Ошибка none of the available

6 часа назад, SimaForChick писал:

пишет что список либо пустой либо неправильный.

Тут все что угодно может быть. Например кодировка списка может быть отличной от поддерживаемого вашим ПО. Кодировка моего списка UTF8. Предложение у меня такое попробуйте составить липовый список на самом телике и сохранить его там же. И переслать мне его через личку. Я посмотрю его структуру и сравню со структурой своего. Хотя для начала проверьте работает ли вообще у вас iptv с данным провайдером.

Адрес канала: rtp://@ либо rtp://@ либо rtp://@

Порт: 5050

Название: Любое можете ввести.

Если позволяет еще и группировать каналы то можете и создать группу пускай и из одного канала.

Больше ничего в голову не приходит. У меня все работает хорошо это правда на компе с ОС виндовс 7…

Жду от вас ответа…

Sorry about the late reply.

Just to confirm, yes, when I say «import manually» what I actually mean is I re-download the mod using the «download manually» option on the Nexus.

As far as I can tell, the suggestion that the mods are corrupt downloading through MO on occasion seems to be what I am experiencing, as when I try to open the MO — downloaded archive with 7zip it gives me the standard «cannot open this archive» message.

Also if DanimalTwo is correct and its happening with manually downloaded mods as well, that seems to suggest that it’s a Nexus issue not delivering the downloads correctly as appose to an MO issue.

So really I’m just re-iterating what other people said, but yes, I agree with the observations made.

This problem could due to the network problem, if you are using network.host: _site_ in elasticsearch.yml AND sniffed TransportClient connection, i.e. multiple site-local addresses are available within the machine hosting es node.

If you disable the sniff configuration, and the NoNodeAvailableException disappears, then you should double check the network configuration.

Get the nodes stat

GET /_nodes

and check in the result to find transport configuration, i.e.

"transport": {
    "bound_address": [
    "publish_address": "",
    "profiles": {}

If there are multiple site-local addresses, the network.publish_host that sniffed TransportClient will connect to, might be an unexpected address, because

If not specified, this defaults to the “best” address from network.host, sorted by IPv4/IPv6 stack preference, then by reachability.

To solve it, simple specify the network.publish_host

network.publish_host: $DESIRED_IP_ADDRESS

in elasticsearch.yml.

Here is my error log:

Trying to find optimal transfer mode...
< 229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||40003|).

Transfer mode failed: "Can't open data connection in passive mode: connect ECONNREFUSED", will try next.
< 227 Entering Passive Mode(127,0,0,1,156,75).

Transfer mode failed: "Can't open data connection in passive mode: connect ECONNREFUSED", will try next.

Here is the log of filezilla which can successfully transfer file with ftp server. May be the issue is related to server address?

Command:	PASV
Trace:	CFtpControlSocket::OnReceive()
Response:	227 Entering Passive Mode(127,0,0,1,156,81).
Trace:	CFtpRawTransferOpData::ParseResponse() in state 2
Status:	Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.
Trace:	  Reply:, peer:

I’m trying to search from Elastic Search within my Java Web Service,
here’s how I use now :

    Client client = new PreBuiltTransportClient(Settings.EMPTY).addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName(""), 9200));
    SearchResponse searchResponse = client.prepareSearch().execute().actionGet();

The 1st line could work without an error, but when it goes to the 2nd line, the exception down below will occur :

NoNodeAvailableException[None of the configured nodes are available:

No matter I use 9200 or 9300 to set the port, the results are the same.

Also, I’ve tried to search from my .Net program using NEST, and it run just fine. Here’s how I tried :

    var node = new Uri("");
    var settings = new ConnectionSettings(node).DefaultIndex("iod-2017.03.08.*");
    _EsClient = new ElasticClient(settings);
    var index = String.Format("iod-{0}.{1:00}.{2:00}.*", item.TriggerTime.Year, item.TriggerTime.Month, item.TriggerTime.Day);
    var uniqueId = item.UniqueId.ToString();
    var result = _EsClient.Search<logs>(s => s.Index(index).Query(q => q.Match(t => t.Field(l => l.id).Query(uniqueId))));

Did I do anything(Firewall, version of library, method to call the API, etc) wrong with my Java program? My current Java version is, the version of Elastic Search and Transport Client are both 5.2. Thanks!

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