Ошибка unable to copy the file

I am working on asp.net 3.5 project on remote machine. I am accessing it using remote desktop. When I build the project, I get error:

Error   62  Unable to copy file "objDebugmyprojname.pdb" to "binmyprojname.pdb". Access to the path 'binmyprojname.pdb' is denied.

Project is under SVN. I deleted the objDebugmyprojname.pdb and tried to run again but getting same error. I am trying to remove thereadonly from the folder but after clicking ok, It becomes readonly again ( i guess because of SVN).

asked Mar 17, 2012 at 12:47

DotnetSparrow's user avatar


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I solved this problem by deleting the contentious files from bin folder and rebuilding the project.

answered Apr 5, 2012 at 20:40

DiligentKarma's user avatar


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I solved it by Unchecking the Read-only CheckBox option on folder setting.

Brian Webster's user avatar

Brian Webster

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answered Oct 5, 2012 at 6:32

Kotresha A M S's user avatar


I had the same issue and I only had to restart the visual studio.
Classic move :)

answered Feb 19, 2013 at 18:23

Cesar Payan's user avatar

I started Visual studio as administrator and that worked.

answered Aug 19, 2013 at 13:31

Robert's user avatar


711 silver badge3 bronze badges

Removed read only flag on whole solution and it worked. Visual Studio 2012+TFS 2013

answered Aug 21, 2013 at 10:12

0x49D1's user avatar


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For me, my issue was that my AntiVirus had a handle on the referenced .dll that was used in my solution. Not exactly sure why, plan on researching it later. But killing my AV Service that had the handle, then restarting Visual Studio fixed this issue for me.

Hope this helps those of you who are maybe having to restart your entire PC when this happens, as before I figured this out, it was the only fix to my solution as well.

answered Feb 9, 2015 at 18:32

BeeTee2's user avatar


7674 silver badges13 bronze badges

If all else fails try a reboot of your computer — only thing that worked for me.

answered Jun 5, 2013 at 16:10

proggrock's user avatar


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I had this issue with WebActivator.dll

Closing VS and reopening resolved the issue for me

answered Sep 19, 2014 at 13:07

Grayson's user avatar


1911 silver badge9 bronze badges

Just found this, which worked for me:

Make sure bin isn’t checked in to TFS.

answered Mar 24, 2014 at 15:27

JNF's user avatar


3,6963 gold badges30 silver badges64 bronze badges

I solved it by Unchecking the Read-only CheckBox option on folder setting.than reload the solution again :)

answered Nov 27, 2013 at 13:02

propphet's user avatar

Just remove the corresponding reference(.dll file) from the References and add it back again using add reference option.I got a similar error,and i have solved it this way.I hope it will help.

answered Feb 27, 2014 at 12:59

pallavi bose's user avatar

After trying all the options below, the only solution was to restart the Windows 7.

  • Removed read only flag.
  • Restart the visual studio.
  • Remove the corresponding reference(.dll file) from the References and add it back
  • Make sure bin isn’t checked in to TFS
  • Deleting the contentious files from bin folder

answered May 9, 2014 at 15:06

Rafael Fernandes's user avatar

I solved it by excluding my bin folder from my project in VS 2012. Right click on the BIN folder and select «Exclude From Project».

answered Jul 12, 2014 at 15:03

tribe84's user avatar


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If you only get this for select files:

  1. Go to Published file folder
  2. Select the problem Files
  3. Properties
  4. Uncheck Read-Only

Apparently this can occur when Source Control non-checked out files are read only, and then someone just copies specific files.

(I tried other people’s suggestions: giving myself write access to wwwroot, running VS as admin, but for me it was the read-only that did the trick. I specify this answer to point out it is the files at the destination you are trying to publish to.)

answered Sep 22, 2014 at 14:46

Greg's user avatar


2,37521 silver badges26 bronze badges

If you have done some check-in into the bin folder then this issue will come.
Just delete that file and check-in again and build it. It will definitely work.
Note: Please don’t check-in anything into bin folder

answered Nov 11, 2014 at 9:01

keshav's user avatar

the error is pretty obvious there
Access to the path ‘binmyprojname.pdb’ is denied.
the user the web console process is running under (not the user you created in the webconsole, the actual windows user), most likely «Network Service» doesnt have permissions to that folder.

You can either
— Right click on that folder, goto permissions and add the «Network Service» user
— Right click on that folder, goto permissions and add the «Everyone» user

that should fix that problem.

answered Feb 28, 2015 at 15:35

StepUp's user avatar


36k14 gold badges87 silver badges145 bronze badges

You might be opened two visual studios for two different solutions. Vs-A is in Debug mode and VsB is erroring out about .pdb file access denied. So remove the debug mode from Vs-A and Rebuild Vs-B. It should work now, without errors.

Good Luck.

answered Mar 11, 2016 at 22:06

Software Enginner's user avatar

I resolved it by cleaning all projects individually and then rebuilding them individually in the order of their dependency over each other

answered Aug 11, 2017 at 11:02

Abhishek Siddhu's user avatar

Suprisingly, using


was the reason the project failed to compile for me with the same error message. Converting to


solved it.
Command line application, .NET 4.7.2

answered Jan 15, 2020 at 18:19

cccec's user avatar


431 gold badge2 silver badges9 bronze badges

Tip for VS noobs like me: Check you’re looking at the right /bin folder.

Details: To me, «Failed to copy from SomeDependancy/bin/Debug to /bin» sounds like it means the destination is SomeDependancy/bin. But in my application it meant MainProject/bin. I cottoned on to the idea when I discovered I could build the dependencies and only MainProject was failing. I haven’t completed testing yet, but it looks like the suggestion about recreating the folder might now work for me.

answered May 4, 2020 at 0:30

Tim von Ahsen's user avatar

Ошибка: we were unable to copy your files. please check your usb device and the selected iso

Быстро разбираемся с ошибкой: we were unable to copy your files. please check your usb device and the selected iso

Здравствуйте друзья. В этой заметке рассмотрим с вами, что предпринять в ситуации, когда вы пытаетесь создать загрузочную флешку через программу:


и в последнем диалоговом окне этой программы получаете сообщение we were unable to copy your files. please check your usb device and the selected iso. Эта программа действительно очень хороша и удобна, поэтому давайте решим этот вопрос, чтобы и впредь ею можно было пользоваться.

Итак, приступим

Всё что нам нужно это подготовить флешку немного необычным способом, перед тем как делать её загрузочной. Делается это несложно и будет пошагово показано в картинках ниже. Все действия будем производить в командной строке операционной системы (ОС).

Это очень полезная служба для тонкой настройки или проверки ОС. Она функционирует с помощью специальных команд, которые нужно записывать вручную.

Чтобы открыть командную строку нам нужно выполнить такие действия:

Нажимаем вместе две клавиши win+r:


появится служба запуска программ, в которой мы и запустим нашу командную строку. В этом окне пишем «cmd» и нажимаем «OK»:


всё должно появиться окно с чёрным фоном, в котором мы и будем работать:


Теперь мы будем записывать там такую не большую последовательность команд, нужная флешка должна стоять в компьютере.

Сначала пишем команду diskpart и нажимаем ввод:


Далее list disk и опять ввод, важно помнить, что каждую команду мы подтверждаем клавишей «Ввод» или по-другому «Enter»


Теперь нам вывелся на экран список имеющихся дисков, в том числе и нужная нам флешка на 8 гигабайт, но в мегабайтах она имеет здесь размер 7656. То, что имеет размер 931 гигабайт — это жёсткий диск или винчестер, его ни в коем случае нельзя затрагивать не то можете удалить вашу информацию на компьютере:


 Мы должны записать команду select disk и добавить номер нашей флешки, в нашем случае это 1, то есть запись должна быть такая select disk 1:


Здесь стоит немного поднапрячься и осознанно сделать правильный выбор, поскольку, если выберете свой жёсткий диск, то можете его форматировать и потерять данные, да и вообще ОС может выйти из строя и не запуститься при следующем запуске.

В общем, не всё так страшно, просто важно понимать, что, если размер вашей флешки 16 гигабайт, то просто выбираем строку с таким размером, здесь, в общем-то, сложно ошибиться.

А сейчас нужно прописать несколько команд по порядку и всё, после каждой из них нажимаем ввод, а потом записываем другую:








На этом всё. Теперь можно создавать загрузочную флешку с помощью программы Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool, проблем возникнуть не должно.

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Данная статья расскажет от том, что делать если вы столкнулись с этой ошибкой. Если воспользоваться переводчиком то получаем следующее сообщение: Нам не удалось

скопировать файлы. Пожалуйста, проверьте устройство USB и выбранный файл ISO и повторите попытку.

We were unable to copy your files. Please check your USB device and the selected ISO file and try again. Ошибка

По сообщению понятно что дело или ISO образе ( Скачивать образы Windows рекомендуется с известных сайтов с положительными комментариями о сборке ), или же дело в вашем юсб накопителе. В моем случае был второй вариант.


И тут появляется вопрос, как же исправить данную ошибку: We were unable to copy your files. Please check your USB device and the selected ISO file and try again.

Для исправления ошибки я проделал следующую процедуру: Зашел пуск, нажал выполнить и набрал cmd.exe и нажал ок.


Таким образом запускается командная строка. Также можно запустить её если зайти в пуск/все программы/Служебные — windows/ там тоже должен быть ярлык на вызов ком строки.

В командной строке вводим следующие команды:

list disk


select disk 1 — тут необходимо выбрать номер именно вашей флешки, в моем случае она была под номером 1, у вас она может быть под другим. Так что советую опознавать её номер по размеру флеш памяти.
create partition primary
select partition 1 — также нужно выбрать номер вашей usb flash
format quick fs=fat32

После этого пробуем заново создать загрузочную флешку с помощью программы Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool.

Кнопка «Наверх»


77 запросов. 0,272 секунд.

Sharing files using Flash drives is still the preferred method for many rather than directly sharing online. Many still lack fast internet to comfortably download large files quickly. Sharing with flash storages, whether a USB drive or other forms of storage, still prevails because of this thing.

However, copying files to your flash drives also has its issues. Some users have reported that they are unable to copy the file on their flash drives as the error “Too large for the volume’s format” appears. In this article, I have discussed why this error can appear and how to fix it.

Why “Too Large For The Volume’s Format” Error Appears?

Most users mistake this error as the flash drive not having sufficient space. This is not always the case. The format of the flash drive is likely triggering. Most flash drives are formatted to FAT32 by default. The FAT 32 format triggers the “Can’t be copied because it is too large for the volume’s format” error.

This is because the FAT32 format cannot copy data bigger than 4 GB. That’s why this error appears when copying bigger files. There is an easy fix for this, which I have mentioned in the solutions.

Solution 1: Format The USB Into exFAT Or NTFS

As mentioned above, the item can’t be copied because it is too large for the volume’s format error stems from the flash drive format. Simply changing the format from Fat32 to exFAT or NTFS of the drive should fix this issue. To change the Flash Drive format, follow the steps given below:

Caution: When you format your flash drive, all files and folders saved inside will be deleted. Before you go with this route, make sure to back up any important files in the flash drive.

For Windows 10:

  1. Attach the Flash Drive.
  2. Open My Computer and right-click on the Flash Drive.
  3. Select the Format option from the right-click context menu. The Format window will appear.
  4. Click on the File system drop-down menu and select either NTFS or exFAT.
  5. Select the Start option to begin the format.
  6. Wait for it to finish then and close the window.


For Mac:

  1. Attach the Flash Drive.
  2. Search for Disk Utility in the Spot light and select the top result. This will open the Disk Utility tool.
  3. On the left panel, click on your Flash Drive and select the Erase tab.
  4. Click on the drop-down menu and select the exFAT format.
  5. Select the Erase option.

After you have formatted your flash drive to other formats, retry copying the large file and see if the error reappears. Reformatting to another file system should fix this issue.

Solution 2: Low On Space Or Corrupted Flash Drive

Incase solution 1 fails to fix this issue for you, it seems either the issue is from low space in the USB drive or the flash drive has become corrupted and cannot write files anymore.

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it. Now you know what to do when the item can’t be copied because it is too large for the volume’s format error appears. If you have any questions regarding this topic, ask them in the comment section below.

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  • Hi,

    I am getting this below given below during TFS build

    C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30319Microsoft.Common.targets(3513,5): error MSB3021: Unable to copy file «C:xxxSharedLibrariesMicrosoft.Practices.Modeling.Common.dll» to «C:xxxBinariesMicrosoft.Practices.Modeling.Common.dll».
    Access to the path ‘C:xxxBinariesMicrosoft.Practices.Modeling.Common.dll’ is denied.

    It is giving an error while trying to copy dll from shared reference folder to build binaries folder.

    I am getting this issue for only one particular project in the solution and it is giving this error for any random dll for each builds

    Please help and advise


    Irfan Khan

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