Ошибка sap abap runtime error

ABAP runtime errors usually occur if an ABAP program terminates unexpected or unplanned. ABAP runtime errors can indicate different problems, from a ABAP kernel error, a programming error, installation or administration errors to a resource bottleneck. Hence it is import to monitor for runtime errors and address them in a timely manner.

SAP Focused Run can collect runtime errors and provide you with collection context to analyze the root cause. 

Integration Monitoring Setup

Available Monitoring Categories

The available monitoring categories are:

  • ABAP Runtime: ABAP short dumps as found in ST22

Available Filter Options

ABAP Runtime

For ABAP Runtime errors, you can collect all ABAP dumps in the managed system. You can also use the following filter parameters, to restrict the data collection: 

  • Runtime Error~Exception: Runtime Error (ST22) ~ Exception (ST22)
  • Program: Terminated program (ST22)
  • User: User (ST22)
  • Host: Application Server (ST22)
  • Destination: Call destination from Collection Context or RFC Caller Information
  • Function: Function module from Collection Context or RFC Caller Information

Available Metrics

For ABAP Runtime errors the following metrics are collected:

ABAP Runtime

  • ABAP Runtime exceptions: Indicates that ABAP runtime errors were collected during the last collection
    • Additional filter fields:
      • Process type: Batch, Dialog, HTTP, RFC or Update
      • Source IP Address: IP address of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
      • Source Server: server name of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
  • Number of ABAP Runtime Errors over period: Number of ABAP Runtime Errors during the alert calculation period
    • Additional filter fields:
      • Process type: Batch, Dialog, HTTP, RFC or Update
      • Source IP Address: IP address of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller
      • Source Server: server name of the source server if the runtime error was called by a remote caller

Whenever SAP comes across an issue that causes it to stop processing it generates an ABAP Runtime Error. A basic example of this would be a divide by zero but there and many such errors defined in SAP such as DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST Invalid Request.

The runtime error would be presented immediately if executing a dialog process but can be recovered any time using transaction ST22. All runtime errors that happen during a background or RFC process are also available via tcode ST22.

st22 runtime error

The runtime error contains all the details about the type of error as well as the contents of the program variables at the point of the error. for example here is an example of the description you might see for DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST.

What Happened? The current ABAP/4 program terminated due to an internal error in the database interface. What can you do? Make a note of the actions and input which caused the error. To resolve the problem contact your system administrator. You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP dump analysis) to view and administer termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion date. Error analysis.

In a statement, an invalid request was made to the database interface when accessing the table “EKKO”.

SAP Runtime error transactions and ABAP programs

ST22 –ABAP runtime error
RSLISTDUMPS – List All Runtime Errors and short description
RSSHOWRABAX – Program associated with ST22

SAP Runtime error tables 

SNAP – ABAP/4 Snapshot for Runtime Errors (ST22 list)
SNAPTID – ABAP Runtime Errors – Uses SNAPT as a text table so Includes first text line(TLINE) 
SNAPT – ABAP Runtime Error Texts
SNAPTTREX – Exception table for translation

Runtime Error categories (SNAPTID-CATEGORY)

Domain: S380CATEGORY

  • I Internal Error
  • R Error at ABAP Runtime
  • Y Error at Screen Runtime
  • D Error in Database Interface
  • A ABAP Programming Error
  • F Installation Errors
  • O Resource Shortage
  • E External Error
  • U End User Error
  • K No Error
  • S ST Runtime Error
  • J Internal ST Error
  • X XSLT Runtime Error& Text Include (no Short Dump, only Text Module)
  • & Text Include (no Short Dump, only Text Module)
  • B ITS Error
  • Q Error in Open SQL
  • – Unclassified Error

Most common SAP runtime errors


Below is a list of some of the more common runtime errors including a link to full details of the error and what causes it.










  • 31 Oct 2013 5:57 am Rohit Mahajan

    Run transaction ST22 to get the details of the error, and find the one for your particular run.
    It will show the program line where the error occurred.
    Find ‘pernr’ to get the employee’s pers.no.
    Then determine the cause of error
    as below:
    a)In transaction SE38 display the program as above. Go to the line where the error occurred,
    b)Set break point just before the line or at the line.
    c)Re-run the payroll for the employee.
    d)When the program stops at the breakpoint, check all the relevant data.
    e)Where required, execute one line at a time, so that you can understand what is happening.

    Then you should be able to find the reason for the error.

    If the problem is in a custom ABAP function, then consult the programmer.

    If the problem is in a SAP program object,
    1)find OSS notes relevant to the problem.
    2)If there are any, apply the notes in the dev.system, import the employee’s data to the dev test client. Repeat the payroll as above and check if the problem is fixed.
    3)If not found, report the error to SAP with an OSS message and all relevant details of data used, transaction, which pay period, expected results, etc.; follow up with SAP for a resolution

When a report or module dumps, the reason is mostly quite obvious. Some runtime errors are «catchable», but when not caught they will stop your report. If you are the user causing the dump, there is a «Debug» button available to you to start the debugger.

This is «Post mortum» debugging — where you know the patient has already died — but having a look around in the debugger can be very useful. Catchable runtime errors are handled with CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS using the name of the runtime error. Here’s a list of runtime errors with a brief explanation of what to look out for.

To detect semantically related runtime errors using a common name, they are combined into exception groups. You can handle catchable runtime errors in an ABAP program using the following control statements:

CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS exc1 = rc1 ... excn = rcn.

The expressions exc1 … excn indicate either a catchable runtime error or the name of an exception class. The expressions rc1 … rcn are numeric literals. If one of the specified runtime errors occurs between CATCH and ENDCATCH, the program does not terminate. Instead, the program jumps straight to the ENDCATCH statement. After ENDCATCH, the numeric literal rc1 … rcn that you assigned to the runtime error is contained in the return code field SY-SUBRC. The contents of any fields that occur in the statement in which the error occurred cannot be guaranteed after ENDCATCH.

If you don’t know which exception class to catch, you can use OTHERSto catch all possible catchable runtime errors. Do beware: not all runtime errors are catchable !


Catching the error that would cause a dump — TRY — ENDTRY

One example problem that can not be caught with CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONSis the example below:

APPEND 'MSGNR = 123' TO options.
APPEND 'ORX' TO options.  "<== ERROR HERE
APPEND 'MSGNR = 124' TO options.

  SELECT * FROM t100
    UP TO 1 ROWS
    WHERE (options).

The solution for this is the TRY - ENDTRY block, which is a much more precise version of the CATCH SYSTEM-ERRORS. The above example solved:

    SELECT * FROM t100
      UP TO 1 ROWS
      WHERE (options).
  CATCH cx_sy_dynamic_osql_error.
    MESSAGE `Wrong WHERE condition!` TYPE 'I'.

The exceptions hierarchy

So which exceptions are available ? And which ones can be caught with CATCH ? Note that exceptions live in exception classes, which adhere to the naming convention CL_CX_*. There’s many examples available through transaction SE24 class builder. Also note that there is a class-hierarchy on the exceptions. The top op the hierarchy is class CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK, below is you could finr e.g. CX_SY_CONVERSION_ERROR and below that the CX_SY_CONVERSION_NO_NUMBER can be found. If you want to specifically catch a number conversion error, the ...NO_NUMBER exception is your candidate of choice. It it’s all possible conversion errors you are interested in catching, the .._ERROR candidate is better, and so on. This example doesn’t care what exception is caught — as long as it is caught:

DATA: lv_char TYPE c LENGTH 50,
      lv_num TYPE n LENGTH 6,
      lo_error_ref TYPE REF TO cx_dynamic_check.

    lv_num = 123.
    lv_char = 'Test'.

    lv_num = lv_char. "<= No dump (lv_num = 000000)

    IF lv_num = lv_char. "<= DUMP! - uncatchable !!

  CATCH cx_dynamic_check INTO lo_error_ref.
    MESSAGE `Conversion error` TYPE 'I'. "<= Catches nothing...

Normally the dump that is produced when a conversion error happened will also state the exception that should/could be used to CATCH it. However, there is an exception — so I found. The IF statement above produces a dump, which can not be caught.

The solution for this is a bit of leg-work. With DESCRIBE FIELD ... TYPE ... the type of the field can be determined. If it is N, the lv_CHAR variable better only contains numbers.

So SAP — why is the conversion done in an IF statement not catchable ?

  • 31 Oct 2013 5:57 am Rohit Mahajan

    Run transaction ST22 to get the details of the error, and find the one for your particular run.
    It will show the program line where the error occurred.
    Find ‘pernr’ to get the employee’s pers.no.
    Then determine the cause of error
    as below:
    a)In transaction SE38 display the program as above. Go to the line where the error occurred,
    b)Set break point just before the line or at the line.
    c)Re-run the payroll for the employee.
    d)When the program stops at the breakpoint, check all the relevant data.
    e)Where required, execute one line at a time, so that you can understand what is happening.

    Then you should be able to find the reason for the error.

    If the problem is in a custom ABAP function, then consult the programmer.

    If the problem is in a SAP program object,
    1)find OSS notes relevant to the problem.
    2)If there are any, apply the notes in the dev.system, import the employee’s data to the dev test client. Repeat the payroll as above and check if the problem is fixed.
    3)If not found, report the error to SAP with an OSS message and all relevant details of data used, transaction, which pay period, expected results, etc.; follow up with SAP for a resolution

We were supposed to set the Deletion Flag of a particular Network through CJ20N but when we tried to save the changes, we encountered an error saying:

«»ABAP Runtime Error

What happened?
The SAP Application had to terminate due to an ABAP runtime error.
The characteristics of the runtime error are as follows:
Date………………… 09/29/2014
Time………………… 14:51:43
Transaction ID……….. 06A547E40DA6F19693FB5CF3FC3F74CB
What can you do?
Take a note of the runtime characteristics listed above and of the
actions and entries that caused the application to terminate.

For further help with handling the problem, contact your SAP

The same error is encountered when editing Material Group or even editing Network Description. Though it happens only to selected Projects. Does anyone have an idea as to what caused this?

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To resolve this issue, you can demark the code base between sapRotWrapper and GuiTree, and provide access of only concern objects to both the classes. 

So, for the codebase share here, what you can do is to access and manage the SAP API connection with sapRotWrapper and then once the data is fetched, you can access the tree control using the GUITree. 

I had update the relevant parts of your code for you.


using SAPFEWSELib;
sapROTWrapperObject = new SapROTWr.CSapROTWrapper();
sapGUIROTObject = _sapROTWrapperObject.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");//Get the reference to the Scripting Engine
sapEngineObject = sapGUIROTObject.GetType().InvokeMember("GetScriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, sapGUIROTObject, null);

sapConnectionObject = sapEngineObject.OpenConnection(sapGUIConfig.EndPoint); 
sapCurrentSession = sapConnexionObject.Children(0);


GuiTree treeFilters = getTreePath("wnd[0]/usr/ssub%_SUBSCREEN_%_SUB%_CONTAINER:SAPLSSEL:2001/ssubSUBSCREEN_CONTAINER2:SAPLSSEL:2000/cntlSUB_CONTAINER/shellcont/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell");
                treeFilters.ExpandNode("          1");
                treeFilters.SelectNode("         16");
                treeFilters.TopNode = "         15";
                treeFilters.DoubleClickNode("         16");

I’m using C# in order to automate SAP GUI 7.40 with sapfewse.ocx
(inspired By How do I automate SAP GUI with c#)

I’stuck with an error on runtime when the script have to double click on leef of a tree.

private GuiApplication sapEngine { get; set; }
private GuiConnection sapConnexion { get; set; }
private GuiSession sapSession { get; set; }

sapEngine = new GuiApplication();
sapConnexion = sapEngine.OpenConnection(sapGUIConfig.EndPoint,Sync:true);
sapSession = (GuiSession)sapConnexion.Sessions.Item(0);

// ...

    GuiTree treeFilters = getTreePath("wnd[0]/usr/ssub%_SUBSCREEN_%_SUB%_CONTAINER:SAPLSSEL:2001/ssubSUBSCREEN_CONTAINER2:SAPLSSEL:2000/cntlSUB_CONTAINER/shellcont/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell");
                    treeFilters.ExpandNode("          1");
                    treeFilters.SelectNode("         16");
                    treeFilters.TopNode = "         15";
                    treeFilters.DoubleClickNode("         16");
                    // Crash Here after DoubleClickNode Method

SAP ERROR: «The SAP application had to terminate due to an ABAP runtime error.»

Note :

The same automation script manage with sapRotWrapper (SapROTWr.CSapROTWrapper) works

sapROTWrapper = new SapROTWr.CSapROTWrapper();
sapGUIROT = _sapROTWrapper.GetROTEntry("SAPGUI");
//Get the reference to the Scripting Engine
sapEngine = sapGUIROT.GetType().InvokeMember("GetScriptingEngine", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, sapGUIROT, null);

sapConnexion = sapEngine.OpenConnection(sapGUIConfig.EndPoint);
sapSession = sapConnexion.Children(0);

// ...

sapSession.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/ssub%_SUBSCREEN_%_SUB%_CONTAINER:SAPLSSEL:2001/ssubSUBSCREEN_CONTAINER2:SAPLSSEL:2000/cntlSUB_CONTAINER/shellcont/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell").expandNode("          1");
                sapSession.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/ssub%_SUBSCREEN_%_SUB%_CONTAINER:SAPLSSEL:2001/ssubSUBSCREEN_CONTAINER2:SAPLSSEL:2000/cntlSUB_CONTAINER/shellcont/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell").selectNode("         16");
                sapSession.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/ssub%_SUBSCREEN_%_SUB%_CONTAINER:SAPLSSEL:2001/ssubSUBSCREEN_CONTAINER2:SAPLSSEL:2000/cntlSUB_CONTAINER/shellcont/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell").topNode = "         15";
                sapSession.FindById("wnd[0]/usr/ssub%_SUBSCREEN_%_SUB%_CONTAINER:SAPLSSEL:2001/ssubSUBSCREEN_CONTAINER2:SAPLSSEL:2000/cntlSUB_CONTAINER/shellcont/shellcont/shell/shellcont[1]/shell").doubleClickNode("         16");

Is there somebody can help me ?

Note : I’ve the same graphical troubles on screen during the execution, all components are not well displayed, There’s a link ? (like in the question How to Automate SAP GUI 750 with C#)

Whenever SAP comes across an issue that causes it to stop processing it generates an ABAP Runtime Error. A basic example of this would be a divide by zero but there and many such errors defined in SAP such as DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST Invalid Request.

The runtime error would be presented immediately if executing a dialog process but can be recovered any time using transaction ST22. All runtime errors that happen during a background or RFC process are also available via tcode ST22.

st22 runtime error

The runtime error contains all the details about the type of error as well as the contents of the program variables at the point of the error. for example here is an example of the description you might see for DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_REQUEST.

What Happened? The current ABAP/4 program terminated due to an internal error in the database interface. What can you do? Make a note of the actions and input which caused the error. To resolve the problem contact your system administrator. You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP dump analysis) to view and administer termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion date. Error analysis.

In a statement, an invalid request was made to the database interface when accessing the table “EKKO”.

SAP Runtime error transactions and ABAP programs

ST22 –ABAP runtime error
RSLISTDUMPS – List All Runtime Errors and short description
RSSHOWRABAX – Program associated with ST22

SAP Runtime error tables 

SNAP – ABAP/4 Snapshot for Runtime Errors (ST22 list)
SNAPTID – ABAP Runtime Errors – Uses SNAPT as a text table so Includes first text line(TLINE) 
SNAPT – ABAP Runtime Error Texts
SNAPTTREX – Exception table for translation

Runtime Error categories (SNAPTID-CATEGORY)

Domain: S380CATEGORY

  • I Internal Error
  • R Error at ABAP Runtime
  • Y Error at Screen Runtime
  • D Error in Database Interface
  • A ABAP Programming Error
  • F Installation Errors
  • O Resource Shortage
  • E External Error
  • U End User Error
  • K No Error
  • S ST Runtime Error
  • J Internal ST Error
  • X XSLT Runtime Error& Text Include (no Short Dump, only Text Module)
  • & Text Include (no Short Dump, only Text Module)
  • B ITS Error
  • Q Error in Open SQL
  • – Unclassified Error

Most common SAP runtime errors


Below is a list of some of the more common runtime errors including a link to full details of the error and what causes it.










An ABAP program can be terminated during its runtime for a number of different reasons. The database table SNAPTID lists all existing runtime errors (in total, around 1900).

To allow clearer processing, the runtime errors are divided into categories:

Internal errors

Error in the VM -> can only be reported to SAP using an error message.

Errors in the ABAP runtime

Errors in the screen runtime

Errors in the database interface

The system was able to roughly determine the area in which the error occurred. Next, clarify whether it was triggered by an internal error or by a programming error.

ABAP programming errors

Errors in the ABAP program, such as a division by zero or a catchable exception that was not caught.

Installation errors

These include, for example, inconsistencies between the kernel and the database. A typical installation error is therefore the error


Resource bottleneck

Typical example: SYSTEM_NO_ROLL. The application no longer has sufficient memory available.

External errors

The error was caused by a call outside the system.


The code page of the operating system does not match the SAP system language

An incorrect logon attempt occurred when calling outside the SAP system (for example, RFC SDK).

End user errors

These errors include, for example, incorrect end user printer settings.

No error

The program was not terminated due to an error, but rather due to deliberately performed actions.

Example: If an administrator actively cancels a running transaction, the RABAX SYSTEM_CANCELED is thrown. In cases like this, no error correction is required.

ST runtime errors

The error occurred during a Simple Transformation (ST). The cause is a programming error in the ST program.

Internal ST errors

The error occurred during a Simple Transformation (ST). There is an internal error in the ST VM.

XSLT runtime errors

The error occurred during the execution of an XSLT transformation.

ITS errors

The error occurred in ITS. These are usually HTMLB errors, however the error could also be due, for example, to a resource error within the ITS.

End of Content Area

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