Ошибка отсутствуют настроенные репозитории в

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux

I’m getting the following error when trying to install a package: There is no repository enabled in /etc/yum.repos.d.

I realized that to have access to the redhat repositories I need to have an account on the site, I did that and after that I linked it to my terminal with the commands:

  • sudo subscription-manager register
  • sudo subscription manager refresh

Usually when I checked the /etc/yum.repos.d/redhat.repo file the directories were all there, but gone. What could have happened?

2021-10-08T15:17:59+00:00 by

Andryos Ribeiro

Community Member
80 points


Christian Labisch's picture
34320 points

Hi Andryos,

Please check out if executing the following commands brings back the original redhat.repo file. :)

Un-register the system :

sudo subscription-manager remove --all
sudo subscription-manager unregister
sudo subscription-manager clean

Re-register the system :

sudo subscription-manager register
sudo subscription-manager refresh

Search for the Pool ID :

sudo subscription-manager list --available

Attach the subscription :

sudo subscription-manager attach --pool=<Pool-ID>


Thank you Christian it work.

Christian Labisch's picture
34320 points

You’re welcome, Bhushan ! :)

Community Member
80 points

Thank you so much Christian, you are top, it worked!

I realized that my subscription is a Basic Instance and that it ends on 11/01/2021, after that date will I lose access to the repositories?

If yes, how do I extend this?

Christian Labisch's picture
34320 points

You’re welcome, Andryos ! I don’t know what you mean with «Basic Instance» — but once the current subscription has
expired, you simply have to renew it and you don’t loose access to the repositories if you have a valid subscription. :)


Community Member
80 points

Sorry, instead of Basic Instance, the correct one would be instance based.

Thank you very much once again for your feedback.

Sorry for the silly question, but if the subscription expires, is there any cost to renew it?

Christian Labisch's picture
34320 points

Well, Andryos — it depends — if you have a paid (cloud instance) subscription, there will be costs of course.
If you are are using a trial and want to convert it, there will be costs after the transition as well. Only if you
you’re using the free no-cost Red Hat Developer subscription (bare metal or VM installation), then not. :)


Community Member
50 points


Many thanks that has worked for me, RHEL now updating


Christian Labisch's picture
34320 points

Glad to hear this … You’re welcome, David ! :)

Community Member
80 points

Perfect, everything was very clear, thanks!

I apologize, I didn’t even pay attention to that. You can let me apply the «Best Answer». Thanks again!

Christian Labisch's picture
34320 points

You are very welcome, Andryos ! We’re always glad when we can (successfully) help customers, and our members. :)


Dear redhat representatives, in the exam I gave on 27.05.2022 at 10:00 Azerbaijan time, the second question required to create a local repo. I executed «yum config-manager —add-repo / path / to / AppSream and yum config-manager —add-repo / path / to / BaseOS». but «subscriptiom-manager registry» was required when downloading any app and executing the «yum clean all» command. This took a lot of time in my exam and I could not pass my next questions. I don’t think this is a problem caused by me. Please take this into account and ensure my participation in the re-examination.

Dear redhat representatives, in the exam I gave on 27.05.2022 at 10:00 Azerbaijan time, the second question required to create a local repo. I executed «yum config-manager —add-repo / path / to / AppSream and yum config-manager —add-repo / path / to / BaseOS». but «subscriptiom-manager registry» was required when downloading any app and executing the «yum clean all» command. This took a lot of time in my exam and I could not pass my next questions. I don’t think this is a problem caused by me. Please take this into account and ensure my participation in the re-examination. I have repeatedly informed your representative about this, but he said that I was wrong. There were 3 people in the exam with me. I and 1 other person also had a subscription problem.

i have the same issue today
is anyone here that can be at any help please ?

Red Hat
Community Member
64 points

Same error registering a guest with Satellite 6.12

Hi, I had the exact same issue on the exam and I informed them, but they said to check my config, yum proivdes worked, but download No, I lost a lot of point because of that.

I’m trying to install «libstdc++.i686» with

yum install libstdc++.i686

but it failes beacuse of this error:

qa@qa-teamcity01:/usr/local/nsis/nsis-2.46-src$ sudo yum install

[sudo] password for qa:

There are no enabled repos. **Run «yum repolist all» to see the repos
you have.

You can enable repos with yum-config-manager —enable

I’ve looked at my repos.d directory (/etc/yum/repos.d) and its empty,
and opend yum.conf file and didn’t see any repositories.

How do i get the repositery that i need?

Chilledrat's user avatar


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asked Nov 21, 2013 at 12:25

Shahar Hamuzim Rajuan's user avatar


so my problem was that I tried to install the package with yum which is the primary tool for getting, installing, deleting, querying, and managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux RPM software packages from official Red Hat software repositories, as well as other third-party repositories.

But I’m using ubuntu and The usual way to install packages on the command line in Ubuntu is with apt-get. so the right command was:

sudo apt-get install libstdc++.i686

answered Jan 21, 2015 at 9:12

Shahar Hamuzim Rajuan's user avatar


[ [email protected] Desktop]# yum install squid
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, subscription-manager
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
There are no enabled repos.
Run “yum repolist all” to see the repos you have.
You can enable repos with yum-config-manager –enable <repo&>

See the above error, is your Yum warehouse problem, I now teach you to build a local Yum warehouse, so you can use it again!!

One of the most obvious ways is to use subscription manager and follow the instructions to register your rhel7 system to enable RHEL buy back. To do this, you need to pay or try a RedHat subscription. However, if you just want to play games and install software without the latest red hat subscription, you can install the downloaded red hat ISO image as the default local repository and install software. To enable your local repository, and thus overcome the second there are no enabled repos

[[email protected] ~]# mkdir /media/rhel7-repo-iso
[[email protected] ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /media/rhel7-repo-iso/
mount: /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only

Now, when you install RHEL 7 ISO, please/media/RHEL 7-repo-iso/create a new Yum repo file, which contains the following contents:

[[email protected] ~]# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/RHEL_7_Disc.repo
[[email protected] ~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/RHEL_7_Disc.repo

Once ready, check the new warehouse to enable it:

# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: product-id, subscription-manager
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
RHEL_7_Disc                                                                                                                                      | 4.1 kB  00:00:00     
(1/2): RHEL_7_Disc/group_gz                                                                                                                      | 134 kB  00:00:00     
(2/2): RHEL_7_Disc/primary_db                                                                                                                    | 3.4 MB  00:00:00     
repo id                                                                      repo name                                                                            status
RHEL_7_Disc                                                                  RHEL_7_x86_64_Disc                                                                   4,305
repolist: 4,305

(Note: there may be problems here. See the following supplement for solutions.)

You will now be able to install new software on unregistered RHEL 7 Linux machines. The disadvantage is that you don’t receive any new updates, which may create a security issue for your system. Also, when using the yum command:

This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.


Running Yum repolist may still display 0.

Yum puts the information about each warehouse in a separate file (in the directory/etc)/ yum.repos . d), when “there are no enabled repos” and “Yum repolistall” are still displayed as 0, then look at the directory/etc/ yum.repos Does the previously created configuration file exist under. D


If this configuration file does not exist, manually create and add it to the directory/etc/ yum.repos . D.

# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/RHEL_7_Disc.repo     Create this new file repo, then save it, and you can install other services again!

Finally do a mount it, boot automatically start, convenient for later use

[ [email protected] ~]# vim /etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Tue Jul 16 15:51:34 2019
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under ‘/dev/disk’
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
/dev/mapper/rhel-root/xfs defaults 1 1
UUID=9cead03a-2b93-4686-9b23-70cfb9264f3f /boot xfs defaults 1 2
/dev/mapper/RHEL swap swap defaults 0 0
/dev/CDROM/Andy iso9660 defaults 0 0// with this sentence, it’s good
~ finally.

В связи с тем, что CentOS8 более не поддерживается, её репозитории начинают быть недоступны и выдавать ошибки.

Если Вы столкнулись с этой ошибкой, то мы рекомендуем перейти на актуальную ОС — OEL8.

Если вы по каким либо причинам не можете перейти, то для исправления данной ошибки достаточно ввести 2 команды:

sed -i 's/^mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*

sed -i 's|#baseurl=http://mirror.centos.org|baseurl=http://vault.centos.org|g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*


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С учётом того, что centos не хочет создавать видимость того, что они как-то контролируют и проверяют большое число зеркал и что загрузка часто идёт по небезопасным протоколам — придётся вбивать адрес вручную.

Самое главное: проверяйте доступность этого адреса, просто открыв его в браузере!

введите сюда описание изображения

Я долго удивлялся что не так, когда раз пять вставлял адрес и до меня не доходило, что то, что я вставляю «немного» отличается. Замыленный взгляд сличая два url’а не обращал внимания что во вставленном нет слова /BaseOs/

Репозиториев много, инструкций разных много. Где-то советуют один адрес, где-то с http, где-то без, где-то нужен / на конце где-то нет… Лучше всего: зайдите руками на список репозиториев, выберите себе подходящий, проверьте ссылку в браузере.

Я остановился на варианте: mirror.yandex.ru/centos/8/BaseOS/x86_64/os/ (протокол: https, тип url: repository url).

Протокол выбирать строго в переключателе, в адресной строке не парсится.

Вот один из вариантов:

введите сюда описание изображения

По теме:

  • https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=16456
  • https://youtu.be/nNNkZ0I2DFw?t=435
  • https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=16633

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20.10.2021, 15:03. Показов 3055. Ответов 3

Делаю установку CentOS 8. Как избавиться от ошибки «Ошибка при настройке базового репозитория«?

CentOS-8.4.2105-x86_64-dvd1.iso / Rufus 3.11


Установка CentOS 8: Ошибка при настройке базового репозитория

Установка CentOS 8: Ошибка при настройке базового репозитория

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21.10.2021, 19:58


Настроив базовый репозиторий конечно же!
Информации вообще никакой не дали, ну чтож, попробую почитать мысли. Версия дистрибутива какая? Это сетевая что ли? Если бы версия для установки с носителя, то установщик бы подхватил репу с носителя.
Ну будем работать с тем что имеем. Включите сеть, у Вас появится возможность править репы. Добавьте 2: BaseOS и AppStream
И Допролнительный:

Под рукой нет ЦентОСа, поэтому могу в URL ошибиться. Но вообще странная ошибка.


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21.10.2021, 21:48



Образ качал с сайта CentOS, левый столбец под названием «CentOS Linux«.

Сообщение от _sg2
Посмотреть сообщение

Включите сеть, у Вас появится возможность править репы.

А если я ставлю без сети, то что?


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22.10.2021, 09:16


У Вас ВМ не имеет доступа в интернет? о_О То всё.
Вообще должно быть так:


Установка CentOS 8: Ошибка при настройке базового репозитория




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22.10.2021, 09:16



I downloaded the 32-bit CentOS 7 Netinstall version from http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/isos/i386/, and used the http://mirror.centos.org/altarch/7/os/i386/ as the repository during installation in virtualbox (Virtual machine RAM: 770MB, HDD: 8GB). I have already switched on the networks in the installation screen.

Whatever I try I am getting the same error: ‘Error setting up base repository»

  • centos
  • system-installation

asked Feb 8, 2016 at 9:54

Ron's user avatar


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CentOS 7.5 32-bit installed successfully for me using the following URL for the base repository (Installation Source):


You can also find the NetInstall and Minimal ISO images on this site at:


answered Oct 9, 2018 at 20:15

MikeOnline's user avatar


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I’ve created bootable USB flash drive using recommended LiveUSB Creator using CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1503-01.iso.

Now being at Installation Summary screen I’m getting Error setting up base repository. When I click on Verify at Installation Source screen I get This media is not good to install from. Rather cryptic error message…

I’ve also tried switch to On the network and insert http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/7/os/x86_x64 with no success.

Additional info: Installing on HP EliteBook 8540w

asked Aug 3, 2015 at 16:56

daneel's user avatar


951 gold badge1 silver badge5 bronze badges


You have an error in the mirror URL (and extra x at x64) it should be http://mirrors.kernel.org/centos/7/os/x86_64.

womble's user avatar


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answered Sep 7, 2015 at 21:45

Thead Ultimate's user avatar


Do not use LiveUSB creator, it doesn’t work with this release of CentOS.

I had the same problem, I recreated the USB flash drive using dd under Linux ( dd bs=4M if=CentOS-7-x86_64-Everything-1503-01.iso of=/dev/sd[letter of your USB drive] ), and it worked like a charm.

If you do not have access to a Linux machine, you need to report this problem to LiveUSB-Creator developers and/or CentOS developers.

GregL's user avatar


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answered Aug 4, 2015 at 12:02

Quentin's user avatar

when you install centos 7 on network, you may config installation source.

when you input the url under the label ‘On the network:’, you’ll see the check box already checked that means ‘This URL refers to a mirror list’ , disable that.

answered Aug 2, 2016 at 13:29

lasko's user avatar


211 bronze badge

I experienced the same problem. It is working after I switch to Win32 Disk Imager.

Please try using another USB ISO burner. It should work. There is a list of working programs for the task.

answered Aug 3, 2016 at 15:53

GabrielC's user avatar


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