Ошибка joomla cannot open file for writing log

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при входе в админку выдаёт Ошибка 0 Cannot open file for writing log

пути в конфиге проверил
права на tmp и log 777

Зайдите в корневую папку сайта, откройте configuration.php (для начала проверьте доступ для его редактирования, стоит по умолчанию только чтение). Затем найдите там строки вида

public $log_path = ‘/logs’;
public $tmp_path = ‘/tmp’;

Дело в них, здесь задан неверный путь. Поинтересуйтесь у своего хостера, какой путь следует использовать. У каждого хостера он разный. У меня в mchost.ru, к примеру    

public $log_path = ‘/home/httpd/vhosts/lotoscenter.com/httpdocs/logs’;
public $tmp_path = ‘/home/httpd/vhosts/lotoscenter.com/httpdocs/tmp’;

После установления правильного пути все заработает ;)

« Последнее редактирование: 04.12.2013, 21:23:31 от alexcarver »


Присоединяюсь к просьбе. Админка внезапно перестала работать. Что только не делал. Толку нет

У меня такая ошибка появилась при вводе неправильного пароля! CAPS был включен. Причем в админку заходит и пишет «Cannot open file for writing log» Больше ничего в админке сделать нельзя.

Ну так пропишите правильные пути к ‘/logs’ и права на эти папки проверьте.

А если все в порядке, и один хер такая проблема!?

А если все в порядке, и один хер такая проблема!?

«Вот у него и займи» (© Колыван)

Если в папке logs что-то есть, удалите это, проверьте права на эту папку: должно быть или 700 или 755.

Здравствуйте, уважаемые форумчане!

У меня такая же проблема.После переноса сайта на Joomla 3 с одного хостинга на другой появилась ошибка (0 Cannot open file for writing log)при входе в админку. В файле конфигурации абсолютные пути к папке логов и тмп прописаны правильно! Права стоят 755. При этом сам сайт работает исправно. На старом хостинге все работает нормально.
С чем это может быть связано?
Помогите, пожалуйста…

P.S. Забыл сказать, что на новом хостинге отключили magic_quotes_gpc (потому что вылазила ошибка) и изменили версию php…

В configuration.php найдите строчку 23:

	public $error_reporting = 'default';

замените на:

	public $error_reporting = 'development';

перезайдите в админку, посмотрите, какие ошибки выскакивают, посмотрите что в логах.

У меня то же проблема при обновлении до Joomla! 3.4.1 (Обнаружена ошибка.  0 Cannot open file for writing log) в файле configuration.php — такие строки:
    public $log_path = ‘/home/medici/public_html/logs’;
   public $tmp_path = ‘/home/medici/public_html/tmp’;
Подскажите, что надо сделать?

Да нет…. Места еще предостаточно….924.43 МБ объем дискового пространства, используемого.
2,000.00 МБ квота (МБ 207.39 используется).

« Последнее редактирование: 23.03.2015, 17:04:23 от belovpaha »


У меня была проблема в том что в папке logs был файл апдейт Joomla php как только его удалил то все заработало.

Такая же проблема. Пути в проверке прав отображаются доступными, права на папку 777.
Но все равно при авторизации с неверным паролем пишет —
2015/06/01 11:22:21 [error] 15573#0: *17 upstream sent invalid status «0 Cannot open file for writing log» while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: sitename.ru, request: «POST /index.php/component/users/?task=user.login HTTP/1.1», upstream: «fastcgi://», host: «sitename.ru», referrer: «https://sitename.ru/index.
Может дело в том что SSL используется…

проделал как вы все написали… хочу обновить до верся.3.5.1 у меня как бы заходить в обновление и прочто грузится безконечное время… в чем может быть проблема7

Just a bit of all around info wrapped here…

Permissions issues usually are caused by 2 main reasons:

  1. Real file/folder permissions issues on the OS
  2. Wrong directory paths for the tmp/log directories, defined in the configuration file.

The best way to see if there is actual a permissions issue is to check in the backend:

System Information -> Directory Permissions.

This will tell you which files/folders in the root of your Joomla installation are writable (green color), or not writable (red color).

For case 1 — One of the easiest ways, to deal with wrong permissions assigned on file/folders by the operating system, is to use Akeeba’s Admin Tools. It provide a utility to setup your desired permissions and apply to all folders/files of the Joomla installation.

For case 2 — In the case you have wrong paths defined for tmp/log directories, you should change this in the global configuration of Joomla. If you don’t know what your hosting’s home directory is, it’s better to ask your hosting provider.

You can edit these path either from the backend of Joomla in Glogal Configuration, or via the file manager of your hosting or connecting with FTP, and editing the configuration.php file.

Usually in cPanel hosting, this is like:


So the final look for these settings in your configuration.php file should be like:

public $log_path = '/home/myHostingUsername/logs';
public $tmp_path = '/home/myHostingUsername/tmp';

*Be aware, that this is one of the most common «mistakes» Joomla beginners do. They forget to change these paths in their configuration
file, after moving their sites from another host, a subfolder or from
their localhost, resulting these directories to be unwritable.

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Cannot open file for writing log

I have just uploaded my Joomla 3.1.1 installation from my development pc to my production linux server. The front end is looking fine, but I when I try to login as administrator, I get the message

0 Cannot open file for writing log

The webserver is Apache. I assume that this is a permissions issue, and have given the following folders 777 permissions:


The relevant lines from my configuration.php file are
public $tmp_path = ‘/tmp’;
public $log_path = ‘logs’;
(both as default)

What am I missing here?
Any help gratefully received

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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by JER3 » Wed May 15, 2013 9:50 pm

Have you updated the path for $log_path and $tmp_path in the configuration.php file in your site’s root folder?



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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by milesreid » Thu May 16, 2013 9:10 am

Thanks Barbara.
I sorted out the problem by deleting the configuration.php file, re-running the installation and then importing the data from a backup.

I found out that the error had been caused by the values assigned to the $log_path and $tmp_path variables — I had used a path relative to the web root and not absolute values.
Correct values were

$log_path = ‘/var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/subdomains/clients/httpdocs/Sacred/logs’;
$tmp_path = ‘/var/www/vhosts/mysite.com/subdomains/clients/httpdocs/Sacred/tmp’;

Many thanks for your help


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by rasputino » Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:47 am

My problem was that the «logs» directory was used by my hosting company, and I had no access to this directory.

I created a new directory called «binnacles», and changed the path in configuration.php to this directory:

public $log_path = ‘/homepages/2/d353530289/htdocs/binnacles’;

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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by leolam » Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:38 pm

For those who face these issues:

To find out what your absolute path is, copy the following code into a text editor (i.e. JEdit, Notepad, etc), save the file as a .php naming it whatever you prefer (i.e anyfilename.php.).

Code: Select all

 $path = getcwd();
 echo "Your Absoluthe Path is: ";
 echo $path;

Using your FTP software, ftp the file you have just created to your root folder.

Open your web browser and type in http://www.yourdomain.com/anyfilename.php. The result will show the absolute path!

IMPORTANT: For security reasons, delete this file as soon as you have ascertained the information you require.

Leo 8)


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by Hermannsson » Fri Jan 31, 2014 4:51 pm

leolam: You are my hero today, thanks a lot. Your post solved my sitepain :-)


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by firejunky » Thu Feb 13, 2014 6:04 pm

Thanks leolam,

I moved my site to a new host and got the error mentioned above «0 Cannot open file for writing log». I used your absolute path code to find my new server’s path and was able to fix the path to my $log_path and $tmp_path in configuration.php. Thanks again.


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Re: [SOLVED] Cannot open file for writing log


by vanguardkarthik » Wed Mar 26, 2014 7:15 am

The reason is some time your hosting providers log folder and the joomla log folder is same.
You cannot change permission hosting providers «logs» folder.

Alternatively you create the log folder example «joomlalogs» in joomla installed root path and set the permission 777.
After that set the log folders path in configuration.php example «public $log_path = ‘/www/homepages/htdocs/joomlalogs’;

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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by sovainfo » Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:01 am

It is always bad advice to set folders to 777. There is never, ever a need to do so!

Issue with migrating? Include logs/joomla_update.php in your report!
Blank screen? Verify pagesource for HTML code (javascript error)
Installation failing on populating database? Install with set_time_limit(0)
Document your customizations!

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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by ISScyborg » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:03 pm

I have same problem, when I try to update Joomla from 3.2.2 on 3.2.3

cannot open file for writing log

logs path and tmp path are good, I do not know what is wrong?



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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by _Arthur_ » Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:34 pm

Hi ISScyborg,

did you solved your problem? I’ve the same problem too (trying to update from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3 —> look here) in the German area …

Ciao Arthur


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by pcproffitt » Fri May 02, 2014 3:15 pm

I had this same issue trying to update from 3.2.3 to 3.3.0. I found a message in the error log indicated Joomla could not open the file logs/joomla_update.php. Turns out the permissions on that file were not correct for the environment. Once corrected the update continued as expected. Hope that is helpful to others.


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by nanjicong » Wed May 14, 2014 7:40 am

leolam, you are the superstar.

leolam wrote:For those who face these issues:

To find out what your absolute path is, copy the following code into a text editor (i.e. JEdit, Notepad, etc), save the file as a .php naming it whatever you prefer (i.e anyfilename.php.).

Code: Select all

 $path = getcwd();
 echo "Your Absoluthe Path is: ";
 echo $path;

Using your FTP software, ftp the file you have just created to your root folder.

Open your web browser and type in http://www.yourdomain.com/anyfilename.php. The result will show the absolute path!

IMPORTANT: For security reasons, delete this file as soon as you have ascertained the information you require.

Leo 8)


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by designer156 » Thu Jun 12, 2014 11:32 am

Worked for me too — had not updated the configuration.php file correctly after a migration to a new host. Found the path using the code below and updated the configuration.php file. Job done.

leolam wrote:For those who face these issues:

To find out what your absolute path is, copy the following code into a text editor (i.e. JEdit, Notepad, etc), save the file as a .php naming it whatever you prefer (i.e anyfilename.php.).

Code: Select all

 $path = getcwd();
 echo "Your Absoluthe Path is: ";
 echo $path;

Using your FTP software, ftp the file you have just created to your root folder.

Open your web browser and type in http://www.yourdomain.com/anyfilename.php. The result will show the absolute path!

IMPORTANT: For security reasons, delete this file as soon as you have ascertained the information you require.

Leo 8)


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by xshmonx » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:16 pm

Thanks leolam! Worked for me!

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[HELP] Cannot open file for writing log


by lelogrott » Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:28 pm

Hey guys, i REALLY need your help!

i’m getting the same error message, already checked the paths (both of them), and the permissions! and still nothing.

buut, theres a few details. my host have the 3.10 php version and the joomla that i’m using needed 3.10.1. this is one academic website, so i can’t say to the manager update it, is not that easy.

so i re-write the configuration.php files (administrator too). the site is on http://labp2d.joinville.udesc.br

but when i try to log, that error pops out.

sorry about any «language mistake»

please, help me.


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by stinson » Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:16 pm


I get the same error when I log in to my joomla website.

The last thing I did bevore I logged out was changing the eMail sending settings (smtp, account name and so on). Then I saved it. And logged out.

Next time I logged in the message occured.

Already tried changing the path (leolams idea). No success.

Some additional information that may be useful:

1. A friend hosts my site on his server. I started to build my joomla page on my own PC with xampp. I gave him the files and he managed it. It worked all fine until I was changing the settings (eMail sending and so on).

2. When I check the old directory of xampp (xampp/apps/joomla) and go in the tmp or log folder: there are No files. When I checked into the ftp folder where my site is hosted there are two files: /tmp/index.html and logs/index.html .

3. configuration.php : bevore I changed anything there (bevore leolams idea) there still were the old directories when I used joomla in xampp on my own PC (D:/xampp/apps/joomla/tmp or …/logs). But the site was working.

4. configuration.pho : there are no entries at all ftp entries ( public $ftp_host = »; …port, user, pass, root neither).

I would realy appreciate it if someone could help me in this case.

Thanks. Stinson.


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by stinson » Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:31 pm

Additional info I just found out that may be useful:

It seems that I cant change any permission of the original joomla folders or files.


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by sovainfo » Fri Sep 19, 2014 3:28 pm

Ask your friend to change configuration.php and put proper values in for $log and $tmp. It seems you are not allowed to do that.

Verify with System->System Information->Directory Permissions whether those folders are writable. They must be!

You could try to enable the FTP layer in Global Configuration. Your webserver doesn’t have write access to its filesystem. Provide the host/user/pw and try to save. When credentials are correct it should allow you to do that. This assumes you have FTP access to your webspace. Did you try with FileZilla?

Issue with migrating? Include logs/joomla_update.php in your report!
Blank screen? Verify pagesource for HTML code (javascript error)
Installation failing on populating database? Install with set_time_limit(0)
Document your customizations!


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by stinson » Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:36 am

Hi sovainfo!

Thanks for the reply!
Important information about the problem: When I go to the login page http://www…..com/administrator/ and type in ANY combination of username and password and «Log in» it gets me to the page: Error — An Error occured — 0 Cannot open file for writing log (see attached picture).

I was able to change the configuration.php (and change the paths of tmp and log).

Verify with System->System Information->Directory Permissions whether those folders are writable. They must be!

Could you explain which directory to check and where (my Windows, Joomla (can’t get to System configuration), or with FileZilla?)? I guess you mean in Joomla.

You could try to enable the FTP layer in Global Configuration. Your webserver doesn’t have write access to its filesystem. Provide the host/user/pw and try to save. When credentials are correct it should allow you to do that. This assumes you have FTP access to your webspace. Did you try with FileZilla?

I do have FTP (sftp) access to my webspace and I use FileZilla. «enable the FTP layer in Global Configuration» -> I can’t get access via the joomla interface. Is there a way to change it manually via FTP files?

Thanks for your help!


Edit: sorry for the link -.-

You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post.


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by stinson » Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:46 am

Update: Global Configuration = configuration.php
Changed following values:

public $ftp_host = ‘….com’;
public $ftp_port = ’22’;
public $ftp_user = ‘xxx’;
public $ftp_pass = ‘xxx’;
public $ftp_root = ‘/var/www/xxx/’;
public $ftp_enable = ‘1’;

xxx -> just for the forum of course.

Result: Now when I log in it takes longer to load but I get the same error page.


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by sovainfo » Wed Sep 24, 2014 4:02 pm

Looks like the webserver is not properly configured. Try FPA as mentioned in the header of the board.

Issue with migrating? Include logs/joomla_update.php in your report!
Blank screen? Verify pagesource for HTML code (javascript error)
Installation failing on populating database? Install with set_time_limit(0)
Document your customizations!

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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by H13 » Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:45 pm

Hi, getting the same problems like others above on one of the test server:

Cannot open file for writing log

When I changed the log folder to 777, everything is OK, so this seems to be permissions problem not the path problem.

The problem is, the site is working with FTP layer and it works OK

When I look at:


I see:

Code: Select all

if (!$this->file = fopen($this->path, 'a'))
			throw new RuntimeException('Cannot open file for writing log');
		if ($head)
			if (!fwrite($this->file, $head))
				throw new RuntimeException('Cannot fput file for log');

Which seems to be not compatible with FTP layer (no JFile, no JFolder, etc. ???)

Can somebody confirm this?

Thank you, Jan

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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by H13 » Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:00 am

For those who need to write Log entries with FTP layer
(be aware, writing files and their content with FTP layer takes more memory resources than not using FTP layer)


public function addEntry(JLogEntry $entry)
http://www.phoca.cz/joomla/api/class-JL … #_addEntry


Code: Select all

if (!fwrite($this->file, $line . "n"))
			throw new RuntimeException('Cannot write to log file.');


Code: Select all

jimport('joomla.filesystem.file');// can be set in header
$content = '';
		if (JFile::exists($this->file)) {
			$content = file_get_contents($this->file);
		$content = $content . $line . "n";
		if (!JFile::write($this->file, $content)) {
			throw new RuntimeException('Cannot write file for log');

protected function initFile()
http://www.phoca.cz/joomla/api/class-JL … #_initFile


Code: Select all

if (!$this->file = fopen($this->path, 'a'))
			throw new RuntimeException('Cannot open file for writing log');
		if ($head)
			if (!fwrite($this->file, $head))
				throw new RuntimeException('Cannot fput file for log');


Code: Select all

jimport('joomla.filesystem.file');// can be set in header
$content = '';
		if (JFile::exists($this->path)) {
			$content = file_get_contents($this->path);
			$this->file = $this->path;
		if ($head){
			$content = $content . $head;
			if (!JFile::write($this->path, $content)) {
				throw new RuntimeException('Cannot write file for log');


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by makevalue » Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:32 pm

leolam wrote:For those who face these issues:

To find out what your absolute path is, copy the following code into a text editor (i.e. JEdit, Notepad, etc), save the file as a .php naming it whatever you prefer (i.e anyfilename.php.).

Code: Select all

 $path = getcwd();
 echo "Your Absoluthe Path is: ";
 echo $path;

Using your FTP software, ftp the file you have just created to your root folder.

Open your web browser and type in http://www.yourdomain.com/anyfilename.php. The result will show the absolute path!

IMPORTANT: For security reasons, delete this file as soon as you have ascertained the information you require.

Leo 8)

Cool beans Leo

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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by willkey » Wed Feb 25, 2015 6:09 pm

this worked, thank you!

rasputino wrote:My problem was that the «logs» directory was used by my hosting company, and I had no access to this directory.

I created a new directory called «binnacles», and changed the path in configuration.php to this directory:

public $log_path = ‘/homepages/2/d353530289/htdocs/binnacles’;


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by atodd » Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:32 pm

rasputino wrote:My problem was that the «logs» directory was used by my hosting company, and I had no access to this directory.

I created a new directory called «binnacles», and changed the path in configuration.php to this directory:

public $log_path = ‘/homepages/2/d353530289/htdocs/binnacles’;

I have this same problem but it didn’t help when I created a new folder and changed my configuration.php file. I am trying to update from 2.5.28 to 3.4 and it fails every time. The error says that it cannot open /logs/index.html because it is not writable. For some reason, Joomla keeps looking for that file (which doesn’t exist) and I can’t seem to change it! The site is on 1and1 and they have that logs folder locked down so I can’t do anything with it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by willkey » Sat Feb 28, 2015 3:46 pm

please follow these instructions to a «T» — also check with your template provider to see what their template upgrade might require. Changing the default front end template to one that ships with Joomla is key, so use Beez or something before you upgrade.
https://docs.joomla.org/Joomla_2.5_to_3 … _Migration


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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by atodd » Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:46 pm

I have followed the instructions to a «T» and still get the same error. I really don’t think it matters how well anyone follows the instructions. The logs folder is locked down and Joomla wants to write to it. So it sounds to me like a modification to the Joomla core could fix the problem. Of course, I have no idea where I could change it to point to a different folder. Anyone have any other ideas?

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Re: Cannot open file for writing log


by willkey » Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:24 pm

try making a new folder, with a new name, like «mylogs» and use that for the /logs variable in the configuration file

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I’m migrating my joomla 3.3.6 project from local to online server, but I get this error when I try to login into my administrator panel:

Error: 0 Cannot open file for writing log

My tmp and logs paths are correct in my configuration.php, and the permissions of the folders and files are correct too (755 and 644).

I don’t know what else to do.

John Conde's user avatar

John Conde

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asked May 21, 2015 at 18:18

Pablo Lopez's user avatar


When you done the migration, the configure paremeters were changing also. Access the root folder where you installed Joomla, there you will locate a file with name «configuration.php». Open the file and change the following lines with the new path of logs and tmp folders:

public $log_path = '/path/to/the/joomla/logs';
public $tmp_path = '/path/to/the/jooomla/tmp';

Also please check the permissions of the above folders when modifying.
In CentOS I changed the permissions of logs/error.php to 666 then it works.

Chin's user avatar


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answered Aug 5, 2015 at 16:43

malajisi's user avatar


2,1451 gold badge22 silver badges18 bronze badges


This worked for me:

Check path of your application, by

   $path = getcwd();
   echo "Your Absolute Path is:" . $path;

then set

$log_path = 'Your Absolute Path'/logs

If it does not solve issue, then

First check in ssh who owns the /var/www directory by:

ls -la /var

Then check what user apache uses

ps aux | grep apache

or you can use:

ps aux | grep http


apache   29672  0.0  1.3 388232 14240
root     29679  0.0  0.2 110456  2252  

in my case apache user for /var/www was apache

so after this I made apache the owner of /var/www by:

sudo chown -R apache /var/www

I'm Geeker's user avatar

I’m Geeker

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answered Jun 30, 2016 at 10:08

Satyanarayana's user avatar

It is easy to resolve.
Access configuration.php using FTP or cpanel.
Edit directly in cpanel or download it to your computer using ftp.
Edit the Log and Tmp paths to …/log and …/tmp respectly.
That solves it.
Get back on Joomla backend to verify by Accessing System>>System Information>>Directory Permissions.
Hope that helps.

answered Mar 15, 2016 at 23:39

Odudu Udocox's user avatar

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Joomla 3 — при обновлении — 0 Cannot open file for writing log

Если при обновлении в админке возникает ошибка вида:

0 Cannot open file for writing log

нужно подправит пути в конфиг файле configuration.php:

       public $log_path = '/home/user1/public_html/site.ru/logs';
       public $tmp_path = '/home/user1/public_html/site.ru/tmp';

и поставить на них права 777

Источник — https://wiki.iphoster.net/index.php?title=Joomla_3_-_при_обновлении_-_0_Cannot_open_file_for_writing_log&oldid=3473

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