Ошибка при установке microsoft visual c 2010

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  • I try to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 but I got this error

    [4/3/2019, 22:29:19]Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x8007006E), «The system cannot open the device or file specified. » (Elapsed time: 0 00:00:03).
    [4/3/2019, 22:29:22]WM_ACTIVATEAPP: Focus stealer’s windows WAS visible, NOT taking back focus

All replies

  • I did not find any mention that VS 2010 ever supported Windows 10.
    Mainstream support for VS 2010 SP1 ended in 2015:
    Search product lifecycle

  • Are you installing the most current version?


    If I am reading the page correctly, this is the one that you want. 


  • Yes I download from this site but i can’t install it

  • I want to play APEX LEGEND and it required c++ 2010 it is the reason why i want to use 2010.

  • Seems a lot of people have been having issues with C++ when installing Apex so far the most reliable fix would be 

    • Uninstall all the programs called «Microsoft Visual C++ Redistribuable» (2010, 2012 and 2015, both x86 and x64 versions, and 2017 too if you have it). This can be done using the «Uninstall Programs»
      tool in Windows’ Control Panel, or any other uninstaller, like CCleaner for example. If you have older versions installed (like 2008 or 2005), keep them;
    • Be sure that Origin has not initiated Apex’s download, meaning that the folder named «Apex» in your Origin’s games folder is nonexistent (so delete it if it’s not the case);
    • Restart your computer;
    • Verify that no VC++ Redist (2010, 2012, 2015 or 2017) is still installed on your computer;
    • Open Origin and download Apex like you would normally do;
    • Enjoy. Standard smile

    Give that a try and let us know. 

    Thomas Faherty

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, April 3, 2019 8:03 PM

    • Unproposed as answer by
      Wednesday, April 3, 2019 9:38 PM

  • You wanted to install the redistributable and not the compiler. Next time please be more specific.

    On my system, Apex Lengends («r5apex.exe») is compiled against msvcp140.dll (= VS 2017),
    so what makes you believe you need the 2010 redist?

    I have all the redists from 2005 up until 2017installed on my system and had no problems with Apex installed via the origin launcher.
    Makes me wonder where you got your apex installer from.

  • I try this already, it won’t work for me

    The problem is I can’t install C++ 2010 on my PC 

    Action: Performing Action on MSI at d:4c9c3b9facdb5777b081bdb263vc_red.msi Log File C:UserscomAppDataLocalTempMicrosoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Setup_20190404_030536041-MSI_vc_red.msi.txt does not yet exist but may do at Watson
    upload time Calling MsiInstallProduct(d:4c9c3b9facdb5777b081bdb263vc_red.msi, EXTUI=1 PATCH=»d:4c9c3b9facdb5777b081bdb263msp_kb2565063.msp»

    Returning IDOK. INSTALLMESSAGE_ERROR [The system cannot open the device or file specified.] MSI (d:4c9c3b9facdb5777b081bdb263vc_red.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Setup_20190404_030536041-MSI_vc_red.msi.txt

    this error is from log file that reported installation of my C++ 2010

    • Edited by
      Wednesday, April 3, 2019 8:31 PM

  • In the folder of Origin Apex it have setup of C++ 2010, doesn’t it require to install?

  • In the folder of Origin Apex it have setup of C++ 2010, doesn’t it require to install?

    Typically, when I install something, I just run the setup.exe for the game or the software. It checks to see if the required supporting software is installed or not. It installs what is required. Did you run the game install? Is that where the C++
    install is being called, or are you just running that because you see the file in the folder?

    Have you tried to run the game?


  • In the folder of Origin Apex it have setup of C++ 2010, doesn’t it require to install?

    Typically, when I install something, I just run the setup.exe for the game or the software. It checks to see if the required supporting software is installed or not. It installs what is required. Did you run the game install? Is that where the C++
    install is being called, or are you just running that because you see the file in the folder?

    Have you tried to run the game?


    I think he is running the setup for the game and it is calling the C++ which is then failing. This is not really uncommon. As a gamer I see these kind of setup issues all the time. Just a quick look at the Apex forms and they are riddled with C++
    installation errors when trying to install the game. Most commonly the installation getting stuck at a %. From what I can tell by his logs though

    Installation failed with error code: (0x8007006E), «The system cannot open the
    device or file specified.


    ERROR [The
    system cannot open the device or file specified.

    it would seem like either the file is not being made, is corrupted, or there is a permissions issue. If you can locate the C++ installer inside the game installer I would run it manually and
    see what happens. You might get a better idea of what is going on. Also you do have admin rights correct? This isn’t a work machine or something you’re trying to install on. 

    In the past I have downloaded an installer and for whatever reason the download was bad making it impossible to install the game. So I had to delete it and download it again to get it to work. That
    might also be the case here. 

    Thomas Faherty

    • Edited by
      Wednesday, April 3, 2019 10:37 PM
    • Proposed as answer by
      Friday, April 12, 2019 5:29 PM

  • Hi, 
    Was your issue solved?
    If yes, would you like to share your solution in order that other community members could find the helpful reply quickly.
    If no, please reply and tell us the current situation in order to provide further help. 
    Best Regards,

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  • Microsoft Visual C++ x64 Redistributable has not been repaired because 

    Fatal error during installation

    Product: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x64 Redistributable — 10.0.40219 — Update ‘KB2565063’ could not be installed. Error code 1603. Additional information is available in the log file C:temp2Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x64 Redistributable

    Product: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010  x64 Redistributable — 10.0.40219 — Error 1402.Could not open key: UNKNOWNComponents94422102FB8324F41B3E7CD7B422BDC71926E8D15D0BCE53481466615F760A7F.  System error 5.  Verify that you have sufficient
    access to that key, or contact your support personnel.


  • I have not tested your method, thank you

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, May 28, 2018 5:50 AM

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15.06.2015, 18:46. Показов 25428. Ответов 47

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

OS Version = 6.1.7601, Platform 2, Service Pack 1
OS Description = Windows 7 — x64 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1
CommandLine = c:14805bf99aeed8d78477131a6aSetup.exe
Using Simultaneous Download and Install mechanism
Operation: Installing
Package Name = Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Setup
Package Version = 10.0.30319
User Experience Data Collection Policy: UserControlled
Number of applicable items: 3
MSI (c:14805bf99aeed8d78477131a6avc_red.msi) Installation failed. Msi Log: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Setup_20150615_184419270-MSI_vc_red.msi.txt
Final Result: Installation failed with error code: (0x80070643), «В процессе установки произошла неисправимая ошибка. » (Elapsed time: 0 00:00:10).


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16.06.2015, 16:37




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16.06.2015, 16:39



кстати система не имела полного доступа к этому логу. может это на что то влияет


4237 / 1739 / 247

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16.06.2015, 16:44


Unbear, переустановите обновление KB2729452.

Добавлено через 16 секунд
Затем повторите sfc /scannow.


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16.06.2015, 17:18



переустановил, просканировал. Выдаёт всё также


4237 / 1739 / 247

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16.06.2015, 17:31


Unbear, тогда удалите это обновление и сделайте его скрытным в Центре обновления Windows.
Походу Microsoft выпустил очередное косячное обновление.
После удаления повторите sfc /scanow.


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16.06.2015, 19:07



Защита ресурсов не обнаружила нарушений целостности. Всё ровно ошибка не прошла


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16.06.2015, 19:09



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16.06.2015, 19:38



в списке программ не было с++ 2010 года. Выбрал 2008 год, удалил,установил (у меня с ним проблем не было). У 2010 проги проблема не прошла


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16.06.2015, 19:45



Сообщение от Unbear
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в списке программ не было с++ 2010 года.

Всё рано.

Добавлено через 2 минуты
Если после Fixit’а проблема не исчезнет,то:
1.Запустите Process Monitor;
2.Запустите установку Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64,дождитесь ошибки и потом закройте окно установки программы.
3.Идите в Process Monitor, в окне Process Monitor > нажимаете меню File -> Save -> CSV-формат;
4.Выложите лог файл на форум.

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Нажмите сочетание клавиш Win+R,введите %Temp% и пришлите лог Windows Installer’а. Вот как примерно выглядит лог:

Сообщение от Unbear
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Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 Redistributable Setup_20150615_184419270-MSI_vc_red.msi.txt



Эксперт Windows

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16.06.2015, 20:10


Антивирь отключить при установке?

Добавлено через 2 минуты
Можно попробовать все Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package накатить, в т.ч. и 32 битки, начиная с 2005


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16.06.2015, 20:16




4237 / 1739 / 247

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16.06.2015, 20:17


Unbear, ещё лог Windows Installer’а пришлите.


4237 / 1739 / 247

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16.06.2015, 20:37


Persk, прав.
Unbear, Судя по логу Process Monitor у вас куча ошибок доступа (ACCESS DENIED) и все они связаны с вашим антивирусом ESET.
Отключите защиту антивируса и повторите установку Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64.
Как временно выгрузить антивирусный продукт?


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16.06.2015, 20:47



Всё время выключаю, я много раз пытаюсь запустить установку, но иногда бывает лень всё это выключать и без отключения пробую. Наверное я просто скинул именно тот лог когда я пробовал запустить с антивирусом
вот ещё несколько 1.zip 2.zip 3.zip


4237 / 1739 / 247

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16.06.2015, 21:33


Unbear, Взято из лога Windows Installer’а

MSI (s) (BC:74) [19:36:43:539]: Error 997.Протекает наложенное событие ввода/вывода.

Добавлено через 3 минуты
Выполните пункт 5. https://www.cyberforum.ru/post6218206.html

Добавлено через 4 минуты
Если не поможет,то попробуйте XP-шный способ решения ошибки 997:
Пуск -> Выполнить -> msiexec /unregister,затем msiexec /regserver
Потом снова Пуск -> Выполнить -> %windir%SysWOW64Msiexec /unregister,затем %windir%SysWOW64Msiexec /regserver

Добавлено через 22 минуты
Нашёл ещё одну зацепку в логе:

MSI (s) (BC:74) [19:36:43:439]: SECREPAIR: A general error running CryptAcquireContext
MSI (s) (BC:74) [19:36:43:539]: Error 997.Протекает наложенное событие ввода/вывода.

Возможно тут описан ваш случай — Error 997. Overlapped I/O operation is in progress: KB2918614 breaks Windows Installer Service.


0 / 0 / 0

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16.06.2015, 21:59



при попытке переустановить установщика винодвс (способ 2) возникают проблемы
Type attrib -r -s -h dllcache, and then press Enter.
Type ren msi.dll msi.old, and then press Enter.
Type ren msiexec.exe msiexec.old, and then press Enter.
Type ren msihnd.dll msihnd.old, and then press Enter.
1.пишет то,что не находит dllcache
2.во всех 3 случаях когда в начале пишется ren выдаёт то,что отказано в доступе
(1 способ мне не помог)


4237 / 1739 / 247

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16.06.2015, 22:01


Сообщение от Unbear
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способ 2

А где я писал делать способ 2 ?


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16.06.2015, 22:05



Ой, не заметил



16.06.2015, 22:07

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 x64 не хочет устанавливаться

Не по теме:

Сообщение от Unbear
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Ой, не заметил



Не так давно удалил все компоненты, ибо их было около 20 штук, а сейчас при попытке установить Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 вылезает окно с ошибкой, в котором нет текста, но зато есть куча вопросительных знаков.
Аналогичная штука вылезает и с 2008, но с 2005 и 2012, 2015 — 2022 всё нормально.
Что делать в этом случае?

  • Вопрос задан

    25 мар.

  • 52 просмотра

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