Ошибка unable to locate the configuration file

Hearts of Iron 4 – это стратегическая игра, разработанная компанией Paradox Development Studio. Она позволяет игрокам управлять нациями во время Второй мировой войны и создавать свои стратегии для победы.

Однако, многие игроки могут столкнуться с ошибкой «Unable to locate the configuration file» при запуске игры. Эта ошибка может произойти по разным причинам, например, неправильно настроенные файлы или неверно установленные дополнения.

В этой статье мы расскажем о том, как исправить эту ошибку и продолжить наслаждаться игрой в Hearts of Iron 4.


  1. Проверьте расположение файла
  2. Восстановите удалённый файл
  3. Перезагрузите игру и Steam
  4. Отключите антивирусное ПО
  5. Измените настройки компонентов системы
  6. Установите обновление DirectX
  7. Отключите игровые моды
  8. Переустановите игру
  9. Вопрос-ответ
  10. Что значит ошибка «Unable to locate the configuration file» в Hearts of Iron 4?
  11. Как исправить ошибку «Unable to locate the configuration file»?
  12. Каковы причины ошибки «Unable to locate the configuration file» в Hearts of Iron 4?
  13. Какие файлы конфигурации необходимы для игры Hearts of Iron 4?
  14. Как проверить, что файлы конфигурации находятся в правильном месте?
  15. Как переустановить игру Hearts of Iron 4?

Проверьте расположение файла

Ошибка «Unable to locate the configuration file» в Hearts of Iron 4 может возникнуть в случае, если игра не может найти нужный файл конфигурации. Чтобы исправить эту проблему, необходимо проверить расположение файла.

Сначала убедитесь, что игра была установлена в правильную папку. Проверьте папку установки и убедитесь, что там есть папка «Hearts of Iron 4». Если вы изменяли путь установки игры, убедитесь, что путь указан правильно.

Далее проверьте, находится ли файл конфигурации в правильном месте. Файл конфигурации должен находиться в папке «Hearts of Iron 4», в подпапке «config». Убедитесь, что этот файл на месте и не перемещался в другое место.

Если файл конфигурации необходимо переместить, то убедитесь, что вы изменили путь к файлу в настройках игры. Для этого откройте Steam, найдите Hearts of Iron 4 в библиотеке игр, нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на игру и выберите «Свойства». Далее выберите «Местоположение локальных файлов», и укажите новый путь к файлу конфигурации.

Восстановите удалённый файл

Если вы получаете сообщение об ошибке «Unable to locate the configuration file» при запуске Hearts of Iron 4, это может быть связано с удалением конфигурационного файла игры. Восстановите удалённый файл следующим образом:

  • Перейдите в папку «Documents/Paradox Interactive/Hearts of Iron 4»
  • Проверьте, есть ли файл «settings.txt» в этой папке
  • Если файла нет, то скопируйте его из установочной папки игры
  • Запустите игру заново и проверьте, удалось ли исправить ошибку

Если проблема не решена, попробуйте переустановить игру или связаться с технической поддержкой Paradox Interactive.

Перезагрузите игру и Steam

В случае возникновения ошибки «Unable to locate the configuration file» в Hearts of Iron 4 стоит попробовать простое решение – перезагрузить игру и Steam.

Эта ошибка может возникнуть из-за того, что Steam не обновил игру после последнего патча или из-за проблем с файлами игры. Перезагрузка Steam и игры может помочь исправить эту проблему.

Чтобы перезагрузить игру, закройте ее и затем запустите ее снова. В некоторых случаях может потребоваться полностью выйти из Steam и затем запустить ее снова.

  • Закройте Steam;
  • Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на иконку Steam в панели задач;
  • Выберите «Выход» в меню;
  • Запустите Steam заново;
  • Запустите Hearts of Iron 4 заново.

Если перезагрузка игры и Steam не помогает, то стоит попытаться переустановить игру, проверить файлы игры на ошибки или обратиться в службу поддержки.

Отключите антивирусное ПО

Если при запуске Hearts of Iron 4 (HoI4) вы получаете сообщение об ошибке «Unable to locate the configuration file», то одним из возможных решений этой проблемы является отключение антивирусного ПО.

Эта ошибка может быть вызвана блокировкой доступа к необходимым файлам игры вашим антивирусным ПО. В этом случае отключение антивирусной программы может помочь вам решить проблему.

Если вы используете Windows Defender, то вы можете отключить его следующим образом:

  • Откройте настройки Windows Defender, выбрав «Защита от вирусов и угроз» в панели управления.
  • Перейдите в раздел «Настройки защиты от вирусов и угроз».
  • Найдите опцию «Включить защиту от вирусов и угроз» и отключите ее переключателем.

Если же вы используете другое антивирусное ПО, вам необходимо будет приостановить его работу. Для этого вы можете найти соответствующий пункт в настройках программы или нажать на иконку в трее и выбрать «Приостановить защиту».

После отключения антивирусного ПО запустите Hearts of Iron 4 и проверьте, была ли устранена ошибка «Unable to locate the configuration file». Если проблема осталась, то вы можете попробовать другие решения или обратиться к разработчикам игры.

Измените настройки компонентов системы

Для устранения ошибки «Unable to locate the configuration file» в Hearts of Iron 4 следует проверить настройки компонентов системы. Некоторые компоненты могут быть не установлены или настроены неправильно, что может вызвать данную ошибку.

Для начала проверьте, установлены ли все необходимые компоненты. Если нет, установите их и перезапустите компьютер. Важно убедиться, что все компоненты были установлены правильно и настроены в соответствии с требованиями игры.

Также стоит проверить наличие установленных обновлений для компонентов. Обновления могут включать исправления ошибок и улучшения производительности.

Если все компоненты установлены и настроены правильно, попробуйте запустить игру от имени администратора. Это может помочь в случае, если игра не имеет достаточных разрешений для доступа к файлам конфигурации.

Если эти действия не помогают, можно попробовать выполнить переустановку игры или проверить целостность файлов через Steam.

Важно понимать, что данная ошибка может возникать по многим причинам, и описанные выше действия не являются единственными способами ее устранения.

Если вы не уверены, какие компоненты следует установить или как их настроить, обратитесь к специалисту по компьютерному оборудованию или поддержке игры.

Установите обновление DirectX

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой «Unable to locate the configuration file» при запуске игры Hearts of Iron 4, возможно проблема кроется в устаревшей версии DirectX.

DirectX — это набор аппаратных и программных интерфейсов, необходимый для запуска многих игр и приложений. Если ваша версия DirectX устарела или неправильно установлена, это может привести к ошибкам в работе некоторых приложений, в том числе игр.

Чтобы исправить проблему, попробуйте обновить DirectX до последней версии:

  • Перейдите на официальный сайт Microsoft и скачайте последнюю версию DirectX.
  • Запустите загруженный файл и следуйте инструкциям инсталлятора.
  • Перезапустите компьютер, чтобы изменения вступили в силу.

Если это не помогло, проблема может быть связана с другими компонентами вашей системы, например, с драйверами графической карты или операционной системы. В этом случае рекомендуется обратиться к разработчикам игры для получения подробной инструкции по устранению ошибки.

Отключите игровые моды

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой «Unable to locate the configuration file» в игре Hearts of Iron 4, то одной из возможных причин может быть наличие установленных игровых модов. Если вы установили какие-то модификации для игры, то попробуйте их отключить и запустить игру без них.

Для этого вам нужно зайти в игровое меню, выбрать раздел «Моды» и отключить все установленные моды. Затем перезапустите игру и проверьте, исправилась ли ошибка.

Отключение модов может помочь исправить ошибку, так как некоторые модификации могут изменять конфигурационные файлы игры, что может привести к появлению данной ошибки.

Если отключение игровых модов не помогло решить проблему, то попробуйте выполнить другие рекомендации, которые приводятся в различных источниках, например, переустановить игру или проверить целостность игровых файлов через платформу Steam.

Переустановите игру

Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой «Unable to locate the configuration file» в Hearts of Iron 4, то одним из решений может быть переустановка игры.

Для этого необходимо удалить игру полностью с вашего компьютера и затем загрузить ее снова. Процесс переустановки может занять некоторое время, в зависимости от вашего интернет-соединения и скорости компьютера.

Помните, что переустановка игры может привести к потере ваших сохранений и настроек. Поэтому, перед удалением игры, рекомендуется сделать резервную копию важных данных.

Если переустановка игры не решает проблему, то может быть необходимо обратиться за помощью к разработчикам или сообществу игры.

  • Удалите игру полностью с вашего компьютера
  • Загрузите игру заново
  • Проверьте, была ли проблема решена


Что значит ошибка «Unable to locate the configuration file» в Hearts of Iron 4?

Эта ошибка означает, что игра не может найти конфигурационный файл, необходимый для запуска игры.

Как исправить ошибку «Unable to locate the configuration file»?

Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, нужно проверить, что файлы игры находятся в правильном месте, а также проверить, что файлы конфигурации не были удалены или перемещены. Если файлы на месте, то можно попробовать переустановить игру.

Каковы причины ошибки «Unable to locate the configuration file» в Hearts of Iron 4?

Причиной этой ошибки может быть удаление или перемещение файлов конфигурации игры, а также неправильная установка игры.

Какие файлы конфигурации необходимы для игры Hearts of Iron 4?

Для правильной работы игры необходимы файлы конфигурации game.cfg и settings.txt.

Как проверить, что файлы конфигурации находятся в правильном месте?

Для проверки нужно зайти в папку с игрой и найти файлы game.cfg и settings.txt в папке «Hearts of Iron IV». Если файлы находятся на месте, то ошибку можно искать в другом месте.

Как переустановить игру Hearts of Iron 4?

Чтобы переустановить игру, нужно удалить игру полностью и заново установить на компьютере. Перед удалением рекомендуется сохранить игровой прогресс и настройки.


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  • #1

Started getting this after I re-installed EU4. The first time I launched the game through Steam everything went fine and I proceeded through the launcher as normal, but now it’s giving me this error. I can launch the game normally through eu4.exe


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  • #2

Have you moved your Windows User Documents folder somewhere else perhaps?

Please try this:

— exit the Steam app completely
— uninstall Paradox Launcher v2 from the Windows «Apps and features» utility, if still present.

Delete the following folders if still present:
— C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/

— run steam.exe as the Windows Admin user
— run EU4 from the Steam PLAY button

I hope that works for you!

  • 1Like



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  • #3

Have you moved your Windows User Documents folder somewhere else perhaps?

Please try this:

— exit the Steam app completely
— uninstall Paradox Launcher v2 from the Windows «Apps and features» utility, if still present.

Delete the following folders if still present:
— C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/

— run steam.exe as the Windows Admin user
— run EU4 from the Steam PLAY button

I hope that works for you!

Running it now gives the following error:


Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: The system cannot find the file specified.

Detailed logs can be found at:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncher-v2launcher-dowser.log

If the error persists, please contact support at https://support.paradoxplaza.com

And here is the content of the .log;


2019-11-22 16:27:53 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2019-11-22 16:27:56 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] Launcher installation succeeded!
2019-11-22 16:27:56 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2019-11-22 16:28:20 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [CRITICAL] Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: The system cannot find the file specified.
2019-11-22 16:28:25 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2019-11-22 16:28:26 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] Launcher installation succeeded!
2019-11-22 16:28:26 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2019-11-22 16:28:38 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [CRITICAL] Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: The system cannot find the file specified.


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  • #4

Have you moved your Windows User Documents folder somewhere else perhaps? The launcher can have problems if it’s been moved to, say D: or whatever.


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  • #5

Have you moved your Windows User Documents folder somewhere else perhaps? The launcher can have problems if it’s been moved to, say D: or whatever.

Nope, it’s still in C:. EU4 (and presumably the Launcher) is uninstalled in D: however, could that be the root of the problem?


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  • #6

I think you’ll find the launcher is in C:

Please try installing EU4 in C: also; while that should not be a problem it is worth the test I think. Do the process in post #2 above afterwards.

Good luck!

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  • #7

hello I have the same problem as Papapyro and I did everything 3 times, uninstall, install, redo post # 2
My game is going well in C:

Unable to launch the game and the message is the same, I don’t know what to do

«Unable to locate a valid installation of the Paradox launcher:
open C: Users MYNAME AppData Local Paradox Interactive launcherpath: the system cannot find the file specified.

Detailed logs can be found at:
C: Users MYNAME AppData Local Paradox Interactive launcher-v2 launcher-dowser.log

If the error persists, please contact support»

And the log is the same too.



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  • #8

Did you do my process in post #2 above? You don’t mention it either way.

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  • #9

Yes I did the process in post #2 but without success

  • error.jpg


    67,4 KB · Views: 40


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  • #10

There are some log files in:
C:/users/<UserName>/AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/

Attach them here please.

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  • #11


2020-02-28 18:01:35 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2020-02-28 18:01:37 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] Launcher installation succeeded!
2020-02-28 18:01:37 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2020-02-28 18:01:39 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [CRITICAL] Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.
2020-02-29 10:52:59 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2020-02-29 10:53:08 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] Launcher installation succeeded!
2020-02-29 10:53:08 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2020-02-29 10:53:13 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [CRITICAL] Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.
2020-02-29 12:52:29 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2020-02-29 12:52:31 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] Launcher installation succeeded!
2020-02-29 12:52:31 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2020-02-29 13:11:42 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [CRITICAL] Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.
2020-02-29 21:39:35 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2020-02-29 21:39:47 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] Launcher installation succeeded!
2020-02-29 21:39:47 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2020-02-29 21:39:49 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [CRITICAL] Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:Users<UserName>AppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.

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  • #13

Hello this morning it worked perfectly but tonight the problem came back I don’t understand :(

  • 89207021_179916583435180_8218720688865804288_n.jpg


    398,8 KB · Views: 35


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  • #14

Actually that’s a completely different error than before.

I’ve not seen it before, but it looks like a file access issue. What antivirus do you use?


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  • #16

Okay, well make sure these apps are all allowed through it:

Paradox Launcher.exe


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  • #18

I don’t know Avast at all, I’m sorry. You may need to contact their support to determine how to allow apps through it — usually there is an Exceptions list or something like that.

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  • #19

Running it now gives the following error:


Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: The system cannot find the file specified.

Detailed logs can be found at:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncher-v2launcher-dowser.log

If the error persists, please contact support at https://support.paradoxplaza.com

And here is the content of the .log;


2019-11-22 16:27:53 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2019-11-22 16:27:56 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] Launcher installation succeeded!
2019-11-22 16:27:56 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2019-11-22 16:28:20 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [CRITICAL] Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: The system cannot find the file specified.
2019-11-22 16:28:25 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2019-11-22 16:28:26 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] Launcher installation succeeded!
2019-11-22 16:28:26 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [INFO] The `launcherpath` file does not exists:
C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath
2019-11-22 16:28:38 [v:2019.10.1] [main] [CRITICAL] Could not locate a valid installation of the Paradox Launcher:
open C:UsersMYNAMEAppDataLocalParadox Interactivelauncherpath: The system cannot find the file specified.

i have the same problem, any 1 has a solution?

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  • #20

Hello! I have about the same problem. The launcher starts normally, and when I click «play» in the launcher, it says that the game could not be started. If you try to run the game through the folder, it says «an error occurred while starting the application (0xc000007b).

Already reinstalled all 3 times. Post 2 also did, It did not help. Help me please! Thanks!


  1. Hearts of iron 4 ошибка unable to locate the configuration file
  2. Hearts of Iron IV
  3. Crusader Kings III – Unable to Locate Configuration File FIX
  4. Crusader Kings III Unable to Locate Configuration File FIX
  5. Guide Thing (With Pictures)
  6. How to fix Crusader Kings 3 Unable to locate configuration file Error
  7. Crusader Kings 3 Unable to locate configuration file
  13. Arch Linux
  14. #1 2017-01-07 21:08:37
  15. [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  16. #2 2017-01-08 00:08:18
  17. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  18. #3 2017-01-08 00:28:09
  19. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  20. #4 2017-01-09 02:24:28
  21. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  22. #5 2017-01-10 22:32:13
  23. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  24. #6 2017-01-11 06:58:39
  25. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  26. #7 2017-01-11 20:46:34
  27. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  28. #8 2017-01-11 21:45:50
  29. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  30. #9 2017-01-12 01:54:01
  31. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  32. #10 2017-01-12 06:45:34
  33. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error
  34. #11 2017-01-13 01:27:48
  35. Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

Hearts of iron 4 ошибка unable to locate the configuration file

Have you moved your Windows User Documents folder somewhere else perhaps?

Please try this:

— exit the Steam app completely
— uninstall Paradox Launcher v2 from the Windows «Apps and features» utility, if still present.

Delete the following folders if still present:
— C:/users/ /AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/ /AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/ /AppData/Roaming/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/

— run steam.exe as the Windows Admin user
— run EU4 from the Steam PLAY button

I hope that works for you!

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Mankind fears thought as they fear nothing else on earth — more than ruin — more even than death . Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought looks into the pit of hell and is not afraid. Thought is great and swift and free, the light of the world, and the chief glory of mankind. Bertrand Russell

Hearts of Iron IV

26 ноя. 2019 в 5:17 26 ноя. 2019 в 10:31 26 ноя. 2019 в 11:54 So, get a error saying Unable to locate the configuration file. I verified my files and was missing one but after getting that and restarting the game. I just get the same error. Any help? 26 ноя. 2019 в 12:00 26 ноя. 2019 в 12:00 Tried deleting documents folder, laucher folder, verify the game and reinstall 2 times
26 ноя. 2019 в 12:04 Tried deleting documents folder, laucher folder, verify the game and reinstall 2 times

26 ноя. 2019 в 12:14 Tried deleting documents folder, laucher folder, verify the game and reinstall 2 times

exit the Steam app completely
— uninstall Paradox Launcher v2 from the Windows «Apps and features» utility, if still present.

Delete the following folders if still present:
— C:/users/ /AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/ /AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/
— C:/users/ /AppData/Roaming/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/

Сережа Жигулибарный запись закреплена

Владислав Панов Доброжелатель из тырнета мне доброжелательно дал совет. Проверить не успел, но вот

Владислав Панов ответил Сереже Сережа, нормально же я лежал.. Эх, сейчас встану и проверю, 10 минуточек

Сережа Жигулибарный ответил Владиславу

Владислав Панов ответил Сереже

Я пытался найти — не смог найти, по двум причинам — я убедился ещё один раз, что десятка говно и не слишком умный, и предлагаю тебе найти. В «установка и удаление программ» лаунчера у тебя там не имеется?

но оно работает, оставляю поиски на тебе.

Сережа Жигулибарный ответил Владиславу

Владислав Панов ответил Сереже странно. ну может кто-то не с десяткой найдется
параходы ломают мои игоры ууу

Владислав, Называть единственное решение в современном мире — говном, довольно странное решение

Сережа, Если удалять лаунчер через винду, файлы всё равно остаются в системных разделах.
Удаляй лаунчер через винду
WIN+R, вводи %appdata%
Переходи на одну папку назад и используй поиск введя Paradox Interactive, удаляй папки, которые найдешь. Их в сумме три.
Показать полностью.
В одной из них, находится конфигурация лаунчера и путь к основным файлам, и именно эту папку необходимо удалить
После, устанавливай, заходи, тестируй, если проблема не решилась, обращайся в лс

Ещё могут возникать такие проблемы, если пользователь в винде на кириллице
Если у тебя была версия 1.29, проблема наблюдается, как фиксануть на постоянную основу, хз

Лицензия HoI4, пиратские DLC, с новым лаунчером не видит ни один мод, что делать-то?

Но у меня надо было файл «локал » искать поэтому лучше просто Стас, написать в поиске на диске «local» и выбрать первый и там по накатанной

Арно, У меня нет проблем с поиском. Я просто поставил отображение скрытых папок м не парюсь

набор юнитов famous battleships unit pack с какого он длс.

А почему у меня все длс отображаются но в игре их нет?

Сергей, смог решить проверь steamapi все ли нужные документы есть.

Some, та же проблема,при подписке
на моды они просто не появляются в лаунчере

В лаунчере дополнения есть, захожу в игру, а длс не работают

С новым декабрьским лаунчером перестали работать DLC, пишет «The DLC files appear to be corrupted». Раньше, с ноябрским лаунчером такого небыло.


Crusader Kings III – Unable to Locate Configuration File FIX

Table of Contents

Crusader Kings III Unable to Locate Configuration File FIX

  • First guide for fixing the unable to locate configuration file thingy for launching the game.
  • Firstly right click on the game and browse local files.
  • Go to the launcher folder and run the launcher-installer-windows.msi
  • Click next and change the install path to the folder where you found the launcher-installer-windows.msi. It should look like this: S:GamesSteamsteamappscommonCrusader Kings IIIlauncher
  • It should work after installation.

Guide Thing (With Pictures)

Just refer to images and read desc above

Crusader Kings III Unable to Locate Configuration File FIX Crusader Kings III Unable to Locate Configuration File FIX Crusader Kings III Unable to Locate Configuration File FIX Crusader Kings III Unable to Locate Configuration File FIX


How to fix Crusader Kings 3 Unable to locate configuration file Error

Crusader Kings 3 is a grand strategy game from Paradox Interactive. The title is finally available on PC and is one of the highest-rated games of the year. For the most part, the game runs very well on PC, however, some players are running into minor issues. If you are running into the Crusader Kings 3 Unable to locate configuration file error on PC, here is how you can fix it.

The game has Very Positive reviews on Steam, and over 90,000 players were playing it at launch, making it one of the biggest Steam releases of the year.

Crusader Kings 3 Unable to locate configuration file

If you are running into this error, and want to fix it, follow the steps below, and you can get in the game.

  • In your Steam library, right-click on Crusader kings 3
  • Select Properties
  • Now, head into the LOCAL tab
  • Head into the game’s launch folder, and open launcher-installer-windows.msi
  • Here, click next and change the install path to the folder where you found the launcher-installer-windows.msi.
  • It should look like this: X:GamesSteamsteamappscommonCrusader Kings IIIlauncher

After this, the game should start working as intended again.

While you are, make sure you check out our other guides for Crusader Kings 3 as well.


To play this game on PC, you need the following specifications


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows® 8.1 64 bit or Windows® 10 Home 64 bit
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™i3-2120 or AMD® FX 6350
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 460 (1GB) or AMD® Radeon™ HD 7870 (2GB), Intel® Iris Pro™ 580 or Intel® Iris® Plus G7 or AMD® Radeon™ Vega 11
  • Storage: 8 GB available space


  • Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • OS: Windows® 10 Home 64 bit
  • Processor: Intel® iCore™ i5-4670K or AMD® Ryzen™ 5 2400G
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia® GeForce™ GTX 1650 (4GB) or AMD® Radeon™ R9 390X (8GB)
  • Storage: 8 GB available space


You can now purchase the title on Steam from the following link


You can now purchase the title on Windows Store from the following link

Was this guide useful? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts.


Arch Linux

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#1 2017-01-07 21:08:37

[SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

i’m almost there — client just can’t find the «configuration file.» the client gets to this point:

here are a few lines from journalctl -u dnsmasq -f

here is my /etc/dnsmasq.conf

Last edited by hamhock (2017-01-14 16:39:44)

#2 2017-01-08 00:08:18

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

Do you have a /mnt/archiso/arch/boot/syslinux/pxelinux.cfg/default?

I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces.
Look ma, no mouse.

#3 2017-01-08 00:28:09

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

Do you have a /mnt/archiso/arch/boot/syslinux/pxelinux.cfg/default?

i do not have that file. I simply mounted the iso to /mnt/archiso according to the instructions at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PXE

there a many *.cfg files in /mnt/archiso/arch/boot/syslinux/, e.g.,
archiso.cfg, archiso_pxe32.cfg, syslinux.cfg, etc., but no «pxelinux.cfg»

Last edited by hamhock (2017-01-09 02:37:35)

#4 2017-01-09 02:24:28

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

Do you have a /mnt/archiso/arch/boot/syslinux/pxelinux.cfg/default?

since I don’t have pxelinux.cfg/default, I did this

now I get this error from the client:

Last edited by hamhock (2017-01-09 02:46:56)

#5 2017-01-10 22:32:13

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

when I follow the instructions exactly from here:
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PXE for «DHCP + TFTP»

i get the error:

I’ve tried it on several different clients with the same error. I can tftp to the server and «get» any file, e.g.,

I’m really pulling my hair out on this one.

#6 2017-01-11 06:58:39

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

making progress. arch boots via tftp, but get the following error

Not sure how to proceed.

#7 2017-01-11 20:46:34

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

making progress. arch boots via tftp, but get the following error

Not sure how to proceed.

Sounds like it’s trying to find the archiso CDROM in the PXE client. it needs to be mounting the NFS share.

Last edited by nomorewindows (2017-01-11 20:47:06)

I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces.
Look ma, no mouse.

#8 2017-01-11 21:45:50

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

Sounds like it’s trying to find the archiso CDROM in the PXE client. it needs to be mounting the NFS share.

thanks for the help. I wish I could implement your advice without further questions.
my mounted archiso on the server is mounted on: /mnt/archiso.
here is my pxelinux.cfg/default. perhaps it may shed some light on where I’m falling short.

#9 2017-01-12 01:54:01

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

Sounds like it’s trying to find the archiso CDROM in the PXE client. it needs to be mounting the NFS share.

I did not install nfs-utils. I’d like to mount the root file system to tmpfs instead of using NFS.

#10 2017-01-12 06:45:34

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

Sounds like it’s trying to find the archiso CDROM in the PXE client. it needs to be mounting the NFS share.

thanks for the help. I wish I could implement your advice without further questions.
my mounted archiso on the server is mounted on: /mnt/archiso.
here is my pxelinux.cfg/default. perhaps it may shed some light on where I’m falling short.

It looks like you are skipping tftp entirely, and going with http serving of the kernel and initramfs files.
But you still have to give it a root in which it can mount to. which is normally NFS and maintains a continuous connection with the PXE server through a root mounted through NFS a the root. to use tmpfs, you need the whole image stored in RAM (which uses up free RAM), by storing all needed files in the initramfs image altogether. which can be a large file (still over the network). Mounting via NFS, allows the PXE client to ask for only the files it needs, which one client won’t necessarily need the same files as another client as is Arch uses a stateless diskless client setup. Other distributions make a static/stateful image for each individual client, which for mass usage is inflexible, when nothing else is different. With stateless IP, the PXE client can figure out that one IP address is already in use and just get another free IP to use.
So here you don’t even have a root= option, which maybe is the result of using archiso, Idk, I have a permanent PXE installation running off of another permanent installation (daily driver machine). It’s actually quite easy, you just make another installation, point pacman to the root of the installation, and you’ll need mkinitcpio-nfs-utils for it to compile your initramfs to use PXE. Usually a PXE client actually uses some less memory, because unless a disk is being used or accessed, it won’t be loading any disk modules which frees up memory.

Last edited by nomorewindows (2017-01-12 06:48:21)

I may have to CONSOLE you about your usage of ridiculously easy graphical interfaces.
Look ma, no mouse.

#11 2017-01-13 01:27:48

Re: [SOLVED] PXE — «Unable to locate configuration file» error

It looks like you are skipping tftp entirely, and going with http serving of the kernel and initramfs files.
But you still have to give it a root in which it can mount to. which is normally NFS and maintains a continuous connection with the PXE server through a root mounted through NFS a the root. to use tmpfs, you need the whole image stored in RAM (which uses up free RAM), by storing all needed files in the initramfs image altogether. which can be a large file (still over the network). Mounting via NFS, allows the PXE client to ask for only the files it needs, which one client won’t necessarily need the same files as another client as is Arch uses a stateless diskless client setup. Other distributions make a static/stateful image for each individual client, which for mass usage is inflexible, when nothing else is different. With stateless IP, the PXE client can figure out that one IP address is already in use and just get another free IP to use.
So here you don’t even have a root= option, which maybe is the result of using archiso, Idk, I have a permanent PXE installation running off of another permanent installation (daily driver machine). It’s actually quite easy, you just make another installation, point pacman to the root of the installation, and you’ll need mkinitcpio-nfs-utils for it to compile your initramfs to use PXE. Usually a PXE client actually uses some less memory, because unless a disk is being used or accessed, it won’t be loading any disk modules which frees up memory.

thank you for your detailed explanation. I was about ready to try NFS when I stumbled upon this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Archboot

I downloaded the 3 image files and created a menu entry (http was significantly faster than tftp):

it boots up fast and I can ssh into the client with no manual intervention on the client side. this is helpful as I have a 12-year old computer (remote and headless) and this allows me to reboot the client, do admin tasks, then reboot back into the arch install on hd0

I’m switching between the two boot alternatives by swapping the two menu items in pxelinux.cfg/ not sure if that is the best way to alternate between them.

here is the file system info:

just for comparison, here is the output when i booted releng’s arch ipxe live netboot http://releng.archlinux.org/pxeboot/

I liked the arch live netboot as well, but it takes longer to boot and I can’t ssh into it without client side intervention — unless I’m overlooking something, e.g., append options.

I will try NFS soon so I can compare how it works in my use case vs. archboot

Last edited by hamhock (2017-01-13 03:35:56)


Crusader Kings 3 is a strategy game developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive.

It is a sequel to Crusader Kings II. In this game, players play the role of a medieval ruler, make important decisions, and balance various aspects of the ruling, including politics, religion, economy, and military affairs.

However, several Crusader Kings 3 players are facing the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” error while trying to play the game.

This error is very frustrating because it prevents players from entering the game. If you are also facing the same problem then don’t worry.

In this guide, we will walk you through some simple steps that can fix the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” Error.

As you can see the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” error message itself states that this error is happening because the game is unable to locate the configuration files.

This will happen because of serval reasons that include:

  • Missing or Corrupted Files: This type of error message generally appears when there is any necessary configuration file is missing or gets corrupted. This will happen due to incorrect installation or deleted or corrupted configuration files.
  • Antivirus or Firewall Interference: Sometimes Firewall or Antivirus software installed in your device will mistakenly flag the configuration file as a harmful threat and block the game access to this file.
  • File Permissions: Sometimes users face the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” error because their game files do not have proper permissions to prevent the game from accessing them.

How to Fix the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” Error

Follow the below steps to fix the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” Error.

Method 1: Disable Antivirus or Firewall

To fix the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” error, the first thing you need to do is temporarily disable the Firewall or Antivirus software installed on your device.

Once you disabled the antivirus, launch the Crusader Kings 3 game and see if your problem is fixed.

If disabling the antivirus or firewall fixes your problem then you need to make changes to it and allow configuration files to pass through the firewall.

Method 2: Run As Administrator

As I mentioned above, you must be facing the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” Error because your configuration files do not have the proper permission.

In that case, you can try running the Crusader Kings 3 game As Administrator permissions and see if your problem is fixed or not.

Running Crusader King 3 as an administrator will fix all file permission-related issues and you will be able to play the game.

If running the Crusader King 3 game with administrator permissions don’t work for you then the reason behind getting the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” Error is improper permissions.

In that case, you need to adjust the file’s permissions and give them proper permission.

Method 3: Verify Game Files

If none of the above-mentioned methods works for you then you must be facing the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” error because of missing or corrupted configuration files.

In that case, you can verify the game files to fix this problem. You can verify the integrity of the game files from Steam.

Here is how you can do it:

  • Open the Stream app and log in with your account credentials.
  • Once logged in, click on the Library tab at the top of the Steam client.
  • This will show you the list of games, locate the Crusader Kind 3 game and right-click on it.
  • Select the Properties option from the menu.
  • This will open a new window, navigate to the “Local Files” tab.
  • Under the Local File tab, click on the “Verify Integrity of Game Files” button.
  • Steam will begin the verification process and check your game files and will automatically download and replace the missing or corrupted files.
  • The verification process will take some time.
  • Once the verification process is completed, you will be able to play the Crusader King 3 game gain.

That’s it we hope this guide helped you fix the “Crusader Kings 3 Unable to Locate Configuration File” error.

Even if I regenerate the stuff again, it is still shown «Unable to locate configuration file»

Repairing Paradox Launcher . . . Paradox Launcher does not need to be repaired. Installing SmokeAPI for Paradox Launcher in directory "C:UsersLimyxAppDataLocalProgramsParadox Interactivelauncher-v2.2022.8resourcesapp.asar.unpackeddistmain" . . . Wrote resource to file: steam_api64.dll Generating SmokeAPI configuration for Paradox Launcher in directory "C:UsersLimyxAppDataLocalProgramsParadox Interactivelauncher-v2.2022.8resourcesapp.asar.unpackeddistmain" . . . Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241360 (Europa Universalis IV: 100 Years War Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241361 (Europa Universalis IV: Horsemen of the Crescent Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241362 (Europa Universalis IV: Winged Hussars Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241363 (Europa Universalis IV: Star and Crescent DLC) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241364 (Europa Universalis IV: American Dream) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241365 (Europa Universalis IV: Purple Phoenix) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241366 (Europa Universalis IV: National Monuments) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241367 (Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Constantinople Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241368 (Europa Universalis IV: National Monuments II) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241369 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241370 (Europa Universalis IV: Conquistadors Unit pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241371 (Europa Universalis IV: Native Americans Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241372 (Europa Universalis IV: Songs of the New World) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241373 (Europa Universalis IV: Songs of Yuletide) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 278710 (Europa Universalis IV: Native Americans II Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 278711 (Europa Universalis IV: Colonial British and French Unit pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 278712 (Europa Universalis IV: Muslim Advisor Portraits) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 279620 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 279621 (Europa Universalis IV: Muslim Ships Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 279622 (Europa Universalis IV: Trade Nations Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 279623 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 295220 (Europa Universalis IV: Anthology of Alternate History) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 295221 (Europa Universalis IV: Indian Subcontinent Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 295222 (Europa Universalis IV: Indian Ships Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 304590 (Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations E-book) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310030 (Europa Universalis IV: Republican Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310031 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Art of War) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310032 (Europa Universalis IV: Evangelical Union Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310033 (Europa Universalis IV: Catholic League Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310034 (Europa Universalis IV: Songs of War Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 327830 (Europa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 327831 (Europa Universalis IV: Art of War E-book) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 338160 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 338161 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 338162 (Europa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 2 Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 338163 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 354790 (Europa Universalis IV: Women in History) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373150 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373160 (Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense E-Book) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373370 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373380 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373400 (Europa Universalis IV: Sounds from the community - Kairis Soundtrack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 414300 (Europa Universalis IV: Catholic Majors Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 414301 (Europa Universalis IV: Catholic Majors Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 415680 (Europa Universalis IV: Sabaton Soundtrack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 436120 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 436121 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 443720 (Europa Universalis IV: Sounds from the community - Kairis Soundtrack Part II) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 445630 (Hearts of Iron IV: War Stories) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460550 (Hearts of Iron IV: German Tanks Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460551 (Hearts of Iron IV: French Tanks Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460553 (Hearts of Iron IV: Heavy Cruisers Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460554 (Hearts of Iron IV: Soviet Tanks Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460555 (Hearts of Iron IV: US Tanks Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460556 (Hearts of Iron IV: British Tanks Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460557 (Hearts of Iron IV: German March Order Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460558 (Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Radio Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460559 (Hearts of Iron IV: Rocket Launcher Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460600 (Hearts of Iron IV: Poland - United and Ready) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460610 (Hearts of Iron IV: German Historical Portraits) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 461800 (Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 472030 (Europa Universalis IV: Fredman's Epistles) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 472410 (Hearts of Iron IV: Wallpaper) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 473130 (Hearts of Iron IV: Artbook) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 486570 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 486571 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 486970 (Europa Universalis IV: Fredman's Epistles) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 487150 (Europa Universalis IV: Songs of Regency) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 530760 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 538020 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 538021 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 539260 (Europa Universalis IV: Evangelical Majors Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 554840 (Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass DLC) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 584140 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 584141 (Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 616200 (Hearts of Iron IV: Colonel Edition Upgrade Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 617960 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 617961 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate E-book Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 617962 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Early Upgrade Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 625050 (Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 625170 (Europa Universalis IV: Call-to-Arms Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 625171 (Europa Universalis IV: Digital Extreme Edition Upgrade Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 625172 (Europa Universalis IV: Pre-Order Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 642010 (Hearts of Iron IV: Anniversary Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 642780 (Music - Europa Universalis IV: The Rus Awakening) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 702350 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 721340 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 721341 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 760070 (Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 768340 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Monuments to Power Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 815460 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 827240 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Dharma) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 827250 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Dharma) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 834360 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 960850 (Europa Universalis IV: Test 6) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 960920 (Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 978950 (Imperator: Rome - Hellenistic World Flavor Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 978951 (Imperator: Rome - Epirus Content Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1009630 (Europa Universalis IV: Imperator Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1016070 (Imperator: Rome - Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1016080 (Imperator: Rome - Complete Soundtrack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1032150 (Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns Wallpaper (Pre-Order)) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1070470 (Imperator: Rome - Art Book + Wallpapers) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1086480 (Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1086481 (Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1158100 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1173860 (Imperator: Rome - The Punic Wars Content Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1206030 (Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance Pre-Order Bonus) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1252870 (Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia Content Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1259360 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Emperor) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1264340 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Emperor) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1317230 (Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1317250 (Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1348660 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1348661 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1416420 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1437660 (Imperator: Rome - Heirs of Alexander Content Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1579991 (Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1579992 (Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1756130 (Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Origins) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1756190 (Europa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 3 Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1785140 (Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back - "Katyusha" (Pre-Order Bonus)) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1877010 (Hearts of Iron IV - Expansion Subscription) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1880650 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1896050 (Europa Universalis IV - Expansion Subscription) Operation succeeded for Paradox Launcher. Installing SmokeAPI for Imperator: Rome in directory "E:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonImperatorRomebinaries" . . . Wrote resource to file: steam_api64.dll Generating SmokeAPI configuration for Imperator: Rome in directory "E:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonImperatorRomebinaries" . . . Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 978950 (Imperator: Rome - Hellenistic World Flavor Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 978951 (Imperator: Rome - Epirus Content Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1016070 (Imperator: Rome - Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1016080 (Imperator: Rome - Complete Soundtrack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1070470 (Imperator: Rome - Art Book + Wallpapers) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1173860 (Imperator: Rome - The Punic Wars Content Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1252870 (Imperator: Rome - Magna Graecia Content Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1437660 (Imperator: Rome - Heirs of Alexander Content Pack) Operation succeeded for Imperator: Rome. Installing SmokeAPI for Hearts of Iron IV in directory "E:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonHearts of Iron IV" . . . Wrote resource to file: steam_api.dll Wrote resource to file: steam_api64.dll Generating SmokeAPI configuration for Hearts of Iron IV in directory "E:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonHearts of Iron IV" . . . Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 445630 (Hearts of Iron IV: War Stories) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460550 (Hearts of Iron IV: German Tanks Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460551 (Hearts of Iron IV: French Tanks Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460553 (Hearts of Iron IV: Heavy Cruisers Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460554 (Hearts of Iron IV: Soviet Tanks Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460555 (Hearts of Iron IV: US Tanks Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460556 (Hearts of Iron IV: British Tanks Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460557 (Hearts of Iron IV: German March Order Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460558 (Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Radio Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460559 (Hearts of Iron IV: Rocket Launcher Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460600 (Hearts of Iron IV: Poland - United and Ready) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 460610 (Hearts of Iron IV: German Historical Portraits) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 461800 (Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 472410 (Hearts of Iron IV: Wallpaper) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 473130 (Hearts of Iron IV: Artbook) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 530760 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 554840 (Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass DLC) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 584140 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 584141 (Music - Hearts of Iron IV: Sabaton Soundtrack Vol. 2) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 616200 (Hearts of Iron IV: Colonel Edition Upgrade Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 642010 (Hearts of Iron IV: Anniversary Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 702350 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Waking the Tiger) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 815460 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1032150 (Hearts of Iron IV: Man the Guns Wallpaper (Pre-Order)) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1086480 (Hearts of Iron IV: Axis Armor Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1086481 (Hearts of Iron IV: Radio Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1158100 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1206030 (Hearts of Iron IV: La Résistance Pre-Order Bonus) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1317230 (Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Armor Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1317250 (Hearts of Iron IV: Allied Speeches Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1348660 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: Battle for the Bosporus) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1348661 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1579991 (Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Planes Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1579992 (Hearts of Iron IV: Eastern Front Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1785140 (Hearts of Iron IV: No Step Back - "Katyusha" (Pre-Order Bonus)) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1877010 (Hearts of Iron IV - Expansion Subscription) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1880650 (Expansion - Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone) Operation succeeded for Hearts of Iron IV. Installing SmokeAPI for Europa Universalis IV in directory "E:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonEuropa Universalis IV" . . . Wrote resource to file: steam_api64.dll Generating SmokeAPI configuration for Europa Universalis IV in directory "E:SteamLibrarysteamappscommonEuropa Universalis IV" . . . Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241360 (Europa Universalis IV: 100 Years War Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241361 (Europa Universalis IV: Horsemen of the Crescent Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241362 (Europa Universalis IV: Winged Hussars Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241363 (Europa Universalis IV: Star and Crescent DLC) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241364 (Europa Universalis IV: American Dream) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241365 (Europa Universalis IV: Purple Phoenix) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241366 (Europa Universalis IV: National Monuments) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241367 (Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Constantinople Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241368 (Europa Universalis IV: National Monuments II) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241369 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241370 (Europa Universalis IV: Conquistadors Unit pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241371 (Europa Universalis IV: Native Americans Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241372 (Europa Universalis IV: Songs of the New World) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 241373 (Europa Universalis IV: Songs of Yuletide) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 278710 (Europa Universalis IV: Native Americans II Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 278711 (Europa Universalis IV: Colonial British and French Unit pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 278712 (Europa Universalis IV: Muslim Advisor Portraits) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 279620 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 279621 (Europa Universalis IV: Muslim Ships Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 279622 (Europa Universalis IV: Trade Nations Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 279623 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 295220 (Europa Universalis IV: Anthology of Alternate History) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 295221 (Europa Universalis IV: Indian Subcontinent Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 295222 (Europa Universalis IV: Indian Ships Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 304590 (Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations E-book) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310030 (Europa Universalis IV: Republican Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310031 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Art of War) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310032 (Europa Universalis IV: Evangelical Union Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310033 (Europa Universalis IV: Catholic League Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 310034 (Europa Universalis IV: Songs of War Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 327830 (Europa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 327831 (Europa Universalis IV: Art of War E-book) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 338160 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 338161 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 338162 (Europa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 2 Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 338163 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 354790 (Europa Universalis IV: Women in History) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373150 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373160 (Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense E-Book) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373370 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373380 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: The Cossacks) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 373400 (Europa Universalis IV: Sounds from the community - Kairis Soundtrack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 414300 (Europa Universalis IV: Catholic Majors Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 414301 (Europa Universalis IV: Catholic Majors Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 415680 (Europa Universalis IV: Sabaton Soundtrack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 436120 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 436121 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 443720 (Europa Universalis IV: Sounds from the community - Kairis Soundtrack Part II) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 472030 (Europa Universalis IV: Fredman's Epistles) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 486570 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 486571 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 486970 (Europa Universalis IV: Fredman's Epistles) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 487150 (Europa Universalis IV: Songs of Regency) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 538020 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 538021 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 539260 (Europa Universalis IV: Evangelical Majors Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 617960 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 617961 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate E-book Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 617962 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Early Upgrade Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 625050 (Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Third Rome) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 625170 (Europa Universalis IV: Call-to-Arms Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 625171 (Europa Universalis IV: Digital Extreme Edition Upgrade Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 625172 (Europa Universalis IV: Pre-Order Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 642780 (Music - Europa Universalis IV: The Rus Awakening) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 721340 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 721341 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 760070 (Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 768340 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Monuments to Power Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 827240 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Dharma) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 827250 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Dharma) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 834360 (Collection - Europa Universalis IV: Ultimate Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 960850 (Europa Universalis IV: Test 6) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 960920 (Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Golden Century) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1009630 (Europa Universalis IV: Imperator Unit Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1259360 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Emperor) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1264340 (Content Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Emperor) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1416420 (Expansion - Europa Universalis IV: Leviathan) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1756130 (Immersion Pack - Europa Universalis IV: Origins) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1756190 (Europa Universalis IV: Guns, Drums and Steel Volume 3 Music Pack) Added DLC to SmokeAPI.json with appid 1896050 (Europa Universalis IV - Expansion Subscription) Operation succeeded for Europa Universalis IV. SmokeAPI/ScreamAPI successfully installed and generated for 4 program(s).

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  • Ошибка unable to load restoreramdisk