Ошибка на магнитоле code error e


alexg251 Эксперт


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спросилa 3 января 2015 г.

Магнитола HONDA CR-V

Здравствуйте! После замены аккумулятора в магнитоле Хонды СРВ (2011 г.в.) мигает надпись «CODE ERROR E». Подскажите, пожалуйста, как разблокировать магнитолу?

Ответ эксперта


alexg251 ответил 4 января 2015 г.

Вам необходим код, который требуется ввести для разблокировки. Чтобы получить его, необходимо выполнить следующие операции:

1. Выключить магнитофон.

2. Выключить зажигание автомобиля.

3. Нажать и удерживать (одновременно) кнопки выбора программ на магнитоле 1 и 6.

4. Включить зажигание, но не отпускть кнопки 1 и 6.

5. Не отпуская кнопок 1 и 6 включить магнитолу.

6. Теперь только отпустите кнопки выбора программ 1 и 6.

7. На дисплее магнитолы будут попеременно высвечиваться два пятизначных кода.

***При возникновении трудностей обратитесь в службу поддержки производителя.

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Я езжу на Honda Odyssey (3G)

Здравствуйте, как узнать код магнитола Хонда Одиссей 2003 года випуска

Или в сервисной книге на 1 странице

Код в книге наклеен и еще где-то в машине может карточка валяется, может под ковриком верхнего бардачка, нажимаешь левую крутилку и цифровыми кнопками набираешь код.

Бывает код наклеен на крышке бардачка слева изнутри. У меня так.

У меня на наружной части бардачка, слева!


Код в книге наклеен и еще где-то в машине может карточка валяется, может под ковриком верхнего бардачка, нажимаешь левую крутилку и цифровыми кнопками набираешь код.

В том то и дело, он не вводится!

Код магнитолы можно бесплатно узнать у ОД Хонда в вашем городе.

В Москве уже не бесплатно

В Хонда Флайтавто был бесплатно.

Всегда я сколько раз звоню. Уже 4 или 5 магнитол помог код узнать.

Я тоже узнавал, себе без проблем, но когда покупал человеку мафон, решил, тоже узнать, так мне ответили, приезжаете и платите, пришлось звонить в Краснодар, там дали без проблемм


Код магнитолы можно бесплатно узнать у ОД Хонда в вашем городе.

Он у меня есть, ввести не получается

Оставь ее включенной мин на 20, потом надо ввести код, вроде так

Не знаю, новая хозяйка что-то сделала, думаем как исправить теперь

это проблема новой хозяйки )

When you drive, you use your car’s radio most often. Your radio is not only an important component of your car’s infotainment system but also provides hours of entertainment while driving.

Access to your music and navigation, as well as communication and vehicle settings, can all be done via this device.

Radios in Hondas work as usual under regular use, but sometimes the radio code needs to be reset. Depending on the model, you may be able to reset the radio codes yourself or bring it to a dealer.

If your Honda radio displays error E, then you must reset it. Radios with an E indicate that they are locked. Factory radios that require a code to operate have a battery-operated anti-theft feature. 

Reinstall the radio fuse after disconnecting the battery or pulling it. The radio will no longer display the code error. The owners’ manual packet should have a small card containing a five-digit identification number. 

To enter this code, the battery must be disconnected. Before it is locked, you will have five tries to enter the code.

Honda Radio Say Error E

What Is A Radio Error E?

An E error code on a radio indicates a problem with a car’s audio system. Several reasons exist, including a loose connection, a new accessory, or software problems.

How Do I Know If My Car Radio Has An Error E Code?

Your Honda radio will display the error E code if it is locked and needs a five-digit code to be unlocked. You will see “ERROR” on the radio screen if you enter the wrong code too many times.

For maybe 15 seconds, hold the positive and negative cable ends (not connected to the battery) together if it says “ERROR.” Reset the system after that. You can then start over again with the “CODE” command.

Error E On A Honda Radio: How Do You Reset It?

Error E On A Honda Radio: How Do You Reset It

To reset the radio, disconnect the battery first. The radio will say “Enter Code” or “Code” when you turn it on after reconnecting the battery.

Your local Honda dealer can provide you with the code (or perhaps you already have it). You will receive this error if you have entered the radio code incorrectly more than three times.

For a quick reset, disconnect the black negative battery cable from the radio for one to three minutes when the radio displays error code E. 

The radio should turn on after you enter the 5-digit radio code after the radio has returned to its original state. You can easily complete this process if this is your first time. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Obtain The Serial Number

Obtain The Serial Number

Start by finding your radio’s serial number. The radio unit has a sticker attached to the top or side that contains this information. 

You can request the radio code for your vehicle by calling Honda customer service once you’ve located the serial number. When you call, please have the following information ready:

  • Your radio’s serial number
  • The VIN of your vehicle
  • Your contact information

A customer service representative will ask you for this information to verify your identity and retrieve your vehicle’s radio code.

2. Put The Car In Auxiliary Mode

Press the “AUX” button on your radio when your car is turned on. You can then enter the code by putting the radio in auxiliary mode.

Alternatively, look for a button that says “MODE” or “SOURCE” if you don’t see an AUX button. Auxiliary can be selected by pressing this button.

Turning the key to “ACC” without starting the engine can also put the car in accessory mode. Doing this allows you to input the code while the radio is on without starting the car.

3. Turn Off The Radio

Turn Off The Radio

The radio can be turned off by pressing the “PWR” or “POWER” button once it’s in auxiliary mode. On most radios, this can be found on the face.

4. You Need To Turn On The Radio

Press the power button while holding numbers one and six. On the display of your car radio, you will see the serial number.

5. Use Your Radio’s Preset Buttons To Enter The Five-Digit Code

According to the code, the first digit corresponds to the first preset button. So, as an example, you would press “43” if your code was 43679.

Once you have entered all five digits of the code, release buttons one and six, you can now use the radio as usual once it turns on again.

What Is The Process For Resetting A Honda Radio After A Battery Change?

What Is The Process For Resetting A Honda Radio After A Battery Change

The radio may be affected when you change the battery in your car. After changing the battery on your Honda, you can easily reset the radio by following these steps:

  • Before starting the engine, turn the key to the ON position.
  • Next, turn on the radio by pressing the volume control knob.
  • Turn the radio off again after 10 seconds.
  • Finally, turn on the radio display by pressing and holding the power button.
  • Input your radio code if the Enter PIN message appears on your radio, which can be found in your owner’s manual. 
  • The radio preset buttons can be used to input the code. Your radio should be reset after entering the code.

You can reset your Honda radio by following these steps. The owner’s manual provides further instructions on how to fix the radio, or you can bring it to a Honda dealer for a quick repair.

Is There Any Other Error Code For Honda Radios?

Your Honda radio can display other error codes as well. However, there is a difference between these codes and the solutions they indicate. There are several error codes that are commonly encountered, including:

Error Code B: Your battery needs to be charged if this code appears.

Error Code P: Your vehicle’s audio system is malfunctioning.

Error Code U: Your vehicle’s USB port is malfunctioning.

We recommend consulting your owner’s manual or contacting a Honda dealer if you notice any error codes or others not highlighted here.

Should I Reset My Radio Every Time I Disconnect The Battery?

There should be no need to reset the radio each time the battery is disconnected. However, the code is needed if the power to the radio is interrupted for some reason, or if you replace the battery.

Your vehicle’s battery or electrical system may malfunction if you have to reset the code frequently. If you have a problem with your Honda, you should consult a Honda dealer or a qualified mechanic.

Can The Error E Code Be Reset In Any Other Way?

The Honda radio can be reset in a few different ways. Your owner’s manual or Honda dealer can provide you with more specific directions depending on your car’s model.

A simple method involves disconnecting and reconnecting the battery after a few minutes. You can input the code after the radio has been reset.

Another method is pressing and holding the radio’s power button for at least five seconds. By doing this, you will also be able to input the code and reset the radio.

How Do I Fix Other Honda Radio Error Codes?

In addition to these error codes, your Honda radio may display other messages. Depending on the code, different solutions will be required.

Final Words

When you recently replaced your car battery, you noticed that your Honda radio was locked out. If this is the case, you cannot listen to your favorite music while driving.

There’s a good chance that you’re locked out because a factory-enabled anti-theft system has been activated. Despite its purpose of preventing car radio theft, the lock can also prevent the owner from accessing the audio system.

Fortunately, this is a common issue that can be easily resolved. As long as you follow the above steps, you can enjoy your music or listen to your favorite podcast while driving.

Sometimes you might encounter your honda radio displaying error code e and wonder what might be the cause. While this is common, it can bring more worries.

But relax, when you see that error, it simply means that you have entered the radio code more than three times, so you are locked out. Honda will ask for a radio code every time you replace the battery.

So wherever you experience this, you shouldn’t freak out; here are steps to help fix the problem.

When your honda radio prompts you to enter the code, it means that the battery died or you just replaced it. To reset it, you will need a radio code that you can access through the honda databases. However, if your vehicle has navigation, it should be present at a honda dealership. 

Step one

The first step is to note on paper or get a device to record the serial number after getting it from the radio.

Step two

By using the start button, put the vehicle in auxiliary and not in the run or start position. Or simply turn the car ignition switch.

Step three

Turn the radio off until its screen is blank without displaying the error code. 

Step four

Use one hand to hold the radio buttons one and six together

Step five

Turn the radio on with your free hand while holding buttons one and six

Step six

While holding, you will see an eight-digit serial number, but you will see two separate serial numbers if your car’s model is older.

Step seven

After the serial number is displayed, you will need to realize the buttons and record the number for use later.

Step eight

To access, retrieve and return the radio code, the dealer will require the 17th digital vehicle identification number; this is found on the driver’s center post, insurance card, or your car registration. 

Step nine

After obtaining the five-digit radio code from the Honda dealer, now proceed t your vehicle.

Step ten

Turn your radio on. As you turn it on, it should display the word “CODE” if the radio displays an error message, you should disconnect the black negative cable for about one to three minutes for a system reset. Turn on the radio again and search for the word code; enter the five-digit radio code that you and wait to see your radio coming back.

Furthermore, you can check this article if you don’t know how to find your Honda radio code!

Are there other methods for resetting the error E code?

Yes, besides the above method, there are other methods of resetting the honda radio. You will need to turn on the radio’s power and press the power button for at least two seconds.

This procedure can at times allow the radio to remember its preset settings for a normal operation. When this is the case, you will not have to enter the code normally. But if this does not help, refer to the above steps. 

Do I have to reset the radio every time I disconnect the battery?

Yes, disconnecting a battery means that important radio and car systems will lose power. So, you will need to reset for everything to work normally. For instance, you will have to reset the clock and enter the radio code for your car’s radio system whenever you replace the battery. 

What can happen If the honda radio error code E won’t reset?

If the error code “E” does not reset, the radio can not work. So, you will need to take it to your local Honda dealership to fix the problem. 

Are there other error codes for honda radio?

Yes, besides the error code “E,” there are other honda code errors like

  • Honda radio code error #2
  • Honda radio code error 6
  • Honda radio code error1
  • Honda CRV radio code error 3
  • Code error three Honda Accord
  • Code error three Honda Civic
  • Honda radio code error 8
  • Honda radio code error 9
  • Honda radio code error4


After recently replacing your car battery, you note that you’ve been locked out of the honda radio system. This means you are not going to enjoy your best music as you drive.

Probably, you are locked out because a factory-enabled security system for anti-theft is activated. Although it is meant to lock out car radio theft from getting to your audio system, it can also lock out the owner.

Fortunately, this issue is common and simple to fix. Simply follow the above steps, and you are good to enjoy your music as you ride down the road. 

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