I have a very similar question to this question, but I am still one step behind. I have only one version of Python 3 installed on my Windows 7 (sorry) 64-bit system.
I installed NumPy following this link — as suggested in the question. The installation went fine but when I execute
import numpy
I got the following error:
Import error: No module named numpy
asked Oct 19, 2011 at 8:54
You can simply use
pip install numpy
Or for python3, use
pip3 install numpy
answered Feb 18, 2016 at 8:51
Installing Numpy on Windows
- Open Windows command prompt with administrator privileges (quick method: Press the Windows key. Type «cmd». Right-click on the
suggested «Command Prompt» and select «Run as Administrator) - Navigate to the Python installation directory’s Scripts folder using the «cd» (change directory) command. e.g. «cd C:Program Files (x86)PythonXXScripts»
This might be: C:Users\AppDataLocalProgramsPythonPythonXXScripts or C:Program Files (x86)PythonXXScripts (where XX represents the Python version number), depending on where it was installed. It may be easier to find the folder using Windows explorer, and then paste or type the address from the Explorer address bar into the command prompt.
- Enter the following command: «pip install numpy».
You should see something similar to the following text appear as the package is downloaded and installed.
Collecting numpy
Downloading numpy-1.13.3-2-cp27-none-win32.whl (6.7MB)
100% |################################| 6.7MB 112kB/s
Installing collected packages: numpy
Successfully installed numpy-1.13.3
answered Nov 13, 2017 at 3:10
I think there are something wrong with the installation of numpy.
Here are my steps to solve this problem.
- go to this website to download correct package: http://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/
- unzip the package
- go to the document
- use this command to install numpy:
python setup.py install
39.8k22 gold badges114 silver badges166 bronze badges
answered Dec 9, 2013 at 15:49
12.5k3 gold badges49 silver badges36 bronze badges
I also had this problem (Import Error: No module named numpy) but in my case it was a problem with my PATH variables in Mac OS X. I had made an earlier edit to my .bash_profile file that caused the paths for my Anaconda installation (and others) to not be added properly.
Just adding this comment to the list here in case other people like me come to this page with the same error message and have the same problem as I had.
answered May 2, 2015 at 18:17
9,94910 gold badges60 silver badges82 bronze badges
You can try:
py -3 -m pip install anyPackageName
In your case use:
py -3 -m pip install numpy
24.2k19 gold badges48 silver badges76 bronze badges
answered Sep 14, 2019 at 5:14
Clinton RoyClinton Roy
2,5492 gold badges10 silver badges7 bronze badges
You should try to install numpy using one of those:
pip install numpy
pip2 install numpy
pip3 install numpy
For some reason in my case pip2 solved the problem
answered Feb 13, 2020 at 20:16
2,4384 gold badges37 silver badges59 bronze badges
Faced with same issue
ImportError: No module named numpy
So, in our case (we are use PIP and python 2.7) the solution was SPLIT pip install commands :
RUN pip install numpy scipy pandas sklearn
RUN pip install numpy scipy
RUN pip install pandas sklearn
Solution found here : https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/25193, it’s related latest update of pandas to v0.24.0
answered Feb 12, 2019 at 13:39
9,8074 gold badges50 silver badges52 bronze badges
I had this problem too after I installed Numpy. I solved it by just closing the Python interpreter and reopening. It may be something else to try if anyone else has this problem, perhaps it will save a few minutes!
answered Mar 15, 2012 at 20:54
21.2k10 gold badges40 silver badges58 bronze badges
I had numpy installed on the same environment both by pip and by conda, and simply removing and reinstalling either was not enough.
I had to reinstall both.
I don’t know why it suddenly happened, but the solution was
pip uninstall numpy
conda uninstall numpy
uninstalling from conda also removed torch
and torchvision
conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch
pip install numpy
this resolved the issue for me.
answered Dec 22, 2018 at 12:56
22.5k24 gold badges106 silver badges189 bronze badges
I too faced the above problem with phyton 3 while setting up python for machine learning.
I followed the below steps :-
Install python-2.7.13.msi
• set PATH=C:Python27
• set PATH=C:Python27Scripts
Go to http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#scipy
Downloaded:- — numpy-1.13.1+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
Installing numpy:
pip install numpy-1.13.1+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
Installing scipy:
pip install scipy-0.18.0-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
You can test the correctness using below cmds:-
>>> import numpy
>>> import scipy
>>> import sklearn
>>> numpy.version.version
>>> scipy.version.version
answered Sep 27, 2017 at 5:58
Vikram SVikram S
5515 silver badges5 bronze badges
For those using python 2.7, should try:
apt-get install -y python-numpy
Instead of pip install numpy
answered Jul 29, 2019 at 19:05
2,3412 gold badges24 silver badges28 bronze badges
I’m not sure exactly why I was getting the error, but pip3 uninstall numpy
then pip3 install numpy
resolved the issue for me.
answered Feb 25, 2017 at 14:12
Clay HClay H
6519 silver badges21 bronze badges
Those who are using xonsh
, do xpip install numpy
answered Feb 15, 2018 at 4:36
2,4437 gold badges39 silver badges62 bronze badges
For installing NumPy via Anaconda(use below commands):
- conda install -c conda-forge numpy
- conda install -c conda-forge/label/broken numpy
answered Nov 1, 2017 at 4:32
import numpy as np
ImportError: No module named numpy
I got this even though I knew numpy was installed and unsuccessfully tried all the advice above. The fix for me was to remove the as np and directly refer to modules . (python 3.4.8 on Centos)
import numpy
answered Jun 29, 2018 at 12:35
4,6835 gold badges48 silver badges45 bronze badges
For me, on windows 10, I had unknowingly installed multiple python versions (One from PyCharm IDE and another from Windows store). I uninstalled the one from windows Store and just to be thorough, uninstalled numpy pip uninstall numpy
and then installed it again pip install numpy
. It worked in the terminal in PyCharm and also in command prompt.
answered May 15, 2020 at 4:07
3222 silver badges9 bronze badges
this is the problem of the numpy’s version, please check out $CAFFE_ROOT/python/requirement.txt. Then exec: sudo apt-get install python-numpy>=x.x.x, this problem will be sloved.
answered May 11, 2016 at 15:18
I did everything from the answers here but nothing worked. So I deleted all the previous installations of numpy using the commands below.
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/numpy*
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/numpy*
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/numpy*
Then just install using pip3.
sudo pip3 install numpy
30.4k22 gold badges84 silver badges133 bronze badges
answered Apr 28, 2021 at 9:11
215 bronze badges
conda update --all
PS recall calling python using either «python2» or «python3» (not merely «python»).
answered Oct 18, 2021 at 5:16
solution for me — I installed numpy inside a virtual environment, but then running ipython was not inside virtual env:
(venv) ➜ which python
(venv) ➜ which ipython
so I had to install ipython, and run ipython from the venv like this:
python -c 'import IPython; IPython.terminal.ipapp.launch_new_instance()'
answered Aug 26, 2020 at 3:33
I was trying to use NumPy
in Intellij
but was facing the same issue so, I figured out that NumPy also comes with pandas
. So, I installed pandas with IntelliJ tip
and later on was able to import NumPy. Might help someone someday!
answered Aug 31, 2020 at 8:38
As stated in other answers, this error may refer to using the wrong python version. In my case, my environment is Windows 10 + Cygwin. In my Windows environment variables, the PATH points to C:Python38 which is correct, but when I run my command like this:
I got the ImportError: No module named numpy
because the version used in this case is Cygwin’s own Python version even if PATH environment variable is correct.
All I needed was to run the script like this:
py my_script.py
And this way the problem was solved.
answered Sep 4, 2020 at 23:26
28.9k8 gold badges40 silver badges67 bronze badges
Try uninstalling and then reinstalling the Python extension for VSCode.
I tried many different solutions, but this «hard refresh» was the only one that worked for me.
answered Apr 14, 2021 at 10:48
I just had the same problem as well! It turns out the problem happens when you’re installing Numpy to a version of python and trying to run the program using another python version. Probably the global version of Python your text editor opens by default is different from the one that you need for the version of numpy you are running.
So to start off, run:
which python
python --version
which pip
pip list
If you can find numpy on the list, its most likely the python version you are using is not compatible with the version of numpy installed. Try switching to a different version of Python in this case.
If numpy is not installed just pip install numpy
or pip3 install numpy
depending upon your version of python.
answered May 25, 2021 at 17:16
812 silver badges8 bronze badges
On MacOs, if you are getting this error in Pycharm and you installed Python3 and NumPy through Homebrew, the python interpreter path is probably not pointing to the Python interpreter that is installed by Homebrew. In Pycharm, go to Preferences>Project: [Project Name]>Python Interpreter
, and enter /opt/homebrew/bin/python3
for the path to python interpreter.
answered Apr 27, 2022 at 3:50
17 авг. 2022 г.
читать 1 мин
Одна распространенная ошибка, с которой вы можете столкнуться при использовании Python:
Import error: no module named ' numpy '
Эта ошибка возникает, когда Python не обнаруживает библиотеку NumPy в вашей текущей среде.
В этом руководстве представлены точные шаги, которые вы можете использовать для устранения этой ошибки.
Шаг 1: pip установить numpy
Поскольку NumPy не устанавливается автоматически вместе с Python, вам нужно будет установить его самостоятельно. Самый простой способ сделать это — использовать pip , менеджер пакетов для Python.
Вы можете запустить следующую команду pip для установки NumPy:
pip install numpy
Для python 3 вы можете использовать:
pip3 install numpy
В большинстве случаев это исправит ошибку.
Шаг 2: Установите пип
Если вы все еще получаете сообщение об ошибке, вам может потребоваться установить pip. Используйте эти шаги , чтобы сделать это.
Вы также можете использовать эти шаги для обновления pip до последней версии, чтобы убедиться, что он работает.
Затем вы можете запустить ту же команду pip, что и раньше, чтобы установить NumPy:
pip install numpy
На этом этапе ошибка должна быть устранена.
Шаг 3: проверьте версию NumPy
После успешной установки NumPy вы можете использовать следующую команду для отображения версии NumPy в вашей среде:
pip show numpy
Name: numpy
Version: 1.20.3
Summary: NumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python.
Home-page: https://www.numpy.org
Author: Travis E. Oliphant et al.
Author-email: None
License: BSD
Location: /srv/conda/envs/notebook/lib/python3.7/site-packages
Required-by: tensorflow, tensorflow-estimator, tensorboard, statsmodels, seaborn,
scipy, scikit-learn, PyWavelets, patsy, pandas, matplotlib, Keras-Preprocessing,
Keras-Applications, imageio, h5py, bqplot, bokeh, altair
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
Дополнительные ресурсы
В следующих руководствах объясняется, как исправить другие распространенные проблемы в Python:
Как исправить: нет модуля с именем pandas
Как исправить: нет модуля с именем plotly
Как исправить: имя NameError ‘pd’ не определено
Как исправить: имя NameError ‘np’ не определено
Что означает ошибка ModuleNotFoundError: No module named
Python ругается, что не может найти нужный модуль
Python ругается, что не может найти нужный модуль
Ситуация: мы решили заняться бигдатой и обработать большой массив данных на Python. Чтобы было проще, мы используем уже готовые решения и находим нужный нам код в интернете, например такой:
import numpy as np
x = [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
nums = np.array([2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
zeros = np.zeros((5, 4))
lin = np.linspace(1, 10, 20)
Копируем, вставляем в редактор кода и запускаем, чтобы разобраться, как что работает. Но вместо обработки данных Python выдаёт ошибку:
❌ModuleNotFoundError: No module named numpy
Странно, но этот код точно правильный: мы его взяли из блога разработчика и, по комментариям, у всех всё работает. Откуда тогда ошибка?
Что это значит: Python пытается подключить библиотеку, которую мы указали, но не может её найти у себя.
Когда встречается: когда библиотеки нет или мы неправильно написали её название.
Что делать с ошибкой ModuleNotFoundError: No module named
Самый простой способ исправить эту ошибку — установить библиотеку, которую мы хотим подключить в проект. Для установки Python-библиотек используют штатную команду pip или pip3, которая работает так: pip install <имя_библиотеки>
. В нашем случае Python говорит, что он не может подключить библиотеку Numpy, поэтому пишем в командной строке такое:
pip install numpy
Это нужно написать не в командной строке Python, а в командной строке операционной системы. Тогда компьютер скачает эту библиотеку, установит, привяжет к Python и будет ругаться на строчку в коде import numpy.
Ещё бывает такое, что библиотека называется иначе, чем указано в команде pip install. Например, для работы с телеграм-ботами нужна библиотека telebot, а для её установки надо написать pip install pytelegrambotapi
. Если попробовать подключить библиотеку с этим же названием, то тоже получим ошибку:
А иногда такая ошибка — это просто невнимательность: пропущенная буква в названии библиотеки или опечатка. Исправляем и работаем дальше.
Кирилл Климентьев
Python has many external modules which are helpful to manage data efficiently. Numpy is one of those modules to handle arrays or any collection of data with ease. With many available methods, you can directly modify and edit the data according to your need. Even many universities, teach numpy as a part of their programming course. But many times, the users face, No Module Named Numpy Error. In this post, we’ll have a look at the causes and solutions for this error.
No Module Named Numpy is one of the persistent errors if you have multiple pythons installed or a virtual environment set up. This error mainly arises due to the unavailability of files in the Python site-packages. This error is easily solved by installing numpy in your working environment. But as installing numpy in the working environment is a tricky job, this error is one of the most irritating ones.
Whenever an external module (numpy) is imported in python, it checks the package in the site packages folder if it’s available. If not, then ImportError No Module Named Numpy is raised. Moreover, if your local files in your directly have numpy.py, it can cause these issues too.
Although fixing this error requires a simple command to be used, it still can harass programmers if they are using a virtual environment. In the following section, we’ll learn about why this error is generated and the causes for it.
Why do I get No Module Named Numpy?
There are known reasons for the cause of this error. The most observed reason is due to the unavailability of Numpy in your working directory. But that’s not it, if your python file is named numpy.py, it can throw this error too. So the question arises –
Am I the only one facing this error?
No, thousands of programmers face this error either due to their IDE’s environment or they just haven’t installed Numpy.
Causes for No Module Named Numpy
As we mentioned earlier, there are some known causes for this No Module Named Numpy error to appear. Some of them are due to your mistake and some of them are not. Following are the most probable cause of this error –
Numpy Not Installed
Can you run games without installing them? No. Similarly, to use the numpy in your python program, you need to install it first. Numpy is not included in your build-in modules for python. As a result, you need to tell the package management system (pip) to install it!
Working on different Virtual Environment
Often, many different IDEs like Jupyter Notebook, Spyder, Anaconda, or PyCharm tend to install their own virtual environment of python to keep things clean and separated from your global python.
As a result, even if you have Numpy installed in your global python, you cannot use it in your virtual environment since it has separate package management. There are different methods to install numpy on each of these IDEs, all of them are mentioned in the next section.
Solutions for No Module Named Numpy
Following are the respective solutions according to your OS or IDEs for No Module Named Numpy error –
Installing modules can be tricky on Windows sometimes. Especially, when you have path-related issues. First of all, make sure that you have Python Added to your PATH (can be checked by entering python
in command prompt). Follow these steps to install numpy in Windows –
- Firstly, Open Command Prompt from the Start Menu.
- Enter the command
pip install numpy
and press Enter. - Wait for the installation to finish.
- Test the installation by using
import numpy
command in Python Shell.
Ubuntu or Linux or Mac
Generally, in Ubuntu, there are multiple versions of Python installed. This causes great confusion in installing Numpy. Check your version of python by entering the command python --version
in your terminal. Follow these steps to install numpy in Linux –
- Firstly, Open terminal in your Linux machine.
- Enter the command
pip install numpy
in the terminal and hit Enter (Use pip3 if you have multiple pythons installed).
Anaconda installs its own conda environment to run python. This environment is separated from your outside installed python and can lead to import No Module Named Numpy errors. Usually, numpy is already installed in anaconda but to install numpy again in Anaconda –
- Open Anaconda Prompt from Start Menu.
- Enter the command
conda install numpy
and Hit Enter. - Wait for the setup to complete, and restart the Anaconda application once.
If you have installed Jupyter from the conda environment, it’ll use Anaconda’s virtual environment for the execution of python codes. Following is the way to install numpy in Jupyter Notebook –
- Open Anaconda Prompt and enter
conda install numpy
. - Restart Jupyter Notebook and Anaconda.
In VsCode, the Integrated Terminal uses the %PATH% of python.exe to run the python programs by default. As a result, if don’t have numpy installed in your python, it’ll throw ImportError No Module Named Numpy. Either you need to change the environment to Anaconda’s environment or install numpy on the default environment. The process to install numpy on the default environment is already mentioned in the above (Windows) section.
PyCharm has its own set of mini Anaconda environments. If numpy is missing in this environment, it’ll throw an error No Module Named Numpy. To install numpy in Pycharm –
- Firstly, Open Settings of Pycharm.
- Under Python Interpreter, press the Python Packages option.
- Search for numpy in the list and select install. If it’s already installed, check if it has an update available.
- Wait for its finishes and restarts your PyCharm once.
No Module Named Numpy Still Not Resolved?
Tried all the above methods and still import numpy not working? Then there might be some python related issues with your computer. But don’t be sad, we’ve got a universal solution for you!
Using Google Colab for your Python Projects will prevent you to install numpy on your system. Colab has its own powerful virtual environment with thousands of modules preinstalled and numpy is one of them. Follow these steps to use Google Colab for numpy –
- Firstly, log in to your Google Account.
- Head over to colab.research.google.com and start a new notebook.
- Test your program by running
import numpy
Some Other Child Modules Error
Numpy has many other child libraries which can be installed externally. All of these libraries look like a part of numpy, but they need to be installed separately. Following are some of the examples –
No module named numpy.core._multiarray_umath
This error can be resolved by using pip install numpy --upgrade
command and upgrading your numpy version. Other libraries like TensorFlow and scikit-learn depend on new APIs inside the module, that’s why your module needs to be updated.
No module named numpy.testing.nosetester
Run the following commands in your terminal to resolve this error –
pip install numpy==1.18 pip install scipy==1.1.0 pip install scikit-learn==0.21.3
No module named numpy.distutils._msvccompiler
Use Python version 3.7 to solve this error. The newer versions 3.8 and 3.9 are currently unsupported in some of the numpy methods.
See Also
Final Words
Errors are part of a programmer’s life and they’ll never leave. Numpy has already blessed us with many powerful methods to easily handle data. But sometimes, we’ll get import errors and possibly other errors too. We’ve mentioned all possible solutions for the No Module Named Numpy in the post.
Happy Pythoning!
The error “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named numpy» is a common error experienced by data scientists when developing in Python. The error is likely an environment issue whereby the numpy package has not been installed correctly on your machine, thankfully there are a few simple steps to go through to troubleshoot the problem and find a solution.
Your error, whether in a Jupyter Notebook or in the terminal, probably looks like one of the following:
No module named 'numpy'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'
In order to find the root cause of the problem we will go through the following potential fixes:
- Upgrade pip version
- Upgrade or install numpy package
- Check if you are activating the environment before running
- Create a fresh environment
- Upgrade or install Jupyer Notebook package
Are you installing packages using Conda or Pip package manager?
It is common for developers to use either Pip or Conda for their Python package management. It’s important to know what you are using before we continue with the fix.
If you have not explicitly installed and activated Conda, then you are almost definitely going to be using Pip. One sanity check is to run conda info
in your terminal, which if it returns anything likely means you are using Conda.
Upgrade or install pip for Python
First things first, let’s check to see if we have the up to date version of pip installed. We can do this by running:
pip install --upgrade pip
Upgrade or install numpy package via Conda or Pip
The most common reason for this error is that the numpy package is not installed in your environment or an outdated version is installed. So let’s update the package or install it if it’s missing.
For Conda:
# To install in the root environment
conda install -c anaconda numpy
# To install in a specific environment
conda install -n MY_ENV numpy
For Pip:
# To install in the root environment
python3 -m pip install -U numpy
# To install in a specific environment
source MY_ENV/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -U numpy
Activate Conda or venv Python environment
It is highly recommended that you use isolated environments when developing in Python. Because of this, one common mistake developers make is that they don’t activate the correct environment before they run the Python script or Jupyter Notebook. So, let’s make sure you have your correct environment running.
For Conda:
conda activate MY_ENV
For virtual environments:
source MY_ENV/bin/activate
Create a new Conda or venv Python environment with numpy installed
During the development process, a developer will likely install and update many different packages in their Python environment, which can over time cause conflicts and errors.
Therefore, one way to solve the module error for numpy is to simply create a new environment with only the packages that you require, removing all of the bloatware that has built up over time. This will provide you with a fresh start and should get rid of problems that installing other packages may have caused.
For Conda:
# Create the new environment with the desired packages
conda create -n MY_ENV python=3.9 numpy
# Activate the new environment
conda activate MY_ENV
# Check to see if the packages you require are installed
conda list
For virtual environments:
# Navigate to your project directory
# Create the new environment in this directory
python3 -m venv MY_ENV
# Activate the environment
source MY_ENV/bin/activate
# Install numpy
python3 -m pip install numpy
Upgrade Jupyter Notebook package in Conda or Pip
If you are working within a Jupyter Notebook and none of the above has worked for you, then it could be that your installation of Jupyter Notebooks is faulty in some way, so a reinstallation may be in order.
For Conda:
conda update jupyter
For Pip:
pip install -U jupyter
Best practices for managing Python packages and environments
Managing packages and environments in Python is notoriously problematic, but there are some best practices which should help you to avoid package the majority of problems in the future:
- Always use separate environments for your projects and avoid installing packages to your root environment
- Only install the packages you need for your project
- Pin your package versions in your project’s requirements file
- Make sure your package manager is kept up to date
Conda managing environments documentation
Python venv documentation