Ошибка no compatible graphics device found

Ребята,я вот в стиме везде писал «как пофиксить это» и нет ответов. Поэтому пришел сюда. Каждый раз когда запускаю игру,идет все как обычно до загруж. экрана. Идет картинка и музыка меню 2 секунды где-то и все. вылет

вот что выходит в итоге.

Unhandled Exception
Error writing address 0x6b6e5500

Call Stack
(0x0000000000000000 : 0x6B6E5500) ??? ! ??? (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x002D1CC7) civilizationbe_dx11 ! HksFixedHeapSettings::operator= (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x0060BDB2) civilizationbe_dx11 ! EXP_GetMovieEventSystem (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x0060BE8B) civilizationbe_dx11 ! EXP_GetMovieEventSystem (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000400000 : 0x001C292F) civilizationbe_dx11 ! ForgeUI::ForgeUI_UIManager::AddInputPreProcessor (???, line 0)
(0x00000 00000000000 : 0x75B6338A) ??? ! ??? (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000000000 : 0x77009902) ??? ! ??? (???, line 0)
(0x0000000000000000 : 0x770098D5) ??? ! ??? (???, line 0)

как пофиксить? помогите бедному идиоту

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Если вы видите сообщение об ошибке « Совместимое графическое устройство не найдено «Когда вы пытаетесь запустить Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, вы не одиноки. Об этом сообщают многие игроки. Но хорошая новость в том, что вы можете исправить ошибку. Вот два исправления, которые вам стоит попробовать:

Метод 1. Обновите графический драйвер

Ошибка может возникнуть из-за того, что вы используете неправильный графический драйвер или он устарел. Вам следует попробовать обновить графический драйвер и посмотреть, решит ли это вашу проблему. Если у вас нет времени, терпения или компьютерных навыков для обновления драйвера вручную, вы можете сделать это автоматически с помощью Водитель Easy .

Водитель Easy автоматически распознает вашу систему и найдет для нее подходящие драйверы. Вам не нужно точно знать, на какой системе работает ваш компьютер, вам не нужно рисковать, загружая и устанавливая неправильный драйвер, и вам не нужно беспокоиться о том, чтобы сделать ошибку при установке.

Вы можете загрузить и установить драйверы с помощью Free или За версия Driver Easy. Но с версией Pro требуется всего 2 клики (и вы получаете полная поддержка и 30-дневная гарантия возврата денег ):

1) Скачать и установить Водитель Easy .

2) Бежать Водитель Easy и ударил Сканировать сейчас кнопка. Водитель Easy затем просканирует ваш компьютер и обнаружит все проблемные драйверы.

3) Нажми на Обновить рядом с графической картой, чтобы загрузить для нее последнюю версию драйвера. Вы также можете нажать Обновить все кнопку в правом нижнем углу, чтобы автоматически обновить все устаревшие или отсутствующие драйверы на вашем компьютере (для этого требуется Pro версия — вам будет предложено обновить, когда вы нажмете «Обновить все»).

Метод 2: запустить игру на DirectX 11

Вы также можете получить сообщение об ошибке, потому что игра по умолчанию работает на DirectX 12, но ваш компьютер не поддерживает эту версию. Вы можете попробовать запустить его на DirectX 11. Для этого:

1) открыто Проводник (на вашем компьютере нажмите Windows logo key и ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ в то же время).

2) Перейти к корневая директория ваших файлов Civilization VI ( Цивилизация Сида Мейера VI ), затем перейдите к « Цивилизация Сида Мейера VI Base Binaries Win64Steam ‘.

3) В папке Win64Steam дважды щелкните поле с именем « Цивилизация VI », Чтобы запустить игру.

4) Если это сработает для вас, ошибка больше не будет вас беспокоить.

FAQ по ошибкам Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: не запускается, черный экран, тормоза, вылеты, error, DLL

Иногда при запуске Sid Meier’s Civilization VI появляются ошибки. Неприятно, но установленная вами игра может не запускаться, вылетая, зависая, показывая чёрный экран и выдавая ошибки в окнах. Поэтому возникают вполне логичные вопросы: «Что делать?», «Из-за чего это происходит?» и «Как решить проблему?». Мы постарались собрать всю необходимую информацию с инструкциями, советами, различными программами и библиотеками, которые призваны помочь решить наиболее распространённые ошибки, связанные с Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.

Необходимое ПО для Sid Meier’s Civilization VI

Мы настоятельно рекомендуем ознакомиться со ссылками на различные полезные программы. Зачем? Огромное количество ошибок и проблем в Sid Meier’s Civilization VI связаны с не установленными/не обновлёнными драйверами и с отсутствием необходимых библиотек.

Последняя версия драйвера Nvidia GeForce.

  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (64-бит)
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (32-бит)
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64-бит)
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (32-бит)
  • Библиотека Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1

Низкий FPS, Sid Meier’s Civilization VI тормозит, фризит или лагает

Современные игры крайне ресурсозатратные, поэтому, даже если вы обладаете современным компьютером, всё-таки лучше отключить лишние/ненужные фоновые процессы (чтобы повысить мощность процессора) и воспользоваться нижеописанным методами, которые помогут избавиться от лагов и тормозов.

  • Запустите диспетчер задач и в процессах найдите строку с названием игры (Sid Meier’s Civilization VI). Кликайте ПКМ по ней и в меню выбирайте «Приоритеты», после чего установите значение «Высокое». Теперь остаётся лишь перезапустить игру.

Уберите всё лишнее из автозагрузки. Для этого все в том же диспетчере задач нужно перейти во вкладку «Автозагрузка», где нужно отключить лишние процессы при запуске системы. Незнакомые приложения лучше не трогать, если не знаете, за что они отвечают, иначе рискуете испортить запуск системы.

А также рекомендуем в настройках, связанных с энергопотреблением, установить «Максимальную производительность». То же касается и видеокарты: нужно установить максимальную производительность в настройках графического процессора (это можно сделать в «Управлении параметрами 3D»), а в фильтрации текстур выбирайте параметр «Качество».

Если ваша видеокарта от Nvidia по возрасту не старше серии графических процессоров GTX 10, тогда частоту кадров вполне реально поднять за счёт ускорения работы с видеокартой. Для реализации задуманного опять-таки нужно открыть «Панель управления» Видеокарты, перейти в уже знакомую вкладку «Управление параметрами 3D» и выбрать в списке с программами игру, после чего отыскать «Вертикальный синхроимпульс» и кликнуть по нему, чтобы в меню выставить параметр «Быстро».

Следует удалить временные папки, ненужные файлы и кэш. На просторах интернета можно найти кучу самых разных программ, которые помогают это сделать. Мы рекомендуем воспользоваться для этого программой BleachBit или CCleaner.

Проведите дефрагментацию или оптимизацию жёсткого диска. Для этого перейти в «Свойства жёсткого диска» вкладка «Сервис» «Дефрагментация» или «Оптимизация». Кроме того, там же можно провести проверку/очистку диска, что в некоторых случаях помогает.

  • В конце концов, перейдите на простое оформление, чтобы компьютер не нагружался ресурсоёмкими эффектами. К примеру, можно смело отключать встроенные отладчики, индексирование поиска и многое другое.
  • Sid Meier’s Civilization VI вылетает в случайный момент или при запуске

    Ниже приведено несколько простых способов решения проблемы, но нужно понимать, что вылеты могут быть связаны как с ошибками игры, так и с ошибками, связанными с чем-то определённым на компьютере. Поэтому некоторые случаи вылетов индивидуальны, а значит, если ни одно решение проблемы не помогло, следует написать об этом в комментариях и, возможно, мы поможем разобраться с проблемой.

    • Первым делом попробуйте наиболее простой вариант – перезапустите Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, но уже с правами администратора.

    Обязательно следует проверить, не возникает ли конфликтов у Sid Meier’s Civilization VI с другими приложениями на компьютере. Например, многие игроки часто ругаются на утилиту под названием MSI AfterBurner, поэтому, если пользуетесь такой или любой другой похожей, отключайте и пробуйте запустить игру повторно.

  • Вполне возможно, что игра отказывается адекватно работать из-за Windows Defender (он же «Защитник») или из-за антивируса. Поэтому вам следует зайти в опции и добавить .exe-файл запуска Sid Meier’s Civilization VI в исключения, или сразу отключить антивирус вместе с Защитником (они также могли удалить какой-нибудь жизненно важный файл для игры, который нужно восстановить).
  • Отсутствует DLL-файл или ошибка DLL

    Для начала следует объяснить, как вообще возникают ошибки, связанные с DLL-файлами: во время запуска Sid Meier’s Civilization VI обращается к определённым DLL-файлам, и если игре не удаётся их отыскать, тогда она моментально вылетает с ошибкой. Причём ошибки могут быть самыми разными, в зависимости от потерянного файла, но любая из них будет иметь приставку «DLL».

    Для решения проблемы необходимо отыскать и вернуть в папку пропавшую DLL-библиотеку. И проще всего это сделать, используя специально созданную для таких случаев программу DLL-fixer – она отсканирует вашу систему и поможет отыскать недостающую библиотеку. Конечно, так можно решить далеко не любую DLL-ошибку, поэтому ниже мы предлагаем ознакомиться с более конкретными случаями.

    Ошибка d3dx9_43.dll, xinput1_2.dll, x3daudio1_7.dll, xrsound.dll и др.

    Ошибка MSVCR120.dll, VCRUNTIME140.dll, runtime-x32.dll и др.

    Fix: Civ 6 No Compatible Graphics Device Found

    Civilization 6 is a turn-based strategy game in which each player competes to become a global superpower by establishing their civilization. It has been around for quite some time and there were previous versions of the game as well.

    As the title suggests, users might experience an error condition where they are unable to play the game because their graphics device is not found compatible with the game. There are usually two cases in this scenario: first where you have DirectX compatible but barely fit the requirements and second where you have a decent setup. We will go through both the cases down below. It seems that

    What do you mean by ‘Compatible Graphics’?

    Civilization VI requires that your computer at least has a graphics card that supports DirectX 11 installed and running. Now, what is DirectX? DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (API’s) that handle tasks related to multimedia, video, and games.

    Newer games built in such a way that for optimum performance, they require you to have at least a specific version of DirectX. Nowadays, even semi-moderate GPU’s have the compatibility to support DirectX 11. Although in official documentation Civilization VI requires you to have DirectX 11, it seems there are still errors involved.

    You can easily check if your graphics hardware supports DirectX 11. Follow the steps below:

    1. Press Windows + R, type “dxdiag” in the dialogue box and press Enter. Wait for the status bar at the bottom-left to complete loading all the signatures.
    2. Click on Display. Here underneath Drivers, you will see Feature Levels. You should have at least 11_0. This signifies the compatibility with DirectX 11. In this case, DirectX 12 is also supported.

    If your GPU supports the version but still doesn’t run the game, don’t be dis-hearted yet; there is still a way through which you can run the game but it will drastically reduce your frames per second (

    10). This will affect the game performance a lot but it will be playable to some extent. We have listed a number of workarounds for both cases. Take a look.

    Solution 1: Updating Graphics Drivers (for cards which support DX 11)

    If you categorize in the second condition i.e. you have a graphics card which supports DirectX 11 but are still seeing the error message, it is probably because you haven’t updated the drivers to the latest build. Graphics card manufacturers roll our frequent updates to include more features and reduce bugs all the time. You should explore the internet, google your hardware and see if there are any available drivers for you to install. Either this or you can let Windows automatically update them for you. Nevertheless, a little research might make the troubleshooting easier for you.

    1. Install the utility Display Driver Uninstaller. You can continue without this step but this ensures that there are no remnants of the drivers.
    2. After installing Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU), launch your computer into safe mode. You can learn how to boot your computer into safe mode by reading our article on it.
    3. After booting your computer into safe mode, launch the application which was just installed.
    4. After launching the application, select the first option “Clean and restart”. The application will then automatically uninstall the installed drivers and restart your computer accordingly.

    1. Boot your computer into normal mode, press Windows + R, type “devmgmt.msc” in the dialogue box and press Enter. Most probably the default drivers will be installed. If not, right-click on any empty space and select “Scan for hardware changes”.
    2. Now there are two options. Either you can search online for the latest driver available for your hardware from the manufacturer’s website such as NVIDIA etc. (and install manually) or you can let Windows install the latest version itself (search for updates automatically).
    3. We will take a look at installing manually. Right-click on your hardware and select “Update driver”. Select the first option “Search automatically for updated driver software”. Choose the second option if you are updating manually and select “Browse for driver” and navigate to the location where you downloaded.

    1. Restart your computer after installing the drivers, launch Civilization VI and check if this solves the problem.

    Solution 2: Running “Civilization VI” instead of “CivilizationVI_DX12”

    When you install Civilization VI, it creates two executables. One is “Civilization VI” and one is “CivilizationVI_DX12”. The latter one is meant for high-end graphics cards and targets the latest hardware. If you launch the game through Steam, this executable is most probably executed by default.

    You can head over to the directory “C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonSid Meier’s Civilization VIBaseBinariesWin64Steam” and launch the game using “Civilization VI”. It should utilize the existing graphics of DirectX 11 and not demand DirectX 12.

    Solution 3: Running DirectX 11 Emulator

    Another workaround that works is to run a DirectX 11 emulator and see if you can launch the game through it. The DirectX 11 emulator will trick the PC into thinking that you indeed have DirectX 11 and it will run according to it.

    Note: The emulator used is 3 rd party and Appuals is in no way associated with these programs. Please proceed at your own risk.

    1. Download the tool from NetVector and run the executable.
    2. Now click on “Edit list” in front of the heading Scope.

      Now click on “” button and navigate to the folder where Civilization VI is installed. The default location is:

    Double-click on the executable and click Add.

    Now finish by pressing “OK”. Make sure to check the option “Force WARP”. After saving all the changes, try launching the game and see if this fixes the problem

    Ошибка no compatible graphics device found

    Sid Meier’s Civilization VI

    using win10 means DX12 is running. Does that not mean a DX11 requirement is covered?

    Please refer to my «But DXDiag says I have DX11» section

    I found this on Reddit, and it works on my PC:

    Try opening your start menu and running dxcpl, go to edit list and add SteamAppscommonSid Meier’s Civilization VIBaseBinariesWin64SteamCivilizationVI.exe to the list. Check the checkbox at the bottom that says Force WARP.

    Next open DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Civilization VIAppOptions.txt and change AllowSWRenderer to 1 and FullScreen to 2

    This should at the very least allow you to launch the game, however it will use software rendering.

    I found this on Reddit, and it works on my PC:

    Try opening your start menu and running dxcpl, go to edit list and add SteamAppscommonSid Meier’s Civilization VIBaseBinariesWin64SteamCivilizationVI.exe to the list. Check the checkbox at the bottom that says Force WARP.

    Next open DocumentsMy GamesSid Meier’s Civilization VIAppOptions.txt and change AllowSWRenderer to 1 and FullScreen to 2

    This should at the very least allow you to launch the game, however it will use software rendering.
    Thanks brother, it worked perfectly here it was really worth it

    «No suitable graphics card found. Unable to create the graphics device.»



    I know I’ve seen some fixes for this, but none of them have worked for me. There is no config.dat under My Docs, nor even a Terraria folder as I’ve never actually played the game. I’m using a Radeon HD 7800 series card. I’ve updated XNA, .NET, my graphics drivers, all of it, but the game still won’t run. Bought it last night with a steam card, and if I can’t play it, I want my money back. I’ve reinstalled Steam and Terraria to no avail.

    Anyone know what I can do?

    Reactions: Jetstreme ∞

    Vulpes Inculta

    Duke Fishron

    Have you tried running the game at all?

    There should be a config.dat file in the Terraria folder.

    Not sure why there isn’t one.



    Vulpes Inculta

    Duke Fishron


    Master of Ravens

    Have you tried running the game at all?

    There should be a config.dat file in the Terraria folder.

    Not sure why there isn’t one.

    Try this, and you should be fine.

    Welcome to PC Support Section.

    In order to further assist you, please verify the following information below before proceeding. Please, we remind you that Terraria has certain requirements in order to function properly on your system. If you fail to check these requirements you may encounter errors or issues.

    In order to further assist you, please consider posting your System Specifications. You can obtain this information by Right-Clicking My Computer on your system. You will get basic information about your Processor and RAM. If you wish to get a full detailed list, you can use third party software to determine your specifications.

    Troubleshooting Your Problem with TerrariaServer.exe
    In order to figure out what your problem is with the game, we require that you run the Terraria Server Client (TerrariaServer.exe). This will display any errors or successes on launch. Should there be any errors from the program itself, use the command prompt and copy the error to display it here.

    1. Right click within the Command Prompt.
    2. In the drop-down menu, select Mark.
    3. Once you made a selection, Right Click or Press Enter to copy.
    4. Paste your results in your thread.

    If you have trouble with the above instructions, your system might be showing «Not Responding» or your System may need to be rebooted to start clean.

    Before proceeding any further, please delete the config.dat file located in your Terraria Folder under My Documents/My Games. Then start Terraria again, this may fix some unexplained issues, but we wish to make sure you are running a nice and clean installation:

    1. Locate My Documents Folder.
    2. Open My Games Folder.
    3. Open Terraria Folder.
    4. Delete Config.dat file from this location.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: My world has corrupted somehow and will not load properly, what can I do?
    A: You may have corrupted the world by using modded clients, computer shutdown before the world could complete the save, or system failure within Terraria that caused the problem. You can try attempting to load your world using TEdit (Download).

    Q: My game is not launching, or I get errors regarding XNA/.NET Framework!
    A: You can attempt to make sure you have all Game Dependencies first, then try attempting this solution:

    If you don’t feel like sifting through all that, it’s basically to do with the framework permissions.

    This is how you change the right to use Framework/XNA:

    1. Right-Click the specific directory (Listed Below).
    2. Select Properties.
    3. Select the Security Tab
    4. Click on Advanced Option
    5. Select the Owner Tab
    6. Click on the bottom button to Edit.
    7. On this window select the Administrator in the row and make sure to select the Checkboxes below.
    8. Hit Apply and close all the windows.
    9. Try running the game again.

    Do the above for all of the following FOLDERS:



    Q: Steam has reported that one (1) file has failed verification and was downloaded?
    A: This file is known as the serverconfig.txt file. Originally this file shouldn’t be packed with the game as Terraria should create this file automatically on launch if it is missing or out of date. Due to it being changed and updated by server owners, the file will constantly fail the verification process. This has no effect on playing the game, and can be ignored.



    Try this, and you should be fine.

    Welcome to PC Support Section.

    In order to further assist you, please verify the following information below before proceeding. Please, we remind you that Terraria has certain requirements in order to function properly on your system. If you fail to check these requirements you may encounter errors or issues.

    In order to further assist you, please consider posting your System Specifications. You can obtain this information by Right-Clicking My Computer on your system. You will get basic information about your Processor and RAM. If you wish to get a full detailed list, you can use third party software to determine your specifications.

    Troubleshooting Your Problem with TerrariaServer.exe
    In order to figure out what your problem is with the game, we require that you run the Terraria Server Client (TerrariaServer.exe). This will display any errors or successes on launch. Should there be any errors from the program itself, use the command prompt and copy the error to display it here.

    1. Right click within the Command Prompt.
    2. In the drop-down menu, select Mark.
    3. Once you made a selection, Right Click or Press Enter to copy.
    4. Paste your results in your thread.

    If you have trouble with the above instructions, your system might be showing «Not Responding» or your System may need to be rebooted to start clean.

    Before proceeding any further, please delete the config.dat file located in your Terraria Folder under My Documents/My Games. Then start Terraria again, this may fix some unexplained issues, but we wish to make sure you are running a nice and clean installation:

    1. Locate My Documents Folder.
    2. Open My Games Folder.
    3. Open Terraria Folder.
    4. Delete Config.dat file from this location.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: My world has corrupted somehow and will not load properly, what can I do?
    A: You may have corrupted the world by using modded clients, computer shutdown before the world could complete the save, or system failure within Terraria that caused the problem. You can try attempting to load your world using TEdit (Download).

    Q: My game is not launching, or I get errors regarding XNA/.NET Framework!
    A: You can attempt to make sure you have all Game Dependencies first, then try attempting this solution:

    If you don’t feel like sifting through all that, it’s basically to do with the framework permissions.

    This is how you change the right to use Framework/XNA:

    1. Right-Click the specific directory (Listed Below).
    2. Select Properties.
    3. Select the Security Tab
    4. Click on Advanced Option
    5. Select the Owner Tab
    6. Click on the bottom button to Edit.
    7. On this window select the Administrator in the row and make sure to select the Checkboxes below.
    8. Hit Apply and close all the windows.
    9. Try running the game again.

    Do the above for all of the following FOLDERS:



    Q: Steam has reported that one (1) file has failed verification and was downloaded?
    A: This file is known as the serverconfig.txt file. Originally this file shouldn’t be packed with the game as Terraria should create this file automatically on launch if it is missing or out of date. Due to it being changed and updated by server owners, the file will constantly fail the verification process. This has no effect on playing the game, and can be ignored.

    Hey, I’m having the same issue. I had a pirated copy and finally got around to purchasing the awesome game. Pirated (and old) copy worked great. Now I get this issue. I did everything you said, as I went through cutting out the possible issues and then went to validation via steam. and it says that 1 file couldn’t be validated and will be reacquired. I think that’s my main issue right now on why it’s not working and giving me the «no viable video card found» error. Just saw last FAQ.. no, not that. But this is annoying as my computer can play Space Engineers with only a few issues, and that’s more graphically intensive than this current build of Terraria. I can also Play a pirated (hey, I do it to see if I like the game before I buy) version of Starbound which is just like Terraria, so really, what gives?

    OH, and I can run the Terrariaserver.exe just fine, no errors.

    Any advice?
    Also, here’s specs.

    Processor: Pentium dual-core e5400 @ 2.70GHz
    Memory: 3 GB
    I do have a rather clunky VGA video card (forgot which, been a while since I installed it, this is a 2010 pc made for a college course.)

    Civilization VI No Compatible Graphics Device Found [SOLVED]

    Jonny Lin

    Jonny, a Microsoft Certified Professional, is a technical writer and technology enthusiast. He believes technology should bring users satisfaction, not annoyance, so he writes to help people overcome their tech troubles.

    If you see an error message “No compatible graphics device found” when you try to launch Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, you are not alone. Many players are reporting it. But the good news is you can fix the error. Here are two fixes you should try:

    Method 1: Update your graphics driver

    The error may occur because you are using the wrong graphics driver or it is out of date. You should try updating your graphics driver and see if this resolves your problem. If you don’t have the time, patience or computer skills to update the driver manually, you can do it automatically with Driver Easy.

    Driver Easy will automatically recognize your system and find the correct drivers for it. You don’t need to know exactly what system your computer is running, you don’t need to risk downloading and installing the wrong driver, and you don’t need to worry about making a mistake when installing.

    You can download and install your drivers by using either Free or Pro version of Driver Easy. But with the Pro version it takes only 2 clicks (and you get full support and a 30-day money back guarantee):

    1) Download and Install Driver Easy.

    2) Run Driver Easy and hit the Scan Now button. Driver Easy will then scan your computer and detect any problem drivers.

    3) Click on the Update button next to the graphics card to download the latest and correct driver for it. You can also hit the Update All button at the bottom right to automatically update all outdated or missing drivers on your computer (this requires the Pro version — you will be prompted to upgrade when you click on Update All).

    Method 2: Run the game on DirectX 11

    You may also get the error because the game runs on DirectX 12 by default but your computer doesn’t support this version. You can try running it on DirectX 11. To do so:

    1) Open File Explorer (on your computer, press the Windows logo key and E at the same time).

    2) Go to the root directory of your Civilization VI files (Sid Meier’s Civilization VI), then go to “Sid Meier’s Civilization VIBaseBinariesWin64Steam“.

    3) In the Win64Steam folder, double click the filed named “Civilization VI” to launch the game.

    4) If this work for you, the error won’t trouble you anymore.

    Привет ,если вылетает эта ошибка. то ваша видеокарта не справляется с требованиями игры, увы решить эту проблему будет возможно только, поставив видеокарту мощнее.


    ОС: Windows 7×64 / Windows 8.1×64 / Windows 10×64
    Процессор: Intel Core i3 2.5 Ghz or AMD Phenom II 2.6 Ghz or greater
    Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
    Видеокарта: 1 GB & AMD 5570 or nVidia 450
    DirectX: Версии 11
    Место на диске: 12 GB
    Звуковая карта: DirectX Compatible Sound Device

    Civilization 6 is a turn-based strategy game in which each player competes to become a global superpower by establishing their civilization. It has been around for quite some time and there were previous versions of the game as well.

    As the title suggests, users might experience an error condition where they are unable to play the game because their graphics device is not found compatible with the game. There are usually two cases in this scenario: first where you have DirectX compatible but barely fit the requirements and second where you have a decent setup. We will go through both the cases down below. It seems that

    What do you mean by ‘Compatible Graphics’?

    Civilization VI requires that your computer at least has a graphics card that supports DirectX 11 installed and running. Now, what is DirectX? DirectX is a collection of application programming interfaces (API’s) that handle tasks related to multimedia, video, and games.

    Newer games built in such a way that for optimum performance, they require you to have at least a specific version of DirectX. Nowadays, even semi-moderate GPU’s have the compatibility to support DirectX 11. Although in official documentation Civilization VI requires you to have DirectX 11, it seems there are still errors involved.

    You can easily check if your graphics hardware supports DirectX 11. Follow the steps below:

    1. Press Windows + R, type “dxdiag” in the dialogue box and press Enter. Wait for the status bar at the bottom-left to complete loading all the signatures.
    2. Click on Display. Here underneath Drivers, you will see Feature Levels. You should have at least 11_0. This signifies the compatibility with DirectX 11. In this case, DirectX 12 is also supported.

    If your GPU supports the version but still doesn’t run the game, don’t be dis-hearted yet; there is still a way through which you can run the game but it will drastically reduce your frames per second (~10). This will affect the game performance a lot but it will be playable to some extent. We have listed a number of workarounds for both cases. Take a look.

    Solution 1: Updating Graphics Drivers (for cards which support DX 11)

    If you categorize in the second condition i.e. you have a graphics card which supports DirectX 11 but are still seeing the error message, it is probably because you haven’t updated the drivers to the latest build. Graphics card manufacturers roll our frequent updates to include more features and reduce bugs all the time. You should explore the internet, google your hardware and see if there are any available drivers for you to install. Either this or you can let Windows automatically update them for you. Nevertheless, a little research might make the troubleshooting easier for you.

    1. Install the utility Display Driver Uninstaller. You can continue without this step but this ensures that there are no remnants of the drivers.
    2. After installing Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU), launch your computer into safe mode. You can learn how to boot your computer into safe mode by reading our article on it.
    3. After booting your computer into safe mode, launch the application which was just installed.
    4. After launching the application, select the first option “Clean and restart”. The application will then automatically uninstall the installed drivers and restart your computer accordingly.

    1. Boot your computer into normal mode, press Windows + R, type “devmgmt.msc” in the dialogue box and press Enter. Most probably the default drivers will be installed. If not, right-click on any empty space and select “Scan for hardware changes”.
    2. Now there are two options. Either you can search online for the latest driver available for your hardware from the manufacturer’s website such as NVIDIA etc. (and install manually) or you can let Windows install the latest version itself (search for updates automatically).
    3. We will take a look at installing manually. Right-click on your hardware and select “Update driver”. Select the first option “Search automatically for updated driver software”. Choose the second option if you are updating manually and select “Browse for driver” and navigate to the location where you downloaded.

    1. Restart your computer after installing the drivers, launch Civilization VI and check if this solves the problem.

    Solution 2: Running “Civilization VI” instead of “CivilizationVI_DX12”

    When you install Civilization VI, it creates two executables. One is “Civilization VI” and one is “CivilizationVI_DX12”. The latter one is meant for high-end graphics cards and targets the latest hardware. If you launch the game through Steam, this executable is most probably executed by default.

    You can head over to the directory “C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonSid Meier’s Civilization VIBaseBinariesWin64Steam” and launch the game using “Civilization VI”. It should utilize the existing graphics of DirectX 11 and not demand DirectX 12.

    Solution 3: Running DirectX 11 Emulator

    Another workaround that works is to run a DirectX 11 emulator and see if you can launch the game through it. The DirectX 11 emulator will trick the PC into thinking that you indeed have DirectX 11 and it will run according to it.

    Note: The emulator used is 3rd party and Appuals is in no way associated with these programs. Please proceed at your own risk.

    1. Download the tool from NetVector and run the executable.
    2. Now click on “Edit list” in front of the heading Scope.

    1. Now click on “” button and navigate to the folder where Civilization VI is installed. The default location is:
      “C:Program Files (x86)SteamSteamAppscommonSid Meier's Civilization VIBaseBinariesWin64Steam”.

      Double-click on the executable and click Add.

    Now finish by pressing “OK”. Make sure to check the option “Force WARP”. After saving all the changes, try launching the game and see if this fixes the problem

    Photo of Kevin Arrows

    Kevin Arrows

    Kevin Arrows is a highly experienced and knowledgeable technology specialist with over a decade of industry experience. He holds a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) certification and has a deep passion for staying up-to-date on the latest tech developments. Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. His contributions to the tech field have been widely recognized and respected by his peers, and he is highly regarded for his ability to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and concise manner.

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