Security spp код ошибки 0x80041315



To Fix (Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Шаг 1:

(Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.) Repair Tool

Шаг 2:

Нажмите «Scan» кнопка

Шаг 3:

Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер: 6MB
Требования: Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Ошибка 0x80041315: служба планировщика заданий не запущена. обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running. then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running. that you may receive.

Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-01-23 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.?
  •   2. Causes of Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.?
  •   3. More info on Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.

Meaning of Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.?

Ошибка или неточность, вызванная ошибкой, совершая просчеты о том, что вы делаете. Это состояние неправильного суждения или концепции в вашем поведении, которое позволяет совершать катастрофические события. В машинах ошибка — это способ измерения разницы между наблюдаемым значением или вычисленным значением события против его реального значения.

Это отклонение от правильности и точности. Когда возникают ошибки, машины терпят крах, компьютеры замораживаются и программное обеспечение перестает работать. Ошибки — это в основном непреднамеренные события. В большинстве случаев ошибки являются результатом плохого управления и подготовки.

Causes of Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on
Error 0x80041315: Task scheduler service is not running.

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.

Compaq presario 7550, Year 2004

I tried to get this service running.
The specific error is: 0x80041315: enabling my task scheduler. — without xp cd. Thank you in advance for suggestions helping to schedule an antivirus full scan.

xp — service pack3 — Need help Scheduler service is not running.

Планировщик заданий (Window) — новая задача была создана, но может не выполняться, потому что данные учетной записи не могут быть установлены.
Disk Defragmenter — cannot start… task scheduler service not running

I thought about restarting the service Start the task scheduler service and try again.»

I but the option is greyed out. I rebooted my PC several times and would be appreciated. This is definitely a first, I opened the Task Scheduler program, but neither helped.


обычно дефрагментируют примерно раз в месяц …

I went to open up Disk Defragmenter today and it gave me went into services.msc and Task Scheduler was already running. Any help this error:

«Disk Defragmenter cannot start because the task scheduler service is not running.

Планировщик заданий — запуск триггера бездействия — задача вместо запуска

У меня есть задача, которая запускает очень простую командную строку и активируется без проблем. скрипт для блокировки компьютера, если он был бездействующим для минут 15. Я могу нажать пробег

Task Scheduler service has encountered RPC initialization error in «RpcServerUseProtseq:ncacn_ip_tcp». Additional Data: Error Va

RPC initialization error in «RpcServerUseProtseq:ncacn_ip_tcp». Additional Data: Error Value: 1720. �

Служба планировщика заданий столкнулась с Ultimate и является администратором моего ящика.



vinver: 6.0.6001.1800

У меня Windows Vista

Как показать окно командной строки при запуске задачи в планировщике заданий?

In Windows task Scheduler there is a the program runs automatically via Task Scheduler, if this is possible. It will run in the Command Prompt Window until box called «Hidden», this box is unchecked. It runs automatically command prompt and typing in «Zap2xml -u myemail -p mypassword». For example, I have a program called «Zap2xml» that collects TV EPG data.

Is there a way to make the «Command Prompt» window finished (and then shows the number of successful lookups). Thanks

один раз в день. Я также могу запустить его вручную, открыв я хотел бы увидеть это окно командной строки, когда нужно просмотреть ход выполнения задачи.

Я хотел бы показать, когда у меня есть задача, запущенная в планировщике задач Windows?

Планировщик заданий: отключить текущую задачу после пропущенного триггера

Error: «Task Scheduler service is not available.»

Что мне делать?? ничего не исправить. Поиск Sfc / scannow

Спасибо за предложения,
камень Шпехт

Привет, попробуйте это: перейдите по ссылке:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services Schedule
Найти начало DWORD
Это 2?

Error: «Task Scheduler service is not available.»

ничего не исправить. Спасибо за предложения,
камень Шпехт

Привет, попробуйте это: перейдите по ссылке:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Services Schedule
Найти начало DWORD
Это 2? Sfc / scannow находит, что я делаю ??

Что должно

Как заставить Task Scheduler прекратить выполнение удаленной задачи

Привет У кого-нибудь есть оригинальная Задача, я удалил ее, построил новый и перезагрузил. Вы можете проверить, есть ли дополнительная странная часть.

Я искал дни, пытаясь без предупреждения, и у меня не было текущей резервной копии.

Когда произошел сбой, у меня была задача создать идеи для решения этой проблемы? в ошибке все еще существует! Кроме того, вы проверили, в представлении планировщика заданий, который сделал резервную копию выбранного набора файлов. И еще страннее, каталог с именем

Задачи Планировщика заданий определить, как исправить эту проблему. Теперь для мышления может произойти сбой в планировщике заданий из модификации, которые находятся в папке C: Windows System32 Tasks. После внесения этих изменений задача там не отображается в планировщике задач.

Диски хранения ПК, чтобы отключить загрузку всех функций резервного копирования на NAS. Мой плохой, но, к счастью, это был не системный диск, поэтому проверяется планировщик задач, показывающий скрытые задачи?

Это произошло, когда жесткий диск разбился и приветствовал. Я смог восстановиться с диска, просто умирающего.

В планировщике заданий нет заданий, ссылающихся на каталог в ошибке, и поиск в реестре не показывает ссылки нигде в этом же каталоге. Во время фазы восстановления я установил NAS и реорганизовал все мои задачи, которые работают нормально.

Планировщик заданий: запуск пропущенной задачи, когда она не должна?

Then I wake it up However, the next morning when I come to that computer and wake it day, so I set the sleep time to «Never» in Power Settings. However, I want it to automatically fall asleep at again and it stays on. Why does when I wake the computer the next morning?

Я всегда пробуждаю его, когда это необходимо, и спокойно игнорирую пропущенные попытки выполнить эту задачу?

Looking into the Task Scheduler reveals that Task Scheduler actually decides to run this task immediately after I wake up the computer, thus putting it back to sleep. What else do I need to specify to make Task Scheduler 9PM (if at the time it is not sleeping already). I believe my set of settings is telling Task Scheduler not to possible after a scheduled start is missed» flag is also cleared.

I made sure that «Wake the computer try to run this task if the original scheduled time (9PM) is missed. I also made sure that «Run task as soon as supposed to stay in sleep mode most of the time. I don’t want it to fall asleep by itself during the it back to sleep when it is no longer needed. up for the first time, it wakes up and then immediately falls asleep again.

I have a secondary computer in the network, which is to run this task» flag is cleared. Why then does it attempt to run it this happen?

Task Scheduler Service 14/4/06

to Task Scheduler and double click it. Start, Run, typeservices.mscand click OK.Scroll down Click the Start button to start the the Services window.
Click OK and close Task Scheduler and change Startup Type To Automatic.

Task Scheduler service is not available

Task scheduler will attemp name of the computer.

However, a popup appears with the occured for task reminders — jack.error message:

the specified account name is invalid. Also the to reconnect to it. Thanks

Have you recently changed the name of your computer?

Even though it works after clicking OK twice, I would like following:

task scheduler service is not available. I then click OK and then the task scheduler screen works okay.

when I enter task scheduler and press enter, the screen comes up. Not your account name but the to fix the

problem if I could, Any help would be appricated.

I then click on OK and the followng popup appears:

an error service is running. Tried running as administrator, tried with UAC off and still get the

same messages.

Task Scheduler Service is off

I keep getting messages that TO: Modify a Scheduled Task to Repeat By Minutes or Hours

  I am operating a Compaq PC with Windows ME and I can not get the scheduled tasks to operate. How do I trun this thing back on?

  Попробуйте эту статью:

HOW the Task Scheduler Service is off.

Планировщик заданий не запускает задачу при загрузке

Я нашел правильное событие в Event Viewer (Kernel-General, Идентификатор события: 12). Я сказал: давайте

Hi! and created a task via «Attach Task to This Event» right-click option. But, it didn’t use Task Scheduler.

Я не изменил никаких настроек по умолчанию; скрипт каждый раз, когда мой компьютер включается. сегодня утром. Это очень просто: я пытаюсь запустить работу после сна, работает отлично, никаких проблем.

планировщик задач не запускает пропущенную задачу

Компьютерные форумы

Планировщик заданий — Время пробуждения не запускается, если диспетчер задач не открывается. Но если компьютер не включен в программу, она работает.

Когда я устанавливаю планировщик задач

My Task Scheduler Service will not turn on

Manual/autoi hate computers!but to try multiple times. And setting it enable it have you tried turning it on in services? My Task Scheduler Service is disabled and I cant cant help myself….

Task Scheduler Service will not start

Hello, I just noticed this happening within the past week.  I am running Windows 7 Home Premium SP1.

Служба планировщика задач Win7

Are grayed out set to auto-run but all the options to start/stop etc. That’s not normal, is it?

  I believe it and can’t change anything.

Я запустил services.msc и вижу, что моя служба планировщика заданий — да, почему вы беспокоитесь об этом?

Want an advice against ‘Task Scheduler’ Service!

Most of what it finds will be harmless or required by the system. Could it result in with Windows not updating itself for the latest patch?

Task Scheduler Service don’t start

Please help me, I do not configured to run in does not implement the service. Error 1083: The executable program that this service is what happend with this error.

How to Stop the service Task Scheduler


I am using prompt —> net stop task scheduler. But it Task Scheduler service using command prompt? How do I stop the didnt work. I triedthis in the command

Любые решения? С Уважением,

  Win XP Sp2.

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  • This error occurs 24 hours a day every 30 seconds.  16,432 times in 7 days.  Win X 64 build 1709.  Hardware is reported 100% functional by MEMTEST & every integrity testing program I can throw at it.  Drivers are updated from the
    MANF (mobo too) as is firmware/bios.  HWmonitor and Coretemp report perfect temps.  100% fresh reinstall on 11/2/2017.  For 6-8 months this PC has been running slow/sluggish.  I do not know if this error is the cause or a symptom. Computer
    was updated from Win8 to Win 10 about 1 yr ago.  The disk resources have been spiking/being hijacked and hitting 100% (Task Manager DISK 100%) for last 6-8 months (it feels like something is stealing them). 

    Both of these are known issues.  The Security-SPP error reporting in my event log was supposed to have been fixed in 2015-2016 with a windows update.  The other has been known since Win8 (disk resources).  I’ve done all the bandaid fixes for
    disk resources (ReinstalledWin, Disable SuperFetch, Removed Skype, Shut Off Notifications, Made proper registry changes, Scandisk, Tweeked Virtual Memory and 1-2 others)

    Here is what I have tried for the Security SPP error:

    My Task scheduler is set to automatic «Services.msc»

    When I look at computer management tool (Computer manager) and try to navigate to Task Scheduler….  I receive a dialogue box saying the remote computer is not connected («press ok») In the middle pane it says, «Reading Data Failed». 
    When I click the right pane it says, «The task scheduler service is not running.»  BUT IT IS, I see it «Automatic», yes it is stopped.  Though in services it is set to Automatic.

    Someone suggested something about folder permissions I did not understand.  It lacks some type of network permissions?

    Both can be caused by a virus it seems.  I’ve ran all general MS virus/maleware programs.  I received help at Malewarebytes/bleeping computer forums (I am most likely clean they say).  I am no one important so rule out an APT/UEFI type attack,
    right?  No critical errors, 182 warnings and 1 audit failure in the last 7 days (event viewer)

    Computer Age: 2-3 yrs w/new component (HD, Ram, CD, VideoCard installed 6-12 mo ago)

    Win 10 x64 1709 — Freshly 
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460  CPU @ 3.20GHz
    (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz (Used Intel website to verify current)

    Memory: 8192MB RAM
       Available OS Memory: 8124MB RAM
            Page File: 8204MB used, 2711MB available

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (up to date)

    Hard Drive WDC WD10EZEX-08M2NA0
    927.0 GB Total 414 GB Free)

    Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller

    Lenovo mobo  I1KT38AUS (Bios up to date — drivers up to date))

    • Edited by

      Friday, November 17, 2017 3:50 PM

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  • This error occurs 24 hours a day every 30 seconds.  16,432 times in 7 days.  Win X 64 build 1709.  Hardware is reported 100% functional by MEMTEST & every integrity testing program I can throw at it.  Drivers are updated from the
    MANF (mobo too) as is firmware/bios.  HWmonitor and Coretemp report perfect temps.  100% fresh reinstall on 11/2/2017.  For 6-8 months this PC has been running slow/sluggish.  I do not know if this error is the cause or a symptom. Computer
    was updated from Win8 to Win 10 about 1 yr ago.  The disk resources have been spiking/being hijacked and hitting 100% (Task Manager DISK 100%) for last 6-8 months (it feels like something is stealing them). 

    Both of these are known issues.  The Security-SPP error reporting in my event log was supposed to have been fixed in 2015-2016 with a windows update.  The other has been known since Win8 (disk resources).  I’ve done all the bandaid fixes for
    disk resources (ReinstalledWin, Disable SuperFetch, Removed Skype, Shut Off Notifications, Made proper registry changes, Scandisk, Tweeked Virtual Memory and 1-2 others)

    Here is what I have tried for the Security SPP error:

    My Task scheduler is set to automatic «Services.msc»

    When I look at computer management tool (Computer manager) and try to navigate to Task Scheduler….  I receive a dialogue box saying the remote computer is not connected («press ok») In the middle pane it says, «Reading Data Failed». 
    When I click the right pane it says, «The task scheduler service is not running.»  BUT IT IS, I see it «Automatic», yes it is stopped.  Though in services it is set to Automatic.

    Someone suggested something about folder permissions I did not understand.  It lacks some type of network permissions?

    Both can be caused by a virus it seems.  I’ve ran all general MS virus/maleware programs.  I received help at Malewarebytes/bleeping computer forums (I am most likely clean they say).  I am no one important so rule out an APT/UEFI type attack,
    right?  No critical errors, 182 warnings and 1 audit failure in the last 7 days (event viewer)

    Computer Age: 2-3 yrs w/new component (HD, Ram, CD, VideoCard installed 6-12 mo ago)

    Win 10 x64 1709 — Freshly 
    Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460  CPU @ 3.20GHz
    (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz (Used Intel website to verify current)

    Memory: 8192MB RAM
       Available OS Memory: 8124MB RAM
            Page File: 8204MB used, 2711MB available

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (up to date)

    Hard Drive WDC WD10EZEX-08M2NA0
    927.0 GB Total 414 GB Free)

    Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller

    Lenovo mobo  I1KT38AUS (Bios up to date — drivers up to date))

    • Edited by

      Friday, November 17, 2017 3:50 PM

How to fix the issue reported by «error code 0x80041315»

Special Offer


The following steps should fix the 0x80041315 issue:

  • Step 1.Download Outbyte PC Repair application See more information about Outbyte uninstall instructions EULA Privacy Policy
  • Step 2.Install and launch the application
  • Step 3.Click the Scan Now button to detect issues and abnormalities
  • Step 4.Click the Repair All button to fix the issues
Compatibility Win 11, 10, 8, 7
Download Size 21.2 MB
Requirements 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB RAM, 50 MB HDD

Limitations: trial version offers an unlimited number of scans, backups and restores of your Windows system elements for free. Registration for the full version starts from USD 29.95.

Installation: When you install software, it gives our advertisers a chance to speak to you. ALL OFFERS ARE OPTIONAL. There is no obligation to accept. Simply choose to decline the offer if you are not interested. If you are interested and choose to accept, you’ll help us to offer more software in the future. Again, there is no obligation to accept any offers. You have the option to decline all advertisements and still install and use the software for free.

Web Companion is your first line of defence. With hundreds of thousands of new virus strands created every day, Ad-Aware Web Companion is the perfect complement to your antivirus and web browser security.

A malfunction reported by «error code 0x80041315» may happen due to a number of different factors. Common causes include incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the system elements, to name a few. Such issues may be resolved with special software that repairs system elements and tunes system settings to restore stability.

The article provides details on what the issue means, potential causes, and ways to resolve the issue.

  • 1Meaning of the «error code 0x80041315»
  • 2Causes of the «error code 0x80041315»
  • 3Ways to repair the «error code 0x80041315»

Meaning of the «error code 0x80041315»

«Error code 0x80041315» is an issue name that usually contains details of the malfunction, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned, along with some other information. The numerical code in the issue name usually contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The issue with using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the issue cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of the «error code 0x80041315»

If you have received this warning on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. «Error code 0x80041315» is one of the issues that users get as a result of the incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your system elements, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or system element entry, as well as a number of other causes.

Ways to repair the «error code 0x80041315»

For an immediate fix of such issues, advanced PC users may be able to repair it by manually editing system elements, and others may want to hire a technician to do it for them. However, since any manipulations with Windows system elements carry a risk of rendering the operating system unbootable, whenever a user is in any doubt of their technical skills or knowledge, they should use a special type of software that is meant to repair Windows system elements without requiring any special skills from the user.

The following steps should help fix the issue:

  • Download Outbyte PC Repair application Special offer. See more information about Outbyte uninstall instructions EULA Privacy Policy
  • Install and launch the application
  • Click the Scan Now button to detect potential issue causes
  • Click the Repair All button to fix found abnormalities

The same application can be used to run preventative measures to reduce the chance of this or other system issues appearing in the future.

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  • Hi!  Not sure what to do.  No one is helping.  Microsoft Community (MS REPS?) on answers said to come here.  If this category / forum needs changed let me know. I had pictures but can not post them.  An error is being reported
    every 30 seconds.  23,000 times in 9 days now.

    Windows 10 x64.  On 11/2/2017 I upgraded to build 1709.  I did a fresh install because my computer was running sluggish/slow.  It felt like resources were being ‘hijacked’.  I do not know if this ‘bug’ was causing the ‘slow’.
    I identified this problem about 9 days ago.  I have unsuccessfully been attempting to fix my computer since 11/2/2017.  Error appearing in my Event viewer every 30 seconds 24 hours a day for over (at least) 9 days.  It is happening 23,000 a
    week now.

    [ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP
    [ Guid] {E23B33B0-C8C9-472C-A5F9-F2BDFEA0F156}
    [ EventSourceName] Software Protection Platform Service

    Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start at 2117-10-26T07:02:54Z. Error Code: 0x80041315.

    This is a family home-pc. Typical home network. I have made no major changes & all hardware, drivers & bios/firmware report great; functional.  It might have something to do with
    time zones?  I do not understand how to implement the fix (what do I change my TZ too?). 
    OR «task scheduler?»  My task scheduler is set to automatic and stopped right now.  When I tried to make changes to ‘task scheduler’ it said that another computer was not connected (I can not recall the
    exact error).

    I will follow all advice you have.  I am not stupid, though not a computer expert.  I can follow any instructions even if I do not fully understand them.  My daughter uses this PC for school too.  I bet it is a simple fix. 
    At this point I will just do as suggested/told.
    I am almost 4 weeks into trying to fix this.  If you help and can, please follow up or stay with me — I am stuck, with no help.  TY.

    • Edited by

      Sunday, November 19, 2017 4:15 PM

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