Selection does not contain a main type eclipse ошибка

I am trying to run some java files in a new project. So I make the project, put the files in it and I try to run the main file so my game starts.

I get an error that says selection does not contain a main type.

I have tried several ways to run it:

  • Some say to launch eclipse again, tried this a dozen times.
  • Somewhere else someone pointed to open a new project and make a build path to the old project.

Didn’t work either.

I am pretty sure it must work because I ran it a few hours ago at school. How do I get this working? Thank you in advance!

jww's user avatar


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asked Apr 25, 2013 at 21:38

user2321611's user avatar


Right click on the folder where you put your main class then click on Build Path —> Use as Source Folder.

Finally run your main file as java application. Hope this problem will be solved.

If the option ‘Use as Source Folder’ is not visible then inside the ‘Build Path’ select the option ‘Remove from Build Path’. This will allow ‘Use as Source Folder’ option to appear in the ‘Build Path’.

Community's user avatar

answered Apr 11, 2014 at 23:41

Rashid's user avatar


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The other answers are all valid, however, if you are still having a problem you might not have your class inside the src folder in which case Eclipse may not see it as part of the project. This would also invoke the same error message you have seen.

answered Sep 20, 2013 at 2:11

zen's user avatar


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I hope you are trying to run the main class in this way, see screenshot:
screenshot of Eclipse file context menu

If not, then try this way. If yes, then please make sure that your class you are trying to run has a main method, that is, the same method definition as below:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // some code here

I hope this will help you.

MC Emperor's user avatar

MC Emperor

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answered Apr 26, 2013 at 6:47

NoNaMe's user avatar


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The entry point for Java programs is the method:

public static void main(String[] args) {

If you do not have this, your program will not run.

answered Apr 25, 2013 at 22:02

I resolved this by adding a new source folder and putting my java file inside that folder. «source folder» is not just any folder i believe. its some special folder type for java/eclipse and can be added in eclipse by right-click on project -> properties -> Java buld path -> Source and add a folder

answered Apr 22, 2014 at 18:44

mishal153's user avatar


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Few things to check out:

  1. Do you have a main package? do all of your classes are under this package?
  2. Do you use a main class with public static void main(String[] args)?
  3. Do you declare: package ; in your main class?
  4. You can always clean the project before running it. In Eclipse — Just go to Project -> clean then run the app again.

answered Mar 6, 2014 at 15:15

Eyal Sooliman's user avatar

I ran into the same problem. I fixed by right click on the package -> properties -> Java Build Path -> Add folder (select the folder your code reside in).

answered Sep 1, 2014 at 17:30

Yang Zhang's user avatar


I am running eclipse from Ubuntu. Had this same problem and was able run the program through terminal. So I just moved the existing public static void main(String[] args) { just below the class declaration (it got automatically formatted by eclipse) and the next launch was successful. Then moved the main method back to where it was before and it worked fine this time.

answered Dec 30, 2015 at 18:47

hipokito's user avatar


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I had this problem in two projects. Maven and command line worked as expected for both. The problems were Eclipse specific. Two different solutions:
Project 1): Move the main method declaration to the top within the class, above all other declarations like fields and constructors. Crazy, but it worked.
Project 2): The solution for Project 1) did not remedy the problem. However, removing lombok imports and explicitly writing a getter method solved the problem

Eclipse and/or the lombok plugin have/has a bug.

answered Jun 1, 2019 at 19:06

Øyvind Roth's user avatar

Øyvind RothØyvind Roth

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Looks too late to answer but might help someone,

Having same problem i solved it by following steps:::::

Select Main class in eclipse then click on Window in menu bar,

Window-->Show view-->Select Outline

Right click on main(String[]):void then Run As —> java Application

Image reference for Running Main method

By doing this you can run the main method directly. This worked for me

answered Mar 20, 2021 at 4:59

Zakir Hussain's user avatar

Right Click > Run AS > Run Configurations

In this screen if your «Main class» Text field is empty, then add the class name by clicking «Search» button on the right side of the text field and choose the class file. And then click «Run» button on the bottom of the configuration screen. That’s it

answered Mar 4, 2019 at 5:32

Yithirash's user avatar


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  1. —> Right click on the projecct and select properties.
    enter image description here

  2. —> Select Java Build Path

enter image description here

  1. —> Select Source tab, see source folders on build path is pointing to your project/src path. If not, select Add folder and select the src folder.

enter image description here

  1. —> Under Default output folder see that it is pointing to your ProjectName/src

enter image description here

Solution — 2

Or Try this way —

answered Mar 4 at 18:55

S14321K's user avatar


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You must place all your files ( under the root folder SRC.

answered Feb 28, 2014 at 16:47

Dev M's user avatar

Dev MDev M

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Make sure the main in public static void main(String[] args) is lower case. For me it didn’t work when I had it with capital letter.

answered Sep 21, 2018 at 7:05

sander's user avatar


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Put your Main Java class file in src/main/java folder and check if there is not any error in ‘Java Build Path’ by following right click on project and select Java Build Path->Source.

Lalji Dhameliya's user avatar

answered May 15, 2019 at 5:41

Rajiv Ranjan's user avatar

If you are working with a Maven project you have to understand the fact that directory layout is bit different. In this the package name must be src/main/java.

For this update your source folder by right click on project root folder -> properties -> java build path -> source tab. Here remove all other source folders as they might have been added in wrong manner. Now, select project /src/main/java as the source folder. Add and apply the changes. Now refresh your workspace using F5.

This should fix the issue of not recognizing a main type.

answered Aug 14, 2019 at 5:03

Abhishek Rathore's user avatar

Abhishek RathoreAbhishek Rathore

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I ran into the same issue and found that there was an extra pair of braces (curly brackets) enclosing public static void main(String args) { … }. This method should really be at the top scope in the class and should not be enclosed around braces. It seems that it is possible to end up with braces around this method when working in Eclipse. This could be just one way you can see this issue when working with Eclipse. Happy coding!

answered Apr 30, 2014 at 6:50

shivesh suman's user avatar

I had this happen repeatedly after adding images to a project in Eclipse and making them part of the build path. The solution was to right-click on the class containing the main method, and then choose Run As -> Java Application. It seems that when you add a file to the build path, Eclipse automatically assumes that file is where the main method is. By going through the Run As menu instead of just clicking the green Run As button, it allows you to specify the correct entry-point.

answered May 26, 2014 at 5:42

Keven M's user avatar

Keven MKeven M

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When you save your file, make sure it has the extension .java. If it does not, Eclipse won’t know to read it as a java file.

answered Sep 8, 2014 at 13:07

KC McLaughlin's user avatar

I had this issue because the tutorial code I was trying to run wasn’t in the correct package even though I had typed in the package name at the top of each class.

I right-clicked each class, Refactor and Move To and accepted the package name suggestion.

Then as usual, Run AsJava Application.

And it worked :)

answered Jun 29, 2020 at 19:21

likejudo's user avatar


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You must check this as well, Go to Java build path -> config build path, check that JRE System Library [Java SE -version] is check marked, try running the code again. This fixed my issue.

answered Mar 2, 2021 at 16:26

Anshul Khatri's user avatar

In my case I was using ant to perform the build, and clearly had the class setup in the build.xml file:

<target name="jar">
  <jar destfile="ec-stats.jar" includes="bin/**,src/**">
        <attribute name="Main-Class" value="my.package.MyStatistics" />

But it still kept giving me the same error, until I right-clicked on the folder in Eclipse and chose Build Path -> Use As Source Folder.

enter image description here

See also Error: Selection does not contain a main type

answered Oct 18, 2021 at 18:51

user8128167's user avatar


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Solved the issue as following:

  1. Going in Properties of the Project
  • 1.1) Inside «Java Compiler»: chose the: «Compiler compliance level:» to a specific version of JDK (in my case I choosed 15)

  • 1.2) Inside «Java Build Path», in the tab «Libraries», at the Modulepath: change the «JRE System Library» to the same of the version you choosed at step 1.1 above (in my case I picked JDK 15)

  1. Run the java file that contains a main method

answered Oct 20, 2021 at 17:58

Lucas Favaro Borsatto's user avatar

This can be resolved in two steps if you are using Eclipse IDE.

👉 Step I: Right click on the project and click Maven > Choose Up-date Project

👉 Step II: Select the project the click Ok button

enter image description here

Hope this helps.✔

answered Mar 26, 2022 at 15:19

Syed Aaqib Hussain's user avatar

This error usually occurs because jdk is not selected for the project. I had the same problem and this worked for me.

Make sure that your class file is inside src folder then follow below steps

Step 1: Right click on project folder
Step 2: Build Path —> Configure Build Path
Step 3: Select «Java Build Path» from the left corner of the window
Step 4: Under «Order and Export» Tab
Step 5: Click on any of the jdk available check box to select it.
Step 6: Click on Apply and Close.

answered Oct 3, 2022 at 13:17

Pratik Chandra Tripathi's user avatar


This documentation aims to guide developers through the process of troubleshooting the "Selection does not contain a main type" error that occurs when running a Java program in Eclipse. Follow the step-by-step instructions to resolve this issue and learn more about potential causes and solutions in the FAQ section.

## Table of Contents

1. [Understanding the 'Selection Does Not Contain a Main Type' Issue](#understanding-the-selection-does-not-contain-a-main-type-issue)
2. [Step-by-Step Guide to Fix the Issue](#step-by-step-guide-to-fix-the-issue)
3. [FAQs](#faqs)
4. [Related Links](#related-links)

<a name="understanding-the-selection-does-not-contain-a-main-type-issue"></a>
## Understanding the 'Selection Does Not Contain a Main Type' Issue

The "Selection does not contain a main type" error occurs when Eclipse cannot find the main() method in the project files. This could be due to improper project configuration, missing or misplaced main() method, or issues with the build path. In order to resolve this issue, it is crucial to identify the root cause.

<a name="step-by-step-guide-to-fix-the-issue"></a>
## Step-by-Step Guide to Fix the Issue

Follow the steps below to troubleshoot and resolve the "Selection does not contain a main type" error:

### 1. Check the main() method

Make sure your Java program contains a valid main() method with the correct signature:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Your code here

2. Verify Project Configuration

Ensure that your project is configured as a Java project. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on your project in the Package Explorer.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. In the left panel, click on Project Facets.
  4. Check if Java is selected as a facet. If not, select it and click Apply and Close.

3. Configure the Build Path

Verify that your project’s build path is configured correctly:

  1. Right-click on your project in the Package Explorer.
  2. Select Build Path > Configure Build Path.
  3. In the Source tab, ensure that your project’s source folder is listed.
  4. In the Libraries tab, verify that the JRE System Library is included. If not, click Add Library and select JRE System Library.

4. Run the Java Program

After verifying the project configuration and build path, try running your Java program again:

  1. Right-click on your Java class containing the main() method in the Package Explorer.
  2. Select Run As > Java Application.

If the issue persists, refer to the FAQ section for more solutions.


What are other possible reasons for the «Selection does not contain a main type» error?

A corrupted Eclipse workspace, incorrect Run Configuration, or outdated JDK version could also cause this error.

How can I fix a corrupted Eclipse workspace?

To fix a corrupted workspace, you can create a new workspace and import your existing projects into it. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Eclipse and select File > Switch Workspace > Other.
  2. Create a new workspace and click OK.
  3. Import your existing projects by selecting File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.

How do I update my JDK version in Eclipse?

To update the JDK version in Eclipse, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the latest JDK version from the Oracle website.
  2. In Eclipse, go to Window > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs.
  3. Click Add and select Standard VM.
  4. Browse to the installed JDK directory and click Finish.
  5. Set the new JDK as the default JRE by selecting it and clicking Apply and Close.

How do I create a new Run Configuration for my Java program?

To create a new Run Configuration, follow these steps:

  1. In Eclipse, go to Run > Run Configurations.
  2. Right-click on Java Application and select New Configuration.
  3. Provide a name for the configuration and select your project.
  4. Choose the main class containing the main() method.
  5. Click Apply and then Run.

What if none of the solutions work?

If none of the solutions mentioned above work, consider reinstalling Eclipse or seeking help from the Eclipse Community Forums.

  1. Eclipse Official Documentation
  2. Oracle JDK Downloads
  3. Eclipse Community Forums

The Eclipse editor does not contain a main type sts and displays a mistake in your program when the Java file is not linked to the main class and source. Consequently, the Java program throws a code exception that obliterates your programming experience because there are no recent launches Eclipse Java.eclipse editor does not contain a main type

So, we wrote the detailed debugging main type guide, including advanced solutions and real-life instances we encounter daily. In addition, we will explain why the file in this editor is not runnable and blocks further code alterations and procedures.


  • Why Is the Eclipse Editor Does Not Contain a Main Type Bug Happening?
    • – The Main Method Is Missing From the Program
    • – Including an Undefined Build Path
  • Fix the Eclipse Editor Does Not Contain a Main Type: Common Methods
    • – Explicitly Adding the Main Method
  • Conclusion

Why Is the Eclipse Editor Does Not Contain a Main Type Bug Happening?

The selection does not contain a main type” – Eclipse Scala error happens when the Java file is not linked to the primary source. In addition, we have encountered the same exception when forgetting to declare the primary method in the program or application.

Unfortunately, you could not find or load main class Eclipse when the build path is located in the same folder you are working on. As you can tell, many possible culprits that force your program to display the error exist, especially in complex projects or applications.

The selection does not contain a main type and blocks further code alterations by affecting the classes and preventing the editor from carrying out the intended processes. Henceforth, editor could not be initialized. in Eclipse, which can discourage you and ruin your programming experience after spending weeks working on the same project.

Although we could list other instances for the selection does not contain a field Eclipse error, we will focus on the most typical causes. Fortunately, the debugging approaches solve all scripts and programs irrelevant to your application’s purposes and procedures.

In addition, the solutions are easy to replicate and reuse in your document, which is excellent when wanting to complete your forgotten project. First, we will help you recreate the exception using standard procedures to help you troubleshoot the document and pinpoint the cause.

– The Main Method Is Missing From the Program

This article’s first broken chapter explains why a missing primary method from your program launches the incorrect code exception. Unfortunately, this is the most typical culprit for the bug, which usually affects programs without correct procedures.Eclipse Editor Does Not Contain a Main Type Causes

So, the error appears when your syntax fails to interpret the existing class and read the primary method, confusing the application and launching an error. Although the absence does not affect other elements and processes, it can halt the program until removing the code exception.

Consequently, the system runs the program with interruptions and obstacles, ruining your developing or programming experience. In addition, learning about this cause does not require complex elements and tags so we will focus on the primary function.

Namely, we will show you a short code snippet with a single class that forces your application to display an invalid message.

The following example provides the Java code ruining your program:

public class Sample{

public static void main (String[] args){

System.out.println (“YOLO”);



This sample throws a mistake even after putting the property in a project folder with a good name. So, Eclipse has built-in Java properties, and Ubuntu is 64-bit, which is the perfect programming environment. Unfortunately, downloading the Eclipse Kepler file messes up the inputs that should launch the correct primary function.

But again, stay calm, although your document has different inputs, because each syntax is unique. Namely, the debugging methods solve the inconsistencies in each code snippet, although isolating the script is beneficial.

– Including an Undefined Build Path

The second broken instance launching this code exception and ruining your program includes undefined build paths. Namely, this is the second most common reason for the error, although we confirmed it in almost every failed property or Eclipse project on Java.

So, this cause revolves around the functions of the build path, which must have precise inputs and properties to render the functions and commands. Therefore, forgetting to set or misspell the functional build path’s location where the Java project exists, results in the annoying message confirming this error.

An adequate script that recreates this cause and displays the error does not exist because you must make changes inside the program. However, we encountered several scripts that launched the mistake from the same root, which we are willing to share.

For example, the application suggests programmers set the build path to the source folder of your leading directory because it represents the primary source for all procedures. In addition, it contains all program files and is designed to act as the default build path of every Java program or Eclipse project.

As a result, forgetting to set the correct location or misspelling the exact path blocks your program’s functions and halts further procedures. Luckily, the solutions we will explain and exemplify will not affect other elements and tags, although we suggest making the changes in a separate document.

In addition, the step-by-step debugging approaches should work for all versions because we confirmed the error in old and new programs.

Fix the Eclipse Editor Does Not Contain a Main Type: Common Methods

You can fix the eclipse editor does not contain a main type error by checking if you have the main method and, if not, providing the primary method. Additionally, you must place the command inside the class, completing the process. Furthermore, you can create a correct source folder.

As you can tell, all debugging principles revolve around the same code snippet containing essential values and properties.

Therefore, this chapter teaches you how to provide the build path in the correct source folder and fix the location. Luckily, the process consists of a few standard steps that are easy to replicate and implement in your program.

You can learn more about the quick solution in the following numbered list:

  1. Navigate to the project’s folder and right-click it
  2. Select the Properties tab
  3. Click on the Java Build Path that should pop up
  4. Locate and select the Sources tab on the top
  5. Create a new folder by clicking the Add Folder option on the right panel
  6. Select the folder and apply the changes

This list helps you create a specific source folder the system uses to launch the build path and avoid mistakes. As you can tell, these changes have nothing in common with the project’s script or syntax, and all the alterations you make, affect the program and its properties.

Henceforth, you can ensure nothing wrong happens to the other elements and values, keeping your application safe when applying the debugging approaches. Luckily, this is one of the many solutions you can use to fix the editor error and correct your program.

– Explicitly Adding the Main Method

This guide’s second debugging approach teaches you how to add the primary method explicitly to prevent further complications. As explained and confirmed in the former chapter, the system displays an error when forgetting to mention the leading practice in the application.Explicitly Adding the Main Method

Henceforth, you can implement it into the Java class after troubleshooting the syntax and ensuring this is the property you lack. This solution requires specific changes to the script or additions you can quickly make.

The following code snippet exemplifies the script you must add to your document:

public class example {

public static void main (String[]args) {

system.out.println (“Good Morning “) ;



Although you can change the values inside the print-in property to fit your application’s needs, the alterations will not affect the solution. Pasting the answer in the correct Java class is the only thing you must take care of because it can affect secondary processes.

For example, always introduce this command to the Java class lacking the primary method and blocking your code.


The Eclipse editor does not contain a main type and displays an error when the Java file is not linked to the source. Considering the sensitivity of the situation, we wrote this detailed debugging guide to help you remove the bug, so let’s summarize the facts:

  • A missing main method can cause the issue in all Java projects
  • You can recreate the code exception by including an undefined build path
  • Remember to apply the leading method approach inside the program
  • The primary build path has all your project’s Java files

After applying the solutions, you will fix your application and remove this annoying warning message. In addition, you will make the script future-proof due to the correct path.

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Problem Description:

I am trying to run some java files in a new project. So I make the project, put the files in it and I try to run the main file so my game starts.

I get an error that says selection does not contain a main type.

I have tried several ways to run it:

  • Some say to launch eclipse again, tried this a dozen times.
  • Somewhere else someone pointed to open a new project and make a build path to the old project.

Didn’t work either.

I am pretty sure it must work because I ran it a few hours ago at school. How do I get this working? Thank you in advance!

Solution – 1

The entry point for Java programs is the method:

public static void main(String[] args) {

If you do not have this, your program will not run.

Solution – 2

I hope you are trying to run the main class in this way, see screenshot:
screenshot of Eclipse file context menu

Your Go-To Resource for Learn & Build: CSS,JavaScript,HTML,PHP,C++ and MYSQL. Meet The Team

Position is Everything

Problem Description:

I am trying to run some java files in a new project. So I make the project, put the files in it and I try to run the main file so my game starts.

I get an error that says selection does not contain a main type.

I have tried several ways to run it:

  • Some say to launch eclipse again, tried this a dozen times.
  • Somewhere else someone pointed to open a new project and make a build path to the old project.

Didn’t work either.

I am pretty sure it must work because I ran it a few hours ago at school. How do I get this working? Thank you in advance!

Solution – 1

The entry point for Java programs is the method:

public static void main(String[] args) {

If you do not have this, your program will not run.

Solution – 2

I hope you are trying to run the main class in this way, see screenshot:

If not, then try this way. If yes, then please make sure that your class you are trying to run has a main method, that is, the same method definition as below:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // some code here

I hope this will help you.

Solution – 3

The other answers are all valid, however, if you are still having a problem you might not have your class inside the src folder in which case Eclipse may not see it as part of the project. This would also invoke the same error message you have seen.

Solution – 4

You must place all your files ( under the root folder SRC.

Solution – 5

Few things to check out:

  1. Do you have a main package? do all of your classes are under this package?
  2. Do you use a main class with public static void main(String[] args)?
  3. Do you declare: package ; in your main class?
  4. You can always clean the project before running it. In Eclipse – Just go to Project -> clean then run the app again.

Solution – 6

Right click on the folder where you put your main class then click on Build Path –> Use as Source Folder.

Finally run your main file as java application. Hope this problem will be solved.

If the option ‘Use as Source Folder’ is not visible then inside the ‘Build Path’ select the option ‘Remove from Build Path’. This will allow ‘Use as Source Folder’ option to appear in the ‘Build Path’.

Solution – 7

I resolved this by adding a new source folder and putting my java file inside that folder. “source folder” is not just any folder i believe. its some special folder type for java/eclipse and can be added in eclipse by right-click on project -> properties -> Java buld path -> Source and add a folder

Solution – 8

I ran into the same issue and found that there was an extra pair of braces (curly brackets) enclosing public static void main(String args) { … }. This method should really be at the top scope in the class and should not be enclosed around braces. It seems that it is possible to end up with braces around this method when working in Eclipse. This could be just one way you can see this issue when working with Eclipse. Happy coding!

Solution – 9

I had this happen repeatedly after adding images to a project in Eclipse and making them part of the build path. The solution was to right-click on the class containing the main method, and then choose Run As -> Java Application. It seems that when you add a file to the build path, Eclipse automatically assumes that file is where the main method is. By going through the Run As menu instead of just clicking the green Run As button, it allows you to specify the correct entry-point.

Solution – 10

I ran into the same problem. I fixed by right click on the package -> properties -> Java Build Path -> Add folder (select the folder your code reside in).

Solution – 11

When you save your file, make sure it has the extension .java. If it does not, Eclipse won’t know to read it as a java file.

Solution – 12

I am running eclipse from Ubuntu. Had this same problem and was able run the program through terminal. So I just moved the existing public static void main(String[] args) { just below the class declaration (it got automatically formatted by eclipse) and the next launch was successful. Then moved the main method back to where it was before and it worked fine this time.

Solution – 13

Make sure the main in public static void main(String[] args) is lower case. For me it didn’t work when I had it with capital letter.

Solution – 14

Right Click > Run AS > Run Configurations

In this screen if your “Main class” Text field is empty, then add the class name by clicking “Search” button on the right side of the text field and choose the class file. And then click “Run” button on the bottom of the configuration screen. That’s it

Solution – 15

Put your Main Java class file in src/main/java folder and check if there is not any error in ‘Java Build Path’ by following right click on project and select Java Build Path->Source.

Solution – 16

I had this problem in two projects. Maven and command line worked as expected for both. The problems were Eclipse specific. Two different solutions:
Project 1): Move the main method declaration to the top within the class, above all other declarations like fields and constructors. Crazy, but it worked.
Project 2): The solution for Project 1) did not remedy the problem. However, removing lombok imports and explicitly writing a getter method solved the problem

Eclipse and/or the lombok plugin have/has a bug.

Solution – 17

If you are working with a Maven project you have to understand the fact that directory layout is bit different. In this the package name must be src/main/java.

For this update your source folder by right click on project root folder -> properties -> java build path -> source tab. Here remove all other source folders as they might have been added in wrong manner. Now, select project /src/main/java as the source folder. Add and apply the changes. Now refresh your workspace using F5.

This should fix the issue of not recognizing a main type.

Solution – 18

I had this issue because the tutorial code I was trying to run wasn’t in the correct package even though I had typed in the package name at the top of each class.

I right-clicked each class, Refactor and Move To and accepted the package name suggestion.

Then as usual, Run AsJava Application.

And it worked :)

Solution – 19

You must check this as well, Go to Java build path -> config build path, check that JRE System Library [Java SE -version] is check marked, try running the code again. This fixed my issue.

Solution – 20

Looks too late to answer but might help someone,

Having same problem i solved it by following steps:::::

Select Main class in eclipse then click on Window in menu bar,

Window-->Show view-->Select Outline

Right click on main(String[]):void then Run As –> java Application

Image reference for Running Main method

By doing this you can run the main method directly. This worked for me

Solution – 21

In my case I was using ant to perform the build, and clearly had the class setup in the build.xml file:

<target name="jar">
  <jar destfile="ec-stats.jar" includes="bin/**,src/**">
        <attribute name="Main-Class" value="my.package.MyStatistics" />

But it still kept giving me the same error, until I right-clicked on the folder in Eclipse and chose Build Path -> Use As Source Folder.

enter image description here

See also Error: Selection does not contain a main type

Solution – 22

Solved the issue as following:

  1. Going in Properties of the Project
  • 1.1) Inside «Java Compiler»: chose the: «Compiler compliance level:» to a specific version of JDK (in my case I choosed 15)

  • 1.2) Inside «Java Build Path», in the tab «Libraries», at the Modulepath: change the «JRE System Library» to the same of the version you choosed at step 1.1 above (in my case I picked JDK 15)

  1. Run the java file that contains a main method

Solution – 23

This can be resolved in two steps if you are using Eclipse IDE.

👉 Step I: Right click on the project and click Maven > Choose Up-date Project

Error: Selection does not contain a main type

👉 Step II: Select the project the click Ok button

enter image description here

Hope this helps.✔

Solution – 24

This error usually occurs because jdk is not selected for the project. I had the same problem and this worked for me.

Make sure that your class file is inside src folder then follow below steps

Step 1: Right click on project folder
Step 2: Build Path –> Configure Build Path
Step 3: Select «Java Build Path» from the left corner of the window
Step 4: Under «Order and Export» Tab
Step 5: Click on any of the jdk available check box to select it.
Step 6: Click on Apply and Close.

Я загрузил eclipse-jee-kepler-SR1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz. Это затмение встроено с java, а мой Lubuntu — 64-битный. Всякий раз, когда я компилирую и запускаю простой код в java, как показано ниже:

public class Sample{

   public static void main(String[] args){

Я всегда получаю Editor does not contain a main type.
Я помещаю файл в папку проекта с именем Sample. Это затмение должно скомпилировать java-код, потому что его дистрибутив IDE специализируется на java.

Как я могу решить эту ошибку?

Любая помощь будет высоко оценена.

Здесь моя структура проекта:
Изображение 41694

09 июнь 2014, в 12:08



15 ответов

Я подозреваю, что проблема заключается в том, что должен находиться в пакете внутри папки src.

Я думаю, что затмение не будет автоматически смотреть за пределы.

09 июнь 2014, в 11:29


У меня была такая же проблема. Это будет звучать безумно, но если кто-то увидит это, попробуйте это до решительных мер. удалить подпись метода:

public static void main(String args[])

(Не является телом объявления основного простого метода)

Сохраните проект, а затем повторно напишите заголовок метода обратно на его соответствующий корпус. Сохраните снова и снова запустите. Это сработало для меня, но если он не работает, попробуйте еще раз, но очистите проект прямо перед повторным запуском.

Я не знаю, как это исправлено, но это произошло. Стоит ли задуматься, прежде чем воссоздать весь проект?

23 март 2015, в 07:15


Проблема в том, что ваша папка не идентифицирована как папка источника.

  1. Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши папку проекта → Свойства
  2. Выберите «Java Build Path»
  3. Нажмите на вкладку «Источники» вверху
  4. Нажмите «Добавить папку» на правой панели
  5. Выберите свои папки и примените

29 апр. 2018, в 14:34


Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши свой проект > Запустить как > Запустить конфигурацию… > Приложение Java (в левой боковой панели) — дважды щелкните по нему. Это создаст новую конфигурацию. нажмите кнопку поиска в разделе «Основной класс» и выберите из него свой основной класс.

Ninad Pingale
09 июнь 2014, в 10:18


Для меня запись classpath в файле .classpath не указывает на нужное место. После изменения его в <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8"/> исправлена проблема

Siva Srinivas
15 май 2018, в 18:58


Изображение 141080

Создать исходную папку в разделе Ресурсы Java
Изображение 141081

10 фев. 2015, в 11:13


Убедитесь, что вы выполняете как > Java-приложение.

Если нет, вы можете попробовать Project > Clean

Еще несколько вопросов, которые касаются этого, которые могут быть полезны,
Обратитесь к этому вопросу

09 июнь 2014, в 10:20


Сначала найдите основной метод или нет. Если он есть, перезапустите свое затмение и щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на странице с основным методом. Перейдите в качестве приложения Java.

Sudhir Gaurav
13 июнь 2018, в 20:56


Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на своем проекте, выберите «Создать» → «Исходная папка»

Введите имя src as Folder, затем нажмите «Готово».

Затем Eclipse распознает папку src как содержащую Java-код, и вы должны иметь возможность настроить конфигурацию прогона

Brendan Cody-Kenny
03 март 2018, в 22:18


Я установил Eclipse и создал проект Java.
Создал новый файл Java за пределами каталога src и попытался запустить его.
У меня такая же ошибка: «Редактор не содержит основного типа».
Я просто переместил java файл в папку src и мог просто запустить программу.
Я не мог понять, что другие ответы просят попробовать. Это было так просто.

Piyush Aggarwal
28 дек. 2017, в 12:02


Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на файле и удалите его. Теперь перейдите в File → New → Class, введите имя программы (например, hello), нажмите «Готово». Он создаст файл Введите исходный код программы и окончательно нажмите ctrl + F11

Изображение 141082

Изображение 141083

Pavan Yogi
06 окт. 2017, в 06:05


У меня была такая же проблема. Я случайно удалил файл .classpath и .project в моей рабочей области. К счастью, это было в корзине, как только оно было восстановлено, проблем не было.

Pradeep AR
05 авг. 2017, в 23:15


В идеале исходный код должен находиться в пакете src/default, даже если вы не указали имя пакета. По какой-то причине исходный файл может находиться вне папки src. Создайте в папке scr, он будет работать!

Shiyas Cholamukhath
01 авг. 2017, в 07:47


поместите основной класс метода в папку src (в среде Eclipse).

Kranthi kiran
16 апр. 2018, в 10:15


Просто измените «String [] args» на «String args []».

Sonu Mishra
31 дек. 2017, в 09:23


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