Подчеркивание ошибок в visual studio code



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Случайно нажал на кнопку отключить волнистые линии для ошибок. Теперь не могу вернуть.
Подскажите как теперь снова включить подсветку?

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File -> Preferences -> Settings -> Workspase
в строке поиска : C_Cpp.errorSquiggles
выбрать Enabled


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I’m using VS Code with a number of different programming languages, which all have some form of problem validation provided via an extension. While these problem underlines are generally useful, I find them very annoying while I’m writing a particular piece of code, and only useful once I’m mostly done typing. I often think while writing code and I also tend to hit Ctrl+S very often, so there is no way that my IDE can «debounce» properly, as it wouldn’t be able to tell if I’m done writing code or not.

How can I disable all lints from being displayed, regardless of the programming language used, until I re-enable them (or restart Code or whatever)?

I’m not looking for a always-hidden solution that permanently changes my settings. More for something that I can toggle with a keyboard shortcut or similar.

While I am most interested in a solution that works regardless of where the lints come from, the two extensions that’d be responsible for most of my lints are rust-analyzer and Kotlin, but I also have clangd and TexLab installed and also use TypeScript whenever I can’t avoid it but currently I don’t have any extension for it installed.

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ErrorLens turbo-charges language diagnostic features by making diagnostics stand out more prominently, highlighting
the entire line wherever a diagnostic is generated by the language and also prints the message inline.

Demo image


  • Highlight lines containing diagnostics
  • Append diagnostic as text to the end of the line
  • Show icons in gutter
  • Show message in status bar

Commands (11)

Command Description
errorLens.toggle Error Lens: Toggle (Enable/Disable) Everything (toggle global setting errorLens.enabled)
errorLens.toggleError Error Lens: Enable/Disable Errors in errorLens.enabledDiagnosticLevels setting.
errorLens.toggleWarning Error Lens: Enable/Disable Warnings in errorLens.enabledDiagnosticLevels setting.
errorLens.toggleInfo Error Lens: Enable/Disable Info in errorLens.enabledDiagnosticLevels setting.
errorLens.toggleHint Error Lens: Enable/Disable Hint in errorLens.enabledDiagnosticLevels setting.
errorLens.copyProblemMessage Error Lens: Copy problem message to the clipboard (at the active cursor).
errorLens.copyProblemCode Error Lens: Copy problem code to the clipboard (at the active cursor).
errorLens.findLinterRuleDefinition Error Lens: Search in local linter files (like .eslintrc.json) for the rule definition.
errorlens.toggleWorkspace Error Lens: Exclude/Include current workspace by fs path.
errorLens.searchForProblem Error Lens: Open problem in default browser (controlled by errorLens.searchForProblemQuery setting).
errorLens.disableLine Error Lens: Add a comment to disable line for linter rule.

Settings (55)

Error Lens extension settings start with errorLens.

Setting Default Description
enabled true Controls all decorations and features (except commands).
enabledInMergeConflict true Controls if decorations are shown if the editor has git merge conflict indicators <<<<<<< or ======= or >>>>>>>.
fontFamily «» Font family of inline message.
fontWeight «normal» Font weight of inline message. "normal" is alias for 400, "bold" is alias for 700).
fontStyleItalic false When enabled — shows inline message in italic font style.
fontSize «» Font size of inline message (CSS units).
margin «4ch» Distance between the last word on the line and the start of inline message (CSS units).
padding «» Padding of the inline message. Visible when #errorLens.messageBackgroundMode# is set to «message».
borderRadius «3px» Border radius of the inline message. Visible when #errorLens.messageBackgroundMode# is set to «message».
enabledDiagnosticLevels [«error», «warning», «info»] Customize which diagnostic levels(severity) to highlight.
messageTemplate «$message» Template used for all inline messages. Whitespace between items is important.
List of variables:
$message — diagnostic message text
$count — Number of diagnostics on the line
$severity — Severity prefix taken from #errorLens.severityText#
$source — Source of diagnostic e.g. «eslint»
$code — Code of the diagnostic
messageMaxChars 500 Cut off inline message if it’s longer than this value. (Improves performance when the diagnostic message is long). Set to 0 to disable inline message.
severityText [«ERROR», «WARNING», «INFO», «HINT»] Replaces $severity variable in #errorLens.messageTemplate#.
messageEnabled true Controls whether inline message is shown or not (Including background highlight).
messageBackgroundMode «line» Controls how inline message is highlighted in the editor (entire line / only message / none).
editorHoverPartsEnabled {«messageEnabled»:false, «sourceCodeEnabled»:false, «buttonsEnabled»:false} Controls which parts of the editor hover tooltip to show.
statusBarIconsEnabled false When enabled — shows highlighted error/warning icons in status bar.
statusBarIconsPriority -9000 Move status bar icons left or right by adjasting the number priority.
statusBarIconsAlignment «left» Choose on which side the icons status bar is on: left or right.
statusBarIconsUseBackground true When enabled — highlights status bar icons with background, when disabled — with foreground.
statusBarIconsAtZero «removeBackground» What to do when there are 0 errors/warnings — hide the item or strip its background color.
statusBarMessageEnabled false When enabled — shows message in status bar.
statusBarMessagePriority -10000 Move status bar message left or right by adjasting the number priority.
statusBarMessageAlignment «left» Choose on which side the message status bar is on: left or right.
statusBarColorsEnabled false When enabled — use message decoration foreground as color of Status Bar text.
statusBarMessageType «activeLine» Pick what to show in Status Bar: closest message or only message for the active line.
statusBarCommand «goToProblem» Pick command that activates on click for Status Bar.
statusBarMessageTemplate «» Template for status bar message. Whitespace between items is important.
List of variables:
$message — diagnostic message text
$count — Number of diagnostics on the line
$severity — Severity prefix taken from #errorLens.severityText#
$source — Source of diagnostic e.g. «eslint»
$code — Code of the diagnostic
exclude [] Specify messages that should not be highlighted (RegExp). Strings passed to the RegExp constructor: new RegExp(EXCLUDE_ITEM, 'i');
excludeBySource [] Specify source or source(code) pair that should not be highlighted. Examples: ["eslint"] or ["eslint(padded-blocks)"]
excludePatterns [] Exclude files by using glob pattern. Example ["**/*.{ts,js}"]
excludeWorkspaces [] Exclude workspaces by path.
disableLineComments {…} Used for errorLens.disableLine command that adds a comment disabling linter rule for a line.
lintFilePaths {…} Specify where to search for linter rule definitions by diagnostic source (glob for local linter files). node_modules folder is excluded.
searchForProblemQuery «https://duckduckgo.com/?q=$message» Pick query to open in default browser when searching for problem with errorLens.searchForProblem command.
light Specify color of decorations for when the light color theme is active.
delay 0 Delay (ms) before showing problem decorations (0 to disable). Minimum delay of 500 is enforced by the extension. New errors will be added with this delay; old errors that were fixed should disappear faster.
onSave false When enabled — updates decorations only on document save (manual).
onSaveTimeout 1000 Time period (ms) that used for showing decorations after the document save.
enableOnDiffView false Enable decorations when viewing a diff view in the editor (e.g. Git diff).
followCursor «allLines» Highlight only portion of the problems.
followCursorMore 0 Augments #errorLens.followCursor#.
Adds number of lines to top and bottom when #errorLens.followCursor# is set to activeLine.
Adds number of closest problems when #errorLens.followCursor# is closestProblem
gutterIconsEnabled false When enabled — shows gutter icons (In place of the debug breakpoint icon).
gutterIconsFollowCursorOverride true When enabled and #errorLens.followCursor# setting is not allLines, then gutter icons would be rendered for all problems. But line decorations (background, message) only for active line.
gutterIconSize «100%» Change gutter icon size. Examples: auto, contain, cover, 50%, 150%.
gutterIconSet «default» Change gutter icon style.
errorGutterIconPath «» Absolute path to error gutter icon.
warningGutterIconPath «» Absolute path to warning gutter icon.
infoGutterIconPath «» Absolute path to info gutter icon.
errorGutterIconColor «#e45454» Error color of circle gutter icon set.
warningGutterIconColor «#ff942f» Warning color of circle gutter icon set.
infoGutterIconColor «#00b7e4» Info color of circle gutter icon set.
removeLinebreaks true When enabled — replaces line breaks in inline diagnostic message with whitespaces.
replaceLinebreaksSymbol «⏎» Symbol to replace linebreaks. Requires enabling #errorLens.removeLinebreaks#.
scrollbarHackEnabled false When enabled — prevents showing horizontal scrollbar in editor (caused by inline decorations).

Colors (26)

Can be specified in settings.json (workbench.colorCustomizations section)

Color Dark Light HC Description
errorLens.errorBackground #e454541b #e4545420 #e454541b Background color of the entire line containing error.
errorLens.errorMessageBackground #e4545419 #e4545419 #e4545419 Background color of the error message.
errorLens.errorBackgroundLight #e4545420 #e4545420 #e4545420 Background color of the entire line containing error (Only in light themes).
errorLens.errorForeground #ff6464 #e45454 #ff6464 Text color used to highlight lines containing errors.
errorLens.errorForegroundLight #e45454 #e45454 #e45454 Text color used to highlight lines containing errors (Only in light themes).
errorLens.warningBackground #ff942f1b #ff942f20 #ff942f1b Background color used to highlight lines containing warnings.
errorLens.warningMessageBackground #ff942f19 #ff942f19 #ff942f19 Background color of the warning message.
errorLens.warningBackgroundLight #ff942f20 #ff942f20 #ff942f20 Background color used to highlight lines containing warnings (Only in light themes).
errorLens.warningForeground #fa973a #ff942f #fa973a Text color used to highlight lines containing warnings.
errorLens.warningForegroundLight #ff942f #ff942f #ff942f Text color used to highlight lines containing warnings (Only in light themes).
errorLens.infoBackground #00b7e420 #00b7e420 #00b7e420 Background color used to highlight lines containing info.
errorLens.infoMessageBackground #00b7e419 #00b7e419 #00b7e419 Background color of the info message.
errorLens.infoBackgroundLight #00b7e420 #00b7e420 #00b7e420 Background color used to highlight lines containing info (Only in light themes).
errorLens.infoForeground #00b7e4 #00b7e4 #00b7e4 Text color used to highlight lines containing info.
errorLens.infoForegroundLight #00b7e4 #00b7e4 #00b7e4 Text color used to highlight lines containing info (Only in light themes).
errorLens.hintBackground #17a2a220 #17a2a220 #17a2a220 Background color used to highlight lines containing hints.
errorLens.hintMessageBackground #17a2a219 #17a2a219 #17a2a219 Background color of the hint message.
errorLens.hintBackgroundLight #17a2a220 #17a2a220 #17a2a220 Background color used to highlight lines containing hints (Only in light themes).
errorLens.hintForeground #2faf64 #2faf64 #2faf64 Text color used to highlight lines containing hints.
errorLens.hintForegroundLight #2faf64 #2faf64 #2faf64 Text color used to highlight lines containing hints (Only in light themes).
errorLens.statusBarIconErrorForeground #ff6464 #e45454 #ff6464 Status bar icon item error color. Foreground is used when the errorLens.statusBarIconsUseBackground setting is disabled.
errorLens.statusBarIconWarningForeground #fa973a #ff942f #fa973a Status bar icon item error color. Foreground is used when the errorLens.statusBarIconsUseBackground setting is disabled.
errorLens.statusBarErrorForeground #ff6464 #e45454 #ff6464 Status bar item error color.
errorLens.statusBarWarningForeground #fa973a #ff942f #fa973a Status bar item warning color.
errorLens.statusBarInfoForeground #00b7e4 #00b7e4 #00b7e4 Status bar item info color.
errorLens.statusBarHintForeground #2faf64 #2faf64 #2faf64 Status bar item hint color.

Line highlighting depends on the "errorLens.messageBackgroundMode" setting.

#fff0 — Completely transparent color.

Upstream issues

Please upvote the following VS Code issues:

  • Api for editor insets
  • Access theme’s colors programmatically
  • When completing color keys in settings, fill in current value
  • Inline text adornments break word wrapping
  • OnClick event on Gutter
  • Support hover decorations over the line numbers i.e. gutter

these are mine settings

  "breadcrumbs.filePath": "off",
  "breadcrumbs.symbolPath": "off",
  "editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter": "smart",
  "editor.colorDecorators": false,
  "editor.cursorBlinking": "smooth",
  "editor.cursorStyle": "line-thin",
  "editor.detectIndentation": false,
  "editor.fontSize": 12,
  "editor.hover.enabled": false,
  "editor.minimap.renderCharacters": false,
  "editor.multiCursorModifier": "ctrlCmd",
  "editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": false,
  "editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",
  "editor.tabSize": 2,
  "editor.wordWrap": "on",
  "explorer.confirmDelete": false,
  "explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false,
  "files.exclude": {
    "**/.git": true,
    "**/.svn": true,
    "**/.hg": true,
    "**/CVS": true,
    "**/.DS_Store": true,
    "**/node_modules": true,
  "files.insertFinalNewline": true,
  "files.trimFinalNewlines": true,
  "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
  "html.format.wrapAttributes": "force-expand-multiline",
  "window.closeWhenEmpty": true,
  "window.restoreFullscreen": true,
  "window.titleBarStyle": "custom",
  "workbench.commandPalette.history": 0,
  "workbench.editor.tabSizing": "shrink",
  "workbench.settings.editor": "json",
  "workbench.settings.useSplitJSON": true,
  "workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile",
  "[javascript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  "[html]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  "[javascriptreact]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  "javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always",
  "breadcrumbs.enabled": false,
  "editor.renderControlCharacters": false,
  "editor.renderWhitespace": "none",
  "[json]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  "[typescript]": {
    "editor.defaultFormatter": "vscode.typescript-language-features"
  "diffEditor.renderSideBySide": true,
  "javascript.validate.enable": false,
  "search.searchOnTypeDebouncePeriod": 500,
  "git.openDiffOnClick": false,
  "workbench.colorTheme": "GitHub Dark",
  "svg.preview.mode": "svg",
  "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
      "source.fixAll.eslint": true

I haven’t touched them since the last update and highlighting stopped working.
--user-data-dir with this highlighting works. soo, should I delete my settings and start over?

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