Ошибки в джейлбрейк-инструменте checkra1n? Что делать
Вы уже наверняка слышали о выходе нового джейлбрейк-инструмента checkra1n. Он создан на основе эксплойта checkm8, который подходит для всех версий системы на iPhone 5s – iPhone X. Более того, это первый публичный джейлбрейк с поддержкой iOS 13.
Однако многие пользователи сообщают о проблемах с вводом устройства в режим DFU и установкой джейлбрейка в целом. Чаще всего возникает «Ошибка 20» или же джейлбрейк не действует вообще.
Баги присутствуют, поскольку это публичная бета-версия инструмента. Однако, как оказалось, большинство проблем могут исправить два простых шага:
Команда checkra1n официально объявила о том, что при установке инструмента нельзя использовать кабель USB-C/Lightning. Похоже, он мешает вводу устройства в режим DFU. Особенно актуальна проблема для кабелей от Apple, но она может возникать и со сторонними кабелями.
Если же вы используете кабель USB-A/Lightning, проблемы должны исчезнуть.
Многие зачем-то вводят свои устройства в режим DFU заранее, но делать этого не надо. Именно из-за этого и возникают проблемы.
Команда checkra1n даже обновила инструкцию с вводом в режим DFU, сделав её понятнее. Теперь всё должно получаться с первого раза.
Если у вас возникали проблемы с установкой джейлбрейка, мы рекомендуем последовать двум советам выше и попробовать ещё раз.
Не забывайте, что инструмент checkra1n – это всё ещё бета, так что багов не избежать. Мы советуем подождать выхода финальной версии. Если же вы не можете ждать, у нас есть инструкция по установке джейлбрейка checkra1n.
brandonstudios commented Nov 12, 2019
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
iondarie commented Nov 12, 2019
Shadowedstalker commented Nov 12, 2019
It’s a matter of keep trying. I had this happen, after a few times and unplugging the device and replugging it it in worked flawlessly.
iondarie commented Nov 12, 2019
Tried al least 20 times even with different cables every time i get the same error.
The exploit seems to run in the end but the device becomes painfully slow and cydia works only once. after that it no longer works.
Shadowedstalker commented Nov 12, 2019
As for the speed I can not speak, but cydia crashing, that I can help with. SSH into the phone via terminal go to var/mobile/library/cydia and delete metadata.cb0. cydia will open again.
drewfissh commented Nov 12, 2019
Exactly my issue but I encountered it on my iPad mini 2 and everything was fine.
johnwatson122 commented Nov 14, 2019
Hi! I got the same error too several times. So I updated to the latest Mac version available and install all updates from the app store. It worked after that. Maybe you could try that.
You can’t perform that action at this time.
You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.
Graphiar commented Nov 11, 2019
What device + iOS version are you on?
iPhone SE 13.2.2
iPhone X 13.2.2
What checkra1n version are you using?
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
PkAIR commented Nov 11, 2019
Same for me with iPhone 8 on 13.2.2 and el capitain.
I was able to jailbreak but now after phone’s reboot I can’t rejailbreak due to the same issue.
perpelator commented Nov 12, 2019
@Graphiar Are you using an Apple Genuine cable? If not, try using one. Also try a different usb 2.0 port. Don’t forget to use 0.9.2 as that added MacOS 10.10 support.
PkAIR commented Nov 12, 2019
@perpelator new version helped me
deucetresthugz commented Dec 8, 2019
@PkAIR wait so you got it to jailbreak? how? I’ve tried to use a mid-2010 iMac on yosemite 10.10.5 with both usb-a official lighting cable that came with the phone (which was brand new in the box) as well as an Anker but every single time im having the same exact issue as you were? I’m on an X on 13.2.3. I’ve tried so many times rebooting both the phone and the mac in between tries. One thing I did notice however, was that the itunes version on the mac was too outdated to pickup my device but i’m unable to update itunes due to that OS x not supporting any higher versions. I wonder if itunes also updates the drivers as well which may be the issue but idk since you said yours worked?
What version of checkra1n did you have success with and was the itunes on your machine able to pickup your device properly? If not, then did you somehow update the drivers (not sure about how macs work since i’m a windows guy)? Is there anything you could please suggest? I’m so frustrated with this jb process. Thank you
PkAIR commented Dec 26, 2019
@deucetresthugz sorry for my late answer. yah, I was able to jailbreak my iphone 8 on 13.3 ios.
I have el capitain 10.11.6 with itunes and checkra1n 0.9.7.
Try using 0.9.7 version since I have issues with 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 versions.
How to Jailbreak iPhone on Windows without Ubuntu – iOS 14 Included
Jailbreaking iOS device on Windows is quite difficult until we found this new way. You are allowed to jailbreak iPhone without Ubuntu now! And the success rate is up to 99%. iToolab’s products use this jailbreak tool for all features that involve jailbreaking, such as UnlockGo, SIMUnlocker. The steps to jailbreak are the same on each tool.
Before Jailbreaking iPhone on Windows
Unlike Mac, there are some requirements for jailbreaking iOS devices on Windows. Please make sure:
Supported device and iOS versions:
Step-by-Step Guide: How to Jailbreak iPhone on Windows
Now, follow the below tutorial to jailbreak iPhone on Windows. You can also check the video guide below:
Step 1. Download and Install iToolab’s Software
Download and install iToolab’s software on your computer, then connect your iPhone to computer with a USB cable. Next, select the feature that need to be jailbroken. If your iPhone is no jailbroken, iToolab will auto download the jailbreak tool for you.
Step 2. Create A USB Boot Disk
Once the jailbreak tool downloaded on your computer, plug your USB flash drive to the pc. Now, select your USB and click “Next”. If you already made a USB boot disk, click “please check the next step” to go on.
Note: During the process, a warning window will pop-up to remind you that installing the jailbreak tool will erase your USB data. Click “Yes” to continue.
Now, the jailbreak tool will be burned to your USB flash drive. If you have another device, scan the QR code to check the tutorials. It is more convenient for you to follow the steps.
Step 3. Boot into the jailbreak environment
Reboot your computer and keep pressing F12 when the startup screen appears. Then, you will get into Boot Menu.
1. F12 applies to most computer models. If not working, please check the following “Boot Menu” shortcuts.
2. Do not use bluetooth keyboard or it will cause enter boot menu fail.
Boot Shortcut Key | Desktop Brand | Laptop Brand | Motherboard Brand |
ESC | Dell | ASUS, Sony | MAXSUN, UNIKA, SUPOX, Spark, SOYO, EPOX, UNIKA, Jetway, J&W, Colorful, ECS, SOYO, FOXCONN |
F8 | ASUS, BenQ | ASUS, YESTON, J&W | |
F10 | ASL | ||
F11 | MSI | MSI, ASRock, ONDA, Colorful, ECS, Gamen, Topstar |
F12 | Lenovo, HP, Acer, Hasee, eFound, THTF, Haier |
Thinkpad, Dell, Lenovo, TOSHIBA, Samsung, IBM, Acer, Hasee, Haier, eFound, THTF, GIGABYTE, Gateway, eMachines |
GIGABYTE, Intel, Cthim, SOYO, FOXCONN, Gamen, Topstar |
In the startup window, select your USB flash drive using the arrow keys and hit Enter to confirm it.
If there is no selection, please select “Security” > “Secure Boot Mode” > “Disable” by using arrow keys.
Next, select “Boot” option on the left box, and choose “EFI Boot Devices” > “EFI USB Device(with your usb name)” and hit “Enter”.
Step 4. Jailbreak iPhone in the jailbreak environment
Then, you will get into jailbreak environment, still using the arrow keys to select “Options” and press Enter to set jailbreak tool.
In the next screen, choose “Allow untested iOS/iPadOS/tvOS versions” using arrow keys and press Enter.
Note: For iPhone 8/8P/X with iOS 14 version, an option “Skip A11 BPR check” will appear, select it and press Enter. Also, if iPhone 8/8P/X set a screen passcode, you should turn it off, otherwise it will cause jailbreak failed.
Next, select the “Back” option and press Enter to exit the screen. You will back to the main interface.
Now, choose “Start” button and press Enter to start the jailbreak.
Checkra1n will auto put your device into recovery mode, choose “Next” to go on. After that, follow the steps on screen to put your device into DFU mode.
The instructions on the right, select “Start” button to start putting you iOS device into DFU mode.
Once you’ve entered DFU mode, Checkra1n will jailbreak the iOS device. When the process is completed select “Done” and unplug the USB flash drive.
Last, type reboot to restart your computer. Once your computer reboot, launch UnlockGo again and choose “iCloud Activation Lock” again, then UnlockGo will auto remove iCloud Activation Lock for you. It will take 2-3 minutes.
// macOS
Запустите checkra1n и действуйте согласно инструкции (Linux) с 7 шага.
Изменения v0.12.2:
► 1. Включает USB на Apple TV 4k во время нормальной работы системы.
► 2. Исправляет сбой устройств A10 и A10X при попытке сделать джейлбрейк на iOS 14.3 и выше.
► 3. Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой некоторые LaunchDaemons загружались на платформу, где их не должно было быть.
Изменения v5.3.1:
► 1. Исправлена поддержка удаления оставшихся файлов из RootLessJB.
Изменения v5.3.0:
► 1. Добавлена поддержка iOS 12.3-12.3.1 и 12.4.1-12.4.8 для моделей iPhone 5S, iPhone 6 и iPad Air 1 с высокой надежностью эксплойта.
► 2. Исправлены редкие проблемы с надежностью в процессе джейлбрейка для всех устройств.
► 2. Исправлена логическая ошибка в отключении автоматического обновления.
► 3. Обновление Cydia в комплекте, чтобы исправить сбои на iOS 13.5 с включенной аппаратной клавиатурой.
Уважаемые джейлбрейкеры!
Список твиков совместимых с iOS 13.0-13.3
Список твиков совместимых с iOS 13.5
Будьте внимательны, не все твики оптимизированы под работу с iOS 13!
После джейлбрейка все функции должны работать, как обычно. 99% проблем вызвано действиями пользователя.
Важная информация:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[B]Автор джейлбрейка:[/B] команда [URL=https://twitter.com/checkra1n]@checkra1n[/URL], в составе которой [URL=https://twitter.com/qwertyoruiopz]@qwertyoruiop[/URL] (выступал на POC 2019 с презентацией о checkm8 и checkra1n) и [URL=https://twitter.com/axi0mX]@axi0mX[/URL] (человек, нашедший уязвимость в BootROM и описавший, как ее можно эксплуатировать). [OFFTOP]Полный список авторов есть на официальном сайте[/OFFTOP]
И хотелось бы уточнение, что поддерживается iOS 12.3+
Или в ветке по JB iOS 12 добавление checkra1n
by , Published on July 28, 2022July 28, 2022
Last Updated on July 28, 2022
Are you getting the Exploit Failed (Error code: -31) for Checkra1n? If yes then here in this post we have mentioned the best fixes to get rid of the Checkra1n Exploit Failed (Error code: -31).
Possible Reasons For Checkra1n Exploit Failed (Error code 31)
- There is some temporary issue with your computer.
- You may need to use untested versions and Safe Mode.
- The issue is related to the version of Checkra1n that you are using.
How To Fix Checkra1n Exploit Failed (Error code: -31)?
Fix 1: Restart your computer
The error can occur because of any temporary glitch on your device. In such a case you should first restart the device on which you are using the Checkra1n.
So restart your computer and check if you are still getting the issue.
Fix 2: Allow untested versions and Safe Mode
- First, restart your computer and phone.
- After that go to the checkra1n app options.
- Then choose untested versions and Safe Mode.
- After that try jailbreaking again.
- Check if doing this fixes the issue or not.
Fix 3: Use Old Version Of checkra1n
If restarting the computer and choosing safe mode is not letting you fix the issue then try using any old version of the checkra1n.
In a Reddit thread, many users have mentioned that choosing the old version of checkra1n fixes the issue for them.
Fix 4: Try This Hack
We can’t confirm this solution but one Reddit user has mentioned that this fixes the issue for him. So definitely you can try this, maybe this works for you too.
We are sharing exactly what he mentioned.
When it comes to “Right before Trigger” wait 10-15 Secs, then plug out the cable (!) and wait another 5-7 secs, then plug in again.
And manually leave the dfu mode. To leave the dfu mode, make sure you hold both buttons (home+on/off) for 10 Secs, then release the home-button
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A Digital Marketer by profession and a passionate traveller. Technology has been always my first interest, so I consistently look for new updates in tech to explore, and also has expertise in WordPress.
Tell us about your setup:
What iDevice are you using?
iphone 5s -
On what version of iOS is it?
12.5.5 -
What version of checkra1n are you using?
0.12.4 beta -
What is your host system (OS version? Hackintosh? VM? etc.)?
ISO write to USB
- How are you connecting to the device (USB-A? USB-C? Apple/3rd party cable? Through a USB hub?)?
What are the steps to reproduce the issue?
alt-f2, then start , start, enter into dfu mode
What do you expect, and what is happening instead?
done jail-breaking expecpted but failed with error -31
Did you see a popup on the device stating it entered «Safe Mode» due to an error?
Does the issue also occur if you tick «Safe Mode» in the checkra1n options?
dont know
Any other info, error logs, screenshots, …?
A Digital Marketer by profession and a passionate traveller. Technology has been always my first interest, so I consistently look for new updates in tech to explore, and also has expertise in WordPress.