Ошибка your payment method was

App Store и iTunes без видимой причины прекратят принимать вашу дебетовую или кредитную карту. Карта, с которой у вас раньше не было проблем с покупкой приложений, песен или фильмов, перестанет работать, и в App Store просто скажут: «Ваш способ оплаты был отклонен». Затем он попросит вас обновить платежную информацию. Иногда это решит проблему. Если обновление вашей платежной информации не устраняет ошибку «Ваш способ оплаты был отклонен», вы зашли в тупик. App Store и iTunes не дают дальнейших указаний, но вот несколько вещей, которые вы можете попробовать.

Основные проверки

Во-первых, давайте уберем абсолютное очевидное. Удостовериться;

  1. Ваша карта действительна и срок ее действия истекает.
  2. Вы обновили свою платежную информацию, и она является точной.
  3. Мы предполагаем, что это карта, которая работала раньше. Если он новый, подумайте о том, чтобы позвонить в свой банк и подтвердить, что он будет работать или авторизован для покупок в Интернете. Новая карта может потребовать явной авторизации, прежде чем ее можно будет использовать для совершения покупок в Интернете.
  4. Убедитесь, что у вас есть деньги на вашем счете. В идеале у вас должно быть чуть больше суммы, которую вы хотите купить. Например, если вы хотите купить приложение за 0,99 долл., Убедитесь, что на вашем счету есть хотя бы 5 или 10 долл. США.
  5. Убедитесь, что на вашей карте или банковском счете нет ограничений по транзакциям. Если вы уже превысили лимит на день, вы не сможете совершить покупку.
  6. Попробуйте совершить покупку в два разных дня. Ошибка может быть на стороне сервера вашего банка.

Если вы прошли описанные выше проверки, но все еще получаете ошибку «Ваш способ оплаты был отклонен», пришло время попробовать что-то другое.

Покупка через iTunes

Попробуйте купить приложение или оплатить подписку в iTunes. Если это не сработает, и iTunes также отклоняет способ оплаты, вернитесь на свое устройство iOS.

Удалить и добавить кредитную / дебетовую карту

Откройте приложение App Store. На избранной вкладке прокрутите вниз и коснитесь своего Apple ID. Выберите «Просмотр Apple ID». Нажмите «Информация об оплате» на экране «Аккаунт».

Мы предполагаем, что вы уже обновили свою платежную информацию, но она не сработала. На следующем экране нажмите «Нет» в разделе «Тип платежа». Это на самом верху. Выберите «Нет» и разрешите стереть свою платежную информацию. Адрес останется, но это не проблема.

Затем выйдите из App Store и войдите снова. Снова добавьте способ оплаты, а затем приобретите приложение, которое вы хотите загрузить. Это должно работать на этот раз.
Затем выйдите из App Store и войдите снова. Снова добавьте способ оплаты, а затем приобретите приложение, которое вы хотите загрузить. Это должно работать на этот раз.

Это метод, который я сам испытал после появления ошибки «Ваш метод оплаты был отклонен» в течение нескольких месяцев подряд. Это решило проблему в течение нескольких минут, однако, это может не работать для всех. Это ни в коем случае не единственное решение, но я лично проверил его на практике.

August 18 2009, 17:21


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1. Предыстория:

У меня дебетовая карта Visa Classic «Аэрофлот бонус» и счет до востребования всеми любимого банка наследника советской эпохи — Сбербанка РФ. (www.sbrf.ru)
Завел ее специально для платежей в Интернете и для покупки софта в App Store, так как Visa Electron вообще бесправная. Только за йогурт платить в супермаркете у дома. Видимо, поторопился. Нахожусь в скромном отдаленном от столицы городке.

2. Проблема:

При регистрации карты Сбербанка Visa Classic в своем аккаунте iTunes получаю ошибку — Your payment method was declined. Please enter valid payment method information. Код авторизации, номер, контактная информация и срок действия введены верно.

Так-с, думаю, это жжжж не спроста. Пошел в гости к сайту Сбербанка. Нашел инфо по банковским картам и платежам в Интернете в разделе Проведение операций в сети Интернет в защищенном режиме по технологии:

Verified by Visa

3. Собственно, вопросы:

1. Смогу ли я использовать свою карту Visa Classic «Аэрофлот» для покупки софта в App Store? (Я так понял, что не смогу)
2. С какими картами и банками еще могут возникнуть проблемы в App Store?
3. Карты каких банков точно работают с iTunes App Store?
4. Будет ли работать в App Store виртуальная карта Visa от сервиса http://visa.1pb.ru/ ?

4. Обновление:

ЗАРАБОТАЛО!!! Только что, без всяких доп. действий (если не считать этот пост и тыщу попыток ввести данные карты), без звонков в тех службу и без подтверждающего пароля из терминала. Через некоторое время на двадцатый или Бога знает какой раз — карта была принята.

4. Выводы (по результатам обсуждения в комментах):

1. Однозначной причины проблемы не выявлено — у кого-то работает дебетовая Visa Classic, у кого-то нет. У  кого-то работает Visa Electron, у кого-то нет. Зачастую результаты разнятся у владельцев одинаковых карт из одного города. И до сих пор не ясно — это связано с ошибкой владельца карты при вводе, ограничением банков или сбоями в работе сервисов и биллинговых систем.
2. С дебетовыми картами App Store — работает!
3. Варианты решения проблемы:
1. Проверить ЕЩЕ РАЗ правильность вводимой информации с карты. 2. Проверить ЕЩЕ РАЗ правильность кода безопасности (три цифры на обороте после номера карты) 3. Позвонить в службу поддержки банка и уточнить, поддерживаются операции по оплате в сети Интернет. 4. Молиться, молиться и не есть позже, чем за 3 часа до сна и все получится!=) Удачи!

PS.И даже не знаю на кого пенять — то ли на себя, то ли на Эпл, то ли на Сбербанк. То ли на луну и космическое притяжение.

Что купить-то первым делом? ;)

Several users have said that their payment method is declined in the App Store or iTunes Store and when they want to change or update the payment method, they are encountering the following error message:

Your payment method was declined. Please enter another payment method.

Your payment method declined error message

This is an important problem. This will prevent you from paying for Google products. This means you will not be able to use the App Store, iTunes Store, iCloud, and more.

You can update or change your Apple ID payment method in Settings on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, or in iTunes on your Mac or PC.

Please note that before doing anything please ensure that you update your device to the latest version of iOS or iPadOS or macOS. You can easily check for updates:

  • iOS or iPadOS: Settings > General > Software Update.
  • macOS (Mojave or later): System Preferences > Software Update.

If there is an update, follow the onscreen instructions, if there is no update available, then restart your device. Here is how you can restart your device:

  • Mac: Click the Apple menu and choose Restart.
  • iPhone X, 11, or later and iPad with Face ID models: Press and hold the side or top and the volume up or down buttons together until you see the power off slider. Then drag the slider. Wait for your device to turn off. Then press and hold the side button until the Apple logo appears.
  • Other iPhone and iPad models: Press and hold the side or top button until the power off slider appears. Drag the on-screen slider. Then press and hold the side or top button to turn your device back on.

See also: Please Contact iTunes Support to Complete This Transaction

Payment declined error message

If you see an unexpected charge, you can request a refund. If you see this error message, it usually indicates that there may be a problem with your debit or credit card issuer.

See also: How To Cancel Apple Subscriptions

  • Please ensure that you enter your credit card number, expiration date, billing address, security (verification) code, and phone number correctly. Also, make sure that your address and zip code that you entered must match those associated with your bank.
  • Make sure that your name must match EXACTLY as on your card,
  • Please ensure that:
    • Your card is not expired or closed.
    • If you have a daily spending limit, the payment is not exceeding it.
    • Your card has not been locked or suspended by your issuing institution.
  • Contact your bank or payment provider for help. Your bank can help you find out why your payment was declined. For example, banks and financial institutions are constantly monitoring your credit card transactions to detect fraud. It is possible that your account has been flagged for fraud. Or, your card may have specific restrictions that cause this problem.
  • Make sure that your Apple ID country or region (App Store and iTunes country) matches the country or region of your card. For example, if your Apple ID account country is the USA, then your billing address and the card issuer should be the USA also. If they do not match, you may need to update or change. You can see the current country or region by going to the Apple ID website (appleid.apple.com). And sign in. Find the Account section. You will see your country or region. If you need to change this, click the Edit button. You can also change this, if needed, on your iPhone or iPad by going to Settings > Your Name > iTunes & App Store > Your Apple ID > View Apple ID > Country/Region.
  • In some places, you may not be able to use a debit card. Try using a credit card.

See also: App Store Keeps Asking For Credit Card Info? Fix

If your primary payment method does not work, you can add an additional payment method. Here is how:

  • On your iPhone or iPad: Go to Settings > Your Name > iTunes & App Store > your Apple ID > View Apple ID > Manage Payments > Add Payment Method.
  • On your Mac: Open the App Store app and sign in by clicking your name. Then click View Information > Manage Payments. And Click Add Payment.

See also: How To Create an Apple ID Without an Apple Device & Credit Card

You can also contact Apple (https://support.apple.com/contact) if the problem persists.

Dr. Serhat Kurt worked as a Senior Technology Director. He holds a doctoral degree (or doctorate) from the University of Illinois at Urbana / Champaign and a master’s degree from Purdue University. Here is his LinkedIn profile. Email Serhat Kurt.

Let’s say you want to buy books, music, movies, or apps from Apple. You were able to purchase all the items earlier, but suddenly you can’t because iTunes or App Store won’t allow you to do so. It accompanies an error message as “You Payment Method” was declined. The message indicates directly that you are not able to make the transaction, if this happens multiple times then you could be in a troublesome situation. You cannot buy any items or pay for your Apple Music subscription.

Some users reported that iTunes and iTunes just stop accepting their debit or credit card. It could be due to a brand-new card or it could be the transaction method that makes you stuck on the purchasing procedure. But don’t you worry because we got you all covered up.

In this article, we will show you how to fix the “Your Payment Method Was Declined” Error in iTunes or App Store. Read on the article till the end that we have managed to provide you.

iTunes: Your Payment Method Was Declined

See also: Why are my iTunes Songs Greyed Out? Here’s the Real Fix.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Check Internet connection

I know this is silly, but many users reported that their internet connection was not there while making the transaction which failed. While making the transaction, make sure that your Apple device is connected to the internet.

An intermittent internet connection sometimes causes the issue, if that’s the case connect your device to Wi-Fi in order to make the transaction.

Check your card information

New credit or debit card users are unfamiliar with their card number, in the beginning, so they just enter the card details in hurry resulting in a failed transaction. We all do mistakes; you might have to enter incorrect digit or latter in your name located on the card. If that’s the case, you need to verify the details that you have entered while purchasing an item on iTunes or App Store.

Fix “your Payment Method Was Declined” Error In Itunes Or App Store

Enter the card information correctly and you are good to go, this is the most basic thing you can do.

Did the transaction fail? Wait for a while

When you are purchasing any items from iTunes or App Store and transaction files in a row, another smart thing can do is to wait for a while. The transaction might be not happening due to the temporary glitch. Sometimes the issue is from the bank’s end, their server might not be working temporarily.

Wait for few hours and then try to purchase the item that you want from iTunes and App Store.

Update Apple ID payment information

Here, we are going to update Apple ID payment information for iTunes and App Store. You might have changed something, so it needs to be updated in Apple ID payment information. If not, you can re-update the payment info to see if this works.

How to payment info on iPhone, iPad, or iPod?

Step 1: Visit Settings > iTunes & App Store.

Step 2: Go to Apple ID, then tap on View Apple ID.

Step 3: Enter your Apple ID password.

Step 4: Tap on Payment information.

Fix “your Payment Method Was Declined” Error In Itunes Or App Store

Step 5: Update Card Numbers, Expiry Date, CVV, and billing address.

How to update payment info on Mac or PC?

Step 1: Open iTunes on your computer.

Step 2: Go to Account > View My Account, from the menu bar.

Step 3: Enter Apple ID password.

Step 4: Click Manage Payments, under Apple ID Summary.

Step 5: Click on Edit located right next to your payment method.

Step 6: Update Card Number, Expiry Date, CVV, and billing details.

Step 7: Click on Done when you finished.

Fill up the billing address correctly:
Unknowingly users just fill up the wrong billing address, the same billing address does not match the bank address. As a result, the transaction fails due to silly mistakes. Make sure to fill up the correct billing address on the Apple ID payment method. (Few folks reported that there was a “+6” digit in the ZIP code of their bank address, but that was lacking in their Apple ID.
You are at the right location?
It happens that any devices such as iOS, iPad, Android, etc ask you to turn on the location to make the transaction. Location matters overhear, if you are a traveler you can face issues with the transaction especially when you move to remote areas. Also, if you are using a VPN, disable it. It won’t allow you to make transactions and confuse the device while making the transaction.

Check your purchase history

If there are unpaid purchases in the list, you are unable to update or purchase any items from iTunes and App Store. Apple does a verification while making a purchase, it means the purchase goes into the pending list so you cannot buy the items till the verification is completed.

How to check payment history on iPhone, iPad, or iPod?

Step 1: Visit the Settings app and click on iTunes & App Store.

Step 2: Tap on your Apple ID, then view your Apple ID.

Step 3: Enter your Apple ID password.

Step 4: Scroll down and search for Purchase History, tap on it.

Fix “your Payment Method Was Declined” Error In Itunes Or App Store

Step 5: You will find unpaid purchases under Pending.

How to check purchase history on Mac or PC?

Step 1: Open iTunes on your computer.

Step 2: Go to Account, and then View My Account.

Step 3: Enter your Apple ID.

Step 4: Scroll down to Purchase History, and click See All.

Step 5: You will find unpaid purchases under Pending.

If you see there are unauthorized purchases on your account. That happens because there is not enough balance left in your account. It might possible someone from your family has purchased the item from your account, if that is the case, you need to have control over the permission.

Step 1: Visit Settings > (Youe Name) > Family Sharing.

Step 2: Tap on the family member’s name (he or she must be 18 or above).

Step 3: Tap Ask to Buy.

Now someone from the family members tries to purchase any iTems, your device will ask for authorization.

Sign out and sign in yourself in iTunes and App Store

A glitch in the software also causes the payment issue. Here, we suggest you sign out of your account from iTunes and App Store and sign in back again.

How to sign out of iTunes and App Store on iPhone, iPad, or iPod?

Step 1: Visit Settings > and go to iTunes & App Store.

Step 2: Tap on Apple ID and tap on Sign Out.

How to sign out of iTunes and App Store from Mac and PC?

Step 1: Open iTunes on your computer.

Step 2: Visit Account, and then Sign Out.

For Mac users: Visit App Store, from the menu bar, go to Store > Sign Out.

After this, restart your device and then try to sign in and make the payment.

What if Nothing Works?

All the methods mentioned above are valid fixes. At this point, the “Your Payment Method Was Declined” error should be get resolved. You should be able to make transactions without any issues. But even the error still tends to exist, it’s time to call the bank, check your balance. If everything is fine, you can still call the bank;’s customer care service and explain your situation to them. There are banks that won’t allow you to make a small payment, but you can remove the restrictions.

Another thing you can do is contact Apple Support. Express your situation to them, tell them everything you did including contacting the bank. They will assist your further.


Following are some common FAQs that we have covered that can be helpful.

Can I use another debit or credit card for iTunes or App Store?

Yes, you can use another debit or credit card to purchase items from iTunes or App Store. It is always good to keep the secondary cards in situations where your first card fails to make the transaction. This can turn out to be a life-saving moment in critical situations.

I am unable to use an iTunes gift card to purchase an app, what to do?

If you are unable to use the gift card to purchase an app, then you need to look at card details. Make sure it is filled correctly to purchase an app from iTunes. Sometimes, the iTunes gift card fails to work on Mac OS X, instead, you can try it on on another device such as iPhones, iPad, or iPods.

Why am I facing a “This payment cannot be processed at this time try again later” message?

It happens sometimes that your bank server is not working for a moment. Or there could be a block on your account due to a suspicious transaction. If that’s the case, you should call your bank directly. Else, the card details you have entered might be incorrect so re-check the card details.

Moreover, iTunes or App Store server could be down due to maintenance. You can know the server is working or not by visiting downdetector.com. The best thing you can do is to wait for some time and then make the payment,

That’s it for now, hope this helps! Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. Till then stay tuned for more info.

See next: How to Fix iTunes Error Code 1671, Stuck While Restoring iTunes

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ask a new question.

I trying to buy apps MobileNavigator, and recive error — «Your payment method was declined» both on iphone and macbook. What i’m doing wrong?

my id is: chepil@sber-kassa.ru

payment card is visa and have money on it.


Mac OS X (10.5.8)

Posted on Sep 26, 2009 2:58 AM

All I could suggest is go to ur account thru iTunes and go to your payment method and double check there are no mistakes in ur details.

Posted on Sep 26, 2009 3:25 AM

Your payment method was declined

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