Alright, so I’ve got a Windows service that has a FileSystemWatcher
that watches an output folder for some Visual FoxPro database files. And it leverages the VFPOLEDB.1
provider to read those files. I cannot go away from this provider because it’s being used in production.
However, I’ve never had to support this application before so that’s why my development box isn’t setup for it. Here is my environment:
- Windows 7 x64
- Visual Studio 2005
- .NET 2.0 Windows service
so, when I first started getting the error I figured I just didn’t have the provider at all, and I was right. So, I downloaded and installed it from here.
I then proceeded to drop the files in the folder again, but I got the same error.
I figured because it’s an x64
machine I might be experiencing problems with it getting registered since it was probably dropped into SysWOW64
, and it was as I expected, so I ran this command:
regsvr32 "C:WindowsSysWOW64mscomct2.ocx"
and it said it was successfully registered (which means about nothing LOL) but I dropped the files in again — same error.
I have not yet rebooted my machine, and I can if somebody has a compelling reason that’s the problem, but generally speaking if the assembly is registered properly with regsvr32
that’s not necessary. I’ve worked with a ton of COM objects and never have to reboot to get to the object as long as I’ve registered it.
Does anybody know another step I need to perform to get this thing registered?
Can you please test this code (provided you have or created c:temp):
void Main()
if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
Console.WriteLine("Sorry this is not going to work in 64 bits");
DataTable tbl=new DataTable();
using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=VFPOLEDB;Data Source=c:Temp"))
new OleDbCommand("create table myTest (id int, dummy c(10))",con).ExecuteNonQuery();
var cmd = new OleDbCommand(@"insert into myTest (id, dummy) values (?,?)",con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("id", OleDbType.Integer);
cmd.Parameters.Add("dum", OleDbType.VarChar,10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cmd.Parameters["id"].Value = i + 1;
cmd.Parameters["dum"].Value = $"Dummy#{i+1}";
tbl.Load(new OleDbCommand("select * from myTest",con).ExecuteReader());
foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
Console.WriteLine($"{(int)row["id"]} : {(string)row["Dummy"]}");
Or if you edit in Notepad and compile with csc:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace Test
class Test
static void Main()
if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
Console.WriteLine("Sorry this is not going to work in 64 bits");
DataTable tbl=new DataTable();
using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=VFPOLEDB;Data Source=c:Temp"))
new OleDbCommand("create table myTest (id int, dummy c(10))",con).ExecuteNonQuery();
var cmd = new OleDbCommand(@"insert into myTest (id, dummy) values (?,?)",con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("id", OleDbType.Integer);
cmd.Parameters.Add("dum", OleDbType.VarChar,10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cmd.Parameters["id"].Value = i + 1;
cmd.Parameters["dum"].Value = $"Dummy#{i+1}";
tbl.Load(new OleDbCommand("select * from myTest",con).ExecuteReader());
foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
Console.WriteLine($"{(int)row["id"]} : {(string)row["Dummy"]}");
Save it, say VFPOLEDBTest.cs and compile with:
csc VFPOLEDBTest.cs /platform:x86
and run:
1 : Dummy#1
2 : Dummy#2
3 : Dummy#3
4 : Dummy#4
5 : Dummy#5
6 : Dummy#6
7 : Dummy#7
8 : Dummy#8
9 : Dummy#9
10 : Dummy#10
- Remove From My Forums
Hi there.
Long time no see:)
My VS2008 Ult 64 bit crashed and I had to replace it with Windows 7. At this point I decided finally to convert ALL my VFP DBs to Sql Server (I still have a couple of very important not converted). I installed VFP v 9.0, I installed SP1 and SP2, I installed OleDB Provider for VFP, I can open tables in VFP Management Console but I get this error when I try to use my C# conversion routines.
What am I missing.
AlexB — Win_7 Pro64, SqlSer64 WinSer64
This is for anyone that still needs to use the VFPOLEDB driver for their 32-bit apps, but need to do their development in Windows 7 64-bit. Installing it should be the same as Vista, but the steps below I did not need to do in Vista 64, only Windows 7 64…
1. If the Driver is installed, uninstall it.
2. Open a Command Prompt running «As Administrator»
3. Run the VFPOLEDBSetup.msi from the command prompt.It will install successfully and work correctly for your 32 bit apps. As all of you should know by now, it will not work on 64-bit compiled applications.
Happy Legacy Coding!!!
Предложено в качестве ответа
5 марта 2010 г. 20:54
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8 марта 2010 г. 5:11
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Once its get registered, then do you change your APPLICATION->COMPILE OPTION as x86 CPU ?
Предложено в качестве ответа
Mike Hills
26 марта 2010 г. 5:26 -
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30 марта 2010 г. 6:06
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Thanks for helpful hints.
I went to my Vista machine (Vista Ult x64 ) and ran the routines successfully converting all my tables to Sql Server. I used OleDb driver VFPOLEDB.1. Dbcd driver did not work. It gave me the same exception: the method is not supported.
So, for all practical purposes the issue is closed.
Unless proven otherwise I maintain that with every new OS MS drops support to VFP lower and lower. Nothing is checked in terms of compatbility. No support, no checking. Therefore if one driver is not recognized for some reason so be it. I hope this information will help some to asess their committment to VFP. I was attacked by one weirdo for no reason. What I said was true. The fact that Cetin is not here is another ominous sign. I remember he told me that he was switching to Sql Server although I haven’t seen him much over there either but I don’t use it that much since I’ve learned what I need at the minimum. I wish somebody warned me years ago that VFP would demise but nobody had integrity to do it. I had to figure it out myself. The same thing happened when I was doing Visual dBase. There was a forum and people were active, then all of a sudden membership dropped and in a matter of a few months the forum died. I switched to VFP and invested two years for nothing.
AlexB — Win_7 Pro64, SqlSer64 WinSer64
Помечено в качестве ответа
25 января 2010 г. 6:17 -
AlexBB — Vista Ult64 SqlSer64 WinSer64
1 марта 2010 г. 15:04
Помечено в качестве ответа
To make sure you are allowing 32-bit apps, go to IIS Manager/Application Pools select your application, click advanced settings and set enable 32-bit applications to true.
Предложено в качестве ответа
4 марта 2013 г. 17:28 -
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Naomi N
29 января 2014 г. 23:09
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Общие обсуждения
При попытке запустить приложение (.net), использующее vfpoledb провайдер, появляется сообщение типа «Поставщик ‘VFPOLEDB’ не зарегистрирован на локальном компьютере«. Дословно — приведу завтра. Провайдер, скачанный с сайта
microsoft установлен.
На 2003-м сервере все работает нормально.
Помогите решить проблему.
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Vinokurov Yuriy
27 июля 2010 г. 11:18
давность и отсутствие активности в теме
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Сделал как указали.При команде regsvr32 vfpoledb.dll выводит сообщении об успешном выполнении. Также пробовал ставить vfpodbc и делать соединение через odbc — результат примерно одинаков(vfpoledb: «Поставщик vfpoledb не зарегистрирован на локальном
компьютере»). -
У вас установлен FoxPro на этой машине? Если да, то какой? И еще один вариант, слегка бредовый — оставьте в системе только 1 копию библиотеки поставщика, другую удалите начисто. И попробуйте разрегистрировать, а потом зарегистрироват поставщика заново.
Мнения, высказанные здесь, являются отражением моих личных взглядов, а не позиции корпорации Microsoft. Вся информация предоставляется «как есть» без каких-либо гарантий
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- Remove From My Forums
Hi there.
Long time no see:)
My VS2008 Ult 64 bit crashed and I had to replace it with Windows 7. At this point I decided finally to convert ALL my VFP DBs to Sql Server (I still have a couple of very important not converted). I installed VFP v 9.0, I installed SP1 and SP2, I installed OleDB Provider for VFP, I can open tables in VFP Management Console but I get this error when I try to use my C# conversion routines.
What am I missing.
AlexB — Win_7 Pro64, SqlSer64 WinSer64
This is for anyone that still needs to use the VFPOLEDB driver for their 32-bit apps, but need to do their development in Windows 7 64-bit. Installing it should be the same as Vista, but the steps below I did not need to do in Vista 64, only Windows 7 64…
1. If the Driver is installed, uninstall it.
2. Open a Command Prompt running «As Administrator»
3. Run the VFPOLEDBSetup.msi from the command prompt.It will install successfully and work correctly for your 32 bit apps. As all of you should know by now, it will not work on 64-bit compiled applications.
Happy Legacy Coding!!!
- Proposed as answer by
Friday, March 5, 2010 8:54 PM
- Marked as answer by
Monday, March 8, 2010 5:11 AM
- Proposed as answer by
Once its get registered, then do you change your APPLICATION->COMPILE OPTION as x86 CPU ?
- Proposed as answer by
Mike Hills
Friday, March 26, 2010 5:26 AM - Marked as answer by
Tuesday, March 30, 2010 6:06 AM
- Proposed as answer by
Thanks for helpful hints.
I went to my Vista machine (Vista Ult x64 ) and ran the routines successfully converting all my tables to Sql Server. I used OleDb driver VFPOLEDB.1. Dbcd driver did not work. It gave me the same exception: the method is not supported.
So, for all practical purposes the issue is closed.
Unless proven otherwise I maintain that with every new OS MS drops support to VFP lower and lower. Nothing is checked in terms of compatbility. No support, no checking. Therefore if one driver is not recognized for some reason so be it. I hope this information will help some to asess their committment to VFP. I was attacked by one weirdo for no reason. What I said was true. The fact that Cetin is not here is another ominous sign. I remember he told me that he was switching to Sql Server although I haven’t seen him much over there either but I don’t use it that much since I’ve learned what I need at the minimum. I wish somebody warned me years ago that VFP would demise but nobody had integrity to do it. I had to figure it out myself. The same thing happened when I was doing Visual dBase. There was a forum and people were active, then all of a sudden membership dropped and in a matter of a few months the forum died. I switched to VFP and invested two years for nothing.
AlexB — Win_7 Pro64, SqlSer64 WinSer64
- Marked as answer by
Monday, January 25, 2010 6:17 AM - Edited by
AlexBB — Vista Ult64 SqlSer64 WinSer64
Monday, March 1, 2010 3:04 PM
- Marked as answer by
To make sure you are allowing 32-bit apps, go to IIS Manager/Application Pools select your application, click advanced settings and set enable 32-bit applications to true.
- Proposed as answer by
Monday, March 4, 2013 5:28 PM - Marked as answer by
Naomi N
Wednesday, January 29, 2014 11:09 PM
- Proposed as answer by
Alright, so I’ve got a Windows service that has a FileSystemWatcher
that watches an output folder for some Visual FoxPro database files. And it leverages the VFPOLEDB.1
provider to read those files. I cannot go away from this provider because it’s being used in production.
However, I’ve never had to support this application before so that’s why my development box isn’t setup for it. Here is my environment:
- Windows 7 x64
- Visual Studio 2005
- .NET 2.0 Windows service
so, when I first started getting the error I figured I just didn’t have the provider at all, and I was right. So, I downloaded and installed it from here.
I then proceeded to drop the files in the folder again, but I got the same error.
I figured because it’s an x64
machine I might be experiencing problems with it getting registered since it was probably dropped into SysWOW64
, and it was as I expected, so I ran this command:
regsvr32 "C:WindowsSysWOW64mscomct2.ocx"
and it said it was successfully registered (which means about nothing LOL) but I dropped the files in again — same error.
I have not yet rebooted my machine, and I can if somebody has a compelling reason that’s the problem, but generally speaking if the assembly is registered properly with regsvr32
that’s not necessary. I’ve worked with a ton of COM objects and never have to reboot to get to the object as long as I’ve registered it.
Does anybody know another step I need to perform to get this thing registered?
Alright, so I’ve got a Windows service that has a FileSystemWatcher
that watches an output folder for some Visual FoxPro database files. And it leverages the VFPOLEDB.1
provider to read those files. I cannot go away from this provider because it’s being used in production.
However, I’ve never had to support this application before so that’s why my development box isn’t setup for it. Here is my environment:
- Windows 7 x64
- Visual Studio 2005
- .NET 2.0 Windows service
so, when I first started getting the error I figured I just didn’t have the provider at all, and I was right. So, I downloaded and installed it from here.
I then proceeded to drop the files in the folder again, but I got the same error.
I figured because it’s an x64
machine I might be experiencing problems with it getting registered since it was probably dropped into SysWOW64
, and it was as I expected, so I ran this command:
regsvr32 "C:WindowsSysWOW64mscomct2.ocx"
and it said it was successfully registered (which means about nothing LOL) but I dropped the files in again — same error.
I have not yet rebooted my machine, and I can if somebody has a compelling reason that’s the problem, but generally speaking if the assembly is registered properly with regsvr32
that’s not necessary. I’ve worked with a ton of COM objects and never have to reboot to get to the object as long as I’ve registered it.
Does anybody know another step I need to perform to get this thing registered?
Can you please test this code (provided you have or created c:temp):
void Main()
if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
Console.WriteLine("Sorry this is not going to work in 64 bits");
DataTable tbl=new DataTable();
using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=VFPOLEDB;Data Source=c:Temp"))
new OleDbCommand("create table myTest (id int, dummy c(10))",con).ExecuteNonQuery();
var cmd = new OleDbCommand(@"insert into myTest (id, dummy) values (?,?)",con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("id", OleDbType.Integer);
cmd.Parameters.Add("dum", OleDbType.VarChar,10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cmd.Parameters["id"].Value = i + 1;
cmd.Parameters["dum"].Value = $"Dummy#{i+1}";
tbl.Load(new OleDbCommand("select * from myTest",con).ExecuteReader());
foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
Console.WriteLine($"{(int)row["id"]} : {(string)row["Dummy"]}");
Or if you edit in Notepad and compile with csc:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.OleDb;
namespace Test
class Test
static void Main()
if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
Console.WriteLine("Sorry this is not going to work in 64 bits");
DataTable tbl=new DataTable();
using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=VFPOLEDB;Data Source=c:Temp"))
new OleDbCommand("create table myTest (id int, dummy c(10))",con).ExecuteNonQuery();
var cmd = new OleDbCommand(@"insert into myTest (id, dummy) values (?,?)",con);
cmd.Parameters.Add("id", OleDbType.Integer);
cmd.Parameters.Add("dum", OleDbType.VarChar,10);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cmd.Parameters["id"].Value = i + 1;
cmd.Parameters["dum"].Value = $"Dummy#{i+1}";
tbl.Load(new OleDbCommand("select * from myTest",con).ExecuteReader());
foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows)
Console.WriteLine($"{(int)row["id"]} : {(string)row["Dummy"]}");
Save it, say VFPOLEDBTest.cs and compile with:
csc VFPOLEDBTest.cs /platform:x86
and run:
1 : Dummy#1
2 : Dummy#2
3 : Dummy#3
4 : Dummy#4
5 : Dummy#5
6 : Dummy#6
7 : Dummy#7
8 : Dummy#8
9 : Dummy#9
10 : Dummy#10
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12:43 AM
Hi everyone,
when i restarted my power bi query editor, i’ve seen that my queries had all this error:
DataSource.Error: An error happened while reading data from the provider: 'The 'VFPOLEDB.1' provider is not registered on the local machine.' Details: DataSourceKind=OleDb
and my data will not refresh.
What can i do?
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01:03 AM
i’ve reinstalled power bi and now works.
i think was a problem of version: i’ve bot installed 32 and 64 bit and maybe that error appears only with the second one
View solution in original post
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01:00 AM
Hi @Maures,
Could you try downloading and reinstalling the VFPOLEDB provider from here(the msi file) to see if it works?
Message 2 of 3
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01:03 AM
i’ve reinstalled power bi and now works.
i think was a problem of version: i’ve bot installed 32 and 64 bit and maybe that error appears only with the second one
Message 3 of 3
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RE: The ‘vfpoledb.1’ provider is not registered on the the local machine .. 64 bit FoxPro OLEDB connection ??
My client is 32 bit, my SSRS server is 64bit windows 2003 sp2
my connection string:
Provider=vfpoledb.1;Data Source=»someserrverdatag10.dbc»;Collating Sequence=machine
Report runs fine on my client from VS 2005.
I deploy and get this error when I run the report from reportserver
The ‘vfpoledb.1’ provider is not registered on the the local machine
both my client and server have this file: at the same version 6.?.? version:
For grins I reinstall the foxpro odbc driver on the server and see this event:
Product: Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver Configuration Completed successfully.
Same error.. I attempt to manually register it on the server and I get this:
c:windowssyswow64vfpodbc.dll was loaded, but the dllregisterServer entry point was not found. The file can not be registered.
Same error…
I found this post.. but do ever get an option to select «For everyone»
kritjara 65 / 56 / 14 Регистрация: 22.10.2012 Сообщений: 295 |
1 |
02.11.2017, 12:46. Показов 10093. Ответов 10 Метки нет (Все метки)
Эти три провайдера начал использовать пару недель назад для чтения xlsx, accdb и dbf Как избежать этой проблемы? До этого база была в формате .mdb, все Excel файлы переводил в формат xls и читал с помощью Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
__________________ 0 |
1274 / 979 / 137 Регистрация: 01.10.2009 Сообщений: 3,092 Записей в блоге: 1 |
02.11.2017, 17:04 |
2 |
kritjara, а зачем Вам VFPOLEDB для excel и access? работайте стандартными средствами .net. А это для корректной работе с dbf файлами 0 |
65 / 56 / 14 Регистрация: 22.10.2012 Сообщений: 295 |
02.11.2017, 21:36 [ТС] |
3 |
в том то и дело 0 |
1274 / 979 / 137 Регистрация: 01.10.2009 Сообщений: 3,092 Записей в блоге: 1 |
02.11.2017, 21:47 |
4 |
kritjara,второй пост 0 |
65 / 56 / 14 Регистрация: 22.10.2012 Сообщений: 295 |
02.11.2017, 22:18 [ТС] |
5 |
Немного разобрался. Моя проблема будет решена, только если при х64 сборке я смогу выполнять sql запросы в dbf. Любым путем. VFPOLEDB работает только под х32, драйвера VFPOLEDB под х64 в природе не существует 0 |
1274 / 979 / 137 Регистрация: 01.10.2009 Сообщений: 3,092 Записей в блоге: 1 |
03.11.2017, 07:23 |
6 |
Нашел инфу что ODBC драйвера для dbf для x64 есть в составе пакета «Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable» да говорят мои старшие товарищи 1-с ники, что работает и со стандартным 32 bit на 64 битной ОС, стандартный драйвер ODBC от микрософта, попробуйте, а работа с ODBC такая же, только подключени берется из системы после установки драйвера 1 |
Модератор 3857 / 3180 / 479 Регистрация: 27.01.2014 Сообщений: 5,809 |
06.11.2017, 08:42 |
7 |
kritjara, а почему проект не компилируете под x86? Или принципиально использовать 64? 0 |
65 / 56 / 14 Регистрация: 22.10.2012 Сообщений: 295 |
08.11.2017, 20:41 [ТС] |
8 |
Yury Komar, потому что под х86 не работает Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0, а он мне необходим для взаимодействия с базой и для чтения excel файлов xlsx форматов. На большем количестве компов стоит win 10, которая напрочь отказывается использовать Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0, после какого то обновления. Примерно до начала октября работало все, а потом безовсяких причин перестали читаться Excel файлы xls на всех компах где проходят обновления. Выход получается один -компилировать под х64 0 |
1274 / 979 / 137 Регистрация: 01.10.2009 Сообщений: 3,092 Записей в блоге: 1 |
09.11.2017, 17:06 |
9 |
kritjara, ну так поставьте нужный. Не пойму в чем проблема 0 |
65 / 56 / 14 Регистрация: 22.10.2012 Сообщений: 295 |
10.11.2017, 10:15 [ТС] |
10 |
XIST если у Вас есть вариант как правильно под х64 сборкой прочитать dbf, пожалуйста покажите 0 |
Модератор 3857 / 3180 / 479 Регистрация: 27.01.2014 Сообщений: 5,809 |
10.11.2017, 10:27 |
11 |
kritjara, люди пишут, что работает. Проблема: The same application is working fine in 32 bit Windows 7 Home Premium OS without any issues. I have googled for 64 bit VFP driver and found out that there are no VFP drivers for 64 bit OS from this link. Kindly help me to resolve this issue. Решение: I have found out that there is no 64 bit VFP Driver for 64 bit OS. All we have to do is to change the build option in project properties and set the Platform Target to X86 instead of Any CPU. Build the application for X86. или это не та проблема? 0 |