Ошибка not enough storage space to install required resources

I’m seeing a very strange problem on my Android phone- I have a game published in Google Play that works fine on all of my devices.
Recently, on the same device that used to work just fine, when I download the game from Google Play I get this popup message saying «Error — Not enough storage space to install required resources».
I haven’t updated the game on Google Play at all, it just started happening one day.

Important to note: the game worked fine on the same phone just a few days ago.
My phone’s space is fine, I have 40gb free, and I also tried another Unity game of mine and it loads fine.
Phone model: Galaxy S22.
Logs during launch:

2022-09-27 06:36:10.226 25347-27302 E/Finsky: [303] gid.a(75): Request execution failed with error code: -2
com.google.android.finsky.assetmoduleserviceutils.AssetModuleException: Request to PGS failed because all packs are unavailable.
at fkv.Yb(PG:69)
at foy.l(PG:7)
at eqr.run(PG:5)
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:226)
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:313)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:8751)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:571)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1135)
2022-09-27 06:36:10.227 27203-27216 E/PlayCore: UID: [10515] PID: [27203] AssetPackServiceImpl : onError(-2)

I tried:
cleaning Google Play cache
reboot phone
uninstall/reinstall multiple times from different accounts.

enter image description here

Today we will talk about How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved. If you want to know the solution, Then read my blog carefully.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

First of all, you have to delete the applications which you do not use. Or delete the unused Photos and Videos.

Uninstall anything that is not used on your phone. Due to all of them, your phone’s storage becomes full, due to which you are not able to download any Applications, Photos, and Videos.

If you do not want to delete any application, And if there is no application unused in your phone, then try my second method. In which you do not have to delete any application. Just you have to manage some settings.

  • For that, go to your phone’s Settings.
  • Then go to Apps/App Manager.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

  • Then click on that application which you use most like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Chrome, etc.
  • I am going to YouTube because I use YouTube the most.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

  • Then click on that application which you use most like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Chrome, etc.
  • I am going to YouTube because I use YouTube the most.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

  • Then click on Force Stop.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

  • See the YouTube storage right now is 578MB.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

  • See the YouTube storage right now is 578MB.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

  • Then go to the Storage.
  • Then click on clear cache.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

  • Now go back and see now, the storage becomes 200MB.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

  • Now go back and see now, the storage becomes 200MB.

How To Fix Not Enough Storage Space To Install Required Resources Problem Solved

  • In the same way, any application that you use much, you clear that application data, you will get a lot of storage by doing this.
  • Similarly, you can get a lot of storage without deleting any application.

If you liked my blog then tell us inside the comment.

Если ваш Андроид-планшет (или смартфон) внезапно осчастливил вас сообщением «Недостаточно места в памяти устройства» или еще более пугающим «insufficient storage available», хотя этой самой памяти у него (и вы в этом точно уверены) предостаточно, то переживать особо не стоит. Вы не первый(ая), кому приходится сталкиваться с этой довольно распространенной ошибкой ОС Android.

А раз ошибка не редкая и уже известная, значит, кто-то грамотный уже придумал, как ее устранить.

Конечно, так бывает не всегда, но в этот раз действенная «таблетка» от этой болезни действительно уже есть.

Итак, как устранить ошибку «Недостаточно места в памяти устройства» (insufficient storage available) на Андроиде:

ШАГ 1 — находим 2 мегабайта

Для начала отметим, что уведомление об ошибке с формулировкой «Недостаточно места в памяти устройства» (insufficient storage available), чаще всего появляется в случае, когда юзер пытается установить новое приложение на свой Андроид-смартфон или планшет, и при этом значительный объем данных из физической памяти устройства переносится на карту памяти microSD, вызывая сбой в кэше.

Собственно, в некорректном обновлении кэша и кроется причина данной ошибки — это важно знать.

Потому что, теперь, когда ошибка «Недостаточно места в памяти устройства» (insufficient storage available) уже обозначилась, чтобы проблему эту устранить, вам понадобится специальный программный инструмент, проще говоря, приложение, емкостью 2MB, которое надо будет куда-то скачать и установить.

А поскольку память ваш Андроид выделять под это уже не хочет, то, скорее всего, придется пожертвовать чем-то наименее нужным из того, что хранится или установлен в памяти устройства (а не на карточке — это тоже важно).

Другими словами, чтобы решить вопрос, вам придется в любом случае освободить 2MB памяти, что-то удалив из памяти смартфона или планшета (наименее нужное приложение, несколько старых фоток, видеороликов или аудиофайлов), даже если по отчетам памяти вроде бы много. Иначе никак. Но это, пожалуй, самая трудная часть всего мероприятия.

ШАГ 2 — качаем инструмент

Изыскав 2 мегабайта памяти, идем на Google Play Store, ищем и загружаем оттуда бесплатное приложение, которое называется App Cache Cleaner – 1Tap Clean.

ШАГ 3 — чистим кэш

Если приложения вы скачали и установили, то дальше все — дело техники. Открываем программку, и она автоматически начинает сканировать память устройства на предмет изучения состояния кэша установленных ранее приложений.

По факту завершения данной процедуры вам будет предоставлена возможность очистить кэш каждого из приложений путем поочередного нажатия иконок с изображением корзинки, расположенных рядом с названиями программок, либо удалить весь кэш оптом — нажатием на одну большую кнопку внизу экрана.

insufficient storage available / Недостаточно места в памяти устройства: как устранить?

ШАГ 4 — работаем дальше

После этого вы снова получаете доступ к свободной памяти на своем Андроид-смартфоне или планшете и можете снова качать и устанавливать нужное вам приложение или обновление.

Ошибка «Недостаточно места в памяти устройства» (insufficient storage available) устранена!


Whether it is personal life or a digital one, free space is what everyone looks up to. When the “not enough storage space” message pops up, it naturally boggles our mind.

00 not enough storage space

Numerous methods have been discussed on how to clear phone data to free up storage, but the most powerful of them all has to be online storage backup. Today, let’s how to solve the storage insufficiency problem once and for all with cloud storage.

What Happens When There’s Not Enough Storage Space?

Both Android and iPhone users must have experienced the insufficient storage error, which can happen for a variety of reasons, but it is not always easy to do away with it.

You would agree that there are many situations in our day-to-day life when the need for enough storage space, ease of sharing files, security of data, and the requirement of cost-efficient backup tools arises. Here are some prevalent scenarios through which you can highly relate:

  • It is simply petrifying to discover that your external hard drive has suddenly stopped responding. You may have stored your important work-related files and personal data on it, but when a hard drive gets corrupted or damaged, there is no easy way that you can access your data. Ultimately, you may need to suffer data loss due to the inefficiency of the questioned device.
  • Whether you’ve purchased a new mobile phone or still using an old one for half a decade now, insufficient storage space is always a challenge. As soon as you erase some unnecessary data from your mobile, you might receive another notification again asking you to clean up the storage space. In such a case, you just cannot imagine downloading heavy games or movies from the internet.
  • When it is about sharing multiple images, videos, documents, music files, and other types of data with your family or colleagues, you might feel restricted by some applications or other storage devices. Simply because it is not easy to transmit large files without paying a cost for it.
  • Additionally, due to an increase in cyber-attacks, virus infection, malware issues in computers and mobile phones, the privacy and security of your important files and data are always at risk. It is hard to find a secure platform where you can conveniently store your files or have their backup. A lot of time, accidental deletion or unintentional formatting of files can result in huge economic data loss.

How to Address Insufficient Storage?

Thanks to the leading cloud storage service – TeraBox that now incapability of managing free storage space, downloading and uploading large files for sharing good stuff, is not a reason anymore to stop your entertainment and look for anything else. Yes! You read that absolutely right.

01 not enough storage space

TeraBox is a classic cloud application that you can use to protect and access the files and data of all your devices, such as smartphones, tablets, or PC. The impeccable features of this cloud storage service are enough to baffle you in all the possible ways.

You can consider TeraBox as your savior when it comes to managing files and data digitally. It comes with different exciting features and functions that can streamline all your day-to-day issues mentioned just above. Let’s see how:

No Data Loss

Since it is a cloud storage application, there stands no chance of your photos, videos, audios, documents, and other data getting corrupted or damaged. In addition to that, you can link your TeraBox cloud storage with your Google, Facebook, or Apple ID account to save your files directly from the linked devices.

No Data Storage Issues

TeraBox offers a storage space of 1024 GB, i.e., 1 TB of free storage space. You won’t get this much storage space for free by any other similar product available on the internet. Hence, regardless of the storage space available in your smartphone, PC, or tablet, you will be able to store 500 2GB HD movies, games, and thousands of photos, music files, documents, and other multimedia files without facing any hassle. With that, you won’t have to worry that there’s not enough storage space to save your data.

Easy Transmission of Files

Sharing large files with others is one of the common problems that you might face. But not anymore. TeraBox supports free large file transfer. If you want to share a large file or folder from your smartphone or computer, then you can easily do it via the homepage of this cloud storage service. If you opt for free to use, then you can share files of up to 4GB for free whereas, users of the premium are allowed file transfers of up to 20 GB. Isn’t this just amazing?

02 not enough storage space

High Privacy and Security

TeraBox takes cloud data security as first priority. To enhance the privacy of your precious files and data, you can easily set a password lock and a two-step verification security feature. Hence, nobody would be able to log in to your cloud storage account without having the right credentials.

Ease Of Managing Data

TeraBox allows you to manage your free storage space in the way you want. It means you can create multiple folders to save segregate your files and documents. Once done, you can simply search them by name or any given keyword. Furthermore, you can safely create multiple backup files of documents, videos, photos, etc., of all the linked devices.

Remote Upload

Whether you have to download anything from a magnet, HTTP, or HTTPS link, you can complete the download task without facing any difficulty. You just have to open the homepage of TeraBox and tap on the Remote Upload option to create a download link.

03 not enough storage space

Super Affordable

Users of TeraBox enjoy 1T of space for free. If you need more storage space, you can become premium, and then Premium is cheaper. One of the unique features of the TeraBox cloud storage service is its price. With a storage cost of around $3 per month, you can enjoy all the benefits of premium plans, whereas other network drives are charging as high as $9.99 per month for fewer features and functions. Hence, there is no other storage facility available on the internet that claims to give to same features as TeraBox.

04 not enough storage space

Thinking What Should Be Your Next Step?

Not enough storage space? Not a problem. TeraBox makes having unlimited and free storage space no longer a dream anymore! Go ahead and download TeraBox free to get rid of the storage insufficiency problem, and enjoy all the excellent features of this perfect cloud storage application.

Search Issue Tracker

Not Reproducible

Fixed in 2020.3.X

Found in





How to reproduce:

1. Download the attached project ‘moonshades_mobile_bugreport.zip’

2. Build And Run on Android device

3. Close the app on an Android device

4. Build And Run on Android device

Expected result: App starts and 3 buttons can be seen on the screen

Actual result: An error window appears on the device screen saying ‘Not enough storage space to install required resources’

Reproducible with: 2019.4.31f1, 2020.3.15f1, 2020.3.20f1, 2021.1.25f1

Not reproducible with: 2020.3.14f1, 2021.2.0b16, 2022.1.0a1, 2022.1.0a12

Could not test with: 2021.2.0a21 (Play Asset Delivery feature is not available)

Reproducible on:

VLNQA00022, Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 (Redmi Note 3), Android 6.0.1, CPU: Snapdragon 617 MSM8952, GPU: Adreno (TM) 510

Not reproducible on:

VLNQA00288, Samsung Galaxy J7 (SM-J730F), Android 8.1.0, CPU: Exynos 7 Octa 7870, GPU: Mali-T830

N/A, Huawei — (NOH-NX9), Android 10, CPU: NOT FOUND, GPU: Mali-G78

VLNQA00001, Google Pixel 2 (Pixel 2), Android 11, CPU: Snapdragon 835 MSM8998, GPU: Adreno (TM) 540

VLNQA00316, Samsung Galaxy Note10 (SM-N970F), Android 9, CPU: Exynos 9 Series 9825, GPU: Mali-G76

VLNQA00225, Qualcomm null (SDM845 for arm64), Android 8.1.0, CPU: Snapdragon 845 SDM845, GPU: Adreno (TM) 630


— Logs show no errors when the issue is reproduced

— Can be reproduced randomly by installing the app ~1/10 times (differs by Unity version and/or device)

— Does not reproduce with Default Compression Method (can be selected in Build Settings)

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