Ошибка my text is missing

I’m trying to send a text message from my Android application. Everything works fine, but some of the text are missing. Here is my code:

String phoneNumber = "99********";  //Masked the number intentionally.
String message = "";
message += "This is Prabha, and thanks for using my application. ";
message += "Hope you enjoy this application. ";
message += "If you face any problem or issue, you can report the issue to our ";
message += "official mail id: pbha701@yahoo.com.";

SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault();
smsManager.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, message, null, null);

I am receiving the message, but it is not full. Some text are missing. I’m getting only the below text:

This is Prabha, and thanks for using my application. Hope you enjoy this application. If you face any problem or issue, you can report the issue to our officia

I’ve added the below permission in AndroidManifest.xml:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS" />

I am not able to find why the remaining text are truncated. Should I add any other permission or any setting changes required? Any ideas or help will be appreciated.


I am using InfoPath Designer 2013 to develop a custom form for a library in a SharePoint Online site. The form is in development, so I published it to a test site. One day when I tried to republish the form to update it, the form failed to publish, and InfoPath gave me an error message that seemed to have missing text:

Error Message

I thought that I might have inadvertently changed some setting on my form to cause the error, so I created a very simple form from scratch (just fields for first name and last name) and tried to publish it. I received the same error, so I spoke with the site administrator, who gave me a different test site to use. I was able to publish my forms to the second site, so I used it for testing but continued to try publishing on the first site. After about a week I was suddenly able to publish any form on the first site again (I have no idea why).

For about two weeks I was able to publish without difficulty, then a couple of days ago I began to receive the same error message for any form I attempt to publish on either of the two test sites. When I run the InfoPath Design Check, it says there are no errors, but I receive the error message for any form I try to publish. I don’t know what to make of the error message, but it looks like the body contains the word «InfoPath» oddly separated onto three lines with the «h» missing.

Describe the bug

Starting a programm creates this error message in «show output from — general» .

c:program filesmicrosoft visual studio2022previewcommon7ideextensionsmicrosoftpythoncorepylancedistpylance-langserver.bundle.js:1
function a0_0x1596(){const _0xe47295=
[‘ywjZB2X1DgvvBG’,’zwXKrxHWCMvZCW’,’rNjVBq’,’kIbeDw1WigrLyG’,’C2L6zwq6ka’,’DgHLC2LZ’,’y2fUrxH0CMfJDa’,’zMf1Bhq’,’zxHpCLnSAwnL’,’yw5Jzq’,’x2DLDfjLz2LVBG’,’ugfJA2fNzxm’,’DNnJB2rLlw5VDa’,’ugfYyw0′,’uKLtveLd’,’y2XHC3m’,’Dg9Rzw5syw5Nzq’,’CNruzxH0rM9Yqq’,’x0fdq0vqveve’,’yMXL’,’CMLJq2XHC3m’,’C3vIC3rY’,’zwjVB2STy2vSBa’,’sw1WB3j0′,’C2vUzfjLy29TBq’,’z2v0uNvSzq’,’nZm2′,’BMv3u3LTyM9StG’,’ChLSyw5JzvvYAq’,’CM9Wzxj0Eq’,’DMLZAxrezwW’,’ig1LC3nHz2u’,’Cg9ZDe1LC3nHzW’,’Aw50zwXSAxnLBG’,’uhjVDMLKzxi’,’D2fPDa’,’CMvXDwLYzq’,’zxrLCKXPC3q’,’Dg9Rzw5PEMvdyq’,’tNvSBa’,’BwL0′,’C0nVDw50′,’CIbJB3vUDdO’,’zgv0ywLSCW’,’tw9Kzq’,’y2vSBhm’,’z2v0tw9KDwXLtG’,’rxHWCMvZC2LVBG’,’Bgv2zwW’,’z2v0sxrLBuf0′,’rxH0CMfJDcbTzq’,’CNr5′,’Dg9dB25JyxrvCG’,’vw5HBM5VDgf0zq’,’y2vWDgvK’,’BwvTyMvYtMfTzq’,’tMfTzxnbBMrbza’,’kIb3AgvUihrOzq’,’x2DLDerLy29Yyq’,’BJOG’,’CMvZC0jHCG’,’CMLHyMXL’,’q29KzuzVCLr5Ca’,’zwn0zwq’,’rxjYB3iGB2nJDq’,’zw5HyMXLrxH0CG’,’AgfZvw5LC2nHCa’,’DxnLzeLTCg9YDa’,’C3rHCNrnB2rLBa’,’rgLKig5VDcbMAq’,’y2HLy2TwywXPza’,’zxnOzwqGzMfSBa’,’DxbKyxrLtM90zq’,’DMLZAxrxAgLSzq’,’zgvJB3jHDg9Y’,’C3LTyM9SvgfIBa’,’y3vTzw50l2rPza’,’BMnLCW’,’ksbYB290igrPCG’,’zMLUzwrwyxjPyq’,’vgHYzwfKqMfZzq’,’BgXqCMvMAxG’,’zgvJB2rLvgv4Da’,’CMf0Aw9U’,’y3vZDg9T’,’CMLZDgLJ’,’DxnLCKLUzgv4tq’,’z2v0uM9VDhm’,’C2v0vg9qB3nPDa’,’uMvWB3j0uhjVzW’,’C3rYDwn0DxjL’,’z1vYAq’,’x2XVywrk …
[Text cut short as too long to paste]

Error: missing params.textDocument.text
at _0x36eaa2..handleOpen (c:program filesmicrosoft visual studio2022previewcommon7ideextensionsmicrosoftpythoncorepylancedistpylance-langserver.bundle.js:1:307537)
at _0x4d5c13.onDidOpenTextDocument (c:program filesmicrosoft visual studio2022previewcommon7ideextensionsmicrosoftpythoncorepylancedistpylance-langserver.bundle.js:1:364801)
at notificationHandler (c:program filesmicrosoft visual studio2022previewcommon7ideextensionsmicrosoftpythoncorepylancedistpyright-internalsrclanguageServerBase.ts:498:71)
at handleNotification (c:program filesmicrosoft visual studio2022previewcommon7ideextensionsmicrosoftpythoncorepylancedistpyright-internalnode_modulesvscode-jsonrpclibcommonconnection.js:606:25)
at processMessageQueue (c:program filesmicrosoft visual studio2022previewcommon7ideextensionsmicrosoftpythoncorepylancedistpyright-internalnode_modulesvscode-jsonrpclibcommonconnection.js:324:17)
at Immediate. (c:program filesmicrosoft visual studio2022previewcommon7ideextensionsmicrosoftpythoncorepylancedistpyright-internalnode_modulesvscode-jsonrpclibcommonconnection.js:311:13)
at processImmediate (node:internal/timers:466:21)

Expected behavior
No error message. It appeared after updating VS

Configuration information (If you are providing a diagnostics file (see below), skip this section)
VS Version: Version 17.3.0 Preview 4.0
PTVS version: 17.0.22179.3
Python version: 3.10.4
Debugger Type (if applicable): [New debugger or legacy debugger?]

You are currently viewing Steps To Correct Missing Message Text For SQL Error

Today’s tutorial is written to help you if you receive a “No Message Text” error message that matches an SQL error message.


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    Received Error SQL0969N: Message Text Does Not Match Error SQL -873

    If you have an IBM Tivoli Service Level Database Advisor for z / OS devices andYou start ETL processes on all target (DYK) or source (DY1) warehouses.packs, you might get a similar error message, so you can do the followingExample:

     CDWEX8087E Generic SQL Error: SQL_ERROR: 'ExecDirect' 2004.06.15
     15:30: 58,968 sqlState is 53090, nativeErr = -873, errorMsg = [IBM] [CLI driver] [db2]

    there is no message text corresponding to sql error

     sql0969n No message text associated with SQL error "-873" in
     message information about this workstation. The error was mainly due to the returned module


    Are you tired of your computer running slow? Annoyed by frustrating error messages? ASR Pro is the solution for you! Our recommended tool will quickly diagnose and repair Windows issues while dramatically increasing system performance. So don’t wait any longer, download ASR Pro today!

     "DSNKOEND" with an original wedding celebration ". SQLSTATE = error 53090

    This can free up space if you try to run ETLs without running them first.dyk_translate.bat or dy1_translate.batScript for the personal computer of the Tivoli Data Warehouse management server. ThoseScripts configure DYK or DY1-ETL processes toTablespaces use the desired names when IBM Tivoli Service Level Advisor databasescreated in system z/ OS.

    there is no message text corresponding to sql error

    See the 5 chapters of getting started for the method of executiondyk_translate.bat and dy1_translate.batScripts for organizing ETL DYK and DY1.

    [Back to top of page | Previous page | Next page | Contents | Index] name = “Bot_Of_Page”>

    Several of my colleagues and I started out who might encounter the following error in Toad for Data Analyst. When we try to edit the data of an array (in the parenthesis “data” after selecting “show details” for a good solid array), sometimes we get the following error message:

    “ERROR [IBM] [DB2] [56038] SQL0969N There is no marketing text in the message file on this workstation that matches the SQL error” -4700 “. The error was returned by the device, originally” DSNHSM2V “with token” “. SQLSTATE = 56038 inches < / p>

    This only happens when you try to change data in certain tables. For a given family table, we seem to always or never receive this situation report.




    db2start, ZRC = 0xFFFFEA84 = -5500, sqleAddVendorEnvString, SQL5500N, SQL0969N, -5500 ,, KBA, sqladdvendorenvstring, zrc = 0xffffea84 = -5500, -5500, BC-DB-DB6, DB / NT2, UniversalD6 / p database>

    About This Page

    This is a preview of the SAP Knowledge Base article. Click here to access the full version on the SAP ONE Support Launchpad (Login)necessary).

    Look For The Best Results

    Unable to start the database manager. Db2start
    command returns the following error:

    > SQL0969N There is no message text in the thought file on this workstation that matches the SQL error "-5500".
    An error was returned from course "SQLESSSN" with original tokens "".
    SQL1032N No receipt was issued to start the database manager. SQLSTATE = 57019
     2017-12- + 060 I4427560A321 LEVEL: Heavy 
    PID: 123456 TID: PROC: db2star2
    INSTANT: db2abc NODE (empty) 000
    HOSTNAME: abcd
    EDUID: 1
    FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, System Utilities Structure, sqleAddVendorEnvString, Example: 40
    MESSAGE: ZRC = 0xFFFFEA84 = -5500

    Det Finns Ingen Meddelandetext Som Motsvarar SQL-fel
    Нет текста сообщения, соответствующего ошибке Sql
    Não Há Texto De Mensagem Correspondente Ao Erro SQL
    Il N’y A Pas De Texte De Message Correspondant à L’erreur SQL
    Non C’è Nessun Testo Del Messaggio Corrispondente All’errore Sql
    Er Is Geen Berichttekst Die Overeenkomt Met De SQL-fout
    Es Gibt Keinen Nachrichtentext, Der Dem SQL-Fehler Entspricht
    No Hay Texto De Mensaje Correspondiente Al Error De SQL
    SQL 오류에 해당하는 메시지 텍스트가 없습니다.
    Nie Ma Tekstu Wiadomości Odpowiadającego Błędowi SQL

    David Camacho

    Tags: bulk insert, bulk load data conversion error, connection, database, invalid character, level 16, microsoft sql, msg 4864, mssql, server, sql query

  • Raising Exceptions in XSLT mapping.?

    When there is an mapping exception, in UDF, i raise an exception…
    Similar is the case with Java & ABAP mappings.
    Now, How do i raise mapping exceptions in XSLT mapping (Java & ABAP)..?

    You could use Java enhancement, but instead of just adding info to the trace, you could raise a real exception, using an ErrorHandler object. Ive successfully worked with the one below (not with XSLTs, tho, but I dont see why it shouldnt work.
    import java.util.Map;
    import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.AbstractTrace;
    import com.sap.aii.mapping.api.StreamTransformationConstants;
    * @author Henrique.Pinto
    * To change the template for this generated type comment go to
    * Window&gt;Preferences&gt;Java&gt;Code Generation&gt;Code and Comments
    public class MappingErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
         private static AbstractTrace trace = null;
         public MappingErrorHandler(Map param) {
              trace =
                   (AbstractTrace) param.get(
         public void warning(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
                   «**Parsing Warning**n»
                        + »  Line:    «
                        + exception.getLineNumber()
                        + «n»
                        + »  URI:     «
                        + exception.getSystemId()
                        + «n»
                        + »  Message: «
                        + exception.getMessage());
              throw new SAXException(«Warning encountered»);
         public void error(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
                   «**Parsing Error**n»
                        + »  Line:    «
                        + exception.getLineNumber()
                        + «n»
                        + »  URI:     «
                        + exception.getSystemId()
                        + «n»
                        + »  Message: «
                        + exception.getMessage());
              throw new SAXException(«Error encountered»);
         public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException {
                   «**Parsing Fatal Error**n»
                        + »  Line:    «
                        + exception.getLineNumber()
                        + «n»
                        + »  URI:     «
                        + exception.getSystemId()
                        + «n»
                        + »  Message: «
                        + exception.getMessage());
              throw new SAXException(«Fatal Error encountered»);

  • How to throw error from process without raising exception

    Hi ,
    I like to throw error messages in Process error section whenever my If condition fails from PL/SQL anonymous block.The process is fired after submit-computation and validation.Also i like to avoid placing raise_application_error from the Process region source.
    My task is to validate whether a itemvalue is in from the table lists or not.
    like — If :P1_X not in (‘abc’,’xyz’) then throw error .(where abc and xyz are tablename) .Instead of placing the validation as Validation routine i must have to place it in Process since the :P1_X item value obtain after computation and validation of another process.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Vikas ,
    Again thnx for ur input and sorry 4 my late reply.
    Probably i cant make my actual requirement clear to you.
    I want to press a submit button and the process will be fired.The process should check the item :p1_x value if this value is not in the tablenames then here i am throwing error by raise_application_error .I want to make this customized such that instead of raising the error i want to make the error string display in the error message section which is the error pattern usually displayed as Inline error notification for the validation types.But since its not validation rather process so how can i handle the situation.
    Any suggestion ?
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How to Extract Error Text from RFC.Exception within BPM?

    I have a scenario MPA -> XI <-> RFC.  A synchronous RFC call will be performed inside a BPM on a SAP system.  An exception message is expected if RFC raises exception.  However, there don’t seem to be any mechanism that allows logic/step in BPM to extract the error text from the RFC exception message in order to send it out to user as an error alert.
    Appreciate if anyone can shed some lights.  Thx in advance.
    Chong Wah

    you can always wrap your RFC with another one
    in which you’ll catch the exception
    and pass in a normal field back to the XI
    and then do the standard as per my weblog:
    <a href=»/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions»><b>XI / PI FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

  • ABAP Mapping for Error handling in Proxy to JDBC

    Hi All,
    I am working on a proxy to jdbc scenario in which we have to throw validation errors to NWPM(Net Weaver Process Monitor Tool)
    I am following the below steps,
    step 1 — In message mapping a UDF is created to catch errors and store them in a variable using  dynamic configuration
    step 2 — writing abap mapping for handling this thrown exception and im reading the dynamic configuration in the abap class and raising exception. The exception format expected is
    SAP:Error SOAP:mustUnderstand=»» xmlns:SAP=»http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30″ xmlns:SOAP=»http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/»>
      <SAP:P3>Mandatory field is missing[BUKRS] </SAP:P3>
       <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:Stack>No receiver could be determined</SAP:Stack>
    I have written the following ABAP code to achieve this:
      DATA l_record type mpp_dynamic.
    DATA error type String.
    getting dynamic configuration value
    filled in by any previous mapping
        NAMESPACE = ‘http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/ERROR’
        NAME      = ‘ERROR’
        RECORD    = l_record.
    error = l_record-value.
    *raising exception with our message
       TEXTID =
       PREVIOUS =
        ERROR_CODE = ‘001’
        ERROR_TEXT = error .
       TEXTID =
       PREVIOUS =
        ERROR_CODE = ‘003’
        ERROR_TEXT = error .
    I am gettign the following message for our code:
    SAP:Error SOAP:mustUnderstand=»» xmlns:SAP=»http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30″ xmlns:SOAP=»http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/»>
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:Stack>No receiver could be determined</SAP:Stack>
    Could you please help in finding the solution for getting currect error message from ABAP class?
    Edited by: SwethaC on Jan 21, 2011 8:18 AM

    The error is due to RFC Call fail from PI system to your ECC Application System.
    Check your RFC Destination for ECC System type 3 in PI System.
    When you are receiving data from ECC System using Proxies & again you are going to ECC System for Validation.
    Why you are not doing this validation on ECC System only in your proxy code ?
    In your proxy code, it will be much better for performance to check your data there on same system.

  • Raising Exception-Proxy

    Hi Group,
    Can any body suggest how to raise exception in ABAP proxy with custom message and I want to fail message in SXMB_MONI .

    Hi Rajiv
    In addition to the code provided by Jorg’s link above, you can also use the RAISE static method in class CL_PROXY_FAULT. This is useful if you already have error messages in the common BAPI return table.
      cl_proxy_fault=>raise( exception_class_name = ‘ZCL_YOUR_EXCEPTION_CLASS’
                                              bapireturn_tab                 = t_bapiret2 ).
    Do note that as mentioned by Jorg, you still need to define the fault message, which then causes your error to appear as an «Application Error» in the monitor. ZCL_YOUR_EXCEPTION_CLASS is subclass of CX_AI_APPLICATION_FAULT, and would be automatically generated from the fault message when you generate your proxy.
    Eng Swee

  • Raise Exception when Executing Native SQL

    Hi ALL,
                 when i am executing native sql, it raises following exception:
    code as shown below:
    data:begin of ty_final occurs 0,
    vkorg type vbrk-vkorg,
    vtweg type vbrk-vtweg,
    spart type vbrp-spart,
    werks type vbrp-werks,
    fkart type vbrk-fkart,
    vbeln_invoice type vbrk-vbeln,
    matnr type vbrp-matnr,
    arktx type vbrp-arktx,
    fkimg type vbrp-fkimg,
    ntgew type vbrp-ntgew,
    mwsbp type vbrp-mwsbp,
    posnr type vbrp-posnr,
    vbeln type likp-vbeln,
    bldat type likp-bldat,
    erdat type likp-erdat,
    traid type likp-traid,
    ernam type likp-ernam,
    posnr_do type lips-posnr,
    vbeln_so type vbak-vbeln,
    audat_so type vbak-audat,
    erdat_so type vbak-erdat,
    ernam_so type vbak-ernam,
    posnr_so type vbap-posnr,
    vbeln_contract type vbak-vbeln,
    audat_contract type vbak-audat,
    erdat_contract type vbak-erdat,
    ernam_contract type vbak-ernam,
    vbtyp_contract type vbak-vbtyp,
    posnr_contract type vbap-posnr,
    end of ty_final.
    EXEC SQL .
    into :ty_final
    from (SELECT
    VBAK.VBELN co_vbeln,
    VBAK.AUDAT co_audat,
    VBAK.ERDAT co_erdat,
    VBAK.ERNAM co_ernam,
    VBAK.VBTYP co_vbtyp,
    WHERE VBAK.VBELN=vbap.vbeln
    and vbak.vbtyp=’G’) c,
    vbak.vbeln so_vbeln,
    vbak.audat so_audat,
    vbak.erdat so_erdat,
    vbak.ernam so_ernam,
    vbap.posnr so_posnr
    WHERE vbak.VBELN=vbap.vbeln
    and vbak.vbtyp=’C’) s,
    likp.vbeln do_vbeln,
    likp.bldat do_bldat,
    likp.erdat do_erdat,
    likp.traid do_traid,
    likp.ernam do_ernam,
    lips.posnr do_posnr
    WHERE likp.VBELN=lips.vbeln
    and likp.vbtyp=’J’.
    ) d,
    vbrk.vkorg  inv_vkorg,
    vbrk.vtweg  inv_vtweg,
    vbrp.spart  inv_spart,
    vbrp.werks  inv_werks,
    vbrk.fkart  inv_fkart,
    vbrk.vbeln  inv_vbeln,
    vbrp.matnr  inv_matnr,
    vbrp.arktx  inv_arktx,
    vbrp.fkimg  inv_fkimg,
    vbrp.ntgew  inv_ntgew,
    vbrp.mwsbp  inv_mwsbp,
    vbrp.posnr  inv_posnr
    WHERE vbrk.VBELN=vbrp.vbeln
    AND vbrk.VBTYP=’M’
    AND vbrk.FKART NOT IN (‘S1′,’S2′,’S3’)
    AND vbrk.FKSTO<>’X’) i1,
    where VBTYP_V=’G’
    ) f1,
    where VBTYP_V=’C’
    ) f2,
    where VBTYP_V=’J’
    ) f3
    where c.vbeln=f1.vbelv(+)
    and f1.vbeln=f2.vbelv(+)
    and s.vbeln=f2.vbelv(+)
    and f2.vbeln=f3.vbelv(+)
    and d.vbeln=f3.vbelv(+)
    and i1.vbeln=f3.vbeln(+)
    **and c.vbeln=f3.vbelv(+)
    **and i1.vbeln=d.vbeln(+)
    *if sy-subrc <> 0.

    Try using this ..
    data ref1 type ref to CX_SY_NATIVE_SQL_EROR.
    exec sql.
    write ‘Error ‘, ref1->SQL_ERROR.
    Edited by: Vasavi Kotha on Jan 6, 2009 11:26 AM

  • ABAP Mapping error

         My system is running on XI 3.0 SP9, I am using abap mapping for conversion idoc xml structure to flat file structure. But I am getting the error as shown below.
    Appreciate for your response.
      <?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»UTF-8″ standalone=»yes» ?>
    — <!—  Request Message Mapping
    — <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP=»http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30″ xmlns:SOAP=»http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/» SOAP:mustUnderstand=»»>
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace=»» />
      <SAP:Stack>Error in mapping program ZCL_ABAP_MAPPING4X (type R3_ABAP, kernel error ID UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION)</SAP:Stack>

    Have u seen the ABAP mapping guide?
    Refer this series to the ABAP mapping section.https:///people/sravya.talanki2/blog/2006/12/26/aspirant-to-learn-sap-xiyou-won-the-jackpot-if-you-read-this-part-ii
    It will be very handy and useful.


    I need to split messages depending upon the message area.I have already created ABAP mapping class that creates one big file in the output.However now I need to split the messages into different files according to Business Area.
    Is it possible that I can I use this methods below inside the loop and endloop statements when I build the XML document  using XML DOM Processor.
    renderer = o_ixml->create_renderer( ostream = o_istream
                                            document = o_document ).
       irc = renderer->render( ).
    Let me know this will work ,if not how to do multi mapping with this already built ABAP Mapping Class in the Interface mapping.Any other suggestions will be highly appreciated.

    Hi Vijay,
    We are able to output the XML properly with Messages/Message1 tags etc in ABAP mapping program. used SXI_MAPPING_TEST to make sure no errors.
    In interface mapping, I had changed target interface to «0 to unbounded», also selected «enhanced» in Interface determination, activated the changes.
    Now, scenrio fails with «uncaught exception in ABAP mapping».
    We are pretty close to solution I guess. please help.

  • Send error text to PI when inbound asyncrhonous RFC raises an exception

    I’ve been developing a File 2 RFC asynchronous scenario. I’m an ABAP developer too so I’m who programmed the inbound RFC.
    This RFC is updating materials, so for example if the material is blocked by some user in the system the RFC raises an error and PI knows that something had happened because the RFC response to PI is like this:
    If I go to the RFC imported definition at PI, I can see that the fault message structure has fields to add text and parameters like an standard message. I’ve tried to use this sentence to raise the message in the RFC instead of simple RAISE EXCEPTION:
        MESSAGE ID ls_return-id
              TYPE ls_return-type
            NUMBER ls_return-number
              WITH ls_return-message_v1 ls_return-message_v2
                   ls_return-message_v3 ls_return-message_v4
    But I still get only the APPLICATION_ERROR as fault response message in PI…
    How do I fill the fault message correctly?

    I’ve been developing a File 2 RFC asynchronous scenario. I’m an ABAP developer too so I’m who programmed the inbound RFC.
    This RFC is updating materials, so for example if the material is blocked by some user in the system the RFC raises an error and PI knows that something had happened because the RFC response to PI is like this:
    If I go to the RFC imported definition at PI, I can see that the fault message structure has fields to add text and parameters like an standard message. I’ve tried to use this sentence to raise the message in the RFC instead of simple RAISE EXCEPTION:
        MESSAGE ID ls_return-id
              TYPE ls_return-type
            NUMBER ls_return-number
              WITH ls_return-message_v1 ls_return-message_v2
                   ls_return-message_v3 ls_return-message_v4
    But I still get only the APPLICATION_ERROR as fault response message in PI…
    How do I fill the fault message correctly?

  • ReportDocument.ExportToStream raises «Missing Parameter Values» exception

    I have a web app built using VS 2008 which runs many reports developed in CR 2008. Most of these reports take parameters and many have embedded subreports. Many of the reports can either be viewed directly or e-mailed. For the latter, I use ReportDocument.ExportToStream(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat) to export a PDF file which then gets attached to the e-mail.
    One set of reports works fine when viewed directly, but raises a «Missing Parameter Values» exception when I try to generate the PDF.  All the other reports, seemingly similar in most respects, including the number and type of parameters, work fine when calling ExportToStream.
    Here is the really strange part: the exception is spurious. I wrapped the whole thing in a try/catch block to better examine the exception, hoping to find which parameter value is actually missing.  I could not identify the missing parameter value, but once I handled the exception, the report runs fine and converts to PDF.
    Any hints as to what could be causing this problem?  It seems like a really bad hack to solve the problem using a try/catch in this way.

    Thanks for the quick response. Your code was very instructive, but did not help yet.  Here is what I have:
    (This response is too long for a single post, so I will split it and finish in the next post.)
    ReportDocument rptDoc = new ReportDocument();
    rptDoc.Load(strReportSourceFolder + strReportName + «.rpt»);
    rptDoc.SetParameterValue(«ClientID», lngKeyFieldID);
    rptDoc.SetParameterValue(«Role», «Client»);
    This is followed by an amazing chunk of code, provided to me by a guy at SAP Tech Support, who said it was necessary to pass database credentials programatically.  It iterates the tables in the ReportDocument and individually sets the LogonInfo. (I say «amazing» because it astounds me you have to jump through such hoops for something that should be routine and easy.)  The commented lines are just to help in debugging.
    ConnectionInfo conn = new ConnectionInfo();
    conn.ServerName = «myServer»;
    conn.DatabaseName = «myDB»;
    conn.UserID = «myUserID»;
    conn.Password = «myPassword»;
    Tables tables = rptDoc.Database.Tables;
    foreach (Table table in tables)
      //string str= table.TestConnectivity().ToString());
      TableLogOnInfo tableLogonInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
      tableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = conn;
      //table.Location = table.Location;                        
    This is followed by the viewer stuff:
    CrystalReportViewer1.DisplayGroupTree = false;
    CrystalReportViewer1.DisplayToolbar = true;
    CrystalReportViewer1.HasToggleGroupTreeButton = false;
    CrystalReportViewer1.HasToggleParameterPanelButton = false;
    CrystalReportViewer1.Page.Title = strReportName;
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = rptDoc;
    Up to here, it works fine, displaying the report.  If the report is also to be e-mailed, the following is executed:
    if (bEmail)
      //  export to PDF, then mail that
      SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();
      MailAddress from = new MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[«ReportMailFrom»].ToString());
      MailMessage message = new MailMessage();
      message.From = from;
      message.SubjectEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;
      message.Subject = «E-mail BackOffice report: » + strReportName;
        foreach(ParameterField field in rptDoc.ParameterFields)
          Logger.LogEvent(«test», «», field.ToString(), «Trace», null, true, true);
          Logger.LogEvent(«test», «», «Name: » + field.Name, «Trace», null, false, false);
          Logger.LogEvent(«test», «», «PromptText: » + field.PromptText, «Trace», null, false, false);
          Logger.LogEvent(«test», «», «IsOptionalPrompt: » + field.IsOptionalPrompt, «Trace», null, false, false);
        MemoryStream memStream = (MemoryStream)rptDoc.ExportToStream(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat);
        Attachment data = new Attachment(memStream, MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf);
        ContentDisposition disposition = data.ContentDisposition;
        disposition.CreationDate = DateTime.Now;
        disposition.ModificationDate = DateTime.Now;
        disposition.FileName = strReportName + «.pdf»;
        disposition.DispositionType = DispositionTypeNames.Attachment;
      catch (Exception ex)
        Logger.LogEvent(«error», «Page_Load», strReportName + » Exception: » + ex.Message, «Trace», null, true, true);
      //  …  do the rest of the stuff to create & send the e-mail
    (The rest of this message will be in the following post.  Sorry it is so long.)

  • How can i get the error message from the thrown/raised exception?

    DB version:10gR2
    Examples for this thread taken from
    Want Stored Procs to get exectuted regardless of preceeding SPs Success or
    I have a package with several functions and procedures inside.I created a caller procedure called callProcs, which will execute various procedures within the package in the appropriate order.
    In the below example i cannot get the error message thrown from line 20
    create or replace package body mypackage
    variable_proc1 number;
    variable_proc2 number;
    variable_proc3 number;
    v_result       number;
    my_exception   exception;
    procedure proc1
    select 8/0 into variable_proc1 from dual;
              when others
              then raise my_exception; —-line 20
    procedure proc2
    select 1 into variable_proc2 from dual;
              when others
    procedure proc3
    select 3 into variable_proc3 from dual;
              when others
    Procedure caller_proc
    dbms_output.put_line(‘The output is ‘||v_result);
              when my_exception
    dbms_output.put_line(‘Heyyyyy the error is ‘||SQLERRM); — exception caught at line 64 of caller proc
    end mypackage;
    When i try executing the caller proc, i don’t get the error. Instead i get the text User-Defined Exception as shown below
    set serveroutput on
    exec mypackage.caller_proc;
    Heyyyyy the error is User-Defined Exception
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.Edited by: user10633418 on Mar 10, 2009 11:30 PM

    Thank you justin.
    Sorry my earlier post was a bit ambiguous.
    I wanted the error generated at proc1 to be captured at caller proc’s Exception handling section (line 64) so that i could log the error to an ERR_LOG table.
    I can actually log this error at proc1 itself like
    when others
    error_message :=’My custom message for the particular proc ‘||SQLERRM;
    logerror(error_message); —an autonomous error logging proc
    raise;But there is a RAISE statement in proc1’s exception handling, so the exception gets propogated to caller proc’s exception handling section {color:#ff0000}*and another redundant row will be created at ERR_LOG table for the same error because there is a*{color}
    logerror(error_message);—an autonomous error logging proc
    in the WHEN OTHERS section of exception handling section of the caller proc
    I want to avoid the creation of this redundant row in ERR_LOG table.

  • [MESSAGE.GENERAL] How can take the actual error text for ABAP proxy error?

    I’m a ABAPer.
    I got to create outbound abap proxy for synchronous server proxy and described below.
    My problem is program can not catch the actual error message when occurred error during send data to XI.
    The return message is just ‘MESSAGE.GENERAL’.
    But according to the XI part, ‘Key error’ is actual reason.
    So… how can i take the actual error text like ‘Key error’?
    <b>* Only MESSAGE.GENERAL is return message for all kind of errors.</b>
          CREATE OBJECT abap_proxy.
          CALL METHOD abap_proxy->execute_synchronous
              output = gs_out
              input  = gs_in.
      Exception Handling
    <b>    CATCH cx_ai_system_fault  INTO  go_sys_exception.
          g_sys_result = go_sys_exception->get_text( ).</b>
        CATCH cx_ai_application_fault INTO go_app_exception.
          g_app_result = go_app_exception->get_text( ).
    Return status ‘D’ is succeeded.
      if  gs_in-sales_group_rer_sap-xstat <> ‘D’. 
         WRITE:/ ‘System Error Message      :’, g_sys_result.
         WRITE:/ ‘Application Error Message :’, g_app_result.
    System Error Message      : MESSAGE.GENERAL
    Application Error Message :
    Message was edited by: Miju cho
    Message was edited by: Miju cho

    Thanks guys, this was useful.
    My scenario is for Asynchronous communication.
    I guess Fault messages are used in case of Synchronous communication for handling application errors. So if there was something wrong at the JDBC end then I could use the fault messages.
    Have i got this right?
    I also came across this piece on Acknowledgements. But is says that they can be used with the following Receivers:
    The following receivers support acknowledgments:
    ABAP and Java proxies (XI 3.0 SP1 for the latter)
    Integration processes
    IDocs (note that IDocs only return acknowledgments when they have been configured using the ALE audit)
    Receiver adapters support system acknowledgments but not application acknowledgments
    My Receiver is JDBC. So I guess I cannot use acknowledgements either.
    Hence, I need to know what I can do to replicate the system errors eg. failed server etc…so that I can get catch these errors during sending.
    I’ll tell you abt what happened earlier.
    My XI server was down. I executed the code for the sender ABAP Proxy and it did not catch the error. In SXMB_MONI in the R/3 system, I could see the messages queued up. When the XI server started, the messages were transferred to XI.
    I need to handle such errors…ie. If  the server is down or message did not reach XI then my ABAP program that sends data via ABAP proxy needs to know that something went wrong.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • ECATT RAISE EXCEPTION error during multiple record processing

    I wish to load records to a table via an in-house-written ABAP program. This program consists of a main screen and multiple sub-screens. I am submitting an Excel spreadsheet as input. The eCATT configuration successfully runs the TCD script for alternate records. For every other record that is processed, a RAISE EXCEPTION error occurs. If an even number of records is submitted, the same result occurs upon multiple re-submissions. If an odd number of records is resubmitted, the RAISE EXCEPTION error occurs on opposite records from the previous submission. For example,
    Submission #1:                           Re-submit #1:
    1. success                                  1. success 
    2. RAISE EXCEPTION                  2. RAISE EXCEPTION
    3. success                                  3. success
    4. RAISE EXCEPTION                  4. RAISE EXCEPTION
    Submission #2:                           Re-submit #2:
    1. success                                  1. RAISE EXCEPTION
    2. RAISE EXCEPTION                  2. success
    3. success                                  3. RAISE EXCEPTION
    Any suggestions to resolve this would be much appreciated.

    Hi ,
    i think the recording of your script is on TCD.
    just double click the recording you have made and find a field name called «DATA_INCOMPLETE» parameterised that «X».Now execute and see,it should work fine..

  • Error in Raising exceptions in a method and handling the same in the WF

    Hi All
    I tried to implement Raising exceptions in a method and handling the same in the workflow
    in the same way given in SAPtechnical site .
    1.by adding a error msg in exception parameter .
    2. if the select query fails, to fetch the agent then :exit_return 9001 ‘ztable name’ space space space.
    3.in the Background activity in which this method is called there automatically one outcome appears ,and I hav acitvated that outcome and in that done what need to be done for that error handling — just send a mail to concern person .
    4. in the normal outcome of the activity , the step to be executed are there .
    but its not working , if exception come then the WF stuck there only . it do not follow the exception outcome .
    Kindly help me , How can I do the exception handly in WF.
    thanks & Regards

    > That is usually the case — you catch an error in the underlying program and pass that back so the workflow can go into error.
    > You’re doing it correctly.
    I don’t think that’s quite right.
    If you define an error/exception in a method, it is automatically mapped to an outcome of the step/task.
    If you activate that outcome, then you can handle the exception in a branch of the workflow.
    For example: ‘Remote connection is down, please contact Basis’
    The step should only go into error if an outcome occurs that you have NOT activated.
    So the original question is valid. Please give some more information on what the error message is..

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    • Question

    • Hello

      My Problem ist, that on my Windows 7 x64 Ultimate (english) testinstallation the commandshell (CMD) doesn’t show the messag text
      If starting the shell, i geht following error text

      The system cannot find message text for message number 0x2350 in the message fil
      e for Application.
      Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

      The same/similar message happens with all commandline tools!

      I Installed Window 7 x64 Ultimate  (englisch)
      after that I installed the language Packs for German & Japan.

      How can i fix this?



    • Hi Norbert,

      that’s completely normal, I didn’t get that you are trying to run cmd.exe from different location  :)

      In case you want to copy cmd.exe, you need to copy also following file:
      C:WindowsSystem32en-UScmd.exe.mui to <desktop>en-UScmd.exe.mui

      This applies to all console executables — by default, EN language is not part of executable (anymore), however is considered separate MUI language.


      • Marked as answer by

        Thursday, March 11, 2010 2:45 PM

    Mistakes are unavoidable in our lives. When a user is working on a product, it is very likely that he may stuck somewhere in response to his actions.

    Such kind of situations can be frustrating for users if not handled properly within the product. It depends on the experience the product is providing to its users.

    “A product should be usable enough to handle the user’s erroneous actions gracefully.”

    Below mentioned are few tips that when followed, error messages can also provide a pleasant experience to the user.

    1. Be Clear And Not Ambiguous

    Write error messages in clear and simple language. The user should be able to understand the problem while reading an error message.

    If the error message is ambiguous and the user is not able to find the reason for the message, then it is of no use. Users cannot do anything to fix the problem and it badly impacts the experience of the product.

    clear vs ambiguous error message


    ambigious error message

    Windows error message does not give any clue

    ambigious and unclear error message

    Autodesk displays an ambiguous error message that contains no useful information

    2. Be Short And Meaningful

    The error message should contain the necessary information. Most of the time user is not willing to read a long story.

    Be concise and write a short description that is meaningful for the user and gives him a clear idea of the problem and how to resolve it.

    Avoid using redundant words and do not over-communicate the problem.

    short and meaningful



    The message is not meaningful for the user

    short error message

    A message should not be as short as missing the useful details

    3. Don’t Use Technical Jargons

    Most of the users are not interested in the technical details of the problem that occurred. If a message contains technical terms or jargons, the user gets confused.

    Try to use simple and plain language without referring to implementation details.

    If there is a need to mention technical and complex details, then place them in a troubleshooting section and direct the user so that he can resolve the issue quickly.

    avoid technical jargon in error message


    very technical error message

    An example of a technical error message

    4. Be Humble — Don’t Blame User

    A good error message is humble. It conveys the issues gracefully to its user without blaming him for his actions.

    The user can perform an incorrect action again and again. But the design’s responsibility is to inform him about his mistakes in a good way.

    “A good way to incorporate more human tone to your error messages is to think about explaining it out loud to someone. How does it sound when you speak it in conversation.” — Sonia Gregory

    5. Avoid Negative Words

    There are certain negative words that need to avoid on the user interface. Since error messages are based on some unusual actions of the user, there is a chance that the system displays something disrespectful for the user.

    John Ekman gives a very good example of using “yes” and “no”:

    “Some years ago, while checking in at the airport in Stockholm on my way to the U.S., I asked the woman at the counter if it would be possible to get an upgrade to business class. Her response: “I’m sorry, but that’s not possible. You would have to pay extra for that.” Checking in for the return flight, I tried the same thing again, but this time the answer was: “Of course, sir! How would you like to pay for that?”

    So even though the seat availability and possibility for an upgrade was the same, I got two completely different answers: one “yes” and one “no.””

    6. Give Direction to User

    A good error message has three parts: problem identification, cause details if helpful, and a solution if possible.

    Whenever an error occurs, the user wants to fix it as soon as possible. The error message should have enough information for the user that guides him on how to get out of the erroneous situation.

    The message can also direct the user to some other place or person from where he can get detailed help about the problem.

    helpful error message



    In this message, the cause of error and guidance for the solution is missing

    7. Be Specific And Relevant

    The message should contain relevant information so that the user can relate to the specified location and options easily.

    Point out the exact location of the problem — where the user should go and what steps are needed to follow to resolve it.

    If an error message contains vague information, the user will get confused and it becomes difficult for him to remove the error.

    8. Avoid Uppercase Text

    Upper case text is difficult to read it gives an impact of shouting on the user.

    An error message is a place where the user is informed about some critical scenario, so using upper case text can give him a feeling of discouragement.

    upper case in error message

    9. Provide Appropriate Actions

    Actions are an important part of the error message. Appropriate actions provide guidance to the user about the next step.

    Actions are possible routes to solve the problem. A message can contain one or more actions for the user.

    “Give alert buttons succinct, logical titles. The best button titles consist of one or two words that describe the result of selecting the button.” — iOS guidelines

    If the user has to perform specific actions to remove the error, then use the same action name as the button title.

    appropriate actions in error message


    clear and precise error message

    Clear and precise actions given in this error message

    10. Use Progressive Disclosure Approach

    If there is detailed information related to a message that the user may not want to see, then place it in the Show/Hide section. It can be useful for an advanced user that may want to know about technical details.

    Just make sure to place the least needed information in these sections as most of the time users will not go to the Show/Hide section.

    show hide


    progressive disclosure in error message

    User may not be interested in knowing the details at first glance

    11. Use Proper Placement

    It is very important to place an error message closer to the area from where it belongs to. Users should not have to look here and there after reading the message that what it talks about.

    For example, when the user is filling the information in a form, it is the best experience to provide validation error along with the controls it relates to.

    Otherwise, user will first find the erroneous control and then resolve it.

    An error message should be visible and noticeable. A message appearing on a screen should display in the current view even user has scrolled the view to the top or bottom.



    “The best error message is the one that never shows up” — Thomas Fuchs

    It is good to avoid errors at all, but since we live in a world of humans, it is not possible to make everything perfect.

    However, by following standard rules and guidelines, the errors can be handled in a helping way instead of scolding the user for his mistakes.

    Good reading material on error messages UX guidelines:

    Subscribe for more related articles at UX World.

    If you have any questions, contact here: Facebook | YouTube | Twitter Instagram | Linkedin

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    I’m trying to send a text message from my Android application. Everything works fine, but some of the text are missing. Here is my code:

    String phoneNumber = "99********";  //Masked the number intentionally.
    String message = "";
    message += "This is Prabha, and thanks for using my application. ";
    message += "Hope you enjoy this application. ";
    message += "If you face any problem or issue, you can report the issue to our ";
    message += "official mail id: pbha701@yahoo.com.";
    SmsManager smsManager = SmsManager.getDefault();
    smsManager.sendTextMessage(phoneNumber, null, message, null, null);

    I am receiving the message, but it is not full. Some text are missing. I’m getting only the below text:

    This is Prabha, and thanks for using my application. Hope you enjoy this application. If you face any problem or issue, you can report the issue to our officia

    I’ve added the below permission in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.SEND_SMS" />

    I am not able to find why the remaining text are truncated. Should I add any other permission or any setting changes required? Any ideas or help will be appreciated.




    Say No 2 Net Validations

    • #4

    Moderator Action: Moved to tech support.

    In steam, checking the integrity of the civ5 files should fix the problem.



    Say No 2 Net Validations

    • #6

    No, i mean:
    In Steam go to library -> Civ5 -> properties -> local content (or something like that) -> check file integrity (second last option).



    Say No 2 Net Validations

    • #8

    Then i suggest clearing the cache: Delete everything in My documentsMy GamesCiv5Cache, try it then again.

    • #10

    I had the same problems but in diplomatic screen.. The only thing to work was a new installation by steam…. I’m sorry but it’s the only way for sure….

    I had the same problem a while ago, and was not able to fix it via verifying integrity, reinstalling steam or redownloading CiV (12 hrs at 130kb/s… :sad:) I did finally manage to fix it, because I figured out the error occurred when I rotated the display of my monitor (linked to a laptop) by 180 degrees using the NVIDIA Control panel, and then restarted the CPU and launched CiV again. The missing text occurred as long as the monitor’s display was rotated, but the error did not occur immediately after rotating the display — this caused me considerable grief when trying to find the source of the error, as it was working before.
    It isn’t likely that JLoZeppeli has the same setup that I do, but seeing as we had the same type of error, it may be that the error occurs somewhere in using NVIDIA cards or something- all I know is that it works for me now.

    Since the latest 3.2.6 update, a few players have reported that some of the text in-game is missing in Russian.

    Our team has identified the problem and is working on a fix for the next update of the game.

    Meanwhile, a simple workaround seems to resolve the issue by changing the font of the text in-game.

    To do so, please go to «Options» (second spot from the top) then «Video» (again, second spot from the top). The current font should be visible, you can change it with the left and right arrows. 

    The following video will show you the path to follow:

    На чтение 4 мин. Опубликовано 15.12.2019

    ‎10-31-2014 07:31 AM

    this is the message i get when i try to uninstall pc pitstop on my hp g60-125-nr notebook. this program is the one that keeps my computer from staying in sleep mode. how can i remove this program from my computer?

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    1. messages c:program filesPCPitstopinfo Centerunins000.msg is missing please correct problem
    2. Problem
    3. Solution
    4. Use /force command to perform an overwriting installation
    5. Delete registry and perform a new installing
    6. Related posts:
    7. One thought on “ File is Missing or Invalid Error Message ”

    messages c:program filesPCPitstopinfo Centerunins000.msg is missing please correct problem

    ‎11-03-2014 10:55 AM

    Thank you for your query, I will do my best to assist you.

    I grasp that when you tried to uninstall PC Pitstop you received an error message, but you did not say what the message was.

    If you are unable to remove it in the conventional way I suggest contacting PC Pitstop for assistance as it is their software. Third party software is outside of HP support bounds.

    In the meantime here are two links that may help.


    When you uninstall or re-install of Reader, in some particular cases, you might encounter the following error.

    Message file «C:Program Files (X86)Foxit SoftwareFoxit Readerunins000.msg» is missing. Please correct the problem or obtain a new copy of the program.

    File «C:Program Files (X86)Foxit SoftwareFoxit Readerunins000.dat» does not exit. Cannot uninstall.


    This was caused by the corruption of the uninstall program for unknown reason. You can try one of the following ways to throw off the error.

    Use /force command to perform an overwriting installation

    This way is only applicable for executable Foxit Reader setup file (setup.exe).

    Command Usage: «FoxitReader_Setup_.exe» /force

    1.Stop the Foxit ConnectedPDF service.

    · Right click on Task bar, select Task Manager to Open it.

    · Look into the Services tab, see if there is any FoxitReaderService running

    there? If so,right click on it and select Stop.

    2. Open Command Prompt (cmd).

    · To open cmd, right-click Start menu on your system , then select Run,

    or press the shortcut Windows key and R.

    · Enter cmd in the Open: box and select OK .

    3. In the command line, input “ setup.exe” /force, and press Enter. It will take a while before the installation screen comes out.

    If the «setup.exe» is «FoxitReader_enu_Setup.exe» and the location where «FoxitReader_enu_Setup.exe» stored is «E:Foxit». In the command line, you will input

    Delete registry and perform a new installing

    1. Open Registry Editor (regedit).

    · To open regedit, right-click Start menu on your system, then select Run,

    or press the shortcut Windows key and R.

    · Enter regedit in the Open: box and select OK.

    2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWOW6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstallFoxit Reader_is1,delete Foxit Reader_is1.

    3. Double click on Foxit Reader Setup.exe file to execute the installing.

    If the above options not work, email support by including the following information:

    1) Describe what you have done by including this article link.

    2) Which version and build you are currently having. To check the information, open Reader, go to Help > About Foxit Reader.

    I frequently hit this on my Win7/Vista machines when I run executables that were built from VB6, the following error message appears:

    Component ‘filename’ or one o its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

    The problem is caused by a component or a dependency file used in this executable is not correctly registered or is missing from the system. The solution is copy the file from another computer that does not experience this problem and register it.

    I wrote step by step instructions on how to resolve this problem in this post. It uses comdlg32.ocx as example but instructions also apply for other VB6 component file like richtx32.ocx, mscomctl.ocx, tabctl32.ocx and so on

    One thought on “ File is Missing or Invalid Error Message ”

    i installed the CHEMTAX and comdlg 32ocx correctly and i get a successful message, but while starting the software by opening the excel folder “TestRunv195-trial” i get this message
    ERROR:VB error:File not found-while reading/writing history file.
    if i try to open another file the same message appear at the beginning of the chemtax process.
    can you help me solve this problem?
    thank you

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    • Вопрос

    • В «Программы и компоненты» не удаляются программы под названиями RegClean Pro, WinZip Registry

      Нажимая  «Удалить» программу:  RegClean Pro

      Система пишет : Ошибка

      Messages file “ C: Program Files(x86) RegClean Prounins000.msg’’ is missing. Please correct the problem or obtain a new copy of the program.

      Нажимая  «Удалить» программу: Win Zip Registry Optimizer

      Система пишет: Деинсталляция

      Файл “ C:Program Files(x86)WinZip Registry Optimizerunins000.dat
      не существует, деинсталляция невозможна.

      Обе программы присутствуют в списке «Программы и компоненты» Перезагрузка компьютера не помогает удалить.

      Прошу помощи !


    • По данным путям файлы находятся? 

      Попробуйте заново поставить данное ПО,  а потом его удалить.

      C уважением к Вам, Я

      • Предложено в качестве ответа

        5 июня 2013 г. 8:29

      • Помечено в качестве ответа
        Dmitriy VereshchakMicrosoft contingent staff, Moderator
        6 июня 2013 г. 8:24

    Последнее обновление: 07/03/2022
    [Время на прочтение статьи: 5 мин.]

    Файлы Saved Email Message, такие как unins000.msg, используют расширение MSG. Файл считается файлом Текст (Saved Email Message) и впервые был создан компанией Beatlock Technology для пакета ПО DJ Mix Pro

    Первый выпуск файла unins000.msg в ОС Windows 10 состоялся 08/02/2019 в составе Malwarebytes

    Последнее обновление для DJ Mix Pro состоялось 05/05/2019 [версия файла].

    Ниже приведены исчерпывающие сведения о файле, инструкции для простого устранения неполадок, возникших с файлом MSG, и список бесплатных загрузок unins000.msg для каждой из имеющихся версий файла.

    Что такое сообщения об ошибках unins000.msg?

    Общие ошибки выполнения unins000.msg

    Ошибки файла unins000.msg часто возникают на этапе запуска DJ Mix Pro, но также могут возникать во время работы программы.
    Эти типы ошибок MSG также известны как «ошибки выполнения», поскольку они возникают во время выполнения DJ Mix Pro. К числу наиболее распространенных ошибок выполнения unins000.msg относятся:

    • Не удается найти unins000.msg.
    • unins000.msg — ошибка.
    • Не удалось загрузить unins000.msg.
    • Ошибка при загрузке unins000.msg.
    • Не удалось зарегистрировать unins000.msg / Не удается зарегистрировать unins000.msg.
    • Ошибка выполнения — unins000.msg.
    • Файл unins000.msg отсутствует или поврежден.

    Библиотека времени выполнения Microsoft Visual C++

    Ошибка выполнения!

    Программа: C:Program FilesDJ Mix Prounins000.msg

    Среда выполнения получила запрос от этого приложения, чтобы прекратить его необычным способом.
    Для получения дополнительной информации обратитесь в службу поддержки приложения.

    В большинстве случаев причинами ошибок в MSG являются отсутствующие или поврежденные файлы. Файл unins000.msg может отсутствовать из-за случайного удаления, быть удаленным другой программой как общий файл (общий с DJ Mix Pro) или быть удаленным в результате заражения вредоносным программным обеспечением. Кроме того, повреждение файла unins000.msg может быть вызвано отключением питания при загрузке DJ Mix Pro, сбоем системы при загрузке или сохранении unins000.msg, наличием плохих секторов на запоминающем устройстве (обычно это основной жесткий диск) или заражением вредоносным программным обеспечением. Таким образом, крайне важно, чтобы антивирус постоянно поддерживался в актуальном состоянии и регулярно проводил сканирование системы.

    Как исправить ошибки unins000.msg — 3-шаговое руководство (время выполнения: ~5-15 мин.)

    Если вы столкнулись с одним из вышеуказанных сообщений об ошибке, выполните следующие действия по устранению неполадок, чтобы решить проблему unins000.msg. Эти шаги по устранению неполадок перечислены в рекомендуемом порядке выполнения.

    Шаг 1. Восстановите компьютер до последней точки восстановления, «моментального снимка» или образа резервной копии, которые предшествуют появлению ошибки.

    Чтобы начать восстановление системы (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 и 10):

    1. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» в Windows
    2. В поле поиска введите «Восстановление системы» и нажмите ENTER.
    3. В результатах поиска найдите и нажмите «Восстановление системы»
    4. Введите пароль администратора (при необходимости).
    5. Следуйте инструкциям мастера восстановления системы, чтобы выбрать соответствующую точку восстановления.
    6. Восстановите компьютер к этому образу резервной копии.

    Если на этапе 1 не удается устранить ошибку unins000.msg, перейдите к шагу 2 ниже.

    Шаг 2. Если вы недавно установили приложение DJ Mix Pro (или схожее программное обеспечение), удалите его, затем попробуйте переустановить DJ Mix Pro.

    Чтобы удалить программное обеспечение DJ Mix Pro, выполните следующие инструкции (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 и 10):

    1. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» в Windows
    2. В поле поиска введите «Удалить» и нажмите ENTER.
    3. В результатах поиска найдите и нажмите «Установка и удаление программ»
    4. Найдите запись для DJ Mix Pro и нажмите «Удалить»
    5. Следуйте указаниям по удалению.

    После полного удаления приложения следует перезагрузить ПК и заново установить DJ Mix Pro.

    Если на этапе 2 также не удается устранить ошибку unins000.msg, перейдите к шагу 3 ниже.

    DJ Mix Pro

    Beatlock Technology

    Шаг 3. Выполните обновление Windows.

    Когда первые два шага не устранили проблему, целесообразно запустить Центр обновления Windows. Во многих случаях возникновение сообщений об ошибках unins000.msg может быть вызвано устаревшей операционной системой Windows. Чтобы запустить Центр обновления Windows, выполните следующие простые шаги:

    1. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск» в Windows
    2. В поле поиска введите «Обновить» и нажмите ENTER.
    3. В диалоговом окне Центра обновления Windows нажмите «Проверить наличие обновлений» (или аналогичную кнопку в зависимости от версии Windows)
    4. Если обновления доступны для загрузки, нажмите «Установить обновления».
    5. После завершения обновления следует перезагрузить ПК.

    Если Центр обновления Windows не смог устранить сообщение об ошибке unins000.msg, перейдите к следующему шагу. Обратите внимание, что этот последний шаг рекомендуется только для продвинутых пользователей ПК.

    Если эти шаги не принесут результата: скачайте и замените файл unins000.msg (внимание: для опытных пользователей)

    Если ни один из предыдущих трех шагов по устранению неполадок не разрешил проблему, можно попробовать более агрессивный подход (примечание: не рекомендуется пользователям ПК начального уровня), загрузив и заменив соответствующую версию файла unins000.msg. Мы храним полную базу данных файлов unins000.msg со 100%-ной гарантией отсутствия вредоносного программного обеспечения для любой применимой версии DJ Mix Pro . Чтобы загрузить и правильно заменить файл, выполните следующие действия:

    1. Найдите версию операционной системы Windows в нижеприведенном списке «Загрузить файлы unins000.msg».
    2. Нажмите соответствующую кнопку «Скачать», чтобы скачать версию файла Windows.
    3. Скопируйте этот файл в соответствующее расположение папки DJ Mix Pro:

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    4. Перезагрузите компьютер.

    Если этот последний шаг оказался безрезультативным и ошибка по-прежнему не устранена, единственно возможным вариантом остается выполнение чистой установки Windows 10.

    СОВЕТ ОТ СПЕЦИАЛИСТА: Мы должны подчеркнуть, что переустановка Windows является достаточно длительной и сложной задачей для решения проблем, связанных с unins000.msg. Во избежание потери данных следует убедиться, что перед началом процесса вы создали резервные копии всех важных документов, изображений, установщиков программного обеспечения и других персональных данных. Если вы в настоящее время не создаете резервных копий своих данных, вам необходимо сделать это немедленно.

    Скачать файлы unins000.msg (проверено на наличие вредоносного ПО — отсутствие 100 %)

    ВНИМАНИЕ! Мы настоятельно не рекомендуем загружать и копировать unins000.msg в соответствующий системный каталог Windows. Beatlock Technology, как правило, не выпускает файлы DJ Mix Pro MSG для загрузки, поскольку они входят в состав установщика программного обеспечения. Задача установщика заключается в том, чтобы обеспечить выполнение всех надлежащих проверок перед установкой и размещением unins000.msg и всех других файлов MSG для DJ Mix Pro. Неправильно установленный файл MSG может нарушить стабильность работы системы и привести к тому, что программа или операционная система полностью перестанут работать. Действовать с осторожностью.

    Файлы, относящиеся к unins000.msg

    Файлы MSG, относящиеся к unins000.msg

    Имя файла Описание Программа (версия) Размер файла (байты) Расположение файла
    unins000.msg Saved Email Message DJ Mix Pro 11401 C:Program FilesDJ Mix Pro

    Другие файлы, связанные с unins000.msg

    Имя файла Описание Программа (версия) Размер файла (байты) Расположение файла
    setupapi.dev.log Log DJ Mix Pro 684367 C:Windowsinf
    volsnap.PNF Precompiled INF DJ Mix Pro 5164 C:Windowsinf
    WmiApRpl.ini Windows Initialization DJ Mix Pro 29736 C:WindowsinfWmiApRpl009
    api-ms-win-core-profil… ApiSet Stub DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System (10.0.17134.12) 10600 C:UsersTesterAppDataLocalMicrosoftOneDriv…
    api-ms-win-core-heap-l… ApiSet Stub DLL Microsoft® Windows® Operating System (10.0.17134.12) 11112 C:UsersTesterAppDataLocalMicrosoftOneDriv…

    Вы скачиваете пробное программное обеспечение. Для разблокировки всех функций программного обеспечения требуется покупка годичной подписки, стоимость которой оставляет 39,95 долл. США. Подписка автоматически возобновляется в конце срока (Подробнее). Нажимая кнопку «Начать загрузку» и устанавливая «Программное обеспечение», я подтверждаю, что я прочитал (-а) и принимаю Лицензионное соглашение и Политику конфиденциальности компании Solvusoft.

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