Ошибка your current default speech does not support

  Не работает встроенный микрофон

проблема с ноутбуком Acer Aspire 5552G

Ноутбук Acer Aspire 5552G

Здравствуйте! Недавно разбирал ноутбук чтобы почистить от пыли, собрал — всё вроде работает нормально. Но вдруг обнаружил, что встроенный микрофон не работает. В настройке микрофона отразилось «Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time». Хотя в панели управления около микрофона стоит зелёная галочка — значит, подключён. Как можно исправить проблему?

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Разумеется не поддерживается. Это же Русский! Американцы его не понимают вот и делаю «палки в колёса» тем более что Windows, Linux, Mac etc…
Изначально были написаны на English, следовательно делаем вывод что они «понимают только свой язык», а именно — English. Решение вашей проблемы состоит в перестановке кривых дров т. е нужно удалить звуковое устройство, перезагрузить ПК и заново его поставить. (иногда помогает если интернет наоборот отключен, и под рукой есть драйвера — скачанные непосредственно с «официального сайта модели вашего компьютера», их можно установить и проверить как работает ваш ПК).
  асийе  17 декабря 2017 

у меня не работает микрофон на наушниках хотя сам микрофон рабочий при попытке зайти в настройки микрофона выдает ошибку Ваш текущий двигатель речи по умолчанию не поддерживает это действие в это время  Сашок Попов  13 декабря 2014 

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На чтение 2 мин Обновлено 07.10.2022


  1. FIX: Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time
  2. Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.
  3. FIX: Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time
  4. FIX 1 – General Suggestions
  5. FIX 2 – Set Sound Defaults

· Updated: June 7, 2019 · 09:49 AM · By Kapil Arya · Applies to: Troubleshooting, Windows 10

A microphone is audio input device which would be require by applications such as Cortana on your Windows 10. In the absence of microphone, Cortana won’t be able to take your inputs and hence will not be working as expected. So you must setup your microphone in order to avail benefits of Cortana.

However, while adding microphone, we came around following error:

Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.

If you’re also facing this issue on your Windows 10 or earlier running machine, see if below mentioned suggestions helps you.

FIX: Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

FIX 1 – General Suggestions

1. Reboot the machine and see if issue gets resolved by itself.

2. Run Playing Audio troubleshooter. It will help you to find issues with audio device and fix them automatically.

3. Open Device Manager and right click on your sound device and select Uninstall. Then click Action > Scan for hardware changes.

4. If point 3 doesn’t helps, completely uninstall your sound device and then go to your device manufacturer’s website and download latest audio driver for your system model. After installing this latest audio driver, the issue may resolved.

If above points didn’t helped, refer FIX 2 below.

FIX 2 – Set Sound Defaults

1. Right click on the volume icon present on the taskbar, see this fix if you’ve volume icon missing. Select Open Sound settings option on the fly-out context menu.

2. Next, in the Sound settings, under Advanced sound options, click on App volume and device preferences option.

3. Moving on, in next screen, select your microphone device under Input devices. Also set Default under Input settings. Check if these settings resolves the issue.

4. In case if issue still persists, click on Reset button to set Microsoft recommend defaults. We hope after resetting sound settings the issue will no longer present.


A microphone is audio input device which would be require by applications such as Cortana on your Windows 10. In the absence of microphone, Cortana won’t be able to take your inputs and hence will not be working as expected. So you must setup your microphone in order to avail benefits of Cortana.

However, while adding microphone, we came around following error:

Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

If you’re also facing this issue on your Windows 10 or earlier running machine, see if below mentioned suggestions helps you.

FIX: Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

FIX 1 – General Suggestions

1. Reboot the machine and see if issue gets resolved by itself.

2. Run Playing Audio troubleshooter. It will help you to find issues with audio device and fix them automatically.

3. Open Device Manager and right click on your sound device and select Uninstall. Then click Action > Scan for hardware changes.

4. If point 3 doesn’t helps, completely uninstall your sound device and then go to your device manufacturer’s website and download latest audio driver for your system model. After installing this latest audio driver, the issue may resolved.

If above points didn’t helped, refer FIX 2 below.

FIX 2 – Set Sound Defaults

1. Right click on the volume icon present on the taskbar, see this fix if you’ve volume icon missing. Select Open Sound settings option on the fly-out context menu.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

2. Next, in the Sound settings, under Advanced sound options, click on App volume and device preferences option.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

3. Moving on, in next screen, select your microphone device under Input devices. Also set Default under Input settings. Check if these settings resolves the issue.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

4. In case if issue still persists, click on Reset button to set Microsoft recommend defaults. We hope after resetting sound settings the issue will no longer present.

Hope this helps!

Related: Enable/Disable Speech Recognition In Windows 10.


  • Microsoft released Windows 10 Version 22H2
  • Differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11
  • Run programs in Compatibility Mode in Windows 11/10
  • How to Manage & Free Up Storage on Windows
  • Fix: Recycle Bin Not Refreshing in Windows 11/10
  • Fix: Location Settings Greyed Out in Windows 11/10
  • Fix: Location Tab Missing in Properties on Windows 11/10
  • Enable or Disable Memory Compression in Windows 11/10
  • How to Schedule Automatic Shutdown in Windows 11/10
  • Fix: Your device is missing important security and quality fixes
  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • I get a «Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.»  when I attempt to set up my headset microphone under Ease of Access, Speech Recognition, Set up a Microphone.

    What should I do?  Thanks in advance.



  • Temporarily disable antivirus. If the issue persists, please find if there is any new Windows 7 compatible audio drivers can be downloaded from the device manufacturer.

    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      26 марта 2012 г. 19:26

  • Форум
  • Вопросы от новичков
  • После установки Windows 7 кроме помех от микрофона ничего не слышно!

После установки Windows 7 кроме помех от микрофона ничего не слышно! Проверял в skype И oovoo, только одни шипения, запускаю настройку микрофона лезет ошибка


your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time

Камеру видит и сама она работает.
Acer Aspire 6930G, Windows 7 Ultimate ???

Ноутбук: Acer Aspire 6930



14 061


Драйвера на звук обновляли?

Ноутбуки: Asus N61Vn, Dell Inspiron 7720 и G3 3779 с Windows 10 64-bit

Не знаю как обновлять (подскажите как), но все обновления Windows Updater’a скачивал и устанавливал

Ноутбук: Acer Aspire 6930



14 061


ramzeka, попробуйте эти скачать

Ноутбуки: Asus N61Vn, Dell Inspiron 7720 и G3 3779 с Windows 10 64-bit


ramzeka, попробуйте эти скачать

заранее спасибо, сейчас пробую

Ноутбук: Acer Aspire 6930

до этого когда стояла виста, то вроде Realtek стоял, а сейчас нет, качаю

Ноутбук: Acer Aspire 6930

скачал, установил, перезагрузился, пробовал-не выходит кроме помех немного голоса и все

Ноутбук: Acer Aspire 6930



14 061


ramzeka 27/11/2010 в 01:11 написал:

скачал, установил, перезагрузился, пробовал-не выходит кроме помех немного голоса и все

Попробуйте еще эти скачать

Ноутбуки: Asus N61Vn, Dell Inspiron 7720 и G3 3779 с Windows 10 64-bit

Андрей 26/11/2010 в 22:12 написал:

ramzeka 27/11/2010 в 01:11 написал:

скачал, установил, перезагрузился, пробовал-не выходит кроме помех немного голоса и все

Попробуйте еще эти скачать

Качаю, а чем они лучше? Стабильнее? Может дело не в дровах?
Кстати… Таже проблема выскакивает
«your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time»

Ноутбук: Acer Aspire 6930

скачал установил перезагрузился — проблема не решена

Ноутбук: Acer Aspire 6930



14 061


ramzeka, а систему переставляли?

Ноутбуки: Asus N61Vn, Dell Inspiron 7720 и G3 3779 с Windows 10 64-bit






ramzeka, у вас точно проблема с драйверов звуковой карты. Как вы его ставите? Должно быть запуск установки,удяаляется старый драйвер,рестарт, снова запускаем установку.Возьмите драйвер с офсайта -acer.ru- он точно работает.Потом можно ставить любой более новый.

Полезные руководства для новичков

На чтение 2 мин Обновлено 07.10.2022


  1. FIX: Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time
  2. Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.
  3. FIX: Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time
  4. FIX 1 – General Suggestions
  5. FIX 2 – Set Sound Defaults

· Updated: June 7, 2019 · 09:49 AM · By Kapil Arya · Applies to: Troubleshooting, Windows 10

A microphone is audio input device which would be require by applications such as Cortana on your Windows 10. In the absence of microphone, Cortana won’t be able to take your inputs and hence will not be working as expected. So you must setup your microphone in order to avail benefits of Cortana.

However, while adding microphone, we came around following error:

Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.

If you’re also facing this issue on your Windows 10 or earlier running machine, see if below mentioned suggestions helps you.

FIX: Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

FIX 1 – General Suggestions

1. Reboot the machine and see if issue gets resolved by itself.

2. Run Playing Audio troubleshooter. It will help you to find issues with audio device and fix them automatically.

3. Open Device Manager and right click on your sound device and select Uninstall. Then click Action > Scan for hardware changes.

4. If point 3 doesn’t helps, completely uninstall your sound device and then go to your device manufacturer’s website and download latest audio driver for your system model. After installing this latest audio driver, the issue may resolved.

If above points didn’t helped, refer FIX 2 below.

FIX 2 – Set Sound Defaults

1. Right click on the volume icon present on the taskbar, see this fix if you’ve volume icon missing. Select Open Sound settings option on the fly-out context menu.

2. Next, in the Sound settings, under Advanced sound options, click on App volume and device preferences option.

3. Moving on, in next screen, select your microphone device under Input devices. Also set Default under Input settings. Check if these settings resolves the issue.

4. In case if issue still persists, click on Reset button to set Microsoft recommend defaults. We hope after resetting sound settings the issue will no longer present.


A microphone is audio input device which would be require by applications such as Cortana on your Windows 10. In the absence of microphone, Cortana won’t be able to take your inputs and hence will not be working as expected. So you must setup your microphone in order to avail benefits of Cortana.

However, while adding microphone, we came around following error:

Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

If you’re also facing this issue on your Windows 10 or earlier running machine, see if below mentioned suggestions helps you.

FIX: Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

FIX 1 – General Suggestions

1. Reboot the machine and see if issue gets resolved by itself.

2. Run Playing Audio troubleshooter. It will help you to find issues with audio device and fix them automatically.

3. Open Device Manager and right click on your sound device and select Uninstall. Then click Action > Scan for hardware changes.

4. If point 3 doesn’t helps, completely uninstall your sound device and then go to your device manufacturer’s website and download latest audio driver for your system model. After installing this latest audio driver, the issue may resolved.

If above points didn’t helped, refer FIX 2 below.

FIX 2 – Set Sound Defaults

1. Right click on the volume icon present on the taskbar, see this fix if you’ve volume icon missing. Select Open Sound settings option on the fly-out context menu.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

2. Next, in the Sound settings, under Advanced sound options, click on App volume and device preferences option.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

3. Moving on, in next screen, select your microphone device under Input devices. Also set Default under Input settings. Check if these settings resolves the issue.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

4. In case if issue still persists, click on Reset button to set Microsoft recommend defaults. We hope after resetting sound settings the issue will no longer present.

Hope this helps!

Related: Enable/Disable Speech Recognition In Windows 10.


  • Microsoft released Windows 10 Version 22H2
  • Differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11
  • Run programs in Compatibility Mode in Windows 11/10
  • How to Manage & Free Up Storage on Windows
  • Fix: Recycle Bin Not Refreshing in Windows 11/10
  • Fix: Location Settings Greyed Out in Windows 11/10
  • Fix: Location Tab Missing in Properties on Windows 11/10
  • Enable or Disable Memory Compression in Windows 11/10
  • How to Schedule Automatic Shutdown in Windows 11/10
  • Fix: Your device is missing important security and quality fixes
  • Remove From My Forums
  • Вопрос

  • I get a «Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.»  when I attempt to set up my headset microphone under Ease of Access, Speech Recognition, Set up a Microphone.

    What should I do?  Thanks in advance.



  • Temporarily disable antivirus. If the issue persists, please find if there is any new Windows 7 compatible audio drivers can be downloaded from the device manufacturer.

    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

    • Помечено в качестве ответа

      26 марта 2012 г. 19:26

A microphone is audio input device which would be require by applications such as Cortana on your Windows 10. In the absence of microphone, Cortana won’t be able to take your inputs and hence will not be working as expected. So you must setup your microphone in order to avail benefits of Cortana.

However, while adding microphone, we came around following error:

Page Contents

Your current default speech engine does not support this action at this time.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

If you’re also facing this issue on your Windows 10 or earlier running machine, see if below mentioned suggestions helps you.

FIX: Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

FIX 1 – General Suggestions

1. Reboot the machine and see if issue gets resolved by itself.

2. Run Playing Audio troubleshooter. It will help you to find issues with audio device and fix them automatically.

3. Open Device Manager and right click on your sound device and select Uninstall. Then click Action > Scan for hardware changes.

4. If point 3 doesn’t helps, completely uninstall your sound device and then go to your device manufacturer’s website and download latest audio driver for your system model. After installing this latest audio driver, the issue may resolved.

If above points didn’t helped, refer FIX 2 below.

FIX 2 – Set Sound Defaults

1. Right click on the volume icon present on the taskbar, see this fix if you’ve volume icon missing. Select Open Sound settings option on the fly-out context menu.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

2. Next, in the Sound settings, under Advanced sound options, click on App volume and device preferences option.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

3. Moving on, in next screen, select your microphone device under Input devices. Also set Default under Input settings. Check if these settings resolves the issue.

Your Current Default Speech Engine Does Not Support This Action At This Time

4. In case if issue still persists, click on Reset button to set Microsoft recommend defaults. We hope after resetting sound settings the issue will no longer present.

Hope this helps!

Related: Enable/Disable Speech Recognition In Windows 10.


  • Microsoft released Windows 10 Version 22H2
  • Differences between Windows 10 and Windows 11
  • Run programs in Compatibility Mode in Windows 11/10
  • How to Manage & Free Up Storage on Windows
  • Fix: Recycle Bin Not Refreshing in Windows 11/10
  • Fix: Location Settings Greyed Out in Windows 11/10
  • Fix: Location Tab Missing in Properties on Windows 11/10
  • Enable or Disable Memory Compression in Windows 11/10
  • How to Schedule Automatic Shutdown in Windows 11/10
  • Fix: Your device is missing important security and quality fixes

Очень сложно сказать определенно в чем причина этого явления.

Может у вас написано «your current defaUlt»…?

Скорее всего микрофон не удается подключить из-за неверного выбора устройства по умолчанию (default). Попробуйте поиграться с настройками оборудования, выберите то, которое соответствует именно Вашему компьютеру. В 7-ке же вроде нет необходимости инсталлировать драйвера. Но на всякий случай, вставьте диск материнки и установите их.

У меня вот, кстати, проблема с воспроизведением. Но это отдельный вопрос.

Четенов Сергей

0 отзывов

1 060

Возможно вышла из строя звуковая плата. Если это ноутбук, то ничего не сделаешь, поможет только замена материнки. Если это ПК, то можно купить звуковую плату и вставить в комп.

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