Ошибка при выполнении файловой операции 1392 0x00000570

Today we would like to report to you about an error that occurred while backing up data using Robocopy . It is the

The exact error message is then

ERROR 1392 (0x00000570) Additional directory is being checked.
The file or directory is damaged and cannot be read. “NAME OF THE DIRECTORY”

It occurred with a Robocopy command that looked like this:

robocopy d: e: *. * / NDL / NFL / S / E / DCOPY: D / COPY: DT / PURGE / MIR / B / R: 0 / W: 0

In the error message shown above, the problematic directory or the defective file folder is also named in the ” NAME OF DIRECTORY ” area . When called up via Windows Explorer or via the MS-DOS command prompt , there were no recognizable difficulties with this directory. However, deletion via Windows Explorer was not possible, although no error message was displayed, the deletion process was simply not carried out.

All attempts to delete the directory or to overwrite it with further Robocopy parameters always failed with the error code 1392 .

Ultimately, the solution was to run the CHKDSK command, which checks the file structure of the partition and eliminates any errors. The exact command for this is:


After the call, the following became visible.

Chkdsk / F

Here you can see that the drive was locked at first , so that no other process can access this partition at the same time . Otherwise ” CHKDSK ” could not correct any errors. In the first process, the entire hard disk partition is checked , afterwards numerous ” errors in the index ” were corrected, index entries were deleted and orphaned files in the directory file were restored .

This entire process took a good 60 minutes on a 5TB hard drive . The partition was then automatically released again and the directory problems and error code 1392 (0x00000570) were eliminated.

If you are interested in further tips and tricks around Windows, we recommend the following articles.

– Stordiag – Storage and file systems diagnostic tool in Windows 10 (1607)
– Data recovery in the event of a raid defect
– Working with recovery points in PowerShell
– Data recovery – Data recovery by professionals
– Deleting system recovery points and freeing up space
– Deleting temporary files automatically in Windows 10
– System repair data carrier / recovery Create DVD on Windows 10
– Recover Deleted Files on Windows

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  • ERROR : 1392, 0x00000570, The file or directory is corrupt and non-readable.


  • And the main question in this case (before you’re going to use any utils with disk) — have you got accurate backup?

    • Marked as answer by
      Mohanraj A
      Tuesday, December 5, 2017 11:00 AM

All replies

  • May need to schedule a chkdsk

    Regards, Dave Patrick ….
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows Server] Datacenter Management

    Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no rights.

  • Hi Mohanraj A,

    Any results when run chkdsk?

    In addition, could you please offer more ideas?

    What’s the OS of your server? And what’s the operation when you see this error? 

    If you CHKDSK cannot help, could you please choose to recover your data and then format the disk for reuse?

    Best Regards,


    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

  • server is running on windows 2012 R2 version. drive connect with SAN LUN disk.

  • C:Windowssystem32>d:

    The type of the file system is NTFS.
    Volume label is DATA.

    WARNING!  F parameter not specified.
    Running CHKDSK in read-only mode.

    Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure …

      3348992 file records processed.

    File verification completed.

      216 large file records processed.

      0 bad file records processed.

    Stage 2: Examining file name linkage …

      3629484 index entries processed.

    Index verification completed.

      0 unindexed files scanned.

      0 unindexed files recovered.

    Stage 3: Examining security descriptors …
    Security descriptor verification completed.

      140247 data files processed.
    CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal…

      1203600 USN bytes processed.

    Usn Journal verification completed.

    Windows has scanned the file system and found no problems.
    No further action is required.

       2935882 MB total disk space.
       2923428 MB in 2963648 files.
        956424 KB in 140248 indexes.
             0 KB in bad sectors.
       3524407 KB in use by the system.
         65536 KB occupied by the log file.
       8273076 KB available on disk.

          4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
     751586047 total allocation units on disk.
       2068269 allocation units available on disk.


  • ERROR : 1392, 0x00000570, The file or directory is corrupt and non-readable.

    What action is performed to generate error?

    Regards, Dave Patrick ….
    Microsoft Certified Professional
    Microsoft MVP [Windows Server] Datacenter Management

    Disclaimer: This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no rights.

  • Hi Mohanraj,

    Please  run Chkdsk with the /f switch


    And as said before, if CHKDSK cannot help, maybe you could try to recover your data then format the disk for reuse.

    Best Regards,


    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

  • And the main question in this case (before you’re going to use any utils with disk) — have you got accurate backup?

    • Marked as answer by
      Mohanraj A
      Tuesday, December 5, 2017 11:00 AM

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  • Question

  • I keep all my personal and business data on a 2TB Passport external drive and back up key parts of it daily to two other external drives using robocopy. I’ve been doing this for years.

    Since I upgraded to Windows 10, however, I keep getting the error I mentioned above (in the subject line). Robocopy complains that some file or directory on the **destination** drive is unreadable, and sure enough, I am unable to delete the file.
    I’ve tried both File Assassin and File Unlocker. File Assassin complains that it cannot see the file. File Unlocker claims to delete it, but I still see it in Windows Explorer, even after rebooting. The only way to get rid of the file is to boot in safe mode
    and delete it.

    Problem is: this keeps reoccurring in different places in the filesystem !!!

    Relevant facts:

    * It occurs on *both* of my backup drives, which suggests to my mind that the problem is not with the backup device.

    * Again, it occurs with different files in different places. There’s no detectable pattern as far as location.

    * CHKDSK reports no problems on any of my disks

    * SFC reports no problems on any of my filesystems 

    For now, I’ve settled on the following work-around: I tell robocopy to ignore read errors:

            For EX: robocopy g:data q:data /mir /R:0 /W:0

    So now robocopy runs to completion instead of hanging, but it reports FAILURES.

    I am worried about my data and would appreciate guidance and suggestions.


  • Hi

    According to your description, do this issue occurs after you upgrade the 1607 version? If it could be work fine in Safe Mode, I suggest that we could
    try boot in Clean Boot to avoid the effects of third party software. We could try use the command chkdsk /f Drive to find and repair errors on drive. Also we could check the pemission on both the source and destination. Please refer to the link below.


    Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    Also we could check the command about the robocopy.

    The /mir option is equivalent to the /e plus /purge options with one small difference in behavior:

    With the /e plus /purge options, if the destination directory exists, the destination directory security settings are not overwritten.

    With the /mir option, if the destination directory exists, the destination directory security settings are overwritten.


    Considering the Anniversary Update is released recently, if the issue persists, you could try the built-in «Feedback» tool to submit the
    issue on your side.

    Hope it will be helpful to you

    Please remember to mark the replies as an answers if they help and
    them if they provide no help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, August 17, 2016 9:39 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Teemo TangMicrosoft contingent staff
      Friday, August 19, 2016 10:04 AM


1.       Об ошибке при выполнении файловой операции

2.       Устранение «Ошибки при выполнении файловой операции» в 1С 8.3   

1.    Об ошибке при выполнении файловой операции

Приветствую, коллеги! В данной статье будет описана ошибка «Ошибка при выполнении файловой операции», и подробно рассмотрены способы ее устранения.

Когда происходит обновление конфигураций в 1С 8, по завершении обновления, часто появляется ошибка, которая гласит «Ошибка при выполнении файловой операции – файл не содержит доступных обновлений».  

2.    Устранение «Ошибки при выполнении файловой операции» в 1С 8.3

Рассмотрим методы, при помощи которых, можно устранить ошибку при выполнении файловой операции в 1С.

Итак, первый способ – это попробовать сделать обновление при помощи файлов по обновлению вида «релиз 1с*.cfu». Если это не помогло, то можно попробовать обновить систему при помощи общего файла вида «полный релиз 1С*.cf».

Вторым способом будет проверка на соответствие общей версии системы 1С с минимальными требованиями версии конфигурации 1С, которую обновляем.

Третий способ устранения ошибки при выполнении файловой операции в 1С – более сложный, но действенный. Необходимо открыть в конфигурацию от поставщика в режиме Конфигуратора. Если ошибка всё так же появляется, то необходимо удалить конфигурацию поставщика, а затем опять установить. По сути, в данном варианте «вытягивается» последняя, рабочая версия данной конфигурации и обновление будет завершено без ошибок.

Рассмотрим подробнее третий способ. Пусть у нас уже есть некоторая конфигурация 1С KORG 1-ой версии, которая работает, но нужно поставить 2-ю версию, то есть обновить версию конфигурации 1С 8.3. Когда происходит обновление, всплывает ошибка «Ошибка при выполнении файловой конфигурации». Порядок действий в этом случае:

1.     скачать релиз 1С KORG с версией 1*.cf;

2.     копируем нашу базу данных;

3.     в конфигураторе, который соответствует обновляемой базе, переходим по пути: «Конфигурация → Поддержка → Настройки поддержки → Снять с поддержки». В случае, если кнопка для снятия с поддержки недоступна, необходимо сперва включить возможные изменения. После этого нужно дать согласие, если система 1С будет уточнять что-либо или подтверждать действия;

4.     Далее переходим по следующему пути: «Конфигурация → Сравнить и объединить с конфигурацией из файла…». Здесь необходимо выбрать файл «полный релиз 1С KORG версии 1*.cf»;

5.     Далее перед нами появится окно, в котором система 1С будет запрашивать постановление на учёт для поддержки, на это уведомление обязательно отвечаем согласием;

6.     В случае, если наша конфигурация является типовой, откроется окно по сравнению конфигураций. В нем обязательно убираем все «галочки». Далее последует объединение конфигураций;

7.     В новом окне кликаем на «Сохранить изменения»;

8.     Ещё раз сохраняем базу данных;

9.     Обновляем конфигурацию 1С стандартным способом.

Если всё сделать, согласно инструкции выше, то в вашей конфигурации 1С 8.3 «Ошибка при выполнении файловой операции» больше не возникнет. Спасибо за внимание!

Специалист компании «Кодерлайн»

Айдар Фархутдинов

Windows 10: Windows 10 robocopy ERROR 1392 (0x00000570) file or directory is corru

Discus and support Windows 10 robocopy ERROR 1392 (0x00000570) file or directory is corru in Windows 10 Support to solve the problem; I keep all my personal and business data on a 2TB Passport external drive and back up key parts of it daily to two other external drives using…
Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Support’ started by pluviosilla, Aug 9, 2016.

  1. Windows 10 robocopy ERROR 1392 (0x00000570) file or directory is corru

    I keep all my personal and business data on a 2TB Passport external drive and back up key parts of it daily to two other external drives using robocopy. I’ve been doing this for years.
    Since I upgraded to Windows 10, however, I keep getting the error I mentioned above (in the subject line). Robocopy complains that some file or directory on the **destination** drive is unreadable, and sure enough, I am unable to delete the file. I’ve tried both File Assassin and File Unlocker. File Assassin complains that it cannot see the file. File Unlocker claims to delete it, but I still see it in Windows Explorer, even after rebooting. The only way to get rid of the file is to boot in safe mode and delete it.
    Problem is: this keeps reoccurring in different places in the filesystem !!!
    Relevant facts:
    * It occurs on *both* of my backup drives, which suggests to my mind that the problem is not with the backup device.
    * Again, it occurs with different files in different places. There’s no detectable pattern as far as location.
    * CHKDSK reports no problems on any of my disks
    * SFC reports no problems on any of my filesystems
    For now, I’ve settled on the following work-around: I tell robocopy to ignore read errors:
    For EX: robocopy g:data q:data /mir /R:0 /W:0
    So now robocopy runs to completion instead of hanging, but it reports FAILURES.
    I am worried about my data and would appreciate guidance and suggestions.


  2. Windows 10 robocopy ERROR 1392 (0x00000570) file or directory is corrupted


    As per the description, I suggest you to post the query in the TechNet forum. They will be better suited to answer your query.

    Refer the below link.

    Technet forums — Windows 10 IT Pro

    Feel free to contact us regarding any issues on Windows.

    Thank you.

  3. Windows 10 robocopy ERROR 1392 (0x00000570) file or directory is corrupted

    I keep all my personal and business data on a 2TB Passport external drive and back up key parts of it daily to two other external drives using robocopy. I’ve been doing this for years.

    Since I upgraded to Windows 10, however, I keep getting the error I mentioned above (in the subject line). Robocopy complains that some file or directory on the **destination** drive is unreadable, and sure enough, I am unable to delete the file. I’ve tried
    both File Assassin and File Unlocker. File Assassin complains that it cannot see the file. File Unlocker claims to delete it, but I still see it in Windows Explorer, even after rebooting. The only way to get rid of the file is to boot in safe mode and delete

    Problem is: this keeps reoccurring in different places in the filesystem !!!

    Relevant facts:

    * It occurs on *both* of my backup drives, which suggests to my mind that the problem is not with the backup device.

    * Again, it occurs with different files in different places. There’s no detectable pattern as far as location.

    * CHKDSK reports no problems on any of my disks

    * SFC reports no problems on any of my filesystems

    For now, I’ve settled on the following work-around: I tell robocopy to ignore read errors:

    For EX: robocopy g:data q:data /mir /R:0 /W:0

    So now robocopy runs to completion instead of hanging, but it reports FAILURES.

    I am worried about my data and would appreciate guidance and suggestions.

  4. Windows 10 robocopy ERROR 1392 (0x00000570) file or directory is corru

  5. No. Is Fast Startup known to cause this kind of problem?

  6. On shutdown, Fast startup does not completely shut down. It goes into a deep Hybrid hibernation state, mainly meaning the Hard drives do not dismount. Disconnecting a hard drive can cause issues with some systems. I would suspect you disconnect your external hard drives often. I am only guessing that this could be your issue or part of it. It is a simple process to try, if you would like to give it a try.



  7. Also, I wouldn’t think it is a robocopy problem. I use robocopy to back up my data frequently and have never had a problem although I use different parameters than you do. I use:
    robocopy E:users X:Robocopy_W10_Data /e /mir /np /tee /log:backup_log.txtThis is a good read and some good info on robocopy http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials…up-script.html

    Also https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/…or=-2147217396

  8. Windows 10 robocopy ERROR 1392 (0x00000570) file or directory is corru

    I rarely unplug these external drives, so it wouldn’t be that. I will try disabling Fast Startup. Thanks much for the suggestion.


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  1. ERROR 1392 (0x00000570


  2. windows 10 robocopy error 1392


  3. robocopy error 1392 the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable


  4. robocopy looping repeating error 1392

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