Ошибка roblox process not found

Когда вы пытаетесь использовать инжект в KRNL для работы в Roblox, вы можете столкнуться с ошибкой «Roblox process not found». Эта ошибка возникает из-за того, что KRNL не может найти процесс Roblox, который он должен взломать. Но не переживайте, это легко исправить.

Шаг 1: Запустите игру в режиме отладки

Перед тем, как использовать инжект в KRNL, убедитесь, что игра запущена в режиме отладки. Для этого вам нужно перейти в свойства игры и включить опцию «Debug Mode». Это позволит KRNL найти процесс игры и взломать его.

Шаг 2: Откройте KRNL и выберите процесс Roblox

Теперь откройте KRNL и выберите процесс Roblox. Для этого нажмите на кнопку «Select» рядом с полем «Process». Здесь вы найдете списки процессов, из которых нужно выбрать «RobloxPlayerBeta.exe» или «RobloxStudioBeta.exe», в зависимости от того, какую версию игры вы используете.

Шаг 3: Используйте инжект в KRNL

После выбора процесса игры вам нужно нажать на кнопку «Inject». KRNL начнет взламывать процесс игры и вы получите уведомление, когда это будет сделано.


Вы можете легко исправить ошибку «Roblox process not found» при использовании инжекта в KRNL, следуя этим простым шагам. Убедитесь, что игра запущена в режиме отладки, выберите процесс игры в KRNL и используйте инжект. Теперь вы можете наслаждаться своей игрой в Roblox с использованием KRNL.

How-Tos | Guides | Troubleshooting
How-Tos | Guides | Troubleshooting

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Are you getting the “failed to find Roblox process” error while using Krnl Injector?

This error can be frustrating, especially if you’re in the middle of a game.

Fortunately, there are solutions to this problem.

In this article, I will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to fix the “failed to find Roblox process” error while using Krnl.

Whether you’re looking for a short-term or long-term solution, I have got you covered.

How To Fix “Failed To Find Roblox Process” While Using Krnl Injector

1. Short Term Solution

roblox process not found krnl

If you’re looking for a quick fix for “failed to find Roblox process” while using Krnl that will work per session, you can try downloading the web version of the Roblox client.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to https://www.roblox.com/download and download the web version of the Roblox client.
  2. Install the web version and launch it.
  3. Join a Roblox game and play until you’re finished.
  4. Once you’re done playing, close the game and the web version of the client.

This should solve the “Roblox process not found” error for the current session.

2. Long Term Solution

downloading the web version of the Roblox client

If you want a more permanent fix for “failed to find Roblox process” while using Krnl, you can create or log into a new account and test if it has been chosen for the Windows client test program.

If it hasn’t, you can reinstall the Roblox web client.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Create or log into a new Roblox account.
  2. Join a Roblox game and play until you’re finished.
  3. Once you’re done playing, close the game and check if you’ve been chosen for the Windows client test program.
  4. If you haven’t been chosen, you can safely uninstall the Roblox client and reinstall it from https://www.roblox.com/download.

Alternatively, if the above solutions don’t work, you can try running Krnl as an administrator.

Here’s how:

  1. Right-click on the Krnl executable and select “Run as administrator”.
  2. Click “Yes” on the User Account Control prompt.
  3. Launch Roblox and see if the error is fixed.

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Roblox process not found

This issue may arise if your account has been randomly chosen as a part of the Windows client test program.
There are two ways to prevent this from happening.

Short term solution

This will only work per session (from the moment you join a Roblox game, until you close it).

  1. Download the web version of the Roblox client — https://www.roblox.com/download

Long term solution

This will work until you have been again chosen as a part of the Windows client test program.

  1. Create / log into a new account. Join a game and leave it to test if that account has been chosen (It should open the web version if you’re good to go)
  2. Reinstall the Roblox web client — https://www.roblox.com/download
  • Alternatively if none of this works, you can try to run Krnl as administrator.

Greetings Krnl users,


May 4, 2023

hello as everyone probably knows already roblox has released byfron on the live channel which means krnl no work! if you would like to revert your roblox to a 32 bit version WHERE KRNL DOES WORK you can use this script written by BabyHamsta https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/446731-auto-znext-channel enjoy!!!! *


April 24, 2023

We have received numerous inquiries regarding the “Roblox process not found” error that has been affecting many users. Additionally, we have noticed some confusion around the new Roblox anti-cheat software known as Byfron. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to clarify a few things.

Firstly, it is important to note that not all Roblox users have been forced onto the version that contains Byfron anti-cheat software. The issue of “Roblox process not found” is specifically related to this version, which runs on x64 architecture. It is worth noting that regular Roblox and Krnl, as well as other Roblox exploits, run on x32 architecture and are not compatible with the x64 version. As a result, the injector isn’t working with it, causing the aforementioned error.

However, we have a solution that you can use to fix this issue. Please ensure that you follow these steps carefully to ensure your safety:

1. Install a UserScript Manager. You can use (https://violentmonkey.github.io/get-it/) ViolentMonkey or Tampermonkey (https://www.tampermonkey.net/), both of which are available for most browsers.

2. Select your browser and install the UserScript Manager.

3. Open the following link in your browser: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/956649076852654122/1089031453595148338/fix_channel_roblox.user.js

4. Install the script accordingly.

5. Once the script has been installed, you will need to reinstall Roblox and reopen any Roblox browser tabs. You can follow the instructions on how to reinstall Roblox from the following link: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/203312910-How-Do-I-Reinstall-the-ROBLOX-Software-

Video Guide

We would like to thank BabyHamsta from r/robloxhackers for providing this solution. However, please make sure that you read the entirety of this announcement to fully understand the issue and the solution provided.

In conclusion, we hope that this announcement has provided some clarity regarding the “Roblox process not found” error and Byfron anti-cheat software. Please follow the aforementioned steps carefully to fix the issue and ensure your safety.

Thank you for your continued support.

Best regards,

The Krnl team.

Are you getting a “Failed to find Roblox process” on Krnl?

Krnl is a Roblox exploit that allows players to gain an advantage by exploiting the vulnerabilities of the script.

It’s has a stable script performance that rarely crashes during a gameplay.

The developer of Krnl, Ice Bear, has produced many other exploits for different gaming platforms and storefronts.

Hence, it supports debugging and drawing library of Roblox.

It also supports scripts like Owl Hub to execute advanced functions without any issues.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to fix “Failed to find Roblox process” on Krnl and what the error means (krnl-injector).

  • What is the “Failed to find Roblox process” error on Krnl?
  • How to fix “Failed to find Roblox process” on Krnl

What is the “Failed to find Roblox process” error on Krnl?

Failed to find Roblox process Krnl

“Failed to find Roblox process” on Krnl means that the Krnl exploit failed to locate the Roblox process in the computer’s memory.

The error message typically occurs when the user attempts to inject a script into the Roblox game using Krnl.

However, the exploit is unable to find the Roblox process running in the background.

This can happen for multiple reasons, like the Roblox process being closed or terminated.

It can also happen because the Krnl exploit is incompatible with the version of Roblox being used.

To fix “Failed to find Roblox process” on Krnl, you need to download and run robloxprocess.exe or fixofafix.bat as an administrator.

You can also try uninstalling Roblox and installing it from roblox.com/download instead of installing it from the Microsoft Store.

Fix 1: Download and run robloxprocess.exe as an administrator

  1. Download cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1055986216404779038/1099394527971778590/robloxprocess.exe.
  2. Run “robloxprocess.exe” as an administrator.
  3. Let the process run in the command prompt and wait for it to finish.
  4. Play a game on Roblox and the Krnl error should be fixed.

This fix is provided by u.#0001 on Discord—the .exe file is not a virus as I’ve tested it out myself.

If you get an error message that says, “The system cannot find the specified path…”, you need to install WinRAR: https://www.win-rar.com/fileadmin/winrar-versions/winrar/winrar-x64-621.exe.

If you’re still facing issues, try the second and third fixes below.

Fix 2: Download and run fixofafix.bat as an administrator

  1. Download https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1055986216404779038/1099455651748532374/fixofafix.bat.
  2. Run “fixofafix.bat” as an administrator.
  3. Let the process run in the command prompt and wait for it to finish.
  4. Play a game on Roblox and the Krnl error should be fixed.

This fix is also provided by u.#0001 on Discord—which is a .bat file that fixes almost all Krnl errors on Roblox.

Fix 3: Uninstall Roblox and install it from the Roblox website

  1. Search for “Control Panel” using Windows Search.
  2. Select “Uninstall a program”.
  3. Right-click “Roblox” and select “Uninstall”.
  4. Install Roblox here: https://www.roblox.com/download.

The Microsoft Store version of Krnl is not injectable, so you need to install Roblox from roblox.com/download instead.

Further reading

How to Fix “Advapi32.dll” Error in Roblox

How to Fix an Error Occurred While Starting Roblox

50+ Free Roblox Gift Card Codes

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