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I have a newly installed Exchange 2013 working just dandy, except that it cannot relay mail for two particular domains.
Problem domain # 1 gives me an NDR:
primary target IP address: «Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10061,
Win32 error code: 10061.» Attempted failover to alternate host, but that
did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all
alternate hosts. The last endpoint attempted was′Problem domain # 2 gives me a useless NDR:
Remote Server returned ‘550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired'<u5:p></u5:p>
Tracking messages to both domains I get a common error:
Eastern Time (US & Canada) and generated the error ‘[{LRT=};{LED=};{FQDN=};{IP=}]’.
Here’s what I have done so far:
I can telnet to both problem domains on port 25 and get a 220
DNS resolves both mail server FQDN’s to the correct IP
Using NSLOOKUP I can see MX records for both domains
I have verified EDNS using OARC’s siteCurrently I am stumped. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase
Hi ,
Is this issue is constantly existing on your side or this is the first time you are facing this issue?
Both the NDR will occur if there is a reachability problem between your smart host and the destination mail server.
To segregate this issue just do the following.
1.Instead of allowing the smarthost to do the dns lookup for those domains by using your dns servers.We make use of the etc host file on the smarthost by manually putting the host A records for those problematic domains.
Please reply me if anything is unclear.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:25 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi ,
we can enable the protocol logging on the send connectors and check the error occurred on the logs during the communication from your smart host to the server in the destination domain.
Most importantly we will face this error message only when the destination server in not available on the particular time when your smart host tries to connect it.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:16 PM
Marked as answer by
After some further investigation, I found that one DNS server had a forwarder to the local IP address of another internal DNS server, probably left over and taken from the NIC settings when I joined the secondary DC to the domain a few weeks
ago.I change the DNS server’s NIC properties DNS settings to and deleted the internal forwarder and email to the problem domain is working now.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase-
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:15 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi Miguel ,
Happy to hear the good news.
Thanks for the update.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:24 PM
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I have a newly installed Exchange 2013 working just dandy, except that it cannot relay mail for two particular domains.
Problem domain # 1 gives me an NDR:
primary target IP address: «Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10061,
Win32 error code: 10061.» Attempted failover to alternate host, but that
did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all
alternate hosts. The last endpoint attempted was′Problem domain # 2 gives me a useless NDR:
Remote Server returned ‘550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired'<u5:p></u5:p>
Tracking messages to both domains I get a common error:
Eastern Time (US & Canada) and generated the error ‘[{LRT=};{LED=};{FQDN=};{IP=}]’.
Here’s what I have done so far:
I can telnet to both problem domains on port 25 and get a 220
DNS resolves both mail server FQDN’s to the correct IP
Using NSLOOKUP I can see MX records for both domains
I have verified EDNS using OARC’s siteCurrently I am stumped. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase
Hi ,
Is this issue is constantly existing on your side or this is the first time you are facing this issue?
Both the NDR will occur if there is a reachability problem between your smart host and the destination mail server.
To segregate this issue just do the following.
1.Instead of allowing the smarthost to do the dns lookup for those domains by using your dns servers.We make use of the etc host file on the smarthost by manually putting the host A records for those problematic domains.
Please reply me if anything is unclear.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:25 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi ,
we can enable the protocol logging on the send connectors and check the error occurred on the logs during the communication from your smart host to the server in the destination domain.
Most importantly we will face this error message only when the destination server in not available on the particular time when your smart host tries to connect it.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:16 PM
Marked as answer by
After some further investigation, I found that one DNS server had a forwarder to the local IP address of another internal DNS server, probably left over and taken from the NIC settings when I joined the secondary DC to the domain a few weeks
ago.I change the DNS server’s NIC properties DNS settings to and deleted the internal forwarder and email to the problem domain is working now.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase-
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:15 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi Miguel ,
Happy to hear the good news.
Thanks for the update.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:24 PM
Marked as answer by
Having trouble with a fresh install of Exchange 2013 on 2012 R2.
Exchange is installed and all the DNS and autodiscover etc seems to be working fine, as I can open outlook on a domain joined PC and it auto configures etc all good.
When I try to send an email to an external address, it sits in the outbox for ages…. then hours later goes. then it seems to free up and i can send as many emails as I want to the external address.
If i try to send an email to myself or any other internal address, it goes nowhere… it goes into sent items but never comes back into my inbox.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated… after many hours of googling I am stuck.
Best Answer
Hi James,
What is your outlook anywhere settings? How do you have the security on this set? I recently installed exchange server 2013 and found that a lot of what should be default settings, were not default settings.
Another thing to check is your queue messages. But it sounds more like the connection between outlook and the server which is having the issue seeing that they are stuck in the outbox.
Another thing to note that if this is exchange server with no SPs applied, there could be a bug causing the issue. I had major issues with users who had shared mailboxes or had another user mailbox open, whereby the emails sat in the outbox for hours before being sent.
Or it simply could be your DNS records are incorrect. I hope you get it sorted. Mail servers are fickle beasts.
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I have a newly installed Exchange 2013 working just dandy, except that it cannot relay mail for two particular domains.
Problem domain # 1 gives me an NDR:
primary target IP address: «Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10061,
Win32 error code: 10061.» Attempted failover to alternate host, but that
did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all
alternate hosts. The last endpoint attempted was′Problem domain # 2 gives me a useless NDR:
Remote Server returned ‘550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired'<u5:p></u5:p>
Tracking messages to both domains I get a common error:
Eastern Time (US & Canada) and generated the error ‘[{LRT=};{LED=};{FQDN=};{IP=}]’.
Here’s what I have done so far:
I can telnet to both problem domains on port 25 and get a 220
DNS resolves both mail server FQDN’s to the correct IP
Using NSLOOKUP I can see MX records for both domains
I have verified EDNS using OARC’s siteCurrently I am stumped. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase
Hi ,
Is this issue is constantly existing on your side or this is the first time you are facing this issue?
Both the NDR will occur if there is a reachability problem between your smart host and the destination mail server.
To segregate this issue just do the following.
1.Instead of allowing the smarthost to do the dns lookup for those domains by using your dns servers.We make use of the etc host file on the smarthost by manually putting the host A records for those problematic domains.
Please reply me if anything is unclear.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:25 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi ,
we can enable the protocol logging on the send connectors and check the error occurred on the logs during the communication from your smart host to the server in the destination domain.
Most importantly we will face this error message only when the destination server in not available on the particular time when your smart host tries to connect it.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:16 PM
Marked as answer by
After some further investigation, I found that one DNS server had a forwarder to the local IP address of another internal DNS server, probably left over and taken from the NIC settings when I joined the secondary DC to the domain a few weeks
ago.I change the DNS server’s NIC properties DNS settings to and deleted the internal forwarder and email to the problem domain is working now.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase-
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:15 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi Miguel ,
Happy to hear the good news.
Thanks for the update.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:24 PM
Marked as answer by
I came across this error after recently migrating a user mailbox — I was told by the user that they had sent an email to another couple of users and one specific user did not receive the email. What added to the perplexity of the situation was that there was no NDR generated by Exchange to the sender either.
So I decided to hit up the mail logs with Get-MessagingTrackingLog:
Get-MessageTrackingLog -Server MS02 -Start «03/26/2015 06:00:00» -End «03/26/2015 08:00:00» -Sender «user@domain.com» -MessageSubject «Your subject title» | FL
and was interested to find out that there was a ROUTE event that had a status of ‘FAIL’:
In the end it was only by chance I stumbled upon the issue — it was in fact that when a user is migrated (even from one mailbox to another to another environment / domain) there X400 address changes — the problem lies in the fact that this X400 (or X500, X800) data is held within a users NK2 data and because it does not automatically update with the new X400 address (coupled with the fact that Outlook uses the X400 address to route mail by default — not the SMTP address!) the mail was being sent to the users old x400 address!
In order to resolve this you can manually modify all of the end user’s NK2 files (yikes) or alternatively add the old x400 address under the mailbox properties. In order to do the latter you will firslty need to get hold of the old X400 address — fortunately when you migrate a mailbox from one DB to another the original DB retains the mailbox (for 30 days by default) in a disconnected state — so we need to run the following command on the mailbox database with the original (now disconnected) mailbox on:
or if you have access to the original mailbox still you can use:
Get-Mailbox <user-mailbox> | fl LegacyExchangeDN
I have also encountered this issue where the migration process has stripped the X400 address from the mailboxes email addresses.
We finally add the additional X400 (or X500, X800) address to the user’s email addresses in ECP > Recipients > Properties > Email Addresses > Add.
The X400 (or X500, X800) address should look something like:
/o=org/ou=Exchange Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=Joe Bloggs
- Remove From My Forums
I have a newly installed Exchange 2013 working just dandy, except that it cannot relay mail for two particular domains.
Problem domain # 1 gives me an NDR:
primary target IP address: «Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10061,
Win32 error code: 10061.» Attempted failover to alternate host, but that
did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all
alternate hosts. The last endpoint attempted was′Problem domain # 2 gives me a useless NDR:
Remote Server returned ‘550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired'<u5:p></u5:p>
Tracking messages to both domains I get a common error:
Eastern Time (US & Canada) and generated the error ‘[{LRT=};{LED=};{FQDN=};{IP=}]’.
Here’s what I have done so far:
I can telnet to both problem domains on port 25 and get a 220
DNS resolves both mail server FQDN’s to the correct IP
Using NSLOOKUP I can see MX records for both domains
I have verified EDNS using OARC’s siteCurrently I am stumped. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase
Hi ,
Is this issue is constantly existing on your side or this is the first time you are facing this issue?
Both the NDR will occur if there is a reachability problem between your smart host and the destination mail server.
To segregate this issue just do the following.
1.Instead of allowing the smarthost to do the dns lookup for those domains by using your dns servers.We make use of the etc host file on the smarthost by manually putting the host A records for those problematic domains.
Please reply me if anything is unclear.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:25 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi ,
we can enable the protocol logging on the send connectors and check the error occurred on the logs during the communication from your smart host to the server in the destination domain.
Most importantly we will face this error message only when the destination server in not available on the particular time when your smart host tries to connect it.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:16 PM
Marked as answer by
After some further investigation, I found that one DNS server had a forwarder to the local IP address of another internal DNS server, probably left over and taken from the NIC settings when I joined the secondary DC to the domain a few weeks
ago.I change the DNS server’s NIC properties DNS settings to and deleted the internal forwarder and email to the problem domain is working now.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase-
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:15 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi Miguel ,
Happy to hear the good news.
Thanks for the update.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:24 PM
Marked as answer by
- Remove From My Forums
I have a newly installed Exchange 2013 working just dandy, except that it cannot relay mail for two particular domains.
Problem domain # 1 gives me an NDR:
primary target IP address: «Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10061,
Win32 error code: 10061.» Attempted failover to alternate host, but that
did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all
alternate hosts. The last endpoint attempted was′Problem domain # 2 gives me a useless NDR:
Remote Server returned ‘550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired'<u5:p></u5:p>
Tracking messages to both domains I get a common error:
Eastern Time (US & Canada) and generated the error ‘[{LRT=};{LED=};{FQDN=};{IP=}]’.
Here’s what I have done so far:
I can telnet to both problem domains on port 25 and get a 220
DNS resolves both mail server FQDN’s to the correct IP
Using NSLOOKUP I can see MX records for both domains
I have verified EDNS using OARC’s siteCurrently I am stumped. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase
Hi ,
Is this issue is constantly existing on your side or this is the first time you are facing this issue?
Both the NDR will occur if there is a reachability problem between your smart host and the destination mail server.
To segregate this issue just do the following.
1.Instead of allowing the smarthost to do the dns lookup for those domains by using your dns servers.We make use of the etc host file on the smarthost by manually putting the host A records for those problematic domains.
Please reply me if anything is unclear.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:25 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi ,
we can enable the protocol logging on the send connectors and check the error occurred on the logs during the communication from your smart host to the server in the destination domain.
Most importantly we will face this error message only when the destination server in not available on the particular time when your smart host tries to connect it.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:16 PM
Marked as answer by
After some further investigation, I found that one DNS server had a forwarder to the local IP address of another internal DNS server, probably left over and taken from the NIC settings when I joined the secondary DC to the domain a few weeks
ago.I change the DNS server’s NIC properties DNS settings to and deleted the internal forwarder and email to the problem domain is working now.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase-
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:15 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi Miguel ,
Happy to hear the good news.
Thanks for the update.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:24 PM
Marked as answer by
- Remove From My Forums
I have a newly installed Exchange 2013 working just dandy, except that it cannot relay mail for two particular domains.
Problem domain # 1 gives me an NDR:
primary target IP address: «Failed to connect. Winsock error code: 10061,
Win32 error code: 10061.» Attempted failover to alternate host, but that
did not succeed. Either there are no alternate hosts, or delivery failed to all
alternate hosts. The last endpoint attempted was′Problem domain # 2 gives me a useless NDR:
Remote Server returned ‘550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired'<u5:p></u5:p>
Tracking messages to both domains I get a common error:
Eastern Time (US & Canada) and generated the error ‘[{LRT=};{LED=};{FQDN=};{IP=}]’.
Here’s what I have done so far:
I can telnet to both problem domains on port 25 and get a 220
DNS resolves both mail server FQDN’s to the correct IP
Using NSLOOKUP I can see MX records for both domains
I have verified EDNS using OARC’s siteCurrently I am stumped. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase
Hi ,
Is this issue is constantly existing on your side or this is the first time you are facing this issue?
Both the NDR will occur if there is a reachability problem between your smart host and the destination mail server.
To segregate this issue just do the following.
1.Instead of allowing the smarthost to do the dns lookup for those domains by using your dns servers.We make use of the etc host file on the smarthost by manually putting the host A records for those problematic domains.
Please reply me if anything is unclear.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:25 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi ,
we can enable the protocol logging on the send connectors and check the error occurred on the logs during the communication from your smart host to the server in the destination domain.
Most importantly we will face this error message only when the destination server in not available on the particular time when your smart host tries to connect it.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:16 PM
Marked as answer by
After some further investigation, I found that one DNS server had a forwarder to the local IP address of another internal DNS server, probably left over and taken from the NIC settings when I joined the secondary DC to the domain a few weeks
ago.I change the DNS server’s NIC properties DNS settings to and deleted the internal forwarder and email to the problem domain is working now.
Miguel Fra | Falcon IT Services, Miami, FL
SharePoint Site |
Joomla Site | Knowledgebase-
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:15 PM
Marked as answer by
Hi Miguel ,
Happy to hear the good news.
Thanks for the update.
Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham
Marked as answer by
Miguel Fra
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 6:24 PM
Marked as answer by
Having trouble with a fresh install of Exchange 2013 on 2012 R2.
Exchange is installed and all the DNS and autodiscover etc seems to be working fine, as I can open outlook on a domain joined PC and it auto configures etc all good.
When I try to send an email to an external address, it sits in the outbox for ages…. then hours later goes. then it seems to free up and i can send as many emails as I want to the external address.
If i try to send an email to myself or any other internal address, it goes nowhere… it goes into sent items but never comes back into my inbox.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated… after many hours of googling I am stuck.
Best Answer
Hi James,
What is your outlook anywhere settings? How do you have the security on this set? I recently installed exchange server 2013 and found that a lot of what should be default settings, were not default settings.
Another thing to check is your queue messages. But it sounds more like the connection between outlook and the server which is having the issue seeing that they are stuck in the outbox.
Another thing to note that if this is exchange server with no SPs applied, there could be a bug causing the issue. I had major issues with users who had shared mailboxes or had another user mailbox open, whereby the emails sat in the outbox for hours before being sent.
Or it simply could be your DNS records are incorrect. I hope you get it sorted. Mail servers are fickle beasts.
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Go to exchangeserver
Mail flow from EX2010 to EX2016
I’m in the process of migrating from Ex2010 to EX2016, but I’m having problems when a mailbox on EX2010 tries to send an email to one on EX2016. The reverse order works fine, EX2016 can send to EX2010 though. The message leaves the EX2010 server, and I can confirm that EX2016 receives it correctly using the SmtpReceive logs so there is no TLS issue that I’m aware of, but then the message ends up in the «SMTP Deliver to mailbox» queue (next hop domain = db01), with the following error:
Last Error: 421 4.4.2 Connection dropped due to SocketError
Queue ID: EX201619
Recipients: tctest@mydomain.com;2;3;[{LED=421 4.4.2 Connection dropped due to SocketError};{MSG=};{FQDN=};{IP=};{LRT=}];0;CN=DB01,CN=Databases,CN=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT),CN=Administrative Groups,CN=xxx,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxx,DC=xxx;0
Any advice on what might be the cause of this, please?
On #Exchange2013 I am getting the error message as follows,
generated the error ‘[{LRT=};{LED=450 4.7.25 Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname, [xxx.xxx.xxx.130]};{FQDN=};{IP=}]’.
I am getting this error message only when the user sends email to a particular domain.
I have recently configured SPF, DKIM, DMARC records on DNS Level by requesting the ISP.
FQDN which I am using for sending emails is mx1.xyz.com.ab which is associated with the public IP — xxx.xxx.xxx.131
I have checked the PTR records for the IP ending with .131 on mxtoolbox.com, they do exist. I have also checked the PTR records for the IP which is mentioned in the error message, i.e. .130. Also for this IP they PTR records exist.
I have verified the PTR records through nslookup also and the results are all same as shown in mxtoolbox.com.
Further information, I have configured the SPF Record as follows,
xyz.com.ab. IN TXT «v=spf1 mx a ptr ip4:xxx.xxx.xxx.131 ip4:xxx.xxx.xxx.130 ~all»
The mails are getting delivered to Gmail, Hotmail, and other domains. Only to a particular domain, users are not able to send the emails.
Any help would be much appreciated because this issue is now eating up my brains.