Ошибка rainbow six siege error at hooking

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of «de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum» (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, «Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..», comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of «de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum» (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, «Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..», comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of «de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum» (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, «Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..», comes from a line in section 1.10.32.


  1. Error at hooking api loadstringa dumping first 32 bytes как решить
  2. Error at hooking api loadstringa dumping first 32 bytes как решить
  3. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege
  4. Ошибка вар тандер error at hooking api
  5. Error at hooking API �NtProtectVirtualMemory� Dumping first 32 bytes E9.
  6. Решение

Error at hooking API «LoadStringA»
Dumping first 32 bytes:
48 8B C4 48 89 58 08 48 89 70 10 57 48 83 EC 40
41 8B F9 49 8B D8 33 F6 4C 8D 40 E8 45 33 C9 89

I am unable to play the game because of this. Anybody knows a fix for this?

let say, steam says it’s running, and then it displays that message.

let say, steam says it’s running, and then it displays that message.

What I mean is, does the window for r6s ever pop up, or does it display as soon as you press start game?

Ok, well that means that its probably a problem with your local game files. I would strongly recommend that you verify the integrity of your local game files. By the way, verifying the files could take a little while.

Did it say that the integrity of your game files was ok?

Were you able to play r6s in the past? The «Error at hooking API» part means that steam is having trouble accessing another application, which I thought would’ve been your r6s application. Maybe it could also be the Uplay application?

Hey Avimov, I’m sorry you are experiencing this error.

Marinenukem has offered some very sound advice — I would always initially suggest verifying the game’s files. As his as not resolved the issue, please ensure you are running Steam, Uplay and Siege with admin rights.

Does this happen with any other game? If so, this may be an issue with your OS rather than the game specifically.


Error at hooking api loadstringa dumping first 32 bytes как решить

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

Is anyone else getting this after the new update? I launch the game and it comes up with this menu (Link Below). Does anyone have a fix?

Thank you for contacting us. Can you try the following troubleshooting steps [support.ubi.com] (verifying game files in particular) and see whether you’re able to launch the game.

If you do have no luck however, can you please visit our support website [support.ubi.com] and submit a ticket/case by logging in and selecting ‘Contact Customer Support’. Additionally, if you could add your system files [support.ubi.com] to your ticket/case, this will then allow us to have a further look to see what may be causing this to occur.

When that is done, let us know your ticket/case number and we will pass it to our technical team.

Thank you for contacting us. Can you try the following troubleshooting steps [support.ubi.com] (verifying game files in particular) and see whether you’re able to launch the game.

If you do have no luck however, can you please visit our support website [support.ubi.com] and submit a ticket/case by logging in and selecting ‘Contact Customer Support’. Additionally, if you could add your system files [support.ubi.com] to your ticket/case, this will then allow us to have a further look to see what may be causing this to occur.

When that is done, let us know your ticket/case number and we will pass it to our technical team.

Thank you for contacting us. Can you try the following troubleshooting steps [support.ubi.com] (verifying game files in particular) and see whether you’re able to launch the game.

If you do have no luck however, can you please visit our support website [support.ubi.com] and submit a ticket/case by logging in and selecting ‘Contact Customer Support’. Additionally, if you could add your system files [support.ubi.com] to your ticket/case, this will then allow us to have a further look to see what may be causing this to occur.

When that is done, let us know your ticket/case number and we will pass it to our technical team.

Hey! Thanks for the response. Unfortunately verifying my game files didn’t work. I have submitted a ticket at REFERENCE NUMBER 08238007.

Ahh, that’s a shame! I checked it and can see that you provided everything as requested and your case has been forwarded.

You can either check the ticket/case itself for any updates or alternatively, when there will be any correspondence, you will receive email accordingly, which some may find more convenient.

Also, if you can make sure you have all of the rest of the troubleshooting steps completed in the FAQ I sent earlier to see if problem persists.

Hopefully we will be able to have it resolved sooner than later! 🙂

Hey! Thanks for the response. Unfortunately verifying my game files didn’t work. I have submitted a ticket at REFERENCE NUMBER 08238007.

Ahh, that’s a shame! I checked it and can see that you provided everything as requested and your case has been forwarded.

You can either check the ticket/case itself for any updates or alternatively, when there will be any correspondence, you will receive email accordingly, which some may find more convenient.

Also, if you can make sure you have all of the rest of the troubleshooting steps completed in the FAQ I sent earlier to see if problem persists.

Hopefully we will be able to have it resolved sooner than later! 🙂

Hey Karl. The ticket was responded to and the matter was fixed!

For people that have problems with this in the future; Update your Drivers. If that doesn’t work like it did with me, restart your computer -> re-validate your games files whilst uninstalling BattleEye and it should work. Thank you for the help!


Ошибка вар тандер error at hooking api

Сегодня столкнулся с проблемой в виде «error at hooking api ntprotectvirtualmemory»,появилась она при запуске War Thunder.Был удивлён,тк никогда похожих проблем с игрой не было.Как мне её решить?Помогите пожалуйста!

An unknown error has occurred. Error: 80020101. + Непонятки с API Вконтакта
Привет) Начал реализовывать приложение Vk для WP7 по видео урокам сообщества Microsoft techedu.

API SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces error: 1784

Error at hooking API �NtProtectVirtualMemory� Dumping first 32 bytes E9.

UPLAY Gamelauncher crashes immediately after start.

I have that problem since the last update to UPLAY Gamelauncher Version 5086.

— The last Version of the UPLAY Launcher that was running normal was V4898
— Any update since then just crashed, so — as a workaround — I went back to V4898 and everything worked fine again (luckily I had the Install.exe in a safe place)
— If I go back to V4898 now and start the Gamelauncher, it starts «normal», but instantly updates, restarts and crashes with the ERROR Message mentioned above

Things I tried, but all didn’t help (so you may skip that):

— Reinstalled UPLAY
— Updated NVIDIA Drivers
— Uninstalled «Avira» Antivirus
— cleaned registry with RegCure Pro

Any other suggestions ?

24.12.16 (Yes, it’s Christmas!)

Here is the solution: Deinstallation of HitmanPro solved this problem !


Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ здесь.

Win32 API error with MessageBox and WM_PAINT
Здравствуйте,наверное уже кто нибудь из вас сталкивался с такой проблемой. Проблема состоит в том.

Win api. com-port. create file() error 2
Добрый вечер. Есть программа которая должна выводить код символа введенного с клавиатуры. Она.

Windows socket error 10048 on api bind
Пытаюсь запустить специфичную программу Parma (процесс TransData.exe) на рабочих компах Win XP Pro.

VK API saveWallPhoto error 121: Invalid hash
Доброго времени суток всем. Захотелось выложить фотографию на стену группы. Казалось бы читай маны.

Убедитесь, что Ваша Windows 10 полностью обновлена, и Вы не используете модификации GTAV
Если ранее использовали модификации, сделайте полную проверку файлов GTAV, если это не поможет, удалите папку update из папки GTAV, затем снова сделайте полную проверку файлов

Удалите стороннее антивирусное ПО (Касперский, Аваст и т.п.), сторонние файрволы, Adguard, Wallpaper engine, MSI Afterburner, MSI Mystic light и аналогичные, для управления подсветкой и блокировки рекламы. Также Process Lasso и Park Control, Memreduct и подобные.
В настройках брандмауэра Windows, удалите все правила для входящих и исходящих подключений, далее отключите его.

Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 14971.rs_prerelease.161111-1700.

GTX 1070 drivers 376.09. DirectX 12.

I had the same problem in Beta as others were that were also running the insider preview (redstone 2) version of Win 10.

Tom Clancy’s The division launches fine still.

I posted the exact same issue a couple days ago also with several steps Ubi has had me try via a support ticket I opened. After several canned responses/generic troubleshooting suggestions failed they stopped responding and have not for a couple days now. You can find the thread here. If anything hopefully it will save you some time with Ubi if you open a case. Please reference my case number (in my post) if you have a case open as well.. maybe if a few of this report it they’ll consider taking a look since all other instances of this issue I’ve found both on the forums, beta forums and reddit have gone unanswered.

Have you found a solution? Because i have the exact same problem

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.


Обновлено: 09.02.2023

For those hoping for a fix from Ubi this is the most recent update in my case. Seems they effectively given up:

Thank you for that update. At this time we don’t have a report from the development team that this is a known issue.

So I will forward this up to the development team for further review. However, that is all that we can do at this time, as we have no further information.

Hopefully someone from the development team finally gets word of the issue. All customer support can do is follow a script to resolve known issues and can’t investigate issues that need a developer to fix. I don’t expect a fix until redstone 2 is officially released and they are forced to resolve the issue as people’s OS get upgraded and people start experiencing the issue on a larger scale.

As an update I updated to teh new pre-release version of redstone 15002 170102-1700. Now instead of the error dialog the process just hangs without the error message. I suspect teh same issue but maybe now that the build is a pre-release version its being less verbose on errors that occur. Now when launching the game the process just hangs and nothing happens.

I just updated to version 15025 of Redstone and now the game will launch correctly


The firsat solution worked for me so hopefully one of these can help you guys

1. Disabling your background applications:

Go to the Start menu on your Desktop. Press the Windows key and the letter R at the same time.
Type in MSCONFIG and press Enter.
Go to the Startup tab, and click Open Task Manager.
For each Startup item in the Task Manager, select the item then click Disable.
Close Task Manager.
On the Startup tab of the System Configuration dialog box, click OK, then restart the computer.

Note: For Windows 7, you can simply click Disable All on the Startup tab within the System Configuration window.

2. Clearing your temporary files:

Go to the Start menu on your Desktop. Press the Windows key and the letter R at the same time.
Type in %TEMP% and press Enter.
Select All (Edit > Select All or Ctrl+A).
Click the Delete key.

Note: If you are using Windows 7, you will need to press Ctrl + A together to highlight the files. Once the files are highlighted, you will need to press the Delete key.

3. Make sure the drivers for your video card, sound card, motherboard and processor are up-to-date. Running 2 cards in SLI or running 2 screens can also cause issues. Deactivate SLI or unplug any additional screens you may be using. If you are overclocking, try running at the stock clock settings.

4. Make sure that any antivirus or firewall software on your system is disabled.

To troubleshoot this issue for you, I need two files from your system (Direct X and MS System Information). These files report information about system drivers for your video and sound cards, as well as other vital information about your computer hardware that will help me resolve your problem.

After installing DirectX, follow these steps:

If you receive an error when attempting to upload the MSINFO32 file stating that it is too large, you will need to compress it using either WinZip or WinRAR. Once received, we will examine your system info and get back to you as soon as we can with a possible solution to your problem.

Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 14971.rs_prerelease.161111-1700.

GTX 1070 drivers 376.09. DirectX 12.

I had the same problem in Beta as others were that were also running the insider preview (redstone 2) version of Win 10.

Tom Clancy’s The division launches fine still.

I posted the exact same issue a couple days ago also with several steps Ubi has had me try via a support ticket I opened. After several canned responses/generic troubleshooting suggestions failed they stopped responding and have not for a couple days now. You can find the thread here. If anything hopefully it will save you some time with Ubi if you open a case. Please reference my case number (in my post) if you have a case open as well.. maybe if a few of this report it they’ll consider taking a look since all other instances of this issue I’ve found both on the forums, beta forums and reddit have gone unanswered.

Have you found a solution? Because i have the exact same problem

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 14971.rs_prerelease.161111-1700.

GTX 1070 drivers 376.09. DirectX 12.

I had the same problem in Beta as others were that were also running the insider preview (redstone 2) version of Win 10.

Tom Clancy’s The division launches fine still.

I posted the exact same issue a couple days ago also with several steps Ubi has had me try via a support ticket I opened. After several canned responses/generic troubleshooting suggestions failed they stopped responding and have not for a couple days now. You can find the thread here. If anything hopefully it will save you some time with Ubi if you open a case. Please reference my case number (in my post) if you have a case open as well.. maybe if a few of this report it they’ll consider taking a look since all other instances of this issue I’ve found both on the forums, beta forums and reddit have gone unanswered.

Have you found a solution? Because i have the exact same problem

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

13 мар. 2019 в 13:55

Здравствуйте, столкнулся недавно с проблемой:
Error at hooking API «LoadStringA»
Dumbing first 32 bytes:
48 8B C4 48 89 58 08 48 89 68 10 48 89 70 20 4C
89 40 18 57 48 83 EC 40 41 8B F1 49 8B D8 33 ED

Кто знает решение, напишите (Целостность файлов проверял, стим писал что всё ок).

Hey there tyna F/ek$$ep!

Support is available in English on the forum. However, have you tried verifying the game’s files to try and resolve this issue:

I hope this helps! If not, please translate your reply and we will look further into it.

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Рассмотрено Ошибка при запуске лаунчера

Администрация никогда не пришлет Вам ссылку на авторизацию и не запросит Ваши данные для входа в игру.


  1. Ваш ник: Antonio Rivera
  2. Ваш логин: ovnich
  3. Описание проблемы: При запуске лаунчера появляется ошибка Error at hooking API «LoadStringA»
  4. Доказательства:

Технический Администратор

Можете попробовать поместить данный файл — https://cdn.rage.mp/updater/prerelease/cef/libcef.dll в папку RAGEMP/cef с заменой.

Обновите Вашу Windows 10 до актуальной версии — 21Н1 и выше, либо Windows 11
Установите VC++ всех годов и версий(x64/x86), и .Net 4.6, DirectX, которые позволит установить система

Затем переустановите (переустановка=удаление через установку и удаление программ, с полным удалением оставшихся папок) наш лаунчер и/или RAGEMP, перезагрузите ПК
Установите чистую GTA V без модификаций, если проверка файлов, с удалением update.rpf в GTAV/Update не принесет результата, и в будущем не вмешивайтесь в файлы игры и конфиги
GTA V, лаунчер, мультиплеер не должны быть установлены в папку с игрой, документы, onedrive, папку с кириллицей в названии т.п.

Удалите (если не поможет заморозка, исключения) стороннее антивирусное ПО (Касперский, Аваст и т.п.), сторонние файрволы, Adguard, Wallpaper engine, MSI Afterburner, MSI Mystic light и аналогичные, для управления подсветкой и блокировки рекламы. Добавьте папки с GTAV и RAGEMP в исключения защитника Windows. Обязательно удалите ПО от Razer если установлено. Также Process Lasso и Park Control, Memreduct, Advanced system care и подобные.

Выполните восстановление целостности Вашей Windows 10 (Для Windows 11 аналогично), с помощью DISM — DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth, как указано в данной теме — https://forum.gta5rp.com/threads/faq-proverka-celostnosti-windows-10.248742/
Не забудьте перезагрузить ПК. Проверьте обновления системы, актуальная версия — 21Н1 и выше.
Радикальный метод, переустановка Windows 10 или 11 начисто, PRO или HOME, с сайта Microsoft

Дополнительных вариантов предложить не сможем


error at hooking api loadstringa

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

Is anyone else getting this after the new update? I launch the game and it comes up with this menu (Link Below). Does anyone have a fix?

Thank you for contacting us. Can you try the following troubleshooting steps [support.ubi.com] (verifying game files in particular) and see whether you’re able to launch the game.

If you do have no luck however, can you please visit our support website [support.ubi.com] and submit a ticket/case by logging in and selecting ‘Contact Customer Support’. Additionally, if you could add your system files [support.ubi.com] to your ticket/case, this will then allow us to have a further look to see what may be causing this to occur.

When that is done, let us know your ticket/case number and we will pass it to our technical team.

Thank you for contacting us. Can you try the following troubleshooting steps [support.ubi.com] (verifying game files in particular) and see whether you’re able to launch the game.

If you do have no luck however, can you please visit our support website [support.ubi.com] and submit a ticket/case by logging in and selecting ‘Contact Customer Support’. Additionally, if you could add your system files [support.ubi.com] to your ticket/case, this will then allow us to have a further look to see what may be causing this to occur.

When that is done, let us know your ticket/case number and we will pass it to our technical team.

Thank you for contacting us. Can you try the following troubleshooting steps [support.ubi.com] (verifying game files in particular) and see whether you’re able to launch the game.

If you do have no luck however, can you please visit our support website [support.ubi.com] and submit a ticket/case by logging in and selecting ‘Contact Customer Support’. Additionally, if you could add your system files [support.ubi.com] to your ticket/case, this will then allow us to have a further look to see what may be causing this to occur.

When that is done, let us know your ticket/case number and we will pass it to our technical team.

Hey! Thanks for the response. Unfortunately verifying my game files didn’t work. I have submitted a ticket at REFERENCE NUMBER 08238007.

Ahh, that’s a shame! I checked it and can see that you provided everything as requested and your case has been forwarded.

You can either check the ticket/case itself for any updates or alternatively, when there will be any correspondence, you will receive email accordingly, which some may find more convenient.

Also, if you can make sure you have all of the rest of the troubleshooting steps completed in the FAQ I sent earlier to see if problem persists.

Hopefully we will be able to have it resolved sooner than later! 🙂

Hey! Thanks for the response. Unfortunately verifying my game files didn’t work. I have submitted a ticket at REFERENCE NUMBER 08238007.

Ahh, that’s a shame! I checked it and can see that you provided everything as requested and your case has been forwarded.

You can either check the ticket/case itself for any updates or alternatively, when there will be any correspondence, you will receive email accordingly, which some may find more convenient.

Also, if you can make sure you have all of the rest of the troubleshooting steps completed in the FAQ I sent earlier to see if problem persists.

Hopefully we will be able to have it resolved sooner than later! 🙂

Hey Karl. The ticket was responded to and the matter was fixed!

For people that have problems with this in the future; Update your Drivers. If that doesn’t work like it did with me, restart your computer -> re-validate your games files whilst uninstalling BattleEye and it should work. Thank you for the help!


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Nanerbeet commented Feb 19, 2018

There appears to be a Trojan installed in this program.

Windows Defender flagged it with:

And once I got this message when launching it:
Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory»
Dumping first 32 bytes:
4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01
75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00


Error at hooking api loadstringa dumping first 32 bytes как решить gta 5 rp

Error at hooking API «LoadStringA»
Dumping first 32 bytes:
48 8B C4 48 89 58 08 48 89 70 10 57 48 83 EC 40
41 8B F9 49 8B D8 33 F6 4C 8D 40 E8 45 33 C9 89

I am unable to play the game because of this. Anybody knows a fix for this?

let say, steam says it’s running, and then it displays that message.

let say, steam says it’s running, and then it displays that message.

What I mean is, does the window for r6s ever pop up, or does it display as soon as you press start game?

Ok, well that means that its probably a problem with your local game files. I would strongly recommend that you verify the integrity of your local game files. By the way, verifying the files could take a little while.

Did it say that the integrity of your game files was ok?

Were you able to play r6s in the past? The «Error at hooking API» part means that steam is having trouble accessing another application, which I thought would’ve been your r6s application. Maybe it could also be the Uplay application?

Hey Avimov, I’m sorry you are experiencing this error.

Marinenukem has offered some very sound advice — I would always initially suggest verifying the game’s files. As his as not resolved the issue, please ensure you are running Steam, Uplay and Siege with admin rights.

Does this happen with any other game? If so, this may be an issue with your OS rather than the game specifically.


Error at hooking api loadstringa dumping first 32 bytes как решить gta 5 rp

anyone have a problem with:
Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory»
Dumping first 32 bytes:
4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01 75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00

how to solve this problem?

Your system Spec and OS ? and anything special like your running virtual machice ?

My device’s spec

Windows 10 Pro 64bit
IntelCore i5-3230M 2.60 GHz with Turbo Boost up to 3.20 GHz
AMD Radeon 7500/7600M Series 1Gb

i play using keyboard and mouse only
i didnt use antivirus etc just a standard software

Your not first person to have this error:-

It appears that OP of this solved the issue by OS updates and running the check files function in the launcher of WT. To run check files click on the spanner in WT launcher top right 3rd icon back. Then check files. This will validate the install.

If the above does not work, I would also try clean uninstall and full reinstall of the AMD video drivers.

Hope you find this if help with the issue. It seems to be corruption of file in Windows or War Thunder.


Error at hooking api loadstringa dumping first 32 bytes как решить gta 5 rp

Forum rules

ALL posts made in this forum are ‘ Private‘ so that only you and staff can see them. This allows sharing of personal data, projects and other information. Posts are generally made public after they are marked ‘Solved’ AND there was no personal data contained in them. If you don’t want your post made public let the team know.

We know it’s frustrating when things don’t work. However, please help us to help you by following these suggestions:

  1. Update — Before trying anything else. Download and install the latest version of FL Studio from here. Your bug may be fixed already!
  2. Update plugins — If you are using 3rd party plugins. Look at crash logs for their names. Install the latest version for any you spot. See also Plugins Behaving Badly
  3. Simple clear explanation — Explain what you are doing, or trying to do, and exactly what is happening.
  4. Specific information — a) FL Studio version & build number, b) what you are doing and what happens exactly, c) step-by-step instructions how reproduce the problem.
  5. Screenshots — Another great way to demonstrate issues. Get a free screenshot app here. Include images using the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  6. A video — The best way of demonstrating many issues. Windows 10 includes an integrated screen recorder, see here OR get a free free recorder here. Include mp4 videos to your post from the ‘Attachments’ tab, at the bottom of the post edit window.
  7. Use English — Google Translate your post. Short simple sentences in your original language translate best. We are happy to work this way, no need to worry.

NOTE: Technical Support is ONLY available Monday — Friday (9 am to 5 pm Central European Time), thank you.


  • #1

  1. Ваш ник: Bogdan layfer
  2. Ваш игровой логин: bylka25022006
  3. у меня такая проблема вылезает ошибка при запуски лаунчер гта 5 рп и выдает ошибку: (Error at hooking API «LoadStringA» Dumping first 32 bytes: 48 8B C4 48 89 58 08 48 89 70 10 57 48 83 EC 40 41 8B F9 49 8B D8 33 F6 4C 8D 40 E8 45 33 C9 89)
  4. Доказательства:
  5. Дата:23.11.2021
  6. сумма ущерба(если имеется):



Технический Администратор
  • #2

Необходим скриншот ошибки.

  • #3

Здравствуйте вот скриншот ошибки.

  • #4

Здравствуйте вот скриншот ошибки.

  • #5

Необходим скриншот ошибки.

Необходим скриншот ошибки.

  • #6

Необходим скриншот ошибки.



Технический Администратор
  • #7

Не наблюдаем скрина/ссылки на него.

  • #8

Не наблюдаем скрина/ссылки на него.

ID 912627890112319518



Технический Администратор
  • #10

Загрузите скрин на imgur.

  • #11

Загрузите скрин на imgur.

  • 1637755000949.jpg

    91.7 KB
    Просмотры: 8



Технический Администратор
  • #12

Установите VC++ всех годов и версий(x64/x86), и .Net 4.6, DirectX.

Затем перезагрузите ПК, выключите роутер на пару минут, переустановите наш лаунчер или RAGE MP.

Ошибка «Error at hooking API LoadStringA»

Если при запуске игры «STALCRAFT» у вас появляется ошибка «Error at hooking API LoadStringA», то попробуйте сначала перезагрузить компьютер. Как правило, это решает данную проблему.

Если это не поможет, то Вам необходимо включить компонент «DEP» для всех программ и служб.

Переключение «DEP» в «Windows 11»

1. Откройте меню «Пуск» и перейдите в «Параметры» операционной системы «Windows 11».

2. Сразу откроется категория «Система». Перейдите в раздел под названием «О системе».

3. В подразделе «Характеристики устройства» нажмите кнопку «Дополнительные параметры системы».

4. Появится окно «Свойства системы». В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите кнопку «Параметры».

5. Вновь появится новое окно. Откройте вкладку «Предотвращение выполнения данных».

6. Выберите режим «Включить DEP для всех программ и служб, кроме выбранных ниже».

7. Нажмите кнопку «Применить» и перезагрузите ваш компьютер. После этого проблема решится.

Переключение «DEP» в «Windows 10»

1. Откройте меню «Пуск» и перейдите в «Параметры» операционной системы «Windows 10».

2. Откроется общий список категорий параметров. Откройте категорию под названием «Система».

3. Появится список различных разделов. Перейдите в раздел под названием «О программе».

4. В списке справа располагаются параметры. Нажмите кнопку «Дополнительные параметры системы».

5. Появится окно «Свойства системы». В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите кнопку «Параметры».

6. Вновь появится новое окно. Откройте вкладку «Предотвращение выполнения данных».

7. Выберите режим «Включить DEP для всех программ и служб, кроме выбранных ниже».

8. Нажмите кнопку «Применить» и перезагрузите ваш компьютер. После этого проблема решится.

Другие руководства

  • Установка файла подкачки
  • Диагностика оперативной памяти
  • Диагностика дисковых устройств
  • Настройка схем электропитания
  • Отключение компонента «Hyper-V»
  • Установка системы «Windows 11»
  • Обновление системы «Windows»
  • Отключение загрузки приложений
  • Установка системы «Windows 10»
  • Отключение повышенной точности
  • Добавление схем электропитания
  • Коррекция времени «Windows»
  • Мониторинг «MSI Afterburner»
  • Отключение виртуализации ядра
  • Удаление приложений в системе
  • Отключение визуальных эффектов
  • Отчёты «MSInfo32» и «DxDiag»
  • Отключение индексации диска
  • Оптимизация дискового устройства

Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property.

What can I do to prevent this in the future?

If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.

If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices.

Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store.

Cloudflare Ray ID: 71aeca53bfd19140 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare

Error at hooking api loadstringa dumping first 32 bytes как решить

Forum rules

ALL posts made in this forum are ‘Private‘ so that only you and staff can see them. This allows sharing of personal data, projects and other information. Posts are generally made public after they are marked ‘Solved’ AND there was no personal data contained in them. If you don’t want your post made public let the team know.

We know it’s frustrating when things don’t work. However, please help us to help you by following these suggestions:

Error at hooking api loadstringa dumping first 32 bytes как решить

Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property.

What can I do to prevent this in the future?

If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware.

If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices.

Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store.

Cloudflare Ray ID: 71aeca77aa1c91d7 • Your IP : • Performance & security by Cloudflare

На чтение 4 мин. Опубликовано 15.12.2019


  1. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege
  3. Nanerbeet commented Feb 19, 2018

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege

Is anyone else getting this after the new update? I launch the game and it comes up with this menu (Link Below). Does anyone have a fix?

Thank you for contacting us. Can you try the following troubleshooting steps [support.ubi.com] (verifying game files in particular) and see whether you’re able to launch the game.

If you do have no luck however, can you please visit our support website [support.ubi.com] and submit a ticket/case by logging in and selecting ‘Contact Customer Support’. Additionally, if you could add your system files [support.ubi.com] to your ticket/case, this will then allow us to have a further look to see what may be causing this to occur.

When that is done, let us know your ticket/case number and we will pass it to our technical team.

Thank you for contacting us. Can you try the following troubleshooting steps [support.ubi.com] (verifying game files in particular) and see whether you’re able to launch the game.

If you do have no luck however, can you please visit our support website [support.ubi.com] and submit a ticket/case by logging in and selecting ‘Contact Customer Support’. Additionally, if you could add your system files [support.ubi.com] to your ticket/case, this will then allow us to have a further look to see what may be causing this to occur.

When that is done, let us know your ticket/case number and we will pass it to our technical team.

Thank you for contacting us. Can you try the following troubleshooting steps [support.ubi.com] (verifying game files in particular) and see whether you’re able to launch the game.

If you do have no luck however, can you please visit our support website [support.ubi.com] and submit a ticket/case by logging in and selecting ‘Contact Customer Support’. Additionally, if you could add your system files [support.ubi.com] to your ticket/case, this will then allow us to have a further look to see what may be causing this to occur.

When that is done, let us know your ticket/case number and we will pass it to our technical team.

Hey! Thanks for the response. Unfortunately verifying my game files didn’t work. I have submitted a ticket at REFERENCE NUMBER 08238007.

Ahh, that’s a shame! I checked it and can see that you provided everything as requested and your case has been forwarded.

You can either check the ticket/case itself for any updates or alternatively, when there will be any correspondence, you will receive email accordingly, which some may find more convenient.

Also, if you can make sure you have all of the rest of the troubleshooting steps completed in the FAQ I sent earlier to see if problem persists.

Hopefully we will be able to have it resolved sooner than later! 🙂

Hey! Thanks for the response. Unfortunately verifying my game files didn’t work. I have submitted a ticket at REFERENCE NUMBER 08238007.

Ahh, that’s a shame! I checked it and can see that you provided everything as requested and your case has been forwarded.

You can either check the ticket/case itself for any updates or alternatively, when there will be any correspondence, you will receive email accordingly, which some may find more convenient.

Also, if you can make sure you have all of the rest of the troubleshooting steps completed in the FAQ I sent earlier to see if problem persists.

Hopefully we will be able to have it resolved sooner than later! 🙂

Hey Karl. The ticket was responded to and the matter was fixed!

For people that have problems with this in the future; Update your Drivers. If that doesn’t work like it did with me, restart your computer -> re-validate your games files whilst uninstalling BattleEye and it should work. Thank you for the help!

Copy link Quote reply

There appears to be a Trojan installed in this program.

Windows Defender flagged it with:

And once I got this message when launching it:
Error at hooking API «NtProtectVirtualMemory»
Dumping first 32 bytes:
4C 8B D1 B8 50 00 00 00 F6 04 25 08 03 FE 7F 01
75 03 0F 05 C3 CD 2E C3 0F 1F 84 00 00 00 00 00

Ошибка «Error at hooking API LoadStringA»

Если при запуске игры «STALCRAFT» у вас появляется ошибка «Error at hooking API LoadStringA», то попробуйте сначала перезагрузить компьютер. Как правило, это решает данную проблему.

Если это не поможет, то Вам необходимо включить компонент «DEP» для всех программ и служб.

Переключение «DEP» в «Windows 11»

1. Откройте меню «Пуск» и перейдите в «Параметры» операционной системы «Windows 11».

2. Сразу откроется категория «Система». Перейдите в раздел под названием «О системе».

3. В подразделе «Характеристики устройства» нажмите кнопку «Дополнительные параметры системы».

4. Появится окно «Свойства системы». В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите кнопку «Параметры».

5. Вновь появится новое окно. Откройте вкладку «Предотвращение выполнения данных».

6. Выберите режим «Включить DEP для всех программ и служб, кроме выбранных ниже».

7. Нажмите кнопку «Применить» и перезагрузите ваш компьютер. После этого проблема решится.

Переключение «DEP» в «Windows 10»

1. Откройте меню «Пуск» и перейдите в «Параметры» операционной системы «Windows 10».

2. Откроется общий список категорий параметров. Откройте категорию под названием «Система».

3. Появится список различных разделов. Перейдите в раздел под названием «О программе».

4. В списке справа располагаются параметры. Нажмите кнопку «Дополнительные параметры системы».

5. Появится окно «Свойства системы». В разделе «Быстродействие» нажмите кнопку «Параметры».

6. Вновь появится новое окно. Откройте вкладку «Предотвращение выполнения данных».

7. Выберите режим «Включить DEP для всех программ и служб, кроме выбранных ниже».

8. Нажмите кнопку «Применить» и перезагрузите ваш компьютер. После этого проблема решится.

Другие руководства

  • Установка файла подкачки
  • Диагностика оперативной памяти
  • Диагностика дисковых устройств
  • Настройка схем электропитания
  • Отключение компонента «Hyper-V»
  • Установка системы «Windows 11»
  • Обновление системы «Windows»
  • Отключение загрузки приложений
  • Установка системы «Windows 10»
  • Отключение повышенной точности
  • Добавление схем электропитания
  • Коррекция времени «Windows»
  • Мониторинг «MSI Afterburner»
  • Отключение виртуализации ядра
  • Удаление приложений в системе
  • Отключение визуальных эффектов
  • Отчёты «MSInfo32» и «DxDiag»
  • Отключение индексации диска
  • Оптимизация дискового устройства

В последнее время в сообществе Rainbow Six Siege обнаружили проблему, связанную с ошибкой при использовании хука API LoadStringA при дампинге первых 32 байт игры. Эта ошибка может появиться на любой версии игры и привести к сбою игры или замедлению работы компьютера.

На форумах сообщества были размещены многочисленные сообщения об этой ошибке, и многие пользователи ищут решение проблемы. Чтобы помочь, мы решили поделиться возможным решением этой проблемы.

Одним из возможных решений является использование специального патча, который исправляет ошибку и позволяет дампить первые 32 байта игры без сбоев или замедления работы компьютера. Мы рекомендуем всем пользователям, столкнувшимся с этой проблемой, попробовать установить этот патч и проверить его работу.

Если же у вас все еще остались вопросы или вы столкнулись с другими проблемами в Rainbow Six Siege, не стесняйтесь обратиться за помощью к сообществу или к разработчикам игры.


  1. Ошибка при хукании API
  2. Причины возникновения ошибки
  3. Как избежать ошибки при хукании API
  4. Как исправить ошибку при хукании API
  5. LoadStringA при дампинге первых 32 байт Rainbow Six Siege: решение
  6. Проблема
  7. Решение
  8. Проблема появляется при хукании API LoadStringA
  9. Что такое API LoadStringA
  10. Что вызывает проблему
  11. Как решить проблему
  12. Причины ошибки LoadStringA
  13. 1. Отсутствие доступа к строковым ресурсам
  14. 2. Неправильный формат строки
  15. 3. Неполадки в системном файле
  16. 4. Неверные параметры функции
  17. Решение проблемы с LoadStringA
  18. Шаг 1: Обновление драйвера
  19. Шаг 2: Выполнение проверки на вирусы
  20. Шаг 3: Обновление операционной системы
  21. Шаг 4: Обратитесь к разработчикам ПО
  22. Дампинг первых 32 байт Rainbow Six Siege
  23. Что такое дампинг и для чего он нужен?
  24. Как осуществить дампинг первых 32 байт в Rainbow Six Siege?
  25. Использование решения в своих проектах
  26. Шаг 1: Скачайте и установите Visual Studio
  27. Шаг 2: Скачайте исходный код
  28. Шаг 3: Изучите исходный код
  29. Шаг 4: Интегрируйте код
  30. Шаг 5: Тестирование и отладка
  31. Вопрос-ответ
  32. Что такое API LoadStringA и зачем он нужен?
  33. Какая ошибка возникает при хукании API LoadStringA?
  34. Какое решение существует для исправления ошибки при хукании API LoadStringA?
  35. Какие еще ошибки могут возникнуть при дампинге памяти игры?
  36. Какие проблемы могут возникнуть при использовании дополнительной библиотеки для хукания API LoadStringA?

Причины возникновения ошибки

Ошибка при хукании API может возникнуть, если происходит попытка изменить работу системного приложения или игры. Это может привести к нестабильной работе приложения, прерыванию процесса или вылету системы в целом.

Как избежать ошибки при хукании API

Для того, чтобы избежать ошибки при хукании API необходимо тщательно проверять код, внедряемый в системное приложение. Важно убедиться, что реализация кода совместима с работой приложения и не изменит его стандартное поведение.

Также можно использовать специальные программы для отслеживания изменений, происходящих в системе при работе приложения. Это поможет выявить неправильную работу кода и предотвратить возникновение ошибок.

Как исправить ошибку при хукании API

Для исправления ошибки при хукании API необходимо тщательно изучить код, внедренный в системное приложение и найти ошибку в его реализации. Исправление ошибки может потребовать изменения кода, проведение тестирования и повторной внедрения измененного кода в системное приложение.

Также можно воспользоваться программами, способными автоматически определить ошибку и предложить варианты ее исправления. Однако, в этом случае важно быть осторожным и проверять каждое предложенное исправление на совместимость с системным приложением.

LoadStringA при дампинге первых 32 байт Rainbow Six Siege: решение


При попытке дампинга первых 32 байт игры Rainbow Six Siege с помощью API LoadStringA может возникнуть ошибка. Это может произойти из-за того, что функция LoadStringA не предназначена для работы с бинарными данными. Она используется для загрузки строки из ресурсов .dll или .exe.


Для решения проблемы нужно использовать другую функцию — ReadProcessMemory, которая позволяет читать данные из памяти процесса. Эта функция может быть использована для чтения бинарных данных.

Пример кода:

// дескриптор процесса и адрес памяти, откуда будут читаться данные

HANDLE hProcess = ...;

LPVOID lpBaseAddress = ...;

// буфер для хранения прочитанных данных

BYTE buffer[32];

// функция чтения данных

if (ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, lpBaseAddress, buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL))


// данные успешно прочитаны и находятся в переменной buffer


Таким образом, использование ReadProcessMemory вместо LoadStringA может помочь избежать ошибок при дампинге первых 32 байт игры Rainbow Six Siege.

Проблема появляется при хукании API LoadStringA

Что такое API LoadStringA

API LoadStringA используется для загрузки строки из ресурса, который находится в исполняемом файле. Это может быть строка, сохраненная в файле DLL или EXE. Это API получает идентификатор строки и возвращает значение указанной строки.

API LoadStringA является одним из важнейших в системе Windows и используется в различных приложениях, включая игры.

Что вызывает проблему

При хукании API LoadStringA, которое происходит при дампинге первых 32 байт из игры Rainbow Six Siege, появляется ошибка.

Данная ошибка может быть вызвана неудачной попыткой перехвата API LoadStringA, либо не получением доступа к запрашиваемым ресурсам.

Как решить проблему

Для решения данной проблемы можно использовать различные способы, такие как установка перехватчика в правильном месте или изменение настроек безопасности вашей системы.

Если вы не уверены в своих навыках программирования, то лучше всего обратиться за помощью к специалистам, которые могут помочь в выполении данной задачи.

Использование стороннего программного обеспечения может также помочь решить данную проблему, но всегда нужно быть осторожным при установке программ и проверять их на наличие вирусов и других опасностей.

Причины ошибки LoadStringA

1. Отсутствие доступа к строковым ресурсам

Одной из основных причин ошибки LoadStringA может быть отсутствие доступа к строковым ресурсам приложения. Это может произойти, если приложение не имеет прав на чтение строки или если строковой файл был поврежден или удален.

2. Неправильный формат строки

Еще одной причиной ошибки LoadStringA может быть неправильный формат строки. Возможно, строка содержит символы, которые не могут быть прочитаны функцией LoadStringA, либо содержит неправильный формат кодировки или синтаксиса.

3. Неполадки в системном файле

Кроме того, возможно, что ошибка LoadStringA происходит из-за неполадок в одном из системных файлов. Библиотека, используемая функцией LoadStringA, может быть повреждена или отсутствовать, что приводит к ошибке при попытке загрузки строкового ресурса.

4. Неверные параметры функции

Наконец, возможно, что ошибка LoadStringA вызвана неверными параметрами функции. Это может произойти, если первый аргумент функции указывает на неверный идентификатор строки, либо если второй аргумент не соответствует размеру буфера, передаваемому третьим аргументом.

В целом, ошибка LoadStringA может быть вызвана множеством причин, и чтобы ее исправить, необходимо провести подробный анализ ошибки и выявить корневую причину.

Решение проблемы с LoadStringA

Шаг 1: Обновление драйвера

Одной из причин, почему вы можете встретить ошибку при хукании API LoadStringA при дампинге первых 32 байт Rainbow Six Siege, является устаревший драйвер видеокарты. В этом случае первым шагом к решению проблемы будет обновление драйверов.

Шаг 2: Выполнение проверки на вирусы

Если обновление драйверов не помогает, следующим шагом будет проверка на наличие вирусов на компьютере. Многие вредоносные программы изменяют системные файлы, включая API функции, в результате чего возникают ошибки при использовании этих функций. Чтобы избежать этого, рекомендуется выполнить проверку на вирусы с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения.

Шаг 3: Обновление операционной системы

Если ни обновление драйверов, ни проверка на вирусы не помогают, тогда возможно причиной является устаревшая версия операционной системы. В этом случае рекомендуется обновить операционную систему до самой последней версии.

Шаг 4: Обратитесь к разработчикам ПО

Наконец, если все вышеперечисленные шаги не помогают, то проблема может быть связана с ПО, которое вы пытаетесь использовать. В этом случае рекомендуется обратиться к разработчикам ПО и сообщить детали проблемы. В некоторых случаях они могут предоставить вам более подробный анализ и дать рекомендации по решению проблемы.

Дампинг первых 32 байт Rainbow Six Siege

Что такое дампинг и для чего он нужен?

Дампинг — это процесс считывания содержимого определенной области памяти компьютера и сохранения этой информации в файл. Дампинг позволяет анализировать работу программы, выявлять ошибки и уязвимости, проводить обратную разработку кода.

Дампинг первых 32 байт — это процесс считывания первых 32 байт определенной области памяти. В Rainbow Six Siege этот процесс может быть полезен для выявления определенных проблем и ошибок при работе с API.

Как осуществить дампинг первых 32 байт в Rainbow Six Siege?

Для осуществления дампинга первых 32 байт в Rainbow Six Siege может быть использована программа Cheat Engine.

  1. Запустите Rainbow Six Siege и Cheat Engine.
  2. Выберите процесс Rainbow Six Siege в списке процессов Cheat Engine.
  3. Откройте в Cheat Engine окно Memory Viewer.
  4. Отобразите нужную область памяти (например, адрес «LoadStringA»).
  5. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши по этому адресу и выберите пункт «Copy selected region».
  6. Откройте текстовый редактор и вставьте скопированные данные.
  7. Первые 32 байта будут содержаться в первом столбце таблицы в эквиваленте шестнадцатеричной системы исчисления.

Таким образом, дампинг первых 32 байт в Rainbow Six Siege может помочь в выявлении проблем при работе с API и устранении ошибок.

Использование решения в своих проектах

Шаг 1: Скачайте и установите Visual Studio

Перед тем как использовать эту ошибку при хукании API LoadStringA, вам необходимо установить Visual Studio на ваш компьютер. Это можно сделать с помощью официального сайта Microsoft или любого другого канала установки.

Шаг 2: Скачайте исходный код

Перед началом использования решения, вам необходимо скачать его исходный код. Вы можете найти исходный код на любом открытом репозитории, таком как GitHub.

Шаг 3: Изучите исходный код

Перед использованием решения, изучите его исходный код, чтобы понимать, как именно оно работает. Внимательно ознакомьтесь со всеми файлами, классами, методами и переменными. Это поможет вам лучше понимать код и не совершать ошибок при интеграции его в ваши проекты.

Шаг 4: Интегрируйте код

Когда вы ознакомитесь с исходным кодом и поймете, как он работает, можете интегрировать его в свои проекты. Скопируйте необходимые файлы и классы в свой проект, а затем настройте их в соответствии с вашими потребностями.

Шаг 5: Тестирование и отладка

Как только вы интегрировали код, тестирование и отладка — это следующий этап. Убедитесь, что ваш проект правильно работает и не вызывает ошибок, а также отладьте код, чтобы убедиться, что ничего не сломалось после интеграции.

Использование решения в своих проектах может занять некоторое время и требует тщательной работы, но это может быть очень полезно при создании собственного программного обеспечения, особенно при работе с Windows API.


Что такое API LoadStringA и зачем он нужен?

API LoadStringA является функцией в Windows API, которая позволяет загружать строковые ресурсы из ресурсов исполняемых файлов и библиотек DLL. Она используется в программировании для локализации приложений и обеспечения перевода пользовательского интерфейса на различные языки.

Какая ошибка возникает при хукании API LoadStringA?

При попытке хукать API LoadStringA для дампинга первых 32 байт игры Rainbow Six Siege может произойти ошибка «Unhandled exception at <адрес>: Access violation reading location <адрес>«. Эта ошибка обычно возникает из-за того, что пытаемся прочитать данные, на которые у нас нет прав доступа.

Какое решение существует для исправления ошибки при хукании API LoadStringA?

Существует несколько способов исправления этой ошибки. Один из них — это использование дополнительной библиотеки Microsoft Detours для хукания функций, включая LoadStringA. Эта библиотека позволяет безопасно и гибко хукать функции в различных приложениях и позволяет избежать ошибки доступа. Еще один способ — это создание отдельного процесса, который будет запускать игру Rainbow Six Siege и дампить память. Это уменьшит риск возникновения ошибки доступа.

Какие еще ошибки могут возникнуть при дампинге памяти игры?

При дампинге памяти игры могут возникнуть различные ошибки, включая ошибки доступа, ошибки чтения/записи, ошибки связанные с выделением памяти и другие. Эти ошибки могут возникнуть из-за неправильного использования API, неправильного адреса памяти, низкого уровня защиты игры от дампинга и других причин.

Какие проблемы могут возникнуть при использовании дополнительной библиотеки для хукания API LoadStringA?

При использовании дополнительной библиотеки для хукания API LoadStringA могут возникнуть некоторые проблемы, такие как: несовместимость с другими библиотеками, несовместимость с определенными версиями Windows, проблемы с быстродействием и другие. Также необходимо учитывать потенциальные проблемы безопасности, связанные с использованием таких библиотек.

Обновлено: 09.06.2023

For those hoping for a fix from Ubi this is the most recent update in my case. Seems they effectively given up:

Thank you for that update. At this time we don’t have a report from the development team that this is a known issue.

So I will forward this up to the development team for further review. However, that is all that we can do at this time, as we have no further information.

Hopefully someone from the development team finally gets word of the issue. All customer support can do is follow a script to resolve known issues and can’t investigate issues that need a developer to fix. I don’t expect a fix until redstone 2 is officially released and they are forced to resolve the issue as people’s OS get upgraded and people start experiencing the issue on a larger scale.

As an update I updated to teh new pre-release version of redstone 15002 170102-1700. Now instead of the error dialog the process just hangs without the error message. I suspect teh same issue but maybe now that the build is a pre-release version its being less verbose on errors that occur. Now when launching the game the process just hangs and nothing happens.

I just updated to version 15025 of Redstone and now the game will launch correctly


The firsat solution worked for me so hopefully one of these can help you guys

1. Disabling your background applications:

Go to the Start menu on your Desktop. Press the Windows key and the letter R at the same time.
Type in MSCONFIG and press Enter.
Go to the Startup tab, and click Open Task Manager.
For each Startup item in the Task Manager, select the item then click Disable.
Close Task Manager.
On the Startup tab of the System Configuration dialog box, click OK, then restart the computer.

Note: For Windows 7, you can simply click Disable All on the Startup tab within the System Configuration window.

2. Clearing your temporary files:

Go to the Start menu on your Desktop. Press the Windows key and the letter R at the same time.
Type in %TEMP% and press Enter.
Select All (Edit > Select All or Ctrl+A).
Click the Delete key.

Note: If you are using Windows 7, you will need to press Ctrl + A together to highlight the files. Once the files are highlighted, you will need to press the Delete key.

3. Make sure the drivers for your video card, sound card, motherboard and processor are up-to-date. Running 2 cards in SLI or running 2 screens can also cause issues. Deactivate SLI or unplug any additional screens you may be using. If you are overclocking, try running at the stock clock settings.

4. Make sure that any antivirus or firewall software on your system is disabled.

To troubleshoot this issue for you, I need two files from your system (Direct X and MS System Information). These files report information about system drivers for your video and sound cards, as well as other vital information about your computer hardware that will help me resolve your problem.

After installing DirectX, follow these steps:

If you receive an error when attempting to upload the MSINFO32 file stating that it is too large, you will need to compress it using either WinZip or WinRAR. Once received, we will examine your system info and get back to you as soon as we can with a possible solution to your problem.

Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 14971.rs_prerelease.161111-1700.

GTX 1070 drivers 376.09. DirectX 12.

I had the same problem in Beta as others were that were also running the insider preview (redstone 2) version of Win 10.

Tom Clancy’s The division launches fine still.

I posted the exact same issue a couple days ago also with several steps Ubi has had me try via a support ticket I opened. After several canned responses/generic troubleshooting suggestions failed they stopped responding and have not for a couple days now. You can find the thread here. If anything hopefully it will save you some time with Ubi if you open a case. Please reference my case number (in my post) if you have a case open as well.. maybe if a few of this report it they’ll consider taking a look since all other instances of this issue I’ve found both on the forums, beta forums and reddit have gone unanswered.

Have you found a solution? Because i have the exact same problem

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 14971.rs_prerelease.161111-1700.

GTX 1070 drivers 376.09. DirectX 12.

I had the same problem in Beta as others were that were also running the insider preview (redstone 2) version of Win 10.

Tom Clancy’s The division launches fine still.

I posted the exact same issue a couple days ago also with several steps Ubi has had me try via a support ticket I opened. After several canned responses/generic troubleshooting suggestions failed they stopped responding and have not for a couple days now. You can find the thread here. If anything hopefully it will save you some time with Ubi if you open a case. Please reference my case number (in my post) if you have a case open as well.. maybe if a few of this report it they’ll consider taking a look since all other instances of this issue I’ve found both on the forums, beta forums and reddit have gone unanswered.

Have you found a solution? Because i have the exact same problem

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

LoadStringA comes from C:WindowsSystem32user32.dll The offset for LoadStringA is different for Win 10 Restone 2(our insider build) vs Win 10 Redstone 1 (current version). I suspect they have code that checks the ‘OS’ and if it is ‘Win 10’ they use an offset that works for Redstone 1 but not Redstone 2. So when they try to hookinto a core os function (bad implementation decision on their side) with the wrong offset it fails. I think they need an additional check for Win 10 based on build number and use offsets that match the build of Win 10 if they want to try hooking into core OS files.

In Redstone 2 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00031140
In Redstone 1 LoadStringA is located at offset 0x00032DF0

If they are trying to hook to the function by Ordinal that has also changed from 2095 to 2097.

Unfortunately until this gets escalated to an actual developer and now a CSR following some flow chart I don’t expect a solution. Or Redstone 2 goes live in March and it gets more visibility and finally escalated up.

13 мар. 2019 в 13:55

Здравствуйте, столкнулся недавно с проблемой:
Error at hooking API «LoadStringA»
Dumbing first 32 bytes:
48 8B C4 48 89 58 08 48 89 68 10 48 89 70 20 4C
89 40 18 57 48 83 EC 40 41 8B F1 49 8B D8 33 ED

Кто знает решение, напишите (Целостность файлов проверял, стим писал что всё ок).

Hey there tyna F/ek$$ep!

Support is available in English on the forum. However, have you tried verifying the game’s files to try and resolve this issue:

I hope this helps! If not, please translate your reply and we will look further into it.

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I’m sorry to hear this is happening for you. I’ve found this issue was reported for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey previously and we found the fix to reinstall the VCRedist for C++ that should be located in the support folder of the game installation.

Alternatively, this could be uninstalled and reinstalled.

To locate the VCRedist file:

— Navigate to the games installation folder.

— Within the installation folder, there should be a support folder which should contain the VCRedist file. Run this file.

— Once installed, please restart the PC then attempt to play the game again.

Hopefully this will be the same fix for you with Siege. Let us know how you get on.

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