Scanner cannot be resolved to a type ошибка

I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 and I’m taking a course in Java so I figured why not install a IDE while I am installing it. So I pick my IDE of choice, Eclipse, and I make a very simple program, Hello World, to make sure everything is running smoothly. When I go to use Scanner for user input I get a very odd error:

My code:

import java.util.Scanner;

class test { public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("hi"); } }

The output:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems: 
    Scanner cannot be resolved to a type
    Scanner cannot be resolved to a type

   at test.main(

asked Sep 17, 2008 at 3:05

Austin's user avatar


The Scanner class is new in Java 5. I do not know what Hardy’s default Java environment is, but it is not Sun’s and therefore may be outdated.

I recommend installing the package sun-java6-jdk to get the most up-to-date version, then telling Eclipse to use it.

answered Sep 17, 2008 at 3:08

Thomas's user avatar


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If you are using a version of Java before 1.5, java.util.Scanner doesn’t exist.

Which version of the JDK is your Eclipse project set up to use?

Have a look at Project, Properties, Java Build Path — look for the ‘JRE System Library’ entry, which should have a version number next to it.

answered Sep 17, 2008 at 3:10

tgdavies's user avatar


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It could also be that although you are have JDK 1.5 or higher, the project has some specific settings set that tell it to compile as 1.4. You can test this via Project >> Properties >> Java Compiler and ensure the «Compiler Compliance Level» is set to 1.5 or higher.

answered Sep 17, 2008 at 12:18

Lee Theobald's user avatar

Lee TheobaldLee Theobald

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I know, It’s quite a while since the question was posted. But the solution may still be of interest to anyone out there. It’s actually quite simple…

Under Ubuntu you need to set the java compiler «javac» to use sun’s jdk instead of any other alternative. The difference to some of the answers posted so far is that I am talking about javac NOT java. To do so fire up a shell and do the following:

  1. As root or sudo type in at command line:

# update-alternatives --config javac

  1. Locate the number pointing to sun’s jdk, type in this number, and hit «ENTER».

  2. You’re done! From now on you can enjoy java.util.Scanner under Ubuntu.

System.out.println("Say thank you, Mr.");
Scanner scanner = java.util.Scanner(;
String thanks =;
System.out.println("Your welcome.");

You imported Scanner but you’re not using it. You’re using Scanner, which requires user inputs. You’re trying to print out one thing, but you’re exposing the your program to the fact that you are going to use your own input, so it decides to print «Hello World» after you give a user input. But since you are not deciding what the program will print, the system gets confused since it doesn’t know what to print. You need something like int a=sc.nextInt(); or String b=sc.nextLine(); and then give your user input. But you said you want Hello World!, so Scanner is redundant.

answered Mar 31, 2020 at 20:42

boi yeet's user avatar


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Input seconds: ");
        int num = in.nextInt();

        for (int i = 1; i <=num; i++) {



csalmhof's user avatar


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answered Jun 17, 2021 at 7:37

ailar's user avatar


11 bronze badge


You have not assigned any value to the scanner variable, the first step to using a scanner is importing the library, then assigning the scanner a variable like «sc» or «keyboard» (which I use), then assign something the scanner variable.

Step by step breakdown:

You are missing:

import java.util.Scanner; 

This is the first step, always remember

Then do this:

Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

Lastly, assign the «sc» to something, either a string or Int variables.

For example:

int number = sc.nextInt();


String x =;

Note: You need to understand what the scanner variables are for every type of variable you assign for example string or Int.

For String it is:;

For Int:


Same goes for double, float…etc, just change the Int to what you want

In the end, your code should look something like this:

import java.util.Scanner;
public class mama {
public static void main(String[] args) {        
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
    System.out.print("Enter desired input");
    int input = sc.nextInt();

If you are a Java developer, you might have come across the error message «Scanner cannot be resolved to a type.» This error occurs when the Java compiler cannot find the Scanner class, which is used to read input from the user.

Fortunately, this error is easy to fix, and in this guide, we will provide you with a step-by-step solution to resolve this error.

Step 1: Check if the Java Development Kit (JDK) is Installed

Before we start fixing the error, we need to ensure that the Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed on your computer. You can check if the JDK is installed by following these steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt or Terminal.
  2. Type «java -version» and press Enter.
  3. If the JDK is installed, it will display the version of Java that is installed on your computer.

If the JDK is not installed, you can download it from the official Oracle website.

Step 2: Check if the Scanner Class is Imported

The next step is to check if the Scanner class is imported in your Java program. The Scanner class is part of the java.util package, and you need to import it to use it in your program.

To import the Scanner class, add the following code at the beginning of your Java file:

import java.util.Scanner;

If the Scanner class is already imported, you can skip this step and move on to the next one.

Step 3: Check if the Classpath is Set

If the Scanner class is imported, but you are still getting the «Scanner cannot be resolved to a type» error, it might be because the classpath is not set correctly.

The classpath is a parameter that tells the Java compiler where to find the external libraries that your program uses. To set the classpath, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt or Terminal.
  2. Type «set classpath=» and press Enter.
  3. Type the path to the directory where the external library is located and press Enter.

For example, if the external library is located in the «lib» directory, you can set the classpath by typing:

set classpath=C:pathtolib

After setting the classpath, try compiling your Java program again. If the error still persists, move on to the next step.

Step 4: Check if the Java Compiler Version is Correct

If the above steps did not resolve the error, it might be because you are using an outdated version of the Java compiler.

To check the version of the Java compiler, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt or Terminal.
  2. Type «javac -version» and press Enter.
  3. If the version of the Java compiler is outdated, you need to update it to the latest version.

You can download the latest version of the Java compiler from the official Oracle website.


Q1. What is the Scanner class in Java?

The Scanner class is a class in the java.util package that is used to read input from the user.

Q2. Why am I getting the «Scanner cannot be resolved to a type» error?

You are getting this error because the Java compiler cannot find the Scanner class. This can happen if the Scanner class is not imported or if the classpath is not set correctly.

Q3. How do I import the Scanner class in Java?

To import the Scanner class in Java, add the following code at the beginning of your Java file:

import java.util.Scanner;

Q4. How do I set the classpath in Java?

To set the classpath in Java, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Command Prompt or Terminal.
  2. Type «set classpath=» and press Enter.
  3. Type the path to the directory where the external library is located and press Enter.

Q5. How do I update the Java compiler to the latest version?

You can download the latest version of the Java compiler from the official Oracle website.


The «Scanner cannot be resolved to a type» error is a common error that can be easily fixed by following the steps outlined in this guide. By checking if the JDK is installed, importing the Scanner class, setting the classpath, and updating the Java compiler, you can resolve this error and continue working on your Java program.

How do you import the Java Scanner class?

There are two ways to implement the Java Scanner import: explicitly reference the java.util.Scanner package and class in the import, or do a wildcard import of java.util.*.

Here is how the two Java Scanner import options look:

  1. import java.util.Scanner; // explicit Scanner import
  2. import java.util.*;       // wildcard Scanner import

The import statement must occur after the package declaration and before the class declaration.

What does import java.util Scanner mean?

The java.util.Scanner class is one of the first components that new Java developers encounter. To use it in your code, you should import it, although another option is to explicitly reference the package in your code.

java scanner import

There are multiple ways to import the Java Scanner class into your code.

Java’s Scanner class makes it easy to get input from the user, which allows simple programs to quickly become interactive. And a little bit of interactivity always makes learning how to program a computer just a little bit more fun.

However, there is one minor complexity the Java Scanner class add into the software development mix.

In order to use the Java Scanner class in your code, you must either fully reference the java.util package when you call the Scanner, or you must add a Java Scanner import statement at the start of your class.

To keep your code readable and less verbose, a Java Scanner import is recommended.

When you add an import statement to your code, you are telling the Java compiler that you need access to a class that isn’t accessible by default. The java.util.Scanner import statement at the top of many Java classes means that somewhere in the code, the Scanner class is being used.

Java user input made easy

Learn the easiest ways to handle user input in Java, and format any console output with printf.

  • Top 3 Java user input strategies
  • A simple Java Scanner String input example
  • How to create a Scanner nextChar method
  • Use the Java Scanner for user input
  • How to format output with Java printf

Java Scanner import example

Here’s an example of an application that uses an explicit Java Scanner import so that we can make the program interactive with user input:

package com.mcnz.example;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ScannerUserInput {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // String input with the Java Scanner
    System.out.println("How old are you?");
    Scanner stringScanner = new Scanner(;
    String age =;
    System.out.println(age + " is a good age to be!");

Why must we import the Java Scanner class?

With no added import statements to your code, your Java app has default access to all of the classes in the java.lang package. This includes classes such as:

  • String
  • System
  • Integer
  • Double
  • Math
  • Exception
  • Thread

However, to use any classes in packages other than java.lang in your code, an import is required.

The Scanner class is found in the java.util package, not java.lang.

Since the Scanner class is found outside of java.lang, you must either directly reference the java.util package every time you use the Scanner, or just add a single Scanner import statement to your Java file.

How do you use the Java Scanner without an import?

Here’s an example of how to avoid a Java Scanner import and instead directly reference the package when the Scanner is used:

package com.mcnz.example;
// Notice how the Java Scanner import is removed
public class ScannerUserInput {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.println("How old are you?");
    // With no Scanner import, an explicit java.util reference is needed
    java.util.Scanner stringScanner = new java.util.Scanner(;
    String age =;
    System.out.println(age + " is a good age to be!");

Notice how the code becomes a bit more verbose, as the package reference adds bloat to the line of code where the Scanner is first declared.

Both the Java Scanner import and an explicit package reference are valid options to access the class. Which option a developer chooses comes down to which approach they believe makes their code the most readable and maintainable.

What is a wildcard import in Java?

There are over 100 classes in the java.util package.

When you import the Java scanner with the import java.util.*; statement, you gain access to each class in the java.util package without adding any more import statements.

In contrast, when an explicit Java Scanner import is performed with the import java.util.Scanner; statement, only the Scanner class becomes available to your code. To use other classes in the java.util package, you must add explicit imports of those classes.

For the sake of simplicity, I recommend new developers use the wildcard approach wto import the Java Scanner class. It requires fewer keystrokes and reduces the opportunity to introduce compile-timer errors into your code.

package com.mcnz.example;
// This example uses the wildcard import syntax
import java.util.*;
public class ScannerUserInput {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // String input with the Java Scanner
    System.out.println("How old are you?");
    Scanner stringScanner = new Scanner(;
    String age =;
    System.out.println(age + " is a good age to be!");

Furthermore, if you use an IDE such as Eclipse or VS Code, an import formatter will convert wildcards imports to explicit imports when you finish development.

Senior developers find that implicit imports lead to more readable code, and also avoid possible import collisions when a class appears in two separate packages. For example, the Date class exists in both the java.util and java.sql packages, which can lead to a great deal of confusion if an application uses both packages.

Does a wildcard import hurt performance?

Some developer think doing a java.util.*; import might impact the performance of their code because so many classes become available to your program. However, this is not true. The wildcard import simply makes every class in a package available while you develop your app. It has no impact on the size of the application that eventually gets built.

What happens if you don’t import the Scanner?

If you attempt to use the Scanner class but fail to add an import, or don’t explicitly reference the package and the class together, you will encounter the following error:

Error: Scanner cannot be resolved to a type

The “cannot be resolved to a type” compile time error may sound somewhat confusing to a new developer. All it’s saying is that you have referenced a class that is outside of any package referenced through an import statement.

If you get the “Scanner cannot be resolved to a type” error message, just add the Java Scanner import statement to your code, or explicitly reference the package when you use the Scanner class in your code.

posted 6 years ago

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Are you using Eclipse? If so, don’t try to run code with compiler errors. You should find a red mark against the line with the error; if you click that red mark, you will get a dropdown list of possible corrections. There is a good chance that one will have a green arrow and say, “Change to…”. Clicking that option may sort out your errors.

The Scanner is intended to read things coming


, so it can read from System.


. It does not write anything


, so you cannot use a Scanner to access System.



When you get a yellow mark and its says possible resource leak because the Scanner pointing to is not closed, don’t believe it and don’t try the suggested correction. On the other hand, you


close a Scanner pointing to a file.

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