDC7 Plausibility, temperature ahead of cylinder inlet03844 ZBRO NLA bellows is depressurised (p < 0.3 bar)03845 EDC7 Ambient air temperature plausibility03845 ZBRO Switch off NLA bellows depressurisation03846 EDC7 Control unit configuration03846 ZBRO Driven axle pressurised (p > 8.4 bar)
03847 EDC7Boost air temperature sensor after cooler (before exhaust gas
recirculation)03847 ZBRO ECAS malfunction flashing at 1 Hz03848 EDC7 Ambient air temperature sensor03848 ZBRO ECAS malfunction continuous light03849 EDC7 Catalyser not installed03849 ZBRO ECAS warning or malfunction 2 Hz03850 EDC7 Position deviation enclosed exhaust gas recirculation03850 ZBRO ECAS warning flashing at 1 Hz03851 EDC7 Exhaust gas recirculation flap position sensor03852 EDC7 Exhaust gas recirculation temperature plausibility
03853 EDC7Permanent system deviation position-controlled exhaust gas
recirculation03854 EDC7 EDC internal temperature sensor 203855 EDC7 Lambda probe system03856 EDC7 Lambda probe calibration03857 EDC7 Lambda probe communication03858 EDC7 Lambda probe temperature03859 EDC7 Lambda probe temperature calibration03860 EDC7 Turbine wheel speed03861 EDC7 Turbine wheel speed sensor
03862 EDC6NBF pulses without quantity requests (redundant control travel
03862 EDC7NBF pulses without quantity requests (redundant control travel
monitoring)03863 EDC7 Trailing throttle monitoring
03864 EDC7Injection monitoring; battery voltage too low for advanced
03865 EDC7Injection monitoring; battery voltage too low for second
advanced injection
03866 EDC7Injection monitoring; battery voltage too low for second main
03867 EDC7Injection monitoring; battery voltage too low for second post-
injection03868 EDC7 Charge air temperature after intercooler plausibility03869 EDC7 Oil temperature plausibility03870 EDC7 Fuel temperature plausibility03871 EDC7 EDC internal temperature plausibility03872 EDC7 EDC internal cooling bracket temperature plausibility03873 EDC7 EDC was in an undefined condition. A reset was performed.
03874 EDC7Quantity correction value too large: Segment 0. Injector is
contaminated or leaking.
03875 EDC7Quantity correction value too large: Segment 1. Injector is
contaminated or leaking.
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03876 EDC7Quantity correction value too large: Segment 2. Injector is
contaminated or leaking.
03877 EDC7Quantity correction value too large: Segment 3. Injector is
contaminated or leaking.
03878 EDC7Quantity correction value too large: Segment 4. Injector is
contaminated or leaking.
03879 EDC7Quantity correction value too large: Segment 5. Injector is
contaminated or leaking.03880 EDC7 Output stage 12V for LIN bus03881 EDC7 Switch-off duration of EDC in minutes03882 EDC7 Maximum value of rail pressure voltage03883 EDC7 Unfiltered exhaust gas differential pressure03884 EDC7 Unfiltered oil pressure03885 EDC7 Unfiltered boost pressure03886 EDC7 Unfiltered charge air temperature ahead of cylinder insert03887 EDC7 Unfiltered atmospheric pressure03888 EDC7 Unfiltered coolant temperature03889 EDC7 External ambient air temperature03890 EDC7 Unfiltered exhaust temperature03891 EDC7 Unfiltered charge air temperature ahead of engine03892 EDC7 Minimum value for rail pressure sensor voltage03893 EDC7 Measured voltage of boost pressure sensor03894 EDC7 Measured voltage of coolant temperature sensor03895 EDC7 Measured voltage of fuel pressure sensor03896 EDC7 Measured voltage of fuel supply pressure sensor03897 EDC7 Kickoff03898 EDC7 Measured voltage of internal EDC temperature 2
03899 EDC7Measured voltage of exhaust gas differential pressure or
exhaust gas relative pressure sensor
03900 EDC7Difference between pressure values at maximum and minimum
boost pressure
03901 EDC7Measured voltage of the exhaust gas temperature sensor before
exhaust post-treatment
03902 EDC7 Unfiltered exhaust gas temperature after exhaust post-treatment
03903 EDC7Measured voltage of the exhaust gas temperature sensor after
exhaust post-treatment03903 ZBR2 Tank/ fuel level03904 OBDU Reservoir pressure circuit 1 (too low)03905 EDC7 Exhaust post-treatment temperature difference03905 OBDU Reservoir pressure circuit 2 (too low)03906 EDC7 A start request has been received and no fault has occurred.03906 OBDU Reservoir pressure circuit 3 (too low)03907 EDC7 Measuring timer for cooling time03907 OBDU Reservoir pressure circuit 4 (too low)03908 EDC7 Charge air temperature ahead of cylinder intake
03909 EDC7Measured voltage of the charge air temperature sensor ahead of
engine03909 OBDU Previous circuit defective03910 EDC7 Nominal exhaust gas recirculation value03911 EDC7 Adapted valve position as ratio value
03912 EDC7 Measured voltage of the exhaust gas recirculation flap position
03913 EDC7 Zero point voltage of the exhaust gas recirculation valve position03913 OBDU ECAM in pneumatic backup, CAN OK03914 EDC7 Unfiltered charge air temperature at cylinder inlet03915 EDC7 Measured voltage of internal EDC temperature03915 OBDU ASR engine governor failure
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
03916 EDC7Difference in temperature values with two different boost
pressure values
03918 EDC7Measured voltage of the charge air temperature sensor at
cylinder inlet03918 ZBRO Fuel tank almost empty03919 EDC7 Fault status nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor heating03919 ZBR2 Fill level Gas203920 EDC7 Fault status nitrogen oxide (NOx) concentration03920 ZBR2 Fill level Gas303921 EDC7 Fault status oxygen (O2) concentration03923 EDC7 Coolant temperature 203924 EDC7 Unfiltered coolant temperature 203925 EDC7 Coolant temperature sensor 203926 EDC7 Gradient monitoring RDS03927 EDC7 Detection of non-fitted lambda probe
03929 EDC7 Monitoring of exhaust gas recirculation with lambda (MIL error)
03930 EDC7 Monitoring of exhaust gas recirculation with lambda (PR error)03931 EDC7 Output stage PWM1903932 EDC7 Output stage PWM3003940 EDC7 Recovery type of the most recently saved recoveries03941 EDC7 Recovery type of the most recently saved recoveries04000 AST Foot off accelerator pedal04000 EBS_5 (!) Central control unit — B-controller: Brake performance test04000 EDC6 Communication fault to CRT control unit04000 EDC7 Communication fault to CRT control unit04000 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 004000 ZBR2 External lighting04000 ZBRO Headlight low beam04001 AST Low air pressure
04001 EBS_5Central control unit — A-controller: Checksum error in
configuration RAM
04001 EDC6Exhaust temperature too high or communication fault to CRT
control unit
04001 EDC7Exhaust temperature too high or communication fault to CRT
control unit04001 EMOS System pressure or switch-on duration of actuators04001 INT Accumulator charge valve04001 SFFR Selector lever position04001 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 104001 ZBR2 Headlight low beam, left04001 ZBRO Low beam left04002 AST Clutch overload04002 EBS_5 Central control unit — A-controller: Internal data memory04002 EMOS Clutch overload04002 INT Engine brake request04002 SFFR Speed request ship vehicle management computer04002 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 204002 ZBR2 Headlight low beam, right04002 ZBRO Low beam right04003 AST Clutch word
04003 EBS_5(!) Central control unit — B-controller: ESP intervention
implausible04003 INT Intarder check lamp04003 SFFR Terminal 1504003 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 304003 ZBR2 Right headlight adjustment04004 AST Clutch wear04004 EBS_5 ESP logic, incorrect configuration
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message04004 HVA EEPROM error04004 INT Display, temperature reduction04004 SFFR Voltage selector lever04004 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 404004 ZBR2 Left headlight adjustment
04005 EBS_5Central control unit — B-controller: Pressure regulating valves
(ABS) are in an undefined status04005 INT Brake lamp output04005 SFFR Voltage pedal value sensor04005 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 504005 ZBR2 Turn indicators, tractive unit, rear left04005 ZBRO Turn indicator rear left bottom
04006 EBS_5(!) Central control unit — B-controller: Calculated ISC pressures in
A and B-controller do not match04006 INT Fault lamp output04006 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 604006 ZBR2 Turn indicators, tractive unit, rear right04006 ZBRO Turn indicator rear right bottom
04007 EBS_5(!) ABS logic, FMI 3 = Pressure plausibility / FMI 8 = Data record
plausibility04007 HVA Failure of CAN message CCVeh_Speed04007 INT Cruise control shut-off04007 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 704007 ZBR2 Turn indicator, tractive unit s/f, left04007 ZBRO Turn indicator front left side
04008 EBS_5ABS (pressure control valve): Installed but no components
configured04008 HVA Failure of CAN message EBC204008 INT Braking level selector supply04008 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 804008 ZBR2 Turn indicator, tractive unit s/f, right04008 ZBRO Turn indicator front right side04009 EBS_5 Central control unit04009 HVA Failure of CAN message EEC104009 INT Proportional valve04009 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 904009 ZBR2 Hall sensor, indicator stalk switch RL
04010 EBS_5Central control unit — Internal controller communication of the A-
controller, checksum error04010 HVA Failure of CAN message EBC104010 INT Earth return, proportional valve04010 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1004010 ZBR2 Hall sensor, indicator stalk switch RR
04011 EBS_5Central control unit — Internal controller communication of the A-
controller, interruption in communication04011 HVA ABS signals ‘Not fully operational’04011 INT Output ADM204011 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1104011 ZBR2 Switch, indicators, left (button)04011 ZBRO Turn indicator, left
04012 EBS_5Central control unit — Internal controller communication of the A-
controller, format error04012 HVA Cable fault oil temperature sensor (pin III/3 or IV/18)04012 INT Speed sensor, gearbox output04012 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1204012 ZBR2 Switch, indicators, right (button)04012 ZBRO Turn indicator, right04013 EBS_5 Central control unit — A-controller, format error
04013 HVA Oil pressure sensor signals ‘No oil pressure’ or engine stalledSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 214 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04013 INT Temperature detection, system error04013 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1304013 ZBR2 Check lamp, hazard warning lights04013 ZBRO Hazard warning lights check
04014 EBS_5Central control unit — Internal controller communication of the B-
controller, checksum error04014 HVA Oil pressure sensor signals ‘Continuous oil pressure’04014 INT Readback current, proportional valve04014 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1404014 ZBR2 Hazard warning light switch04014 ZBRO Hazard warning light switch
04015 EBS_5Central control unit — Internal controller communication of the B-
controller interruption in communication04015 HVA Cable fault oil pressure sensor (pin III/4, II/5 or I/5)04015 INT Power supply04015 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1504015 ZBR2 Turn indicators in trailer, left04015 ZBRO Turn indicator left trailer
04016 EBS_5Central control unit — Internal controller communication of the B-
controller, format error04016 HVA Fault at output ZP1 (pin IV/11)04016 INT Braking level selector04016 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1604016 ZBR2 Turn indicators in trailer, right04016 ZBRO Turn indicator right trailer
04017 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘General
vehicle configuration’ block04017 HVA Fault at output ZP2 (pin IV/2 or IV/6)04017 INT Operating hours counter, system error04017 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1704017 ZBR2 Headlight high beam, left04017 ZBRO High beam 1 left
04018 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘General
vehicle configuration’ block04018 INT Faul memory, system error04018 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1804018 ZBR2 Headlight high beam, right04018 ZBRO High beam 1 right
04019 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘Own
vehicle configuration’ block04019 HVA Fault at output ZP3 (pin III/13)04019 INT CAN data bus04019 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 1904019 ZBR2 Switch, headlight high beam (button)04019 ZBRO High beam switch
04020 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘Own vehicle
configuration’ block04020 HVA Fault at output clutch main pump (pin IV/7 and III/5)04020 INT Data bus, message EEC2 from EDC04020 SFFR Supply voltage04020 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2004020 ZBR2 Headlight flash button
04021 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘General
wheel configuration’ block04021 INT Engine speed sensor04021 SFFR Pedal value sensor04021 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2104021 ZBR2 Auxiliary high beam, left04021 ZBRO High beam 2 left
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 215 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04022 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘General
wheel configuration’ block04022 HVA Fault at output fan relay (pin III/10)04022 INT System fault04022 SFFR Selector lever04022 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2204022 ZBR2 Auxiliary high beam, right04022 ZBRO High beam 2 right
04023 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘General
axle configuration’ block04023 HVA Speed signals implausible04023 INT CAN data bus, message TSC1 from FFR04023 SFFR Idling speed harmonisation04023 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2304023 ZBR2 Relay, additional headlight in roof
04024 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘General axle
configuration’ block04024 HVA Operating voltage too low04024 INT CAN data bus, send system error04024 SFFR Default driving unit04024 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2404024 ZBR2 Rear fog lamp, tractive unit04024 ZBRO Rear fog lamp
04025 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘Own axle
configuration’ block04025 HVA Warning note: Oil temperature too high04025 INT CAN data bus, BusOff04025 SFFR Engine CAN04025 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2504025 ZBR2 Rear fog lamp, trailer04025 ZBRO Rear fog lamp trailer
04026 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘Own axle
configuration’ block04026 HVA Failure of CAN message Ambient Condition04026 INT CAN data bus, message EBC1 from EBS/ABS04026 SFFR MMDS CAN04026 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2604026 ZBR2 Fog lamp, right04026 ZBRO Fog lamp right
04027 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘General
CAN configuration’ block04027 HVA Failure of CAN message ERC1_RMC04027 INT CAN data bus, acknowledge system error
04027 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC104027 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2704027 ZBR2 Fog lamp, left04027 ZBRO Fog lamp left
04028 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘General CAN
configuration’ block04028 INT CAN data bus, message EEC1 from EDC
04028 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC204028 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2804028 ZBR2 Switch-on enable check lamp, fog lamps
04029 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘General
function configuration’ block04029 INT CAN data bus, message TCO1 from tachograph
04029 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC3SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 216 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04029 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 2904029 ZBR2 Relay, additional fog lamps
04030 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘General
function configuration’ block04030 INT LED
04030 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC404030 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 3004030 ZBR2 Current, parking light, tractive unit, right
04031 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘General
ISR configuration’ block04031 INT CAN data bus, message CCVS from FFR
04031 SFFR Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message EDC504031 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 3104031 ZBR2 Current, parking light, tractive unit, left
04032 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘General ISR
configuration’ block04032 INT CAN data bus, message ERC1_ER from EDC
04032 SFFREngine CAN: Time overrun when receiving EDC message
EngineConfig04032 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 3204032 ZBR2 Current, parking light, right
04033 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘Own ISR
configuration’ block04033 INT CAN data bus, message ETC1 from gearbox
04033 SFFRMMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS message
TSC1-FME.04033 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 3304033 ZBR2 Current, parking light, left
04034 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘Own ISR
configuration’ block04034 INT CAN data bus, message ETC1 from FFR
04034 SFFRMMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS message
Time/Date04034 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 3404034 ZBR2 Side marker light, right
04035 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘Own ABS
configuration’ block04035 INT CAN data bus, message ETP from EDC
04035 SFFRMMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving MMDS message
VehDistance04035 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 3504035 ZBR2 Side marker light, left
04036 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘Own ABS
configuration’ block04036 INT CAN data bus, message ERC1 from FFR04036 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 3604036 ZBR2 Current, parking light, trailer, right04036 ZBRO Tail light right trailer
04037 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘Own ASR
configuration’ block04037 INT CAN data bus, message TSC1 from FFR04037 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 3704037 ZBR2 Current, parking light, trailer, left04037 ZBRO Tail light left trailer
04038 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘Own ASR
configuration’ block04038 INT CAN data bus, time/date message from tachograph04038 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 38
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message04038 ZBR2 Relay, parking lights left
04039 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘General
ESP configuration’ block04039 INT CAN data bus, mileage message (HRVD) from tachograph04039 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 3904039 ZBR2 Parking light switch04039 ZBRO Parking light switch
04040 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘General ESP
configuration’ block04040 INT Lamp, Bremsomat/braking control active04040 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4004040 ZBR2 Winter service relay
04041 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘Own ESP
configuration’ block04041 INT CAN data bus, ABS message from EBS/ABS04041 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4104041 ZBR2 Relay, blackout light
04042 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘Own ESP
configuration’ block04042 INT CAN data bus, FMR1 message from FFR04042 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4204042 ZBR2 Perform lighting training again
04043 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘Own
plausibility configuration’ block04043 INT Flashing code lamp04043 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4304043 ZBR2 Interlock function, light test
04044 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘Own
plausibility configuration’ block04044 INT CAN data bus, message FMR204044 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4404044 ZBR2 Release function, light test
04045 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values from ‘Error
memory’04045 INT CAN data bus, message EPS04045 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4504045 ZBR2 Turn indicators operated for both directions
04046 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error for ‘Error
memory’04046 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4604046 ZBR2 ALW not calibrated
04047 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘Axle
configuration’ block04047 INT Vehicle electrical system terminal 3004047 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4704047 ZBRO Turn indicator rear left top
04048 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘Self-taught
EBS data’ block04048 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4804048 ZBRO Turn indicator rear right top
04049 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘Own test’
block04049 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 4904049 ZBRO Turn indicator rear left side04050 EBS_5 Brakes CAN04050 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5004050 ZBRO Turn indicator rear right side04051 EBS_5 ESP sensor CAN: System bus off04051 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5104051 ZBRO Turn indicator front left
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04052 EBS_5Electrical power supply, comparison between terminal 15 and
terminal 3004052 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5204052 ZBRO Turn indicator front right04053 EBS_5 Earth 204053 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5304053 ZBRO School bus button04054 EBS_5 Control unit switch-off delay: Fault in electronic circuit04054 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5404054 ZBRO School bus button04055 EBS_5 ASR: Invalid configuration04055 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5504055 ZBRO School bus button check
04056 EBS_5Central control unit — B-controller: Checksum error in boot
software04056 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5604056 ZBRO Additional turn indicator behind bumper04057 EBS_5 Pressure control valve04057 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5704057 ZBRO Clicker relay04058 EBS_5 (!) Steering angle sensor, CAN communication04058 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5804058 ZBRO Hazard warning light switch CAN04059 EBS_5 (!) Steering angle sensor signal04059 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 5904059 ZBRO Hazard warning light switch external04060 EBS_5 Steering angle sensor, installed but not configured04060 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6004060 ZBRO Headlight high beam04061 EBS_5 (!) Yaw rate sensor, quick calibration faulty04061 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6104061 ZBRO High-beam headlight check04062 EBS_5 (!) Yaw rate sensor signal04062 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6204062 ZBRO Licence plate light(s)04063 EBS_5 (!) Yaw rate sensor, CAN communication04063 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6304063 ZBRO Rear fog lamp04064 EBS_5 (!) Yaw rate sensor, sensor installed incorrectly04064 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6404064 ZBRO Rear fog lamp right04065 EBS_5 Yaw rate sensor, installed but not configured04065 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6504065 ZBRO Rear fog lamp left04066 EBS_5 (!) Lateral acceleration sensor, long-time calibration incorrect04066 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6604066 ZBRO Rear fog lamp trailer right04067 EBS_5 (!) Transverse acceleration sensor signal04067 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6704067 ZBRO Rear fog lamp trailer left04068 EBS_5 (!) Steering angle sensor, long-time calibration incorrect04068 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6804068 ZBRO Fog lamps
04069 EBS_5(!) Steering angle sensor signal, implausible with regard to
reference rate of turn04069 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 6904069 ZBRO Fog lamps04070 EBS_5 (!) Steering angle sensor, signal gradient04070 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7004070 ZBRO Tail light right
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message04071 EBS_5 (!) Steering angle sensor, sensor installed incorrectly04071 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7104071 ZBRO Tail light left04072 EBS_5 ESP sensor supply04072 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7204072 ZBRO Side marker light 1 right04073 EBS_5 Service brake module supply04073 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7304073 ZBRO Side marker light 1 left04074 EBS_5 Pressure control module, outdated driver software04074 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7404074 ZBRO Side marker light 2 right
04075 EBS_5Inconsistent driver software status between ECU and pressure
control module04075 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7504075 ZBRO Side marker light 2 left
04076 EBS_5Pressure control module, checksum error in external flash
memory04076 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7604076 ZBRO Side marker light 3 right04077 EBS_5 Pressure control module, installed but not configured04077 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7704077 ZBRO Side marker light 3 left04078 EBS_5 Trailer control module — intake valve04078 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7804078 ZBRO Side marker light 4 right04079 EBS_5 Trailer control module — exhaust valve04079 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 7904079 ZBRO Side marker light 4 left04080 EBS_5 Trailer control module: Check valve04080 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8004080 ZBRO Side marker light 5 right04081 EBS_5 Trailer control module — pressure sensor supply04081 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8104081 ZBRO Side marker light 5 left04082 EBS_5 Trailer control module04082 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8204082 ZBRO Side marker light 6 right
04083 EBS_5Trailer control module, short circuit between intake and exhaust
valves04083 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8304083 ZBRO Side marker light 6 left
04084 EBS_5Trailer control module, short circuit between check and intake
valves04084 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8404084 ZBRO Side marker light 7 right
04085 EBS_5Trailer control module, short circuit between check and exhaust
valves04085 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8504085 ZBRO Side marker light 7 left04086 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 704086 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8604086 ZBRO Side marker light 8 right
04087 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 7: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04087 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8704087 ZBRO Side marker light 8 left04088 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 804088 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8804088 ZBRO Parking light right
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04089 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 8: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04089 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 8904089 ZBRO Parking light left04090 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 104090 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 9004090 ZBRO Outline light rear right04091 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 704091 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 9104091 ZBRO Outline light rear left
04092 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 7: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04092 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 9204092 ZBRO Outline light front right04093 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 804093 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 9304093 ZBRO Outline light front left
04094 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 8: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04094 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 9404094 ZBRO Turn indicator check
04095 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, incompatible software
components04095 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 9504095 ZBRO Turn indicator check trailer
04096 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, fault in electronic
circuit04096 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 9604096 ZBRO Parking light 1 (tl. 58 for body builder)
04097 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, internal control unit
test incorrect04097 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 9704097 ZBRO Parking light 2 (tl. 58 for body builder)
04098 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, unknown pressure
control module fault code04098 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 9804098 ZBRO Reversing light trailer
04099 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, incorrect system
monitoring after activation04099 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 99
04100 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, incompatible software
components04100 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 10004100 ZBR2 Headlight low beam, snowplough and gritter operation, right
04101 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, fault in electronic
circuit04101 EMOS Gearshift sensor position04101 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 10104101 ZBR2 Headlight low beam, snowplough and gritter operation, left
04102 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, internal control unit
test incorrect04102 EMOS Selection sensor position04102 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 10204102 ZBR2 Headlight high beam, snowplough and gritter operation, right
04103 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, unknown pressure
control module fault code04103 EMOS Engine signal04103 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 10304103 ZBR2 Headlight high beam, snowplough and gritter operation, left
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04104 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, incorrect system
monitoring after activation04104 EMOS Gearbox pressure sensor signal04104 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 104
04104 ZBR2Current, parking light, tractive unit, snowplough and gritter
operation, right
04105 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, incompatible software
components04105 EMOS Selector lever information04105 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 105
04105 ZBR2Current, parking light, tractive unit, snowplough and gritter
operation, left
04106 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, fault in electronic
circuit04106 EMOS Request PTO1 signal04106 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 10604106 ZBRO School bus lights check
04107 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, internal control unit
test incorrect04107 EMOS Request PTO2 signal04107 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 10704107 ZBRO School bus light left
04108 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, unknown pressure
control module fault code04108 EMOS Coding PTO1 signal04108 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 10804108 ZBRO School bus light right
04109 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, incorrect system
monitoring after activation04109 EMOS Coding PTO2 signal04109 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 10904109 ZBR2 Switch, blackout light
04110 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, incompatible software
components04110 EMOS PTO1 engaged signal04110 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 11004110 ZBRO Fog lamps check
04111 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, fault in electronic
circuit04111 EMOS PTO2 engaged signal04111 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 11104111 ZBRO Side marker light 9 left
04112 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, internal control unit
test incorrect04112 EMOS Timeout of EEC3 message04112 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 11204112 ZBRO Side marker light 9 right
04113 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, unknown pressure
control module fault code04113 EMOS Timeout Eng_Temp04113 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 11304113 ZBR2 Relay, parking lights right
04114 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, incorrect system
monitoring after activation04114 EMOS Timeout of Amb_Cond message04114 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 11404114 ZBRO Daytime driving lights
04115 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, incompatible software
components04115 EMOS Timeout of ETC3 message
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message04115 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 115
04115 ZBR2Number of height sensors RA set in parameters is incorrect (in
04116 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, fault in electronic
circuit04116 EMOS Send queue overrun04116 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 11604116 ZBRO Light test active
04117 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, internal control unit
test incorrect04117 EMOS Send error of ETC1 message04117 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 11704117 ZBRO Light test cancel
04118 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, unknown pressure
control module fault code04118 EMOS Error warning vehicle CAN04118 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 11804118 ZBRO Light test end
04119 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, incorrect system
monitoring after activation
04119 EMOSImplausibility between clutch position and clutch activations
performed04119 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 11904119 ZBR2 Left turning light
04120 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, incompatible software
components04120 EMOS Timeout of KSM1 message04120 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 12004120 ZBR2 Right turning light
04121 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, fault in electronic
04121 EMOSChecksum error when reading out data from EEPROM on ECU
start04121 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 12104121 ZBR2 Left daytime driving light
04122 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, internal control unit
test incorrect
04122 EMOSElectrical power supply of gearshift and selection sensor: Value
range exceeded04122 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 12204122 ZBR2 Right daytime driving light
04123 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, unknown pressure
control module fault code04123 EMOS Clutch biting point cannot be ascertained04123 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 12304123 ZBR2 Daytime driving light switch
04124 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, incorrect system
monitoring after activation04124 EMOS Gear disengagement04124 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 12404124 ZBR2 Light on alarm start
04125 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the system04125 EMOS Gate selection in gear engagement04125 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 12504125 ZBR2 Light switch power supply
04126 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, EEPROM cannot be
written04126 EMOS Gear selection procedure04126 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 126
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message04126 ZBR2 Side marker light left or right
04127 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the system04127 EMOS Gear synchronisation04127 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 127
04128 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, EEPROM cannot be
written04128 EMOS Gear engagement04128 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 128
04129 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the system04129 EMOS Timeout of ERC1_RX message04129 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 129
04130 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, EEPROM cannot be
written04130 EMOS Float switch signals Pentosin level too low04130 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 130
04131 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the system04131 EMOS Gearshift sensor temperature04131 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 131
04132 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, EEPROM cannot be
written04132 EMOS Selection sensor temperature04132 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 132
04133 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the system04133 EMOS Timeout of PROP_A message04133 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 133
04134 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, EEPROM cannot be
04134 EMOSTear-off or undervoltage of VPHS (TL 30-1). Pump inoperative
or only operable with restrictions.04134 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 134
04135 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the system
04135 EMOSTear-off or undervoltage of VP (TL 30-2). Redundant power
supply is no longer available.04135 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 135
04136 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, EEPROM cannot be
04136 EMOS
Tear-off or excessive voltage drop of VMHS (TL 31-1). ECU power supply via VM (TL 31-2). Pump inoperative or only
operable with restrictions.04136 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 136
04137 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 1, short circuit to
terminal 1504137 EMOS Clutch venting not successful04137 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 13704138 EBS_5 Power supply pressure module on wheel 104138 EMOS Main shut-off relay 104138 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 138
04139 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 1, short circuit between
the connection cables04139 EMOS Main switch-off relay 1 discontinuity04139 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 139
04140 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 2, short circuit to
terminal 1504140 EMOS Main shut-off relay 204140 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 140
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message04141 EBS_5 Power supply pressure module on wheel 204141 EMOS Main switch-off relay 2 discontinuity04141 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 141
04142 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 2, short circuit between
the connection cables04142 EMOS Clutch opening valve 104142 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 142
04143 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 3, short circuit to
terminal 1504143 EMOS Clutch engagement valve 104143 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 14304144 EBS_5 Power supply pressure module on wheel 304144 EMOS Selection valve positive04144 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 144
04145 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 3, short circuit between
the connection cables04145 EMOS Selection valve negative04145 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 145
04146 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 4, short circuit to
terminal 1504146 EMOS Gearshift pressure modulation valve04146 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 14604147 EBS_5 Power supply pressure module on wheel 404147 EMOS Gearshift direction solenoid valve positive04147 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 147
04148 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 4, short circuit between
the connection cables04148 EMOS Gearshift direction solenoid valve negative04148 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 148
04149 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 5, short circuit to
terminal 1504149 EMOS Clutch opening valve 204149 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 14904150 EBS_5 Power supply pressure module on wheel 504150 EMOS Clutch engagement valve 204150 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 150
04151 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 5, short circuit between
the connection cables04151 EMOS Analogue/digital earth power current supply04151 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 151
04152 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 6, short circuit to
terminal 1504152 EMOS Analogue/digital earth power current supply04152 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 15204153 EBS_5 Power supply pressure module on wheel 604153 EMOS Analogue/digital earth power current supply04153 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 153
04154 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 6, short circuit between
the connection cables04154 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 15404155 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 104155 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 15504156 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 204156 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 15604157 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 304157 EMOS Digital output earth for activating e-components, pin X1/304157 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 15704158 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 404158 EMOS Digital output earth for activating e-components, pin X1/304158 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 158
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message04159 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 504159 EMOS Digital output earth for activating e-components, pin X1/304159 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 15904160 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 604160 EMOS ‘Idling speed switch’ signal or ‘Kickdown active’ signal04160 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16004161 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun of message 1104161 EMOS Wheel differential speed signal04161 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16104162 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun of message 1204162 EMOS Time information via CAN is not completely available04162 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16204163 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun of message 13
04163 EMOS Selection actuator system switch-off because on-time exceeded04163 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16304164 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun of message 14
04164 EMOS Gearshift actuator system switch-off because on-time exceeded04164 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16404165 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun of message 2104165 EMOS On-time exceeded for selection actuator system04165 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16504166 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun of message 2204166 EMOS On-time exceeded for engagement actuator system04166 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16604167 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun of message 2304167 EMOS On-time exceeded for hydraulic pump04167 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16704168 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1, time overrun of message 2404168 EMOS Temperature below permitted limit value04168 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16804169 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun of message 1104169 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 16904170 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun of message 12
04170 EMOS Safety device (WDC/redundant shut-off path) does not function04170 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17004171 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun of message 1304171 EMOS ‘Temperature sensor next to pump output stage’ signal04171 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17104172 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun of message 1404172 EMOS No pressure build-up possible during pump activation04172 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17204173 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun of message 2104173 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17304174 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun of message 2204174 EMOS Vibrations on gearshift controller04174 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17404175 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun of message 2304175 EMOS Vibrations on selection controller04175 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17504176 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 2, time overrun of message 2404176 EMOS Vibrations on clutch controller04176 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17604177 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun of message 1104177 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17704178 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun of message 1204178 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17804179 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun of message 13
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message04179 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 17904180 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun of message 14
04180 EMOSSequence monitoring has detected error in function call
sequence04180 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18004181 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun of message 2104181 EMOS Security layer activated04181 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18104182 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun of message 2204182 EMOS Engaged gear cannot be ascertained04182 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18204183 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun of message 2304183 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18304184 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 3, time overrun of message 2404184 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18404185 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun of message 1104185 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18504186 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun of message 1204186 EMOS Vehicle speed signals04186 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18604187 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun of message 1304187 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18704188 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun of message 1404188 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18804189 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun of message 2104189 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 18904190 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun of message 2204190 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19004191 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun of message 2304191 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19104192 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 4, time overrun of message 2404192 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19204193 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun of message 1104193 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19304194 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun of message 1204194 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19404195 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun of message 1304195 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19504196 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun of message 1404196 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19604197 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun of message 2104197 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19704198 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun of message 2204198 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19804199 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun of message 2304199 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 19904200 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 5, time overrun of message 2404200 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 20004200 ZBR2 Entry light and interior lighting, right04201 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun of message 1104201 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 20104201 ZBR2 Entry light and interior lighting, left04202 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun of message 1204202 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 20204202 ZBRO Interior lighting check04203 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun of message 1304203 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 20304203 ZBRO Interior lighting 104204 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun of message 1404204 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 204
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 227 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04204 ZBRO Interior lighting 1 continuous04205 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun of message 2104205 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 20504205 ZBRO Interior lighting 1 economy04206 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun of message 2204206 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 20604206 ZBRO Interior lighting 1 full04207 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun of message 2304207 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 20704207 ZBRO Interior lighting 204208 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 6, time overrun of message 2404208 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 20804208 ZBRO Interior lighting 2 continuous
04209 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 1,
faulty electronic circuit04209 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 20904209 ZBRO Interior lighting 2 economy
04210 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 2,
faulty electronic circuit04210 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21004210 ZBRO Interior lighting 2 full
04211 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 3,
faulty electronic circuit04211 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21104211 ZBRO Interior lighting 2a continuous
04212 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 4,
faulty electronic circuit04212 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21204212 ZBRO Interior lighting 2a full
04213 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 5,
faulty electronic circuit04213 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21304213 ZBRO Interior lighting 2b continuous
04214 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 6,
faulty electronic circuit04214 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21404214 ZBRO Interior lighting 2b full
04215 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 7,
faulty electronic circuit04215 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21504215 ZBRO Interior lighting 3
04216 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 8,
faulty electronic circuit04216 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21604216 ZBRO Interior lighting 3
04217 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 1,
faulty electronic circuit04217 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21704217 ZBRO Interior lighting 3 check04218 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 2, air gap too great04218 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21804218 ZBRO Interior lighting 3 economy04219 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 3, air gap too great04219 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 21904219 ZBRO Interior lighting 3 full04220 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 4, air gap too great04220 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 22004220 ZBRO Night lighting04221 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 5, air gap too great04221 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 221
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 228 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04221 ZBRO Night lighting04222 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 6, air gap too great04222 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 22204222 ZBRO Night lighting check04223 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 7, air gap too great04223 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 22304223 ZBRO Interior lighting 2c full04224 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 8, air gap too great04224 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 22404224 ZBRO Interior lighting 1a full04225 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 1, impulse wheel defective04225 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 22504225 ZBRO Interior lighting 1b full04226 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 2, impulse wheel defective04226 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 22604226 ZBRO Interior lighting 1c full04227 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 3, impulse wheel defective04227 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 22704227 ZBRO Interior lighting reduction04228 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 4, impulse wheel defective04228 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 22804228 ZBRO Interior lighting reduct. check04229 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 5, impulse wheel defective04229 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 22904229 ZBRO Footwell lighting04230 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 6, impulse wheel defective04230 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23004230 ZBRO Footwell lighting04231 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 7, impulse wheel defective04231 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23104231 ZBRO Aisle lighting04232 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 8, impulse wheel defective04232 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23204232 ZBRO Reading lights on04233 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 1, tyre diameter too great04233 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23304233 ZBRO Reading lights enable04234 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 2, tyre diameter too great04234 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23404234 ZBRO Interior lighting 404235 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 3, tyre diameter too great04235 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23504235 ZBR2 Left entry lighting04236 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 4, tyre diameter too great04236 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23604236 ZBR2 Right entry lighting04237 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 5, tyre diameter too great04237 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23704238 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 6, tyre diameter too great04238 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23804239 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 7, tyre diameter too great04239 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 23904240 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 8, tyre diameter too great04240 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 24004241 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 104241 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 241
04242 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04242 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 242
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 229 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04243 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04243 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 24304244 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 204244 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 244
04245 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04245 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 245
04246 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04246 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 24604247 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 304247 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 247
04248 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04248 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 248
04249 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04249 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 24904250 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 404250 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 250
04251 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04251 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 251
04252 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04252 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 25204253 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 504253 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 253
04254 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04254 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 254
04255 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04255 TBM No response to DM4 request to control unit 25504256 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6
04257 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6, valve cannot be
switched and is opened
04258 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 6, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04259 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1
04260 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be
switched and is opened
04261 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04262 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2
04263 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be
switched and is opened
04264 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04265 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3
04266 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be
switched and is opened
04267 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04268 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4
04269 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be
switched and is opened
04270 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be
switched and is closedSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 230 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04271 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5
04272 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be
switched and is opened
04273 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04274 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6
04275 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04276 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 1
04277 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 1, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04278 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 2
04279 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 2, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04280 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 3
04281 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 3, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04282 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 4
04283 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 4, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04284 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 5
04285 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 5, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04286 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 6
04287 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 6, valve cannot be
switched and is closed
04288 EBS_5Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 1, offset learned by
teach-in04289 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 1, signal04290 EBS_5 Frequent-stop brake check lamp
04291 EBS_5Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 2, offset learned by
teach-in04292 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 2, signal
04294 EBS_5Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 3, offset learned by
teach-in04295 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 3, signal
04297 EBS_5Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 4, offset learned by
teach-in04298 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 4, signal
04300 EBS_5Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5, offset learned by
teach-in is too high04300 ZBR2 Fill level, cleaning water04301 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5, signal04301 ZBR2 Washer pump04301 ZBRO Windscreen washers
04302 EBS_5Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 5, offset learned by
teach-in is too low04302 ZBR2 Intermittent wipe switch04302 ZBRO Windscreen wiper interval
04303 EBS_5Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 6, offset learned by
teach-in04303 ZBR2 CLK interval switch04304 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 6, signal04304 ZBR2 Windscreen washer button04304 ZBRO Windscreen washers04305 ZBR2 Rain sensor signal04306 EBS_5 Wheel 1: Brake performance monitoring04306 ZBR2 Fill level, headlight cleaning system04307 EBS_5 Wheel 2: Brake performance monitoring04307 ZBR2 Pump, headlight cleaning system
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 231 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04308 EBS_5 Wheel 3: Brake performance monitoring04308 ZBR2 Wiper motor revolutions04309 EBS_5 Wheel 4: Brake performance monitoring04309 ZBR2 Wiper motor speed04310 EBS_5 Wheel 5: Brake performance monitoring04310 ZBR2 Wiper relay (spare relay, parking light)04310 ZBRO Windscreen wiper relay04311 EBS_5 Wheel 6: Brake performance monitoring04311 ZBR2 Wiper limit switch04311 ZBRO Windscreen wiper zero position
04312 EBS_5(!) Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time04312 ZBR2 Wiper switch position
04313 EBS_5(!) Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time04313 ZBRO Windscreen wiper stage 1
04314 EBS_5(!) Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time04314 ZBRO Windscreen wiper stage 2
04315 EBS_5(!) Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time
04316 EBS_5(!) Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time
04317 EBS_5(!) Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time04318 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault04319 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault04320 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault04321 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault04322 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault04323 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault
04324 EBS_5(!) Wheel 1 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
04325 EBS_5(!) Wheel 2 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
04326 EBS_5(!) Wheel 3 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
04327 EBS_5(!) Wheel 4 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
04328 EBS_5(!) Wheel 5 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
04329 EBS_5(!) Wheel 6 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast
04330 EBS_5External sequential fault: External vehicle speed signal
04331 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with gearbox control unit on CAN (SA=0x03)
04332 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in communication with EAC control unit d on CAN (SA=0x30)
04333 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in communication with ECAS control unit on CAN (SA=0x2F)
04334 EBS_5
External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in communication with central on-board computer on CAN
(SA=0x21)SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 232 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04335 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun in communication with
trailer control unit 1
04336 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun in communication with
trailer control unit 2
04337 EBS_5(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausible intake
valve actuation
04338 EBS_5(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Residual pressure
04339 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and parking brake signal
04340 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and long actuation of the parking
brake switch
04341 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and long actuation of the anti-
jackknife brake valve
04342 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and parking brake switch and
trailer brake switch not actuated
04343 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and parking brake signal
04344 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and long actuation of the parking
brake switch
04345 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and long actuation of the anti-
jackknife brake switch
04346 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure at the end of braking and parking brake switch and
trailer brake switch not actuated
04347 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve actuation and parking brake signal
04348 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve actuation and long actuation of the
parking brake switch
04349 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve actuation and long actuation of the
valve-controlled trailer brake switch
04350 EBS_5
(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Implausibly high pressure in the exhaust valve actuation and parking brake
switch and trailer brake switch not actuated04351 EBS_5 J1939 (driveline CAN): Time overrun in EBC1-RX message
04352 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressure
04353 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressure
04354 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressure
04355 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressure
04356 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressureSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 233 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04357 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressure
04358 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request
04359 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request
04360 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request
04361 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request
04362 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request
04363 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request
04364 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1: Full
braking test
04365 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2: Full
braking test
04366 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3: Full
braking test
04367 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4: Full
braking test
04368 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5: Full
braking test
04369 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6: Full
braking test
04370 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1: Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module
pressure and supply pressure
04371 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2: Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module
pressure and supply pressure
04372 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3: Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module
pressure and supply pressure
04373 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4: Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module
pressure and supply pressure
04374 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5: Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module
pressure and supply pressure
04375 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6: Nominal/actual comparison between pressure regulating module
pressure and supply pressure
04376 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Temporary backup test
04377 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Temporary backup test
04378 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Temporary backup test
04379 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Temporary backup test
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 234 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04380 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Temporary backup test
04381 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Temporary backup test
04382 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Temporary brake test
04383 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Temporary brake test
04384 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Temporary brake test
04385 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Temporary brake test
04386 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Temporary brake test
04387 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Temporary brake test
04388 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04389 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04390 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04391 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04392 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04393 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible pressure differential right/left
04394 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04395 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04396 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04397 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04398 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04399 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied
04400 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04400 ZBR2 Grease quantity, central lubrication system
04401 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04401 ZBR2 Motor, central lubrication system
04402 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04402 ZBR2 Pump strokes, central lubrication system
04403 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04403 ZBR2 Interim lubrication button
04404 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04404 ZBRO Central lubrication system
04405 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04405 ZBRO Central lubrication system
04406 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible intake valve actuationSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 235 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04407 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04408 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04409 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04410 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04411 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible intake valve actuation
04412 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04413 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04414 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04415 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04416 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04417 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04418 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 1:
Residual pressure detected
04419 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 2:
Residual pressure detected
04420 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 3:
Residual pressure detected
04421 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 4:
Residual pressure detected
04422 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 5:
Residual pressure detected
04423 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 6:
Residual pressure detected04424 EBS_5 (!) Yaw angle sensor: Standstill calibration failed04425 EBS_5 (!) Yaw angle sensor: Long-time calibration failed04426 EBS_5 (!) Yaw angle sensor: Fine tuning failed
04427 EBS_5(!) Yaw angle sensor: Implausible signal (outside the validity
range of the physical model)04428 EBS_5 (!) Yaw angle sensor: Signal gradient too high
04429 EBS_5(!) Yaw angle sensor: Implausible sensor signal in relation to
reference yaw angle04430 EBS_5 (!) Yaw angle sensor: Static self-check failed04431 EBS_5 (!) Yaw angle sensor: Dynamic self-check failed04432 ACC Cruise control switch (sleeve) operated
04432 EBS_5 (!) Transverse acceleration sensor: Standstill calibration failed04433 ACC Cruise control switch ‘Off’ operated
04433 EBS_5(!) Central control unit B-controller: ABS reference pressure
04434 ACC Driving speed limiter mode / driving speed limiter switch is on04434 EBS_5 (!) ABS logic: Implausible activation time04435 ACC Parking brake not released/parking brake applied
04435 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, inconsistent driver
software version between ECU and boot loader04436 ACC ABS defective/invalid
04436 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, checksum error in
external flash memory04437 ACC EBS defective/invalid
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 236 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04437 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1, outdated driver
software04438 ACC Pedal brake pressed
04438 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, inconsistent driver
software version between ECU and boot loader04439 ACC Sustained-action brake lever operated
04439 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, checksum error in
external flash memory04440 ACC Sustained-action brakes ‘Off’
04440 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2, outdated driver
software04441 ACC ASR intervention
04441 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, inconsistent driver
software version between ECU and boot loader04442 ACC ABS intervention
04442 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, checksum error in
external flash memory04443 ACC ESP intervention
04443 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3, outdated driver
software04444 ACC ACC has activated EBS for too long / brake temperature
04444 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, inconsistent driver
software version between ECU and boot loader04445 ACC Engine speed too low
04445 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, checksum error in
external flash memory04446 ACC Delay too long
04446 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4, outdated driver
software04447 ACC No/invalid road speed
04447 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, inconsistent driver
software version between ECU and boot loader04448 ACC No EBS intervention possible
04448 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, checksum error in
external flash memory04449 ACC EBS status check
04449 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5, outdated driver
software04450 ACC ESP defective
04450 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, inconsistent driver
software version between ECU and boot loader04451 ACC No brake pedal / invalid CAN message EBC1.Brake pedal
04451 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, checksum error in
external flash memory
04452 ACCSustained-action brake lever defective / invalid CAN message
ERC1X.Sustained-action brake lever
04452 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6, outdated driver
software04453 ACC No engine / invalid CAN message EEC1.Torque
04453 EBS_5Central control unit — B-controller: Configured service brake
module characteristic has exceeded range
04454 ACCEngine intervention not by ACC, driver, gearbox, HGB, FGB,
EDR or brake
04454 EBS_5
(!) Central control unit — B-controller: Implausibly large difference between the deceleration requirements calculated by both
controllers04455 ACC No engine revs / invalid CAN message EEC1.Engine revs
04455 EBS_5Central control unit — B-controller critical: Variable range overrun
or invalid function call
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 237 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04456 ACCNo accelerator pedal / invalid CAN message EEC2.Accelerator
04456 EBS_5Central control unit — B-controller critical: Checksum error in boot
loader software
04457 ACCNo accelerator pedal / invalid CAN message EEC2.Idling speed
04457 EBS_5Central control unit B-controller critical: Checksum error in
external flash memory
04458 ACCNo RX / Invalid CAN message ERC1_RX. Torques (engine
brake)04458 EBS_5 Central control unit B-controller critical: RAM check failed
04459 ACCNo RD / Invalid CAN message ERC1_RD. Torques (secondary
04459 EBS_5Central control unit B-controller critical: Arithmetic comparison
test in microcontroller failed
04460 ACCNo RE / Invalid CAN message ERC1_RE. Torques (primary
04460 EBS_5 Central control unit B-controller critical: Stack memory overrun04461 ACC Retarder intervention fault
04461 EBS_5
Central control unit B-controller critical: SWI instruction or watchdog or clock pulse generator or PLL defect or external
interruption was activated04462 ACC No earth
04462 EBS_5Central control unit B-controller critical: Internal microcontroller
fault detected04463 ACC Display defective
04463 EBS_5 Central control unit B-controller critical: Internal control unit fault
04464 ACCNo cruise control switch / invalid CAN message CCVS.Cruise
control switch
04464 EBS_5 Central control unit B-controller critical: Internal control unit fault
04465 ACCCruise control active in ACC mode / invalid CAN message
CCVS.Enable == cruise control
04465 EBS_5 Central control unit B-controller critical: Internal control unit fault
04466 ACCNo driving speed limiter switch / invalid CAN message
CCVS.Driving speed limiter switch
04466 EBS_5Central control unit B-controller critical: Unused interrupt routine
04467 ACCNo OFF sustained-action brakes / invalid CAN message
04467 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7: Mismatch between
control unit types of operating software and boot loader
04468 ACCNo cruise control lever / invalid CAN message CCVS.Off switch
or CCVS.Lever
04468 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 1: Short circuit to
04469 ACCNo distance selector switch / invalid CAN message
04469 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 2: Short circuit to
04470 ACCDriveline fault / invalid CAN message ETC1.ShiftInProcess or
04470 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 3: Short circuit to
ground04471 ACC Clutch fault / invalid CAN message CCVS.Clutch
04471 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 4: Short circuit to
groundSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 238 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04472 ACC Clutch travel invalid
04472 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 5: Short circuit to
04473 ACC Speed irregularities between EEC1.Engine revs and TCO1.Revs
04473 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 6: Short circuit to
ground04474 ACC Valid ETC2.Ratio markedly different from valid speed ratio
04474 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 7: Short circuit to
ground04475 ACC No TCO speed / invalid CAN message TCO.Speed
04475 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 8: Short circuit to
ground04476 ACC No wheel speed / invalid CAN message EBC2.Speed
04476 EBS_5 Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 1: was deactivated04477 ACC Engine speed too high
04477 EBS_5 Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 2: was deactivated04478 ACC No gear or clutch disengaged / open driveline for about 10 s
04478 EBS_5 Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 3: was deactivated04479 ACC Speed too slow
04479 EBS_5 Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 4: was deactivated04480 ACC Speed too fast
04480 EBS_5 Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 5: was deactivated04481 ACC Bend too tight / valid bending too great
04481 EBS_5 Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 6: was deactivated04482 ACC No / invalid yaw rate
04482 EBS_5 Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 7: was deactivated04483 ACC No / invalid transverse acceleration
04483 EBS_5 Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 8: was deactivated
04484 ACC Radar still in initialisation mode (after ACC initialisation mode)
04484 EBS_5(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Control piston (42) is
defective04485 ACC Bending is detected as invalid in CAN message04485 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor: Speed comparison
04486 EBS_5Differential lock valve (differential lock switch): Installed
component but not configured
04487 EBS_5ESP sensor voltage supply: Faulty electronic circuit in EBS
control unit04488 EBS_5 Central control unit B-controller: Cannot be switched OFF04489 EBS_5 Central control unit A-controller: internal calculation error
04490 EBS_5J1939 (driveline CAN): Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with ACC control unit on CAN (SA=0x2A)
04491 EBS_5Central control unit A-controller: Mismatch between control unit
types of operating software and boot loader
04492 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 1: Current magnitude
too high
04493 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 2: Current magnitude
too high
04494 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 1: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 239 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04495 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 3: Current magnitude
too high
04496 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 2: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle
04497 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 4: Current magnitude
too high
04498 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 3: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle04499 ACC ACC control unit is still in initialisation phase
04499 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 5: Current magnitude
too high04500 ACC Internal system error, Trap NMI
04500 DIW5Engine speed acquisition (positive connection of the sensor or
the sensor circuit)
04500 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 4: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle04500 ZBR2 Steering/trailing axle/anti-jacknife protection04500 ZBRO Steering oil level too low04501 ACC Internal system error, Stack overflow
04501 DIW5Gearbox output speed acquisition (positive connection of the
sensor or the sensor circuit)
04501 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 6: Current magnitude
too high04502 ACC Internal system error, Stack underflow04502 DIW5 Turbine speed acquisition
04502 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 5: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle04502 ZBR2 Power steering oil level circuit 204503 ACC Internal system error, Trap ILLBUS
04503 DIW5Turbine speed acquisition (positive connection of the sensor or
the sensor circuit)
04503 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 6: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle04503 ZBRO Anti-jackknife protection damping04504 ACC Internal system error, Trap ILLINA
04504 DIW5Gear oil temperature acquisition (negative connection of the
sensor or the sensor circuit)
04504 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 7: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle04504 ZBRO Anti-jackknife protection oil level too low04505 ACC Internal system error, Trap ILLOPA
04505 DIW5Gear oil temperature acquisition (positive connection of the
sensor or the sensor circuit)
04505 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 8: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle04505 ZBRO Anti-jackknife protection oil level too low04506 ACC Internal system error, Trap PRTFLT
04506 DIW5Retarder oil temperature acquisition (negative connection of the
sensor or the sensor circuit)
04506 EBS_5Supply voltage trailer control module valve: Current magnitude
too high04506 ZBRO Articulation damping button04507 ACC Internal system error, Trap UNDOPC
04507 DIW5Retarder oil temperature acquisition (positive connection of the
sensor or the sensor circuit)
04507 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 1: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles04507 ZBRO Articulation angle > 48 degrees04508 ACC Internal system error, Trap PECC504508 DIW5 Solenoid valve supply voltage
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 240 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04508 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 2: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles04508 ZBRO Steering oil level too low04509 ACC Internal system error, Trap PECC604509 DIW5 Central solenoid valve handler
04509 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 3: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles04509 ZBRO Steering adjustment enable04510 ACC Internal system error, Trap PECC7
04510 DIW5Working coil of the EK solenoid valve (cabling between input
clutch solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)
04510 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 4: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles04510 ZBRO Brake lamp to steered trailing axle04511 ACC Internal RAM defective / memory test on switch-on
04511 DIW5Measuring coil of the EK solenoid valve (cabling between input
clutch solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)
04511 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 5: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles04511 ZBRO Bus-stop brake to steered trailing axle04512 ACC External RAM defective / address line test on switch-on
04512 DIW5Cabling between negative connection of the working coil of the
EK (input clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit
04512 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 6: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles04512 ZBRO Engine running to steered trailing axle04513 ACC External RAM defective / memory test on switch-on
04513 DIW5Cabling between negative connection of the measuring coil of
the EK (input clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit
04513 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 7: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles04513 ZBRO Steered trailing axle check yellow04514 ACC Flash defective / Flash checksum test on switch-on
04514 DIW5Cabling between positive connection of the working coil of the
EK (input clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit
04514 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 8: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles04514 ZBRO Steered trailing axle check red
04515 ACCExternal watchdog / Test of function of the external watchdog on
04515 DIW5Cabling between positive connection of the measuring coil of the
EK (input clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit04515 ZBRO Steered trailing axle red STOP04516 ACC Program runtime exceeded04516 ZBRO Steered trailing axle check oil level04517 ACC HighLevelTask too long / runtime monitoring04517 EBS_5 Central control unit — A-controller: Checksum error04517 ZBRO Steered trailing axle check oil level04518 ACC LowLevelTask too long / runtime monitoring
04518 EBS_5Central control unit — A-controller: Incompatible software
components04518 ZBRO Anti-jackknife protection bypass damping04519 ACC Application task too long
04519 EBS_5Central control unit — A-controller: Checksum error in the boot
loader software04519 ZBRO Steered trailing axle check yellow
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 241 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04520 ACC Supply voltage (tl.15) too low
04520 DIW5Working coil of the DK solenoid valve (cabling between pressure
clutch solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)
04520 EBS_5Central control unit — B-controller: Mismatch between control unit
types of operating software and boot loader04520 ZBRO Steered trailing axle check red04521 ACC TL30 voltage too low
04521 DIW5Measuring coil of the DK solenoid valve (cabling between
pressure clutch solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)04521 EBS_5 Central control unit — B-controller: Checksum error04521 ZBRO Steered trailing axle red STOP04522 ACC Relay defective, no TL30
04522 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the working coil of theDK (pressure clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
04522 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: implausible values in
configuration list04522 ZBRO Bus-stop brake automatic shut-off to steered trailing axle04523 ACC Relay defective, continuous TL30
04523 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the measuring coil of the DK (pressure clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
04523 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in configuration
list04523 ZBR2 Steering oil pressure wheel-driven04524 ACC Invalid data record / EEPROM checksum test on switch-on
04524 DIW5
Cabling between positive connection of the working coil of theDK (pressure clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
04524 EBS_5 Transverse acceleration sensor: EOL calibration not completed04524 ZBR2 Steering oil pressure engine-driven
04525 ACC Driveline Can error / if Bus-Off is reached and 0.5 s afterwards.
04525 DIW5
Cabling between positive connection of the measuring coil of the DK (pressure clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
unit.04525 ZBRO Articulation angle > 17 degrees04526 ACC Driveline Can error / if overflow occurred in CAN controller04526 EBS_5 ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): CAN-Low line defective04526 ZBRO Anti-jackknife protection engine idling
04527 ACCCannot send TSC1-EBS / last send message has not been sent
yet04527 EBS_5 ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): CAN-High line defective04527 ZBRO Anti-jackknife protection torque reduction
04528 ACCCannot send TSC1-FFR / last send message has not been sent
yet04528 EBS_5 Brakes CAN: No communication04528 ZBRO Articulation button when driving forwards04529 ACC EBC1 CAN message not received04529 EBS_5 Sensor CAN: No communication04529 ZBRO Articulation button in R gear/art. ang. > 48 deg.04530 ACC ERC1_RX CAN message not received (engine brake)
04530 DIW5Working coil of the SK solenoid valve (cabling between high
range clutch solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)
04530 EBS_5Time overrun or implausible status in communication with the
ACC control unit (SA=0x2A)04530 ZBRO Articulation angle < 17 degrees04531 ACC ERC1_RE CAN message not received (primary retarder)
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 242 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04531 DIW5Measuring coil of the SK solenoid valve (cabling between high
range clutch solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)
04531 EBS_5Supply voltage for the EBS control unit: Range overrun or
underrun (< 8.5 volts / > 36 volts)04531 ZBRO Steering column adjustment04532 ACC ERC1_RD CAN message not received (secondary retarder)
04532 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the working coil of theSK (high range clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
unit.04532 EBS_5 Yaw angle sensor: implausible values04533 ACC EEC1 CAN message not received
04533 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the measuring coil of the SK (high range clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox
control unit.
04533 EBS_5Supply voltage for pressure control valves and trailer control
module: Range underrun when starting04534 ACC CCVS CAN message not received
04534 DIW5
Cabling between positive connection of the working coil of theSK (high range clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
04534 EBS_5 Supply voltage for the modules: Range underrun when starting
04535 ACCNot all control lever operations / CCVS (cruise control/vehicle
speed) message cycle too fast
04535 DIW5
Cabling between positive connection of the measuring coil of the SK (high range clutch) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
unit.04535 EBS_5 Supply voltage for the CAN: Range underrun when starting04536 ACC TCO1 CAN message not received04536 EBS_5 Supply voltage for the ESP sensors: Range underrun04537 ACC EBC2 CAN message not received04537 EBS_5 Supply voltage for the pressure module: Range underrun04538 ACC EEC2 CAN message not received
04538 EBS_5Supply voltage for electronic pressure control of the pressure
modules: Range underrun04539 ACC ETC1 CAN message not received
04539 EBS_5Supply voltage for the pressure regulating valves: Range
underrun04540 ACC ETC2 CAN message not received
04540 DIW5Working coil of the PB solenoid valve (cabling between pump
brake solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)04540 EBS_5 Supply voltage for the additional valve: Range underrun04541 ACC TC1 CAN message not received
04541 DIW5Measuring coil of the PB solenoid valve (cabling between pump
brake solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)
04541 EBS_5 Supply voltage for the differential lock switch: Range underrun04542 ACC VDC1 CAN message not received
04542 DIW5Cabling between negative connection of the working coil of thePB (pump brake) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit.
04542 EBS_5Supply voltage for the trailer control module valves: Range
underrun04543 ACC AUX1_ZBR CAN message not received
04543 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the measuring coil of the PB (pump brake) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
unit.04543 EBS_5 Supply voltage for J1939 (driveline CAN): Range underrun
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 243 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04544 ACC Cannot send ACC1 / last send message has not been sent yet
04544 DIW5Cabling between positive connection of the working coil of thePB (pump brake) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit.
04544 EBS_5 Supply voltage for ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): Range underrun
04545 ACC Cannot send DM1 / last send message has not been sent yet
04545 DIW5Cabling between positive connection of the measuring coil of the
PB (pump brake) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit.04545 EBS_5 Supply voltage for CAN brake: Range underrun
04546 ACCSynchronisation error / TCO1 CAN messages not received in
cycle04546 EBS_5 ABS logic: Request red warning lamp04547 ACC WEIG CAN message not received04547 EBS_5 System test: Invalid configuration04548 ACC ALB CAN message not received04548 EBS_5 System test: Reconfiguration of pressure control module
04549 ACCCannot send Trans-Conf request / Cannot request Trans Config
CAN message04549 EBS_5 System test: Dynamometer test rig mode active
04550 ACCNo configuration messages / Trans,Rx,Rd,Re,Ccvs Config not
04550 DIW5
Working coil of the RBK solenoid valve (cabling between reverse gear brake solenoid valve small piston and the gearbox
control unit)
04550 EBS_5System test: Pressure regulating module voltage supply; short
circuit to terminal 1504551 ACC Eng-Conf CAN messages not received
04551 DIW5
Measuring coil of the RBK solenoid valve (cabling betweenreverse gear brake small piston solenoid valve and the gearbox
control unit)
04551 EBS_5External sequential fault: External vehicle weight signal
implausible (CAN message: vehicle weight)
04552 ACCCheck EBC1 timeout / Timeout was only detected by additional
04552 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the working coil of theRBK (reverse gear brake small piston) solenoid valve and the
gearbox control unit.04552 EBS_5 External sequential fault: Trailer ABS is not fully functional
04553 ACCCheck brake / Excessive braking time only detected in additional
04553 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the measuring coil of the RBK (reverse gear brake small piston) solenoid valve and
the gearbox control unit.
04553 EBS_5 External sequential fault: External input is implausible for ESP
04554 ACCCheck TCO1 tachograph timeout / Timeout was only detected
by additional monitoring
04554 DIW5
Cabling between positive connection of the working coil of theRBK (reverse gear brake small piston) solenoid valve and the
gearbox control unit.
04554 EBS_5External sequential fault: External input is implausible for EBS
04555 ACCCheck delay / Excessively long delay was only detected in
additional monitoring
04555 DIW5
Cabling between positive connection of the measuring coil of the RBK (reverse gear brake small piston) solenoid valve and the
gearbox control unit.SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 244 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04555 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on04556 ACC Sensor CAN fault / if Bus-Off is reached
04556 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 3004557 ACC SSTA not received
04557 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 1: incorrect / inconsistent
data record parameter in EEPROM04558 ACC STGT not received04558 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1: No communication04559 ACC STGT2 not received
04559 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on04560 ACC Radar fault / internal radar fault
04560 DIW5Working coil of the TB solenoid valve (cabling between turbine
brake solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)
04560 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 30
04561 ACCRadar fault / incorrect or irreparably damaged radar software
04561 DIW5Measuring coil of the TB solenoid valve (cabling between turbine
brake solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)
04561 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 2: incorrect / inconsistent
data record parameter in EEPROM
04562 ACCRadar fault / Incorrect or irreparably damaged radar software
04562 DIW5Cabling between negative connection of the working coil of theTB (turbine brake) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit.
04562 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 2: No communication04563 ACC Radar fault / supply voltage too high
04563 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the measuring coil of the TB (turbine brake) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
04563 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on04564 ACC Radar fault / supply voltage too low
04564 DIW5Cabling between positive connection of the working coil of the
TB (turbine brake) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit.
04564 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 3004565 ACC Radar fault / TRM too hot
04565 DIW5Cabling between positive connection of the measuring coil of the
TB (turbine brake) solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit.
04565 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 3: incorrect / inconsistent
data record parameter in EEPROM04566 ACC Radar fault / TRM too cold04566 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 3: No communication04567 ACC Radar fault / PCM too hot
04567 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on04568 ACC Radar fault / sensor CAN bus fault
04568 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 3004569 ACC Radar fault / sensor CAN message fault
04569 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 4: incorrect / inconsistent
data record parameter in EEPROM04570 ACC Radar fault / no parameter settings
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 245 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04570 DIW5WP solenoid valve (cabling between converter pressure
solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)04570 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 4: No communication04571 ACC Radar fault / pairing fault
04571 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on04572 ACC Radar fault / HF switched off
04572 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the working coil of theWP (converter pressure) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
04572 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 3004573 ACC Radar fault / sensor alignment fault
04573 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 5: incorrect / inconsistent
data record parameter in EEPROM04574 ACC Radar fault / background noise fault
04574 DIW5
Cabling between positive connection of the working coil of theWP (converter pressure) solenoid valve and the gearbox control
unit.04574 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 5: No communication04575 ACC Radar fault / aerial blocked
04575 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on04576 ACC ESP gyro fault
04576 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 3004577 ACC Cannot send YRSContr. / last gyro request not sent
04577 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 6: incorrect / inconsistent
data record parameter in EEPROM04578 ACC Cannot receive YRSData / gyro message not received04578 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 6: No communication04579 ACC YRS fault / internal gyro fault or wrong ID
04579 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on04580 ACC Cannot send SVEH
04580 DIW5WR solenoid valve (cabling between converter pressure control
solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)
04580 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 3004581 ACC Yaw rates installation / Internal gyro installed incorrectly
04581 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7: incorrect / inconsistent
data record parameter in EEPROM
04582 ACCTransverse acceleration installation / Internal gyro installed
04582 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the working coil of theWR (converter pressure control) solenoid valve and the gearbox
control unit.04582 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 7: No communication04583 ACC User stack error
04583 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on04584 ACC Piece AT fault
04584 DIW5
Cabling between positive connection of the working coil of theWR (converter pressure control) solenoid valve and the gearbox
control unit.
04584 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 3004585 ACC ACC status fault
04585 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8: incorrect / inconsistent
data record parameter in EEPROMSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 246 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04586 ACC EBC5 message not received (high resolution wheel speed)04586 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 8: No communication04587 EBS_5 Pedal brake module switch 1: internal control unit fault04588 EBS_5 Central control unit — B-controller: internal control unit fault
04589 EBS_5Central control unit — B-controller: Analog / digital converter
comparison error
04590 DIW5RBG solenoid valve (cabling between reverse gear brake large
piston solenoid valve and the gearbox control unit)04590 EBS_5 Central control unit — B-controller: Incorrect function call04591 DIW5 Solenoid valve RBG04591 EBS_5 Central control unit — B-controller: Self test comparison error
04592 DIW5
Cabling between negative connection of the working coil of theRBG (reverse gear brake large piston) solenoid valve and the
gearbox control unit.04592 EBS_5 Central control unit — A-controller: internal control unit fault04593 EBS_5 Central control unit — A-controller: Incorrect function call
04594 DIW5
Cabling between positive connection of the working coil of theRBG (reverse gear brake large piston) solenoid valve and the
gearbox control unit.04594 EBS_5 Central control unit — A-controller: not switched on04595 EBS_5 Central control unit EEPROM: incorrect configuration
04596 EBS_5(!) Trailer control module pressure control: implausible pressure
when no brake applied
04597 EBS_5(!) Trailer control module pressure control: Backup test briefly
04598 EBS_5(!) Central control unit — B-controller: implausibly high pressure
from trailer control module sensor04599 DIW5 Gear oil level monitoring
04599 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 1: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04600 DIW5 Voith ambient condition
04600 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 2: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04600 ZBR2 Door and stop symbol system04601 DIW5 Gearbox control unit
04601 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 3: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04601 ZBR2 L.h. door contact04602 DIW5 Software in gearbox control unit
04602 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 4: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04602 ZBRO Request stop button enable04603 DIW5 Data record
04603 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 5: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04603 ZBRO Request stop button
04604 DIW5Gearbox mechanism / internal cause in gearbox (e.g. oil level,
04604 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 6: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04604 ZBRO Request stop button04605 DIW5 Incorrect control unit configuration04605 EBS_5 Wheel 7: Brake performance monitoring04605 ZBRO Request stop display04606 DIW5 System fault electrical / electronic system04606 EBS_5 Wheel 8: Brake performance monitoring04606 ZBRO Request stop by person with disability04607 DIW5 Data record gearbox control unit
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 247 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04607 EBS_5(!) Wheel 7 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time04607 ZBRO Baby carriage04608 DIW5 Combination gearbox and data record
04608 EBS_5(!) Wheel 8 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time04608 ZBRO Baby carriage04609 DIW5 Identification data in the gearbox (TIM in the gearbox)04609 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 7 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault04609 ZBRO Baby carriage message04610 DIW5 Cabling digital ABS04610 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 8 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault04610 ZBRO Baby carriage message
04611 DIW5CAN message EBC1, continuously active ABS via the CAN
04611 EBS_5(!) Wheel 7 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast04611 ZBRO Cancel baby carriage04612 DIW5 Voith ambient condition
04612 EBS_5(!) Wheel 8 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast04612 ZBRO Cancel baby carriage
04613 DIW5 CAN message EBC1: CAN signals, ABS fully operational/active04613 EBS_5 Central control unit: Temperature too high04613 ZBRO Door 3 photoelectric barrier/sensor
04614 DIW5CAN message EBC1: ABS fully operational / ABS system is not
04614 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 1: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04614 ZBRO Door 3 photoelectric barrier/sensor
04615 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 2: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04615 ZBRO Request stop buzzer
04616 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 3: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04616 ZBRO Fault value door system
04617 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 4: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04617 ZBRO Request for bus-stop brake by MTS
04618 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 5: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04618 ZBRO Door icing
04619 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 6: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04619 ZBRO Red/green display door system04620 DIW5 Digital input signal for shift program selection (SP-SEL)
04620 EBS_5Output from additional valve: Short circuit between the
connection cables04620 ZBRO Stop lamp MTS04621 DIW5 Digital input signal for automatic neutral shift (ANS)04621 EBS_5 Output from additional valve: Circuit interrupted04621 ZBRO Warning buzzer MTS
04622 DIW5Digital input signal for ANS-LOCK (locking of automatic neutral
and standstill)04622 EBS_5 Output from additional valve: Short circuit to ground04622 ZBRO Door status04623 DIW5 Digital input signal for AUX-CON (auxiliary consumer)
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 248 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04623 EBS_5 Output from additional valve: Short circuit after terminal 3004623 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 1 check04624 DIW5 Digital input signal for forced neutral (FRCD-NEUT)04624 EBS_5 Output from additional valve: Short circuit in circuit04624 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 1 button04625 DIW5 Digital input signal for BSB-IN (bus stop brake input)04625 EBS_5 Output from additional valve: Installed but not configured04625 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 1 button04626 DIW5 Digital input signal for FB-OFF (foot brake off)04626 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 904626 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 2 check
04627 DIW5Digital input signal for GEAR_ENBL (gear guard enable input
04627 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 9: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04627 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 2 button04628 DIW5 Digital input signal for LIMP_HOME (limp home input signal)04628 EBS_5 (!) Wheel sensor wheel 1004628 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 2 button
04629 EBS_5Wheel sensor wheel 10: Connection cable damaged or sensor
defective04629 ZBRO Door 1 check
04630 DIW5Gearbox mechanism, engine speed acquisition, gearbox output
speed acquisition, turbine speed acquisition04630 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 904630 ZBRO Door 1 check
04631 DIW5Gearbox mechanism, gearbox output speed acquisition, engine
speed acquisition, turbine speed acquisition04631 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 904631 ZBRO Door 1 emergency tap actuated
04632 DIW5Gearbox mechanism, turbine speed acquisition, engine speed
acquisition, gearbox output speed acquisition
04632 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 9: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04632 ZBRO Door 1 disrupted
04633 DIW5 Engine speed acquisition (sensor voltage gearbox control unit)04633 EBS_5 Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 1004633 ZBRO Door 1 button
04634 DIW5Gearbox output speed acquisition (sensor voltage gearbox
control unit)
04634 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 10: Difference between the 2
signals on the left and right sides of the axle too great04634 ZBRO Door 1 button
04635 DIW5 Turbine speed acquisition (sensor voltage gearbox control unit)
04635 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7, incompatible software
components04635 ZBRO Door 2 check
04636 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7, fault in electronic
circuit04636 ZBRO Door 2 check
04637 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7, internal control unit
test incorrect04637 ZBRO Door 2 emergency tap actuated
04638 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7, unknown pressure
control module fault code04638 ZBRO Door 2 disrupted
04639 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7, incorrect system
monitoring after activationSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 249 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04639 ZBRO Door 2 button
04640 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, incompatible software
components04640 ZBRO Door 2 button
04641 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, fault in electronic
circuit04641 ZBRO Door 3 check
04642 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, internal control unit
test incorrect04642 ZBRO Door 3 check
04643 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, unknown pressure
control module fault code04643 ZBRO Door 3 disrupted
04644 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, incorrect system
monitoring after activation04644 ZBRO Door 3 button
04645 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, incompatible software
components04645 ZBRO Door 3 button
04646 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, fault in electronic
circuit04646 ZBRO Door 4 check
04647 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, internal control unit
test incorrect04647 ZBRO Door 4 check
04648 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, unknown pressure
control module fault code04648 ZBRO Door 4 button
04649 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, incorrect system
monitoring after activation04649 ZBRO Door 4 button04650 DIW5 Digital output signal BRK-SIG (brake signal)
04650 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, incompatible software
components04650 ZBRO Block door panel 104651 DIW5 Digital output signal BSB-OUT (bus stop brake out)
04651 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, fault in electronic
circuit04651 ZBRO Block door panel 104652 DIW5 Digital output signal NEUT-SIG (neutral signal)
04652 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, internal control unit
test incorrect04652 ZBRO Block door panel 204653 DIW5 Digital output signal RG-SIG (reverse gear signal)
04653 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, unknown pressure
control module fault code04653 ZBRO Block door panel 204654 DIW5 Digital output signal SPD-SIG (speed signal)
04654 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, incorrect system
monitoring after activation04654 ZBRO Door release04655 DIW5 Digital output signal TEMP-SIG (temperature signal)
04655 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the system04655 ZBRO Door release
04656 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7, EEPROM cannot be
written04656 ZBRO Door release checkback MTS
04657 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the systemSD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 250 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04657 ZBRO Ignition 1 on for MTS04658 DIW5 Digital output signal STRT-ENBL (starter enable)
04658 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, EEPROM cannot be
written04658 ZBRO Light enable04659 DIW5 Output signal PWN signal proportional to speed
04659 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the system04659 ZBRO Request stop display
04660 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, EEPROM cannot be
written04660 ZBRO MTS activation (K3-CAN)
04661 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, EEPROM data record
is not compatible with the system04661 ZBRO Emergency tap
04662 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, EEPROM cannot be
written04662 ZBRO Door 1 external button
04663 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 7, short circuit to
terminal 1504663 ZBRO Door 1 door release checkback04664 EBS_5 Power supply pressure module on wheel 704664 ZBRO Door 2 door release checkback
04665 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 7, short circuit between
the connection cables04665 ZBRO Door 3 door release checkback
04666 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 8, short circuit to
terminal 1504666 ZBRO Door 4 door release checkback
04667 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 8, short circuit to
terminal 1504667 ZBRO Bus-stop switching backwards
04668 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 8, short circuit between
the connection cables04668 ZBRO Bus-stop switching backwards
04669 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 9, short circuit to
terminal 1504669 ZBRO Bus-stop switching forwards04670 EBS_5 Power supply pressure module on wheel 904670 ZBRO Bus-stop switching forwards
04671 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 9, short circuit between
the connection cables04671 ZBRO External request stop by person with disability
04672 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 10, short circuit to
terminal 1504672 ZBRO Display request stop by person with disability04673 EBS_5 Power supply pressure module on wheel 1004673 ZBRO Door malfunction
04674 EBS_5Power supply pressure module on wheel 10, short circuit
between the connection cables04674 ZBRO Door 1 activation (K3-CAN)04675 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 704675 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 1 open04676 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 804676 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 1 opening04677 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 904677 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 1 closing04678 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 1004678 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 2 open04679 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 7, time overrun of message 11
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 251 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04679 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 2 opening04680 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 7, time overrun of message 1204680 ZBRO Door 1 / panel 2 closing04681 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 7, time overrun of message 1304681 ZBRO Door 1 request stop display04682 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 7, time overrun of message 1404682 ZBRO Door 1 request stop display04683 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 7, time overrun of message 2104683 ZBRO Door 1 request stop by person with disability04684 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 7, time overrun of message 2204684 ZBRO Door 1 ignition on04685 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 7, time overrun of message 2304685 ZBRO Door 1 entry lighting04686 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 7, time overrun of message 2404686 ZBRO Door 1 in local mode04687 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 8, time overrun of message 1104687 ZBRO Door 2 request stop by person with disability04688 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 8, time overrun of message 1204688 ZBRO Door 1 ready04689 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 8, time overrun of message 1304689 ZBRO Door 1 standstill signal04690 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 8, time overrun of message 1404690 ZBRO Door 2 activation (K3-CAN)04691 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 8, time overrun of message 2104691 ZBRO Door 2 / panel 1 open04692 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 8, time overrun of message 2204692 ZBRO Door 2 / panel 1 opening04693 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 8, time overrun of message 2304693 ZBRO Door 2 / panel 1 closing04694 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 8, time overrun of message 2404694 ZBRO Door 2 / panel 2 open04695 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 9, time overrun of message 1104695 ZBRO Door 2 panel 2 opening04696 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 9, time overrun of message 1204696 ZBRO Door 2 / panel 2 closing04697 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 9, time overrun of message 1304697 ZBRO Door 2 request stop display04698 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 9, time overrun of message 1404698 ZBRO Door 2 request stop display04699 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 9, time overrun of message 2104699 ZBRO Door 2 ignition on04700 DIW5 Unknown engine load source04700 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 9, time overrun of message 2204700 ZBRO Raise lift04701 DIW5 CAN message EEC2, CAN signal accelerator pedal position04701 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 9, time overrun of message 2304701 ZBRO Raise lift04702 DIW5 CAN message EEC1, CAN signal current engine torque04702 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 9, time overrun of message 2404702 ZBRO Lift in motion
04703 DIW5CAN message EngConf, CAN signal (percent torque at point
3,4,5)04703 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 10, time overrun of message 1104703 ZBRO Lower lift
04704 DIW5CAN message EEC3, CAN signal (nominal friction percent
torque)04704 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 10, time overrun of message 1204704 ZBRO Lower lift04705 DIW5 CAN message EngConf, CAN signal engine reference torque04705 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 10, time overrun of message 13
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 252 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04705 ZBRO Ramp full deployed
04706 DIW5 CAN message EEC2, engine load signal (idling switch position)04706 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 10, time overrun of message 1404706 ZBRO Ramp in motion
04707 DIW5CAN message EEC1, engine load signal (nominal engine
torque)04707 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 10, time overrun of message 2104707 ZBRO Ramp multifunction display
04708 DIW5Engine load source CAN: Error that cannot be diagnosed with
greater precision.04708 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 10, time overrun of message 2204708 ZBRO Ramp enable04709 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 10, time overrun of message 2304709 ZBRO Ramp enable04710 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 10, time overrun of message 2404710 ZBRO Ramp flashing light04711 DIW5 Engine load source Bosch EDC
04711 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 9,
faulty electronic circuit04711 ZBRO Ramp fully retracted
04712 EBS_5Speed sensor input on pressure regulating module wheel 10,
faulty electronic circuit04712 ZBRO Door 2 entry lighting04713 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 9, air gap too great04713 ZBRO Door 2 in local mode04714 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 10, air gap too great04714 ZBRO Door 3 request stop by person with disability04715 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 9, impulse wheel defective04715 ZBRO Door 2 ready
04716 DIW5Engine load source Bosch EDC: Speed range in data record
faulty.04716 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 10, impulse wheel defective04716 ZBRO Door 2 standstill signal04717 DIW5 Engine load source Bosch EDC: Error in engine map04717 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 9, tyre diameter too great04717 ZBRO Door 3 activation (K3-CAN)
04718 DIW5Engine load source Bosch EDC: Error that cannot be diagnosed
with greater precision.04718 EBS_5 (!) Speed sensor wheel 10, tyre diameter too great04718 ZBRO Door 3 / panel 1 open04719 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 704719 ZBRO Door 3 / panel 1 opening
04720 DIW5 Brake request evaluation: Unknown brake sensor in data record.
04720 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 7, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04720 ZBRO Door 3 / panel 1 closing
04721 DIW5Brake request evaluation: Impermissible brake sensor
combination in data record.
04721 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 7, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04721 ZBRO Door 3 / panel 2 open
04722 DIW5 Brake request evaluation: No brake sensor set in data record.04722 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 804722 ZBRO Door 3 / panel 2 opening
04723 DIW5Brake request evaluation: Invalid brake sensor priority in data
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 253 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04723 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 8, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04723 ZBRO Door 3 / panel 2 closing
04724 DIW5Brake request evaluation: Error that cannot be diagnosed with
greater precision.04724 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 904724 ZBRO Door 3 request stop display
04725 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 9, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04725 ZBRO Door 3 request stop display
04726 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 9, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04726 ZBRO Door 3 ignition on04727 EBS_5 Pressure module intake valve on wheel 1004727 ZBRO Door 3 entry lighting
04728 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 10, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04728 ZBRO Door 3 in local mode
04729 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 10, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04729 ZBRO Door 3 emergency tap actuated
04730 DIW5CAN message TSC1, CAN signal (override control mode
priority)04730 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 204730 ZBRO Door 3 ready04731 DIW5 CAN message TSC1, CAN signal requested retarder limit04731 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 304731 ZBRO Door 3 standstill signal04732 DIW5 CAN message TSC1, CAN signal requested retarder torque04732 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 404732 ZBRO Door 4 activation (K3-CAN)04733 DIW5 CAN message EBC1, CAN signal brake pedal position04733 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 504733 ZBRO Door 4 / panel 1 open
04734 DIW5Set brake sensor source or CAN message TSC1, requested
retarder torque04734 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 604734 ZBRO Door 4 / panel 1 opening04735 DIW5 CAN message TSC1, CAN signal: Requested torque / limit04735 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 704735 ZBRO Door 4 / panel 1 closing
04736 DIW5 Brake signal source CAN: Brake pedal continuously pressed.04736 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 804736 ZBRO Door 4 / panel 2 open
04737 DIW5Brake signal source CAN: Error that cannot be diagnosed with
greater precision.04737 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 704737 ZBRO Door 4 / panel 2 opening
04738 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 7, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04738 ZBRO Door 4 / panel 2 closing
04739 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 7, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04739 ZBRO Door 4 request stop display04740 DIW5 Brake sensor signal source pedal brake sensor 3-stage04740 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 804740 ZBRO Door 4 ignition on04741 DIW5 Brake sensor signal source infinitely variable (WABCO)
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 254 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04741 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 8, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04741 ZBRO Door 4 entry lighting04742 DIW5 Brake sensor signal source parking brake sensor 3-stage
04742 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 8, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04742 ZBRO Door 4 standstill signal04743 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 904743 ZBRO Door 1 door release
04744 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 9, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04744 ZBRO Door 2 door release
04745 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 9, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04745 ZBRO Door 3 door release04746 EBS_5 Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 1004746 ZBRO Door 4 door release
04747 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 10, valve cannot be
switched and is opened04747 ZBRO Door 4 ready
04748 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 10, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04748 ZBRO Door 4 in local mode04749 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 704749 ZBRO Door 4 emergency tap actuated
04750 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 7, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04750 ZBRO Door 4 request stop display04751 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 804751 ZBRO Door 4 request stop by person with disability
04752 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 8, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04752 ZBRO Door 2 interior sign/exterior sign04753 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 904753 ZBRO Door 2 preliminary storage request stop
04754 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 9, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04754 ZBRO Door 3 interior sign/exterior sign04755 EBS_5 Pressure module backup valve on wheel 1004755 ZBRO Door 3 preliminary storage request stop
04756 EBS_5Pressure module backup valve on wheel 10, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04756 ZBRO Enable 20:00 hours04757 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 7, offset04757 ZBRO Enable 20:00 hours04758 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 7, signal04758 ZBRO Enable 20:00 hours check04759 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 8, offset04759 ZBRO Door 1 malfunction04760 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 8, signal04760 ZBRO Door 1 warning04761 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 9, offset04761 ZBRO Door 2 malfunction04762 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 9, signal04762 ZBRO Door 2 warning04763 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 10, offset04763 ZBRO Door 3 malfunction04764 EBS_5 Pressure module pressure sensor on wheel 10, signal04764 ZBRO Door 3 warning04765 EBS_5 Wheel 9: Brake performance monitoring
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 255 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message04765 ZBRO Door 4 malfunction04766 EBS_5 Wheel 10: Brake performance monitoring04766 ZBRO Door 4 warning
04767 EBS_5(!) Wheel 9 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time04767 ZBRO Door 1 auxiliary button
04768 EBS_5(!) Wheel 10 in conjunction with ABS logic: ABS is demanding
insufficient brake pressure over an implausibly long time04768 ZBRO Door 2 auxiliary button04769 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 9 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault04769 ZBRO Waiting room
04770 EBS_5 (!) Wheel 10 in conjunction with ABS logic: Wheel speed fault04770 ZBRO Waiting room
04771 EBS_5(!) Wheel 9 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast04771 ZBRO Door 1 preliminary storage request stop
04772 EBS_5(!) Wheel 10 in conjunction with ABS logic: Change between
active and inactive ABS intervention too fast04772 ZBRO Door 1 interior sign/exterior sign
04773 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun in communication with
trailer control unit 304773 ZBRO Switch doors back to active
04774 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun in communication with
trailer control unit 404774 ZBRO Switch doors back to active
04775 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun in communication with
trailer control unit 504775 ZBRO Door manual/automatic
04776 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressure04776 ZBRO Request stop display 2
04777 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressure04777 ZBRO Door 2 block
04778 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressure04778 ZBRO Door 1 constrained closing
04779 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Request is greater than
the measured pressure04779 ZBRO Door 2 constrained closing
04780 DIW5Plug and cabling of the transmission identification module (TIM,
identification data of the gearbox)
04780 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request04780 ZBRO Door 3 constrained closing04781 DIW5 Identification data of the gearbox (TIM)
04781 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request04781 ZBRO Cancel stop request button
04782 DIW5 Incorrect response from transmission identification module (TIM)SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 256 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04782 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request04782 ZBRO Block door 3 20:00 hours
04783 DIW5Negative response from transmission identification module
04783 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10: Pressure comparison plausibility error: Measured pressure is
greater than request04783 ZBRO Baby carriage door 304784 DIW5 New combination of gearbox and control unit (software)
04784 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7: Full
braking test04784 ZBRO Cancel baby carriage door 3
04785 DIW5TIM communication was deactivated because of increased gear
oil temperature
04785 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8: Full
braking test04785 ZBRO Ramp weight overload
04786 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9: Full
braking test04786 ZBRO Stop request chime
04787 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10:
Full braking test04787 ZBRO Switch off chime switch
04788 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7: Mismatch between pressure control module pressure and
supply pressure04788 ZBRO Emergency exit door
04789 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8: Mismatch between pressure control module pressure and
supply pressure04789 ZBRO Door 1 blocking
04790 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9: Mismatch between pressure control module pressure and
supply pressure04790 ZBRO Door 3 blocking
04791 EBS_5
(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10: Mismatch between pressure control module pressure and
supply pressure04791 ZBRO Door 4 blocking
04792 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7:
Temporary backup test04792 ZBRO Door 4 forced closing
04793 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8:
Temporary backup test04793 ZBRO Door 4 interior transfer/external button
04794 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9:
Temporary backup test04794 ZBRO Door 4 preliminary storage request stop
04795 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10:
Temporary backup test04795 ZBRO Door 4 disrupted
04796 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7:
Temporary brake test04796 ZBRO Door 3 additional button
04797 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8:
Temporary brake test04797 ZBRO Door 4 additional button
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04798 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9:
Temporary brake test04798 ZBRO Door 1 photoelectric barrier/sensor
04799 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10:
Temporary brake test04799 ZBRO Door 1 photoelectric barrier/sensor04800 DIW5 Kickdown input
04800 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible pressure differential right/left04800 ZBR2 Status signal, central locking04801 DIW5 CAN message EEC2, CAN signal kick-down switch
04801 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible pressure differential right/left04801 ZBRO Central locking left checkback open
04802 DIW5CAN message EEC2, CAN signal kick-down switch or kick-down
digital input
04802 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible pressure differential right/left04802 ZBRO Open central locking left
04803 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible pressure differential right/left04803 ZBRO Open central locking left
04804 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied04804 ZBRO Lock central locking left
04805 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied04805 ZBRO Lock central locking left
04806 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied04806 ZBRO Central locking left checkback locked
04807 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible pressure when no braked applied04807 ZBRO Central locking right checkback open
04808 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04808 ZBRO Open central locking right
04809 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04809 ZBRO Open central locking right04810 DIW5 Evaluation gear selection range
04810 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04810 ZBRO Lock central locking right
04811 DIW5CAN message TC1, CAN signal: Requested gear or requested
drive range
04811 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible pressure at end of braking04811 ZBRO Lock central locking right
04812 DIW5
Evaluation gear selection range: Gear information from button switch outside permitted value range or CAN signal requested
gear or requested range outside the permitted value range.
04812 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible intake valve actuation04812 ZBRO Central locking right checkback locked
04813 DIW5
Evaluation gear selection range: Gear information from button switch incorrect or CAN signals requested gear or requested
range return an error identification.
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04813 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible intake valve actuation04813 ZBRO Central locking flaps left
04814 DIW5
Evaluation gear selection range: Error in plausibility check withinthe gearbox control unit or CAN signals requested gear and
requested range are contradictory.
04814 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible intake valve actuation04814 ZBRO Central locking flaps right
04815 DIW5Evaluation gear selection range: Error that cannot be diagnosed
with greater precision.
04815 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible intake valve actuation04815 ZBRO CL flaps left fault
04816 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation04816 ZBRO CL flaps right fault
04817 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04818 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation
04819 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10:
Implausible exhaust valve actuation04820 DIW5 CAN messages CCVS and EBC1, CAN signal brake switch
04820 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 7:
Residual pressure detected04821 DIW5 CAN message CCVS, vehicle speed signal (wheel speed)
04821 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 8:
Residual pressure detected04822 DIW5 CAN message LFC, fuel consumption signal
04822 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 9:
Residual pressure detected
04823 EBS_5(!) Pressure regulating module pressure control on wheel 10:
Residual pressure detected
04824 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7, checksum error in
external flash memory04825 DIW5 Supply voltage
04825 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 7, outdated driver
04826 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, inconsistent driver
software version between ECU and boot loader
04827 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, checksum error in
external flash memory
04828 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 8, outdated driver
04829 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, inconsistent driver
software version between ECU and boot loader04830 DIW5 Reference voltage
04830 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, checksum error in
external flash memory04831 DIW5 Reference voltage: Undervoltage Uref.
04831 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9, outdated driver
software04832 DIW5 Reference voltage: Overvoltage Uref.
04832 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, inconsistent driver
software version between ECU and boot loader
04833 DIW5Reference voltage: Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater
04833 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, checksum error in
external flash memorySD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 259 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04834 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10, outdated driver
04835 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 9: Short circuit to
04836 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 10: Short circuit to
04837 EBS_5 Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 9: was deactivated
04838 EBS_5Supply voltage brake pad wear sensor wheel 10: was
04839 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 7: Current magnitude
too high04840 DIW5 Engine control unit, gearbox control unit
04840 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 8: Current magnitude
too high
04841 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 9: Current magnitude
too high
04842 EBS_5Pressure module supply cable to wheel 10: Current magnitude
too high
04843 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 9: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle
04844 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 10: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) between the axles of the vehicle
04845 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 9: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles
04846 EBS_5Brake pad wear sensor wheel 10: Monitoring of brake pad wear
signal (decreasing) within the axles
04847 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on
04848 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 30
04849 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 9: incorrect / inconsistent
data record parameter in EEPROM
04850 DIW5
Software module event memory: Data record value EVENTMEM_DELETE_ELEMENT_AFTER_ is set to ‘0’ which is
not permitted.04850 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 9: No communication
04851 DIW5Software module event memory: An error was detected in the
software when checking the EventTab event table.
04851 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply is not switched on
04852 DIW5Software module event memory: A signalled event is in the
EventTab event table without reference.
04852 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10: Axle load sensor
electrical power supply short circuit to terminal 30
04853 DIW5
Software module event memory: There is no reference in the form of a DTC column in the EventTab event table as the basis
for the OEM_ID_ data record value. The non-referenced data record value is specified in the system description.
04853 EBS_5Pressure module control unit on wheel 10: incorrect /
inconsistent data record parameter in EEPROM
04854 DIW5
Software module event memory: A defect was detected in the event memory structure. The structure has been set up again.
This means any stored events have been lost.04854 EBS_5 CAN signal brake on wheel 10: No communication
04855 DIW5Software module event memory: A diagnostic object is signalling
multiple instances of one error type.04855 EBS_5 Pressure regulating valve left: implausible activation time
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04856 DIW5
Software module event memory: The size of a system description of a diagnostic object is greater than the available
memory space.
04856 EBS_5Pressure regulating valve left intake valve: Short circuit between
the connections
04857 DIW5
Software module event memory: Buffer overrun of the (reentrant-capable) event memory or calls of the (non-reentrant-capable)
event memory outside the time slices.04857 EBS_5 Pressure regulating valve right: implausible activation time
04858 EBS_5Pressure regulating valve right intake valve: Short circuit
between the connections
04859 EBS_5Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve: Short circuit
between the connections04860 DIW5 Gearshift manager: Invalid gearshift program in data record.
04860 EBS_5Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve: Short circuit
between the connections
04861 DIW5 Gearshift manager: Invalid dynamic tyre radius in data record.
04861 EBS_5Pressure module exhaust valve on wheel 6, valve cannot be
switched and is closed04862 DIW5 Gearshift manager: Invalid axle ratio in data record.
04862 EBS_5J1939 (driveline CAN): Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with engine control unit (SA=0x00)
04863 DIW5Gearshift manager: Invalid maximum gear hunting time in data
record.04863 EBS_5 Brake pad wear connection wheel 10
04864 DIW5Gearshift manager: Invalid maximum time for a forced downshift
in data record.
04864 EBS_5Pressure module intake valve on wheel 8, valve cannot be
switched and is closed
04865 DIW5Gearshift manager: Incorrectly configured gearshift program in
data record.
04865 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Implausible values in ‘General
ABS configuration’ block
04866 DIW5Gearshift manager: Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater
04866 EBS_5Central control unit EEPROM: Checksum error in ‘General ABS
configuration’ block
04867 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with engine control unit (SA=0x00)
04868 EBS_5
External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in communication with vehicle management computer control unit
04869 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with tachograph (SA=0xEE)04870 DIW5 Security Manager software module
04870 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with TCU control unit (SA=0x03)04871 DIW5 Identification data software module
04871 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with EAC control unit (SA=0x30)04872 DIW5 Safety computer
04872 EBS_5External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in
communication with ECAS control unit (SA=0x2F)04873 DIW5 Memory test
04873 EBS_5
External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition in communication with central on-board computer control unit
(SA=0x21)04874 DIW5 Internal system error (TRAP error)04874 EBS_5 Steering angle sensor not calibrated
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04875 DIW5Analog/digital converter: ADC still occupied or ADC channel
04875 EBS_5CAN bus fault: Time overrun or fault condition in communication
with the electronically steered rear axle04877 DIW5 CAN message time / date
04879 DIW5 Calibration data (for correcting hardware/component tolerances)04880 DIW5 Gearbox mechanical system: Blocking of output detected.
04900 DIW5CAN 1 — hardware: Memory test of CAN controller 1 was
unsuccessful or defect within CAN controller 1 (RAM test).04900 ZBRO Sun blind auto04901 DIW5 Bus-off CAN204901 ZBRO Sun blind down high04902 DIW5 CAN warning CAN204902 ZBRO Sun blind down low04903 DIW5 Timeout monitoring send messages CAN204903 ZBRO Sun blind up04904 DIW5 Send buffer overrun CAN204904 ZBRO Sun blind up high04905 DIW5 CAN 1 — hardware: Invalid bitrate.04905 ZBRO Sun blind up low
04909 DIW5CAN 1 — hardware: Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater
04910 DIW5CAN 2 — hardware: Memory test of CAN controller 2 was
unsuccessful or defect within CAN controller 2 (RAM test).
04911 DIW5CAN 2 — hardware: Occurrence of BUS-OFF states. Failures of
CAN bus by occurrence of BUS-OFF states.04912 DIW5 CAN 2 — hardware: Occurrence of BUS warning states.
04913 DIW5CAN 2 — hardware: At least one message could not be sent
within timeout time of send messages.
04914 DIW5CAN 2 — hardware: Send buffer overrun or pipeline sending
messages of CAN controller 2 is full.04915 DIW5 CAN 2 — hardware: Invalid bitrate.
04919 DIW5CAN 2 — hardware: Error that cannot be diagnosed with greater
precision.04920 DIW5 CAN receipt message EEC1, timeout of the message04921 DIW5 CAN receipt message EEC2, timeout of the message04922 DIW5 CAN receipt message EEC3, timeout of the message04923 DIW5 CAN receipt message EBC1, timeout of the message04924 DIW5 CAN receipt message EBC3, timeout of the message04925 DIW5 CAN receipt message TSC1, timeout of the message04926 DIW5 CAN receipt message TSC1, timeout of the message04927 DIW5 CAN receipt message CCVS, timeout of the message04928 DIW5 CAN receipt message TC1, timeout of the message04929 DIW5 CAN receipt message TD, timeout of the message04930 DIW5 CAN receipt message VDHR, timeout of the message
04931 DIW5CAN protocol SAE J1939: Invalid CAN controller number in data
record.04932 DIW5 CAN receipt message, timeout of the message
04933 DIW5CAN receipt message, timeout between the packages of the
04934 DIW5 CAN receipt message, number of bytes in the receipt message
04935 DIW5CAN receipt message, package sequence in the receipt
message04936 DIW5 CAN receipt message TSC1, timeout of the message04937 DIW5 CAN receipt message LFC, timeout of the message04938 DIW5 CAN receipt message EBC5, timeout of the message04939 DIW5 CAN receipt message EBC5, timeout of the message
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
04949 DIW5CAN protocol SAE J1939: Error that cannot be diagnosed with
greater precision.
04950 DIW5Earth cable of the solenoid valves. Gearbox control unit,
solenoid valve earth cable cannot be closed.
04951 DIW5Earth cable of the solenoid valves. Gearbox control unit,
solenoid valve earth cable cannot be separated.
04960 DIW5The control unit plugs A, B on the E300.1 gearbox control unit
and/or the gearbox plug are disconnected
04961 DIW5CAN protocol VOITH private CAN: Timeout of message INPUT
04962 DIW5CAN protocol VOITH private CAN: Timeout of message INPUT
04963 DIW5CAN protocol VOITH private CAN: Timeout of message INPUT
04964 DIW5CAN protocol VOITH private CAN: Timeout of message
04965 DIW5 The operational data structure has been set up again/modified
04969 DIW5CAN protocol VOITH private CAN: Error that cannot be
diagnosed with greater precision.05000 ECO2 ZF environmental condition05000 HDS Air pressure sensor after throttle05000 VSM Time overrun message ETC105000 ZBR2 Audio-visual warning device and display05000 ZFR CAN data bus: EDC message EEC105001 CRT CAN message engine temperature05001 ECO2 ZF environmental condition05001 HDS Air pressure ahead of throttle05001 RAS Oil level check05001 VSM Time overrun message ETC205001 WSK Retarder accumulator charge valve05001 ZBR2 Check, instrumentation failure
05001 ZFRCAN data bus: Torque converter and clutch system message
Transmission Fluid WSK05002 CRT CAN message EEC105002 HDS Temperature after catalytic converter05002 RAS Steering angle sensor front axle05002 VSM Time overrun message ETC305002 WSK Valve of torque converter lockup clutch05002 ZBRO Alarm level red (prio. 1) check05002 ZFR CAN data bus: EDC message Eng Temp05003 CRT CAN message BAM05003 HDS Temperature ahead of catalytic converter05003 RAS Steering angle sensor steered rear axle05003 VSM Time overrun message EBC105003 ZBRO Switch off display lighting05003 ZFR CAN data bus: EDC message Inlet Exhaust Condition05004 CRT CAN messages05004 HDS AdBlue pressure05004 RAS Speedometer / EBC speed signal comparison05004 WSK Retarder proportional valve05004 ZBRO Display dimming (0-15)05004 ZFR CAN data bus: Tachograph message TCO105005 CRT Exhaust temperature sensor05005 HDS AdBlue temperature in pump module05005 RAS Shut-off valve05005 VSM Time overrun message EEC105005 WSK Retarder proportional valve, fault05005 ZBRO Display dimming bottom pressed05005 ZFR CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RE
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message05006 CRT Exhaust differential pressure sensor05006 HDS EEPROM error05006 RAS Control valve working circuit05006 WSK Output earth return proportional valve05006 ZBRO Display dimming top pressed05006 ZFR CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RX05007 CRT Charge air temperature sensor05007 HDS Frost monitoring05007 RAS Deviation from setpoint in steering angle of rear axle05007 ZBRO Display change 105007 ZFR CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD05008 CRT Engine brake butterfly05008 HDS Emergency off switch-off05008 RAS Monitoring circuit control unit05008 WSK Turbine speed: No signal05008 ZBRO Display change 205008 ZFR CAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_BAM (RE)05009 CRT CRT temperature too low for regeneration
05009 HDSExternal hose heating (frozen line detected between tank and
pump module)05009 RAS Working circuit control unit for valve control05009 WSK Sensor, cooling water temperature05009 ZBRO Horn05009 ZFR CAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_Packet (RE)05010 CRT CRT is not regenerating although filter temperature is correct05010 HDS Nitrogen oxide (NOx) sensor05010 WSK Read-back current of the proportional valve output05010 ZBRO Horn05010 ZFR CAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_BAM (RX)05011 CRT CRT is blocked and must be cleaned05011 HDS Metering on/off via CAN05011 WSK Vehicle electrical system voltage (TL 30)05011 ZBRO Horn a05011 ZFR CAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_Packet (RX)05012 CRT CRT temperature too high05012 ECO2 Load sensor (A3)05012 HDS Air control valve05012 RAS CAN signal, speedometer speed05012 VSM Time overrun message Time_Date05012 WSK Vehicle electrical system voltage (TL 15)05012 ZBRO Horn b05012 ZFR CAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_BAM (RD)05013 CRT Charge air temperature outside permitted tolerance range05013 ECO2 Voltage output (5V) AU05013 HDS Heating supply line05013 RAS CAN signal, EBC vehicle speed05013 VSM Time overrun message VehicleDistance05013 ZBRO Supply instrument lighting05013 ZFR CAN data bus: Retarder message Ret_Config_Packet (RD)05014 CRT CAN message EEC305014 ECO2 Retarder control lever (A12)05014 HDS Hose heating internal05014 RAS CAN signal, engine speed05014 ZBRO Display day/night changeover05014 ZFR CAN data bus: Tachograph message TimeDate05015 CRT CAN message time / date05015 ECO2 Voltage failure05015 HDS Heating pressure equalisation05015 RAS CAN signal, weight05015 WSK Checksum operating hours counter
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message05015 ZBRO Buzzer alarm level05015 ZFR CAN data bus: Tachograph message Vehicle Distance05016 CRT CAN message vehicle clearance05016 ECO2 Switch retarder (retarder pedal digital S12)05016 HDS Pump heating in pump module05016 RAS CAN signal, lifting axle05016 WSK Checksum fault memory05016 ZBRO Buzzer function indicator05017 CRT AGR throttle05017 ECO2 Retarder temperature sensor (B4)05017 HDS Heating pressure line05017 RAS CAN signal, parking brake05017 WSK Data bus, message EEC2 from FFR05017 ZBRO Buzzer advance warning level05018 CRT Internal system fault05018 ECO2 Sump temperature sensor (B14)05018 HDS AdBlue metering module05018 RAS CAN signal, bus transmitter-receiver05018 VSM EEPROM error05018 WSK Engine brake05018 ZBRO Adv. warning level yellow (prio. 2) check05019 CRT EEPROM memory defective05019 HDS Coolant valve for AdBlue heating circuit05019 RAS Calibrate parameter value05019 WSK Internal system error control unit05019 ZBRO On-board diagnosis fault05020 CRT Exhaust temperature after the filter05020 HDS AdBlue fill level plausibility error05020 RAS ZF environmental condition05020 VSM EEPROM error05020 WSK Data bus, message TSC1 (braking torque)05020 ZBRO On-board diagnosis enable05021 CRT CAN message ETC 105021 ECO2 Output to gear element A valve (Y17)05021 HDS Detection of overspeeding and pump motor blocked05021 WSK CAN data bus, memory overflow05021 ZBRO Horn changeover05022 CRT CRT filter burnt out or not fitted05022 ECO2 Output to gear element B valve (Y16)05022 HDS Bleed valve output stage05022 WSK CAN data bus, switched off05022 ZBRO Horn changeover05023 ECO2 Output to gear element C valve (Y15)05023 HDS Blocked nozzle05023 ZBRO Horn changeover check05024 ECO2 Output to gear element D valve (Y14)05024 HDS Air pressure sensor plausibility05024 WSK CAN data bus, receive confirmation05024 ZBRO Outside temperature05025 ECO2 Output to gear element E valve (Y13)05025 HDS Air control valve fault during startup05025 RAS Calibration05025 WSK Data bus, message EEC1 from FFR05025 ZBRO Ice warning05026 ECO2 Output to gear element F valve (Y12)05026 HDS Blockage of air control valve05026 RAS Ambient temperature05027 ECO2 Output to gear element G valve (Y11)
05027 HDSAir control valve mechanically open or closed, or no compressed
air in circuit 4SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 265 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message05027 RAS Rear axle too close to measured stop05027 VSM Time overrun message TCO105027 WSK Data bus, message ETC1_TCU05028 ECO2 Output to torque converter lock-up clutch WK valve (Y18)05028 HDS Temperature after catalytic converter05028 WSK Data bus, message TC1_TWSK from ASTRONIC05029 ECO2 Output to retarder accumulator valve (Y2)05029 HDS Detection of blocked metering module05029 WSK Time / date message from TCO05030 HDS Pump motor fault during startup05030 WSK Data bus, mileage (km) message05031 ECO2 Output to engine brake relay (K1)05031 HDS Unable to build up AdBlue pressure05032 ECO2 Output to gear signal relay (K2)05032 HDS Temperatures not plausible during startup05033 ECO2 Output to gear signal relay 205033 HDS AdBlue pressure not plausible05034 ECO2 Output to speed signal relay (K3)05034 HDS AdBlue temperature of pump module05035 ECO2 Output to speed signal relay 205035 HDS AdBlue temperature of tank05036 ECO2 Output to power take-off valve (Y3)05036 HDS Bleed valve implausible during startup05037 ECO2 Output to accelerator interlock valve (Y4)05037 HDS Bleed valve implausible or return line blocked during startup05038 ECO2 Output to load enable relay (K11)05038 HDS Temperature fault ahead of catalytic converter05039 ECO2 Output to detent solenoid relay (K4)05039 HDS Temperature fault after catalytic converter05041 ECO2 Output to selector lever lamp05042 ECO2 Output ADVP (continuous signal)05043 ECO2 Output to retarder brake lamp relay (K10)05043 VSM Time overrun message EBC205044 ECO2 Output to proportional solenoid D1 (Y20)05045 ECO2 Output to retarder proportional solenoid (Y1)05046 ECO2 Selector lever (A2)05047 ECO2 Speedo signal output via pin SD2 (A10)05048 ECO2 PWM interface (A8)05049 ECO2 EEPROM data checksum05051 ECO2 CAN B application CAN05051 HDS AdBlue quality sensor05052 ECO2 System fault electronic control unit EST14605053 ECO2 Malfunction SAE J 1708 (BUSOFF)05054 ECO2 Malfunction SAE J 1708 (warning)05055 ECO2 CAN A vehicle CAN05056 ECO2 Output to retarder on valve (Y19)05057 ECO2 Input speed (B13)05058 ECO2 Output speed (B11)05059 ECO2 Gearbox input speed (B12)05062 ECO2 Retarder identifier (B16)05063 ECO2 Gearbox coding05064 ECO2 Gearbox slip monitoring05065 ECO2 Retarder outlet temperature05066 ECO2 Sump temperature05067 ECO2 Digital output (AD) not occupied05068 ECO2 Control unit reset05071 ECO2 Temperature warning output05072 ECO2 PWM signal oil level sensor (B15)05073 ECO2 Temperature warning output05074 ECO2 Temperature warning output
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message05075 ECO2 Retarder sensor ‘Manual’ (retarder control lever digital S12)05076 ECO2 Gear element slip time05077 ECO2 Motor limit05078 ECO2 WK slip monitoring05079 ECO2 Operating voltage05080 HDS Limit value error for exhaust mass and nitrogen oxide05081 ECO2 Output relay selector lever ‘Neutral 1’
05081 HDSPressure differential between AdBlue pressure and ambient
pressure05082 ECO2 Output relay selector lever ‘Neutral 2’05082 HDS Temperature sensor pump module plausibility05083 ECO2 Output relay reversing light05083 HDS Temperature plausibility ahead of catalytic converter05084 ECO2 EEPROM data customer (checksum)05084 HDS Temperature plausibility after catalytic converter05085 ECO2 Output to status monitoring (H1)
05085 HDS Coolant valve for AdBlue heating circuit is stuck in open position05086 ECO2 Output ‘Neutral at standstill (NBS) active’05086 HDS AdBlue tank temperature plausibility05087 ECO2 Input terminal 15
05087 HDSDetection of increasing AdBlue leakage between pump module
and metering module
05088 HDSDetection of steady AdBlue leakage between pump module and
metering module
05089 HDSPlausibility error in running-on through AdBlue pressure sensor
(AdBlue pressure too high after blowing out)
05090 HDSPlausibility error in running-on through air pressure (air pressure
differential ahead of/after the throttle too great)05091 ECO2 Special function 1 set in parameters
05091 HDSPlausibility error in running-on through vent valve (insufficient
pressure dissipation possible through vent valve)05093 ECO2 D1 shift pressure adaptation upshift under load05094 ECO2 D1 shift pressure adaptation coasting downshift05095 ECO2 Shift time adaptation05096 ECO2 Contact pressure adaptation05098 ECO2 Special function 2 set in parameters05100 HDS Dummy05100 ZBRO Radio05100 ZFR Additional fan05101 ZBRO Radio05101 ZFR Main fan05102 ZBRO Radio check05102 ZFR Additional compressor05103 ZBRO Loudspeaker changeover external05103 ZFR Speed-dependent output05104 ZBRO Loudspeaker changeover external05104 ZFR Additional fan valve05105 ZBRO Loudspeaker changeover ext. check05106 ZBRO PA system05107 ZBRO PA system05108 ZBRO PA system check05109 ZBRO Input alarm system active05110 HDS AdBlue pressure05110 ZBRO Alarm system horn05111 HDS Compressed air ahead of throttle05111 ZBRO IBIS BON active05112 HDS Engine revs05112 ZBRO Switch on IBIS05113 HDS Metering volume
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message05113 ZBRO IBIS transmit active05114 HDS Status05114 ZBRO IBIS external loudspeaker05115 ZBRO IBIS mike active05116 ZBRO IBIS control input 1 (output)05117 ZBRO IBIS control input 2 (output)05118 ZBRO IBIS call05119 ZBRO IBIS call active05120 HDS Monitoring error in monitoring module05120 ZBRO IBIS acknowledgement05121 ZBRO IBIS acknowledgement active05122 ZBRO IBIS door criterion05126 ZBRO Switch canceller OFF05127 ZBRO Output canceller OFF05128 ZBRO Switch IBIS OFF05129 ZBRO Output IBIS OFF05130 ZBRO Switch coin box OFF05131 ZBRO Output coin box OFF05200 ZBRO Driver’s area door05201 ZBRO Driver’s area door05202 ZBRO Driver’s area door check05203 ZBRO Driver’s area door buzzer05204 ZBRO Destination box lighting05205 ZBRO Destination box lighting05206 ZBRO Destination box lighting Check05207 ZBRO Paying console/driver’s area lighting05208 ZBRO Paying console/driver’s area lighting05209 ZBRO Paying console/driver’s area lighting check05210 ZBRO Paying console socket05211 ZBRO Paying console socket05212 ZBRO Paying console socket check05213 ZBRO Paying console lighting 105215 ZBRO Driver’s area lighting05216 ZBRO Driver’s area lighting 105217 ZBRO Driver’s area lighting05218 ZBRO Paying console activation coin box05219 ZBRO Paying console activation coin box05300 ZBRO Economy circuit front-end heater05301 ZBRO Front-end heater circulating pump05302 ZBRO Front-end heater inclined seat valve05303 ZBRO Roof ventilator05304 ZBRO Roof ventilator left05305 ZBRO Roof ventilator right05306 ZBRO Roof duct heating05307 ZBRO Roof duct ventilation05308 ZBRO Roof hatch check05309 ZBRO Roof hatch 1 rear open05310 ZBRO Roof hatch 1 rear open05311 ZBRO Roof hatch 1 completely open05312 ZBRO Roof hatch 1 front open05313 ZBRO Roof hatch 1 front open05314 ZBRO Roof hatch 2 rear open05315 ZBRO Roof hatch 2 rear open05316 ZBRO Roof hatch 2 completely open05317 ZBRO Roof hatch 2 front open05318 ZBRO Roof hatch 2 front open05319 ZBRO Heating05320 ZBRO Air-conditioning requested05321 ZBRO Cool driver’s area05322 ZBRO Coolant valve driver’s area
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message05323 ZBRO Set driver’s area to recirculating air05324 ZBRO Recirculation ventilation hatch front-end05325 ZBRO Roof duct blower reduction05326 ZBRO Ice warning air-conditioning05327 ZBRO Air-conditioning fault05328 ZBRO Set roof to fresh air05329 ZBRO Ventilation hatch roof +05330 ZBRO Compressor activated05331 ZBRO Input check air-conditioning05332 ZBRO Air conditioning idling speed increase05333 ZBRO Engine running to air-conditioning05334 ZBRO Terminal 58 to air-conditioning05335 ZBRO Air-conditioning circulating pump on05336 ZBRO Inclined seat valve from air-conditioning05337 ZBRO Auxiliary heater to air-conditioning05338 ZBRO Ventilation05339 ZBRO Passenger area heater stage 105340 ZBRO Heater fan 1 left stage 105341 ZBRO Heater fan 2 left stage 105342 ZBRO Heater fan 3 left stage 105343 ZBRO Heater fan 2a right stage 105344 ZBRO Heater fan 2b right stage 105345 ZBRO Passenger area heater stage 205346 ZBRO Heater fan 1 left stage 205347 ZBRO Heater fan 2 left stage 205348 ZBRO Heater fan 3 left stage 205349 ZBRO Heater fan 2a right stage 205350 ZBRO Heater fan 2b right stage 205351 ZBRO Heater fan 2c right stage 205352 ZBRO Interior thermostat (low=heating)05353 ZBRO Circulating pump a cooling water05354 ZBRO Circulating pump b cooling water05355 ZBRO Inclined seat valve cooling water05356 ZBRO Valve convector heating05357 ZBRO Auxiliary heater check05358 ZBRO Auxiliary heater economy circuit05359 ZBRO Auxiliary heater pre-set timer05360 ZBRO Auxiliary heater pre-set timer05361 ZBRO Auxiliary heater water v./circ. pump05362 ZBRO Roof ventilator05363 ZBRO Roof ventilator05364 ZBRO Roof ventilator05365 ZBRO Roof ventilator a05366 ZBRO Roof ventilator b05367 ZBRO Ventilation hatch roof -05368 ZBRO Set roof to recirculating air05369 ZBRO Recirculation ventilation hatch roof +05370 ZBRO Recirculation ventilation hatch roof -05371 ZBRO Interior thermostat fault05372 ZBRO Air-conditioning auxiliary heater request05373 ZBRO Passenger area heater stage 105374 ZBRO Passenger area heater stage 205375 ZBRO Interior thermostat (low=heating)05376 ZBRO Interior thermostat (high=heating)05377 ZBRO Roof ventilator fault05378 ZBRO Auxiliary heater fault05379 ZBRO Air-conditioning fault05380 ZBRO Driver’s fan switched off or fault05381 ZBRO Driver’s fan fault05382 ZBRO Pedestal heater stage 1
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message05383 ZBRO Pedestal heater stage 205384 ZBRO Pedestal heater stage 105385 ZBRO Pedestal heater stage 205386 ZBRO Sw. driver’s fan 2nd stage switched off or defective05387 ZBRO Driver’s fan stage 105388 ZBRO Driver’s fan stage 205389 ZBRO Roof hatch 3 rear open05390 ZBRO Roof hatch 3 rear open05391 ZBRO Roof hatch 3 completely open05392 ZBRO Roof hatch 3 front open05393 ZBRO Roof hatch 3 front open05394 ZBRO Water pump requested05395 ZBRO Parking lights heating control05396 ZBRO Auxiliary heater requested via passenger area heater05397 ZBRO Recirculation/ventilation hatch05398 ZBRO Recirculation/ventilation hatch05399 ZBRO Interior thermostat forebody fault05400 ZBRO Driver’s seat heating switch05401 ZBRO Driver’s seat heating05402 ZBRO ATC fault05403 ZBRO Air-conditioning system lower deck05404 ZBRO Air-conditioning system upper deck05500 HDS CAN error (no AAI message)05500 ZBRO Window heater05501 HDS CAN error (no ABC message)05501 ZBRO Window heater05502 HDS CAN error (no ATI message)05502 ZBRO Mirror heaters05503 HDS CAN error (no EEC1 message)05503 ZBRO Mirror heater left05504 HDS CAN error (no ETP message)05504 ZBRO Mirror heater right05505 HDS CAN error (no CEXH message)05505 ZBRO Door window heater05506 HDS CAN error (no FEC message)05506 ZBRO Door window heater a05507 HDS CAN error (no IEC message)05507 ZBRO Door window heater b05508 HDS CAN error (no NO1 message)05508 ZBRO Door window heater c05509 HDS CAN error (no PRO message)05509 ZBRO Door window heater d05510 HDS CAN error (no CTDA message)05510 ZBRO Windscreen heater05511 HDS Control unit or ‘Heating on’ faulty05511 ZBRO Windscreen heater05512 HDS CAN error (no CVDR message)05513 HDS CAN error (no CUQS message)05514 HDS Catalytic converter has been thermally overloaded05515 HDS AdBlue fill level is in ‘reserve area’05516 HDS Exhaust gas mass outside the limits05600 KSM Cab lock.05600 ZBR2 Cab lock05700 ZBR2 ACC rated distance05800 ZBRO Check CSR205801 ZBRO Check CSR205802 ZBRO Check CSR305803 ZBRO Check CSR305804 ZBRO Check CSR405805 ZBRO Check CSR4
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 270 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message05806 ZBRO Check CSR505807 ZBRO Check CSR505808 ZBRO Check CSR605809 ZBRO Check CSR605810 ZBRO Switch CSR1 bottom pressed05811 ZBRO Switch CSR1 bottom pressed05812 ZBRO Switch CSR1 top pressed05813 ZBRO Switch CSR1 top pressed05814 ZBRO Switch CSR1 check05815 ZBRO Switch CSR2 bottom pressed05816 ZBRO Switch CSR2 bottom pressed05817 ZBRO Switch CSR2 top pressed05818 ZBRO Switch CSR2 top pressed05819 ZBRO Switch CSR2 check05820 ZBRO Switch CSR4 bottom pressed05821 ZBRO Switch CSR4 bottom pressed05822 ZBRO Switch CSR4 top pressed05823 ZBRO Switch CSR4 top pressed05824 ZBRO Switch CSR4 check05825 ZBRO Switch CSR5 bottom pressed05826 ZBRO Switch CSR5 bottom pressed05827 ZBRO Switch CSR5 top pressed05828 ZBRO Switch CSR5 top pressed05829 ZBRO Switch CSR5 check05830 ZBRO Switch CSR6 bottom pressed05831 ZBRO Switch CSR6 bottom pressed05832 ZBRO Switch CSR6 top pressed05833 ZBRO Switch CSR6 top pressed05834 ZBRO Switch CSR6 check05835 ZBRO Switch CSR7 bottom pressed05836 ZBRO Switch CSR7 bottom pressed05837 ZBRO Switch CSR7 top pressed05838 ZBRO Switch CSR7 top pressed05839 ZBRO Switch CSR7 check05840 ZBRO Switch CSR8 bottom pressed05841 ZBRO Switch CSR8 bottom pressed05842 ZBRO Switch CSR8 top pressed05843 ZBRO Switch CSR8 top pressed05844 ZBRO Switch CSR8 check05900 ZBRO Speed signal05901 ZBRO Speed signal fault05902 ZBRO Speed signal06000 ZBR2 TCO1 message, tachograph06001 ZBR2 ACC06002 ZBR2 Date / time06003 ZBR2 Road speed governing, road speed06004 ZBR2 Instrumentation06005 ZBR2 EBC1 message, EBS06006 ZBR2 ECAS1 message, ECAS06007 ZBR2 ECAM1 message, ECAM06008 ZBR2 EEC1 message, FFR06009 ZBR2 ERC_RD message, secondary retarder06010 ZBR2 ERC_RE message, primary retarder06011 ZBR2 Engine oil pressure06012 ZBR2 Coolant temperature06013 ZBR2 Ambient conditions missing, FFR message06014 ZBR2 FFR06015 ZBR2 EBC2 missing message, EBS06016 ZBR2 EBC3 missing message, EBS06017 ZBR2 EBC4 missing message, EBS
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message06018 ZBR2 Engine speed missing06019 ZBR2 ETC1 missing message, FFR06020 ZBR2 ETC2 missing message, FFR06021 ZBR2 ETC3 missing message, FFR
06022 ZBR2Fuel consumption missing, total fuel consumption / consumption
since last reset06023 ZBR2 Fuel economy missing, fuel consumption in litres per hour06024 ZBR2 Inlet/exhaust conditions missing, boost pressure information06025 ZBR2 TC1_FT missing, FFR message to automatic gearbox06026 ZBR2 ACC1 message missing, display message from ACC
06027 ZBR2Aux_stat_ZBR_1 not on T-CAN, switch message 1 not on T-
06028 ZBR2 Aux_stat_ZBR_1 not on I-CAN, switch message 1 not on I-CAN06029 ZBR2 Dash display/fuel not on I-CAN, cleaning water tank display
06030 ZBR2 ERC1_RX missing, engine brake message missing from FFR
06032 ZBR2 Aux_stat_ZBR_2 not on I-CAN, switch message 2 not on I-CAN
06033 ZBR2 Aux_stat_ZBR_3 not on I-CAN, switch message 3 not on I-CAN
06034 ZBR2Reserved Aux_stat_ZBR_4 not on I-CAN, reserved switch
message 4 not on I-CAN
06035 ZBR2Vehicle electrical power not on CAN, voltage term. 30 and 15
from EDC via FFR
06036 ZBR2Retarder_Fluids RD missing, secondary retarder fill level
06037 ZBR2 Retarder_Fluids RE missing, primary retarder fill level missing06038 ZBR2 EEC2 message missing, electronic engine check 2 missing06039 ZBR2 Transmission_Fluids missing, gearbox fill level06040 ZBR2 Vehicle weight (EBS) missing, rear axle load (EBS) missing
06041 ZBR2 Vehicle weight (ECAS) missing, vehicle weight (ECAS) missing
06042 ZBR2 No engine configuration (multipacket), no engine configuration06043 ZBR2 SPN reply message (MAN request) not on I-CAN06044 ZBR2 SPN reply message (MAN request) not on I-CAN
06045 ZBR2ECAM1 message not on T-CAN (ECAM auxiliary function only),
reservoir pressures not on T-CAN06046 ZBR2 Torque converter and clutch system (WSK) no message06047 ZBR2 T-CAN fault: VDC1 message could not be received06048 ZBR2 I-CAN ETC2 no message06050 ZBR2 DM-1 ZBR2 message could not be sent (I-CAN)
06051 ZBR2DM-1 message vehicle error memory and data memory (OBDU)
could not be sent06052 ZBR2 I-CAN error: No chassis number message06053 ZBR2 T-CAN error: KSM2 message could not be received06054 ZBR2 Vehicle weight message from EBS could not be sent06055 ZBR2 ECAS message failure (ASC1_A)06056 ZBR2 ECAS message failure (RGE21)06057 ZBR2 I-CAN error: No door check message
06058 ZBR2 Aux_stat_Inst_2 not on I-CAN Switch message 2 not on I-CAN06059 ZBR2 ESP message failure06060 ZBR2 ECAS message failure (ASC3) height information06061 ZBR2 Vehicle weight message from ECAS could not be sent06062 ZBR2 Vehicle weight message from EBS could not be sent06110 ZBRO Status IKN active06111 ZBRO Status node 1.1 fault number
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message06112 ZBRO Status node 1.2 fault number06113 ZBRO Status node 1.3 fault number06114 ZBRO Status node 1.4 fault number06115 ZBRO Status node 1.5 fault number06116 ZBRO Status node 1.6 fault number06117 ZBRO Status node 1.7 fault number06118 ZBRO Status node 1.8 fault number06121 ZBRO Status node 2.1 fault number06122 ZBRO Status node 2.2 fault number06123 ZBRO Status node 2.3 fault number06124 ZBRO Status node 2.4 fault number06125 ZBRO Status node 2.5 fault number06126 ZBRO Status node 2.6 fault number06127 ZBRO Status node 2.7 fault number06128 ZBRO Status node 2.8 fault number06202 ZBR2 I-CAN fault: Aux_stat_ZBR_2 message could not be sent06203 ZBR2 I-CAN fault: Aux_stat_ZBR_3 message could not be sent06204 ZBR2 I-CAN fault: Modified message ETC2 could not be sent06205 ZBR2 I-CAN fault: Dash Display message could not be sent06206 ZBR2 T-CAN fault: ECAM1 message could not be sent06207 ZBR2 I-CAN fault: ECAM1 message could not be sent06208 ZBR2 I-CAN fault: DM1 ZBR2 message could not be sent06209 ZBR2 I-CAN fault: DM1 OBDU message could not be sent06250 ZBR2 no CAN message buffer06251 ZBR2 CAN message not evaluated06280 ZBR2 ROM test (program code) incorrect06281 ZBR2 ROM test (EOL parameters) incorrect06302 ZBR2 Serial communication06303 ZBR2 T CAN ground06304 ZBR2 T-CAN warning level, temporary fault T-CAN06305 ZBR2 I-CAN warning level, temporary fault I-CAN06320 ZBRO Status EBS (T-CAN) fault number06321 ZBRO Status engine control (T-CAN) fault no.06322 ZBRO Status gearbox (T-CAN) fault no.06323 ZBRO Status MTS fault number06324 ZBRO Status retarder (T-CAN) fault no.06325 ZBRO Status ECAS (T-CAN) fault number06326 ZBRO Status door 1 (K3-CAN) fault number06327 ZBRO Status door 2 (K3-CAN) fault number06328 ZBRO Status door 3 (K3-CAN) fault number06329 ZBRO Status door 4 (K3-CAN) fault number06393 ZBRO Status K3-CAN fault no. (new: 01673)06394 ZBRO Status FFR (T-CAN) fault number06395 ZBRO Status ECAS2 (T-CAN) fault number06396 ZBRO Status CBR2 (T-CAN)06397 ZBRO Status ECAM (T-CAN)06400 ZBRO Monitor06401 ZBRO Monitor06402 ZBRO Reversing camera06403 ZBRO Reversing camera06500 ZBRO Snow chains06501 ZBRO Snow chains06502 ZBRO Emergency exit window06600 ZBRO Galley06601 ZBRO Coffee machine06602 ZBRO Toilet06603 ZBRO Winter package08000 ZBRO Oil separator08001 ZBRO Oil separator middle of vehicle08002 ZBRO Oil separator rear
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 273 of 276
SPN Control unit/System Fault message08003 ZBRO Reservoir pressure BK1 too low08004 ZBRO Reservoir pressure BK2 too low08005 ZBRO Reservoir pressure BK4 too low08006 ZBRO Reservoir pressure BK2 sensor defective08007 ZBRO Reservoir pressure BK1 sensor defective08008 ZBRO Res. pres. BK2 sensor def. or. n.c08009 ZBRO Res. pres. BK1 sensor def. or. n.c08010 ECAM Pressure below warning level08010 ZBR2 Pressure below warning level08010 ZBRO Res. pres. BK1 too low or sensor def.08011 ECAM Initial filling of circuit 1 – faulty08011 ZBRO Res. pres. BK1 too low or sensor def.08012 ECAM Initial filling of circuit 2 – faulty08013 ECAM Initial filling of circuit 3 – faulty08014 ECAM Initial filling of circuit 4 – faulty08020 ECAM No valid fault definition08100 ECAM Control unit defective; ROM checksum incorrect08100 ZBRO Door 2 photoelectric barrier/sensor08101 ECAM Control unit defective; RAM fault08101 INST Total failure of CAN messages08101 STON Failure of all CAN messages, but no BUSOFF08101 ZBRO Door 2 photoelectric barrier/sensor08102 ECAM Control unit defective; calibration data checksum incorrect08102 ZBRO Door 4 photoelectric barrier/sensor08103 ECAM Control unit defective; parameter data checksum incorrect08103 INST CAN message tachograph: Speed and daily mileage counter08103 STON Failure of message TCO1 (speed, reset trip counter)08103 ZBRO Door 4 photoelectric barrier/sensor
08104 ECAMPressure, pressure sensor – preliminary circuit/pressure
regulator08104 INST CAN message tachograph: Route information
08104 STONFailure of Vehicle Distance message (trip mileage counter, total
mileage counter)08104 ZBR2 Previous circuit08104 ZBRO Door 1, safety strip08105 INST CAN message tachograph: Date / time
08105 STONFailure of Time Date message (time information from
tachograph)08105 ZBRO Door 2, safety strip08106 INST CAN message ECAM: Brake pressure pickup (ECAM1)08106 STON Failure of ECAM1 message (reservoir pressures for brake)08106 ZBRO Door 3, safety strip08107 INST CAN message central on-board computer: Tank content08107 STON Failure of Dash Display/Fuel Level message08107 ZBRO Door 4, safety strip08108 INST CAN message EDC: Cooling water temperature08108 STON Failure of Engine Temperature message08108 ZBRO Door 1 emergency tap cover open08109 INST CAN message gearbox control unit: Gear display (ETC2)08109 STON Failure of ETC2 message (gear information)08109 ZBRO Door 2 emergency tap cover open
08110 INSTCAN message gearbox control unit: Display of splitter group
(gear symbol, ETC3)08110 STON Failure of ETC3 message (splitter group)08110 ZBRO Door 3 emergency tap cover open08111 INST CAN message EDC: Boost pressure
08111 STONFailure of Inlet/Exhaust Conditions message (boost pressure
bar)08111 ZBRO Door 4 emergency tap cover open08112 INST CAN message EDC: Engine speed
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message08112 STON Failure of EEC1 message (engine speed display)08112 ZBRO External emergency taps locked
08113 INSTCAN message vehicle management computer: Outside
08113 STONFailure of Ambient Conditions message (external temperature
display)08113 ZBRO External emergency taps unlocked08114 INST Control unit defective (ICOM total failure)
08114 STONCombi-internal: ICOM total failure (internal plug connection
between PCBs)08114 ZBRO Emergency tap locking08115 INST Display fault08116 INST Stepping motor zero point08117 INST Buffer overrun with DM1 fault messages
08117 STON
Combi-internal: Processing error when receiving DM1 messages: * Buffer overrun * Timeout error * Sequence number
error08118 INST Control unit defective (EEPROM checksum error)
08118 STONCombi-internal: Checksum error when reading EEPROM during
ongoing operation
08119 INSTControl unit defective (EEPROM checksum error during
08119 STONCombi-internal: Checksum error when reading EEPROM in the
initialisation phase08120 INST Temperature sensor08120 STON Combi-internal: Temperature outside the permitted range
08121 INST CAN message central on-board computer: Status message 108121 STON Failure of AUX_STAT_1 message
08122 INST CAN message central on-board computer: Status message 208122 STON Failure of AUX_STAT_2 message
08123 INST CAN message central on-board computer: Status message 308123 STON Failure of AUX_STAT_3 message
08124 INST CAN message central on-board computer: Status message 408124 STON Failure of AUX_STAT_4 message
08125 INST CAN message central on-board computer: Status message 508125 STON Failure of AUX_STAT_5 message
08126 INST CAN message central on-board computer: Status message 608126 STON Failure of AUX_STAT_6 message
08127 INST CAN message central on-board computer: Status message 708127 STON Failure of AUX_STAT_7 message
08128 INST CAN message central on-board computer: Status message 808128 STON Failure of AUX_STAT_8 message
08129 INST CAN message central on-board computer: DM1 body controller08129 STON Failure of DM1 Body Controller message (monitoring)
08130 INSTCAN message EDC: Cruise control vehicle speed for cruise
control function (CCVS)08130 STON Failure of CC/VHS message (cruise control function)08131 STON Failure of vehicle identification message (chassis number)
08132 STONFailure of Transmission Fluids exclusive message or
Transmission Fluids converter and clutch unit message
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SPN Control unit/System Fault message
08133 INSTParameter configuration faulty (consistency, plausibility,
assignment error)
08133 STONConsistency error/plausibility error in configuration in parameter
tables08134 INST EOL parameter content: Error08134 STON Error in EOL parameter content08135 STON Failure message tank info 1 (AdBlue fill level)08200 STON Button fault on multifunctional steering wheel (MFL)08201 ECAM Control unit defective; watchdog reset
08201 STONFailure message MFL1 from multifunctional steering wheel (LIN
data bus)08202 ECAM Heating circuit08203 ECAM Temperature circuit
08204 ECAMMaximum delivery volume without regeneration exceeded after
completion of first fill
08310 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, receive time overrun in message ‘Wheel-
based vehicle speed’ from VMC08320 ECAM CAN data bus driveline, bus off
08330 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in TCO1
message from tachograph
08331 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, values in ‘TCO1 Vehicle Speed’
message from tachograph not plausible
08340 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in EBC1
message from the EBS
08341 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, values in EBC1 message from the EBS
not plausible
08350 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, receive time violation (too short) in
‘Aux_Stat_ZBR_1’ message from the central on-board computer
08351 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, value in ‘Aux_Stat_ZBR_1’ message
from the central on-board computer not plausible
08360 ECAM
CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ‘Ambient_Condition’ message from vehicle management
08361 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, values in ‘Ambient air temperature’ message from vehicle management computer not plausible
08370 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ‘EEC1’
message from the EDC
08371 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, values in ‘EEC1 — act_engine_torque’
message from the EDC not plausible
08372 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, values in ‘EEC1 — engine_speed’
message from the EDC not plausible
08380 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ‘Time/Date’
message from tachograph
08381 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, values in ‘Time/Date — Time parameter’
message from tachograph not plausible
08382 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, values in ‘Time/Date — Date parameter’
message from tachograph not plausible
08390 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in ‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’ message from tachograph
08391 ECAMCAN data bus driveline, values in ‘High Resolution Vehicle
Distance’ message from tachograph not plausible
SD 812a en-online 05.2007 Page 276 of 276
спасибо за разжовывание))
сегодня делали диагностику и мне сказали что дело в датчике или проводке,что то там должно смыкаться,размыкаться,а этого не происходит.
но не смогли объяснить почему эта надпись выскакивает при теплой погоде…
прикольная диагностика… а воз и ныне там…
в вашей проблеме может быть как механическая неисправность, так и электрическая… а если электрическая, то и дураку понятно, что если низкое давление, то либо датчик чудит, который это давление измеряет, либо чудит проводка к этому датчику, по которой датчик получает питание и передаёт информацию…
а про теплую погоду: … допустим, обрыв провода или зеленка в проводах, в сырую погоду контакт есть, все работает, а как тепло и влага подсохла, контакт пропал… и напридумать можно подобного очень много… только это тогда не ремонт, а ковыряние в носу…
поэтому считываем ошибки по блокам ZBR, FFR (ну и по другим для вас лишним не будет), по ним уже точно будет видно что не работает, как не работает, почему не работает и куда лезть…
The MAN TG-range is a family of trucks produced since 2000 by the German vehicle manufacturer MAN Truck & Bus. It is the successor to the F2000, L2000, and M2000 series. It consists of the TGA (now discontinued), TGL, TGM, TGS, and TGX. The TG range is currently made up of five models with the introduction of the TGE light commercial vehicle, a rebadged Volkswagen Crafter.
ZBR 01086-01 FFR 03277-00 and EDC: a problem in the pressure of the 3rd circuit, as well as in the power supply to the EDC unit or in the EDC unit itself (if it was lit carelessly).
ZBR 01086-06, and then 01086-04: sensor 3 circuits, (sensor 3 circuits located in front of the saddle, check the wires), there should be a yellow label on the wire with the circuit number, the fuse for all circuits is common, and it is also sound signal, the sensor may be lying, for this and error all four pressure sensors are powered from one fuse, the same fuse feeds the signal and the sensor in the air filter, then what is common to all sensors: the mass goes in series, first comes to the first sensor, goes to the other pin in the sensor and goes to the second and also the third and fourth, so if you have all the sensors fall off, then first you need to watch the wiring of the first sensor
ZBR 01087-06: Pressure error (pressure sensor) in 1 circuit, number (06) indicates a short circuit to B +, 2 variants (therefore, vehicle data is needed)
If the car is with ECAM, then: possible failure of the ECAM unit; pressure sensor in the ECAM unit
If the car has a four-valve, the pressure sensors are installed in the corresponding air lines.
malfunctions are possible: problem with wiring (frayed wires, contacts were oxidized, etc.) problem with the sensor (gradually “dies”)
1. check – look at the wires and connectors on the sensors
2. Try to change the sensors in places (for example, with 2 circuits set to 1) and see if the error also jumps out – look at the wiring.
ZBR 01088-04: receiver pressure 2 circuits 04-no signal
ZBR 01089-01 – pressure 4th circuit. 01 is too high.
ZBR 03108-05: a problem with an electrical disconnect switch.
ZBR 03300-03: starter – generator, if the voltage is 27, then let it go to the nearest place of good repair, and if 24 and below, then the trouble. Error on the generator, first of all you need to watch the relay with brushes, slip rings on the rotor and the wear of the generator bearings
ZBR 03501-05: Abs does not power the trailer
ZBR 03600-10: Clutch-Gearbox Fluid Level. The interruption of the fluid level sensor in the clutch reservoir most likely failed the level sensor. And when the level in the tank DECREASES – the on-board computer issues a message in plain text: “low level of clutch fluid” on the screen. Or something like depending on the selected text language
ZBR 04001-10 – the dipped left does not work
ZBR 04021-10 – extra high beam on the left.
ZBR 04027-10 – fog light on the left side of the cliff.
ZBR 04311-04: Wipers
ZBR 04400-02 – No central lubrication available.
ZBR 04401 – 10 and 04402 – 10: lubrication level of the fifth wheel coupling (tank under the cab to the right)
FFR 00033 – 06 – The car should have a comfort-shift system in the clutch actuator, see the wires and the sensor at the CCGT, usually break the wires to the CCGT sensor, since low hanging or burn out on the muffler
FFR 00161-08 – speed at the input of the gearbox.
FFR 00171-01 and 00171-06 – outdoor temperature sensor.
FFR 00558-08 – the accelerator pedal is dying.
FFR 00647-10 – the fan coupling. See the wire on the viscous coupling of the engine fan, most likely, it broke off when the viscous coupling jammed … If you change the viscous coupling with the sensor and the error does not disappear, then the Khan to the FFR control unit … this is the most common case. If everything is whole, then you need to think something else.
FFR 00698-04 – the gas pedal starts to die.
FFR 00771-06 – divider position (lower)
FFR 01045 – gear lock
FFR 03155-08 – wrong message from ebs, perhaps ebs has errors, and they are duplicated in FFR type, i.e. incorrect CAN requests are duplicated
FFR 03155 – CAN EBS. This error indicates that a fault message is received from the EBU on the CAN bus, in your case this is a consequence of the error 3140, the FFR block is exactly working.
FFR 03214-08 – wrong tachograph signal
FFR 03279-04 – no vehicle speed signal
FFR 03263-08 – neutral sensor
FFR 03264-08 – parking brake input. Check the parking brake sensor and pay attention to the chip. He stands between the checkpoint and the saddle.
FFR 03277-00 – no engine can
FFR 03281 – talks about the failure of the FFR block, but do not climb there before the time. First you need to REMOVE CIRCUITS and CLEARINGS.
FFR 03305-08 – large group output stage, with an active error, halves and rows will not turn on, usually wires, look for a break or near the connector on the valve block or under the plastic cover on the left side in front of the cab X1553 connector, the wire numbers are the same as on the valve block connector.
FFR 0639-04, FFR 03279-04 – speedometer, sensor on the box or wiring. The tachometer takes data from the EDC unit through the FFR – ZBR dashboard. The speedometer takes the speed reading from the tachograph to which the sensor is connected which is on the box. from the tachograph – FFR – ZBR – dashboard, look, maybe there are still some errors, for example, on the CAN line. 0639 – T CAN low, 03279 – no speed signal, check the T-CAN line for resistance should be 60 ohms and leakage to earth, maybe, where the connector is depressed.
EDC 00102-00 – boost pressure. At least it is necessary to warm the intercooler, as a maximum – pressurizing pressure sensor, washing the intercooler, turbine.
EDC 00168-01 – 168 – battery voltage, 01 – too high
EDC 00637-03 – error of the first injector, in case of malfunction of the first injector, the machine will quietly reach. the unit eds does not correct the ignition advance angle, there will be a loss of power, and otherwise nothing, sometimes it can specifically blunt, if it turns out that the problem is in the electrical part of the first force, then replacing only the first force, the problem can also be in theory in the wires, Finally, I want to say that if an error occurred, this does not mean that we immediately climb and change the force, first competent troubleshooting.
EDC 03004-02 – valve agr. air, wiring, or damper wedged, the most likely – wedged damper, I don’t remember 02 it is open or closed, but generally they do it like this: they shut off the pneumatic valve from the damper, the damper is silenced with “anti-winter”, but the rod should be free to go and where not to rest At 28 dvigla front, at the 20th side, the valve between the intake and exhaust manifold
EDC 03047-03, EDC 03048-03, EDC 03051-03 – the car starts up poorly – either with a pump injection problem, or with wires, or the control unit is naughty. It requires the intervention of experts, in a different way – (the fuel was not winter – it means the rake hung due to the summer fuel)
EDC 03063-01, 03076-09 – an error of the main relay, which stands near the fuel filter on the engine, on the “EDC 6.1” this relay is a whole problem: either the car stalls or it does not start. Usually, replacing the relay helps, there may be two similar ones on the fuel service center, your relay, the wires of which go to the corrugation which goes to the EDC
EDC 03082-00 – there is a problem with the oil pressure sensor, if the error lights up temporarily or nothing serious, the fact is that when the engine is not started – the sensor sometimes shows slight pressure, the oil pressure sensor is blocked, you can recheck if you see oil pressure when the ignition is on on the onboard computer, it will be more than 0.5 bar. When starting the engine, the pressure will increase
EDC 03088-06 – the charge pressure sensor is faulty (the parameter has moved out).
EDC 03775-02 – control of the main pressure, 02 – high pressure is too low, do you still have error 94 together with this error? if there is, then 03775 is a consequence. 94 – low fuel pressure (before the fine filter), then frost down to -15, and summer diesel fuel
EDC 03778-10 – the engine has problems with the Common Rail fuel system, in particular, there is a leak of fuel from the high-pressure part of the system into the return line, if judged by mistake.
EDC 03779 – There is a pressure drop in the fuel in the high-pressure line through the ramp check valve or through some nozzle into the return line.
EBS 03101-00 – front left wheel – speed sensor.
EBS 03126-00 – trans. a lion. the wheel is to turn off the engine, flush all the air out of the system, then start up, pump up the air.
EBS 03140 – there is no CAN from the front axle module on the left, check the power line and the CAN line from the EBS unit to the module, you probably have a problem with the wires that go from the EBS unit to the front left modulator
EBS 03171-31 – front right pad sensor.
EBS 03190-00 – Faulty front right wheel module. Check the CAN line and the power line from the EBS unit to the front right module, most likely a problem in the wires.
EBS 03221-31 – a problem with brake linings.
EBS 03271-00 – The control unit received an erroneous signal from the right rear wheel pad wear sensor. When checking on the onboard computer, will be “-” instead of values. There is usually a problem in the wiring between the sensor and the axial modulator, but there are also faults in the sensor itself and a violation of its adjustment. You can ride, only black duct tape will have to be stuck on a triangle
EBS 03443-00 – Error in the trailer brake control valve, something with air pressure. But in most cases, the faucet is under replacement
EBS 03519-00 – wheel sensor failure. Which one is not indicated in the decoding, it says only that the failure of the last ignition on, the oscilloscope may and will give a clear picture. Error 3519 (it is not erased just like that), and 03201 is a rear left sensor, checked the sensor – short circuit. After replacing the sensor, the 3519 itself went out of memory, and the remaining inactive error 3201 had to be erased. The ABS sensor connector is connected to the EBS modulator connector under the top cover. Maybe the wires have rotted, and here on one machine the connector jumped out of the socket, although the modulators have never been opened. By the way, if the ABS sensor seems to have a resistance of 1.56 ohms on the same connector, then the reason may be in the modulator itself, since he collects all signals, incl. from the pad wear sensor and the CAN-bus drives them to the brains, the brains themselves control the same bus. Well, if all the same sensor, it is not necessary to spend money on your own MAN. It is stupid to buy from a cart and gently solder the cable, and then thickly coat the butt with silicone and compress with shrinking. Works with a bang, only costs three times cheaper, do not be surprised, the drag sensor can have resistance from 1.05 to 1.85 ohms.
EBS 04346-00 – the module responsible for the brakes on the trailer is faulty.
EBS 04507-00 – a problem with the left front wheel pad wear sensor. Do not rush to change the sensor, first check the power on it and how much it leaves. The power supply should be 5V: the 1st and 4th leg of the connector, from 0.19 to 5V, if from the 0 volt sensor goes – the sensor is out of order.
00001. all except MTS. Date, time, mileage in km
00001. MTS. Expansion module door 2
00002. MTS. Expansion module door 3
00002. ZBRO. Engine Speed
00003. MTS. Expansion module door 4
00003. ZBRO. Oil pressure
00004. MTS. Expansion module door 5
00004. ZBRO. Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
00005. MTS. Motor/door valve door 1 (front)
00005. ZBRO. Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
00006. MTS. Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
00006. ZBRO. Brake pressure brake circuit 1
00007. MTS. Motor/door valve door 2 (front)
00007. ZBRO. Brake pressure brake circuit 2
00008. MTS. Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
00008. ZBRO. Accelerator pedal position
00009. MTS. Motor/door valve door 3 (front)
00009. ZBRO. Preselected gear
00010. MTS. Motor/door valve door 3 (rear)
00010. ZBRO. Engaged gear
00011. MTS. Motor/door valve door 4 (front)
00011. ZBRO. Cooling water temperature
00012. MTS. Motor/door valve door 4 (rear)
00012. ZBRO. Tank fill level
00013. MTS. Motor/door valve door 5 (front)
00013. ZBRO. Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
00014. MTS. Motor/door valve door 5 (rear)
00014. ZBRO. Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
00015. MTS. Entry lighting door 1
00015. ZBRO. On-board voltage
00016. MTS. Entry lighting door 2
00017. MTS. Entry lighting door 3
00018. MTS. Entry lighting door 4
00019. MTS. Entry lighting door 5
00020. MTS. Door closing warning device door 1
00021. MTS. Door closing warning device door 2
00022. MTS. Door closing warning device door 3
00023. MTS. Door closing warning device door 4
00024. MTS. Door closing warning device door 5
00025. MTS. Ramp activation door 1
00026. MTS. Ramp activation door 2
00027. MTS. Ramp activation door 3
00028. MTS. Ramp activation door 4
00029. MTS. Ramp activation door 5
00030. MTS. Stop request display door 1
00031. MTS. Stop request display door 2
00032. all except MTS. Split position
00032. MTS. Stop request display door 3
00033. all except MTS. Clutch travel sensor
00033. MTS. Stop request display door 4
00034. MTS. Stop request display door 5
00035. MTS. Door enable display door 1
00036. MTS. Door enable display door 2
00037. MTS. Door enable display door 3
00038. all except MTS. Fuel fill level 2
00038. MTS. Door enable display door 4
00039. MTS. Door enable display door 5
00040. MTS. Workshop switch door 1
00041. MTS. Workshop switch door 2
00042. MTS. Workshop switch door 3
00043. MTS. Workshop switch door 4
00044. MTS. Workshop switch door 5
00045. MTS. Pressure shaft door 1
00046. EMOS. Cruise control nominal speed
00046. MTS. Pressure shaft door 2
00047. MTS. Pressure shaft door 3
00048. MTS. Pressure shaft door 4
00049. MTS. Pressure shaft door 5
00050. MTS. Stop request button door 1
00051. CNG. Throttle butterfly
00051. MTS. Stop request button door 2
00052. MTS. Stop request button door 3
00053. MTS. Stop request button door 4
00054. MTS. Stop request button door 5
00055. MTS. Baby carriage button door 1
00056. MTS. Baby carriage button door 2
00057. MTS. Baby carriage button door 3
00058. MTS. Baby carriage button door 4
00059. MTS. Baby carriage button door 5
00060. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (front)
00061. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (rear)
00062. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (front)
00063. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (rear)
00064. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (front)
00065. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (rear)
00066. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (front)
00067. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (rear)
00068. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (front)
00069. MTS. Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (rear)
00070. MTS. Pressure monitoring door 1
00070. OBDU. Parking brake applied
00070. ZBR2. No ‘parking brake’ signal
00071. MTS. Pressure monitoring door 2
00072. MTS. Pressure monitoring door 3
00073. MTS. Pressure monitoring door 4
00074. all except MTS. Lamp, road speed limiting
00074. MTS. Pressure monitoring door 5
00075. all except MTS. Steering axle temperature
00075. MTS. Reference voltage door sensors door 1
00076. MTS. Reference voltage door sensors door 2
00077. MTS. Reference voltage door sensors door 3
00078. MTS. Reference voltage door sensors door 4
00079. MTS. Reference voltage door sensors door 5
00080. MTS. Door sensor door 1 front
00081. EDC. Exhaust differential pressure
00081. MTS. Door sensor door 1 rear
00082. MTS. Door sensor door 2 front
00083. MTS. Door sensor door 2 rear
00084. all except MTS. wheel-based vehicle speed
00084. MTS. Door sensor door 3 front
00085. MTS. Door sensor door 3 rear
00086. all except MTS. Road speed, cruise control
00086. MTS. Door sensor door 4 front
00087. MTS. Door sensor door 4 rear
00088. MTS. Door sensor door 5 front
00089. MTS. Door sensor door 5 rear
00090. MTS. C3 signal
00091. all except MTS. Accelerator pedal position
00091. MTS. Checklamp driver’s workplace
00092. all except MTS. Current torque to maximum torque
00092. MTS. Pneumatic seal
00094. EDC. Fuel supply pressure
00094. MTS. Red/green display
00095. MTS. Depressurised buzzer
00096. all except MTS. Fuel fill level 1
00096. MTS. Bus-stop brake
00097. MTS. Stop request display driver
00098. all except MTS. Engine oil level
00098. MTS. Baby carriage display driver
00100. all. Oil pressure
00102. all. Boost pressure
00105. all. Charge air temperature
00107. all. Air filter pressure
00108. all. Barometric Pressure
00109. all. Cooling water pressure
00110. all. Coolant temperature
00111. all. Coolant Level
00119. RET. Housing pressure
00120. DIW5. Temperature acquisition retarder oil
00132. CNG. Air mass
00157. EDC, Common Rail. Fuel pressure in rail
00157. EDC6, not Common Rail. Fuel pressure
00158. all. Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched
00159. all. Gas Supply Pressure
00161. all. Gearbox input speed
00168. all. Battery voltage
00171. all. Outside temperature
00173. CNG. Exhaust temperature sensor
00173. EDC. Exhaust temperature before particulate filter
00174. all. Fuel temperature
00175. all. Engine oil temperature
00177. all. Transmission fluid temperature
00190. all. Engine speed
00191. all. Gearbox output speed
00228. RAS. Speed speedometer and sensor
00245. all. Vehicle mileage
00359. all. Kickdown switch signal
00512. EMOS. Driver request torque
00513. all. Engine torque
00514. CRT. Friction torque
00514. EMOS. ‘Engine friction loss moment’ signal
00518. all. Requested Torque
00520. all. Current retarder torque
00521. all. Brake pedal setting
00523. all. Current gear
00525. EMOS. Nominal gear signal
00544. CRT. Faulty engine speed signal
00556. all. Reference torque of the retarder
00558. all. Unladen driving switch signal
00560. CRT. CAN message ETC 1
00561. all. ASR engine check switch
00562. all. ASR brake check switch
00563. all. ABS active signal
00572. all. Retarder switch shift assistant
00578. all. Rear axle temperature
00582. all. Axle load
00595. all. Cruise control active signal
00597. all. Brake switch signal
00598. KSM. Clutch switch signal
00601. all. Road speed governor resume switch
00603. EBS. Pedal brake module switch 2
00609. EBS. Central control unit – B-controller
00609. EDC. Engine CAN
00617. all. Parking brake output
00620. RAS. Electrical power supply to steering angle sensors
00627. EBS. Monitoring of voltage supply on PIN X1/16 – X1/17
00627. RAS. Voltage supply terminal 30
00629. all. No text! Specific to control unit
00637. all. Timing Sensor
00638. all. Rack Actuator
00639. all. Sae J1939 Data Link
00645. EBS. External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition
in communication with tachograph on CAN (SA=0xEE)
00645. RAS. Speedometer signal
00647. all. Fan clutch
00651. CNG. Injection valve of cylinder 1
00651. EDC. Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 12
00652. CNG. Injection valve of cylinder 2
00652. EDC. Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8
00653. CNG. Injection valve of cylinder 3
00653. EDC. Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 10
00654. CNG. Injection valve of cylinder 4
00654. EDC. Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 6, slave cyl. 7
00655. CNG. Injection valve of cylinder 5
00655. EDC. Solenoid valve:
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11
00656. CNG. Injection valve of cylinder 6
00656. EDC. Solenoid valve:
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9
00697. all. Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal
00698. all. Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal
00699. all. Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal
00702. KSM. Earth switch output, adjustable parameters
00703. KSM. Switch terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00704. KSM. Switch 2 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00705. KSM. Switch 3 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00706. KSM. Switch 4 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00707. KSM. Switch 5 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00708. KSM. Earth switch 2 output, adjustable parameters
00709. KSM. Earth switch 3 output, adjustable parameters
00711. EDC. Duration of main injection
00723. all. Auxiliary engine speed sensor
00731. CNG. Knock sensor 1
00734. all. Solenoid valve circuit 1
00735. all. Solenoid valve circuit 2
00736. all. Solenoid valve circuit 3
00737. all. Solenoid valve circuit 4
00738. all. Solenoid valve pressure regulator
00739. all. Solenoid valve regeneration
00743. RET. On/off valve
00744. RET. Proportional valve
00746. EBS. Differential lock valve (differential lock switch)
00748. all. Retarder actuated
00764. RET. Pressure sensor housing pressure
00767. all. Transmission Reverse Direction Switch
00770. all. Split H
00771. all. Split L
00773. all. DNR switch
00780. all. Gearbox neutral indicator
00789. EBS. Wheel sensor wheel 1
00790. EBS. Wheel sensor wheel 2
00791. EBS. Wheel sensor wheel 3
00792. EBS. Wheel sensor wheel 4
00793. EBS. Wheel sensor wheel 5
00794. EBS. Wheel sensor wheel 6
00833. all. Fuel Rack Position Sensor
00835. RAS. Oil level signal
00876. GKR. Compressor coupling
00877. GKR. Evaporator temperature sensor
00898. all. Maximum speed limiter switch
00904. all. Front axle speed
00929. TPM. Tyre data
00932. EBS. Pressure regulating valve left intake valve
00933. EBS. Pressure regulating valve right intake valve
00938. EBS. Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve
00939. EBS. Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve
00944. AB. Driver’s airbag (loop 1)
00944. all except airbag. No text! Specific to control unit
00946. AB. left BT (loop 2)
00946. all except airbag. No text! Specific to control unit
00948. AB. SRS lamp
00948. all except airbag. No text! Specific to control unit
00959. all. Seconds
00960. all. Minutes
00961. all. Hours
00962. all. Day
00963. all. Month
00964. all. Year
00974. KSM. Pedal value sensor
00976. KSM. Ready output
01007. ZBR2. Trip Drive Fuel Used (Natural Gas)
01031. ZBR2. Trip Average Fuel Rate (Natural Gas)
01042. EBS. ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): Data bus switched off
01043. ECAS. Supply voltage for peripherals
01045. all. Gate interlock
(auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01056. EBS. Trailer control module pressure control,
maximum pressure
01057. EBS. Central control unit – B-controller:
Implausible pressure from trailer control module pressure sensor,
when brakes not applied
01058. EBS. Trailer control module – pressure sensor signal
01060. EBS. Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 1
01061. EBS. Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 2
01062. EBS. Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 3
01063. EBS. Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 4
01064. EBS. Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 5
01065. EBS. Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 6
01066. EBS. Service brake module
01067. EBS. Service brake module signal 1 (increasing)
01068. EBS. Service brake module signal 2 (decreasing)
01072. all. Engine brake switch
01079. CNG. Supply voltage sensors 1
01079. EDC. Supply to rail pressure sensor
01079. HDS. Supply voltage sensor 1
01079. RET. Supply voltage pressure sensor 5 volts
01080. CNG. Supply voltage sensors 2
01080. EDC. Supply fuel supply pressure,
charge air pressure and oil pressure sensor
01080. HDS. Supply voltage sensor 2
01086. all. Pressure, pressure sensor – circuit 3
01087. all. Pressure, pressure sensor – circuit 1
01088. all. Pressure, pressure sensor – circuit 2
01089. all. Pressure, pressure sensor – circuit 4
01090. all. Pressure, pressure sensor – circuit 5
01131. EDC. Charge air temperature ahead of engine
01210. all. No text! Specific to control unit
01213. KSM. Checklamp output
01231. CRT. Engine CAN
01231. EDC. Engine CAN
01235. all. J 1939 Network #3
01352. CNG. Knock control cylinder 1
01353. CNG. Knock control cylinder 2
01354. CNG. Knock control cylinder 3
01355. CNG. Knock control cylinder 4
01356. CNG. Knock control cylinder 5
01357. CNG. Knock control cylinder 6
01376. all. Tl. 30-1 connected
01485. HDS. Main relay switched off
01542. HDS. Voltage supply metering valve
01624. all. Road speed
01669. KSM. A-CAN busoff
01673. ZBRO. Status body 3 CAN
01675. EMOS. ‘Engine start’ signal
01676. ZBR2. No ‘Break light request’ signal in ERC_RX (timeout)
01761. HDS. Urea fill level tank
02000. OBDU. No text! Specific to control unit
02001. OBDU. EDC slave not on CAN
02003. OBDU. Gearbox not on CAN
02009. OBDU. MAN Hydro Drive control unit not on CAN
02011. OBDU. EBS not on CAN (pneumatic backup operation)
02015. OBDU. Retarder engine not on CAN
02016. OBDU. Driveline retarder not on CAN
02023. OBDU. Instrumentation not on CAN
02037. OBDU. Radio module not on CAN
02039. OBDU. FFR not on CAN
02042. OBDU. ACC not on CAN
02047. OBDU. ECAS not on CAN
02048. OBDU. ECAM not on CAN
02051. OBDU. Tyre pressure control system (TPM) not on CAN
02056. OBDU Control unit of the steering rear axle (RAS) not on CAN
02061. OBDU. Control unit of the exhaust post-treatment not on CAN
02062. OBDU. ESP not on CAN
02064. OBDU. ECAS 2 not on CAN
02067. OBDUTorque converter and clutch system (WSK) not on CAN
02114. OBDU. VSM not on CAN
02120. OBDU. ZFR not on CAN
02232. OBDU. Lane guard system not on CAN
02238. OBDU. Tachograph not on CAN
02251. OBDU. Telematic onboard module not on CAN
02253. OBDU. KSM not on CAN
02987. INST. Parameter set in combination gauge or
chassis number in tachograph not adapted to the vehicle
02987. STON. Parameter set in instrument cluster or
in tachograph not adapted
02987. ZBR2. Parameter record in central on-board computer 2
or chassis number in tachograph not adapted to vehicle
02999. ECO2. Retarder reduction if a
temperature threshold is exceeded
02999. RET. Power limit (temperature adaptation)
03000. EBS. No fault
03000. EHLA. Electronics error function computer
03000. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC1.
03000. SKG. Temperature at outfeed of evaporator (KTT n. KTBV)
03000. TBM. An unexpected RESET has occurred
03000. TPM. Tyre pressure
03000. ZBR2. ZBR system
03001. ACC. Additional information 1
03001. EBS. Control unit defective; unknown ?C interrupt,
?C self-test, RAM or ROM test
03001. ECAS. Control unit (internal fault)
03001. EDC. Engine speed sensor, reverse polarity
03001. EHLA. Electronic error safety computer
03001. FFR. Term. 30, continuous positive
03001. GKR. Interior air temperature sensor
03001. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC2.
03001. RET. Temperature sensor before engine (T1)
03001. SFFR. Driver’s request
03001. SKG. Temperature at outfeed of ice accumulator (KTT n ESP)
03001. TBM. Real-time clock TBM
03001. TUER. RESET
03001. ZBR2. Wake up, computer
03001. ZBRO. External wake-up ZR
03002. ACC. Additional information 2
03002. AST. Y2 valve splitter low
03002. EBS. Control unit defective,
timeout in data exchange ?C active – ?C passive
03002. EDC. Segment speed
03002. EHLA. Digital output parameters
03002. GKR. External air temperature sensor
03002. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC3.
03002. RET. Temperature sensor after engine (T2)
03002. SFFR. Speed request ship vehicle management computer
03002. TBM. Fault in EEPROM
03002. ZBRO. External wake-up1 ZR
03003. ACC. Additional information 3
03003. AST. Y3 valve splitter high
03003. EBS. Control unit defective; redundancy fault ?c input signal
03003. EDC. Engine speed sensor/
auxiliary speed sensor swapped over
03003. GKR. Blow-out air temperature sensor
03003. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC1.
03003. RET. Fault (watchdog drop-out / internal error in control unit)
03003. SFFR. Terminal 15
03003. SKG. Motor / valve B
03003. TBM. Fault in RAM disk
03003. ZBRO. External wake-up2 ZR
03004. ACC. Additional information 4
03004. AST. Y4 valve gate position 3 / 4
03004. EBS. Control unit defective,
checksum data exchange ?C active – ?C passive
03004. EDC. EGR valve position
03004. GKR. Bypass flap motor potentiometer
03004. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message CcVeh_speed.
03004. LGS. Control unit
03004. RET. EEPROM (data record fault)
03004. SFFR. Voltage selector lever
03004. SKG. Motor / valve C
03004. TBM. Operating temperature TBM
03004. ZBRO. External wake-up ZR by IKN
03005. AST. Y5 valve gate position 1 / 2
03005. EBS. Control unit defective; EEPROM fault:
Checksum not correct
03005. EDC. Timeout, message location 13
03005. EHLA. Proportional valve outputs
03005. GKR. Heating valve
03005. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC1.
03005. RET. ROM (checksum incorrect)
03005. SFFR. Voltage pedal value sensor
03005. SKG. Main pump
03005. TBM. Overcurrent at digital power current outputs
03005. ZBRO. Status ZR fault number
03006. AST. Y6 valve shift position 1 / R
03006. EDC. Primary speed
03006. GKR. Recirculation ventilation flap motor
03006. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC2.
03006. RET. CAN data bus, TSC1 – message
03006. SKG. Recirculating pump
03006. TUER. Window lifter motor
03006. ZBRO. K3-CAN activation
03007. AST. Y3 valve shift position 2 / 3
03007. EDC. DM4 request, invalid PGN
03007. GKR. Bypass flap motor
03007. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message Eng_Temp.
03007. RET. CAN data bus, EEC1 – message
03007. SKG. Communication control element – control unit
03007. TUER. right/left switch (mirrors)
03007. ZBRO. T-CAN activation
03008. AST. Y3 valve range-change group low
03008. EBS. Control unit defective;
test transfer from ?c to CAN trailer IC
03008. EDC. FFR3: Retarder oil temperature invalid
03008. EHLA. Sensor supply, deviation
03008. GKR. Blower control voltage
03008. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngFlui_LevPre.
03008. RET. CAN data bus, TCO1 – message
03008. SKG. Filling/bleeding mode not completed correctly
03008. TUER. Window lifter shut-off
03008. ZBRO. Central computer running on
03009. AST. Y3 valve range-change group high
03009. EBS. Control unit defective; redundancy fault ?c output signal
03009. EDC. Overspeed
03009. EHLA. Voltage supply switched on when vehicle moving
03009. KSM. CAN data bus:
Time overrun when receiving EDC message Amb_Cond.
03009. RET. CAN data bus, ERC1 – message
03009. SKG. Controller mode
03009. TUER. Mirror adjust time exceeded
03010. AST. Y10 main valve
03010. EBS. Control unit defective;
wheel diameter compensation value not correct
03010. ECAS. Control unit (checksum ECU-specific data)
03010. EDC. Control deviation, injection start
03010. EHLA. Signature EOL parameter advance warning
03010. FFR. Torque and engine speed limiting system
03010. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ECAM message ECAM1.
03010. LGS. Turn indicator signal
03010. RET. CAN data bus, start error monitoring
03010. SKG. On-board voltage (terminal 30)
03010. TBM. No GPS signal
03010. TPM. Slight leakage: Slight pressure loss at min.
one tyre > approx. 20 mbar/h
03010. TUER. incorrect CAN command, door lock
03011. CNG. Heating probe before catalytic converter
(output stage)
03011. EBS. Control unit defective;
error in service brake valve characteristic
03011. ECAS. Control unit (checksum parameter)
03011. EDC. Angle of injection start
03011. EHLA. Signature EOL parameter
03011. FFR. EVB pressure sensor
03011. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Aux_Stat_Zbr1.
03011. LGS. Left loudspeaker
03011. TBM. GPS aerial current
03011. TPM. Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 1
03011. TUER. Central locking does not lock
03012. EBS. Control unit defective;
incompatibility in data record version number
03012. ECAS. Control unit (checksum calibration data travel sensors)
03012. EDC. CAN module
03012. EHLA. Value range EOL parameter
03012. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Time_Date.
03012. LGS. Right loudspeaker
03012. RET. Pressure from cooler valve (brake lamp)
03012. TPM. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 1
03013. EBS. Control unit defective;
characteristic in EEPROM not plausible
03013. ECAS. Control unit
(checksum calibration data pressure sensors)
03013. EDC. CAN bus off
03013. EHLA. Steering pressure sensor
03013. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Veh_Dist.
03013. RET. Axial thrust (outside tolerance)
03013. TPM. Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 1
03014. EBS. Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30a)
03014. EDC. Main relay blocked
03014. EHLA. Pressure supply
03014. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving C34.
03014. LGS. Camera module too hot
03014. RET. Pressure sensor positioning pressure
03014. TPM. Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 1
03015. EBS. Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30b)
03015. ECAS. Control unit (checksum permitted axle loads)
03015. EDC. max. time after TERM. 15 OFF exceeded
03015. EHLA. Pressure supply warning
03015. KSM. Control unit (RAM)
03015. LGS. Output driver’s seat vibration left
03015. TBM. GSM modem
03016. EBS. Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 15)
03016. ECAS. Control unit
(checksum calibration data acceleration sensors)
03016. EDC. FFR1: Bit error zero quantity due to engine brake
03016. KSM. Control unit (ROM)
03016. LGS. Output driver’s seat vibration right
03017. AST. Y1 clutch brake
03017. EBS. ECU supply (external supply)
03017. EDC. FFR1: Bit error, nominal torque
03017. KSM. Control unit (watchdog)
03018. AST. Small valve for opening the clutch
03018. EBS. Control unit defective; brake switch 1 or 2
03018. EDC. FFR1: Bit error top-speed governor parameter ID
03018. EHLA. Oil level in tank
03018. KSM. Control unit (EEPROM parameter)
03019. AST. Small valve for closing the clutch
03019. EBS. Setpoint sensing (accelerator to brake pedal position)
03019. EDC. FFR1: EDR min. nominal value not reached
03019. EHLA. Oil filter blocked
03019. KSM. Control unit (internal relay voltage supply or
short-circuit terminal 30 – terminal 30 switched output
03020. AST. Large valve for opening the clutch
03020. EBS. Faulty supply voltage (5 volts) for analog sensors
03020. EDC. FFR1: Bit error, EDR nominal value
03020. FFR. Accelerator pedal, PWM1 signal
03020. KSM. Control unit (EEPROM fault memory)
03020. SFFR. Supply voltage
03020. TBM. Breakdown switch
03020. TPM. Medium leakage: Pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 80 mbar/h
03021. AST. Large valve for closing the clutch
03021. EBS. Faulty pedal brake module potentiometer signal
03021. EDC. FFR1: Bit error intermediate speed governing
system parameter ID
03021. EHLA. CAN message ‘EEC1’
03021. FFR. Accelerator pedal, PWM2 signal
03021. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Fuel_Cons.
03021. SFFR. Pedal value sensor
03021. TBM. Alarm switch
03021. TPM. Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 2
03022. AST. Electrical power supply, speed sensor ASTronic output
03022. EBS. Faulty axle load sensor 1
03022. EDC. FFR1: ISG nominal value
03022. FFR. Accelerator pedal, PWM1 and PWM2 signal
03022. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Dash_Disp.
03022. SFFR. Selector lever
03022. TBM. Chassis number
03022. TPM. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 2
03023. EBS. Faulty axle load sensor 2
03023. EDC. FFR1: Bit error request torque overrevving
03023. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS/ECAS message Veh_Weight.
03023. SFFR. Idling speed harmonisation
03023. TBM. Geographic width
03023. TPM. Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 2
03024. AST. Current WSK retarder torque in percent
03024. EBS. Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the axles
03024. EBS_K1. Dynamic pad trend fault axles
03024. EDC. FFR1: Bit error, request ramps off/out
03024. EHLA. Engine revs
03024. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Eng_Hour/Rev.
03024. SFFR. Default driving unit
03024. TBM. Geographic length
03024. TPM. Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 2
03025. EBS. Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 1
03025. EBS_K1. Dynamic pad trend fault front axles
03025. EDC. FFR1: reserved Bits & Bytes
03025. EHLA. Cab position, impermissible change when
vehicle moving
03025. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message Veh_Ident.
03025. SFFR. Engine CAN
03025. TBM. GPS position data
03026. AST. CAN data bus engine configuration from
the EDC, engine configuration
03026. CNG. Vehicle management computer message 1
03026. EBS. Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 2
03026. EBS_K1. Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 1
03026. EDC. FFR1: Timeout
03026. EHLA. Cab position, vehicle moving when swivelling
03026. EMOS. Timeout of Engine_Config message
03026. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Service.
03026. TBM. CPU TRAP register
03027. AST. CAN data bus engine configuration from the EDC,
engine configuration
03027. EBS. Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 3
03027. EBS_K1. Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 2
03027. EDC. FFR2: Driveline fault
03027. EHLA. Cab position
03027. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message TCO1.
03027. SFFR. Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC1
03028. AST. CAN data bus retarder check from secondary retarder,
ERC1_RD (current retarder torque)
03028. EBS. Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 4
03028. EBS_K1. Dynamic pad trend fault additional axle
03028. EDC. FFR2: Nominal torque value too low
03028. EHLA. Cab position, swivelling is taking too long
03028. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message ERC1_RX.
03028. SFFR. Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC2
03029. AST. CAN data bus retarder check from
secondary retarder, ERC1
(additional heating of the engine,
engine coolant load increase)
03029. EBS. SPN undefined
03029. EDC. FFR2: Bit error, nominal idling value
03029. EHLA. Emergency steering pump, no oil volume
03029. EMOS. ‘Request engine speed increase in
braking mode’ signal
03029. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message BAM_MTCO_VIN.
03029. SFFR. Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC3
03030. AST. CAN data bus retarder configuration
from secondary retarder,
Ret_Conf driveline retarder configuration
03030. EBS. Faulty brake pad wear and retarder relay
output stage checkback
03030. EDC. FFR2: Bit error, idling speed governing parameter ID
03030. EHLA. Emergency steering pump
03030. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message P_MTCO_VIN.
03030. SFFR. Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC4
03030. TPM. Severe leakage: Severe pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 200 mbar/h
03031. AST. CAN data bus retarder check from
vehicle management computer engine brake torque
‘ERC1_ REX retarder percent torque’
03031. EBS. Faulty retarder relay output stage checkback
03031. EDC. FFR2: nominal idling speed governing value too high
03031. EHLA. Pressure build-up in pressure accumulator too short
03031. HDS. Urea tank temperature
03031. KSM. Adjustment lever angle reduction input
(throttle butterfly reduction request)
03031. SFFR. Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC5
03031. TPM. Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 3
03032. AST. CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
‘engine retarder configuration’
03032. EBS. Faulty brake pad wear output stage checkback
03032. EDC. FFR2: Bit error, stand alone request
03032. EHLA. Centring circuit warning
03032. KSM. Signal frequency at adjustment lever angle reduction
input (throttle butterfly reduction request)
03032. SFFR. Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngineConfig
03032. TPM. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 3
03033. AST. CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
‘engine retarder configuration’
03033. EBS. Invalid checkback signal for the yellow warning light
03033. EDC. FFR2: Bit error, start request
03033. EHLA. Centring circuit
03033. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
body CAN message KSM2_A.
03033. SFFR. MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message TSC1-FME.
03033. TPM. Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 3
03034. EBS. Invalid checkback signal for the red warning light
03034. EDC. FFR2: Bit error, engine stop request
03034. EHLA. Actuator test of axle behaviour in centring circuit,
03034. KSM. Power take-off output
03034. SFFR. MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message Time/Date
03034. TPM. Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 3
03035. EBS. Electrical power supply axle modulator
03035. EDC. FFR2: reserved Bits & Bytes
03035. EHLA. Actuator test of pressure behaviour in centring circuit
03035. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RD.
03035. SFFR. MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message VehDistance
03036. CNG. Vehicle management computer message 2
03036. EBS. Short-circuit on one of the module output stages
03036. EDC. FFR2: Timeout
03036. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RE.
03037. EBS. Vehicle dynamics control steering angle sensor
electrical power supply
03037. EDC. FFR3: Bit error, pedal value sensor position
03037. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_1.
03038. EBS. Interaxle lock
03038. EDC. FFR3: Bit error, standstill info.
03038. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_2.
03039. EBS. Lock relay, front axle
03039. EDC. FFR3: reserved Bits & Bytes
03039. KSM. CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_3.
03040. CNG. Vehicle management computer message 3
03040. EBS. Display bus-stop brake
03040. EDC. FFR3: Timeout
03040. EHLA. Angle encoder configuration
03111. AST. CAN data bus message timeout time/date information
from central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
03111. CNG. Reference mark sensor
03111. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03111. EHLA. CAN communication
03111. EMOS. Timeout of Time_Date message
03111. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 2 and 3
03111. TPM. Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
03111. ZBR2. Ignition lock starter tl. 50
03112. AST. CAN data bus signal error time/date information from
central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
03112. CNG. Phase sensor
03112. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03112. EHLA. CAN data has been falsified
03112. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 4
03112. TPM. Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03112. ZBRO. Ignition lock ignition off
03113. AST. CAN data bus message timeout retarder configuration,
Ret_Conf (driveline retarder configuration)
03113. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03113. EHLA. CAN communication
03113. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 5
03113. TPM. Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03113. ZBRO. Battery undervoltage
03114. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03114. EHLA. Steering wheel sensor – not used
03114. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 6
03114. TPM. Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
03114. ZBRO. Battery master switch
03115. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03115. EHLA. Steering wheel sensor – operating
03115. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 7
03115. ZBRO. Battery main relay
03116. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03116. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 0
03116. ZBRO. Ignition on
03117. AST. Clutch self-adjustment faulty
03117. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03117. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
03117. ZBRO. Ignition on
03118. AST. Clutch does not open
03118. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03118. EMOS. Clutch regulator switched on but
no clutch opening valve available for opening clutch
03118. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
03118. ZBRO. Ignition on check
03119. AST. Clutch does not close / does not transmit torque
03119. CNG. Altitude sensor
03119. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle
03119. EMOS. Clutch regulator switched on but
no clutch closing valve available for closing clutch
03119. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 4
03119. ZBRO. Battery master switch 1
03120. AST. Mechanical fault (small valve for opening the clutch)
03120. EBS. Electrical power supply pad wear sensor
(front axle left or front axle)
03120. EHLA. Joystick
03120. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, bytes 5 and 6
03120. ZBRO. Battery master switch 3
03121. AST. Mechanical fault (small valve for closing the clutch)
03121. CNG. Ignition output stage cylinder 1
03121. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03121. EHLA. Joystick both sides
03121. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 7
03121. TPM. Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
03121. ZBRO. Battery master switch 4
03122. AST. Mechanical fault (large valve for opening the clutch)
03122. CNG. Ignition output stage cylinder 2
03122. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03122. EHLA. Joystick, sustained operation
03122. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 8
03122. TPM. Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
03122. ZBRO. Starting assistance
03123. AST. Mechanical fault (large valve for closing the clutch)
03123. CNG. Ignition output stage cylinder 3
03123. EBS. Pressure sensor (front axle left or front axle)
outside valid range
03123. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 1
03123. TPM. Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
03123. ZBRO. Starting assistance check
03124. AST. Clutch travel fault
03124. CNG. Ignition output stage cylinder 4
03124. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle, time for
‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03124. EHLA. Configuration of axle count
03124. EMOS. Clutch travel sensor signal
03124. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 2
03124. TPM. Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
03124. ZBRO. Ignition on switched off
03125. AST. Pressure limiting valve fault
03125. CNG. Ignition output stage cylinder 5
03125. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle, poor ventilation
03125. EHLA. Locking monitoring steering axle 1
03125. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, bytes 3 and 4
03126. AST. Pressure signal faulty
03126. CNG. Ignition output stage cylinder 6
03126. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03126. EHLA. Steering axle 1 has moved out of locking position
03126. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 5
03127. AST. ECU temperature fault
03127. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
residual pressure after braking
03127. EHLA. Locking monitoring steering axle 2
03127. EMOS. ‘Temperature sensor next to processor’ signal
03127. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, bytes 5 and 6
03128. AST. Oil temperature signal fault
03128. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03128. EHLA. Steering axle 2 has moved out of locking position
03128. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message EDC5, byte 7
03129. AST. No signal from shift transmitter main gearbox
03129. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle
03129. EHLA. Locking monitoring steering axle 3
03129. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 0 and 1
03130. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor IC defective
03130. EHLA. Steering axle 3 has moved out of locking position
03130. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
byte 2
03131. EBS. Backup valve checkback (front axle left or front axle)
03131. EHLA. Locking monitoring steering axle 4
03131. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 3 and 4
03131. TPM. Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
03132. AST. Shift transmitter self-adjustment fault
03132. EBS. Intake valve checkback (ABS valve front axle left)
03132. EHLA. Steering axle 4 has moved out of locking position
03132. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
byte 5
03132. TPM. Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
03133. AST. Gate selection transmitter signal
03133. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle, faulty intake
and backup valve checkback
03133. EHLA. Actuator test steering axle 1
03133. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 6 and 7
03133. TPM. Slight leakage from right inner tyre,
axle 3
03134. EBS. Exhaust valve checkback (ABS valve front axle left)
03134. EHLA. Actuator test steering axle 2
03134. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
byte 8
03134. TPM. Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
03135. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet
and backup valve checkback
03135. EHLA. Actuator test steering axle 3
03135. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 9 and 10
03136. AST. Teach-in fault, gate selection transmitter signal
03136. EBS. Exhaust and intake valve checkback
(ABS valve front axle left)
03136. EHLA. Actuator test steering axle 4
03136. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
byte 11
03137. AST. Range-change group travel sensor signal
03137. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle, faulty outlet
and intake and backup valve checkback
03137. EHLA. Digital input parameters
03137. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 12 and 13
03138. EBS. Proportional valve (front axle left or front axle)
03138. EHLA. Digital input parameters
03138. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
byte 14
03139. EBS. ABS valves (front axle)
03139. EHLA. Analog inputs
03139. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 15 and 16
03140. AST. Teach-in fault, range-change group travel sensor
03140. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
no CAN reception from module
03140. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 17 and 18
03141. AST. No travel sensor signal from splitter
03141. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 1, exhaust-relevant
03141. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03141. EHLA. Digital CAN input parameters
03141. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 19 and 20
03141. TPM. Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
03142. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 2, exhaust-relevant
03142. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03142. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
bytes 21 and 22
03142. TPM. Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
03143. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 3, exhaust-relevant
03143. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03143. EHLA. Digital CAN output parameters
03143. FFR. CAN data bus: EDC message engine configuration,
byte 23
03143. HYD. Overheating sensor discontinuity
03143. TPM. Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4
03144. AST. Self-adjustment fault, travel sensor signal from splitter
03144. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 4, exhaust-relevant
03144. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
arithmetic test not successful
03144. EHLA. Prop. valve steering axle 1,
incorrect movement direction
03144. TPM. Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4
03145. AST. Range-change group does not disengage
03145. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 5, exhaust-relevant
03145. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03145. EHLA. Prop. valve steering axle 1, deviation
03146. AST. Changeover fault with range-change group shift
03146. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
cylinder 6, exhaust-relevant
03146. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03146. EHLA. Prop. valve steering axle 2,
incorrect movement direction
03147. AST. Range-change group does not engage
03147. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03147. EHLA. Prop. valve steering axle 2, deviation
03148. AST. Splitter does not disengage
03148. EBS. Pressure control module, left front axle,
pressure differential on pressure control module pair,
front axle
03148. EHLA. Prop. valve steering axle 3,
incorrect movement direction
03149. AST. Changeover fault with splitter shift
03149. EBS. Pneumatic redundant path front axle
03149. EHLA. Prop. valve steering axle 3, deviation
03150. AST. Splitter group does not engage
03150. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle, no fault
03150. EHLA. Prop. valve steering axle 4,
incorrect movement direction
03150. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 0
03151. AST. Selector cylinder does not open
03151. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03151. ECAS. Pressure sensor left REAR AXLE
03151. ECAS2. Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE left
03151. EHLA. Prop. valve steering axle 4, deviation
03151. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 1
03151. TPM. Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5
03152. AST. Gate shift fault
03152. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03152. ECAS. Pressure sensor right REAR AXLE
03152. ECAS2. Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE right
03152. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 2
03152. TPM. Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5
03153. AST. Selector cylinder does not close
03153. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03153. ECAS. Pressure sensor FRONT AXLE
03153. ECAS2. Pressure sensor CENTRE AXLE
03153. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 3
03153. TPM. Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
03154. AST. Main gearbox gear does not disengage
03154. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03154. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC1, byte 4
03154. TPM. Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5
03155. AST. Main gearbox gear does not engage
03155. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03155. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, bytes 0 and 1
03155. HYD. Malfunction display short circuit
03156. AST. Wrong gear selected in main gearbox
03156. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03156. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 2
03157. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03157. ECAS. Pressure sensor, brake
03157. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 3
03158. AST. Shift sensor signal continuously active
03158. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03158. ECAS. Pressure sensor lifting axle
03158. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 4
03159. AST. Range-change group shift sensor signal
continuously active
03159. EBS. Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination front axle right
03159. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 5
03160. AST. Splitter shift sensor signal continuously active
03160. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle
03160. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 6
03161. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03161. EHLA. Recirculating/centring valve
03161. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC2, byte 7
03162. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03162. EHLA. Digital output 2
03162. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 0
03163. AST. Engine does not react to torque specification
03163. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03163. EHLA. Digital output 3
03163. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 1
03164. AST. CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1
from EDC, EEC1 (accelerator pedal position,
drivers demand engine percent torque)
03164. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03164. EHLA. Digital output 4
03164. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 2
03165. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03165. EHLA. Digital output 5
03165. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 3
03166. AST. Permanent idling speed signal
03166. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03166. EHLA. Digital output 6
03166. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 4
03167. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03167. EHLA. Digital output 7
03167. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 5
03168. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03168. EHLA. Digital output 8
03168. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 6
03169. AST. Shut-off relay in ECU does not switch off
03169. EBS. Pressure control module,
right front axle
03169. EHLA. Digital output 9
03169. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC3, byte 7
03170. AST. No electrical power supply at terminal 30 or
shut-off relay in ECU does not switch on
03170. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03170. ECAS. Steering angle sensor
03170. EHLA. Digital output 10
03170. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 0
03171. AST. CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1
from EDC, EEC1
(engine torque, actual engine percent torque)
03171. CNG. Charge pressure control valve
03171. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03171. EDC. Boost pressure switch output stage
03171. EHLA. Digital output 11
03171. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 1
03172. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03172. EHLA. Digital output 12
03172. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 2
03173. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03173. EHLA. Digital output 13
03173. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 3
03174. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03174. EHLA. Digital output 14
03174. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 4
03175. AST. Ignition lock signal fault (terminal 15)
03175. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle, poor ventilation
03175. EHLA. Digital output 15
03175. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 5
03176. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03176. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 6
03177. AST. CAN data bus driveline
03177. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
residual pressure after braking
03177. EMOS. BUSOFF vehicle CAN
03177. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message EBC4, byte 7
03178. AST. CAN data bus error warning
03178. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03178. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, byte 0
03179. AST. CAN data bus input buffer overrun
03179. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle
03179. FFR CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, bytes 1 and 2
03180. AST. CAN data bus electronic engine governor 1
from EDC, EEC1
03180. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel sensor IC defective
03180. EMOS. Timeout of EEC1 message
03180. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message Veh_weight, byte 3
03181. AST. CAN data bus electronic engine governor 2
from EDC, EEC2
03181. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 1,
damaging to catalytic converter
03181. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty backup valve checkback
03181. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Position Of Doors’
03181. EMOS. Timeout of EEC2 message
03181. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 0
03182. AST. CAN data bus cruise control/speed from EDC, CCVS
03182. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 2,
damaging to catalytic converter
03182. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty intake valve checkback
03182. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Seconds’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03182. EMOS. Timeout CcVeh speed message
03182. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 1
03183. AST. CAN data bus engine brake from
vehicle management computer, ERC1_REX
03183. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 3,
damaging to catalytic converter
03183. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03183. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Minutes’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03183. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 2 and 3
03184. AST. CAN data bus retarder from secondary retarder,
03184. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 4,
damaging to catalytic converter
03184. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03184. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Hours’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03184. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 4
03185. AST. CAN data bus primary retarder WSK, ERC1_RE
03185. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 5,
damaging to catalytic converter
03185. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03185. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Day’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03185. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 5 and 6
03186. AST. CAN data bus primary retarder WSK, ERC1_WSK
03186. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE) cylinder 6,
damaging to catalytic converter
03186. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
03186. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Month’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03186. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 7
03187. AST. CAN data bus primary retarder configuration information
03187. CNG. Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE), total,
damaging to catalytic converter
03187. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03187. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Year’ in ‘Time/Date’ message
03187. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 8 and 9
03188. AST. Control unit fault, incorrect interrupt
03188. CNG. Input parameters filling acquisition
03188. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle
03188. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Engine Speed’
03188. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 10
03189. AST. Control unit fault, stack watch
03189. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle
03189. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Front Axle Speed’
03189. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 11 and 12
03190. AST. EOL EEPROM parameter outside valid range
03190. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
no CAN reception from module
03190. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Tachograph Vehicle Speed’
03190. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 13
03191. AST. EOL EEPROM: checksum error
03191. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03191. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Wheel_BasedVehicleSpeed’
03191. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 14 and 15
03192. AST. Control unit fault – EEPROM access fault
03192. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03192. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf,
bytes 16 and 17
03193. AST. ECU temperature too high
03193. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03193. EMOS. Permitted temperature limit value exceeded
03193. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RET_Conf, byte 18
03194. AST. Failure of both signal sources for front axle speed
03194. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
arithmetic test not successful
03194. EHLA. CAN signal ‘ASR Engine Control Active Passive’
03194. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 0
03195. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03195. EHLA. CAN signal ‘ASR Brake Control Active Passive’
03195. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 1
03196. AST. CAN data bus vehicle mileage from
central on-board computer ZBR2, Veh_Dist
03196. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03196. EHLA. CAN signal ‘Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) Active’
03196. EMOS. Timeout of Veh_Dist message
03196. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message ERC1_RD, byte 2
03197. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03197. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 0
03198. AST. CAN data bus relative wheel speed from
EBS, EBC2 (WSI) (relative wheel speed)
03198. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle,
pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, front axle
03198. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 1 and 2
03199. AST. CAN data bus wheel speed information
from EBS, EBC2 (WSI)
03199. EBS. Pressure control module, right front axle
03199. EMOS. Timeout of EBC2 message
03199. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 3
03200. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle, no fault
03200. ECAS. Supply voltage / feedback, solenoid valves
03200. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 4
03201. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03201. EBS_K1. Wheel sensor rear axle left
03201. ECAS. Solenoid valve 2/2 left REAR AXLE
03201. EHLA. Valve output 1
03201. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, bytes 5 and 6
03201. OBDU. Charge air pressure
03201. ZBR2. Low pressure in air filter
03202. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03202. ECAS. Solenoid valve 2/2 right REAR AXLE
03202. EHLA. Valve output 2
03202. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC1, byte 7
03203. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03203. ECAS. Solenoid valve 2/2 FRONT AXLE
03203. EHLA. Valve output 3
03203. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 0
03203. OBDU. Leak in oil pump overflow valve
03204. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03204. ECAS. Solenoid valve 3/3 lower/load lifting/trailing axle
03204. EHLA. Valve output 4
03204. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, bytes 1 and 2
03204. ZBRO. EDC is active
03205. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03205. ECAS. Solenoid valve 3/3 lift/unload lifting/trailing axle
03205. EHLA. Valve output 5
03205. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 3
03205. ZBRO. EDC brake lamp
03206. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03206. ECAS. Solenoid valve 3/2 reservoir
03206. EHLA. Valve output 6
03206. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 4
03206. ZBRO. EDC overtravel relay
03207. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03207. EBS_K1. Impulse wheel fault rear axle left
03207. ECAS. Solenoid valve 3/3 lifting bellows
03207. EHLA. Valve output 7
03207. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 5
03207. ZBRO. EDC malfunction
03208. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03208. ECAS. Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE RIGHT
03208. EHLA. Valve output 8
03208. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 6
03208. ZBRO. EDC malfunction
03209. AST. Emergency off button pressed or ECU de-energised
03209. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle
03209. EBS_K1. Brake/impulse wheel/
sensor combination rear axle left
03209. ECAS. Solenoid valve 2/2, 3rd AXLE LEFT
03209. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message ETC2, byte 7
03209. ZBRO. EDC ignition on
03210. AST. CAN data bus tachograph from
central on-board computer ZBR2, TCO1
03210. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle
03210. EMOS. Timeout of TCO1 message
03210. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 0
03210. OBDU. Air filter vacuum
03211. AST. CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
03211. CNG. Knock sensor 2
03211. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle, interruption,
short-circuit wheel sensor B
03211. EMOS. Timeout of TC1_FT message
03211. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 1
03211. KSM. Oil pressure.
03211. OBDU. Engine oil pressure too low
03211. TPM. Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
03211. ZBRO. Engine oil pressure too low
03212. AST. CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
(requested gear)
03212. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03212. ECAS. Solenoid valve transverse throttle
03212. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 2
03212. OBDU. Oil pressure too high
03212. TPM. Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03213. AST. CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
(requested range)
03213. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03213. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, byte 3
03213. TPM. Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03214. AST. CAN data bus gearbox check from
vehicle management computer FFR, TC1_FT
(PTO request)
03214. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03214. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TCO1, bytes 4 and 5
03214. TPM. Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
03214. ZBRO. FFR malfunction
03215. AST. CAN data bus information from
central on-board computer (aux_stat_zbr#1), timeout
03215. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03215. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TCO1, bytes 6 and 7
03215. ZBRO. FFR malfunction
03216. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03216. ECAS. Solenoid valve 3/3, lift/unload 2nd lifting/trailing axle
03216. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message VEH_DIST, bytes 0 to 3
03216. ZBRO. Accelerator pedal not pressed (T-CAN)
03217. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03217. ECAS. Solenoid valve 3/3, lower/load 2nd lifting/trailing axle
03217. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message VEH_DIST, bytes 4 to 5
03217. ZBRO. Accelerator pedal pressed
03218. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03218. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 0
03218. ZBRO. Accelerator pedal kickdown (T-CAN)
03219. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle
03219. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 1
03219. ZBRO. Accelerator pedal position (0. 250)
03220. CNG. Knock control zero test
03220. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03220. EBS_K1. Electrical power supply pad wear sensor
(rear axle left or rear axle)
03220. EHLA. CAN message ‘Door_Ctrl’
03220. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 2
03220. ZBRO. Cooling water level too low
03221. CNG. Knock control offset
03221. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03221. EHLA. CAN message ‘Time_Date’
03221. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 3
03221. TPM. Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
03221. ZBRO. Cooling water level probe supply
03222. CNG. Knock control test pulse
03222. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03222. EHLA. CAN message ‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’
03222. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 4
03222. TPM. Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
03222. ZBRO. Cooling water temperature too high
03223. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03223. EHLA. CAN message ‘ETC2’
03223. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer
message TIME/DATE, byte 6
03223. TPM. Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
03223. ZBRO. Cooling water temperature
03224. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03224. EHLA. CAN message ‘EBC1’
03224. FFR. CAN data bus: Central on-board computer message
TIME/DATE, bytes 7 and 8
03224. TPM. Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
03224. ZBRO. Cooling water temperature too high
03225. CNG. Requirement adaptation at stop
03225. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle, poor ventilation
03225. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 2
03225. ZBRO. Motronic (accelerator) malfunction
03226. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03226. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 2
03226. ZBRO. Motronic (accelerator) malfunction
03227. AST. Data field for CAN communication
03227. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
residual pressure after braking
03227. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RE_FLUIDS, byte 3
03227. ZBRO. Engine oil pressure too low
03228. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03228. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 2
03228. ZBRO. Engine oil pressure
03229. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle
03229. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 2
03230. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
wheel sensor IC defective
03230. ECAS. Setpoint level control
03230. EHLA. Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) – advance warning
03230. FFR. CAN data bus: Retarder message RD_FLUIDS, byte 3
03231. CNG. Charge air pressure governing system
03231. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty backup valve checkback
03231. ECAS. Leakage
03231. EHLA. Signature ECU lids (LID 0x86-0x9F) – error
03231. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 1
03231. TPM. Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
03231. ZBRO. Oil replenishment float switch
03232. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty intake valve checkback
03232. EHLA. Signature variable priority lids
(LID 0x40-0x47) – advance warning
03232. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message
TSC1_TE, bytes 2 and 3
03232. TPM. Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
03232. ZBRO. Oil replenishment valve
03233. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03233. EHLA. Signature variable priority lids (LID 0x40-0x47) – error
03233. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 3
03233. TPM. Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 3
03233. ZBRO. Engine oil level (T-CAN)
03234. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03234. FFR. CAN data bus: Astronic message TSC1_TE, byte 4
03234. TPM. Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
03234. ZBRO. Economy circ. headl. (oil pressure+v<3)
03235. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03235. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 0
03235. ZBRO. DeltecCNG malfunction
03236. EBS. Exhaust and intake valve checkback
(rear axle left or rear axle)
03236. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, bytes 1 and 2
03236. ZBRO. DeltecCNG malfunction
03237. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03237. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 3
03237. ZBRO. EMS3. 3 malfunction
03238. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle
03238. EHLA. Air pressure switch
03238. FFR. CAN data bus: EBS message TSC1_AE, byte 4
03238. ZBRO. EMS3. 3 malfunction
03239. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle
03239. EHLA. Actuator test when vehicle moving cancelled
s03239. FFR. CAN databus: Central on-board computer
message AUX_ZBR1, bytes 0 and 1
03239. ZBRO. Fire in engine compartment
03240. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
no CAN reception from module
03240. EHLA. Redundant electrical power supply
03240. FFR. CAN databus: Central on-board computer
message AUX_ZBR1, byte 2
03240. ZBRO. Fire in engine compartment
03241. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03241. EHLA. Incorrect operation steering program change
03241. FFR. CAN databus: Central on-board computer
message AUX_ZBR1, byte 4
03241. TPM. Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
03241. ZBRO. Engine control unit activation (T-CAN)
03242. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03242. EHLA. CAN communication
03242. FFR. CAN databus: ECAS message ECAS1, bytes 5 to 7
03242. TPM. Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
03242. ZBRO. Engine oil pressure (T-CAN)
03243. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active, pressure < 4 bar 03243. EHLA. First non-volatile memory is inconsistent 03243. FFR. CAN data bus: Message ERC1_RE, byte 1 03243. TPM. Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4 03243. ZBRO. Oil replenishment oil level too low 03244. EBS. Pressure-control module (rear axle left or rear axle) defective, arithmetic test unsuccessful 03244. EHLA. Lowside switch 03244. FFR. CAN data bus: ECAM message ECAM1, byte 4 03244. TPM. Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4 03244. ZBRO. Oil replenishment oil level too low 03245. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle, wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A 03245. EHLA. Speed limiting system 03245. ZBRO. ECE36 emergency shut-off 03246. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle, wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B 03246. EHLA. Incorrect operation 03246. ZBRO. Cooling water level probe not connected 03247. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle, electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor 03247. EHLA. Parameters for controls 03247. FFR. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving ESP message VDC1. 03247. ZBRO. Engine oil pressure warning contact not conn. 03248. EBS. Pressure control module, left rear axle, pressure differential on pressure control module pair, rear axle 03248. EHLA. Control, sticking 03248. ZBRO. EDC malfunction (before 1st starting attempt) 03249. EBS. Redundant pressure rear axle 03249. EHLA. Second non-volatile memory, inconsistent 03249. ZBRO. EDC malfunction (engine running) 03250. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, no fault 03250. EHLA. Geometry parameters 03250. FFR. Comfort Shift inputs (CS1 and CS2) 03250. ZBRO. EDC malfunction (starting not possible) 03251. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A 03251. EHLA. Axle movement parameters 03251. FFR. RSG/RSL switch 03251. TPM. Medium leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5 03251. ZBRO. Hydro fan oil level too low 03252. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor A: Delay too long 03252. EHLA. Steering reduction parameters 03252. FFR. Splitter switch 03252. TPM. Medium leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5 03252. ZBRO. FFR check 03253. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor A: Moving off fault 03253. EHLA. Steering suppression parameters 03253. FFR. Int. coupling 03253. TPM. Medium leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5 03253. ZBRO. FFR warning 03254. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor A: Clearance too great 03254. EHLA. Axle configuration parameters 03254. FFR. Anf_EH 03254. TPM. Medium leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5 03254. ZBRO. Cool. w. lev. probe too low or probe n. c. 03255. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, perpetual control wheel sensor A 03255. EHLA. Internal monitoring of software runtime 03255. FFR. Input ZDR1 03255. ZBRO. Back pressure CRT filter too high 03256. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, long instability wheel sensor A 03256. FFR. Input ZDR2 03257. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, pulse ring fault wheel sensor A 03257. FFR. Input ZDR3 03258. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A 03258. FFR. Input request power take-off 1 03259. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle 03259. EBS_K1. Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination rear axle right 03259. FFR. Input request power take-off 2 03260. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle 03260. ECAS. Supply voltage / feedback, damper valve 03260. FFR. Input ECO / Power 03261. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B 03261. ECAS. Damper valve, front axle 03261. EHLA. Function computer, computer unit 03261. FFR. Input checkback power take-off 1 03262. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor B: Delay too long 03262. ECAS. Damper valve, 1st rear axle 03262. EHLA. Function computer, computer unit 03262. FFR. Input checkback power take-off 2 03263. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor B: Moving off fault 03263. ECAS. Damper valve, 2nd rear axle 03263. EHLA. Function computer, computer unit 03263. FFR. Input gearbox neutral checkback 03264. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, wheel sensor B: Clearance too great 03264. EHLA. Function computer, computer unit 03264. FFR. Input parking brake 03265. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, perpetual control wheel sensor B 03265. EHLA. Function computer, parameter area 03265. FFR. Input checkback single H (does not exist) 03266. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, long instability wheel sensor B 03266. EHLA. Function computer, internal program memory 03266. FFR. Input request engine start / tl. 50 03267. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, pulse ring fault wheel sensor B 03267. EHLA. Function computer, time measurement 03267. FFR. Input request engine stop 03268. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B 03268. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules 03269. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle 03269. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules 03269. FFR. Plausibility message ‘Start engine’ – input request engine start 03270. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor 03270. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules 03270. FFR. CAN message ‘Start engine’ although engine is running 03271. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range 03271. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules 03271. FFR. CAN message ‘Start engine’ although v > 0
03272. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03272. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03272. FFR. CAN message ‘Start engine’ although input
gearbox neutral open
03273. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03273. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03273. FFR. CAN message ‘Stop engine’ although still v > 0
03274. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03274. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03274. FFR. Gearbox input speed to gearbox output speed
with gearbox in neutral
03275. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle, poor ventilation
03275. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03276. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03276. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03277. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
residual pressure after braking
03277. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03277. FFR. No engine CAN
03278. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03278. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03278. FFR. Input speed
03279. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle
03279. EHLA. Function computer, safety switch
03279. FFR. No speed signal
(torque and engine speed limiting initiated)
03280. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
wheel sensor IC defective
03280. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03280. FFR. Vehicle management computer cannot be switched off
03281. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty backup valve checkback
03281. EHLA. Function computer: Digital output 1,
switch-on test
03281. FFR. Input request single H (group change switch)
03282. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty intake valve checkback
03282. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03283. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03283. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03284. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03284. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03285. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03285. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03286. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
03286. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6,
switch-on test
03287. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03288. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle
03289. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle
03290. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
no CAN reception from module
03290. FFR. Control unit (register test)
03291. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
software incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03291. FFR. Control unit (arithmetic)
03292. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03292. FFR. Control unit (RAM)
03293. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03293. FFR. Control unit (watchdog)
03294. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
arithmetic test not successful
03294. FFR. Control unit (watchdog has tripped)
03295. EBS. Pressure control module,
right rear axle, wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03295. FFR. Control unit (RAM page)
03296. EBS. Pressure control module,
right rear axle,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03296. FFR. Control unit (RAM/ROM segment)
03297. EBS. Pressure control module,
right rear axle, electrical power supply fault,
axle load sensor
03297. FFR. Control unit (page error ROM)
03298. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle,
pressure differential on
pressure control module pair, rear axle
03298. FFR. Control unit (checksum ROM)
03299. CNG. Pressure sensor surroundings
03299. EBS. Pressure control module, right rear axle
03300. EBS. Pressure control module E, no fault
03300. FFR. Control unit or cable line
(engine brake output stage)
03300. OBDU. Alternator speed
03300. ZBR2. Alternator / starter
03300. ZBRO. Engine revs
03301. EBS. Pressure control module E,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03301. FFR. Control unit or peripherals
(output stage, clutch servo)
03301. OBDU. Engine oil temperature too high
03301. ZBR2. Alternator tl. L
03302. EBS. Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03302. FFR. Control unit or cable line
(power take-off 1 output stage)
03302. ZBR2. Alternator B+ sense
03303. EBS. Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03303. FFR. Control unit or cable line
(power take-off 2 output stage)
03303. ZBR2. Engine running (= signal D+)
03303. ZBRO. Engine running
03304. EBS. Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03304. FFR. Control unit or cable line
(thermostat heater output stage)
03304. OBDU. EDC boiling protection
03305. EBS. Pressure control module E,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03305. FFR. Control unit or cable line (high range output stage)
03306. EBS. Pressure control module E,
long instability wheel sensor A
03306. FFR. Control unit or cable line (low range output stage)
03306. OBDU. Thermostat in cooling system defective or
too much heat being taken (heater)
03307. EBS. Pressure control module E,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03308. EBS. Pressure control module E,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03308. FFR. Control unit or cable line (earth group output stage)
03309. EBS. Pressure control module E
03309. EBS_K1. Brake/impulse wheel/
sensor combination additional axle left
03309. FFR. Control unit or cable line (earth splitter output stage)
03310. EBS. Pressure control module E
03310. FFR. Ride height
03311. EBS. Pressure control module E,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03311. FFR. Control unit (EEPROM checksum)
03311. KSM. Cooling water temperature.
03311. OBDU. Cooling water temperature too high
03311. TPM. Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
03312. EBS. Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03312. TPM. Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03313. EBS. Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03313. TPM. Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03313. ZBRO. Econ. circ. heat. /airc. (altern. running)
03314. EBS. Pressure control module E,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03314. TPM. Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
03314. ZBRO. Economy circuit workshop jumper
03315. EBS. Pressure control module E,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03315. ZBRO. Charge check alternator LIMA1
03316. EBS. Pressure control module E,
long instability wheel sensor B
03316. ZBRO. Starter start interlock repeat rel.
03317. EBS. Pressure control module E,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03317. ZBRO. Roller-type sw. 1 start interr. (open)
03318. EBS. Pressure control module E,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03318. ZBRO. Roller-type sw. 2 start interr. (closed)
03319. CNG. Throttle butterfly actuator minimum stop
03319. EBS. Pressure control module E
03319. ZBRO. Alternator LIMA1 not charging
03320. EBS. Pressure control module E,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03320. ZBRO. Charge check alternator LIMA2
03321. EBS. Pressure control module E,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03321. TPM. Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 2
03321. ZBRO. Alternator LIMA2 not charging
03322. CNG. Crankshaft to camshaft signal
03322. EBS. Pressure control module E,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03322. TPM. Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 2
03322. ZBRO. Engine start in rear
03323. EBS. Pressure control module E,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03323. TPM. Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 2
03323. ZBRO. Engine stop in rear
03324. EBS. Pressure control module E,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03324. TPM. Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 2
03324. ZBRO. Roller-type sw. start interr. fault
03325. CNG. Crankshaft to camshaft signal (bank 2)
03325. EBS. Pressure control module E, poor ventilation
03325. ZBRO. Fuel tank flap (start interlock/eng. stop)
03326. EBS. Pressure control module E,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03326. ZBRO. Engine compartment flap open
03327. EBS. Pressure control module E,
residual pressure after braking
03327. ZBRO. Gearb. n. neutral (starting impossible)
03328. EBS. Pressure control module E,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03328. OUZBRO. Start interruption via fuel tank flap
03328. ZBRO. Start interruption via fuel tank flap
03329. CNG. Suction pipe pressure sensor
03329. EBS. Pressure control module E
03329. ZBRO. Engine start front
03330. EBS. Pressure control module E, wheel sensor IC defective
03330. ZBRO. Engine stop front
03331. EBS. Pressure control module E,
faulty backup valve checkback
03331. TPM. Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 3
03331. ZBRO. Roller-type sw. 3 start interr. (open)
03332. EBS Pressure control module E, faulty intake valve checkback
03332. TPM. Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 3
03332. ZBRO. Roller-type sw. 4 start interr. (closed)
03333. EBS. Pressure control module E,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03333. TPM. Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 3
03333. ZBRO. Central front flap open
03334. EBS. Pressure control module E,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03334. TPM. Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 3
03334. ZBRO. Roller-type sw. start interr. fault fr.
03335. EBS. Pressure control module E,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03335. ZBR2. Voltage specification not possible (alternator / starter)
03336. EBS. Pressure control module E,
faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
03336. ZBRO. Supply compartment open
03337. EBS. Pressure control module E,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03337. ZBRO. Roller-type sw. start interr. fault fr.
03338. EBS. Pressure control module E
03338. ZBRO. Start interrupted
03339. EBS. Pressure control module E
03339. ZBRO. Flap 1 left open
03340. EBS. Pressure control module E,
no CAN reception from module
03340. ZBRO. Flap 2 left open
03341. EBS. Pressure control module E,
software incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03341. EBS_K1. Software statuses of control unit and
pressure-control module
(additional axle left or additional axle) do not match
03341. TPM. Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 4
03341. ZBRO. Flap 2 right open
03342. EBS. Pressure control module E,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit and
pressure control module
03342. TPM. Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 4
03342. ZBRO. Flap 3 left open
03343. EBS. Pressure control module E,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar
03343. TPM. Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 4
03343. ZBRO. Flap 4 left open
03344. EBS. Pressure control module E,
arithmetic test not successful
03344. TPM. Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 4
03344. ZBRO. Battery flap open
03345. EBS. Pressure control module E,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A
03345. ZBRO. Flap in rear flap open
03346. EBS. Pressure control module E,
wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B
03346. ZBRO. Engine stop in rear
03347. EBS. Pressure control module E,
electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor
03348. EBS. Pressure control module E,
pressure differential on pressure control
module pair, rear axle
03349. EBS. Pressure control module E
03350. EBS. Pressure control module F, no fault
03351. EBS. Pressure control module F,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03351. TPM. Severe leakage from left outer tyre, axle 5
03352. EBS. Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03352. TPM. Severe leakage from left inner tyre, axle 5
03353. CNG. Pressure sensor charge air pressure
03353. EBS. Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03353. TPM. Severe leakage from right inner tyre, axle 5
03354. EBS. Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03354. TPM. Severe leakage from right outer tyre, axle 5
03355. EBS. Pressure control module F,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03355. TPM. LID checksum error
03356. CNG. Lambda control adaptation multiplicative
lower range (bank 1)
03356. EBS. Pressure control module F,
long instability wheel sensor A
03357. CNG. Lambda control adaptation multiplicative
upper range (bank 1)
03357. EBS. Pressure control module F,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03358. EBS. Pressure control module F,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03359. EBS. Pressure control module F
03359. EBS_K1. Brake/impulse wheel/
sensor combination additional axle right
03360. CNG. Lambda control adaptation leakage air (bank 1)
03360. EBS. Pressure control module F
03361. EBS. Pressure control module F,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03361. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03362. CNG. Lambda control adaptation fuel (bank 1)
03362. EBS. Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03362. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03363. EBS. Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03363. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03364. EBS. Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03364. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03365. EBS. Pressure control module F,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03365. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03366. EBS. Pressure control module F,
long instability wheel sensor B
03367. EBS. Pressure control module F,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03368. EBS. Pressure control module F,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03368. EHLA. Function computer, overtemperature
03369. EBS. Pressure control module F
03369. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03370. EBS. Pressure control module F,
electrical power supply fault, pad wear sensor
03370. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03371. EBS. Pressure control module F,
pad wear sensor A outside permitted value range
03371. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03372. EBS. Pressure control module F,
pad wear sensor B outside permitted value range
03372. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03373. EBS. Pressure control module F,
pressure sensor outside permitted value range
03373. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03374. EBS. Pressure control module F,
time for ‘Current pressure’ inquiry too long
03374. EHLA. Function computer, reference voltage outside tolerance
03375. EBS. Pressure control module F, poor ventilation
03376. EBS. Pressure control module F,
excessive pressure during pulse test
03376. EHLA. Function computer, monitoring modules
03377. EBS. Pressure control module F,
residual pressure after braking
03378. EBS. Pressure control module F,
pressure sensor fault without braking
03379. EBS. Pressure control module F
03380. EBS. Pressure control module F,
wheel sensor IC defective
03381. EBS. Pressure control module F,
faulty backup valve checkback
03381. EHLA. Function computer, digital output 1
03382. CNG. Circuit trailing throttle circulating air valve
03382. EBS. Pressure control module F,
faulty intake valve checkback
03382. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03383. EBS. Pressure control module F,
faulty intake and backup valve checkback
03383. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03384. EBS. Pressure control module F,
faulty outlet valve checkback
03384. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03385. EBS. Pressure control module F,
faulty outlet and backup valve checkback
03385. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03386. EBS. Pressure control module F,
faulty outlet and intake valve checkback
03386. EHLA. Function computer, digital outputs 2 – 6, operation
03387. EBS. Pressure control module F,
faulty outlet and intake and backup valve checkback
03388. EBS. Pressure control module F
03389. EBS. Pressure control module F
03390. EBS. Pressure control module F,
no CAN reception from module
03391. EBS. Pressure control module F,
software incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03392. EBS. Pressure control module F,
12/24 volt incompatibility between control unit
and pressure control module
03393. EBS. Pressure control module F,
high cycle protection intake valve active,
pressure < 4 bar 03394. EBS. Pressure control module F, arithmetic test not successful 03395. EBS. Pressure control module F, wheel compensation fault wheel sensor A 03396. EBS. Pressure control module F, wheel compensation fault wheel sensor B 03397. EBS. Pressure control module F, electrical power supply fault, axle load sensor 03398. EBS. Pressure control module F, pressure differential on pressure control module pair, rear axle 03399. EBS. Pressure control module F 03400. EBS. Trailer control module, no fault 03400. ZBR2. Flame start solenoid valve 03401. EBS. Trailer control module control electronics, unknown µC interrupt, µC self-test, RAM or ROM test 03401. OBDU. Engine oil level too high/low (static) 03401. ZBR2. Flame start relay 03402. CNG. Throttle butterfly position deviation 03402. EBS. Trailer control module 03402. OBDU. Engine oil level too high (dynamic) 03402. ZBR2. Flame glow plug current 03403. CNG. Throttle butterfly output stage switched off 03403. EBS. Trailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, too many write accesses 03403. OBDU. Engine oil level too low (dynamic) 03403. ZBR2. Flame glow plug current 03404. CNG. Throttle butterfly controller in limit 03404. EBS. Trailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, checksum fault or EOL data invalid 03404. OBDU. Cooling water level too low 03405. CNG. Monitoring computer; ROM 03405. EBS. Trailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, too many data repairs required 03406. CNG. Monitoring computer; RAM 03406. EBS. Trailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, monitoring time exceeded when writing data 03407. CNG. Monitoring computer; reset 03407. EBS. Trailer control module 03407. OBDU. Oil level in power steering 1 too low 03408. CNG. Monitoring function; torque comparison 03408. EBS. Trailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, fault in dynamic parameter setting 03408. OBDU. Oil level in power steering 2 too low 03409. CNG. Monitoring function; safety fuel shut-off 03409. EBS. Trailer control module control electronics, EEPROM, dynamic parameters outside permitted value range 03410. CNG. Throttle butterfly error when checking limp-home air position 03410. EBS. Trailer control module 03410. OBDU. Clutch oil level too low 03411. CNG. Throttle butterfly error in booster balancing 03411. EBS. Trailer control module 03411. FFR. Gearbox output speed out of permitted range 03412. CNG. Throttle butterfly error in spring check ‘Closing’ 03412. EBS. Trailer control module 03412. FFR. Range-change neutral switch indicates ‘Neutral’ – Power take-off neutral switch indicates ‘Not Neutral’ 03413. CNG. Throttle butterfly learning error when ignition on/off 03413. EBS. Trailer control module 03413. FFR. Range-change neutral switch indicates ‘Not Neutral’ – Power take-off neutral switch indicates ‘Neutral’ 03414. EBS. Trailer control module 03414. FFR. Output stage lamp FGB (driving speed limiter) 03415. EBS. Trailer control module 03415. FFR. CAN data bus, oil sensor message: Temperature rise not plausible although engine is warm (> 60 °C)
03416. EBS. Trailer control module, fault in coupling force control
03416. FFR. CAN data bus, oil sensor message:
Oil level drop not plausible although engine is running
03417. EBS. Trailer control module
03417. FFR. Range-change neutral switch indicates
‘Not Neutral’ – Power take-off neutral
switch indicates ‘Neutral’
03418. EBS. Trailer control module
03419. EBS. Trailer control module, fault in earth estimation
03420. EBS. Trailer control module
03421. EBS. Trailer control module
03421. EBS_K1. Pressure sensor supply trailer control valve
03421. EHLA. Function computer, digital input 1
03422. EBS. Trailer control module, pressure sensor outside
permitted value range
03422. EBS_K1. Pressure sensor supply trailer control
valve outside the permitted range
03422. EHLA. Function computer, digital input 2
03423. EBS. Trailer control module, implausible pressure
sensor value when braking was not taking place
03423. EHLA. Function computer, digital input 3
03424. EBS. Trailer control module
03424. EHLA. Function computer, digital input 4
03425. EBS. Trailer control module, pressure dissipation
too slow and fault on parking brake switch
03426. EBS. Trailer control module, residual pressure after
pressure dissipation greater than threshold
value on parking brake switch
03427. EBS. Trailer control module, residual pressure after braking
03428. EBS. Trailer control module
03429. EBS. Trailer control module
03430. CNG. Throttle butterfly potentiometer 1
03430. EBS. Trailer control valve; solenoid valve
03430. FFR. CAN databus: Timeout when receiving KSM
message KSM1
03431. CNG. Throttle butterfly potentiometer 2
03431. EBS. Trailer control module, faulty backup valve checkback
03431. FFR. CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, bytes 2 and 3
03432. EBS. Trailer control module, faulty intake valve checkback
03432. FFR. CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 4
03433. EBS. Trailer control valve; solenoid valve feed line
03433. FFR. CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 5
03434. EBS. Trailer control module, faulty outlet valve checkback
03434. FFR. CAN databus: KSM message KSM1, byte 8
03435. EBS_K1. Trailer control valve; solenoid valve return line
03435. FFR. Engine start requested although vehicle speed > 0 km/h
03436. EBS. Trailer control module, fault from outlet and
intake valve checkback
03436. FFR. Engine start requested although
gearbox not in neutral position
03437. EBS. Trailer control module
03437. FFR. Engine start requested although vehicle speed > 0 km/h
03438. EBS. Trailer control module
03439. EBS. Trailer control module
03440. EBS. Trailer control module, no CAN reception from
trailer control module
03441. EBS. Trailer control module, software incompatibility
between control unit and trailer control module
03442. EBS. Trailer control module, 12/24 volt incompatibility
between control unit and trailer control module
03443. EBS. Trailer control module, high cycle protection intake
valve active, pressure < 4 bar
03444. EBS. Trailer control module, arithmetic test not successful
03445. EBS. Trailer control module, impermissible
pressure on coupling head
03446. EBS. Trailer control module
03447. EBS. Trailer control module
03448. EBS. Trailer control module, pressure differential between
pressure control modules and trailer control module
03449. EBS. Trailer control module
03449. FFR. Exhaust backpressure is measured although the
exhaust valve brake control valve is not activated
03450. FFR. Exhaust backpressure
(plausibility pressure – valve control)
03451. EBS. ESP, internal control unit error
03453. EBS. ESP, checkback, voltage implausible
03455. EBS. ESP configuration not valid
03456. EBS. ESP, EEPROM, checksum invalid
03457. EBS. ESP, EEPROM, parameter defective
03457. FFR. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ACC message TSC1-ACC.
03457. HDS. Urea tank empty
03458. EBS. ESP, EEPROM, parameter out-of-range
03458. FFR. CAN data bus: ACC message TSC1-ACC,
bytes 1 and 2
03459. EBS. ESP, EEPROM, not programmable
03459. FFR. CAN data bus: ACC message TSC1-ACC,
bytes 4 and 5
03460. FFR. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ACC message ACC1.
03461. EBS. ESP EOL data in the EBS ECU
not compatible with ESP software version
03461. EHLA. Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
03461. FFR. CAN data bus: ACC message ACC, byte 4
03462. EHLA. Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
03462. FFR. CAN data bus: Time overrun of
gearbox message TSC1-TRX
03463. EHLA. Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
03463. FFR. DNR switch: No neutral position found
03464. EHLA. Function computer, analog inputs 1 – 4, operation
03467. EBS. ESP, lateral acceleration sensor out of permitted range
03467. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC1-CM570
03468. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC2-CM570
03469. EBS. ESP, lateral acceleration sensor, long-time alignment
03469. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message EEC3-CM570
03470. EBS. ESP, lateral acceleration sensor, standstill alignment
03470. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message
03471. EBS. ESP, lateral acceleration sensor,
plausibility monitoring valid for model
03471. FFR CAN databus: Time overrun message ENG_TEMP-M570
03472. EBS. ESP, lateral acceleration sensor,
plausibility monitoring not valid for model
03472. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message
03473. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor not calibrated
03473. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message
03474. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor, CAN timeout
03474. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message
03475. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor out of permitted range
03475. FFR. CAN databus: Message ECAM1, byte 1
03476. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor,
defective CAN message content
03476. FFR. CAN databus: Message ECAM1, byte 2
03477. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor, gradient error
03477. FFR. CAN databus: Message ECAM1, byte 3
03478. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor, long-time alignment
03478. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message KSM2
03479. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor, constant signal
03479. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message ASC1_A
03480. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor incorrectly mounted,
incorrect steering angle sign
03480. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message ASC1_B
03481. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor, plausibility monitoring
between steering angle and rotational speed
03483. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor, CAN timeout
03484. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor signal
out of permitted range
03485. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor,
defective CAN message content
03486. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor, static BITE error
03487. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor, dynamic BITE error
03488. EBS. ESP, steering angle sensor, gradient error
03490. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor, fast alignment
03491. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor, standstill alignment
03492. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor, normal alignment
03493. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor, sensitivity error
03494. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor,
plausibility monitoring valid for model
03495. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor,
plausibility monitoring not valid for model
03496. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor
incorrectly mounted, incorrect steering angle sign
03497. EBS. ESP, rotational speed sensor,
plausibility monitoring between rotational
speed and steering angle
03500. EBS. ESP, no CAN communication with ESP
03500. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message
03500. KSM. First faulty EOL LID
03500. ZBR2. Brake (ABS/ASR/ EBS)
03501. EBS. ESP, software incompatible
03501. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message ERC1_RX_M
03501. OBDU. Alternator charge check failure
03501. ZBR2. Electrical power supply to trailer ABS
03502. EBS. ESP, 12/24V incompatible with EBS
03502. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message TANK_INFO
03502. OBDU. Charging voltage too high
03502. ZBR2. Brake lamp, tractive unit
03502. ZBRO. Brake lamp
03503. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message ENG_TEMP_M
03503. OBDU. Vehicle system voltage often too low
03503. ZBR2. Brake lamp in trailer
03503. ZBRO. Brake lamp trailer
03504. EBS. ESP, ALU test failed
03504. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message
03504. OBDU. Battery undervoltage after vehicle parked up
03505. EBS. ESP, output stage defective
03505. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message EFLP_M
03505. OBDU. Charge voltage too low for long period
when engine running
03506. EBS. ESP, intervention not plausible
03506. FFR. CAN databus: Time overrun message FUEL_ECO_M
03506. OBDU. Vehicle system voltage too low for long
period when engine running
03506. ZBRO. Battery undervoltage
03507. ZBRO. Starting interlock active
03508. ZBRO. Starting interlock active
03509. ZBRO. Starting interlock request
03510. OBDU. Retarder actuated
03510. ZBRO. ASR button/switch
03511. OBDU. Engine brake operated
03511. ZBRO. ASR button/switch
03512. EBS. OBD, request, red warning lamp for diagnosis
03512. OBDU. Brake pedal pressed
03512. ZBRO. ASR control (INA)
03513. EBS. OBD, request, yellow warning lamp for diagnosis
03513. ZBRO. ASR check lamp
03514. ZBRO. ASR control (brake via T-CAN)
03515. EBS. OBD, brake wear sensor signal
03515. ZBRO. ASR control (engine via T-CAN)
03516. EBS. OBD, trailer EBS has no errors
03516. EBS_5. Request red warning light,
ISO 11992 trailer interface
03516. EBS_K1. Request red warning light,
ISO 11992 trailer interface
03516. ZBRO. ASR check not connected
03517. EBS. OBD, voltage too high or too low
03517. ZBRO. ASR interface fault
03518. EBS. OBD, trailer interface in single line mode
03518. ZBRO. Brake pad wear indicator
03519. EBS. OBD, wheel speed sensor, error during
the last switch-on cycle
03519. ZBRO. Brake pressure brake circuit 1
03520. EBS. OBD, limit gap speed, warning level,
repeated every second
03520. ZBRO. Brake pressure brake circuit 2
03521. EBS. OBD, frequent-stop brake active
03521. ZBRO. Brake pressure rear axle left
03522. EBS. OBD, chassis dynamometer mode active
03522. ZBRO. Brake pressure rear axle right
03523. ZBRO. Brake pressure centre axle left
03524. ZBRO. Brake pressure centre axle right
03525. EBS. OBD, external wheel alignment
(speedo signal/speed sensor)
03525. ZBRO. Brake pressure front axle left
03526. EBS. OBD, alignment, lateral acceleration
sensor not completed
03526. ZBRO. Brake pressure front axle right
03527. EBS. OBD, steering angle sensor,
fast alignment not completed
03527. ZBRO. Brake light
03528. EBS. OBD, ESP control unit overvoltage or undervoltage
03528. ZBRO. Brake lamp centre
03529. EBS. OBD, ESP is passive
03529. EBS_K1. Fault in trailer control valve pressure control
during most recent ignition on cycle
03529. ZBRO. Brake lamp left
03530. EBS. Fault in pressure control during most
recent ignition on cycle
03530. ZBRO. Brake lamp right
03531. EBS. Fault in redundant circuit during most
recent ignition on cycle
03531. ZBRO. Brake lamp trailer left
03532. EBS. Incorrect tyre diameter during most
recent ignition on cycle, short-term tyre monitoring
03532. ZBRO. Brake lamp trailer right
03533. ZBRO. Brake pedal position (0. 250)
03534. ZBRO. EBS brake pad wear indicator
03535. ZBRO. EBS brake pad wear indicator
03536. ZBRO. EBS check yellow
03537. ZBRO. EBS check yellow
03538. ZBRO. EBS check yellow not connected
03539. ZBRO. EBS air gap too large
03540. ZBRO. EBS check red
03541. ZBRO. EBS check red not connected
03542. ZBRO. EBS malfunction prio. 1
03543. ZBRO. EBS reservoir pressure too low
03544. ZBRO. Spring-loaded accumulator reservoir
03545. ZBRO. Spring-loaded accumulator reservoir
03546. ZBRO. Parking brake 1 5. 8 bar (open)
03547. ZBRO. Parking brake 2 0. 8 bar (close)
03548. ZBRO. Bus-stop brake
03549. ZBRO. Bus-stop brake
03550. ZBRO. Buzzer engage parking brake/door malfunction
03551. ZBRO. ABS active (via T-CAN)
03552. ZBRO. Malfunction ABS/ASR
03553. ZBRO. Check malfunction ABS/ASR
03554. ZBRO. EBS/ABS activation (T-CAN)
03555. ZBRO. UDS accident data box brake lamp
03556. ZBRO. Parking brake fault
03557. ZBRO. EBS check yellow (via CAN)
03558. ZBRO. EBS check red (via CAN)
03559. ZBRO. ABS fully operational
03560. ZBRO. Brake pad thickness, 1st axle right
03561. ZBRO. Brake pad thickness, 1st axle left
03562. ZBRO. Brake pad thickness, 2nd axle right
03563. ZBRO. Brake pad thickness, 2nd axle left
03564. ZBRO. Brake pad thickness, 3rd axle right
03565. ZBRO. Brake pad thickness, 3rd axle left
03566. ZBRO. Parking brake 1 forebody
03567. ZBRO. Parking brake 1 for FFR
03568. OBDU. Retarder actuated
03568. ZBR2. Retarder
03569. OBDU. Engine brake operated
03569. ZBR2. Engine brake
03570. OBDU. Brake pedal pressed
03570. ZBR2. Service brake
03571. ZBRO. Bus stop brake switched off
03572. ZBR2. Bus-stop brake
03581. CNG. Diagnosis lambda probe before
catalytic converter;
03582. CNG. Heating diagnosis lambda probe
before catalytic converter
03583. CNG. Pressure sensor gas
03584. CNG. Coding; quality gas
03584. TRON. Control unit error
03585. CNG. Temperature gas
03585. TRON. No ignition – safety time exceeded
03586. TRON. Flame failure from operation
03587. TRON. Voltage
03588. TRON. Flame present during switch-on, cold blowing timeout
03589. TRON. Flame sensor
03590. TRON. Actual value temperature control sensor
03591. TRON. Metering pump
03592. TRON. Burner motor
03593. CNG. Solenoid stop valve (gas LD) leaking
03593. TRON. Glow plug
03594. CNG. Supply injection valves bank 1 output stage
03594. TRON. Overheating
03595. CNG. Supply injection valves bank 2 output stage
03596. CNG. Stop valve gas 1 output stage (low pressure)
03596. TRON. Setpoint
03597. CNG. Stop valve gas 2 output stage (high pressure)
03597. TRON. Overheating sensor
03598. CNG. Balancing in trailing throttle mode
(measuring probe)
03598. TRON. Warning short-circuit output fresh air signal
03599. CNG. Balancing in trailing throttle mode
(diagnostic probe)
03599. TRON. Warning short-circuit output theft alarm
03600. TRON. No ignition – Too many unsuccessful start attempts
(operation interlock)
03600. ZBR2. Fill level, clutch fluid
03601. CNG. Output stage starter control
03601. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator drive axle
messages by central brake unit; CAN brake
03601. OBDU. Front axle above technically permitted axle load
03601. TRON. Overheating – Hardware threshold exceeded
in control unit (operation interlock)
03602. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator
additional axle messages by central brake unit;
CAN brake
03602. OBDU. Rear axle above technically permitted axle load
03602. TRON. Overheating – Too many overheatings or
hardware threshold exceeded in control unit
(operation interlock)
03602. ZBR2. Reversing light relay
03603. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the vehicle dynamics
control messages by central brake unit
03603. TRON. Overheating sensor – Permitted difference from
flame sensor exceeded
(redundant overheating monitoring)
03603. ZBR2. Heating, Kongsberg circuit
03604. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the steering angle
sensor messages by central brake unit
03604. ZBRO. Clutch brake shut-off
03605. ZBRO. Clutch brake shut-off
03606. ZBRO. Clutch brake shut-off
03607. ZBRO. Clutch brake shut-off check
03608. ZBRO. Clutch brake direct
03609. ZBRO. Clutch brake direct stage 1
03610. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the central brake unit
messages by axle modulator drive axle; CAN brake
03610. ZBRO. Clutch brake direct stage 2
03611. ZBRO. Clutch brake direct stage 3
03612. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator additional
axle messages by axle modulator drive axle
03612. OUZBRO. Gearbox neutral
03612. ZBRO. Gearbox neutral
03613. EBS_K1. System bus, monitoring of the electronic stability
program messages by axle modulator drive axle
03613. ZBRO. Current gear (T-CAN)
03614. ZBRO. Gear engaged (T-CAN)
03615. ZBRO. Selected gear
03616. ZBRO. Gear oil too hot
03617. ZBRO. Gear oil too hot
03618. ZBRO. Reversing light
03619. ZBRO. Reverse light left
03620. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the central brake
unit messages by axle modulator additional axle
03620. ZBRO. Reverse light right
03621. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator drive axle
messages by axle modulator additional axle
03621. ZBRO. Gearbox activation (T-CAN)
03622. ZBRO. EK shut-off Voith
03623. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the vehicle dynamics control
messages by axle modulator additional axle
03623. ZBRO. Neutral at standstill ZF
03624. ZBRO. UDS accident data box reversing light
03625. ZBR2. Off-road range
03626. ZBRO. Reversing light buzzer
03627. ZBRO. Gear enable Voith
03628. ZBRO. Gearbox oil temperature
03629. ZBR2. Transfer case neutral
03630. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the central brake
unit messages by vehicle dynamics control
03631. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator
drive axle messages by vehicle dynamics control
03632. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the axle modulator
additional axle messages by vehicle dynamics control
03634. EBS. System bus, monitoring of the steering angle
sensor messages by electronic stability program
03650. EBS. CAN trailer interface
03651. EBS. CAN trailer interface, CAN high
03652. EBS. CAN trailer interface, CAN low
03671. EDC. Error when reading in EEPROM
03672. EDC. Error when reading in the fault memory
03673. EDC. CAN block 2
03674. EDC. FFR1: Bank shut-off byte8/bit5-8
03675. EDC. Faulty redundant shut-off device afterrun drive
03676. EDC. Faulty redundant shut-off device afterrun test
03677. EDC. Charge air low pressure sensor
03678. EDC. Booster voltage bank 1
03679. EDC. Booster voltage bank 2
03680. EDC. Current high pressure pump CP3
03681. EDC. Starter output stage
03682. EDC. Averaged control rod position
03683. EDC. Signalling of activation request for output stage
03684. EDC. Starter output stage monitoring
03685. EDC. Activation pulse duty ratio for
exhaust gas recirculation valve
03686. EDC. Activation pulse duty ratio for boost pressure control
03687. EDC. Pressure relief valve
03688. EDC. Pressure controller variable (pulse duty ratio)
03689. EDC. Rail pressure control differential
03690. EDC. Synchronisation state
03691. EDC. Current equivalent of clock-pulse ratio
03692. EDC. recorded filtered temperature
03693. EDC. Booster voltage
03694. EDC. Timeout message position 4
03700. ZBRO. Retarder active
03701. EBS. Vehicle dynamics control module
03701. ZBRO. Retarder torque gearbox (T-CAN)
03702. EDC. CAN A block DPRAM error
03702. ZBRO. Retarder torque engine control (T-CAN)
03703. EDC. CAN A block error passive
03703. ZBRO. Retarder activation (T-CAN)
03704. ZBRO. Retarder off (switch)
03705. EBS. Vehicle dynamics control system,
EEPROM parameter setting
03705. ZBRO. Retarder off (button)
03706. EBS. Installation, vehicle dynamics control module,
vehicle adaptation
03706. ZBRO. Retarder off
03707. EBS. Ensure the ESP components are installed correctly
and calibrate the steering angle sensor
03707. ZBRO. Retarder off
03708. ZBRO. Retarder off check
03709. ZBRO. Engine brake off (switch)
03710. ZBRO. Engine brake off (button)
03711. EDC. CAN B block bus off
03711. ZBRO. Engine brake off
03712. EDC. CAN B block DPRAM error
03712. ZBRO. Engine brake off
03713. ZBRO. Engine brake off check
03720. EBSVehicle dynamics control module, electrical power supply
03720. EDC. Supply to atmospheric pressure sensor
03721. EDC. Supply to fuel pressure sensor
03722. EDC. Supply to charge air low pressure sensor
03723. EDC. Supply to oil pressure sensor
03724. EDC. Supply to charge air pressure sensor
03726. EDC. Supply to fuel low pressure sensor
03730. EBS. Steering angle sensor
03730. EDC. Defective classification for initialisation
03731. EBS. Steering angle sensor, voltage transformer signal line
03732. EBS. Steering angle sensor, calibration
03732. EDC. Defective classification for initialisation
03733. EBS. Steering angle sensor, parameter setting
03733. EDC. High-pressure pump
03734. EBS. Steering angle sensor, steering ratio
03734. EDC. Pressure control valve
03735. EDC. EDC internal temperature
03736. EDC. Output stage shut-off by EDC
03737. EDC. Initialisation in master/slave mode
03738. EDC. Quantity correction value too great
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 01, slave cyl. 12
03739. EDC. Quantity correction value too great
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10;
12-cylinder engine: Master 0cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8
03740. EDC. Quantity correction value too great
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 03, slave cyl. 10
03741. EDC. Quantity correction value too great
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 06, slave cyl. 7
03742. EDC. Quantity correction value too great
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11
03743. EDC. Quantity correction value too great
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9
03744. EDC. Highside output stage exhaust gas recirculation
system throttle butterfly
03745. EDC. Highside output stage charge air pressure
governing system
03746. EDC. Highside output stage exhaust gas
recirculation system
03747. EDC. Highside output stage pressure governing valve
03748. EDC. Highside output stage metering unit
high-pressure pump CP3
03749. EDC. Highside output stage engine air flow sensor flap
03750. EDC. Highside output stage RH 07
03751. EDC. Highside output stage starter relay
03752. EDC. Segment encoder (camshaft)
03753. EDC. Incremental encoder (crankshaft)
03754. EDC. Monitoring error when system starts
03755. EDC. Plausibility fuel supply pressure
03756. EDC. Supply voltage sensor group 3 CY310
03758. EDC. Send error message slot 2 to partner EDC
03759. EDC. Send error message slot 3 to partner EDC
03760. EDC. Send error message slot 4 to partner EDC
03761. EDC. Send error message slot 5 to partner EDC
03762. EDC. Timeout of the CAMD_ANA message
03763. EDC. Timeout of the CAMD_CMOL message
03764. EDC. Timeout of the CAMD_CONTROL message
03765. EDC. Timeout of the CAMD_FFR1 message
03766. EDC. Timeout of the CAMD_FFR2 message
03767. EDC. Timeout of the CAMD_FFR3 message
03768. EDC. Fault status of the CAMD_INIT message
03769. EDC. Timeout of the CAMD_Limit message
03771. EDC. Master / slave error in reception of
vehicle management computer CAN
03772. EDC. Monitoring terminal 15
03773. EDC. Operating mode change error master/slave
03774. EDC. Temporary CMOL mode of the partner EDC
03775. EDC. Rail pressure monitoring
03776. EDC. Excessive positive control differential
(control system cannot compensate for too
low rail pressure)
03777. EDC. Excessive negative control differential
(control system cannot compensate for too
high rail pressure)
03778. EDC. Rail pressure: Leakage in overrun conditions
03779. EDC. Rail pressure: Leakage in quantity compensation
03780. EDC. Rail pressure: High controller output when idling
03781. EDC. Pressure relief valve open (pressure too high)
03782. EDC. Fuel supply pressure dynamic
03783. EDC. FFR (vehicle management computer) 2:
Bit error max. permitted engine acceleration
03784. EDC. Bit error smoke ID
03785. EDC. Monitoring particle filter/PM catalytic converter
03786. EDC. Particulate filter temperature limits
03787. EDC. No particulate filter regeneration
03788. EDC. Exhaust differential pressure
03789. EDC. Exhaust differential pressure sensor
03790. EDC. Exhaust differential pressure plausibility
03791. EDC. Exhaust temperature before particulate filter
03792. EDC. Exhaust temperature sensor before particulate filter
03793. EDC. Exhaust temperature after particulate filter
03794. EDC. Exhaust temperature sensor after particulate filter
03795. EDC. Exhaust gas recirculation throttle butterfly
03796. EDCHighside output stage exhaust gas recirculation system 2
03797. EDC. Highside output stage lambda probe
03798. EDC. Output stage OBD lamp (MIL)
03799. EDC. Highside output stage reserve 01
03800. EDC. Highside output stage reserve 02
03800. ZBR2. Air suspension/ECAS
03801. EDC. Highside output stage reserve 03
03801. OBDU. No engine start for at least 3 weeks
03802. EDC. Highside output stage stop valve compressed air
03802. OBDU. No engine start for at least 10 weeks
03803. EDC. Engine CAN transmit error, no message
available in vehicle management computer
03804. EDC. Engine CAN receive error, not possible to
receive a message from vehicle management computer
03805. EDC. Master/slave CAN communication
disrupted, bus load too high
03806. EDC. Master/slave CAN communication
disrupted, receive error
03806. ZBRO. Raise bus again
03807. EDC. Vehicle management computer sends
invalid value in FFR1 message
03807. ZBRO. Raise bus again
03808. EDC. Vehicle management computer sends
invalid value in FFR2 message
03809. EDC. Vehicle management computer sends
invalid value in FFR3 message
03809. ZBRO. ECAS malfunction
03810. EDC. Vehicle management computer sends
invalid numerical value, date/time error
03810. ZBRO. ECAS warning
03811. ZBRO. ECAS governing suppression brake
03812. EDC. Particulate filter temperature plausibility
03812. ZBRO. Kneeling lowering
03813. EDC. Starter monitoring
03813. ZBRO. Kneeling lowering
03814. EDC. Recording of control unit switch-off duration
03814. ZBRO. Kneeling fully lowered
03815. EDC. Exhaust backpressure
03815. ZBRO. Kneeling fully lowered
03816. EDC. Exhaust backpressure sensor
03816. ZBRO. Kneeling raise
03817. EDC. Permanent system deviation exhaust backpressure
03817. ZBRO. Kneeling raise
03818. EDC. Exhaust backpressure plausibility
03818. ZBRO. Kneeling, manual/automatic
03819. EDC. CAN block 3
03819. ZBRO. Kneeling automatic
03820. EDC. Byte monitoring CAN 1
(oil, ambient and air temperature)
03820. ZBRO. Kneeling automatic check
03821. EDC. Byte monitoring CAN 3
(exhaust temperature, AdBlue fill level, AdBlue temperature)
03821. ZBRO. Kneeling raise control unit (16)
03822. EDC. Time overrun CAN 3, exhaust CAN
03822. ZBRO. Kneeling emergency raise
03823. EDC. Misfiring on several cylinders
03823. ZBRO. Kneeling emergency raise
03824. EDC. Misfiring status master
8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1
03824. ZBRO. Kneeling emergency raise prio. 1
03825. EDC. Misfiring status master
8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 5;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 5
03826. ZBRO. Kneeling lower control unit (19)
03827. EDC. Misfiring status master
8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 3;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 6
03827. ZBRO. Kneeling door open
03828. EDC. Misfiring status master
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2
03828. ZBRO. Air suspension reservoir too low
03829. EDC. Misfiring status master
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4
03829. ZBRO. Air suspension reservoir too low
03830. EDC. Misfiring status
4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1;
6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 1;
8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 5;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 6;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 12
03830. ZBRO. v <= 3 km/h and no door interlock 03831. EDC. Misfiring status 4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 3; 6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 5; slave 8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 7; 10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 10; 12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 8 03831. ZBRO. v > 3 km/h or door interlock
03832. EDC. Misfiring status
4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4;
6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 3;
8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 6;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 7;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 10
03832. ZBRO. Moving-off aid
03833. EDC. Misfiring status
4-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2;
6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 6;
8-cylinder engine: Cylinder 8;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 8;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 7
03833. ZBRO. Moving-off aid
03834. EDC. Misfiring status
6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 2;
10-cylinder engine: Cylinder 9;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 11
03834. ZBRO. Moving-off aid check
03835. EDC. Misfiring status
6-cylinder engine: Cylinder 4;
12-cylinder engine: Cylinder 9
03835. ZBRO. Moving-off aid switch-off
03836. EDC. Lambda probe sensor acquisition
03836. ZBRO. Lifting bus above normal level
03837. EDC. Lambda probe sensor acquisition
03837. ZBRO. Lifting bus above normal level
03838. EDC. Lambda probe internal resistance, physical
03838. ZBRO. Lowering bus again
03839. EDC. Lambda probe internal resistance
03839. ZBRO. Lowering bus below ride height
03840. EDC. Oil temperature sensor
03840. ZBRO. Lowering bus below ride height
03841. EDC. Coolant pressure sensor
03841. ZBRO. Bus normal level
03842. EDC. Coolant pressure plausibility
03842. ZBRO. ECAS activation (T-CAN)
03843. EDC. Coolant temperature plausibility
03843. ZBRO. Kneeling start interlock
03844. EDC. Plausibility, temperature ahead of cylinder inlet
03844. ZBRO. NLA bellows is depressurised (p < 0. 3 bar) 03845. EDC. Ambient air temperature plausibility 03845. ZBRO. Switch off NLA bellows depressurisation 03846. EDC. Control unit configuration 03846. ZBRO. Driven axle pressurised (p > 8. 4 bar)
03847. EDC. Charge air temperature sensor ahead of motor
03847. ZBRO. ECAS malfunction flashing at 1 Hz
03848. EDC. Ambient air temperature sensor
03848. ZBRO. ECAS malfunction continuous light
03849. EDC. Catalyser not installed
03849. ZBRO. ECAS warning or malfunction 2 Hz
03850. EDC. Position deviation enclosed exhaust gas recirculation
03850. ZBRO. ECAS warning flashing at 1 Hz
03851. EDC. Exhaust gas recirculation flap position sensor
03852. EDC. Exhaust gas recirculation temperature plausibility
03853. EDC. Permanent system deviation exhaust gas recirculation
03854. EDC. EDC internal temperature sensor 2
03855. EDC. Lambda probe system
03856. EDC. Lambda probe calibration
03857. EDC. Lambda probe communication
03858. EDC. Lambda probe temperature
03859. EDC. Lambda probe temperature calibration
03860. EDC. Turbine wheel speed
03861. EDC. Turbine wheel speed sensor
03862. EDC. NBF pulses without quantity requests
(redundant control travel monitoring)
03863. EDC. Trailing throttle monitoring
03903. ZBR2. Tank/ fuel level
03904. OBDU. Reservoir pressure circuit 1 (too low)
03905. OBDU. Reservoir pressure circuit 2 (too low)
03906. OBDU. Reservoir pressure circuit 3 (too low)
03907. OBDU. Reservoir pressure circuit 4 (too low)
03909. OBDU. Previous circuit defective
03913. OBDU. ECAM in pneumatic backup, CAN OK
03915. OBDU. ASR engine governor failure
03918. ZBRO. Fuel tank almost empty
03919. ZBR2. Fill level Gas2
03920. ZBR2. Fill level Gas3
- Сообщения: 44
- Зарегистрирован: 22 янв 2009, 09:21
MAN ругается не по русски!!!
Здравствуйте!!! Подскажите что делать!!?? Переодически на пару секунд выскакивает такая надпись CLUTCH OIL LEVEL TOO LOW и красный восклицательный знак загорается !!! TGA 18.310. Спасибо.
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 1806
- Зарегистрирован: 29 дек 2008, 18:39
- Город: Тольятти
- являетеcь ли вы спамером: нет
- Откуда: Тольятти
- Контактная информация:
Re: MAN ругается не по русски!!!
kozyai » 30 ноя 2010, 04:40
Уровень масла сцепления слишком низкий. Нужно пентасина долить короче говоря.
Удачи всем на длинных серых лентах.
т. 8 917 9628127
т. 8 (8482) 611 333
- Сообщения: 44
- Зарегистрирован: 22 янв 2009, 09:21
Re: MAN ругается не по русски!!!
Dimon) » 30 ноя 2010, 08:17
А что такое пентасин??? Впервые слышу
Какаято разновидность синтетического масла??? В коробке масло недавно менял, может не долил и по этому ругается???
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 1806
- Зарегистрирован: 29 дек 2008, 18:39
- Город: Тольятти
- являетеcь ли вы спамером: нет
- Откуда: Тольятти
- Контактная информация:
Re: MAN ругается не по русски!!!
kozyai » 30 ноя 2010, 17:50
под капотом справа зеленая крышка. Пентасин — специальная гидравлическая жидкость.
Удачи всем на длинных серых лентах.
т. 8 917 9628127
т. 8 (8482) 611 333
- Сообщения: 44
- Зарегистрирован: 22 янв 2009, 09:21
Re: MAN ругается не по русски!!!
Dimon) » 30 ноя 2010, 18:06
Денис, большое спасибо!!!
81.99596-4772 SD 812a en
Page 1 of 203
SD 812a en
Page 2 of 203
For notes on setting or repairing the individual systems
please see the repair manuals or the relevant Service Infor-
mation sheets.
After completing repairs delete the fault memory.
The last page folds out; on the inside you will find the FMI
code and its meaning.
The SPN for the door module – driver’s and co-driver’s side
– can be read out only with MAN-cats II; the SPN is not
shown in the display.
If one SPN refers to the same fault/component in several
control units/systems, only the generic term of the system is
Example: «03512 EBS OBD, request, red warning lamp for
diagnosis»: this SPN applies to all EBS variants although
they are not all expressly named (EBS2, EBS5 etc.)
Ifo ne SPN refers to different fauls/components in several
control units/systems each relevant variant is named.
Example: 03099 EDC (Common Rail) fuel pressure sensor –
rail pressure
03099 EDC (no Common Rail) fuel pressure sensor
This SD supersedes SD 812-
© 2006 MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft
VAST, mr 02.2006
SD 812a en
Page 3 of 203
Main instrument
Message in display Message via check lamp panels
SD 812a en
Page 4 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
ABS in trailer
Line to trailer ABS to earth, fault in
trailer ABS or trailer ABS speed sen-
sor test
ABS in trailer, failure
Power supply to trailer ABS is not
between 100mA and 2A
ABS in tractor, failure
yes ABS function is restricted
CAN network failure
yes Reaction stored in instrument
ASR failure
Connection to engine control unit
EBS failure
red yes EBS not on CAN
Reservoir pressure too low
red yes
Pressure is below warning pressure
ECAM substitute function in ZBR
Reservoir pressure K1
red yes
Reservoir pressure K2
red yes
Reservoir pressure K3
red yes
Reservoir pressure K4
red yes
Reservoir pressure implausible,
shown only with ECAM
SD 812a en
Page 5 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Reservoir pressure K1 too low
red yes
Reservoir pressure K2 too low
red yes
Reservoir pressure K3 too low
red yes
Reservoir pressure K4 too low
red yes
Pressure below warning pressure or
ECAM substitute function in ZBR or
short-circuit/interruption in sen-
sor/sensor cable or pressure
constantly below reservoir pressure
ECAM failure
red yes ECAM not on CAN
Fault in trailer brake
red yes CAN brake, tractor to trailer
CAN network failure
red yes Reaction saved in instruments
Brake pads/linings warn
red yes
INFO Not driving level
yes No valid ride level set
ECAS failure
red yes ECAS not on CAN
Lock cab!
red yes
t least one of switching contacts for
cab lock is open
Tipper operation
red yes
Cable from tipper switch contact to
SD 812a en
Page 6 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Lock liftgate
red yes
Cable from liftgate switch to High
Gas filter contaminated
red yes
Comfort Shift defective
red yes Comfort Shift cannot be used
Reservoir pressure – do not shift
red yes No reservoir pressure on gearbox
Gearbox temp. too high
red yes Gearbox temp. much too high
Change air filter
yes Partial vacuum has exceeded limit
Oil pressure too low
red yes
Oil pressure too high
red yes
Coolant level too low
red yes
Cooling system
red yes
Gradient for coolant > 102° C too
Cooling system – switch off en-
red yes To EDC anti-boiling feature
Coolant temp. too high
red yes
Engine speed too high
red yes EDC speed monitoring
Engine brake failure
red yes EGR valve above/below position
SD 812a en
Page 7 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Engine oil temp. too high
red yes
ESP failure
ESP no onCAN or CAN message
with ESP contents is missing
ESP failure
FDR function is restricted or not pre-
— No text
ABS switch-off or
— No text
Reaction in instrument saved on
CAN in event of failure
— No text
Reaction in instrument saved on
CAN in event of failure
— No text
no No ABS on trailer
No text
red no
Comes on when ignition is switched
on, remains on after bulb test ,
No text
red no Cable for belt check is on earth
— No text
ASR intervention (LED comes on) or
SD 812a en
Page 8 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
No text
grün no Flasher check for trailer
No text
no ESP (FDR) interventions
— No text
blau no High beam function check
No text
red no Parking brake function check
— No text
no Flame start function check
— No text
Overload on rear axle or
overload on front axle
— — yes
Level not reached — — yes
Ride level implausible or cannot be
set by ECAS
TCO failure — — yes EU tachograph not on CAN
Check TCO — — yes EU tachograph not in order.
Brake lights without function — — yes Brake light signal failure on CAN
SD 812a en
Page 9 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Tractor brake lights failure — — yes
Lamp defective short-circuit, cable
Trailer brake lights failure — — yes
Lamp defective short-circuit, cable
Trailer flashers rh failure or
Trailer flashers lh failure
— — yes
Failure of flasher lamp, or lamp load
out of tolerance
Tractor flashers rh failure or
Tractor flashers lh failure
— — yes
Clear lighting monitoring — — no
Block lighting monitoring — — no
Flasher test — — no
Light test — — no
Light test aborted — — no
Light test again — — no
End of light test — — no
SD 812a en
Page 10 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
New trailer, learn light test — — no
High beam rh failure or
high beam lh failure
— — yes
Add. headlight failure — — yes Relay for add. high beam (roof)
Add. headlight lh failure or
Add. headlight rh failure
— — yes
Foglamp lh failure or
Foglamp rh failure
— — yes
Rear foglamp failure on tractor
rear foglamp failure on trailer
— — yes
Fault in lh side marker lights or
fault in rh side marker lights
— — yes
Failure of at least one side marker
light on tractor
Parking lights failure — — yes Relay for parking lights (ZBR output)
Trailer parking lights lh failure or
trailer parking lights rh failure
— — yes
Tractor parking lights lh failure or
tractor parking lights rh failure
— — yes
Winter service lighting failure — — yes
Relay for winter service cannot be
SD 812a en
Page 11 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Switch defective — foglamps — — yes
Switch defective – low beam — — yes
Switch defective – high beam — — yes
Switch defective – headlight flash — — yes
Switch defective – parking lights — — yes
Brake pad/lining wear —
Limit of wear reached in at least one
brake lining/pad
Parking brake display defective — — yes
Parking brake display not possible,
as CAN signal not available
Apply parking brake — — yes
Pre-glow — — yes Refers to pre-glow period
Pre-glow again — — yes
Shows that readiness for starting
has expired, pre-glow must be re-
Start engine — — yes Refers to readiness for starting
SD 812a en
Page 12 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Flammstart Ausfall — — yes
Danger black ice — — yes Refers to black ice
Clutch lining worn — — yes Limit of wear for clutch lining
Clutch overloaded – shift down — — yes Load too high during moving off
Actuate clutch — — yes Clutch did not open during shifting
Clutch oil level too low — — yes Clutch fluid level too low
Alternator display defective — — yes
When ignition is on cable from ter-
minal L is not on earth
Alternator failure — — yes
Terminal L is on earth and engine
Charge voltage too low — — yes Charge voltage constantly too low
Tension V-belts — — yes
Charge voltage too high — — yes
At rated speed (engine) charge
voltage is too high
Battery undervoltage — — yes
Battery undervoltage after standing
too long
Switch defective – warning
— — yes
SD 812a en
Page 13 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Service due — — yes
TBM failure — — yes TBM not on CAN
Apply parking brake — — yes Tells you to apply parking brake
Engage neutral — — yes Tells you to shift gearbox to neutral
SET xxkm/h — — no
MEMO xxkm/h — — no
LIMIT — — no
Info ! Fault or
grease fault in central lube
— — yes
EDC failure — — yes EDC not on CAN
Boost pressure sensor defective — — yes
Boost pressure cannot be measured
No text — — no
Engine brake (in vehicles without re-
FFR failure — — yes FFR not on CAN
LGS failure — — yes LGS not on CAN
SD 812a en
Page 14 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
KSM failure — — yes KSM not on CAN
No text — — no
Engine brake (in vehicles with re-
RET P failure — — yes
Primary retarder (water pump) not
on CAN
RET S failure — — yes Secondary retarder not on CAN
Retarder temp. too high — — yes
Oil temperature at retarder outlet too
high (advance warning)
Retarder temp. too high — — yes Retarder temp. much too high
No text — — no
CAN Verbund Ausfall — — yes
T-CAN BusOff,
Reaction saved in instruments
Low beam lh failure or
low beam rh failure
— — yes Low beam lh on tractor
Headlight height lh failure autom. — — yes
Automatic beam regulator
implausible on lh side
Headlight height rh failure autom. — — yes
Automatic beam regulator
implausible on rh side
Steering oil level fault — — yes Oil level too low
SD 812a en
Page 15 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
Steering oil pressure too low — — yes
Switch for flow meter in emerg.
steering pump is closed
TCU failure — — yes Automatic gearbox not on CAN
Comfort Shift defective — — yes
Comfort Shift button is not being
Engage higher gear — — yes
Speed difference between engine
and gearbox too high
No idle gas — — yes Tells you to take foot off accelerator
Gearbox temp. too high — — yes
Temperature in gearbox oil sump
(advance warning)
Fill tank — — yes Tank on reserve
Tank pickup failure — — yes Monitoring of tank pickup 1 in ZBR
Tank pickup 2 failure — — yes Monitoring of tank pickup 2 in ZBR
Coolant level too low — — yes Coolant level below min.
No text — — no
No text — — no Function feedback from rear foglamp
SD 812a en
Page 16 of 203
Text in display
lamp panel
No text — — no
No text — — no
No text — — no
Display message for moving-off aid
ECAS Nordland or
ECAS EFR Nordland
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
SD 812a en
Page 17 of 203
00001…..all except MTS…………………………… Date, time, mileage in km
00001…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 2
00002…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 3
00002…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….. Engine Speed
00003…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 4
00003…..ZBRO……………………………………………………………Oil pressure
00004…..MTS ………………………………………….Expansion module door 5
00004…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
00005…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 1 (front)
00005…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
00006…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
00006…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 1
00007…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 2 (front)
00007…..ZBRO………………………………….Brake pressure brake circuit 2
00008…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 1 (rear)
00008…..ZBRO………………………………………..Accelerator pedal position
00009…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 3 (front)
00009…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Preselected gear
00010…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 3 (rear)
00010…..ZBRO……………………………………………………….. Engaged gear
00011…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 4 (front)
00011…..ZBRO……………………………………….Cooling water temperature
00012…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 4 (rear)
00012…..ZBRO………………………………………………………….Tank fill level
00013…..MTS ………………………………….. Motor/door valve door 5 (front)
00013…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 1
00014…..MTS ……………………………………Motor/door valve door 5 (rear)
00014…..ZBRO…………………………….Reservoir pressure brake circuit 2
00015…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 1
00015…..ZBRO……………………………………………………On-board voltage
00016…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 2
00017…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 3
00018…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 4
00019…..MTS ………………………………………………….Entry lighting door 5
00020…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 1
00021…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 2
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
SD 812a en
Page 18 of 203
00022…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 3
00023…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 4
00024…..MTS …………………………….Door closing warning device door 5
00025…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 1
00026…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 2
00027…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 3
00028…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 4
00029…..MTS ……………………………………………..Ramp activation door 5
00030…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 1
00031…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 2
00032…..all except MTS………………………………………………Split position
00032…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 3
00033…..all except MTS……………………………………Clutch travel sensor
00033…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 4
00034…..MTS ……………………………………….Stop request display door 5
00035…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 1
00036…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 2
00037…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 3
00038…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 2
00038…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 4
00039…..MTS ………………………………………..Door enable display door 5
00040…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 1
00041…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 2
00042…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 3
00043…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 4
00044…..MTS …………………………………………….Workshop switch door 5
00045…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 1
00046…..EMOS …………………………………. Cruise control nominal speed
00046…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 2
00047…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 3
00048…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 4
00049…..MTS ………………………………………………..Pressure shaft door 5
00050…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 1
00051…..CNG……………………………………………………….Throttle butterfly
00051…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 2
00052…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 3
00053…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 4
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
SD 812a en
Page 19 of 203
00054…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request button door 5
00055…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 1
00056…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 2
00057…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 3
00058…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 4
00059…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage button door 5
00060…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (front)
00061…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 1 (rear)
00062…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (front)
00063…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 2 (rear)
00064…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (front)
00065…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 3 (rear)
00066…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (front)
00067…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 4 (rear)
00068…..MTS …………………………….Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (front)
00069…..MTS ……………………………..Limit switch CLOSED door 5 (rear)
00070…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 1
00070…..OBDU……………………………………………..Parking brake applied
00070…..ZBR2…………………………………………..No ‘parking brake’ signal
00071…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 2
00072…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 3
00073…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 4
00074…..all except MTS……………………………Lamp, road speed limiting
00074…..MTS ………………………………………..Pressure monitoring door 5
00075…..all except MTS……………………………Steering axle temperature
00075…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 1
00076…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 2
00077…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 3
00078…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 4
00079…..MTS ……………………….Reference voltage door sensors door 5
00080…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 1 front
00081…..EDC …………………………………….. Exhaust differential pressure
00081…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 1 rear
00082…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 2 front
00083…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 2 rear
00084…..all except MTS………………………….wheel-based vehicle speed
00084…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 3 front
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
SD 812a en
Page 20 of 203
00085…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 3 rear
00086…..all except MTS………………………….Road speed, cruise control
00086…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 4 front
00087…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 4 rear
00088…..MTS ……………………………………………Door sensor door 5 front
00089…..MTS …………………………………………….Door sensor door 5 rear
00090…..MTS …………………………………………………………………C3 signal
00091…..all except MTS……………………………Accelerator pedal position
00091…..MTS ……………………………………Checklamp driver’s workplace
00092…..all except MTS……………….Current torque to maximum torque
00092…..MTS ……………………………………………………….. Pneumatic seal
00094…..EDC …………………………………………………Fuel supply pressure
00094…..MTS …………………………………………………….Red/green display
00095…..MTS ……………………………………………….Depressurised buzzer
00096…..all except MTS……………………………………………Fuel fill level 1
00096…..MTS …………………………………………………………Bus-stop brake
00097…..MTS ……………………………………….. Stop request display driver
00098…..all except MTS…………………………………………..Engine oil level
00098…..MTS ……………………………………….Baby carriage display driver
00100…..all …………………………………………………………………Oil pressure
00102…..all …………………………………………………………….Boost pressure
00105…..all …………………………………………………Charge air temperature
00107…..all ………………………………………………………….Air filter pressure
00108…..all …………………………………………………….Barometric Pressure
00109…..all …………………………………………………Cooling water pressure
00110…..all …………………………………………………….Coolant temperature
00111…..all ………………………………………………………………Coolant Level
00119…..RET………………………………………………………Housing pressure
00120…..DIW5…………………………..Temperature acquisition retarder oil
00132…..CNG………………………………………………………………….Air mass
00157…..EDC, Common Rail…………………………….. Fuel pressure in rail
00157…..EDC6, not Common Rail……………………………….Fuel pressure
00158…..all …………………………….. Battery Potential (Voltage), Switched
00159…..all ……………………………………………………Gas Supply Pressure
00161…..all …………………………………………………….Gearbox input speed
00168…..all …………………………………………………………….Battery voltage
00171…..all …………………………………………………….Outside temperature
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
SD 812a en
Page 21 of 203
00173…..CNG………………………………………Exhaust temperature sensor
00173…..EDC ………………..Exhaust temperature before particulate filter
00174…..all ………………………………………………………….Fuel temperature
00175…..all ………………………………………………….Engine oil temperature
00177…..all ………………………………………Transmission fluid temperature
00190…..all ………………………………………………………………Engine speed
00191…..all …………………………………………………. Gearbox output speed
00228…..RAS………………………………….Speed speedometer and sensor
00245…..all ……………………………………………………………Vehicle mileage
00359…..all …………………………………………………Kickdown switch signal
00512…..EMOS ……………………………………………..Driver request torque
00513…..all ………………………………………………………………Engine torque
00514…..CRT…………………………………………………………..Friction torque
00514…..EMOS ………………………….‘Engine friction loss moment’ signal
00518…..all ……………………………………………………….Requested Torque
00520…..all …………………………………………………Current retarder torque
00521…..all ………………………………………………………Brake pedal setting
00523…..all ………………………………………………………………..Current gear
00525…..EMOS ……………………………………………….Nominal gear signal
00544…..CRT…………………………………………Faulty engine speed signal
00556…..all …………………………………….Reference torque of the retarder
00558…..all …………………………………………Unladen driving switch signal
00560…..CRT…………………………………………………CAN message ETC 1
00561…..all …………………………………………….. ASR engine check switch
00562…..all ……………………………………………….ASR brake check switch
00563…..all …………………………………………………………ABS active signal
00572…..all ……………………………………….Retarder switch shift assistant
00578…..all ………………………………………………….Rear axle temperature
00582…..all …………………………………………………………………….Axle load
00595…..all ……………………………………………Cruise control active signal
00597…..all ………………………………………………………Brake switch signal
00598…..KSM…………………………………………………. Clutch switch signal
00601…..all …………………………….. Road speed governor resume switch
00603…..EBS………………………………………Pedal brake module switch 2
00609…..EBS…………………………………Central control unit — B-controller
00609…..EDC …………………………………………………………….Engine CAN
00617…..all …………………………………………………….Parking brake output
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00620…..RAS………….Electrical power supply to steering angle sensors
00627…..EBS………..Monitoring of voltage supply on PIN X1/16 — X1/17
00627…..RAS………………………………………….Voltage supply terminal 30
00629…..all ……………………………………… No text! Specific to control unit
00637…..all ……………………………………………………………..Timing Sensor
00638…..all …………………………………………………………….. Rack Actuator
00639…..all …………………………………………………….Sae J1939 Data Link
00645…..EBS..External sequential fault: Time overrun or fault condition
in communication with tachograph on CAN (SA=0xEE)
00645…..RAS…………………………………………………..Speedometer signal
00647…..all ………………………………………………………………….. Fan clutch
00651…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 1
00651…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 5;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 6;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, slave cyl. 12
00652…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 2
00652…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 5;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 10;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, slave cyl. 8
00653…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 3
00653…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 6;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 7;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 10
00654…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 4
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00654…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 6;
8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 8;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, slave cyl. 8;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 6, slave cyl. 7
00655…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 5
00655…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2;
10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, slave cyl. 11
00656…..CNG………………………………………..Injection valve of cylinder 6
00656…..EDC …………………………………………………………Solenoid valve:
6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4;
12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, slave cyl. 9
00697…..all ……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM1 signal
00698…..all ……………………………………..Accelerator pedal PWM2 signal
00699…..all …………………….Accelerator pedal PWM1 and PWM2 signal
00702…..KSM………………….Earth switch output, adjustable parameters
00703…..KSM…………Switch terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00704…..KSM………Switch 2 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00705…..KSM………Switch 3 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00706…..KSM………Switch 4 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00707…..KSM………Switch 5 terminal 30 output, adjustable parameters
00708…..KSM……………….Earth switch 2 output, adjustable parameters
00709…..KSM……………….Earth switch 3 output, adjustable parameters
00711…..EDC …………………………………………. Duration of main injection
00723…..all ……………………………………….Auxiliary engine speed sensor
00731…..CNG………………………………………………………..Knock sensor 1
00734…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 1
00735…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 2
00736…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 3
00737…..all …………………………………………………Solenoid valve circuit 4
00738…..all …………………………………. Solenoid valve pressure regulator
00739…..all …………………………………………. Solenoid valve regeneration
00743…..RET………………………………………………………………On/off valve
00744…..RET……………………………………………………..Proportional valve
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00746…..EBS……………….Differential lock valve (differential lock switch)
00748…..all ………………………………………………………..Retarder actuated
00764…..RET………………………………Pressure sensor housing pressure
00767…..all …………………………. Transmission Reverse Direction Switch
00770…..all ……………………………………………………………………….. Split H
00771…..all …………………………………………………………………………Split L
00773…..all …………………………………………………………………DNR switch
00780…..all ………………………………………………Gearbox neutral indicator
00789…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 1
00790…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 2
00791…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 3
00792…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 4
00793…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 5
00794…..EBS………………………………………………..Wheel sensor wheel 6
00833…..all …………………………………………….Fuel Rack Position Sensor
00835…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level signal
00876…..GKR………………………………………………..Compressor coupling
00877…..GKR………………………………….Evaporator temperature sensor
00898…..all ……………………………………….Maximum speed limiter switch
00904…..all ………………………………………………………….Front axle speed
00929…..TPM …………………………………………………………………Tyre data
00932…..EBS…………………….Pressure regulating valve left intake valve
00933…..EBS…………………. Pressure regulating valve right intake valve
00938…..EBS………………….Pressure regulating valve left exhaust valve
00939…..EBS………………. Pressure regulating valve right exhaust valve
00944…..AB…………………………………………………Driver’s airbag (loop 1)
00944…..all except airbag………………….. No text! Specific to control unit
00946…..AB…………………………………………………………… left BT (loop 2)
00946…..all except airbag………………….. No text! Specific to control unit
00948…..AB…………………………………………………………………..SRS lamp
00948…..all except airbag………………….. No text! Specific to control unit
00959…..all ……………………………………………………………………..Seconds
00960…..all ……………………………………………………………………… Minutes
00961…..all ………………………………………………………………………… Hours
00962…..all …………………………………………………………………………….Day
00963…..all …………………………………………………………………………Month
00964…..all ………………………………………………………………………….. Year
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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00974…..KSM………………………………………………….. Pedal value sensor
00976…..KSM……………………………………………………………Ready output
01007…..ZBR2…………………………… Trip Drive Fuel Used (Natural Gas)
01031…..ZBR2………………………..Trip Average Fuel Rate (Natural Gas)
01042…..EBS……………. ISO 11992 (trailer CAN): Data bus switched off
01043…..ECAS…………………………………. Supply voltage for peripherals
01045…..all ………………………………………………………………Gate interlock
(auxiliary engines also brake lamp output stage)
01056…..EBS………………………. Trailer control module pressure control,
maximum pressure
01057…..EBS………………………………..Central control unit — B-controller:
Implausible pressure from trailer control module pressure sensor,
when brakes not applied
01058…..EBS……………..Trailer control module — pressure sensor signal
01060…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 1
01061…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 2
01062…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 3
01063…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 4
01064…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 5
01065…..EBS…………………………Brake pad wear sensor signal wheel 6
01066…..EBS………………………………………………..Service brake module
01067…..EBS…………………..Service brake module signal 1 (increasing)
01068…..EBS………………….Service brake module signal 2 (decreasing)
01072…..all ……………………………………………………..Engine brake switch
01079…..CNG…………………………………………..Supply voltage sensors 1
01079…..EDC …………………………………… Supply to rail pressure sensor
01079…..HDS …………………………………………….Supply voltage sensor 1
01079…..RET………………………..Supply voltage pressure sensor 5 volts
01080…..CNG…………………………………………..Supply voltage sensors 2
01080…..EDC ………………………………………Supply fuel supply pressure,
charge air pressure and oil pressure sensor
01080…..HDS …………………………………………….Supply voltage sensor 2
01086…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 3
01087…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 1
01088…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 2
01089…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 4
01090…..all ………………………………Pressure, pressure sensor — circuit 5
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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01131…..EDC ……………………..Charge air temperature ahead of engine
01210…..all ……………………………………… No text! Specific to control unit
01213…..KSM…………………………………………………….Checklamp output
01231…..CRT……………………………………………………………..Engine CAN
01231…..EDC …………………………………………………………….Engine CAN
01235…..all ……………………………………………………….J 1939 Network #3
01352…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 1
01353…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 2
01354…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 3
01355…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 4
01356…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 5
01357…..CNG…………………………………………….Knock control cylinder 6
01376…..all ……………………………………………………….Tl. 30-1 connected
01485…..HDS …………………………………………….. Main relay switched off
01542…..HDS ……………………………………Voltage supply metering valve
01624…..all …………………………………………………………………Road speed
01669…..KSM…………………………………………………………..A-CAN busoff
01673…..ZBRO………………………………………………… Status body 3 CAN
01675…..EMOS ………………………………………………..‘Engine start’ signal
01676…..ZBR2…….No ‘Break light request’ signal in ERC_RX (timeout)
01761…..HDS ……………………………………………………..Urea fill level tank
02000…..OBDU………………………………… No text! Specific to control unit
02001…..OBDU…………………………………………… EDC slave not on CAN
02003…..OBDU……………………………………………….Gearbox not on CAN
02009…..OBDU………………….MAN Hydro Drive control unit not on CAN
02011…..OBDU………….EBS not on CAN (pneumatic backup operation)
02015…..OBDU…………………………………….Retarder engine not on CAN
02016…..OBDU…………………………………..Driveline retarder not on CAN
02023…..OBDU……………………………………..Instrumentation not on CAN
02037…..OBDU……………………………………….Radio module not on CAN
02039…..OBDU……………………………………………………. FFR not on CAN
02042…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ACC not on CAN
02047…..OBDU…………………………………………………..ECAS not on CAN
02048…..OBDU………………………………………………….ECAM not on CAN
02051…..OBDU………..Tyre pressure control system (TPM) not on CAN
02056…..OBDU Control unit of the steering rear axle (RAS) not on CAN
02061…..OBDU..Control unit of the exhaust post-treatment not on CAN
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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02062…..OBDU…………………………………………………….ESP not on CAN
02064…..OBDU………………………………………………..ECAS 2 not on CAN
02067…..OBDUTorque converter and clutch system (WSK) not on CAN
02114…..OBDU…………………………………………………….VSM not on CAN
02120…..OBDU……………………………………………………. ZFR not on CAN
02232…..OBDU………………………………..Lane guard system not on CAN
02238…..OBDU………………………………………….Tachograph not on CAN
02251…..OBDU……………………..Telematic onboard module not on CAN
02253…..OBDU…………………………………………………….KSM not on CAN
02987…..INST……………………….Parameter set in combination gauge or
chassis number in tachograph not adapted to the vehicle
02987…..STON……………………….Parameter set in instrument cluster or
in tachograph not adapted
02987…..ZBR2………..Parameter record in central on-board computer 2
or chassis number in tachograph not adapted to vehicle
02999…..ECO2……………………………………………. Retarder reduction if a
temperature threshold is exceeded
02999…..RET……………………………Power limit (temperature adaptation)
03000…..EBS…………………………………………………………………….No fault
03000…..EHLA……………………………Electronics error function computer
03000…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC1.
03000…..SKG ….. Temperature at outfeed of evaporator (KTT n. KTBV)
03000…..TBM ………………………….An unexpected RESET has occurred
03000…..TPM …………………………………………………………..Tyre pressure
03000…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………… ZBR system
03001…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 1
03001…..EBS………………..Control unit defective; unknown µC interrupt,
µC self-test, RAM or ROM test
03001…..ECAS………………………………………..Control unit (internal fault)
03001…..EDC …………………………Engine speed sensor, reverse polarity
03001…..EHLA………………………………..Electronic error safety computer
03001…..FFR……………………………………..Term. 30, continuous positive
03001…..GKR……………………………………Interior air temperature sensor
03001…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC2.
03001…..RET……………………….Temperature sensor before engine (T1)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03001…..SFFR……………………………………………………….Driver’s request
03001…..SKG .Temperature at outfeed of ice accumulator (KTT n ESP)
03001…..TBM …………………………………………………Real-time clock TBM
03001…..ZBR2………………………………………………….Wake up, computer
03001…..ZBRO……………………………………………… External wake-up ZR
03002…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 2
03002…..AST…………………………………………………..Y2 valve splitter low
03002…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,
timeout in data exchange µC active – µC passive
03002…..EDC ………………………………………………………..Segment speed
03002…..EHLA………………………………………….Digital output parameters
03002…..GKR………………………………….External air temperature sensor
03002…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
VMC message ETC3.
03002…..RET………………………….Temperature sensor after engine (T2)
03002…..SFFR……..Speed request ship vehicle management computer
03002…..TBM ……………………………………………………..Fault in EEPROM
03002…..ZBRO……………………………………………. External wake-up1 ZR
03003…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 3
03003…..AST………………………………………………….Y3 valve splitter high
03003…..EBS…. Control unit defective; redundancy fault µc input signal
03003…..EDC ……………………………………………….Engine speed sensor/
auxiliary speed sensor swapped over
03003…..GKR…………………………………Blow-out air temperature sensor
03003…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC1.
03003…..RET….Fault (watchdog drop-out / internal error in control unit)
03003…..SFFR…………………………………………………………….Terminal 15
03003…..SKG …………………………………………………………Motor / valve B
03003…..TBM ……………………………………………………..Fault in RAM disk
03003…..TUER………………………………. SIDE_INFORMATION_ERROR
03003…..ZBRO……………………………………………. External wake-up2 ZR
03004…..ACC ……………………………………………. Additional information 4
03004…..AST…………………………………………Y4 valve gate position 3 / 4
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03004…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective,
checksum data exchange µC active – µC passive
03004…..EDC ………………………………………………….. EGR valve position
03004…..GKR………………………………..Bypass flap motor potentiometer
03004…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message CcVeh_speed.
03004…..LGS……………………………………………………………….Control unit
03004…..RET……………………………………….EEPROM (data record fault)
03004…..SFFR……………………………………………… Voltage selector lever
03004…..SKG …………………………………………………………Motor / valve C
03004…..TBM ………………………………………Operating temperature TBM
03004…..ZBRO…………………………………….External wake-up ZR by IKN
03005…..AST…………………………………………Y5 valve gate position 1 / 2
03005…..EBS………………………….Control unit defective; EEPROM fault:
Checksum not correct
03005…..EDC ……………………………………Timeout, message location 13
03005…..EHLA……………………………………….. Proportional valve outputs
03005…..GKR…………………………………………………………..Heating valve
03005…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC1.
03005…..RET…………………………………………ROM (checksum incorrect)
03005…..SFFR……………………………………….Voltage pedal value sensor
03005…..SKG ………………………………………………………………Main pump
03005…..TBM …………………Overcurrent at digital power current outputs
03005…..TUER………………………………………………….. ILLEGAL_EVENT
03005…..ZBRO……………………………………………Status ZR fault number
03006…..AST…………………………………………Y6 valve shift position 1 / R
03006…..EDC ………………………………………………………….Primary speed
03006…..GKR……………………………..Recirculation ventilation flap motor
03006…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EEC2.
03006…..RET………………………………….CAN data bus, TSC1 — message
03006…..SKG …………………………………………………..Recirculating pump
03006…..TUER…………………………………………………Window lifter motor
03006…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..K3-CAN activation
03007…..AST…………………………………………Y3 valve shift position 2 / 3
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03007…..EDC ………………………………………… DM4 request, invalid PGN
03007…..GKR…………………………………………………….Bypass flap motor
03007…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message Eng_Temp.
03007…..RET………………………………… CAN data bus, EEC1 — message
03007…..SKG ………………Communication control element – control unit
03007…..TUER…………………………………………..right/left switch (mirrors)
03007…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….T-CAN activation
03008…..AST………………………………. Y3 valve range-change group low
03008…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
test transfer from µc to CAN trailer IC
03008…..EDC ………………………..FFR3: Retarder oil temperature invalid
03008…..EHLA…………………………………………..Sensor supply, deviation
03008…..GKR……………………………………………….Blower control voltage
03008…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngFlui_LevPre.
03008…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, TCO1 — message
03008…..SKG ………………Filling/bleeding mode not completed correctly
03008…..TUER……………………………………………… Window lifter shut-off
03008…..ZBRO…………………………………… Central computer running on
03009…..AST………………………………Y3 valve range-change group high
03009…..EBS..Control unit defective; redundancy fault µc output signal
03009…..EDC ……………………………………………………………… Overspeed
03009…..EHLA………..Voltage supply switched on when vehicle moving
03009…..KSM………………………………………………………….CAN data bus:
Time overrun when receiving EDC message Amb_Cond.
03009…..RET…………………………………CAN data bus, ERC1 — message
03009…..SKG ………………………………………………………. Controller mode
03009…..TUER……………………………………..Mirror adjust time exceeded
03010…..AST………………………………………………………… Y10 main valve
03010…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
wheel diameter compensation value not correct
03010…..ECAS………………..Control unit (checksum ECU-specific data)
03010…..EDC ………………………………….Control deviation, injection start
03010…..EHLA………………..Signature EOL parameter advance warning
03010…..FFR……………………. Torque and engine speed limiting system
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03010…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ECAM message ECAM1.
03010…..LGS…………………………………………………..Turn indicator signal
03010…..RET……………………………CAN data bus, start error monitoring
03010…..SKG …………………………………..On-board voltage (terminal 30)
03010…..TBM ………………………………………………………… No GPS signal
03010…..TPM ………………….Slight leakage: Slight pressure loss at min.
one tyre > approx. 20 mbar/h
03010…..TUER…………………………..incorrect CAN command, door lock
03011…..CNG……………………..Heating probe before catalytic converter
(output stage)
03011…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
error in service brake valve characteristic
03011…..ECAS……………………………Control unit (checksum parameter)
03011…..EDC ……………………………………………….Angle of injection start
03011…..EHLA…………………………………………Signature EOL parameter
03011…..FFR…………………………………………………EVB pressure sensor
03011…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Aux_Stat_Zbr1.
03011…..LGS………………………………………………………. Left loudspeaker
03011…..TBM …………………………………………………… GPS aerial current
03011…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 1
03011…..TUER……………………………………Central locking does not lock
03012…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
incompatibility in data record version number
03012…..ECAS.Control unit (checksum calibration data travel sensors)
03012…..EDC …………………………………………………………….CAN module
03012…..EHLA……………………………………..Value range EOL parameter
03012…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Time_Date.
03012…..LGS……………………………………………………..Right loudspeaker
03012…..RET………………………Pressure from cooler valve (brake lamp)
03012…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 1
03013…..EBS………………………………………………..Control unit defective;
characteristic in EEPROM not plausible
03013…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit
(checksum calibration data pressure sensors)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03013…..EDC ……………………………………………………………..CAN bus off
03013…..EHLA………………………………………….Steering pressure sensor
03013…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
CBR message Veh_Dist.
03013…..RET…………………………………… Axial thrust (outside tolerance)
03013…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 1
03014…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30a)
03014…..EDC ……………………………………………………Main relay blocked
03014…..EHLA………………………………………………………Pressure supply
03014…..KSM………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving C34.
03014…..LGS…………………………………………….. Camera module too hot
03014…..RET…………………………..Pressure sensor positioning pressure
03014…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 1
03015…..EBS………………….Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 30b)
03015…..ECAS……………..Control unit (checksum permitted axle loads)
03015…..EDC ……………………max. time after TERM. 15 OFF exceeded
03015…..EHLA…………………………………………..Pressure supply warning
03015…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (RAM)
03015…..LGS………………………………… Output driver’s seat vibration left
03015…..TBM ……………………………………………………………GSM modem
03016…..EBS……………………Control unit electrical power supply (tl. 15)
03016…..ECAS…………………………………………………………….Control unit
(checksum calibration data acceleration sensors)
03016…..EDC …………FFR1: Bit error zero quantity due to engine brake
03016…..KSM……………………………………………………Control unit (ROM)
03016…..LGS………………………………. Output driver’s seat vibration right
03017…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake
03017…..EBS…………………………………….. ECU supply (external supply)
03017…..EDC …………………………………. FFR1: Bit error, nominal torque
03017…..KSM……………………………………………..Control unit (watchdog)
03018…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch
03018…..EBS…………………….Control unit defective; brake switch 1 or 2
03018…..EDC …………FFR1: Bit error top-speed governor parameter ID
03018…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Oil level in tank
03018…..KSM……………………………..Control unit (EEPROM parameter)
03019…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch
03019…..EBS……Setpoint sensing (accelerator to brake pedal position)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03019…..EDC ………………..FFR1: EDR min. nominal value not reached
03019…..EHLA……………………………………………………… Oil filter blocked
03019…..KSM…………………Control unit (internal relay voltage supply or
short-circuit terminal 30 — terminal 30 switched output
03020…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch
03020…..EBS………….Faulty supply voltage (5 volts) for analog sensors
03020…..EDC …………………………… FFR1: Bit error, EDR nominal value
03020…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM1 signal
03020…..KSM………………………….Control unit (EEPROM fault memory)
03020…..SFFR……………………………………………………….. Supply voltage
03020…..TBM …………………………………………………….Breakdown switch
03020…..TPM ……………………….Medium leakage: Pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 80 mbar/h
03021…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch
03021…..EBS……………Faulty pedal brake module potentiometer signal
03021…..EDC ………………FFR1: Bit error intermediate speed governing
system parameter ID
03021…..EHLA………………………………………………CAN message ‘EEC1’
03021…..FFR………………………………….Accelerator pedal, PWM2 signal
03021…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Fuel_Cons.
03021…..SFFR…………………………………………………. Pedal value sensor
03021…..TBM …………………………………………………………….Alarm switch
03021…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 2
03022…..AST….Electrical power supply, speed sensor ASTronic output
03022…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 1
03022…..EDC …………………………………………..FFR1: ISG nominal value
03022…..FFR…………………Accelerator pedal, PWM1 and PWM2 signal
03022…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Dash_Disp.
03022…..SFFR………………………………………………………….Selector lever
03022…..TBM ……………………………………………………….Chassis number
03022…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 2
03023…..EBS……………………………………………Faulty axle load sensor 2
03023…..EDC …………………. FFR1: Bit error request torque overrevving
03023…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS/ECAS message Veh_Weight.
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03023…..SFFR……………………………………….Idling speed harmonisation
03023…..TBM ……………………………………………………..Geographic width
03023…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 2
03024…..AST……………………….Current WSK retarder torque in percent
03024…..EBS….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency between the axles
03024…..EBS_K1 ……………………………….Dynamic pad trend fault axles
03024…..EDC …………………………FFR1: Bit error, request ramps off/out
03024…..EHLA…………………………………………………………….Engine revs
03024…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Eng_Hour/Rev.
03024…..SFFR…………………………………………………..Default driving unit
03024…..TBM …………………………………………………….Geographic length
03024…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 2
03025…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 1
03025…..EBS_K1 ……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault front axles
03025…..EDC ………………………………………FFR1: reserved Bits & Bytes
03025…..EHLA…………………..Cab position, impermissible change when
vehicle moving
03025…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message Veh_Ident.
03025…..SFFR……………………………………………………………Engine CAN
03025…..TBM …………………………………………………….GPS position data
03026…..AST………………………CAN data bus engine configuration from
the EDC, engine configuration
03026…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 1
03026…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 2
03026…..EBS_K1 ……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 1
03026…..EDC …………………………………………………………FFR1: Timeout
03026…..EHLA……………..Cab position, vehicle moving when swivelling
03026…..EMOS …………………………Timeout of Engine_Config message
03026…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message Service.
03026…..SFFR…………………………………………………………… MMDS CAN
03026…..TBM …………………………………………………..CPU TRAP register
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03027…..AST……….. CAN data bus engine configuration from the EDC,
engine configuration
03027…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 3
03027…..EBS_K1 ……………………….Dynamic pad trend fault rear axle 2
03027…..EDC …………………………………………………FFR2: Driveline fault
03027…..EHLA……………………………………………………………Cab position
03027…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message TCO1.
03027…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC1
03028…..AST….CAN data bus retarder check from secondary retarder,
ERC1_RD (current retarder torque)
03028…..EBS…………………………….Brake pad wear: Incorrect tendency
between the wheels of axle 4
03028…..EBS_K1 ………………….Dynamic pad trend fault additional axle
03028…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Nominal torque value too low
03028…..EHLA……………………Cab position, swivelling is taking too long
03028…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
vehicle management computer message ERC1_RX.
03028…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC2
03029…..AST……………………………… CAN data bus retarder check from
secondary retarder, ERC1
(additional heating of the engine,
engine coolant load increase)
03029…..EBS………………………………………………………….SPN undefined
03029…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Bit error, nominal idling value
03029…..EHLA……………………Emergency steering pump, no oil volume
03029…..EMOS …………………………..‘Request engine speed increase in
braking mode’ signal
03029…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message BAM_MTCO_VIN.
03029…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC3
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03030…..AST…………………………… CAN data bus retarder configuration
from secondary retarder,
Ret_Conf driveline retarder configuration
03030…..EBS……………………..Faulty brake pad wear and retarder relay
output stage checkback
03030…..EDC ……FFR2: Bit error, idling speed governing parameter ID
03030…..EHLA………………………………………..Emergency steering pump
03030…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message P_MTCO_VIN.
03030…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC4
03030…..TPM …………….. Severe leakage: Severe pressure loss at min.
one tyre approx. 200 mbar/h
03031…..AST……………………………… CAN data bus retarder check from
vehicle management computer engine brake torque
‘ERC1_ REX retarder percent torque’
03031…..EBS………………..Faulty retarder relay output stage checkback
03031…..EDC ……FFR2: nominal idling speed governing value too high
03031…..EHLA…… Pressure build-up in pressure accumulator too short
03031…..HDS ………………………………………………Urea tank temperature
03031…..KSM………………………..Adjustment lever angle reduction input
(throttle butterfly reduction request)
03031…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC5
03031…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 3
03032…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
‘engine retarder configuration’
03032…..EBS……………. Faulty brake pad wear output stage checkback
03032…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Bit error, stand alone request
03032…..EHLA…………………………………………… Centring circuit warning
03032…..KSM……Signal frequency at adjustment lever angle reduction
input (throttle butterfly reduction request)
03032…..SFFR…………………Engine CAN: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EngineConfig
03032…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 3
03033…..AST……………………CAN data bus engine brake configuration,
‘engine retarder configuration’
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03033…..EBS………Invalid checkback signal for the yellow warning light
03033…..EDC ……………………………………..FFR2: Bit error, start request
03033…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Centring circuit
03033…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
body CAN message KSM2_A.
03033…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message TSC1-FME.
03033…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 3
03034…..EBS…………..Invalid checkback signal for the red warning light
03034…..EDC ……………………………FFR2: Bit error, engine stop request
03034…..EHLA……….. Actuator test of axle behaviour in centring circuit,
03034…..KSM………………………………………………..Power take-off output
03034…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message Time/Date
03034…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 3
03035…..EBS…………………………Electrical power supply axle modulator
03035…..EDC ………………………………………FFR2: reserved Bits & Bytes
03035…..EHLA…..Actuator test of pressure behaviour in centring circuit
03035…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RD.
03035…..SFFR…………………MMDS CAN: Time overrun when receiving
MMDS message VehDistance
03036…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 2
03036…..EBS………….. Short-circuit on one of the module output stages
03036…..EDC …………………………………………………………FFR2: Timeout
03036…..KSM………………. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RE.
03037…..EBS…………….Vehicle dynamics control steering angle sensor
electrical power supply
03037…..EDC …………………FFR3: Bit error, pedal value sensor position
03037…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_1.
03038…..EBS…………………………………………………………….Interaxle lock
03038…..EDC …………………………………… FFR3: Bit error, standstill info.
03038…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_2.
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03039…..EBS………………………………………………….Lock relay, front axle
03039…..EDC ………………………………………FFR3: reserved Bits & Bytes
03039…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_3.
03040…..CNG………………….Vehicle management computer message 3
03040…..EBS……………………………………………… Display bus-stop brake
03040…..EDC …………………………………………………………FFR3: Timeout
03040…..EHLA……………………………………..Angle encoder configuration
03040…..KSM……………………………..CAN data bus: Time overrun when
receiving user-definable message FREI_4.
03041…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently low, > 400 ms
03041…..EDC ………DM4 request frequency too high ( docu. page 172 )
03041…..EHLA……………………………………………… Angle encoder supply
03041…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 4
03042…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently high, > 400 ms
03042…..EDC ………………………………….FFR2: Input shaft speed invalid
03042…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, differential
03042…..KSM……….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving FFR
(vehicle management computer) message Fuel_Eco.
03042…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 4
03043…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
frequency > 220 Hz
03043…..EDC ………..Fault memory info., timeout, message location 10
03043…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, total voltage
03043…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 4
03044…..CNG………………..Lambda control adaptation additive (bank 1)
03044…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
mark-to-space ratio > 95 %
03044…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 1
03044…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 4
03045…..CNG……………………………………………..Starter control: Blocked
03045…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
mark-to-space ratio < 5 %
03045…..EDC …………………………………………Starter activation defective
03045…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 1
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03046…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
mark-to-space ratio > 95 %
03046…..EDC ………………………………… Atmospheric pressure detection
03046…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 1, track 2
03047…..EBS.. Engine interface, adjustment lever angle increase input,
permanently low or high 80 – 400 ms
03047…..EDC …………………. Overrun test gate array monitoring module
03047…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, differential
03048…..EDC ………………………….Overrun test undervoltage monitoring
03048…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, total voltage
03049…..AST…………………………………………………………Y1 clutch brake
03049…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
03049…..EDC ……………………………Overrun test overvoltage monitoring
03049…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 2
03050…..AST……………………………….Small valve for opening the clutch
03050…..EBS………………………………….. CAN data bus driveline, bus off
03050…..ECAS………………………………………Control unit, supply voltage
03050…..EDC ………………………………………..After-run test, zero quantity
03050…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 1
03051…..AST…………………………………Small valve for closing the clutch
03051…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
EEC1 message from the EDC
03051…..ECAS…………………………………………………..Operator unit data
03051…..EDC ………………………………………. After-run test, MES1 output
03051…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 2, track 2
03051…..TPM ………………………………..Pressure in left outer tyre, axle 5
03052…..AST……………………………….Large valve for opening the clutch
03052…..EBS………………………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded in
message EEC2 from the EDC
03052…..ECAS………………………………………………….Operator unit clock
03052…..EDC ……………………………………..Timeout, message location 5
03052…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, differential
03052…..TPM ……………………………….. Pressure in left inner tyre, axle 5
03053…..AST…………………………………Large valve for closing the clutch
03053…..EBS……CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message CFG_E
03053…..ECAS………………………………………………..Operator unit 2 data
03053…..EDC ……………………………………..Timeout, message location 6
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03053…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, total voltage
03053…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right inner tyre, axle 5
03054…..ECAS……………………………………………….Operator unit 2 clock
03054…..EDC ……………………………………..Timeout, message location 7
03054…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 3
03054…..TPM ………………………………Pressure in right outer tyre, axle 5
03055…..EDC ……………………………………Timeout, message location 14
03055…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 1
03056…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
ERC1_D message from retarder
03056…..EDC ………..Checksum HW calibration date in serial EEPROM
03056…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 3, track 2
03057…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
ERC1_E message from retarder
03057…..EDC ………………….Ser. EEPROM data not equal to checksum
03057…..EHLA………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, differential
03058…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
ERC1_EX message from
vehicle management computer
03058…..EDC …. Ser. EEPROM: Data main relay monitoring checksum
03058…..EHLA……………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, total voltage
03059…..AST………………………………………. Checkback power take-off 1
03059…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘High Resolution Vehicle Distance’ message
from tachograph
03059…..EDC ……………..Ser. EEPROM: Data error memory checksum
03059…..EHLA…………………………………. Angle encoder, steering axle 4
03060…..AST………………………………………. Checkback power take-off 2
03060…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘Supply pressure’ message from the ECAM
03060…..EDC .Ser. EEPROM: Data operating hours counter checksum
03060…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 1
03060…..FFR…..Engine CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).
03061…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 1
03061…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in EEC3 message from the EDC
03061…..ECAS…………………………………..Interruption in communication
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03061…..EDC ……………………… Ser. EEPROM: Actuator test checksum
03061…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, steering axle 4, track 2
03061…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message engine configuration.
03062…..AST………………………………………….Switch off power take-off 2
03062…..EBS………… CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded in
‘Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed’ message from
the EDC via vehicle management computer
03062…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message VSC1
03062…..EDC ……………….Ser. EEPROM: Starter monitoring checksum
03062…..EHLA………………………… Angle encoder, front axle, differential
03062…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC1.
03063…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 1
03063…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in vehicle weight measurement message
from the ECAS
03063…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EEC1
03063…..EDC ……………………………………………. After-run not completed
03063…..EHLA……………………….Angle encoder, front axle, total voltage
03063…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC2.
03064…..AST………………………………………….Switch on power take-off 2
03064…..EBS………….CAN data bus driveline, values for vehicle weight
in the ‘Vehicle Weight’ message from
the ECAS outside the range
03064…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EBC2
03064…..EDC …………………………………………….Stand alone mode EDC
03064…..EHLA………………………………………….Angle encoder, front axle
03064…..FFR……………BotCAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC3.
03065…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in TSC1_ACC message from the ACC
03065…..ECAS……………………………………………..CAN message FFR_1
03065…..EDC ……………………………………Triggering individual operation
03065…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 1
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03065…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC4.
03066…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
for EEC2 message from the EDC
03066…..ECAS…………………………………………. CAN message ECAM_1
03066…..EDC …………………………………………………………Time after start
03066…..EHLA………………………………Angle encoder, front axle, track 2
03066…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EDC message EDC5.
03067…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, receive time exceeded
in TCO1 message from tachograph
03067…..ECAS………………. CAN message EBS (axle load, driven axle)
03067…..EDC …………………………………………………………………..Self-test
03067…..EHLA…………………………… Angle encoder, joystick, differential
03068…..EBS………………………………..CAN data bus driveline, values in
‘TCO1 Vehicle Speed’ message from
tachograph not plausible
03068…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EBC5
03068…..EDC ………………………………………Monitoring module defective
03068…..EHLA………………………….Angle encoder, joystick, total voltage
03069…..EBS………….CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message TD
03069…..ECAS……………………………………………… CAN message EBC1
03069…..EDC ……………………………………..Redundant speed monitoring
03069…..EHLA…………………………………………….Angle encoder, joystick
03070…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC1
from the vehicle management computer
03070…..ECAS………………………Incorrect CAN message time and date
03070…..EDC ……………………………………..Status of plausibility violation
03070…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 1
03071…..EBS……CAN J1939 receive time exceeded in message ETC2
from the vehicle management computer
03071…..EDC ……………………………………………Operating noise analysis
03071…..EHLA…………………………………Angle encoder, joystick, track 2
03072…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
for ETC2 message from VMC
03072…..EDC ………………………………………Status of defective cylinders
03072…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03073…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03073…..EDC ………………………………………………..Amount violation sign
03073…..EHLA……………………………………………Speed signal parameter
03074…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03074…..EBS…CAN J 1939 receive time exceeded message AS1-ZBR
03074…..ECAS……….Incorrect CAN message display instrument panel
03074…..EDC ………………………………………………………..ID number FFR
03074…..EHLA………………….Can message ‘Wheel speed information 2’
03075…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03075…..ECAS………………………….. Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2C)
03075…..EDC ……………………………………..Fuel pressure sensor (phys.)
03076…..CNG…………………………………. Immobiliser: No quantity due to
incorrect vehicle management computer ID
03076…..EBS……………..Driveline CAN databus, receive time exceeded
03076…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2A)
03076…..EDC …………………………………. Immobiliser: No quantity due to
incorrect vehicle management computer ID
03076…..RAS…………………………………………………………..Oil level check
03077…..EBS………………CAN data bus driveline, message XBR (ACC)
03077…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_2B)
03077…..EDC …………………………………. Immobiliser: No quantity due to
vehicle management computer ID being
‘not ready’ for too long
03077…..EHLA……………………………………..CAN message ‘Tachograph’
03077…..RAS…… Comparison between tachometer / EBC speed signal
03078…..EBS……………………… CAN data bus driveline, message ETC7
03078…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6A)
03078…..EDC ……………Immobiliser: Invalid FR ID after quantity enable
03078…..RAS………………………………….CAN signal speed speedometer
03079…..ECAS……………………………Incorrect CAN message (ASC_6B)
03079…..EDC ………………………………………….Governor linkage position
03080…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal CCVS (parking brake)
03080…..ECAS………………………….Incorrect CAN message door status
03080…..EDC …………………………………………………….ID number of EDC
03080…..EHLA……………………………………………….CAN message CCVS
03080…..FFR..Driveline CAN sending message timeout (time overrun).
03081…..EBS……………………………..Impermissible signal CCVS (clutch)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03081…..ECAS………………………………..Incorrect CAN message TCO 1
03081…..EDC …………………………Charge air pressure governor shut-off
03081…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC1.
03081…..RAS……………………………………….CAN signal road speed EBC
03082…..CNG…………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility
03082…..EBS…………………….Impermissible signal EEC1 (rated torque)
03082…..ECAS……………Incorrect CAN message mileage reading (km)
03082…..EDC …………………………………..Oil pressure sensor plausibility
03082…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC2.
03082…..RAS………………………………………….. CAN signal engine speed
03083…..EBS……………………Impermissible signal EEC1 (actual torque)
03083…..EDC …………………………………Fuel pressure sensor plausibility
03083…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 1
03083…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message ERC1_RD.
03083…..RAS……………………………………………………..CAN signal weight
03084…..EBS……………………..Impermissible signal EEC1 (engine revs)
03084…..EDC …………………………….Stop position test, governor linkage
03084…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 2
03084…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message EBC3.
03084…..RAS………………………………………………..CAN signal lifting axle
03085…..EBS………….. Impermissible signal EEC2 (idling speed switch)
03085…..EDC ……………………………………FFR3: Vehicle distance invalid
03085…..EHLA………………………………………………………..Speed signal 3
03085…..RAS…………………………………………..CAN signal parking brake
03086…..CNG………….Monitoring exhaust gas recirculation throughflow
03086…..EBS….Impermissible signal EEC2 (accelerator pedal position)
03086…..EDC ……………Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit
03086…..EDC_7 ………..Exhaust gas recirculation actuator position limit
03086…..EHLA………………………………………………………… Speed signals
03086…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
Astronic message ETC1.
03086…..RAS……………………………. CAN signal bus transmitter/receiver
03087…..EBS…………..Impermissible signal EEC3 (nom. friction torque)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03087…..EDC …………………………………………………..Oil pressure sensor
03087…..EHLA…………………………………………Speed signals, differential
03087…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
Astronic message ETC2.
03087…..RAS………………………………………..Parameter value calibration
03088…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. mode)
03088…..EDC ………………………………………………Boost pressure sensor
03088…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
tachograph message TCO1.
03089…..EBS……………….. Impermissible signal ERC1_MC (ret. torque)
03089…..EDC …………………………………..Charge air temperature sensor
03089…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Veh_Dist.
03090…..AST………………………..ECU (communication controllers 1 + 2)
03090…..EBS…………………………. Impermissible signal ETC1 (driveline)
03090…..EHLA………………………………………..Axle monitoring parameter
03090…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message Time/Date.
03091…..AST………………………….CAN data bus EBS1 from EBS, EBC1
03091…..EBS……………….Impermissible signal ETC2 (gear information)
03091…..EDC ………………………………Cooling water temperature sensor
03091…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 1
03091…..EMOS ……………………………………..Timeout of EBC1 message
03091…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message RE_Fluids.
03092…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 1)
03092…..EDC ………………………………………………….Time/date: Timeout,
03092…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 1
03092…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
retarder message RD_Fluids.
03093…..EBS………………….Impermissible signal SP (reservoir circuit 2)
03093…..EDC ……………………………. TIME/DATE: reserved Bits & Bytes
03093…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 1
03093…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
Astronic message TSC1_TE.
03094…..EBS…………….Impermissible signal CFG_MC (ref. ret. torque)
03094…..EDC ………………………………………Timeout message position 8
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03094…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 2
03094…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message TSC1_AE.
03095…..EBS…………… Impermissible signal CFG_E (ref. motor torque)
03095…..EDC ……………………………..Nominal quantity value percentage
03095…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 2
03095…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
EBS message Veh_weight.
03096…..EBS….. CAN data bus driveline, ‘Lighting on trailer 1 detected’
in message AS1_ZBR
03096…..EDC ……………………………………………………..Accelerator pedal
03096…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 2
03096…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
central on-board computer message AUX-STAT-ZBR1.
03097…..EBS……………………………………………..CAN data bus driveline,
‘Actual Inner Wheel Steering Angle’ in message ESC1
(steering angle)
03097…..EDC ……………………………………………Fuel temperature sensor
03097…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 3
03097…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ECAS message ECAS1.
03098…..EBS……………….CAN data bus driveline, ‘Steering axle status’
in message ESC1
03098…..EDC ……………………………………….Control path: Loose contact
03098…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 3
03098…..FFR……………………………….CAN databus: Time overrun when
receiving message ERC1_RE.
03099…..AST………………………………………………………… Output speed 1
03099…..EBS…………….CAN data bus driveline, ‘Percentage clutch slip’
in message ETC1
03099…..EDC, Common Rail……….Fuel pressure sensor — rail pressure
03099…..EDC, not Common Rail………………………Fuel pressure sensor
03099…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 3
03099…..FFR……………….. CAN data bus: Time overrun when receiving
ECAM message ECAM1.
03100…..CRT………………Exhaust differential pressure via the CRT filter
03100…..EBS…………….Pressure control module, left front axle, no fault
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03100…..EDC ………………………………………Fuel supply pressure sensor
03100…..EHLA…………………………Inverse movement on steering axle 4
03100…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 0
03101…..AST………………………………………………….. Output speeds 1+ 2
03101…..CRT………………. Exhaust temperature in front of the CRT filter
03101…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor A
03101…..EBS_K1 …………………………………. Wheel sensor front axle left
03101…..ECAS…………………………………Travel sensor left REAR AXLE
03101…..ECAS2……………………………. Height sensor FRONT AXLE left
03101…..EHLA…………………………..System deviation on steering axle 4
03101…..EMOS …………………………………………….Gearbox output signal
03101…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 1
03102…..AST………………………………..Gearbox input and output speeds
03102…..CNG………………..Exhaust gas recirculation valve output stage
03102…..CRT………………………………………………..Current engine torque
03102…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor A: Delay too long
03102…..ECAS……………………………….Travel sensor right REAR AXLE
03102…..ECAS2………………………….Height sensor, FRONT AXLE right
03102…..EDC ……………..Exhaust gas recirculation system output stage
03102…..EHLA…………………..Large system deviation on steering axle 4
03102…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 2
03102…..ZBR2……………………………………………………ZBR power supply
03103…..AST………………………..CAN data bus vehicle speed from EDC
03103…..CNG……….. Lambda probe before catalytic converter (bank 1)
03103…..CRT…………………………………..Status of the regeneration logic
03103…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor A: Moving off fault
03103…..ECAS…………………………………….Travel sensor FRONT AXLE
03103…..ECAS2……………………………….. CENTRE AXLE height sensor
03103…..EHLA……………………… Calibration mode when vehicle moving
03103…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 3 and 4
03103…..OBDU………………………………………………………..Tension V-belt
03103…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground
03104…..CNG…………………………………….Lambda probe heating before
catalytic converter (bank 1)
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03104…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor A: Clearance too great
03104…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 1
03104…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, bytes 5 and 6
03104…..ZBR2…………………………………………………………Analog ground
03105…..CNG…………………….Lambda control adaptation multi (bank 1)
03105…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor A
03105…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 2
03105…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC1, byte 7
03105…..OBDU……………………………………………Water pump V-belt torn
03106…..CNG…………………………… Idling speed control, nominal speed
03106…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
long instability wheel sensor A
03106…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 3
03106…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 0 and 1
03106…..OBDU………………………………………………….. Cooling defective:
Water temperature gradient too steep
03107…..AST………………………………………………Voltage (clutch sensor)
03107…..CNG…………………………… Total exhaust-relevant errors (ASE)
03107…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor A
03107…..EBS_K1 …………………………..Impulse wheel fault front axle left
03107…..EHLA………………………………… Calibration data steering axle 4
03107…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 2 and 3
03107…..ZBR2……………………………………………Ignition ON (relay tl. 15)
03108…..CNG………………………………………………..Gas system pressure
03108…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor A
03108…..EHLA…………………………………………Calibration data front axle
03108…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 4 and 5
03108…..ZBR2………………………………… Electrical battery master switch
03109…..EBS….Brake/impulse wheel/sensor combination front axle left
03109…..EHLA……………………………………………Calibration data joystick
03109…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC2, bytes 6 and 7
03109…..HYD ………………………..Water pump malfunction or fuse blown
03109…..ZBRO………………………………………..Ignition lock radio position
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03110…..CNG………………Engine speed sensor crankshaft toothed disc
03110…..EBS……………………….. Pressure control module, left front axle
03110…..EHLA……………………………………………Number of CAN objects
03110…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 0 and 1
03110…..HYD …………………………….Vehicle blower control discontinuity
03110…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition on
03111…..AST….. CAN data bus message timeout time/date information
from central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
03111…..CNG……………………………………………..Reference mark sensor
03111…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
interruption, short-circuit wheel sensor B
03111…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
03111…..EMOS ………………………………Timeout of Time_Date message
03111…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, bytes 2 and 3
03111…..TPM ……………………..Slight leakage from left outer tyre, axle 1
03111…..ZBR2…………………………………………..Ignition lock starter tl. 50
03112…..AST…….CAN data bus signal error time/date information from
central on-board computer ZBR2, TIME/DATE
03112…..CNG…………………………………………………………..Phase sensor
03112…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Delay too long
03112…..EHLA…………………………………….. CAN data has been falsified
03112…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 4
03112…..TPM ……………………..Slight leakage from left inner tyre, axle 1
03112…..ZBRO…………………………………………….Ignition lock ignition off
03113…..AST….CAN data bus message timeout retarder configuration,
Ret_Conf (driveline retarder configuration)
03113…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Moving off fault
03113…..EHLA………………………………………………..CAN communication
03113…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 5
03113…..TPM ……………………Slight leakage from right inner tyre, axle 1
03113…..ZBRO……………………………………………….Battery undervoltage
03114…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
wheel sensor B: Clearance too great
03114…..EHLA……………………………… Steering wheel sensor — not used
03114…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 6
SPN…..Control unit/System………………………………………. Fault message
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03114…..TPM ………………….. Slight leakage from right outer tyre, axle 1
03114…..ZBRO………………………………………………Battery master switch
03115…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
perpetual control wheel sensor B
03115…..EHLA……………………………..Steering wheel sensor — operating
03115…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC3, byte 7
03115…..ZBRO…………………………………………………..Battery main relay
03116…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
long instability wheel sensor B
03116…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 0
03116…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….. Ignition on
03117…..AST……………………………………….Clutch self-adjustment faulty
03117…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
pulse ring fault wheel sensor B
03117…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
03117…..ZBRO…………………………………………………………….. Ignition on
03118…..AST…………………………………………………Clutch does not open
03118…..EBS………………………. Pressure control module, left front axle,
fault on lifting axle wheel sensor B
03118…..EMOS ………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but
no clutch opening valve available for opening clutch
03118…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 3
03118…..ZBRO…………………………………………………….Ignition on check
03119…..AST……………Clutch does not close / does not transmit torque
03119…..CNG…………………………………………………………Altitude sensor
03119…..EBS……………………….. Pressure control module, left front axle
03119…..EMOS ………………………………Clutch regulator switched on but
no clutch closing valve available for closing clutch
03119…..FFR…………………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, byte 4
03119…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 1
03120…..AST…….. Mechanical fault (small valve for opening the clutch)
03120…..EBS………………………Electrical power supply pad wear sensor
(front axle left or front axle)
03120…..FFR………CAN data bus: EDC message EDC4, bytes 5 and 6
03120…..ZBRO……………………………………………Battery master switch 3
03121…..AST……….Mechanical fault (small valve for closing the clutch)