Siemens sinamics g120 коды ошибок


  • Коды ошибок частотника Siemens G120
  • Типы сообщений
  • Индикация
  • Коды отказов частотника
  • F01000 – аппаратная/программная ошибка
  • F01001 – ошибка FloatingPoint
  • F01002 – аппаратная/программная ошибка
  • F01003 – Задержка квитирования при обращении к памяти
  • F01010 – Неизвестный тип привода
  • F01018 – Запуск прерван многократно
  • F01023 – тайм-аут ПО внутренний
  • F01054 – высокая вычислительная нагрузка
  • F01068 – высокая загруженность памяти
  • F01250 – ошибка данных CU-EEPROM Read-Only
  • F06922 – выпадение фазы тормозного резистора
  • F07011 – перегрев двигателя
  • F07220 – нет управления через PLC
  • F07300 – отсутствует подключение сетевого контактора
  • F07801 – перегрузка двигателя по току
  • F07807 – обнаружено коротко замыкание / замыкание на землю
  • F07900 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель заблокирован
  • F07902 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель опрокинут
  • A07910 (N) — Привод: перегрев двигателя
  • F30002 Силовая часть: напряжение промежуточного контура перенапряжение
  • F30003 Силовая часть: пониженное напряжение промежуточного контура
  • F30004 Силовая часть: перегрев радиатора инвертора
  • F30005 Силовая часть: перегрузка I2t
  • F30011 Силовая часть: выпадение фазы сети в силовой цепи
  • F30012 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор обрыв кабеля
  • F30013 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор короткое замыкание
  • F30017 Силовая часть: слишком частое срабатывание ограничения тока аппаратного обеспечения
  • F30021 Силовая часть: замыкание на землю
  • F30024 Силовая часть: перегрев, температурная модель
  • F30025 Силовая часть: перегрев чипа

Преобразователь частоты (ПЧ) – сложное устройства управления электрическим двигателем. В случае нештатных и аварийных ситуаций ПЧ выдает сообщения об аварии или предупреждении на панель частотника или по линии связи в контроллер, так же может остановить двигатель во избежание поломок оборудования. На панели частотника выдается код ошибки. В данной статье приведены коды ошибок, их детальное описание и возможные причины появления.

Типы сообщений

Существует несколько типов сообщений:

  • A – предупреждение, выводится в случае появления неаварийных ситуаций, на которые необходимо обратить внимание. Сброс при исчезновении причины предупреждения
  • F – ошибка, выводится в случае появления аварийных ситуаций. Сброс при исчезновении причины отказа и подтверждения данного отказа.
  • N – сообщение отсутствует или «внутреннее сообщение».
  • C – сообщение безопасности.

Предупреждение. Код сопровождается буквой A. Выводятся в случае появления неаварийных ситуаций, на которые стоит обратить внимание. Сбрасываются при исчезновении причины предупреждения.

Отказ. Код сопровождается буквой F. Выводятся в случае появления аварийных ситуаций. Сбрасываются при исчезновении причины отказа и подтверждения данного отказа.


На частотнике присутствует индикатор с обозначением RDY с помощью которого можно определить наличие отказов.

Мигающий красный индикатор один раз в пол секунды – обозначает отказ.

Коды отказов частотника:

Это – лишь часть списка кодов ошибок, которые описаны в руководстве. Если требуемый код ошибки не был описан в статье – необходимо воспользоваться официальным руководством пользователя.

F01000 – аппаратная/программная ошибка

Возможные причины:

  • Возникла ошибка программного обеспечения или внутренняя программная ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • Обработать буфер ошибок (r0945).
  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • При необходимости проверить данные в энергонезависимой памяти (к примеру, на карте памяти).
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией».
  • Заменить управляющий модуль.

F01001 – ошибка FloatingPoint

Возможные причины:

  • При работе с типом данных FloatingPoint произошла ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • Проверить конфигурацию сигналов блоков для FBLOCKS.
  • Проверить конфигурацию и сигналы схем для DCC.
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией»

F01002 – аппаратная/программная ошибка

Возможные причины:

  • Возникла ошибка программного обеспечения или внутренняя программная ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией».

F01003 – Задержка квитирования при обращении к памяти

Возможные причины:

  • При обращении к ячейке памяти возникал ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • связаться с «горячей линией».

F01010 – Неизвестный тип привода

Возможные причины:

  • Был найден неизвестный тип привода.

Возможные решения:

  • Заменить блок питания.
  • Выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить).
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией»

F01018 – Запуск прерван многократно

Возможные причины:

  • Загрузка модуля была отменен многократно. Поэтому выполняется загрузка модуля с заводскими установками.
  • Возможные причины отмены загрузки:
    • Прерывание подачи питания.
    • Сбой CPU.
    • Недействительное параметрирование.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить). После включения модуль снова загружается с правильными параметрами (при наличии таковых).
  • Восстановить правильное параметрирование. Примеры:
    • Выполнить первый ввод в эксплуатацию, сохранить параметры, выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить).
    • Загрузить другую правильную резервную копию параметров (к примеру, с карты памяти), сохранить параметры, выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить).

Указание: При повторном сборе эта ошибка снова появляется после нескольких отмененных загрузок.

F01023 – тайм-аут ПО внутренний

Возможные причины:

  • Возник внутренний программный тайм-аут.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • связаться с «горячей линией».

F01054 – высокая вычислительная нагрузка:

При наличии этой ошибки сохранение параметров невозможно

возможные причины:

  • Слишком высокая вычислительная нагрузка;
  • Слишком высокая пиковая нагрузка.

Возможные решения:

  • Снизить нагрузку на процессор приводного устройства до уровня ниже 100 %.
  • Проверить и при необходимости настроить время выборки.
  • Деактивировать функциональные модули.
  • Деактивировать приводные объекты.
  • Удалить приводные объекты из заданной топологии.
  • Соблюдать правила топологии DRIVE-CLiQ и при необходимости изменить топологию DRIVE-CLiQ. При использовании Drive Control Chart (DCC) или свободных функциональных блоков (FBLOCKS) действует:
    • Нагрузка на процессор отдельных динамических групп на приводном объекте может быть считана в r21005 (DCC) и r20005 (FBLOCKS).
    • При необходимости изменить согласование динамической группы таким образом, чтобы время выборки увеличилось.
    • При необходимости сократить число циклически вычисляемых блоков (DCC) или функциональных блоков (FBLOCKS).

F01068 – высокая загруженность памяти.

Возможные причины:

  • Слишком высокая загруженность области памяти данных

Возможные решения:

  • Деактивировать функциональный модуль.
  • Деактивировать приводной объект.
  • Удалить приводной объект из заданной топологии.

F01250 – ошибка данных CU-EEPROM Read-Only

Возможные причины:

  • Ошибка при чтении данных Read-Only EEPROM на устройстве управления.

Возможные решения:

  • выполнить POWER ON.
  • заменить устройство управления

F06922 – выпадение фазы тормозного резистора;

Возможные причины:

  • Обнаружено выпадение фазы для тормозного резистора.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить подводку тормозных резисторов.

F07011 – перегрев двигателя;

Возможные причины:

  • двигатель перегружен.
  • слишком высокая окружающая температура двигателя.
  • обрыв провода датчика или отсутствие подключения.

Возможные решения:

  • Снизить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверить внешнюю температуру и вентиляцию двигателя.
  • Проверить проводку и соединение PTC или биметаллического NC.

F07220 – нет управления через PLC

Возможные причины:

  • Сигнал «Управление через PLC» отсутствует при работе. –
  • неправильное подключение бинекторного входа для «Управление через PLC» (p0854).
  • СЧПУ верхнего уровня отменила сигнал «Управление через PLC».
  • передача данных через полевую шину (Master/привод) была прервана

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить подключение бинекторного входа для «Управления через PLC».
  • проверить и при необходимости включить сигнал «Управление через PLC».
  • проверить передачу данных через полевую шину (Master/привод).

F07300 – отсутствует подключение сетевого контактора;

Возможные причины:

  • Сетевой контактор не включен в течении времени в p0861;
  • Сетевой контактор не выключен в течении времени в p0861;
  • Сетевой контактор отключился при работе;
  • Сетевой контактор включен, хотя преобразователь отключен.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить установку p0860.
  • Проверить цикл подтверждения сетевого контактора.
  • Увеличить время контроля в p0861.

F07800 – отсутствует силовая часть

Возможные причины:

  • Чтение параметров силовой части невозможно или в силовой части нет сохраненных параметров
  • выбрана неправильная топология при вводе в эксплуатацию.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить ПОДАЧУ ПИТАНИЯ для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • Проверить и при необходимости заменить силовую часть.
  • Проверить и при необходимости заменить управляющий модуль.
  • После исправления топологии снова выполнить загрузку параметров с помощью ПО для ввода в эксплуатацию.

F07801 – перегрузка двигателя по току

Возможные причины:

  • Эффективная граница тока установлена слишком низкой;
  • Регулятор тока настроен неправильно;
  • Режим U/f: время разгона установлено слишком маленьким или слишком высокая нагрузка;
  • Режим U/f: короткое замыкание в кабеле двигателя или замыкание на землю;
  • Режим U/f: ток двигателя не подходит к току силовой части;
  • Включение на вращающийся двигатель без функции «рестарт на лету» (p1200).

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить границы тока.
  • Векторное управление: проверить регулятор тока.
  • Управление U/f: проверить ограничительный регулятор тока.
  • Увеличить рампу разгона или уменьшить нагрузку.
  • Проверить двигатель и кабели двигателя на предмет короткого замыкания и замыкания на землю.
  • Проверить двигатель на предмет соединения звезда/треугольник и параметрирования шильдика.
  • Проверить комбинацию силовой части и двигателя.
  • Выбрать функцию рестарта на лету, если происходит включение на вращающийся двигатель

F07807 – обнаружено коротко замыкание / замыкание на землю.

Возможные причины:

  • На выходных клеммах преобразователя со стороны двигателя было обнаружено межфазное короткое замыкание или замыкание на землю.

Указание: Перепутывание кабелей питания и двигателя также определяется как короткое замыкание со стороны двигателя. Проверка на предмет замыкания на землю функционирует только в состоянии покоя двигателя. Включение на не размагниченный или только частично размагниченный двигатель может определяться как замыкание на землю.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить соединение преобразователя со стороны двигателя на предмет наличия межфазного короткого замыкания.
  • Исключить перепутывание кабеля питания и двигателя.
  • Проверить на предмет замыкания на землю.
  • Не включать разрешение импульсов на вращающийся двигатель без активированной функции «Рестарт на лету».
  • Увеличить продолжительность размагничивания.
  • Для обеспечения состояния покоя увеличить время задержки гашения импульсов.
  • При необходимости деактивировать контроль.

F07900 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель заблокирован

Возможные причины:

  • Двигатель работает дольше, чем время в p2177, на границе момента вращения и ниже установленного порога числа оборотов в p2175. Это сообщение может появиться, если число оборотов колеблется, и выход регулятора числа оборотов постоянно кратковременно доходит до ограничения. Возможно и то, что тепловой контроль силовой части уменьшает границу тока (см. p0290) и из-за этого происходит торможение двигателя.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить двигатель на предмет свободного движения.
  • Проверить эффективную границу момента вращения.
  • Проверить и при необходимости исправить параметры сообщения «Двигатель заблокирован».
  • Проверить разрешения направления вращения при рестарте двигателя на лету.
  • Для управления U/f: проверить границы тока и время разгона.

F07902 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель опрокинут

Возможные причины:

  • Было обнаружено, что двигатель опрокинут дольше, чем установлено в p2178.

Возможные решения:

  • Следует убедиться, что как идентификация параметров двигателя, так и измерение при вращении, были выполнены.
  • Проверить, не опрокидывается ли привод в управляемом режиме или когда заданное значение скорости еще ноль, только нагрузкой. Если да, то увеличить заданное значение тока через p1610.
  • Если время возбуждения двигателя (p0346) было сильно уменьшено и привод опрокидывается при включении и немедленном начале движения, то снова увеличить p0346.
  • Проверить, не имеет ли место выпадение фазы сети у силовых частей PM230, PM250, PM260.
  • Проверить, не отсоединена ли электропроводка к двигателю (см. A07929).
  • Если ошибки отсутствуют, то можно увеличить отказоустойчивость (p1745) или время задержки (p2178).
  • Проверить предельный ток. При слишком низких предельных токах намагничивание привода невозможно.
  • Если возникает ошибка со значением 2 при очень быстром разгоне двигателя в области ослабления поля, то путем уменьшения p1596 или p1553 можно сократить отклонение между заданным и фактическим значением потока и тем самым сообщение не будет появляться.

A07910 (N) — Привод: перегрев двигателя

Возможные причины:

  • Измеренная температура двигателя или температура тепловой модели двигателя превысила порог предупреждения (p0604).

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверить температуру окружающей среды двигателя.
  • Проверить KTY84.
  • Проверить перегревы тепловой модели двигателя.

F30002 Силовая часть: напряжение промежуточного контура перенапряжение

Возможные причины:

  • Силовая часть обнаружила перенапряжение в промежуточном контуре.
  • Двигатель рекуперирует слишком много энергии.
  • Слишком высокое напряжение питающей сети.
  • Фаза сети прервана.
  • Регулирование напряжения промежуточного контура отключено.
  • Слишком высокая или низкая динамика регулятора напряжения промежуточного контура.

Возможные решения:

  • Увеличить время торможения.
  • Установить время сглаживания. Это рекомендуется прежде всего в режиме U/f, чтобы разгрузить регулятор напряжения промежуточного контура при коротком времени торможения задатчика интенсивности.
  • Активировать регулятор напряжения промежуточного контура.
  • Согласовать динамику регулятора напряжения промежуточного контура.
  • Проверить напряжение питающей сети и установку в p0210.
  • Проверить и исправить назначение фаз на силовой части.
  • Проверить фазы сети.

F30003 Силовая часть: пониженное напряжение промежуточного контура

Возможные причины:

  • Силовая часть определила пониженное напряжение в промежуточном контуре.
  • Отказ питания.
  • Напряжение сети ниже допустимого значения.
  • Прерывание фазы сети.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить напряжение сети.
  • Проверить фазы сети.

F30004 Силовая часть: перегрев радиатора инвертора

Возможные причины:

  • Температура радиатора силовой части превысила допустимое предельное значение.
  • Недостаточная вентиляция, отказ вентилятора.
  • Перегрузка. — слишком высокая внешняя температура.
  • Слишком высокая частота импульсов.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить, работает ли вентилятор.
  • Проверить компоненты вентилятора.
  • Проверить, находится ли внешняя температура в допустимом диапазоне.
  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Уменьшить частоту импульсов, если она выше номинальной частоты импульсов.

Внимание: Эта ошибка может быть квитирована только после выхода за нижнюю границу порога предупреждения для A05000.

F30005 Силовая часть: перегрузка I2t

Возможные причины:

  • Перегрузка силовой части (r0036 = 100 %).
  • Допустимый ном. ток силовой части был превышен недопустимо долго.
  • Допустимый нагрузочный цикл не был соблюден.

Возможные решения:

  • Снизить длительную нагрузку.
  • Согласовать нагрузочный цикл.
  • Проверить ном. токи двигателя и силовой части.
  • Уменьшить границу тока (p0640).
  • При работе с характеристикой U/f: уменьшить постоянную времени интегрирования токоограничительного регулятора (p1341).

F30011 Силовая часть: выпадение фазы сети в силовой цепи

Возможные причины:

  • Выпадение фазы сети.
  • Недопустимая асимметрия 3 фаз сети.
  • Емкость конденсатора промежуточного контура создает резонансную частоту с индуктивностью сети и возможно с интегрированным в силовую часть дросселем.
  • Срабатывание предохранителя фазы силовой цепи.
  • Выпадение фазы двигателя.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить предохранители силовой цепи.
  • Проверить, не искажает ли однофазный потребитель напряжения сети.
  • Рассогласовать резонансную частоту с индуктивностью сети путем подключения сетевого дросселя.
  • Погасить резонансную частоту с индуктивностью сети путем программного переключения на компенсацию напряжения промежуточного контура или усиления сглаживания. Но это может ухудшить пульсацию момента на двигателе.
  • Проверить электропроводку к двигателю.

F30012 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор обрыв кабеля


  • Соединение с датчиком температуры радиаторов в силовой части прервано.


  • Связаться с изготовителем.

F30013 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор короткое замыкание


  • Датчик температуры радиатора в силовой части замкнут накоротко.


  • Связаться с изготовителем.

F30017 Силовая часть: слишком частое срабатывание ограничения тока аппаратного обеспечения

Возможные причины:

  • Слишком частое срабатывание ограничения тока аппаратного обеспечения в соответствующей фазе. Число допустимых превышений зависит от вида и типа силовой части.
  • Регулирование спараметрировано неправильно.
  • Ошибка в двигателе или в силовых кабелях.
  • Превышена макс. допустимая длина силовых кабелей.
  • Слишком высокая нагрузка двигателя.
  • Неисправность силовой части.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить параметры двигателя.
  • Проверить тип соединения двигателя (звезда/треугольник).
  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверить соединения силовых кабелей.
  • Проверить силовые кабели на предмет короткого замыкания или замыкания на землю.
  • Проверить длину силовых кабелей.
  • Заменить силовую часть.

F30021 Силовая часть: замыкание на землю

Возможные причины:

  • Замыкание на землю в силовых кабелях. –
  • Замыкание на землю на двигателе. –
  • Трансформатор неисправен. –
  • Зажимающие тормоз является причиной срабатывания аппаратного контроля постоянного тока. –
  • Короткое замыкание на тормозном резисторе. Значение ошибки (r0949, дес. интерпретация): 0: —
  • Сработал аппаратный контроль постоянного тока. –
  • Короткое замыкание на тормозном резисторе. > 0:
  • Величина суммарного тока [32767 = 271 % ном. Тока

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить соединение силовых кабелей. –
  • Проверить двигатель. –
  • Проверить преобразователь тока. –
  • Проверить кабели и контакты соединения тормоза (возможен обрыв кабеля). –
  • Проверить тормозной резистор. Смотри также: p0287

F30024 Силовая часть: перегрев, температурная модель

Возможные причины:

  • Разность температур между радиатором и чипом превысила допустимое предельное значение.
  • Допустимый нагрузочный цикл не соблюден.
  • Недостаточное вентилирование, выход из строя вентилятора.
  • Перегрузка.
  • Внешняя температура слишком высока.
  • Частота импульсов слишком высока.

Возможные решения:

  • Согласовать нагрузочный цикл.
  • Проверить, работает ли вентилятор.
  • Проверить фильтрующие элементы.
  • Проверить, в допустимом ли диапазоне находится температура окружающей среды.
  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Уменьшить частоту модуляции, если она выше номинальной.
  • Если активно торможение на постоянном токе: уменьшить тормозной ток (p1232).

F30025 Силовая часть: перегрев чипа

Возможные причины:

  • Температура чипа полупроводников превысила допустимое предельное значение.
  • Допустимый нагрузочный цикл не был выдержан.
  • Недостаточная вентиляция, отказ вентилятора.
  • Перегрузка.
  • Слишком высокая внешняя температура.
  • Слишком высокая частота импульсов.

Возможные решения:

  • согласовать нагрузочный цикл.
  • проверить, работает ли вентилятор.
  • проверить элементы вентилятора.
  • проверить, находится ли внешняя температура в допустимом диапазоне.
  • проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • уменьшить частоту импульсов, если она выше ном. частоты импульсов.

Внимание: эта ошибка может быть квитирована только после выхода за нижнюю границу порога предупреждения для предупреждения A05001.

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Отзывы о пройденном обучении

  • Page 1
    SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU240E CU240S CU240S DP CU240S DP-F CU240S PN CU240S PN-F Operating Instructions · 11/2008 — Review Version SINAMICS…
  • Page 3
    Introduction Description Connection SINAMICS G120 Commissioning Control Units Frequency inverter Functions Servicing and maintenance Operating Instructions Messages and fault codes Technical data Edition 12/2008, FW 3.2 — Review version 08.10. 2008 t.b.d.
  • Page 4
    Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Introduction…………………………9 About this manual ……………………..9 Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) ……………………10 1.2.1 General basics ……………………..10 1.2.2 Parameter ……………………….11 1.2.3 Parameters with follow-on parameterization…………….12 Frequently required parameters………………..13 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel)……………………..15 1.4.1 BICO technology: basic principles ………………..15…

  • Page 6
    Table of contents 4.5.4 Commissioning the application ………………..70 Commissioning with the operator panel………………71 4.6.1 Function of the Basic Operator Panel ………………71 4.6.2 BOP controls and displays ………………….72 4.6.3 Parameterization with the BOP (two examples) …………….. 73 4.6.4 Commissioning steps ……………………
  • Page 7
    Table of contents Evaluating the frequency inverter status………………124 5.9.1 Assigning specific functions to digital outputs…………….124 5.9.2 Assigning certain functions to analog outputs …………….126 5.10 Technological functions ………………….128 5.10.1 Braking functions of the frequency inverter …………….128 Parameterizing a DC & compound brake ………………130 Dynamic brake ………………………132 Parameterizing regenerative braking………………133 Parameterizing a motor holding brake………………134…
  • Page 8
    Table of contents Common technical data, PM250 Power Modules…………..230 Technical data, PM250 Power Modules ………………. 231 Common technical data, PM260 Power Modules…………..233 Technical data, PM260 Power Modules ………………. 234 Index…………………………235 Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 9: Introduction

    Introduction About this manual Who requires the Operating Instructions and why? These Operating Instructions primarily address fitters, commissioning engineers and machine operators. The Operating Instructions describe the devices and device components and enable the target groups being addressed to assemble, connect-up, parameterize, and commission the frequency inverters safely and in the correct manner.

  • Page 10: Adapting The Frequency Inverter To The Particular Application (Parameter Assignment For Entry-Level Personnel)

    Introduction 1.2 Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) 1.2.1 General basics Parameterizable frequency inverters transform standard motors into variable-speed drives Frequency inverters are parameterized to adapt them to the motor being driven so that this can be optimally operated and protected.

  • Page 11: Parameter

    Introduction 1.2 Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) 1.2.2 Parameter Parameter types There are two types of parameters, adjustable and display parameters. Adjustable parameters Adjustable parameters are represented with four digits preceded by the letter «P». You can change the value of these parameters within a defined range.

  • Page 12: Parameters With Follow-On Parameterization

    Introduction 1.2 Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) 1.2.3 Parameters with follow-on parameterization Parameters with follow-on parameterization When you change certain parameters, the system may automatically change other parameters accordingly. This makes it much easier to parameterize complex functions. Example: Parameter P0700 (command source) Parameter P0700 can be used to switch the command source from the fieldbus to digital inputs.

  • Page 13: Frequently Required Parameters

    Introduction 1.3 Frequently required parameters Frequently required parameters All-round and emergency parameters Table 1- 1 This is how you filter the parameter list to keep the number of displayed parameters transparent Parameter Description P0003 = User access level 1: Standard level: Allows access to the most frequently used parameters (factory setting) 2: Advanced level: Extended access, e.g.

  • Page 14
    Introduction 1.3 Frequently required parameters Table 1- 6 This is how you select the source for the speed setpoint Parameter Description P1000 = 0: No main setpoint 1: MOP setpoint 2: Analog setpoint (factory setting for non-fieldbus-capable frequency inverters) 3: Fixed frequency 4: USS on RS 232 5: USS on RS 485 6: Fieldbus (factory setting for fieldbus-capable frequency inverters)
  • Page 15: Extended Adaptation Options Using Bico Parameters (Parameterization For Advanced Level Personnel)

    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) 1.4.1 BICO technology: basic principles Functional principle of BICO technology and frequency inverter closed/open-loop control functions The inverter software offers a range of open/closed-loop control functions, communication functions, as well as various diagnostics and operating functions.

  • Page 16
    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) Binectors and connectors Connectors and binectors are elements used to exchange signals between the individual functions. Connectors and binectors can be seen as «storage compartments»: ● Connectors are used to store «analog» signals (e.g. speed setpoint) ●…
  • Page 17
    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) BICO symbols, representation, and description Table 1- 7 Binector symbols Abbreviation and symbol Description Function Binector input Binector output Table 1- 8 Connector symbols Abbreviation and symbol Description Function Connector input…
  • Page 18
    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) When do you need to use BICO technology? BICO technology allows you to adapt the drive in line with a wide range of different requirements. This does not necessarily have to involve highly complex functions. Example 1: Assign a different function to a digital input.
  • Page 19: Bico Technology: Example

    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) 1.4.2 BICO technology: example Example: Shifting a basic PLC functionality into the frequency inverter A conveyor system is to be configured in such a way that it can only start when two signals are present simultaneously.

  • Page 20
    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) Explanations of the example Open the default signal interconnection for BICO parameterization The default setting P0701 = 1 indicates the following internal signal interconnection: P0840 r0722.0 DI 0 OFF1 Terminal 5 Figure 1-5…
  • Page 21: Description

    Description Overview of the SINAMICS G120 family of frequency inverters Thanks to their modular design, SINAMICS G120 frequency converters can be used in a wide range of applications with respect to functionality and power. Each SINAMICS G120 frequency inverter comprises a Control Unit and a Power Module. The output range extends from 0.37 kW to 132 kW.

  • Page 22: Modularity Of The Converter System

    Description 2.1 Modularity of the converter system Modularity of the converter system Main components of the frequency inverter Each SINAMICS G120 frequency inverter comprises a Control Unit and Power Module. In the SINAMICS G120 range, the Control Units can be combined with any Power Module.

  • Page 23
    Description 2.1 Modularity of the converter system Supplementary components In addition to the main components, the following components are available for commissioning and parameterization: Basic Operator Panel (BOP) for parameterization, diagnostics, and control as well as for copying drive parameters. Memory card MMC for carrying out standard commissioning of more than one frequency inverter and for external data backup purposes.
  • Page 24: Overview Of Control Units

    Description 2.2 Overview of Control Units Overview of Control Units Figure 2-1 Control Unit variants Overview of Power Modules Figure 2-2 Power Module variants A number of Power Module variants are available for different supply voltages in an output range of between 0.37 kW and 132 kW. Depending on the Power Module used, the energy released in regenerative mode is either ●…

  • Page 25
    Description 2.3 Overview of Power Modules Overview of the available Power Modules Depending on the output, Power Modules are available with different frame sizes The frame sizes extend from FSA to FSG. PM240 0.37 kW … 2.2 kW … 7.5 kW … 18.5 kW ……
  • Page 26: Reactors And Filters

    Description 2.4 Reactors and filters Reactors and filters Overview Depending on the Power Module, the following combinations with filters and reactors are permitted: Line-side components Load-side components Line reactor Line filters Braking Power Module Output filter Motor reactor class B resistor PM240 ●…

  • Page 27: Connection

    Connection Procedure for installing the frequency inverter Prerequisites for installing the frequency inverter Check that the following prerequisites are fulfilled before you install the frequency inverter: ● Are the ambient conditions permissible? ● Are the components required for installation available? ●…

  • Page 28: Mounting Reactors And Filters

    Connection 3.2 Mounting reactors and filters Mounting reactors and filters Mounting system components in a space-saving fashion for the frequency inverters Many system components for the frequency inverters are designed as sub-chassis components, that is, the component is mounted on the baseplate and the frequency inverter mounted above it to save space.

  • Page 29
    Connection 3.2 Mounting reactors and filters PM250 Power Power supply supply Output Line Line reactor Power filter filter Power module module to the motor Basic layout of a PM250 Power Module with class Basic layout of a PM250 Power Module with a B line filter as a base component class B line filter as a base component Frequency inverter…
  • Page 30: Mounting Power Modules

    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules Mounting Power Modules Options for installing the Power Module Depending on the format, various options are available for installing frequency inverters. This manual describes how to install frequency converters directly on the cabinet wall. Installation options Types of construction Installation on standard rails Installation on cabinet wall with shield connection kit…

  • Page 31: Dimensions, Hole Drilling Templates, Minimum Clearances, Tightening Torques

    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 3.3.1 Dimensions, hole drilling templates, minimum clearances, tightening torques Overview of dimensions and hole drilling templates for the Power Modules 0.37 kW … 1.5 kW 2,2 kW … 4 kW 7,5 kW … 15 kW Retaining type Retaining type Retaining type…

  • Page 32
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 18.5 kW … 30 kW without filter 18.5 kW … 30 kW with filter for PM240 and PM250 11 kW … 18 kW for PM260 4 x M6 bolts Mounting type • 4 x M6 nuts •…
  • Page 33
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 37 kW … 45 kW without filter 37 kW … 45 kW with filter 4 x M6 bolts Mounting type • 4 x M6 nuts • 4 x M6 washers • 6 Nm (53 Tightening torques •…
  • Page 34
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 55 kW … 132 kW without filter for PM240 and PM250 55 kW … 132 kW with filter 30 kW … 55 kW for PM260 4 x M8 screws Mounting type • 4 x M8 nuts •…
  • Page 35: Wiring Power Modules

    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 3.3.2 Wiring Power Modules Prerequisites Once the Power Module has been properly installed, the line and motor connections can now be established. The following warning information must be observed here. WARNING Line and motor connections The inverter must be grounded on the supply and motor side.

  • Page 36
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules Connection example: Power Module PM240 Figure 3-1 Connection diagram: PM240 Power Module with Brake Relay Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 37
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules Connecting-up Power Modules Line supply connection Motor connection Connect the braking resistor The supply system is connected to The motor is connected to terminals A braking resistor can be connecting at terminals U1/L1, V1/L2, and W1/L3. U2, V2, and W2.
  • Page 38: Emc-Compliant Connection

    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 3.3.3 EMC-compliant connection EMC-compliant connection Using an example, the diagram shows how shielding is implemented for frame size FSA using a shield connection kit. Corresponding shield connection kits are available for all Power Module frame sizes (you will find more information in Catalog D11.1). The cable shields must be connected to the shield connection kit with the greatest possible surface area by means of the shield clips.

  • Page 39
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules Avoiding electromagnetic disturbances The frequency inverters are designed for operation in industrial environments where high values of electromagnetic noise and disturbances are expected. Generally, correct installation guarantees safe, reliable and disturbance-free operation. If difficulties do arise, then please note the following guidelines.
  • Page 40: Installing The Control Unit

    Connection 3.4 Installing the Control Unit Installing the Control Unit Locating the Control Unit on the power unit The Control Unit is simply snapped-on to a Power Module. This also establishes all of the electrical connections between the two components. The Control Unit can be removed by pressing the release button ③.

  • Page 41: Interfaces, Connectors, Switches, Control Terminals, Leds On The Cu

    Connection 3.4 Installing the Control Unit 3.4.1 Interfaces, connectors, switches, control terminals, LEDs on the CU Overview of the process and user interfaces The following interfaces are provided on the Control Unit ● Terminals for the input and output signals ●…

  • Page 42
    Connection 3.4 Installing the Control Unit Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 43
    Connection 3.4 Installing the Control Unit Arrangement and function of the terminals on the CU240S Control Unit All Control Units are equipped with the same control terminals. However, depending on the CU version, the factory set activation for certain digital inputs and interfaces differ. (see the block diagram for CU240S/E and for CU240S-DP/CU240S-DPF/CU240S-PN/CU240S-PN- Unlike the standard Control Units, the fail-safe Control Units CU240S DP-F and CU240S PN-F only have six digital inputs instead of nine.
  • Page 45: Commissioning

    Commissioning Alternative commissioning options The functions of a frequency inverter are activated and configured using parameters. Parameters can either be accessed from the operator control/display instrument (Operator Panel) or using the STARTER software from the PC via the appropriate frequency inverter interface.

  • Page 46: Initial Coupling Of The Cu And Pm — Message F0395

    Commissioning 4.1 Initial coupling of the CU and PM — message F0395 Initial coupling of the CU and PM — message F0395 Description Message «F0395» is displayed when Control Units or Power Modules are switched on for the first time or after they have been replaced. This message monitors the two inverter components (CU and PM) to ensure that they are not replaced without authorization.

  • Page 47: Restoring The Factory Settings

    Commissioning 4.2 Restoring the factory settings Restoring the factory settings If nothing else works, restore the factory settings! You can restore the factory settings using parameter P0970. Parameter or Description procedure P0003 = 1 User access level 1: Standard level P0010 = 30 Commissioning parameter 30: Factory setting, parameter transfer…

  • Page 48: Preparing Commissioning

    Motor data / data on the motor rating plate If you use the STARTER software and a SIEMENS motor, you only have to specify the Order No. In all other cases, you must read-off the data from the motor rating plate and enter into the appropriate parameters.

  • Page 49
    Commissioning 4.3 Preparing commissioning NOTICE Information about installation The rating plate data that you enter must correspond to the connection type of the motor (star/delta), i.e. with a delta motor connection, the delta rating plate data must be entered. In which region of the world is the motor used? — Motor standard [P0100] ●…
  • Page 50
    Commissioning 4.3 Preparing commissioning What command and setpoint sources are you using? The command and setpoint sources that are available depend on the frequency inverter. Depending on whether you use a frequency inverter with or without fieldbus interface, with or without fail-safe functions, the default command and setpoint sources set in the factory differ.
  • Page 51: Commissioning With Factory Settings

    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings Commissioning with factory settings Prerequisites for using the factory settings In simple applications, commissioning can be carried out just using the factory settings. This section explains what prerequisites must be fulfilled for this purpose and how they are fulfilled.

  • Page 52: Wiring Examples For The Factory Settings

    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings 4.4.1 Wiring examples for the factory settings Many applications function using the factory settings To ensure that the factory settings can be used, you must wire the control terminals on your inverter as shown in the following examples. Default settings for the control terminals on the CU240E Figure 4-1 CU240E terminal overview: wiring example for using the factory settings…

  • Page 53
    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings Default settings for the control terminals on the non-bus-capable CU240E Figure 4-2 CU240S terminal overview: wiring example for using the factory settings Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 54: Factory Setting Of The Frequency Inverter

    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings 4.4.2 Factory setting of the frequency inverter Default command and setpoint sources Frequency inverters used in automation solutions have the appropriate fieldbus interfaces. These frequency inverters are preset in the factory so that the appropriate control and status signals can be exchanged via the fieldbus interface.

  • Page 55
    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings Table 4- 2 Factory setting of additional important parameters Parameter Factory setting Meaning of the factory setting Function Access level P0003 Access to the most frequently Selecting the user access level used parameters P0004 All parameters are displayed Parameter filter: filters parameters in accordance with the functionality…
  • Page 56: Default Terminal Settings

    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings 4.4.3 Default terminal settings Factory settings of the process interfaces Digital inputs Terminal Abbreviation Parameter Factory setting Meaning of the factory setting P0701 ON / OFF1 P0702 Direction reversal P0703 Error acknowledgment P0704 Fixed setpoint selector bit 0 (direct) [P1001] P0705 Fixed setpoint selector bit 1 (direct) [P1002] P0706…

  • Page 57
    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings Analog inputs Terminal Abbreviation Parameter Factory setting Meaning of the factory setting AI0+ P0756 [0] Set unipolar voltage input 0 V … +10 V DC AI0- in addition to parameterizing DIP switch on CU housing. AI1+ P0756 [1] Set unipolar voltage input…
  • Page 58: Commissioning With Starter

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER Commissioning with STARTER Requirements The STARTER commissioning tool features a project Wizard that guides you step-by-step through the commissioning process. Configuring the frequency inverter using the PC is significantly more user friendly and faster than commissioning using the Operator Panel. The following is required to commission the frequency inverter via the PC: ●…

  • Page 59: Creating A Starter Project

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER 4.5.1 Creating a STARTER project Description A frequency inverter can be parameterized in a user-friendly fashion using the Project Wizard. The commissioning procedure described here follows the Project Wizard. The PC communicates with the frequency inverter via the USS interface. ●…

  • Page 60
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● Click «Change and test…» to set up the PG/PC interface. PG/PC — Set interface ● Select «PC COM-Port (USS)» from the list and click on «Properties …» Figure 4-6 Setting the USS interface ● If «PC COM-Port (USS)» is not available, click on «Select …» to install the «PC COM-Port (USS)»…
  • Page 61
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● If you have installed the «PC COM-Port (USS)» interface, close the dialog box and now call up «Properties — PC COM-Port (USS)». Figure 4-8 PC COM properties ● In this dialog box, you can set the COM interface (COM1, COM2, COM3) and baud rate (default: 38400).
  • Page 62
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● When you click «OK», the «Set PG/PC Interface» dialog box is displayed again. In the «Set PG/PC Interface» dialog box, you can view the stations that can be accessed via USS by choosing «Diagnostics…»: ●…
  • Page 63: Establishing An Online Connection Between The Pc And Converter (Going «Online»)

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER Insert drives Figure 4-9 Insert drives ● In this dialog box, enter a name for your frequency inverter, e.g. «SINAMICS_G120_CU240S» (no blanks or special characters). ● Click on «Next». ● Close the «Summary» dialog box by choosing «Finish». 4.5.2 Establishing an online connection between the PC and converter (going «online») Description…

  • Page 64
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● Click on «Load HW configuration to PG» to download the online data into your PC. Figure 4-10 Frequency inverters found online (using the SINAMICS G120 with Control Unit CU240S DP as example) ● To conclude your entry, choose «Close». ●…
  • Page 65: Starting The General Commissioning

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER 4.5.3 Starting the general commissioning Description ● When the final dialog box in the «Going online» section is closed, the text «Offline mode» in the bottom right of the dialog box changes to «Online mode». Figure 4-11 Going online with STARTER (example with SINAMICS G120) ●…

  • Page 66
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER Carrying out commissioning You Project Wizard navigates you step-by-step using pull-down menus through the basic settings for your application. ● You get to the next menu item by pressing, choose «Next». Figure 4-12 Start field: commissioning Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10.
  • Page 67
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● For the «Drive functions» menu item, we recommend that motor data identification: «Locked» should be selected. Figure 4-13 Deselecting motor data identification Note Motor data identification Motor data identification is only required for vector control — and it is described there. Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10.
  • Page 68
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● For the menu item «Calculation of the motor data», we recommend that you select «Restore factory setting and calculate motor data». Figure 4-14 Calculating the motor data and restoring the factory setting Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10.
  • Page 69
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● The Project Wizard for the (first) commissioning is concluded with the following summary: Figure 4-15 Completing commissioning ● Finally, choose «Finish». Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 70: Commissioning The Application

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER 4.5.4 Commissioning the application Description ● You can now commission your application using the «Drive Navigator» screens or by using the functions available in the project tree. ● Save your settings so that they are protected against power failure (see below). ●…

  • Page 71: Commissioning With The Operator Panel

    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel Commissioning with the operator panel 4.6.1 Function of the Basic Operator Panel The Basic Operator Panel (BOP) offers various commissioning options and ways of Saving and transferring data using the BOP (Page 77). The Basic Operator Panel for ‘local’ operation and how to attach it to the Control Unit How to attach the BOP to the Control Unit.

  • Page 72: Bop Controls And Displays

    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel 4.6.2 BOP controls and displays How to use the BOP Function Function / result Status LED Shows parameter numbers, values, and physical units of measure. Parameter access This button allows you to access the parameter list. r _ _ _ _ read-only parameters: for display only P_ _ _ _ write parameters: these can be changed Increase displayed…

  • Page 73: Parameterization With The Bop (Two Examples)

    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel 4.6.3 Parameterization with the BOP (two examples) All of the parameter changes, which are made using the BOP, are saved so that they are protected against power failure. Changing a parameter value using the BOP The following description is an example of how to change any parameter using the BOP.

  • Page 74: Commissioning Steps

    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel 4.6.4 Commissioning steps The following section provides a step-by-step guide to quick commissioning, which is sufficient for the majority of applications. The first step in commissioning a drive train is to ensure that the converter and motor are harmonized.

  • Page 75
    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel Table 4- 7 Motor data in accordance with the specifications on the motor rating plate Parameter Description P0304 = … Rated motor voltage (enter value as specified on the motor rating plate in Volt) 400 [v] (factory setting) The rating plate data entered must correspond to the motor connection type (star/delta) (i.e.
  • Page 76
    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel Table 4- 9 Parameters that must be set in every application Parameter Description P1080 = … Minimum frequency 0.00 [Hz] factory setting Enter the minimum frequency (in Hz) at which the motor runs independently of the frequency setpoint.
  • Page 77: Data Backup With The Operator Panel And Memory Card

    Commissioning 4.7 Data backup with the operator panel and memory card Data backup with the operator panel and memory card 4.7.1 Saving and transferring data using the BOP The Operator Panel as a medium to backup and transfer data You can save a parameter set on the Operator Panel and transfer it to other frequency inverters, e.g.

  • Page 78: Saving And Transferring Data Using The Mmc

    Commissioning 4.7 Data backup with the operator panel and memory card 4.7.2 Saving and transferring data using the MMC The MMC memory card as a medium for backing up and transferring data You can save a parameter set on the memory card and transfer it to other frequency inverters, e.g.

  • Page 79
    Commissioning 4.7 Data backup with the operator panel and memory card Transferring the parameters from the MMC memory card into the frequency inverter (download) Parameter Description P0003 = 3 3: Access level 3 P0010 = 30 30: Parameter transfer P0803 = 2 2: Start data transfer from the MMC to the EEPROM in the CU.
  • Page 81: Functions

    Functions Overview of inverter functions Figure 5-1 Overview of the functions in the frequency inverter The functions that you need in each application have a gray background. Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.

  • Page 82
    Functions 5.1 Overview of inverter functions Functions relevant to all applications ① Inverter control is responsible for all of the other frequency inverter functions. Among other things, it defines how the inverter responds to external control signals. ② The command source defines whether the motor is powered-up and powered-down via terminals (digital inputs) or a fieldbus.
  • Page 83: Inverter Control

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Inverter control 5.2.1 Frequency inverter control using digital inputs (two/three-wire control) Configuring start, stop and direction of rotation reversal using digital inputs If the frequency inverter is controlled using digital inputs, using parameter P0727, you can define how the motor responds when it is started, stopped, and the direction of rotation is changed (reversing).

  • Page 84
    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Table 5- 1 Comparison of the methods to control the motor using two-three wires Control signals Description Two-wire control, method 1 (P0727=0) 1. Control command: Switch the motor on or off 2. Control command: Reverses the motor direction of rotation Two-wire control, method 2 (P0727=0) If CW and CCW rotation are selected simultaneously, the signal that was issued first has priority.
  • Page 85
    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Control signals Description 1. Control command: Enable the motor so that it can be switched on or switched off 2. Control command: Switch on motor cw rotation 3. Control command: Switch on motor CCW rotation Three-wire control, method 2 (P0727 = 3) 1.
  • Page 86: Two-Wire Control, Method 1

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.2 Two-wire control, method 1 Function description This control method uses two control commands as permanent signals. One control command starts/stops the motor, while the other control command changes the direction of rotation. Figure 5-2 Two-wire control using digital inputs, method 1 Table 5- 2 Function table Motor ON…

  • Page 87: Two-Wire Control, Method 2

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.3 Two-wire control, method 2 Function description This control method uses two control commands as permanent signals. CW and CCW rotation of the motor is started and stopped with one control command each. To change the direction, the drive must first decelerate to 0 Hz with OFF1 before the direction reversal signal is accepted.

  • Page 88: Two-Wire Control, Method 3

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.4 Two-wire control, method 3 Function description This control method uses two control commands as permanent signals. Like method 2, CW and CCW rotation can be started/stopped by one control command each. In contrast to method 2, however, the control commands can be switched at any time regardless of the setpoint, output frequency, and direction of rotation.

  • Page 89: Three-Wire Control, Method 1

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.5 Three-wire control, method 1 Function description ● The first control command is a permanent enable signal for starting the motor. When this enable signal is canceled, the motor stops. ● CW rotation is activated with the positive edge of the second control command. ●…

  • Page 90
    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Table 5- 9 Parameterizing the function Parameter Description P0700 = 2 Controls the motor using the digital inputs of the frequency inverter P0727 = 2 Three-wire control, method 1 P0701 = 1 The enable signal to power-up the motor is issued with digital input 0 Further options: The enable signal can be issued with any other digital input, e.g.
  • Page 91: Three-Wire Control, Method 2

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.6 Three-wire control, method 2 Function description ● The first control command is a permanent enable signal for starting the motor. When this enable signal is canceled, the motor stops. ● The motor is started with the positive edge of the second control command. ●…

  • Page 92
    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Table 5- 11 Parameterizing the function Parameter Description P0700 = 3 Controls the motor using the digital inputs of the frequency inverter P0727 = 3 Three-wire control, method 2 P0701 = 2 The enable signal to power-up the motor is issued with digital input 0 Further options: The enable signal can be issued with any other digital input, e.g.
  • Page 93: Command Sources

    Functions 5.3 Command sources Command sources 5.3.1 Selecting command sources Selecting the command source [P0700] The motor is switched on/off via external inverter control commands. The following command sources can be used to specify these control commands: ● Operator control / display instrument (Operator Panel) ●…

  • Page 94: Assigning Functions To Digital Inputs

    Functions 5.3 Command sources 5.3.2 Assigning functions to digital inputs Assigning control commands to digital inputs as command sources [P0701…P071x] The digital inputs are pre-assigned with certain control commands in the factory. However, these digital inputs can be freely assigned to a control command. Depending on the Control Unit version, SINAMICS frequency inverters are equipped with up to 9 digital inputs.

  • Page 95: Controlling The Motor Via The Fieldbus

    Functions 5.3 Command sources If you enable one of the digital inputs to be freely used for BICO technology (P701…P709 = 99), then you must interconnect this digital input to the required control command. If value 99 is assigned to the digital input to define its function, this can only be reversed by restoring the factory settings.

  • Page 96: Setpoint Sources

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources Setpoint sources 5.4.1 Selecting frequency setpoint sources Selecting the setpoint source [P1000] The speed of the motor can be set via the frequency setpoint. The following sources can be used to specify the frequency setpoint: ● Analog inputs ●…

  • Page 97: Using Analog Inputs As A Setpoint Source

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources 5.4.2 Using analog inputs as a setpoint source Frequency setpoint via analog input [for P1000 = 2] Analog setpoints are read-in via the corresponding analog inputs. The setting specifying whether the analog input is a voltage input (10 V) or current input (20 mA) must be made via P0756 and in addition using the DIP switches on the Control Unit housing.

  • Page 98: Using A Motorized Potentiometer As A Setpoint Source

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources 5.4.3 Using a motorized potentiometer as a setpoint source Frequency setpoint via motorized potentiometer (MOP) (when P1000 = 1 -> P1031) The ‘motorized potentiometer’ function simulates an electromechanical potentiometer for entering setpoints. The value of the motorized potentiometer (MOP) can be set by means of the «up»…

  • Page 99: Using The Fixed Frequency As A Setpoint Source

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources 5.4.4 Using the fixed frequency as a setpoint source Frequency setpoint via fixed frequency (P1000 = 3) The fixed frequencies are defined using parameters P1001 to P1004 and can be assigned to the corresponding digital inputs using P1020 to P1023. Parameter Description P1016 = 1…

  • Page 100: Running The Motor In Jog Mode (Jog Function)

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources 5.4.5 Running the motor in jog mode (JOG function) Run motor in jog mode [JOG function] The JOG function enables you to carry out the following: ● Test the motor and converter after commissioning to ensure that they function properly (the first traverse movement, direction of rotation etc.) ●…

  • Page 101: Specifying The Motor Speed Via The Fieldbus

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources Using BICO technology, you can also assign the JOG function to other keys. Parameter Description P0003 = 3 User access level 3: Expert mode P1055 = … Enable JOG CW Possible sources: 722.x (digital inputs) / 19.8 (JOG key on the Operator Panel) / r2090.8 (serial interface) P1056 = …

  • Page 102: Changing Over The Command Data Sets (Manual, Automatic)

    Functions 5.5 Changing over the command data sets (manual, automatic) Changing over the command data sets (manual, automatic) Switching operating priority In some applications, the inverter is operated in different ways. Example: switchover from automatic to manual operation A central controller can switch a motor on/off or change its speed either via a fieldbus or via local switches.

  • Page 103
    Functions 5.5 Changing over the command data sets (manual, automatic) The following diagram shows which functions can be switched. Figure 5-7 CDS switchover in the inverter Note Command data sets can be switched in the «ready for operation» and «operation» state. The switchover time is approx.
  • Page 104
    Functions 5.5 Changing over the command data sets (manual, automatic) Table 5- 16 The command data sets are switched over with parameters P0810 and P0811 P0810 0 or 1 P0811 The CDS that is current active is gray. Examples Fieldbus as setpoint Analog input as setpoint source: source:…
  • Page 105: Setpoint Preparation

    Functions 5.6 Setpoint preparation Setpoint preparation Overview of setpoint preparation The setpoint calculation modifies the speed setpoint, e.g. it limits the setpoint to a maximum and minimum value and using the ramp-function generator prevents the motor from executing speed steps. Figure 5-8 Setpoint calculation in the frequency inverter 5.6.1…

  • Page 106: Parameterizing The Ramp-Function Generator

    Functions 5.6 Setpoint preparation 5.6.2 Parameterizing the ramp-function generator Parameterizing the ramp-function generator The ramp-function generator in the setpoint channel limits the speed of setpoint changes. This causes the motor to accelerate and decelerate more smoothly, thereby protecting the mechanical components of the driven machine. Ramp-up/down time The ramp-up and ramp-down times of the ramp-function generator can be set independently of each other.

  • Page 107
    Functions 5.6 Setpoint preparation Rounding Acceleration can be «smoothed» further by means of rounding. The jerk occurring when the motor starts and when it begins to decelerate can be reduced independently of each other. Rounding can be used to lengthen the motor acceleration/deceleration times. The ramp- up/down time parameterized in the ramp-function generator is exceeded.
  • Page 108: Closed-Loop Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Closed-loop control Overview There are two different open-loop and closed-loop control techniques for frequency inverters with synchronous and induction motors. ● Closed-loop control with V/f-characteristic (called V/f control) ● Field-oriented control technology (called vector control) 5.7.1 V/f control Typical applications for V/f control…

  • Page 109: V/F Control With Linear Characteristic

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control V/f control with linear characteristic V/f control with a linear characteristic is mainly used in applications in which the motor torque must be independent of the motor speed. Examples of such applications include horizontal conveyors or compressors.

  • Page 110: V/F Control With Parabolic Characteristic

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Additional information about this function is provided in the parameter list and in the function diagrams 6100 and 6200 in the List Manual. Note Only increase the voltage boost in small steps until satisfactory motor behavior is reached. Excessively high values in P1310 and P1311 can cause the motor to overhead and switch off (trip) the frequency inverter due to overcurrent .

  • Page 111: Additional Characteristics For The V/F Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Additional characteristics for the V/f control In addition to linear and square-law characteristics, there are the following additional variants of the V/f control that are suitable for special applications. Table 5- 23 Further V/f control methods (P1300) Parameter Application value…

  • Page 112: Vector Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control 5.7.2 Vector control Typical applications for vector control The vector control can be used to control (closed-loop) the speed and the torque of a motor. Vector control is mostly used without directly measuring the motor speed (vector control without encoder).

  • Page 113: Commissioning Vector Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Commissioning vector control The vector control without encoder requires careful commissioning and therefore must only be performed by commissioning engineers that are experienced in handling this type of control. Steps when commissioning vector control 1. Carry out quick commissioning (P0010 = 1) In order to ensure that the vector control functions perfectly, it is absolutely imperative that the motor data are correctly entered 2.

  • Page 114: Torque Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Torque control Torque control is always part of the vector control and normally receives its setpoint from the speed controller output. By deactivating the speed controller and directly entering the torque setpoint, the closed-loop speed control becomes closed-loop torque control. The inverter then no longer controls the motor speed, but the torque that the motor generates.

  • Page 115: Using A Speed Encoder

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Using a speed encoder Higher accuracy by using a speed encoder A speed encoder increases the accuracy of the speed or the torque of the vector control for speeds below approx. 10% of the rated motor frequency. Commissioning the speed encoder A speed encoder requires the following commissioning steps: 1.

  • Page 116
    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control CAUTION Use a shielded cable to connect the speed encoder. The shield must not be interrupted by terminal points between the encoder and frequency inverter. Setting the encoder voltage The encoder voltage is set using the DIP switches at the front of the CU. If you use either a BOP or a PC Connection Kit, you must remove this module in order to be able to access the switches.
  • Page 117
    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Table 5- 28 The most important speed encoder parameters Parameter Description P0003 = 2 Extended access to the inverter functions P0400 = … Encoder type 0: Encoder signal is not evaluated • 2: Encoder with pulse tracks A and B without zero pulse •…
  • Page 118: Motor And Inverter Protection

    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection Motor and inverter protection The frequency inverter offers protective functions against overtemperature and overcurrent for both the frequency inverter as well as the motor. Further, the frequency inverter protects itself against an excessively high DC link voltage when the motor is regenerating. The load torque monitoring functions provide effective plant and system protection.

  • Page 119
    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection Temperature measurement using a temperature sensor (PTC or KTY 84 sensor) Parameter Description P0003 = 2 User access level 2: Advanced P0335 = 0 Specify the motor cooling 0: Self-cooling with shaft-mounted fan attached to the motor (factory setting) 1: Separate cooling by means of a separately-driven cooling fan 2: Self-cooling and internal fan 3: Separate cooling and internal fan…
  • Page 120: Overcurrent Protection

    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection 5.8.2 Overcurrent protection Method of operation The maximum current controller (I controller) protects the motor and inverter against overload by limiting the output current. The I controller is only active with V/f control. If an overload situation occurs, the speed and stator voltage of the motor are reduced until the current is within the permissible range.

  • Page 121: Limiting The Maximum Dc Link Voltage

    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection 5.8.3 Limiting the maximum DC link voltage How does the motor generate overvoltage? An induction motor can operate as a generator if it is driven by the connected load, whereby the motor converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. The motor feeds the regenerative energy back to the inverter.

  • Page 122: Load Torque Monitoring

    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection 5.8.4 Load torque monitoring Applications with load torque monitoring In many applications, it is advisable to monitor the motor torque: ● Applications in which the mechanical connection between the motor and load may be interrupted (e.g.

  • Page 123
    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection Table 5- 31 Parameterizing the monitoring functions Parameter Description No-load monitoring P2179 = … Current limit for no-load detection If the frequency inverter current is below this value, the message «no load» is output. P2180 = ……
  • Page 124: Evaluating The Frequency Inverter Status

    Functions 5.9 Evaluating the frequency inverter status Evaluating the frequency inverter status Frequency inverter states, such as alarms or faults or different actual value quantities of the frequency inverter can be displayed using digital and analog outputs. The pre-assignments (default settings) can be adapted to the particular plant or system requirements as explained in the following descriptions.

  • Page 125
    Functions 5.9 Evaluating the frequency inverter status Table 5- 33 Changing the digital output settings Terminal No., significance Parameter Description P0003 = 2 Extended parameter access Digital output 0 P0731 Possible values for P0731, P0732 and P0732: 0 Deactivate digital output 52.0 Drive ready 52.1 Drive ready for operation Digital output 1…
  • Page 126: Assigning Certain Functions To Analog Outputs

    Functions 5.9 Evaluating the frequency inverter status 5.9.2 Assigning certain functions to analog outputs Assigning specific functions to analog outputs Two analog outputs are available, which can be parameterized to display a multitude of variables, e.g. the actual speed, the actual output voltage or the actual output current. Table 5- 34 Factory setting of the analog outputs Terminal No., significance…

  • Page 127
    Functions 5.9 Evaluating the frequency inverter status Table 5- 36 Additional analog output settings Parameter Description P0775 = 0 Permit absolute value Specifies whether or not the absolute value of the analog output is used. If enabled, this parameter will use the absolute value of the value to be output. If the original value was negative, the corresponding bit is set in r0785.
  • Page 128: Technological Functions

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions 5.10 Technological functions The frequency inverter offers the subsequently listed technological functions. ● Braking functions ● Automatic restart and flying restart ● Basic process control functions ● Positioning deceleration ramp ● Logical and arithmetic functions using function blocks that can be freely interconnected Please refer to the following sections for detailed descriptions.

  • Page 129
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Braking methods depending on the drive inverter being used Table 5- 37 Functions in relationship with the frequency inverters SINAMICS G120 PM240 PM250 PM260 DC and compound brake Dynamic braking Regenerative braking Advantages and disadvantages of the braking methods ●…
  • Page 130: Parameterizing A Dc & Compound Brake

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing a DC & compound brake Applications for a DC brake and compound brake DC and compound brakes are especially used for centrifuges, saws, grinding machines, and conveyor belts. CAUTION With DC and compound brakes, the kinetic energy of the motor and motor load is partially converted into thermal energy.

  • Page 131
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing a DC & compound brake Parameter Description P1230 Enables the DC brake Enables DC braking via a signal that was used by an external source (BICO). The function remains active as long as the external signal is active. P1232= DC brake current (entered in %) Defines the strength of the direct current in [%] with respect to the rated motor current…
  • Page 132: Dynamic Brake

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Dynamic brake Parameterizing the dynamic brake An internal closed-loop chopper control (braking chopper) in the frequency inverter, which can control an external braking resistor, is required for a dynamic brake Dynamic braking converts the regenerative energy, which is released when the motor brakes, into heat.

  • Page 133: Parameterizing Regenerative Braking

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing regenerative braking Regenerative braking helps save energy thanks to feedback The frequency inverter can feed back up to 100% of its power (for HO base load) into the line supply. The magnitude of the regenerative energy depends on the motor speed and the current or voltage limit parameters.

  • Page 134: Parameterizing A Motor Holding Brake

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing a motor holding brake The motor holding braking prevents the motor from rotating when the frequency inverter is powered-down, e.g. when a load is lowered in a hoisting gear application. The frequency inverter has internal logic to control a motor holding brake. Commissioning the control logic of a motor holding brake 1.

  • Page 135
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Timing of the motor holding brake after an OFF1 and OFF3 command Figure 5-10 Function diagram, motor holding brake after an OFF1 or OFF3 command Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 136
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Timing of the motor holding brake after an OFF2 or STO command Contrary to a standard motor holding brake, after an OFF2 command, the brake is immediately closed. The normal timing sequence of the motor holding brake function is interrupted by the following signals, without taking into account the brake closing time: ●…
  • Page 137
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Table 5- 38 Control logic parameters of the motor holding brake Parameter Description P0003 = 2 Enables extended parameter access P1215 = … Enable motor holding brake 0 Motor holding brake disabled (factory setting) 1 Motor holding brake enabled P0731= 52.C BI: Function digital output 1 Note:…
  • Page 138: Automatic Restart And Flying Restart

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions 5.10.2 Automatic restart and flying restart Flying restart: switching on the converter when the motor is running Description The «flying restart» function, which is activated by P1200, allows the converter to be switched to a rotating motor. The function must be used whenever a motor may still be running. This could be: ●…

  • Page 139
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Table 5- 41 Overview: the «flying restart» function P1200 Flying restart active Search direction Flying restart inactive (factory setting) — Flying restart always active Search performed in both directions, startup in direction of setpoint Flying restart active after: Search performed in both directions, startup in direction of setpoint Power ON…
  • Page 140: Automatic Restart» Function After Power Failure

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions «Automatic restart» function after power failure Restart after a power failure and/or faults within a few seconds. This function is particularly useful when the frequency converter is operated as a stand-alone device. The «automatic restart» function is used to restart the drive automatically once the power has been restored following a power failure.

  • Page 141
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions P1210 = 4: Automatic restart following power failure, no further startup attempts When P1210 = 4, an automatic restart is only carried out if fault F30003 has also occurred on the Power Module, a high signal is present at the binector input P1208[1], or if fault F06200 has occurred when an infeed drive object (x_Infeed) is used.
  • Page 142: Technology Controller

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing the «automatic restart» function Parameter Meaning P1210 = 0: «Automatic restart» function disabled (factory setting) 1: Acknowledges all faults without restart 4: Restart after power failure, no further start attempts 6: Restart after any fault with further start attempts P1211 = No.

  • Page 143
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Table 5- 44 Technology controller parameters Parameter Description P2200 = Enable technology controller … P2251 = Control mode (correction or specification of speed setpoint) … P2253 = Setpoint selection … P2254 = Supplementary setpoint … P2255 = Setpoint scaling ……
  • Page 144: Positioning Down Ramp — A Basic Positioning Function

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameter Description P2350 = Enable signal for self-optimization … P2354 = Monitoring time for self-optimization … P2355 = Offset for self-optimization … r2260 Setpoint after ramp-function generator P2261 Time constant for the setpoint filter r2262 Filtered setpoint after ramp-function generator r2266 Filtered feedback r2272…

  • Page 145: Logical And Arithmetic Functions Using Function Blocks

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions 5.10.5 Logical and arithmetic functions using function blocks Description Additional signal connections in the inverter can be established by means of free function blocks. Every digital and analog signal available via BICO technology can be routed to the appropriate inputs of the free function blocks.

  • Page 146: Changing Over Drive Data Sets (Several Motors Connected To A Frequency Inverter)

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions 5.10.6 Changing over drive data sets (several motors connected to a frequency inverter) Switching motor control In certain applications, the inverter parameters need to be switched. Example: One inverter is to operate one of two different motors. Depending on which motor is to run at any given time, the motor data and the ramp-function generator times for the different motors must be adjusted accordingly in the inverter.

  • Page 147
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Figure 5-13 DDS switchover in the inverter Note Drive data sets can only be changed over in the «ready for operation» state. The switchover time is approx. 50 ms. Exceptions: The ramp-function generator parameters, the ramp-down time for OFF3, and the speed controller gain can be switched during operation.
  • Page 148
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Table 5- 47 Parameters for switching the drive data sets: Parameter Description P0820 = … 1st cntrol command for switching the drive data sets Example: When P0820 = 722.0, the system switches from drive data set 0 to drive data set 1 via digital input 0 P0821 = ……
  • Page 149: Operation In Fieldbus Systems

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems The frequency inverters are available in different variants for communication with higher- level controls with the subsequently listed fieldbus interfaces: ● CU240E and CU240S for USS via RS485 – Control via PZD (process data channel) –…

  • Page 150
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems USS communication network via RS 485 with a CU240E The diagram shows the RS 485 terminals (29/30) and the DIP switches at the CU240E for the terminating resistor. The default position is OFF (no terminating resistor). Figure 5-14 USS network via RS 485 USS communication network via RS 485 with a CU240S…
  • Page 151
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems CAUTION A difference in the ground potential between the master and slaves in an RS 485 network can damage the converter Control Unit. You must make absolutely sure that the master and slaves have the same ground potential. SUB D connection on the CU 240S (pin assignment) The CU240S Control Units are equipped with a 9-pole SUB D socket for connecting the inverter via an RS 485 interface.
  • Page 152: User Data Range Of The Uss Message Frame

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems User data range of the USS message frame Structure of the user data The user data range of the USS protocol is used to transfer application data. The process data is exchanged cyclically between the converter and controller via the process data channel (PZD), while the parameter channel is used for transferring parameter values acyclically.

  • Page 153
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter ID (PKE) and parameter index (IND) The parameter ID (PKE) is always a 16 bit value. In conjunction with the index (IND), it defines the parameter to be transferred. PKE structure IND structure ●…
  • Page 154
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Table 5- 51 Sample coding of a parameter number in PKE and IND for P8820, index 16 decimal The parameter index is encoded in the second word of the index (IND). Example: Coding of a parameter number in PKE and IND for P2016, index 3 The master and slave exchange data via the request ID and response ID (AK), a process that is to take place with the parameter specified in the PKE.
  • Page 155
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems The meaning of the response ID for response message frames (converter → master) is explained in the following table. The request ID determines which response IDs are possible. Table 5- 53 Response ID (converter → master) Response ID Description No response…
  • Page 156
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems If the response ID is 7 (request cannot be processed), one of the fault numbers listed in the following table is stored in parameter value 2 (PWE2). Table 5- 54 Fault numbers for the response «request cannot be processed» Description Comments Impermissible parameter number (PNU)
  • Page 157
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter value (PWE) When communication takes place via the USS, the number of PWEs can vary. One PWE is required for 16 bit values. If 32 bit values are exchanged, two PWEs are required. Note U8 data types are transferred as U16, whereby the upper byte is zero.
  • Page 158: Timeouts And Other Errors

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Timeouts and other errors Process timeouts Parameter P2014 defines the permissible timeout in ms. Value zero prevents timeout monitoring. Parameter P2014 checks the cyclic update of bit 10 in control word 1. If the USS is configured as a command source for the drive and P2014 is not zero, bit 10 of the received control word 1 is checked.

  • Page 159: Uss Process Data Channel (Pzd)

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems USS process data channel (PZD) Description Process data (PZD) is exchanged continuously between the master and slave in this message frame range. Depending on the direction of transfer, the process data channel contains request data for the USS slave or response data to the USS master. The request contains control words and setpoints for the slaves, while the response contains status words and actual values for the master.

  • Page 160: Communication Via Profibus And Profinet

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems 5.11.2 Communication via PROFIBUS and PROFINET Connect the frequency inverter to PROFIBUS Assignment of the SUB-D connector to connect to the PROFIBUS-DP network Control Units CU240S DP and CU240S DP-F of the frequency converter are equipped with a SUB D connection for the PROFIBUS cable.

  • Page 161: Example: Configuring The Frequency Converter On Profibus

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Permissible cable length / installing and shielding the PROFIBUS cable For information about this, see Example: configuring the frequency converter on PROFIBUS Task A drive with a SINAMICS G120 frequency converter is to be controlled from a central SIMATIC controller via PROFIBUS, whereby the control signals and speed setpoint are to be transferred from an S7-300 CPU to the drive.

  • Page 162
    Drive ES Basic is the basic software of the engineering system, which combines the drive technology and Siemens controllers. The STEP 7 Manager user interface acts as a basis with which Drive ES Basic is used to integrate drives in the automation environment with respect to communication, configuration, and data storage.
  • Page 163
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Figure 5-19 PROFIBUS interface, diagnostics, and address setting on the Control Unit Set the DIP switch to address 10 (as shown in the following table). Table 5- 56 Examples of setting the PROFIBUS address DIP switch The figure specified in this row must be added to the address.
  • Page 164
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Integrating the frequency converter in a higher-level SIMATIC controller Once you have set the PROFIBUS address of the frequency converter, all the remaining settings required for integrating it in the SIMATIC controller are carried out in STEP 7 with HW Config.
  • Page 165
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Open the hardware configuration (HW Config) in Step 7. Figure 5-22 Open HW Config Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 166
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Add an S7 300 subrack to your project by dragging and dropping it from the «SIMATIC 300» hardware catalog. Connect a power supply to slot 1 of the subrack and a CPU 315-2 DP to slot 2.
  • Page 167
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Installing the GSD in STEP 7 The GSD for SINAMICS frequency converters can be downloaded from the Internet. It is integrated in STEP 7 via HW Config. Figure 5-24 Install the GSD in STEP 7 with HW Config Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10.
  • Page 168
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Once the GSD has been installed, the frequency converter appears as an object under «PROFIBUS DP» in the HW Config product catalog. Figure 5-25 G120 in the HW Config product catalog Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 169
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Drag and drop the frequency converter to the PROFIBUS network. Enter the PROFIBUS address set on the frequency converter in HW Config. Figure 5-26 Connect G120 to the PROFIBUS network The frequency converter object in the HW Config product catalog contains a number of message frame types.
  • Page 170
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Add the required message frame type to slot 1 of the frequency converter by dragging and dropping it from the HW catalog. Figure 5-27 Define the message frame type of the SINAMICS G120 frequency converter in the controller STEP 7 automatically assigns the address range containing the process data for the frequency converter.
  • Page 171: Integrating A Frequency Inverter In Profinet

    For information about assembling the SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet FastConnect RF45 plug 180, see «Assembly Instructions for SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet FastConnect RJ45 Plug». The document can be downloaded from the following page: Recommended PROFINET connectors We recommend the following connector for the PROFINET cable:…

  • Page 172: Example: Configuring The Frequency Converter On Profinet

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Example: configuring the frequency converter on PROFINET Differences between PROFIBUS and PROFINET The procedure for operating the frequency inverter on PROFINET differs only slightly from the above description for PROFIBUS. The following section covers only the key differences between PROFIBUS and PROFINET.

  • Page 173
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Integrating the frequency converter in a higher-level SIMATIC controller All settings required for integrating the frequency converter in the SIMATIC controller are carried out in STEP 7 with HW Config. Creating the STEP 7 project and configuring SIMATIC 300 The procedure here is very similar to that described for PROFIBUS.
  • Page 174
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Configuring the frequency converter and integrating it in the PROFINET network The frequency converter is integrated in the higher-level controller with its GSDML via PROFINET. The GSDML for SINAMICS frequency converters can be downloaded from the Internet.
  • Page 175: The Profidrive Profile

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems The PROFIdrive profile User data structure in the PROFIdrive profile PROFIdrive as a frequency inverter interface on PROFIBUS or PROFINET The SINAMICS G120 frequency converters are controlled via the PROFIdrive profile (version 4.1). The PROFIdrive profile defines the user data structure with which a central controller communicates with the frequency converter by means of cyclic or acyclic data transfer.

  • Page 176
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Cyclic communication Description The PROFIdrive profile defines different message frame types. Message frames contain the data packages for cyclic communication with a defined meaning and sequence. The SINAMICS G120 frequency converter supports the message frame types listed in the table below.
  • Page 177
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Message frame type Parameter Process data (PZD) — control and status words, actual values channel (PKW) parameter data PZD01 PZD02 PZD03 PZD04 PZD05 PZD06 STW1 ZSW1 <1> Placeholder for PCS7 process data STW1/2 Control word 1/2 ZSW1/2 Status word 1/2 NSOLL_A…
  • Page 178
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter ID (PKE), first word The parameter ID (PKE) is always a 16 bit value. Figure 5-31 PKE structure ● Bits 0 to 10 (PNU) contain the rest of the parameter number (value range 1 to 61999). An offset must be added, which is defined by IND with the upper bits (acyclic) or the lower bits (cyclic) of the byte, for parameter numbers ≥…
  • Page 179
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems The meaning of the response ID for response message frames (converter → master) is explained in the following table. The request identifier determines which response identifiers are possible. Table 5- 61 Response ID (frequency inverter → master) Response identifier Description No response…
  • Page 180
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems If the response ID is 7 (request cannot be processed), one of the fault numbers listed in the following table is stored in parameter value 2 (PWE2). Table 5- 62 Fault numbers for the response «request cannot be processed» Description Comments Impermissible parameter number (PNU)
  • Page 181
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter index (IND), second word Figure 5-32 IND structure (cyclic) ● The field sub-index is an 8 bit value which, in cyclic data transfer mode, is transferred in the more-significant byte (bits 8 to 15) of the parameter index (IND). ●…
  • Page 182
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Rules for the parameter range The bit for selecting the parameter page functions as follows: When it is set to 1, an offset of 2000 is applied in the converter to the parameter number (PNU) transferred in the parameter channel request before the data is transferred.
  • Page 183
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter value (PWE) third and fourth word When data is transferred via PROFIBUS or PROFINET, the parameter value (PWE) is transferred as a double word (32 bit). Only one parameter value can be transferred in a single message frame.
  • Page 184
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Control and status words Description The control and status words fulfill the specifications of PROFIdrive profile version 4.1 for «speed control» mode. Control word 1 (STW1) Control word 1 (bits 0 to 10 in accordance with PROFIdrive profile and VIK/NAMUR, bits 11 to 15 for SINAMICS G120 only).
  • Page 185
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Value Meaning Comments No setpoint inversion Motor runs clockwise in response to a positive setpoint. Setpoint inversion Motor runs counter-clockwise in response to a positive setpoint. Not used Motorized potentiometer UP Motorized potentiometer LOWER Data set changeover Dependent on protocol: with SINAMICS G120 converters, you can switch between…
  • Page 186
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Status word 1 (ZSW1) Status word 1 (bits 0 to 10 in accordance with PROFIdrive profile and VIK/NAMUR, bits 11 to 15 for SINAMICS G120 only). Table 5- 67 Bit assignments for status word 1 (for all PROFIdrive and VIK/NAMUR message frames) Value Meaning Comments…
  • Page 187
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Value Meaning Comments Motor data displays overload status. Motor overload Clockwise rotation Counter-clockwise rotation Converter overload E.g. current or temperature Status word 2 (ZSW2) Status word 2 has the following default assignment. This can be changed by means of BICO. Table 5- 68 Default setting for status word 2 (not defined for VIK/NAMUR) Value…
  • Page 188
    ● Acyclic data exchange with a SIMATIC HMI (second class 2 master). The SIMATIC HMI can acyclically access parameters in the inverter. ● Instead of a SIEMENS start-up tool or SIMATIC HMI, an external master (class 2 master) as defined in the acyclic parameter channel according to PROFIdrive Profile version 4.1 (with DS47) can access the inverter.
  • Page 189
    ● Acyclic data exchange with a SIMATIC HMI (second IO supervisor). The SIMATIC HMI can acyclically access parameters in the inverter. ● Instead of a SIEMENS start-up tool or SIMATIC HMI, an external IO supervisor as defined in the acyclic parameter channel according to PROFIdrive Profile version 4.1 (with 0xB02E) can access the inverter.
  • Page 190: Step 7 Program Examples

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems STEP 7 program examples STEP 7 program example for cyclic communication S7 program for controlling the frequency inverter The S7 program, which supplies data for cyclic communication between the frequency converter and the central controller, can be used for PROFIBUS and PROFINET. In the example provided below, communication between the controller and frequency converter is handled via standard message frame 1.

  • Page 191
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Figure 5-36 Evaluating the status of G120 via PROFIBUS or PROFINET Information about the S7 program The hexadecimal numeric value 047E is written to control word 1. The bits in control word 1 are listed in the following table. Table 5- 69 Assignment of the control bits in the frequency converter to the SIMATIC flags and inputs Bit in…
  • Page 192
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems STEP 7 sample program for acyclic communication Simple S7 program for parameterizing the frequency inverter The S7 program, which supplies data for acyclic communication between the frequency inverter and the central controller, can be used for PROFIBUS and PROFINET. Figure 5-37 STEP 7 program example for acyclic communication — OB1 Flags 9.0 to 9.3 specify whether parameters are read or written:…
  • Page 193
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems FC1 to read parameters from the frequency inverter Frequency inverter parameters are read via SFC 58 and SFC 59. Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 194
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Figure 5-38 Function block for reading parameters You first have to define how many parameters (MB62), which parameter numbers (MW50, MW52, etc.), and how many parameter indices (MW58, MB59, etc.) are read for each parameter number.
  • Page 195
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Once the read request has been issued and a waiting time of one second has elapsed, the parameter values are copied from the frequency inverter via SFC 59 and saved in DB2. FC3 to write parameters to the frequency inverter Figure 5-39 Function block for writing parameters You first have to define which value (MW35) is written to which parameter index (MW23) of…
  • Page 196: Safety-Related Applications

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12.1 Overview Functional safety Machine components operated by electrical drives are intrinsically hazardous. If a drive is incorrectly used or acts in an unexpected manner in the event of a malfunction, not only can this damage the machine but it can also cause severe injury or death.

  • Page 197
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Permissible control modes for using fail-safe functions When the prerequisites mentioned above are fulfilled, the fail-safe functions can be used for both V/f and vector control. Restrictions regarding SLS and SS1 CAUTION Safety functions SS1 and SLS must not be used when the motor can still be accelerated by the mechanical elements of the connected machine component once the frequency converter has been shut down.
  • Page 198
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Controlling the safety functions The safety functions in the frequency inverter can be controlled via fail-safe digital inputs as well as over safe bus communication PROFIsafe via PROFIBUS or PROFINET in conjunction with a fail-safe CPU. Safe feedback from the frequency converter When fail-safe functions are used, feedback is generally required as to whether or not the drive is in a safe state.
  • Page 199: Restoring Safety-Related Parameters To The Factory Setting

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12.2 Restoring safety-related parameters to the factory setting Before starting to commission the safety functions, you should know whether the safety- relevant parameters of the frequency inverter have already been changed. If you do not precisely know the setting of the safety-relevant parameters, then reset these parameters to the factory setting.

  • Page 200: Controlling The Safety Functions Via Fail-Safe Inputs

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12.3 Controlling the safety functions via fail-safe inputs Connecting sensors to fail-safe inputs The fail-safe inputs of the frequency inverter are designed for connecting electromechanical sensors with two NC contacts. It is not possible to directly connect sensors with two NO contacts and antivalent contacts (1 NO contact and 1 NC contact).

  • Page 201
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Figure 5-42 Connecting an electronic sensor Figure 5-43 Connecting a safety relay Figure 5-44 Connecting an F digital output module Additional interconnection possibilities are under Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 202: Settings For The «Sto» Function

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12.4 Settings for the «STO» function Activating fail-safe inputs A fail-safe input of the frequency inverter is activated by assigning it a safety function. This is described in the following using an example. The example shows the assignment of the fail- safe digital input FDI0 to the STO safety function using STARTER.

  • Page 203
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 4. Select the «Enables» tab. None of the fail-safe inputs are activated in the factory setting, i.e. no input is assigned to a safety function 5. Click on the button on the lower edge of the STARTER screen and enter the safety password. The default password is «12345».
  • Page 204
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Testing the shutdown paths Shutdown paths are circuits used to shut down a motor in a safety-relevant fashion. The shutdown paths must be checked regularly to ensure that the fail-safe frequency inverter complies with certification requirements. In the factory setting, the frequency inverter always checks its shutdown path if the STO function is deselected.
  • Page 205
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Reasons for inconsistent input signals With electromechanical sensors (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP buttons or door switches), the contacts may bounce briefly at the moment switching takes place. The two sensor contacts never switch at exactly the same time either. As a result, the frequency converter responds with a fault and indicates signal inconsistencies.
  • Page 206: Acceptance Test And Report

    – Printouts of curve characteristics – When required, you can create a list with all of the changed parameters of the frequency inverter. Instructions on how to do this are available here: Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.

  • Page 207: Documentation Of The Acceptance Test

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Documentation of the acceptance test Overview Acceptance test No. Date Person carrying out the test Table 5- 70 Description of the system and overview/block diagram Designation Type Serial number Manufacturer End customer Block diagram/overview diagram of the machine Table 5- 71 Fail-safe functions for each drive Drive No.

  • Page 208: Function Check Of The Acceptance Test

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Function check of the acceptance test Description The function check must be carried out for each individual drive (under the assumption that the machine permits this). Conducting the test First commissioning Please enter a check mark Standard commissioning Function check, «Safe Torque Off»…

  • Page 209
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Description Status Check the following points: No safety fault • r9772.0 = r9772.1 = 0 (STO deselected and inactive), r9772.14 = 0 • Check whether the motor involved is running. If yes, check the following points: That the cabling between the Control Unit and Power Module is correct •…
  • Page 210
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Description Status Check the following points: No safety fault • r9772.1 = 0 (STO inactive) • r9772.2 = 0 (SS1 deselected) • r9772.14 = 0 • Check whether the motor involved rotates. If yes, check the following points: The cabling between the Control Unit and Power Module is correct •…
  • Page 211
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Description Status Check the following points: No safety fault • r9772.4 = r9772.5 = 0 (SLS deselected and inactive) • Check whether the drive involved is running. If yes, check the following points: The cabling between the Control Unit and Power Module is correct •…
  • Page 212: Filling In The Acceptance Report

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Filling in the acceptance report Parameters of the fail-safe functions Comparison value of the checksums checked? Control Unit Checksums Drive Checksums of the Control Unit Name Drive No. r9798 r9898 Data backup/archiving Storage medium Where is it kept Type Designation Date…

  • Page 213: Servicing And Maintenance

    Servicing and maintenance Behavior of the frequency inverter when replacing components Components should be replaced by the same type and the same version To ensure maximum plant availability, the Control Unit and the Power Module can, when required, be replaced by a unit of the same type and the version without having to recommission the drive.

  • Page 214
    Servicing and maintenance 6.1 Behavior of the frequency inverter when replacing components Replace a Power Module by the same type — Same power rating If you replace a Power Module by the same type and the same power, then re- parameterization is not required and you can acknowledge message F0395.
  • Page 215: Replacing The Control Unit Or Power Module

    Servicing and maintenance 6.2 Replacing the Control Unit or Power Module Replacing the Control Unit or Power Module Replacing the Control Unit When replacing components, ensure that you use the correct ones. Procedure when replacing a Control Unit 1. Disconnect the converter power supply. 2.

  • Page 217: Messages And Fault Codes

    Messages and fault codes Indicators (LEDs) Indicators, alarms, and fault codes The G120 converter features the following diagnostic indicators: ● LEDs on the Control Unit For a detailed overview of LED statuses, see «LED status indicators» (below). ● Fault and alarm numbers –…

  • Page 218
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Figure 7-1 Status LED on the CU240S, CU240S DP, CU240S DP-F, CU240S PN Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 219
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Diagnostics via LEDs Note «—» signals that the LED state (on, off or flashing) is not relevant for the corresponding state. Statuses of standard CUs Prio SF (red) RDY (green) Commissioning On or off Flashing Firmware upgrade of MMC / parameter download On or off…
  • Page 220
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Statuses of fail-safe CUs Prio (red) (green) (red) (yellow) (yellow) (yellow) (yellow) Commissioning On or off Flashing On or off Safety commissioning On or off Flashing Flashing Flashing Flashing Flashing Firmware upgrade of MMC / On or off Flashing Flashing…
  • Page 221
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Diagnostics via alarm and fault numbers If an alarm or fault condition occurs, the OP displays the corresponding alarm or fault number. ● If an alarm is present, the converter continues to operate. ●…
  • Page 222
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Reading messages The following parameters must be taken into account when alarms are processed: ● Stored in parameter r2110 under the code number; can be read (e.g. A0503 = 503). The value 0 indicates that no alarm is generated. The index allows you to access the two current alarms and the two previous alarms.
  • Page 223: Technical Data

    Technical data Technical data of the CU240S Technical data of the CU240S, CU240S DP, CU240S DP-F, CU240S PN and CU240S PN-F Feature Data Operating voltage Supply from the Power Module or an external 24 V DC supply (20.4 V to 28.8 V, 0.5 A) via control terminals 31 and 32 Heat loss <…

  • Page 224: Technical Data Of The Cu240E

    Technical data 8.2 Technical data of the CU240E Technical data of the CU240E CU240E Feature Data Operating voltage Supply from the Power Module Heat loss < 40W Setpoint resolution 0.01 Hz Digital inputs 6, floating; PNP/NPN switchable (dependent on the CU Low <…

  • Page 225: Common Technical Data, Pm240 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.3 Common technical data, PM240 Power Modules Common technical data, PM240 Power Modules PM240 Feature Version Line operating voltage 3 AC 380 V … 480 V ± 10% The permissible line operating voltage depends on the installation altitude Input frequency 47 Hz ……

  • Page 226: Technical Data, Pm240 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.4 Technical data, PM240 Power Modules Technical data, PM240 Power Modules General conditions The input currents specified for the PM240 Power Modules is the technical data apply for a 400V line supply with U = 1% referred to the frequency inverter power rating. When using a line reactor, the currents are reduced by a few percent.

  • Page 227
    Technical data 8.4 Technical data, PM240 Power Modules Table 8- 2 PM240 Frame Size B and C Order No., unfiltered 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 0BE22-2AA0 0BE23-0AA0 0BE24-0AA0 0BE25-5AA0 0BE27-5AA0 0BE31-1AA0 Order No., filtered 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 0BE22-2UA0 0BE23-0UA0…
  • Page 228
    Technical data 8.4 Technical data, PM240 Power Modules Table 8- 3 PM240 Frame Size D and E Order No., unfiltered 6SL3224-0BE31- 6SL3224-0BE31- 6SL3224-0BE32- 6SL3224-0BE33- 6SL3224-0BE33- 5AA0 8AA0 2AA0 0AA0 7AA0 Order No., filtered 6SL3224-0BE31- 6SL3224-0BE31- 6SL3224-0BE32- 6SL3224-0BE33- 6SL3224-0BE33- 5UA0 8UA0 2UA0 0UA0 7UA0…
  • Page 229
    Technical data 8.4 Technical data, PM240 Power Modules Table 8- 4 PM240 Frame Size F Order No., unfiltered 6SL3224-0BE34- 6SL3224-0BE35- 6SL3224-0BE37- 6SL3224-0BE38- 6SL3224-0BE41- 5AA0 5AA0 5AA0 8UA0 1UA0 Order No., filtered 6SL3224-0BE34- 6SL3224-0BE35- 6SL3224-0BE37- 5UA0 5UA0 5UA0 Power rating for HO 45 kW / 60 PS 55 kW / 75 PS 75 kW / 100 PS…
  • Page 230: Common Technical Data, Pm250 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.5 Common technical data, PM250 Power Modules Common technical data, PM250 Power Modules PM250 Feature Version Line operating voltage 3 AC 380 V … 480 V ± 10% The permissible line operating voltage depends on the installation altitude Input frequency 47 Hz ……

  • Page 231: Technical Data, Pm250 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.6 Technical data, PM250 Power Modules Technical data, PM250 Power Modules PM250 Power Module Table 8- 6 PM250 Frame Size C and D Order No. 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 0BE25-5AA0 0BE27-5AA0 0BE31-1AA0 0BE31-5AA0 0BE31-8AA0 0BE32-2AA0 Power rating for 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11.0 kW…

  • Page 232
    Technical data 8.6 Technical data, PM250 Power Modules Table 8- 7 PM240 Frame Size E and F Order No. 6SL3225-0BE33- 6SL3225-0BE33- 6SL3225-0BE34- 6SL3225-0BE35- 6SL3225-0BE37- 0AA0 7AA0 5AA0 5AA0 5AA0 Power rating for 30.0 kW / 40 PS 37.0 kW / 50.0 PS 45.0 kW / 60 PS 55.0 kW / 75 PS 75 kW / 100 PS…
  • Page 233: Common Technical Data, Pm260 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.7 Common technical data, PM260 Power Modules Common technical data, PM260 Power Modules PM260 Feature Version Line operating voltage 3 AC 660 V … 690 V ± 10% The permissible operating voltage depends on the installation altitude The power units can also be operated with a minimum voltage of 500 V – 10 %.

  • Page 234: Technical Data, Pm260 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.8 Technical data, PM260 Power Modules Technical data, PM260 Power Modules PM260 Power Module Table 8- 8 PM260 Frame Size D and F Order No., 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- unfiltered 0BH27-5UA0 0BH31-1UA0 0BH31-5UA0 0BH32-2UA0 0BH33-0UA0 0BH33-7UA0 Order No., filtered 6SL3225- 6SL3225-…

  • Page 235: Index

    Index Download, 79, 80 Drive Data Set, DDS, 142 Drive Data Sets, 142 Access level, 76 Ambient temperature, 51 Analog inputs, 58, 98 Analog outputs, 58 EMC-compliant shielding, 40 Automatic restart, 136 Encoder, 59 Automatic Restart, 136 Encoder interface, 59 Environmental conditions, 76 Baud rates, 63 BICO technology, 16…

  • Page 236
    Index MMC memory card, 47, 80 Status word, 172 Motor connection, 39 Motor data, 50, 77 Motor rating plate, 50 Motor reactor, 27 Temperature monitoring, 117 Motor temperature sensor, 59 Three-wire control, 85 Tightening torques, 33, 34, 35, 36 TTL encoder, 115 Two-wire control, 85, 86 Output filter, 27 Output reactor, 30…
  • Page 238
    Siemens AG Subject to change without prior notice Industry Sector © Siemens AG 2008 P.O. Box 48 48 90026 NUREMBERG GERMANY…

Faults and Alarms


List of Faults and Alarms

Product: SINAMICS G120, Version: 4402100, Language: eng,

Objects: CU230P-2 CAN, CU230P-2 DP, CU230P-2 HVAC


Internal software error






An internal software error has occurred.

Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):

Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.


— evaluate fault buffer (r0945).

— carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.

— upgrade firmware to later version.

— contact the Hotline.

— replace the Control Unit.


FloatingPoint exception






An exception occurred during an operation with the FloatingPoint data type.

The error may be caused by the base system or an OA application (e.g., FBLOCKS, DCC).

Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):

Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.


Refer to r9999 for further information about this fault.

r9999[0]: Fault number.

r9999[1]: Program counter at the time when the exception occurred.

r9999[2]: Cause of the FloatingPoint exception.

Bit 0 = 1: Operation invalid

Bit 1 = 1: Division by zero

Bit 2 = 1: Overflow

Bit 3 = 1: Underflow

Bit 4 = 1: Imprecise result


— carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.

— check configuration and signals of the blocks in FBLOCKS.

— check configuration and signals of DCC charts.

— upgrade firmware to later version.

— contact the Hotline.


Internal software error






An internal software error has occurred.

Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):

Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.


— carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.

— upgrade firmware to later version.

— contact the Hotline.


Acknowledgement delay when accessing the memory






A memory area was accessed that does not return a «READY».

Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):

Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.


— carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.

— contact the Hotline.


SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU230P-2 Parameter Manual (LH9), 01/2011

© Siemens AG 2011 All Rights Reserved


  • Коды ошибок частотника Siemens G120
  • Типы сообщений
  • Индикация
  • Коды отказов частотника
  • F01000 – аппаратная/программная ошибка
  • F01001 – ошибка FloatingPoint
  • F01002 – аппаратная/программная ошибка
  • F01003 – Задержка квитирования при обращении к памяти
  • F01010 – Неизвестный тип привода
  • F01018 – Запуск прерван многократно
  • F01023 – тайм-аут ПО внутренний
  • F01054 – высокая вычислительная нагрузка
  • F01068 – высокая загруженность памяти
  • F01250 – ошибка данных CU-EEPROM Read-Only
  • F06922 – выпадение фазы тормозного резистора
  • F07011 – перегрев двигателя
  • F07220 – нет управления через PLC
  • F07300 – отсутствует подключение сетевого контактора
  • F07801 – перегрузка двигателя по току
  • F07807 – обнаружено коротко замыкание / замыкание на землю
  • F07900 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель заблокирован
  • F07902 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель опрокинут
  • A07910 (N) — Привод: перегрев двигателя
  • F30002 Силовая часть: напряжение промежуточного контура перенапряжение
  • F30003 Силовая часть: пониженное напряжение промежуточного контура
  • F30004 Силовая часть: перегрев радиатора инвертора
  • F30005 Силовая часть: перегрузка I2t
  • F30011 Силовая часть: выпадение фазы сети в силовой цепи
  • F30012 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор обрыв кабеля
  • F30013 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор короткое замыкание
  • F30017 Силовая часть: слишком частое срабатывание ограничения тока аппаратного обеспечения
  • F30021 Силовая часть: замыкание на землю
  • F30024 Силовая часть: перегрев, температурная модель
  • F30025 Силовая часть: перегрев чипа

Преобразователь частоты (ПЧ) – сложное устройства управления электрическим двигателем. В случае нештатных и аварийных ситуаций ПЧ выдает сообщения об аварии или предупреждении на панель частотника или по линии связи в контроллер, так же может остановить двигатель во избежание поломок оборудования. На панели частотника выдается код ошибки. В данной статье приведены коды ошибок, их детальное описание и возможные причины появления.

Типы сообщений

Существует несколько типов сообщений:

  • A – предупреждение, выводится в случае появления неаварийных ситуаций, на которые необходимо обратить внимание. Сброс при исчезновении причины предупреждения
  • F – ошибка, выводится в случае появления аварийных ситуаций. Сброс при исчезновении причины отказа и подтверждения данного отказа.
  • N – сообщение отсутствует или «внутреннее сообщение».
  • C – сообщение безопасности.

Предупреждение. Код сопровождается буквой A. Выводятся в случае появления неаварийных ситуаций, на которые стоит обратить внимание. Сбрасываются при исчезновении причины предупреждения.

Отказ. Код сопровождается буквой F. Выводятся в случае появления аварийных ситуаций. Сбрасываются при исчезновении причины отказа и подтверждения данного отказа.


На частотнике присутствует индикатор с обозначением RDY с помощью которого можно определить наличие отказов.

Мигающий красный индикатор один раз в пол секунды – обозначает отказ.

Коды отказов частотника:

Это – лишь часть списка кодов ошибок, которые описаны в руководстве. Если требуемый код ошибки не был описан в статье – необходимо воспользоваться официальным руководством пользователя.

F01000 – аппаратная/программная ошибка

Возможные причины:

  • Возникла ошибка программного обеспечения или внутренняя программная ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • Обработать буфер ошибок (r0945).
  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • При необходимости проверить данные в энергонезависимой памяти (к примеру, на карте памяти).
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией».
  • Заменить управляющий модуль.

F01001 – ошибка FloatingPoint

Возможные причины:

  • При работе с типом данных FloatingPoint произошла ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • Проверить конфигурацию сигналов блоков для FBLOCKS.
  • Проверить конфигурацию и сигналы схем для DCC.
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией»

F01002 – аппаратная/программная ошибка

Возможные причины:

  • Возникла ошибка программного обеспечения или внутренняя программная ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией».

F01003 – Задержка квитирования при обращении к памяти

Возможные причины:

  • При обращении к ячейке памяти возникал ошибка.

Возможные решения:

  • выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • связаться с «горячей линией».

F01010 – Неизвестный тип привода

Возможные причины:

  • Был найден неизвестный тип привода.

Возможные решения:

  • Заменить блок питания.
  • Выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить).
  • Обновить микропрограммное обеспечение.
  • Связаться с «горячей линией»

F01018 – Запуск прерван многократно

Возможные причины:

  • Загрузка модуля была отменен многократно. Поэтому выполняется загрузка модуля с заводскими установками.
  • Возможные причины отмены загрузки:
    • Прерывание подачи питания.
    • Сбой CPU.
    • Недействительное параметрирование.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить). После включения модуль снова загружается с правильными параметрами (при наличии таковых).
  • Восстановить правильное параметрирование. Примеры:
    • Выполнить первый ввод в эксплуатацию, сохранить параметры, выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить).
    • Загрузить другую правильную резервную копию параметров (к примеру, с карты памяти), сохранить параметры, выполнить POWER ON (выключить/включить).

Указание: При повторном сборе эта ошибка снова появляется после нескольких отмененных загрузок.

F01023 – тайм-аут ПО внутренний

Возможные причины:

  • Возник внутренний программный тайм-аут.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить POWER ON для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • обновить микропрограммное обеспечение до новой версии.
  • связаться с «горячей линией».

F01054 – высокая вычислительная нагрузка:

При наличии этой ошибки сохранение параметров невозможно

возможные причины:

  • Слишком высокая вычислительная нагрузка;
  • Слишком высокая пиковая нагрузка.

Возможные решения:

  • Снизить нагрузку на процессор приводного устройства до уровня ниже 100 %.
  • Проверить и при необходимости настроить время выборки.
  • Деактивировать функциональные модули.
  • Деактивировать приводные объекты.
  • Удалить приводные объекты из заданной топологии.
  • Соблюдать правила топологии DRIVE-CLiQ и при необходимости изменить топологию DRIVE-CLiQ. При использовании Drive Control Chart (DCC) или свободных функциональных блоков (FBLOCKS) действует:
    • Нагрузка на процессор отдельных динамических групп на приводном объекте может быть считана в r21005 (DCC) и r20005 (FBLOCKS).
    • При необходимости изменить согласование динамической группы таким образом, чтобы время выборки увеличилось.
    • При необходимости сократить число циклически вычисляемых блоков (DCC) или функциональных блоков (FBLOCKS).

F01068 – высокая загруженность памяти.

Возможные причины:

  • Слишком высокая загруженность области памяти данных

Возможные решения:

  • Деактивировать функциональный модуль.
  • Деактивировать приводной объект.
  • Удалить приводной объект из заданной топологии.

F01250 – ошибка данных CU-EEPROM Read-Only

Возможные причины:

  • Ошибка при чтении данных Read-Only EEPROM на устройстве управления.

Возможные решения:

  • выполнить POWER ON.
  • заменить устройство управления

F06922 – выпадение фазы тормозного резистора;

Возможные причины:

  • Обнаружено выпадение фазы для тормозного резистора.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить подводку тормозных резисторов.

F07011 – перегрев двигателя;

Возможные причины:

  • двигатель перегружен.
  • слишком высокая окружающая температура двигателя.
  • обрыв провода датчика или отсутствие подключения.

Возможные решения:

  • Снизить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверить внешнюю температуру и вентиляцию двигателя.
  • Проверить проводку и соединение PTC или биметаллического NC.

F07220 – нет управления через PLC

Возможные причины:

  • Сигнал «Управление через PLC» отсутствует при работе. –
  • неправильное подключение бинекторного входа для «Управление через PLC» (p0854).
  • СЧПУ верхнего уровня отменила сигнал «Управление через PLC».
  • передача данных через полевую шину (Master/привод) была прервана

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить подключение бинекторного входа для «Управления через PLC».
  • проверить и при необходимости включить сигнал «Управление через PLC».
  • проверить передачу данных через полевую шину (Master/привод).

F07300 – отсутствует подключение сетевого контактора;

Возможные причины:

  • Сетевой контактор не включен в течении времени в p0861;
  • Сетевой контактор не выключен в течении времени в p0861;
  • Сетевой контактор отключился при работе;
  • Сетевой контактор включен, хотя преобразователь отключен.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить установку p0860.
  • Проверить цикл подтверждения сетевого контактора.
  • Увеличить время контроля в p0861.

F07800 – отсутствует силовая часть

Возможные причины:

  • Чтение параметров силовой части невозможно или в силовой части нет сохраненных параметров
  • выбрана неправильная топология при вводе в эксплуатацию.

Возможные решения:

  • Выполнить ПОДАЧУ ПИТАНИЯ для всех компонентов (выключить/включить).
  • Проверить и при необходимости заменить силовую часть.
  • Проверить и при необходимости заменить управляющий модуль.
  • После исправления топологии снова выполнить загрузку параметров с помощью ПО для ввода в эксплуатацию.

F07801 – перегрузка двигателя по току

Возможные причины:

  • Эффективная граница тока установлена слишком низкой;
  • Регулятор тока настроен неправильно;
  • Режим U/f: время разгона установлено слишком маленьким или слишком высокая нагрузка;
  • Режим U/f: короткое замыкание в кабеле двигателя или замыкание на землю;
  • Режим U/f: ток двигателя не подходит к току силовой части;
  • Включение на вращающийся двигатель без функции «рестарт на лету» (p1200).

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить границы тока.
  • Векторное управление: проверить регулятор тока.
  • Управление U/f: проверить ограничительный регулятор тока.
  • Увеличить рампу разгона или уменьшить нагрузку.
  • Проверить двигатель и кабели двигателя на предмет короткого замыкания и замыкания на землю.
  • Проверить двигатель на предмет соединения звезда/треугольник и параметрирования шильдика.
  • Проверить комбинацию силовой части и двигателя.
  • Выбрать функцию рестарта на лету, если происходит включение на вращающийся двигатель

F07807 – обнаружено коротко замыкание / замыкание на землю.

Возможные причины:

  • На выходных клеммах преобразователя со стороны двигателя было обнаружено межфазное короткое замыкание или замыкание на землю.

Указание: Перепутывание кабелей питания и двигателя также определяется как короткое замыкание со стороны двигателя. Проверка на предмет замыкания на землю функционирует только в состоянии покоя двигателя. Включение на не размагниченный или только частично размагниченный двигатель может определяться как замыкание на землю.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить соединение преобразователя со стороны двигателя на предмет наличия межфазного короткого замыкания.
  • Исключить перепутывание кабеля питания и двигателя.
  • Проверить на предмет замыкания на землю.
  • Не включать разрешение импульсов на вращающийся двигатель без активированной функции «Рестарт на лету».
  • Увеличить продолжительность размагничивания.
  • Для обеспечения состояния покоя увеличить время задержки гашения импульсов.
  • При необходимости деактивировать контроль.

F07900 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель заблокирован

Возможные причины:

  • Двигатель работает дольше, чем время в p2177, на границе момента вращения и ниже установленного порога числа оборотов в p2175. Это сообщение может появиться, если число оборотов колеблется, и выход регулятора числа оборотов постоянно кратковременно доходит до ограничения. Возможно и то, что тепловой контроль силовой части уменьшает границу тока (см. p0290) и из-за этого происходит торможение двигателя.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить двигатель на предмет свободного движения.
  • Проверить эффективную границу момента вращения.
  • Проверить и при необходимости исправить параметры сообщения «Двигатель заблокирован».
  • Проверить разрешения направления вращения при рестарте двигателя на лету.
  • Для управления U/f: проверить границы тока и время разгона.

F07902 (N, A) — Привод: двигатель опрокинут

Возможные причины:

  • Было обнаружено, что двигатель опрокинут дольше, чем установлено в p2178.

Возможные решения:

  • Следует убедиться, что как идентификация параметров двигателя, так и измерение при вращении, были выполнены.
  • Проверить, не опрокидывается ли привод в управляемом режиме или когда заданное значение скорости еще ноль, только нагрузкой. Если да, то увеличить заданное значение тока через p1610.
  • Если время возбуждения двигателя (p0346) было сильно уменьшено и привод опрокидывается при включении и немедленном начале движения, то снова увеличить p0346.
  • Проверить, не имеет ли место выпадение фазы сети у силовых частей PM230, PM250, PM260.
  • Проверить, не отсоединена ли электропроводка к двигателю (см. A07929).
  • Если ошибки отсутствуют, то можно увеличить отказоустойчивость (p1745) или время задержки (p2178).
  • Проверить предельный ток. При слишком низких предельных токах намагничивание привода невозможно.
  • Если возникает ошибка со значением 2 при очень быстром разгоне двигателя в области ослабления поля, то путем уменьшения p1596 или p1553 можно сократить отклонение между заданным и фактическим значением потока и тем самым сообщение не будет появляться.

A07910 (N) — Привод: перегрев двигателя

Возможные причины:

  • Измеренная температура двигателя или температура тепловой модели двигателя превысила порог предупреждения (p0604).

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверить температуру окружающей среды двигателя.
  • Проверить KTY84.
  • Проверить перегревы тепловой модели двигателя.

F30002 Силовая часть: напряжение промежуточного контура перенапряжение

Возможные причины:

  • Силовая часть обнаружила перенапряжение в промежуточном контуре.
  • Двигатель рекуперирует слишком много энергии.
  • Слишком высокое напряжение питающей сети.
  • Фаза сети прервана.
  • Регулирование напряжения промежуточного контура отключено.
  • Слишком высокая или низкая динамика регулятора напряжения промежуточного контура.

Возможные решения:

  • Увеличить время торможения.
  • Установить время сглаживания. Это рекомендуется прежде всего в режиме U/f, чтобы разгрузить регулятор напряжения промежуточного контура при коротком времени торможения задатчика интенсивности.
  • Активировать регулятор напряжения промежуточного контура.
  • Согласовать динамику регулятора напряжения промежуточного контура.
  • Проверить напряжение питающей сети и установку в p0210.
  • Проверить и исправить назначение фаз на силовой части.
  • Проверить фазы сети.

F30003 Силовая часть: пониженное напряжение промежуточного контура

Возможные причины:

  • Силовая часть определила пониженное напряжение в промежуточном контуре.
  • Отказ питания.
  • Напряжение сети ниже допустимого значения.
  • Прерывание фазы сети.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить напряжение сети.
  • Проверить фазы сети.

F30004 Силовая часть: перегрев радиатора инвертора

Возможные причины:

  • Температура радиатора силовой части превысила допустимое предельное значение.
  • Недостаточная вентиляция, отказ вентилятора.
  • Перегрузка. — слишком высокая внешняя температура.
  • Слишком высокая частота импульсов.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить, работает ли вентилятор.
  • Проверить компоненты вентилятора.
  • Проверить, находится ли внешняя температура в допустимом диапазоне.
  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Уменьшить частоту импульсов, если она выше номинальной частоты импульсов.

Внимание: Эта ошибка может быть квитирована только после выхода за нижнюю границу порога предупреждения для A05000.

F30005 Силовая часть: перегрузка I2t

Возможные причины:

  • Перегрузка силовой части (r0036 = 100 %).
  • Допустимый ном. ток силовой части был превышен недопустимо долго.
  • Допустимый нагрузочный цикл не был соблюден.

Возможные решения:

  • Снизить длительную нагрузку.
  • Согласовать нагрузочный цикл.
  • Проверить ном. токи двигателя и силовой части.
  • Уменьшить границу тока (p0640).
  • При работе с характеристикой U/f: уменьшить постоянную времени интегрирования токоограничительного регулятора (p1341).

F30011 Силовая часть: выпадение фазы сети в силовой цепи

Возможные причины:

  • Выпадение фазы сети.
  • Недопустимая асимметрия 3 фаз сети.
  • Емкость конденсатора промежуточного контура создает резонансную частоту с индуктивностью сети и возможно с интегрированным в силовую часть дросселем.
  • Срабатывание предохранителя фазы силовой цепи.
  • Выпадение фазы двигателя.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить предохранители силовой цепи.
  • Проверить, не искажает ли однофазный потребитель напряжения сети.
  • Рассогласовать резонансную частоту с индуктивностью сети путем подключения сетевого дросселя.
  • Погасить резонансную частоту с индуктивностью сети путем программного переключения на компенсацию напряжения промежуточного контура или усиления сглаживания. Но это может ухудшить пульсацию момента на двигателе.
  • Проверить электропроводку к двигателю.

F30012 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор обрыв кабеля


  • Соединение с датчиком температуры радиаторов в силовой части прервано.


  • Связаться с изготовителем.

F30013 Силовая часть: датчик температуры радиатор короткое замыкание


  • Датчик температуры радиатора в силовой части замкнут накоротко.


  • Связаться с изготовителем.

F30017 Силовая часть: слишком частое срабатывание ограничения тока аппаратного обеспечения

Возможные причины:

  • Слишком частое срабатывание ограничения тока аппаратного обеспечения в соответствующей фазе. Число допустимых превышений зависит от вида и типа силовой части.
  • Регулирование спараметрировано неправильно.
  • Ошибка в двигателе или в силовых кабелях.
  • Превышена макс. допустимая длина силовых кабелей.
  • Слишком высокая нагрузка двигателя.
  • Неисправность силовой части.

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить параметры двигателя.
  • Проверить тип соединения двигателя (звезда/треугольник).
  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Проверить соединения силовых кабелей.
  • Проверить силовые кабели на предмет короткого замыкания или замыкания на землю.
  • Проверить длину силовых кабелей.
  • Заменить силовую часть.

F30021 Силовая часть: замыкание на землю

Возможные причины:

  • Замыкание на землю в силовых кабелях. –
  • Замыкание на землю на двигателе. –
  • Трансформатор неисправен. –
  • Зажимающие тормоз является причиной срабатывания аппаратного контроля постоянного тока. –
  • Короткое замыкание на тормозном резисторе. Значение ошибки (r0949, дес. интерпретация): 0: —
  • Сработал аппаратный контроль постоянного тока. –
  • Короткое замыкание на тормозном резисторе. > 0:
  • Величина суммарного тока [32767 = 271 % ном. Тока

Возможные решения:

  • Проверить соединение силовых кабелей. –
  • Проверить двигатель. –
  • Проверить преобразователь тока. –
  • Проверить кабели и контакты соединения тормоза (возможен обрыв кабеля). –
  • Проверить тормозной резистор. Смотри также: p0287

F30024 Силовая часть: перегрев, температурная модель

Возможные причины:

  • Разность температур между радиатором и чипом превысила допустимое предельное значение.
  • Допустимый нагрузочный цикл не соблюден.
  • Недостаточное вентилирование, выход из строя вентилятора.
  • Перегрузка.
  • Внешняя температура слишком высока.
  • Частота импульсов слишком высока.

Возможные решения:

  • Согласовать нагрузочный цикл.
  • Проверить, работает ли вентилятор.
  • Проверить фильтрующие элементы.
  • Проверить, в допустимом ли диапазоне находится температура окружающей среды.
  • Проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • Уменьшить частоту модуляции, если она выше номинальной.
  • Если активно торможение на постоянном токе: уменьшить тормозной ток (p1232).

F30025 Силовая часть: перегрев чипа

Возможные причины:

  • Температура чипа полупроводников превысила допустимое предельное значение.
  • Допустимый нагрузочный цикл не был выдержан.
  • Недостаточная вентиляция, отказ вентилятора.
  • Перегрузка.
  • Слишком высокая внешняя температура.
  • Слишком высокая частота импульсов.

Возможные решения:

  • согласовать нагрузочный цикл.
  • проверить, работает ли вентилятор.
  • проверить элементы вентилятора.
  • проверить, находится ли внешняя температура в допустимом диапазоне.
  • проверить нагрузку двигателя.
  • уменьшить частоту импульсов, если она выше ном. частоты импульсов.

Внимание: эта ошибка может быть квитирована только после выхода за нижнюю границу порога предупреждения для предупреждения A05001.

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Отзывы о пройденном обучении

  • Page 1
    SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU240E CU240S CU240S DP CU240S DP-F CU240S PN CU240S PN-F Operating Instructions · 11/2008 — Review Version SINAMICS…
  • Page 3
    Introduction Description Connection SINAMICS G120 Commissioning Control Units Frequency inverter Functions Servicing and maintenance Operating Instructions Messages and fault codes Technical data Edition 12/2008, FW 3.2 — Review version 08.10. 2008 t.b.d.
  • Page 4
    Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Introduction…………………………9 About this manual ……………………..9 Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) ……………………10 1.2.1 General basics ……………………..10 1.2.2 Parameter ……………………….11 1.2.3 Parameters with follow-on parameterization…………….12 Frequently required parameters………………..13 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel)……………………..15 1.4.1 BICO technology: basic principles ………………..15…

  • Page 6
    Table of contents 4.5.4 Commissioning the application ………………..70 Commissioning with the operator panel………………71 4.6.1 Function of the Basic Operator Panel ………………71 4.6.2 BOP controls and displays ………………….72 4.6.3 Parameterization with the BOP (two examples) …………….. 73 4.6.4 Commissioning steps ……………………
  • Page 7
    Table of contents Evaluating the frequency inverter status………………124 5.9.1 Assigning specific functions to digital outputs…………….124 5.9.2 Assigning certain functions to analog outputs …………….126 5.10 Technological functions ………………….128 5.10.1 Braking functions of the frequency inverter …………….128 Parameterizing a DC & compound brake ………………130 Dynamic brake ………………………132 Parameterizing regenerative braking………………133 Parameterizing a motor holding brake………………134…
  • Page 8
    Table of contents Common technical data, PM250 Power Modules…………..230 Technical data, PM250 Power Modules ………………. 231 Common technical data, PM260 Power Modules…………..233 Technical data, PM260 Power Modules ………………. 234 Index…………………………235 Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 9: Introduction

    Introduction About this manual Who requires the Operating Instructions and why? These Operating Instructions primarily address fitters, commissioning engineers and machine operators. The Operating Instructions describe the devices and device components and enable the target groups being addressed to assemble, connect-up, parameterize, and commission the frequency inverters safely and in the correct manner.

  • Page 10: Adapting The Frequency Inverter To The Particular Application (Parameter Assignment For Entry-Level Personnel)

    Introduction 1.2 Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) 1.2.1 General basics Parameterizable frequency inverters transform standard motors into variable-speed drives Frequency inverters are parameterized to adapt them to the motor being driven so that this can be optimally operated and protected.

  • Page 11: Parameter

    Introduction 1.2 Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) 1.2.2 Parameter Parameter types There are two types of parameters, adjustable and display parameters. Adjustable parameters Adjustable parameters are represented with four digits preceded by the letter «P». You can change the value of these parameters within a defined range.

  • Page 12: Parameters With Follow-On Parameterization

    Introduction 1.2 Adapting the frequency inverter to the particular application (parameter assignment for entry-level personnel) 1.2.3 Parameters with follow-on parameterization Parameters with follow-on parameterization When you change certain parameters, the system may automatically change other parameters accordingly. This makes it much easier to parameterize complex functions. Example: Parameter P0700 (command source) Parameter P0700 can be used to switch the command source from the fieldbus to digital inputs.

  • Page 13: Frequently Required Parameters

    Introduction 1.3 Frequently required parameters Frequently required parameters All-round and emergency parameters Table 1- 1 This is how you filter the parameter list to keep the number of displayed parameters transparent Parameter Description P0003 = User access level 1: Standard level: Allows access to the most frequently used parameters (factory setting) 2: Advanced level: Extended access, e.g.

  • Page 14
    Introduction 1.3 Frequently required parameters Table 1- 6 This is how you select the source for the speed setpoint Parameter Description P1000 = 0: No main setpoint 1: MOP setpoint 2: Analog setpoint (factory setting for non-fieldbus-capable frequency inverters) 3: Fixed frequency 4: USS on RS 232 5: USS on RS 485 6: Fieldbus (factory setting for fieldbus-capable frequency inverters)
  • Page 15: Extended Adaptation Options Using Bico Parameters (Parameterization For Advanced Level Personnel)

    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) 1.4.1 BICO technology: basic principles Functional principle of BICO technology and frequency inverter closed/open-loop control functions The inverter software offers a range of open/closed-loop control functions, communication functions, as well as various diagnostics and operating functions.

  • Page 16
    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) Binectors and connectors Connectors and binectors are elements used to exchange signals between the individual functions. Connectors and binectors can be seen as «storage compartments»: ● Connectors are used to store «analog» signals (e.g. speed setpoint) ●…
  • Page 17
    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) BICO symbols, representation, and description Table 1- 7 Binector symbols Abbreviation and symbol Description Function Binector input Binector output Table 1- 8 Connector symbols Abbreviation and symbol Description Function Connector input…
  • Page 18
    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) When do you need to use BICO technology? BICO technology allows you to adapt the drive in line with a wide range of different requirements. This does not necessarily have to involve highly complex functions. Example 1: Assign a different function to a digital input.
  • Page 19: Bico Technology: Example

    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) 1.4.2 BICO technology: example Example: Shifting a basic PLC functionality into the frequency inverter A conveyor system is to be configured in such a way that it can only start when two signals are present simultaneously.

  • Page 20
    Introduction 1.4 Extended adaptation options using BICO parameters (parameterization for advanced level personnel) Explanations of the example Open the default signal interconnection for BICO parameterization The default setting P0701 = 1 indicates the following internal signal interconnection: P0840 r0722.0 DI 0 OFF1 Terminal 5 Figure 1-5…
  • Page 21: Description

    Description Overview of the SINAMICS G120 family of frequency inverters Thanks to their modular design, SINAMICS G120 frequency converters can be used in a wide range of applications with respect to functionality and power. Each SINAMICS G120 frequency inverter comprises a Control Unit and a Power Module. The output range extends from 0.37 kW to 132 kW.

  • Page 22: Modularity Of The Converter System

    Description 2.1 Modularity of the converter system Modularity of the converter system Main components of the frequency inverter Each SINAMICS G120 frequency inverter comprises a Control Unit and Power Module. In the SINAMICS G120 range, the Control Units can be combined with any Power Module.

  • Page 23
    Description 2.1 Modularity of the converter system Supplementary components In addition to the main components, the following components are available for commissioning and parameterization: Basic Operator Panel (BOP) for parameterization, diagnostics, and control as well as for copying drive parameters. Memory card MMC for carrying out standard commissioning of more than one frequency inverter and for external data backup purposes.
  • Page 24: Overview Of Control Units

    Description 2.2 Overview of Control Units Overview of Control Units Figure 2-1 Control Unit variants Overview of Power Modules Figure 2-2 Power Module variants A number of Power Module variants are available for different supply voltages in an output range of between 0.37 kW and 132 kW. Depending on the Power Module used, the energy released in regenerative mode is either ●…

  • Page 25
    Description 2.3 Overview of Power Modules Overview of the available Power Modules Depending on the output, Power Modules are available with different frame sizes The frame sizes extend from FSA to FSG. PM240 0.37 kW … 2.2 kW … 7.5 kW … 18.5 kW ……
  • Page 26: Reactors And Filters

    Description 2.4 Reactors and filters Reactors and filters Overview Depending on the Power Module, the following combinations with filters and reactors are permitted: Line-side components Load-side components Line reactor Line filters Braking Power Module Output filter Motor reactor class B resistor PM240 ●…

  • Page 27: Connection

    Connection Procedure for installing the frequency inverter Prerequisites for installing the frequency inverter Check that the following prerequisites are fulfilled before you install the frequency inverter: ● Are the ambient conditions permissible? ● Are the components required for installation available? ●…

  • Page 28: Mounting Reactors And Filters

    Connection 3.2 Mounting reactors and filters Mounting reactors and filters Mounting system components in a space-saving fashion for the frequency inverters Many system components for the frequency inverters are designed as sub-chassis components, that is, the component is mounted on the baseplate and the frequency inverter mounted above it to save space.

  • Page 29
    Connection 3.2 Mounting reactors and filters PM250 Power Power supply supply Output Line Line reactor Power filter filter Power module module to the motor Basic layout of a PM250 Power Module with class Basic layout of a PM250 Power Module with a B line filter as a base component class B line filter as a base component Frequency inverter…
  • Page 30: Mounting Power Modules

    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules Mounting Power Modules Options for installing the Power Module Depending on the format, various options are available for installing frequency inverters. This manual describes how to install frequency converters directly on the cabinet wall. Installation options Types of construction Installation on standard rails Installation on cabinet wall with shield connection kit…

  • Page 31: Dimensions, Hole Drilling Templates, Minimum Clearances, Tightening Torques

    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 3.3.1 Dimensions, hole drilling templates, minimum clearances, tightening torques Overview of dimensions and hole drilling templates for the Power Modules 0.37 kW … 1.5 kW 2,2 kW … 4 kW 7,5 kW … 15 kW Retaining type Retaining type Retaining type…

  • Page 32
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 18.5 kW … 30 kW without filter 18.5 kW … 30 kW with filter for PM240 and PM250 11 kW … 18 kW for PM260 4 x M6 bolts Mounting type • 4 x M6 nuts •…
  • Page 33
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 37 kW … 45 kW without filter 37 kW … 45 kW with filter 4 x M6 bolts Mounting type • 4 x M6 nuts • 4 x M6 washers • 6 Nm (53 Tightening torques •…
  • Page 34
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 55 kW … 132 kW without filter for PM240 and PM250 55 kW … 132 kW with filter 30 kW … 55 kW for PM260 4 x M8 screws Mounting type • 4 x M8 nuts •…
  • Page 35: Wiring Power Modules

    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 3.3.2 Wiring Power Modules Prerequisites Once the Power Module has been properly installed, the line and motor connections can now be established. The following warning information must be observed here. WARNING Line and motor connections The inverter must be grounded on the supply and motor side.

  • Page 36
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules Connection example: Power Module PM240 Figure 3-1 Connection diagram: PM240 Power Module with Brake Relay Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 37
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules Connecting-up Power Modules Line supply connection Motor connection Connect the braking resistor The supply system is connected to The motor is connected to terminals A braking resistor can be connecting at terminals U1/L1, V1/L2, and W1/L3. U2, V2, and W2.
  • Page 38: Emc-Compliant Connection

    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules 3.3.3 EMC-compliant connection EMC-compliant connection Using an example, the diagram shows how shielding is implemented for frame size FSA using a shield connection kit. Corresponding shield connection kits are available for all Power Module frame sizes (you will find more information in Catalog D11.1). The cable shields must be connected to the shield connection kit with the greatest possible surface area by means of the shield clips.

  • Page 39
    Connection 3.3 Mounting Power Modules Avoiding electromagnetic disturbances The frequency inverters are designed for operation in industrial environments where high values of electromagnetic noise and disturbances are expected. Generally, correct installation guarantees safe, reliable and disturbance-free operation. If difficulties do arise, then please note the following guidelines.
  • Page 40: Installing The Control Unit

    Connection 3.4 Installing the Control Unit Installing the Control Unit Locating the Control Unit on the power unit The Control Unit is simply snapped-on to a Power Module. This also establishes all of the electrical connections between the two components. The Control Unit can be removed by pressing the release button ③.

  • Page 41: Interfaces, Connectors, Switches, Control Terminals, Leds On The Cu

    Connection 3.4 Installing the Control Unit 3.4.1 Interfaces, connectors, switches, control terminals, LEDs on the CU Overview of the process and user interfaces The following interfaces are provided on the Control Unit ● Terminals for the input and output signals ●…

  • Page 42
    Connection 3.4 Installing the Control Unit Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 43
    Connection 3.4 Installing the Control Unit Arrangement and function of the terminals on the CU240S Control Unit All Control Units are equipped with the same control terminals. However, depending on the CU version, the factory set activation for certain digital inputs and interfaces differ. (see the block diagram for CU240S/E and for CU240S-DP/CU240S-DPF/CU240S-PN/CU240S-PN- Unlike the standard Control Units, the fail-safe Control Units CU240S DP-F and CU240S PN-F only have six digital inputs instead of nine.
  • Page 45: Commissioning

    Commissioning Alternative commissioning options The functions of a frequency inverter are activated and configured using parameters. Parameters can either be accessed from the operator control/display instrument (Operator Panel) or using the STARTER software from the PC via the appropriate frequency inverter interface.

  • Page 46: Initial Coupling Of The Cu And Pm — Message F0395

    Commissioning 4.1 Initial coupling of the CU and PM — message F0395 Initial coupling of the CU and PM — message F0395 Description Message «F0395» is displayed when Control Units or Power Modules are switched on for the first time or after they have been replaced. This message monitors the two inverter components (CU and PM) to ensure that they are not replaced without authorization.

  • Page 47: Restoring The Factory Settings

    Commissioning 4.2 Restoring the factory settings Restoring the factory settings If nothing else works, restore the factory settings! You can restore the factory settings using parameter P0970. Parameter or Description procedure P0003 = 1 User access level 1: Standard level P0010 = 30 Commissioning parameter 30: Factory setting, parameter transfer…

  • Page 48: Preparing Commissioning

    Motor data / data on the motor rating plate If you use the STARTER software and a SIEMENS motor, you only have to specify the Order No. In all other cases, you must read-off the data from the motor rating plate and enter into the appropriate parameters.

  • Page 49
    Commissioning 4.3 Preparing commissioning NOTICE Information about installation The rating plate data that you enter must correspond to the connection type of the motor (star/delta), i.e. with a delta motor connection, the delta rating plate data must be entered. In which region of the world is the motor used? — Motor standard [P0100] ●…
  • Page 50
    Commissioning 4.3 Preparing commissioning What command and setpoint sources are you using? The command and setpoint sources that are available depend on the frequency inverter. Depending on whether you use a frequency inverter with or without fieldbus interface, with or without fail-safe functions, the default command and setpoint sources set in the factory differ.
  • Page 51: Commissioning With Factory Settings

    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings Commissioning with factory settings Prerequisites for using the factory settings In simple applications, commissioning can be carried out just using the factory settings. This section explains what prerequisites must be fulfilled for this purpose and how they are fulfilled.

  • Page 52: Wiring Examples For The Factory Settings

    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings 4.4.1 Wiring examples for the factory settings Many applications function using the factory settings To ensure that the factory settings can be used, you must wire the control terminals on your inverter as shown in the following examples. Default settings for the control terminals on the CU240E Figure 4-1 CU240E terminal overview: wiring example for using the factory settings…

  • Page 53
    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings Default settings for the control terminals on the non-bus-capable CU240E Figure 4-2 CU240S terminal overview: wiring example for using the factory settings Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 54: Factory Setting Of The Frequency Inverter

    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings 4.4.2 Factory setting of the frequency inverter Default command and setpoint sources Frequency inverters used in automation solutions have the appropriate fieldbus interfaces. These frequency inverters are preset in the factory so that the appropriate control and status signals can be exchanged via the fieldbus interface.

  • Page 55
    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings Table 4- 2 Factory setting of additional important parameters Parameter Factory setting Meaning of the factory setting Function Access level P0003 Access to the most frequently Selecting the user access level used parameters P0004 All parameters are displayed Parameter filter: filters parameters in accordance with the functionality…
  • Page 56: Default Terminal Settings

    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings 4.4.3 Default terminal settings Factory settings of the process interfaces Digital inputs Terminal Abbreviation Parameter Factory setting Meaning of the factory setting P0701 ON / OFF1 P0702 Direction reversal P0703 Error acknowledgment P0704 Fixed setpoint selector bit 0 (direct) [P1001] P0705 Fixed setpoint selector bit 1 (direct) [P1002] P0706…

  • Page 57
    Commissioning 4.4 Commissioning with factory settings Analog inputs Terminal Abbreviation Parameter Factory setting Meaning of the factory setting AI0+ P0756 [0] Set unipolar voltage input 0 V … +10 V DC AI0- in addition to parameterizing DIP switch on CU housing. AI1+ P0756 [1] Set unipolar voltage input…
  • Page 58: Commissioning With Starter

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER Commissioning with STARTER Requirements The STARTER commissioning tool features a project Wizard that guides you step-by-step through the commissioning process. Configuring the frequency inverter using the PC is significantly more user friendly and faster than commissioning using the Operator Panel. The following is required to commission the frequency inverter via the PC: ●…

  • Page 59: Creating A Starter Project

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER 4.5.1 Creating a STARTER project Description A frequency inverter can be parameterized in a user-friendly fashion using the Project Wizard. The commissioning procedure described here follows the Project Wizard. The PC communicates with the frequency inverter via the USS interface. ●…

  • Page 60
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● Click «Change and test…» to set up the PG/PC interface. PG/PC — Set interface ● Select «PC COM-Port (USS)» from the list and click on «Properties …» Figure 4-6 Setting the USS interface ● If «PC COM-Port (USS)» is not available, click on «Select …» to install the «PC COM-Port (USS)»…
  • Page 61
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● If you have installed the «PC COM-Port (USS)» interface, close the dialog box and now call up «Properties — PC COM-Port (USS)». Figure 4-8 PC COM properties ● In this dialog box, you can set the COM interface (COM1, COM2, COM3) and baud rate (default: 38400).
  • Page 62
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● When you click «OK», the «Set PG/PC Interface» dialog box is displayed again. In the «Set PG/PC Interface» dialog box, you can view the stations that can be accessed via USS by choosing «Diagnostics…»: ●…
  • Page 63: Establishing An Online Connection Between The Pc And Converter (Going «Online»)

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER Insert drives Figure 4-9 Insert drives ● In this dialog box, enter a name for your frequency inverter, e.g. «SINAMICS_G120_CU240S» (no blanks or special characters). ● Click on «Next». ● Close the «Summary» dialog box by choosing «Finish». 4.5.2 Establishing an online connection between the PC and converter (going «online») Description…

  • Page 64
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● Click on «Load HW configuration to PG» to download the online data into your PC. Figure 4-10 Frequency inverters found online (using the SINAMICS G120 with Control Unit CU240S DP as example) ● To conclude your entry, choose «Close». ●…
  • Page 65: Starting The General Commissioning

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER 4.5.3 Starting the general commissioning Description ● When the final dialog box in the «Going online» section is closed, the text «Offline mode» in the bottom right of the dialog box changes to «Online mode». Figure 4-11 Going online with STARTER (example with SINAMICS G120) ●…

  • Page 66
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER Carrying out commissioning You Project Wizard navigates you step-by-step using pull-down menus through the basic settings for your application. ● You get to the next menu item by pressing, choose «Next». Figure 4-12 Start field: commissioning Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10.
  • Page 67
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● For the «Drive functions» menu item, we recommend that motor data identification: «Locked» should be selected. Figure 4-13 Deselecting motor data identification Note Motor data identification Motor data identification is only required for vector control — and it is described there. Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10.
  • Page 68
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● For the menu item «Calculation of the motor data», we recommend that you select «Restore factory setting and calculate motor data». Figure 4-14 Calculating the motor data and restoring the factory setting Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10.
  • Page 69
    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER ● The Project Wizard for the (first) commissioning is concluded with the following summary: Figure 4-15 Completing commissioning ● Finally, choose «Finish». Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 70: Commissioning The Application

    Commissioning 4.5 Commissioning with STARTER 4.5.4 Commissioning the application Description ● You can now commission your application using the «Drive Navigator» screens or by using the functions available in the project tree. ● Save your settings so that they are protected against power failure (see below). ●…

  • Page 71: Commissioning With The Operator Panel

    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel Commissioning with the operator panel 4.6.1 Function of the Basic Operator Panel The Basic Operator Panel (BOP) offers various commissioning options and ways of Saving and transferring data using the BOP (Page 77). The Basic Operator Panel for ‘local’ operation and how to attach it to the Control Unit How to attach the BOP to the Control Unit.

  • Page 72: Bop Controls And Displays

    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel 4.6.2 BOP controls and displays How to use the BOP Function Function / result Status LED Shows parameter numbers, values, and physical units of measure. Parameter access This button allows you to access the parameter list. r _ _ _ _ read-only parameters: for display only P_ _ _ _ write parameters: these can be changed Increase displayed…

  • Page 73: Parameterization With The Bop (Two Examples)

    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel 4.6.3 Parameterization with the BOP (two examples) All of the parameter changes, which are made using the BOP, are saved so that they are protected against power failure. Changing a parameter value using the BOP The following description is an example of how to change any parameter using the BOP.

  • Page 74: Commissioning Steps

    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel 4.6.4 Commissioning steps The following section provides a step-by-step guide to quick commissioning, which is sufficient for the majority of applications. The first step in commissioning a drive train is to ensure that the converter and motor are harmonized.

  • Page 75
    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel Table 4- 7 Motor data in accordance with the specifications on the motor rating plate Parameter Description P0304 = … Rated motor voltage (enter value as specified on the motor rating plate in Volt) 400 [v] (factory setting) The rating plate data entered must correspond to the motor connection type (star/delta) (i.e.
  • Page 76
    Commissioning 4.6 Commissioning with the operator panel Table 4- 9 Parameters that must be set in every application Parameter Description P1080 = … Minimum frequency 0.00 [Hz] factory setting Enter the minimum frequency (in Hz) at which the motor runs independently of the frequency setpoint.
  • Page 77: Data Backup With The Operator Panel And Memory Card

    Commissioning 4.7 Data backup with the operator panel and memory card Data backup with the operator panel and memory card 4.7.1 Saving and transferring data using the BOP The Operator Panel as a medium to backup and transfer data You can save a parameter set on the Operator Panel and transfer it to other frequency inverters, e.g.

  • Page 78: Saving And Transferring Data Using The Mmc

    Commissioning 4.7 Data backup with the operator panel and memory card 4.7.2 Saving and transferring data using the MMC The MMC memory card as a medium for backing up and transferring data You can save a parameter set on the memory card and transfer it to other frequency inverters, e.g.

  • Page 79
    Commissioning 4.7 Data backup with the operator panel and memory card Transferring the parameters from the MMC memory card into the frequency inverter (download) Parameter Description P0003 = 3 3: Access level 3 P0010 = 30 30: Parameter transfer P0803 = 2 2: Start data transfer from the MMC to the EEPROM in the CU.
  • Page 81: Functions

    Functions Overview of inverter functions Figure 5-1 Overview of the functions in the frequency inverter The functions that you need in each application have a gray background. Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.

  • Page 82
    Functions 5.1 Overview of inverter functions Functions relevant to all applications ① Inverter control is responsible for all of the other frequency inverter functions. Among other things, it defines how the inverter responds to external control signals. ② The command source defines whether the motor is powered-up and powered-down via terminals (digital inputs) or a fieldbus.
  • Page 83: Inverter Control

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Inverter control 5.2.1 Frequency inverter control using digital inputs (two/three-wire control) Configuring start, stop and direction of rotation reversal using digital inputs If the frequency inverter is controlled using digital inputs, using parameter P0727, you can define how the motor responds when it is started, stopped, and the direction of rotation is changed (reversing).

  • Page 84
    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Table 5- 1 Comparison of the methods to control the motor using two-three wires Control signals Description Two-wire control, method 1 (P0727=0) 1. Control command: Switch the motor on or off 2. Control command: Reverses the motor direction of rotation Two-wire control, method 2 (P0727=0) If CW and CCW rotation are selected simultaneously, the signal that was issued first has priority.
  • Page 85
    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Control signals Description 1. Control command: Enable the motor so that it can be switched on or switched off 2. Control command: Switch on motor cw rotation 3. Control command: Switch on motor CCW rotation Three-wire control, method 2 (P0727 = 3) 1.
  • Page 86: Two-Wire Control, Method 1

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.2 Two-wire control, method 1 Function description This control method uses two control commands as permanent signals. One control command starts/stops the motor, while the other control command changes the direction of rotation. Figure 5-2 Two-wire control using digital inputs, method 1 Table 5- 2 Function table Motor ON…

  • Page 87: Two-Wire Control, Method 2

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.3 Two-wire control, method 2 Function description This control method uses two control commands as permanent signals. CW and CCW rotation of the motor is started and stopped with one control command each. To change the direction, the drive must first decelerate to 0 Hz with OFF1 before the direction reversal signal is accepted.

  • Page 88: Two-Wire Control, Method 3

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.4 Two-wire control, method 3 Function description This control method uses two control commands as permanent signals. Like method 2, CW and CCW rotation can be started/stopped by one control command each. In contrast to method 2, however, the control commands can be switched at any time regardless of the setpoint, output frequency, and direction of rotation.

  • Page 89: Three-Wire Control, Method 1

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.5 Three-wire control, method 1 Function description ● The first control command is a permanent enable signal for starting the motor. When this enable signal is canceled, the motor stops. ● CW rotation is activated with the positive edge of the second control command. ●…

  • Page 90
    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Table 5- 9 Parameterizing the function Parameter Description P0700 = 2 Controls the motor using the digital inputs of the frequency inverter P0727 = 2 Three-wire control, method 1 P0701 = 1 The enable signal to power-up the motor is issued with digital input 0 Further options: The enable signal can be issued with any other digital input, e.g.
  • Page 91: Three-Wire Control, Method 2

    Functions 5.2 Inverter control 5.2.6 Three-wire control, method 2 Function description ● The first control command is a permanent enable signal for starting the motor. When this enable signal is canceled, the motor stops. ● The motor is started with the positive edge of the second control command. ●…

  • Page 92
    Functions 5.2 Inverter control Table 5- 11 Parameterizing the function Parameter Description P0700 = 3 Controls the motor using the digital inputs of the frequency inverter P0727 = 3 Three-wire control, method 2 P0701 = 2 The enable signal to power-up the motor is issued with digital input 0 Further options: The enable signal can be issued with any other digital input, e.g.
  • Page 93: Command Sources

    Functions 5.3 Command sources Command sources 5.3.1 Selecting command sources Selecting the command source [P0700] The motor is switched on/off via external inverter control commands. The following command sources can be used to specify these control commands: ● Operator control / display instrument (Operator Panel) ●…

  • Page 94: Assigning Functions To Digital Inputs

    Functions 5.3 Command sources 5.3.2 Assigning functions to digital inputs Assigning control commands to digital inputs as command sources [P0701…P071x] The digital inputs are pre-assigned with certain control commands in the factory. However, these digital inputs can be freely assigned to a control command. Depending on the Control Unit version, SINAMICS frequency inverters are equipped with up to 9 digital inputs.

  • Page 95: Controlling The Motor Via The Fieldbus

    Functions 5.3 Command sources If you enable one of the digital inputs to be freely used for BICO technology (P701…P709 = 99), then you must interconnect this digital input to the required control command. If value 99 is assigned to the digital input to define its function, this can only be reversed by restoring the factory settings.

  • Page 96: Setpoint Sources

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources Setpoint sources 5.4.1 Selecting frequency setpoint sources Selecting the setpoint source [P1000] The speed of the motor can be set via the frequency setpoint. The following sources can be used to specify the frequency setpoint: ● Analog inputs ●…

  • Page 97: Using Analog Inputs As A Setpoint Source

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources 5.4.2 Using analog inputs as a setpoint source Frequency setpoint via analog input [for P1000 = 2] Analog setpoints are read-in via the corresponding analog inputs. The setting specifying whether the analog input is a voltage input (10 V) or current input (20 mA) must be made via P0756 and in addition using the DIP switches on the Control Unit housing.

  • Page 98: Using A Motorized Potentiometer As A Setpoint Source

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources 5.4.3 Using a motorized potentiometer as a setpoint source Frequency setpoint via motorized potentiometer (MOP) (when P1000 = 1 -> P1031) The ‘motorized potentiometer’ function simulates an electromechanical potentiometer for entering setpoints. The value of the motorized potentiometer (MOP) can be set by means of the «up»…

  • Page 99: Using The Fixed Frequency As A Setpoint Source

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources 5.4.4 Using the fixed frequency as a setpoint source Frequency setpoint via fixed frequency (P1000 = 3) The fixed frequencies are defined using parameters P1001 to P1004 and can be assigned to the corresponding digital inputs using P1020 to P1023. Parameter Description P1016 = 1…

  • Page 100: Running The Motor In Jog Mode (Jog Function)

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources 5.4.5 Running the motor in jog mode (JOG function) Run motor in jog mode [JOG function] The JOG function enables you to carry out the following: ● Test the motor and converter after commissioning to ensure that they function properly (the first traverse movement, direction of rotation etc.) ●…

  • Page 101: Specifying The Motor Speed Via The Fieldbus

    Functions 5.4 Setpoint sources Using BICO technology, you can also assign the JOG function to other keys. Parameter Description P0003 = 3 User access level 3: Expert mode P1055 = … Enable JOG CW Possible sources: 722.x (digital inputs) / 19.8 (JOG key on the Operator Panel) / r2090.8 (serial interface) P1056 = …

  • Page 102: Changing Over The Command Data Sets (Manual, Automatic)

    Functions 5.5 Changing over the command data sets (manual, automatic) Changing over the command data sets (manual, automatic) Switching operating priority In some applications, the inverter is operated in different ways. Example: switchover from automatic to manual operation A central controller can switch a motor on/off or change its speed either via a fieldbus or via local switches.

  • Page 103
    Functions 5.5 Changing over the command data sets (manual, automatic) The following diagram shows which functions can be switched. Figure 5-7 CDS switchover in the inverter Note Command data sets can be switched in the «ready for operation» and «operation» state. The switchover time is approx.
  • Page 104
    Functions 5.5 Changing over the command data sets (manual, automatic) Table 5- 16 The command data sets are switched over with parameters P0810 and P0811 P0810 0 or 1 P0811 The CDS that is current active is gray. Examples Fieldbus as setpoint Analog input as setpoint source: source:…
  • Page 105: Setpoint Preparation

    Functions 5.6 Setpoint preparation Setpoint preparation Overview of setpoint preparation The setpoint calculation modifies the speed setpoint, e.g. it limits the setpoint to a maximum and minimum value and using the ramp-function generator prevents the motor from executing speed steps. Figure 5-8 Setpoint calculation in the frequency inverter 5.6.1…

  • Page 106: Parameterizing The Ramp-Function Generator

    Functions 5.6 Setpoint preparation 5.6.2 Parameterizing the ramp-function generator Parameterizing the ramp-function generator The ramp-function generator in the setpoint channel limits the speed of setpoint changes. This causes the motor to accelerate and decelerate more smoothly, thereby protecting the mechanical components of the driven machine. Ramp-up/down time The ramp-up and ramp-down times of the ramp-function generator can be set independently of each other.

  • Page 107
    Functions 5.6 Setpoint preparation Rounding Acceleration can be «smoothed» further by means of rounding. The jerk occurring when the motor starts and when it begins to decelerate can be reduced independently of each other. Rounding can be used to lengthen the motor acceleration/deceleration times. The ramp- up/down time parameterized in the ramp-function generator is exceeded.
  • Page 108: Closed-Loop Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Closed-loop control Overview There are two different open-loop and closed-loop control techniques for frequency inverters with synchronous and induction motors. ● Closed-loop control with V/f-characteristic (called V/f control) ● Field-oriented control technology (called vector control) 5.7.1 V/f control Typical applications for V/f control…

  • Page 109: V/F Control With Linear Characteristic

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control V/f control with linear characteristic V/f control with a linear characteristic is mainly used in applications in which the motor torque must be independent of the motor speed. Examples of such applications include horizontal conveyors or compressors.

  • Page 110: V/F Control With Parabolic Characteristic

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Additional information about this function is provided in the parameter list and in the function diagrams 6100 and 6200 in the List Manual. Note Only increase the voltage boost in small steps until satisfactory motor behavior is reached. Excessively high values in P1310 and P1311 can cause the motor to overhead and switch off (trip) the frequency inverter due to overcurrent .

  • Page 111: Additional Characteristics For The V/F Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Additional characteristics for the V/f control In addition to linear and square-law characteristics, there are the following additional variants of the V/f control that are suitable for special applications. Table 5- 23 Further V/f control methods (P1300) Parameter Application value…

  • Page 112: Vector Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control 5.7.2 Vector control Typical applications for vector control The vector control can be used to control (closed-loop) the speed and the torque of a motor. Vector control is mostly used without directly measuring the motor speed (vector control without encoder).

  • Page 113: Commissioning Vector Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Commissioning vector control The vector control without encoder requires careful commissioning and therefore must only be performed by commissioning engineers that are experienced in handling this type of control. Steps when commissioning vector control 1. Carry out quick commissioning (P0010 = 1) In order to ensure that the vector control functions perfectly, it is absolutely imperative that the motor data are correctly entered 2.

  • Page 114: Torque Control

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Torque control Torque control is always part of the vector control and normally receives its setpoint from the speed controller output. By deactivating the speed controller and directly entering the torque setpoint, the closed-loop speed control becomes closed-loop torque control. The inverter then no longer controls the motor speed, but the torque that the motor generates.

  • Page 115: Using A Speed Encoder

    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Using a speed encoder Higher accuracy by using a speed encoder A speed encoder increases the accuracy of the speed or the torque of the vector control for speeds below approx. 10% of the rated motor frequency. Commissioning the speed encoder A speed encoder requires the following commissioning steps: 1.

  • Page 116
    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control CAUTION Use a shielded cable to connect the speed encoder. The shield must not be interrupted by terminal points between the encoder and frequency inverter. Setting the encoder voltage The encoder voltage is set using the DIP switches at the front of the CU. If you use either a BOP or a PC Connection Kit, you must remove this module in order to be able to access the switches.
  • Page 117
    Functions 5.7 Closed-loop control Table 5- 28 The most important speed encoder parameters Parameter Description P0003 = 2 Extended access to the inverter functions P0400 = … Encoder type 0: Encoder signal is not evaluated • 2: Encoder with pulse tracks A and B without zero pulse •…
  • Page 118: Motor And Inverter Protection

    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection Motor and inverter protection The frequency inverter offers protective functions against overtemperature and overcurrent for both the frequency inverter as well as the motor. Further, the frequency inverter protects itself against an excessively high DC link voltage when the motor is regenerating. The load torque monitoring functions provide effective plant and system protection.

  • Page 119
    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection Temperature measurement using a temperature sensor (PTC or KTY 84 sensor) Parameter Description P0003 = 2 User access level 2: Advanced P0335 = 0 Specify the motor cooling 0: Self-cooling with shaft-mounted fan attached to the motor (factory setting) 1: Separate cooling by means of a separately-driven cooling fan 2: Self-cooling and internal fan 3: Separate cooling and internal fan…
  • Page 120: Overcurrent Protection

    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection 5.8.2 Overcurrent protection Method of operation The maximum current controller (I controller) protects the motor and inverter against overload by limiting the output current. The I controller is only active with V/f control. If an overload situation occurs, the speed and stator voltage of the motor are reduced until the current is within the permissible range.

  • Page 121: Limiting The Maximum Dc Link Voltage

    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection 5.8.3 Limiting the maximum DC link voltage How does the motor generate overvoltage? An induction motor can operate as a generator if it is driven by the connected load, whereby the motor converts mechanical energy to electrical energy. The motor feeds the regenerative energy back to the inverter.

  • Page 122: Load Torque Monitoring

    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection 5.8.4 Load torque monitoring Applications with load torque monitoring In many applications, it is advisable to monitor the motor torque: ● Applications in which the mechanical connection between the motor and load may be interrupted (e.g.

  • Page 123
    Functions 5.8 Motor and inverter protection Table 5- 31 Parameterizing the monitoring functions Parameter Description No-load monitoring P2179 = … Current limit for no-load detection If the frequency inverter current is below this value, the message «no load» is output. P2180 = ……
  • Page 124: Evaluating The Frequency Inverter Status

    Functions 5.9 Evaluating the frequency inverter status Evaluating the frequency inverter status Frequency inverter states, such as alarms or faults or different actual value quantities of the frequency inverter can be displayed using digital and analog outputs. The pre-assignments (default settings) can be adapted to the particular plant or system requirements as explained in the following descriptions.

  • Page 125
    Functions 5.9 Evaluating the frequency inverter status Table 5- 33 Changing the digital output settings Terminal No., significance Parameter Description P0003 = 2 Extended parameter access Digital output 0 P0731 Possible values for P0731, P0732 and P0732: 0 Deactivate digital output 52.0 Drive ready 52.1 Drive ready for operation Digital output 1…
  • Page 126: Assigning Certain Functions To Analog Outputs

    Functions 5.9 Evaluating the frequency inverter status 5.9.2 Assigning certain functions to analog outputs Assigning specific functions to analog outputs Two analog outputs are available, which can be parameterized to display a multitude of variables, e.g. the actual speed, the actual output voltage or the actual output current. Table 5- 34 Factory setting of the analog outputs Terminal No., significance…

  • Page 127
    Functions 5.9 Evaluating the frequency inverter status Table 5- 36 Additional analog output settings Parameter Description P0775 = 0 Permit absolute value Specifies whether or not the absolute value of the analog output is used. If enabled, this parameter will use the absolute value of the value to be output. If the original value was negative, the corresponding bit is set in r0785.
  • Page 128: Technological Functions

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions 5.10 Technological functions The frequency inverter offers the subsequently listed technological functions. ● Braking functions ● Automatic restart and flying restart ● Basic process control functions ● Positioning deceleration ramp ● Logical and arithmetic functions using function blocks that can be freely interconnected Please refer to the following sections for detailed descriptions.

  • Page 129
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Braking methods depending on the drive inverter being used Table 5- 37 Functions in relationship with the frequency inverters SINAMICS G120 PM240 PM250 PM260 DC and compound brake Dynamic braking Regenerative braking Advantages and disadvantages of the braking methods ●…
  • Page 130: Parameterizing A Dc & Compound Brake

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing a DC & compound brake Applications for a DC brake and compound brake DC and compound brakes are especially used for centrifuges, saws, grinding machines, and conveyor belts. CAUTION With DC and compound brakes, the kinetic energy of the motor and motor load is partially converted into thermal energy.

  • Page 131
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing a DC & compound brake Parameter Description P1230 Enables the DC brake Enables DC braking via a signal that was used by an external source (BICO). The function remains active as long as the external signal is active. P1232= DC brake current (entered in %) Defines the strength of the direct current in [%] with respect to the rated motor current…
  • Page 132: Dynamic Brake

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Dynamic brake Parameterizing the dynamic brake An internal closed-loop chopper control (braking chopper) in the frequency inverter, which can control an external braking resistor, is required for a dynamic brake Dynamic braking converts the regenerative energy, which is released when the motor brakes, into heat.

  • Page 133: Parameterizing Regenerative Braking

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing regenerative braking Regenerative braking helps save energy thanks to feedback The frequency inverter can feed back up to 100% of its power (for HO base load) into the line supply. The magnitude of the regenerative energy depends on the motor speed and the current or voltage limit parameters.

  • Page 134: Parameterizing A Motor Holding Brake

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing a motor holding brake The motor holding braking prevents the motor from rotating when the frequency inverter is powered-down, e.g. when a load is lowered in a hoisting gear application. The frequency inverter has internal logic to control a motor holding brake. Commissioning the control logic of a motor holding brake 1.

  • Page 135
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Timing of the motor holding brake after an OFF1 and OFF3 command Figure 5-10 Function diagram, motor holding brake after an OFF1 or OFF3 command Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 136
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Timing of the motor holding brake after an OFF2 or STO command Contrary to a standard motor holding brake, after an OFF2 command, the brake is immediately closed. The normal timing sequence of the motor holding brake function is interrupted by the following signals, without taking into account the brake closing time: ●…
  • Page 137
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Table 5- 38 Control logic parameters of the motor holding brake Parameter Description P0003 = 2 Enables extended parameter access P1215 = … Enable motor holding brake 0 Motor holding brake disabled (factory setting) 1 Motor holding brake enabled P0731= 52.C BI: Function digital output 1 Note:…
  • Page 138: Automatic Restart And Flying Restart

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions 5.10.2 Automatic restart and flying restart Flying restart: switching on the converter when the motor is running Description The «flying restart» function, which is activated by P1200, allows the converter to be switched to a rotating motor. The function must be used whenever a motor may still be running. This could be: ●…

  • Page 139
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Table 5- 41 Overview: the «flying restart» function P1200 Flying restart active Search direction Flying restart inactive (factory setting) — Flying restart always active Search performed in both directions, startup in direction of setpoint Flying restart active after: Search performed in both directions, startup in direction of setpoint Power ON…
  • Page 140: Automatic Restart» Function After Power Failure

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions «Automatic restart» function after power failure Restart after a power failure and/or faults within a few seconds. This function is particularly useful when the frequency converter is operated as a stand-alone device. The «automatic restart» function is used to restart the drive automatically once the power has been restored following a power failure.

  • Page 141
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions P1210 = 4: Automatic restart following power failure, no further startup attempts When P1210 = 4, an automatic restart is only carried out if fault F30003 has also occurred on the Power Module, a high signal is present at the binector input P1208[1], or if fault F06200 has occurred when an infeed drive object (x_Infeed) is used.
  • Page 142: Technology Controller

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameterizing the «automatic restart» function Parameter Meaning P1210 = 0: «Automatic restart» function disabled (factory setting) 1: Acknowledges all faults without restart 4: Restart after power failure, no further start attempts 6: Restart after any fault with further start attempts P1211 = No.

  • Page 143
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Table 5- 44 Technology controller parameters Parameter Description P2200 = Enable technology controller … P2251 = Control mode (correction or specification of speed setpoint) … P2253 = Setpoint selection … P2254 = Supplementary setpoint … P2255 = Setpoint scaling ……
  • Page 144: Positioning Down Ramp — A Basic Positioning Function

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Parameter Description P2350 = Enable signal for self-optimization … P2354 = Monitoring time for self-optimization … P2355 = Offset for self-optimization … r2260 Setpoint after ramp-function generator P2261 Time constant for the setpoint filter r2262 Filtered setpoint after ramp-function generator r2266 Filtered feedback r2272…

  • Page 145: Logical And Arithmetic Functions Using Function Blocks

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions 5.10.5 Logical and arithmetic functions using function blocks Description Additional signal connections in the inverter can be established by means of free function blocks. Every digital and analog signal available via BICO technology can be routed to the appropriate inputs of the free function blocks.

  • Page 146: Changing Over Drive Data Sets (Several Motors Connected To A Frequency Inverter)

    Functions 5.10 Technological functions 5.10.6 Changing over drive data sets (several motors connected to a frequency inverter) Switching motor control In certain applications, the inverter parameters need to be switched. Example: One inverter is to operate one of two different motors. Depending on which motor is to run at any given time, the motor data and the ramp-function generator times for the different motors must be adjusted accordingly in the inverter.

  • Page 147
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Figure 5-13 DDS switchover in the inverter Note Drive data sets can only be changed over in the «ready for operation» state. The switchover time is approx. 50 ms. Exceptions: The ramp-function generator parameters, the ramp-down time for OFF3, and the speed controller gain can be switched during operation.
  • Page 148
    Functions 5.10 Technological functions Table 5- 47 Parameters for switching the drive data sets: Parameter Description P0820 = … 1st cntrol command for switching the drive data sets Example: When P0820 = 722.0, the system switches from drive data set 0 to drive data set 1 via digital input 0 P0821 = ……
  • Page 149: Operation In Fieldbus Systems

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems The frequency inverters are available in different variants for communication with higher- level controls with the subsequently listed fieldbus interfaces: ● CU240E and CU240S for USS via RS485 – Control via PZD (process data channel) –…

  • Page 150
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems USS communication network via RS 485 with a CU240E The diagram shows the RS 485 terminals (29/30) and the DIP switches at the CU240E for the terminating resistor. The default position is OFF (no terminating resistor). Figure 5-14 USS network via RS 485 USS communication network via RS 485 with a CU240S…
  • Page 151
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems CAUTION A difference in the ground potential between the master and slaves in an RS 485 network can damage the converter Control Unit. You must make absolutely sure that the master and slaves have the same ground potential. SUB D connection on the CU 240S (pin assignment) The CU240S Control Units are equipped with a 9-pole SUB D socket for connecting the inverter via an RS 485 interface.
  • Page 152: User Data Range Of The Uss Message Frame

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems User data range of the USS message frame Structure of the user data The user data range of the USS protocol is used to transfer application data. The process data is exchanged cyclically between the converter and controller via the process data channel (PZD), while the parameter channel is used for transferring parameter values acyclically.

  • Page 153
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter ID (PKE) and parameter index (IND) The parameter ID (PKE) is always a 16 bit value. In conjunction with the index (IND), it defines the parameter to be transferred. PKE structure IND structure ●…
  • Page 154
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Table 5- 51 Sample coding of a parameter number in PKE and IND for P8820, index 16 decimal The parameter index is encoded in the second word of the index (IND). Example: Coding of a parameter number in PKE and IND for P2016, index 3 The master and slave exchange data via the request ID and response ID (AK), a process that is to take place with the parameter specified in the PKE.
  • Page 155
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems The meaning of the response ID for response message frames (converter → master) is explained in the following table. The request ID determines which response IDs are possible. Table 5- 53 Response ID (converter → master) Response ID Description No response…
  • Page 156
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems If the response ID is 7 (request cannot be processed), one of the fault numbers listed in the following table is stored in parameter value 2 (PWE2). Table 5- 54 Fault numbers for the response «request cannot be processed» Description Comments Impermissible parameter number (PNU)
  • Page 157
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter value (PWE) When communication takes place via the USS, the number of PWEs can vary. One PWE is required for 16 bit values. If 32 bit values are exchanged, two PWEs are required. Note U8 data types are transferred as U16, whereby the upper byte is zero.
  • Page 158: Timeouts And Other Errors

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Timeouts and other errors Process timeouts Parameter P2014 defines the permissible timeout in ms. Value zero prevents timeout monitoring. Parameter P2014 checks the cyclic update of bit 10 in control word 1. If the USS is configured as a command source for the drive and P2014 is not zero, bit 10 of the received control word 1 is checked.

  • Page 159: Uss Process Data Channel (Pzd)

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems USS process data channel (PZD) Description Process data (PZD) is exchanged continuously between the master and slave in this message frame range. Depending on the direction of transfer, the process data channel contains request data for the USS slave or response data to the USS master. The request contains control words and setpoints for the slaves, while the response contains status words and actual values for the master.

  • Page 160: Communication Via Profibus And Profinet

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems 5.11.2 Communication via PROFIBUS and PROFINET Connect the frequency inverter to PROFIBUS Assignment of the SUB-D connector to connect to the PROFIBUS-DP network Control Units CU240S DP and CU240S DP-F of the frequency converter are equipped with a SUB D connection for the PROFIBUS cable.

  • Page 161: Example: Configuring The Frequency Converter On Profibus

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Permissible cable length / installing and shielding the PROFIBUS cable For information about this, see Example: configuring the frequency converter on PROFIBUS Task A drive with a SINAMICS G120 frequency converter is to be controlled from a central SIMATIC controller via PROFIBUS, whereby the control signals and speed setpoint are to be transferred from an S7-300 CPU to the drive.

  • Page 162
    Drive ES Basic is the basic software of the engineering system, which combines the drive technology and Siemens controllers. The STEP 7 Manager user interface acts as a basis with which Drive ES Basic is used to integrate drives in the automation environment with respect to communication, configuration, and data storage.
  • Page 163
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Figure 5-19 PROFIBUS interface, diagnostics, and address setting on the Control Unit Set the DIP switch to address 10 (as shown in the following table). Table 5- 56 Examples of setting the PROFIBUS address DIP switch The figure specified in this row must be added to the address.
  • Page 164
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Integrating the frequency converter in a higher-level SIMATIC controller Once you have set the PROFIBUS address of the frequency converter, all the remaining settings required for integrating it in the SIMATIC controller are carried out in STEP 7 with HW Config.
  • Page 165
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Open the hardware configuration (HW Config) in Step 7. Figure 5-22 Open HW Config Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 166
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Add an S7 300 subrack to your project by dragging and dropping it from the «SIMATIC 300» hardware catalog. Connect a power supply to slot 1 of the subrack and a CPU 315-2 DP to slot 2.
  • Page 167
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Installing the GSD in STEP 7 The GSD for SINAMICS frequency converters can be downloaded from the Internet. It is integrated in STEP 7 via HW Config. Figure 5-24 Install the GSD in STEP 7 with HW Config Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10.
  • Page 168
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Once the GSD has been installed, the frequency converter appears as an object under «PROFIBUS DP» in the HW Config product catalog. Figure 5-25 G120 in the HW Config product catalog Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 169
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Drag and drop the frequency converter to the PROFIBUS network. Enter the PROFIBUS address set on the frequency converter in HW Config. Figure 5-26 Connect G120 to the PROFIBUS network The frequency converter object in the HW Config product catalog contains a number of message frame types.
  • Page 170
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Add the required message frame type to slot 1 of the frequency converter by dragging and dropping it from the HW catalog. Figure 5-27 Define the message frame type of the SINAMICS G120 frequency converter in the controller STEP 7 automatically assigns the address range containing the process data for the frequency converter.
  • Page 171: Integrating A Frequency Inverter In Profinet

    For information about assembling the SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet FastConnect RF45 plug 180, see «Assembly Instructions for SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet FastConnect RJ45 Plug». The document can be downloaded from the following page: Recommended PROFINET connectors We recommend the following connector for the PROFINET cable:…

  • Page 172: Example: Configuring The Frequency Converter On Profinet

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Example: configuring the frequency converter on PROFINET Differences between PROFIBUS and PROFINET The procedure for operating the frequency inverter on PROFINET differs only slightly from the above description for PROFIBUS. The following section covers only the key differences between PROFIBUS and PROFINET.

  • Page 173
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Integrating the frequency converter in a higher-level SIMATIC controller All settings required for integrating the frequency converter in the SIMATIC controller are carried out in STEP 7 with HW Config. Creating the STEP 7 project and configuring SIMATIC 300 The procedure here is very similar to that described for PROFIBUS.
  • Page 174
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Configuring the frequency converter and integrating it in the PROFINET network The frequency converter is integrated in the higher-level controller with its GSDML via PROFINET. The GSDML for SINAMICS frequency converters can be downloaded from the Internet.
  • Page 175: The Profidrive Profile

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems The PROFIdrive profile User data structure in the PROFIdrive profile PROFIdrive as a frequency inverter interface on PROFIBUS or PROFINET The SINAMICS G120 frequency converters are controlled via the PROFIdrive profile (version 4.1). The PROFIdrive profile defines the user data structure with which a central controller communicates with the frequency converter by means of cyclic or acyclic data transfer.

  • Page 176
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Cyclic communication Description The PROFIdrive profile defines different message frame types. Message frames contain the data packages for cyclic communication with a defined meaning and sequence. The SINAMICS G120 frequency converter supports the message frame types listed in the table below.
  • Page 177
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Message frame type Parameter Process data (PZD) — control and status words, actual values channel (PKW) parameter data PZD01 PZD02 PZD03 PZD04 PZD05 PZD06 STW1 ZSW1 <1> Placeholder for PCS7 process data STW1/2 Control word 1/2 ZSW1/2 Status word 1/2 NSOLL_A…
  • Page 178
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter ID (PKE), first word The parameter ID (PKE) is always a 16 bit value. Figure 5-31 PKE structure ● Bits 0 to 10 (PNU) contain the rest of the parameter number (value range 1 to 61999). An offset must be added, which is defined by IND with the upper bits (acyclic) or the lower bits (cyclic) of the byte, for parameter numbers ≥…
  • Page 179
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems The meaning of the response ID for response message frames (converter → master) is explained in the following table. The request identifier determines which response identifiers are possible. Table 5- 61 Response ID (frequency inverter → master) Response identifier Description No response…
  • Page 180
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems If the response ID is 7 (request cannot be processed), one of the fault numbers listed in the following table is stored in parameter value 2 (PWE2). Table 5- 62 Fault numbers for the response «request cannot be processed» Description Comments Impermissible parameter number (PNU)
  • Page 181
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter index (IND), second word Figure 5-32 IND structure (cyclic) ● The field sub-index is an 8 bit value which, in cyclic data transfer mode, is transferred in the more-significant byte (bits 8 to 15) of the parameter index (IND). ●…
  • Page 182
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Rules for the parameter range The bit for selecting the parameter page functions as follows: When it is set to 1, an offset of 2000 is applied in the converter to the parameter number (PNU) transferred in the parameter channel request before the data is transferred.
  • Page 183
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Parameter value (PWE) third and fourth word When data is transferred via PROFIBUS or PROFINET, the parameter value (PWE) is transferred as a double word (32 bit). Only one parameter value can be transferred in a single message frame.
  • Page 184
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Control and status words Description The control and status words fulfill the specifications of PROFIdrive profile version 4.1 for «speed control» mode. Control word 1 (STW1) Control word 1 (bits 0 to 10 in accordance with PROFIdrive profile and VIK/NAMUR, bits 11 to 15 for SINAMICS G120 only).
  • Page 185
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Value Meaning Comments No setpoint inversion Motor runs clockwise in response to a positive setpoint. Setpoint inversion Motor runs counter-clockwise in response to a positive setpoint. Not used Motorized potentiometer UP Motorized potentiometer LOWER Data set changeover Dependent on protocol: with SINAMICS G120 converters, you can switch between…
  • Page 186
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Status word 1 (ZSW1) Status word 1 (bits 0 to 10 in accordance with PROFIdrive profile and VIK/NAMUR, bits 11 to 15 for SINAMICS G120 only). Table 5- 67 Bit assignments for status word 1 (for all PROFIdrive and VIK/NAMUR message frames) Value Meaning Comments…
  • Page 187
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Value Meaning Comments Motor data displays overload status. Motor overload Clockwise rotation Counter-clockwise rotation Converter overload E.g. current or temperature Status word 2 (ZSW2) Status word 2 has the following default assignment. This can be changed by means of BICO. Table 5- 68 Default setting for status word 2 (not defined for VIK/NAMUR) Value…
  • Page 188
    ● Acyclic data exchange with a SIMATIC HMI (second class 2 master). The SIMATIC HMI can acyclically access parameters in the inverter. ● Instead of a SIEMENS start-up tool or SIMATIC HMI, an external master (class 2 master) as defined in the acyclic parameter channel according to PROFIdrive Profile version 4.1 (with DS47) can access the inverter.
  • Page 189
    ● Acyclic data exchange with a SIMATIC HMI (second IO supervisor). The SIMATIC HMI can acyclically access parameters in the inverter. ● Instead of a SIEMENS start-up tool or SIMATIC HMI, an external IO supervisor as defined in the acyclic parameter channel according to PROFIdrive Profile version 4.1 (with 0xB02E) can access the inverter.
  • Page 190: Step 7 Program Examples

    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems STEP 7 program examples STEP 7 program example for cyclic communication S7 program for controlling the frequency inverter The S7 program, which supplies data for cyclic communication between the frequency converter and the central controller, can be used for PROFIBUS and PROFINET. In the example provided below, communication between the controller and frequency converter is handled via standard message frame 1.

  • Page 191
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Figure 5-36 Evaluating the status of G120 via PROFIBUS or PROFINET Information about the S7 program The hexadecimal numeric value 047E is written to control word 1. The bits in control word 1 are listed in the following table. Table 5- 69 Assignment of the control bits in the frequency converter to the SIMATIC flags and inputs Bit in…
  • Page 192
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems STEP 7 sample program for acyclic communication Simple S7 program for parameterizing the frequency inverter The S7 program, which supplies data for acyclic communication between the frequency inverter and the central controller, can be used for PROFIBUS and PROFINET. Figure 5-37 STEP 7 program example for acyclic communication — OB1 Flags 9.0 to 9.3 specify whether parameters are read or written:…
  • Page 193
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems FC1 to read parameters from the frequency inverter Frequency inverter parameters are read via SFC 58 and SFC 59. Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 194
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Figure 5-38 Function block for reading parameters You first have to define how many parameters (MB62), which parameter numbers (MW50, MW52, etc.), and how many parameter indices (MW58, MB59, etc.) are read for each parameter number.
  • Page 195
    Functions 5.11 Operation in fieldbus systems Once the read request has been issued and a waiting time of one second has elapsed, the parameter values are copied from the frequency inverter via SFC 59 and saved in DB2. FC3 to write parameters to the frequency inverter Figure 5-39 Function block for writing parameters You first have to define which value (MW35) is written to which parameter index (MW23) of…
  • Page 196: Safety-Related Applications

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12.1 Overview Functional safety Machine components operated by electrical drives are intrinsically hazardous. If a drive is incorrectly used or acts in an unexpected manner in the event of a malfunction, not only can this damage the machine but it can also cause severe injury or death.

  • Page 197
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Permissible control modes for using fail-safe functions When the prerequisites mentioned above are fulfilled, the fail-safe functions can be used for both V/f and vector control. Restrictions regarding SLS and SS1 CAUTION Safety functions SS1 and SLS must not be used when the motor can still be accelerated by the mechanical elements of the connected machine component once the frequency converter has been shut down.
  • Page 198
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Controlling the safety functions The safety functions in the frequency inverter can be controlled via fail-safe digital inputs as well as over safe bus communication PROFIsafe via PROFIBUS or PROFINET in conjunction with a fail-safe CPU. Safe feedback from the frequency converter When fail-safe functions are used, feedback is generally required as to whether or not the drive is in a safe state.
  • Page 199: Restoring Safety-Related Parameters To The Factory Setting

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12.2 Restoring safety-related parameters to the factory setting Before starting to commission the safety functions, you should know whether the safety- relevant parameters of the frequency inverter have already been changed. If you do not precisely know the setting of the safety-relevant parameters, then reset these parameters to the factory setting.

  • Page 200: Controlling The Safety Functions Via Fail-Safe Inputs

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12.3 Controlling the safety functions via fail-safe inputs Connecting sensors to fail-safe inputs The fail-safe inputs of the frequency inverter are designed for connecting electromechanical sensors with two NC contacts. It is not possible to directly connect sensors with two NO contacts and antivalent contacts (1 NO contact and 1 NC contact).

  • Page 201
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Figure 5-42 Connecting an electronic sensor Figure 5-43 Connecting a safety relay Figure 5-44 Connecting an F digital output module Additional interconnection possibilities are under Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 202: Settings For The «Sto» Function

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 5.12.4 Settings for the «STO» function Activating fail-safe inputs A fail-safe input of the frequency inverter is activated by assigning it a safety function. This is described in the following using an example. The example shows the assignment of the fail- safe digital input FDI0 to the STO safety function using STARTER.

  • Page 203
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications 4. Select the «Enables» tab. None of the fail-safe inputs are activated in the factory setting, i.e. no input is assigned to a safety function 5. Click on the button on the lower edge of the STARTER screen and enter the safety password. The default password is «12345».
  • Page 204
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Testing the shutdown paths Shutdown paths are circuits used to shut down a motor in a safety-relevant fashion. The shutdown paths must be checked regularly to ensure that the fail-safe frequency inverter complies with certification requirements. In the factory setting, the frequency inverter always checks its shutdown path if the STO function is deselected.
  • Page 205
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Reasons for inconsistent input signals With electromechanical sensors (e.g. EMERGENCY STOP buttons or door switches), the contacts may bounce briefly at the moment switching takes place. The two sensor contacts never switch at exactly the same time either. As a result, the frequency converter responds with a fault and indicates signal inconsistencies.
  • Page 206: Acceptance Test And Report

    – Printouts of curve characteristics – When required, you can create a list with all of the changed parameters of the frequency inverter. Instructions on how to do this are available here: Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.

  • Page 207: Documentation Of The Acceptance Test

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Documentation of the acceptance test Overview Acceptance test No. Date Person carrying out the test Table 5- 70 Description of the system and overview/block diagram Designation Type Serial number Manufacturer End customer Block diagram/overview diagram of the machine Table 5- 71 Fail-safe functions for each drive Drive No.

  • Page 208: Function Check Of The Acceptance Test

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Function check of the acceptance test Description The function check must be carried out for each individual drive (under the assumption that the machine permits this). Conducting the test First commissioning Please enter a check mark Standard commissioning Function check, «Safe Torque Off»…

  • Page 209
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Description Status Check the following points: No safety fault • r9772.0 = r9772.1 = 0 (STO deselected and inactive), r9772.14 = 0 • Check whether the motor involved is running. If yes, check the following points: That the cabling between the Control Unit and Power Module is correct •…
  • Page 210
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Description Status Check the following points: No safety fault • r9772.1 = 0 (STO inactive) • r9772.2 = 0 (SS1 deselected) • r9772.14 = 0 • Check whether the motor involved rotates. If yes, check the following points: The cabling between the Control Unit and Power Module is correct •…
  • Page 211
    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Description Status Check the following points: No safety fault • r9772.4 = r9772.5 = 0 (SLS deselected and inactive) • Check whether the drive involved is running. If yes, check the following points: The cabling between the Control Unit and Power Module is correct •…
  • Page 212: Filling In The Acceptance Report

    Functions 5.12 Safety-related applications Filling in the acceptance report Parameters of the fail-safe functions Comparison value of the checksums checked? Control Unit Checksums Drive Checksums of the Control Unit Name Drive No. r9798 r9898 Data backup/archiving Storage medium Where is it kept Type Designation Date…

  • Page 213: Servicing And Maintenance

    Servicing and maintenance Behavior of the frequency inverter when replacing components Components should be replaced by the same type and the same version To ensure maximum plant availability, the Control Unit and the Power Module can, when required, be replaced by a unit of the same type and the version without having to recommission the drive.

  • Page 214
    Servicing and maintenance 6.1 Behavior of the frequency inverter when replacing components Replace a Power Module by the same type — Same power rating If you replace a Power Module by the same type and the same power, then re- parameterization is not required and you can acknowledge message F0395.
  • Page 215: Replacing The Control Unit Or Power Module

    Servicing and maintenance 6.2 Replacing the Control Unit or Power Module Replacing the Control Unit or Power Module Replacing the Control Unit When replacing components, ensure that you use the correct ones. Procedure when replacing a Control Unit 1. Disconnect the converter power supply. 2.

  • Page 217: Messages And Fault Codes

    Messages and fault codes Indicators (LEDs) Indicators, alarms, and fault codes The G120 converter features the following diagnostic indicators: ● LEDs on the Control Unit For a detailed overview of LED statuses, see «LED status indicators» (below). ● Fault and alarm numbers –…

  • Page 218
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Figure 7-1 Status LED on the CU240S, CU240S DP, CU240S DP-F, CU240S PN Frequency inverter Operating Instructions, 08.10. 2008, t.b.d.
  • Page 219
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Diagnostics via LEDs Note «—» signals that the LED state (on, off or flashing) is not relevant for the corresponding state. Statuses of standard CUs Prio SF (red) RDY (green) Commissioning On or off Flashing Firmware upgrade of MMC / parameter download On or off…
  • Page 220
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Statuses of fail-safe CUs Prio (red) (green) (red) (yellow) (yellow) (yellow) (yellow) Commissioning On or off Flashing On or off Safety commissioning On or off Flashing Flashing Flashing Flashing Flashing Firmware upgrade of MMC / On or off Flashing Flashing…
  • Page 221
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Diagnostics via alarm and fault numbers If an alarm or fault condition occurs, the OP displays the corresponding alarm or fault number. ● If an alarm is present, the converter continues to operate. ●…
  • Page 222
    Messages and fault codes 7.1 Indicators (LEDs) Reading messages The following parameters must be taken into account when alarms are processed: ● Stored in parameter r2110 under the code number; can be read (e.g. A0503 = 503). The value 0 indicates that no alarm is generated. The index allows you to access the two current alarms and the two previous alarms.
  • Page 223: Technical Data

    Technical data Technical data of the CU240S Technical data of the CU240S, CU240S DP, CU240S DP-F, CU240S PN and CU240S PN-F Feature Data Operating voltage Supply from the Power Module or an external 24 V DC supply (20.4 V to 28.8 V, 0.5 A) via control terminals 31 and 32 Heat loss <…

  • Page 224: Technical Data Of The Cu240E

    Technical data 8.2 Technical data of the CU240E Technical data of the CU240E CU240E Feature Data Operating voltage Supply from the Power Module Heat loss < 40W Setpoint resolution 0.01 Hz Digital inputs 6, floating; PNP/NPN switchable (dependent on the CU Low <…

  • Page 225: Common Technical Data, Pm240 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.3 Common technical data, PM240 Power Modules Common technical data, PM240 Power Modules PM240 Feature Version Line operating voltage 3 AC 380 V … 480 V ± 10% The permissible line operating voltage depends on the installation altitude Input frequency 47 Hz ……

  • Page 226: Technical Data, Pm240 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.4 Technical data, PM240 Power Modules Technical data, PM240 Power Modules General conditions The input currents specified for the PM240 Power Modules is the technical data apply for a 400V line supply with U = 1% referred to the frequency inverter power rating. When using a line reactor, the currents are reduced by a few percent.

  • Page 227
    Technical data 8.4 Technical data, PM240 Power Modules Table 8- 2 PM240 Frame Size B and C Order No., unfiltered 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 0BE22-2AA0 0BE23-0AA0 0BE24-0AA0 0BE25-5AA0 0BE27-5AA0 0BE31-1AA0 Order No., filtered 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 6SL3224- 0BE22-2UA0 0BE23-0UA0…
  • Page 228
    Technical data 8.4 Technical data, PM240 Power Modules Table 8- 3 PM240 Frame Size D and E Order No., unfiltered 6SL3224-0BE31- 6SL3224-0BE31- 6SL3224-0BE32- 6SL3224-0BE33- 6SL3224-0BE33- 5AA0 8AA0 2AA0 0AA0 7AA0 Order No., filtered 6SL3224-0BE31- 6SL3224-0BE31- 6SL3224-0BE32- 6SL3224-0BE33- 6SL3224-0BE33- 5UA0 8UA0 2UA0 0UA0 7UA0…
  • Page 229
    Technical data 8.4 Technical data, PM240 Power Modules Table 8- 4 PM240 Frame Size F Order No., unfiltered 6SL3224-0BE34- 6SL3224-0BE35- 6SL3224-0BE37- 6SL3224-0BE38- 6SL3224-0BE41- 5AA0 5AA0 5AA0 8UA0 1UA0 Order No., filtered 6SL3224-0BE34- 6SL3224-0BE35- 6SL3224-0BE37- 5UA0 5UA0 5UA0 Power rating for HO 45 kW / 60 PS 55 kW / 75 PS 75 kW / 100 PS…
  • Page 230: Common Technical Data, Pm250 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.5 Common technical data, PM250 Power Modules Common technical data, PM250 Power Modules PM250 Feature Version Line operating voltage 3 AC 380 V … 480 V ± 10% The permissible line operating voltage depends on the installation altitude Input frequency 47 Hz ……

  • Page 231: Technical Data, Pm250 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.6 Technical data, PM250 Power Modules Technical data, PM250 Power Modules PM250 Power Module Table 8- 6 PM250 Frame Size C and D Order No. 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 0BE25-5AA0 0BE27-5AA0 0BE31-1AA0 0BE31-5AA0 0BE31-8AA0 0BE32-2AA0 Power rating for 5.5 kW 7.5 kW 11.0 kW…

  • Page 232
    Technical data 8.6 Technical data, PM250 Power Modules Table 8- 7 PM240 Frame Size E and F Order No. 6SL3225-0BE33- 6SL3225-0BE33- 6SL3225-0BE34- 6SL3225-0BE35- 6SL3225-0BE37- 0AA0 7AA0 5AA0 5AA0 5AA0 Power rating for 30.0 kW / 40 PS 37.0 kW / 50.0 PS 45.0 kW / 60 PS 55.0 kW / 75 PS 75 kW / 100 PS…
  • Page 233: Common Technical Data, Pm260 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.7 Common technical data, PM260 Power Modules Common technical data, PM260 Power Modules PM260 Feature Version Line operating voltage 3 AC 660 V … 690 V ± 10% The permissible operating voltage depends on the installation altitude The power units can also be operated with a minimum voltage of 500 V – 10 %.

  • Page 234: Technical Data, Pm260 Power Modules

    Technical data 8.8 Technical data, PM260 Power Modules Technical data, PM260 Power Modules PM260 Power Module Table 8- 8 PM260 Frame Size D and F Order No., 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- 6SL3225- unfiltered 0BH27-5UA0 0BH31-1UA0 0BH31-5UA0 0BH32-2UA0 0BH33-0UA0 0BH33-7UA0 Order No., filtered 6SL3225- 6SL3225-…

  • Page 235: Index

    Index Download, 79, 80 Drive Data Set, DDS, 142 Drive Data Sets, 142 Access level, 76 Ambient temperature, 51 Analog inputs, 58, 98 Analog outputs, 58 EMC-compliant shielding, 40 Automatic restart, 136 Encoder, 59 Automatic Restart, 136 Encoder interface, 59 Environmental conditions, 76 Baud rates, 63 BICO technology, 16…

  • Page 236
    Index MMC memory card, 47, 80 Status word, 172 Motor connection, 39 Motor data, 50, 77 Motor rating plate, 50 Motor reactor, 27 Temperature monitoring, 117 Motor temperature sensor, 59 Three-wire control, 85 Tightening torques, 33, 34, 35, 36 TTL encoder, 115 Two-wire control, 85, 86 Output filter, 27 Output reactor, 30…
  • Page 238
    Siemens AG Subject to change without prior notice Industry Sector © Siemens AG 2008 P.O. Box 48 48 90026 NUREMBERG GERMANY…

Faults and Alarms


List of Faults and Alarms

Product: SINAMICS G120, Version: 4402100, Language: eng,

Objects: CU230P-2 CAN, CU230P-2 DP, CU230P-2 HVAC


Internal software error






An internal software error has occurred.

Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):

Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.


— evaluate fault buffer (r0945).

— carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.

— upgrade firmware to later version.

— contact the Hotline.

— replace the Control Unit.


FloatingPoint exception






An exception occurred during an operation with the FloatingPoint data type.

The error may be caused by the base system or an OA application (e.g., FBLOCKS, DCC).

Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):

Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.


Refer to r9999 for further information about this fault.

r9999[0]: Fault number.

r9999[1]: Program counter at the time when the exception occurred.

r9999[2]: Cause of the FloatingPoint exception.

Bit 0 = 1: Operation invalid

Bit 1 = 1: Division by zero

Bit 2 = 1: Overflow

Bit 3 = 1: Underflow

Bit 4 = 1: Imprecise result


— carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.

— check configuration and signals of the blocks in FBLOCKS.

— check configuration and signals of DCC charts.

— upgrade firmware to later version.

— contact the Hotline.


Internal software error






An internal software error has occurred.

Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):

Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.


— carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.

— upgrade firmware to later version.

— contact the Hotline.


Acknowledgement delay when accessing the memory






A memory area was accessed that does not return a «READY».

Fault value (r0949, interpret hexadecimal):

Only for internal Siemens troubleshooting.


— carry out a POWER ON (power off/on) for all components.

— contact the Hotline.


SINAMICS G120 Control Units CU230P-2 Parameter Manual (LH9), 01/2011

© Siemens AG 2011 All Rights Reserved

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