Ps5 ошибка nw 102311 8

При подключении к PlayStation™Network произошла ошибка.
Попробуйте сделать следующее:
  1.  Проверьте страницу статуса PSN – возможно, сервер недоступен или на нем проводятся технические работы.
  2.  Перезагрузите PlayStation®5 и попробуйте подключиться к Интернету, используя проводное соединение. Затем настройте сетевое соединение заново.
  3.  При использовании беспроводного подключения приблизьте PS5 к маршрутизатору или уберите все препятствия между ними, чтобы улучшить уровень сигнала.
  4. Выключите модем и маршрутизатор и подождите около 5 минут, затем перезапустите их.
  5.  Обновите встроенное программное обеспечение маршрутизатора. (Чтобы узнать, как обновить встроенное программное обеспечение, свяжитесь с продавцом маршрутизатора.)
  6.  Если возможно, попробуйте открыть эти порты. TCP: 80, 443, 3478, 3479, 3480; и UDP: 3478, 3479,49152~65535.
    Чтобы узнать, как открыть порты и настроить маршрутизатор, обратитесь к своему поставщику интернет-услуг.
  7.  В настройках сети вручную установите статический IP-адрес, чтобы улучшить соединение.
  8.  Попробуйте временно изменить настройки DNS.
    Перейдите к настройкам DNS в настройках сети и настройте параметры сети, указав номер общедоступного DNS, который является бесплатным и открытым для всех компаний или организаций.

    Если это не помогло, значит, сетевое соединение временно перегружено. Попробуйте еще раз позже.

В этой статье мы попытаемся решить проблему «Код ошибки NW-102311-8», с которой сталкиваются пользователи Playstation 5 при подключении к платформе Playstation Network.

Пulьзователи PlayStation 5 сталкиваются с ошибкой «Код ошибки NW-102311-8» при подключении к платформе Playstation Network, и их подключение к платформе ограничено. Если вы стulкнulись с такой проблемой, вы можете найти решение, выпulнив следующие действия.

Что такое код ошибки PlayStation 5 NW-102311-8?

Код ошибки PlayStation 5 NW-102311-8

Эта проблема вызвана проблемой сети, из-за которой мы не можем пulучить доступ к платформе Playstation Network. Для этого мы можем устранить эту проблему, проверив сетевое соединение и выпulнив необходимые рекомендации.

Как исправить код ошибки PlayStation 5 NW-102311-8

Мы можем решить эту проблему, следуя приведенным ниже советам по устранению этой ошибки.

1-) Выключите и снова включите консulь

Любая мгновенная ошибка в вашей консulи может привести к множеству ошибок и может не открыть игры. Для этого мы можем предотвратить такие проблемы, выключив и включив вашу консulь. Каким бы глупым это предложение ни звучало, оно может помочь нам выяснить, в чем причина проблемы, а в чем нет.

2-) Выключите и снова включите модем

Выключите модем, подождите 20 секунд и снова включите его. Во время этого процесса ваш IP-адрес изменится, что предотвратит различные проблемы с сетью. Если проблема не устранена, давайте перейдем к другому предложению.

3-) Изменить настройки DNS

Если вы не знаете, как изменить настройку DNS для PlayStation, выпulните действия, описанные ниже.

  • Перейдите на вкладку «Настройки».
  • Нажмите «Сеть».

Код ошибки PlayStation 5 NW-102311-8

  • На открывшемся экране нажмите «Настройка подключения к Интернету«.
  • Нажмите на подключенное сетевое подключение на экране и выберите «Допulнительные настройки«.
  • Нажмите на параметр «Настройки DNS» на открывшемся экране и установите параметр «Вручную«. На появившемся экране напишите DNS-адрес, который мы указали под первичным и вторичным DNS-адресами.

DNS-адрес Google;

Основной DNS:

Вторичный DNS:

Код ошибки PlayStation 5 NW-102311-8

Проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема после этого процесса.

4-) Обновление системного ПО

Этот процесс, который мы выпulним, может спасти обе возможные ошибки, возникающие в консulи Playstation 5. Нам нужно будет проверить файл обновления, который вы сохранили в своей памяти. Для этого вы можете пulностью отформатировать файл обновления, который вы установили в память, загрузить последний файл обновления и выпulнить процесс установки, перейдя по ссылке ниже.

Загрузка файла обновления системного программного обеспечения PS5

Вы загрузили файл, и если вы не знаете, как его установить, выпulните следующие действия.

  • Создайте папку с именем «PS5» на USB-устройстве, отформатированном как FAT32, с помощью ПК или Mac. Внутри этой папки создайте еще одну папку с именем «UPDATE«.
  • Загрузите файл обновления (кнопка ниже) и сохраните его в папке «ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ«. Сохраните файл как «PS5UPDATE.PUP«.
  • Вставьте USB-накопитель с файлом в консulь PS5.
  • Запустите консulь PS5 в безопасном режиме: нажмите и удерживайте кнопку питания, отпустите ее, когда услышите второй звуковой сигнал.
  • Выберите «Обновить системное ПО», третий вариант безопасного режима.
  • Выберите «Обновить с USB-накопителя» > «ОК».

Если ваша консulь PS5 не обнаруживает файл, проверьте правильность имен папок и файлов. Введите имена папок и имя файла, испulьзуя заглавные буквы.

  • Partition Wizard

  • Partition Manager

  • How to Fix PS5 Error Code NW-102311-8?

How to Fix PS5 Error Code NW-102311-8? [Partition Manager]

By Charlotte | Follow |
Last Updated July 27, 2022

Have you ever met the communication error NW-102311-8 on your PlayStation 5? If your answer is yes, you can get some solutions here. In this post, MiniTool Partition Wizard provides some helpful solutions for you to fix it.

The PlayStation 5’s error NW-102311-8 is caused by a network problem. It can prevent you from accessing the PlayStation Network. This error can bother you a lot. Here are some useful solutions below. You can choose the one you like to fix this error.

Solution 1. Restart the Console

Restart is a useful way to help you solve many errors including the error code NW—102311-8. Almost all the basic errors can be fixed in this way. So, if your PlayStation 5 is not working properly, you can try restarting your console to fix this error.

Solution 2. Restart Your Modem and Router

If there is something wrong with your modem or router, you may see network connection errors such as NW-102311-8. Fortunately, you can repair them by a restart.

A restart can refresh the modem and router. You need to turn off the modem and router, and then wait for 20 seconds. Then restart them and connect to your PS5 to check if the error is fixed.

Solution 3. Change the DNS Settings

If both your internet and the PSN network are working fine, and yet you can’t access some PSN features, you might want to try using a different DNS. DNS is essentially a system that translates domain names into readable IP addresses. 

If the online services you’re trying to access aren’t compatible with the DNS server that your ISP has assigned to you, you will encounter an error here. You can do as follows to change the DNS settings:

  1. Go to the Settings > Network > Settings > Set Up Internet Connection
  2. Navigate to the network that you’re using and then select it.
  3. Then select Advanced Settings from the menu.
  4. Go to DNS Settings and select the Manual option.
  5. Then you can see Primary DNS and Secondary DNS show up.
  6. Select Primary DNS and type «».
  7. Select Secondary DNS and type «».
  8. After that, select OK on the right. Wait for your PS5 to conduct a network test.
  9. Once done, you need to check if the error is fixed.

Solution 4. Update System Software

If all the solutions above can’t fix this error, you can also try updating the system software to fix it. Because this NW-102311-8 error is a network connection error, you need to update the system software via USB flash drive. You can do as follows to update the system software:

  1. Connect the USB drive to your computer and format it as FAT32.
  2. Then create a folder named «PS5» on the formatted USB flash drive.
  3. Inside that folder, create another folder named «UPDATE«.
  4. Download the update file and save it in the «UPDATE» folder. Save the file as «PUP«.
  5. Plug the USB drive containing the file into your PS5 console.
  6. Turn off your PS5 console.
  7. Press and hold the Power button again until you hear two beeps to boot in Safe Mode.
  8. Connect your controller to the console via a USB cable, and then press the PS button on the controller to pair them.
  9. In Safe Mode, select the option 3 Update System Software.
  10. Select Update from USB Storage Device and then select OK.


If your PS5 console does not identify the file, you should check whether the letter case is correct.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Charlotte is a columnist who loves to help others solve errors in computer use. She is good at data recovery and disk & partition management, which includes copying partitions, formatting partitions, etc. Her articles are simple and easy to understand, so even people who know little about computers can understand. In her spare time, she likes reading books, listening to music, playing badminton, etc.

If you are experiencing the DNS Error NW-102311-8 on your PS5, you’re not the only one. Users of the PlayStation 5 frequently report this error, and numerous known error codes and fixes are available. Being such a mainstream platform, the ps5 is bound to run into errors eventually. Moreover, we have previously talked about various PlayStation errors and how to fix them, such as; An Unidentified Error, Error ce-10002-3, Error-CE-10005-6, Error ws-37469-9

Users of the Play Station 5 report encountering the mentioned DNS error when connecting to the PlayStation 5 network platform and that this restricts their connectivity to the platform. We’ve made an effort to provide you with instructions for fixing this error in this article.

Key Takeaways

  • A domain name system, or DNS,  is the mechanism used to track and control internet domain names and addresses.
  • Having a network issue is what can cause the DNS NW-102311-8 error on the Play Station 5.
  • It might make it impossible for you to use the PlayStation Network.
  • Manually changing the DNS settings on your PS5 is one approach to fixing this issue.
  • By accessing the PlayStation Network’s Service Status page, you may rule out a server outage as a possible reason for DNS problems.
  • We will walk you through a sequence of steps in this article to fix the DNS error nw-102311-8.

What is a DNS NW-102311-8 Error on PS5?

Domain Name System, or DNS, is essential for translating IP addresses into domain names. Error messages will appear on your screen if you try to connect to the PS5 using the incorrect DNS servers and an active internet connection. Most frequently, DNS errors are brought on by changes to the network and unsuccessful attempts to configure the system to the new settings.

Problems with users’ console systems are a common source of DNS problems. For instance, there could be an issue with your network or internet connection, or your DNS settings could be incorrect. In addition, a clogged cache or an out-of-date browser can also lead to DNS problems.

You may encounter the error code NW-102311-8 or “a communication error has occurred” when attempting to access the PlayStation network, which prevents you from connecting to the network. It can also be classified as a network connection error. Below, we have provided some helpful recommendations you can utilize to help resolve this issue.

How To Fix DNS Error NW-102311-8

By restarting your PS5, practically all common issues can be resolved. It is one of the most common and effective ways to remove the majority of error codes, including this one. If you’ve previously tried that and it doesn’t seem to be fixing the problem, try rebooting your internet router to see if it helps. However, if you continue to encounter the issue, we advise that you try the below-listed fixes.

Check The Status Of The PlayStation Network.

To find out if there are any server outages or scheduled maintenance, visit the PlayStation network status page. The steps to do so are shown below.

  1. Visit the settings menu and choose Network
    DNS Error NW-102311-8
    PS5 settings menu
  2. From the options that appear, choose Connection Status and then opt for ” View PlayStation Network Status”
    PlayStation Network settings
    PS5 network settings
  3. You will be directed to the network status page. If you notice that the servers are down, you simply need to wait till they are fixed. However, if the servers are up and running, we advise following the additional recommendations below.
    DNS Error NW-102311-8
    PlayStation Network Status: Operational

You can also visit to check the network status.

Change The DNS Settings On Your Console

The easiest way to fix this issue is to simply change your PS4’s internet settings, but this time, manually enter your own DNS servers rather than allowing the PS4 to select them for you. Your PS4 will use your ISP’s default DNS servers while it is set to Automatic; these servers may be unavailable at the time, which is why you are receiving this error.

You can work around this issue and regain access to the internet by switching your DNS servers to a new pair, such as Google DNS or another free provider. For the vast majority of instances of this error code, this fix is effective.

  1. Go to the settings menu and select network in the same way as in the aforementioned fix.
  2. Go to the settings option rather than connection status.
    Settings Option
    Network Settings
  3. Select the option “Set up internet connection.”
  4. Locate the network you are connected to and select it
  5. Instead of selecting automatic, click the settings button on your PS5 controller and select either 5 GHz or 2.4 GHz.
    DNS Error NW-102311-8
    Network Options
  6. Afterward, choose Advanced Settings from the menu shown.
    Advanced settings
    Advanced settings
  7. Navigate to DNS Settings and choose Manual.
  8. The Primary DNS and Secondary DNS will then appear.
    DNS Error NW-102311-8
    Primary and secondary DNS settings
  9. In the Primary DNS field, put in “”.
  10. Put “” under the Secondary DNS field.
  11. Click the OK option on the right after that. Wait for your PS5 to perform a network test. Connecting to access point

After finishing, you should verify that the error has been corrected.

Disable Your Internet Router’s Firewalls Temporarily

Because of interactions with your firewall, the PS5 DNS error could occur. Your firewall needs to be configured. Copying the IP address found on your router will allow you to connect to it. As an alternative, you might connect your PS5 or another computer straight to the router. You may need to get in touch with your ISP to ask them to turn off any ISP services you may be using, such as Parental Control, which may restrict incoming connections. Here are the general guidelines for momentarily disabling the firewall on your router.

  1. Access the settings page of your router. Use a laptop, desktop computer, or even a mobile device to carry out this task. You will need your router’s IP address, which is typically provided on the router.
  2. Type the IP address on the router into your browser and click enter.
  3. To log in, you might need a username and password. These login credentials should be on your router or were given to you by your ISP when you installed the device.
    DNS Error NW-102311-8
    Firewall Settings
  4. Look for terms like “Firewall,” “Security,” “WAN Settings,” and other similar terms on the menu page.
  5. In the menu page, look for terms like “Firewall,” “Security,” “WAN Settings,” “Filter,” or “Packet check.” Depending on your router, the precise setting name may vary.
  6. Disable the firewall after finding the appropriate setting and making sure to Apply changes or Save changes
  7. To ensure that the connection works as intended, check your PS5.

Update The System Software

You can also attempt updating the system software to fix this error if none of the preceding fixes are successful. The system software needs to be updated using a USB flash drive since the NW-102311-8 issue is a network connection issue. The following are instructions for updating the system software:

  1. You should format the USB drive as FAT32 after connecting it to your computer.
  2. Then, on the USB flash drive that has been formatted, make a folder called “PS5”.
  3. Make an additional folder called “UPDATE” inside of that one.
  4. Save the update file to the “UPDATE” folder after downloading it. Save the document as “PUP.”
  5. Connect your PS5 console to the USB drive that contains the file.
  6. Shut off your PS5 system.
  7. To start in Safe Mode, press and hold the Power button until you hear two beeping sounds.
  8. By using a USB cable to connect your PS5 controller to the console, couple them together by pressing the PS button on the controller.
  9. Choose option 3 to Update System Software while in Safe Mode.
  10. Select OK after choosing Update from USB Storage Device.

Power Cycle Your Console

All services will restart after a power cycle, giving the computers a fresh start. This might stop any DNS errors and restore proper operation. Additionally, we advise power cycling your gaming console and internet network. A power cycle can be carried out as follows:

  1. Turn off your console and internet router,
  2. Unplug their respective power cables
  3. Afterward, wait for about 3-4 minutes before plugging the power cables back in
  4. Lastly, turn your device back on
  5. When your device has restarted, check to see if the NW-102311-8 is still present.

Contact PlayStation Support

If you’ve attempted the aforementioned solutions and the DNS error still doesn’t appear to be fixed. We advise getting in contact with PlayStation’s official support. They will be able to identify your particular problem and provide suggestions for resolving it.

Final Words

To fix the PS5 DNS error NW-102311-8, we have offered a number of possible solutions. All of these are doable without expert assistance at home. Additionally, you can post on the community forums for the PlayStation 5 to connect with other PS5 users who have dealt with this issue previously and may be able to assist you in solving your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I fix a DNS error on PS5?

You can try the following methods to resolve a DNS error:
-Reload the system settings and clear the DNS cache.
— Verify the DNS server is operating properly and the network connection.
-Refresh the software on your console device.

How can I restore the default DNS settings of my PS5?

Using a DNS management tool like NetworkManager or DDNS Client will allow you to reset your DNS settings back to their default setting.

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What is up everyone this is everydaytechvams and today I’m going to show you how to fix a PlayStation 5 error code NW-102311-8 or a communication error has occurred

You can fix PlayStation 5 error code NW-102311-8 or a communication error has occurred by:

1. The first thing is just restart PlayStation 5 and see if that helps if you like a lot of people usually say that’s a silly advice but trust me it actually ends up helping a lot of people so once you’ve done that let’s say it doesn’t help we can kind of move on to the next step

2. The second thing is you want to go to network and you want to check the PlayStation Network status and you want to make sure everything is up to date and nothing is the crashing over there you can see all services are up and running so you can kind of move forward from here

3. The third thing is you want to go to settings you want to set up internet connection and you want to go over to the connection you’re connected to so if you’re connected wirelessly then you connect via Ethernet cable or land just do that,that is usually helps fix a lot of these connection error issues or these communication error has occurred issues

4. So you’ll be kind of in a very good spot if you can kind of have it connected via Lan rather than Wi-Fi if you cant its fine just a preference regardless 

5. If you are Wireless you want to click Into the options button on your PlayStation 5 controller and you want to click into the Wi-Fi frequency band over there you want to change this to from automatic to either 5Gigahertz or 2.5 play with both and see which one works for you 

6. After that you want to click into the x button and go into its advanced settings and basically change the DNS settings from automatic to manual and change the primary DNS to and your secondary to, you want to basically change that do Okay it’ll essentially connect to the internet and it’ll won’t give you that are anymore 

You can easily login play games do all that fun stuff that you were wanted to do before that’s basically and you should be good to go

If you guys have any comments,questions leave them below comment box 👍 

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