Принтер canon ошибка e015 0001

Canon LBP7660cdn — ошибка E015-0000, нужен service manual

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Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Симптомы следующие — при установленных картриджах в момент инициализации аппарата слышен сильных треск, после чего на табло показывает ошибку E015-0000. Поискал в сети, именно такой ошибки нет, есть E015-0001:

Error in the developing disengagement movement
For engagement/ disengagement movement of the developing roller, the change on the signal condition of the the developing home position sensor cannot be detected within specified time after main motor rotates. Cause Failure in developing home position sensor, failure in main motor, failure in DC controller PCB.

Судя по группе E015, неисправность в аппарате тоже относится к системе разведение половинок картриджа, но я хоть убей не понимаю, как она работает, и где находится тот самый сенсор хоумпозишн, который неплохо бы проверить.
Кое-как разобрав пол-аппарата добрался до этой системы, но там чорт ногу сломит. Картриджи менял на другие, весь комплект, безрезультатно.

Буду благодарен уважаемому сообществу за сервис-мануал к этой модели и подсказки, на что следует обратить внимание. Спасибо!

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Сообщение Lukich » Вт ноя 10, 2020 10:13 am

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Да, есть такая тема, тоже пустая. Собственно поэтому и прошу мануал, без него там тяжко.

А не нашел её потому, что искал просто 7660 и 7660cdn, по таким ключевым словам ничего не находит, только если искать именно LBP7660cdn.

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Сообщение Lukich » Вт ноя 10, 2020 12:09 pm

Изменить размер шрифта ↓ВернутьИзменить размер шрифта ↑Смысл этой системы, для чего она нужна — мне понятно. Она отводит девелопмент роллеры от барабанов — от всех или только от цветных, а также подводит обратно. Система должна включать в себя как минимум датчик положения какой-то движущейся части, которая разводит половинки, и соленоид управления, а также муфту переключающую этот процесс. Реализация конструкции конечно разная, поглядев мануалы на цветники 3600 и 4600 нашел упоминания от одного до трёх соленоидов и отдельный двигатель.

В данном аппарате похоже используется не отдельный двигатель для разъединения, а подключение через муфту.
Ладно, буду пытаться понять систему работы именно этой реализации без мануала, да и сомнительно что в мануале она описана.

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How to solve error E015-0001 on Canon i-SENSYS MF series printers

How to solve error E015-0001 on Canon i-SENSYS MF series printers

Here are some solutions to solves error code 015-0001 on printers Canon i-SENSYS MF623C, MF8350Cdn, mf9280cdn, etc

Solution 1: Description Developing roller release operation defect

  • After the specified time from rotating the main motor for the
    developing roller depress/release, the output of the developing home
    position sensor does not change.

    Causes: Developing home position sensor defect, Main motor defect, DC controller PCB defect


Check the connector of the developer home position sensor,
main motor, DC controller PCB 

Replace the developer home position

Replace the main motor 
Replace the DC controller PCB

Solution 2: Cassette 1 lift-up errorAfter lift-up of the Lifting Plate of the cassette of the host machine started, ON status of the Lifter Sensor of the cassette of the host machine was not detected within the specified period of time.

Remedy. While the cassette of the host machine is removed, turn ON the power and insert the cassette, then check the operation sound of the motor.
When there is operation sound of the motor, check if the Lifting Plate has been lifted up.
When the Lifting Plate has been lifted up:
1-1. Check that the Lifter Sensor of the cassette of the host machine is properly installed.
1-2. Check the harness/connector between the Engine Controller PCB and the Lifter Sensor.
1-3. Replace the Lifter Sensor.1-4. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.
When the Lifting Plate has not been lifted up:
2-1. Check the condition of the gear at the host machine side (missing teeth, swing).
2-2. Check the harness/connector between the Engine Controller PCB and the Lifter Solenoid of
the cassette of the host machine.
2-3. Replace the Lifter Solenoid.
2-4. Replace the Pickup Motor of the cassette of the host machine.
2-5. Replace the Driver PCB.
2-6. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.
When there is no operation sound of the motor, check the followings:
3-1. Check the harness/connector between the Engine Controller PCB and the Pickup Motor of
the cassette of the host machine.
3-2. Check the condition of the gear at the host machine side (missing teeth, swing).
3-3. Check the Pickup Motor.
3-4. Replace the Driver PCB.
3-5. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.

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  1. 04-13-2017


    miswindev is offline

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    E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn

    i have Canon i-sensys MF623cn ,code error E015-0001
    help me please

  2. 04-13-2017


    Re: E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn

    Developing Home Position Sensor did not detect.Probably timing issue.

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  3. 04-13-2017


    Re: E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn

    Quote Originally Posted by miswindev
    View Post

    i have Canon i-sensys MF623cn ,code error E015-0001
    help me please


    not sure if MF623cn is same as below model ????

    on the MF634dw

    E015-0001— Cassette 1 lift-up error
    Detection Description After lift-up of the Lifting Plate of the cassette of the host machine started, ON status of the Lifter
    Sensor of the cassette of the host machine was not detected within the specified period of time.
    Remedy 1. While the cassette of the host machine is removed, turn ON the power and insert the cassette,
    then check the operation sound of the motor.
    When there is operation sound of the motor, check if the Lifting Plate has been lifted up.
    When the Lifting Plate has been lifted up:
    1-1. Check that the Lifter Sensor of the cassette of the host machine is properly installed.
    1-2. Check the harness/connector between the Engine Controller PCB and the Lifter Sensor.
    1-3. Replace the Lifter Sensor.1-4. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.
    When the Lifting Plate has not been lifted up:
    2-1. Check the condition of the gear at the host machine side (missing teeth, swing).
    2-2. Check the harness/connector between the Engine Controller PCB and the Lifter Solenoid of
    the cassette of the host machine.
    2-3. Replace the Lifter Solenoid.
    2-4. Replace the Pickup Motor of the cassette of the host machine.
    2-5. Replace the Driver PCB.
    2-6. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.
    When there is no operation sound of the motor, check the followings:
    3-1. Check the harness/connector between the Engine Controller PCB and the Pickup Motor of
    the cassette of the host machine.
    3-2. Check the condition of the gear at the host machine side (missing teeth, swing).
    3-3. Check the Pickup Motor.
    3-4. Replace the Driver PCB.
    3-5. Replace the Engine Controller PCB.

    **Knowledge is time consuming, exhausting and costly for a trained Tech.**

  4. 04-15-2017


    miswindev is offline

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    Re: E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn

    when Remove the thermal fuse cable from the power supply «SECONDARY PRIMARY» (FM0-3910(200v)) and run machine display error E000-0000, then off machine and reconnect the cable , run machine It works well for an hour after it returns off the error E015-0001
    Where is the problem exactly ?

  5. 04-16-2017


    Re: E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn

    Quote Originally Posted by miswindev
    View Post

    when Remove the thermal fuse cable from the power supply «SECONDARY PRIMARY» (FM0-3910(200v)) and run machine display error E000-0000, then off machine and reconnect the cable , run machine It works well for an hour after it returns off the error E015-0001
    Where is the problem exactly ?

    u can’t remove thermal connection cable and expect printer to not error out in a E000-000 code

    are u a tech ?? if so u would know that

    did u check this

    E015 — 0001 = Error in Developing Disengagement MotorDescription = Change in signal status of the Developing Home Position Sensor could not be detected althougha specified period of time has passed after rotating the Main Motor for engagement/disengagement operation of the Developing Cylinder.
    Remedy =
    1. Check the connectors connecting the Developing Home Position Sensor, Main Motorand the DC Controller PCB.
    2. Replace the Developing Home Position Sensor.
    3. Replace the Main Motor.
    4. Replace the DC Controller PCB

    Last edited by teckat; 04-16-2017 at 03:22 PM.

    **Knowledge is time consuming, exhausting and costly for a trained Tech.**

  6. 04-16-2017


    Re: E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn


    u can’t remove thermal connection cable and expect printer to not error out in a E000-000 code

    are u a tech ?? if so u would know that

    were is a link to Basic USER GUIDE e-Manual—-i-SENSYS

    MF729Cx MF728Cdw MF724Cdw MF628Cw MF623Cn


    ================================================== ====================================
    i-SENSYS MF729Cx, MF728Cdw, MF726Cw, MF724Cdw, MF628Cw, MF624Cw , MF623Cn Series

    did u check this

    E015 — 0001 = Error in Developing Disengagement MotorDescription = Change in signal status of the Developing Home Position Sensor could not be detected althougha specified period of time has passed after rotating the Main Motor for engagement/disengagement operation of the Developing Cylinder.
    Remedy =
    1. Check the connectors connecting the Developing Home Position Sensor, Main Motorand the DC Controller PCB.
    2. Replace the Developing Home Position Sensor.
    3. Replace the Main Motor.
    4. Replace the DC Controller PCB

    **Knowledge is time consuming, exhausting and costly for a trained Tech.**

  7. 04-16-2017


    miswindev is offline

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    Re: E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn

    thank’s teckatdid you have service manual for MF623Cn or Series ?

  8. 04-28-2017


    miswindev is offline

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    Re: E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn

    so the code E015-001 is disappear, but the display code error E000-0000 after moments
    help me please

  9. 04-28-2017


    Re: E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn

    **Knowledge is time consuming, exhausting and costly for a trained Tech.**

  10. 03-31-2020


    theBAU is offline

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    Re: E015-0001 for i-sensys MF623Cn


    I have almost the same error code, E015 — 0000, with Canon MF 735cx. Do you have any idea where to search the problem?

    Thank you in advance

    Quote Originally Posted by teckat
    View Post

    The DC controller determines failures of the fixing assembly under conditions below to stop the fixing heater drive signal output
    (FSRD+, FSRD-) and shut off relay and power supply to the heater. At the same time, it notifies the failure occurrence to the main
    1. Start-up failure detection
    � The thermistor temperature does not exceed startup temperature 1 within the pre-defined time after start-up of the heater
    from the waiting status.
    � The thermistor temperature does not exceed startup temperature 2 within the pre-defined time after reaching startup
    temperature 1 upon start-up of the heater from the waiting status.
    � The thermistor temperature does not reach the target temperature within the pre-defined time after heater temperature
    control during initial rotation.
    [Related error code] : E000-0000

    E000 0000= Error in temperature rising of Fixing Assembly
    Temperature of the Fixing Assembly did not reach a certain temperature within the specified
    period of time.
    1. Check the connector connection between the Fixing Assembly and the DC Controller
    2. Replace the Fixing Assembly.
    3. Replace the DC Controller PCB.



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Thanks for reading.

Our Canon MF8330Cdn printer (serial number EXK09207) when switched on, after a few second warming up, appears with the error message «Turn main power ON. E015-0001». I can then access the main menu (little star inside a head button) but clicking any other button just results in a beep. We are then unable to print / scan etc ….

The error occurs with or without any toner cartridges in. I’ve searched but can’t find that error code for that model anywhere, any help will really be appreciated! 

Many thanks,



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Canon MF8830Cdn «Turn main power ON. E015-0001» error message

Canon MF8830Cdn «Turn main power ON. E015-0001» error message


29 Oct 15 11:28


Thanks for reading.

Our Canon MF8330Cdn printer (serial number EXK09207) when switched on, after a seconds warming up, appears with the error message «Turn main power ON. E015-0001». I can access the main menu (little star inside a head button) but clicking any other button just results in a beep. The error occurs with or without any toner cartridges in.

I’ve searched but can’t find that error code for that model anywhere! I’m suck what else to try in order so we can print / scan etc… Any help will really be appreciated!

Many thanks,


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