Ошибка при запуске вотч догс легион could not load

The release of Watch Dogs Legion has been far from smooth. The game crashing has been one of the major problems that plagued the game and eager fans. It’s happening on all platforms with different causes. Besides the general crash at startup, PC players are complaining of a launch error that’s preventing players from jumping into the game. When users launch the game, they are encountering the Watch Dogs Legion “Could not load binDuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll 0x000005aa” error.

Another error message that crashing the game is the Watch Dogs Legion “Disrupt_b64.dll”. Fortunately, we have working solutions for both the errors in Watch Dogs Legion. Keep scrolling to know more.

In order to fix the Watch Dogs Legion “Could not load /bin/DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll 0x000005aa” error, it has been suggested by Ubisoft to reinstall BattlEye. So, that’s the first solution you must try. The error seems to originate due to a problem with BattlEye launcher, which is used for the online feature of the game.

It has been noted that reinstalling the BattlEye does not resolve the error for a lot of players. As such, the most effective solution is to disable BattlEye for now. The game does not launch the online feature until December, so you are not using it anyway. Come December when the multiplayer becomes online, the issue will probably be fixed and you can enable BattlEye again.

In order to disable the BattlEye, launch Uplay/Ubisoft Connect > Game Library > Watch Dogs Legion > Properties > Scroll-down to find Game Launch Arguments > click Add command-line arguments > paste the command -BattlEyeLauncher=false.

After you have the changes, the online feature will be disabled and you should be able to play the game without the Cannot Load DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll 0x000005aa error.

Fix Watch Dogs Legion “Disrupt_b64.dll’ Error

Watch Dogs Legion can crash at any point with the “Disrupt_b64.dll’ Error. As this is an error caused due to a missing or corrupt DLL file of the game, the most effective fix is to verify the game files for corruption and initiate repair. Uplay and Ubisoft Connect provides the option to verify your game files. When the game releases on Steam, you have the option to Verify integrity of game files.

Use the feature of the launchers and try to repair the game, but if the error still occurs after verifying the game files, you may have to delete the specific DLL file manually and then try to repair the game files again.

When you verify game files after deleting the DLL, the game will automatically detect a missing DLL and re-download it. Here is the entire process:

  1. Go to the install folder of the game and in the bin folder locate Disrupt_b64.dll
  2. Delete the file and verify the game files again via Uplay or Steam.

We hope that the above solutions have been helpful to resolve the Watch Dogs Legion “Could not load /bin/DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll 0x000005aa” and “Disrupt_b64.dll’ Error. If you have better solutions, please share them in comments.   

Недавно Watch Dogs: Legion вышла на PC и консолях текущего поколения. И если на PS4 и Xbox One ощутимых проблем не видно, то PC-версия, как всегда, изобилует разношерстными критическими ошибками, сбоями и проблемами производительности. Например, у меня и моего товарища при выходе с игровых локаций в главное меню последнее зачастую зависало. И не было другого варианта, кроме как нажать ALT+F4 и перезапустить игру.

Ubisoft уже выпустила патч первого дня, решающий некоторые проблемы, однако этого все еще недостаточно. Ниже мы составили список багов и возможных вариантов решения.

Вылеты при запуске Watch Dogs Legion

Зачастую подобные вещи связаны с серверами или клиентом Uplay, однако проблема может крыться в вашей системе безопасности. Первое, что вы должны сделать — запустить игру с правами администратора, а также внести ее в «белый» список антивируса и брандмауэра. Если сбои не исчезли, попробуйте запустить игру в оконном режиме.

Вылеты во время игры

Классическая ошибка, которая зачастую связана с производительностью видеокарты. Возможно, ваш GPU попросту не справляется с всплеском нагрузки, случающимся до или после кат-сцены, либо при загрузке новой области. Попробуйте понизить основные графические настройки — разрешение, допустимую FPS и проверить, прекратились ли сбои.

Кроме того, закройте все ненужные программы и окна браузера, если таковые имеются. Они создают лишнюю нагрузку на RAM и CPU. Проверьте, какова нагрузка на процессор. Вдруг она достигла пикового значения 100%?

Проверьте версию DirectX. Legion поддерживает 11 и 12 версии, причем только на последней работает трассировка лучей.

Здесь стоит уточнить, что Ubisoft уже знает об этих проблемах и работает над их устранением. На следующей неделе выйдет еще один патч, так что следите за обновлениями. Проверяйте их и в консольных версиях, поскольку и там не обошлось без багов (хоть и не столь многочисленных).

Низкие производительность и FPS

Еще одна проблема, которая может быть связана с высокой нагрузкой на процессор. Поэтому первое, что нужно сделать — закрыть лишние программы и окна браузера. Затем перейдите к графическому процессору. Стоит проверить версию драйверов GPU, если нужно — обновить их. Если проблема не в этом, попробуйте отключить наиболее требовательные графические функции — V-sync и Ray Tracing, включите временно оконный режим. Возможно, стоит убедиться, что ваша видеокарта настроена на максимальную производительность.

Черный экран при запуске

Ниже собран список универсальных решений данной проблемы:

  • Запустить игру от имени администратора.
  • Добавить игру в «белый» список антивируса и брандмауэра.
  • Обновить драйвера видеокарты.
  • Понизить графические настройки в игре.
  • Запустить в оконном режиме — обычном или без рамки.

Отсутствует звук

Если не слышите звуки в игре, то первое, что нужно сделать — проверить, какое звуковое устройство считается активным. Звучит глупо, но зачастую проблема сокрыта именно в этом. Если не уверены на 100% в правильности настройки выводящего устройства, проверьте сами и при необходимости отключите вывод на наушники. Также и игра должна работать правильно. В настройках воспроизведения выберите формат по умолчанию — 16 бит. Возможно, следует обновить драйвера звуковой карты.

Не работают клавиатура и/или мышь

Единственное, что можно сделать в этом случае — убедиться, что к вашему системнику не подключены какие-либо другие устройства, которые игра могла бы ошибочно принять за периферийные. В настройках маши можно отключить улучшенное движение, но если все это не помогло, ожидайте выхода следующего патча или обратитесь в службу поддержки Ubisoft.

Не работают автосохранения

Проблема отсутствия автоматического сохранения прогресса известна разработчикам, и очевидного решения еще нет. Пока не выйдет следующий патч, ничего сделать с этим не получится.

Больше статей на Shazoo

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  • ПК
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  • Ubisoft
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  • PS4
  • Игры
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  • Open World
  • Third Person
  • Watch Dogs: Legion

Watch Dogs Legion PC is facing errors and issues like controller not working, crash at startup, can’t load save file, stuck at loading screen, Xbox One Elite 2 not working, Unable To Start Game, Cannot Load DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll 0x000005aa, low FPS, and more. Here I have compiled a list of errors and issues that PC players are experiencing with Watch Dogs Legion along with their fixes and workarounds.

Watch Dogs Legion is the latest entry in the franchise and brings interesting new ideas like playing as any NPC players find in the game. This is something we haven’t seen in a game before and it’s certainly an exciting mechanic.

In terms of optimization, Ubisoft hasn’t done a very good job as the game doesn’t even run at lock 30 FPS on a 4 Core/4 Thread CPU. Not only that, PC players are reporting errors and issues with Watch Dogs Legion like an in-game crash, game not loading, Xbox One Elite 2 not working, Cannot Load DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll 0x000005aa, crash at startup, and more.

The following are the errors and issues that Watch Dogs Legion PC players are experiencing along with their fixes and workarounds.

Crash Fix

Watch Dogs Legion PC players are reporting that they can is crashing randomly while playing. There are multiple reasons behind the Watch Dogs Legion in-game crash and here is how to fix this issue.

Since the game is CPU-bound for the most part, your CPU not having enough headroom is one reason why the game could be crashing. Players could be using third-party tools and software that might be using CPU cycles that could be used for Watch Dogs Legion.

First, disable all third-party tools and software like MSI Afterburner along with Steam overlay and GeForce Experience Overlay. After that, open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Settings > Program Setting > select “Watch Dogs Legion”. Look for the “Low Latency Mode” and set it to “Ultra”. Hit apply and the game won’t crash anymore.

Another reason for the Watch Dogs Legion in-game crash could be the GPU. Your GPU could be overclocked or old. If the GPU is overclocked, then revert it back to its default GPU clock even if its factory overclocked.

In case you don’t want to mess with the GPU clock or the GPU is old, players can try limiting the game’s MAX FPS. Usually, I recommend limiting FPS through Nvidia Control Panel but in the case of Watch Dogs Legion, doing it through the driver causes performance issues. Just lock the game’s FPS to 30 through the game’s menu in Video settings. This will reduce both CPU and GPU load and will stop the game from crashing.

Stuck At Loading Screen, Can’t Load Save File Fix

Players are reporting that when they load Watch Dogs Legion save or continue the game, it gets stuck at the loading screen. First of all, check if the game has any update as it’ll solve the issue.

If the game is updated, then disable cloud save synchronization by going to the Ubisoft Connect settings and uncheck the “Enable cloud save synchronization for supported games”. After that, back your save files. Launch Watch Dogs Legions and start a new game and then load your previous save. This will load the save files without getting stuck on the loading screen.

Game Not Launching, Crash At Startup Fix

PC players are reporting that Watch Dogs Legion doesn’t launch at all or crashes at startup. There are a number of reasons behind the Watch Dogs Legion crash at launch and here are the fixes.

First, if you are trying to play the game on Windows 7 or 8, then you are out of luck as the game only supports Windows 10 64-bit.

The first fix for the game’s crash at launch issue is very simple. Instead of launching the game through Ubisoft Connect client, launch the game directly through its exe. Click on Properties for Watch Dogs Legion in Ubisoft Connect and click “open folder” under local files. Launch Watch Dogs Legion directly through its exe and it will launch without crashing.

In case players get an error similar to “vcruntime140_1.dll or MSVCP140.dll Was Not Found” while launching the game direct from the exe, then they need to install the latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables both x64 and x86 versions. This will fix the issue.

Lack of admins rights could be the reason why the game is crashing. Right-click Watch Dogs Legion’s exe > Properties > Compatibility tab > check “Run this program as administrator” and hit apply. This will fix the crash at launch issue for the game.

Your anti-virus/Windows Defender could be blocking important games files and causing it to crash at launch. Either disable real-time protection or exclude the game’s install folder from your anti-virus. After that, verify game files and the issue will be fixed.

Controler Not Working, Xbox One Elite 2 Not Working Fix

According to PC players, their controllers don’t work with Watch Dogs Legion and almost all of the Xbox One Elite 2 Controller owners are facing this issue. While there is a fix for it but, there is a workaround.

First, create a desktop shortcut for Watch Dogs Legion’s exe. Right-click the shortcut you created > properties > add “-eac_launcher” in the Target field ahead of the game’s path. After that, open Steam > click “Games” > Add a non-Steam game to my library. Click Browse and add the game’s shortcut. Launch the game through Steam and the Xbox One Elite 2 Controller will start working with Watch Dogs Legion.

Alternatively, after adding the game to Steam, right-click Watch Dogs Legion in Steam library > under “Steam Input per-game Setting” select “Forced Off” and press Ok. If that doesn’t work, then click Steam > Settings > Controller > General Controller Settings. Check “Generic Gamepad Configuration Support” if you are using a third-party controller. If you are using an Xbox or DualShock controller then check the “Xbox Configuration Support” or the PlayStation option for Dualshock 4. This will get the controller working with the game.

Unable To Start Game Fix

PC players are reporting that they are unable to play Watch Dogs Legion as they get the following error when they launch it.

“Unable to start the game. Please check that your game has been installed correctly. if the problem persists, please contact Ubisoft support”

According to players, they are experiencing the error regardless of locating and verifying game files. There is a workaround for this issue. Open Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREUbisoftWatchDogsLegion. Export this folder to a .reg file and double-click to import it. Launch Watch Dogs Legion and it’ll prompt to install BattleEye. Just follow the on-screen prompts and restart your PC. After that, the game will launch with the error.

Cannot Load DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll 0x000005aa Fix

Watch Dogs Legion PC players are reporting that they are unable to launch the game as they get the following error:

Could not load /bin/DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll 0x000005aa

There is a fix for this error but, there is a cost as players will have to let go of the online mode for the game. Open Ubisoft Connect > Watch Dogs Legion > Properties > click “Add command-line arguments” under “Game Launch Arguments” and type “-BattlEyeLauncher=false”. This will disable BattleEye and the game will launch but, players won’t be able to access online.

Stuttering, Low FPS Fix

Ubisoft doesn’t have a very good track record when it comes to optimizing its PC games and Watch Dogs Legion is no exception. Players are reporting low FPS, stuttering, and low CPU and GPU usage issues. Here is how to fix it.

First of all, if you are playing Watch Dogs Legion on a 4 Core/4 Thread CPU, then you won’t be able to play the game even at locked 30 FPS. The game is CPU intensive and players need at least a CPU with 6 Cores/6 Threads to be able to play the game at an acceptable FPS.

Also, make sure you have installed the latest GPU drivers. Open Task Manager to check if there is any background process using too much CPU, GPU, or HDD.

Open Nvidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Setting > Program Settings > select “Watch Dogs Legion” and make the following changes.

Anti-aliasing-FXAA – “Off”
Anti-aliasing-Gamma Correction – “Off”
CUDA GPUs – “All”
Low Latency Mode – Ultra.
Set Power Management to “Prefer Maximum Performance”
Shader Cache – “On” only if you are using an HDD. Don’t need to enable it for an SSD.
Set Texture filtering – Quality to “High Performance”
Triple Buffering – “Off”
Set Vertical Syn to “Use the 3D application setting”

Apply these changes and players will see improved FPS and the stuttering will be fixed. If you want to further improve FPS in Watch Dogs Legion then check out our PC Optimization Guide.

That is all for our Watch Dogs Legion fixes for errors and issues like an in-game crash, unable to start the game, Cannot Load DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll, Stuck At Loading Screen, Xbox One Elite 2 controller cot working, and more. If you are facing errors and issues with other PC games or your PC then also see our hub for commonly occurring PC errors and their fixes.


16 ноября 2022

Доброго дня. Просьба помочь с советом.
Давно хотел поиграть, Скачал (пиратка, разных версий) последняя механики, но при запуске игры не происходит ничего (Тыкаеш на ярлык или exe)
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12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400F
32,0 ГБ
Запуск от администратора и стандартные шаманские действия — ничего не меняется.
Что посоветуете?
Заранее благодарен.
(Лицензию купить не реально)

Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead is a stand-alone zombies mode for Watch Dogs Legion and people are reporting they can’t start the game because of the crash with error saying that the game could not load DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12_plus.dll. Ubisoft announced the existence of Legion of the Dead mode out of the blue yesterday. Turns out this stand-alone mode is available to owners of Watch Dogs Legion on the PC in Ubisoft Connect and those subscribed to Ubisoft+. I immediately downloaded it and started it, only to be faced with an error message. The game did not start and the the could not load DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12_plus.dll error. Here’s all the information we managed to collect about the DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12_plus.dll Watch Dogs Legion of the Dead crash.

Watch Dogs Legion of the Dead Could Not Load DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12_plus dll Crash

Let me say right away that there doesn’t seem to be a fix for this bug and that the developers have been notified. There’s a thread that opened up immediately on the official Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead forum about the issue. Ubisoft community managers have stated that they’ve let developers know. You can read more about it here. I’ve tried multiple things to fix the DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12_plus.dll error. None of the known methods worked. Upon inspecting further I’ve found out that neither DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12_plus.dll nor DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx11_plus.dll files are present in the game’s folder. This probably means the developers forgot to include them in the install. This means we’ll have to wait for them to push a patch.

This is a PC alpha of the Legion of the Dead mode and its purpose is to find problems like this. It could be that this problem is present only for Ubisoft Plus subscribers. I’ve deduced this from the name of the file. DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12.dll (without the sufix _plus) is present in the game’s bin folder. Being a Ubisoft Plus subscriber myself I think the problem is there is no plus subscribers specific dll present and the game won’t launch. We just have to wait for Ubisoft to include that file in the game’s client.

Things we tried to fix the Watch Dogs: Legion of the Dead DuniaDemo_clang_64_dx12_plus.dll bug

Problem with this dll were happening even for the base game. Here’s a list of all the things I tried to make Watch Dogs Legion of the Dead PC alpha work, but I was not successful with any of them. If any of you managed to have it run please comment bellow and tell us if you are a subscriber of the Ubisoft Connect Plus service or not.

Watch Dogs Legion of the Dead force DirectX 11

  • Verify integrity of the game’s files in Ubisoft Connect launcher
  • Reinstalled Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable (you can download it from Microsoft here)
  • Forced Watch Dogs Legion of the dead to use DirectX 11 via command line argument -dx11 (see the screenshot above)
  • Copied VCRUNTIME140_1.DLL into C:WindowsSystem32 (this used to help for this issue for the base game)
  • Reinstalled BattlEye

We’ll keep a close eye on the official forums and the developer’s Twitter and let you know as soon as we find a fix. If you know of a fix before that then please leave a comment bellow.

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