Принтер не печатает ошибка 11 1112

При выведении документов на печать у пользователя могут случиться проблемы, и файлы не будут напечатаны. Связано это может быть с разными причинами, но нередко сама техника выдает код ошибки 11 1112 принтера Самсунг. Эти данные оборудование распечатывает на выходном листе с данными. В дословном переводе это означает «незавершенный сеанс по таймауту».

код ошибки 11 1112 принтера самсунг

Существует отдельное руководство Самсунг, в котором собраны специфичные кодовые комбинации, встречающиеся у принтеров. Однако в этом мануале отсутствует указанный код, поэтому данный сбой можно отнести к неопознанным ошибкам. Причем при попытке провести печать, компьютер видит печатающее устройство, но в итоге лист не проходит.

Данный сбой является внутренним. Можно попробовать перезапустить устройство, отключив его от сети и подключить повторно. Но этот метод помогает лишь в редких случаях. Так что пока причины возникновения такого кода не изучены.

Обратите внимание! Не все коды ошибок записаны в мануале Самсунга. При появлении неопознанных кодов лучше вызвать мастера, который установить причину неисправности.

Что делать при коле ошибки 11-1112 принтера Самсунг

Если вам не помогла перезагрузка устройства, попробуйте отменить текущую сессию, и запустить документ на печать повторно. Однако, в том случае, если эти действия не помогли, не стоит пытаться самостоятельно все починить.

Вы можете проверить – сколько краски в картридже. Кстати, этот тоже может вызвать проблему при выводе на печать. Время ожидания ответа от оборудования закончится, и принтер распечатает этот код. Лучше вызывайте сервисного специалиста для устранения неполадки.

Добрый день. Столкнулись с такой проблемой: во время печати документов, помимо того что нужно распечатать на принтере, происходит печать листа с ошибкой
SPL ERROR — Disconnected from Host. Пожалуйста, проверьте соединение и повторите попытку
позиция 0x35661 (218721)

Система: common / os_hook

Линия: 705

Версия: V11. 73_190212

Error код : 11-1112.

Раньше такого не было. Принтер 135w подключён через USB кабель к компьютеру. Драйвера установлены с сайта. Также пробовали прошить более свежую микропрограмму с сайта HP. Прошили успешно. Но проблема не исчезла. Сам принтер распечатывает документы как надо, но постоянно дополнительно печатает листы с ошибкой! Как исправить ошибку, чтобы принтер 135w распечатывал только то что нужно? Пожалуйста подскажите что делать.

Posted by google translator:

Good day. Faced such a problem: while printing documents, in addition to what needs to be printed on the printer, a sheet with an error is printed

SPL ERROR — Disconnected from Host. Please check the connection and try again

Position 0x35661 (218721)

System: common/os_hook

LINE: 705

Version: V11.73_190212

Error code : 11-1112.

This was not the case before. The HP 135w printer is connected via a USB cable to the computer. The drivers are installed from the site. We also tried to flash a more recent firmware from the HP website, it was successful. But the problem persisted. The printer itself prints documents as it should, but constantly additionally prints sheets with an error! How to fix the error so that the 135w printer only prints what you need? Please tell me what to do.

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Тема: sl-m2070 с проблем печати  (Прочитано 21807 раз)

помогите пожалуйста. попался sl-m2070 с error 11-1112 spl error — incomplete session by time out line 1543.
подскажите что ето значит? где копат? самсунг с компе не сканит, не печатает, толко как копир работает.
кто нибуд поделится сервисе мануал?
спасибо зараннее


— поменять USB шнур / компьютер
— прошить последней версией и скачать новые драйвера

Судя по всему, ошибка говорит о том, что не все данные доходят до принтера в целостности.
Возможно, из-за проблем с USB на плате принтера. Тогда — только замена платы.

Сервис мануала у меня нет.


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в мануале error 11-1112 spl error  не нашел
есть только
Error #U2-1112 Turn off then on   =      LSU Motor does not work normally
11–2T11 Tray 1 Paper Mismatch  =       Tray 1 Paper Mismatch


Вот отчет после задание печат. Менял несколко кабеля усб. Ничего. Менял компютери… но там никакой ответ принтера. компютер обнаружает новое у-во но не печати. Толко с щатним комп ест той ответ. Там прошивка17ну. Можно ли копат куда-то? Сдес плата стоит болше чем новий принтер…

[вложение удалено администратором]


Если несколько компьютеров не могут определить принтер, то плата мертвая.
Принтер — в разборку.
Или ждать, когда плата подвернется бесплатная.


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Компютер определяет принтер. Но после отправление задане для печат говорит еррор… будем ждат стоимост плат стат 5доларрр  :))


Другие компьютеры принтер видят? Печатают на нем?


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 Другие компютери видят.определяят принтер но не печанат.толко сообщают об еррор задание


Сегодня у меня что то подобное попалось  с CLP360
Компом тоже видится , но в драйвере показывает что он не  USB а LPT
Отчеты саплес печатает норм, а вместо конфигурации другую фигню
Снял форматер у клиента , попробую сейчас в дома залить другие дампы , завтра о результате отпишусь

« Последнее редактирование: Июль 22, 2015, 09:22:03 pm от maisterko »


я тоже думал-думал… можно ли новие драйвери мешают работу на старие версии прошивки/в том случай 10/ ???
надо попробват повишение???  ^-^


вообщем   залил пофиксены дампы (в флеш и епром)
подал питание 3.3и на формотер   и подключил к компу ,
у меня у дома XP определил форматер и поставились драйвера гуд
у клиента 2 компа с win7  ни в какую не печатали
утром пойду к клиенту и поставлю форматер в апарат (результат озвучу )
грешу пока на поврежденную прошивку в нем
может и у Вас «atanasssko» аналогично


Для 100% проверки надо запаять в больной принтер spi и eeprom от рабочего. Не только дампы, но и сами микросхемы.

Но, кажется мне все же, что USB вход подпалили …


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и у меня комп отлично определил апарат )


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Samsung is a worldwide famous manufacturer of printers. These printers provide great quality printing documents. However, among the common problems of the printers, the printer turns offline error is a very popular one. A few of the users are facing this Samsung Printer Error Code 11 1112. 

Basically, the Samsung printer error code 11 1112 arises due to a slow internet connection, missing printer files on your computer or outdated printer drivers. 

No matter whatever be the reasons, but to fix it, an expert trick always works. To learn the expert solutions, read this article till the end.

Exceptional Methods to Fix Samsung Printer Error Code 11 1112:

Solving an error is always an expert’s job, but if you want to try them, then follow the below lines of this article. 

In the below lines of the article, you will get to learn the solutions which are very effective to fix error code 1 1112 on Samsung printer. So, let’s not waste time and move to the solutions.

Method 1: Check the Wire Connections and Restart your Computer and the Printer

The first method that you can try to fix the Samsung printer error code 11 1112 is to restart both devices. 

The steps to do this task are very simple and are explained here in the below lines.

Step 1: Cancel All the Documents to Print

First of all, you need to ensure no printing is in progress. If any printing is in progress, then you need to stop it. 

Further, the process to follow to do this task is very simple and is explained within the below three paragraphs.

Firstly, you need to open the Control Panel window (to learn the step, study further). After that, make sure that the “View by” settings of the Control Panel window is set as “Category”. 

Next, under the Control Panel window, click on “Hardware and Sound”. Further, from the right-hand side panel, click on “Devices and Printers”. Now, under the Printers section, right-click on your Samsung printer, and then from the menu, click on “See what’s printing”.

After clicking on “See what’s printing”, the printing process history will get appear. Now, to cancel the printing jobs, right-click on the documents and then select the “Cancel” option from the context menu. Now, follow the further steps.

Step 2: Turn off your Printer and the Computer

After stopping all the printing jobs, now in the next turn, turn off both your printer and the computer. The steps to do this are very simple and hopefully known to you.

To turn off your printer, you need to tap down the Power button of the printer and keep it held until it gets off. Once the printer turns off, switch off the Power supply, and unplug the cable of the printer.

Now, the process to shut down your computer is quite familiar to you. At first, you need to open the Start menu by tapping down the Windows button and then click on the Power icon from the left-hand side panel. After that, from the Power icon menu, click on the Shut down option.

Also, switch off the Power supply for your computer and take out the cable from the power outlet.

Step 3: Unplug and Plug-in Back all the Detachable Cables

Unplug all the detachable cables from their ports by remembering the locations. Now, press and keep hold the Power button of your printer to release the stored power on it. 

After that, wait for 5 minutes and then plug in back all the cables to their actual ports. Further, turn on the Power Supply for both the device (printer and computer).

Step 4: Run a Printing

Now, turn on your computer and the printer as on a regular basis. Further, start a printing job to check if the issue gets resolved or not. 

Hopefully, after following the steps above, you will not visit the error back.

If you are using a wireless printer, then also restart your network device to complete this method.

Method 2: Uninstall and Reinstall your Samsung Printer

Uninstalling and reinstating the printer is one of the effective solutions to fix Samsung printer error code 11 1112

The steps to perform this task is very simple and are explained in the below lines:

Steps to Uninstall Samsung Printer

You can perform this task by opening the Control Panel window. There are several ways to perform this task and are given below. Proceed with your chosen way.

Way 1: Tap down the Windows key along with the letter R to open the Run bar window. After that, in the Run bar, type control, and then click on the OK button to open the Control Panel window.

Way 2: Press down the Windows button to activate the Search bar. Next, in the search bar, type control. After that, from the search result, click on the Control Panel option.

After you open the Control Panel window, make sure that the “View by” is set as Large icons. If it is not already set, then to make the setting, you need to expand the Menu for View by and select Large icons.

Next, under the Control Panel options, select “Devices and Printers”. This will open the window that contains all the printers that you are using in the list.

Now, from the list, right-click on your Samsung printer device and then select the Uninstall option under the list. Further, click on the OK button to confirm the process.

Once the printer gets uninstalled successfully, close all the open windows on your PC.

Turn off your Computer and the Printer

In this time, you have to shut down your computer. The steps are familiar to you. 

  • At first, press the Windows button to open the Start menu. 
  • After that, from the left-hand side of the Start menu, click on the Power icon and then select Shut-down.
  • Now, to turn off your printer, just you need to press and keep hold the Power button on your printer device.
  • Next, switch off the power supply for both devices. 

Further, check all the cable connections whether there is any loose connection or not. If you find any loose wire connections, then fix that and restart your computer as well as the printer.

After restarting all the devices, many times the users get the problem resolved. Restarting your computer will automatically detect the drivers for your printer and thus get installed on it.

Method 3: Update the Samsung Printer Driver

After trying all the above solutions, if the error code 11 1112 on Samsung printer occurs, then go for the printer’s driver update. 

By updating your Samsung printer driver, you will get the error resolved. To perform this method, the steps are as follows:

Step 1: Open Device Manager

At first, open the Device Manager window. Tap the Windows button along with the letter R to open the Run bar window first. 

After that, in the Run bar, type devmgmt.msc. Next, click on the OK button. This will open the Device Manager on the screen.

Step 2: Expand Printers Section and Go for “Update Driver Software”

Now, scroll down the Device Manager window until you get the Printers section, double-click on it. Next, under the Printers expanded list, right-click on your Samsung device. Then select the “Update Driver Software” option.

After clicking on “Update Driver Software”, then “How do you want to search for drivers?” window will open with the options listed below:

  • Search automatically for updated driver software
  • Browse my computer for driver software

Step 3: Proceed with “Search automatically for updated driver software”

Click on “Search automatically for updated driver software”. If an updated software is available, then in the next window, you will get the updated driver software. Download and then install the updated driver software by allowing the on-screen instructions.

Once the printer driver successfully gets installed, restart both the devices and then try to run printing. This will check if the issue still persists or not. 

Hopefully, this time your answer to this will be positive.

If you are using a wireless printer, and after updating the printer driver, the error not get resolved, then you need to update your network driver. 

The steps to perform this process is similar to this. Just you need to proceed with the Network adapters option instead of Printers under the Device Manager window.

After updating the drivers, always restart your computer to get the complete effect of the process.

All these are the solutions for fixing Samsung printer error code 11 1112. Hopefully, after trying the above solutions, you will get the problem resolved effectively. 

Another best way to solve the problem is to call an expert for your help. This not only saves your effort but along with that the problem will be fixed.

Error code 11-1112 is one of the most common errors encountered by users. Samsung Printer Error Code 11-1112 indicates that there is a communication error between the printer and the computer. This could either be due to a faulty cable connection or a driver issue. Here, we will discuss all the factors that may cause the error and how to troubleshoot and fix them quickly for the precise functioning of the printer. Whether you’re a tech novice or an experienced user, this article will provide you with all the information you need to get your Samsung printer working again in no time.

What does Samsung Printer Error Code 11-1112 Imply?

Samsung printers are renowned for their quality, but like any other printer, they can sometimes run into errors. Error code 11-1112 is one of the most common error codes that users may encounter. This error code typically indicates a problem with the communication between the printer and the computer. In some cases, it may also be caused by a software issue or a problem with the printer itself.

Related: Fix Samsung Printer Error U2-1112

What are the Common Reasons for Samsung Printer Error Code 11-1112?

There are a few common reasons that you might see Error 11-1112 on your Samsung printer. Here are some of the most common causes

Incorrect Paper Size or Type loaded in the Tray

This error can occur if you have incorrectly loaded paper into the tray. Be sure to check your printer’s manual for the correct paper size and type to use.

Paper Jam

A paper jam is one of the most common causes of Error 11-1112. Be sure to check for any jammed paper in your printer and remove it if necessary.

Empty Toner Cartridge

Another common cause of this error is an empty toner cartridge. If your cartridge is empty, be sure to replace it with a new one.

Faulty Fuser

Unit If you’re still seeing Error 11-1112 after checking all of the above, there may be an issue with your printer’s fuser unit. This part should be replaced by a qualified technician.

Hardware Faults

Finally, the issue could be due to a hardware fault with your printer. If this is the case, you should contact a qualified technician for assistance.

How to Troubleshoot and Fix Samsung Printer Error Code 11-1112?

If your Samsung printer is displaying an error code, follow these step-by-step troubleshooting guides to identify the cause of the problem and get your printer back up and running in no time.

Restart the Printer

The first step is to restart the printer by turning it off, waiting for a few seconds, and then turning it back on. This can help reset any errors or glitches in the system.

Check the Connections

Check that all of your printer’s cables are securely connected, including the power cable and any USB cables. If you’re using an Ethernet cable, check that this is plugged into both the printer and your router. If any of these connections are loose, tighten them before trying to print again.

Clean The Print Head

The print head may be dirty or clogged with excess ink which can lead to paper jams and other issues such as Samsung Printer Error Code 11-1112. To clean it, switch off the printer and remove any cartridges from its slots before wiping away any residue with a damp cloth until clean. Then replace the cartridges and switch on the printer.

Check The Ink Levels

The error code may be caused by low ink levels, so check the ink cartridges in your printer and replace any that are running low.

Checking Printer Settings

Before you begin to troubleshoot your Samsung printer, it is important to check the printer settings. Make sure that the printer is properly connected to the computer and that the correct printer driver is installed. You should also check the print queue to ensure that there are no pending print jobs. If there are any print jobs in the queue, cancel them and restart the printer.

Software Updates and Fixes

To fix Samsung Printer Error Code 11-1112, follow these steps

  1. Download and install the latest Samsung printer drivers from https://www.samsung.com/us/support/downloads/
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions for completing the installation process.
  3. Once installed, restart your computer and try printing again.

Reset the Printer

Resetting can be done by unplugging the printer from the power outlet for 30 seconds, then plugging it back in. Once the printer has been reset, try printing again to see if the error code has been cleared.

Replace Damaged Components

If your printer shows Samsung Printer Error Code 11-1112, it is likely due to a damaged or defective component. To fix this error, you will need to replace the damaged component with a new one.

  1. Firstly, turn off your Samsung printer and unplug it from the power outlet.
  2. Remove the covers of the printer so that you can access the internal components.
  3. After that, locate the damaged or defective component and remove it from the printer.
  4. Install the new component in its place and reassemble the printer covers.
  5. Plug in your Samsung printer and turn it on. The error code – should no longer be displayed.

Related: How to Fix Samsung Printer in Error State?


How do I Fix my Printer Error Code?

First, make sure both the printer and computer are turned on and connected properly. Then, check for any loose connections or corrupt drivers that may be causing this error. If everything looks good, try uninstalling and reinstalling your Samsung printer drivers. Also, remember to always keep your device’s software up to date as this helps prevent errors like this from occurring in the future. This should resolve any driver-related issues you may have.

Why is my Samsung Printer not Working?

There are a few reasons why your Samsung printer may not be working and shows Samsung Printer Error Code 11-1112. One reason could be that the printer is not properly connected to the computer. Another reason could be that the drivers for the printer are not installed correctly. Finally, there could be an issue with the printer itself. If you are having trouble getting your Samsung printer to work, follow these steps to troubleshoot and fix the problem.

How do I Reset my Samsung Printer Settings?

If your Samsung printer is giving you an error code, there are a few things you can do to try and fix it. One of the first things you should try is resetting your printer settings. This can be done by going into the printer’s control panel and selecting the Reset option. Also, you can reset by other methods as

  1. Firstly, turn OFF the printer.
  2. Then, press down the Stop/Reset key and hold it.
  3. After that, press and keep holding the On button while still holding the Stop/Reset key.
  4. Next, release both buttons at the same time.
  5. Then, select the number 1 on your control panel to reset all settings of your printer.
  6. Finally, turn OFF the printer again to finish this process.
  7. Check for the solution of Samsung Printer Error Code 11-1112.

More Helpful Guides

Samsung Easy Wireless Setup
Samsung Xpress C480W Setup
Samsung M2020w Wireless Setup

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