Ps4 remote pkg sender ошибка

PS4 Remote PKG Sender v2 — Troubleshooting

I have a White Screen of Death

This happens in general with the portable Version on Windows.
Please try to use the unpacked version. That works for sure and has been tested.
This issue is fixed in v2.4.3. If you still get an error, please report.

I can’t run the app because macOS blocks the app

Because I haven’t signed my app yet with a paid apple certificate, that happens.
It is normal for the first time that you try to open it for it to be blocked.
Go to System Settings Preferences > Security > General
There should be the app listed as blocked. You can explicity allow it then to run.
Don’t worry. My app is clean and open source. Once I get money for the certificate I will fix that.

I can’t run the app because windows blocks the app

Even windows need a paid certificate to have it signed, its the same circumstance as on mac.
Extend the window and allow the app to be run.
Again. Don’t worry. My app is clean. Once I get money for the certificate I will fix that.

Playstation not available

The app can not connect to RPI on PS4.
Check your Firewall and see if something is blocking your connection from your PC to PS4.
Ping your PS4 in your Terminal / Commandline with ping PS4_IP_ADRESS.
Restart RPI (Remote Package Installer) and stay on splash screen.

I get Timeout error

Timeout can mean any of the following errors but in general it means RPI cannot be connected to.

Option a)

Try to restart the RPI on your PS4. Sometimes RPI changes into a kind of suspend mode and has no reaction.
Restarting RPI helps in most cases.

Option b)

Timeout on Request because timeout value is to short.
Set a higher request timeout value before the Sender kills the request when RPI takes to long to respond.
Mostly seen on the Install Request because RPI needs to prepare some stuff before it sends a valid Task ID back.

Option c)

Sometimes a restart just fixes connection issues, especially on windows.
Restart your PC and PS4, try again. Some users reported back that this helped.

Option d)

There is something weird with the latest update of GoldHen.
I am not sure yet but I can not debug this as I am still on 5.05.

Check the PS4 API Logs and see if you get any response.
If the response for Check PS4 works, but you don’t proceed on the install request
then you might be affected by this bug in GoldHen.

I assume that because there was a update and since then some users reported install issues.
Try another HEN edition as this was initially working from HENv1.8 until GoldHen 2.0 for sure.
If nothing helps, try another PKG Sender — I guess they will not work eithier.

A working GoldHen 2.0 (old version) can be found on e.g. nightkinghost.

Option e)

You can try another Installation type. Try using IPI and FTP until my app does support
it natively or the RPIOOSDK. Support for both target apps will done soon.

I get a long Error Code

This will be patched in the v2.4.2 but for the completeness sake here they are
Those Error Codes are not documented yet but I’ve patched the known ones which are:
2157510681 Task doesn’t exist -> RPI can’t find any task associated with the id
2157510663 already installed -> the app you are trying to install is already installed, delete the copy on your PS4 first and try again
2157510677 App seems to be installed already (duplicate?) -> Delete the app and any app chunks that are on your PS4 first and try again
2157510789 not enough storage
2157510920 not known yet

Unable to set up prerequisites for package

Thanks to marcussacana we could debug this error down.
This error will be sent from the Remote Package Installer when there is
a HTTP Protocol error on the serving point. In case of the RPS v2, if it occurs, just restart the server on another Port.

If you get the error message from any other package sender, this is due
the lack of missing multipart stream support.

My RPI crashes on console

This happend to a couple of users when we try to hit RPI too hard.
RPI cann’t handle too many concurrent requests and crashes after a while
especially when you try to install something big 100GB+ PKG files or
installing multiple files at once and have a low update interval value.

It may help if you leave the interval value arround 2-3 secs because
updating progress info is also a request that will be sent upon the interval.

In v2.4.2 you can still send as many install request as you want, that is not limited yet,
but consider the fact that once the installation starts, RPI has nothing more to do with it.
Download still continues on PS4 even if you jump out of RPI! Keep that in mind!

Server not starting

If you see that your server is on error, please check the Server Window for the logs.
It will give you a specific error message what happend. Mostly it is a blocked port.
Just change the Port and press apply, refresh or just i/o button to close and start the server.

Can’t see HB-Store Tab

You have to activate that feature first on Settings below the feature list.

Can’t see HB-Store Items

Due the new security policy on you need to use the latest version greater then v2.9.

Legacy or Refactored HB-Store Mode?

Legacy Mode is still there if you have a custom server with the «old cdn host».
Refactored Mode (recommended) implements the new Store Site API and have multiple
benefits besides filtering by category and search value.

I lost the main Store API CDN

Put in (must end with / at the end)

Can’t Install HB-Store items directly

Until the refactored version of the HB-Store goes public you can download the App,
put it on your base_path folder and install it the normal way.

Can’t download items from HB-Store

If the title says «Just a moment», double click it and expand to see the full view.
Due the new security policy on you need to manually verify that you are not a bot.

Application doesn’t close

Closing windows doesn’t kill the App.
This is intented to not accidently kill the server.
If you want to close the application fully you have to go
through the Menu Application > Quit or just click the power button on the top right.

PS4 Remote PKG Sender v2 — Troubleshooting

I have a White Screen of Death

This happens in general with the portable Version on Windows.
Please try to use the unpacked version. That works for sure and has been tested.
This issue is fixed in v2.4.3. If you still get an error, please report.

I can’t run the app because macOS blocks the app

Because I haven’t signed my app yet with a paid apple certificate, that happens.
It is normal for the first time that you try to open it for it to be blocked.
Go to System Settings Preferences > Security > General
There should be the app listed as blocked. You can explicity allow it then to run.
Don’t worry. My app is clean and open source. Once I get money for the certificate I will fix that.

I can’t run the app because windows blocks the app

Even windows need a paid certificate to have it signed, its the same circumstance as on mac.
Extend the window and allow the app to be run.
Again. Don’t worry. My app is clean. Once I get money for the certificate I will fix that.

Playstation not available

The app can not connect to RPI on PS4.
Check your Firewall and see if something is blocking your connection from your PC to PS4.
Ping your PS4 in your Terminal / Commandline with ping PS4_IP_ADRESS.
Restart RPI (Remote Package Installer) and stay on splash screen.

I get Timeout error

Timeout can mean any of the following errors but in general it means RPI cannot be connected to.

Option a)

Try to restart the RPI on your PS4. Sometimes RPI changes into a kind of suspend mode and has no reaction.
Restarting RPI helps in most cases.

Option b)

Timeout on Request because timeout value is to short.
Set a higher request timeout value before the Sender kills the request when RPI takes to long to respond.
Mostly seen on the Install Request because RPI needs to prepare some stuff before it sends a valid Task ID back.

Option c)

Sometimes a restart just fixes connection issues, especially on windows.
Restart your PC and PS4, try again. Some users reported back that this helped.

Option d)

There is something weird with the latest update of GoldHen.
I am not sure yet but I can not debug this as I am still on 5.05.

Check the PS4 API Logs and see if you get any response.
If the response for Check PS4 works, but you don’t proceed on the install request
then you might be affected by this bug in GoldHen.

I assume that because there was a update and since then some users reported install issues.
Try another HEN edition as this was initially working from HENv1.8 until GoldHen 2.0 for sure.
If nothing helps, try another PKG Sender — I guess they will not work eithier.

A working GoldHen 2.0 (old version) can be found on e.g. nightkinghost.

Option e)

You can try another Installation type. Try using IPI and FTP until my app does support
it natively or the RPIOOSDK. Support for both target apps will done soon.

I get a long Error Code

This will be patched in the v2.4.2 but for the completeness sake here they are
Those Error Codes are not documented yet but I’ve patched the known ones which are:
2157510681 Task doesn’t exist -> RPI can’t find any task associated with the id
2157510663 already installed -> the app you are trying to install is already installed, delete the copy on your PS4 first and try again
2157510677 App seems to be installed already (duplicate?) -> Delete the app and any app chunks that are on your PS4 first and try again
2157510789 not enough storage
2157510920 not known yet

Unable to set up prerequisites for package

Thanks to marcussacana we could debug this error down.
This error will be sent from the Remote Package Installer when there is
a HTTP Protocol error on the serving point. In case of the RPS v2, if it occurs, just restart the server on another Port.

If you get the error message from any other package sender, this is due
the lack of missing multipart stream support.

My RPI crashes on console

This happend to a couple of users when we try to hit RPI too hard.
RPI cann’t handle too many concurrent requests and crashes after a while
especially when you try to install something big 100GB+ PKG files or
installing multiple files at once and have a low update interval value.

It may help if you leave the interval value arround 2-3 secs because
updating progress info is also a request that will be sent upon the interval.

In v2.4.2 you can still send as many install request as you want, that is not limited yet,
but consider the fact that once the installation starts, RPI has nothing more to do with it.
Download still continues on PS4 even if you jump out of RPI! Keep that in mind!

Server not starting

If you see that your server is on error, please check the Server Window for the logs.
It will give you a specific error message what happend. Mostly it is a blocked port.
Just change the Port and press apply, refresh or just i/o button to close and start the server.

Can’t see HB-Store Tab

You have to activate that feature first on Settings below the feature list.

Can’t see HB-Store Items

Due the new security policy on you need to use the latest version greater then v2.9.

Legacy or Refactored HB-Store Mode?

Legacy Mode is still there if you have a custom server with the «old cdn host».
Refactored Mode (recommended) implements the new Store Site API and have multiple
benefits besides filtering by category and search value.

I lost the main Store API CDN

Put in (must end with / at the end)

Can’t Install HB-Store items directly

Until the refactored version of the HB-Store goes public you can download the App,
put it on your base_path folder and install it the normal way.

Can’t download items from HB-Store

If the title says «Just a moment», double click it and expand to see the full view.
Due the new security policy on you need to manually verify that you are not a bot.

Application doesn’t close

Closing windows doesn’t kill the App.
This is intented to not accidently kill the server.
If you want to close the application fully you have to go
through the Menu Application > Quit or just click the power button on the top right.

Remote Package Sender — error fail JSON

Hey all, I’ve been using this Windows app for quite a while now and honestly so far so good, but I’ve stumbled upon a problem — fail JSON when trying to install Cyberpunk 2077’s patch. The game installed just fine, and other patches for different games installed with no problems as well. When this issue happened previously I just cleared notifications and everything worked just fine. But this time it’s not and it’s driving me crazy! And no the file name and the directories have no spaces in them and each file name is unique and I did try renaming various times. This is driving me crazy. Please help. Running v9.00 using Goldhen v2.0b, if this would help.

You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly.
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.

  • #1

So, i always install games on ps4 using the iref-use’s PS4 remote PKG sender but since i updated it gives me the error FAILED JSON… i already tried using the pink1stools PS4 PKG linker and the modded warfare’s package sender 1.2 but none seems to respond when i try to send the game package, i don’t know what else to do at this point. any help will be appreciated.
edit1: Solved! it’s working now with Mira (No HB) + pkg sender
Last edited by leowl,
Jul 22, 2020

  • #2

I believe you will need to wait for the remote package installer hombrew app to be updated to support 6.72.

  • #3

I believe you will need to wait for the remote package installer hombrew app to be updated to support 6.72.

I thought so, but then i searched and found a guy installing the new spiderman on his 6.72 ps4 using the moddedwarfare’s app, here: watch?v=VJr2eCyxfYo
I tried but didn’t work for me

Feb 11, 2019


United States

  • #4

doesn’t work for me also. some people have told me to use mira(no hb) and then it would work. have you tried mira (no hb ) ?

i think I tried mira no hb, but I’m not really sure, will have to try again.

Sep 26, 2007



  • #5

doesn’t work for me also. some people have told me to use mira(no hb) and then it would work. have you tried mira (no hb ) ?

i think I tried mira no hb, but I’m not really sure, will have to try again.

im curently instaling whit rpi and ps4 pkg linker in 6.72 whit mira (no HB) and work fine

Jul 21, 2020



  • #6

did you try with Mira (No HB)?

Feb 11, 2019


United States

  • #7

im curently instaling whit rpi and ps4 pkg linker in 6.72 whit mira (no HB) and work fine

which version of rpi ? oh. nvm. ps4 pkg linker. havent tried that one yet.

Sep 26, 2007



  • #8

which version of rpi ? oh. nvm. ps4 pkg linker. havent tried that one yet.

worked yesterday but once i restarted my pc could not restart the sercer anymore using pkg sender right now

Feb 11, 2019


United States

  • #9

ps4 pkg linker is working for me. hopefully it continues to work even when closing the program and restarting pc.

  • #10

It’s working with Mira (No HB) using the pkg sender

Sep 26, 2007



  • #11

It’s working with Mira (No HB) using the pkg sender

yeah still working via pkg sender, its more a pain tu have to drag and drop but it work lol

Jul 22, 2020



  • #12

I’m using pkg sender by modded warfare with mira(no hb). When I click send it starts sending but stops after few seconds. The status on pkg sender changes to sent… Please help
Last edited by DBeast,
Jul 22, 2020

  • #13

I’m using pkg sender by modded warfare with mira(no hb). When I click send it starts sending but stops after few seconds. The status on pkg sender changes to sent… Please help

Change the timeout to 15 seconds and try it again.

Feb 11, 2019


United States

  • #14

Change the timeout to 15 seconds and try it again.

wow. I had same issue. that fixed it for me. thank you.

Jul 22, 2020



  • #15

Change the timeout to 15 seconds and try it again.

Sorry couldn’t understand . Where to change this timeout setting? New to this scene.

Edit.. My mistake.. I’m on v 1.0

Last edited by DBeast,
Jul 22, 2020

Feb 11, 2019


United States

  • #16

Sorry couldn’t understand . Where to change this timeout setting? New to this scene.

package sender 1.2 has a timeout button to click on. next to test server and send buttons

Jul 22, 2020



  • #17

package sender 1.2 has a timeout button to click on. next to test server and send buttons


Jul 22, 2020



  • #18

I still can’t us it successfully
Same problem after setting it to 15 sec.
Tried it on lan and also on wlan.
I’m not doing anything wrong.

Feb 11, 2019


United States

  • #19

I still can’t us it successfully
Same problem after setting it to 15 sec.
Tried it on lan and also on wlan.
I’m not doing anything wrong.

damn that sucks. I struggled with package installers all day and timeout setting finally worked for me.
Ps4 IP and Server IP are correct ?

Ps4 PKG Linker program also worked for me. but its kinda of annoying when you click send package button it takes a while to start on the ps4.

  • #20

Homebrew store has payload due remote packages and latest version works on 6.72

Similar threads


  • No one is chatting at the moment.

    Hi folks, there are already a bunch of nice working PlayStation 4 PKG Senders for most Windows users and some for cross OS, but there are some caveats if you are on Mac and have port dependencies like me.

    Initially this should be a design rework for the PKG Sender of @irefuse, but I (@Gkiokan) ended up by refactoring it into a completely new application (you can follow the process in the changelog).

    So I’m proudly presenting the refactored PS4 Remote Package Sender V2.8.0 with all the features for the PS4Scene. No dependencies required. Portable one file application. Tested on Mac OS 11.4, Windows 10 and Windows 11.

    Download: PS4 Remote PKG Sender v2.8.0 (Mac / Windows / Linux) / GIT / :question: Changelog / 🆘 Troubleshooting Guide / GkiokanSali on Twitter) Gkiokan’s Ko-Fi Page <3 / Discord: Gkiokan#0735

    :idea: Tip: If anyone have issue on the Install process (hangs on, no response, but PS4 Check is working) then use an old GoldHen Payload like GoldHen2.0 or GoldHen2.0b.

    Mac users can install it with the known dmg installer or use it directly from the Windows users get a portable exe, no installer required:

    • PS4.Remote.PKG.Sender.V2-2.8.0-armv7l.AppImage
    • PS4.Remote.PKG.Sender.V2-2.8.0-i386.AppImage
    • PS4.Remote.PKG.Sender.V2-2.8.0.AppImage
    • PS4.Remote.PKG.Sender.V2-2.8.0.dmg
    • PS4.Remote.PKG.Sender.V2.exe
    • PS4RemotePKGSenderV2_2.8.0_amd64.deb
    • PS4RemotePKGSenderV2_2.8.0_amd64.snap

    Changes can be viewed in the app below Miscs > Changelog. Any Bugs, Errors and Suggestions can also be reported on the Repo Issues page directly or here.

    Current features:

    • A little design update
    • Access Application Options though Tray Icon
    • Select server application (currently only express is supported, more soon)
    • Server doesn’t quit when windows are closed (so it can be run in background)
    • Load all PKG files in base path from the configured Server settings
    • Serve all files correctly
    • Check served files with one click
    • Handle server process (start, stop, restart)
    • Download flatZ PS4 Package Installer fPKG through the Menu (no need to search for it)
    • Search for specific title through your given base path folder
    • Add Files to your Queue
    • (Pre)-Check if the File (CUSAxxxxx) is already installed on your PS4
    • Send Start, Stop, Pause, Remove Requests to the RPI on your PS4
    • Catch any possible Error on Request or Response with the RPI on your PS4
    • Having a separate PS4 API Logs Window
    • Having a separate Server Window (Logs, Server Routes, Heartbeat, Controls)

    How to use it:

    Step 1: Configure it (once)

    • On your first start you should configure your Local Server configuration and put in your PS4 IP Address. This changes are saved directly, no need for a save button.
    • Choose your base path folder where your fPKG’s are settled.
    • Any changes on this route will trigger a reload files of the server.
    • If the server reloads, it will generate file item objects and reload the express router.
    • So you have no hassle on duplicated routes or not serving folders.
    • If necessary, click scan sub directories of the base path which will make a deep scan.
    • Once done. You can leave the configs as they are and head over to the Server Tab.

    Step 2: Choose Your Files

    This is highly inspired by jDownloader. Having all of your files doesn’t mean you want to install all of them at once. Pick your files and add them to the queue. So you can have a clean management. Any status update on the processing center will be reflected in the List, too.

    Step 3: Processing Center

    Like on jDownloader you can choose which item should process first. Just trigger the play button for the install. You can manually precheck if the file already has been installed with the PlayStation button or get any Task Information with the info button.

    Expanding the Item Row gives you more Information about the file, served path and operation buttons to work with the RPI on your PS4. While testing I couldn’t see any difference between stop and pause on my ps4 but I still implemented all endpoints.

    Step 4: Watch the progress

    Any response from the RPI on your PS4 will be logged in the separate PS4 API Logs Window. You can choose between Message or Object, the later one shows the response json.

    ToDo’s for the future

    • Search your PS4 automatically in the current network (WIP)
    • Add a FAQ and Troubleshooting Area
    • Configuration values for timeout and heartbeat
    • Implement Auto-updater
    • Queue scanner (start next file in the queue after one is finished)
    • Import / Export Configuration
    • Serve as global Server Host and provide Server Files over Internet
    • Save PS4 (local, wlan, wan, internet) and make them chooseable
    • Implement HB Store and install fPKG’s
    • Read CUSA from file hex values instead of title
    • Preview CUSAxxxxx Game title covers

    How to use it (short)

    on PS4

    1.) Start HEN v1.8+
    2.) Start flatZ Remote Package Installer

    on PC
    1.) Start PS4 Package Sender V2
    2.) Switch to Config and select your Networkinterface (IP Address)
    2.1) Choose a Server Port if necessary and apply or restart the server
    3.) Choose your base path where your files are settled
    4.) Switch to Server and add your files to the queue (Processing Center)
    5.) Start your install process with any of your files.

    Note: Once configured, you can skip Step 2-3 on PC.

    :note: And from the PS4 Remote PKG Sender v2

    This application has been highly inspired by @irefuse and is a full refactored version of the original repo.

    Based on Electron, Webpack, Vue, Express, Axios, Element-UI and Node this does not have any extra dependencies. With this we can create a a cross platform application that works on mac, linux and Windows and provides a nice GUI.

    New features in v2.

    The refactored Version provides a better GUI and technical more ordered features:

    • Configure your server with your base path
    • Prepare Custom Server Configuration (build-in express, apache, nginx, custom, …)
    • Controll the Server application by click and have it running in the background
    • Closing windows doesn’t stop the Server but stops if you quit the application.
    • Show a list of all Server side listed PKG’s
    • Miscs download link to flatZ PS4 Remote Package Installer homebrew
    • Extended Menu and Tray Icon
    • Separate Server Window (Logs, Server Routes, Controls)
    • Separate PS4 API Logs Window
    • Catch any possible Error on Request or Response with the RPI on your PS4
    • Scan base path (deep scan support) directory for fPKG’s and serve them with the server
    • Search for titles through your found files
    • Add Served files to your Queue and install them on your PS4
    • Processing Center reflects any status changes in your server list, too
    • Set custom timeout and update interval with a slider
    • Added Separate Changelog file and Troubleshooting Guide
    • Add a FAQ and Troubleshooting Area
    • Configuration values for timeout and heartbeat
    • Implement HB Store and direct install fPKG’s
    • Queue scanner (start next file in the queue after one is finished)

    ToDo’s for the future

    • Search your PS4 automatically in the current network (WIP)
    • Implement Auto-updater
    • Import / Export Configuration
    • Serve as global Server Host and provide Server Files over Internet
    • Save PS4 (local, wlan, wan, internet) and make them chooseable
    • Read CUSA from file hex values instead of title
    • Preview CUSAxxxxx Game title covers

    How To

    So there you have it. How can you use it?

    on PS4
    1.) Start HEN v1.8+
    2.) Start flatZ Remote Package Installer

    on PC
    1.) Start PS4 Package Sender V2
    2.) Switch to Config and select your Networkinterface (IP Address)
    2.1) Choose a Server Port if necessary and apply or restart the server
    3.) Choose your base path where your files are settled
    4.) Switch to Server and add your files to the queue (Processing Center)
    5.) Start your install process with any of your files.


    Your PS4 and PC have to be on the same Network.
    If you have connection issues, check your Router or Firewall.
    If you get timeout, RPI is not running on your PS4 or PS4 IP Address is wrong. If you get PlayStation not available error, check RPI on PS4 and restart it.

    If you think there is an issue, please report it.


    Thanks to flatz, Specter, xvortex

    PS4 Remote PKG Sender v2 Changelog


    PS4 Remote PKG Sender v2 Troubleshooting


    I have White Screen of Dead

    This happens in general with the portable Version on Windows.
    Please try to use the unpacked version. That works for sure and has been tested.

    PlayStation not available

    We can not connect to the RPI on PS4.
    Check your Firewall if something blocks your connection from your PC to PS4.
    Ping your PS4 in your Terminal / Commandline with ping PS4_IP_ADRESS.
    Restart RPI (Remote Package Installer) and stay on splash screen.

    I get Timeout error

    Timeout can mean any of the following errors but in generall the PS4 RPI (Remote Package Installer) cannot be connected to.

    Option a)

    Try to restart the RPI on your PS4. Sometimes the RPI changes into kinda suspend mode and has no reaction.
    Restarting the RPI helps in most cases.

    Option b)

    Timeout on Request because timeout value is to short.
    Set a higher request timeout value before the Sender kills the request when RPI takes to long to respond.
    Mostly seen on the Install Request because the RPI needs to prepare some stuff before it sends a valide Task ID back.

    I get a long Error Code

    This will be patched in the v2.4.2 but for the completeness here they are.
    Those Error Codes are not documented yet but I’ve patched the known ones which are:


    2157510681 Task doesn't exists
    2157510663 already installed
    2157510677 it seems to be installed already (duplicate?)
    2157510789 not enough storage

    Unable to set up prerequisites for package

    This error is not documented, too.
    I have no clue yet what causes this error.
    But the error is the explicit error message from the Remote Package Installer,
    so this is not an issue with the app.

    My RPI crashes on console

    This happened to a couple of users when we try to hit to hard on the RPI.
    RPI can’t handle too much concurrent requests and crashes after a while
    especially when you try to install something big 100GB+ PKG files or installing multiple files at once and have a low update interval value.

    It may help if you leave the interval value around 2-3 secs because updating progress info is also a request that will be sent upon the interval.

    In v2.4.2 you can still send as many install request as you want, that is not limited yet, but consider the fact that once the installation progress started the RPI has no work to do with it. Download still continues on PS4 even if you jump out of RPI! Keep that in mind!

    Server not starting

    If you see that your server is on error, please check the Server Window for the logs.
    It will give you a specific error message what happened. Mostly it is a blocked port.
    Just change the Port and press apply, refresh or just i/o button to close and start the server.

    Application doesn’t close

    Closing windows doesn’t kill the App.
    This is intented to not accidently kill the server.
    If you want to close the application fully you have to go
    through the Menu Application > Quit.

    Related Articles

    • RPI_GUI: PS4 Remote Package Installer Web GUI
    • PS4RPI: PS4 Remote Package Installer GUI
    • PS4 Remote Sender GUI for MacOS
    • PS4 Remote PKG Sender GUI
    • Improving PS4 Remote Package Installer Speed Guide
    • PS4 PKG Sender Docker Compose Web Server UI
    • PS4 Package (PKG) Sender with Guide
    • PS4 Package (PKG) Manager
    • PS4 PKG Sender
    • XNA RPKGMAN: XNA Remote Package Manager
    • PS4 Remote PKG Installer GUI
    • PS4 Remote PKG Sender Remastered Fork

    Remote Package Sender V2 | Detailed Tutorial

    PS4 Remote PKG Sender v2 Github Fork by Gkiokan.png

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