this code produces 17 error C2995: function template has already been defined; there was a separate set of errors before adding the #include «set.h» header. There is a private .cpp and .h files associated with this.
* File: private/set.cpp
* Last modified on Thu Jun 11 09:34:08 2009 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This file contains the implementation of the set.h interface.
* Because of the way C++ compiles templates, this code must be
* available to the compiler when it reads the header file.
//#ifdef _set_h //original code
#ifndef _set_h
#define _set_h
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "set.h"
using namespace std;
template <typename ElemType>
Set<ElemType>::Set(int (*cmp)(ElemType, ElemType)) : bst(cmp) {
cmpFn = cmp;
template <typename ElemType>
Set<ElemType>::~Set() {
/* Empty */
template <typename ElemType>
int Set<ElemType>::size() {
return bst.size();
template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::isEmpty() {
return bst.isEmpty();
template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::add(ElemType element) {
template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::remove(ElemType element) {
template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::contains(ElemType element) {
return find(element) != NULL;
template <typename ElemType>
ElemType *Set<ElemType>::find(ElemType element) {
return bst.find(element);
template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::clear() {
* Implementation notes: Set operations
* ------------------------------------
* The code for equals, isSubsetOf, unionWith, intersectWith, and subtract
* is similar in structure. Each one uses an iterator to walk over
* one (or both) sets, doing add/remove/comparision.
template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::equals(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("Equals: sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator thisItr = iterator(), otherItr = otherSet.iterator();
while (thisItr.hasNext() && otherItr.hasNext()) {
if (cmpFn(, != 0) return false;
return !thisItr.hasNext() && !otherItr.hasNext();
template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::isSubsetOf(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("isSubsetOf: sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator iter = iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (!otherSet.contains( return false;
return true;
template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::unionWith(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("unionWith: sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator iter = otherSet.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
* Implementation notes: intersectWith
* -----------------------------------
* The most obvious way to write this method (iterating over
* one set and deleting members that are not in the second)
* fails because you can't change the contents of a collection
* over which you're iterating. This code puts the elements
* to be deleted in a vector and then deletes those.
template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::intersectWith(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
" sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator iter = iterator();
Vector<ElemType> toDelete;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ElemType elem =;
if (!otherSet.contains(elem)) toDelete.add(elem);
for (int i = 0; i < toDelete.size(); i++) {
template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::intersect(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("intersect: sets have different comparison functions");
template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::subtract(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("subtract: sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator iter = otherSet.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::mapAll(void (*fn)(ElemType)) {
template <typename ElemType>
template <typename ClientDataType>
void Set<ElemType>::mapAll(void (*fn)(ElemType, ClientDataType &),
ClientDataType & data) {
bst.mapAll(fn, data);
* Set::Iterator class implementation
* ----------------------------------
* The Iterator for Set relies on the underlying implementation of the
* Iterator for the BST class.
template <typename ElemType>
Set<ElemType>::Iterator::Iterator() {
/* Empty */
template <typename ElemType>
typename Set<ElemType>::Iterator Set<ElemType>::iterator() {
return Iterator(this);
template <typename ElemType>
Set<ElemType>::Iterator::Iterator(Set *setptr) {
iterator = setptr->bst.iterator();
template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::Iterator::hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
template <typename ElemType>
ElemType Set<ElemType>::Iterator::next() {
template <typename ElemType>
ElemType Set<ElemType>::foreachHook(FE_State & fe) {
if (fe.state == 0) fe.iter = new Iterator(this);
if (((Iterator *) fe.iter)->hasNext()) {
fe.state = 1;
return ((Iterator *) fe.iter)->next();
} else {
fe.state = 2;
return ElemType();
the header file
* File: set.h
* Last modified on Thu Jun 11 09:17:43 2009 by eroberts
* modified on Tue Jan 2 14:34:06 2007 by zelenski
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This interface file contains the Set class template, a
* collection for efficiently storing a set of distinct elements.
#ifndef _set_h
#define _set_h
#include "cmpfn.h"
#include "bst.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "foreach.h"
* Class: Set
* ----------
* This interface defines a class template that stores a collection of
* distinct elements, using a sorted relation on the elements to
* provide efficient managaement of the collection.
* For maximum generality, the Set is supplied as a class template.
* The element type is determined by the client. The client configures
* the set to hold values of a specific type, e.g. Set<int> or
* Set<studentT>. The one requirement on the element type is that the
* client must supply a comparison function that compares two elements
* (or be willing to use the default comparison function that uses
* the built-on operators < and ==).
template <typename ElemType>
class Set {
/* Forward references */
class Iterator;
* Constructor: Set
* Usage: Set<int> set;
* Set<student> students(CompareStudentsById);
* Set<string> *sp = new Set<string>;
* -----------------------------------------
* The constructor initializes an empty set. The optional
* argument is a function pointer that is applied to
* two elements to determine their relative ordering. The
* comparison function should return 0 if the two elements
* are equal, a negative result if first is "less than" second,
* and a positive resut if first is "greater than" second. If
* no argument is supplied, the OperatorCmp template is used as
* a default, which applies the bulit-in < and == to the
* elements to determine ordering.
Set(int (*cmpFn)(ElemType, ElemType) = OperatorCmp);
* Destructor: ~Set
* Usage: delete sp;
* -----------------
* The destructor deallocates storage associated with set.
* Method: size
* Usage: count = set.size();
* --------------------------
* This method returns the number of elements in this set.
int size();
* Method: isEmpty
* Usage: if (set.isEmpty())...
* ----------------------------
* This method returns true if this set contains no
* elements, false otherwise.
bool isEmpty();
* Method: add
* Usage: set.add(value);
* ----------------------
* This method adds an element to this set. If the
* value was already contained in the set, the existing entry is
* overwritten by the new copy, and the set's size is unchanged.
* Otherwise, the value is added and set's size increases by one.
void add(ElemType elem);
* Method: remove
* Usage: set.remove(value);
* -----------------------
* This method removes an element from this set. If the
* element was not contained in the set, the set is unchanged.
* Otherwise, the element is removed and the set's size decreases
* by one.
void remove(ElemType elem);
* Method: contains
* Usage: if (set.contains(value))...
* -----------------------------------
* Returns true if the element in this set, false otherwise.
bool contains(ElemType elem);
* Method: find
* Usage: eptr = set.find(elem);
* -----------------------------
* If the element is contained in this set, returns a pointer
* to that elem. The pointer allows you to update that element
* in place. If element is not contained in this set, NULL is
* returned.
ElemType *find(ElemType elem);
* Method: equals
* Usage: if (set.equals(set2)) . . .
* -----------------------------------
* This predicate function implements the equality relation
* on sets. It returns true if this set and set2 contain
* exactly the same elements, false otherwise.
bool equals(Set & otherSet);
* Method: isSubsetOf
* Usage: if (set.isSubsetOf(set2)) . . .
* --------------------------------------
* This predicate function implements the subset relation
* on sets. It returns true if all of the elements in this
* set are contained in set2. The set2 does not have to
* be a proper subset (that is, it may be equals).
bool isSubsetOf(Set & otherSet);
* Methods: unionWith, intersectWith, subtract
* Usage: set.unionWith(set2);
* set.intersectWith(set2);
* set.subtract(set2);
* -------------------------------
* These fmember unctions modify the receiver set as follows:
* set.unionWith(set2); Adds all elements from set2 to this set.
* set.intersectWith(set2); Removes any element not in set2 from this set.
* set.subtract(set2); Removes all element in set2 from this set.
void unionWith(Set & otherSet);
void intersectWith(Set & otherSet);
void subtract(Set & otherSet);
* Method: clear
* Usage: set.clear();
* -------------------
* This method removes all elements from this set. The
* set is made empty and will have size() = 0 after being cleared.
void clear();
* SPECIAL NOTE: mapping/iteration support
* ---------------------------------------
* The set supports both a mapping operation and an iterator which
* allow the client access to all elements one by one. In general,
* these are intended for _viewing_ elements and can behave
* unpredictably if you attempt to modify the set's contents during
* mapping/iteration.
* Method: mapAll
* Usage: set.mapAll(Print);
* -------------------------
* This method iterates through this set's contents
* and calls the function fn once for each element.
void mapAll(void (*fn)(ElemType elem));
* Method: mapAll
* Usage: set.mapAll(PrintToFile, outputStream);
* --------------------------------------------
* This method iterates through this set's contents
* and calls the function fn once for each element, passing
* the element and the client's data. That data can be of whatever
* type is needed for the client's callback.
template <typename ClientDataType>
void mapAll(void (*fn)(ElemType elem, ClientDataType & data),
ClientDataType & data);
* Method: iterator
* Usage: iter = set.iterator();
* -----------------------------
* This method creates an iterator that allows the client to
* iterate through the elements in this set. The elements are
* returned in the order determined by the comparison function.
* The idiomatic code for accessing elements using an iterator is
* to create the iterator from the collection and then enter a loop
* that calls next() while hasNext() is true, like this:
* Set<int>::Iterator iter = set.iterator();
* while (iter.hasNext()) {
* int value =;
* . . .
* }
* This pattern can be abbreviated to the following more readable form:
* foreach (int value in set) {
* . . .
* }
* To avoid exposing the details of the class, the definition of the
* Iterator class itself appears in the private/set.h file.
Iterator iterator();
#include "private/set.h"
#include "private/set.cpp"
Where is this going wrong
Есть много вариантов решения этого вопроса, но мой ответ ничем не отвечает.
Я использую VS 2008. Я пытаюсь создать карту с помощью бинарного дерева поиска
#ifndef _map_h
#define _map_h#include<string>
using namespace std;
template <typename ValType>
class Map
ValType getvalue(string key);
void add(string key,ValType value);
struct node{
string key;
ValType value;
node *right;
node *left;
node *root;
node *treeSearch(string key,node *t);
void treeEnter(string key,ValType value,node *&t);
#include"map.h"using namespace std;
template <typename ValType>
template <typename ValType>
delete root;
}template <typename ValType>
ValType Map<ValType>::getvalue(string key){
node *found=treeSearch(key,root);
cout<<"Couldnot Found the node";
else return found->value;
template <typename ValType>
typename Map<ValType>::node *Map<ValType>::treeSearch(string key,node *t){
if(t==NULL) return NULL;
if(t->key==key) return t;
if(t->key>key) treeSearch(key,t->left);
else treeSearch(key,t->right);
template <typename ValType>
void Map<ValType>::add(string key,ValType value){
template <typename ValType>
void Map<ValType>::treeEnter(string key,ValType value,node *&t){
else if(t->key==key) t->value=value;
else if(t->key>key) treeEnter(key,value,t->left);
else treeEnter(key,value,t->right);
Ошибка: для всех функций говорится, что они уже определены.
Я слежу за онлайн-курсом в Стэнфорде, и то же самое с инструктором (она пользовалась Mac)
Вы включили map.h
в map.cpp
а также map.cpp
в map.h
, Включить охрану в map.h
предотвратит многократное включение map.h
и предотвратит бесконечное рекурсивное включение. Однако, если вы кормите map.cpp
напрямую к компилятору (что вы, очевидно, пытаетесь сделать) map.h
один раз и потом map.h
будет включать map.cpp
сам еще раз. Это то, что вызывает ошибку.
Если вы хотите реализовать свой шаблон как .cpp
файл включен в .h
файл, вы можете сделать это. Это странно, но его можно заставить работать. В первую очередь, если вы решили #include
ваш map.cpp
тогда даже не пытайтесь скомпилировать map.cpp
, Не кормите своих map.cpp
прямо к компилятору. Кроме того, удалить #include "map.h"
От этого .cpp
файл. В этом нет абсолютно никакого смысла.
Ваша программа будет иметь другие файлы реализации, такие как, скажем, myprogram.cpp
, который будет использовать вашу карту. Тот myprogram.cpp
должны включать map.h
, Тот myprogram.cpp
это то, что вы будете давать компилятору. Таким образом, он будет работать как задумано. Но пытаюсь скомпилировать map.cpp
напрямую приведет только к ошибкам.
Лучшей идеей было бы не помещать что-либо в .cpp
файл. Либо положить все в .h
файл или, если вы действительно хотите разделить его таким образом, переименуйте ваш .cpp
Перейдите к чему-то другому, чтобы всем было ясно, что это не единица перевода.
Другие решения
В моем случае я пропустил include guard или #pragma один раз в верхней части заголовка, где я определил функцию шаблона.
этот код генерирует 17 ошибок C2995: шаблон функции уже определен; перед добавлением заголовка #include «set.h» произошел отдельный набор ошибок. Существуют частные файлы .cpp и .h, связанные с этим.
* File: private/set.cpp
* Last modified on Thu Jun 11 09:34:08 2009 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This file contains the implementation of the set.h interface.
* Because of the way C++ compiles templates, this code must be
* available to the compiler when it reads the header file.
*///#ifdef _set_h //original code
#ifndef _set_h
#define _set_h#include "stdafx.h"
#include "set.h"
using namespace std;
template <typename ElemType>
Set<ElemType>::Set(int (*cmp)(ElemType, ElemType)) : bst(cmp) {
cmpFn = cmp;
}template <typename ElemType>
Set<ElemType>::~Set() {
/* Empty */
}template <typename ElemType>
int Set<ElemType>::size() {
return bst.size();
}template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::isEmpty() {
return bst.isEmpty();
}template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::add(ElemType element) {
}template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::remove(ElemType element) {
}template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::contains(ElemType element) {
return find(element) != NULL;
}template <typename ElemType>
ElemType *Set<ElemType>::find(ElemType element) {
return bst.find(element);
}template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::clear() {
* Implementation notes: Set operations
* ------------------------------------
* The code for equals, isSubsetOf, unionWith, intersectWith, and subtract
* is similar in structure. Each one uses an iterator to walk over
* one (or both) sets, doing add/remove/comparision.
*/template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::equals(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("Equals: sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator thisItr = iterator(), otherItr = otherSet.iterator();
while (thisItr.hasNext() && otherItr.hasNext()) {
if (cmpFn(, != 0) return false;
return !thisItr.hasNext() && !otherItr.hasNext();
}template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::isSubsetOf(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("isSubsetOf: sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator iter = iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
if (!otherSet.contains( return false;
return true;
}template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::unionWith(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("unionWith: sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator iter = otherSet.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
* Implementation notes: intersectWith
* -----------------------------------
* The most obvious way to write this method (iterating over
* one set and deleting members that are not in the second)
* fails because you can't change the contents of a collection
* over which you're iterating. This code puts the elements
* to be deleted in a vector and then deletes those.
*/template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::intersectWith(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
" sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator iter = iterator();
Vector<ElemType> toDelete;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ElemType elem =;
if (!otherSet.contains(elem)) toDelete.add(elem);
for (int i = 0; i < toDelete.size(); i++) {
}template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::intersect(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("intersect: sets have different comparison functions");
}template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::subtract(Set & otherSet) {
if (cmpFn != otherSet.cmpFn) {
Error("subtract: sets have different comparison functions");
Iterator iter = otherSet.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
}template <typename ElemType>
void Set<ElemType>::mapAll(void (*fn)(ElemType)) {
}template <typename ElemType>
template <typename ClientDataType>
void Set<ElemType>::mapAll(void (*fn)(ElemType, ClientDataType &),
ClientDataType & data) {
bst.mapAll(fn, data);
* Set::Iterator class implementation
* ----------------------------------
* The Iterator for Set relies on the underlying implementation of the
* Iterator for the BST class.
*/template <typename ElemType>
Set<ElemType>::Iterator::Iterator() {
/* Empty */
}template <typename ElemType>
typename Set<ElemType>::Iterator Set<ElemType>::iterator() {
return Iterator(this);
}template <typename ElemType>
Set<ElemType>::Iterator::Iterator(Set *setptr) {
iterator = setptr->bst.iterator();
}template <typename ElemType>
bool Set<ElemType>::Iterator::hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
}template <typename ElemType>
ElemType Set<ElemType>::Iterator::next() {
}template <typename ElemType>
ElemType Set<ElemType>::foreachHook(FE_State & fe) {
if (fe.state == 0) fe.iter = new Iterator(this);
if (((Iterator *) fe.iter)->hasNext()) {
fe.state = 1;
return ((Iterator *) fe.iter)->next();
} else {
fe.state = 2;
return ElemType();
заголовочный файл
* File: set.h
* Last modified on Thu Jun 11 09:17:43 2009 by eroberts
* modified on Tue Jan 2 14:34:06 2007 by zelenski
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This interface file contains the Set class template, a
* collection for efficiently storing a set of distinct elements.
*/#ifndef _set_h
#define _set_h#include "cmpfn.h"
#include "bst.h"
#include "vector.h"
#include "foreach.h"/*
* Class: Set
* ----------
* This interface defines a class template that stores a collection of
* distinct elements, using a sorted relation on the elements to
* provide efficient managaement of the collection.
* For maximum generality, the Set is supplied as a class template.
* The element type is determined by the client. The client configures
* the set to hold values of a specific type, e.g. Set<int> or
* Set<studentT>. The one requirement on the element type is that the
* client must supply a comparison function that compares two elements
* (or be willing to use the default comparison function that uses
* the built-on operators < and ==).
*/template <typename ElemType>
class Set {public:
/* Forward references */
class Iterator;/*
* Constructor: Set
* Usage: Set<int> set;
* Set<student> students(CompareStudentsById);
* Set<string> *sp = new Set<string>;
* -----------------------------------------
* The constructor initializes an empty set. The optional
* argument is a function pointer that is applied to
* two elements to determine their relative ordering. The
* comparison function should return 0 if the two elements
* are equal, a negative result if first is "less than" second,
* and a positive resut if first is "greater than" second. If
* no argument is supplied, the OperatorCmp template is used as
* a default, which applies the bulit-in < and == to the
* elements to determine ordering.
Set(int (*cmpFn)(ElemType, ElemType) = OperatorCmp);/*
* Destructor: ~Set
* Usage: delete sp;
* -----------------
* The destructor deallocates storage associated with set.
* Method: size
* Usage: count = set.size();
* --------------------------
* This method returns the number of elements in this set.
int size();/*
* Method: isEmpty
* Usage: if (set.isEmpty())...
* ----------------------------
* This method returns true if this set contains no
* elements, false otherwise.
bool isEmpty();/*
* Method: add
* Usage: set.add(value);
* ----------------------
* This method adds an element to this set. If the
* value was already contained in the set, the existing entry is
* overwritten by the new copy, and the set size is unchanged.
* Otherwise, the value is added and set size increases by one.
void add(ElemType elem);/*
* Method: remove
* Usage: set.remove(value);
* -----------------------
* This method removes an element from this set. If the
* element was not contained in the set, the set is unchanged.
* Otherwise, the element is removed and the set size decreases
* by one.
void remove(ElemType elem);/*
* Method: contains
* Usage: if (set.contains(value))...
* -----------------------------------
* Returns true if the element in this set, false otherwise.
bool contains(ElemType elem);/*
* Method: find
* Usage: eptr = set.find(elem);
* -----------------------------
* If the element is contained in this set, returns a pointer
* to that elem. The pointer allows you to update that element
* in place. If element is not contained in this set, NULL is
* returned.
ElemType *find(ElemType elem);/*
* Method: equals
* Usage: if (set.equals(set2)) . . .
* -----------------------------------
* This predicate function implements the equality relation
* on sets. It returns true if this set and set2 contain
* exactly the same elements, false otherwise.
bool equals(Set & otherSet);/*
* Method: isSubsetOf
* Usage: if (set.isSubsetOf(set2)) . . .
* --------------------------------------
* This predicate function implements the subset relation
* on sets. It returns true if all of the elements in this
* set are contained in set2. The set2 does not have to
* be a proper subset (that is, it may be equals).
bool isSubsetOf(Set & otherSet);/*
* Methods: unionWith, intersectWith, subtract
* Usage: set.unionWith(set2);
* set.intersectWith(set2);
* set.subtract(set2);
* -------------------------------
* These fmember unctions modify the receiver set as follows:
* set.unionWith(set2); Adds all elements from set2 to this set.
* set.intersectWith(set2); Removes any element not in set2 from this set.
* set.subtract(set2); Removes all element in set2 from this set.
void unionWith(Set & otherSet);
void intersectWith(Set & otherSet);
void subtract(Set & otherSet);/*
* Method: clear
* Usage: set.clear();
* -------------------
* This method removes all elements from this set. The
* set is made empty and will have size() = 0 after being cleared.
void clear();/*
* SPECIAL NOTE: mapping/iteration support
* ---------------------------------------
* The set supports both a mapping operation and an iterator which
* allow the client access to all elements one by one. In general,
* these are intended for _viewing_ elements and can behave
* unpredictably if you attempt to modify the set contents during
* mapping/iteration.
* Method: mapAll
* Usage: set.mapAll(Print);
* -------------------------
* This method iterates through this set contents
* and calls the function fn once for each element.
void mapAll(void (*fn)(ElemType elem));/*
* Method: mapAll
* Usage: set.mapAll(PrintToFile, outputStream);
* --------------------------------------------
* This method iterates through this set contents
* and calls the function fn once for each element, passing
* the element and the client data. That data can be of whatever
* type is needed for the client callback.
template <typename ClientDataType>
void mapAll(void (*fn)(ElemType elem, ClientDataType & data),
ClientDataType & data);/*
* Method: iterator
* Usage: iter = set.iterator();
* -----------------------------
* This method creates an iterator that allows the client to
* iterate through the elements in this set. The elements are
* returned in the order determined by the comparison function.
* The idiomatic code for accessing elements using an iterator is
* to create the iterator from the collection and then enter a loop
* that calls next() while hasNext() is true, like this:
* Set<int>::Iterator iter = set.iterator();
* while (iter.hasNext()) {
* int value =;
* . . .
* }
* This pattern can be abbreviated to the following more readable form:
* foreach (int value in set) {
* . . .
* }
* To avoid exposing the details of the class, the definition of the
* Iterator class itself appears in the private/set.h file.
Iterator iterator();private:
#include "private/set.h"
#include "private/set.cpp"
Где это происходит неправильно
#c #templates #template-specialization
#c #шаблоны #шаблон-специализация
Я видел много вопросов SO о специализации в контексте методов, но не функций, принадлежащих классам. Мне трудно перевести знания, переданные из этих вопросов, в мою проблему здесь.
Я занимаюсь классом, который я создал в прошлом для изучения, и я хотел бы иметь специализацию для арифметических типов.
template <typename T>
class Vector3
T x;
T y;
T z;
operator std::string() const;
Это специализация, которую я пытаюсь сделать:
template<typename T = std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T>::type>
inline Vector3<T>::operator std::string() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "NOT NUMBER {" << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << "}";
return ss.str();
template<typename T = std::enable_if<!std::is_arithmetic<T>::value, T>::type>
inline Vector3<T>::operator std::string() const {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "NUMBER {" << x << ", " << y << ", " << z << "}";
return ss.str();
Однако, когда я пытаюсь скомпилировать, я получаю
ошибка C2995: ‘Vector3::operator std::string(void) const’: шаблон функции уже определен
Когда я гуглю это, обычно это случаи, когда люди определили свой класс / метод в файле CPP, а также в файле заголовка. Поскольку я делаю это только в заголовочном файле, я могу только предположить, что enable_if неверен. Когда я смотрю на другие примеры, они просто специализируются на , , но я бы хотел использовать is_arithmitic способ.
Что я делаю не так? Заранее спасибо
Ответ №1:
Значение по умолчанию здесь:
template<typename T = XXX>
inline Vector3<T>::operator std::string() const { ... }
вообще не имеет значения, на данный момент вычет не выполняется и T
уже определен. Это законно, но это просто шум.
Теперь вы также не можете частично специализировать функцию-член в шаблоне класса, но мы можем использовать черты:
template <class T>
class Vector3 {
// ...
operator std::string() const {
return as_string(std::is_arithmetic<T>{});
std::string as_string(std::true_type ) {
// implementation for arithmetic types
std::string as_string(std::false_type ) {
// implementation for non-arithmetic types
1. Спасибо за ответ. У меня было ощущение, что после всех поисков в Google мне придется использовать отправку тегов… Я посмотрю, есть ли у кого-нибудь другие идеи, прежде чем отмечать это как правильное.
Ответ №2:
Ответ Барри идеален.
Вот некоторые пояснения и предложения:
«Распространенной ошибкой является объявление двух шаблонов функций, которые отличаются только своими аргументами шаблона по умолчанию. Это незаконно, поскольку аргументы шаблона по умолчанию не являются частью подписи шаблона функции, и объявление двух разных шаблонов функций с одинаковой подписью является незаконным «.
У меня есть этот заголовочный файл:
#pragma once
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <Windows.h>
using namespace std;
template<std::size_t> struct int_ {};
template <class Tuple, size_t Pos>
std::ostream& print_tuple(std::ostream& out, const Tuple& t, int_<Pos>);
struct Timer {
void start();
double getMilliSec();
LARGE_INTEGER frequency; // ticks per second
LARGE_INTEGER t1, t2; // ticks
#include "Utility.cpp"
И этот файл реализации:
#include "Utility.h"
template <class Tuple, size_t Pos>
std::ostream& print_tuple(std::ostream& out, const Tuple& t, int_<Pos>) {
Timer::Timer() {
// get ticks per second
void Timer::start() {
double Timer::getMilliSec() {
return (t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / frequency.QuadPart;
Который возвращает эту ошибку:
error C2995: 'std::ostream &print_tuple(std::ostream &,const Tuple &,int_<Pos>)': function template has already been defined
error C2084: function 'Timer::Timer(void)' already has a body
Проблема не в охранниках (как предложено в этом вопросе), так как я использую #pragma once
Я читал о реализации файлов .tpp для реализации класса шаблона, но я считаю это ужасным решением, поскольку Visual Studio ничего не форматирует из этого файла.
попытка определить Utility.tpp: (НЕПРАВИЛЬНОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ)
Поэтому я заменил #include "Utility.cpp
на #include "Utility.tpp
в Utility.h
и определил…
Timer::Timer() {
// get ticks per second
void Timer::start() {
double Timer::getMilliSec() {
return (t2.QuadPart - t1.QuadPart) * 1000.0 / frequency.QuadPart;
И теперь возвращается ошибка:
1>Memoization.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __cdecl Timer::Timer(void)" (??0Timer@@[email protected]) already defined in HelloWorld.obj
Это основное кстати:
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
//#include "Memoization.cpp"
using namespace std;
int main()
пытается определить Utility.tpp: (НАКОНЕЦ-ТО ПРАВИЛЬНОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ)
Как я заметил в комментарии, как идиот, я импортировал методы Time
в файл .tpp
, и, очевидно, я должен был импортировать функцию шаблонов, поэтому в Utility.tpp
содержится print_tuple
, а Utility.cpp
содержит 3 функции Timer