Qt 4.6.1
In the following .pro file, when I use the statement
sources = ef.cpp
I get following errors:
RInside.h: No such file or directory
Then when I replace = with := like:
sources := ef.cpp
the above error vanishes, and I get a new error:
error: undefined reference to qMain(int, char**)
From here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/448939/462608
VARIABLE = value Normal setting of a variable — values within it are
recursively expanded when the variable is used, not when it’s declaredVARIABLE := value Setting of a variable with simple expansion of the
values inside — values within it are expanded at declaration time.
I wish to understand what’s happening here, and what’s the solution.
#include <RInside.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
RInside R(argc, argv);
R["txt"] = "Hello, world!n";
R.parseEvalQ ("cat(txt)");
R_HOME := 'c:/R-2.15.1'
# Input
sources = ef.cpp
programs := $(sources:.cpp=)
## include headers and libraries for R
RCPPFLAGS := $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) CMD config --cppflags)
RLDFLAGS := $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) CMD config --ldflags)
RBLAS := $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) CMD config BLAS_LIBS)
RLAPACK := $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) CMD config LAPACK_LIBS)
## include headers and libraries for Rcpp interface classes
RCPPINCL := $(shell echo 'Rcpp:::CxxFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) --vanilla
RCPPLIBS := $(shell echo 'Rcpp:::LdFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) --vanilla --slave)
## include headers and libraries for RInside embedding classes
RINSIDEINCL := $(shell echo 'RInside:::CxxFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) --vanilla --slave)
RINSIDELIBS := $(shell echo 'RInside:::LdFlags()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) --vanilla --slave)
## compiler etc settings used in default make rules
CXX := $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) CMD config CXX)
CPPFLAGS := -Wall $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) CMD config CPPFLAGS)
CC := $(shell $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) CMD config CXX)
nikkka Мат в 32 хода 237 / 172 / 18 Регистрация: 10.09.2009 Сообщений: 1,096 |
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12.08.2010, 09:52. Показов 8617. Ответов 12 Метки нет (Все метки)
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Programming Эксперт 94731 / 64177 / 26122 Регистрация: 12.04.2006 Сообщений: 116,782 |
12.08.2010, 09:52 |
Ответы с готовыми решениями: C:Usersqtworkqtqtbasesrcwinmainqtmain_win.cpp:97: ошибка: undefined reference to `qMain(int, char**) Ошибки в коде Qt — ошибка: undefined reference to `qMain(int, char**)’; ошибка: error: ld returned 1 exit status [Linker error] undefined reference to `sterling(int, int, int)’
Третьи сутки осваиваю функции C++, вторые сутки бьюс не на… 12 |
Заблокирован |
12.08.2010, 09:53 |
2 |
Может быть текст ошибки приведёшь?
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Мат в 32 хода 237 / 172 / 18 Регистрация: 10.09.2009 Сообщений: 1,096 |
12.08.2010, 09:55 [ТС] |
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undefined reference to ‘qMain(int, char**)’
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Модератор 11900 / 7272 / 1721 Регистрация: 25.07.2009 Сообщений: 13,314 |
12.08.2010, 10:47 |
4 |
QLable *label = new QLabel(«Hello Qt!»); QLabel а не QLable — внимательнее надо быть!
1 |
Мат в 32 хода 237 / 172 / 18 Регистрация: 10.09.2009 Сообщений: 1,096 |
12.08.2010, 10:50 [ТС] |
5 |
QLabel а не QLable — внимательнее надо быть! фу блин, и правда… спасибо!
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3211 / 1459 / 73 Регистрация: 09.08.2009 Сообщений: 3,441 Записей в блоге: 2 |
12.08.2010, 20:15 |
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undefined reference to ‘qMain(int, char**)’ ответ:
QLabel а не QLable — внимательнее надо быть! не замечаете несоответствия? nikkka, скажи, и что, разве ошибка линковки пропала?
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бжни 2473 / 1684 / 135 Регистрация: 14.05.2009 Сообщений: 7,162 |
12.08.2010, 20:25 |
7 |
не замечаете несоответствия? не у одного меня паранойя
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Мат в 32 хода 237 / 172 / 18 Регистрация: 10.09.2009 Сообщений: 1,096 |
12.08.2010, 22:08 [ТС] |
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nikkka, скажи, и что, разве ошибка линковки пропала? вообще то да…
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3211 / 1459 / 73 Регистрация: 09.08.2009 Сообщений: 3,441 Записей в блоге: 2 |
12.08.2010, 22:10 |
9 |
вообще то да… ладно. промолчу. а то как скажу!…
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Мат в 32 хода 237 / 172 / 18 Регистрация: 10.09.2009 Сообщений: 1,096 |
12.08.2010, 22:12 [ТС] |
10 |
niXman, а ведь правда помогло.
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Модератор 11900 / 7272 / 1721 Регистрация: 25.07.2009 Сообщений: 13,314 |
12.08.2010, 23:59 |
11 |
я понимаю, что это тоже ошибка, но ошибка линковки говорит совсем о другой причине. А вот теперь я не понял… Скопировал отсюда, поправил QLable на QLabel и всё нормально срослось… А что там ещё не так-то?
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бжни 2473 / 1684 / 135 Регистрация: 14.05.2009 Сообщений: 7,162 |
13.08.2010, 00:07 |
12 |
easybudda, вопрос в том первоначальное написание порождало ошибку линковки? потому как оно скомпилироваться не должно было
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Модератор 11900 / 7272 / 1721 Регистрация: 25.07.2009 Сообщений: 13,314 |
13.08.2010, 00:12 |
13 |
вопрос в том первоначальное написание порождало ошибку линковки? Ну QtCreator порой вообще очень чудно ругается — голову сломаешь, что бы это значило…
0 |
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When I compiled my project,Qt Creator showed this error.I googled it,and many people say it’s because of losing main function.But I actually have main function.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
dialog d;
return app.exec();
TARGET = custombutton_mine
I’m getting the same error at compile time. Tried checking entire code line by line , yet can’t figure it out.
How you get the same error «at run time» given that it’s a compile-time error message?
@JonB sorry its by mistake,yeah i am getting it at compile time
What OS, what Qt version, which compiler?
What do you have in your project file (.pro
@kshegunov OS:windows
qt version : Qt 5.10.1 (MSVC 2015, 32 bit).
i am using sub-project for plugin implementation so my main pro file is containing only
TEMPLATE = subdirs
but i think problem is in my plugin project which is sub project of my main project.
CONFIG += plugin
QT += widgets
INCLUDEPATH += ../mainwindow
TARGET = $$qtLibraryTarget(broadcast_plugin)
DESTDIR = ../plugins
@JadeN001 said in Error: undefined reference to `qMain(int, char**)’:
but i think problem is in my plugin project which is sub project of my main project.
You can know — it’s a linker error and you should check the build output. Provide the relevant project file for the binary that fails to link.
@kshegunov yeah thanks..i will go through it.
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- Error — undefined reference qMain
2nd November 2008, 02:03
Error — undefined reference qMain
Its probably something simple that I overlooked, but I have never gotten this error before and I have no idea how to get past it:
c:Qt4.4.1lib/libqtmain.a(qtmain_win.o)(.text+0x156):qtmain_win.cpp: undefined reference to `qMain(int, char**)'
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
originally, I had some classes that I wanted to put into a shared library. These classes were for QDialogs, and one of them was a QMainWindow. The reason for a ‘dialog’ being a QMainWindow was to have a tool bar on it (it is a dialog that allows the user to send an email), which doesn’t seem to be allowed for QDialogs. The reason to include the dialogs within a library, was to create a common library of dialogs that I could use in multiple programs.
The shared library compiled fine with no errors, so I am assuming that something might be wrong with the .pro file of the program that is using the library.
3rd November 2008, 01:25
Re: Error — undefined reference qMain
ah after a few trials and errors, I figured it out.
I forgot «main.cpp» in the list of sources in my .pro file
22nd February 2009, 19:06
Re: Error — undefined reference qMain
I’m having the same error, but when linking a file which includes main…
am I missing something?
22nd February 2009, 20:22
Re: Error — undefined reference qMain
Well, I have had this happen a couple times since then, and it was always because of either of 2 things:
— missing or mistyping something in my .pro file
— missing or mistyping a #include command somewherewithout seeing more info about your problem/code I couldn’t say for sure an exact solution.
23rd February 2009, 07:54
Re: Error — undefined reference qMain
actually, I’m not using .pro files and qmake, but autotools instead, and it works fine but for some files (with main function); by googling I found a similar problem was due to some include files that define «main»; it all was solved by adding this preprocessor directive before my main:
#undef main
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
but this looks like a bug, doesn’t it?
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