Ошибка в cabd смотри cabi err и error log

E70 Все о кодировании БМВ Х5 и не только….

Тема в разделе «BMW X5», создана пользователем Rise, 3 ноя 2013.

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  1. А как отключить этот блок , и что именно в каком блоке кодировать? И еще у меня стопы горят не только по середине но и сверху как при экстренном торможении , это особенность американца или что то неисправно .. и можно ли их програмно отключить ? (фонари дорест)

  2. Ну у меня нет америкоса, поэтому, где точно этот блок находится не скажу скорее всего или сзади в багажнике справа или под сидением водителя, но надо в WDS посмотреть. Кодировать разумеется DSC и CAPPL.
    Если имеется ввиду верхний длинный стоп на спойлере то он и должен загораться всегда, так у всех.

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  3. Судя по этому документу, блок находится где то, в тоннеле http://www.diagnostauto.ru/file/Bars3/example/BMW_RDC_init_RUS.pdf
    Выглядит вот так http://bmwist-spb.ru/katalog/product/view/2150/14450#
    Так же, советую очень внимательно изучить эти два документа
    тут становится ясно, что надо кодировать, в частности не RPA, а DSC поскольку RPA это функция в DSC, имеющаяся во всех иксах, в то время как RDC это аппаратная примочка для US соответственно, железку удаляем, перекодируем DSC в нем активируется RPA, в то время как не находится RDC и признак стоит Европа, потом перекодируем CAPPL.

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  4. Всем добрый день. Вопрос к ТС — делал все по инструкции — но когда запускаю NCS-Expert tool, после F1->F3 появляется такая петрушка. Прокурил инет — ничего по существу не нашел. Помогите пожалуйста — а то моск болит…


    • error Vin.jpg

  5. какой виндовс? 32 или 64. на 64 работать не будет.

  6. 32 — тут ясно на счет этого написано

  7. Регистрация:
    12 авг 2013

    Сделал себе телефонную книгу на русском, при чём гораздо проще, чем выкидывание ТСУ и переключение на МУЛФ2ХАЙ. Во всяком случае у меня на моём HTC Desire абоненты в тел.книге, звонки исходящие и входящие — всё на русском.

    кодируем TCU:



  8. Регистрация:
    12 авг 2013

    BMW Standart Tools 2.12 решает. У меня на Вин8 64бит работает NCS Exper

  9. Попробуй айфон подключить) или самсунг свежий

  10. Попробуй айфон подключить) или самсунг свежий

  11. Регистрация:
    12 ноя 2013

    Кабель. Или пробовать замыкать/размыкать 7 и 8 штырьки, или искать другой.

  12. Проверил

    Блок IHKA

    ELSV_EH_LAENGE в неактив

    ELSV_EH_NEIGUNG в неактив

    работает, вернее перестал работать комфортный вход :)

    ручная регулировка и память по прежнему работает

  13. Регистрация:
    12 авг 2013

    айфони нет… да и дезайр вроде не старый… да и самсунг вроде тоже на андроиде как и дезайр…

  14. Народ — кто сможет проверить без подключения шнура к авто такая-же ошибка вылазит? Шнур подсоединен к ноутбуку, горит красная лампа. При попытки связаться с авто F1->F3 и выбора модели, затем CAS -> OK , вылазит эта ошибка и красный диод на шнуре гаснет. При чем без разницы подсоеденен шнур к авто или нет. Проверьте пожалуйста если с подключенным к компу шнуром возникает такая ошибка или должна быть другая. Уже 2-й день воюю. 3 раза переустанавливаю, все чищу — без толку.


    • error Vin.jpg

  15. У меня тоже запрограммировали, простенький самсунг видит, все читает, а айфоны ни 4, ни 5, не видит((( в смысле русские буквы.
    Видимо у вас нтс старенький или простенький.

  16. Регистрация:
    12 авг 2013

    надо нокию люмию попробывать. айфон не нравиццо

  17. Попробуйте, я думаю разочаруетесь.

  18. Нет, там другая ощибка по памяти не помню, но там не про винкод, а про то что не подключено к авто.

    По вину, не видит блоки НЦС, зажигание включено ? :)

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  19. Регистрация:
    16 апр 2012

    Всем привет!!! Проблемма такая при попытке cчитать инфу из блока вылазиет такая вот ошибка, вчем может быть дело?
    Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG!

    COAPI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei
    BIP-0009 Faulty Best version of description file

  20. Версии Эдиабаса и НЦС отличаются Эдиабас надо поставить более старый.

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  21. а блок видимо фрм ?
    эдика надо от 7.0 ставить !

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  22. Регистрация:
    16 апр 2012

    да FRM, OK!!! , буду пробывать.

  23. Регистрация:
    13 янв 2014

    Всем добрый день.как добавить $563A чтоб горел свет в дверях в низу?

  24. Регистрация:
    30 дек 2013
    Приморский край

    Для авто с холодным климатом есть функция подогрева салона, которая включается с пульта или по таймеру. Но у меня авто для теплого климата и вместо подогрева есть функция охлаждения салона. Можно ли перепрограммировать на подогрев?

  25. Функция прогрева салона доступна в версиях авто с предустановленной Вебасто, которая включается с помощью специального пульта или по таймеру. Если у вас не доступно автономное отопление, следовательно Вебасты у вас нет и подогрева и отопления вам не видать..

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  26. Добрый день, подскажите уважаемые-после установки сис вместо маск какие опции программируются, чтобы лишнего не насчитали. Заранее спасибо за ответы по-существу

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  28. пытаются, но их еще и найти надо. Я из Новокузнецка

  29. Регистрация:
    30 дек 2013
    Приморский край

    Эх ! оделся потеплее и пошел прогреваться……………

  30. Когда купил машину (в ней уже был установлен CIC предыдущим владельцем), то в меню телефона присутствовал пункт СМС. Когда приходила смс-ка на телефон, она сразу же отображалась в меню. Было очень удобно, не отвлекаясь её прочитать и можно было даже ответить через меню.:rock:

    Но потом этот пункт меню куда то исчез и больше не появлялся. :cry:

    Собственно вопрос-какие функции в блоке CIC отвечают за смс. Хочется вернуть всё как было.:shock:

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Ncs Expert Error Cabd Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files in your windows operating system.

If you have Ncs Expert Error Cabd errors then we strongly recommend that you Download (Ncs Expert Error Cabd) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Ncs Expert Error Cabd both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Ncs Expert Error Cabd error code that you may receive.

Note: This article was updated on 2023-01-08 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


What is Ncs Expert Error Cabd error?

The Ncs Expert Error Cabd error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.

This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Ncs Expert Error Cabd error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Ncs Expert Error Cabd format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.

What causes Ncs Expert Error Cabd error?

The Ncs Expert Error Cabd error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.

There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly linked information and files needed for the proper working of the application.

How to easily fix Ncs Expert Error Cabd error?

There are two (2) ways to fix Ncs Expert Error Cabd Error:

Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):

1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.

2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.

3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.

4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.

5) Click Next on the confirmation window.

6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.

Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):

2) Install program and click Scan button.

3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.

4) Restart your computer.

How does it work?

This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry structure.
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)


Thread: NCS expert help!

Thread Tools

NCS expert help!

Been trying to read and code my 07 e92 for some changes.
Unfortunately, got some errors:

Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG!
COAPI-1043: error during processing CBD-File

Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG!
COAPI-1043: error during processing CBD-File

i get this COAPI-1043 error not just JBBFE and KOMBI and also for whichever module i choose.
Anyone can help me here.

What version of NCS are you using mate? And what are you trying to code?

I have the the version 3.0.8.
I changed my rear taillight to the LCI led taillight which causes flickering, fast turn signal and error on the dash.
So am trying to disable to bulb check on the rear brake and turn signal light.

You might want to try V 3.1.0 of ncs expert mate, looks like yours doesn’t have the updated files the car needs.

Just delete the entire NCS directory from your C dove and replace it with this one.

Worked for me with my 2005 1 series!

Thanks man.
Downloaded it and got the ncs expert sorted.
Now i can read without error.

Unfortunately, i am new to coding.
I need to get rid of the fast signal, flickering and dash warning.
Can you tell me which module and what are the things i need to change?

Sorry mate, my only experience is with adding and deleting option codes! There’s a good thread by chefsboss about it though, I’ll find a link.

Last edited by robtheviking; 01-02-2011 at 04:01 PM . Reason: Automerged Doublepost

Thanks mate but noone else can help?


Thread: NCS EXPERT Errors

Thread Tools


I’ve been trying to set up BMW tools for days now I’ve tried on virtual win 7 and XP on my Mac and found it worked best on my win 10 laptop. Finally I got INPA working and I can now read my VIN etc from INPA. I am trying to code using NCS Expert but it won’t read my car and says VIN is faulty. I’ve searched online and tried the fixes such as new cable, reinstall software, replace with new SP Datens from Bimmergeeks. I still can’t get NCS Expert working.

COPAI-2020 SG antwortet nicht ifh-009 sg nicht angeschlossen order meldt sich nicht c_KMB46
COPAI-2020 SG antwortet nicht ZCS_LESEN
COPAI-2020 SG antwortet nicht ZCS_LESEN: A_KMB46
COPAI-2020 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei
IFH-003 Datenuebertragung HOST/Interface gestoert C_EWS3
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei ZCS_LESEN
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei ZCS_LESEN: A_EWS3
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei IFH-003: Datenubertragung HOST/Interface gestoert C_LSZA
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei FA_READ
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei FA_READ: A_ALSZ
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei IFH-003: Datenubertragung HOST/Interface gestoert C_KMB46
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei FA_READ
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei FA_READ: A_AKMB46
COPAI-1000 fehler AKMB
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei IFH-003: Datenubertragung HOST/Interface gestoert C_KMB46
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei FGNR_LESEN
COPAI-2000 Fehler in EDIABAS oder in SG-Beschreibungsdatei FGNR_LESEN: A_LMB46

Any help is appreciated!




08-17-2018, 01:44 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau

NCS Expert Error in CABD COAPI: 2041

Hey guys, I own a 2011 BMW 335xi N55 E90.

Today I tried replacing my 90ah battery to a 70ah using a guide on this link.


I was following Option 5, (Method where I change vehicle order through NCS Expert) but when I hit «F1 (Code Car) I’ve got an error message from NCS expert an it said that the coding failed (This was at the second Step 7 from the Option 5) of the above link).

Here is the error code:

Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG!

COAPI-2041: Falscher SG-Cidierindex A_PL2FRX: CODIERINDEX = 33h
COAPI-2041: Falscher SG-Codierindex CODIERDATEN_LESEN

I tried on two computers, one with Windows 7 64-Bit and the other Winows 10 64-Bit. Both of them had the same error. I was using the BimmerGeeks Pro K+Dcan cable and had drivers installed for USB converted as well as my COM Port setup to #1 with a latency of 1.

I ended up doing Option 4 so I got my battery to work. I just want to figure out why it is not working for future coding I might do.

Thanks a lot ladds!


08-17-2018, 06:50 PM


Sua Sponte

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The first thing I see wrong in both procedures in option 5 is that you should be using factory coding profile WITHOUT manipulation. With the bimmergeeks software it would be the factory coding profile. Did you go back after changing the VO and verify that the VO did change?


335is/DCT-M3 GTS software-M3 drivetrain-M3 GWS-KOMBI-DSC-SZL/MHD/BQ Tuning IG@ClustersandCoding


08-18-2018, 02:41 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau

Hmmm ok, that is weird because in the posts it says to use a profile that has manipulation enabled.

Anyways, yes I did manage to do Step 1 to 20 and change my VO. I changed the -B090 for the battery to -B070. I went back and checked if it saved and it successfully did.

The only part that did not work was really the last step of Option 5 which was «Code Car».

Other than the profile that I was using was the one provided with the software, the «Dummy Profile».

Last edited by TheGoodTheBadTheUgly; 08-18-2018 at 02:49 PM..


08-19-2018, 01:04 PM


Sua Sponte

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Check both your profiles. Load a profile then go back and pick edit profile. Click through the password and click the FSW/PSW button and see if the FSW/PSW manipulation box is checked. You want to have one profile with it checked and one without. The profile that’s checked is used for making actual changes, the unchecked one if used for default coding which is what you want to do after you change the VO. Default coding codes the car based on the VO back to factory specs which is what you’re trying to do to apply the changes based on the new VO you have.

While you’re in the edit screen of your profiles you can change the name of it to whatever you want so you’ll know exactly what the profile will be used for.


335is/DCT-M3 GTS software-M3 drivetrain-M3 GWS-KOMBI-DSC-SZL/MHD/BQ Tuning IG@ClustersandCoding


08-19-2018, 07:14 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau

Ok I am pretty sure that might be it. I will try it and tell you what happens. It’s just odd that they told me to load a profile that had manupulations enabled for the second part.

Anyways thanks for all!


08-19-2018, 07:21 PM



Drives: BMW 3 Series (E90

Join Date: Apr 2018

Location: US


Originally Posted by LMB335IS
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Check both your profiles. Load a profile then go back and pick edit profile. Click through the password and click the FSW/PSW button and see if the FSW/PSW manipulation box is checked. You want to have one profile with it checked and one without. The profile that’s checked is used for making actual changes, the unchecked one if used for default coding which is what you want to do after you change the VO. Default coding codes the car based on the VO back to factory specs which is what you’re trying to do to apply the changes based on the new VO you have.

While you’re in the edit screen of your profiles you can change the name of it to whatever you want so you’ll know exactly what the profile will be used for.



08-19-2018, 08:15 PM


Sua Sponte

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Originally Posted by TheGoodTheBadTheUgly
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Ok I am pretty sure that might be it. I will try it and tell you what happens. It’s just odd that they told me to load a profile that had manupulations enabled for the second part.

Anyways thanks for all!

That’s because that post is wrong and no one’s ever corrected it. Not to mention the coding procedures in step 4 are archaic. There’s much quicker and easier ways to code using either NCS Dummy or the BMW Coding Tool.


335is/DCT-M3 GTS software-M3 drivetrain-M3 GWS-KOMBI-DSC-SZL/MHD/BQ Tuning IG@ClustersandCoding


08-19-2018, 09:01 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau


Originally Posted by LMB335IS
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That’s because that post is wrong and no one’s ever corrected it. Not to mention the coding procedures in step 4 are archaic. There’s much quicker and easier ways to code using either NCS Dummy or the BMW Coding Tool.

I see haha I ended up doing the Option 4 because it was the only one that I could make work. Should I still modify the VO order and code it like in option 5 or option 4 was enough?

Last edited by TheGoodTheBadTheUgly; 08-19-2018 at 09:30 PM..


08-19-2018, 09:10 PM


Sua Sponte

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Originally Posted by TheGoodTheBadTheUgly
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Originally Posted by LMB335IS
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That’s because that post is wrong and no one’s ever corrected it. Not to mention the coding procedures in step 4 are archaic. There’s much quicker and easier ways to code using either NCS Dummy or the BMW Coding Tool.

I see haha I ended up doing the Option 4 because it was the only one that I could make work. Should I still modify the VO order and cose it like in option 5 or option 4 was enough

Option 4 works. Just be mindful that if the car is ever updated or has a module replaced, especially by the dealership, that the coding will be erased when they do a blanket update. Other than that you should never have a issue.


335is/DCT-M3 GTS software-M3 drivetrain-M3 GWS-KOMBI-DSC-SZL/MHD/BQ Tuning IG@ClustersandCoding


08-19-2018, 09:31 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau


Originally Posted by LMB335IS
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Option 4 works. Just be mindful that if the car is ever updated or has a module replaced, especially by the dealership, that the coding will be erased when they do a blanket update. Other than that you should never have a issue.

Great thanks for everything. I really appreciate it!


07-07-2021, 12:13 PM


Enlisted Member

Drives: e90

Join Date: Mar 2011

Location: turkey

I have the same problem. (Same error message) Frm cannot be read and coded in ncs (Both sg codieren and codierdaten lesen don’t work) But it works when writing FA into frm. I may succesfully write FA into frm. I noticed something. Frm cannot be coded with Autologic either. I am able to reset the frm with Autologic, but not code. Both smcs are broken. Could this be why the frm can’t be read and coded?


07-08-2021, 05:09 AM


Enlisted Member

Drives: e90

Join Date: Mar 2011

Location: turkey

Problem is solved. Maybe that helps someone. Well you may get that error if your car has a frm, and you have updated your car’s build date to #0909 to code the cic. In my issue, that was exactly so. Ncs wanted to see ancient frm as frm2_c08 and didn’t code it. When I again coded factory build date in VO, ncs has seen the frm and i managed to read it.

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  • NCS Expert error: «Error in CABD!»

  1. NCS Expert error: «Error in CABD!»

    I’m trying to change the Daytime Running Lights setting to Active on my 2004 E60. So I went through the following steps:

    • Hooked up my car using the modified VAGCOM cable to my laptop
    • Started NCS Expert, used the «ZCS/FA f. ECU» button and it read my VIN and info from the car.
    • Clicked back, NCS thought about it a while and created the FSW_PSW file.
    • Made a backup of the WORK folder
    • Copied FSW_PSW to FSW_PSW.MAN and changed DAY_RUN_LIGHT to aktiv.
    • Selected Process ECU
    • Selected the CAS ECU
    • Jobname is set to SG_CODIEREN and shows CAS2.C05, A_E65CAS.IPO, CAS.PRG
    • Clicked «Execute Job.»
    • NCS worked for a while and then came back with an error message: «Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG! COAPI-1043: error during processing CBD-file CAS2.C05»

    I don’t know where CABI.ERR is but I found ERROR.LOG and I believe this is the section in question:

    ERROR! Modul: CDH.C, Proc: CDHGetNettoDataFromCbd, LineNr: 01, ErrorNr: 1043

    COAPI-1042: error during processing CBD-file

    >> ERROR! Modul: COAPI2.CPP, Proc: coapiRunCabd, LineNr: 06, ErrorNr: 1043

    Prior to attempting this, I updated my E60 files from Progman SSS v32. I ran laden.bat in the sp-daten-e60daten folder. Just to see if maybe it did apply the setting anyway, I re-ran the ZCS/FA f. ECU button but DAY_RUN_LIGHT still shows as nicht_aktiv.

    I think that covers it. Any ideas?

  2. Any reason you need to use NCS for deleting the DRLs? On my dad’s E60, you can disable the DRLs through the idrive

  3. I’m trying to turn them on. I don’t see an option for it on the iDrive. It serves as a test anyway to make sure I can code other stuff if I want.

  4. Reading those errors, it sounds like there’s something wrong w/ the actual data files. Try manually copying the files over instead of running Laden.bin. I haven’t gotten a chance to use NCS Expert w/ an E60, so I can’t really say for sure what works and what doesn’t (I don’t have a D-CAN cable to mess w/ my dad’s car).

  5. Could this be the issue of SSS coding renders NCS inoperable on those same modules…

    Ive heard about this very sporadically.

    95 840Ci, Calypso Red/Silver, 83k — 99 740i, Black/Black, 185k, Alpina Mods — 01 740i, Titanium/Silver, 40k, Sport Pkg
    Complete Turnkey Diagnostic/Programming systems available…PM for details.

    http://www.8Coupe.com — Please register, spot, and help the project.

  6. Another suggestion I had heard to try was to try newer daten files. So I grabbed the sp-daten-e60 folder from ISTA/P v34 but that gives me the same error. I have no idea what version my car is running so I wouldn’t even know what to begin with. Is there any way to check?

    If it is a case of SSS making it impossible to use NCS on the car (that’s weird, but it wouldn’t surprise me), I guess I’d have to use SSS. But with SSS, if I want to change one option on one module (in this example, turning on DRL), I’d still have to code every single module in the car to do it?

    If SSS is my only option I’m going to have to go back to battling with that and trying to figure out why it doesn’t allow me to connect to the car properly.

  7. Do you have another computer to test this on? Or perhaps you need a newer version of NCS Expert

  8. I can’t imagine it’s the computer because reading from the car works. What’s the latest version of NCS Expert and where can I find it? I’m using (assuming the version number in version.txt is correct) v3.0.8, which comes from the INPA/EDIABAS (EDIABAS 6.4.3, package 1.3) package that is recommended. It was my understanding that anything newer should not/cannot be used. Or is that just referencing INPA and EDIABAS?

  9. 3.1.0 is the latest I can find. You can find it at digital-kaos. If you have trouble just PM me and I’ll send it to you

  10. Hi everyone,
    I have the same problem on my E38. Any solution?

  11. Cool

    Any solutions yet I am stuck at this problem???

  12. Smile Drl

    Dear friend,

    I think the whole way u passed is wrong.
    1. After you get ur FA and VIN, hit Back button.
    2. hit Process ECU
    3. a list of modules appears in which u should select LMA (DRL is in that module)
    4. hit Job button and select CODIREDATEN_LESEN
    5. now u can open ur .trc files and see the option to make aktiv or nicht_aktiv

    any question email me



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Thread: NCS expert help!

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NCS expert help!

Been trying to read and code my 07 e92 for some changes.
Unfortunately, got some errors:

Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG!
COAPI-1043: error during processing CBD-File

Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG!
COAPI-1043: error during processing CBD-File

i get this COAPI-1043 error not just JBBFE and KOMBI and also for whichever module i choose.
Anyone can help me here.

What version of NCS are you using mate? And what are you trying to code?

I have the the version 3.0.8.
I changed my rear taillight to the LCI led taillight which causes flickering, fast turn signal and error on the dash.
So am trying to disable to bulb check on the rear brake and turn signal light.

You might want to try V 3.1.0 of ncs expert mate, looks like yours doesn’t have the updated files the car needs.

Just delete the entire NCS directory from your C dove and replace it with this one.

Worked for me with my 2005 1 series!

Thanks man.
Downloaded it and got the ncs expert sorted.
Now i can read without error.

Unfortunately, i am new to coding.
I need to get rid of the fast signal, flickering and dash warning.
Can you tell me which module and what are the things i need to change?

Sorry mate, my only experience is with adding and deleting option codes! There’s a good thread by chefsboss about it though, I’ll find a link.

Last edited by robtheviking; 01-02-2011 at 04:01 PM . Reason: Automerged Doublepost

Thanks mate but noone else can help?


Thread: NCS Expert error: «Error in CABD!»

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NCS Expert error: «Error in CABD!»

I’m trying to change the Daytime Running Lights setting to Active on my 2004 E60. So I went through the following steps:

  • Hooked up my car using the modified VAGCOM cable to my laptop
  • Started NCS Expert, used the «ZCS/FA f. ECU» button and it read my VIN and info from the car.
  • Clicked back, NCS thought about it a while and created the FSW_PSW file.
  • Made a backup of the WORK folder
  • Copied FSW_PSW to FSW_PSW.MAN and changed DAY_RUN_LIGHT to aktiv.
  • Selected Process ECU
  • Selected the CAS ECU
  • Jobname is set to SG_CODIEREN and shows CAS2.C05, A_E65CAS.IPO, CAS.PRG
  • Clicked «Execute Job.»
  • NCS worked for a while and then came back with an error message: «Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG! COAPI-1043: error during processing CBD-file CAS2.C05»

I don’t know where CABI.ERR is but I found ERROR.LOG and I believe this is the section in question:

ERROR! Modul: CDH.C, Proc: CDHGetNettoDataFromCbd, LineNr: 01, ErrorNr: 1043

COAPI-1042: error during processing CBD-file

>> ERROR! Modul: COAPI2.CPP, Proc: coapiRunCabd, LineNr: 06, ErrorNr: 1043

Prior to attempting this, I updated my E60 files from Progman SSS v32. I ran laden.bat in the sp-daten-e60daten folder. Just to see if maybe it did apply the setting anyway, I re-ran the ZCS/FA f. ECU button but DAY_RUN_LIGHT still shows as nicht_aktiv.

I think that covers it. Any ideas?


Thread: NCS expert help!

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NCS expert help!

Been trying to read and code my 07 e92 for some changes.
Unfortunately, got some errors:

Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG!
COAPI-1043: error during processing CBD-File

Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG!
COAPI-1043: error during processing CBD-File

i get this COAPI-1043 error not just JBBFE and KOMBI and also for whichever module i choose.
Anyone can help me here.

What version of NCS are you using mate? And what are you trying to code?

I have the the version 3.0.8.
I changed my rear taillight to the LCI led taillight which causes flickering, fast turn signal and error on the dash.
So am trying to disable to bulb check on the rear brake and turn signal light.

You might want to try V 3.1.0 of ncs expert mate, looks like yours doesn’t have the updated files the car needs.

Just delete the entire NCS directory from your C dove and replace it with this one.

Worked for me with my 2005 1 series!

Thanks man.
Downloaded it and got the ncs expert sorted.
Now i can read without error.

Unfortunately, i am new to coding.
I need to get rid of the fast signal, flickering and dash warning.
Can you tell me which module and what are the things i need to change?

Sorry mate, my only experience is with adding and deleting option codes! There’s a good thread by chefsboss about it though, I’ll find a link.

Last edited by robtheviking; 01-02-2011 at 04:01 PM . Reason: Automerged Doublepost

Thanks mate but noone else can help?


BMW Ncs Expert Software Error in CABD Solution

When I go to work today, I open my laptop and connect BMW K+Dcan cable to my car, but I get an error when I try to read another module other than CAS of ECU module…

I have a problem with the ncs expert program, but I do not really know where the problem is.

“Ncs Expert Error in CABD! Look at CABLERR and ERROR.LOG!
COAPI-2000: EDIABAS or SGBD error

The problem is that the file version of daten is old …

And I ran INPA to see if the value was correct …

version do not match
Malfunction possible
SGBD version:3.000 (in INPA)
SGBD version:7.050
INPA version: 1.030

inpa also gives an error message … ㅡ.

There’s a connection to the car, but something went wrong to proceed.

And just came home and found the latest version of daten and downloaded it once.

I want to test it by connecting directly to the car, but I have to endure it again next weekend.

It was a little hard to find, but I must be satisfied that I found the daten file for E89 …

This is the first time you have completed coding. It takes more time than I thought …

For reference, I found that the daten version for e89 (e90) is 47.1 …

If you unzip the downloaded sp-daten file, there are 3 folders besides daten, cfgdat, ecu, sgdat …

I updated it all …

Below is the header part of the e89at.000 file …


NCS-Expert error when trying to read from any module!



INPA shows YES & ON, so I close it and open NCS Expert.
Load my profile, hit F1, then F3, select E89, hit OK, select CAS, hit OK and an error pops up:

COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert IFH-0010:
Datenuebertragung interface/Steuergeraet gestoert CAS
COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert FA_READ
COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert FA_READ:

If I select NFRM, I get the FG(VIN) and FA(VO#) to populate but when I try to read the ECU, there’s a different error:

COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert IFH-0010:
Datenuebertragung interface/Steuergeraet gestoert FRM_70
COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert

Error.log file is attached. Car runs fine. I’ve coded many times but never seen any of this. HELP!




INPA shows YES & ON, so I close it and open NCS Expert.
Load my profile, hit F1, then F3, select E89, hit OK, select CAS, hit OK and an error pops up:

COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert IFH-0010:
Datenuebertragung interface/Steuergeraet gestoert CAS
COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert FA_READ
COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert FA_READ:

If I select NFRM, I get the FG(VIN) and FA(VO#) to populate but when I try to read the ECU, there’s a different error:

COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert IFH-0010:
Datenuebertragung interface/Steuergeraet gestoert FRM_70
COAPI-2021: Datenuebertragung zum SG gestoert

Error.log file is attached. Car runs fine. I’ve coded many times but never seen any of this. HELP!

First, is your JB4 off? Then I’d check your COMM PORT (latency) settings. Sometimes they change for whatever reason. Daten installed?


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  1. NCS Expert error: «Error in CABD!»

    I’m trying to change the Daytime Running Lights setting to Active on my 2004 E60. So I went through the following steps:

    • Hooked up my car using the modified VAGCOM cable to my laptop
    • Started NCS Expert, used the «ZCS/FA f. ECU» button and it read my VIN and info from the car.
    • Clicked back, NCS thought about it a while and created the FSW_PSW file.
    • Made a backup of the WORK folder
    • Copied FSW_PSW to FSW_PSW.MAN and changed DAY_RUN_LIGHT to aktiv.
    • Selected Process ECU
    • Selected the CAS ECU
    • Jobname is set to SG_CODIEREN and shows CAS2.C05, A_E65CAS.IPO, CAS.PRG
    • Clicked «Execute Job.»
    • NCS worked for a while and then came back with an error message: «Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG! COAPI-1043: error during processing CBD-file CAS2.C05»

    I don’t know where CABI.ERR is but I found ERROR.LOG and I believe this is the section in question:

    ERROR! Modul: CDH.C, Proc: CDHGetNettoDataFromCbd, LineNr: 01, ErrorNr: 1043

    COAPI-1042: error during processing CBD-file

    >> ERROR! Modul: COAPI2.CPP, Proc: coapiRunCabd, LineNr: 06, ErrorNr: 1043

    Prior to attempting this, I updated my E60 files from Progman SSS v32. I ran laden.bat in the sp-daten-e60daten folder. Just to see if maybe it did apply the setting anyway, I re-ran the ZCS/FA f. ECU button but DAY_RUN_LIGHT still shows as nicht_aktiv.

    I think that covers it. Any ideas?

  2. Any reason you need to use NCS for deleting the DRLs? On my dad’s E60, you can disable the DRLs through the idrive

  3. I’m trying to turn them on. I don’t see an option for it on the iDrive. It serves as a test anyway to make sure I can code other stuff if I want.

  4. Reading those errors, it sounds like there’s something wrong w/ the actual data files. Try manually copying the files over instead of running Laden.bin. I haven’t gotten a chance to use NCS Expert w/ an E60, so I can’t really say for sure what works and what doesn’t (I don’t have a D-CAN cable to mess w/ my dad’s car).

  5. Could this be the issue of SSS coding renders NCS inoperable on those same modules…

    Ive heard about this very sporadically.

    95 840Ci, Calypso Red/Silver, 83k — 99 740i, Black/Black, 185k, Alpina Mods — 01 740i, Titanium/Silver, 40k, Sport Pkg
    Complete Turnkey Diagnostic/Programming systems available…PM for details.

    http://www.8Coupe.com — Please register, spot, and help the project.

  6. Another suggestion I had heard to try was to try newer daten files. So I grabbed the sp-daten-e60 folder from ISTA/P v34 but that gives me the same error. I have no idea what version my car is running so I wouldn’t even know what to begin with. Is there any way to check?

    If it is a case of SSS making it impossible to use NCS on the car (that’s weird, but it wouldn’t surprise me), I guess I’d have to use SSS. But with SSS, if I want to change one option on one module (in this example, turning on DRL), I’d still have to code every single module in the car to do it?

    If SSS is my only option I’m going to have to go back to battling with that and trying to figure out why it doesn’t allow me to connect to the car properly.

  7. Do you have another computer to test this on? Or perhaps you need a newer version of NCS Expert

  8. I can’t imagine it’s the computer because reading from the car works. What’s the latest version of NCS Expert and where can I find it? I’m using (assuming the version number in version.txt is correct) v3.0.8, which comes from the INPA/EDIABAS (EDIABAS 6.4.3, package 1.3) package that is recommended. It was my understanding that anything newer should not/cannot be used. Or is that just referencing INPA and EDIABAS?

  9. 3.1.0 is the latest I can find. You can find it at digital-kaos. If you have trouble just PM me and I’ll send it to you

  10. Hi everyone,
    I have the same problem on my E38. Any solution?

  11. Cool

    Any solutions yet I am stuck at this problem???

  12. Smile Drl

    Dear friend,

    I think the whole way u passed is wrong.
    1. After you get ur FA and VIN, hit Back button.
    2. hit Process ECU
    3. a list of modules appears in which u should select LMA (DRL is in that module)
    4. hit Job button and select CODIREDATEN_LESEN
    5. now u can open ur .trc files and see the option to make aktiv or nicht_aktiv

    any question email me



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08-17-2018, 12:44 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau

NCS Expert Error in CABD COAPI: 2041

Hey guys, I own a 2011 BMW 335xi N55 E90.

Today I tried replacing my 90ah battery to a 70ah using a guide on this link.


I was following Option 5, (Method where I change vehicle order through NCS Expert) but when I hit «F1 (Code Car) I’ve got an error message from NCS expert an it said that the coding failed (This was at the second Step 7 from the Option 5) of the above link).

Here is the error code:

Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG!

COAPI-2041: Falscher SG-Cidierindex A_PL2FRX: CODIERINDEX = 33h
COAPI-2041: Falscher SG-Codierindex CODIERDATEN_LESEN

I tried on two computers, one with Windows 7 64-Bit and the other Winows 10 64-Bit. Both of them had the same error. I was using the BimmerGeeks Pro K+Dcan cable and had drivers installed for USB converted as well as my COM Port setup to #1 with a latency of 1.

I ended up doing Option 4 so I got my battery to work. I just want to figure out why it is not working for future coding I might do.

Thanks a lot ladds!


08-17-2018, 05:50 PM


Sua Sponte

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The first thing I see wrong in both procedures in option 5 is that you should be using factory coding profile WITHOUT manipulation. With the bimmergeeks software it would be the factory coding profile. Did you go back after changing the VO and verify that the VO did change?


335is/DCT-M3 GTS software-M3 drivetrain-M3 GWS-KOMBI-DSC-SZL/MHD/BQ Tuning IG@ClustersandCoding


08-18-2018, 01:41 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau

Hmmm ok, that is weird because in the posts it says to use a profile that has manipulation enabled.

Anyways, yes I did manage to do Step 1 to 20 and change my VO. I changed the -B090 for the battery to -B070. I went back and checked if it saved and it successfully did.

The only part that did not work was really the last step of Option 5 which was «Code Car».

Other than the profile that I was using was the one provided with the software, the «Dummy Profile».

Last edited by TheGoodTheBadTheUgly; 08-18-2018 at 01:49 PM..


08-19-2018, 12:04 PM


Sua Sponte

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Check both your profiles. Load a profile then go back and pick edit profile. Click through the password and click the FSW/PSW button and see if the FSW/PSW manipulation box is checked. You want to have one profile with it checked and one without. The profile that’s checked is used for making actual changes, the unchecked one if used for default coding which is what you want to do after you change the VO. Default coding codes the car based on the VO back to factory specs which is what you’re trying to do to apply the changes based on the new VO you have.

While you’re in the edit screen of your profiles you can change the name of it to whatever you want so you’ll know exactly what the profile will be used for.


335is/DCT-M3 GTS software-M3 drivetrain-M3 GWS-KOMBI-DSC-SZL/MHD/BQ Tuning IG@ClustersandCoding


08-19-2018, 06:14 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau

Ok I am pretty sure that might be it. I will try it and tell you what happens. It’s just odd that they told me to load a profile that had manupulations enabled for the second part.

Anyways thanks for all!


08-19-2018, 06:21 PM



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Originally Posted by LMB335IS
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Check both your profiles. Load a profile then go back and pick edit profile. Click through the password and click the FSW/PSW button and see if the FSW/PSW manipulation box is checked. You want to have one profile with it checked and one without. The profile that’s checked is used for making actual changes, the unchecked one if used for default coding which is what you want to do after you change the VO. Default coding codes the car based on the VO back to factory specs which is what you’re trying to do to apply the changes based on the new VO you have.

While you’re in the edit screen of your profiles you can change the name of it to whatever you want so you’ll know exactly what the profile will be used for.



08-19-2018, 07:15 PM


Sua Sponte

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Originally Posted by TheGoodTheBadTheUgly
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Ok I am pretty sure that might be it. I will try it and tell you what happens. It’s just odd that they told me to load a profile that had manupulations enabled for the second part.

Anyways thanks for all!

That’s because that post is wrong and no one’s ever corrected it. Not to mention the coding procedures in step 4 are archaic. There’s much quicker and easier ways to code using either NCS Dummy or the BMW Coding Tool.


335is/DCT-M3 GTS software-M3 drivetrain-M3 GWS-KOMBI-DSC-SZL/MHD/BQ Tuning IG@ClustersandCoding


08-19-2018, 08:01 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau


Originally Posted by LMB335IS
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That’s because that post is wrong and no one’s ever corrected it. Not to mention the coding procedures in step 4 are archaic. There’s much quicker and easier ways to code using either NCS Dummy or the BMW Coding Tool.

I see haha I ended up doing the Option 4 because it was the only one that I could make work. Should I still modify the VO order and code it like in option 5 or option 4 was enough?

Last edited by TheGoodTheBadTheUgly; 08-19-2018 at 08:30 PM..


08-19-2018, 08:10 PM


Sua Sponte

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Originally Posted by TheGoodTheBadTheUgly
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Originally Posted by LMB335IS
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That’s because that post is wrong and no one’s ever corrected it. Not to mention the coding procedures in step 4 are archaic. There’s much quicker and easier ways to code using either NCS Dummy or the BMW Coding Tool.

I see haha I ended up doing the Option 4 because it was the only one that I could make work. Should I still modify the VO order and cose it like in option 5 or option 4 was enough

Option 4 works. Just be mindful that if the car is ever updated or has a module replaced, especially by the dealership, that the coding will be erased when they do a blanket update. Other than that you should never have a issue.


335is/DCT-M3 GTS software-M3 drivetrain-M3 GWS-KOMBI-DSC-SZL/MHD/BQ Tuning IG@ClustersandCoding


08-19-2018, 08:31 PM




Drives: 2011 E90 335i xDrive

Join Date: Feb 2018

Location: Gatineau


Originally Posted by LMB335IS
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Option 4 works. Just be mindful that if the car is ever updated or has a module replaced, especially by the dealership, that the coding will be erased when they do a blanket update. Other than that you should never have a issue.

Great thanks for everything. I really appreciate it!


07-07-2021, 11:13 AM


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I have the same problem. (Same error message) Frm cannot be read and coded in ncs (Both sg codieren and codierdaten lesen don’t work) But it works when writing FA into frm. I may succesfully write FA into frm. I noticed something. Frm cannot be coded with Autologic either. I am able to reset the frm with Autologic, but not code. Both smcs are broken. Could this be why the frm can’t be read and coded?


07-08-2021, 04:09 AM


Enlisted Member

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Problem is solved. Maybe that helps someone. Well you may get that error if your car has a frm, and you have updated your car’s build date to #0909 to code the cic. In my issue, that was exactly so. Ncs wanted to see ancient frm as frm2_c08 and didn’t code it. When I again coded factory build date in VO, ncs has seen the frm and i managed to read it.

Добрый день, описание проблемы:
С не читается блок KGM.C03 в машине BMW 5er e60 2007.03 рождения. Использую НЦС експерт 4.0, кабель к+дкан, 7 и 8 пин закорочены. При попытке считать трейс, выскакивает ошибка Error in CABD! Look at CABI.ERR and ERROR.LOG
Судя по списку ошибок, эта ошибка означает проблемы с передачей данных. Но, с помошью рейнгольда я к этому блоку могу подключится и активировать например складывание зеркал. Так же пробовал другой кабель, тоже с закорочеными 7 и 8 пинами, происходит то же самое.
Датены обновлял в55, так же пробовал в49, то же самое. Профили использую от Ревтора, на других машинах все работает.

Не подскажете название в эксперте блока абс е53

месяца два менял назад себе, тоже б.у брал .
сперва ругался на датчик положения руля, сделал привязку рейном- стал ругаться- ошибочные кодировочные данные.
ncs никогда не юзал, тоже перерыл инет оказалось просто .
считать данные из другого блока, брал вроде с ИКЕ, и просто перезаписать блок абс.
получилось с первого раза .
буквально несколько кнопок нажать

Блок новый? Я новый через dis привязыл, очень просто было.
Через ncs пробовал пустыми fsp psw прописать?

Дис установил. Не запускается. Месяц уже голову ломаю.блок б/у

Лучше поищи на торрентах готовые образы, которые запускаются через виртуальную машину, типа vmware. Там ничего устанавливать и настраивать не нужно, только саму виртуалку. Я тоже раньше мучился (но всё же конечно запускал установленный), но потом стали выкладывать готовые образы, с ними легче.)
По б.у. не подскажу, я новый покупал и ставил, но по-сути разницы не должно быть.


Блок новый? Я новый через dis привязыл, очень просто было.
Через ncs пробовал пустыми fsp psw прописать?

Через ncs пустым fsp psw ? Поподробнее можешь рассписать

Извини но это не по моей теме 🤷🏻‍♂️ Я знаю что надо вин вбивать если номер детали не совпадает со старым номером но как это делать не знаю, а что у тебя было со старым блоком ?

Каким образом? Не подскажешь?

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  • Ошибка в bluestacks guest not ready yet
  • Ошибка в blender как исправить
  • Ошибка в battlefield не может подключится к серверу
  • Ошибка в battlefield 4 ошибка при запуске приложения