Ошибка unable to write to this disk



To Fix (Unable to write to disk in drive C:) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Шаг 1:

(Unable to write to disk in drive C:) Repair Tool

Шаг 2:

Нажмите «Scan» кнопка

Шаг 3:

Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер: 6MB
Требования: Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Невозможно записать диск на диск C: обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Unable to write to disk in drive C: then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Unable to write to disk in drive C:) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Unable to write to disk in drive C:
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Unable to write to disk in drive C: that you may receive.

Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-04-04 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of Unable to write to disk in drive C:?
  •   2. Causes of Unable to write to disk in drive C:?
  •   3. More info on Unable to write to disk in drive C:

Meaning of Unable to write to disk in drive C:?

Performing a disk formatting is easy and it can be done to a USB flash drive, hard drive, Micro SD card, SSD and pen drive. When we format our disk, we can clean up partition files in the disk and empty any removable disk or internal hard drive. But sometimes, there are errors you will encounter during disk formatting such as the “Windows was unable to complete format.” This problem may happen due to one of the following factors:

  • Привод физически поврежден
  • Диск пуст
  • Привод защищен от записи
  • Привод имеет вирусную инфекцию
  • Привод имеет плохие сектора

Causes of Unable to write to disk in drive C:?

Когда вы сталкиваетесь с ошибкой Windows, неспособной к ошибке во время форматирования диска, не предполагайте, что ваш диск или внутренний диск неисправен. Есть еще несколько способов устранения проблемы. После того как вы попробовали все решения и ничего не получилось, вы можете сделать вывод, что ваш диск или диск постоянно повреждены.

Одним из решений является средство управления дисками Windows, обнаруженное в Windows My Computer. Выберите указанный диск и нажмите «Формат». Удалите все разделы диска перед форматированием.

Другой — определить, является ли ваш диск как раздел или файловая система RAW. Если нет раздела, вам нужно воссоздать разделы. Однако, когда ваш накопитель имеет файловую систему RAW, вам необходимо выполнить любой из параметров 3: использовать «Управление дисками» для форматирования, использовать «Командная строка для форматирования» или «Мастер разделения раздела для форматирования». RAW-диск — это раздел, который не отформатирован и может вызвать ошибки. Вы можете исправить RAW-диск, используя один из параметров форматирования 3.

More info on
Unable to write to disk in drive C:

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.

I will do a be able to help me……. I did a defrag less than 2 shows. And D is 21.3Gb with 13.2 used. Nothing key to continue»…

Save even more limited than some of those that have tried going to bios etc… I first thought to write to disk in drive C: Data or files may be lost. I did a my harddrive was overfilled… Im getting first a black screen then a bluescreen with the following error

«Unable any simple advice.

Hi candy or whomever might thorough scan disk… OS is WinME 40Gb partitioned to 2 drives weeks ago & it was fine then. Thanks in advance

know thats not the case. I have read others horrid tales of this error… & my abilities are

This error started a couple of defrag after leaving here… Anyone have i can try to back some of this up… But after checking I weeks ago & is getting worse everyday. Press any with C being
15.9 capacity with 9.65Gb used…

I do not want to fdisk & reformat til it somehow…
«disk write error. unable to write to disk in drive C:»

whenever it wants and it is almost every Press any key to continue.» I
может нажать

I went to Technet on Microsoft and really frustrating. It’s is most appreciated.

Я всегда находил точную ошибку в
база знаний. Любая помощь, вызванная использованием
Сетевая карта EherFast. Этот компьютер является автономным и вообще не подключен к сети.
в нем нет никаких устаревших карточек. Возможно, это может быть причиной
эта ошибка?

Спасибо заранее

  C: данные или файлы могут быть потеряны. 98 SE и с тех пор
регулярно запирался. Тем не менее, в нем упоминается, что настало время, когда ПК работает больше, чем
1 / 2 час или около того. Не в состоянии написать
диск в драйвере очень расстраивает.

I have recently upgraded one of my PC’s to Win any and all keys and nothing happens. What else could end up powering

[SOLVED] Ошибка флоппи-дисковода: невозможно записать на диск в дисковод A

При поиске в Интернете кто-то помогает? При попытке выполнить резервное копирование на него появляется частая ошибка записи на синем экране. Я не нашел четкого решения проблемы с диском A.


  проблема заключается в перезагрузке всех окон.

У меня есть другие, которые столкнулись с этой проблемой.

[SOLVED] Ошибка флоппи-дисковода: невозможно записать на диск в дисковод A

I’ve replaced the floppy drive with a new one and the problem remains. Please suggest a solution.

  написаны без проблем. Я поменялся на известную рабочую дискету и кабель

Некоторые файлы, как правило, небольшие, с другого рабочего ПК и испытывали ту же проблему.

McAfee 4.5.1 Unable to write to the reports file…disk may be write protected, etc.»

I get the error message that «cannot write to the reports file» when I change any settings in McAfee 4.5.1….what’s the problem???

cd unable to write reports disk full

I am running Win XP Pro Hi mate , which programme SP3 and have plenty of memory free. most appreciatedClick to expand…

I am running Win XP Pro SP3 and have plenty of memory free. Any help would be do you work with ?

Невозможно записать на любой внешний жесткий диск.

Please help me if there is any OS level setting for this. Disk is write protected.»

Я проверил все диски, но там, на моей машине, в формате NTFS.


У меня установлена ​​домашняя версия Windows XP

на этом диске нет такой блокировки.

Диск не может быть настроен — носитель защищен от записи

Когда я запускаю Disk Management, он дает мне уведомление:

Инициализируйте разочарование. Похоже, что нет ни одного синего полоски, он просто говорит, что размер диска не работает (не удался):

http://support.wdc.com/product/download.asp?lang=en Dear community,

Внешний жесткий диск WD имеет

Тот же диск и что он нераспределен (у него нет буквы тома). ошибка. Любая помощь запускает программное обеспечение диагностики диска WD.


Вы должны инициализировать диск, прежде чем Logical Disk Manager сможет получить к нему доступ. Я подключил HD к моему ноутбуку, и я заметил, что это ценится. внезапно прекратил работать после приезда из Европы. Я предлагаю вам загрузить и не отображаться в разделе «Мой компьютер», только в разделе «Безопасное удаление оборудования и устройств».

Ошибка T60 Disk Drive после попытки записи диска восстановления

Есть ли какой-то способ спасти оптический привод без физических мер? теперь оптический привод не читает ни одного диска.

Привет, После резервного копирования моего компьютера на

Привет, Axeman89 и добро пожаловать в сообщество Lenovo,

 Как я понимаю сообщение «неуказанная ошибка» с кодом 0x80004005. reformat, я решил создать диски для восстановления системы. Я вставил компакт-диск и получил

Невозможно записать / удалить данные на внешнем USB-диске в Windows 7.

Пожалуйста, разместите информацию об обновлении, если система чипсета и на ней будет установлена ​​окончательная версия Windows 7. Я подключаю тот же жесткий диск к моему старому. Дважды щелкните по клавише WriteProtect в правом окне и установите значение в 0 в поле данных значений и нажмите кнопку OK5. Выделите StorageDevicePolicies, а затем создайте его, вы можете установить его напрямую.

Actually, I have had this type of issue before and format is another disk”, please remove write protection from your USB flash drive using the below method:====================1. copying files into your USB drives. Hi,
Что касается исправления, я думаю, файлы, которые будут полезны для USB-связанных вопросов. Исправление будет заменять / обновлять некоторую связанную с USB систему Windows XP sp2, и она отлично работает.

Перезагрузите компьютер и попробуйте как можно быстро исправить его (не забудьте создать его под Windows 7). Перейдите к следующему пути: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control StorageDevicePolicies
Примечание. Если в разделе реестра StorageDevicePolicies вы сделали какой-либо прогресс. Hii, я недавно купил новый AMD x4 945, MSI 785

This will open bar type REGEDIT and press enter. the registry editor.2. If you receive error message stating «The disk is write-protected.  Remove the write-protection or use New DWORD (32-bit) Value named as WriteProtect.4. Seems like the HDD got only read only access in windows 7.

записывать / удалять данные из него? Откройте меню «Пуск», в поиске не существует, вы …

Не удается распечатать или записать на внешний диск с момента удаления SteadyState

Я неохотно переустанавливаю XP без должного внимания, поэтому теперь я застрял.


Я установил SteadyState, понял, что это было бы очень оценено. Что-то пошло не так, так что теперь я большая ошибка и попытался удалить его. Я попытался удалить все записи с начала.

Я попытался установить SteadyState не в состоянии распечатать или записать на внешние диски. Спасибо в реестре и удалили кеш и т. Д. Однако он не может установить снова, чтобы повторить удаление. Любая помощь или предложения, которые вначале могут создать недавнюю резервную копию.

Жесткий диск действует странно. Невозможно прочитать / записать на диск C :, и другие ошибки

It also does a thing it came up with some bad sectors on some of the scans. But it has some weird error now saying drive has bit the dust. It sounds like your You could recheck the drives jumpers (master/slave) and reseat but now it’s getting a bit out of hand.

I don’t want to intimidate other people ^_^; ]

  Привет, trunten

A grinding some ‘…trying to recover’ errors. I’ve also tried Western sound with a hard drive and many bad sectors is not good.

Well, I’ve been having this problem for a while, I’d like to call «HD-turns-off-then-turns-back-on-again-with-a-grinding-sound». I’ve tried reformatting which had won’t say all the other specs.

the data cable but I don’t think that will help. And I’ve tried ScanDisk on thorough A LOT of times and Digital’s disk drive utils. Specs:
40GB Western Digital HD
[Я IDE не подключен правильно, но это так.


Не удалось записать на диск D

В диспетчере устройств удалите накопитель и перезагрузитесь и переустановите Windows

Невозможная копия с диска c или d диск без скорости записи на диск

Привет, у меня есть победитель ПК. 10.1 pro Intel. Посмотрите, поможет ли это и разрешит другой порт USB. USB-кабель и
2. Эта проблема может быть связана с соединением, поэтому i7-3770 не k nvidia gt 630 4gb edition 24gb ram.

Try a different I’d suggest to try the basic troubleshooting steps in such situation:

1. Подключите внешнее устройство, я знаю, как оно прошло.

[SOLVED] Невозможно записать на диск C

Changed booting sequence to boot from ‘e’ (removemable hd with a few

I formatted ‘c’ drive a few GoBack (but goback says no restore points). It said drive scandisc and defrag in safemode yesterday. it option 1 (read from cd), tried to do repairs.

Incidentally, I’ve got Norton System Works and weeks ago due to bad sectors. I’ve had no probs since, ran scandisk (took 3 hrs) and reported no ‘B’ (bad) sectors. Is there any way to repair or do I have to wave ‘c’ goodbye? Thanks.

  целостность была в порядке.

It said couldn’t run defrag and went to dos week-old ‘Ghost’ cloned ‘c’ drive), booted up but it can’t find real ‘c’. It couldn’t write to ‘c’, so booted from floppy, told Nothing.

комбо-привод не может записывать на dvd

Спасибо за любую помощь.

  What model written it is able to read that but not an empty disc for write purpose.


My dvd Drive is not recognizing a dvd disc for writing purpose. Some Combo units if DVD writers are only -, not +/-.

  But it is recognizing a dvd for reading like if a dvd is already is the Combo drive, and is it a DVD-/+R/RW??

pen drive unable 2 write after win 7 upgrade

However, pen drive unable to store large Help!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks,
~ Джонатан

files (>50MB) on computer running windows 7.

I have a Kingston 4 GB usb pen drive,

I No problem reading from usb, but when i write scanned fo errors, scanned for viruses but no improvement.

Have formatted drive with both fat32 and NTFS, Manager and make sure that your USB and chipset drivers are up-to-date? Plz data on it , stops midway and usb drive disappears. Configuration: Windows 7 Internet Explorer 8.0

Привет, Карл,

Can you go into Device am able to store large files (>50MB) on computers running on xp.

диск защищен от записи, удалите защиту от записи или используйте другой диск.

Пожалуйста, помогите мне

Вы должны будете предоставить больше информации, чем кому-либо, чтобы помочь вам.

диск не распознает и не записывает диск

LG DVD Writer не читает диск с компакт-диском или не разрешает замену проблемы, является следующей опцией. Goin ‘Fishin’ (Некоторое время). Вы можете запустить очиститель линз через него, но если это не сработает. Будет ли он читать загрузочный компакт-диск или DVD-диск до dvd.Когда какой-либо cd / dvd вставлен, индикатор постоянно мигает.

Если вы не загружаете операционную систему? Если это так, у вас проблема с окнами.

USB-диск с USB-накопителем

Got that Only thing I can figure is something happened and it for more information»

что я могу сделать. Я разобрался в вопросе, и кто-то сказал, чтобы он выполнял cmd. Нет никакого физического перепутала контроллер на диске как-то.

очевидно, диск защищен. diskpart, список дисков, выберите диск X, диск атрибута clear readonly, clean. См. Переключатель журнала событий системы на USB-устройстве.

мой usb — та же ошибка.

LG DVD-RAM DRIVE — unable to adjust write speed

I tried doing so using Nero Drive Speed

Hi. Any suggestions/ guidance would the speed is too high and not compatible with my car’s system. My friends have recommended me to lower the write speed, maybe be very much appreciated. much.

Я даже не уверен, что я решаю правильную причину проблемы. Просто был установлен привод DVD DVD RAM для записи DVD. Но поскольку он был установлен, все созданные мной CD-R не воспроизводятся в моей машине (я использую такие же CD-R, как и раньше, поэтому я предполагаю, что это устраняет проблему). Спасибо, но кажется, что он установлен на MAXIMUM.

If you meet the “Unable to Write to This Disk in Drive” error in Hard Disk Serial Number Changer, you can try the following methods to solve this problem effectively.

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

By Emily Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать / Last Updated September 25, 2021

When need to use Hard Disk Serial Number Changer?

A hard disk will be assigned a new disk serial number whenever you format a hard drive. This serial number is used by software programs installed on the computer to identify the disk driver and prevent multiple activations of the same software on other computers. However, if you replace your old hard drive with a new one, a different serial number may create with software association.

To avoid software association issues, you can change the new drive’s serial number to match your old hard drive. But the serial number is created during the format. That means you have to reformat the hard drive to change its serial number. And formatting will delete everything on the disk. Then, you can use «Hard Disk Serial Number Changer». This program allows you to change the hard disk serial number without reformatting it.

Hard Disk Serial Number Changer unable to write to disk device

The name (Hard Disk Serial Number Changer) may be a bit misleading. It doesn’t actually change the hard disk serial number but the volume serial number. Below is how to use this program to change disk volume serial number (Volume ID).

Step 2. Right click at HardDiskSerialNumberChanger.exe and select “Run as Administrator”.

Step 3. Click “Yes” on the UAC (User Account Control) warning message window.

Step 4. Choose the disk volume you want to change, type the new serial number (XXXX-XXXX) and press “Change”.

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

Step 5. Click “Yes” and reboot your computer.

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

From above, we can see the process is quite straightforward, but sometimes you might receive an error message saying “unable to write to disk device”.

How to solve this problem easily?

To solve this problem, you need to ensure that you have launched this program as an administrator. Besides, some users also reported the following two disadvantages of Hard Disk Serial Number Changer:

1. It does not work on Windows 8 and Window 10.

2. It works on most hard drive with FAT/FAT32/NTFS format but unfortunately, it won’t work on the new exFAT format volume.

Therefore, you can also check whether you have used this program to change the volume serial number in Windows 10 or Windows 8, or you are trying to change the serial number of exFAT drive.

Alternative to Hard Disk Serial Number Changer

Since the Hard Disk Serial Number changer does not work or pops out “unable to write to this disk in drive” in some cases, many users are searching for a Hard Disk Serial Number Changer to change hard drive serial number more easily. If you are one of them, we recommend you using AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional.

This software is more compatible than Hard Disk Serial Number, and it supports 32-bit and 64-bit of Windows 11/10/8/7 and Windows XP/Vista. More importantly, it can change FAT32, NTFS and exFAT volume serial number without reformatting hard drive.

Step 1. Install and run AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional on your Windows Computer. Right click the target volume and select “Advanced” > “Change Serial Number”.

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

Step 2. In the pop-out small window, you can input a set of new serial number for the selected partition, and click “OK”.

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

Step 3. Then, click “Apply” and “Proceed” to commit the pending operation.

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

See? Within simple 3 steps, you can change hard disk volume serial number without any hassle.

Final words

In this article, we have discussed how to solve “Hard Disk Serial Number Changer unable to write to this disk in drive”, and shared a great Hard Disk Serial Number Changer alternative.

What’s more, AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional comes with other functions to help manage your hard disk better and more conveniently. For example, it can clone system disk to SSD with secure boot, convert disk to MBR or GPT partition style without deleting partitions, extend NTFS system drive without rebooting PC. If you are running Windows Server operating system, please try AOMEI Partition Assistant Server.


This is just one of the various errors I am getting on one of my PC’s, others include:

Hard disk error which takes me to system configuration, it then says that i have no hard disk installed.

No Operating system found.

When i do get windows to start, it says i have a disk space issue on disk c then it comes up with a blue screen saying a fatal exception 0E has occured at 0167:BFF9DFFF and then says cannot write to disk in drive c:

Anybody know what could be wrong?


There’s 2 things I can think of, but both are bad.

1) You’ve got a virus (if you’ve created a rescue disk set use those to check your hard drive)
2) Your hard disk has failed or failing. (in which case you’ll need a new 1)
Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

Ho right. That’s why their facing a class action in the states then is it. Bunch of tossers. grrrrrrr.

Some of the stuff Iv’e read from the Register and the inquirer about the whole sorry Fujitsu HDD thing is. Well. Nothing short of unbelivable. They really are trying to keep a lid on it.

You know,I brought my drive in september of 2001.
It packed up about june of 2002.It was august of last year that I started hearing things about the fujitsu drives,
But I lost the receipt and I didn’t find it till december of last year, when I was cleaning out a cupboard.They shortend their warrenty’s to about a Year then.Funny that, ain’t it.

By then the warrenty had run out, Which is a bit of a sh*t.
I doubt I could still pursue it now. Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

I went back to maxtor after the fujitsu went down the toilet.

Fujitsu along with IBM/ *Hitachi*( who have just brought IBM’s HDD division lock stock and barrel.).Are two HDD makers you wouldn’t catch me buying from.

Out of interest, Is their anyone else here who has owned one of these HDD’s.

Originally posted by paul shuff
Ho right. That’s why their facing a class action in the states then is it. Bunch of tossers. grrrrrrr.

Some of the stuff Iv’e read from the Register and the inquirer about the whole sorry Fujitsu HDD thing is. Well. Nothing short of unbelivable. They really are trying to keep a lid on it.

You know,I brought my drive in september of 2001.
It packed up about june of 2002.It was august of last year that I started hearing things about the fujitsu drives,
But I lost the receipt and I didn’t find it till december of last year, when I was cleaning out a cupboard.They shortend their warrenty’s to about a Year then.Funny that, ain’t it.

By then the warrenty had run out, Which is a bit of a sh*t.
I doubt I could still pursue it now. Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

Originally posted by paul shuff
Fujitsu along with IBM/ *Hitachi*( who have just brought IBM’s HDD division lock stock and barrel.).Are two HDD makers you wouldn’t catch me buying from.

Out of interest, Is their anyone else here who has owned one of these HDD’s.

The IBM Dara in my laptop runs fine. It’s 3.25 years old now.

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

Sound advice their gents.Thanks a lot.! Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

Anyway he said that it’s now up to fujitsu to see what they can do for me.He did say though that he’d support any claim against fujitsu and give me a pro-froma invoice if required.(I think that’s what he said?.)

Time to give fujitsu a ring.

Trouble is. That i really don’t fancy having another HDD from them if the replace the bloody thing.
I mean,If they can treat their costomers with this much contempt,What’s stopping them from doing it again in the future.

Originally posted by jratkinson
The IBM Dara in my laptop runs fine. It’s 3.25 years old now.

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

Maybe it does,But i think it’s the infamous IBM GXP(GXP, Is that it??) range that turned to sh*t.
I know of someone who had one on another board,And it did give up after 11 months.

He though it was his fault that it went down the toilet.
But we then started hearing about high failiure rates with these drives.That’s when we cottoned on.

Originally posted by paul shuff
Maybe it does,But i think it’s the infamous IBM GXP(GXP, Is that it??) range that turned to sh*t.
I know of someone who had one on another board,And it did give up after 11 months.

He though it was his fault that it went down the toilet.
But we then started hearing about high failiure rates with these drives.That’s when we cottoned on.

I’ve heard that some IBM drives are carp. Mine came with a Dell laptop bought off the shelf.

I try and back up fully all the time with the assumption that the hard drive could go t*ts up at any time, regardless of make.

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

For all those who who own Fujistu harddrives with the model no MPG3xxx that have failed, Fujitsu will replace them with a bit of effort.

I got mine in October 2000, it failed around June 2002 (obviously out of warranty) and I phoned them but they said it was out of warranty. Called them up November last year, after reading all the reports, and they said to send the old one back and they’ll replace it! Was hoping for a bigger drive but they replaced it with newer 30gig.

Bit of persistence is required but they will hopefully give in in the end. Even though it was out of warranty, it was still a known fault (due to faulty Cirrus Logic controller chips) and therefore a manufactuing defect and not normal wear and tear. They should replace it no matter how old it is (within reason anyway!).

As for the IBM drives, the 75GXP series were faulty, the others should be fine.

My concern was what they do to the old drives? mine is full of customers names and addresses and some other financial data. I can’t boot up the disc to delete it.. the drive is well and truly buggered. I emailed The Register asking them if they had any ideas about the security issues with sending back duff Fuji drives, they asked Fuji but I never read any more on the subject.

I can imaging that all the duff drives might be scrapped or possibly sold on to a scrap dealer, who might repair some of the drives. then what might happen to any recovered data.

Yeah. scary prospect that one.
So Orbitalzone,Did you have one these drives and not send it back. That’s how it sounds. Righty.Instead of giving fujitsu a ring.I e-mailed them with this e-mail.:-

On the 19th of september 2001.I purchased a a 20Gb fujitsu HDD.

In june of 2002.The said drive failed.I booted into dos and checked it through fdisk and various other means, But it was as dead as a doornail.

I couldn’t find the receipt at the time because we moved house in January 2002 and it wasn’t until December of last year, after cleaning a cupboard out, that I found it.

Iv’e contacted the retailer.But he said it was no longer his responsibility as the 12 month warrenty period was over on his part.!

I wanted to know if the drive can still be replaced by you (fujitsu).
Iv’e read about the high failiure rates of these drives.
So I feel that it is down to fugitsu in some part.
Hope you can help me.
Many thanks Paul

So i waited and about an hour after I e-mailed fujitsu,I got a reply. Here goes the first part.:- Dear Paul,

I enclose full details explaining our Warranty terms/conditions along with the
Customer Services Policy statement for your information.

(See attached file: Customer Letter (Support).doc)

Please feel free to contact our Warranty Service Centre based at our main office
in the UK providing full details to the administration department including the
model, part nos. serial nos. date of manufacture and a valid proof of purchase
on Fax: +44 (0)20 8606 4532/Tel: +44 (0)20 8848 5180 as they will decide and
investigate your claim further.
The other part of the e-mail was warrenty details on an attatchment. here goes :-

Thank you for your enquiry. You may have read recent press articles about a recall of Fujitsu desktop hard disk drives. All the articles we have seen to date are inaccurate, Fujitsu has made no such announcement, and there is no recall of these or any other disk drives from Fujitsu.

If you have a drive that has failed and wish to return it then the following guideline should help you. Should you have any further concerns or enquiries then please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Warranty on Hard Disk products is solely provided to the direct customer of Fujitsu Europe Ltd. Therefore the following rules apply.

If you have purchased your Hard Disk product from a PC vendor, either directly from the manufacturer or a retailer, your warranty is supported by this supplier. Typically this is for 12 months, however you may have purchased extended warranty, in which case, please return to your place of purchase for warranty support.

If you have purchased your Hard Disk product from a Fujitsu approved dealer or distributor, your warranty will be provided by that company. If however, they have ceased trading, your warranty may be supported by Fujitsu Europe Ltd directly. A copy of proof of purchase to our Warranty Service department would be required before your Warranty condition is validated.

We have experienced many problems with customers being sold defective product from Computer Fairs, and we do not approve this sales channel for our products. We do accept however that some legitimate suppliers sometimes chose to sell products in this way, in which case you should contact your supplier for warranty issues. Fujitsu Europe Ltd does not accept any direct claims for warranty for products purchased via this supply route

Should you feel you still have a valid Warranty claim based our Warranty Policy information provided above, please send a fax to Warranty Request on 020 86064532 providing the following information in both instances :

Drive Model Number:
Drive Part Number:
Drive Serial Number:
Date of Manufacture
Copy of Proof of Purchase
Explanatory letter of place, conditions of purchase and nature of fault

Assuring you of our best attention.

On behalf of Fujitsu Europe Ltd

Nice automated response their.
Now this throws me a new dilema.With this quote..

I don’t know weather to tell them that I brought it from a computer fair, As the retailer runs a mail order service over the web.He was none the wiser for this though. Now what.

And just what the hell are they on about, when they say about the recall. I never said anything about a recall. ggrrrr


[SOLVED] Floppy Drive Error: Unable to write to disk in drive A


I receive the following error whenever writing multiple or large files to my floppy disk:
Disk Write Error
Unable to write to disk in drive A:
Data or files may be lost

It occurs about every 5 seconds when writing files. Some files, typically small ones, are written with no problems.
I’ve replaced the floppy drive with a new one and the problem remains.
I swapped in a known working floppy and cable from another working PC and experienced the same problem.

Please suggest a solution.


1. What about your Hard Drive?, it could be messed up. Do you only copy from you HD or does this problem also happen when copying from a CD-ROM?

2. Try copying a small enough file so that it will fit on your floppy from a CD-ROM, and see what happens. Since you have replaced the floppy drive, the floppy disk, AND the cable, I guess it isn’t the floppy, it must be something else.

4. When did this start happening? Did you add/replace hardware right before this happened? Did you install any new software?


I had this problem when I bought the PC. A replacement floppy drive fixed it then. This round of problems started about 6 months ago. At the time, I considered recently installed hardware and software but there was none. I replaced the floppy in July hoping a new drive would fix it. It did not.

Not only did a working floppy drive and cable from another PC not work in my PC, but my floppy drive and cable did work in the other PC.

I tried copying files from a CD as you suggested. I had the same problem. I tried again to copy about a dozen files from the hard drive and had the problem. However, most of the files «appeared» to be copied and I noticed that the counter on the copying files screen seemed to indicate 5 seconds had expired every time after I clicked off the blue write error screen.

Device Manager says the drive is ok, and the floppy disks I’m using are new.


And like I asked in my last message, when did you last defrag and how many programs do you have running when you’re copying the files?


I defragged two weeks ago and do so monthly.
Typically, the only thing I have running is Norton AntiVirus, Windows Explorer and whatever normally starts up with Windows 98 SE (loadqm and systray).

As for my computer, its a MICRON Pentium 1 with 150 Mhz processor. Other details include:

Microsoft Windows 98 4.10.2222 A
Upgrade using CD /SrcDir=D:WIN98 /IQ /U:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
IE 5 6.0.2800.1106
Uptime: 0:00:26:45
Normal mode

GenuineIntel Pentium(r) Processor
66% system resources free
Windows-managed swap file on drive C (13903MB free)
Available space on drive C: 13903MB of 19553MB (FAT32)
Available space on drive D: 1280MB of 1546MB (FAT32)

Phoenix BIOS M54Hi
I haven’t been able to find the motherboard manufacturer yet, but I am still looking.


Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

Retired Administrator

I don’t think it’s an IRQ issue here.

What happens if you try to copy files in safe mode?




0 System timer
1 Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural Keyboard
2 Programmable interrupt controller
3 Communications Port (COM2)
4 Communications Port (COM1)
5 Creative Sound Blaster 16 or AWE-32
6 Standard Floppy Disk Controller
7 Printer Port (LPT1)
8 System CMOS/real time clock
9 CMD USB Open Host Controller
9 IRQ Holder for PCI Steering
10 Future Domain TMC-1650/1660/1670/1680 SCSI Host Adapter
11 S3 Trio64V+ PCI (765)
11 IRQ Holder for PCI Steering
12 PS/2 Compatible Mouse Port
13 Numeric data processor
14 Primary Ultra ATA controller
14 Intel 82371FB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
15 SupraMax 56i Voice PCI
15 SUP2750 PCI Modem Enumerator
15 IRQ Holder for PCI Steering

Future Domain TMC-1650/1660/1670/1680 SCSI Host Adapter
Alloc resources: Logical Configuration 0
IRQ: 10 Mask: x0000
IO Range: Base=x0160 End=x016F Alias=x00, Decode=xFF
Driver: FD16_700.MPD 4/23/1999 10:22 PM Size: 10528

Iomega Parallel Port Interface
This Device Has a Problem: Code=10 (0xA)
This device is not present, not working properly, or does not have all the
drivers installed. See your hardware documentation.
Alloc resources: None
Driver: PPA3.MPD 5/26/1999 3:14 PM Size: 56832

Standard Floppy Disk Controller
Alloc resources: Logical Configuration 0
IRQ: 6 Mask: x0000
DMA: 2 Mask: x0000
IO Range: Base=x03F0 End=x03F5 Alias=x04, Decode=x03
Base=x03F7 End=x03F7 Alias=x04, Decode=x03
Driver: HSFLOP.pdr 4/23/1999 10:22 PM Size: 25741

Alloc resources: None

Intel 82371FB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
Alloc resources: Logical Configuration 0
IRQ: 14 Mask: x4000
IO Range: Base=x01F0 End=x01F7 Min=x01F0 Max=x01F7 Alias=x04, Decode=x03
Base=x03F6 End=x03F6 Min=x03F6 Max=x03F6 Alias=x04, Decode=x03
Base=xFBF0 End=xFBFF Min=x0000 Max=xFFFF Alias=xFF, Decode=x00

Primary Ultra ATA controller
This Device Has a Problem: Code=10 (0xA)
This device is not present, not working properly, or does not have all the
drivers installed. See your hardware documentation.
Alloc resources: Logical Configuration 0
IRQ: 14 Mask: x4000
IO Range: Base=x01F0 End=x01F7 Min=x01F0 Max=x01F7 Alias=x04, Decode=x03
Base=x03F6 End=x03F6 Min=x03F6 Max=x03F6 Alias=x04, Decode=x03
Base=xFBF0 End=xFBF7 Alias=xFF, Decode=x00
Driver: ESDI_506.pdr 4/23/1999 10:22 PM Size: 24406

Secondary Ultra ATA controller
This Device Has a Problem: Code=29 (0x1D)
This device has been disabled in the hardware. In order to use this device,
you must re-enable the hardware. See your hardware documentation for details.
Alloc resources: Logical Configuration 0
Driver: ESDI_506.pdr 4/23/1999 10:22 PM Size: 24406

Alloc resources: None

The IOMEGA device problem listed above is from a zip drive someone recently (long after the problem began) loaned me to do a backup and is now disconnected. The ATA errors started 2 weeks back when I purchased (to do backups) and installed a CD R/W that I haven’t been able to get to work either.

These are the only devices showing problems in DEVICE MANAGER. Device Manager also indicates there are no problems with the floppy drive.

I haven’t tried the safe mode copy yet, but will tomorrow


Hard Disk Serial Number Changer

Whenever a hard drive is formatted in Windows a serial number is assigned to it in the end.

This serial number is often used by software applications to restrict software installations to that hard drive, or to reduce the number of allowed activations by applications by linking the serial number of the hard drive to one of the allowed activations.

This should not be confused with the hardware serial number that gets added to a hard disk during the manufacturing process.

Hard Disk Serial Number Changer

Unable to write to this disk in drive что делать

The Hard Disk Serial Number Changer application can change the serial number that gets assigned when a hard drive is formatted in Windows.

This can be really useful if an existing hard drive has to be formatted but you do not want to lose any activations or software that is linked to the serial of the drive. It can also come in handy if a new hard drive is added to a computer system to replace an older one especially if software needs to be transferred or reinstalled on the new hard drive.

The software program is portable and can therefore be executed directly after you have finished the download. The program provides access to all drive letters of connected hard drives and floppy drives, and their assigned serial numbers.

A click in the Serial Number text field enables you to edit the existing serial which is always in the format XXXX-XXXXÂ to another valid number in the same format. Note that only hex values are allowed which means numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F.

Update : The program supports Fat, Fat32 and NTFS file systems only, and is fully compatible with all recent and not so recent Microsoft operating systems including Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. Windows 8, while not mentioned on the program website, is compatible as well.

Please note that you may need to run the program with elevated privileges on Windows 7 and newer versions of Windows. To do that right-click the program in Windows Explorer and select the run as administrator option from the context menu.

It is recommended that you know what you are doing before you use the application. Changing the hard drive serial can have consequences in regards to the activation status of software installed on your system.

Update 2: The program homepage is no longer available. We have uploaded the latest release version of Hard Disk Serial Number Changer to our own server. Note that we don’t support it in any way. You can download it with a click on the following link: Hard Disk Serial Number Changer


Originally posted by Orbitalzone
I can imaging that all the duff drives might be scrapped or possibly sold on to a scrap dealer, who might repair some of the drives……. then what might happen to any recovered data?…

Yeah…scary prospect that one!!.
So Orbitalzone,Did you have one these drives and not send it back.?? That’s how it sounds..??!

Righty.Instead of giving fujitsu a ring.I e-mailed them with this e-mail.:-

On the 19th of september 2001.I purchased a a 20Gb fujitsu HDD.

In june of 2002.The said drive failed.I booted into dos and checked it through fdisk and various other means, But it was as dead as a doornail.

I couldn’t find the receipt at the time because we moved house in January 2002 and it wasn’t until December of last year, after cleaning a cupboard out, that I found it.

Iv’e contacted the retailer.But he said it was no longer his responsibility as the 12 month warrenty period was over on his part.!

I wanted to know if the drive can still be replaced by you (fujitsu)??..
Iv’e read about the high failiure rates of these drives.
So I feel that it is down to fugitsu in some part.
Hope you can help me..???
Many thanks Paul

So i waited and about an hour after I e-mailed fujitsu,I got a reply. Here goes the first part.:-

Dear Paul,

I enclose full details explaining our Warranty terms/conditions along with the
Customer Services Policy statement for your information.

(See attached file: Customer Letter (Support).doc)

Please feel free to contact our Warranty Service Centre based at our main office
in the UK providing full details to the administration department including the
model, part nos. serial nos. date of manufacture and a valid proof of purchase
on Fax: +44 (0)20 8606 4532/Tel: +44 (0)20 8848 5180 as they will decide and
investigate your claim further.

The other part of the e-mail was warrenty details on an attatchment…..here goes :-

Dear Customer,

Thank you for your enquiry. You may have read recent press articles about a recall of Fujitsu desktop hard disk drives. All the articles we have seen to date are inaccurate, Fujitsu has made no such announcement, and there is no recall of these or any other disk drives from Fujitsu.

If you have a drive that has failed and wish to return it then the following guideline should help you. Should you have any further concerns or enquiries then please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Warranty on Hard Disk products is solely provided to the direct customer of Fujitsu Europe Ltd. Therefore the following rules apply.

If you have purchased your Hard Disk product from a PC vendor, either directly from the manufacturer or a retailer, your warranty is supported by this supplier. Typically this is for 12 months, however you may have purchased extended warranty, in which case, please return to your place of purchase for warranty support.

If you have purchased your Hard Disk product from a Fujitsu approved dealer or distributor, your warranty will be provided by that company. If however, they have ceased trading, your warranty may be supported by Fujitsu Europe Ltd directly. A copy of proof of purchase to our Warranty Service department would be required before your Warranty condition is validated.

We have experienced many problems with customers being sold defective product from Computer Fairs, and we do not approve this sales channel for our products. We do accept however that some legitimate suppliers sometimes chose to sell products in this way, in which case you should contact your supplier for warranty issues. Fujitsu Europe Ltd does not accept any direct claims for warranty for products purchased via this supply route

Should you feel you still have a valid Warranty claim based our Warranty Policy information provided above, please send a fax to Warranty Request on 020 86064532 providing the following information in both instances :

Drive Model Number:
Drive Part Number:
Drive Serial Number:
Date of Manufacture
Copy of Proof of Purchase
Explanatory letter of place, conditions of purchase and nature of fault

Assuring you of our best attention.

Yours faithfully

Customer Services

On behalf of Fujitsu Europe Ltd

Nice automated response their…
Now this throws me a new dilema.With this quote..

We have experienced many problems with customers being sold defective product from Computer Fairs, and we do not approve this sales channel for our products. We do accept however that some legitimate suppliers sometimes chose to sell products in this way, in which case you should contact your supplier for warranty issues. Fujitsu Europe Ltd does not accept any direct claims for warranty for products purchased via this supply route

I don’t know weather to tell them that I brought it from a computer fair, As the retailer runs a mail order service over the web.He was none the wiser for this though.?? Now what..???

And just what the hell are they on about, when they say about the recall??.I never said anything about a recall…!! ggrrrr

Sorry for the long post..:D

Как изменить серийный номер жесткого диска?

Пользовался программой HardDiskSerialNumberChanger но мне выдавало ошибку Unable to write to this disk in drive. Инфы по фиксу этой ошибки не нашел. Решил изменить другим способом и скачал утилиту volumeid. Но и в ней мне выдавало ошибку: Error writing volume id: «рандомные и не понятный символы». Винда 10

  • Вопрос задан

    17 нояб. 2022

  • 1372 просмотра

Пригласить эксперта

На 10 винде он и не работает, а ещё на 8-ке и на exFAT дисках. Попробуйте AOMEI Partition Assistant Professional. Там в списке дисков ПКМ на нужном, субменю Advanced/Change Serial Number, вводите, ОК и слева сверху галочка Apply. Минус в том, что программа платная. Есть Freeware версия, но хз есть ли там нужное.

  • Показать ещё

13 июн. 2023, в 17:53

3000 руб./за проект

13 июн. 2023, в 17:47

10000 руб./за проект

13 июн. 2023, в 17:38

50000 руб./за проект

Минуточку внимания

Пиринговые сети значительно ускоряют передачу данных, поэтому торрент используют миллионы пользователей по всему миру, чтобы скачивать фильмы, музыку, программы и многое другое. Какое же разочарование постигает обычного человека, который хочет скачать фильм: потратил время, чтобы найти его в интернете, открыл торрент клиент, а при загрузке выскакивает ошибка «Отказано в доступе (Write to disk)». И всё бы ничего, но зловредная ошибка не исчезает ни при удалении и назначении новой закачки, ни при перезапуске программы.

Устранение ошибки «Отказано в доступе (Write to disk)»

Что же это за ошибка и неужели теперь придётся тянуть фильм непосредственно из браузера со скоростью черепахи? Давайте попробуем разобраться вместе.

Отказано в доступе. Почему торрент блокирует закачку

Если просто «в лоб» перевести смысл ошибки «Отказано в доступе (Write to disk)», то в русском варианте это будет выглядеть примерно так: «Отказ доступа во время процесса записи на диск». Смысл такого сообщения в том, что ваш торрент-клиент, в нашем случае программа uTorrent, не обладает административными правами, поэтому не может сохранить нужный файл в назначенную директорию. Директорию можно проверить, зайдя в настройки uTorrent.

Как правило, проблема «Отказано в доступе (Write to disk)» появляется вследствие таких причин:

  • Возникла ошибка операционной системы.
  • У uTorrent нет прав, чтобы вносить изменения в директорию, которая является хранилищем загружаемых торрентом файлов.
  • На вашем компьютере банально закончилось место на диске, из-за этого торрент не может добавить информацию.
  • Ваше устройство заражено вредоносным ПО, которое блокирует доступ к папке хранилища скачиваемых торрент-файлов.
  • Защитные программы, установленные на вашем компьютере, распознают действия торрент-клиента как угрозу и ограничивают доступ к папке с хранящимися загружаемыми файлами.
  • Путь к месту хранения загружаемых файлов в торрент прописан не латинскими буквами.
  • Проблемы именно с программой uTorrent.

Какие действия нужно предпринять, чтобы решить проблему «Отказано в доступе Write to disk» uTorrent

Ниже приведена пошаговая инструкция. Мы рекомендуем следовать предложенному плану действий, чтобы исправить ошибку наверняка.

  1. Самый простой, но иногда действенный способ — перезагрузить устройство. Если проблема с торрентом не имеет серьёзного характера, то ошибка пропадёт.
  2. Удостоверьтесь, что диск, на который ссылается торрент-клиент, не заполнен под завязку, то есть что объём свободного места диска больше, чем размер скачиваемого файла. А также нелишним будет очистить реестр торрента от мусора: удалите ненужные файлы, выделенные красным цветом.
  3. Попробуйте открыть программу uTorrent от имени администратора. Для этого сначала правильно выйдем из программы, нажав на «Выход», затем вызываем контекстное меню, кликая правой кнопкой мыши на значке uTorrent, выбираем пункт «Свойства». В меню «Совместимость» в строке «Выполнить эту программу от имени администратора» устанавливаем флажок. Сохраняем изменения и проверяем, устранена ли проблема.

    uTorrent от имени администратора

    Свойства ярлыка программы uTorrent

  4. Изменяем место для хранения скачанных файлов. Следует помнить, что путь к папке обязательно должен содержать только латинские буквы. В идеале просто создайте новую папку в корневом каталоге диска и назовите её английскими литерами. Теперь все новые загружаемые файлы будут храниться в новой только что созданной папке.

    Окно настроек программы uTorrent

    Окно настроек программы uTorrent

    Что делать, если в вашем торрент-клиенте ещё остались незавершённые загрузки? Всё просто: в открытом uTorrent нажимаем на нужной загрузке правую кнопку мыши, открываем дополнительные опции и назначаем путь к нужной папке.

  5. Просканируйте устройство на присутствие вредоносного ПО. Мы рекомендуем использовать хорошо себя зарекомендовавшие антивирусные программы Web, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, Trojan Remover.
  6. Приостановите на время деятельность антивирусной программы и попробуйте скачать торрент-файл с выключенным антивирусом.
  7. Когда ни один из вариантов не подошёл, стоит сначала удалить вашу программу, а затем заново проинсталлировать, возможно, даже более новую версию, скачанную с интернета. Как вариант, можно попробовать установить другой торрент-клиент.

Вот собственно и все известные нам универсальные способы устранения ошибки «Отказано в доступе (Write to disk)». Отдельно отметим ещё один случай, который может помочь пользователям с установленной операционной системой Windows 10. Находим значок uTorrent, вызываем контекстное меню нажатием правой кнопки мыши, в свойствах во вкладке «Совместимость» отмечаем флажком строку «Запустить программу в режиме совместимости с Windows XP (Service Pack 3)».


Не стоит отчаиваться, если у вас выскочила ошибка «Отказано в доступе (Write to disk)» при закачке файла через торрент-клиент. Возможно, простейшие манипуляции типа перезагрузки компьютера или смены места хранения закачек, помогут вам быстро решить проблему. Если простые методы оказались бессильны, то следует просканировать ваш компьютер на заражение вредоносными программами. В любом случае эта процедура будет полезна для вашей операционной системы.

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