Ошибка mach3 emergency mode active

Topic: emergency mode active error  (Read 5525 times)

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I hope someone has a quick fix for my problem.  I know this community is so knowledgeable.  I have a home built CNC using NEMA 23 motors, a Gecko 540 board with a Smoothstepper, and Mach3 software.  The machine has been working very well for a year.  When I try to home it or hit any keyboard key, it trips to the emergency mode active.  The motors are shut down.  It won’t reset in the current or future session of Mach3.  It will only reset when I shut down the control panel, turn the control panel back on and restart Mach3. 

I have made sure all of my 110 volt wires are not crossed with any motor wiring and have reset the Smoothstepper twice.

Does anyone have any advice or experience with this problem? Since it trips when I hit any key on the keyboard, I think the Smoothstepper is not responding correctly, but I could be wrong. 

Thanks so much for your assistance. 


If your machine has been working correctly and you have not made any changes to it then there is a chance that a corrupt .xml file is causing the current problem.
There is a Mach3 sub folder ‘xmlbackups’ – try choosing an earlier backup (preferably before the problem started), rename it with the .xml extension and copy this to your Mach3 folder. Restart Mach3.
If this does not cure the problem then perhaps ask you question on the Warp9 forum http://www.warp9td.com/index.php/kunena/index where I am sure they will have more suggestions for you to try.


n.b. I have removed your other post as duplication of same topic postings just diversifies response and is not helpful.




You are a genius!  Thanks so very much for your help. This worked!    I recently had backed up all of my files on an external drive  which is actually the last time that the machine worked.  Maybe this corrupted the current C drive file.  I replace my C drive file with the external drive file copy.

Sorry  for posting in more than one location.  I don’t always know where to post. 

Thanks again! 

« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 11:35:53 AM by katcreek »


I am pleased you have it sorted.  :)




  • Erase the file named probediag.txt and everything should work fine. Start Mach3 again and you should not get the error.

    If you still get the error, please submit additional information on this FAQ.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I get a probediag.dat error=5 when I start Mach3?

  • You can use one of the terminals on the input side of the breakout board to connect the e-stop switch.

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  • Which controller would you like to learn how to control a plasma cutter?

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    Bsmced4u-pp bitsensor.com

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    Bsmced4u-pp bitsensor.com

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    when using mach3 how can I start the plasma using output signal at output 1?

  • Which controller would you like to learn how to control a plasma cutter?

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    Bsmced4u-pp bitsensor.com

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    Bsmced4u-pp bitsensor.com

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    when using mach3 how can I start the plasma using output signal at output 1?

  • On the Planet-CNC board, the Mist, Spindle and Coolant outputs will require a relay to switch on those devices. Test one of those terminals with a multi-meter (Mist, Coolant, or Spindle). Each of these terminals have a GND next to the terminal for the device.

    Test the voltage across the GND to the terminal with the arrow that you want to test. Go to the software and click on the device you want to test (mist, coolant or spindle) and note the voltage. If no voltage is output then check under the board to where the terminals are soldered. Re-test the terminals across the solder joints rather than the terminal block wire inputs. If you get a voltage, then there is a problem with the terminal block. If you don’t get a voltage, then the board is not functioning properly.

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    I activated the output signal.. I did the tests indicated and I did not get voltage. I heated the welds of the three outputs and now works coolant but no mist or spindle, what should I do?

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    There are probably cold joints on the board at the chip or the resistors on the traces for those terminals. You can send the board back to us and we will repair and test the board.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I’m trying to get the planet-cnc mist, coolant and spindle output to work. It’s showing no voltage when I test

  • To connect an emergency stop (e-stop) to the Mach3 USB controller, use the emergency stop switch/button on the NO (normally open) connections of the switch. Connect one side of the NO connection to IN1 and the other side of the NO connection to the DCM, or GND (V-) of the 24V power supply that is used to power the Mach3 USB controller.

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    The configuration in Mach3 should be default if you used the XML file that is here:


    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Mach3 USB CNC Interface EMERGENCY STOP

  • The spindle is quieter and has more consistent torque (It doesn’t get «bogged down» when it starts cutting into material). It can be used with collets of varying sizes (not restricted to imperial sizes). It is water cooled and so it does not blow air downward to cool the spindle like the router does. The spindle is also machined with much higher precision than typical routers and will have a much longer life.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    Why should I use a spindle rather than a router?

  • Yes, you can send your electronics to us for repair, or retrofit to work with either Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC. You can send us an email at customerService@buildyourcnc.com to set up your appointment.

    Some of the types of CNC electronics we will consider.

    — We will work on electronics from other manufacturers as long as you are ok with the Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC control software for your CNC machine or CNC router.

    — We will repair or retrofit used CNC electronics.

    — Some customers find that electronics are overwhelming to put together so we will finish these electronics wiring and assembly for you.

    The cost for these includes labor cost for the time it takes to finish the CNC electronics repair or retrofit and for any parts that need to be replaced or added.

    Here is an example of CNC electronics that we worked on for a customer:

    This is the type of response that you can expect to receive after the CNC electronics are repaired or retrofitted to work under Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC. You can see the entire work, which also shows the time involved. We also show what we were able to accomplish at the beginning of the video.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    My spindle does not turn on. How can I fix it?

  • You can find the wiring diagram for the 2.2kW spindle and, follow through instructions here.


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    wiring diagram at spindle top

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    Can you please provide settings for a 110v 2.2 spindle vfd

    Additional Information:
    Can you please provide settings for a 110v 2.2 spindle vfd

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How should I wire the 2.2kw spindle and vfd?

  • The 2.2kW spindle has a power rating of 2.2kW or 2200 watts.

    If the VFD AC voltage input is rated for 220 volts, then 2200 watts / 220 volts is 10 amps, so a 15 or 20 amp breaker will work.

    If the VFD AC voltage input is rated for 110 volts, then 2200 watts / 110 volts is 20 amps, so a 25 or 30 amp breaker will work.

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    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [77] What circuit breaker should I use for this spindle?

  • LinuxCNC has excellent documents; however, I would like to offer our help in case you don’t understand the information on that page. So, please use this FAQ (Question #: 13233) to state your questions by submitting additional information below.

    The LinuxCNC spindle control page is found here: http://linuxcnc.org/docs/html/examples/spindle.html

    Additional Information:
    After reading the LinuxCNC page my first questions would be can the spindle be controlled by PWM signal? Also, what pin on the parallel port would I set to Spindle Enable and FRW?

    Additional Information:
    To connect your computer to the VFD, use a USB to RS-485 interface. RS-485 is just a serial interface protocol that uses standard 0 to +5 voltage TTL signal levels for communication (as opposed to RS-232 which uses -12v and +12 for signal level changes).

    Get a high quality interface to reduce any issues during the process. The VFD should have two terminals labeled RS+ and RS-. The USB to RS-485 adapter should have this labeled on it as well so the connections should be relatively straight forward.

    In the VFD parameters:

    PD001: 2 to accept RS485 commands

    PD002: 2 to accept frequency comands

    PD163: 1 to RS485 slave address:1

    PD164: 1 RS485 baud rate 9600

    PD165: 3 8bit, no parity, 1 stop bit

    Make sure LinuxCNC is also set accordingly:

    The PIN14 and PIN16 in the stepconf wizard should be set to unused because you don’t want LinuxCNC to be outputting unnecessary signals.

    In the options step of the stepconf wizard:

    — Check the Include Halui user interface component.

    — Check the Include custom PyVCP GUI panel.

    — Check Spindle speed display

    You will want to edit the custom.hal text file located in the folder that was created from the stepconf wizard. Add these following lines:

    loadusr -Wn vfd hy_vfd -n vfd -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -p none -r 9600

    net spindle-cmd-rpm-abs => vfd.speed-command

    net spindle-cw motion.spindle-forward => vfd.spindle-forward

    net spindle-ccw motion.spindle-reverse => vfd.spindle-reverse

    net on motion.spindle-on => vfd.spindle-on

    The dev folder in linux is typically used for interfacing devices and peripherals to the computer as these devices are communicated by simple memory addresses and these files are linked directly to these addresses.

    Under the custom_postgui.hal file, change this line:

    from: sets spindle-at-speed true

    to: net spindle-at-speed => cfd.spindle_at_speed

    and add the line:

    setp vfd.enable 1

    When you start LinuxCNC, you will a spindle section with the reverse and forward buttons, a stop button and — and + buttons. Use these buttons to conform that the spindle is functioning properly. The spindle speed indicator in LinuxCNC will show the spindle speed and you can confirm that this is equal to the speed indicated on the VFD.

    Credit for this helpful information goes to:

    Additional information was also added by us to provide a better understanding.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How can I make LinuxCNC control a spindle?

  • It is not necessary to connect the spindle VFD (Variable Frequency Drive also called an Inverter) to the computer or CNC motion electronics. The VFD can be controlled independently using the control panel on the VFD. The control panel has the ability to control all aspects of the spindle including Speed, Torque, limits, etc. However, you can connect the VFD to the computer so the CNC control program can control the spindle during the CNC Machine operation. You will need to connect the VFD to the computer via a serial conection (in this case, it is the RS-485 protocol).

    The following are instructions on how to connect the VFD to Mach3 via this RS-485 serial connection.

    The first thing you will need is the dynamic link library to pair with mach3 called the Huanyang VFD Mach3 PlugIn. You can find this file at the mach3 support forum here: http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,14182.0.html

    You will also need to download the Microsoft .net 3.5 framework and install it: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21

    Follow the pdf that comes with the library file, but here is a synopsis of what you need to do (I also added a lot more information that may be useful during this process as the manual does not cover the main connections that need to be done):

    You will need to program your VFD so that it knows how to communicate with mach3 and the computer (go into the programming mode of the VFD and change these parameters):

    — PD001 — value 2 — Enables with communication aspect of the VFD

    — PD002 — value 2 — Enables frequency control from the communcations port

    — PD163 — value 1 — VFD address

    — PD164 — value 1 — Baud rate of 9600 (speed of the communication)

    — PD165 — value 3 — 8N1 RTU — 8 bits (that’s the size of the word that gets communicated), N (No parity or no error checking) and 1 (1 stop bit)

    Copy the dll file to the PlugIns folder of mach3.

    Connect the RX and TX lines to your computer. There are a couple ways you can do this, but the recommended way would be to use an FTDI USB device which converts a USB to a serial com port. The device will have Rx and Tx connectors to connect to the VFD terminals with the same labels. This method is recommended since serial ports are not as common in computers these days.

    Next, you will need to configure mach3 to use the plugin library. Start mach3 and click on Menu -> config ->Config Plugins. Enable the new plugin by clicking on the red cross on the left column next to the plug in. Restart mach3 after doing this.

    No you need to configure mach3 to use the HuanyangVFD plugin. Go to the ports & pins configuration and select the spindle setup tab. Make sure that the Disable Spindle Relays checkbox is unchecked. We don’t want mach3 to output a signal for a relay since the spindle will start up and turn off within the VFD and not from an external relay.

    Next, go to the HuanyangVFD settings by clicking on Menu -> plugin control -> HuanyangVFD. Set the parameters to the same settings you put into the VFD programming. The com port will be shown as new hardward when you plug in the USB FTDI device. A little bubble will be displayed at the bottom right where it will notify you that a new device is being installed (be patient while windows assigns a com port). Alternatively, you can use the windows device manager to see which port was set for the new USB FTDI device). You may need to restart mach3 several times until you get the correct information displayed in the PD001 and PD002 fields. When the com port is correct and the other parameters, like baud and VFD address is the same as you entered in the programming, then the PD001 and PD002 will show the number 2, otherwise, a 99 will appear which means that communication was not successful.

    You can now control the on/off and RPM of the spindle using the RS485 communication between mach3 and the VFD.

    Additional Information:
    The question was how to connect the spindle to the redfy. I did not receive a VFD.

    I have the redFly system and a 2.2kW Spindle — 110V how do i connect the spindle?

    Additional Information:
    If you received a spindle without a VFD, please contact us asap. Our spindle will not work without a VFD.

    Additional Information:
    Hi, how is this setup in mach4?

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    how do I connect my spindle to mach3 so mach3 can control it

  • The 2.2kW spindle has a power rating of 2.2kW or 2200 watts.

    If the VFD AC voltage input is rated for 220 volts, then 2200 watts / 220 volts is 10 amps, so a 15 or 20 amp breaker will work.

    If the VFD AC voltage input is rated for 110 volts, then 2200 watts / 110 volts is 20 amps, so a 25 or 30 amp breaker will work.

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    Additional Information:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    [78] What size circuit breaker should I use for this spindle?

  • The type of wire that should be used between the spindle and the VFD (Variable Frequency Driver also called the inverter) should be of stranded type and we use between 18 and 16 AWG.

    The total current is divided among the three coil wires, therefor a wire gauge of 16 should be sufficient.

    Currently we use 20AWG 4 conductor.

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  • It is not necessary to connect the spindle VFD (Variable Frequency Drive also called an Inverter) to the computer or CNC motion electronics. The VFD can be controlled independently using the control panel on the VFD. The control panel has the ability to control all aspects of the spindle including Speed, Torque, limits, etc. However, you can connect the VFD to the computer so the CNC control program can control the spindle during the CNC Machine operation. You will need to connect the VFD to the computer via a serial conection (in this case, it is the RS-485 protocol).

    The following are instructions on how to connect the VFD to Mach3 via this RS-485 serial connection.

    The first thing you will need is the dynamic link library to pair with mach3 called the Huanyang VFD Mach3 PlugIn. You can find this file at the mach3 support forum here: http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,14182.0.html

    You will also need to download the Microsoft .net 3.5 framework and install it: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=21

    Follow the pdf that comes with the library file, but here is a synopsis of what you need to do (I also added a lot more information that may be useful during this process as the manual does not cover the main connections that need to be done):

    You will need to program your VFD so that it knows how to communicate with mach3 and the computer (go into the programming mode of the VFD and change these parameters):

    — PD001 — value 2 — Enables with communication aspect of the VFD

    — PD002 — value 2 — Enables frequency control from the communcations port

    — PD163 — value 1 — VFD address

    — PD164 — value 1 — Baud rate of 9600 (speed of the communication)

    — PD165 — value 3 — 8N1 RTU — 8 bits (that’s the size of the word that gets communicated), N (No parity or no error checking) and 1 (1 stop bit)

    Copy the dll file to the PlugIns folder of mach3.

    Connect the RX and TX lines to your computer. There are a couple ways you can do this, but the recommended way would be to use an FTDI USB device which converts a USB to a serial com port. The device will have Rx and Tx connectors to connect to the VFD terminals with the same labels. This method is recommended since serial ports are not as common in computers these days.

    Next, you will need to configure mach3 to use the plugin library. Start mach3 and click on Menu -> config ->Config Plugins. Enable the new plugin by clicking on the red cross on the left column next to the plug in. Restart mach3 after doing this.

    No you need to configure mach3 to use the HuanyangVFD plugin. Go to the ports & pins configuration and select the spindle setup tab. Make sure that the Disable Spindle Relays checkbox is unchecked. We don’t want mach3 to output a signal for a relay since the spindle will start up and turn off within the VFD and not from an external relay.

    Next, go to the HuanyangVFD settings by clicking on Menu -> plugin control -> HuanyangVFD. Set the parameters to the same settings you put into the VFD programming. The com port will be shown as new hardward when you plug in the USB FTDI device. A little bubble will be displayed at the bottom right where it will notify you that a new device is being installed (be patient while windows assigns a com port). Alternatively, you can use the windows device manager to see which port was set for the new USB FTDI device). You may need to restart mach3 several times until you get the correct information displayed in the PD001 and PD002 fields. When the com port is correct and the other parameters, like baud and VFD address is the same as you entered in the programming, then the PD001 and PD002 will show the number 2, otherwise, a 99 will appear which means that communication was not successful.

    You can now control the on/off and RPM of the spindle using the RS485 communication between mach3 and the VFD.

    Additional Information:
    The question was how to connect the spindle to the redfy. I did not receive a VFD.

    I have the redFly system and a 2.2kW Spindle — 110V how do i connect the spindle?

    Additional Information:
    If you received a spindle without a VFD, please contact us asap. Our spindle will not work without a VFD.

    Additional Information:
    Hi, how is this setup in mach4?

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    How do I conect the VFD of the spindle to the RS485 connections

  • Yes, you can send your electronics to us for repair, or retrofit to work with either Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC. You can send us an email at customerService@buildyourcnc.com to set up your appointment.

    Some of the types of CNC electronics we will consider.

    — We will work on electronics from other manufacturers as long as you are ok with the Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC control software for your CNC machine or CNC router.

    — We will repair or retrofit used CNC electronics.

    — Some customers find that electronics are overwhelming to put together so we will finish these electronics wiring and assembly for you.

    The cost for these includes labor cost for the time it takes to finish the CNC electronics repair or retrofit and for any parts that need to be replaced or added.

    Here is an example of CNC electronics that we worked on for a customer:

    This is the type of response that you can expect to receive after the CNC electronics are repaired or retrofitted to work under Mach3, Mach4 or LinuxCNC. You can see the entire work, which also shows the time involved. We also show what we were able to accomplish at the beginning of the video.

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    I need my spindle and cnc electronics repaired. How can I fix it?

  • The collet in the 1.5 kW spindle is an ER-11 and cannot reach the 1/2″ size. I would consider the 2.2 kW spindle instead.

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  • Click the link to add information to this solution:
    hi. I’m in the UK. can u supply a 220-240v spindle

  • The type of wire that should be used between the spindle and the VFD (Variable Frequency Driver also called the inverter) should be of stranded type and we use between 18 and 16 AWG.

    The total current is divided among the three coil wires, therefor a wire gauge of 16 should be sufficient.

    Currently we use 20AWG 4 conductor.

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    Additional Information:

    Additional Information:

    Additional Information:

    Click the link to add information to this solution:
    What kind of wire should I use between the invertor and the spindle?


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Re: настройка mach3

А если каждый раз по-новому заготовка лежит? Неужели каждый раз бегать в табличку поправок G54-G59 и там все переписывать? Или я чего-то не понял? Сам только начал осваиваться, поэтому пытаюсь вникнуть.

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Сергей Саныч

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Re: настройка mach3


Сергей Саныч » 25 дек 2014, 13:47

Andy52280 писал(а):А если каждый раз по-новому заготовка лежит? Неужели каждый раз бегать в табличку поправок G54-G59 и там все переписывать?

В LinuxCNC координаты в текущей пользовательской СК (по умолчании G54) можно задать/обнулить с панели управления. При этом станочная система координат не изменится.
В Маче, явно есть такая же возможность.

Чудес не бывает. Бывают фокусы.

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Re: настройка mach3


michael-yurov » 25 дек 2014, 16:13

Andrey новенький писал(а):

michael-yurov писал(а):

Andrey новенький писал(а):перевел шпиндель в самый край стола (вниз слива) показывает координаты Х1356 Y 150 Z 139. Как поставит здесь точку отсчета чтобы было 0 0 0. работаю в мач3

нажать на кнопки обнуления координат рядом с каждым полем, отображающем текущую координату.

я знаю. как выставить всегда ноль в этой точке. (homing/limits возможно тут? но как там задать? не понимаю это окно. куда что записать? )

Ничего не пойму…
Чем эти кнопки не устраивают?

2014-12-25 18-11-34 Скриншот экрана.png (4984 просмотра) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=39049&sid=e81bd35c5b24f1766d11b7076e7cbebe&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (288.47 КБ)</a>

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Re: настройка mach3


Kaznler » 26 дек 2014, 19:32

Подскажите пожалуйста.
У меня cnс типа вот этого:

6040Z+S80new_details_0[1].jpg (4956 просмотров) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=39146&sid=e81bd35c5b24f1766d11b7076e7cbebe&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (52.08 КБ)</a>

Установил mach3, демо версию. Попробовал запустить демо G-код. Станок пошёл делать картинку, но почему-то по оси Y он не идёт влево-вправо, а идёт только в одну сторону до упора. Когда по сценарию резец должен пойти обратно — движок оси Y на мгновение замирает, а потом продолжает вращение в том же направлении и так до ограничителя

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Почётный участник
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Откуда: Новоуральск
Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


michael-yurov » 26 дек 2014, 19:45

Почему-то сигнал Direction для этой оси не доходит до самого драйвера.
Либо настроен не на тот пин, либо есть электрический разрыв.

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Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 26 дек 2014, 19:20
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Настоящее имя: Виктор
Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


Kaznler » 26 дек 2014, 20:17

michael-yurov писал(а):Почему-то сигнал Direction для этой оси не доходит до самого драйвера.
Либо настроен не на тот пин, либо есть электрический разрыв.

Спасибо за быстрый ответ. Пробовал на двух компьютерах. Результат один.
Электрический разрыв в каком месте?

Пробовал другой программой для тестирования cnс (название точно не помню. по моему DemoMotor). Под её управлением по оси Y движок ходит влево и право как надо

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Почётный участник
Сообщения: 11525
Зарегистрирован: 26 июл 2012, 00:10
Репутация: 4596
Настоящее имя: Михаил Львович
Откуда: Новоуральск
Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


michael-yurov » 26 дек 2014, 20:38

Kaznler писал(а):Пробовал на двух компьютерах. Результат один.

Что пробовал то?

Kaznler писал(а):Электрический разрыв в каком месте?

Видимо в том, где электрический ток не проходит.

Kaznler писал(а):Пробовал другой программой для тестирования cnс (название точно не помню. по моему DemoMotor). Под её управлением по оси Y движок ходит влево и право как надо

Так значит просто Mach3 неправильно настроен. Или не на тот пин, или конфликт исходящих сигналов.


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Re: настройка mach3


konyshevk » 26 дек 2014, 21:19

konyshevk писал(а):Можно-ли в Маче отрисовку поворотной оси вместо А сделать В или С . Перекопал «все» никакого даже намека или А или ничего

Начало есть , ковыряю дальше . Надо розобраться как программа G кода «переделывает» в «движения» и подменить А на В

Ось В.PNG (4940 просмотров) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=39171&sid=e81bd35c5b24f1766d11b7076e7cbebe&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (221.77 КБ)</a>

Даешь коллективный разум !


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Re: настройка mach3


Emmet » 05 янв 2015, 20:11

Добрый день! Приобрел вот такой набор: драйвер DM442 Leadshine, блок питания S-350-36, 350 ,плата опторазвязки DXB-55, двигатель ST57-56. Устанавливаю, запускаю Мach3. В профиле «Mill» не сбрасывается кнопка reset и пишет «Emergency Mode Active» Двигатель запускается в профиле «Плазма», но при этом крутиться оооочень медленно независимо от настроек скорости,ускорения и шагов, и при этом еще и шаги явно пропускает. Подскажите пожалуйста в чем может быть дело?

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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


shalek » 05 янв 2015, 20:33

Emmet писал(а):Добрый день! Приобрел вот такой набор: драйвер DM442 Leadshine, блок питания S-350-36, 350 ,плата опторазвязки DXB-55, двигатель ST57-56. Устанавливаю, запускаю Мach3. В профиле «Mill» не сбрасывается кнопка reset и пишет «Emergency Mode Active» Двигатель запускается в профиле «Плазма», но при этом крутиться оооочень медленно независимо от настроек скорости,ускорения и шагов, и при этом еще и шаги явно пропускает. Подскажите пожалуйста в чем может быть дело?

Если подключали так, как на схеме (единственное плата не такая), то остальное проблемы с настройками Mach3.

Подключение Leadshine DM442.jpg (4855 просмотров) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=39778&sid=e81bd35c5b24f1766d11b7076e7cbebe&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (715.28 КБ)</a>


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Зарегистрирован: 05 янв 2015, 19:56
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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


Emmet » 05 янв 2015, 22:01

shalek писал(а):

Emmet писал(а):Добрый день! Приобрел вот такой набор: драйвер DM442 Leadshine, блок питания S-350-36, 350 ,плата опторазвязки DXB-55, двигатель ST57-56. Устанавливаю, запускаю Мach3. В профиле «Mill» не сбрасывается кнопка reset и пишет «Emergency Mode Active» Двигатель запускается в профиле «Плазма», но при этом крутиться оооочень медленно независимо от настроек скорости,ускорения и шагов, и при этом еще и шаги явно пропускает. Подскажите пожалуйста в чем может быть дело?

Если подключали так, как на схеме (единственное плата не такая), то остальное проблемы с настройками Mach3.

Вложение Подключение Leadshine DM442.jpg больше недоступно

Так вообще не откликается. А что там может быть в настройках Маch? Только распиновку правильно поставить,а вариантов там не много. Я правильно мыслю?
Кстати в плате развязки схема подключения в документации вот такая: «схема 1″,а работает вот так» Схема 2″ И почему в профиле «Mill» не сбрасывается РЕСЕТ?

Схема 1 (4843 просмотра) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=39795&sid=e81bd35c5b24f1766d11b7076e7cbebe&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (185.81 КБ)</a>
Схема 1
Схема 2 (4843 просмотра) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=39796&sid=e81bd35c5b24f1766d11b7076e7cbebe&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (184.97 КБ)</a>
Схема 2

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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


shalek » 05 янв 2015, 22:19

Emmet писал(а):Так вообще не откликается. А что там может быть в настройках Маch? Только распиновку правильно поставить,а вариантов там не много. Я правильно мыслю?

А ENABLE? В каком состоянии?

Screenshot - 05.01.2015 , 22_18_49.png (4839 просмотров) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=39799&sid=e81bd35c5b24f1766d11b7076e7cbebe&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (27.93 КБ)</a>


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Зарегистрирован: 05 янв 2015, 19:56
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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


Emmet » 05 янв 2015, 22:45

Было вот так:
Попробовал как у вас..

Эней.png (4833 просмотра) <a class='original' href='./download/file.php?id=39801&sid=e81bd35c5b24f1766d11b7076e7cbebe&mode=view' target=_blank>Загрузить оригинал (277.12 КБ)</a>

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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


shalek » 05 янв 2015, 22:51

Emmet писал(а):Попробовал как у вас..

И чЁ? Завертелось?


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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


Emmet » 05 янв 2015, 22:57

shalek писал(а):

Emmet писал(а):Попробовал как у вас..

И чЁ? Завертелось?

Да ни, я бы сообщил

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Re: настройка mach3


micgelly » 07 янв 2015, 00:59

Подскажите как заставить шпиндель начинать перемещение только после полной раскрутки. Поломал уже несколько дорогущих фрез… :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


nERV » 07 янв 2015, 01:16

В программе нужно поставить задержку.
Выглядит примерно так:
M3 S12000 /включили шпиндель/
G4 P7 /задержка в 7 секунд, или миллисекунд, не знаю как мач это поймет. Лцнц понимает в секундах/
G1 x y f
Можно подправить постпроцессор чтоб вставлял G4 автоматически после включения шпинделя. Кстати, пауза не действует на G0. Т.е станок включит шпиндель, поедет по G0 в указанную координату и будет ждать нужное время, и только после этого начнет обработку по командам G1-2-3


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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


Roman_M » 07 янв 2015, 06:07

nERV писал(а):В программе нужно поставить задержку.
задержка в 7 секунд, или миллисекунд, не знаю как мач это поймет. Лцнц понимает в секундах/

Поймет. Там в основных настройках есть переключение секунды или миллисекунды.

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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


Kaznler » 07 янв 2015, 08:14

michael-yurov писал(а):Что пробовал то?

Запускать станок пробовал на двух разный компьютерах. Устанавливал на оба компьютера программу, подключал станок. Со стандартными настройками программы запускал запускал демо G-код

michael-yurov писал(а):Так значит просто Mach3 неправильно настроен. Или не на тот пин, или конфликт исходящих сигналов.

Из-за чего возникает конфликт исходящих сигналов? И как с этим бороться?)

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Контактная информация:

Re: настройка mach3


michael-yurov » 07 янв 2015, 09:33

Kaznler писал(а):

michael-yurov писал(а):Что пробовал то?

Запускать станок пробовал на двух разный компьютерах. Устанавливал на оба компьютера программу, подключал станок. Со стандартными настройками программы запускал запускал демо G-код

michael-yurov писал(а):Так значит просто Mach3 неправильно настроен. Или не на тот пин, или конфликт исходящих сигналов.

Из-за чего возникает конфликт исходящих сигналов? И как с этим бороться?)

Не прошло и месяца….

Так если не настроить Mach3, замена компьютера не поможет.
Нужно читать документацию и намтраивать.

Конфликт может возникнуть из за неправильной настройки, если сказать программе на один выход выдавать одновременно разные сигналы.

  • Шаги следующие.
    • Откройте mach3 и нажмите [Config], чтобы найти [Config Plugins] под списком.
    • Нажмите, чтобы открыть [Config Plugins], и появится следующий интерфейс. Нажмите желтую кнопку [Config], выбранную в красном круге.
    1. Снимите флажки X, Y, Z и нажмите кнопку «Сброс», аварийный сигнал датчика предела будет отменен. Если у вас есть поворотный ,, пожалуйста, снимите флажок A

Видео выглядит следующим образом.

Oct 31, 2013

  • #1

Hello all, I am having difficulty getting Mach3 to be able to start controlling my machine. Here is what I see: on the Diagnostic Page — the Emergency block is flashing red. Nothing else is in an alarm state. On the History Page — Jamen connected and Reconfiguration Estop and Emergency — Jog can not be. There is nothing in the Status Box. Next to the Emergency Reset Button Emergency Mode Active is scrolling by. I have checked the configuration several times but can you think of anything else that I might check? I am brand new to this stuff so it could be anything. Thanks, Bill



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Jun 17, 2011

  • #2

Check Config/Ports and Pins/Input Signals. Scroll down to EStop. Is Active Low red or green? I don’t know what my settings actually are because my laptop got smoked in the fire and I transferred Mach 3 to the new one. Don’t have the one that runs the mill any more. Don’t know if I even have the mill.



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Nov 27, 2012

  • #3

Moved to CNC (this was posted in the Site Issues section).

Oct 31, 2013

  • #4

WOW! Sounds like a bad fire. Sorry to hear about it. Hopefully you have good insurance. My Estop is Enable — Green Check Port 1 Pin 8 Active Low — Red X. Does it hurt anything to change that stuff around? The History reads — Reconfiguration Estop — but I didn’t change anything. Good luck with the cleanup, Bill

Nov 21, 2013

  • #5

lim1WPH have you been able to figure out your problems yet?

Oct 31, 2013

  • #6

lim1WPH have you been able to figure out your problems yet?

OH YES!! Thank you guys for helping! Bill

Oct 31, 2013

  • #7

Whoops, now after moving fine for a few minutes, I have an Enable 1 red light and nothing moves. Guess I’ll go over those Mach3 tutorials again. Daddy always said » Son, when you’re not so bright you have to expect life to be some what more difficult for you.»

Last edited: Oct 14, 2014

Nov 21, 2013

  • #8

I had a hard time setting up my machine as well. There were a few small details in the setup instructions that I overlooked. Without this forum I think my machine would be sitting idle collecting dust

Oct 31, 2013

  • #9

I agree completely. Time for me to donate a little bit to help keep this site going.



Global Moderator


Apr 30, 2012

Возможно, вам также будет интересно:

  • Ошибка make не такого файла каталога
  • Ошибка mac операции на терминале
  • Ошибка make sure you can write to current directory
  • Ошибка mac на терминале что это
  • Ошибка mainwin32 в прототип 2

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