Ошибка sql database disk image is malformed

My database is about 25 MB, and I’ve verified that the username accessing it, as well as the file permissions haven’t changed in months. I’m having a problem where queries are failing due to a «database or disk is full» and then sometimes «database disk image is malformed» issue.

Unless I’m reading this wrong, my disk isn’t anywhere near full (this is an Ubuntu server, 9.10, if it makes any difference)

Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1             19610300   2389596  16224560  13% /
udev                     10240       128     10112   2% /dev
none                    254136         0    254136   0% /dev/shm
none                    254136        36    254100   1% /var/run
none                    254136         0    254136   0% /var/lock
none                    254136         0    254136   0% /lib/init/rw

As a test I just did an action that added a new record, and it’s fine. I’m trying to fiqure out if there’s a specific set of actions that are failing. However, after the insert (and verifying that it’s there) the number of bytes on disk for the database has not changed (neither up nor down).

Using the command line utility results in something like the following, which is failing spectacularly :)

SQLite version 3.6.12
Enter ".help" for instructions
Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
sqlite> pragma integrity_check;
*** in database main ***
On tree page 2 cell 0: 2nd reference to page 26416
On tree page 2 cell 1: 2nd reference to page 26417
On tree page 2 cell 2: 2nd reference to page 26434
On tree page 2 cell 3: 2nd reference to page 26449
On tree page 2 cell 4: 2nd reference to page 26464
On tree page 2 cell 5: 2nd reference to page 26358
On tree page 2 cell 6: 2nd reference to page 26494
On tree page 2 cell 7: Child page depth differs
On tree page 2 cell 8: 2nd reference to page 26190
On tree page 2 cell 8: Child page depth differs

... etc., etc. ...

Any ideas on where I should be looking next? Is there a problem with the maximum number of rows in a table or something? I did some reading on SQLite3 max values, and nothing in my database is anything close to them as far as I can tell.

I then took a look at my daily backups, and I see that the database backup hasn’t changed in file size for 3-4 days — very strange. I restored a backup copy of the database from before the time it was not changing in file size, and still getting strange issues.

I’m thinking I’m going to have to (1) restore from an older backup, and (2) re-run my Rails migrations to fix.


1.       Где хранится информация о событиях в информационной базе 1С Предприятия?

2.       Очистка временных файлов и подключение команды ClearCache

3.       Причины ошибки в журнале регистрации 1С 8.3 при открытии 

1.    Где хранится информация о событиях в информационной базе 1С Предприятия?

Информация о произошедших событиях хранится в информационной базе 1С Предприятия (ИБ). Ошибки, фоновые, регламентные задания, действия пользователей записываются в журнал регистрации 1С 8.3 (ЖР). С течением времени количество записей в журнал регистрации 1С 8.3 растет, т.к. в него записывается каждая произведенная операция (чем больше база, количество пользователей, регламентных заданий, тем быстрее будет расти журнал регистрации 1С 8.3).

Перед любыми манипуляциями с журналом регистрации обязательно нужно сохранить файл, в котором он хранится.

ЖР хранится вне информационной базы и имеет два вида: старый и новый. В случае использования нового формата *.lgd нужно удалять файл 1С полностью и потерять записи ЖР, так как все данные хранятся в одном документе. Рекомендуется использовать старый формат *.lgf – для контроля, разделения по периодам и своевременного удаления устаревших данных.

В некоторых случаях антивирусные программы влияют на ошибки при открытии журнала регистрации, поэтому их необходимо отключить.  

2.    Очистка временных файлов и подключение команды ClearCache

Следующим шагом будет очистка временных файлов в папке temp, и включение команды ClearCache в настройках подключения базы.

Если база файловая и расположена на локальном диске, то стоит проверить управление квотами и увеличить место для записей.  

3.    Причины ошибки в журнале регистрации 1С 8.3 при открытии

Если возникла ошибка в журнале регистрации при открытии (или другие ошибки, связанные с sqlite):

sqlite3_step failed: database disk image is malformed

db: C:bd1Cv8Log1Cv8.lgd

…то ее причиной могут быть повреждения данных в файле ЖР.

17:14.504002-0,EXCP,0,process=rmngr,Exception=EventLogException,Descr=’sqlite3_exec failed: database disk image is malformed

db: C:Program Files1cv8srvinforeg_154150b80b42-24a3-4f33-8508-5672acb806211Cv8Log1Cv8.lgd sql: PRAGMA journal_mode = OFF’                                                                                                                              

Для ее устранения необходимо скачать утилиту командной строки sqlite. В первую очередь нужно остановить службу «Агент сервера 1С» (предварительно попросить всех пользователей завершить работу, т.к. сеансы автоматически завершатся, и может произойти потеря данных).

Далее копируем поврежденный файл 1Cv8.lgd в отдельную папку (например, «C:Log») и распаковываем в нее скачанный архив с утилитой командной строки sqlite.

В командной строке переходим в «C:Log» и выполняем команду: sqlite3 1Cv8.lgd .dump >> backup.sql .

В текстовом редакторе открываем файл backup.sql и заменяем последнюю строку «ROLLBACK;» на «COMMIT;», переименовываем ранее скопированный файл «1Сv8.lgd» в «1Cv8-orig.lgd».

Далее выполняем команду: sqlite3 1Cv8.lgd < backup.sql.

Открываем ранее скопированный файл «1Сv8.lgd» в конфигураторе новой чистой файловой базы, проверяем целостность ЖР.

На последнем этапе заменяем оригинальный файл скопированным в исходной папке.

Специалист компании ООО «Кодерлайн»

Шашков Дмитрий Геннадьевич

Добрый день!

Вот полный текст ошибки:

«Ошибка формата файла журнала регистрации по причине: sqlite3_step failed: database disk image is malformed db: C:Program Files1cv83srvinforeg_2541aeee7db0-e76e-4ea8-a504-aeb02935fac41Cv8Log1Cv8.lgd sql: SELECT severity, date, connectID,»

В интернете нашёл способы исправления файла журнала регистрации с помощью утилиты командной строки sqlite, но там стандартные конфигурации.
Вопрос — для Альфа-Авто тоже можно воспользоваться этой утилитой?

И ещё вопрос — с этой базой это уже 2-ой такой случай, 1-ый был примерно год назад. В связи с чем появляется такая ошибка?  

Изменено: Александр Васечка14.07.2018 09:49:19

Summary:-Corruption is not a new phenomenon whether in society or the digital world. Once in a while, you face corruption issues and yes it only leaves you in a loss. Similarly, SQLite database users also face different errors leading to corruption. The most common error or corruption which SQLite users face is SQLite database disk image is malformed. Here you can check out some easy methods to fix this error and get rid of it. Using the SQLite Recovery Tool can be a good option if you don’t want to implement the manual methods.

 SQLite database disk image is malformed

If you’re making heavy use of your SQLite database, then there are hefty chances that your SQLite database will become corrupted. Usually, this corruption occurs due to bugs within your database and sometimes hardware failure is also one of the reasons. In this blog, you will not only get to know how to recover SQLite Database and get rid of SQLite Error SQLite database disk image is malformed. But also you will know the reasons behind the corruption so that you get alert and avoid your SQLite from corruption. Before I begin with the ways to recover SQL Databases, I would like to give a brief overview of SQLite.

What’s SQLite Database?

SQLite is a self-contained, highly reliable, embedded, full-featured, public-domain, SQL database engine. Unlike other DBMS, SQLite is a non-client-server database engine. It is the most widely deployed database management system in the world. For reason that SQLite is used by several browsersOS,  embedded systems and other applications  SQLite best fits this need if you’re considering for an open-source and embedded database software for local or client storage in application software.

However, it does not have a separate server process, unlike any other SQL database.

With the upcoming Digital era, the demand for the database has increased a lot. The database helps users to store information and data in a well-organized manner. Users can also retrieve data from the database. However, either due to mistakes or another way the data in the database file might become inaccessible.

Reasons Leading to SQLite Database Disk Image Is Malformed Error

  • Corruption In SQLite Files is one of the main reasons for this error.
  • When a non-SQLite database file is tried to be opened in an SQLite database then this error comes up.
  • Backing up the database file while the database was currently in use.
  • Regular use of SQLite databases leads to large amounts of data,  which results in an increase in size over the well-defined limit. This is also one of the factors responsible for generating this error SQLite Database Disk Image Is Malformed.
  • As we all know SQLite database is actually an ordinary disk file. So any process can easily open it and can overwrite it with junk characters and make unwanted changes.
  • Failure in the disk drive or flash memory can also corrupt the SQLite database. This can cause in the file content, and lead to corruption. In this case, the process to repair the SQLite database becomes quite complicated,
  • Being one of the best databases SQLite has many built-in protections which work against database corruption. But sometimes, many of these protections are not in use due to configuration options. This will result in corruption in SQLite database files.
  • Almost all programs contain some internal bugs. The SQLite database program too contains minor bugs which may cause corruption and leads to SQLite Database Disk Image Error.

Ways to Fix When SQLite Database Disk Image is Malformed 

Explore the various techniques to fix SQLite problems and apply these techniques depending on your technical expertise.

Golden Rule to Repair Corrupt SQLite Database

To avoid the loss of corruption and to get back data in a healthy condition it is necessary to have a backup. If you have a valid backup for your SQLite database then you can easily restore SQLite database from its backup. But there is a chance that your Backup is corrupt. In that, you can repair the SQLite database or you can use SQLite Data Recovery Tool.

Check Out the Steps to Repair a Corrupt SQLite Database

If you need to get rid of the error and repair SQLite database, just follow these steps:

Step 1: Open DB Browser for SQLite.

Firstly, you will have to open the SQLite Database Browser and go to the Execute SQL Tab.

Repair corrupt Sqlite database

Step 2: Check the PRAGMA Integrity

Now type PRAGMA integrity check and click on the play button. If your SQLite database is corrupt, then there would be some errors. But if your SQLite database is error-free, then you would see “Query executed successfully: PRAGMA integrity_check (took 0ms)”.

SQLite database disk image is malformed

Step 3: Export SEL Database into SQL File if you face any Error

If you face any error like SQLite Database Disk Image Is Malformed in the database. Then you can export your database into an SQL file. For that, just click the File tab on top followed by Export > Database to SQL file.


Step 4: Choose Objects to Export to SQL

Now select the objects you want to export on the Export SQL dialogue box. Also, define other options as well.


Step 5: Hit OK

Then click OK to start the exporting process. 

Step 6: After Exporting the Database, Import the Database back to SQLite.

Once the database is successfully exported, you need to import the database back to the SQLite browser. Click File tab on top > Import > Database from SQL file.


This action will repair the SQLite database and fixes the SQLite database disk image is malformed error.


If you fail to recover a corrupt SQLite database with the above-mentioned steps then you can give a try to SQLite Recovery Tool. It flawlessly provides the recovery of corrupt  SQLite database files created by SQLite2 and SQLite3. You can use this software and get rid of the SQLite Malform Error. On the other hand, skip this tool if the manual methods are enough to resolve your error.

Recommended blogs: How to fix Corrupt SQL Database. 

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