Пытаюсь загрузить картинку/гифку или любой другой файл в дискорд, всё что выше одного мб не загружается вот с этой ошибкой
Уже удалял Дискорд и заново ставил, пытался загрузить в чат на сервер, в личку — одна и та же ошибка
Причем если сделать Прискрин всего экрана и попытаться загрузить этот скрин, ошибка — бывает появляется а бывает — нет(весит тоже 1 мб)
но на всё что не прискрин — ошибка всегда
Данная ошибка уже пару дней как присутствует
Не знаю что еще сделать. Может кто сталкивался с подобным или вдруг знает(или предполагает) как это можно исправить?
Partition Wizard
Partition Magic
- How to Solve Discord Upload Failed? Here Are 5 Solutions
By Sherry | Follow |
Last Updated August 11, 2021
If you are a game lover, you might be familiar with Discord. Recently, some users reported the “Discord upload failed” issue. If you are bothered by the same problem, you can try these solutions put together by MiniTool Partition Wizard.
Discord is a software program created for communication. It is mainly used among game lovers. With this program, they can communicate with their friends and team members via voice calls, video calls, text messages, etc. This program is available on various platforms, including Microsoft Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, iPadOS, and Linux. Users can also visit Discord through web browsers.
Unfortunately, some users encountered the “Discord upload failed” error while using the Discord program to upload images, videos, messages, or files, as the following picture shows.
It could happen both in the app and web browser versions. This problem can be caused due to various factors. If you received the same error, try the following fixes to solve the problem.
Solution 1: Restart Your Computer
Sometimes a simple restart can fix common issues on a computer. Therefore, when you receive the upload failed Discord error, the first thing you should do is to save all your work and perform a restart. If you still can’t upload pictures to Discord after the restart, you can move on to the next solution.
Solution 2: Check Discord Server
The “Discord upload failed” could happen when the Discord server doesn’t work properly. To check for that, you can visit its Twitter account “Discord Status” or use reliable third-party server-status checkers such as Downdetector. If there is something wrong with the Discord server, you have nothing to do but wait until the developers solve the problem. If the Discord server works correctly, you should continue with the next solution.
Solution 3: Troubleshoot Your Network Issues
You should also make sure your network works properly to solve upload failed Discord. An easy way is to test the network by visiting other websites or restart your modem or router. For more solutions to network troubleshooting, you can refer to this post: 11 Tips to Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems Win 10.
Some users have solved the error by using a VPN. It can help you fix the connection problem with the internet provider. You can also have a try.
Solution 4: Update Your Discord
Discord developers are keeping releasing updates for new features and bug fixes. If you encountered the “Discord upload failed” issue on the Discord client, you can try updating the app to the latest version to solve the problem.
Usually, Discord will search for available updates automatically when you launch the app. To update Discord manually, you can try reinstalling the app or visiting the official website of Discord.
If this does not help, you can try the Discord web version.
If you have tried all the solutions above but still can’t upload pictures to Discord, you might need to contact the Discord support team for solutions.
You can open your web browser, visit the Discord support page, and report your problem. Please remember to describe the problem in detail so they can help you as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you can also contact Discord support via Twitter, email, or the help center. You can also try using Discord’s community forums to get more solutions.
About The Author
Position: Columnist
Sherry has been a staff editor of MiniTool for a year. She has received rigorous training about computer and digital data in company. Her articles focus on solutions to various problems that many Windows users might encounter and she is excellent at disk partitioning.
She has a wide range of hobbies, including listening to music, playing video games, roller skating, reading, and so on. By the way, she is patient and serious.
Do you keep getting the “Upload Failed” error when sending media on Discord, or do you find that images, videos, or files aren’t uploading?
After relentless attempts at reuploading the file, you may still find yourself staring at that bright red alert as if it were taunting you. For many users, that is the infamous “Upload Failed” error message on Discord:
In other instances, the image or media might get stuck while uploading to Discord, or worse it doesn’t send at all!
Does this sound all too familiar? Worry not, for we’ve got your back on this.
Below are 8 fixes we’ve compiled for you to get rid of this pesky error once and for all.
If so, follow along!
Table of Contents
- Check the Discord Server Status
- Update the Discord Client
- Test Your Internet Connection
- Restart Your Device
- Try the Web Version of Discord
- Change the Server Region
- Check the Privacy Settings
- Contact Discord Support
1. Check the Discord Server Status
The problem may not lie on your side, but rather on Discord’s end — specifically, their servers. Server maintenance 🔧, attacks, and sudden outages 🔌 are just a few of the reasons why Discord may be experiencing backend issues.
Without the full and proper functionality of its servers, users may run into issues using Discord, primarily the inability to send messages or files.
Well, how do we determine if there are ongoing server-side issues?
Thankfully, there are easy ways to do so! A plethora of websites that track the status of various popular servers are just a Google search away 🔎, but we recommend using Downdetector.
In addition to immediately informing you about the server’s status, it also provides data about the rough locations of those who reported it. Hence, you can find out specifically which region of Discord’s services are down. Plus, there’s an embedded Twitter feed to access Discord’s support account (Step 9) almost instantly.
Having all this information at a glance will allow you to quickly determine if there’s an issue on their side and not yours.
Additionally, you could also use Discord’s official server status website here.
While it doesn’t have the same type of information as Downdetector such as location tracking, it provides more technical information. Uptime percentages and API response times are just some of them and play an important role in determining server stability and speed.
These server-side issues usually get resolved in a day or two and functionality should be restored thereafter. However, it still doesn’t hurt to bring it up to Discord’s attention, by tweeting to them or contacting their help desk (Step 9).
2. Update the Discord Client
As with any software, bugs 👾 are inevitable and are a pain to deal with for both the users and the developers. In our case, it could mean that you are unable to send that file to your friend just because of a typo or a single line of bad code!
Luckily, the developers 👨💻 and teams at large companies like Discord quickly rectify these issues in the form of updates that you can download. In addition, these updates usually add new features as well!
Therefore, it’s a good idea to keep your Discord client updated to ensure you have the latest bug fixes and features.
For Discord, the download and update buttons are located at the top right of the client in the form of a green download arrow. After the client automatically restarts, you should be greeted with a new version of the client, hopefully resolving your issue sending the file!
3. Test Your Internet Connection
Moving on we suggest checking your device’s Internet connection. It’s important to know if your device has a stable connection since your device cannot interact with Discord’s services without an Internet connection.
While there are countless sites that can test your Internet connection, we recommend running Ookla’s speed test.
Once your results have been shown, check if the latency and speeds are up to par. Latencies of below 25ms as well as download and upload speeds of at least 10mbps are sufficient to use Discord’s services.
4. Restart Your Device
Computers and smartphones are very complicating devices, let alone the operating systems (OS) that run on them. For instance, Microsoft Windows 10 has approximately 50 million lines of code!
With that many potential points of failure, the OS may inadvertently load the wrong byte of data into the device’s random access memory (RAM), causing system errors. That may very well be the reason why your files and images aren’t uploading on Discord!
Fortunately, an easy fix is just a few clicks away. Restarting your device wipes the RAM and the system starts fresh, free from any potential errors. In fact, restarting your device is also recommended by Discord themselves.
With that said, the following are the steps to reboot depending on the type of device you’re using:
For Windows
Click the Windows icon at the bottom left corner, then from the Start menu, click on the Power button, and choose Restart.
For macOS
The easiest way to prompt a restart is, click the Apple Menu, situated at the top left corner of the screen. Then, from the drop-down, select Restart. At the subsequent message asking “Are you sure you want to restart?”, click Restart.
For Android
Press and hold the power button 📴 for a few seconds, then choose Restart when prompted.
For iPhone/iPad
Press and hold the power button, slide the power off switch 📴. Then, wait a few seconds before turning it on again.
So try uploading that file and now it may just work! 😉
5. Try the Web Version of Discord
In the past, there have been reports of users being unable to upload images on the Discord client – the version of Discord that is installed onto your device. However, the people having issues with the Discord client are able to upload the very same file using Discord’s web browser version.
The web browser version can be accessed here after logging in with your account credentials.
This rather peculiar circumstance can be attributed to a possible bug in the client version of Discord that has yet to be fixed. Conversely, it might be absent in the web browser version. That’s one possible reason why you only see the “Upload Failed” error on the Discord app.
So, if you find success with the web version of Discord, you can use it temporarily.
6. Change the Server Region
Note: As of 18/04/21, Discord is rolling out a Voice Regions update which automatically determines the best server region. Your server may not have the option to change server location anymore.
If you are only having issues chatting on certain servers and don’t have any problems with direct messages, the obstacle might be the guild’s server location. If you have never set up a guild before, the server’s location can be configured to best suit the needs of those who frequently use the server.
Of course, to change the guild’s server location you must either be an admin or a moderator with guild rights.
Here are the steps to change the server location:
- First, click on the server drop-down at the top left.
- Then, choose Server Settings.
- After that, select Overview at the top left.
- Use the drop-down to change server location under Server Region.
Changing the server location to one that is geographically closer to you will lower the latency and improve the stability of your connection. This improves your messaging experience and potentially allows you to now send that file or fix the Discord Upload Failed error!
7. Check the Privacy Settings
A plethora of privacy settings are available when looking through Discord’s settings menu, and for good reason. They are all in place to protect you from receiving malicious files which may contain various malware or viruses that may cost you your precious files or even hard-earned money!
Therefore, it is a good idea to keep these safety nets in place when using Discord for added protection. However, in this case, it may actually prevent you from sending that file to your friend.
Here is a list of privacy settings on either party’s side that may prevent you from sending that file:
- You don’t share a server with the recipient and you’re not friends on Discord.
- Direct messages to strangers are disabled on the shared server.
- The recipient only accepts direct messages from friends.
- The recipient has blocked you.
Steps to allow direct messages from server members
For a specific server:
- First, click on the server drop-down in the top left.
- After that, select Privacy Settings.
- Then, click on the toggle for Allow direct messages from server members, and ensure it has a green tick.
For any new servers you’re joining in the future:
- First, click on the User Settings icon ⚙️ beside your username at the bottom left.
- After that, select Privacy & Safety under User Settings at the top left.
- Next, click on the toggle for Allow direct messages from server members, and ensure it has a green tick.
8. Contact Discord Support
Tried all the fixes above and the file still doesn’t seem to upload? At this point, the issue may very well lie out of reach for an individual to fix themselves.
There are a wide variety of reasons as to why the problem is on Discord’s end. This includes discreet bugs 👾 pertaining to very specific cases, user account problems, or even issues with file and message transmission on Discord’s servers.
Seeing as these are things out of our control, we suggest contacting Discord Support so that they may assist you.
Be sure to explain and elaborate your issue to the best of your ability. Doing this will help them replicate your bug to find the root cause of the issue.
To sum up, those are 8 fixes we recommend to try whenever you’re encountering the “Upload Failed” error or facing upload issues with files, images, or videos on Discord.
After trying each step, it’s good practice to reupload the same file again to determine what was causing the error.
With that being said, hopefully, you’re now able to upload that file again!
Have any other suggestions to fix this issue? Sound off in the comments below!
Feel free to share this post with your Discord lads, who’s getting the “Upload Failed” error.
Pierre Corazo Cesario is a highly skilled Backend Software and DevOps Engineer, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Lancaster University, UK. With a passion for technology and programming, Pierre is also an experienced tech writer, creating insightful and informative content for readers seeking to expand their knowledge in the field. In his free time, he answer’s technology and coding-related queries on online forums and support websites, such as on StackOverflow, Reddit, etc. With his expertise and commitment to quality, Pierre is a valuable member of the Pletaura.com team.
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Discord — отличный инструмент для общения и создания сообществ в Интернете. Но это очень расстраивает, когда у вас возникают проблемы с отправкой или получением. В этом случае вы, вероятно, увидите раздражающее сообщение об ошибке «Ошибка загрузки Discord». Но что вызывает эту досадную ошибку и как ее исправить, не отказываясь от своего изображения? Вот все возможные причины и исправления ошибки Discord Upload Failed.
Размер файла
Размер файла является основной причиной сбоев при загрузке в Discord. Это потому, что обычные пользователи будут иметь ограничение на загрузку только в восемь МБ. Для пользователей Nitro это ограничение составляет 100 МБ, но для видео, гифок и изображений с высоким разрешением это все еще может быть проблемой.
Чтобы обойти это, вы можете разместить загружаемый файл на внешнем веб-сайте, таком как Imgur или в Документах Google, а затем связать файл в Discord.
Проблемы с подключением
Если у вас нет постоянного подключения к серверу Discord, загрузка больших файлов может быть проблемой. Фотографии и другие высококачественные изображения могут быть повреждены из-за проблем с подключением, из-за чего вы не сможете загрузить свой файл. Чтобы решить эту проблему, вам придется либо изменить настройки собственного интернет-соединения, либо устранить неполадки у вашего интернет-провайдера. Некоторые пользователи описали, что использование VPN решило эту проблему.
Связанный: Как использовать голосовой чат Discord на консолях Xbox
Если изображение или файл, который вы загружаете, нарушает спам, NSFW или другие фильтры, которые могут быть на сервере Discord, его загрузка будет автоматически запрещена. Вам также потребуется разрешение на публикацию изображения в чате. Некоторые Discords будут даже иметь ограничения на то, какие роли могут загружать и обмениваться изображениями.
Pierre Corazo Cesario is a highly skilled Backend Software and DevOps Engineer, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science from Lancaster University, UK. With a passion for technology and programming, Pierre is also an experienced tech writer, creating insightful and informative content for readers seeking to expand their knowledge in the field. In his free time, he answer’s technology and coding-related queries on online forums and support websites, such as on StackOverflow, Reddit, etc. With his expertise and commitment to quality, Pierre is a valuable member of the Pletaura.com team.
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