Ошибка zabbix сервер не запущен

So all of a sudden, after a week of using it, I get an error message on my zabbix server gui (http://localhost/zabbix/.)

The error says: Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current.

Any idea why is this happening ll of a sudden and out of the blue? I restarted the machine — which should automatically restore the zabbix server upon startup — but it’s still not running.

I also researched for a startup or restart command but true to form with zabbix helpful, clear documentation is non-existent.


Some more info:

MySQL is running normally. I’m able to select, insert into, whatever I want.

Doing /etc/init.d/zabbix-server status results in * zabbix_server is not running

The last entry in zabbix_server.log is Zabbix Server stopped. Zabbix 2.2.9 (revision 52686).

Doing sudo /etc/init.d/zabbix-server start results in * Starting Zabbix server zabbix_server but the status is still not running and the log file doesn’t have any new entries.

asked Jul 19, 2015 at 13:59

Eddy's user avatar


3,49313 gold badges58 silver badges87 bronze badges

just get into the zabbix.conf.php

   >$sudo vim /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php
   >$ZBX_SERVER      = '**your zabbix ip address or DNS name**';
   >$ZBX_SERVER_PORT = '10051';
   >$ZBX_SERVER_NAME = '**your zabbix hostname**';

just change the ip address you can resolve the error

Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current

After that restart the zabbix server

 >$sudo service zabbix-server restart

To verify go to Dashboard Administration -> queue there you see data

i resolved my error like this works fine for me.

Community's user avatar

answered Oct 25, 2017 at 9:10

Javeed Shakeel's user avatar

Javeed ShakeelJaveed Shakeel

2,8662 gold badges30 silver badges40 bronze badges

To solve the problem zabbix server is not running you have to :

First — Check that all of the database parameters in zabbix.conf.php ( /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php) and zabbix_server.conf ( /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf) to be the same. Including:
• DBHost
• DBName
• DBUser
• DBPassword

Second- Change SElinux parameters:

#setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
#setsebool -P httpd_can_connect_zabbix 1
#setsebool -P zabbix_can_network 1

After all, restart all services:

#service zabbix-server restart
#service httpd restart

worth a try.

mwfearnley's user avatar


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answered Sep 7, 2016 at 10:43

farnaz's user avatar


Edit this file: sudo nano /etc/default/zabbix-server

Adjust the START property to yes:


Then try to run Zabbix again: sudo service zabbix-server start

answered Dec 10, 2015 at 17:40

Ikbel's user avatar


7,6513 gold badges34 silver badges45 bronze badges

This may happen because of the old and new IP address
I have faced same issue which was solve by below method:

vim /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php

$ZBX_SERVER = new ip address

then restart zabbix server

Alexandru Marculescu's user avatar

answered Oct 29, 2016 at 15:13

Manu Narayan Shrestha's user avatar

I was using a special character in my DB password — wrapping the DBPassword option in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf and doing sudo service zabbix-server restart got me back up and running.

Not Working


answered Sep 7, 2017 at 14:03

m.Riston's user avatar

Solution might be this simple:

    sudo su 
    nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf

Remove «#» in front of DBPassword=YourPassword (will change from blue to grey)

Ctrl x (Y to save and press enter to exit)

    service zabbix-server restart

Now you can refresh your browser running ZABBIX. If not, you will have to do the same steps for CacheSize=32M

You do not have to change anything in /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php (localhost is fine)

When editing anything, remember «#» in front of line means invisible to linux.

Community's user avatar

answered Jul 6, 2019 at 11:09

DRE's user avatar

As Zabbix Senior Instructor and Consultant Hernandes Martins says in his «Zabbix server is not running what to do?» blog post:

This is the first step that should be checked regardless of the situation, always view the logs, from the moment the error message appeared in the zabbix web interface always view the log.

By following his advice I could be able to identify the cause of the issue with my Zabbix server, and then apply the solution related to the specific problem.

In my case, as I’ve commented in the page:

The problem in my server was of «4. Resource Allocation Issues». Just like you wrote above, Zabbix was showing out of memory errors on the log when trying to start the server.

After increasing the value of parameter CacheSize I tried to restart the service, but it didn’t respond. So, I ended up restarting the whole machine. Fortunately, in the end it resolved the problem for good.

So, take a look at the log with command tail -f /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log on the terminal/prompt, watch for any errors, and tackle the problem according to what it makes sense for your particular case.

answered Oct 29, 2019 at 13:17

Ulysses Alves's user avatar

Ulysses AlvesUlysses Alves

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Looks like the problem was that I created a Database monitoring Item programmatically and it triggered a bug that caused the server to shutdown.

Once I deleted the item the server came back up, and creating subsequent Items didn’t kill it.

The deadly Item had a value_type of Numeric unsigned, -1 programmatically, while the newly created Items have a value_type of float, which is 0 programmatically.

The whole thing has a voodoo element to it but it did solve my problem.

answered Jul 20, 2015 at 4:35

Eddy's user avatar


3,49313 gold badges58 silver badges87 bronze badges

Maybe is configuration issue

nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf





works for me on Zabbix 3.0 Centos 7

answered Aug 25, 2016 at 18:16

Violeta Sosa's user avatar

The zabbix-server daemon doesn’t seem to like passwords with special characters in them. Unsure whether quotes would work in the configuration I just removed special characters from the database password, updated the configuration files and restarted the daemon.

Configuration parsing errors don’t show up in logs for some reason.

answered Sep 27, 2016 at 23:00

Steen Schütt's user avatar

Steen SchüttSteen Schütt

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Install nmap (( # yum/apt-get install nmap ))tool and check to find out which port the zabbix is listenning to?(( # nmap -sT -p1-65535 localhost )) 10050 or 10051?
The result should be somthing like this:

Starting Nmap 6.40 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2016-11-01 22:54 IRST
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.00032s latency).
Other addresses for localhost (not scanned):
Not shown: 65530 closed ports
22/tcp    open  ssh
25/tcp    open  smtp
80/tcp    open  http
3306/tcp  open  mysql
10050/tcp open  unknown    <--- In my case this is it

Then open /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php and check the line starting with: $ZBX_SERVER_PORT , it’s value should be the same number you saw in the nmap scan result. Change it and restart zabbix-server and httpd and you are good to go!

answered Nov 1, 2016 at 19:00

Farhad K's user avatar

There maybe IP address conflict, try host ‘Zabbix server’

answered Dec 15, 2016 at 18:36

user7303552's user avatar


  • Check that the firewall is allowing connection to Zabbix Server port which is 10051, as a user with root priv:

    vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables

and add the following lines

-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 10051 -j ACCEPT

restart iptables

# service iptables restart

If you have disabled IPV6, you need to also edit the hosts file and remove IPV6 line for «localhost»

# vi /etc/hosts

remove or comment out «#» the ipv6 line for localhost

::1                   localhost6.localdomain6   localhost6

restart the zabbix-server and check if the error message is gone.

answered Nov 27, 2017 at 10:24

joeyski's user avatar

I was in the same trouble.
For my case, that was a conflict between /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf and zabbix_server.conf parameters.
I adjusted


If you run the default installation, you should keep ListenPort=10051 for the server and 10050 for the agent.


Javeed Shakeel's user avatar

answered Feb 23, 2017 at 18:31

jefferson.macedo's user avatar

In my case it happens when introducing host with templates, graphs,trigger etc, the server falls.
The problem was that by default the cache is at 128k and you have to change it.

sudo nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf

Uncheck # Sizecache and add 32M for example.


restart service and voila!! server working

service zabbix-server start

answered Mar 10, 2018 at 12:09

Juan Luis Clemente's user avatar

My problem was caused by having external ip in $ZBX_SERVER setting.

I changed it to localhost instead so that ip was resolved internally,

$sudo nano /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php


$ZBX_SERVER = ‘external ip was written here’;


$ZBX_SERVER = ‘localhost’;


$sudo service zabbix-server restart

Zabbix 3.4 on Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS

answered Apr 26, 2018 at 13:08

Sean Bradley's user avatar

Sean BradleySean Bradley

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I had the same issue.

I forgotten selinux conf, not all is ok:

setsebool -P httpd_can_connect_zabbix on

answered Jun 30, 2018 at 10:25

Luc-Olivier's user avatar


3,6862 gold badges29 silver badges28 bronze badges

In my case, this occurred because the password in the server config file was commented out.

Open the server config file: # sudo vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf

Scroll down to db user and below there will be the password with a # commenting out. Remove the hash and insert your DB password.

answered Aug 3, 2018 at 4:51

Matthew Walker's user avatar

In my case i had to disable Linux SE

[root@webserverlocaldomain /]# setenforce 0

Disable Firewall

[root@webserverlocaldomain /]# systemctl stop firewalld

Edit config file uncommenting#

[root@webserverlocaldomain /]# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf


Then restart the services

[root@webserverlocaldomain /]# systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent httpd

answered Nov 21, 2018 at 22:50

Oscar N's user avatar

Oscar NOscar N

1391 silver badge5 bronze badges

#getsebool -a
//httpd_can_network_connect off
#setsebool httpd_can_network_connect on
#getsebool httpd_can_network_connect
#service zabbix-server restart

Bhargav Rao's user avatar

Bhargav Rao

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answered Mar 6, 2019 at 21:26

user11162234's user avatar


in my case after installing zabbix from sources (removed zabbix 4.0 because upgrading to 4.2 wasn’t possible via apt on a Raspbian GNU/Linux 9.4 stretch) it loaded the config from /usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf instead from /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

After deleting /usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf and creating a symlink pointing to the correct config file in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf it started to work

answered Jul 3, 2019 at 15:43

user 1007017's user avatar

I solved this problem on Ubuntu 18.04 by uninstalling Zabbix and reinstalling it again from scratch.

The initial installation didn’t work because I had followed old posts/guides/tutorials, even from Zabbix documentation itself, so these might probably be outdated. So, the trick was to find and follow the most updated guide to Zabbix installation from its docs.

Here are the two links I followed for uninstalling and reinstalling Zabbix:

  • How to uninstall Zabbix: https://www.quora.com/How-do-I-uninstall-Zabbix-server-agent-in-Ubuntu
  • How to (properly) install Zabbix: https://www.zabbix.com/download?zabbix=4.0&os_distribution=ubuntu&os_version=18.04_bionic&db=postgresql

When installing Zabbix from the link above, your choosen Zabbix Version, OS Distribution, OS Version or Database may be different from the ones I’ve selected, but following the instructions on this page will probably be also the right way for you to install your chosen Zabbix configuration without getting errors post installation.

answered Jul 18, 2019 at 11:22

Ulysses Alves's user avatar

Ulysses AlvesUlysses Alves

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Never had the problem until it suddenly appeared once, for me, the solution was to add (uncomment) the following line in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf


Artemis's user avatar


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answered May 30, 2018 at 14:16

Malditazo's user avatar

i had similar problem and my gui reported problem with cache, i change it zabbix-server.conf to 32M and now is ok, zabbix is an intelligent tool, please if it possible check problems in gui first. I had to much hosts … for default cache.

answered Jan 17, 2019 at 9:35

peceq's user avatar


133 bronze badges

Oops!! Facing the “Zabbix server is not running” error? We can help you with it.

This error occurs due to various reasons like incorrect information in the Zabbix configuration file, resource allocation problems, etc.

At Bobcares, we get requests from our customers about Zabbix error, as a part of our Server Management Services.

Today, we’ll see how our Support Engineers fix this Zabbix server is not running error.

What are the causes for the Zabbix server is not running error?

Zabbix server is not running error occur due to various reasons. Some of them are:

  •  Incorrect data in the zabbix_server.conf configuration file.
  •  Problems in database creation and permissions.
  •  Problems with the firewall.
  •  Lack of sufficient resources to start the zabbix_server daemon.

Our Support Engineers traverse through all the possible scenarios in order to find a perfect fix.

Let’s see, how we find fix for each of these causes.

1. Incorrect Zabbix configuration results in the Zabbix server is not running error

Usually, incorrect data in the Zabbix configuration file and database results in the Zabbix server is not running error.

To clarify, if there is any difference in database parameters in /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php and /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf or change in any of the values in configuration result in this error.

Our  Engineers check for the precision of database parameters in /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php and /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf.

If there is any difference, we will correct that and fix the error.

Recently, one of our customers approached us with the same error. We found that in the configuration file, the Zabbix server IP was different, so we corrected that.

We corrected the IP in zabbix.conf.php. The location of the file is at /etc/zabbix/web

cd /etc/zabbix/web

Zabbix server is not running

vi zabbix.conf.php
ZBX_SERVER = '**your zabbix ip address or name**';
ZBX_SERVER_PORT = '10051';
ZBX_SERVER_NAME = '**your zabbix hostname**'; 

After that, we restarted the service.

service zabbix-server restart

Our Support Engineers fixed the error by correcting the IP in the configuration file.

2. Zabbix server error due to problems with the firewall.

This error can also occur because of firewall blockages. So, we need to check whether or not there are firewall rules preventing the use of the service.

As a root user, we check and confirm whether the firewall is allowing connection to Zabbix Server port which is 10051. If not, then we add the following rule in the configuration file /etc/sysconfig/iptables.  Finally, restart the service in order to fix the error.

-A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 10051 -j ACCEPT
service iptables restart

Hence, this fixes the Zabbix server is not running error.

3. Lack of sufficient resource

In order to start the zabbix_server daemon, it requires sufficient resources. So, we need to adjust the parameter “Cachesize” and increase in a way that the Zabbix Server application can make the most of the memory resource.

Our Support Engineers check for problems with the “CacheSize” parameter of the configuration file zabbix_server.conf. And then we increase the Cachesize value accordingly in order to fix the Zabbix server is not running error.

vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf
Cachesize= [Increased value]

[Having trouble in fixing Zabbix errors? – Our Experts are available 24/7.]


In short, an error in any configuration file or database, problems with firewalls and, lack of sufficient resource, etc. results in the Zabbix server is not running error. Today, we discussed the possible reasons for this error. Also, we saw how our Support Engineers fixed this error.


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Ошибка zabbix сервера: Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current. (

Сервер Zabbix не запущен: отображаемая информация может быть неактивной)


Ошибка возникла не сервере с операционной системой Ubuntu

root@zbs:/home/asv# lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
Release:        20.04
Codename:       focal
root@zbs:/home/asv# uname -a
Linux zbs 5.4.0-84-generic #94-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 26 20:27:37 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

При открытии веб-интерфейса, в самом низу окна появилось сообщение: “

Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current.

При попытки запустить, какой либо скрипт, также ошибка

Cannot execute script.

• Connection to Zabbix server “localhost” refused. Possible reasons:
• 1. Incorrect server IP/DNS in the “zabbix.conf.php”;
• 2. Security environment (for example, SELinux) is blocking the connection;
• 3. Zabbix server daemon not running;
• 4. Firewall is blocking TCP connection.
• Connection refused

Проверяем запущен ли zabbix сервер

Делаем бекап лог-файла, очищаем и перезапускаем сервер и опять проверяем логи.

root@zbs:/home/asv# service zabbix-server stop
root@zbs:/home/asv# cp /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log_2021-09-23
root@zbs:/home/asv# echo > /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log
root@zbs:/home/asv# service zabbix-server start
root@zbs:/home/asv# cat /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log

708375:20210923:101151.286 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 5.4.4 (revision 1765c4f1bc).
708375:20210923:101151.286 ****** Enabled features ******
708375:20210923:101151.286 SNMP monitoring:           YES
708375:20210923:101151.286 IPMI monitoring:           YES
708375:20210923:101151.286 Web monitoring:            YES
708375:20210923:101151.286 VMware monitoring:         YES
708375:20210923:101151.286 SMTP authentication:       YES
708375:20210923:101151.286 ODBC:                      YES
708375:20210923:101151.286 SSH support:               YES
708375:20210923:101151.286 IPv6 support:              YES
708375:20210923:101151.286 TLS support:               YES
708375:20210923:101151.286 ******************************
708375:20210923:101151.286 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
708375:20210923:101151.298 current database version (mandatory/optional): 05040000/05040000
708375:20210923:101151.298 required mandatory version: 05040000
708375:20210923:101151.312 server #0 started [main process]
708376:20210923:101151.313 server #1 started [configuration syncer #1]
708376:20210923:101151.538 __mem_malloc: skipped 0 asked 24 skip_min 18446744073709551615 skip_max 0
708376:20210923:101151.538 [file:dbconfig.c,line:102] __zbx_mem_realloc(): out of memory (requested 16 bytes)
708376:20210923:101151.538 [file:dbconfig.c,line:102] __zbx_mem_realloc(): please increase CacheSize configuration parameter
708376:20210923:101151.538 === memory statistics for configuration cache ===
708376:20210923:101151.538 min chunk size: 18446744073709551615 bytes
708376:20210923:101151.538 max chunk size:          0 bytes
708376:20210923:101151.538 memory of total size 7263752 bytes fragmented into 70281 chunks
708376:20210923:101151.538 of those,          0 bytes are in        0 free chunks
708376:20210923:101151.538 of those,    7263752 bytes are in    70281 used chunks
708376:20210923:101151.538 of those,    1124480 bytes are used by allocation overhead
708376:20210923:101151.538 ================================
708376:20210923:101151.538 === Backtrace: ===
708376:20210923:101151.540 11: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](zbx_backtrace+0x52) [0x558eabf24a1a]
708376:20210923:101151.540 10: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](__zbx_mem_realloc+0x164) [0x558eabf1efd1]
708376:20210923:101151.540 9: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](+0x1b7fa3) [0x558eabea0fa3]
708376:20210923:101151.540 8: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](+0x1c6c5c) [0x558eabeafc5c]
708376:20210923:101151.540 7: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](DCsync_configuration+0x14b8) [0x558eabeb1407]
708376:20210923:101151.540 6: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](dbconfig_thread+0x126) [0x558eabd5407b]
708376:20210923:101151.540 5: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](zbx_thread_start+0x3b) [0x558eabf35f5f]
708376:20210923:101151.540 4: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](MAIN_ZABBIX_ENTRY+0xb59) [0x558eabd407ab]
708376:20210923:101151.540 3: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](daemon_start+0x303) [0x558eabf2455c]
708376:20210923:101151.540 2: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](main+0x309) [0x558eabd3fb34]
708376:20210923:101151.540 1: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf3) [0x7f0f627f70b3]
708376:20210923:101151.540 0: /usr/sbin/zabbix_server: configuration syncer [syncing configuration](_start+0x2e) [0x558eabd3e94e]
708375:20210923:101151.545 One child process died (PID:708376,exitcode/signal:1). Exiting ...
708375:20210923:101151.547 syncing trend data...
708375:20210923:101151.547 syncing trend data done
708375:20210923:101151.547 Zabbix Server stopped. Zabbix 5.4.4 (revision 1765c4f1bc).

Из логов заслуживаем внимание несколько строк:

709254:20210923:101338.940 __mem_malloc: skipped 0 asked 24 skip_min 18446744073709551615 skip_max 0
709254:20210923:101338.941 [file:dbconfig.c,line:102] __zbx_mem_realloc(): out of memory (requested 16 bytes)
709254:20210923:101338.941 [file:dbconfig.c,line:102] __zbx_mem_realloc(): please increase CacheSize configuration parameter

проверяем конфигурационный файл забикс сервера

root@zbs:/home/asv# grep "CacheSize" /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
### Option: VMwareCacheSize
# VMwareCacheSize=8M
### Option: CacheSize
# CacheSize=8M
### Option: HistoryCacheSize
# HistoryCacheSize=16M
### Option: HistoryIndexCacheSize
# HistoryIndexCacheSize=4M
### Option: TrendCacheSize
# TrendCacheSize=4M
### Option: TrendFunctionCacheSize
# TrendFunctionCacheSize=4M
### Option: ValueCacheSize
# ValueCacheSize=8M

Конечно стоит посмотреть графики использования кеша и на основании их уже сделать выводы на сколько стоит увеличить. Но так как я практически не ограничен в оперативной памяти, указал сразу 512M

root@zbs:/home/asv# vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

изменяемый раздел конфига

### Option: CacheSize
#       Size of configuration cache, in bytes.
#       Shared memory size for storing host, item and trigger data.
# Mandatory: no
# Range: 128K-64G
# Default:
# CacheSize=8M

Проверяем запуск сервера:

root@zbs:/home/asv# service zabbix-server start
root@zbs:/home/asv# cat /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log

730027:20210923:105730.355 Starting Zabbix Server. Zabbix 5.4.4 (revision 1765c4f1bc).
730027:20210923:105730.355 ****** Enabled features ******
730027:20210923:105730.355 SNMP monitoring:           YES
730027:20210923:105730.355 IPMI monitoring:           YES
730027:20210923:105730.355 Web monitoring:            YES
730027:20210923:105730.355 VMware monitoring:         YES
730027:20210923:105730.356 SMTP authentication:       YES
730027:20210923:105730.356 ODBC:                      YES
730027:20210923:105730.356 SSH support:               YES
730027:20210923:105730.356 IPv6 support:              YES
730027:20210923:105730.356 TLS support:               YES
730027:20210923:105730.356 ******************************
730027:20210923:105730.356 using configuration file: /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
730027:20210923:105730.365 current database version (mandatory/optional): 05040000/05040000
730027:20210923:105730.365 required mandatory version: 05040000
730027:20210923:105730.375 server #0 started [main process]
730028:20210923:105730.376 server #1 started [configuration syncer #1]
730029:20210923:105730.879 server #2 started [alert manager #1]
730030:20210923:105730.880 server #3 started [alerter #1]
730031:20210923:105730.880 server #4 started [alerter #2]
730033:20210923:105730.881 server #6 started [preprocessing manager #1]
730032:20210923:105730.881 server #5 started [alerter #3]
730035:20210923:105730.882 server #8 started [preprocessing worker #2]
730036:20210923:105730.883 server #9 started [preprocessing worker #3]
730037:20210923:105730.883 server #10 started [lld manager #1]
730038:20210923:105730.883 server #11 started [lld worker #1]
730039:20210923:105730.884 server #12 started [lld worker #2]
730040:20210923:105730.885 server #13 started [housekeeper #1]
730041:20210923:105730.885 server #14 started [timer #1]
730042:20210923:105730.886 server #15 started [http poller #1]
730043:20210923:105730.886 server #16 started [discoverer #1]
730044:20210923:105730.887 server #17 started [history syncer #1]
730045:20210923:105730.887 server #18 started [history syncer #2]
730046:20210923:105730.889 server #19 started [history syncer #3]
730047:20210923:105730.889 server #20 started [history syncer #4]
730048:20210923:105730.889 server #21 started [escalator #1]
730049:20210923:105730.890 server #22 started [proxy poller #1]
730050:20210923:105730.890 server #23 started [self-monitoring #1]
730051:20210923:105730.891 server #24 started [task manager #1]
730052:20210923:105730.891 server #25 started [poller #1]
730054:20210923:105730.892 server #27 started [poller #3]
730055:20210923:105730.893 server #28 started [poller #4]
730056:20210923:105730.894 server #29 started [poller #5]
730057:20210923:105730.894 server #30 started [unreachable poller #1]
730058:20210923:105730.895 server #31 started [trapper #1]
730059:20210923:105730.895 server #32 started [trapper #2]
730053:20210923:105730.896 server #26 started [poller #2]
730062:20210923:105730.897 server #35 started [trapper #5]
730060:20210923:105730.897 server #33 started [trapper #3]
730064:20210923:105730.898 server #37 started [alert syncer #1]
730061:20210923:105730.899 server #34 started [trapper #4]
730063:20210923:105730.899 server #36 started [icmp pinger #1]
730065:20210923:105730.899 server #38 started [history poller #1]
730067:20210923:105730.901 server #40 started [history poller #3]
730068:20210923:105730.902 server #41 started [history poller #4]
730070:20210923:105730.903 server #43 started [availability manager #1]
730066:20210923:105730.903 server #39 started [history poller #2]
730069:20210923:105730.903 server #42 started [history poller #5]
730034:20210923:105730.982 server #7 started [preprocessing worker #1]

Другие статьи

Если Вы обнаружили, что  сервер перестал отправлять уведомления, в веб-интерфейсе есть оповещение Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current, состояние Zabbix server is running  No localhost:10051 или  zabbix-server не запускается и не все данные отображаются корректно, то у вас подобный случай:

1. Если в логе /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log не отображается ошибка или очень мало данных для диагностики, то нужно обязательно изменить параметр DebugLevel=5 в /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf и запускаем zabbix_server: service zabbix-server start

2. В моем случае  была ошибка :

zbx_mem_realloc(): out of memory (requested 4168 bytes)

zbx_mem_realloc(): please increase CacheSize configuration parameter

Необходимо увеличить значения в /etc/zabbix/zabbix-server.conf, которые по умолчанию очень низкие, а с учетом того, что количество устройств растет в вашей системе, то значения необходимо увеличить, например:


3. Далее перегружаемся и все работает.

Источник и другие рекомендации
Похожие симптомы, может кому-то пригодится

Если вы установили серверную часть системы мониторинга Zabbix на системах RHEL (Oracle Linux, RedHat, CentOS) и вроде бы всё правильно, но в веб-интерфейсе вылазит ошибка
Zabbix server is not running: the information displayed may not be current

то, здесь обычно 2 варианта:

  • самый простой — не запущен или не корректно сконфигурирован демон zabbix-server. Проверьте, совпадают ли номера портов в конфигах zabbix-server (/etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf) и zabbix-web (/etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php), а так же правильно ли настроено подключение к БД.
  • если всё в конфигурационных файлах правильно и демон запущен, это скорее всего значит, что вам надо или отключить систему защиты SeLinux совсем или — что будет корректнее — изменить политику доступа к портам системы для демона httpd.

1. Проверим, что проблема действительно в настройках SeLinux:

tail -f /var/log/audit/audit.log |grep -i avc

Должны периодически добавляться в лог строки вроде этой:

type=AVC msg=audit(1395664684.460:297): avc:  denied  { name_connect } for  pid=3078 comm=»httpd» dest=10051 scontext=unconfined_u:system_r:httpd_t:s0 tcontext=system_u:object_r:zabbix_port_t:s0 tclass=tcp_socket

а команда:

getsebool -a | grep zabbix

должна в таком случае дать результат:

zabbix_can_network —> off

Изменим политику для httpd:

setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on


getsebool httpd_can_network_connect

Результат должен быть следующий:

httpd_can_network_connect —> on

Теперь веб-интерфейс Zabbix должен нормально подключаться к серверу через порт 10051 (по-умолчанию) и ошибка исчезнет.

Возможно, вам также будет интересно:

  • Ошибка your case had been opened
  • Ошибка z3 на терминале оплаты что это
  • Ошибка you were kicked from the game
  • Ошибка z3 на терминале оплаты альфа банк как исправить
  • Ошибка you sdk location contains non ascii characters

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